#but Aunt Elvira is here!
ducktoonsfanart · 4 months
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Happy Mother’s Day - Duck family - Grandma Duck with her grandchidren and great-grandchildren - Della Duck with her sons and Daisy Duck with her nieces - Duckverse and Quack Pack - Duck Family in Quack Pack AU
Although I'm late, I certainly wish all mothers, grandmothers and aunts a happy Mother's Day!
Yes, it depends on the country (in Mexico it is celebrated on May 10th, in Britain on March 10th, in some Orthodox countries it is two weeks before Christmas), but generally it is taken on the second Sunday of May and yes, the mother is an extremely important figure in the family because it gives offspring and preserves it and takes care of it. Also, there is a lot of religious significance, especially in the Christian one, when you look at Mary, the mother of Jesus, who took care of Jesus until Jesus started his activity and teaching others. Also, there are a lot of fictional mothers in various literary works, films, plays, comics, video games and cartoons of various genres. Well, it's the same in Donald Duck comics and Donald Duck cartoons, which I'm particularly attached to.
Of course, so that I didn't do anything related to that holiday (and there will be those drawings for sure), I will post earlier drawings like the ones I did last year, only on this blog of mine where I publish my drawings, otherwise I did this last year related to Duckvember themed around mother ducks. I chose three maternal figures from the Duckverse (Disney comics and Ducktales) namely Grandma Duck, Daisy and Della Duck.
The first drawing was related to the 80th anniversary of her first appearance, and I mean Grandma Duck (Elvira Coot). And certainly she is responsible for the development of Donald Duck, as well as his sister and his cousins. And all her children are together, some around her and some in the portraits. Yes, I drew Grandma Duck (Elvira Coot) as I envision her in the Quack Pack version, as well as the rest of the Duck family. Yes, she's alive in my version of the Quack Pack AU, only she's much older, but mostly she's happy to have living descendants around to take care of her. Especially grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
The other drawing I did was Della Duck with her sons, Huey, Dewey and Louie plus Phooey Duck (Donald’s fourth lost nephew) and Daisy Duck with her nieces, April, May and June Duck. Della and Daisy are mother figures to them, and their children are teenagers. Yes, as in the previous drawing, I drew in the Quack Pack version or the way I imagine. I hope you like it. The music that inspired me to draw this I took from there: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BoH89vxiQDk
The family photos and portraits you can see in the background are Quackmore Duck, Hortense Duck (McDuck), Goostave Gander, Daphne Gander (Duck), Eider Duck, Lulubelle Duck (Loon), Fanny Coot and Aunt Gertie. Others in this drawing are Donald Duck, Daisy Duck, Della Duck, Fethry Duck, Gus Goose, Abner Whitewater Duck, Kildare Coot (Sgrizzo), Huey, Dewey and Louie Duck, Phooey Duck, April, May and June Duck, Dugan Duck (Fethry’s nephew) and Shamrock Gander (Gladstone’s nephew). 
You can also see here, since this is my repost of my drawings after all: https://ducktoonsfanart.tumblr.com/post/733931302533955584
If you like this, feel free to like and reblog this, but please don't copy these same ideas of mine, without mentioning me and without my permission. Thank you! Also, to all mothers, aunts and grandmothers, I wish you a happy Mother's Day! Certainly, Grandma Duck, Daisy Duck and Della Duck deserve all the respect from me, as great parents!
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the-gadabout-gander · 8 months
Nobody asked but here's my headcanon on Gladstone's guardians as he grew up
Like most Gladstone Stans I do subscribe the Daphne-Goosetave parentage, including the bit where he ends up orphaned, and like any proper Gladstone Angst Enjoyer, Sign of The Triple Distelfink and his unlucky birthday are part of it.
And then for a long time I figured he lived with Grandma Duck and Gus until suddenly he didn't and he was with Ludwig, but then I read the skies of farm town.
I enjoy the Farm Town Stories on their own; I don't really ship Gladstone with girls, tho, so the love interest storyline doesn't factor into most of my headcanons.
What did wriggle into my brain, tho, is Olivia Duck. Introduced as a Maternal Aunt who Also has the miraculous Good Luck. The comic posits that she raised Gladstone, until a turning point when he hit a certain age where their Luck began to counteract each other, turning him unlucky around her, at which point she moved far away. In the present she also has. Awkward relationships with her relatives.
Anyway that felt perfect lol. Adding a sister for Daphne to not only balance out the gender ratio of Grandma's kids, but also Olivia's departure giving an opening for a custody transition for whatever reason onto Matilda McDuck and/or Ludwig Von Drake
So now my hc/nearly-oc version of Olivia is like. Daphne's twin sister, both being given the luck of the Triple Distelfink. But while Daphne is more subdued and modest about her fortune, Olivia...isn't Gladstone levels of arrogant, but she's much more pragmatic. And honestly it just feels right that one of Elvira's kids felt stifled on the farm vs in the big city and flew the coop ...
...until she hears word abt her sister's death, leaving behind a young nephew with the same magic luck. And then she's moved, not all the way back to the farm, but to nearby Duckburg, to raise him.
Until their respective lucks go haywire around each other, and for maximum angst potential let's hc that to happen when he's just around 13. And she feels it's best for his own safety that she get as far away from him as possible.
Leaving Grandma with a young traumatized teen with attachment issues, and limited support beyond her daughter-in-law's sister, who has a good friend who, well...
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hel-phoenyx · 10 months
A will reading is quite the difficult task. Would it be from a normal family, or one as dysfunctionnal and shattered as the van Heel were.
They were back there a month after Adelheid's tragic death by morphine-induced euthanasia. A family reunion most unexpected, gathering not only the children of the first dutch fortune, but also her brother, unable to hide his vindictive smile, his ex-wife, recently divorced after a serial cheating scandal, and all of the little cousins : some here willingly, some forced, and Annelies, who even if she wasn't the five year-old child they knew before the van Heel trial anymore, didn't understand at all what was at stake.
All she knew was that her cousins she hasn't seen in person for so long were back, and that they brought her presents for her birthday. It didn't matter that said birthday was a month ago, the happiness was still there.
Her delighted screams were the only light of that somber day.
"Emerens! Elvira! Mareva! I missed you so much!"
A tired smile formed on her cousin's lips. Annelies wasn't the only one who missed her cousins, and her smile full of joy was enough for Emerens to hope this day woudn't be too tiring.
"Hi, Annie. Nice to see you too, lil' fairy. Still into dinosaurs ?"
"You bet ! Are those presents for me ?"
"Well, I doubt Leonard would enjoy pterodactly-shaped presents..."
Said Leonard rolled his eyes, but kept his mouth shut. After all, it was about the happiness of his little sister, the only one in the family that didn't hate him the slightest. And he knew better than to cross Emerens when he had that tired expression.
All of them knew better.
Annelies unpacking her gifts, Emerens sighed before shaking hands with the rest of the family. Even Leonard, which was surprising, or his aunt, looking at him with a sort-of regretful look. The only one ignored, be it by Emerens or his sisters, was their uncle.
Even at almost sixty, he still knew how to scoff disapprovingly.
"Where are your manners, boy?"
"I would ask you the same thing," hissed Mareva with a rictus. "You didn't even look in our general direction."
Their uncle completely ignored the youngest van Heel sister. He was fixiated on Emerens, his eyes gleaming with victory. After all, he thought, that will reading only means one thing for him : That fortune Adelheid ripped away from him years ago was finally back into his hands. Years late, but who cared ? He was a very patient man. And his nieces and nephew were deemed unworthy.
Emerens knew that. As much as he knew his uncle didn't care about his stance on the matter as much as he himself didn't care about that will.
As such, why would he care about a sad, sad man pursuing money he didn't want ? Being here was enough of a force of will. Knowing their family, there would be a mandatory trip to the retirement house their grandparents were, after the visit of the tomb where rested a woman presenting him as a poisoned gift her very last moments.
Both the family and the money they harbored were a poison.
"Please try to be civil, uncle. The whole family is here."
"With most difficulties to reunite, may I remind you, boy," sneered the man, savoring his victory. "What were you doing in Japan, exaclty, that warranted a month between poor Addie's death and the will reading ? Still indulging in that childish lifestyle of yours?"
Mareva crossed her arms in disapproval.
"Just say you wanted to see the money in your account immediatly and get it over with, uncle. None of us care about your antics nor your opinion."
The sharp tone of the youngest sister, added with her signature icy stare, promplty put and end to the venom-spitting. That, added with the realisation the inheritance cost him the approval of the rest of his family, was enough to bring back the silence in the attorney's waiting room. A silence only broken by the sound of Annelies playing with her new toys, and the occasionnal sound coming from Justen's phone.
Finally, the door opened, revealing master Berkenbosch in the flesh, holding a sealed enveloppe. He went to shake hands with all of the family, including Annelies pushed by her mother to say hello to the attorney. The courtesy were quickly cut short by a very in a rush uncle, hurrying in the office to sit on one chair.
"Money-hungry fucker," grumbled Carlijn, talking for the first time since the beginning of the family reunion. "At least act a little bit sad, your fucking sister just died."
"That would be hypocritical," said Emerens, a little wicked smile forming on his lips. "Do I look sad to you?"
"Fair point."
She followed her father in the office, before Leonard who sighed and took Justen and Annelies by the hand. Their mother soon followed, leaving only the siblings and Willelmien in the waiting room.
Willy shrugged, looking at Emerens.
"I still don't get why we all had to be here."
"Adelheid's wishes," said Elvira. "Frankly I don't get it either. Both Emerens and I are exonered of that by law. But we still had to be here... I have a bad feeling about this."
"Yeah, me too," added Mareva, the worry weighing on her face. "She woudn't make that much drama to just give it all to her brother."
Emerens closed his eyes.
"Let's not talk about bad outcomes, you're gonna jinx it. Let's just get this over with."
The three women nodded, and followed Emerens in the office, taking the last available chairs. Master Berkenbosch waited for them to settle before showing to all the enveloppe, thick enough to hold the whole van Heel empire.
"Apologises for the delay. You see, mister and mrs van Heel's deaths were so close that we had to first handle the matter of mr van Heel's will. Since he left all of his possessions to mrs van Heel, we had to treat them as part of her last wishes."
His face went a bit sour.
"It was most difficult considering her will was sealed. But we managed to reach a legal outcome satisfying enough. Some things probably will still need to be worked out after the reading, though."
"Sealed ?!" Exclamed Leonard, his face dripping absolute stupefaction. "Why would it be sealed ? She wasn't stupid to the point where she, sick and bedridden, would believe herself sharp enough to handle alone the succession of a whole financial empire !"
"Yes, sealed," sighed the attorney. "She got legal councelling of course, more considering she was unable to write, but my colleague has swore secrecy. This made things complicated."
"I told you not to jinx it," grumbled Emerens in a low voice. Willy laughed a little bit. Not for long, though. The implications of Adelheid's will being sealed were too heavy, and all the van Heels were starting to realise that.
Why would it be sealed if not to make it a surprise for everyone involved, secret until it would be impossible to change for any of the involved parties ?
Doubt was creeping on the so-proud uncle's face. Said doubt that gripped Emerens's heart with the strenght of a falcon's claw. All this time he would slither out of evey family related matter. His emancipation, the trial, Adelheid's last moments, all this done to cut ties with a heavy-blooded past.
But falcons always were snakes' predators.
The attorney unsealed the enveloppe, pulling out pages and pages of the will. All would be handled well, he trusted, according to the law : Adelheid van Heel wasn't woman who didn't think of all outcomes. He was well-prepared for whatever he would say to the only living and able members of the family, all gathered in front of him.
Despite all this, however, his face turned into a frown when he read the first words.
"I, Adelheid Elizabeth Leonora van Heel, hereby leave all my possessions..."
The uncle winced in surprise. All of it ? Even he didn't hope to have that much. He expected at least part of the money to go to his children, espacially considering the help Leonard and Justen were in managing the empire during her sickness. Maybe some of it to Mareva, considering Adelheid was hellbent on keeping him out of her business. but not all of it to one person.
He was starting to believe this person wasn't him.
No matther, he thought. The heir would probably be Leonard. Justen was too young to handle the whole weight of the empire. And he still had enough grip on his son to at the very least get enough money for a comfortable retirement with all he ever wanted, on his foolish younger sister's money.
In the entirety of humankind, a man had never been more wrong.
"My actions, my entreprises, my housing and all my personal fortune..."
Stress was rising in the office for very different reasons.
But the attorney carried on. Merciless.
"... To my son, Emerens Michael Andreas van Heel, effective the moment the present will is read."
There was more words to be said.
But none of them could hear them.
Only the buzzing of Adelheid very last trick was ringing in their ears.
Nine heads turned towards Emerens. Nine looks varying from worry to extreme disgust, going through absolute surprise.
Nothing close of the horror displayed on his face.
"What ?!?!?"
"You piece of shit !!!"
The expression on the face of the ridiculed uncle was far, far from that never-ending calm and smooth victory he displayed earlier. Once out of the attorney's office, after hours and hours of legal talking, his very first action was to grab his nephew by the collar, pushing him against the wall.
Green eyes looked in green eyes with the exact same disgust.
"How the fuck are YOU the one favored ?! You're not even a part of this family anymore because of your fucking childish behavior !"
"Father, shouted Leonard, let him go right now-"
But there was no one to listen to that very well-meaning demand. Emerens felt the hands of his uncle tighten on his neck, ready for the kill. Not that it would benefit him. Would he die right now, all his possessions would go to his daughter as of the law.
Maybe he should make a will too. After all, we never know when the self-destructing feeling would win against his willpower.
"Why are you asking me ?" He hissed, putting all the disgust that sad, angry man inspired him in his sultry voice. "Do you think I wanted this ? Do I look like the kind of man that would only come back in a family he got emancipated from only to get all the money?"
The obvious answer was no, and even the stupidest of idiots would get that. Leonard, trying with all his little jurist's strenght to pull his father away from his cousin, got that. Carlijn, looking at the confrontation with ureadable eyes, got that. Even his aunt, whose presence indicated she probably hoped to get something more from the divorce, got that.
But the uncle, lost in his rage and loss and stupefaction, didn't.
"Don't sass me, boy. You know damn well you're not entirely a stranger in this mess ! I could so easily sue you for abuse of the inheritance laws... Who's to tell you didn't kill her and fabricated the will, you little bitch ?!"
The accusation was heavy. Heavier than the sudden silence in the waiting room. Leonard stopped pulling his father's arms, Carlijn's eyes were wide in stupefaction, and even Justen and Annelies weren't saying a damn thing. Rage was burning on Elvira and Mareva's side, with Willy looking absolutely disgusted by her father, but nothing could compare to Emerens' face, trapped in the coldest of ice.
"How dare you, uncle ?! Screamed Elvira with absolute disgust. Were you there when she died to throw such words to us?!"
"Fucking apologize," hissed Mareva. "Apologize to all that damned family for that damned scene!"
But there was no reasoning to be done.
Knowing he hit a nerve, the uncle smiled. Wickedly.
"Not denying, are we ? Yes, boy, I know you were there when she died, alone in the same room! I know the executor of the euthanasia was made unclear on the contract, I know doctors weren't present for a long time! What conjecture is there to be made, Emerens ?"
Maybe he thought he won, with his threat, far less empty than we would believe it to be. Maybe he thought he would see his nephew, a boy he considered so weak, fold and renegociate the terms of the will to avoid a scandal. Maybe he thought he could manipulate the heir van Heel.
Whatever he thought didn't prepare him to the venomous expression his victim harbored.
Claws gripped the uncle's wrist, eyes widened, and slitted pupils pierced through that oh so solid resistance he believed to harbor.
Words followed that piercing gaze. Words carrying icebergs with every letter.
"What's the rush, uncle ? You look so eager to put me to court, I'd almost believe there is a hidden motive. Tell me, do I have to learn about more illegitimate cousins you have to pay pension to?"
the sudden noise coming from behind was probably the sound of Leonard choking on his own saliva, or maybe Carlijn hysterical laugh or the outraged exclamations of his aunt put in front of the evidence. None of that noise reached Emerens, though. His uncle was still holding his collar, but his wicked expression was shattering, revealing behind a world of shock and panic.
Not that he cared about that.
"Throwing accusations so hastily, a shame for the legacy you are so proud of, wouldn't you think ? And so baseless compared to the countless mothers that come to trial to try and rip from you part of the family fortune. Yes, I know all about your little scheming," he smiled, more and more icy. "You never were a man to be trusted with secrecy..."
"Why you-!"
"So yeah, take me to court for a fortune I never wanted, see what good it brings to you when the judge realize there is no proof of what you are accusing me. Prove to the world why exactly you weren't even a part of that will. Expose how much you were unfit of being the heir van Heel."
A prey. That's what was his uncle at this exact moment. Holding the snake's neck does nothing about the venom he spit in your mouth. And the grip of that detested nephew was less of fingers grabbing his wrist, and more of the trap laid by a boa's tail, ready to swallow hin whole.
There was no rebuttal to be done.
Only running away to save what was left of him.
One by one, the van Heels left the attorney's waiting room. Some of them spared a worried look to Emerens, still against the wall, still engulfed in ice. Finally, were only left him, his sisters and Willy, looking at him with a sisterly-worried gaze.
Her first words, however, werent what he expected them to be.
"Did you kill her ?"
"Of course not, he sighed. I have every reason to, but she doesn't deserve my falling in madness. She did, however, die in front of me."
"Yeah, I expected as much, said Elvira. That outcome is weird, tho."
"Agreed, added Willy. Like, after today even more, I knew that piec of crap woudn't get anything, acting like he did. But I didn't expect all of this to go to you. Why not Mareva, or even Leonard and Justen ?"
Mareva grimaced.
"I have a theory, if Emerens wants me to say it..."
"Go ahead. We'll probably agree on that, anyway."
She nodded.
"Adelheid was hellbent on creating her own lineage. The problem is that it was doomed from the start, after Emerens's emancipation and our running away. Giving her possessions back to her brother would be an acknowledgment of defeat. And I don't think she believed Leonard or Justen fit to handle everything. No matter what happened, it would be the end of the van Heel legacy as she believed it to be."
"So," completed Emerens with a tired tone, "she did exactly what she knew would piss off all of us the most. She gave everything to the most unwilling one."
Elvira gritted her teeth in disgust, eyes brimming with rage.
"That old, stupid, disgusting fucking hag-"
"I do believe she still thought of you as the most fit for the job, Emerens, added Mareva, cutting right through Elvira's insults. You did show abilities she endorsed as worthy. But for the rest, I agree with you. She couldn't have not known you would destroy everything she worked for the moment you got the option to."
A smirk found its way on Emerens's face, full of the spite he harbored since he was thirteen.
"You bet I will. Let's have a little cousin reunion so I can share all of this shit in the most anticapitalist way."
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kiiriminna · 1 year
Hi! I just wanna ask, in your hc what happened to Hortense and Quackmore? And if they're dead, there's a chance abt Donald being adopted by Scrooge and Glomgold (or Scrooge and Goldie) as their son (and Downy's little brother)?? I love your drawings!
Buckle up, since this will take some time…
So, yeah. In my head-canon, both Hortense and Quackmore are dead. I just can’t find any other (good) way to explain their absence (it’s already hard enough in Della’s case…).
Donald and Della were probably rather young when this happened – I’ll go with around... seven years old (eight at most). It was a car crash, yet the circumstances are still unclear; but I think that Hortense and Quackmore started to argue about something (“You should have turned left!” “No, this is the right way!”), and then, in that critical moment, something happened and –
They didn’t die immediately on the impact. Maybe they even had the change to say their good-byes to each other. One of them died on they way to the hospital; another one – I think it was Hortense? – held on little longer, long enough that her family had the changer to see her, even if she at that point was already fallen in coma, of which she never woke up.
Donald was raised by his grandma, but Scrooge always had a big role in his life, coming to visit them almost every weekend and all. He likes giving Donald some rather… terrible life advises, but also indulges him by joining in his games and telling stories about his past.
So, in my hc, Scrooge and Donald are definitely closer than what they are in canon (especially in Don Rosa’s comics), and he do play the role as a father-figure, even if no-one dares to say it out loud.
(As what comes to Della, my head-canon is split; she’s sometimes raised alongside of Donald, but sometimes she was taken in by Matilda, and if Scrooge in that case had any contact with her or not, depends on what kind of relation he’s having with his sister in that storyline.)
Now, in the stories where my OC’s exist, Donald is more closer with Scrooge’s granddaughter, Rosie, than what he is with her mother, aka his cousin Downy. That’s mostly because of their ages: Downy is about twenty years older than Donald, so she mostly plays the role of a cool older cousin/younger aunt, who encourages you to try new things and helps you to hide all the evidence of your misgivings.
Rosie, in the other hand, is six or so years younger than Donald, and totally sees him (and Della, again, if she’s around) as her older siblings. She admires Donald greatly and follows him into any mischief he can come up with.
If Scrooge and Flintheart are in relationship during Donald's childhood – sometimes they are, sometimes they aren’t – he’s known as the grumpy uncle who doesn’t so much play with you but is the first one to rush in to check you for injuries if he hears even a one crash or yell (that’s because he isn’t as used to children as Scrooge and Elvira are, and doesn’t know just how endurable they actually are).
So, long story short: Donald wouldn’t be adopted by Scrooge (I wouldn’t do that to Elvira!), but he would have two uncles to (grudgingly) bow to his whims, an older cousin who would turn a blind eye to all his mischief as long as it wouldn’t be anything life-threatening, and a younger cousin who would adore him no matter what.
Aaaand then there's still my Ducktales AU, but let's leave it out of this... for now.
Here you go! It’s a bit long answer, but, like you see, my head-canon sifts a bit from story to story and I wanted to make this as inclusive as possible.
And thanks for the compliment!
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taanoir · 2 years
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Cas came up to Elvira's room to enlist her help. He started by telling her about the Gregor boy. Elvira laughed, she wasn't interested. Markus was nice but she wasn't going to give up on her goals. He smiled, that was the reaction he was expecting.
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Then he got into the meat of the matter and conveyed everything Mari had told him. Elvira was gobsmacked, that was horrid piece of gossip and slander. She wanted to know if he had talked to Clara or Luis. He hadn't he was here ask for her help.
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She would talk to Clara but Cas would have to talk to Luis.
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A few days later when Elvira came in from university, Clara was sitting in the parlor having supper. Elvira sat down and laid the situation out to Clara. Predictably, Clara was upset but this time it wasn't at Luis. Elvira let her know that Aunt Mari was getting to the bottom of the situation but she needed to be aware.
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The girls talked well into the evening. They took their familiar spots at the chess table, they had countless conversations here. There was a certain comfort in the stiff chairs and the gleam of the pieces. Clara told Elvira she had been considering taking a position as a Nanny after finishing school until she could find a good husband. Elvira explained she would need more than a primary school education for that. Clara's face fell as disappointment washed over it. She had always planned to get married after school, have a family and have a happy life like her parents had. Aldo had ruined everything she had planned, like a huge wave taking the sand out from under her feet. Elvira reminded her that it's her life, not mother and father's. She can't live their life, she has to make her own. Sometimes things go differently than we plan, we have to make new plans. This gave Clara a lot to think about, she was deeply unhappy and didn't know which way to go.
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tamtam-go92 · 2 years
The custom Uberhood - Emerald Heights
Round 1: Mon - Tue
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Emerald Heights used to be all green once. It was a nice garden town. But then something has changed Emerald Heights forever! It dried out all of sudden and became a wasteland. But then the highway was lain down and Emerald Heights became a busting desert city as it is today! With so many sims moving in and so many changes going on in such a short time frame, what will Emerald Heights become next?
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We start our story in the wealthy part of town around Old Cedar Lane, City Park Street and Harbor Drive. The time-honored family of the Rotspatzes live here since three generations with the fourth just about the find their places in life.
Rotspatz I:
It was the Rotspatz family that settled in first in Emerald Heights. They witnessed the development of Emerald Heights, but they have never really been pleased with the results. Esmee and Desiree are still determined to do everything they can, just to save Emerald Heights and make it a nice green garden town again, just as it was before everyone moved in. But with such a mayor like Caesar Rafferty, will they be able to do anything at all?
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Esmee wants her daughter to be a witch, just like her and the rest of the family and pass her witch power onto her descendants. One day, she will use her ancestors' power to save Emerald Heights from that unfair mayor. They might not be able to change Emerald Heights into a green garden town, but she doesn't want to give up for some reason...
Esmee Rotspatz: female, elder, witch Family/Knowledge (Become Captain Hero) Pisces (5/10/8/10/0) unemployed, OTH Games Traits: Charismatic, Absent-minded, Lucky, Family-oriented, Supernatural Fan
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Desiree would do everything to see that Mr. Caesar Rafferty going down. He ruined Desiree's life. And Desiree's determined to take revenge. She's got a plan but she's waiting for the time to come...
Desiree Rotspatz: female, elder, witch Fortune/Knowledge (Earn §100 000) Pisces (5/10/8/10/0) unemployed, OTH Games Traits: Good sense of Humor, Can't stand Art, Geek, Ambitious, Computer Whiz
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Elvira sometimes feels neglected by her mother and aunt. Elvira sometimes wants to escape from them and live at her cousin's house - just like Isaiah. But for some reason, Esmee and Desiree don't allow that. What's going on in their minds? Only Katelyna seems to be normal in this house...
Elvira Rotspatz: female, child, Sim Grow up Capricon (10/2/1/10/10) Private School, OTH Cuisine Traits: Clumsy, Cheerful, Vegetarian
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Katelyna wonders who her father really is or was... But nobody wants to tell her anything about her dad. But one day, she'll find her dad! She's determined to.
Katelyna Rotspatz: female, adult, witch Romance/Popularity (Become Celebrity Chef) Aries (8/10/8/0/0) Medicine Career, OTH Music and Dance Traits: Social Butterfly, Can't stand Art, Drummer, Romantic, Cat Lover
Challenges Rolled for - round: Write a novel: You've been hit by the writing muse and are itching to start a novel. Write d2 novels and see what the publishers think of your new talent. - season: Regular Season: Nothing Major Happens - week: Regular Week: Nothing Major Happens -> Esmee will be the one to write the two books.
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totallyhussein-blog · 2 years
All hail the Queen of Halloween, Elvira: Mistress of the Dark!
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Elvira is the hostess with the mostest in this positively bursting-at-the-seams big screen debut, Elvira: Mistress of the Dark! Having just quit her job as a Los Angeles TV horror hostess, Elvira receives the unexpected news that she's set to inherit part of her great aunt Morgana's estate. 
Arriving in the small town of Fallwell, Massachusetts to claim her inheritance, Elvira receives a less than enthusiastic reception from the conservative locals - amongst them, her sinister uncle Vincent, who is secretly scheming to steal the old family spellbook for his own nefarious ends... 
Quirky and stuffed to the brim with more double entendres than your average Carry On movie, 1988's Elvira: Mistress of the Dark helped solidify the horror hostess (played by Cassandra Peterson) as a major pop culture icon, here owning every inch of the screen with her quick wit, sass, and of course her enhancing gown!
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The woman behind the icon known as Elvira, Mistress of the Dark, the undisputed Queen of Halloween, Cassandra Peterson reveals her full story, filled with intimate bombshells, told by the bombshell herself. “Couldn’t you die?”
In Yours Cruelly, Elvira: Memoirs Of The Mistress Of The Dark, Cassandra Peterson doesn’t shy away from revealing exactly who she is and how she overcame seemingly insurmountable odds. 
Always original and sometimes outrageous, her story is loaded with twists, travails, revelry and shocking experiences. It is the candid, often funny, and sometimes heart-breaking tale of a Midwest farm girl’s long strange trip to become the world’s sassiest Halloween icon.
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serpentorslair · 5 days
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bluemoonperegrine · 2 months
Moon doof ramblings
@vicarious-rebel and I often go on tangents when chatting. Here are some of the most recent ones. There are sort of vague Hallmark by Knight spoilers along the lines of...
...the doofs being together for the rest of their lives, so these are things that will happen. Proceed with caution, or not. 😊
Context: speculating that Steven will likely blurt out something in front of Monique sooner than later that only makes sense if he's part of a system
Steven: So Jake was already grouchy and was about to get in the bloke's face. There was no need for that, so I elbowed my way to the front--I don't like doing that, of course, but sometimes you have to be a li'l rude, you know?--and sorted it right out. The bloke was… wot?
Monique: 😳
Steven: Bloody hell.
Can you imagine the grandpa stories from these two? We've discussed this some already, but from the pov of "crazy shit life has thrown at us" it's pretty bonkers
"yeah we had to deal with a human traficking cartel" "oh we also had to deal with my abuela for a time" "oh hey remember when we had to fight that [spoiler redacted]? man that was crazy"
We've already said that the younger Russells will make a game out of figuring out which parts of the tall tales are legit. not-a-spoiler: most of them
"Remember that time we went camping with your friend who was visiting and met a swamp monster?" "Yeah, that was fun. Then she and I blew up a canal!" "Good times!"
kid: what do you mean that actually happened????
doof: how do you think we got Ze'ev?
kid: I thought every family has a spooky elder
doof 1: No.
doof 2: We're lucky.
Marvel Addams family
lol, the Russell kids think that anyone who has a weird aunt or uncle has a monster one
no, kid. usually they're just weird humans
they are invariably disappointed when they find out
kid: I thought his Aunt Felicia was a mummy for sure. 😞
Russell kids after watching a horror/comedy movie with friends: This is just like family reunions!
friends: 😳
One of their adopted kids is a kinda goth girl. She's called Wednesday at school and is annoyed.
goth girl kid: wednesday is so boring, she's not even a real monster
😂 She's like "try harder."
"the only goth woman I mildly respect outside of my big sister is Elvira"
goth girl kid: Have you ever danced with a werewolf in the pale moonlight? No? Then sit your ass down.
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worryinglyinnocent · 5 years
Ficlet: Turkey Tribulations
It wouldn’t be Christmas without a Lab Nights fic and everyone’s favourite interfering elderly relative, Aunt Elvira. Just a little quick ficlet this year as I completely forgot about it until this morning.
The series so far can be found here. This fic takes place two years after part six.
Summary: Emma and Bae are hosting Christmas for the first time, and it’s not going exactly to plan.
Rated: G
Turkey Tribulations
"This is a disaster!"
"It really isn't."
"It is! They're arriving in ten minutes and the stuffing's burning and the potatoes are still raw and the turkey's going backwards!"
"Emma, calm down, everything's going to be fine, I promise."
"It's not! This is terrible!"
Bae grabbed Emma's wildly flailing arms before she could knock the pan of carrots off the stove.
"Em, please just breathe. It's just Christmas dinner. It's not the end of the world."
"I know, but..."
"No buts."
"But it's not going to be as good as Aunt Elvira's!"
There it was, the entire reason why Emma was having a mini nervous breakdown at the prospect of burnt stuffing and raw potatoes.
It was the first time that Bae and Emma were hosting Christmas lunch, and Emma had been in a complete tizz about it for the entire day, to the point of entering meltdown mode now with Gold, Belle and Rosie about to arrive.
She sighed; she really hadn't wanted to admit to Bae what was bothering her. She'd gone through her entire life not really caring too much what everyone thought of her, and now she was here, fretting about not having Christmas dinner to the perfect standard that she'd always had it at Bae's house. Why was she even that worried? It made no sense!
"Aunt Elvira isn't coming," Bae said, trying to mollify her and failing miserably. "She's on a Christmas Markets tour with her Knit and Natter group. She's in Lübeck right now."
"That doesn't make it any better! You've all been used to Aunt Elvira's amazing Christmas dinners since forever and now I've come along and ruined Christmas forever."
"You haven't, because I was the one in charge of the roast potatoes so it's a joint effort at ruination."
"Bae, you're not helping!"
"Sorry. Just trying to lighten the mood. Honestly, Em, it's going to be fine."
Emma let out a long breath, her shoulders slumping. "Why did we agree to do this?"
"Because we're Christmasochists." In spite of herself, Emma laughed. "Because we thought that doing Christmas was the ultimate test of adulthood? I don't know. Still, we're in it together, and the car's just pulled up so I'm going to go and waylay them and then I'll come back and we'll make a plan for rescuing this turkey."
Bae kissed her forehead and left the kitchen, and Emma leaned back against the cabinets, sinking down onto the floor with a groan. She knew that attempting to cook Christmas dinner in their tiny kitchen in their tiny flat was a bad idea. They should have waited until they were in a bigger place, but neither of them were exactly raking it in at the moment and she had no idea when that would be. She didn’t want to live her entire life in a state of ‘we’ll do it when there’s enough money/space/time’ because the way things were going, there never would be, and then she’d have missed out on all of life’s experiences.
Perhaps this was one she wouldn’t have minded missing out on.
In the living room beyond, she could hear Bae welcoming his parents and little sister, and getting them settled with drinks and things. At least the table was already laid so it looked like they were ready to host, even if the food was an entirely different story.
For a moment, Emma found herself wishing that Aunt Elvira had come after all and hadn’t taken advantage of not being designated caterer to go on holiday. Not that Emma begrudged her the holiday; Aunt Elvira had cooked Christmas dinner in the Gold household every year for the past thirty years, aside from the year she fell down the stairs and dislocated her collarbone on Christmas morning.
But if Aunt Elvira had come, then Emma would be able to ask her for cooking tips.
She grabbed her phone and stared at it for a long time. When Aunt Elvira had adopted her into the family, she’d given Emma her phone number, saying that she could always call if she needed a mad old woman’s advice at any time.
It was Christmas Day and Aunt Elvira was probably eating her own Christmas lunch at a very nice hotel in northern Germany, but it was a culinary emergency, and until Emma had met Bae and his family, she’d never been in a position whereby she had someone she could call on when she was at the end of her tether.
She dialled Aunt Elvira.
The phone rang for a very long time, and Emma was beginning to give up hope, before a familiar Scottish voice answered.
“Hello, Elvira Gold speaking. Sorry, I couldn’t find the phone in my knitting bag and then it got tangled up in the crochet pot plant holder. In fact it’s still tangled up in the crochet pot plant holder, I look like a right wally with all this pink wool stuck to my ear.”
“Hello, Aunt Elvira. Merry Christmas. It’s Emma.”
“Emma! How are you? Merry Christmas! It’s lovely to hear from you. How’s Christmas dinner going?”
“Well, that’s actually the reason I called you. It’s, well, not going. Nothing looks like it’s cooking and the roast potatoes just won’t roast.”
“All right, let’s see what we can do to salvage this then. I’m sure everything will be fine. Where’s that errant nephew of mine? Either of them. Actually, both of them. The secret to a great Christmas dinner is delegation. All hands on deck now!”
Emma called Bae into the kitchen, and put Aunt Elvira on speakerphone as she handed out sage advice. It was clear that the other women in the Knit and Natter group were also getting in on the action, and Emma wondered how many sweaters and crochet plant pot holders she and Bae were going to get next year.
Finally, the meal was coming along nicely, with all disasters recovered. And, as Emma looked around at the pots and pans, she reflected they hadn’t really been all that disastrous.
“Thank you, Aunt Elvira.”
“Think nothing of it, my dear. It was a team effort, after all. I’m sure that it will taste wonderful, and remember that even if it doesn’t, it’s really not the turkey that everyone’s going to remember. It’s the day itself.”
Although Emma was really not the hugging type, she was definitely going to hug Aunt Elvira when she saw her at Hogmanay. 
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elvira-macabre · 2 years
“🕯️:A buried treasure”
My Muse is in the Darkness. A lone candle is all they have to light their way. Send “🕯️:____” along with something They’d encounter in the Dark for their reaction.
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"Why must it always be pitch black dark in cellars like this?!" Elvira exclaimed while rummaging around in her own cellar, only with a candle in her hand. "Guess it needs to match my attic in some kind of way..." She rolled her eyes and went a little deeper in while lighting her way left and right with the flame of the candle only to find some dusty shelves, mostly empty or filled with jars full of whatever. Then the candle lightened something else - a really old looking trunk. The one she found in the attic with Bob revealed a lot more from her past than she was ready to process in that moment - what the heck was she about to discover now?
"Gee, what is it with all those trunks in this house!?" Elvira questioned herself while approaching the trunk and kneeling down. She softly ran her hand over the wooden lid and wrinkled her nose at the amount of dust on it. "If I ever hire a cleaning service they need to start with the attic and the cellar - and they better bring a huge vacuum." She hesitated a moment more but then started to open the lid carefully. "Whoa, maybe I'm about to discover where my aunt kept all the moula around here." Her eyes sparkled despite the poor lighting. Finally the lid was open and swirled up a cloud of dust, which made Elvira cough for a moment before she could get a glimpse of what was inside of the trunk.
Disappointment spreaded on Elvira's face as she only saw old scrunched up paper sheets on the surface. With the candle she ensured it was really just paper and not the money she hoped for. She then started rummaging through the paper which swirled up more dust, which led to more coughing - but than she touched something firm but familiar. She tried to get a good grip on one of the objects and pulled it out. "Oh my godzilla!" She screamed as she read what was written on it. "This is an original film reel from House on Haunted Hill!" She threw the paper out of the trunk and discovered a lot more original film reels from some of her favorite horror movies. "Looks like my aunt had a great taste in films." Elvira laughed while looking at her discovery. "Well, it's not money but definitely some kind of treasure."
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lettheladylead · 3 years
Not Your Aunt
Chapter 8: Webby [ao3 link]
It had officially been one week since Goldie first stepped foot in the manor. And she was still there. This was the longest she’d ever spent in Scrooge’s home since his cabin in the Klondike (excluding times when she was sick or injured, of course).
She was pretty sure, by this point, that Scrooge was avoiding her. He’d been spending a lot of time with his daughter (or whatever) and a lot of time at the Money Bin trying to fix the many issues that cropped up over the past few months with his money managers betraying him, but then even the time he did spend at the manor seemed to always involve other people besides her. The only alone time they’d had was right after he crawled into bed, but every single night their conversations were brief and then he’d fall right to sleep.
So she was a little annoyed. She’d had a few conversations with the kids, sat in on a few dinners, harassed Beakley, been harassed by Sharpie...it’d been quite the couple of days. But it was getting late and she couldn’t wait much longer to talk to him about how she was feeling or how he was feeling or where they might want their relationship to go after all of this…
Ugh. Goldie sighed and wandered around the upstairs hallway. She hated thinking about mushy family stuff, but ever since Florida she’d been feeling an unstoppable pull towards the Ducks and she kind of wanted to relax and see what could happen. But if Scrooge couldn’t make any time for her in the next few days, she was definitely leaving and not coming back for at least a year. Love or not, she did not take well to being ignored.
A door ajar in the distance caught Goldie’s attention and she started walking towards it, curiosity being the best cure for her boredom. She wasn’t sure what that room was - Scrooge didn’t redecorate much, but she couldn’t keep track of everything since he collected so much junk and had 50 regular rooms plus another 10 secret rooms and who could remember all of that?
Goldie tried to peek inside, but it was pretty dark except for a small light in the corner. With a shrug, she forwent her usual sneakiness and just fully opened the door to let the light from the hallway light up the room.
She was met with a surprised chirp and two bright eyes staring directly at her.
Goldie stared back, not sure what to make of what she was seeing.
Webbigail was sitting on a table near the back of the room with a giant book on her lap - surrounded by heaps of other similar-looking books. She looked sweaty and grimy, and the whole room was covered in a thick layer of dust.
“...wh-what are you doing here?!” Webby asked, closing the book that was on her lap.
Goldie raised an eyebrow and decided this situation was interesting enough to explore. “I could ask you the same thing,” she said as she took a few steps towards the girl.
Webby frowned and shook her head for a second before wiping her hand across the cover of the book. “I was, um...well...trying to learn some stuff.”
Goldie leaned against the table Webby was sitting on and craned her neck so she could properly see what she was holding. Oh. “In an ancient photo album?”
“Yeah,” Webby said a little sadly. “Uncle S-, er...my dad has been telling me all about our family...well, just more than usual, I guess...but some things still weren’t quite adding up and I thought maybe I could piece things together on my own.”
Goldie raised an eyebrow and stared at the girl without responding.
She didn’t seem to notice. “I’ve always liked connecting things together...before I was told anything about the McDuck Clan or my dad’s life story, I went through all his different biographies and the photos he has around the house and tried to figure it all out myself. And now he’s telling me things that almost, like...conflict with other things he’s said or other things I’ve read about and it’s just getting confusing.”
“Well,” Goldie said quietly, “he is pretty old, you know. Could be he’s just forgetting some things or mixing up stories.”
“But...but he’s Scrooge McDuck!” Webby said with a frown, opening the photo album again. “It’s one thing to forget a few details from a story, but like…” She pointed to a photo of Scrooge’s parents and a very small baby duckling. “The back of this photo says it’s from 1939, but whose baby is that?! Hortense didn’t have kids until the 1980s and Matilda never had kids so is this just some random baby or-”
“That’s Gideon,” the blonde answered, pointing to the way the baby’s hair stuck out at the top. “Scrooge’s half-brother.”
Webby stared at the photo again, then up at Goldie, her mouth wide open in shock. “Wh...wait, so...does that mean one of my grandparents had a baby with someone else while they were still married?”
“Uhh…” Goldie leaned back and scratched her neck. She knew Scrooge didn’t like to talk about his brother much, but she’d met the man a few times so there was no point ignoring the physical similarities. Though the complications of his conception might be why Scrooge didn’t bring him up. “...something like that. Don’t worry about the details too much.”
“Worrying about the details is exactly why I’m here,” Webby mumbled, flipping through a few more pages. She glanced up at Goldie. “You know my family really well, don’t you?”
“Not by choice, but yeah. If you think Scrooge loves to talk about his family now, you wouldn’t believe how he was back in the day. Very talkative.”
“I know the feeling,” Webby said, chuckling a bit to herself. “Lena said I’ve always been a little too obsessed with the McDuck family and now I’ve gotten even worse.”
Goldie felt an unfamiliar twinge in her chest and plopped a hand down on Webby’s head. “If she’s still sticking around, it doesn’t bother her as much as she says it does. Trust me.”
The preteen seemed to think about that, letting out a low hum while she considered Goldie’s words. “Trusting you doesn’t seem like the smart thing to do, but it sounds like you’re talking from experience.”
Goldie removed her hand from Webby’s head and shoved it back in her pocket. “Despite what your granny says, I’m not always lying.”
Webby turned her whole body towards Goldie. “I don’t think you were lying about Gideon either...so...would it be okay if I asked you about other confusing photos from any of these albums?”
Goldie sighed and lifted herself up to sit on the table, too. “You can. I really think you should just ask Scrooge about all this stuff, though. A few memory lapses here and there doesn’t mean he’s going to withhold entire family members from you.”
“I know, I know,” Webby mumbled and held the album against her chest. “I’m just still getting used to all this. I feel like I should know all these people already, y’know? Like...like Elvira Coot, the mother of Quackmore Duck, isn’t related to Scrooge McDuck at all, but they refer to each other as cousins in a lot of old letters. Is it just them being friendly with each other? Or is my research totally and completely wrong?”
“They’ve just known each other for a very long time,” Goldie said matter-of-factly. “Some people call old friends brother or sister, some people call them cousin. Scrooge usually just generally calls everyone his family, but some people get friendly little titles.”
“That’s very confusing.”
“It is what it is,” Goldie bent one of her legs so she could lean on her knee. “Scrooge has always enjoyed being a little confusing.”
“Is that why he likes you? ‘Cause you’re confusing, too?” Webby asked with an innocent tilt of her head.
Goldie rolled her eyes. “Maybe. I’m sure he’s got a long list of reasons why he does or doesn’t like me.”
Webby huffed out a short laugh as she tapped her hands on the open album page. There were photos of a few familiar members of Scrooge’s family and even a baby picture of Donald and Della.
“...you are really confusing,” Webby said, breaking the awkward silence. She didn’t let Goldie interrupt as she continued. “I don’t think I understand you at all. You’ve been here for a whole week so...are you moving in? Or what’s going on?”
“I’m just here to talk to Scrooge.” Goldie grabbed a photo album that was next to her on the table and flipped it open. “He’s been particularly busy this past week so I’m waiting.”
Webby watched her flip through pages and wondered if there were going to be any more secret relatives she didn’t know about in there. “I didn’t think you liked waiting for things.”
“Not a huge fan, no.”
“But you’re still here,” Webby mused. She watched as Goldie stopped flipping pages and stared down at a photo of Hortense and Quackmore, clearly having a fun time on their wedding day. It was a very sweet picture. “Huey says you and Scrooge are gonna get married, too.”
Goldie rolled her eyes and flipped past the wedding photo. “I’m sure he did.”
“If you did get married...would that make you my mom?”
Goldie closed the album and glared down at the girl next to her, annoyed that these kids were so interested in weddings and marriages. “Absolutely not.”
“Why not?” Webby asked, trying not to seem too confused.
“Why would it?” Goldie said with a hand to her forehead. “At the most, I’d be your stepmother, and that’s only in the very unlikely scenario where I say ‘yes’ to Scrooge’s proposal.”
“But this is a hypothetical scenario, so...if you did get married...would I be allowed to call you mom?”
“Ugh.” She knew there was a line here where her crabbiness would start to offend, but Goldie was not enjoying this line of questioning. “Even in this magical, crazy, hypothetical scenario...I would rather you didn’t. If I’m being completely honest, I’m still uncomfortable hearing you call Scrooge ‘Dad’.”
Webby, rather than be offended like Goldie thought, laughed out loud. “You think you’re uncomfortable with it?! I’ve been saying it over and over in my head all week and it still doesn’t sound right!”
Goldie raised an eyebrow at her and Webby froze, clearly surprised at her own outburst, and settled down. “Sorry. I shouldn’t say that. It’s just a little weird still.”
“Why shouldn’t you talk about how weird it is?” Goldie asked genuinely, leaning back on her hands. “If you don’t want to call him ‘Dad’ then you don’t have to.”
“That’s easy for you to say,” Webby mumbled, imitating Goldie’s lean. “If I go back to calling him ‘Uncle Scrooge’ then it’s gonna seem like I’m rejecting him or something. That’s too mean. I can’t be mean like that.”
“It’s not mean.” Goldie sighed and turned towards the younger girl. “It’s your life. Call him whatever feels right to you."
Webby leaned her head back to stare up at the ceiling. "I've never had a dad or a mom before so I think I should keep trying for a little longer. It might just feel weird 'cause it's so unfamiliar."
"Or maybe it feels weird because it is weird," Goldie grumbled. "His DNA was stolen and used to create you, sure. So he's your father, but does that really make him your dad?"
The younger girl glared at the ceiling for a moment before turning towards Goldie again. "I don't understand what you mean."
"Being your biological father is significant, obviously. But family is whatever you want it to be." Goldie sighed and stared down at another photo - one of a much younger looking Scrooge. "You can run away from it. You can accept it without question. Or you can just try to figure it out."
Webby watched Goldie's face - trying to read the woman's expression as she stared at the photo. "I think I get that."
"Your grandmother wouldn't appreciate you listening to me, you know."
She smiled. "I know. But it's kind of interesting to get a more...outside perspective. I mean you're not not part of the family, but you weren't a part of all…" Webby waved her hands around for emphasis. "...this stuff."
"I suppose," Goldie said as she put the photo of Scrooge back down. A part of her really wanted to take it, especially knowing that Scrooge never went into this room so he likely hadn't looked at any of these photos in over fifty years. He wouldn't miss it!
"Do you think...um…" Webby stumbled over her words. "...do you think he'd be mad if I started calling him Uncle Scrooge again?"
"No," Goldie answered sternly. "He wouldn't be mad. Especially given everything that's happened with your family lately, I think an opportunity for some normalcy would be appreciated."
Webby flipped to another page in the photo album while Goldie spoke, and her eyes widened as she saw a familiar face in one of the old photos. She looked back up at Goldie and then back down at the photo. "So...if I call him Uncle Scrooge, then I guess I can call you Aunt Goldie, huh?"
Goldie turned to scold Webby for bringing up that nickname that she always knew would come up around these Duck children...when she came face-to-face with a photograph she didn't even know existed. Webby was holding it up dramatically, smiling smugly as she did so.
It was a slightly out-of-focus snapshot of Scrooge and Goldie in wedding attire, at an altar. Pretty clearly getting married.
Goldie quickly snatched it from the girl's hand and turned it around to check if there was a date or any notes. In Scrooge's handwriting it said "1953. Almost felt real."
She blushed a bit and turned it back around. "...I didn't know there were any pictures from this."
"And to think you made such a big deal out of my hypothetical scenario! But you're already married!" Webby looked more smug than she'd looked in a while, clearly ready to announce this news to the whole family.
Goldie frowned, unable to tear her face away from the image. Both her and Scrooge's faces were visible and, despite being at a bit of a distance, she could see just how happy they were at that moment. "...it was a con. A business decision. Not a real marriage."
"So you got an annulment afterwards?"
She laughed. "You think Scrooge would waste money on something like that? No, we just...moved on. I completely forgot it even happened."
"Well, Aunt Goldie, it doesn't look like he's forgotten."
Goldie sighed and pocketed the photo, wondering if she should show it to Scrooge later and shake out some memories. "Clearly he hasn't been in this room for a long time, so I wouldn't assume that."
Webby's excitement died down just a bit as she noticed Goldie's lack of embarrassment. "Isn't this...I mean, I know you say you don't wanna marry him, but you're still here despite everything plus you're already married! You really are Aunt Goldie and I don't get why you'd try to fight it."
The blonde frowned and exhaled loudly through her nostrils, trying to think of the best way to explain how she felt. "You've spent a long time idolizing Scrooge, right? Wanting to be a part of his family and whatnot."
"And from what I could tell, you two were getting close over the past few years. You called him Uncle Scrooge, he remembered your name. Yeah?"
"...uh-huh…" Webby had a feeling she knew where this was going.
"But now that this father-daughter thing was suddenly dumped in your lap in such a...such an awful way, really, you're feeling weird about it. Maybe it feels a little hollow, like this is what you wanted but it's not how you wanted it."
Webby frowned deeply - Goldie was completely right, but hearing the words said so casually didn't make her feel better about it.
"...that's what that wedding was for me," Goldie finished, finally connecting the two thoughts together. "I'd...wanted to be closer to him. I thought we were headed there. And then he suggested that plan and how could I say no? He was splitting the money with me 60/40 and I knew I could steal my missing ten percent whenever I felt like it."
"So you wanted to get married, but then you did but for the wrong reasons?"
Goldie sighed and shrugged. "Basically. It was a long time ago. Things change."
"And some things don't change," Webby added, noticing that Goldie was still staring at the photo in her hand. "You've had decades to talk to him about this, so why haven't you?"
"Eh," Goldie answered and stuffed the photo into her pocket. "Adult relationships are complicated."
Webby shook her head. "Not all of them. Just the ones that don't talk to each other."
Goldie glared down at Webby again, but the girl was already flipping pages in the album once more. She wasn't going to whine to a kid about how she was trying to talk to Scrooge but he was just making it difficult. Maybe if she told him she'd spent some time with his kid, he'd finally sit down and talk to her.
"Who's this?" Webby asked suddenly, pointing to another photo.
This one was older - depicting a young Scrooge (maybe nine years old?) with an even younger child that looked very similar to him. Goldie pouted and put a hand to her chin before grabbing the photo and turning it over to see if anything was written on the back.
"Oh, this is Douglas. One of Scrooge's cousins."
"On whose side?" Webby asked curiously.
Goldie shrugged. "Not sure. I know he lived alone in the Netherlands somewhere until he died, but he and Scrooge weren't very close, from what I could tell."
"Oh." Webby looked down at the photo, not really being able to read either child's expression. She supposed photos from the 1870s were rarely as expressive as ones from modern day. "You really know a lot about my family.”
"It's completely useless information taking up valuable space in my brain," Goldie complained with a smirk. "Maybe I'd be fluent in Mandarin if not for Scrooge."
Webby smiled, happy that she was able to recognize Goldie's words as a joke. "Well it's not useless to me. Thanks, Aunt Goldie."
Goldie frowned and rolled her eyes, but that just made Webby smile. She felt like she was starting to understand this woman...just a little bit.
A realization hit her and Webby suddenly gasped before hopping off the table. Goldie watched her with curious surprise. "I need to update my board!" Webby said as she rushed towards the door.
Goldie raised an eyebrow and hopped off the desk to follow. "I have no idea what that means!"
She followed Webby out the door and down the hall, until the girl was back in her own room. Goldie stuck her head inside just in time to see the unveiling of an insane-looking board filled with photos and string and notes and hearts and…
"...is that a locket with my face in it?" Goldie mumbled as she continued into the room. She stared at the locket as Webby ran around looking for something.
As she reached out to grab the strangely unfamiliar locket, Webby was suddenly on a step stool next to her and reaching for it herself. Goldie watched silently as the girl tugged her away from her little grouping of villains (rude) and moved her oh-so-closer to Scrooge.
Goldie blushed the slightest bit as Webby shortened the string, added some little hearts, and slammed a sticky note between them that said MARRIED-ISH!
"There's no way I'm letting you keep that up."
Webby laughed and wagged her finger in Goldie's face. "I'll just put it back when you leave!"
Goldie crossed her arms over her chest. "Then I'll just have to st...hm."
Webby's eyes were sparkling.
"...visit more often."
The correction didn't dull Webby's sparkle, instead she just smiled brighter. "I think everyone would really like that." 
Goldie raised an eyebrow. "Nice try, but I can assure you that your grandmother would sooner attend my funeral than enjoy having me around."
Webby hopped off the step stool. "Then you'll just have to win her over!" she said with a skip as she pushed the stool back to its regular spot.
"Yeah...I don't really see that happening," Goldie mumbled, not objecting when Webby grabbed her hand and tugged her towards the door.
"I think you could be friends! You just have to try!"
Goldie rolled her eyes but still didn't pull her hand out of Webby's grip. "Don't get your hopes up, Pink," she said with a sigh, but there was a little part of her that wondered if getting along with the whole family was even possible. She'd spent so long pushing away from Scrooge and his family and his friends that she'd never really considered what it would be like to actually...try. And she struggled to admit it, but...she wanted to find out.
She squeezed Webby's little hand and stared down at the bouncing bow on her head. Goldie still wasn't anyone's aunt, but...if she had to be, Scrooge's kids would be her first choice.
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maybeimamuppet · 3 years
I got you
surprise!! bonus chapter!! this is a thank you for 1.5k reads on this series on wattpad. featuring mostly janis being a cute mommy to the twins introduced in last week's fic.
tw for broken bones (popped joint, not actual break) and mentioned surgery.
Janis is tidying her home studio while Leo is entertained with her toys in the next room. Cady took Layla out on a special one-on-one date for the day, so Janis gets Leo all to herself. They spent the morning in their pajamas playing with Leo’s favorite toys, and then napped together in the main bedroom, which Leo was thrilled with.
Janis does still have to work on a commission, unfortunately, but decides to set up a small easel and some kid paints so Leo can work too. She’s just finished squeezing out the last paint color when she hears tiny feet running down the hall, and what sounds like crying. She jumps slightly when Leo rockets into her leg in tears.
“Mommy,” Leo cries desperately, reaching to be held.
“Oh no, Bee, what happened?” Janis asks, assessing for any injuries as she picks her baby up. “Did you get hurt?” Leo shakes her head, making Janis breathe a quiet sigh of relief. She frowns as Leo throws herself at her, clinging to her neck and crying into her shoulder. “Shh, I got you. I got you. Tell Mommy what happened.”
“Mon’ter,” Leo whimpers in fright. Ah. A monster is anything that moves that Leo hasn’t seen before. Previous monsters have included her own shadow, the blender, Layla in the dark, and a small dog.
“A monster? Oh no,” Janis says. “That must’ve been scary. Shh, I got you. You’re okay. Come here.”
Leo squeaks in fright and clings to her tighter as they pass the playroom, but relaxes slightly when Janis carries them down the hall and to the living room. Janis sits on the couch and coaxes Leo off slightly, resting her baby on her knees so they can see each other.
“Can you take some belly breaths? Like Aunt Reggie showed us?” Janis asks. She coaches Leo through a few deep breaths, helping her calm down. Leo gradually does stop crying and lets Janis wipe her tears away. “Good job, Leo Beo! I’m so proud of you.”
Leo grins happily and cuddles back into her mommy.
“Bee, can you be brave and show Mommy the monster?” Janis asks quietly. Leo whimpers slightly and clings to her.
“Hol’ju?” She asks in fright.
“Yeah, of course I’ll hold you. I got you, I won’t let you go,” Janis comforts, picking her back up. “My brave little bee.”
Leo holds tightly to her as she’s carried back to the playroom. Janis asks where the monster was, and Leo points to the window. Janis approaches, feeling her child cling to her neck in fright. And then she finds it.
“Is this the monster, baby girl?” She asks, pointing to the little caterpillar inching its way across the windowsill. Leo nods desperately. Janis has to hold back a laugh. “Oh, Bumblebee, that’s not a monster. That’s a caterpillar.”
“A callapillar?” Leo asks. “Wha’ssat?”
“A caterpillar is a baby butterfly,” Janis explains. “She’s gonna grow a little bit, and then build something called a cocoon that she stays in for a while. And then when she comes out, she’s gonna be a butterfly.”
“A bullaf’y?” Leo asks in disbelief.
“Mmhmm. Should we keep her to show sissy and Mama?” Janis asks. Leo nods. “Okay, come on.”
She carries Leo out to the kitchen to grab a big jar and pokes holes in the lid. Leo helps add some paper towels and wet leaves, and then they head back to their new friend. Janis gently picks it up, letting the caterpillar inch onto her hand.
“Do you wanna touch it?” Janis asks, not moving it closer to Leo in case she doesn’t want to. “It’s kind of fuzzy.”
“Eat me?” Leo asks. Janis can tell she’s interested, but she’s also scared.
“No, baby, it won’t eat you. It won’t even bite, it wants to eat the plants we put in instead,” Janis comforts. Leo tentatively reaches a hand out, so Janis helps her gently brush her tiny fingers over the bug. Leo giggles at the tickly sensation. “See? Isn’t it nice?”
Leo nods, and helps gently plop the bug into the jar. She holds it carefully to observe the caterpillar now that it’s been contained, looking at it curiously. Janis is very glad she chose a plastic jar.
“Name?” Leo asks.
“Sure, we can name it. What do you think we should call it?” Janis asks, carrying Leo back to the studio to finish their original plan for the afternoon.
“Uhm… Mama,” Leo says. Janis does call Cady ‘Butterfly’ a fair bit, she supposes it makes sense.
“Mama the caterpillar, okay,” Janis chuckles. “Do you want to paint a picture of it?” Leo nods excitedly, so Janis snaps on her smock and sets her loose to paint a masterpiece while she finishes her commission.
Cady comes home with Layla after a while, and the delight on Leo’s face as she runs to show off their new friend and her painting makes the whole ordeal worth it.
Janis is home with Layla today. Leo had taken a venture into a thorn patch the day before and needed a doctor to help remove the last of them from her feet, so she’s out with Cady.
Janis plays with Elvira and Daffodil while Layla takes her nap. Suddenly, a cry comes through the baby monitor, and Janis rushes upstairs to see what the matter is.
Layla is, obviously, awake now, and holding on to her stuffed elephant. Janis doesn’t quite get what the problem is until she notices one of the elephant’s ears in her other hand.
“Uh oh, Lala, what happened?” Janis asks sadly, coming to hold her baby to comfort her. “Did Elmer’s ear come off?”
Layla nods with a pitiful wail, worried about her stuffed friend. Janis holds her closer and bounces her slightly to soothe her.
“Shh, Ladybug, it’s okay,” Janis hushes. “Mommy can fix his ear, shh. I got you, it’s okay.”
“Fissit?” Layla sniffles, looking at Janis curiously. Janis nods.
“Yeah, I can fix it. We’ll just have to sew it back on, he’ll be okay,” Janis confirms. “Come on.”
Janis carries Layla downstairs to the kitchen, stopping to grab a needle and thread from the sewing kit in the study and the twins’ play doctor kit from the playroom. Once they have everything, she rests Layla on the kitchen counter and Elmer in front of her.
“Alright Doctor Layla, you ready for surgery?” Janis asks. Layla nods curiously, her face still a heartbreaking red from her tears. Janis offers her a toy syringe. “Okay, give him the medicine so he doesn’t feel the pokes.”
Layla pokes it into Elmer’s arm, pretending to give him a shot. Janis threads up the needle while she does, then puts the stuffing back in and positions the ear where it should be.
“Can you hold his hand to help him be brave?” Janis asks. Layla gently takes a stuffed foot in her little hand and watches as Janis stitches the ear back on carefully. After a quick assessment, the surgery is complete, and Janis is confident that the ear won’t fall off again for at least a week. Toddlers are rough. “There we go, he’s all fixed!”
Layla claps her little hands happily and picks her friend back up, holding him close. “All bedder.”
“All better,” Janis confirms. “Now he can hear you again!”
Layla giggles as Janis kisses her chubby cheeks and helps her down. “T’ank you.”
“You’re welcome, Bug. I always got you.”
Janis takes the twins to the playground on a nice spring day. Cady needed them out of the house for a while to finish some work, so Janis gets to have some two-on-one time with their daughters for a little bit.
They both make a beeline for the swings as soon as they arrive, so Janis helps them into one together. The twins’ backs are against each other so they can both see out. Janis pushes them a few times to get them going and tickles Leo’s feet whenever they come back her way. After a few goes she switches to see Layla and does the same to her.
Janis takes a quick video to send to Cady of them swinging happily, with Layla babbling away about something very important. Janis can’t quite understand, since they both use a mix of English, Swahili, French, and their own special twin language. Leo just giggles the whole time.
After a while they both get dizzy and ask to get down, so Janis helps them out and sets them on the ground. Neither of the twins know what they want to do next, so Janis suggests they have a race just for fun. There’s a track nearby that joggers use, and they head that way.
Janis sets herself as the finish line a ways away, and the twins both set off on their shaky legs to run towards her when she gives the cue. They’ve only been walking for about six months, so they haven’t quite gotten the hang of running yet.
Layla makes it first on a technicality. She probably would have anyway, but Leo tripped just at the home stretch and hurt herself.
Janis scoops up Layla and comes to assess the situation as Leo starts crying where she rests on the pavement. She rests Layla in the grass nearby and scoops up the second twin.
“Oh no, Bumblebee, did you fall down?” Janis asks, already rooting through her backpack for the first aid kit. “Shh, I got you, let’s fix your owies.”
Leo sits on her lap and cries miserably as Janis gently brushes the small pebbles off her little chubby hands, assessing the scrapes. No bleeding, but they clearly hurt. Her knees are next, and Janis pouts when she sees the small scrape that is actually bleeding slightly. Layla looks on in concern for her twin as Janis opens a wipe and some bandaids.
Leo cries harder at the stinging sensation of the sanitizing wipe, but calms quickly as Janis tenderly sticks the fun smiley face bandaid over her scrape and kisses her little knee.
“There we go, all better,” Janis comforts, hugging her baby tightly. “Shh, Bee, I got you.”
Leo calms her crying after a good cuddle and is quickly ready to get back to playing. Janis holds their hands and leads them back over to the slides, deciding that the track has caused enough damage for one day.
Janis sighs exasperatedly as she hears the twins kick off crying at the same time. Both babies are sick with a miserable cold that they unfortunately almost definitely picked up from Janis. Sick babies are miserable, especially when there’s not much you can do to help. And to make matters worse, Cady has a work event she can’t miss, so Janis is left alone for most of the evening.
Janis grabs the medicine and some bottles for them and heads up to the nursery. They both look miserable, pink cheeks from a mix of fever and crying, and pitiful little stuffy noses. Janis pouts and grabs both from their cribs, carrying them over to the comfy rocker and holding them on her lap.
“My poor girls. Come here, I got you,” she says quietly.
Janis quickly and carefully measures out the right dose of medicine and gives it to Leo, who pulls a face and whimpers at the metallic strawberry taste. Once she’s offered her bottle, though, she calms down and cuddles in. Janis measures out another dose and tries to give it to Layla.
“No!” Layla refuses, turning her head the other way with a sniff.
“Loopsy, it’ll make you feel better,” Janis coaxes, already exhausted herself. “Shh, come here. I got you. I know it’s yucky.”
“No!” Layla says again. Janis needs to resort to desperate measures, before this evolves into a full-blown tantrum. She stands up and carries the twins down to the kitchen. Layla looks excited but suspicious when she pulls out some juice boxes from the fridge.
Leo gets hers right away, no tricks. She sits next to her twin on the counter and kicks her little legs contently, sucking away at her tasty apple juice. Janis focuses on Layla, standing in front of her and having a little staredown with her baby.
She prepares the juice box, holding it in her hand and pretending to offer it to her. Janis secretly has the syringe of medicine in her other hand behind her back. Layla opens her mouth to accept the juice, but Janis quickly pops the medicine in instead.
Layla glares at her crankily but does blessedly swallow her dose of the syrup. Janis then actually gives her her juice, which she takes thankfully and drinks quickly to get the taste out of her mouth. Janis gets the death stare throughout the whole process of washing out the syringe and putting the medicine bottle away safely.
“Good job, girls! That medicine is yucky, huh?” Janis says. “My brave little twinkies.”
Leo beams, and even Layla gives a weak smile. Janis thinks for a while. The twins are both made lethargic by their cold, but it’s not quite bedtime yet. What can they do?
“Should we… watch a movie?” Janis asks excitedly. The twins don’t usually get much screen time, so any movie or show is a special treat. Janis thinks they deserve a Disney movie to help them feel better.
“Yeah!” Leo cheers hoarsely. Janis pouts slightly when she hears the grit in her voice. Layla nods eagerly around her juice box.
“My poor sickies. Okay, come on. I got you,” Janis says, scooping them up and carrying them to the couch. They both cuddle into her sides, all three of them watching Tangled and snuggling under a soft blanket.
Cady comes home a few hours later and smiles lovingly when she finds them all asleep together and the movie credits rolling on the screen.
“I’m gonna get you!” Janis growls playfully, going into her ‘monster’ stance and preparing to chase her twins around the living room. They both squeal in delight and run away in different directions. Janis gives them a head start before she goes after Leo.
Leo shrieks as she’s captured, laughing heartily as Janis tosses her in the air and then blows raspberries on her belly before she’s gently tossed onto the couch. Layla is next.
She’s made it about halfway down the hall before she’s snatched up, screaming in surprise. Janis gives her the same treatment, but holds her by the hands to spin her around instead of tossing somewhere. Until she hears a pop and Layla gives a little yelp.
Janis quickly sets her down to check what the noise was. “What was that?”
Layla shrugs. She doesn’t seem bothered by it, but Janis has a gut feeling something isn’t right.
“Gimme five,” Janis asks as a test. It would make sense for the noise to have come from her arms. Layla only moves her left hand for the high fives. “Now this one. Can you move it?”
Layla shakes her head and looks at her in fear. She runs in for a hug, and Janis can feel her little body quivering in fright.
“Hey, it’s okay, I got you. Mama knows more about this than me, she can probably fix it. Let’s go see,” Janis says quickly. She’s absolutely terrified, but can’t let Layla know that. Did she break her own daughter’s arm?
She helps Layla sit next to Leo on the couch. Leo hugs her twin tightly, seeming instinctively to know something’s off. Janis goes to find Cady.
“Caddy?” She asks when she finds her in her study.
“Yes? Sounds like you guys are having a lot of fun,” Cady chuckles, spinning around from her desk to face her.
“IthinkIbrokeLayla,” Janis says quickly and quietly.
“You what?” Cady asks.
“I think I broke her arm,” Janis says desperately. “I’m a terrible mom, what-what am I doing?”
“Janis, hey,” Cady says gently. “You’re a wonderful mom. Our girls love you, and whatever you did, you didn’t mean it. You were playing with her. What happened?”
“I was… was chasing them, and then I grabbed her and spun her around, and then there was a pop and now she won’t move her arm,” Janis mumbles anxiously.
“Did you spin her by her wrists or her shoulders?” Cady asks.
“Wrists, I was holding her hands,” Janis says.
“You probably just popped a joint, then. I can fix that, let me see,” Cady says. Janis leads her back to the living room. Cady grins when she sees the twins cuddling on the couch together. “Hey, Bug, what happened to your arm?”
Layla shrugs. “Pop. Won’ work.”
“Uh oh,” Cady says. “Does it hurt?”
Layla shakes her head. “Not owie.”
“Good,” Cady says. “Can Mama see? I might be able to help it move again.”
Layla nods. Cady tells Janis to hold their daughter on her lap. Janis does, smiling as Layla rests her head on her shoulder and offers what works of her arm to Cady.
“It’s not her shoulder, it must be your elbow,” Cady says. She squeezes up and down the whole arm to make sure there’s not a real fracture she needs to take her to the doctor for instead. Luckily, nothing. “Yep. Easy fix. Ladybug, this might hurt a little bit, but it’ll be over super quick, okay?”
Layla nods anxiously, looking to Janis for comfort. In a series of quick motions, Cady shakes her hand, extends her arm out straight, and then brings her hand up to her shoulder. When she extends the arm there’s another pop, and Cady can feel the joint slip back into place. Layla yelps and starts crying, cuddling into Janis.
“Oh, Ladybug, shh,” Janis hushes. “I’m sorry, honey. Shh, it’s okay. I got you, shh.”
Cady rubs Layla’s back gently to calm her down, and tickles Leo’s foot to make her smile. She watched the whole thing go down, and looks very concerned for her twin.
“You’re all done, Loopsy. I felt it go back, we don’t have to do it again,” Cady hushes. “Your arm should work now, can you try?”
Layla wiggles her arm a little bit, bending her elbow curiously. Sure enough, it works!
“Yay, there we go,” Cady says. “All better. You were so brave, too! My big girl.”
“Alright girls, nap time,” Janis says quietly. She carries Layla and holds Leo’s hand as they head upstairs.
Cady frowns in confusion when Janis doesn’t come back downstairs after putting the twins down for their nap. She listens to the floorboards creaking above her, and it sounds like Janis is in their bedroom.
Cady heads up to check on her, and her frown deepens when she finds Janis curled into a ball on their bed and shaking with tears.
“Lovey, what’s wrong?” She asks sadly, cuddling up behind her. Janis rolls over and cries into her chest.
“I broke her arm! What kind of mother am I?” Janis sobs. “I broke my kid!”
“Janis, shh,” Cady comforts. “You’re a great mom. The girls love you so much, and so do I. You’re a wonderful mother.”
“But I hurt her,” Janis cries.
“By accident,” Cady hushes. “You were playing with her. It was just a popped elbow. Next time just spin her by her shoulders and not her hands.”
“But she was-she was so scared,” Janis whimpers. “I could feel her shaking.”
“And now she’s fine,” Cady says desperately. “Her arm is fine, and she’s clearly feeling well enough to nap alone. Layla trusts you. She knew you would make it better. She knows you didn’t mean to hurt her. It was an easy fix, love, she’ll be perfectly fine. Babies are bendy.”
Janis doesn’t say anything, she just continues crying into Cady’s chest. Cady holds her close and tries to comfort her. She knows the popped elbow isn’t the only thing Janis is upset about. She’s been insecure about her skills as a parent since before the twins were even born.
After about an hour, they hear the twins wake up and start moving around. “I’ll go get them. You take as long as you need,” Cady murmurs gently, kissing her forehead. She heads down the hall to the nursery to greet her babies.
Layla reaches for her, so she quickly changes her and then sets her down. Cady isn’t worried when she runs off, there’s nothing she can get into and the stairs are blocked off.
Layla pads down the hall on little feet carefully, on a hunt for her mommy. She’s confused when she finds her in the big bed, and is even more confused when she sees Mommy crying. Time to investigate.
She heads back to her own bedroom where Cady is changing Leo. Layla toddles up and tugs on her pant leg to get her attention. “Mama?”
“Yes, my little love?” Cady asks.
“Mommy cry?” Layla asks. Cady freezes for a second. Janis had just about stopped crying when she left, but maybe she picked up again. She decides it’s best to be honest with the twins.
“Yes, Mommy’s crying. She’s sad that she hurt your arm,” Cady says, resting Leo on the floor too.
“Oh.” Layla says. “Is okay. I fissit?”
Cady grins at her sadly and crouches down to her eye level with a ruffle to Layla’s curls. “I don’t know if you can fix it, Bug. But you can go see if she wants a hug, maybe that will help.”
Layla nods and sets off again at top speed, and Leo follows quickly. Cady finishes cleaning up the nursery and follows too.
Janis jumps as she feels small arms wrap around each of her legs, and little chubby cheeks rest on each knee. She looks down to find each of her twins hugging a leg and blinking those big blue eyes at her in concern. She smiles sadly and runs a hand through each head of dark curls.
“Hi, girls,” she says, trying to keep the thick lump out of her voice. “Did you have a good nap?” They both nod against her legs. “Good.”
Layla seems to be assessing her, and Leo is also clearly thinking hard about something. Janis remembers how strange it felt as child whenever an adult cried. Maybe she’s not hiding her tears as well as she thought. The babies look to each other and give a little nod before they each wiggle their way up onto the bed.
Janis is surprised when they both leap onto her and wrap her in a tight hug. They’re getting stronger, she’s nearly knocked onto her back by the force of them.
“Got you, Mommy,” Layla says quietly. Leo nods in agreement.
“Got you.”
Janis nearly starts crying again, wrapping her arms around them to hold them both closer. “Thank you, girls.”
Cady wipes some tears from her eyes and comes to join them too. They had plans for the evening, but sometimes a good family snuggle is more important.
They’ve all got each other.
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waywardodysseys · 5 years
Baby Fever - Oneshot
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Pairing: Pedro Pascal x female reader
Warnings: breeding/pregnancy kink, SMUT, cussing, oral receiving (m & f), unprotected sex (wrap it up)
Requested?: Yes from this ask - I’d love to request a smutty fic with Pedro where he has a breeding/pregnancy kink...  thanks for the amazing content!!!
Author’s note: enjoy!
~   ~   ~
Pedro knew bringing you along with him to Oscar and Elvira’s was the right decision. He couldn’t contain the excitement he felt when he watched you talk and smile with Eugene. Thoughts of having the sounds of little feet running in your shared townhouse drove him crazy.
You two had talked about the future a lot lately, especially with Oscar and Elvira welcoming their second born.
“I want children Y/N,” Pedro had said on the subway ride over.
You had looked at him and smiled. “I do too Pedro,” you had bitten your lip then said, “but are we really ready to bring another life into the world?”
Pedro had smiled, brushed his lips across yours. “I would love a little you who has me wrapped around her finger. Just like her mom. I’d love a son who takes after my good looks and charms his way out of every situation and makes his mother melt and give in to what he wants. I want kids with you. I want a family with you.”
Now Pedro watched as you take the newest family member and hold him in your arms. Pedro couldn’t wait to get you home, impregnate you, and watch as your belly grew.
You smile down at the warm bundle of joy. He’s tiny, precious, adorable. A wave of baby fever suddenly hits you dead on. You look over at Pedro who’s eyeing you with his eyes and wide smile. You see him laugh quietly and return his attention to Eugene.
“Ready to have one?” Elvira asks.
“Huh?” You answer absentmindedly. You then process what she asked. “Maybe.”
Elvira smiles, “you and Pedro are wonderful as an aunt and uncle. You’ll make amazing parents!”
You reach out with a finger towards the newborn. He grabs your finger and smiles. Baby fever is flowing through your body.
Pedro sees the look you are giving him. One of pure joy, and lust. One of maybe him and you would be great parents, raising a kid of your own like Oscar and Elvira were doing with their two boys.
After dinner, you and Pedro excuse yourselves and return to your shared bedroom. Both of you scrambling to get rid of each other’s clothing as you make your way from the front door to your bedroom.
Pedro is between your legs, he’s ready to put his hard cock inside of you. He’s looking down at you with those beautiful brown eyes. He leans down and brushes his mouth against yours. “Ready to make a baby?”
You wrap you arms around him and nod. “Yes. I’m ready if you are.”
Two months later you are standing at the kitchen counter waiting for the coffee to finish brewing when the smell hits your nose and makes you cringe. Yet when it’s done you still pour yourself a cup, fixing it to your liking.
“Coffee’s ready,” you say towards the living room. You take a sip and instantly spit it out.
“What’s wrong?” Pedro asks as he walks in.
“I don’t know,” you shrug. “The smell made me cringe, the taste is just, uh, seems awful.”
Pedro smiles as he pours a cup, “my sister hated the smell of coffee when she was…,” Pedro pauses and looks at you.
“What?” You ask with a raised brow.
Pedro puts the cup back down. “She hated the smell of coffee when she was pregnant.”
You swallow. You and Pedro had been screwing each other’s brains out since the day you had spent with Oscar and Elvira, along with their two sons. You then try to recall when your last period was.
“What?” Pedro asks at the worried look you have.
“I’m late too.” You mumble out.
Pedro wraps you in his arms. “We wanted this.”
“I know Pedro.” You inhale his fresh launder smell. “But we won’t know till I get a pregnancy test then double check with the doctor.”
Five months later you waddle into the bedroom and sit down on the bed. Your feet hurt, everything smelled horrible, and yet you still craved food like crazy.
You rub your belly, “why can’t you be here already?”
You lie back and close your eyes. Getting some rest before Pedro’s supposed to come back from filming in California.
When you open your Y/E/C eyes it’s dark outside but light floods through the open door. There’s a figure leaning against the doorjamb. You rub your eyes and once your vision comes into focus you realize it’s Pedro.
“Yes, mi hermosa amor?”
You half snort, half laugh. “I’m fat!”
“You’re pregnant Y/N,” Pedro walks into the room and sits on the bed. “You’re beautiful, glowing. Our kid is inside you mi amor.”
You pull his mouth down to yours and brush your lips against his soft mouth. His mustache tickles your skin. “I missed you,” you take his hand and place it on your swollen belly, “we missed you.”
Pedro places his head on your belly and listens. “I missed you too daughter. I missed your mom more though.”
“I still think it’s a boy.” You retort.
“No. A girl.” Pedro replies. “Javiera has boys, Oscar has boys. You and me, we’ll have a girl.”
“You seem confident about that. Maybe we should just go ahead and do a gender reveal.” You huff out.
You and Pedro agreed you wanted it to be a surprise and find out when your child entered the world.
“We promised one another to wait till the birth.” Pedro whispers as he nuzzles your neck and slips his hand down and under your sweats. He palms your core.
You moan, “you know you’ll always win the argument especially if you…,” your words stop as Pedro’s thumb begins circling your clit. “Oh god Pedro. Please.”
“Please what?”
He’s been gone for close to three months. You needed him, and you know he needs you too. “Make me cum. Please.”
Pedro places his mouth against yours then pulls back, “I’ve been waiting to take you with your swollen belly Y/N.”
You just need his mouth on you, his cock inside you. “Then take me Pedro.”
Pedro moans lowly as he jumps off the bed, stripping his clothes. He’s naked in under 30 seconds.
You scramble to get your sweatpants off and Pedro finishes taking them off before he kneels back on the bed and dips his head between your legs.
“Pedro,” you moan aloud as you feel his tongue lick up your folds.
His fingers open them more and his tongue begins circling your clit.
Your hands grasp the sheets on the bed as your orgasm rises quickly inside of you. He has been gone only a few months but it feels longer.
“Pedro,” you pant. “Oh—mmmm—fu—fuck!”
Pedro inwardly moans as he swirls his tongue around your sensitive nub. You’re sweet and he wants to drink you in as if he hasn’t had water for days.
Your toes curl as your orgasm crests. Then as it crashes you arch your back and moan loudly. “Fuck! Pedro!”
Pedro uses a free hand to hold still one of your legs as he continues lashing at your clit.
“Pe—Ped—Pedro!” You pant out loudly as another orgasm because cresting inside of you.
Pedro pulls away for an instant, “cum for me love. I’m hungry, and thirsty, for you.”
Goddamn!, you think. His words and his tongue returning to your clit send you over the edge again. “Pedro! Fuck!” Your hands grasp the sheets tightly.
Pedro feels your body convulse under his hand. He pulls away and a laugh rumbles low in his chest. “I was starving.”
“I am too,” you say as you sit up and take off your tank top. You reach down for his cock, but Pedro pushes you slowly back against the mattress as he kisses his way up your swollen belly.
His mouth moves between the valley of your breasts and he palms them both. “God, these have gotten bigger.”
You moan as he flicks one nipple then another. Your hands find his head and your fingers run through his soft hair.
“Y/N,” Pedro whispers.
Your too lost in the pleasure his tongue is giving you to say anything, you just hum a “mmhmm.”
“Let’s have two kids. I love your body like this.”
“Pedro,” you groan.
“I’ve always loved your body but you pregnant with our kid.” Pedro moans lowly, “does something else to me.”
“Pregnancy kink, huh?”
Pedro looks up at you and smiles. “Maybe.”
You roll your eyes and pull him up to you and brush your mouth against his. You shrug, “another kid? Maybe when this one is ten.”
You nip at Pedro’s lips and laugh. “Five.”
“Good enough for me,” Pedro growls as he nuzzles your neck and runs his hand down your chest and over your swollen belly.
You push Pedro onto his back and nuzzle his long neck as your hand reaches down and strokes his cock. You straddle him and kiss your way down his chest and stomach. “I said I was starving too.”
You dip your head and engulf Pedro’s cock. Your hand wraps around the base while your other hand cups his ball sac.
“Fuck!” Pedro hisses. He reaches down and places his hands on your head as you begin moving up and down his cock.
You moan at his response; you’re also moaning because you haven’t had his cock in a few months. You missed sucking his cock, missed inside of you, missed feeling him up when he would sit with you on the couch, reading scripts, and eventually cave into you and your debauchery.
Your tongue swirls around the tip, before dipping down and taking his cock fully into your mouth again. You squeeze his ball sac again which makes his hands tighten on your head.
“Y/N!” Pedro moans loudly.
You release his cock and move back up his body. You straddle him as you take hold of his cock and slowly sink your pussy onto him.
His hands grasp your hips as you slowly lower yourself onto his hard cock. He feels your pussy clench tightly around him.
You begin rolling your hips slowly as Pedro thrusts up into you, making sure his cock his deep inside of your pussy.
“Yes,” Pedro moans, “yes.”
You riding him with your swollen belly has sent his body into overdrive and his orgasm is ramping up quickly.
“Keep going,” Pedro moans as his hands on your hips tighten.
You arch your back and moan. Your next orgasm is building up inside of you.
“Pedro,” you moan lowly.
“Y/N,” Pedro half whispers, half mumbles. His orgasm is cresting then he squeezes your hips and moans loudly. “Fu—fuck!”
You feel Pedro cum inside of you and continue to roll your hips as your own orgasm begins crashing inside of you. “Pedro!” You moan out as your orgasm rolls over you.
You open your eyes and look down at him. He’s smiling at you.
“Mi hermosa amor,” Pedro whispers as he sits up and kisses you.
You blush and smile as you wrap your arms around him. “You’re not so bad yourself Pedro.”
Pedro laughs and bites your bottom lip teasingly.
You fall asleep in each other’s arms. In the morning Pedro has you lay on your side and he presses his front up against your backside as his hand travels down the bare skin of your side.
You moan at his featherlight touch.
His hand dips down and palms your core. His thumb finding your clit.
“Pedro, please.”
“Lift your leg up,” Pedro whispers against your ear.
You lift your leg up and he guides his cock into your slick entrance, taking you from behind on his side.
“Fuck, Pedro,” you moan as he begins thrusting.
Pedro holds onto your leg and thrusts in and out of your pussy slowly, he begins picking up the pace as his orgasm revs up inside of him.
You reach down and touch your clit. You moan as you brush your thumb against the sensitive nub. Your own orgasm begins to plateau once Pedro thrusts into you faster than ever.
“Fu—fuck!” Pedro pants as he thrusts.
He drops your leg onto his legs and reaches around your swollen belly. His hand moves up and down it then his hand is on top of yours, helping you rub your clit.
“Pedro,” you moan and cry out as your orgasm hits you dead on.
“Yes, Y/N.” Pedro pants and moans. His own orgasm rumbles through his body as he cums deep inside of your wetness.
You two laid together intertwined for the rest of the morning, recuperating from the pleasure of sex, enjoying being together again after months apart.
Two months later you and Pedro are in the delivery room, hearing your baby wail and cry.
The nurse hands the swaddled baby over to you, who you cradle in your arms.
She smiles as she says, “congratulations! You two have a daughter!”
Tags: @pascalisthepunkest​
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taanoir · 2 years
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Cas was still unsure of which child he was going to leave the estate to. Luis had made it very clear he didn't want the responsibility. Alex seemed like the next logical choice but he was still a boy. Elvira and Clara were responsible, smart and level headed. Though, Elvira was itching to leave and start her life as a nurse. Clara would be a good choice but she really wanted to marry and start a family, would her husband be willing to move here? Maggie was still a baby. Cas worried because he and Aubrey were getting up in age, granted they were both in good health, thank the watcher.
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Cas sat down with Aubrey to get her opinion. Who should the estate go to? Aubrey was unsure herself. All of the kids had their strengths and weaknesses. Hopefully the decision could wait until Alex was a bit older.
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Aubrey reminded Cas that she also had the matter of her inheritance. The way she had her will set up currently, her house in downtown Brindelton and most of her inheritance from her parents would go to Elvira. She always figured Luis or Alex would get the Varda estate, and Clara would marry. Elvira was focused on other things, Aubrey chucked, she wasn't sure Elvira knew what a boy was. The house has been empty since Cas' Aunt Nienna passed away but she was having some renovations done so it would be ready once it was time. Then there was Maggie, they hoped she would at least make it to adulthood before they passed.
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tamtam-go92 · 2 years
Rotspatz II:
Isaac didn't like living all by his own in a creepy old mansion. But one day, he saw his cousin Isaiah knocking on the door, asking him to move in. Isaiah felt neglected by his mother. That's why he decided to move in with his cousin. Isaac kindly accepted him and promised to take good care of him. But the house is full of ghosts! Is it really a good place for two anxious children?
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Isaac can't believe that so many relatives died in such a short time frame. He inherited this house from his uncle Simon. They used to have a good relationship. Isaac misses him a lot. But something makes him feel uncomfortable. Something bad will happen to Elvira if he doesn't rescue her. He can feel it.
Isaac Rotspatz: male, teen, Sim Family (Have 6 Grandchildren) Pisces (5/3/7/3/8) Private School, OTH: Tinkering Traits: Good, Athletic, Handy, Nurturing
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Back at home, he sometimes couldn't sleep because he could hear his mother and his aunt laughing like witches... He couldn't understand why. Isaiah somehow feels safe here. He doesn't know what but something makes him feel comfortable.
Isaiah Rotspatz: male, child, Sim Grow up Taurus (10/8/3/8/1) Private School, OTH: Cuisine Traits: Proper, Diva, Natural Cook
Challenges Rolled for - round: Public woohoo: woohoo in the photo booth or change rooms. - season: Private School: Invite the headmaster over and try to get the children into private school. - week: Regular Week: Nothing Major Happens -> There are no adults in this household, so a public woohoo is out of question. The boys also already attend private school. So no Challenges for this round!
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