#burnie the pig
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Oh, hello friend 🥰
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vagrantblvrd · 4 years
Okay, so the GMOD where they realized they could set the alien creature on each other?
But with space AU. (FAHC space AU, even.)
Just imagine these idiots dealing with a Dire Situation in which they come across a space station, right. This little outpost smugglers and ~space pirates and the whatnot use to refuel and resupply without having to go through major hubs when they maybe don’t want to be showing their faces?
But this time around the whole place - it’s not gone dark or anything, but it’s a totally weird creepy Mary Celeste kind of deal, you know?
Lights on and everything like nothing’s wrong but no signs of the usual crew staffing the place. (All these neutral parties and certain Rules set in place to keep them criminal type from shooting the place up and such, because reasons.)
At first they don’t think much of it because shit happens, you know? Not like there were a lot of people keeping the place running as it was because this is just one of countless other outposts like it out in space.
As to other criminal types like the Fakes or whatever they’re calling themselves in this AU, well. Sometimes the authorities come out a little too far, dangerously close to where outposts like this one sit and there’s a network warning people like the Fakes to maybe choose a different route for the immediate future, yeah?
Sure, there wasn’t such a message this time, but they don’t always get advanced notice or it slips past unnoticed and anyway, anyway, not important.
They’ve got a running tab or some such, access to the storage bays where the supplies they placed an order for ages back are waiting and most of the time that works just fine for everyone involved.
Better not to do too much in the way of face-to-face business transactions in case plausible deniability is a thing that needs to be used at some future date. (The Fakes get into trouble and the authorities come sniffing around and has the outpost commander seen them lately and so on.)
They just figure there’s a situation that has the usual staff otherwise preoccupied and this is just a pitstop and they’ll be on their way.
Then little thing, fussy little things start to make them wonder? Like. Tiny things, and someone goes off looking into things and before you know it you’ve got this giant face-eating alien chasing everyone around and all the screaming is happening, omg.
Rooms and hallways where Something Bad happened because blood literally all over the walls and floors. Bodies (...bits of bodies), bullet holes and/or energy weapon burns/marks, and so on.
That scene where everyone’s holed up in a room somewhere putting what they know together, someone hacking into the outpost’s systems/network to piece together garbled logs and messages and other communications and realize how fucked everything is?
Some clandestine government lab somewhere fucking about with this newly discovered alien species someone wants to weaponize or whatever typically cliche trope you want to use.
Maybe some truly horrible bastard of a criminal type “procured” said alien species for a bounty was transporting it to said lab or whatever when it managed to escape and then Bad Shit happened.
Possibly said bastard of a criminal type was contracted to capture this alien species and purposefully given insufficient/inadequate capture equipment. You know whoever contracted them were banking on them stopping at a disreputable outpost like this where the alien species ~might escape - on its own or with a little help thanks to an operative in the bastard criminal type’s crew or just a simple little bribe and greed doing it’s thing.
And then, okay, whoever contracted the criminal type to get them this alien can sit back and watch things unfold from a position of safety. Take all the noted they need, get the footage to show what an asset this alien species could be if/when they find a way to control it and all that and no one, okay, no one would bat an eye at some low-life criminals dying for these demonstrations/tests/experiments, so yeah.
The Fakes sitting back after realizing the kind of mess they’re in - maybe someone’s out there running around working for the main baddies in all this (definitely some government agency/lab/company using the criminal types as guinea pigs or what have you) who went and sabotaged their ship so they’re stuck until they can get it fixed to get the hell out of there.
Cobbled together weapons and barricades, whatever they can use to keep themselves alive - and on a foraging/scavenging trip they run into other survivors.
Outpost staff or various criminal types. (Some of whom may or may not be on the main baddies payroll and so on.)
And then, basically just the plot of various Alien(s) movies kind of mushed together, but with these idiots involved????
At some point (after their ship is sabotaged?) the Fakes discover Trevor is/was a rocket scientist - or future sci-fi equivalent in terms of then why the fuck are you running around with assholes like us? since sci-fi space ships and the whatnot and he ends up helping to fix the ship. (Because, you know, he worked with a company that helped design ships like theirs and is kind of familiar with them and also Plot Reasons and such.)
What if, also, this is some pre-FAHC crew scenario and they all have to learn to ~trust one another and work together As A Team to survive?
Like, before everything Goes To Hell they’re all there for their own reasons?
Geoff and Jack coming off a job for Burnie and the Roosters and a stopover for fuel and supplies and the others there for similar reasons?
Michael and Jeremy a pair of hired guns meeting by chance at the bar or whatever and just being idiots together.
Ryan’s there because he’s chasing after some little shit or other, which - coincidentally, might I add - is why Gavin keeps trying to avoid him once things go to hell and everyone if forced to work together?
Ryan scowling at Gavin and generally being creepy about it everyone is like ??? about it because they know about his reputation, but even this is weird from what they know of him?
Later, of course, it comes out they’re in this sekrit relationship wherein they’re totes head over heels for one another but kind of dumb about things.
Also! Gavin gets in trouble like no one’s business and since no one knows they’re ~involved (for both their safety, and also the aforementioned dumb thing?), Ryan gets hired to either kill him or being him to someone Gavin’s made an enemy of so they can kill him all the fucking time and honestly? It got old a long time ago.
Of course Ryan tracks Gavin down every time it happens because God knows what other asshole is after the price on his head and they’ve talked about it, Gavin. Why are you like this?
Also, also!
The ~truth comes out when the others think Ryan’s cornered Gavin in a storage closet or other confined space to murderize him only to realize makeouts are happening instead and jfc, could you two maybe not do that when they all might die horribly in the near future?
And then, some adventures and close calls, someone getting Hollywood shot when the saboteur/operative is discovered and more death-defying shenanigans before they manage to escape.
The outpost goes kaboom while they do, and everone breathes a sigh of relief knowing the alien species went with it, because of course it did, right?
(...or did it??? *dramatic music cue because gotta leave it open-ended for potential sequels*)
All these idiots deciding to stick together because they made for an effective/impressive team, and also ~bonding and other such things.
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sister-hawk · 4 years
i better not catch any of you little shits not voting just becaus Biden is gonna be the candidate instead of Burnie. i don’t care what reasons you come up with to not like him. when november gets here you take your asses out and get that fascist pig out of office or so help me Todd
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If Burnie is dealing with a national crisis and is on the ballet but not hardcore campaigning he deserves ALL of our votes. If not I'll hold my nose and vote for Biden. Because Biden is Trump Lite and it'd have been better for him to run as a republican. Because that's kinda what he is, and I'd like it if my political system would give me an actual choice instead of two pigs pretending they aren't solely in it for the money and status instead of to do a good job. But the fact is I will be voting blue no matter who because well, Trump is clear evil. THAT BEING SAID IF BIDEN WINS WE NEED TO SERIOUSLY MAKE IT CLEAR THAT HE WON UNDER PROTEST AND THAT HE NEEDS TO DO A DAMN GOOD JOB OTHERWISE WE'RE GOING TO DEFINITELY SEE REPUBLICANS WIN BACK THE HOUSE, SENATE AND PRESIDENCY WHERE THEY WILL GO BACK TO CHIPPING AWAY AT OUR INDIVIDUAL FREEDOMS, OUR RIGHTS AND OUR ABILITY TO PURSUE HAPPINESS. this is fact, think ahead and don't let us ever forget how we elected somebody who put children in cages and called scientific evidence of a spreading pandemic and climate change a hoax designed to undermine his authority. Never Again.
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dragonindigo245 · 5 years
Project [REDACTED]
Heyo!!! This is a WIP story I'm doing with the amazing @pawton-meowity! Hope you enjoy! The odd numbered chapters will be posted on their Tumblr while the even ones will be on mine. Feel free to request to be added to the tag list for updates! Thanks! 💙🖤💙
Tw: Remus being Remus, blood
Chapter 6: P.O.V of Remus
“Oh! Remus! Heya kiddo!”
I turned my attention away from my fidget cube and turned my head towards the voice. Patton was next to the bench I was sprawled across with a smile on his face.
“Hey Daddy-o! I assumed you would be in your classes learning about all the ways you can kill someone!” I cheerfully replied. He made a noise of discomfort and sat at the end of the bench I didn’t take up.
“Well I was in class learning about how to HELP people but it let out early. I have around ten to fifteen minutes to hang out.”
“You know you’ll have to teach me about weak points and stuff. It is rather interesting. You could probably kill someone in a hundred different ways!!!”
“The fuck?!?” I exclaimed. Patton was probably thinking the same thing without the colorful language.
I didn’t have to wonder for long until a fucking bird flopped down on my head. The odds of that had to be ridiculously low.
Patton screamed and jumped up, freaking out about the bird. Honestly what was the big deal even? It’s a bird?? Actually… we could make it a rotisserie bird...
“OH MY GOODNESS GRACIOUS WHAT THE FUDGE STRIPE?!?” Patton finally managed to say. Good to know he can say actual words again.
“I know! We’re so lucky to have a bird land on me!” I said while grabbing the bird from the tip of its wing. It screeched, unfortunately not dead yet, and wiggled around.
“REMUS! DON’T JUST HOLD IT LIKE THAT!” Patton scolded. He took the bird from my clutches and held it like a puppy.
“Aww but Patton! I want it!”
“Then you should learn to take care of a bird before you get one!”
“What? I already know how to prepare it. It needs to be dead fi-”
Patton stared at me in shock. Okay… that’s fair. Patton dismissed it with a sigh and turned his attention to the bird. It was a little brown feathered bird that left its feathers all over the place in distress. Shame… could have made a good meal.
“Well if you’re not going to eat it then what’s the point?” I rebutted.
He sighed again and held the bird close to his chest. “Help it, obviously!” Patton said with a small smile.
He reached for his right sleeve but his fingers didn’t quite make it before I sprang forward.
“Don’t risk it on a bird you idiot!” I said in a low and threatening voice. He didn’t seem to have a visual reaction to my threat besides looking back at the bird.
“But Remus! It’s a hurt little robin! I know I don’t have a grip on my po-”
“Don’t talk about it either you fucking moron! What did we say about their eyes being everywhere?” I growled.
I must have shifted slightly because my position from when I sprang forward because I fell off the bench with a yelp of surprise. I hit the concrete mostly unharmed but on the way down I bit my tongue hard. Why does this only happen to me?
“Excuse me gentlemen.” Welp that cut me out of the picture. Whoever that is isn’t talking to me.
“Oh! Hello… sir!” Patton nervously answered. Okay maybe they were talking to us.
I looked up before flinging myself backwards. A burn bro. They eyed me before turning to Patton.
“I didn’t mean to intrude but you said something about risking something on a bird? What did you mean by that?” They asked casually like they weren’t here to kidnap Patton.
“He meant wasting his time asshole. Stop sneaking around like a Scooby Doo villain.” I spat.
“Hey R... shut the fuck up. You are of no use with your mush for brains.” They growled back.
“Whoa hey can we just calm down? Surely we can just have a calm, quiet conversation?” Patton attempted.
The guy cleared his throat and nodded. “Ah yes. My apologies. That was highly unprofessional of me. May I ask what the risk was in helping the bird?”
Patton smiled an extremely fake smile and shrugged. “Oh well there’s absolutely no risk whatsoever. It’s just a bird that we are going to help very normally.” What in the god damn fuck Patton. You have single handedly screwed us.
“Mhm… say may I ask your first and last name?” They asked.
Fuck. Damn. Shit. Ass.
“Uhhh welllllll… my name is…. Burnnnnnnnnnnie Robinnnnnnson. Burnie Robinson.”
“Are you sure about that?”
“ABSOLUTELY! A hundred and one percent!!! Burnie Moral Robinson at your service!”
What. The. Fuck.
“Okay… Burnie. Where is your dorms?”
“I’M NOT ALLOWED TO ANSWER THAT Haha! You see here it’s kinda private information and I SURE AS HEAVEN DON’T KNOW YOU!!! Stranger danger and all that!!”
“Okay that’s fair… have a good afternoon Burnie.”
Holy shit that worked. OH MY SATAN THAT WORKED!!!!
The burn bro walked away suspiciously BUT STILL WALKED AWAY!!
“Oh my goodness that worked…” Patton said baffled. “I got away with that? I actually got away with that.”
“Yeah you did for now! You have landed us in hot water! They are going to keep asking you questions until they get who they’re looking for! All for a BIRD!”
“... but it’s a baby…”
I groaned and put a hand up to my mouth, remembering the blood still floating around in there.
“It’s not a baby. Babies are little gross mini humans. That is a feathered, walking lump of meat. How are you even attached to it?”
“Because it’s CUTE!”
I spat out a bit of blood from my mouth so I could reply but Patton screamed once more.
“Wait someone’s bleeding?” Logan yelled from behind me. He was far away from us still but within hearing distance.
I sighed and grabbed my fidget cube that was now on the floor. “I’m fine. I cannot understand how you two are so… considerate. HEY! You two should pork!!!” I exclaimed.
Logan and Patton exchanged looks of confusion.
“What does protein have to do with a person’s well being? Logan said while joining his side.
“Protein is an important factor in a diet, you know that Logan.” Patton chimed in, “But cows are too cute to eat!”
“Yes Patton, we all know you’re vegetarian, but pork is a pig based product, not a cow based product…” Logan sighed.
“PIGS ARE CUTE TOO!” Patton exclaimed. I shook my head as the two glasses gays were totally missing the context of my joke.
“You two are so innocent… I meant you should TOTALLY FUCK.” When I clarified my original statement’s meaning, the two stared at me for a moment. Logan’s face showed slight shock but mostly confusion, while Patton went red as the blood I just spat onto the ground. Patton couldn’t make eye contact with either of us but after a moment, Logan was able to regain his composure and fix his glasses.
“Remus… I don’t believe that is how an optimal courtship should be conducted. Not that I have much experience in that department… but I assume you don’t either if that is how you approach people.”
“Oh, so you’re a virgin,” I cackled, then looked back at Patton and his bird, “then I assume you are too?”
Patton said nothing, just gently pet the bird.
“Patton, just ignore him.” Logan sighed, rolling his eyes at me.
“Okay… that sounds like… like a good plan. I’ll see you later Logy…” Patton squeaked and hurried off, the bird still clutched in his hands.
Now all that remained was the fucking nerd. Nah he’s boring. I’m getting outta here.
“Welp goodbye glasses gay! Enjoy your night with Patton!” I winked with the last word and ran off, leaving a Windows error in Logan’s place.
I skipped off to go back inside the college however the halls were flooded. Trying to find the others would be like trying to find a needle in a haystack. Good thing I found a needle in a haystack before.
I pulled open the door and inserted myself into the crowds of people. Most of the students were polite and didn’t do what I did… push my way around people. I didn’t slide by anyone but straight up, or as Logan and Patton should do, gay up, decided to ram into them. Most people flung themselves out of my path as best as they could at least.
I spotted the top of Virgil’s purple hair and ducked around to reach him. He was close to the bathrooms so that helps our situation.
I reached him and before Virgil had a say in the matter I pulled him into the bathrooms. Surprisingly, nobody was in here besides us two.
“What the fuck Remus?” Virgil asked colorfully.
“Shush! This is important! They’re here!”
“Jesus Christ Remus, you don’t mean-”
“Yup. Burn bro. Patton and I just had a run in. By the way, don’t ever ask Patton to lie about anything.”
“Okay cool. Can we get back to the part where THEY are HERE on SCHOOL GROUNDS?!? What even happened? Wait are you bleeding?”
“Why is everyone obsessing over that? I’m fine! Just hit the pavement.”
“So they didn’t hit you… right? I swear to god they better not have.”
“No! All they did was almost catch Patton-”
“Yup. That’s a downside. They are skeptical at least. Hey at least Patton’s in danger and not already captured!”
“You say that like it’s a good thing! Jesus fucking Christ I need to get to Patton!”
Before I could say anything else Virgil ran out of the bathrooms.
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I going to guess that the guy in the red tee shirt owns the store. Or he works at the store. He knows there a faulty electrical connection in the cooler because he seen people get shocked while holding the metal handle of the cooler. Like, you were unapologetic and disrespectful in OUR house and you think that everything is roses? Nah, fam. She only apologized months later after my mother asked my BF and I about it, took our side, and pushed her into fake apologizing. This is a small sampling of her patterned behavior, and the only reasons I haven cut ties with her permanently are: I don care to hear her play the victim card non stop, spin the story in her favor to everyone, and have my family members try to force "Kumbaya" moments. Kingdom Hearts III still hasn been released. Burnie and Ashley got engaged. Gray grew a beard. Not sure if that makes sense, but my DM was definitely confused when I showed up to D with a Shadar Kai who grew up in the Shadowfell who wasn an edgelord/emo and, in fact, was an adrenaline junkie that wasn afraid of death and always interested in trying new things, from fascinating dwarven ales, to psychedelics. If there was ever a question of "Should we go to battle?" My Shadar Kai was always the first to be like "Absolutely. We either die and are reborn, or we live valiantly as heroes. The Revlon PhotoReady pore reducing primer. I can stop using this! It is the best pore filling primer I have tried so far and I love how much makeup applies over it. It has that dimethicone feel but it is a thinner consistently than Porefessional. Don Quixote was about to reply, but was prevented by the duke and duchess, who came in to see him, and with them there followed a long and delightful conversation, in the course of which Sancho said so many droll and saucy things that he left the duke and duchess wondering not only at his simplicity but at his sharpness. Don Quixote begged their permission to take his departure that same day, inasmuch as for a vanquished knight like himself it was fitter he should live in a pig sty than 진주출장마사지 in a royal palace. They gave it very readily, 진주출장마사지 and the duchess asked him if Altisidora was in his good graces.. My husband decided he wants to take care of his skin, so I just ordered a haul from Sweet Corea (I got myself some stuff, too I needed refills on my Laneige pore cushion and I wanted to try a new new products. I also needed an HA serum). He going to try some CosRx stuff; he has oily, acne prone skin, so that seemed perfect. I would recommend listening to the Reason Bound podcast Pirates in Neverland. The host interviews Charles Thomson who is arguably the most knowledgeable journalist on this topic. He combs through the entire story, going back to 93, then 2005 until now. I had the baby, I was like these are the same people that made fun of me and posted the stories that were so awful, calling me fat for something I couldn control. I don want to smile for them. Who suffers from severely dry skin on her face and legs, is set to use a new surrogate for her fourth baby with husband Kanye West.. Honestly, if you had handled this whole situation as poorly (and rudely, in my case) as memebox did, I would think you would be crazy to expect anyone to send the package back. They really dropped the ball on this whole issue. But I have a feeling you probably treat your customers better than memebox and also, I do understand that they a big company and things like this fall through the cracks sometimes, but i not really going to put much effort in accommodating them when they couldn bother to do the same for me when I was the one paying for their service and product.
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stevehatguy · 7 years
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The Making of ‘Mickey’s Christmas Carol’
Part 5
Burny had not been the only person to grow frustrated with the Cauldron leadership.  The directors were becoming notorious for not knowing what they wanted yet being incredibly picky with the work people were doing for them.  
An animator named David Block, who had started in the studio’s training program in 1977, was interested in getting cast onto the unit that would be animating Taran, the film’s lead.  On his own time, he did a personal animation test of Taran running with his oversized sword and then tumbling forward under the weight of it.  He showed the test to one of the directors and was immediately told that his choices were too broad for the film’s tone.  In that moment, Block realized, much like Burny had earlier, that his sensibilities were not lining up with the leadership’s and did an about-face, wanting off of Cauldron immediately.  
Another animator had been assigned a production shot of Hen Wen the pig, tasting her food and then rejecting it.  Instead of just doing what was expected, he decided to have fun with the scene and really pushed the pampered pig’s behavior as she tasted a tiny bit of the food in her teeth and then spit it out.  As a result, he turned in a scene with very broad, caricatured acting.  The directors were furious.  Not only did they want this artist kicked off of their film but they thought he should be fired from the studio.  That animator was Glen Keane.  
To these and many other artists, Christmas Carol was an oasis in the dessert.  It was simpler and lighter in tone, plus it gave them the chance to animate the beloved, classic Disney characters that they’d all grown up with.  So to Burny’s door they went, asking if they could be a part of his team.  He was more than happy to take in these Cauldron refugees.  Where that film’s leadership saw no potential, Burny saw talent and enthusiasm.    
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tgndiregaming · 6 years
This video showcases Gameplay of Kratos From The God Of War Series And The Minion Pig From The Angry Birds Series VS Burnie And Shimakaze From The Kantai Collection Series In A MUGEN Match / Battle / Fight and also showcases Gameplay of other MUGEN Matches / Battles / Fights of Random Characters And Shimakaze VS Kratos From The God Of War Series And The Minion Pig From The Angry Birds Series by EpicGamingMultiverseSpectacularFantasyContent
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ggtakespics · 6 years
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La, La, Laaaaa!⠀ ⠀ Pig Day Out pig racing. Shot for The Mercury Newspaper.⠀ #grantwellsphoto #photography #pigs #cute #burnie #tasmania #canonaustralia (at Grant Wells Photo) https://www.instagram.com/p/BpfmLxxhbjv/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=2hgbi7xm4bba
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hyperionhive · 8 years
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I had such an amazing time at RTX sydney this weekend!
We met Burnie and Ashley at their signing, they were both so so nice. The Joe the Cat shirt my boyfriend is wearing in that photo is my fanart which I put on a shirt for him as a birthday gift (cause we could never seem to get the party cat shirt for the rt store) and Burnie liked it so much that he took a photo of it 😁 We asked for silly faces in our photo and afterwards we realised I’m making the same face as Ashley and my boyfriend the same face as Burnie - it was completely unplanned! 😀
We also met Geoff and Millie after Theatre Mode (which let me tell you was the funniest thing I have ever experienced in my entire life! It was incredible I am so so so glad we were there. We in the second row!), we ran into James on the show floor right after the Eleven Little Roosters panel (the 8th photo here was from that panel, we saw the Sex von Shaukel Boyz 😍) and I was so excited afterwards that I had to sit down omg.
We saw Patrick after our signing with Burnie and Ashley and he even remembered us from RTX in Austin last year! (We had a little stuffed pig which we got him to take a photo with 😊), and then yesterday we ran into Tim and Greg in a bookstore (I wanted to tell Greg that he is the funniest man on earth but I was too excited that we even saw them!)
We saw so many cool cosplayers, my favs were the four people dressed as the Sex von Shaukel Boyz, their cosplays were so spot in it was amazing, and this girl dressed as Soldier 76, the mask lit up and everything it was so cool! We also got to try the HTC Vive and we played a game called A Township Tale, an open world co-op vr experience which I am super excited for!
Every panel we went to was amazing, and our signing with Burnie and Ashley was so special. We were late to line up so we were there for an hour and a half but getting to watch them interact with other fans was so nice. We also both got a challenge coin from Burnie =D
I cant wait to go back next year!
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jmurphpix · 5 years
Beagle Brigade - Four-legged friends deployed to protect our food system
Standing about 16 inches tall, specialist for the region. “They are Jeff Powers, a CBP canine agriculture
Burnie, a U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) canine officer, moves from bag to bag while patrolling the Minneapolis-
St. Paul International Airport. As travelers navigate the U.S. port of entry, they flash a smile at Burnie and pat him on the head unaware of the vital work he is doing.
Burnie is one of 120 beagles that work side-by-side with agriculture specialists at more than 180 ports to protect the food supply and agricultural industries. They prevent the intentional or unintentional entry of harmful plant pests and animal diseases into the U.S.
Known as the “Beagle Brigade,” this important group of four-legged friends is working the frontlines every day. The dogs can scan luggage for smuggled or forgotten fruits and meat products in seconds, compared to the time- consuming process of opening and visually inspecting bags.
“They work at a molecular level,” says Tim Lauth, CBP’s chief agriculture specialist for the region. They are trained on five or six scents when they come out of school, but by the time they end their career they can identify hundreds of scents.”
Beagles like Burnie and his Minneapolis partner Scarlett were chosen because of their keen sense of smell, non- threatening size, high food drive and friendly disposition with the public.
“Not much gets through with the beagles working in tandem with their agriculture specialist partners. Together, they are great,” Lauth says. “But you still need the human touch.”
The beagles are the first wave of inspection in a multi-step process. CBP agriculture specialists have extensive training and experience in biological sciences and agricultural inspection. Several agents in Minneapolis hold Bachelor of Science degrees in agronomy and entomology. Other agents spend their spare time working on the family farm.
Jeff Powers, a CBP canine agriculture specialist, works with Burnie every day, patrolling the international flights arriving in Minneapolis and transporting thousands of passengers.
“He gets a lot of attention at work,” Powers says of his furry partner.
Currently, one of the top threats to U.S. agriculture is African Swine Fever (ASF) – a highly contagious viral disease affecting pigs. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), it is estimated to have already impacted about 40% of China's 450 million pigs and has spread to other countries in Asia and Europe.
The virus causes nearly 100% mortality, and there is no vaccine or treatment at this time. If it were to reach the U.S., it could cause severe damage to the nation’s pork industry.
“While pork from pigs with ASF is safe to eat, the ramifications of ASF in the U.S. could be wide-reaching,” says Jamee Eggers, producer education director for the Iowa Pork Producers Association.
Eggers says if the disease were to make it to the U.S., it could drive pork prices down rapidly and cause a decrease in demand for soybeans and corn, because these crops are key components of pig feed. Currently, pork production in Iowa creates 141,813 jobs and nearly $37 billion annually in sales, according to the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship.
"Agriculture is so important to Iowa that even if a consumer doesn’t think they are related to pork production, they likely know someone, work with someone or have family that could be directly affected by the loss of jobs," Eggers says. "It could have a far-reaching impact on rural Iowa communities."
ASF is only one of a dozen high- priority foreign animal diseases and invasive plant pests that the Beagle Brigade and CBP are working to keep out of the U.S. Others include the Khapra beetle, nematodes, cottonseed bugs, rust fungus, Newcastle disease, fruit flies and propagative plants.
"You can have something as simple as an orange that has a fruit fly on it or a leaf with an aphid on it. These small pests can wipe out millions of dollars in agricultural goods," Lauth explains.
On a typical day in fiscal year 2018, the CBP processed 1,133,914 passengers and pedestrians. On average, CBP agriculture specialists discovered 319 pests at U.S. ports of entry and 4,452 materials for quarantine each day.
"The Beagle Brigade and their CBP agriculture specialists are a key component of our nation’s first line of defense against illegal agriculture products," Eggers says
Story originally published for Iowa Food & Family Project Fresh Pickings Magazine and the Iowa Soybean Review
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Near Glen Burnie MD
Glen Burnie, MD
There are over forty thousand people living in the town of Glen Bernie This neighborhood has a low rate of families. Almost thirty percent of the population have children in the home that are under eighteen years in age. However, nearly fifty percent of the overall population are married couples. Only thirteen percent of the population is unmarried females and thirty-four percent are non-families residing in the same home. A little more than twenty-seven percent of the population have only one person living in the home and less than ten percent have a person in the home that lives alone and is over the age of sixty-five. The age range for the town is diverse, with over twenty-three percent being under age eighteen. The rest is spread out between age eighteen and over sixty-five.
Maryland Decking
Putting up a fence is stressful. You must deal with making sure the fence is gorgeous and that it is only on your property. Neighbors tend to get irritated if your fence is in their yard. Maryland Decking are contractors that can put up a wood, vinyl, or aluminum fence. They take pride in the fact that the fences they install will last for a very long time. They also follow the codes in your area when they are designing your fence so that you will not get in trouble for the way that it is constructed. Not only are the products beautiful, but they are also extremely durable.
BS MD Glen Burnie Stabbing
A man was stabbed Friday night in Glen Burnie and was taken to a hospital with injuries that were not expected to be life-threatening, Anne Arundel County Police said. The stabbing occurred in the 1400 block of Westway just before 10 p.m., Sgt. Jacklyn Davis said. Davis said the attack was not random, but did not provide any more details. Read more here
There was recently a stabbing in Glen Burnie. A man was in the hospital, but luckily the injuries were not life threatening. This incident occurred at night and was not a random attack. No information has been released regarding the attack at this time. Actions have consequences and people never know what another person is dealing with. Whether it is critical life altering circumstances or some unseen mental disorder, it’s important to always remember that everyone is going through something. Whether it is good or bad, everyone has circumstances in their life that they are going through. It is important to make sure you are safe if you are going to be out at night and treat others well. You never know who may be holding a knife, especially in the world we currently live in.
Curtis Creek Furnace in Glen Burnie, MD
Curtis Creek Furnace is one of the historical locations in Glen Burnie. The site was established around 1759. The site was used to produce charcoal pig iron for a long time, the site was abandoned in 1851. The foundry was built around 1829. Now, it serves to remind people of the things that helped make America into the world power it is today. It also helps serve as a reminder of why America was able to break away from England. The Curtis Creek Furnace is one of Maryland’s historical markers. It is part of Glen Burnie’s history. More than that, it’s part of Maryland and America’s history.
Link to map
Driving Direction
13 min (5.9 miles)
via Marley Neck Rd
Fastest route, the usual traffic
Curtis Creek Furnace
Glen Burnie, MD 21060, USA
Follow Hammarlee Rd to E Furnace Branch Rd
2 min (0.4 mi)
Continue on E Furnace Branch Rd to 3
4 min (1.8 mi)
Turn left onto Marley Neck Rd
3 min (1.4 mi)
Turn left onto Marley Neck Blvd
2 min (1.2 mi)
Take Heritage Crossing to Meherrin Ct
3 min (1.1 mi)
Maryland Decking
1031 Meherrin Ct
Glen Burnie, MD 21060, USA
0 notes
yangyyoung · 7 years
So I was playing Destiny with my friend, and our other friend was in a Skype call with us. They started writing down the less than normal things we said
[16/10/2017 23:28:42] Jonk: THATS NOT A STRIKE THAT IS CANCER by fall out boy [16/10/2017 23:29:22] Jonk: whats the officer problem? [16/10/2017 23:30:34] Jonk: I don't get jokes now because im that tired BY FALL OUT BOY [16/10/2017 23:32:02] Jonk: GUN WEAPON [16/10/2017 23:32:04] Jonk: YES [16/10/2017 23:32:07] Jonk: WORDSS [16/10/2017 23:32:46] Jonk: Racist [16/10/2017 23:33:12] Jonk: MMmMmmMMm [16/10/2017 23:33:22] Jonk: EEeEEeEeh [16/10/2017 23:33:27] Jonk: EEEEEEH [16/10/2017 23:33:45] Jonk: Hehe [16/10/2017 23:34:03] Jonk: ARaRrGH [16/10/2017 23:34:43] Jonk: Oh NoOOooO [16/10/2017 23:35:17] Jonk: YES [16/10/2017 23:37:03] Jonk: #savetank [16/10/2017 23:37:17] Jonk: #killtank [16/10/2017 23:37:42] Jonk: haha help me [16/10/2017 23:38:02] Jonk: im gonna help trump [16/10/2017 23:38:30] Jonk: Bquacka quacka duck duck [16/10/2017 23:38:55] Jonk: angery doggos [16/10/2017 23:39:32] Jonk: THERES THE GHOSTIE [16/10/2017 23:39:47] Jonk: PRESIDENT MAN [16/10/2017 23:39:58] Jonk: SPACE MAGIC [16/10/2017 23:40:17] Jonk: MAMMAAAAAAAAAAA I KILLLED A MAAAAN [16/10/2017 23:40:32] Jonk: Its funnier without context [16/10/2017 23:40:51] Jonk: OUNCHE OUNCHE OUNCHE OUNCHE [16/10/2017 23:41:04] Jonk: SITS [16/10/2017 23:41:37] Jonk: EUGH [16/10/2017 23:41:46] Jonk: BRAKKIUS MOCKAMABA [16/10/2017 23:41:54] Jonk: OUR PRESIDENT MAN [16/10/2017 23:42:27] Jonk: aaaaAh [16/10/2017 23:43:16] Jonk: zappy zappy zap zap [16/10/2017 23:43:24] Jonk: BURNY BALL [16/10/2017 23:43:51] Jonk: EeeuuuGH [16/10/2017 23:44:01] Jonk: eeEeeEEeeEee [16/10/2017 23:44:05] Jonk: eeeeeEEEEeH [16/10/2017 23:44:26] Jonk: angery angery doggos [16/10/2017 23:44:52] Jonk: BURNY BURNY BALL BALL [16/10/2017 23:45:14] Jonk: "Why is it grey" [16/10/2017 23:45:15] Jonk: me [16/10/2017 23:45:32] Jonk: FLAMY FLAMY HOT SHIELD [16/10/2017 23:45:46] Jonk: BARAK OBAMA ZAMA [16/10/2017 23:45:55] Jonk: HEALY HEALY BUBBLE [16/10/2017 23:46:02] Jonk: ARSE CANNON [16/10/2017 23:46:09] Jonk: AFGHANISTANA [16/10/2017 23:47:11] Beck Walker: y'all are high [16/10/2017 23:47:19] Jonk: My stomach hurts from laughing [16/10/2017 23:49:02] Jonk: ZIBBITY BAP BAP A DAP DAP [16/10/2017 23:49:37] Jonk: cAAaOoOol [16/10/2017 23:50:12] Jonk: "I am sane" [16/10/2017 23:50:28] Jonk: wham bam the other thing on it [16/10/2017 23:50:38] Jonk: ZAPHARALABANANANANA [16/10/2017 23:50:43] Jonk: THING BING [16/10/2017 23:50:49] Jonk: WINKY WINKY FACE [16/10/2017 23:51:12] Jonk: ZaphaLAAAAA [16/10/2017 23:51:24] Jonk: OoOOOOoooOo [16/10/2017 23:51:30] Jonk: Awwwwww [16/10/2017 23:52:19] Jonk: ahem [16/10/2017 23:52:33] Jonk: mista yang yang [16/10/2017 23:52:46] Jonk: HES STANDIN LIKE MAH GRAN [16/10/2017 23:53:39] Jonk: Shoutout to saltynut97 [16/10/2017 23:54:32] Jonk: I think theyre all irish because theyre all alcoholics... clearly [16/10/2017 23:54:43] Jonk: HhEeEe hEee HeeE hEeeE HeEE [16/10/2017 23:55:06] Jonk: insert mickey mouse mating call [16/10/2017 23:55:32] Jonk: heebis to jeebis help mah neebis [16/10/2017 23:55:44] Jonk: LETS SEE YER DIRTIES [16/10/2017 23:56:03] Jonk: RAMEN DANCE RAMEN DANCE RAMEN DANCE RAMEN DANCE RAMEN DANCE RAMEN DANCE [16/10/2017 23:56:16] Jonk: Slappin the D [16/10/2017 23:56:26] Jonk: ARE THE RAMEN IS GONE [16/10/2017 23:56:37] Jonk: But I like the ramen [16/10/2017 23:57:33] Jonk: reads my annotations [16/10/2017 23:57:41] Jonk: famous [16/10/2017 23:58:00] Jonk: THE FLOOR IS LAVA [16/10/2017 23:58:06] Jonk: This is MY ball [16/10/2017 23:58:25] Jonk: LETS DO A STRIKEY STRIKE [16/10/2017 23:58:29] Jonk: MIKEY MIKE [16/10/2017 23:58:44] Jonk: FUCK SUck I'M OKAY I LIVED [16/10/2017 23:58:50] Jonk: auUUugH [16/10/2017 23:59:03] Jonk: my nuggets have been stolen from me by an angery giraffe [16/10/2017 23:59:31] Jonk: EAT SLEEP KILL MAHSELF [16/10/2017 23:59:49] Jonk: eVUuUuR [00:00:44] Jonk: ZAPPY ZAPPY LIGHTENING POLE [00:00:50] Jonk: OMG ITS THORS DICK [00:01:02] Jonk: How am I dancing on thors dick? [00:01:08] Jonk: zappy zappy lightening [00:01:26] Jonk: ME AND CHRIS HEMSWORTH HAVE HAD A COUPLE NIGHTS TOGETHER OKAY? [00:01:33] Jonk: SmokaAAAAy [00:02:02] Jonk: his mum walks in [00:02:41] Jonk: "I saved myself from committing suicide" [00:03:03] Beck Walker: I'm going to sleep lol [00:03:09] Jonk: baiiiiiii [00:03:16] Jonk: lord cookiebin [00:03:45] Jonk: silence? [00:04:11] Jonk: silenceness doesn't exist [00:04:47] Jonk: aw for fFFfffFFFfffff [00:05:10] Jonk: sings bohemian rhapsody for some reason [00:05:18] Jonk: EeEeEEeEE [00:05:32] Jonk: Seven EeeBeee dabadaba [00:05:56] Jonk: aAAa [00:06:36] Jonk: im a magical space fucking wizrd [00:06:42] Jonk: I DONT FUCK SPACE [00:06:53] Jonk: nO NoNonONoNoNO [00:07:15] Jonk: BURNY BURNY SUN SUN [00:07:51] Jonk: SUPER SPEEDY BLUE THING [00:08:16] Jonk: theres also the one that was really big [00:08:38] Jonk: there was a dog that was an alien dog that was orange [00:08:43] Jonk: GHOSTIE EVILNESS [00:09:02] Jonk: DIAMOND MAN [00:09:06] Jonk: DIAMOND MAN [00:09:18] Jonk: Big blobby stuff [00:09:29] Jonk: AAaaAaA big blobby one [00:09:51] Jonk: bepper [00:09:58] Jonk: MMmMmmMm [00:10:39] Jonk: why is everybody but me dead [00:10:50] Jonk: tanky tanky tank tank [00:11:08] Jonk: OW MY FUCKING FOREHEAD [00:11:23] Jonk: LIY-LA-LAZORS [00:11:57] Jonk: SHOOTS ONLY THE FUCK OUTTA HIM [00:12:13] Jonk: avatar sex? [00:12:20] Jonk: DREGS [00:12:54] Jonk: Please............................don't die [00:13:21] Jonk: lemmie shoot all these doggos in the face because I shoot doggos [00:13:35] Jonk: BUT ITS OKAY BECAUSE THEYRE ALIEN DOGGOS [00:14:12] Jonk: iIIIIIM bburnInG AGaIN [00:14:46] Jonk: "Im not reviving you" [00:15:33] Jonk: they really don't to anything with those 4 arms [00:15:35] Jonk: I mean [00:15:48] Jonk: maybe they do and we don't kno because its a bit NSFW [00:16:13] Jonk: "Guess you could say they're not a good ARMY" [00:16:21] Jonk: That's a thIIIiiiIng [00:16:37] Jonk: AHM GETTIN SHOT IN THE NOGGIN [00:17:10] Jonk: "that's LITERALLY explosive diarheoa" [00:17:18] Jonk: cant spell diarrhoea [00:17:49] Jonk: I just got a hug from a tank [00:17:58] Jonk: ITS GUN CANNON OF NOBBYNESS [00:18:35] Jonk: SSSSSSSSSSSSSuck on a pole [00:19:02] Jonk: "Im the reason the stars are named after people" [00:19:20] Jonk: Ill zap you like a ......................................................................................................................... toaster in a bathtub [00:19:33] Jonk: "why is it green?" [00:20:41] Jonk: fuckity fuckity fuckity fuck [00:20:52] Jonk: shooty bastard [00:21:00] Jonk: LOOK AT TRUMPS WALL [00:21:06] Jonk: Too many walls.. [00:21:30] Jonk: AhAAAAAhhHaHahahAh [00:22:00] Jonk: alright kids lets all line up for grenade time [00:23:28] Jonk: wazalabananamaaaaaaaan [00:24:21] Jonk: its the new trend [00:24:42] Jonk: my new hobby [00:24:58] Jonk: "I love purple balls" [00:25:11] Jonk: heheh [00:25:32] Jonk: NNnnNNNnN [00:26:11] Jonk: "*something about cannons*" [00:28:59] Jonk: I hear screaming children.......... im scared [00:29:09] Jonk: just screaming children [00:30:05] Jonk: something about being in children [00:30:12] Jonk: "don't quote that" [00:30:28] Jonk: Being INSIDE a SCREAMING CHILD? [00:30:44] Jonk: "cancer bullshit" [00:31:12] Jonk: "ronking our wonks" [00:32:00] Jonk: YOU CAN TOUCH MY BIG MAN CLAN [00:32:08] Jonk: Whhhee slide [00:32:53] Jonk: Awwww FUCK its me [00:33:05] Jonk: THOSE STAIRS DOWN THERES [00:33:26] Jonk: BYEBYEZAVALA [00:33:47] Jonk: "iM gonna dance on this pole now" [00:34:01] Jonk: ayeoanayego [00:34:06] Jonk: idek [00:34:17] Jonk: I AM QUITE HAPPY TO GO TO EARTH [00:34:29] Jonk: Ive been to earth in real life [00:34:33] Jonk: HOLLYOATS [00:34:40] Jonk: I WANT A RELIGIOUS NUT [00:35:03] Jonk: I KINDA LIKE THE NESUS ARMOUR [00:35:21] Jonk: BUT I DONT THINK ITS NESUS ARY [00:35:44] Jonk: Its like that but with my face [00:35:57] Jonk: KekekeNyAAaaahaha [00:36:53] Jonk: ill be back in a sec ive had to pee since I started typing [00:38:48] Jonk: "whatever was said while I was gone" [00:39:13] Jonk: conclusion Ryan is a dead pig [00:39:40] Jonk: "don't PLANET just take us there" [00:39:47] Jonk: AaaaaAAAAAaaAAAa.... planet [00:40:09] Jonk: "you shove your head up his ass all you want" [00:40:19] Jonk: FunctIIiiiioooOOOoon [00:40:30] Jonk: By BbBrRAaaiIInnNN my BbRrraaAaIiiNNn [00:40:46] Jonk: "Its gona kill the child"??? [00:41:01] Jonk: illuminati [00:41:06] Jonk: confirmed [00:41:34] Jonk: Ya skallywager [00:41:54] Jonk: AaaaAaAAaaAAaAAaaAAaaaaAaaAAaaAAaaAAaAaaAaa [00:42:02] Jonk: EeeEuuuUuUuugh [00:42:13] Jonk: "lets have a drag race" [00:42:27] Jonk: couch? [00:42:43] Jonk: Like a bloody giant nose [00:42:48] Jonk: YOURE a giant nose [00:43:10] Jonk: "Theres a shop here called Amsell" [00:43:19] Jonk: "Amsell you somethings" [00:43:38] Jonk: Ahm FFffffffffffffff [00:43:46] Jonk: HHuHUHHuUUuUhuhU [00:44:04] Jonk: incomprehensible [00:44:20] Jonk: I SSOOoOouuuuUnD [00:44:38] Jonk: AHmm gonna Diee agaIN [00:44:51] Jonk: AHM NOT GOOD AT THE WHOLE LIVING THING [00:45:15] Jonk: Pikey dikeys? [00:45:26] Jonk: Little bike thing is a lesbian [00:45:52] Jonk: YOURE a bike that shoots lazers [00:46:05] Jonk: ILL SLAP YOU WITH YOUR BRAIN [00:46:38] Jonk: RYAN WANTS TO FUCK BRAINS [00:47:50] Jonk: youre a slap connon [00:47:53] Jonk: cannon [00:48:11] Jonk: I don't wanna know what they do with their slap connnons in their spare time [00:48:21] Jonk: they slap their cannons in their own time [00:48:34] Jonk: Im over HhEReReRReeeeeeuuuuuur# [00:49:15] Jonk: AAaaAaApPPlPLpplLlpLPLp! [00:49:25] Jonk: oOOoooooOooOoeeeeEeaAaaahhhH [00:49:39] Jonk: Ahm gonae bedaedaedae [00:50:06] Jonk: he was blown up by a tree [00:50:39] Jonk: thank you come again [00:50:46] Jonk: ah crap [00:50:54] Jonk: AaAAaaAaaAaaAaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA [00:51:10] Jonk: look at MeEeeEeeEEeE [00:51:41] Jonk: Teleport me into the sky and break my ankles ( daddy ;) ) [00:51:56] Jonk: "Im in someones bedroom now" [00:52:29] Jonk: YOURE PATHETIC OHAI DERE [00:52:39] Jonk: loLoLOLoloLOloLOL [00:52:47] Jonk: aaaAaAAaaAAaH [00:52:54] Jonk: HE SCREAMS A LOT [00:53:06] Jonk: Did you just assume his gender [00:53:17] Jonk: stop assuming the genders of floating eeyeballs [00:53:26] Jonk: BOOM BOOM CANNON OF BOOM BOOOMNESS [00:55:52] Jonk: don't dye me [00:56:00] Jonk: OH NO THERES A GRANADE UP MY VAGINA [00:56:07] Jonk: heheheh [00:56:15] Jonk: TALK ABOUT BEING BANGED [00:56:31] Jonk: I LIKE THIS BUSH [00:56:40] Jonk: this is a nice bush [00:56:48] Jonk: WHAT BUSHES ARE EXPLODING? [00:56:58] Jonk: #prayforbush [00:57:13] Jonk: AAAaaAHHh theres A PPpLlaAA [00:57:23] Jonk: ....im on fire.... [00:57:32] Jonk: zappy zappy zap [00:57:56] Jonk: MY PIGS ON FIYAH [00:58:04] Jonk: BAP THE SAYON? [00:58:15] Jonk: Were going on an adventure~ [00:58:25] Jonk: YOURE A STARLORD [00:58:56] Jonk: I DONT FUCK BRAINS [00:59:06] Jonk: I fffffUUUuh [00:59:20] Jonk: I cant get my pike up there [00:59:25] Jonk: 8is he saying bike?* [00:59:48] Jonk: pike is correct [01:00:01] Jonk: only pike in life [01:00:55] Jonk: 1..2....3...4...5....6....17...18 [01:01:12] Jonk: oh no im being killed by nothing [01:01:19] Jonk: YAAaAay [01:01:25] Jonk: Raggy doll [01:02:30] Jonk: CHESTICLES [01:02:46] Jonk: Slap the flag [01:04:03] Jonk: I killed the big guy [01:04:27] Jonk: BOOM BOOM MAN IM NOT TRYING TO BOOM BOOM YOU [01:04:41] Jonk: BOOM BOOM ME DADDY [01:04:50] Jonk: "Aliens are bad people" [01:05:02] Jonk: "lets build a roof to keep the aliens out"# [01:05:25] Jonk: HEY HERES SOME ASSBLASTS FOR YOU BASTARDS [01:05:42] Jonk: yA MON AHM A DED MON [01:06:02] Jonk: AAAAAAaaAAAaaaA BABALABBADEEBALABADA [01:06:07] Jonk: FUCK YAR MAH [01:06:20] Jonk: I beybladed the fuk outta that drone [01:06:35] Jonk: Yeeeeeeeeh! [01:06:42] Jonk: ohnonono [01:06:49] Jonk: sad kitty kitty [01:07:15] Jonk: Loadydoady [01:07:23] Jonk: DERES THE BIG BOY [01:07:28] Jonk: BIG BIG BOY BOY [01:07:38] Jonk: HERE COMES THE BIG FUCKBOY [01:07:44] Jonk: WITH HIS FUCKBOY GUN [01:07:50] Jonk: dae ye mind [01:08:06] Jonk: AHHHM BEING STABBED BY HIS BABIES [01:08:39] Jonk: Helllowwww! [01:08:55] Jonk: "Hi, im dead" [01:09:31] Jonk: youre a circle g-google plus [01:10:42] Jonk: wheres my heralded biscuit [01:10:55] Jonk: "youre just a digestive biscuit" [01:11:31] Jonk: HAVE A DING DONG DOODLE [01:11:52] Jonk: BOOM EVERYFING [01:12:01] Jonk: "wHOS YOUR DADDY" [01:12:37] Jonk: SPAAAAAAAAACE MAN I REALLY WANNA GO TO SPAAAAAAAAAAACE MAN~ [01:13:34] Jonk: loud music [01:13:39] Jonk: too loud [01:14:24] Jonk: "annnnnd you shall die" [01:15:35] Jonk: shooting them in the face with a grenade launcher isn't really punching them [01:16:47] Jonk: TOO LOUD MUSIC RYAN [01:16:56] Jonk: stabby stabby of the stab stab [01:17:20] Jonk: aAAaAAAAAaaaA [01:19:58] Jonk: he still hasn't turned down his music... [01:21:13] Jonk: who invited boulder120 to mah clan [01:21:17] Jonk: YER MAW [01:22:54] Jonk: steady hand became a bit of a shakey hand [01:25:35] Jonk: get yer face inside mines [01:26:13] Jonk: he can Nathan fill me in [01:26:30] Jonk: but youre so good at the fuck? [01:26:39] Jonk: kaede get me laid [01:26:56] Jonk: he playssszzzzZzZzZZzZz [01:27:06] Jonk: "I HATE THINGS" [01:27:26] Jonk: SHIPPY SHIPPY SHIP [01:27:45] Jonk: how do I even get in the thing [01:27:53] Jonk: THE SHIP IS A LIE [01:28:44] Jonk: Jared sukks [01:29:03] Jonk: Cayde is spelt cayde [01:30:55] Jonk: ryan is being a good good [01:31:26] Jonk: #womanschoice bbys [01:31:58] Jonk: #keepabortianlegal [01:33:01] Yangy: #ImAPolitics [01:33:44] Jonk: fin [01:37:41] Jonk: diarrhoea [01:38:00] Jonk: is the correct spelling [01:42:26] Yangy: Well [01:42:27] Jonk: bbys is not boys [01:42:32] Jonk: its babies [01:42:33] Yangy: That was an adventure [01:42:37] Jonk: babys [01:42:38] Jonk: bbys [01:42:54] Jonk: boiiiiiiiiiis [01:44:41] Jonk: 3 HOURS OF ANNOTATING [01:44:52] Jonk: I NEED AN AWARD
0 notes
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What little pig dreams are made of 🐷💕
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