#but FEH is limited
randomnameless · 10 months
Was Hopes doodoo-ing all over Houses lore, while also removing most of the good parts of the latter game's story and characters and quadrupling down on the bad ones, worth Rhea getting meaningful interactions and relationships with her family and friends for the first time outside of Heroes and having a badass death scene in SB?
This is a difficult question lol -
More seriously, I guess everyone expected something different from the finished Nopes product.
Given all the "attention" Fodlan receives that completely ignores Nabateans (tfw there are no nabatean bond rings bar Flayn who might have been Billy's student, but plot wise?) bar the Heroes alts, I'm very happy for the tasty breadcrumbs Nopes offered.
But if you order a burger, and if only the sesame seeds on the bun are tasty - is it a good burger? I don't think so.
So while another Fodlan procut/content might have forgotten or straight up ignored Nabateans (I just remembered the uwu drama CD :( ), imo those breadcrumbs wasn't worth getting Nopes, aka a game full of retcons, developed as a cashgrab by people who forgot FE16's plot (remember Hayashi said FE16 only had 3 routes !) to get an AU where everyone loses characterisation to uwu, even more than in the base game, about Supreme Leader.
Mind you, the devs from Nopes thought adding Monica and Holst were necessary additions to the story, but apparently, the evil lizard lady wasn't.
On paper, I like the idea of an AU and seeing how characters develop differently if some events of the base game never happened, but at least make them plausible! There's a reason why AG is so well liked, it's different from its FE16 version (unlike Supreme Bullshit and Tru Piss) and has meaningful characters developing in ways they didn't in FE16 (tfw Sylvain and Felix become mature!) while still remaining their core selves (unlike Clout).
But it didn't happen, while I try to find positivity in the game, I'm still a bit miffed that this spin-off could have been a WoH prequel, with giant armies clashing (the Larva paralogue!) where Rhea interacting with her brother (?) and friends while being a badass wouldn't just have been confined to 5% of the game (+3% for the opening cutscene).
Sure, that would have implied yeeting the student/modern world cast and not making a game based on them - still I never hid the fact that I care most about Nabateans in that game than about the student-modern cast, but hey, if I'm wondering about my dream "Nopes", I can be a little self-indulgent right?
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hulloitsdani · 3 months
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Took me a minute to finally knock this one out and I'm honestly restraining myself from going crazy on the shading and background. But that's eight characters in a style I don't normally work in. I already over estimated the time this would take. I'm calling it here for my sanity.
But with that out of the way, I wanted to thank everyone for the support during Sharena Week!! And an even bigger thank you for the people who made stuff for it! I'm putting it all your art in my pocket. I am running away with it. I am intently staring at it once I have escaped the authorities.
This has been very fun! Big thank you for @sharenaweek / @sharenalovemail for hosting. Please please please go check out everything she's doing. Stare at 'em with your eyes!
And with that I'm gonna back into hibernation! See you once Kiran Fire Emblem inevitably takes over my brain again :D
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moe-broey · 9 months
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Okay I. Did get sidetracked LMFAOOO but I tried to collect all the instances where Sharena or Alfonse appear in the background of another character's Meet the Heroes illustrations! I could have missed some, but this is what I found!
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a-pale-azure-moon · 5 months
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I'm sure you'd be shocked to learn that the new baby Chrobin duo performs very well in this map. They were not an instant win button, but they sure made dealing with Gullveig and Kvasir bullcrap MUCH easier.
(It's frightening that these maps aren't yet six months old and they've already been this neutered....)
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rubywolf0201 · 1 year
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They’re all in a queerplatonic friendship**💖💖
*: Azura is only friends with all of them platonically and she sees Ryoma and Xander as her older brother figures.
*: Ike and Micaiah are just friends. (Same can apply for Claude and Dimitri as well)
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Just a few more hours before the CYL7 units are revealed and just have to shout this into the void beforehand for my own sanity:
As much of a Chrobin shipper as I am, Intelligent Systems, I am on my knees
do NOT
make Robin’s Brave alt
about Chrom
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katfreaks-hidyhole · 2 months
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sieglinde-freud · 4 days
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i didnt get fogado or timerra yet please pray for me
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childofaura · 1 year
This latest book chapter…
King what’s-his-fuck: Haha now you will be Gullveig, I am a twist villain!
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… This plot makes no fucking sense now…
Also oh nooooo, not Heidr, who had like… one moment and barely any development or character. She’s straight up emotional fodder.
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saviourkingslut · 9 months
actually caineghis alt when intsys. intsys where is he it's been years. caineghis and giffca banner within three months or im on your front doorstep intsys hurry it tf up
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fourspiceblend · 2 years
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hulloitsdani · 3 months
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How many flower crowns does it take to bribe convince your friend to teach you how to use a lance?
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moe-broey · 9 months
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a-pale-azure-moon · 2 months
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The Chrobin strategy cruises to victory again!
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boyfrillish · 2 years
I wrote something for the first time since fanzine deadlines in summer and that makes me happy 🥹 500 words silly fluff of a scenario that wouldn’t leave my mind for the past couple of days
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ikes-waifu · 2 years
I will always find a way to use L!Ike to clear Limited Hero Battles.
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