#busy framing you 👍
the-acid-pear · 1 month
okay i wont be posting every thought i had while liveblogging my first pure evil route but the fact i had the audacity to roast steven EVEN THEN is so fucking ridiculous. BRO DEADASS LIVING RENT FREE IN MY HEAD
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shaiappreciation · 1 year
Where do you get the manga panels from? The one i read wasn't this clean
I've been getting them all from the now no-longer running @/everyshaiapouf !
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All the panels are clean scans! I have a few myself from when I was reading it on mangadex but it seems the site has updated a lot since I've last read it, so I'm not sure if those particular scans are still standing; but yes! All my panels have been from been from that blog, they finished posting sometime in May of 2021, so every pouf panel is up for viewing from them ✨️
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lupato · 2 years
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coquettetoji · 7 months
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★ general armin hcs ★
— sweetest soul who is 100% down to earth, will scold you for not recycling your fork into the correct trash can and will pick up plastic / any trash on the ground
— nerdy golden retriever boy, and is the biggest people pleaser
— played hockey growing up and in college, he’s a right winger
— reads a shit ton of books, will press pretty and colorful flowers he finds outside into the book spine to save it
— is academically and naturally smart, gpa is a strong 4.2, majors in business, economics, or biology, some smart shit like that ( will grow up to be that hot rich dad every single mom wants )
— hands are big but they’re like bony and soft, he also plays piano so he’s good with his hands *moan*
— his most used app is spotify, google classroom, and messages
— lana del rey coded. i will argue with anyone who thinks otherwise.
— listens to cigarettes after sex, clairo, and this one random 63 hour playlist called ‘band cafe soft jazz music’
— speaking of cigarettes, armin also smokes cigarettes (ik i’m sorry) but this guy is a student athlete, ofc he’s gonna have to de-stress somehow
— drives the newest model of a white range rover with beige interior
— 6’1 teddy bear with attachment issues
— speaks french fluently
— so so so soft spoken like you will never see him yelling at another person, even when he’s frustrated
— also doesn’t like cursing, will give someone a quick glance if they cuss but won’t mind it
— has a gold chain around his neck, yes the slutty kind
— came from old money 🤭🤑, he dresses like it too i’m talking quarter zips, sweaters, khakis, and neutral colors, wears his gold thin wire framed glasses occasionally
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— knows all girl shit bc of his little sister (who he adores) he learned how to take care of her so he’s really reliable when it comes to treating girls right
— his phone case is the apple silicone one that’s cream color, keeps one of his credit cards in the case behind his phone
— phone screen is him and his puppy ( spot the difference game for everyone 👍 )
— every woman he knows or did a favor for all say “his mother raised him right”
— the most organized person ever, his whole pantry would labeled and organized like khloe kardashian’s
— eren and armin are 100% that black cat golden retriever duo, take a wild guess on who is which lol
— 2 deep dimples on his cheeks that pop out when he smiles, also has light freckles dusted on his nose n around it, has the straightest whitest teeth + an adorable smile **he’s so grateful for braces existing
— overall the most genuine human out there, no detection of fuck boy here 😁😁😁
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{💌} new message from mica
armin is actually my baby i love him so much i need me a soft spoken tall nerdy blonde white boy in my life now
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flametrashiraarchive · 11 months
Thinking about Gyomei who returns from a long string of missions to find his s/o laying down, staring at nothing. Eyes empty, voice apathetic, like a cup with a hole at the bottom, drained of life.
Gyomei's big frame craddling his s/o, rocking back and forth in comfort, trying to breathe more life into his s/o's depressed form, trying to return the warmth stolen by their mind.
Gyomei ready to give up, when his s/o starts to respond to his touch finally...
... after all his cuddles are the best.
- Beer anon 🍻
Who has two thumbs and gets carried away writing about sad boys 👍😎👍
Thank you for this ask. I loved writing about Gyomei and I hope I did him well!
NSFW and unbearable cuteness beneath the cut.
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Softer than Mochi- Gyomei x Reader
Gyomei's chin was tilted down as he listened to you. Ordinarily, your voice brought him familiar comfort, but lately he had noticed the sound of it, along with the scent of your skin, was eliciting a new sort of reaction.
It was both unbearably exciting and incredibly uncomfortable.
"Please continue." He shifted his weight as he sat cross-legged on the rocks. His cheeks were getting warm as you told him about your latest mission. "You pursued the demon through the forest?"
You continued speaking, seemingly unaware of his predicament. "Yes. So anyway, the demon almost got away, but I took it down and managed to save the woman it was trying to snatch away. It won't bother anyone again."
"Ah… good. You did well. I'm proud."
There was a slight shift in the air which told him you'd taken a step forward. His heart quickened. 
"Thank you," you said. "I couldn't have done it without your training."
Instinctively, Gyomei opened his arms to accept your embrace. You hugged him often, and he enjoyed it every time.
You were so soft and precious to him. Most people felt small to Gyomei– even Tengen Uzui who stood six and a half feet tall and had muscles on muscles felt like a willow branch sometimes.
The stone hashira wrapped you in his arms, breathing in your warm and lovely scent.
"My sweet friend," he whispered as you buried your face against his neck, making his stomach flutter. "Your capabilities come from your strength and determination, not from me. I taught you ways to use your tools, but you were the one who built and refined them. And you have already been given your next mission?"
"Yes." Your voice was filled with a conflicting mix of  weariness and determination. The lower ranked slayers such as yourself were always busy taking down weaker demons, while hashira were assigned to the less frequent but more difficult missions. "I have to leave here in an hour in fact. I have a train to catch."
An hour was too little time to spend together, but Gyomei would cherish every moment. "I smell matcha… what is that?"
"I brought you some mochi," you said, placing a paper packet in his large hands.
Gyomei smiled and carefully unwrapped the packet, touching his fingers to the squishy little cakes. They were round, perfectly smooth, and as soft as your cheeks, but each one had two little pointed bumps on top… they felt like ears.
The stone hashira's smile widened. "Are they cat-shaped?"
Your excited laughter was heartwarming music to him. "Yes!"
His chest filled with adoration. "They're almost too cute to eat. Thank you, my dearest friend." 
You sat beside him on the rocks, listening to the roaring waterfall and the babbling song of the river. Your hand rested in his, so small and delicate but somehow so warm and profound. 
"Please be safe on your mission," Gyomei said. "And inform me when you get back."
His heart leapt as you leaned against him, resting your head on his bicep. "I will. I'll come and find you before I do anything else. You be safe too, Gyo."
When you stood, his heart lamented. The air shifted again and he opened his arms to embrace you, but this time you pressed your lips softly to his cheek, your hands resting on his shoulders.
Gyomei had faced countless demons, he had suffered every brutality, but your gentle kiss hit him harder than anything he had ever known before. Your lips were so soft he could have wept.
The tingle of your kiss lingered on his skin long after you left for your mission. Gyomei remained seated where you left him, smiling as he thought of you and ate the mochi you so sweetly made for him. The world, for a little while, was very beautiful. 
Five days passed before he heard whispers of your return but you did not come to see him as promised. 
That was unlike you and it filled Gyomei with concern. He walked the familiar path to your home, trying to calm his mind. There could be a number of explanations; maybe you were asleep, maybe you had been summoned elsewhere… maybe you had only said you would come to see him first to humor him.
He reached your front door and raised his hand to knock, but found only empty space in front of his knuckles. He called out your name and heard only silence. His heart plummeted. 
Your door was open and you were not responding. He immediately suspected the worst. But there was no trace of a demon, no sickly scent of death or injury. 
"I'm coming in," he said, so as not to scare you.
Your house was silent, and the air had a strange sort of quality. In the past, your home had been a place of comfort for him, but now when he stepped across the threshold he felt a sorrowful weight in his heart.
"Are you here?" He tried to conceal the worry, but it came out anyway. "My friend, speak to me… please."
At the sound of your voice his heart leapt. He turned toward the sound and took a step forward. 
"Are you hurt?" He asked. 
"No… I'm sorry I scared you."
You were on the floor. 
He crouched close to you, reaching out a hand toward you. "My friend, what has happened? I can hear the pain in your voice."
A heavy silence sat between you. Oh, his heart was aching and he couldn't fathom why. Your voice sounded so empty, so utterly broken. You were sitting on a futon in the center of the room; still and quiet and emanating sorrow. He couldn't hold back from reaching out further and placing his hand upon you. His fingers brushed your forearm and traveled down until he found your hand and held it in his. Somehow you felt smaller… hollow…
He didn't press the issue. You would tell him in your own time. He simply sat with you and held your hand. Gyomei was patient.
After a while you moved. He heard your clothes shuffle, felt the air waft against him as you moved your body.
His heart squeezed as you rested your forehead on his shoulder, and he couldn't refrain from holding you. He wrapped you up in his arms, easing you down to sit in his lap as he surrounded you in his embrace.
You fit so perfectly against him; so small and sacred. He held you with endless love and affection, cradling you in his arms as he rested his chin on top of your head. Something had bruised your sweet spirit, and he would hold you for eternity if he thought it could help you heal.
Finally, you spoke. "I failed, Gyomei. The demon's victims begged me to help and I failed. I couldn't save them."
It was a pain he knew too well, and a pain you would have to make space for in your heart because it would never truly go away.
"I'm sorry. That is never easy."
You pressed yourself closer to him, wrapping your arms around his neck. "Please forgive me."
"Oh, little one." His chest ached. He was so bound to your shattering heart that the splinters of it pierced through his own. "How I wish I could take away your pain." 
You trembled as silent sobs wracked your body and Gyomei rocked with you. You mourned the lives you hardly knew and he held you through it as though he could shield you from the rest of the world until the grief was gone. 
"I'm so sorry," you whispered, still weeping.
"You are forgiven, my dearest friend." He knew the apology wasn't truly meant for him, but he also knew you needed a seed of forgiveness to allow solace to take root and start to grow.
You cried your tears until you had nothing left. Finally, you grew still and the tension in your body waned.
"You have such a beautiful soul." He unwound one of his arms from around you and wiped away your tears with his thumb. He smiled, "And the softest cheeks."
You laughed quietly and it mended your hearts a little. "Thank you."
"Please do not be sad anymore. Take this pain and use it to help more people."
"Gyomei…" His name was music when it came from your lips. "You're so dear to me. This mission helped me realize I should make sure you know that."
"You are to me too. You're precious."
The gentle touch of your fingers on his jaw made his heart flutter. You traced the shape of his face as he had done to you so many times before.
His pulse raced. The air between you crackled with something unspoken. Your breaths were shallow and shivering as they blew across his lips. Heat prickled on his cheeks and along the column of his neck as he continued to hold you, dipping his chin to he nearer to you. He was inexperienced but not completely naive. Even if he couldn’t quite believe it was happening, he knew you were thinking about kissing him.
He wanted it too. 
“I adore you," he managed to whisper.
"I adore you too."
His heart pounded as you traced the outline of his lips with your fingertips. It was the most intimate sensation he had ever felt. Each breath he drew took a tremendous effort and barely reached the top of his lungs. This was unlike him; Gyomei was in tune with every muscle in his body, and yet your tender touch weakened him more than he thought possible.
He released you from his embrace and raised his hands to your face, finding his bearings before he leaned down and closed the distance, kissing you with infinite tenderness.
The moment his lips met yours, you responded, melting against him and kissing him back; so soft and warm it made his entire body ache. His heart was full to bursting as his thoughts tumbled like a landslide. Your lips were even softer than your cheeks, softer than mochi, warmer than sunlight. 
The kiss seemed to breathe life back into you, and almost at once there was a new passion and hunger which he had sometimes dreamed of experiencing. But never once did he actually believe he could share it with you. You stole his breath away.
When the kiss broke, you showered his face in smaller, more chaste, but no less lovely kisses. Gyomei felt himself smile as his hands trailed down your back.
"Tell me, cherished one," he said quietly, "just so I don't run away with myself. Is this simply to feel good and numb your pain, or is this truly how you feel?"
Thank the gods that the silence afterward was only momentary. His heart couldn't stand it.
"It's how I feel," you responded, caressing the sides of his face with both hands and giving him goosebumps. "Gyo… this is why I come to you after every mission to embrace you and hold your hands. This is why I make cat-shaped mochi for you. I thought you knew I love you."
His heart was about to burst from his chest and his smile could not be contained. "Ah… yes, now that I consider it, it seems obvious."
You laughed. "My sweet Gyo."
"My most beloved, I am yours."
You kissed him again. Though it had only been moments since the last one, relief coursed through him as he drew from that sweet warmth and softness. 
Your hands explored his shape, traversing the neckline of his shirt to the very top of his chest. While not vain, Gyomei was proud of his strength and the muscles he worked so hard to hone. Your quiet hum of approval sounded against his lips as your fingers touched his pectorals. It filled him with pride.
A breathless, tingling sensation coursed through his body as your touches grew bolder and your kisses increased in intensity. The sensation of your hands brushing his bare skin caused a sensation not unlike you were tugging a chord connected to his core.
"Am I moving too fast?" You asked, still resting your forehead against his as though it was as painful for you to be apart as it was for him. 
"Not at all. Continue, please." Heat pickled across his cheeks, far more intense than any sunbeam. 
"You're blushing," you whisper before taking his hand and leading it toward your face, brushing your cheeks with the back of his fingers. "I'm blushing too."
He smiled. "I feel it. You're so warm."
He felt you smile back beneath his fingers and then your hand left his. He heard the soft rustle of fabric, the quickening of your breath, and then you took his hand and led it down to your bare chest.
"Oh…" he choked out.
Nothing in the world could compare to the smooth warmth of your body beneath his large, battle-hewn hands. You were silk to him, lotus petals, mochi, the gentle flow of a sun-warmed stream. His chest ached. Your beauty was overwhelming.
The way you bowed to his tender caresses pulled once more at that chord. When he brushed his thumb over the hardening bud of your nipple and elicited a soft sigh of pleasure from you, the hairs on the back of his neck stood on end.
Tingling excitement rolled through his lower belly as your hands went to the fastening of his trousers. Gods, he wanted this, he did… but as inexperienced as he was, there were certain facts he was very aware of. 
“We must be patient,” he said. “I need to ensure you are ready.”
“Believe me, Gyo, I’m ready.” You kissed him again with renewed passion, running your fingers through his hair and sending more little shocks of pleasure through him. 
Gyomei smiled as you pulled back from the kiss, placing his hands over yours to halt your progress. “You’re not ready enough.”
“What do… oh… OH.” You had no doubt noticed the bulge forming in his trousers. “I see. You’re–”
“Large.” He pulled in a breath. “I’m very large. And I don't want to hurt you." Slipping his hand over the curve of your waist, he pressed a kiss to the plush softness of your chest. "If you wish to continue then I ask that you permit me to prepare your body to…receive me."
"I want to continue." You kissed him again, your tongue entering his mouth and slowly teasing his; pulling a gravelly moan from his lips. When you withdrew, you stood and he heard the soft rustle of cloth once more as you removed the rest of your clothing. You took his hands and led them to your bare thighs. "Please touch me."
His pulse thundered as he skated his hands along the curves of your body, committing every soft hill and luxurious valley of your shape to memory. Every touch was an act of profound worship, and every sweet sound of pleasure which came from you was an answer to a prayer.
"Beloved, lie down for me," he said softly. "I want you to be comfortable."
You did as he asked, lying back on your futon.
Just knowing that you were before him, laid out and feeling as nervous and as excited as he was, made his heart flutter. He undressed fully before he let his hands stroke the lengths of your thighs, down to your center where the heat radiated from you in intoxicating waves.
"Please tell me if I'm doing well or not," he asked. His voice was quiet and shaking a little with trepidation. "I've never… well, I've received a little bit of instruction on how to do these things but never put them into practice. So please…"
"I will." You placed your hand on his and with gentle pressure, urged him to touch you. 
Your tender flesh was like nothing he had ever felt before. His breath caught in his throat as his fingers mapped out the shape. You were so warm and wet, and the scent of you was truly intoxicating. You made such lovely sounds of pleasure as he slid his fingers through your folds, coating them in your essence. He traced their shape upward, to where they seemed to converge over your delicate, swollen bud.
"There," you gasped as he circled his fingers around it. "That's…"
"Your clitoris," he said with a smile. "I know… I told you, I've had instruction."
At the time he had thought Uzui's lessons were wasted on him, but he had committed the information to memory nonetheless. Now, as your hips bucked and your thighs trembled from the gentlest touches, he had every intention of thanking Uzui from the bottom of his heart.
"Gyo-mei~" you gasped as he stroked your clit with his thumb and pushed a thick finger into you. Oh, gods, the heat, the silken flesh, the slick coating of your nectar, like sun-ripened fruit. He wanted so badly to sink into you and feel his body connected to yours. But he would be patient. He would ensure you were completely ready before he satiated his needs. 
A wave of heat washed over him as you bore down on his finger, eager and demanding even without words.
"Is it good?"
"'S… good…"
"Do you want more, my beloved?"
"Yes…" your breaths came in short gasps. "More."
He pushed a second finger into you, pausing as you cried out, allowing your body to accommodate them. His fingers, like everything else, were large.
He waited until you began to thrust onto them again and took that as a sign that you were ready.
Gently, he began to move his fingers, pumping them into you slowly as his thumb continued to rub your clitoris. His heart quickened as he felt your inner muscles begin to contract and spasm. 
"Don't stop," you whispered.
"I won't."
You came apart seconds later, gasping and shuddering as those muscles pulsed around his fingers. You squeezed them so beautifully, and imagining that sensation on his cock was enough to make him lightheaded.
But he still had work to do. "Can you take more?"
You placed your hand on his thigh. "Yes."
A blissful cry emerged from you as he added a third finger, gently stretching you. 
"Gods, Gyomei~"
"Breathe, beloved. Breathe and relax. I will stop if you wish me too."
He chuckled before spreading his fingers slightly, opening you up and readying you. "If I could only express the true depth of my feelings for you." He bowed his head, kissing your stomach with slow, lingering kisses as he continued to pump his fingers into you. 
You were so receptive to his touches, moaning softly as you placed your hand on his wrist, as if to hold it down between your thighs. It was a reassuring gesture that he was pleasing you. That's all he truly desired.
He felt your muscles quiver again and you cried out his name. His cock stood firm, aching with need as your pussy squeezed around his fingers.
"I think you are ready." He spoke softly, kneeling back a little. "If you still–"
"I do. Gyomei… I absolutely do."
You got up and sat astride his thighs as he knelt on the bottom of the futon. This was good. It was exactly what he wanted. He needed you to be in control now, setting the depth and intensity. 
Your lips brushed against his as you cupped his face. The bare skin of your torso was so soft and delicate against his large frame. He wound his arms around you and met your kiss, slow and passionate and filled with love. 
Shifting in his lap, you positioned yourself so the head of his cock was pressed against your entrance. He felt a brief stab of worry that he hadn't prepared you well enough, that he had been too hasty and would hurt you, but a moment later you took him with nothing more than a breathy moan. 
"Gyomei… Gods you feel incredible."
Oh there was nothing that could describe that feeling of sinking into you. A needy groan escaped him as he pressed his head to your shoulder and breathed in the scent of you, trying to ground himself. He was lost in the sensation.
"I love you," you whispered, kissing his lips so gently it seemed you felt he was fragile and precious. 
"I love you too, my everything."
He had never felt so connected to anyone. Mind, body, soul, he was yours. He groaned in pleasure as you undulated your hips, taking him deeper inch by inch, stopping to give you both time to adjust and bask in the sensation.
"Does it hurt, my love?" he asked, unable to shake the tinge of concern from his mind or his voice. 
"No. No, we fit together perfectly." You kissed his neck, sending a frisson of pleasure traveling down his body where it pooled in the bottom of his belly. 
People often spoke of the beauty of stars; pinpricks of light shimmering among velvet darkness, and he felt he understood that with you. Those shimmering sparks danced across skin, overwhelming him in the best possible way.
Pressure built at his core as you rode him, your hands resting on his shoulders, your soft body moving against his. You were taking him well, better than he had ever dared to hope you could.
The slow rhythm of your movements, the constant pleasure, the intimacy… It was too much. He grit his teeth and choked out a cry.
"Beloved… I'm…"
"Let it happen, Gyo. You've more than satisfied me. Let go…"
You kept on moving to that slow, loving rhythm, building the exquisite pressure which ran through his core, growing and growing until he was barely clinging to his senses.
His fingers gripped your hips with more strength than he ever meant to use with you, holding you to him as his pleasure reached an almost unbearable peak. 
"Ohh, beloved… perfect… so~ ohhh…so perfect." 
He filled you entirely, lowering his head to press his cheek to yours as he wrapped his arms around your shoulders and clung to you. 
"I have you," you whispered as you held him, stroking his back as he trembled in your arms.
He knew he could be like this with you for as long as he needed to be. As wave after wave of pleasure rocked through his body, he sank down into your arms, pressing you back until you were lying on the futon and he reclined on his hip beside you, nestling his head against your chest.
Your heart thudded against his ear, beating to a rhythm you had set together. 
His lips curved as you stroked your fingers through his hair, kissing the top of his head and sighing in contentment.
In that moment, and in every moment he shared with you, the stone hashira's heart was softer than mochi.
And the world was forever beautiful. 
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mychlapci · 5 months
Same anon as the preggo roddy one from yesterdayy? Second time sending one because im getting bold already plus i love your writing👍
I was poking around, because im blessed with boredom and the horny thoughts are hitting, and saw Rescue bots, And i am obsessed with chase so much, also the rescue bots polyamory.
The four of then cuddled up in the bunker at night after going absolutely feral on eachother, panels barely able to close as a mix of fluids gather beneath them, whoever fucked who was forgotten the moment a shared overload rippled over the lot of them, and the four of them end up in a sticky puddle of transfluid and lubricant mixed, too lazy to move and much too happy, blissfully ignorant of that 𝑵𝒐 the walls arent soundproofed enough to block out Chase’s screams and 𝒀𝒆𝒔 they’re keeping the humans up, and Cody does know, but he’s more worried on why its either blades or chase screaming.
I definitely see and headcannon chase as a speedster frame, he barely ever stops doing something unless he physically cant, and it just seems like he puts his endless energy into something that isn’t being a whore 𝘙𝘰𝘥𝘪𝘮𝘶𝘴 ,and i wished he had doorwings or a spoiler, because he’s just so pretty and most definitely deserves the other three of them to take turns to fuck the energy out of his frame, grabbing at sensitive appendages like they’re handles to get a good grip while slamming into a valve that feels hot enough to burn <3
All three bots knowing how needy speedsters get, how much energy a speedster frame conceals without an output source, like a thick false spike that can adsorb energy or a clamp on his node that vibrates until his anterior node is numb and tingling, panels are barely able to stay closed during a high-speed chase because the charge his frame wracks up stimulates the clamp, and his node is just buzzing with pleasure and the moment him and Chief burns get back to the firehouse, he just collapses.
The humans are worried ofcourse, panicking because they think he’s hurt, when in reality it was blades or heatwave’s idea because i see both of them as kinky little fucks and Boulder just watches while trying not to laugh because they all 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘 chase is gonna be absolutely pissed off at them.
In the end Chief burns has to try and carefully explain that: No, the bots cannot continue to act like horny rabbits: No, they cant do their jobs if they’re pregnant, its a safety risk and Yes, if they want to keep on doing what theyre doing they have to use protection. (Its too late one of them, probably Chase or Blades, are already preggo. I want to go into detail on Blades but Chase needs some love)
Does ‘facing like that boost their morale? Yes. Do they continue? Yes. Does Chief burns threaten to call Optimus up and make the prime tell them to stop? Also yes. Atleast they can repopulate the Rescue bots?.. its like putting an endangered species in a breeding sanctuary and NOT expecting them to breed like crazy once theyre in a safe environment with food, shelter and comfort.
Yes god please, rescue bots porn save me. I fucking love horny rescue bots. i mean, sure, they’re always busy with missions, but not always always, they have far more moments of peace than the battle-trained team Prime, so obviously they gotta fill that free time with something. Orgies seem like a good idea.
Also thank you for focusing on Chase. My babygirl Chase. I need to play with his holes so badly. I need to fuck him so hard he forgets his name. But it’s fine, the rest of the Rescue bots are doing a good enough job of that. I am also a speedster + doorwings Chase truther btw. Chase shuddering when his door-wings are rubbed, valve cycling down when someone, usually Heatwave, grabs his wings and pulls while fucking him from behind…
god, the bunker not being soundproofed at all. The first few weeks the bots were staying there, the poor family had to get used to the sounds of them squealing and moaning in overload every. Single Night. Everyone is uncomfortable, though Cody is mostly confused. As they branch out to stunts like shoving a false spike up Chase’s valve for an entire day just to watch him stumble and struggle to pretend he’s not overloading in the middle of a police chase, Chief Burns’ gotta start thinking about how to… regulate the bots’ interfacing habits. 
He reasons with them, saying that he wouldn’t want them to get sparked and end up incapable of fulfilling their vision (and bless whichever poor soul had to explain to him how cybertronians reproduce…) But oops. Big oops. I bet you Chase is already pregnant. Chief Burns is not strong enough to handle those news, not until he cools down and Chase has no choice but to start explaining the bump on his belly <33
bonus points if Charlie asks which one of the bots is the baby daddy and Chase casually admits he’s not sure. Maybe he babbles out some statistics based on which one of his teammates fucked him the most, but Chief Burns is not listening at that point. He really should call Optimus. 
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hikennosabo · 5 months
#tristampparty day 8, episode 8: our home
okay i was very busy (read: distracted) today so i'm posting this late but LET'S GOOOO
let's start out with some psychic damage targeting me personally 👍 my heart hurts so much already
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thinking about how both young vash and nai relate to food... they have opposite needs, but it must be an isolating experience for both of them. nai is different from vash and rem, vash is different from nai and other plants... they're both in between humans and plants without really belonging to either.
nai specifically, though... he doesn't seem happy that rem made him food, but it might be equally isolating if he was the only one who didn't get served food... so it's awkward either way. rem did the best she could.
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what if i died right now
the geranium on the table... is it... i wonder... if rem put it there for tesla...
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i don't know what it is but something about the footprints is getting to me, man. the way that nai's go on ahead of vash...
is it the composition maybe. nai's footprints leading down to the bottom of the frame... down... fallen angel... etc etc am i just making things up- no i'm right. i'm right.
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brad is the one who noticed vash... even though he acted pretty hostile to him for a while after... he's the one who saved him... i wonder if that's some of the reason for his hostility? like if vash did turn out to be dangerous brad would have been the one responsible... idk
also brad is voiced by junichi suwabe my beloved
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this has gotta be an orange original, right? we never learn how plants are made in the manga...
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"sinners"... i've heard that word before... wait a sec...
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here!! the EoM broadcast right at the start of episode 5!! what does it mean...
why would scientists call themselves Sinners, as like a formal(?) group name(??) is it because they know they're playing god by studying plants? i wonder about the radio program, too. here it could simply be referring to humanity as a whole, but then why the capital S? conrad is the one who ties this all together... the "team leader," huh...
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"plant research," huh...
(insert "she should've been at the club" joke here)
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much to think about. lying about nai being dead yes but. not the only thing he's keeping from them. "just one" more independent?
brad is so mean sometimes, lol... tbh i think they really nailed his personality. his role in the story and his relationship with vash are both very different than in the manga but he's still recognizably brad, and i think that's cool. it shows orange really understands the core of his character.
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it's probably natural that this is the first question she asks, but it's also kind of mean... not on purpose ofc, but it probably hurts a lot for him to be asked that, especially now...
also vash isn't eating again. his unhealthy relationship with food... not eating as a form of self-harm... when we got reminded just at the beginning of this episode that it's something he needs to do. i remember reading a meta post a while back about his relationship with food but idk if i have it in me to try and find it right now...
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once again glad i can watch this in hd so i can notice that vash covers his ears when luida says this hahahahahaha (<- in pain)
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we see the one on the left the most so we need to look at the other family photos for a second. they're so cute what the heck... rem's big smile in the bottom right one... and i see both vash and nai are right-handed... *jots that down*
wasn't there a theory post about vash's number tally on the walls. i don't remember what it said.
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she asked "who did this" so she knew it wasn't something like a computer error. Did She Know.
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ohhh sister i'm so sorry but no they will not be
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this is such a blink-and-you-miss-it, but brad shielding vash from this guy is really sweet. because as we've seen the other residents of the ship haven't exactly been nice to vash. brad's been mean too but he's just... a tsundere, really.
sorry this post lacks substance, there is probably a lot more to say but my brain just isn't working at full capacity and i need to go to bed
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mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah. up until now the only clear, non-obstructed shots of nai's face were from when he was a little kid. he's still young here, and the shot itself is pretty dark, but here he is... the boy...
next episode is going to kill me dead! goodnight
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atom-writings · 1 year
Hi if its ok to ask for a hc with the hetalia guys
What if they have a s/o whos a fashion student/designer who dose elegant, modern and femenine looks and also likes sketching to stress relif . Hope its not confusing ^^' and love the hc and stories you make with the hetalia characters
Whenever reading luds its fun
(Allies + Italy X Reader) Fashionista, artistic S/O!
(Feminine) Headcanons ~ A/N didnt do germany n japan bcs they would be like ok 👍love u. Do ur thing and thats it jskhkjj. req that seperately ig
Trigger Warning: None, just fluff!
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Thank god you’re around because otherwise, Alfred would walk outside in neon shorts, a novelty t-shirt, and sandals with socks. Luckily he has deep pockets, so the two of you can go on shopping sprees together all the time. He’ll wear whatever you tell him to, just make sure he doesn’t buy another pair of pizza pants.
He does love how feminine you are though. As much as he hates to admit it, he internalized a lot of 50s ideals. It’s always been his fantasy to have a ladylike wife, someone who can smooth his rough edges, someone graceful and caring. Once he realised you exemplify those traits, he had to have you.
Your hobbies are the exact opposite of his, but he’s always happy to listen and support your interests. Any art you do, regardless of how much you like it, is ending up framed on the wall, too.
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Arthur cares quite a lot about fashion, too! Although his tastes are a bit vintage and very conservative. He’d be very interested in your studies, every time you get home, he’ll ask you a million and one questions about the newest developments. And if you make your own clothes, he’ll pull some strings to get you your own studio. After all, what kind of idiot wouldn’t support the future head of the fashion industry?
He loves how elegant you are, too. He’s always been attracted to ultra-femininity, so your indulgences in that part of yourself always excite him. It’s nearly impossible for him to keep his hands off you when you wear those cute dresses…
He’s also always had a thing for femme fatales, but you didn’t hear it from me…
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Oh, mon Dieu! You’re the perfect partner for Francis! He’s absolutely over the moon about having an artistic S/O! He wants to see all of your work, everything you’re studying, and everything you want to make! All your thoughts, your ideas, your aspirations, he wants to know all of it. There’s nothing better for creativity than in-depth discussions, right?
One annoying thing though, is just that… he really loves your work. So he is constantly requesting that you make more. It’s very motivating when you’re going through art block, but… it’s not like you can design all of his clothes! Of course, since he’s also very skilled in that area, he’s very willing to help you whenever possible though. You need fabric? Your machine broke? Just need a second pair of eyes? He’s there. (And his advice is usually pretty good!)
Definitely gonna take you on a lot of dates to art museums and the like.
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Well, Yao has never been that big into fashion… but nowadays his people are really getting into it. Now that he has you, you can make sure no one calls him lame and outdated! (And then he gets to spoil you with clothes you love along the way. Win-win!) With your guidance, everyone will finally envy him and his beautiful wife again. Wait- Sorry, he constantly forgets you two aren’t married yet.
He’d love to work side by side with you. He has very different artistic pursuits, but spending that kind of time together is always nice. Both of you lost in your own little worlds with the only words being exchanged being occasional compliments. He’s really latched onto your own ways to relieve stress…
Also, because of how graceful and elegant you are, he’s like… obsessed with you. He thinks of you as some kind of goddess, and he’s always trying to please you to make up for how lucky he feels.
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Oh, how cute! He absolutely adores your work! While you’re busy designing and sewing, he loves bringing you little snacks and drinks while you're busy- he doesn’t wanna interrupt, really… he just can’t resist getting a little peak at whatever you’re working on. Whatever it is, he’s proud of you!
Since you like sketching to relax, he often takes you out to beautiful places. Whenever you’re stressed, or upset, or scared, he’s throwing you over his shoulder with your sketchbook and bringing you to a flower field. Maybe he’ll even start drawing himself! Although, you’re basically the only thing that inspires him.
Although he isn’t usually very attracted to ultra femininity, there’s something so pure about you that constantly makes him fall more and more in love. You’re like his sister, but not unstable and homicidal. And not his sister.
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A fashion student? Well, you’ve come to the best! Not him, exactly, he dresses like someone you’d see on r/peopleofwalmart, but his country at least. He could probably even get government loans for you to buy as much fabric as you need. And if you need a model, he’s been told he’s very average.
He would be able to help with your sketching, though. His classical training isn’t usually something that can be easily passed on, but he’s very willing to sit down and teach you anything you want. If you’re not as serious though, he respects that. Leaves more opportunity for him to be the one sketching you.
Your femininity is what drew him to you in the first place. He’s never been able to resist pretty people, and seeing how you carried yourself… and what you wore… it’s a wonder you two are dating now considering his accidentally creepy introduction.
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vendetta-if · 2 years
Sneak Peek - Chapter 3 Part 1
Hey guys! As it's getting nearer to the public release of Chapter 3 Part 1, I decide to post a sneak peek of a scene here! I used to screenshot sections, but for this one, I'll be copy-pasting the sneak peek and I'll also try reducing as many coding as possible, so hopefully, it'll be easier to read. Since it'll be pretty long, I'll keep it under the cut.
This section I'm gonna show has a lot of variations all based on a number of variables and stats, so for this particular sneak peek, I'm going to assume MC is Sarcastic and more Emotional than Stoic, is on the shorter side, knows about Jackal, and is flirting extensively with both Ash and Rin.
Note: ${ash_he}, ${ash_him}, ${ash_his} are just all variables for Ash's pronoun, so whenever they pop up, just feel free to replace them with the proper ones in your head if you want to.
A click rings out as Ash finally steps out of ${ash_his} room as well. As you had suspected, ${ash_he} ends up not wearing ${ash_his} usual leather jacket, ripped jeans, and combat boots. Instead, ${ash_he}'s decked out in a more business casual style; ${ash_he}'s wearing a black turtleneck, an unbuttoned blazer, a pair of dark-colored jeans, and black leather gloves. 
It's not ${ash_his} usual style of clothing, and you're pretty sure this outfit must be a gift from Uncle Luka, since it's totally his style, even though you're not totally sure as to the reasoning behind it. But, all in all, Ash is looking fancy as hell right now.
$!{ash_he} seems to finally notice your staring and ${ash_he} blushes. "W—Well, can't exactly enter this fancy-schmancy establishment and blending in while looking like a thug," ${ash_he} stammers out a bit, trying to get ${ash_his} flustering under control.
"Far be it from me to criticize you." You grin, before reassuring ${ash_him}. "You look great, by the way. Really giving Uncle Luka a run for his money with how well you're pulling off his signature look."
Ash barks out a laugh at that. "Really? Maybe I should take a photo or something to commemorate this event," ${ash_he} jokes.
You perk up. "Huh, good idea. Let's do it." Ash contemplates on it for a second before complying, closing the distance between you in only a couple of steps. You pull out your phone and turn on the front camera as Ash gets behind you. $!{ash_he} bends down a bit so ${ash_his} whole face can get in frame for the shot as well, not only ${ash_his} outfit. You begin the countdown and then you grin lopsidedly while pointing at Ash before taking the picture.
You check the selfie you've just taken and show it to Ash as well. "Hey, not bad at all." Ash nods approvingly at ${ash_his} own outfit in the picture. 
"Yeah, I'm totally gonna send this to Uncle Luka right now." You open up your chat with Uncle Luka, attach the selfie, and then type: "Watch out, Uncle Luka, got yourself a stiff competition here! Be careful not to show this pic to your boyfriend!" You snicker as you press send.
Not even a minute has passed before your phone vibrates. You click the notification and read Uncle Luka's response.
"So… First, you flirted quite blatantly with Rin last night, and then tonight, you're going on a mission that doubles as a date with Ash? What a Casanova. Maybe one day you'll invite both for a date? You know what, you do you. I won't judge and I won't tell Rin about your little date, promise. No need to thank me 👍. Oh, and also, my boyfriend said that I still look better 😛."
You feel your heart beats faster at the thoughts of Rin, but then you take a quick glance at Ash and feel your cheeks warm up as well. What does this mean? Well, you're not ready to confront your confusing feelings, especially not before your first mission. You shake it off and groan internally before typing back a response: "Touché. You win this round."
Your phone vibrates again after a moment. "Stay safe, kiddo. Don't take unnecessary risks, alright? If you see something is wrong, just pull out and abandon the whole job. Nothing is worth your life. Promise me."
The worry in that text is so prevalent that you can feel it seeping through the screen. You send a final text: "Alright, Uncle Luka. Try not to worry too much, okay? Love you."
You put away your phone, but not before reading another response from your uncle. "Love you too, kiddo."
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nakanemiya · 1 year
Why you should vote for The Childrens Garden!!
It's a bug tmnt au!!
Based on Aprils POV!!
Story on Casey's and April's adventure with the bug mutants!!
Leo is a blue Painted Lady, Raph is a ladybug, Mikey is a honeybee, and Donny is a carabus violaceus!!
Egg Casey!! (f t m)
2012 (mostly) based au!!
It'll really help out, as I'm currently trying to figure out how to frame and comic!
As a mix asian/white teen, it'll make me happy as I'm in a toxic household<33
And if I win this round I might make another au of this au where the bugs don't all die👍👍
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😈- what's the worst thing you did to an oc?
Ohhhh that would be what I did to poor Nash in the first draft of Blue, like don't forget about me back when it had the aliens and the superpowers and the sci-fi. Not sure it'll ever see the light of day so have a stupidly long excerpt (∩^o^)⊃━☆
Literal torture under the cut 👍
Char and Dandy strap [Nash] to the table the moment he returns to the hotel. He drops his cane and the sack of money spills across the pool tile as he sucks in half a breath with a mind to defend himself, but Char’s hand finds his neck and he stops moving any air at all until he’s flat on his back strapped down so tight he can’t even flinch from the fist Dandy buries in his gut.
They’ve altered the table since he was last atop it. A strap around his forehead secures him to a headrest that hangs off of the table and forces his neck back at an angle that makes it difficult to breathe. He tries anyway, takes his time pulling a long, slow lungful, but then Dandy sees what he’s doing and smiles.
“Should I go babysit your darling sister while you’re busy?”
The fight leaves him all at once. So long as they have Jo, he’s at their mercy.
M sweeps into the room and stops at the edge of the pool looking down at him with the same immutable expression as always. Even his body language doesn’t hold a hint of anger, but he must be, right? If he wasn’t Nash wouldn’t be on the table.
“I did want you wanted,” Nash says as loudly as his constricted airway will allow. “I got the money. I delivered the message. Why—,”
M holds up a hand. “Do you think me stupid enough to send you out there unmonitored?”
Nash falls silent. He had, yes, but he still did what he was supposed to. He didn’t stray except… Except he told the cashier to stay down when M told him to beat him senseless.
“You thought we would go to the trouble of bugging your room but would fail to monitor you in the field?” He clicks his tongue. “I won’t tolerate deviations or insubordination. Perfection is what I’m asking of you and I’m prepared to teach until you achieve it. Grey? Care to lead the lesson on what I mean when I say senseless?”
Grey steps into view, scalpel in hand, teeth gleaming under the pool lights.
“I won’t talk next time,” Nash says quickly. “No deviations. I’ll do exactly—,”
M turns his back on him. To Grey he says, “You have permission to touch until I return. Do not kill him.”
“Aw, come now, M. I wouldn’t break my favorite toy.”
M heads for the door and Char and Dandy fall in behind him.
“Please,” Nash whispers.
The echo of the door closing reverberates through the room while Grey descends the stairs from the shallow end, slow and deliberate like he’s savoring each step. His teeth scrape over his lower lip as he looks Nash up and down.
“Let’s get this shirt offa you first and then we can play.” He smiles as he sets cold steel against his clavicle. “Missed you, Indy.”
“Oh, are you beggin’ this time? That’s sweet. You know it’s my favorite.”
* * *
When Nash fades back into consciousness for the final time, the sunrise is bleeding through the windows, lighting the tears streaking down Jo’s cheeks gold.
Something clatters to the bed of the pool and suddenly he can turn his head.
A sob escapes Jo’s lips as she moves to his torso.
Groggy, he mouths more than murmurs, “Joey?”
She sniffs hard and wipes her face on her shoulder as a great shuddering sob wracks her frame. Her hands are trembling but she manages to work free the strap over his upper chest.
He hisses through his teeth and sits up when she pulls it away and his mutilated skin threatens to go with it.
“Sorry, I’m sorry. Oh God, Nash. I’m sorry. Lay down. I’ll— I’ll be more careful. Please, just… Just lay down.”
He shakes his head. Despite his splitting headache and his unsteady sway, he’s loathe to lay with his neck kinked back again. Without a thought, he pulls in his first unimpeded breath in hours and relishes the full feeling of his lungs.
Jo chokes and her hands go to her throat.
He empties his lungs just a fast. “Fuck, I’m—,”
“It’s okay, it’s okay.” She shakes her head and goes back to fiddling with the restraint over his hips. “Surprised me is all.”
Warning bells that started when he first saw her finally resolve into clarity. She shouldn’t be here.
“What are you doing?”
Her shoulders bunch around her ears as the strap falls from his hips. She moves down to his knees. “I'm getting you out of here, idiot.”
“You promised. Promised to stay.”
“He told me you needed me,” she says in a tight, pitched voice, “and don’t try to tell me it was a trick. I’ve already seen—,” She breaths sharply and smothers the wobble of her lips. “I’ve seen enough.”
“Who told you?”
She glances over her shoulder then moves to release the final strap around his ankles. “Him.”
Nash looks past her for the first time.
M is looking down on them from the lip of the pool, lit by the sun with his hands in his pockets. When their eyes meet, he says, “You shouldn’t keep these things from your sister, Indigo. As you well know, she’s your only ally in this place.”
The ankle strap falls away but Jo doesn’t turn and doesn’t look up. M surveys them on high for a beat longer, then turns and walks out.
The moment the door clangs shut, Jo springs into action. “C’mon, now’s our chance.” She takes his ankles and turns him until he’s sitting with his legs hanging over the side of the table. “We’re gonna run for it.”
His laugh is a choked dead thing. “We’ll be lucky if I can walk. I can hardly sit upright. Besides—,”
“Then we’ll walk,” Jo snaps. “I’m not leavin’ you here to—,”
“You don’t have a choice. They’re watching, Jo. They’re always watching. And when they catch us trying to escape it’ll be you they put on the table. I won’t risk you.”
“He learns quick!”
They flinch at the unexpected voice—Grey. He stands from a plastic recliner in the corner by the shower and stretches like he’s refreshed after a long nap. A wry smile curls his lips. “What? I had to make sure you didn’t die, remember? You got one thing wrong though. When you screw up bad enough it’ll be Char that gets to teach the lesson to your sister. I prefer boys. No offense,” he says hurriedly to Jo. “The breasts…” He motions to his chest. “They make it awkward.”
Jo stares at him. “Well… bless your heart. I’d hate for my body to make you uncomfortable while you cut on me.” She leans closer to Nash. “Let’s get the hell out of here.”
“We can’t—,”
“To the room, dipshit. God, you’re a mess.”
Grey watches with an air of amusement as Jo helps him off the table.
He slips and nearly falls but catches himself on the table. He looks down to see what he stepped on and has to blink three times before he accepts that it’s the money he stole yesterday, soaked in his blood and kicked all over the bottom of the pool.
“Don’t worry about all that,” Grey says. “M said to throw it out. I’ll get it when I clean up.”
Nash laughs. It boils out of him, part anger, part despair.
“Nash?” Jo reaches for him. “Oh, you’re bleedin’ again.”
Several scabbed over wounds have broken open and blood is tickling down his stomach to soak into his waistband. Still, he laughs.
“What’s wrong with you? You’re creepin’ me out.”
“We’re gonna die here,” he says with an agonized smile. “I killed us.”
Jo softens. “Nash—,”
“Don’t be silly, Indy.” Grey strolls around the pool. “You’re our best asset. D’you know how many loyalists M blew up before you came along and took to the serum like a pro? We’re gonna keep you for a good long while, but just in case, we’ve got a back-up plan.” He winks at Jo. “Say, you two are real siblings, right? None of that step-sibling crap?”
Nash stops laughing.
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motto-chanto-itte · 5 months
i spent the whole of the late afternoon and evening today cleaning my room and im so tired but it was so worth it, it's the most organised it's ever been and i even made a lil shelf in the cupboard (that i didn't even have to organise) dedicated to my animanga and genshin merch 👍
now i have a conducive environment to study in from tomorrow onward! yay! i should be revising stuff from last year right now but i'm feeling lazy ngl. merely stepping into a new time frame that we created (talking about 2024) isn't able to get rid of all my flaws :( either way this is the last time i'll be able to rest before witnessing the Horrors of all my new subjects and teachers and classmates tomorrow (we didn't have any lessons today) so i'm going to take this opportunity to not do math thank you very much
i also started writing in a diary/journal again, i found one of my old ones from when i was 12 while cleaning my room and i used to write every detail of my life down to the dialogues, and honestly it was pretty fun to read lol. hopefully i can devote myself to filling up at least a page every day (and hopefully i have enough time to everyday with how busy my schedule potentially will get)
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myonmukyuu · 2 years
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Hey everyone! I’m pleased to announce that I'll be participating in a Setsuna Fan Merch bundle for charity!
For more info about this merch bundle, do check out the announcement on Twitter. While I'm not the organiser for it, I'll be participating in a bit of an ambitious way. (Yes, even though I'm very busy at the moment 😅)
Which is why, I'm recruiting writers! 📝‼
As my contribution to this bundle, I want to produce a mini Writers' Zine dedicated to Setsuna! So I'm calling out to any writers out there who want to shout their love in this charity project 💖
My friend (Ethanol) and I will be working together to produce a small booklet featuring short pieces of writing from ~5 writers. I’ll be handling the design, graphics and printing, while he will be in charge of checking in on the writers.
We’re looking for people who would like to write a little something in dedication to Setsuna (1k max).
What makes her special? Why do you like her? How does Tomoriru's performance of her make you feel? We want to fill this book with those kinds of feelings!
Keep in mind there is a strict time frame of ~1.5 months for writing. I’m sorry if this is too quick for people... Since this is a physical print I will need the time 😅
I will also be drawing for every piece! So, the sooner the better 👍
If you’re interested, please read the rules/guidelines on this form and apply before the 16th of December.
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danowh0re · 2 years
YOU DONT HAVE TO DO THIS IF YOU DONT WANNA but if you have time could u write a calvin weir fields x trans male reader where the reader rides calvins thigh while he's busy writing ,, been thinking abt that scenario a lot lately uhhhhh. giggles
Calvin X male!trans!reader
Used you/blah blah pronouns
I wrote this in an hour so like. Wow. 🧍‍♂️this could of been better tbh, but, at least I wrote it akfjsmfjsjfjs
670 words 👍
Not proof read because I could be in sleeping cause I have work in 6 hours <333
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"What are you working on?" You lay against the door-frame that sets behind your boyfriend.
He seems shocked about your presence, scurrying his many sheets of paper into his lap so you don't see them. He adjusts his glasses, creeping his chair in 90° around just to face you, breathing out heavily.
"I uh, yeah no... nothing, I'm uhm.. I'm pretty lost actually.. you couldn't help me even if you tried." The squeaky floor board hits your ears as you make your way into his workspace where you aren't ever really allowed to go in without his permission.
He follows your every move towards him by moving his chair. You setting up onto his desk.
"Whats that then?." You point to the space that's empty on the floor that is in-between him and the desk "Those are-" Calvin going down onto the floor to pick them up, crushing them into his hand to show that they have no meaning to him so you don't ask any more questions. When in reality, he was for once proud of himself and thinks that he could of gone somewhere with just those little pages of writing.
"Nothing. it's. Fuck. Nothing." He realizes fully what he just did. Dropping the pages back onto the floor and connecting his palms with his cheeks, sighing louder than needed.
For what seems like a long, quiet, minute he finally says something. Coming back to look at you and he now places his hand roughly against your thigh that is infront of him now, patting it. "I'm hungry, why don't you make something and later we can walk the dog together, okay?" He forces a smile as he says that.
"No. I want you-" stopping your sentence to get onto Calvin's lap, wrapping your hands around your neck, almost both of yours noses touching. "-to continue whatever you were working on, while I sit..." You think where you could sit where it would possibly annoy him most. "maybe just.. right.. here." Moving your index finger down his chest, "I want to admire you... and.. I guess your work too-"
Calvin gasps, currently heated in the moment "i- its.. uh- I hm. Basically- t..trash now-". He panics as he's under your spell, not knowing what to do or say, and you can clearly notice that. "Shhh...." You buck your hips just lightly. "Show me Mr. Weir-feilds" cringing at what you just said "ew, no. Just Calvin is fine."
Hiding your face into his shoulder as you can feel his hands moving towards his type writer. "That's it baby boy... move those hands..." grunting as what seems like your hips moving yourself. Moving your hand back up to where you were teasing Calvin but going underneath his shirt. "Mmmm...".
Humming as you start a pace with yourself, bringing your other hand to his long hair, grabbing it to have some support with the long thrusts you are taking against your boyfriend.
Your nipples becoming sensitive with his sweater and your loose shirt, becoming numb at the feeling.
Calvin's leg starts to shake, not knowing if it's just the adrenaline you can feel and hear with him typing on the type writer or just because he wants to help you. "D-dont... oh God... s-stop...!!!"
Your jean button unbuttoning itself from the friction, which comes off as a surprise. Feeling you're coming to a close at every little touch that he gives you while your a loud mess on top of him. "Please.. please please please...~!!!"
Now both of your hands coming up to his hair and your lips connecting to a rough side on his jaw, basically sucking on it
Giving him your all as your humps convert into long pushes against yours and his body, stopping slowly as you come off from your high. "Wow..."
Disconnecting your head to his chest
"M..my little.. rabbit..." he kisses your sweaty hair-sticked forehead, both of you being complete lost for words.
Calvin comes up to your ear. "I didn't tell you to stop, but I think we should clean up somewhere, right, bunny?~"
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@thehermitsaltar @ghot-girl @nephilxterra @truecobblepot @sympathyforher @trelaney @koshi-sama @creepling @the-hidden-pages @swn-kings1 @hansakind @milfodyssey @geisterfvhrer @iggay @vocivious @etherealweed @yelenabelovasbathwater @vigilanteboyfriend @im-a-burden-to-society @halcyonbabe @2000sbxtch @cowboys-and-riddlers @beenz-beenz @sagexsenorita @foetus-on-your-breath @sleepg0blin @paramountives @nevilleismywhore
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BioBlend CBD Gummies :- In our busy international nowadays, many human beings are managing health troubles. These can be bodily, like feeling unwell often, or intellectual, like feeling stressed and now not drowsing nicely. Because of this, many are searching out herbal ways to experience higher. One of those answers is “BioBlend CBD Gummies“. It’s turning into greater popular because many accept as true with it enables with pressure, sleep troubles, and pain. These gummies are clean to take, taste appropriate, and may be a easy manner to introduce CBD into your each day recurring. They might be a terrific fit for folks who are searching out a herbal method to coping with their fitness challenges.
Let’s dive into extra about how those gummies work and what benefits they might offer.
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What are BioBlend CBD Gummies?
BioBlend CBD Gummies are holistic fitness boosters. Packed with complete-spectrum cannabidiol, they aim to address troubles like irritation, strain, and joint aches. Its big name issue is CBD isolate that ensures they’re natural and dedicatedly useful. Other key substances encompass:
Hemp Extracts: Refined to make certain almost whole THC elimination, they carry temper and decrease pressure without any hallucinogenic facet outcomes.
Green Tea: A powerhouse of antioxidants, it augments standard health.
Calcium: Strengthens bones and decreases physical discomfort.
Thanks to its powerful formula, these gummies sell better sleep and boosts the immune system. These gummies are easy to apply and discreet. You simply want to chew one gummy and experience the candy flavor. The CBD will enter your bloodstream and start operating in minutes. You can take those gummies at domestic, at work, or at the go. They’re free from THC, making sure no addictive outcomes. Plus, the kind of flavors makes them enjoyable whilst ensuring protection with FDA-approval.
Science Behind BioBlend CBD Gummies
To recognize how those gummies work, it’s essential to recognize approximately our body’s Endocannabinoid System (ECS). The ECS performs an crucial role in many of our frame’s tactics, together with regulating sleep, coping with appetite, and even controlling temper. BioBlend CBD Gummies work by interacting with this gadget. When consumed, the elements inside the gummies help the ECS paintings higher, growing a sense of balance in our body. By doing this, the gummies can help in decreasing discomfort, managing stress, and enhancing ordinary nicely-being. One of the motives many people consider BioBlend CBD Gummies is due to the studies in the back of them.
Numerous medical research have regarded into CBD and its effects, and lots of those studies have found nice results. This research gives human beings confidence that these gummies are not simply any other wellness fad however have proper advantages which could make a difference of their lives.
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Guidelines for the consumer:
To get the fine outcomes from the BioBlend CBD Gummies, you ought to comply with the endorsed dosage. One gummy an afternoon is enough, but you can take greater in case you need, so long as you wait at the least six hours among each gummy. If you are pregnant or under 18, you should no longer use those gummies. You need to additionally be conscious that a few human beings may also experience minor aspect consequences like dry mouth or drowsiness. These are not extreme, but you can alter your dosage if they bother you. Most humans do not have any problems with these gummies, though.
Where to shop for:
You can simplest purchase the BioBlend CBD Gummies from the business enterprise’s respectable internet site. They are not sold in another locations, like Walmart, Walgreens, CVS, and so on. The proper news is that you can get loose delivery whilst you order from the website. But you have to hurry, because the supply is restricted and there are only some bottles left, consistent with the agency. Here are the fees and applications you could select from:
1 Bottle of BioBlend CBD Gummies + 1 Free: $sixty four.Ninety nine each
2 Bottles Pack of BioBlend CBD Gummies + 2 Free: $47.Ninety five each
three Bottles Pack of BioBlend CBD Gummies + 3 Free: $39.99 every
The enterprise is certain that their CBD product will make you satisfied. That’s why they provide a one hundred% pride guarantee. If you aren't happy with the gummies within 30 days, you could ship them returned and get a full refund. No questions requested. You can touch the corporation’s aid crew through their internet site if you have any questions or worries.
If you’re searching out a natural approach to address day by day stresses and fitness worries, BioBlend CBD Gummies is probably really worth considering. They provide a simple, tasty, and research-backed way to doubtlessly enhance your overall fitness and nicely-being. They offer the benefits of natural hemp oil in a tasty, on hand format. By improving mood, assuaging ache, and selling higher sleep, they’ve end up a fave in lots of wellbeing workouts. Online reviews echo their effectiveness, showcasing their pivotal position in enhancing intellectual and physical health.
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☘️☘👉OFFICIAL WEBSITE {SALE IS LIVE}=>> bioblendcbdgummies.com
☘️☘👉OFFICIAL WEBSITE {SALE IS LIVE}=>> evergreencbdgummiescanada.com
Read More {Discount Available}:- https://www.outlookindia.com/outlook-spotlight/purekana-cbd-gummies-fraudulent-exposed-2023-ultra-cbd-gummies-is-it-work-or-not-ultra-cbd-gummies-scam-alert-hona-cbd-gummies-reviews-news-269238
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2 notes · View notes
oh yea uhm mario & luigi super star saga playthrough update i have not been able to make much progress within the past week since ive been Busy but i did play a pretty good amount while i was gone from tumblr and its sooooo fucking fun oh my god. i have no frame of reference for how far i am thru the game so i dont have much to say on that front but like. good video game 👍👍 also i tried doing the minions quest thing and the dialogue is very fun n charming but i honestly couldnt really get behind the gameplay (just dont really understand what im meant to do) so i think im just gonna watch a cutscene comp or smthn
I’m glad you’re enjoying it. And yeah I understand not enjoying the bowsers minions gameplay it wasn’t my favorite either I just liked the funky dialogue. I do believe you can have about the same experience just watching a cutscene comp!!
really glad you’re enjoying it!!!
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