#but EVERY video or pic or whatever i saw with depp on it he always had this fucking smarmy ass look on his face
timeisacephalopod · 1 year
On a total side note tangent I will say I didnt read Heard's piece that Depp sued over defaming him but if I have my facts straight she didn't even name him in the piece she wrote so like if he read "I became the face of domestic violence" and came running out screaming "you're defaming me!" it was weird that everyone read that as Heard defaming Depp and not as a confession of domestic violence from Depp?? Like I don't know many people who would be so offended their ex said they were in an abusive relationship that they'd come running out of the woodwork to claim they were the unnamed ex that was written about and they were the victim of a hit piece that never mentioned them by name?
Sounds more like he intentionally used the legal system to further abuse his victim and it's really god damn weird that it took uncomfortable texts from Depp to Marilyn Manson of all fucking people for people to realize the guy who was really willing to say he was the unnamed abusive ex was, in fact, abusive.
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minblush · 7 years
i don't think people are picking on the chainsmokers because they're literally nobody and no one knows them except for their songs. i dont know their songs either tbh lol.
tbh i never even saw their faces before they took pics with bangtan, but i have heard their songs (like how can you not? those songs are HUGE and i don’t even follow american music tbh) and heard about them as people… eeh… yeah… i’d call them and their sexism problematic way more readily than what halsey is doing right now
more asks under read more! ;;
Anonymous said:please stop being like “people are picking on halsey because she’s a woman”. people don’t pick on the chainsmokers bc noboby actually knows who they are. and everyone here, or at least most of the fandom, loves tinashe to death and would be 100x more times happy if it was her or like kehlani, instead of halsey.
oh i would also definitely take kehlani over halsey any day myself! i’m not saying that it’s just because she’s a woman. but when it comes to this whole problematic thing… there is a double standard, i’m sorry i do believe that sexism is a factor because of the comments i’ve seen that are rooted in it by nature, if you aren’t fond of her for ~problematic~ behaviour in the past or even for being annoying (like i do lol) that is valid, i’m not taking it away from you, but the things i’ve seen people say… like i’m not cooking out of water you know, i have reasons as to why i said what i said… i try not to make made up blanket statements ._. also there is a stark contrast between how other people (men) were received when they interacted or tried interacting with the boys (pewdiepie had a much warmer response overall AND LIKE? IF YOU KNOW WHAT HE DOES THEN YOU KNOW THAT SHOULDN’T HAVE BEEN THE CASE)… anyway, i just still don’t think that any of it is relevant when it comes to bangtan? halsey being “problematic” or disliked by people… you can personally dislike her but she would be of great benefit to them and the boys do like her and were so excited to meet her, but you are going to be like OH NO YOU ARE DUMB GUYS SHE’S PROBLEMATIC, i’d much prefer kehlani (especially music wise!) but i don’t think it’s inherently wrong for bangtan to work with halsey if it were to happen and i am happy for them, like the screaming “OMG NO NOT THAT SLUT” like? that is… not good… i think we should be pleased and happy for the boys getting connections like this for the many reasons i said before and i don’t want to repeat myself too much so i’ll leave it there
Anonymous said:halsey has kissed a lOT of underage fans (she even tweeted “I keep promising underage fans that I’m gonna make out with them. I am SO going to jail.” but she deleted it). her ghost and colors music videos are problematic. she also had a tweet saying “Asians multiply every year”. and honestly she “speaks” on black lives matter bc she considers herself biracial but “passes” as white (literally no one could tell if she wanst like gUYS PLEASE I HAVE A BLACK DAD I’M HALF BLACK!).
Anonymous said:halsey is a really problematic person though
sorry i’m just going to do a combined response. when it comes to the kissing etc… i already discussed most of this and my point is still the same, so i’m not going to repeat myself, you can go read my previous asks again for my opinion there. about the videos i don’t see…how those music videos are problematic, i just watched them cause I’M NOT A HALSEY FAN why is this happening to me dakjsd, but yeah like you could debate it but that is some very strict standards there, do you find bangtan problematic as well then? like cultural appropriation wise or whatever, since that seems to be your issue with the first one, i didn’t see much wrong with the second one… 
but yeah, that is my question, do you think bangtan are problematic? i assume you both are bangtan stans since you’re here akdjs… but because if these are your standards then bangtan also most definitely fit in there, especially if to you “problematic” is something that defines you for the rest of your life once you do a problematic thing. to go on a tangent… i just have a problem with that word i suppose… problematic… the issue with that word is that people call people like halsey problematic to define them for doing problematic things in the past even if they try they best in the present, and i don’t think that’s fair, because then they also call the same thing the people that are actively racist right now, people that are misogynist or homophobic right now, celebrities that are abusive and break the law etc, like how can you put someone who made yeah ugly racist comments and jokes when they were 15-17 or so but learned from it (and from quick googling apologized as well) in the same category as people like johnny depp, woody allen or chris brown? which is what i see happening? and also with all the “problematic favs” being thrown around? jennifer lawrence etc? 
i already said that i don’t even really like her, i’m just indifferent, and i’m not comfortable defending her because… she did some messy things and i don’t care for her and it wasn’t even my point, i find her grating and annoying and messy, i guess this is really about what the word means to you? i admitted i didn’t know about the asian comments, but i did for example know about her transphobic comments and my opinion is the same before and after… i justtt can’t get behind calling her problematic as a whole… 
she did say problematic things in the past i can agree there! people are definitely right there i can concede. but i don’t think she’s problematic as a person because to me that means someone who is actively “causing problems and refuses to correct their behaviour” ykwim… to me she seems actively trying to be a positive influence on the world RIGHT NOW and seems to have learned from what you mentioned, and i can appreciate that, that is one of the things i really appreciate about namjoon - reflection, growth, trying to make a positive difference, i could be always wrong but i prefer giving people the benefit of the doubt.. if she goes out and does something genuinely problematic tomorrow i’ll apologize to you personally. 
also if you’re gonna bring up her racial comments from so long ago and keep making it your point, are you going to do the same to namjoon? i’m curious. because i hate when other kpop fans use namjoon as the model for problematic idols, that’s why i’m cautious about treating other celebrities that way. you could pick out the messy and problematic things from anyone’s life and just write them off, bangtan included :/ so if you stan them i do find this sort of thing hypocritical. 
and last thing, about her race… i can’t even… like… you are going to erase her race because she is passing? or what do you mean? what is your point even????? there are black celebrities that never said a word about it, that’s why i brought it up, i know she’s biracial, was that your point? to like remove one of the positive things she does? are you really mocking her for trying to be socially active? she put herself out there to do the right thing, i don’t think it’s worth that sort of tone. i really don’t get your point of view. idek.. that is just way too cynical even for me. 
but yeah, i said several times that my point wasn’t really to discuss whether she’s problematic or not, i don’t think she is right now though, she was in the past and i think she is questionable and i have my opinion about her in general, you can find her problematic if you want i guess, that is just a matter of how you define the word, we can agree to disagree. my point was that she can be of benefit to the boys and i stand by that! she was extremely nice and respectful to them and the boys liked her too, we don’t need to ruin it for them
also i know this is a really long reply so if you want to discuss it more please send me asks on my ask.fm instead, tumblr can eat messages and it’s annoying in general, so it would be more comfortable there, thank you
Anonymous said:some of you really acting like bts can’t and shouldn’t meet new people or artists or god forbid made new friends like lmao chill, they ain’t gonna date halsey. she did done some problematic shit but saying that bts doing charity meeting her (i saw that on twt) or sth is disgusting. she clearly acted very friendly towards them and the boys were happy and comfortable. same goes with the chainsmokers, etc. stop acting gross just because you don’t like some artists and let bts do whatever they want
yeah see, i dislike the chainsmokers way more than how i feel about halsey, but i was still happy for them that they got to meet, because the boys like their music and it would be a big thing for them to get connections like that, the audience exposure is HUGE, when the boys can benefit and when the boys are happy, i’m happy, even if i personally dislike the people they’re meeting… i just don’t think it’s fair to push our standards and opinions on the boys and be like “no you shouldn’t work with them because i personally dislike them”, it’s about the music first and about how much new fans and success they could gain
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