#no rumbelle in this one
oautincorrectquotes · 10 months
Rumple: Don't worry, I have a few knives up my sleeve.
Belle: I think you mean cards.
Rumple, pulling knives out of his sleeves: No, I do not.
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Rumbelle text posts pt. 2/?
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notonlymice · 2 months
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rumbelle + more incorrect quotes
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chipedteacupchat · 1 day
Is it just me, or was Hook the writers' favorite and Rumple their least favorite?
Because Rumple's character gets screwed over so many times, and every time it happens, who comes out looking more holy and heroic? If you said Hook, you'd be right.
What makes it even more annoying to me is that the show tries to present Hook and Emma's relationship as the best and healthiest (because it was the writers' favorite). However, instead of showing us reasons why it's healthy, they just make the other couples worse. For example, CaptainSwan got together in season 4 and that same year, Rumbelle was ruined and OutlawQueen was ruined because of Marian!
This isn't to say I hate Hook, because I don't. I wanted Hook and Rumple to be written well together.
(I also still ship CaptainSwan but still, this bugs me)
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bluekidchaos · 7 months
i have a question regarding why rumple still is the dark one through out the show.
so, we now being the dark one is a curse and we know that true loves kiss can break all curses.
we also now for sure it can break the dark ones curse in Skin Deep when Belle kisses Rumple and he starts turning but then in Storybrook when the inital curse is broken and Rumbelle reunites we see them kiss many times but Rumple is still the dark one? i feel like ive either missed important info or it's just a plot hole or smthn
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crowfromfoggyforest · 8 months
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Rumbelle x Is/Not by Margaret Atwood part 2
[-> part 1]
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rumbelleshowdown · 5 months
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Author: Danger Mouse
Group: D
Prompts: Rumple sees Gideon’s birth. The beast is gone. Whispers.
The Midwife’s Tale
Everybody knew that contacting the Dark One commanded a high price. That was why, when Agatha heard of her niece's plight, she offered to be the one to call the deal-maker for help. After all, what could he possibly ask of an old woman like her? Her firstborn was long since grown and nothing she owned could possibly be of value to such a powerful sorcerer.  
His demand for a favour of his choosing, at an unspecified future time, came as a surprise. One day, he said, he would come for her and she would go with him immediately without question. And only when her services were no longer required would she be permitted to return to her family.
It was an unexpected request, and more than a little ominous. Her niece cried when Agatha agreed to the condition, but she knew it was worth it. Now she just had to live the rest of her life in fearful anticipation of the moment when the Dark One would swoop down and steal her away from everyone she knew and loved, to keep her with him for as long as he wanted.
That moment came surprisingly quickly. Only a few months later, during the family's evening meal, the demon appeared at her door and announced that she was to go with him. Agatha prepared herself for a tearful farewell, but the beast gave her no time. A cloud of mist obscured her vision and when it cleared again her family and the dinner table were gone, replaced by the stone walls of what she could only assume was the Dark Castle.
“In here,” the Dark One’s tone was clipped as he opened a nearby door and walked through, apparently confident that she would follow.
Cautiously, Agatha stepped into the room, taking in the bright tapestries and large windows that felt incongruous in a castle named after darkness. A sound drew her attention away from the decorations and towards the large bed where a young woman lay in the centre.
A heavily pregnant young woman.
Agatha drew in a breath as the reason for her presence became clear.  She wondered at not having made the connection before, knowing as she did the Dark One’s penchant for stealing babies, but somehow she’d never thought of him as the type to use a midwife. She'd always assumed that he collected children after the fact. She never expected that he would be involved in the actual births.
But involved he definitely was this time. He'd moved to the top of the bed and was leaning in close to the young woman, their heads practically touching as he whispered to her. Agatha wasn’t close enough to hear his words but assumed he was reminding her of whatever deal she had made to be in this position and warning against any attempts to cheat him of his merchandise.  
Suddenly the Dark One turned to face her and she almost flinched at the intensity in his amber eyes as he stalked forward, pointing to the bed behind him as he spoke.
“This is your payment to me. You are to help this woman deliver her baby and ensure they are both safe and well. Once that has been done you will be free to go.”
Agatha swallowed. “I'll... I'll do my best, sir, you have my word on that, but childbirth has its dangers. I cannot guarantee they will both come through safely.”
“They will. Or you’ll be spending the rest of your life as a toad.  All twenty seconds of it.”
“Rumplestiltskin...” The voice from the bed surprised Agatha, her accent indicating that this woman came from afar.  “Please don’t.” 
Agatha glanced between the two again and weighed up her next words. “I don't mean to be impertinent, sir, but your power is known throughout the land. Surely you could ensure a safe delivery without my help.”
Rumplestiltskin turned back to the bed and raised an eyebrow. The young woman matched his expression and Agatha watched as a silent conversation seemed to take place between them. She had the strangest feeling that she'd stumbled into an ongoing argument.
He sighed and turned back to her. “Belle wishes to have a natural delivery. You will do everything you can to ensure that happens. If something does go wrong then I will step in.  And that…” he spun back around to address the woman he’d called Belle,  “is non-negotiable. If there is even a hint that you or the baby are in danger then I will be using any and every form of magic at my disposal. I will not allow anything to happen to either of you. Is that clear?”
His tone sounded rather threatening to Agatha's ears, but it made the young woman's face soften and she smiled fondly. “Fine. But only if we're in danger. Otherwise please let the midwife do her job.”
“As you wish.”  Rumplestiltskin spread his hands before dropping into a nearby armchair.  
Agatha glanced at him nervously.   “Um, sir?  Perhaps you should wait in the hall. The birthing chamber is no place for a man.”
“Well it’s a good thing I’m not a man then,” the demon tittered, causing Belle to roll her eyes.
“Don’t mind him.  He’s… ah…” she trailed off as her face contorted into a grimace.  
Agatha's thoughts that this must be an extremely important baby for the Dark One to be so involved were pushed away as her training kicked in and she hurried to the woman's side, vaguely noticing Rumplestiltskin mirroring her across the bed. “Have you been having regular pains?”
Belle nodded. “For a while now.”
“How long has it been since the last one?”
“About fifteen minutes.”
“Thirteen minutes and forty seconds,” Rumplestiltskin interjected. “And sixteen minutes before that.”
“Well, it sounds like things are progressing nicely but you’ve still got a while to go yet.”  Agatha smiled reassuringly.
“That's what I told him.” Belle nodded her head in Rumplestiltskin's direction. “But he was adamant about bringing you here. I hope we didn't disrupt your day too much.”
“Of course not,” Agatha glanced at Rumplestiltskin, knowing that was the right answer, “but there's not much I can do at the moment beyond advising you to rest up before the hard work begins.”
“What do you mean?” Rumplestiltskin snapped. “She's in pain right now.”
“She’s in discomfort right now,” Agatha corrected.  “I'm afraid this is just the beginning. It's going to get worse over the next few hours.”
“Worse?” Rumplestiltskin looked like he was in pain himself as he turned to the figure in the bed, grabbing her hand, “Belle are you sure about this? Just say the word and I can...”
“I'm ok, Rumple.” Belle reached out her free hand to caress his scaled face. “Women have been giving birth for thousands of years.”
“I know, but…” his voice dropped to a whisper, one Agatha was close enough to hear this time, “I don’t like seeing you in pain.”  
Revelation hit Agatha like a wave, washing away all her previous assumptions, as she finally understood what she was seeing. Behind his unnatural eyes and the green-gold scales of his skin, the look on the Dark One's face was all too familiar.  It was a look she had seen countless times before on the faces of concerned husbands throughout the years.  
This woman wasn’t a desperate soul forced to hand over her baby to a monster.  She was his wife.  
Agatha cleared her throat and waited until they faced her. “Perhaps, sir, you could prepare some tea. The lady will need her strength and this could end up being a long night.”
It was, indeed, one of the longest nights of Rumplestiltskin's life. Seeing his wife in pain and having her refuse any and all help he could offer was a unique torture. But all that was forgotten the second he laid eyes on the perfect form the midwife laid in Belle's arms.
“Congratulations, my lady,” she smiled at them both, “a healthy baby boy.”
“Thank you.  Thank you so much.” Belle beamed at the woman before turning all her attention to their son.
“Yes, thank you.” Rumplestiltskin barely glanced in her direction. “There’s tea for you in the kitchen.  Help yourself, and once you’re finished you’ll be transported back to your home.  Consider your debt paid in full.”
He waved his hand and the woman vanished, leaving the three of them alone.
“That was rather nice of you,” Belle glanced at him suspiciously.  “What exactly is in that tea?”
“Just a small memory potion,” he replied, gazing at the baby in her arms, “I’ll not have my enemies finding out about you two.”
“So she’ll remember nothing?”
“She’ll remember coming here, a young woman screaming in pain for hours because of something I did to her, and my delight with the result.”
Belle shook her head.  “You're terrible.”
“Exactly,” he smirked.  “I have a reputation to maintain. Can't have people thinking the beast is gone.”
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Haven't had time to draw in a while so here's a few sketches of Belle because she's my love
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phoenixwrites · 1 year
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Regina talks a big game. But for all of her suspicions, right here? She is afraid.
She was so desperate for Rumplestiltskin's curse, she did not see the little...failsafes, little loopholes for Rumple to see. For instance, why he asked for Emma's name, because Emma's name--the Savior's presence in Storybrooke--would unlock his memories of the Enchanted Forest.
Or that little, "I want everything I want, as long as I say 'please'" which turned out to be a little curse trick that would FORCE Regina to comply, whenever he said 'please'. (Which should've been utilized more often actually...I suppose that broke when the curse broke, but still.)
But here in this moment, Rumplestiltskin reveals a few things.
He gave up his biggest trump card against Regina--his name, the knowledge of the curse she cast--just for a tiny PIECE of his memories with Belle. Regina has always known that Belle is important to him, but I don't think she understood HOW important, that what SHE thought was a clever move--kidnapping Belle for further use against Gold--actually seems to be her holding on to an atomic bomb ready to go off the moment Gold realizes he has her.
He is not SCARED to give up his name. It alters things a bit, he's annoyed, but he is not afraid to do it, the way she is. That frightens her. Gold has had this plan for WHILE and she has no idea what it is or how it might screw up her own machinations.
She tries to get the upper hand back when she taunts him with the cup--but it's too late.
Gold is a dangerous weapon and the moment he realizes that Regina has Belle, that weapon is gonna be turned against the Queen.
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That's right belle. Stick up for your man.
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She's so fucking delighted by rumple being good with dogs.
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oautincorrectquotes · 10 months
Rumple: No one can hurt me if I’m cold and detached and not emotionally invested in anyone
Belle: Hi :)
Rumple: *sweating* Shit
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Rumbelle text posts pt. 11/?
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notonlymice · 1 month
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rumbelle + (one more) school au moodboard
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chipedteacupchat · 4 days
Rumbelle incorrect quotes:
Prisoner: where am I, who are you?
Rumple: I am Rumplestiltskin, the dark one *menacing smile*
Belle: that's rumplestiltskin but he let's me call him ✨𝑅𝓊𝓂𝓅𝓁𝑒 𝒷𝓊𝓂𝓅𝓁𝑒.✨
He told me to tell you to be very afraid
Prisoner: *starts laughing*
Rumple: No I didn't, Belle you are ruining my reputation, stop! I will kill you!
Belle: sure you will ✨𝑅𝓊𝓂𝓅𝓁𝑒 𝒷𝓊𝓂𝓅𝓁𝑒✨
Rumple: *angry and blushing*
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beeeinyourbonnet · 1 month
The Siren
Pairing: Rumbelle
Rating: G (T? For mild language? idk)
Summary: The town librarian is behaving strangely, and Mr. Gold definitely does not care (third round entry from the rumbelle showdown 2024).
Rent day usually meant an empty shop, everyone avoiding their landlord until Mr. Gold made the rounds himself to collect payments.
Then, fourteen months ago, Belle French had accepted the librarian position and moved into town, and suddenly, every rent day, she was in on her lunch break with a check and a smile. 
Of course, Gold didn’t care that she came. What did it matter to him if someone actually sought him out to pay him on time, in full? Sure, in doing so, she ensured that he took every maintenance complaint seriously—he’d even once gone himself to fix her garbage disposal. He didn’t care that she’d smiled at him, offered him a cup of tea, and engaged him in conversation about his antique cufflinks. If she felt the need to converse with her handymen, what did it matter to him?
He didn’t care about the librarian.
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crowfromfoggyforest · 7 months
To the people complaining about the Rumbelle age gap /hj
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