#i dont think one of them is celestia because celestia is not part of this game its what comes after the checkmate
shiki-jin · 5 months
(part 0 here)
was listening to TruE on loop while writing the last part of this, it's genuinely such a good song ugwvdya
also can you spot the contradiction ;D it's plot relevant i promise
not proofread, dont bully me ill write a thesis on why youre a meanie
you had long deleted genshin, since you had other things to do. you had wanted to go back to the game for a while now, now that you were less busy, but there was just one little problem.
it was now taking up nearly triple the amount of space that it was when you uninstalled it. around 300 whole gigabytes.
jesus christ, what phone can even handle this???
your phone, apparently. because as you opened the game to see if maybe a miracle would happen and that if maybe they would just, like, remove half of the things in the game, it just… kinda loaded?
no installing new files, no checking for anything, no nothing…. just an immediate pan to the gates of celestia.
you decided to check if it was the right genshin since this was just way too weird, but countering your judgement, every link you found led you to the same game, leading you to believe it not to be a bootleg or an illegal version.
guess i’ll trust it then.
you clicked on the gates which opened smoothly, and your screen turned white. then, the symbols of the seven elements appeared in gray.
and then the game just… opened. no loading time, once again. no getting stuck on the geo symbol, nothing. nada. just a smooth entrance into what you had to assume to be teyvat — but your surroundings didn't really support that claim.
the grass was brown and just looked off, the sky was gray. a darker shade than, say, mond’s walls, but it was like one of those game crashes.
well, except you could still move around.
you moved your current character around (the traveller? since when were they the only one in your team?) and decided to open the map after not figuring out where you could possibly be.
hold on, this is springvale? since when?
eveything looked dead, like it had been rotting for a century. you tried to ignore it though, and teleported to the inside of mondstadt. surely this was just some glitch, right? one that would fix itself if you teleported?
maybe the world loaded incorrectly, maybe the fact that nothing took time to load meant that it couldn't load, maybe this or that, maybe…
maybe this really was how the game looked normally. you hadn't done any quests though, so you wondered if it could be restored.
you took a screenshot of the your surroundings — the stone, worn down and dirty. the houses which looked to be in a horrible state, and… the npcs, all sickly and pale, like they were starving.
you went to reddit (yes, reddit), and posted the screenshot, asking if it was normal.
you closed the game and decided to take a nap, too tired to really deal with this shit any further.
while you slumbered, people replied to your post.
╰┈➤ lol me too anon, me too
╰┈➤ isn't the game closed or wtv? how'd you get this wtf
╰┈➤ they're trolling
╰┈➤ o makes sense oops
╰┈➤ So we’re all still mourning huh
╰┈➤ jokes aside that's a super impressive edit ngl
you remained unaware of the truth, but you'd find out soon enough.
actually, you'd find out now, apparently…
what the fuck?? why is my bed so hard now?
you groaned and forced your eyes open, seeing a dark, nearly black sky.
the only light was a single star, lingering right above you.
“since when was i outside...?"
a voice spoke to you, answering your question.
“you always have been, have you not? but would you like to head inside, my lord?”
... huh? i recognize that voice...
p.s. place your bets on who it is, i’m thinking of one specific character but if there's a fan fav i'll make it them instead since i haven't written anything beyond this point (⁠・⁠_⁠・⁠;⁠)
p.s.s. don't expect updates to this series too quickly, i wish i could write as quick as i think of ideas but sadly that's not the case orz
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gold-rhine · 13 days
What is your fav genshin world quest? And do you think world quests suffer from not including playable characters in them? Or is it better for them to only have NPCs? Like I know some people have critiqued enkanomiya world quest with "where is Kokomi" since this is basically her place.
i think making blank statements like "world quests suffer from not having playable characters" is reductive and short-sighted. i dont care if characters are playable or not if they are well written and if they work within the quest. in fact, some archon quests suffer from having too much playable characters in them. we absolutely did not need ayaka date in inazuma archon quest. i wrote that post about collei bc i think her conflict fits aranara quests perfectly and current npc in that quest has no character and does nothing, except wake up and get dendro vision for free. its not about whether collei is playable or not.
actually enka is one of my fav world quests. and no, it absolutely did not need kokomi in it. and i rewrote entire inazuma archon quest, giving her actual character development and strategist arc, so i'm speaking from kokomi pr brigade perspective.
when we're talking if character should be in a quest or not, its not about whose place it is bc they like live here. its about what they would bring to this specific quest. what are the themes and POINT of the quest. and what is the development arc is for this character, does it fit this quest, what this character's presence would meaningfully contribute.
so like. what is enka about? its about enjou intrigues, its about lies and gaslighting, about how clever assholes like him can frame the narrative to make you see white as black and black as white and manipulate you into doing what he wants. and to echo this, the deeper, hidden narrative, is about meta players perception of the lore. its about how celestia are actually the invaders who conquered teyvat by force and then pretended to be creators of this world and killed anyone who even learned the truth, like orobashi, despite them having heavenly aethetic. how orobashi went to fight raiden knowing he will die as a part of celestia's punishment, even tho before we were told he wanted to destroy inazuma. and the deepest buried lead was that despite us being told that vishaps are evil dragons attacking humans, mindless brutal animals, they are in fact sentient beings, and in fact, real natives of this world who were invaded and then framed as evil for fighting back. like, before enka i didn't give a fuck about vishaps, but after it i became dragon lore enthusiast for this exact reason
at the core of that quest is how kokomi ancestors sucked horribly, mistreated their own people while presenting themselves as glorious empire, and also did horrible eugenics and warcrimes on vishaps, who they KNEW were sentient beings, because they could learn human language and talk. and they captured children of these sentient beings, grafted corrals into their flesh, kept them in captivity in a deepest cave for decades, just to then slaughter them and take the bloodsoaked corrals off their dead bodies to use it to revitilize watatsumi bare earth. and it was repeated again and again, generations of torture, literally soaking blood of dragon children.
and this all is kinda buried under the narrative of "defeating evil monster dragons to save the island", because this is traditional fantasy narrative and its structured like that to obscure the reality from players without ever lying to them. you have all the facts, but you need to realize that YOU are playing the villain here by yourself. just like enjou manipulating the truth without ever actually lying.
so like. what is kokomi supposed to do here. she can't realize the truth and try to make amends, bc at this point of the overall story players are not supposed to understand that dragons are people who were invaded by celestia. they are not supposed to see vishaps as sympathetic yet, enka is the first major lore drop to give this reveal foundation, but the reveal itself only happens in fountaine with neuvi.
and if kokomi doesn't realize the truth, then she's just being duped by enjou like the traveler, which makes her look stupid, and she does what? stands here and listens to the lore? kills dragons herself? so that after fountaine players could look at neuvi, realize that other vishaps are people like him too and go "wait, was kokomi doing warcrimes against dragons????" like, as of now, she has deniability bc like. she's never been in enka herself, she didn't know she's sending the traveler to kill what is basically dragon kids tortured and raised in captivity, for her its an ancient ritual to save her island. but like if you add her to the quest, it fucking crumbles.
tldr; characters should be in quests if they add something to them and have their own development based on quest events. kokomi should have had better written archon quest, she should not have been in enka. i do hope tho they revisit enka in future and then kokomi is here, bc now after dragon lore recontextualization, she can learn the truth and confront enka's legacy
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eyerealm · 7 months
What's your process with picking colors for an art piece? :0 your color choice is super unique
Thank you for the compliment and question
That definitely is a hard question, because a lot of things in my art is purely intuitive
I think i tend to try to make things look like theyre "glowing"
(I think i picked this up from splatoon)..
I generally pair duller or darker colors with very bright saturated ones for this sort of effect. I also enjoy things being very rainbowy, and i just pick whichever colors my brain wants me to (I think it works faster than i can comprehend). I know a  lot of things in my art dont make sense, but i want them to not make sense, at least in my more abstract art
But if i were to analyse it, ill try to explain..
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Heres my most recent piece...
I was struggling with picking the colors a bit in the earlier stages of this drawing...
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I thought of two options, both had some tone curve + effect on the layer with it that i then erased to leave the parts that would be lit up
The layers with her clothes details was higher than the tone curve layer so they stayed clear and bright. I was leaning to the second option but it felt too dull and green for my liking..
I merged most layers and just went with it, adding more sarurated colors
I usually do this, i dont want to keep too many layers seperate because it gets too complicated and it feels like i cant completely express myself. Merging it all/most of it makes it feel more free and i reccomend doing this at least sometimes..
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Here you can see a little close up of her face with some explanation... I  i dont really know if this is helpful but still
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Heres a little explanation for why i picked the colors for celestia like this
I also often want to show characters in an unusual way color wise. It makes drawing them more interesting. The colors a character is typically associated with doesnt define them, they can be any colors, duller or brighter, different hues etc. Thats what i often think of when i draw, and its fun to play around with. splatoon is a very good thing to draw for me because of this, since they constantly change their ink color..
I do play around with filters and tone curves and stuff a lot sometimes. Selecting specific things in a drawing and only applying filters to them, or to the whole picture, or using blending modes on brushes. It all helps me with getting to the final picture
But it almost always gets merged with the rest of the layers and the picture continues to develop with it all in one
I wish i knew how to properly put it all into words but i myself sometimes dont understand my process, i mostly do things because it just feels right, and everything is subjective, how do i explain what feels right to me, right.. i dont even know if any of this made sense. But well, art doesnt have to make sense
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fatuismooches · 9 months
i juts read the last(i think) part of the dottore thing
i am crying so f-king much you wouldn't understand (i hate you)
i just have one question though, what would [name] be doing/thinking
i really hope they dont have the same or similar fate, but i could actually see it happening (i just dont want to be tortured right now) they ofc could also be looking back at the old memories of them and Zandik, though that is also a curse in itself
whatcha thinking abt it though, i'd love to know
-luv ya
I'M SORRY ANON!! I'M HONORED YOU FELT THAT MUCH EMOTION BUT ALSO SAD... 😭 *hugs you* But to answer your question about [Name]'s fate in the fic, well, double apology but... I too imagine that they are also being punished after death. They aren't absolved of sin either, regardless of what they've done personally, they were the lover of Il Dottore. Or, you can see it as a double punishment for Dottore. Having his lover die over and over and also they themselves being tortured for eternity just like himself. No peace like he always wanted you to have.
It's like you said. Their fate isn't very physical... they've already gone through pain for over four centuries so, it wouldn't be a suitable punishment. Instead, they have to watch Dottore move on without them, essentially witnessing betrayal for eternity. Witness their husband never needing them, their presence always being a burden. Witness them never being loved at any second because of their illness, all of it a fraud. Although it's obviously not true, seeing something like that presented to you nonstop would certainly warp the truth in your broken mind, no?
If it makes you feel better... I like to think that after Celestia is finally destroyed, the two of you finally rest. Maybe even reincarnate, who knows...
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eyelessfog · 3 months
Hi everyone, it's me, L's sibling! Guess what we made! Zombieland Saga x My Little Pony AU where the mane 6 and some others are shoved into the roles of FranChouChou and some other major characters! Also I know they would be human-like the way they are in Equestria Girls(but probably better designs) but I want to take a moment to think about ponies dancing onstage the way our beloved undead idols do.
First up!! Roles!! (and some funny thing to think about)
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Twilight is Sakura I think this is pretty obvious. Main character, friendship, bla bla. Most importantly, Twilight motherfucking Sparkle getting hit by a truck IMMEDIATELY
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Rainbow Dash is Saki Also very obvious, possibly more obvious than Twilight as Sakura. Race, biker, go fast, swears(because I believe with all my heart that if she could, Rainbow Dash would swear), went out in a blaze of glory(twice), multi-colored hair. Basically, the sporty, rude, loud one. Funny things to think about.... went out in a blaze of glory twice. Had an epic rap battle with "Twilight Princess" as L has called her.
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Applejack is Ai Keeps to herself sort of, kind of done with the others, the one who actually thinks. Not in a nerd way but with a proper understanding of the real life situation they're in instead of book stuff or the ones who dont think at all. Knows how to work in a group. Smacked Kotaro in the face with a baguette and will fuck his ass up(this will be even more hilarious once you find out who Kotaro is)
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Fluttershy is Junko. Shy as hell, gets called a loner, your average <:3 girlie, woman who ran away from getting her picture taken. She gets to obliterate a guitar that belongs to Kotaro(once again, this will become 100x funnier when you find out who Kotaro is)
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Rarity is Yugiri This is actually the one that started this all off. L heard Rarity sing in A True, True Friend. Rarity my favorite girl that has now slept with many men and killed a guy once and died for it, but she'd do it again(and says so). Shes also from the Meiji era.
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Pinkie Pie is Lily Forever positive and fun loving party girl! Made to be on a stage!! This does make Pinkie and 10 year old [it's L from now on hi guys] but i mean look at them. they make sense. pinkie is the only one who would ever be able to rewrite a song, remake her outfit and then also choreograph a dance that immediately became a tiktok sensation. pinkie transgender canon also
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Nightmare Moon [luna] is Tae Girliepop who is herself but fucked up and strange and bites people. It's like. nightmare moon if nightmare moon was Not Luna in a different way from being possessed. just trust me on this its good okay. shes best friends with twilight and at one point grabs her face and goes rag rahahrah rah and twilight goes youre so right. that was so sweet. thank you i love you moon
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Spike is Romero Doggy. bork bork bork
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Celestia is Kotaro bossman, specifically focuses on twilight, looks like they should be cool but they're the cringiest people you've ever seen, also just all of this. yeah he sucks ass more than she does but she can suck like as a person. for fun. also now she does a talent show trying to do an impression of a mudkip and i can think of few ponies more likely to do that shit
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Discord is Jofuku Old man with powers. thats it.
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SciTwi is MeiMei one off character who accidentally tripped into the secret of the main guys and uhh she wears glasses and cant see and she gets to be part of the team Once. good for her i guess.
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sleepless-rants · 6 months
hiihii sleepless!!!!!!!!! any thoughts on the way the key concepts in mostly every (because i was. really not conscious during the inazuma) region's archon quests so far have had one or more of their key concepts encompass a KEY endgame-esc lore concept in one way or another>>??
hihihiii ok I love this question sm lets see (also so sorry for the long delay I've been really busy with stuff lately :'D )
Mondstadt: it WAS the first ever quest in game so I think we spent it learning about how the rest of genshin is gonna be more than anything. But if I had to point out a few 'hmmmm' moments:
1- wtf was the abyss order trying to do in controling a corrupted dvalin exactly? We're told they're trying to use him for their evil plans and then that they had plans to 'utilize him' in the trailer with lumine riding a ruin guard. I mean it all traces back to the loom of fate obv but I've been curious to know what that specific part of the plan was about. Anything to do with dvalin is suspicious to me bcz durin.
2- the entire conversation we had with venti at the end of the archon quest. The whole talk about allogenes and how they can acsend to godhood, the fact that venti and the cryo archon used to be on good terms but now havent spoken for centuries, etc etc honestly when in doubt just go watch that part again it gets the brain gears rolling.
3- the fact that an archon's power comes from the number of people believing in them.
Liyue: ngl the liyue quest was so boring to me I was half asleep while doing it so I might've missed some stuff BUT
1- the very end of the quest and the contract zhongli signed. I know that archons dont exactly love their gnoses and would probably trade it for a jolly rancher if given the chance BUT the trader was still a fatui harbinger and if zhongli's even a quarter as smart as nahida is he would ask for something beneficial in return. So yeah I rlly wanna know what the contents of that contract were I think it will be important going onward.
2- the fact that zhongli did ALL THAT just because he wanted to free his people from his reign retire and wanted to make sure they were ready for it is really telling. Time and time again we see how much archons themselves hate celestia and the system they've created. In the latest fontaine aq we even saw the lenghts some of them are willing to go to for destroying this system and I have no doubt this is going to mean something big in the future. (i mean keep in mind we have THREE godless nations now. Mond, liyue and fontaine archons all set their people free. As much as I love to meme abt archons vs khaenri'ah you have to give credit where credit is due.)
(It actually becomes key concepts from here instead of things I have questions about bear with me)
1- VISION BEARERS LOSE THEIR MINDS WHEN YOU TAKE THEIR VISION!!!! the explanation inazuma aq offered was that its because visions are directly linked to a person's ambition, lose your vision = lose your ambition etc etc BUT DID ANYONE REALLY BUY THAT??? also if that's the case what about the few cases of people who lost their vision but were perfectly fine still????? Itto???? That one guy in the tea house who even says it was as if a huge weight had been lifted off his shoulder?????? The granny in wangshu inn???? Visions are getting more suspicious with every new aq.
2- delusions take away from their user's lifespan (not that It matters for any of the harbinger's other than childe and regular fatui soldiers so probably not as important as the vision thing but yk)
3- honestly the whole concept of eternity and time (which we got to explore more in ei's second sq) "eternity is the closest thing to the heavenly principles" what do you mean raiden. What did you mean by that. Dont even get me started on the whole pocket dimensions thing and how time flows diffrently in diffrent corners of teyvat. The fact that the future affects the past more than the past affects the future. Everything is litterally upside down.
Sumeru: every line that was said in the sumeru archon quest ever.
1- Descenders exist. And they are not affected by irminsul changes. Speaking of which,
3- our twin is somehow native to teyvat (not a descender) while we are not. This is very much smelling of someone having messed with irminsul information. Either they wrote our twin into the irminsul files or they removed us. I used to lean towards the second one but after perinheri and learning khaenri'ahns welcomed people from outside teyvat im not so sure.
4- the entire forbidden knowledge and king deshret plotline. (King deshret/king irmin/nibelung parallels drive me insane on a daily basis. The fact that people affected by forbidden knowledge develop SCALES on their bodies literally do I need to say more.)
5- dreams are a seperate realm in teyvat. I dont see people talk about this enough despite how important the concept of dreams is in this game.
6- forget about information PEOPLE can be wiped off irminsul. Thats fucking terrifying. They cant wipe themselves but if a powerful enough person (ahem hexenzirkel ahem ahem dainsleif ahem) decides you shouldn't exist anymore you just...dont.
7- teyvat samsara cycle/ time loop confirmed. This is litterally a 500k word theory post of its own so imma just leave it there for now.
9- nahida wanted to get rid of the gnoses on her hands especially the electro one. Keep this in mind for the fontaine list.
10- sustainer of heavenly principles has been inactive since khaenri'ah. Hmmmmm
Fontaine: aka the only god khaenri'ahns pray to is focalors.
1- focalors my lovely lovely woman. We dont have a hydro archon anymore that is insane. Seven archons and only two of them are actively moving against celestia smh. (Also is it the six now instead of the seven?)
3- TWICE now gnoses have been said to "cause problems" if they remain where they are and so they are handed over to the fatui. The second time could've been excused as neuvillette not wanting a celestia device near him if it werent for the first time with nahida. What kind of problems are we talking abt here?
4- heavenly principles inactivity further proven by the fact that one of their archons TRICKED THEM FOR 500 YEARS, KILLED HERSELF, DESTROYED ONE OF THE SEVEN THRONES, HANDED THE POWER BACK TO A DRAGON SOVEREIGN and nothing happened. Are they dead? Like actually?
5- dragon sovereigns can be reborn/ have descenders. Nibelung/ irmi- *gunshot*
6- this was said in the sumeru interlude chapter also (or was it wanderer's sq I dont remember) the fact that you cant change fate, but CAN change how it affects the world.
Apologies if this is a bit incomprehensive I wrote this just at the top of my head (probably I should've re-read the aq voicelines akajskam) but there you go. The ultimate "archon quest things to keep in mind" list.
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joshy-tomato · 9 months
I can support bullying the Knave for the assassination attempt. Heck yeah.
And woooow. Those parents really wanna have the law just dropped on them, don't they? What a messy family to have to be born into. That's gotta be child abuse or something related to it and forcing Furina to have to pay to see her own brother is extortion, isn't it? These people will not enjoy the rest of their lives, not after ticking off Arlecchino. They will regret trying to use not only Freminet in such a way, but Furina as well.
OG Neuvi it is then! He must be saddened at the sort of family Furina has had to deal with in her new life. I do wonder when he runs into Arle, however. Would it be before or after Furina and her get together? How shall Arlefuri even get together now that I think about it..
Divided between whether he would approve of Arlefuri or not as well. He likely saw what Furina's death, a failure on his part to protect her, did to Arlecchino. But, him being protective is amusing.
Yeah, is a pretty fucked up situation all around. Their parents are the kind of people that see their children as extension of themselves and not as individual people. But Arlecchino does enjoy seeing the charges stacking up.
Im also thinking Furina and Freminet are siblings by father and Freminet's mother was basically threatened to give Freminet over because they thought he would be just like Furina.
I can see Neuvillette feeling a little guilty over it. He knew about Furina because of her acting career and seeing how in this life Freminet was her brother he assumed she would be alright and happy. He is determined to win this case so Furina can have the happy lifetime she deserves.
I think Neuvillette would too be conflicted about Arlefuri. He never aproved of them on their past life until he saw how desperate The Knave was trying to rescue Furina from Celestia and how devastate she got when the plan failed and Furina was killed. I think they grew to respect eachother in a mutual "dont blame yourself, it was my fault" type os solidarity. However, he does think in this new life Arle is a little too intense and needs to chill and you know what, fair enough.
I think Furina fell for Arle during the whole trial process. Like, she told Arlecchino about the whole trouble with her parents because she considered her one of her few friends (along with Neuvillette but thats a little uncomfy because he is her lawyer) and suddenly seeing her being so serious and so determined to bring justice for her and Freminet, Furina got no choice but fall for her. Even more funny because Arle is not doing this to win Furina, she does it because she is furious Furina and Freminet are being used and abused.
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okthatsgreat · 10 months
For the headcanon thing, I'm specifically asking you for a Celeste headcanon on behalf of that person who didn't get Celeste headcanon. Checkmate, Lee - rotate Taeko Yasuhiro in your mind until the headcanons manifest. 😎👉👉
UR KIDDINNGGGGG oh god. ok concentrating concentrating
headcanon a (realistic): do not bring her to board game night if you were planning on winning or having fun. she takes every single game so seriously and kicks ass every single time. she becomes a millionare in monopoly and nobody was aware that was even possible. shes even good at quiplash because she memorises the stupid jokes that her classmates keep repeating day after day and puts that into the text box each time. of COURSE her classmates are going to pick the answer that says "freeby fazber" why WOULDN'T they
headcanon b (may not be realistic but it is hilarious): see the thing about celeste is it is truly impossible to tell what parts of her story are real and what are complete lies .. i think she lives an extremely average life outside of being "celestia ludenburg" and that is why she created this false persona in the first place. born to a working class family definitely went through it a bit when she was younger but was able to garner quite a bit of notoriety and wealth from gambling to get her own place-- but definitely not enough to live in luxury. enough to get her out of poverty but not enough to avoid living paycheck to paycheck yknow. the REAL headcanon i have is that every single time she brings one of her classmates back to her home she rents out a different spot each time just to keep them on their toes. eventually she lets one of them (idk sayaka maybe) finally enter her actual house and its this one bedroom apartment with no air conditioner and a bunch of gothic lolita posters everywhere and sayaka genuinely thinks shes being pranked until celeste is like "no im being serious. youve signed a non disclosure agreement btw this information will not be leaving this room"
headcanon c (heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends): i dont think even celeste is aware of what her true personality is anymore. i really do like to believe that there are parts of it that are still left over, most of which is fuelling this deeply rooted imposter syndrome she certainly tries not to dwell on, but by all means her desire to seperate herself from taeko yasuhiro has caused her to practically forget who she once was. telling celeste to "stop lying" is much easier said than done, and i think it'll take years before she could ever reach the point where she is truly authentic and "herself". and even then celestia ludenburg will certainly still remain in a lot of her actions and speech patterns. she wont just wake up one day and suddenly be vulnerable and fragile and guilty, it's gonna take her a loooooooong while to adjust
headcanon d (unrealistic, but i will disregard canon about it): i think she's a bit geekier than she lets on GHFDKG its that small bit of taeko thats still there......... she would never admit it in a million years but sometimes, SOMETIMES, shes able to listen in on hifumis ramblings and go "oh i remember that show. his opinion about this character is totally wrong. oh well time to add that to the list of things i do not like about that man." oooooooo also fun fact whenever i write celestia in my "danganronpa is a reality tv show thats been going on for ages" aus i always always write her as a character that adapts with the changing trends. same with ibuki!! her aesthetic adapts over the years towards what is more recognisable with the target audience at the time, and while it definitely isn't as noticeable as ibuki's style swap there are certainly a LOT of wild changes team dr tries to throw at her before quickly reverting her style back and pretending it never happened ghfjdksgk
headcanon ask game!! :)
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dapper-lil-arts · 19 days
I think someone asked you this already, but what are your thoughts on the legion of doom (Chrysalis, Tirek and Cozy Glow), do you think Sombra and Storm King should have been a part of them? Do you wish Grogar wasn't Discord in disguise? What would you do if you wrote the ending of the end and would you redeem the legion of doom?
Also, would you like for the legion of doom to return for a G5 comic or should they stay in stone? Also also, do you think the real Grogar should show up as a G5 villain trying to reclaim the Bewitching Bell from Sunny?
Personally I'm not fan of the legion of doom just bc like... Cozy glow is baby, Tirek is a one note villan, and Chrysalis is waaaaayy too good to be like this lmao Tirek as a magic eater leech is not only a way too overdone thing in mlp (I wouldnt mind it if it was just him) but also smth that just is kind of boring when applied to any combat scenario, theres no fight, he just sucks the enemies off and boom thats a win. Then they get a bell from grogar that does the exact same thing? Sheesh. Cozy glow is a child you know where I stand, she never should have been a villan THAT big to actually endanger all magic, she should have been a school rival and thats it tbh. I woulda been ok if she was a racist baby Also although Chrysalis siding with other villans doesnt seem impossible, I feel like her ego is way too large for her to be anything other than a leader in that situation, even if she isn't the strongest-- Like how she butts head with the mean 6s twilight because both were too self centered to let another lead them, heh. She's super damn good even by herself, and she is absolutely NOT strong enough to be fighting all of the mane 6 or all of the princesses lmao (Which is why I wrote her to consider celestia her nemesis and want her attention and time everytime lmao. girls will antagonize other queens and engage them in combat for an excuse to touch them) Also no, I don't think I wanted grogar to be real, because just saying "Oh fuck this guy is super dangerous a thousand years ago trust me" isn't as effective as they'd thing. He might have worked better as a flashback villan for other heroes like celestia and the pillars to fight! I dont think he fits as a villan from g5 and I sure as hell don't need the legion of doom to return, the comics have wonderful stories for chrysalis already and that's all I need
If there's any reason I wished discord wasnt disguising himself as grogar it was just because his plan was deranged and dangerous and unecessary
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pizzapasta23045 · 2 years
i saw you reblogged something from with the tags saying you dont want to infodump about languages in teyvat but fun fact. i would Love to hear your thoughts about language in teyvat. i actually think there's evidence to support regional dialects apart from a common tongue that is spoken, but I would love to hear your thoughts
So, I will simply answer both of y'all here since you asked similar questions. Hope you don't mind ;)
There's this thing, it's an actual field of study in Teyvat, called the origin of language.
The Academya has these principals, to avoid their students going insane, called the cardinal sins. You might know them from Al Haitham's and Cyno's demos(? Either demos or teasers), it's also in Al Haitham's story quest and shit, either way, these are the principals.
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Most of these are legit very interesting because they are an extension of Celestia's will as the students that study them go crazy because they've found out something they shouldn't.
Now, for the sake of this theory let's ignore the others and look at just the fourth one.
Why would Etymology be so bad? You may ask.
Well! It's *puts tinfoil hat on* because of aliens.
Kidding. But not really.
So, brief history of the founding of Teyvat.
In an era known as the "old world," dragons and vishaps are the overlords of the world, with the Seven Sovereigns — dragon-lords at the apex of raw, whom ruled over seven nations, and each land they inhabited was attuned to their presence.
At some point, the Primordial One, also known as the "eternal throne of the heavens," appears in the world and colonizes the shit out of it like he goes ham, kills all the dragon lord, creates four shades, reshapes the world almost entirely.
After around 400 years, the Primordial One finishes preparing the world for the arrival of humanity.
Yes, Arrival. Humans are not native to Teyvat.
Humanity moves there and founds a gigantic civilization that last the entirety of Teyvat, which flourishes under the control of the first who came. It's destroyed later for complex reason, whatever whatever...
Thing is! Thing is! All humans descend from this one specific civilation and they speak one single language. Now, that leads me to believe that the reasln people from Sneznaya to Inazuma all speak the same language is because in Teyvat language doesn't seem to drift tremendously, like we can read shit from archon war time and shit.
It's like language not drifting is one of Teyvat's many laws and odd principles.
And yeah! That definitely could be narrative and handwaving but it's weird to handwaved shit when it's part of a much larger theory and shit.
So yeah, unified language theory.
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crazys-art · 6 months
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day 28 of martch - redraw old art
had this idea 4 years ago and now i have realized it lol. i put way too much thought into this so notes below
notes for designs i did while making this:
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i wanted them all to have unique eye shapes instead of defaulting to how i draw eyes normally because animal crossing characters dont have uniform eyes lol
also i worried wayy too much about some of the species choices lol. like. do i make junko a bear because monokuma, or does that give the twist away? do i make everybody a different species, or do i double dip in a few places to make the twin twist less predictable? ultimately decided fuck it im not writing the game im drawing fanart i can do what i want
when i first came up with this idea i'd only fully decided on the species of 7 of the cast so here's my train of thought for why they are what they are:
yasuhiro- easiest out of the way first. there's nothing else he could be but a frog. decided to give him the weird facial hair animal crossing sometimes gives their characters because its not animal crossing without a couple ugly guys (affectionate)
hifumi- big guy. elephant. made sense. gave him some pink accents despite not thinking it worked all that well to get that animal crossing authenticity yknow lol. plus he likes some cutesy things so he can have some pink as a treat
sakura- felt bad about making her a gorilla ngl- especially since she is. one of the three characters in this game with a darker skin tone. but literally no other species made sense for her. and ngl there are like. no gorilla villagers i like. so i tried my best to make her look cool as hell
sayaka- cat villagers are super popular, so might as well make the ultimate pop idol one, right?
asahina- okay this comes from bias on my part but in my new horizons my default uchi villager was a rabbit and asahina would 100% be an uchi villager so bada bing bada boom. ended up making her coat more orange than it actually is cause i wanted her to be red and didnt want it to clash.
mondo- im going to be completely honest. when i thought of this i was just like "oh that makes sense i always associated mondo with tigers i dont remember why tho." and i just double checked and not only are they in his execution but he also has tiger underwear. so. this ones canon imo
ishimaru- once again, wolf villagers are popular, and just made sense for him. hes a loyal rules guy, and more edgy than a dog- plus, it gives him a cat and dog dynamic with mondo! this concludes everyone that i came up with their species 4 years ago, below is the ones i decided now
kyoko: i was between anteater and wolf for her, and since i decided not to double dip on species, i went with anteater. idk, anteater villagers always seem so aloof and strange to me, it's just her vibe.
junko & mukuro: i was between bear, cat, and rabbit for them, and once again, avoided double dipping. bear is pretty obvious, but cat was because once again, cat villagers are so popular, and rabbit was because of the irony. junko's ears are also supposed to mimic the little monokuma hair ties she has lol
celestia: i was between anteater and ostrich, and i'd already chosen kyoko as the anteater. i didn't even remember that the ostrich villager was called ostrich for a bit, i kept thinking of her as a peacock, but then realized that was perfect for her whole european thing lol.
toko: i was between cat and squirrel, and sayaka was cat. her just being such a small bitter little guy is fitting for her i think.
chihiro: i was between hamster, rabbit, and mouse, and rabbit was taken. i think i only went with mouse because i wanted to draw that head shape, but i did realize after that that means they and mondo are a cat and mouse lol
makoto: i was between deer and dog, and honestly it all came down to his ahoge. if there was a way to have antlers and an ahoge, i would have done so, but honestly it worked out for the best i think. having a dog and cat relationship with sayaka + komaru and toko being dog and squirrel just worked too well.
togami: i was between horse and eagle and this was one of the hardest decisions. ultimately went with eagle simply because i didnt want to draw an animal crossing horse. this did end up making the squirrel be obsessed with the eagle which i do love. i kept trying to work blue into his design but it just did not work at all.
leon: oh leon. the hardest one to choose. i had to save him for until id decided everyone else lol. i was between bull, eagle, and tiger, and went with bull bc of double dipping. all three suited him equally i think it was hard to choose. also coloring him was hard too lol
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the-owl-tree · 5 months
Ok i know no ones brought up the topic in a bit but seeing the leopardstar shouldnt feel guilt and should be an antagonist leader reminded me
So on the topic of antagonist leaders, i dont feel like chrysalis shouldve been redeemed, i think its good actually to have some characters be irredeemable, and thats where i think it would’ve been perfect to have neighsay along with the full 3 villains be shown that anyone can be irredeemable while having examples of how others can be redeemed despite certains bad decisions theyve made
And have it be like
Chrysalis < Thorax
Neighsay < Starlight Glimmer(i wouldve prefer cozy glow but yanno)
Tirek < His brother Scorpan
And show that sometimes some people just dont want to change to newer ways because the old ways are what benefits them
And also, we need more girl villains and chrysalis is perfect like her whole thing never revolves around a man, like her taking over shining and cadances wedding wasn’t jealousy or envy but bc it was her food source which is so smart of her to target the obvs princess of love and her husband on their happiness day
And chrysalis DID get a chance for redemption, she actively refuses it bc shes pissed she doesn’t get to do it her way anymore, and i dont follow the whole “how could she have known there was a better way” bc she literally saw with her own eyes that her subjects can thrive by sharing love and not taking it, but since she wouldn’t be the only one benefiting from that power anymore, she didn’t want to change
Hell, even Thoraxs brother Pharynx changed after its shown that he still loved the hive and didn’t want to be “friendly” and the other changelings agree that they need Pharynx’s protection for the hive bc they did lose that part of them when they changed and were left unprepared for attacks until pharynx knew how to stop the mole from destroying the hive, like he CHANGED for his colony that he loved, Chrysalis absolutely could’ve done the same but shes better when she doesn’t bc it shows how selfish she is and thats awesome
i'm so sorry i'm probably the worst person to send this to because i've written about my ideal chrysalis redemption arc </3 i really wanted her to be revealed as having sympathetic motivations (feeding her hive) and just being desperate about her methods and then kissing celestia. i like the bug horse :)
but i get the appeal in keeping her a villain!
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dustofthedailylife · 2 years
I absolutely love your recent al-haitham fic. and me knowing being obsessed with lore in (hopefully you dont mind me pouring this to you!) in 1.1 scara founds that the skies of teyvat is a fake “The stars, the sky... It's all a gigantic hoax. A lie.” Then in 3.3 i think or 3.2 we got to see dottore for the first time and revisit the question to nahida about the sky being fake. and theorists been trying to figure that if you get close to finding about the big lie the world resets or something and with khaneri’ah being the godless city they found out about it and the unknown god destroyed the city and the survivors were turned into monsters and resets teyvat. i hope this makes sense?! this what I remember from a genshin lore video lol.
Thank you so much!! It makes me so happy to hear that your loved it! :3
And I absolutely don't mind you pouring this to me because omg I am obsessed with Genshin lore and I could ramble about it all day, literally.
Without further ado *dons tinfoil hat* let me ramble about lore and theories a bit here.
I have heard about that theory and it seems to make sense to some extent...
Khaen'riah didn't have a god but it is said that they at least were proficient in the Art of Khemia (as indicated by Gold/Rhinedottir aka. Albedo' and Durin's creator). As well as creating the automatons you still find throughout the world. This to me shows that they were definitely striving for wisdom and knowledge.
Seeing as they were a nation without a god who could "keep them in check" maybe they strayed too far and Celestia destroyed the nation before they could find anything out and cursed them. My theory here is that Celestia may actually be in place to keep "nations in check", a keeper of sorts. Every time a nail dropped from it somewhere it lead to some horrendous events. most prominently I'm thinking about Dragonspine whose population was wiped out and the area was turned into a frozen wasteland by the Skyfrost Nail a long time ago. Maybe something similar happened in Khaen'riah.
It doesn't help that all the archons keep quiet about the Cataclysm as well which doesn't help. Like, come on guys, indulge my curiosity, I need to know!
Maybe the "time reset" theory is also why when we start the game we basically land in Teyvat 500 years after the Cataclysm whereas our twin has already been a part of the world for a long time (and also has recordings in Irminsul, therefore is no descender like we are - that part still confuses me a lot. Like I cannot wrap my brain around how that is supposed to be possible. Maybe we'll ask Dain about it in the new 3.5 AQ? I need answers.)
After finishing the Sumeru AQ however I had to think back on the Havria story quest of Zhongli. Then he says something like "as long as people like you exist nothing in this world will ever be forgotten."
It also didn't help that we got to experience a small-scale time loop in the Sumeru AQ which many saw as a hint of Teyvat as a while being one. Me included.
This could indicate that the Archons (at least the ones who were there for it) may be aware of the time reset. And so far that would only be Zhongli and Venti of the ones we know. And they're both sus if you ask me. And that could mean the Tsaritsa knows too and her plan of collecting all the gnosi has to do with it and trying to oppose this. I don't believe that the Fatui are truly the bad guys here. It would be too obvious.
I also saw a video recently, which could be a modded or altered version of Genshin so this has to be taken with a huge grain of salt. But one player found the "login screen" door over Teyvat in the sky and jumped off at the end only to then land directly on the hands of the statue of Venti in Mondstadt city - which is also inscribed as "Gateway to Celestia" at the bottom. If this is true this opens some more possible options for theories.
I remember watching a video that claimed Teyvat was a simulation and since they also renamed "mihoyo" to "hoyoverse" it could indicate that they're trying to create a multiverse that is loosely tied together. Therefore "Teyvat" is actually a simulation in Honkai Impact the 3rd. I think it was called "the Ark" (I don't play Honkai so I don't 100% know anymore what they said in the video).
That and the fact that the Unknown God from the beginning of the game looked a lot like Kiana Kaslana from HI3. This may mean that the Travelers tried to enter "Project Ark" for some reason and she tried to stop them.
So many possibilities it makes my brain smoke >.<
Sorry if this was all a bit all over the place and incoherent but I tried to write down as many of my thoughts about the "world is a lie and the sky is fake" thing in a hopefully somewhat understandable manner. I still always feel like this guy when rambling about the lore of this game. Because omg, what we're told through quests is so surface-level it's driving me nuts.
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And you're welcome to ramble about lore to me any time. As you may see... I am quite invested myself 😂
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hiperacid2 · 1 year
still thinking about this w scaratrophe and i might elaborate before the thought gets lost hhhhh fuck it more utc its mostly lore about my self insert but i need to spit it out feel free to skip or not read its looong and mostly about my self insert specifically
soooo weve seen how powerful most vision holders are right, ningguang literally floating over the jade chamber and protecting the whole harbor, diluc makes a literal giant bird of fire and so on, right? tldr at the end
this is literally a bomb drop lol but my self insert is from khaenriah/enkanomiya born in the former, dad not biological, they originally flew from there and lived in yashiori before the cataclysm (yeah im immortal, not by choice tho), because of uuuuuuuuuuuh things... i got a pyro vision and learnt from the gokaden how to wield a polearm
also my affiliation is with the abyss💀💀💀💀 loyal only to abyss aether, ties with the fatui because pierro keeps insisting i should join their cause but also on a leash because of knowing how they operate and the looming favor debt over my head and the risk i pose to them
now that that's explained I'll explain why cyberhex, thinking about the clear canon complaint between not being that connected to irminsul due to not being teyvatian + being part abyssal like childe + vision user of almost 500 years i would be a powerhouse in abyssal army. that said there will be a head on war i just know it, inevitably i would have to end up fighting my beloved who i dont quite remember. i posted a few times dreams that nahida sees in inazuma!trophe that in reality are memories that survived irminsuls erasure partially
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^^ i can imagine in the peak of battle scara appears and as im getting ready to start firing i have a vivid flashback, thats why the sun -> pyro vision, freezing time -> the attack/ultimate, the rest explains itself lol the dread of having to stop and fight the one you promised to take care of, and most importantly your only home in the warpath of vengeance
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^^ this is if the hit lands/i get signora'd/my purpose of vengeance is fulfilled, bc thats why im immortal, out of spite and grief mortality was no more, aided by the abyss clinging to everything
tldr is me against teyvat/celestia, only one will stand victorious but i have the misfortune of die as i remember, or remember everything as he dies and watching it. either way its angst and suffering at losing the only person you consider the one
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alvie-pines · 1 year
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welcome to am i a system.txt
today i discovered the term "median system" which is between being a singlet and being plural and felt attached to it immediately. a lot of my experiences feel a little... sus, but i havent communicated with any distinct alters.
also, i forgot to mention in the doc (will have to add it after posting this) but the different "parts" of me kind of have their own names and pronouns, like i am alvie (he/it) my anger is raph (he/him) and little me is, i think she/they? or they/them. i cannot tell. i think their name is celestia. or maybe thats just me being a nerd. i remember being really attached to the name celestia as a kid because it was similar to my deadname, but cooler. i would not be surprised if my little self wants to go by my deadname or something similar, but it kind of makes me uncomfortable. this is just how i have been referring to these "parts" in my head and anything else just doesnt feel right. its not like they have come forward to distinctly tell me these things. i just feel that it is right.
ahsdhgh i just went to add that to the doc and this happened
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little me is twilight now, i guess? maybe? i hope bc celestia is way too close to my deadname for comfort ^^;
as im typing this i realize this looks VERY system-y and now im self conscious, like god what if im just a REALLY talented faker, convincing myself im a median system and having conversations with myself. am i just responding to my own thoughts or am i responding to an alter/facet? who knows! not me! i dont know to what degree youre supposed to attribute thoughts in your head to yourself vs other "parts" of yourself! i know singlets do this, right? talking to yourself? what separates singlets talking to themselves from systems talking to facets or alters?
... so anyways, disclaimer. i might be lying to myself hardcore and if that turns out to be the case later you cant hold me liable. or whatever. sob i wish i could just ask a magic rock whether im plural
also in case anyone is reading this and wants to give their 2 cents i do have trauma, i was abused by 2 different people for 18 years and have been diagnosed with c-ptsd
ummmm okay yeah, this is one of my most rambly and stream-of-consciousness-y posts ever. good bye im closing this app now
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exemeows · 2 years
sorry i need to rant about this real quick but spoilers for mlp g4 and 5
alicorns are so interesting in the mlp universe bc its more than  being a unicorn and pegasus youre ALSO part earth pony and everyone forgets about that. they have the flight and weather control of pegasi, the magic or unicorns, and the strength of earth ponies. also while most of them were born alicorns (celestia, luna, flurryheart) also regular ponies can BECOME alicorns (twilight and cadence) by celestia and luna which makes you think of alicorns from before celestia and luna, were their parents alicorns? or just one? were they the /first/ alicorns? how did ponies react to the first alicorn(s)? also, all alicorns we have seen are females, can males become alicorns?
this isnt even taking g5 into account. g5 makes it so much more interesting because celestia and luna are gone in g5 because this is presumably thousands of years after the events of g4/fim but sunny still becomes an alicorn, but her alicorn powers are ESPECIALLY interesting because she isnt fully an alicorn. she's an earth pony, but can somehow channel transparent wings and horn to become an alicorn
we dont know a lot about her powers because g5 is just starting but i hope we get to understand her powers and what happened to separate the pony races because its so fhjkgjhkdfjd
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