#but 7 archions
reolf · 1 year
Welcome back to my history challenge!
It is 1415. And disaster strikes. War returns to the land. Drafts are placed on the people and unfortunately our Archion is drafted.
Robert, who is an elder now, and Luca are scared for their only son.
But Archion has no choice but to go. He takes his guitar with him and hugs his parents and siblings one last time to join the war camp.
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Archion shares the camp with 7 other men.
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First you have the commander: Sir Johan de Rode. As mysterious knight, he has seen lots of battles and war and is honestly quite tired of all this. He is a fair man but can be quite stern when it is needed.
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Second, you have Emilio Gold, Robert’s younger half-brother, and Archion’s uncle. Emilio is recently married and is expecting his first child with his wife. Emilio is happy to know Archion is with him so he can keep an eye on him. As the son of a famous Knight, Emilio is high in rank.
Third, is Joseph Frey.
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Jospeh keeps mostly to himself, except to complain to Sir Johan sometimes.
Fourth and fifth, you have Dario Carbajal and his young nephew, Kole Carbajal.
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Sixth, you have Damian Gauthier.
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He is a jokester and loves causing mischief. He can also be quite hot-headed, but he has his heart in the right place.
And last, we have Janto Arras.
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Janto is a quiet person. He has a musical talent and Archion would love to get to know him better. Maybe they can play music together?
Archion misses his family and Eleanor already, but he has to be strong. He hopes the war will be over soon.
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kinokochouchou · 2 years
so, I guess 2 black pawns in the beginning are childe and scaramouse. or....
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someone snart analyze the board blease
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