#radiant aether strikes again
ikes-waifu · 2 years
I will always find a way to use L!Ike to clear Limited Hero Battles.
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marcusakito · 1 year
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Lyney x gn!reader
In which you ask the Harbinger, Arlecchino, for her blessing to marry Lyney, at the worst possible time.
CW: Nothing really. This is just a random funny scenario I thought of. Pretty ooc especially on Arlecchino's part, but I try. You are a traveller in this, but you aren't Lumine/Aether, if that makes sense? You're more like their companion.
This'll be half headcanons and half writing.
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Aether/Lumine (I'll let you decide which traveller you'd like) was tired and too injured to move, but luckily you had arrived in the nick of time, witnessing Arlecchino leave the area with the gnosis in hand.
"Take care of the traveller, Paimon. I'll handle things from here." You call as you made a dash into the next room, after the harbinger.
You find Arlecchino along with Lyney, who were both about to leave until you spoke, "Stop right there!"
They both turned around, a little confused. The knave was confused on who you were, while Lyney confused on why you were there.
And yet despite his better judgement and his "Father" watching, he couldn't help himself.
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"Mon amour!" He sang, waving to you as he called you by an affectionate nickname. You could've sworn you saw Arlecchino's eye twitch upon hearing that. Your boyfriend ran up to you, his radiant smile present on his face. Then again, isn't it always?
"Lyney? What are you doing here?" You asked as he gave you a kiss on the cheek.
"You see, I was helping father, and-"
"Wait, this is your adoptive father?" You pointed at Arlecchino, to clarify.
"Well, yes. Is there a problem, mon amour?"
You didn't answer, instead looking away and used the blade of your sword to fix yourself up. Since when was that hair out of place? And when did that smudge of dirt end up on your cheek? No matter, you did your best to look presentable. When you were finally satisfied, you put your sword away and approached Arlecchino.
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"It's nice to meet you ma'am, I'm your son's beloved."
'You're his what now?'
"I would like to ask for your blessing to marry Lyney."
Lyney let out an awkward laugh as he stood in front of you. He was nervous. Super nervous. Knowing his "Father" she might just strike you down right then and there.
"Mon amour, [Name], I don't think this is the time for that-"
Yet you wouldn't listen to reason. And why should you? You know the traveller will get the gnosis back in the end, no sweat. Might as well ask the question before The Knave returns to Snezhnaya and you miss your chance.
"You aren't after the gnosis?" Arlecchino finally spoke. She sounded... confused? Disappointed? Maybe both.
"I was, but this is more important." How is this more important?!
"And what makes you think I'll let you marry him?"
"I'm Teyvat's most eligible bachelorx."
Arlecchino sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. Is she really dealing with this?
"... Fine. But if I hear any news that you harm Lyney. You're dead." With that, she left. And you're internally fist pumping at your victory.
Poor Lyney was in shock, unable to say anything for once. Just what did he witness?
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I hope you guys liked it, it's my first time posting any of my random writings. Sorry for any grammar mistakes and if it ended a bit abruptly, english isn't my first language and I wasn't really sure how to end it. Anyway, have a good day!
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sanvirtheobserver · 12 days
Taking Flight, Chapter 41: Second Wind
Despite missing an eye and a leg, Xel'Takau seems more irritated than wounded. Another Exoframe goes down as it is crushed between the Worm head's jaws. Only the RED Engineer is left, and his exoframe is barely in any condition to move, let alone fight. The Broodlord reaches for him in an attempt to "complete the set," but a lightly charred Soldine manages to force the incoming palm to a halt. Pietro hops onto the outstretched arm and hurls a radiant spear towards its heart, but it's still not enough to pierce all the way through the crystaline shell. Xel'Takau thrashes his arm about, forcing Pietro to disengage.
Soldine: Any luck?
Pietro: Ugh......What do you think?
Xel'Takau takes another deep breath, preparing to unleash another torrent of burning Kuva......... before something in the distance catches its attention. The two watch as a bright blue aurora erupts outwards in the distance. A sudden streak of light comes barreling into Xel'Takau, sending him careening into a nearby cliff face.
Pietro: What the hell?
A figure lands in front of them. An iridescent blue aura shimmers around her body, and upon her right arm is a formittable armored gauntlet with bright blue veins creeping up her neck. She turns her gaze towards them, her eyes now completely alight with that same blue energy.
Tari: Sorry for the hold up. Now then........
Tari turns to the Xel'Takau, its eyes now ablaze with scarlet rage as burning Kuva percolates in its mouth. Soldine is eager to get back into the fight while Pietro and the RED Engineer are still a bit awestruck.
Tari: Who's ready for round two?
The Broodlord howls as a maelstrom of scarlet soulfire erupts from its mouth, and Tari brings up a barrier just in time to deflect the oncoming flames. Soldine leaps up into the air and over the flames before unleashing a full Salvo of rockets into the Broodlord's face. The worm head rears up and strikes at Soldine in an attempt to crush him. Tari blinks forward and deflects the oncoming strike with a blow from her Mace. A sickening crunch can be heard as one of its jaws goes flying off into the distance. Xel'Takau swiftly maneuvers away from the cliff, hissing with venomous ire.
Clench: D'aw, what the matter? Got a toothache?
Marston and the RED Sniper watch as the two start catching up with Xel'Takau. The Sniper is awestruck by Tari's sudden comeback.
R. Sniper: Holy hell, where the hell did all that gusto come from?
The captain seems much more concerned as he helped the RED Engineer out from the wreckage. He carries the wounded Engineer to safety as he looks over to the alcove and notices Tödliche watching from afar along with the others. Meggy is also somewhat concerned about what's going on with Tari, whereas Belle is both concerned and awestruck
Belle: What the hell was in that syringe?
Tödliche: Oh, nothing major. Just a condensed Aether substrate.
Meggy: And it's just........OKAY to have that stuff in your body?
Tödliche: That depends on the context at hand. Even a quarter of the dosage I gave her would prove fatal to an average person.
He continues to look on as the battle ensues. Even beneath that mask, one could sense a smile creep across his face.
Tödliche: But your friend isn't exactly average. Is she?
Xel'Takau swipes with its staff like a wild animal as Tari flies circles around it. Every near hit is met with a retaliatory Mace strike as sparks fly with every clash. Meanwhile, Pietro is biding his time to look for an opening when he begins to notice Soldine just standing there. The crackling of energy can be seen across his body as his muscles bulge and ripple with a newfound strength. He glances over to Pietro before turning his gaze back to the Broodlord. It brings down its scepter with an overhead swing, once again missing Tari by a mile. With all his strength, he withstands the impact. His fingers crater into the crystaline surface of the crystal shard. The Broodlord suddenly finds itself struggling to free the staff from his grasp. He turns back to an awestruck Pietro.
Wasting no time, Pietro conjures a pair of blades and lunges onto the arm. Sharpened light bites into the soft cartilage between the chittinous armor plates as he runs up the arm before bringing both blades down upon its shoulder. Xel'Takau lets out a roar of agony as it grasps the spewing stump where its arm used to be. Tari swoops down, switching to her glave as she severs two more of its legs, forcing it to the ground. She and Pietro land right next to Soldine as he separates rhe crystal shard from the staff's head, using every ounce of strength to lift it over his head as it crackles with volatile energy. Tari switches to her Mace and begins charging it with every ounce of energy she can spare, flying a few feet back as Soldine orients the shard.
Tari: For the fallen......... for the Mushroom Kingdom........ for all the lives lost this day..........
Xel'Takau's pain turns to rage as it rears itself back up on its remaining three legs and prepares for one last attack, bearing its chest. Tari sees her opening and flies forward at Mach speed towards the shard with her Mace reared and crackling.
Tari: THY END IS NOW!!!!
The Mace strikes the shard with megaton force. A sonorous crack echoes across the shoreline as the shard is sent flying straight through the Broodlord. The shard rockets out of sight, leaving a gaping hole in the clouds, the cliff face.......... and Xel'Takau's chest. Where there was once a beating heart, it felt nothing more than a hollow crater. The burning flame fades from its eyes as it collapses lifelessly to the ground. Xel'Takau, Vessel of the Old Blood, was no more. The energy around Soldine's body fades as he cools down. Pietro disperses his blades and lights up a cigarette. Tari, having exhausted her energy, stows her Mace and falls onto her back as her arm turns back to normal.
Clench: Does anybody have an Advil?
As the sun sets over the horizon, the air is surprisingly cheerful as the Pyros have already set up a big bonfire. The RED Engineer gets straight to frying up burgers and hotdogs on the grill. Mario is predictably the first in line, with Meggy keeping him on a tight leash to make sure he leaves something for everyone else. Bob is keeping watch as Boopkins packs up all the treasures they found. Rufus is absolutely ROLLING on the saxophone to the delight of his audience, and Sam is helping Soldine repair himself and reapply some of his false skin. Pietro takes another long puff from his cigarette as Potman lays out his schematics for the resort. Potman actually seems genuinely excited about both the tomb and the city, as his plan for the "Mann Co Subterranean Resort" now includes plans for a museum. Belle is just chilling by the bonfire while Whisk is writing things down in her notebook.
Belle: You seem excited. I trust your second trip down went a lot better?
Whisk: Yep. Now that the Hive are scattered, it was much easier to get back down to that tomb. We were able to find another room LOADED with artifacts.
Belle: Really? You find any "golden age rayguns?"
Whisk: Not exactly, but I managed to grab a few for Ms. Purah to look at. She's gonna have a field day with this!
She shows Belle all the pictures she took in the tomb, as well as a few artifacts. Belle looks through the collection and picks up a small crystal tablet with an ornate metal frame.
Belle: Huh. I didn't think the Metarunners had 5G.
Whisk: Mr. Heilung says there's a chance this thing could still work if we figured out a way to power it. Maybe Tari could help with that.
Belle: Eh, maybe put a pin in that for now. She just fought a mutant demigod the size of a skyscraper. Give the girl a break.
Speaking of Tari, she's currently sitting down near a cliff as she watches the sunset beside Damien. Marston comes over to check on the two.
Tari: Hey there, captain.
He takes a seat beside Damien.
Marston: How you holding up, Winters?
Damien: .......... My head still hurts, sir. It's not as bad as before, but.........
He stutters as he holds his knees close to his chest. Tari places a hand on his shoulder.
Marston: *sigh*......... They knew the risks and so did I. If anything, what happened down there was on me.
Damien: It's just........... why? Out of everybody we lost....... why keep me alive?
Marston: I guess every soldier has to ask that question sooner or later. I can't say I have a real answer........... I suppose we all have our burdens to bare.
Marston lets out a solemn sigh. He glances down to the class badges hanging around his neck. The Engineer's now hung alongside the rest.
Marston: Just know that you still got people looking out for you. Someone to help ease the burden.
Damien: ........... Thank you, sir..........
The captain gets back to his feet and gives his back a good crack.
Marston: We'll be heading over to Bricktown at o' ten hundred. Potman called in ORG and PRP to clear out the remaining Hive. I say we earned it.
Deep down in the ancient city, a faint light shines through the hole in the Pantheon's roof. Within the makeshift research camp inside, Tödliche sifts through the destroyed computer's remains and manages to salvage its hard drive. The internals seem to be intact as he hooks it up to a PDA. Within the database he finds a plethora of documents. Some were merely logs documenting the Kuva's effects on the Hive and how they utilized it for their rituals. One such document covers the harrowing torment of the YLW Soldier. It remains incomplete. Other documents were simply schematics for the Kuva Siphons utilized by the Hive.
Tödliche: Hm.........
Further snooping uncovers a series of encrypted messages detailing some sort of partnership deal. Only two users are identified. One is Ruusul, and the other is simply an alias........
The Skybreaker.
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steadybelieverpersona · 3 months
Ch.17: Moonfinger
Warning: Zhongli being an overprotective father
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Shitou: Welcome to the Jade Mystery, my good friends! Would you like to try your luck betting on jade? This could be your lucky day. It's cheap and it's fun, and who knows, you might just strike it rich!
Paimon: Betting? No, no, we're here for... um, what was it again?
Zhongli: Noctilucous Jade, of radiant grade at the very least.
Shitou: Radiant grade Noctilucous Jade? I see, you're not a tourist. My apologies. I have some here for your perusal... What do you think? The Jade Mystery is an old name in the jade business. Just look at that wonderful quality! Rex Lapis doesn't often bless us with such finery. Go on, pick whichever one you like!
Paimon: These three pieces really do look pretty, not like the ones you usually dig up... But how do we pick? Should we just grab one and go?
Y/n: It's not as easy as you say, Paimon. A man who makes his living off betting on stones can't be trusted so lightly.
Zhongli: Very good. It seems you have learned some tricks of the trade.
Y/n: Oh, uh, sorry, I didn't mean to sound like that. *shakes her hands in front of her* I just managed to learn this from Diluc, in Mondstadt, whenever I helped him out
Zhongli: "Diluc? Who is this man? What relationship does he have with my daughter? No, it can't be. Don't tell me that this man is someone who wants to marry my daughter!?!"
Paimon: What do you think, Mr. Zhongli? How should we pick from these pieces of Noctilucous Jade?
Zhongli: *snapped out of his thoughts* Oh? You want me to decide? That is fine as well. If it were me, the answer would be simple.
Paimon: Oh? And that would be...?
Zhongli: I'll take them all, boss.
Y/n: !!!
Shitou: Oh, you act with such panache, good sir! I always knew you were not a man of ordinary caliber!
Paimon: Wait! Wait! Boss, that one didn't count! We need to discuss it again!
Aether: We'll be right back
Paimon: Hey! If we only need one for the ritual, aren't we wasting three times the Mora if we buy them all!?
Y/n: That's true.
Aether: Actually, it's two times more Mora.
Y/n: *disappointed* I'm not good at math...
Zhongli: Oh, Mora. Hmm... It is as you say. I suppose I overlooked this particular aspect of the transaction.
Paimon: Huh? How do you not think about Mora when buying things!?
Zhongli: If one must always consider Mora before acting, then in all things, one is bound by Mora.
Paimon: Ahh... What?
Zhongli: All Mora is currency, but not all currency is Mora.
Paimon: *confused* ???
Y/n: He's talking about economics.
Paimon: Is this how the rich live? Well, he knows a lot about big money, but not a lot about big savings.
Zhongli: No need to waver. Even when I am constrained by Mora, I have ways of working around my limitations. Evaluating the quality of Noctilucous Jade is indeed very tricky. As crude ore, there is little difference in texture, lustrousness, and internal pattern between good and bad jade. Only after the item made using Noctilucous Jade has taken shape, will you be able to see whether it is up to par or not. If you return to those crafty merchants to quibble, they will counter by saying that your crafting bench is to blame or that your heat control was poor.
Paimon: Whoa! To think it's that easy to get cheated...
Zhongli: But there is a way to truly evaluate this jade, and a true insider would know it. "A fool sees the pointer and misses the moon."
Y/n: What does that mean?
Zhongli: If you point at the moon with your finger, a wise man knows that you are pointing at the moon, while a fool will only see the finger. The patterns, the facade, these are all the "finger." Noctilucous Jade is a mystical stone used to light up the darkness, and so its brightness is the most important thing — it is the "moon." Noctilucous Jade of excellent quality would have superior Pyro affinity. In other words, the bluer and brighter the luster of the ore under high temperature, the higher its quality.
Aether: I didn't realize you were such an expert... Is this a normal life for a high-class gentleman?
Y/n: *shrugs*
Zhongli: I have imparted the priceless secrets of the jade trade to you. Now, all that's left is to put it into practice.
Paimon: Priceless, huh... Paimon's just sad that we might never be able to use it again...
Y/n: *wrote it down quickly in a diary and puts it away* Who knows, it might actually be useful to us when we're doing something like this
Paimon: We're back to buy some rocks, boss. But can you let us burn them first?
Shitou: B—Burn them? You can't do that, my friends! If you were to do so, what would I have to sell?
Aether: Then I'm not buying any.
Y/n: *waving the Mora bag in front of her due to Aether telling her*
Shitou: Not buying...? Ah, come, come now, my good friends... we can still discuss this. Negotiation is key to trade, wouldn't you say? How about this? I can take a small sample of all three. I'll take a bit of a loss — we'll count it as a friendly gesture.
Zhongli: Don't worry, I know the rules. As long as we can prove that it is good jade, you will not take a loss.
Shitou: Alright. Take these as samples. *hands them to Y/n* I've carved them off with a knife and tagged them to boot.
Y/n: *judgemental* These samples...
Aether: *judgemental* So thin...
Paimon: ... Aren't these too thin? Even paper's thicker. No, even a bug's wings are thicker! These are almost see-through!
Aether: How stingy...
Shitou: Stingy? I've already been very generous. Any more, and you may as well have my neck!
Y/n: *worried* And they're very good enough samples *chuckles nervously* This is amazing handiwork
Shitou: At least you flatter me, but I have to be gentle with these rocks. They are my pride and joy! If I'd taken off even a bit more, it would have killed me.
Paimon: But wouldn't something this thin go poof if we held it to the fire?
Zhongli: It can't be helped. Trying to deprive a merchant of his profits would be like forcing a ravenous wolf to vomit up the food in its stomach. Nonetheless, under the right conditions, these thin slices will serve.
Paimon: What sort of conditions?
Zhongli: While we add the high temperatures using Pyro, we can use Hydro to reinforce it from within. This way, the samples will not disintegrate immediately.
Shitou: Oh? Oh, sir, to think you were this learned... Thank you for your understanding!
Zhongli: Strictly speaking, asking for samples when we have not yet agreed to purchase the goods is unfair. Trade in Liyue must be based upon fairness.
Paimon: Well, guess we just need to find a place to try this out...
Aether: I remember this spot in the Dadaupa Gorge...
Paimon: Ooh! Paimon remembers! We once saw this biiiiig pot down at the Dadaupa Gorge, in the camp of the hilichurls from the Meaty Tribe! It's real sturdy and should be able to take the elemental reactions! Y/n, now, let's pack those samples up and make a move!
After entering the Dadaupa Gorge region
Zhongli: It has been a long time since I last set foot in the nation of wind. A friend of mine from Mondstadt would always bring a few bottles of locally brewed dandelion wine whenever he came to visit me in Liyue. It must be said that the famed liquor of the Land of Pastorals is far better than Sumeru's frigid snake wine.
After heating up all three samples and returning to Liyue Harbor
Shitou: You're back, my friends! I've kept the goods for you. Which of them would you like?
Y/n: I would like the third Noctilucous Jade.
Paimon: Exactly, that's the one Paimon remembers too!
Shitou: No problem. If you have your eye on this one, you can have it.
Zhongli: Then we'll take a box of the third type of jade.
Shitou: Done! All the same... Pardon me for asking, but I'm curious. Whatever do you need this much top-quality Noctilucous Jade for?
Zhongli: Hmm. I suppose it would not hurt to tell you. We need them to make implements for the Rite of Parting.
Shitou: Parting...!? Oh dear... I'd heard the rumors but hadn't given much thought to them. This... this means that Rex Lapis really is......It's hard to believe. Even though the Jade Mystery has been in decline, we have always been under his protection. It is said that when our Lord lost his way while going incognito in the city two hundred years ago, it was a spoon from The Jade Mystery that he had used to sample the local delights. Alas, alas, all things must pass... Well, if this is to be used to say farewell to Rex Lapis, then I shall sell this to you at half the price.
Y/n: Are you sure? You didn't wanna even give us an inch before...
Shitou: If not for our Lord's protection, this city wouldn't exist as it does now. No proprietor could earn money off such a thing.
Paimon: Aww... I'm sure Rex Lapis will feel your sentiment, boss.
Zhongli: In the safe hands of the Liyue Qixing and good, honest merchants such as yourself, I, for one, believe that Liyue will continue to prosper as it always has done.
Aether: So let's not get ourselves down just yet.
Shitou: Alright... thank you, my friends. Hah, what's with me, getting all sentimental like this? I'll practically be giving away all my fortune at this rate.
Zhongli: Now that we've made our choice, let's take this Noctilucous Jade back.
Paimon: Hey, wait a minute! He said it was half price, not that we could leave without paying!
Zhongli: Oh, right, I'm sorry. I must have forgotten to do that, too. Let me see......As I thought, I didn't bring any.
Paimon: Any what?
Zhongli: Mora. My apologies, another oversight on my part.
Aether: What a strange take on the value of money...
Paimon: That won't do, this isn't some small sum... Oh wait, didn't Childe give us some advance funds earlier?
Y/n: I have them on me.
Paimon: That's a relief. Have a look, boss, is it enough?
Shitou: It's fine, just enough for half price... though, to be honest, it'd be alright even if the sum wasn't quite enough.
Zhongli: Well, it's settled, then. Let's take this jade to Yujing Terrace. That's where we plan to hold the Rite...
Paimon: Look at you, bossing everyone around! You didn't cough up a single Mora!
Y/n: Please remember to bring money next time.
Zhongli: I will do my best. You have my thanks.
After putting the Noctilucous Jade in place
Zhongli: We can leave the jade here. I have already called for a jewelsmith to shape them into the implements that we will need. Ah, yes. I have yet to go and see Childe. So as for the jewelsmith's remuneration...
Y/n: We'll pay the jewelsmith when he arrives. Though fingers crossed if Childe will reimburse us...
Paimon: Guess we can't do anything else. Also, is this where we're doing the Rite of Parting?
Zhongli: Yes. I have already rented this location and have begun making preparations for the rite.
Y/n: The Rite of Descension took place here, too.
Zhongli: That's right. The Liyue Qixing has acquiesced to using the same location.
Aether: So we're just using the scene of the crime to...
Zhongli: The Liyue Qixing have agreed to this arrangement.
Paimon: But when something this big happened here... should suspects like us really be at the crime scene? We might get caught by the Millelith. Although with that said, since we got back from Jueyun Karst, none of those pesky Millelith soldiers have come chasing after us. Wonder what that's about... Also, the, uh, Rex Lapis' vessel...
Zhongli: Traditionally, we call it the Exuvia.
Paimon: Ah, right. That's what it was called! You seem to know everything, Mr. Zhongli. Um, so, was this Exuvia hidden away by the Qixing? I mean, we haven't even figured out who the murderer is...
Zhongli: One must think that they already have someone in mind. Or perhaps they already know. Surely, they must have found all the evidence that there is to find here.
Y/n: It still feels very odd.
Aether: Yeah, it seems a bit too easy-going...
Zhongli: These things are for the authorities in Yujing Terrace to consider. Trying to help would probably only add to their troubles. Before the Rite is conducted, the Exuvia will be kept temporarily in the Golden House.
Paimon: Golden House?
Zhongli: The only mint in Liyue... which is to say the only mint in Teyvat. All the Mora that flows throughout the world is minted there.
Paimon: Wow—
Y/n: Paimon... *crosses her arms*
Paimon: No, Paimon wasn't thinking about anything bad. Paimon thinks it suits Morax. But why do you know this, Mr. Zhongli?
Zhongli: Since the Rite of Parting has the approval of the Qixing, it is a semi-official event. As such, there is already some limited information available.
Aether: The Qixing provides the location, and Childe the funds... They must have some ulterior motive...
Zhongli: Perhaps each has their motives... but this is the capital of commerce. A little exploitation once in a while is not unacceptable. In Liyue, where the God of Contracts reigns, only contracts may not be betrayed. I, for one, have no issue with little maneuvers outside their remit. Well then, we should go and prepare the perfumes used in the Rite.
Paimon: Perfumes? Where'll we get those? Do we buy them?
Zhongli: No, perfumes used to honor the gods must be freshly decocted. The quality of the Silk Flowers we require is also special. Silk Flower petals contain a fibrous material of good quality, often used in brocade-making. Its scent, however, is most elegant and is especially suited for solemn events like giving offerings to gods and adepti.
Paimon: It's time for Zhongli's lectures on high society again...
Zhongli: We shall not speak of the details right now. Follow me, we shall go to the merchants to purchase our ingredients.
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(After the Liyue Archon Quest)
Zhongli: So Y/n, do you mind explaining to me who Aether is to you and tell me more about your friends in Mondstadt? Mainly, the male friends you have just curious...
Y/n: Aether is like a big brother. The same applies to Diluc, Kaeya, and Albedo, though they always hug me from behind and say that I would look good in white, don't know what that means. I'll ask Aether about that when he gets back from his commission
Zhongli: ....
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(You could pretend the "handsome man" being either Diluc, Kaeya, or Albedo and Miyako, the lady dressed in white, as you)
Y/n: Dad?
Zhongli: "Oh fuck no, I am not allowing those bastards get married to her!!! Bard you better help me with with preventing our daughter getting married!!!" *snapped out of his thoughts* There's no need to ask Aether about that Y/n, infact you don't need to know about that.
Y/n: Ok!!!!
Diluc/Kaeya/Albedo/Aether: *sneezed* Is someone talking about me?
(What Zhongli also didn't know was that Albedo, Diluc and Kaeya were not only thinking about Y/n being dressed in a wedding dress but as well as covered in "white" if you know what I mean 😉)
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scarletarosa · 4 years
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Greek goddess of the night
Nyx (Roman: Nox) is the primordial goddess of the night and is one of the most ancient goddesses to dwell within this Universe, as she had originated within the Void beyond the Universe. Nyx formed from the depths of this ancient darkness without any parents and mated with several deities in order to bring about gods who were necessary for creation to evolve. From Chaos (the formless Void), Nyx gave birth to Nemesis, Hypnos, Momus, and many others. With her first husband, Ouranus (god of the heavens), she gave birth to many deities, including Philotes, the goddess of unity and love. Afterwards, Nyx mated with several other deities such as Olethros and Erebos. With Olethros (god of doom), Nyx gave birth to Pluto (god of death and the Underworld). In ancient Greek sources, Hesiod claims Pluto (Hades) to be the son of Kronos and Rhea, yet it is the Orphics who determine him to be the son of Nyx (which Nyx confirms). 
Nyx also temporarily mated with Erebos, the primordial god of darkness, with whom she gave birth to Aether (god of the upper light and aethereal air), Hemera (goddess of day), and Eris (goddess of strife and discord). In the evening, their mother Nyx would draw her dark veil across the sky, obscuring the ether and bringing night. In the morning, Hemera dispersed night's mist to reveal the shining blue ether of day. In the ancient cosmogonies, night and day were regarded as elements separate from the sun. Eris would go upon mankind and ruthlessly spread chaos, gossip, arguments, and battles with glee- her opposite and sister, Philotes, would be the one to amend this maliciousness with her harmonious powers. Philotes is the Universal power of harmony and the ability to subdue chaos through love and understanding. She is the most beloved of Nyx’s children and is the strongest among them. She arose as dawn and hope and began working to harmonize all of existence in order to bring peace and wisdom; fighting against all hardships.
"And Nyx bare hateful Moros (Doom of Death) and black Ker (Fate of Death) and Thanatos/Pluto (Death), and she bare Hypnos (Sleep) and the Oneiroi (Dreams). And again the goddess Nyx, though she lay with none, bare Momos (Criticism), painful Oizys (Misery), and the Hesperides (Evenings)...Also, she bore the Moirai (the Fates) and the ruthless avenging Keres (Deaths)...Also powerful Nyx bare Nemesis to bring retribution upon corruption, and after her, Apate (Deceit), Philotes (Unity), Geras (Old Age), and cold-hearted Eris (Strife) were born.”  
In Greece, Nyx was often depicted as the very substance of the night- a veil of dark mists drawn across the sky to obscure the light of Aether, the shining blue of the heavens. Her opposite is Hemera (Day) who scattered the mists of night at dawn. In her humanoid form, the goddess is depicted was a beautiful woman wearing a black dress and with black wings. Sometimes she was shown crowned with an aureole of dark mists. Homer (Il. xiv. 259, &c.) calls her the subduer of gods and men, and relates that Zeus himself stood in awe of her. In the ancient cosmogonies, Night is one of the very first created beings, for she is described as the daughter of Chaos (the Void).  
At the beginning there was only Chaos (the Void), Nyx (Night), Erebos (Darkness), and deep Tartarus (the Abyss). From the collected effort of elder creator deities, the Cosmic Egg was able to be formed in the depths of the Void, and eventually the Egg burst open- exploding into light to form the cosmos of the Universe, as well as the glorious deities Phanes (Lucifer) and Eros. These two beautiful deities were separated upon birth, with Eros staying within the Void and radiant Phanes remaining in solitude within this newly formed Universe. Eventually, Eros made a less-powerful copy of himself to be born to Aphrodite, so that he could interact within the Universe as well. Phanes held the distinguished sceptre [the rulership of the universe] and guided the other deities who came into being for many ages.  
The Orphic Hymn to Nyx [16]:
“Night, parent Goddess, source of sweet repose,   From whom at first both Gods and men arose,   Hear, blessed Venus, deck'd with starry light,   In sleep's deep silence dwelling Ebon night!   Dreams and soft case attend thy dusky train,   Pleas'd with the length'ned gloom and feastful strain.   Dissolving anxious care, the friend of Mirth,   With darkling coursers riding round the earth.   Goddess of phantoms and of shadowy play,   Whose drowsy pow'r divides the nat'ral day:   By Fate's decree you constant send the light   To deepest hell, remote from mortal sight;   For dire Necessity which nought withstands,   Invests the world with adamantine bands.   Be present, Goddess, to thy suppliant's pray'r,   Desir'd by all, whom all alike revere,   Blessed, benevolent, with friendly aid   Dispell the fears of Twilight's dreadful shade.”
Appearance: Nyx appears as a beautiful and regal woman with long wavy black hair, silver eyes, pale skin, black-feathered wings, and wears long flowing black dresses with tiny stars and silver jewelry. In her ancient form, Nyx is enormous, dwarfing in size even planets; her long black hair is like a shroud. Her piercing gaze can strike terror into most other deities who come upon her.
Personal experiences: She is extremely loving and wise, loves calculating things, is compassionate, understanding, graceful, regal, mysterious, charming, and very intelligent. She is one of the most wonderful goddesses I know of and is both incredibly gentle and wise. Whenever Nyx is happy, new stars are born in the Universe. She deeply values things such as inspiration, peaceful exploration and scientific pursuits, astronomy, pharmacology, and the pursuit of one’s dreams. Nyx is more withdrawn from humans than many other deities, but for those who come to her, she grants them serenity, guidance, and nourishment. She describes herself as “the one who guides and nurtures from the dark so the day can be born”. Nyx also explains that she is the goddess who the Egyptians called Nuit and who the Nords called Nótt, since it is she who embodies the night and has been known by many names throughout existence.
Offerings: chilled sweet red wine, chilled sarsaparilla, chilled absinthe, chilled blue raspberry soda, chilled pomegranate juice, chilled cranberry juice, oysters, prawns, caviar, swordfish, baguette, crème of strawberry, gateau, cooked hare, plums, blackberries, blueberries, cherries, olives, moonflowers, black dahlias, Queen of the Night flowers, anemone flowers, purple tulips, belladonna, Chanel no. 5 perfume, Jezebel perfume (Black Phoenix Alchemy), Midnight Dahlia perfume, ostrich eggs (not to eat), raven/crow feathers, raven/crow skulls, black silk, silver jewelry, star maps, bat figurines, crow/raven figurines, python figurines, sea turtle figurines, lapis lazuli, labradorite, star sapphires, cats eye, tanzanite, black onyx, antique combs, handheld silver mirrors, antique jewelry boxes, antique padlocks, fountain pens, poetry, black or dark blue candles
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fatesdeepdive · 3 years
Entry 76: Twenty-Five Turns of Waiting
These next DLC classes are all based off Fire Emblem lords of past games. Specifically, the lords who appeared in Smash. Each of these lords is recruitable via Amiibo, justifying their unique classes.
Class Profile - Lodestar
A sword-wielding class with high Speed and Skill. Class of the Marth Amiibo. In addition to innate boosts to Hit, Crit, and Avoid, they learn Charm, which makes nearby allies inflict more damage, Dual Guardsman, which causes them to charge Dual Guards faster, and Speedtaker, which boosts Speed when the user defeats an enemy. Design-wise, they dress like Marth. Who doesn’t have design I have any strong feelings about, but is at least an iconic design.
Class Profile - Vanguard
A buffer version of the Hero class that wields Swords and Axes. Class of the Ike Amiibo. Heavy Blade increases Strenght by 3 while reducing Speed by 1. Veteran Intuition boosts Crit Evade. Aether is a fantastic activation skill that effectively hits the enemy twice, once with Sol and once with Luna. Finally, Strengthtaker is Speedtaker but with Strength. Once again, the class give characters Ike’s design. His Radiant Dawn Hero design, not his Vanguard Design. Ike’s Hero design is great, though, so who cares.
Class Profile - Great Lord
A Sword and Lance wielding class with stats like Paladins, except not mounted. Class of the Lucina Amiibo. Charm and Aether do what they say in the previous paragraphs. Dual Striker boosts damage on Dual Strikes when supporting an ally. Awakening gives massive boosts to Hit, Evade, Crit, and Crit Evade when the wielder is below half health. Lucina’s design is great, but it doesn’t really work on other characters. It, and really all of these classes, look more like cosplay than actual outfits. Also again that’s not what Lucina’s Great Lord design is, that’s her Lord Design.
Class Profile - Grandmaster
A class wielding Swords and Tomes. Unlike the nukes they were in Awakening, Fates Grandmasters are an ordinary class with good Magic and Resistance. Tactical Advice boosts the Hit of Guard Stance supported units, Solidarity boosts Crit and Avoid by adjacent allies, Ignis is an activation skill that gives a 1.5 boost to magic/attack, and Rally Spectrum is a rally skill that gives +2 to all stats. Again, the design doesn’t really work because Robin’s Tactician design, not their Grandmaster design because it isn’t used, was so specific. Why is Corrin wearing a black and purple hoodie with the logo of the Grimeal on it? Actually, wait, now that I think about it, it is fucking wild that no one realizes Robin is connected to the Grimeal from that cloak.
Conquest Chapter 25: Ryoma
Storytime! I first played this game when I was 16. I distinctly remember where I was when I played this chapter. I was part of a church youth group at the time and got roped into working as the projectionist at a church movie night. They showed God’s Not Dead, which is a fucking awful movie that I hate with every fiber of my burning. This game’s bad writing is nothing compared to that shitstain of a film.
Anyway, I distinctly remember playing this game that night, because I had the volume on and got in trouble. There’s no point to this story, I just felt like sharing it.
Moron and Azura rush through the castle to try and find Ryoma before Iago does. Iago mentions that his team killed every single Hoshidan they ran into. Moron lies and says that they killed Hinoka. Iago speculates that Moron spared Hinoka, but Garon doesn’t give a shit because he’s a bad villian. Iago monologues, again, for the tenth fucking time, about how he’s going to make Moron suffer.
Moron and Iago run into Ryoma, who draws his sword, lighting a dozen nearby torches. Iago tells Ryoma that Sakura is being held hostage, Takumi killed himself, and Moron murdered Hinoka. Moron, having stupidly forced themselves into this situation, confesses to murdering Hinoka. Ryoma takes the news well and tries to strike down Moron. Xander intervenes and Ryoma challenges Moron to a one-on-one duel to the death as sunset. Xander tries to stop the duel, but Iago and Garon insist it goes on.
Saizo and Kagero show up with reinforcements and a battle breaks out. Much like the Birthright chapter Xander, you can end this one early by actually respecting the duel and fighting Ryoma with Moron. Alternatively, you can fight through an army of high-level enemies and lose half of your army to break into the dueling grounds. This decision is made even harder by a terrifying time limit; after a measly 25 turns, Ryoma will attack Moron. This barely gives you enough time to sit around for fifteen turns after taking out the retainers. Side note, I made Kaze kill Saizo, there wasn’t any unique dialogue.
After being defeated by Moron, Ryoma begs for death so he may be reunited with Hinoka. Moron reveals that Hinoka is still alive, something they could have said before Saizo and Kagero died pointlessly. Moron leaves Ryoma alive and goes to meet with Garon.
Moron tells Garon to seize the throne, but Garon demands Moron kill Ryoma. Moron suggests sparing Ryoma to make him suffer the dishonor of losing his kingdom, but Garon brings up the whole kill everyone so they can’t get revenge thing. Ryoma intervenes and kills himself to keep Moron from doing it. As he dies, he whispers to Moron that he’s counting on them.
I count this as Moron breaking their promise to Hinoka, by the way. This is Moron’s fault. Ryoma died for Moron because Moron was a shithead. And the worst part is, we’ve already been through this exact fucking scene! The Rainbow Sage did the same thing for Moron, our special boy who can’t be forced to make hard choices. Ryoma dies and Garon relishes in his absolute victory that we granted him, at the cost of countless innocent lives.
Fates is a game of parallels. This chapter parallels the Birthright chapter Xander, that game’s best chapter. This is not this game at its best. This is everything wrong with Conquest. Instead of Moron fighting for good against their brother, an honorable but misguided man loyal to his country, it's Moron fighting against good out of loyalty to their country. We’re the fucking bad guys, we’re the ones who killed Ryoma, and fuck this game if it pretends otherwise.
Moron wanders off and sobs about Ryoma dying. It is touching, or at least it would be if it wasn’t fucking stupid. Azura says that Ryoma was proud of Moron and that Moron shouldn’t waste his sacrifice, because her purpose as a character is to keep Moron from feeling sad about anything ever. I’d feel sad about the two semi-siblings crying together over the death of their big brother, if it wasn’t their damn fault for being dumbasses.
Support: Kaze/Selena
C: Selena interrogates Saizo to see if he'll be a useful ally. Kaze points out that they're both aloof and suspicious.
B: Kaze observes Selena in battle and realizes that she's been fighting for her entire life.
A: Kaze realizes that Selena, Odin, and Laslow are all keeping the same secret, but doesn't investigate further because Selena is his ally.
S: Kaze and Selena have a moonlit chat where Kaze begs Selena to stay in Nohr, vowing to protect her because he loves her.
Review: Kaze’s moonlit begging for Selena to stay is great. Other than that, this one is fine.
Support: Azura/Laslow
C: Laslow, who is up late practicing dancing, runs into Azura, who is up late practicing singing.
B: Laslow dances and this is somehow enough for Azura to psychoanalysis him and realize A: that he has a dead mother, and B: he has stage fright. Somehow.
A: Laslow dances despite his stage fright with Azura's help. Azura says that she used to worry about not being as good as her mother, Arete, until Mikoto told her her voice was beautiful. Laslow says he wishes he could inspire people to move again like Azura can. Azura says she can only do that because of her pendant, confirming that Olivia is a metahuman who could kick Azura's ass.
S: More psychoanalysis of dancing, the standard can't date a royal thing, blah blah blah.
Review: It’s fine, but I don’t really think it went far enough with either character.
Support: Benny/Mozu
C: Mozu, thinking Benny is a bear, tries to hunt him.
B: Benny says he doesn't eat bear because he played with bears as a child.
A: Mozu asks Benny to help her befriend a bear.
S: Mozu says she misses the rice paddies from her village. There are like twenty different Supports where Mozu talks about farming and this is the first time she mentions rice, which is weird. All of her other Supports have her farming other plants, so I assumed she was some sort of vegetable farmer. Whatever. Benny offers to help her farm, which is his idea of a proposal.
Review: Benny is a bear, amiright? No but seriously this one is just okay.
Support: Beruka/Charlotte
C: Charlotte tells Beruka that men won't like her because she's standoffish, which is flat out not true. Beruka says she doesn't care about what other people think, only about if she can kill them. Charlotte claims she knows a different way to kill a man.
B: Charlotte tells Beruka to wear skimpy clothes and make people food so she can take control of men's hearts. Also Beruka mentions that she wears Camilla's old armor, which is a neat character detail. Presumably from when Camilla was a child, because Beruka's clothes clearly wouldn't fit Camilla now.
A: Beruka confronts Camilla about lunches not killing men. Charlotte says she wasn't being literal and that her methods drive men to serve her, which works because men without free will are basically dead.
Review: This one is bland and also makes Beruka an idiot.
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25 Elf Subraces
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The next in my series of massive subrace compilations are the elves! Survive even the harshest environments as the silt elf, harness the elements as a planewalker elf, and walk through blizzards as easily as one would a paved road as the snow elf! Based on the reception of this compilation, my next post in the series will have 25 subraces for genasi and after that gnomes.
Bladesworn Elf
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength increases by 1.
Destined Warrior. You have one superiority die which is a d6, and learn one combat maneuver of your choice. You regain your superiority die upon finishing a short or long rest. You may use your Strength or Dexterity to calculate the DC of the maneuver.
Study of the Blade. You are proficient with greatswords, longswords, shortswords, scimitars, rapiers, daggers, sickles and lances.
Corrupted Elf
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength increases by 1.
Frenzied Spirit. When an ally within 30 feet of you falls to 0 hit points, you can choose to fly into a frenzied state. Until the end of your next turn you gain a bonus to weapon damage equal to your proficiency bonus. Once you use this trait, you cannot do so again until you finish a short or long rest.
Scorn. You have advantage on Charisma (Intimidation) checks made against fey and other elves.
Mountain Elf
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength increases by 1.
Hardy. You have advantage on saving throws made against disease and becoming frightened.
Mountain Weapon Training. You are proficient with handaxes, battleaxes, longbows and shortbows.
Titanborne Elf
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength increases by 1.
Powerful build. You count as one size larger for the sake of how much you can push lift,, drag and carry.
Natural Athlete. You have proficiency with the athletics skill.
Titanic Toughness. Increase your hit point maximum by 1, and increase it by 1 each time your level increases.
Wild Elf
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength increases by 1.
Claws. Your unarmed strikes can deal 1d4 + your Strength modifier in piercing damage.
Vigilant. You gain a bonus to your passive perception equal to your proficiency bonus (in addition to your bonus from already being proficient in the perception skill)
Wild Leap. When you make a running jump, increase the distance covered by 5 feet.
Alluvium Elf
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution increases by 1.
Chemical Resilience. You have resistance to acid damage.
Malleable. You can fit into spaces large enough for a small creature to fit through. Additionally, you are proficient in the acrobatics skill.
Mire Elf
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution increases by 1.
Poison Resistance. You have advantage on saving throws made against poison and have resistance to poison damage.
Mire Weapon Training. You are proficient with spears, pikes, morningstars and nets.
Planewalker Elf
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution increases by 1.
Bonus Language. You can speak, read and write primordial.
Planar Magicks. You know the Prestidigitation cantrip. At 3rd level, you can cast the spell Spider Climb, at 5th level, you can cast the spell Elemental Weapon. After you cast these spells, you cannot cast them again until you finish a long rest. Your spellcasting ability is Intelligence.
Silt Elf
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution increases by 1.
Survival Skills. You are proficient in the Survival skill. Additionally, choose one of the following to be proficient with: brewer’s supplies, cartographer’s tools, cook’s utensils, potter’s tools, weaver’s tools, navigator’s tools, herbalism kits or land vehicles.
Stretched Thin. You require half as much food and drink. Additionally, you do not gain exhaustion from moving in a forced march and do not gain a penalty to perception when traveling at a fast pace.
Snow Elf
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution increases by 1.
Arctic Camouflage. You have advantage on Dexterity (stealth) checks to hide in snowy terrain.
Cold Resilience. You have resistance to cold damage, and you are unaffected by extremely cold weather.
Cloudvision. For up to 60 feet, your vision is unaffected by fog and mist such as the fog created by a Fog Cloud spell or from naturally occurring weather such as a snowstorm.
Bowsworn Elf
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom increases by 1.
Hunter’s Eye. When you score a critical hit with a ranged weapon attack, you can roll one of the weapon's damage dice one additional time and add it to the extra damage of the critical hit.
Study of the Bow. You are proficient in longbows, shortbows, light crossbows and heavy crossbows.
Grave Elf
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom increases by 1.
Grave Resilience. You have resistance to necrotic damage and advantage on saving throws made against spells from the necromancy school.
Superior Darkvision. Your darkvision extends to 120 feet.
Green Elf
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom increases by 1.
Green Tongue. You can cast the spell Speak With Plants once with this trait, you regain the ability to do so once you finish a long rest. Your spellcasting ability is Wisdom.
Silver Elf
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom increases by 1.
Censer of the Soul. You can cast the spell Protection from Evil and Good, at 3rd level, you can cast Protection from Poison, and at 5th level, you can cast Magic Circle. Once you cast each of these spells, you cannot cast them again until you finish a long rest. Your spellcasting ability is Wisdom.
Theologian. You have proficiency in the Religion skill, additionally, you have advantage on saving throws against becoming frightened.
Shadowsworn Elf
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom increases by 1.
Superior Darkvision. Your darkvision extends to 120 feet.
Study of the Shadow. You are proficient in the Stealth skill and light armor. Additionally, You can attempt to hide even when you are only obscured by darkness.
Bone Elf Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence increases by 1.
Bony Hide. You have tough skin lined with horns, spikes and protruding bones. When you aren't wearing armor, your AC is 13 + your Dexterity modifier. You can use your natural armor to determine your AC if the armor you wear would leave you with a lower AC. A shield's benefits apply as normal while you use your natural armor.
Cunning Artisan. As part of a short rest, you can harvest bone and hide from a slain beast, construct, dragon, monstrosity, or plant creature of size Small or larger to create one of the following items: a shield, a club, a javelin, or 1d4 darts or blowgun needles. To use this trait, you need a blade, such as a dagger, or appropriate artisan's tools, such as leatherworker's tools.
Bronze Elf
Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence increases by 1.
Elven Construct. You don’t need to eat, drink or breathe. Additionally, you are immune to disease.
Magnum Opus. You are proficient in one artisan’s tool of your choice. You double your proficiency bonus to any check made with that tool.
Omen Elf
Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence increases by 1.
Curse-Slinger. You can cast the Hex spell, at 3rd level, you can cast Blindness/Deafness, and at 5th level, you can cast Bestow Curse. Once you cast each of these spells, you can’t do so until you finish a long rest. Your spellcasting ability is Intelligence.
Evil Eye. As an action, you can gaze at a creature within 30 feet of you, that creature must succeed a Wisdom saving throw or be frightened of you. At the end of each of their turns, they can remake their saving throw, ending the effect on a successful save. This can last for up to a minute. At 6th, 11th and 16th level, the number of creatures you can target with this trait increases by one. After using this trait, you cannot use it again until you finish a short or long rest. The DC of this trait is equal to 8 + your Proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier.
Star Elf
Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence increases by 1.
Bonus Language. You can speak and understand deep speech.
Gaze of the Stars. You have advantage on saving throws made against curses and becoming blinded.
Mindspeak. You can speak telepathically to any creature within 30 feet of you. The creature understands you only if the two of you share a language. You can speak telepathically in this way to one creature at a time.
Wandsworn Elf
Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence increases by 1.
Extensive Charge. When you cast a spell with at level no higher than one-fourth of your character level rounded up through the use of a spell slot or your Study of the Arcane trait, you can choose to do so without expending the slot or daily use of that spell. Once you use this feature, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest.
Study of the Arcane. You have proficiency in the Arcana skill and know the Mage Hand cantrip. At 3rd level, you can cast the Nystul’s Magic Aura spell, and at 5th level, you can cast Dispel Magic. Once you cast these spells, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest. Your spellcasting ability is Intelligence.
Aether Elf
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma increases by 1.
Bonus Language. You can speak, read and write celestial.
Divine Protection, You have resistance to radiant damage.
Hands of the Heavens. You know the Light cantrip. At 3rd level, you can cast Prayer of Healing, and at 5th level, you can cast Remove Curse, once you cast these spells once, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest. Your spellcasting ability is Charisma.
Beach Elf
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma increases by 1.
Bonus Language. You know one extra language of your choice.
Fey Leisure. When you finish a short rest, you can choose to regain an additional amount of hit points equal to twice your character level, once you use this trait, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.
Travel by Sea. You are proficient with water vehicles. Additionally, you have a swimming speed of 30 feet.
Tropical Homeland. You are unaffected by extremely hot weather.
Blood Elf
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma increases by 1.
Ancestral Guidance. You know the Thaumaturgy cantrip, At 3rd level, you can cast the spell Spiritual Weapon, at 5th level, you can cast Commune. Once you cast these spells, you can’t cast them again until you finish a long rest. Your spellcasting ability is Charisma.
Raging Essence. When a creature deals damage to you that is not poison, necrotic or psychic damage, you can use your reaction to ignite the blood spilt around you, causing all creatures within 5 feet of you to take fire damage equal to your proficiency bonus.
Hell Elf
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma increases by 1.
Devil’s Pact. From 1st to 10th level, the price of material components to revive you through magic is halved, from 11th to 20th level, the price is instead doubled.
Fiendish Diplomat. You can speak, read and write infernal and abyssal. Additionally, you have proficiency in the Insight skill.
Horns. Your unarmed strikes with your horns can deal 1d4 + your Strength modifier in piercing damage.
Wyrmscale Elf
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma increases by 1.
Bonus Language. You can speak, read and write draconic.
Natural Armor. You have tough, scaly skin. When you aren't wearing armor, your AC is 13 + your Dexterity modifier. You can use your natural armor to determine your AC if the armor you wear would leave you with a lower AC. A shield's benefits apply as normal while you use your natural armor.
Winged. You have dragon-like wings sprouting from your shoulders. You have a flying speed of 30 feet while you aren’t wearing medium or heavy armor.
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ilikeyoshi · 3 years
i woke up suddenly this morning knowing EXACTLY what i wanted to write for yesterday's prompt. l'aiha and louisoux's student/teacher super friendship mean EVERYTHING TO ME. I MISS HIM.
post-ARR/coils of bahamut raid spoilers, 1,530 words
sil·ver lin·ing
/ˈsilvər līning/
1. a sign of hope in an unfortunate or gloomy situation; a bright prospect.
From the very crest of the cavern, Phoenix fell. Yet nary a feather touched the ground before his form began to disperse, a dissolving mist of red, then blue, then finally whiter than light.
L'aiha watched in awe as Phoenix, at last, departed from the world. A harrowing journey it had been, when she'd agreed to help Alisaie Leveilleur uncover the truth about the Seventh Umbral Calamity. They'd learned more than they ever could have expected—they learned of the regenerating Elder Primal, and the hundreds of tortured dragons woven into the very walls of Dalamud to facilitate his reawakening.
And they'd learned of a phantom, whose mask all too closely resembled Alisaie's dead grandfather.
This was supposed to be the end. Bitter and gruesome, with Alisaie and her brother left devastated by the ordeal. L'aiha could only imagine what it must have felt like, but her heart bled for them.
Yet it seemed so did another's. The twinkling, drifting aether around them began to coalesce, and soon it resembled a familiar silhouette. L'aiha braced herself for another fight, expecting the phantom whom Bahamut puppeteered about his Coils.
But one look at the soft, joyous smile Louisoix gave the three of them dispelled any fear of an imposter.
"Grandfather!" Alisaie cried out, running at once to throw her arms around the prophet's waist.
Alphinaud was right behind her, and the man stooped to embrace them.
"Alisaie," he softly croaked. "Alphinaud. Oh, my sweet, beloved grandchildren..."
L'aiha stood back, stunned by the sight.
Louisoix Leveilleur. The beloved leader of the Circle of Knowing; the dearest friend of so many people L'aiha had come to cherish.
She didn't know what to say, and certainly didn't try to say it. Though she felt drawn to the scene, she withheld herself—it was not her place, she knew, but the twins' who had strived and struggled for this moment.
When Louisoix looked at her for the first time, though, he looked surprised. "You are..."
L'aiha saw the mark tattooed upon his face. The one like so many of her Scion friends', the one that forever painted her own skin, the one she'd had without any memory of a time before whence she might have earned them.
She heard it at once in his voice. He knew her.
A jolt shot through her head, sharp as a dagger—a familiar feeling by now. L'aiha whined as the Echo consumed her, and felt her feet come out from under her before the Third Coil disappeared entirely from her awareness.
When she opened her eyes to the vision, she was still laying on the ground. But instead of a cavernous roof, she saw the abyss of a red, burning sky. She saw streaks of flame descend from the Red Moon and the creature it once caged, a monster so grotesque and wrathful.
She recognized him at once. Bahamut.
A voice cried out, despaired, and L'aiha sensed it was directed at—at her. At her! This Echo vision—she was in it!
She couldn't move from the ground though. The fire rained and razed all around her. She felt so small, so helpless—yet all she could think about was... raising her arm to that hellfire sky. Why? Why? Why?
The voice called for her again, closer. Someone was approaching her prone form, yet they felt even farther away as the thought to reach up consumed her. Words danced at the edge of her mind.
"Hear... Feel... Think..."
And then L'aiha saw her arm, raised skyward, fingers splayed and palm flat to the smoke and fire. She had to stop it. She had to summon the Twelve. She had to—
At last, the source of the voice arrived. L'aiha saw none other than Louisoix's devastated face, as the prophet fell to his knees at her side. He called her something, but it wasn't L'aiha.
She felt her lips move, and heard her voice—hoarse and wet. She realized she was dying. "M-Master," she croaked. "I-I can s-still... I c-can..."
Louisoix bundled her broken body up into his arms. He was so much bigger than her; somehow, it was enough to feel safe. She dropped her hand, as she felt tears streak down her face, as hot as the falling fire.
"M-Master Lou-uisoix..."
"Hush," he whispered. She could hear the grief in his voice. "Hush, my dear."
"I-I can... I h-have to..."
"You have done enough," he said. He smiled, and she caught the glint of teary eyes. "You have done so, so much. I will finish it."
She felt nearly suffocated with a sense of failure. She felt, even as he smiled down at her with an adoration so powerful and so impossible, like she had ruined something so very important.
"Rest yourself," Louisoix said. "You must hold on. You must—"
He stopped himself. L'aiha didn't know why, at first, until she realized she couldn't speak. She couldn't breathe. Slowly, the smile fell from Louisoix's face. He called to her, that name that wasn't L'aiha. What was it? If she could just remember it... But she couldn't answer him.
Though he knew at once she was gone, he called again, and once more after that. She saw him shake, saw his tears fall.
Who was she to him? Why did she know she was someone to him?
He shut his eyes, raking in a harsh breath. Then he smiled down at her once more.
"Rest," he said, so small and so sad. "I will finish it."
His hand came to lay over her eyes, and then the Echo's vision faded away.
She blinked, shocked by a voice so close to her. She blinked again, and again still, until she felt droplets land on her face and at last her vision cleared.
Alisaie was at her side, her eyes dripping with tears. The moment L'aiha focused on her, the poor girl whimpered in relief.
"Thank the Twelve!" she cried, dropping to hug L'aiha tight. "Don't EVER scare me like that again!"
L'aiha heard a second weeping voice, and looked to her other side, where Alphinaud fought with all his might not to disintegrate right in front of her. But it didn't stop his tears.
"Wh-when you just collapsed, we—we feared—" A hiccup slipped, and the boy stubbornly rubbed his face in his sleeve.
"Do not despair, my grandchildren. She is well."
Memory came rushing back to L'aiha. The Coils, the Echo's fainting spell—
And Louisoix.
She wrapped an arm around Alisaie, trying to pull herself into a sit. Alphinaud realized it and took her other arm in both his hands, hoisting her until she was upright. Her eyes found the prophet at once, and all of the guilt and desperation came flooding back.
"M-Master Louisoix," she croaked so miserably. "I-I—I'm so—"
Louisoix raised a hand, gentle, and L'aiha's teeth shut with a snap. "Alphinaud, Alisaie. Let me see her."
The twins reluctantly backed away, and Louisoix approached. L'aiha hurried to her feet to meet him, whimpering and shedding tears as hot as the ones in her vision.
"I failed you," she gasped out, nearly buckling right back to the floor. "I-I failed—please, p-please forgive me—"
"My dearest student," Louisoix said, the kindness in his voice like sunlight welcoming her out of the frigid darkness. "You did everything I asked of you, and more still. You survived, just as I had prayed; just as I had tried and failed to ensure. And now you have wrested me free from Bahamut's dying grip.
"It is I who should be begging your forgiveness."
It threatened to break her. She burst into ragged sobs, throwing her arms around Louisoix, whose returning embrace felt as all-encompassing as it had in that vision.
"T-tell me," she begged. "T-tell me who I was—"
"Alas, it is not my place," Louisoix said, the sorrow in his voice potent. "But know that this love in your heart is true. Know that you were my Archon, and you have always belonged."
It was enough. In that moment, it meant everything in all the world to her.
Louisoix drew back, and scrubbed the tears from her cheeks. At first, it made her cry harder, but then she felt as if she could burst with sudden, radiant joy.
"You did it, Master Louisoix," she said. "You saved us all. I—" As quick as it came, her smile vanished again. "P-please, don't go—the Scions, Minfilia, th-they have to—"
But Louisoix shook his head, and touched a finger to the red jewel on her brow. "I am not long for this world. But I have been with you, since that dark day in Carteneau. Your aether holds a fragment of me, the spark that brought light back to your eyes—and through you, I will ever be.
"Take care of them," he said, and smiled at his grandchildren. "And know that your bond is as ours. I can think of no better a soul to entrust my Alphinaud and Alisaie to."
It was over too fast. The twins rejoined their grandfather for their final goodbyes, and the Coil glowed with Louisoux's pride and happiness. Somehow, it was still enough.
Like Phoenix, he dispersed, glistening aether like a cloud of stars around them. L'aiha closed her eyes, embracing its soft, cool touch. She remembered now, this one memory—she remembered Phoenix taking wing, and striking down Bahamut. She remembered the downpour of aether that breathed life anew into her.
"Master Louisoix," she said, opening her eyes to the twinkling embrace of the prophet's last goodbye.
Her eyes that shone with life—one gold, and suddenly, one white as light.
"Thank you."
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berrodarmstrong · 4 years
An Oath in Crystal
The sun bore down on the salty shores of the Lochs. It was a dry, still day that the imposing fortress city of Ala Mhigo framed along the mountain lake’s edge. A pair of Highlanders stood upon the white-crusted dirt, not ten yalms from the deceivingly gentle lapping water. 
“You’re giving this to me, just like that?”
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Berrod stared at the small, light blue crystal in the palm of his hand. The etched markings on it seemed to catch the light in a way that made him think it glowed. Did it? Did it not? It was hard to tell. He lifted an incredulous gaze to the woman who had just handed it over to him. She stood, tall and proud, her skin a rich brown, her curly black hair braided in intricate patterns along the side of her head that gave way to weighty locks on her shoulders. Her armour was a stunning combination of dark blue and golden coloured chain and plate that only served to accentuate the blazing amber of her eyes. Slowly, and with a knowing smile, she shook her head. “No, not just like that. You know what you have to do. We’ve trained for it. Now it’s time for you to stand and show me that it wasn’t in vain.”
Berrod’s chest tightened a little then. Fear -- he knew what she was capable of. Dhalia was a capable Paladin, and not at all someone to be trifled with. Yet, he knew what he had learned, what he had crawled up from the depths of despair to take into his hands and make his own. His leather-clad fist closed over the crystal and squeezed tight as he closed his eyes. The aether within it thrummed like the barest of heartbeats...but it would not yield to him. Not yet. Dhalia was right. He knew what he had to do for that to happen. Silently he put the crystal into his harness, close to his heart. His own leather armour was a paltry thing compared to Dhalia’s gleaming plate...but it was what he had to work with for the time being.
“Are you ready?” Dhalia asked. She always had a way of speaking gently before unleashing hell.
“We’ll find out.”
There was a small smile on her lips -- the answer was appreciated. 
When Berrod drew his scimitar and shield, it was simply an affair of scraping and jostling steel. He held the shield at the ready, with the blade at the side, poised to bite at first opportunity. When Dhalia drew her blade and shield, it was as if the very heavens opened over the Lochs; the sun shone brightly down upon her, absorbed and expressed through purposeful radiance. Her weapons were beautiful. Black with golden accents, the sword promised a swift end to those who crossed her. The shield bore the same motif, a towering bastion that none were allowed past. How was he supposed to beat this? At best, he could probably survive it -- and that is what he intended. 
His field of vision was suddenly enveloped in brilliant, blinding gold. It was all he could do to hold his shield up before a slamming impact sent him skidding backward with a trail of glittering yellow sparks. Once the blinding radiance settled -- or rather, once Berrod’s vision adjusted, he beheld the sight of Dhalia. Even though her armour was dark blue and gold, it still -glowed-, releasing amber and gold light in lashing waves. Her blade was held high, and her cape billowed behind her in a fashion that reminded him of spreading wings. The span of them began with the heavy cloth, and continued past it with the appearance of long golden feathers. Her sword was held high overhead, and her shield held up and to her left. Amber flames burned in her eyes. The sand, stone and salt rolled outward as the radiant, radial -rush- of power from her billowed without cease. This was far, far beyond anything she had shown him during their training. She had glowed a little at times, pulsed with aether frequently enough, but this -- this was on a different scale entirely. He hadn’t even seen her like this during missions they went on together, where their lives were on the line. Berrod was confident that the brilliant light was no mere display; she meant business, and he would die if he was not careful.
“What are you and your shield?” She demanded -- her voice was loud, commanding, and carried with it an aetherial quality that lent itself to a booming echo. Berrod knew the answer to the question she posed -- whether his answer would keep him alive was another matter entirely. 
“We are the mountain and the fortress wall, raised and wrought of earth, protector of our people!” From his answer poured power, into his shield arm, into the shield itself, only for her to smite it mightily. With one cleaving, downward motion of her blade every mote of light around her struck it, struck him. Berrod was momentarily given the impression of his bones shattering to the last. He knew it wasn’t true, since he stayed standing, but the impact had shaken him -- to say nothing of the sheer, sustained force that came in its wake. It was like trying to climb up against the thunderous cascade of Velodyna falls...if the water was boiling hot. Such power! Still, he held on, his own aether providing fierce resistance to hers, even though it was the lesser by far. For a moment he suffered a slip of doubt...with his chakras he would have been able to stand against this so much more effectively. If only…
His boots scraped a fulm back on the dirt and pain lanced through his muscles. The doubt had cost him -- but he was able to cast it aside. The pain that had started to burn at him was more than enough motivation. Chakras were a thing of the past. His power came from something else now. Slowly, steadily, painstakingly, he climbed up against the deluge of power thrust against him…and then it stopped. Berrod stumbled forward a bit, shocked that it was over so suddenly -- or not. She held up her shield and a glimmering wall of gold appeared before her; it gave her leave to lift her blade again again, this time charging a smiting blow that Berrod -knew- he would not survive. 
“What are you and your sword?” She asked, seemingly on behalf of the very firmament. 
This was it. Do or die. As before, Berrod knew the answer, but whether it was powerful enough…
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“We are the strike of steel and the bolt of levin that will smite those who dare do our people harm!” As before, the words gave him power -- this time through his sword arm. There was strength there beyond what he normally swung with, and with it, he took to that golden shield...only for the blade to bounce off with a series of scintillating flashes. Agony licked up his arm as white fire, even as doubt seized his heart., His power threatened to wane. 
“You aren’t strong enough.” She said this without hesitation, without uncertainty. She knew. He knew -- and because he wasn’t strong enough, the light that gathered onto her blade would kill him. How many times had he been in this position? How many times had he put his life on the line to push past his limits and grow?
“I know,” He admitted, “But I will become strong enough.”
Berrod meant it -- he meant every word, and every onze of the power within him responded. This time it was beyond a mere sensation of strength. Sparks of lightning danced upon his blade, which had adopted a brilliant purple glow to match. His doubt was fled, and his blade loosed. The golden barrier shattered like a shower of sparkling gil, and the smiting cast was interrupted -- or so he thought, for a tick afterward. It took him yet another tick to realise that no, it wasn’t interrupted. He’d just gotten rid of the shield. Dhalia’s blade was as light now, and in one motion she descended and thrust it right through the middle of his chest. 
There was no time for shock, for horror, for sadness or disappointment. Berrod knew at once he had been struck dead, and...for some reason it didn’t hurt, it was warm. Wide-eyed and open mouthed, he waited for oblivion to claim him, but it never did, just that flowing warmth. He chanced a look down to see the blade that had run him through, but there was no blade -- just pure light. Her sword was in its sheath on her hip. 
“And what is your oath?” She asked quietly, gently. 
“With this blade, with this shield, with my flesh, blood,  bone and soul, I will protect my friends, my loved ones, and the people of Gyr Abania who cannot protect themselves. I do so in the name of my God, as a Paladin of Rhalgr.”
There was a moment of silence before she declared, “Good. May it be so.”
The light from him withdrew, but the warmth persisted. Against his beating heart he felt the thrum of the crystal...but unlike before, it had opened to him. It was the warmth. It was the light...and it was his. The crystal and his oath, together providing him with the power to do as he had bid himself. 
“Berrod Armstrong, I declare you my successor and Paladin in name -- and in name only, for your path has just begun. Take up your blade and shield and carry out your oath while you train to grow closer to the purpose you have taken in the name of your God. Stand tall and proud, you who would call yourself a Paladin of Rhalgr.”
Berrod had to admit that he didn’t feel much different. Even that warmth from the soul crystal faded, replaced by the soreness that was no doubt a result of him having endured that deluge of golden light. He was still the same man in leather armour that protected less than it should, holding a kite shield and a scimitar that served as training for slightly heavier arms. Even his goals were the same -- to protect this friends, his loved ones, the people of Gyr Abania. Those weren’t new...but he had put a foot forward onto the path, and he had no intention of stepping off of it. 
Carefully, he regarded the other Paladin, who had shed her otherworldly -- and quite frankly intimidating radiance. “What will you do without your crystal?”
“You already know the answer to that.”
He did. She didn’t need it. Her power was hers. The crystal was just the vehicle by which she passed it on. “You will have to shape it with your own oath, your own way,” She warned, “And it will not be easy.”
“I know...and Dhalia -- thank you.”
The only response she had was a smile before Berrod found himself tipping forward face first into darkness. It was in his last moment of consciousness that he realised how much he must have spent. 
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thefatalmarksman · 5 years
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Braig was abandoned as a baby at the doorstep of an orphanage in Radiant Garden, and grew up there until the age of eleven. The environment was one of cruelty and a survival-of-the-fittest mentality, and Braig’s “freakish” abilities often brought an unwanted amount of attention to him, making him something of a sideshow amidst the slums in which the orphanage stood.
However, fate would take a different turn in this particular universe than most of the others...
During his travels, Eraqus discovered the boy purely by coincidence, and seeing great potential in the child, rescued him from the orphanage, and took him to become one of his apprentices in the Land of Departure. It was there Braig was met with a little eight-year-old girl by the name of Aqua, and Eraqus was sure to warn him that she tended to be rather feisty, especially around strangers. With her was another boy slightly younger than himself named Terra, and Braig quickly gained the impression that he was... somewhat intimidated by Aqua’s often outlandish behavior.
However, Braig himself tended to be on the outlandish side, and after a few initial trials learning how to deal with one another, Braig and Aqua seemed to reach a unique understanding, and thus the three friends commenced their training on the long road to becoming Keyblade Masters.
Of course, as they grew older, through their teen years and into adulthood, Braig and Aqua began to form a bond seemingly deeper than that of friendship, though neither of them dared breech the subject of such feelings.
Finally, the day of their Mark of Mastery Exam was upon them, and the night before, Aqua shared with Terra and their new friend Ventus the Wayfinders she had handmade for them, and upon their departure, told them to invite Braig to the starry hill. She had every intention of admitting her feelings upon giving him his gift---however, the confession remained unspoken, even as Braig expressed his gratitude, and the two of them stargazed together for the remainder of the night...
The next morning, the Exam for the three would-be Masters---Aqua, Terra, and Braig---was overseen by Eraqus, his fellow Keyblade Master, Xehanort, and another mysterious figure Eraqus introduced as his own very ancient Master, Luxu.
The Exam ended up taking an unexpected turn, but in the end, both Braig and Aqua were successfully named Masters. However, Terra had been unable to contain the darkness that had been threatening to control him for most of his life, and it cost him his title. 
When Xehanort left, Terra followed after him, Ventus retreating shortly after. Then, once Aqua and Braig had been ordered by Eraqus to keep an eye on Terra, they were to depart as well.
However, Aqua went on ahead, and before he could join her, Braig was approached by Master Luxu, who congratulated Braig on his success. Yet, as Braig attempted to dodge Luxu and chase after Aqua, he was attacked by Luxu, and a battle ensued. Despite his seemingly withered and weak frame, Luxu was a far more powerful being than Braig could have ever predicted, and Braig was defeated---and chosen to become Luxu’s next host.
Once Luxu had absorbed himself into Braig’s heart, entangling himself in his soul until the two were entirely one and Luxu’s body dissipated into the aether, “Braig” sought out Xehanort, who had arrived at Radiant Garden. There, he told the old man of his desire for more power---that he had recognized the power of Xehanort’s Keyblade, No Name (the one that had once belonged to Luxu himself), and that he would be willing to do anything in order to claim it for himself.
Thus “Braig” and Xehanort commenced their plot to ensnare Terra in darkness, and use Ventus and Vanitas to forge the x-blade, setting in motion the events that would lead Luxu toward the end goal of his Task.
For the most part, the events of Birth By Sleep play out normally here, though at some point Braig and Aqua are reunited---however, something seems different about Braig. He seems a little cockier and crueler than usual, and Aqua notes the odd behavior with suspicion.
At the Keyblade Graveyard, the friends come to their final impasse. There, Terra became a vessel for Xehanort and disappeared (in truth, he had lost his memories upon the shaky intrusion of Xehanort’s soul and was taken in secret to Radiant Garden by Braig), while Ventus fell into a deep sleep and was taken to the destroyed Land of Departure by Aqua, which was then transformed into Castle Oblivion where he would remain safe until Aqua could find a way to awaken him.
In Radiant Garden once again, Aqua found Braig, and at last she confronted him about his odd behavior. Seeing that the color of his eyes had changed from their comforting brown to a harsh gold, she asserted that he couldn’t possibly be the person she had grown up with---and proposed that he hadn’t even been Braig before this change, thus demanding to know who it was that had taken her friend.
Knowing that the charade was over, Luxu revealed his identity to Aqua, and that he had entirely conjoined himself with Braig, so that they were now a single entity and completely inseparable. However, he stated that the revelation of this knowledge would not matter soon enough, and after Aqua challenged her former friend to an intense battle, she was unable to overcome his increased and now nearly eldritch power. She pleaded with Braig to listen to her voice---to hear her out as she spoke of how they grew up together, and that there still had to be something left of him within him---and for a moment, he actually seemed to hesitate.
During this moment, Aqua went in to try and strike him down---hopefully in a way that would disarm or incapacitate him---but he managed to reclaim his emotions despite the turmoil caused from his unexpectedly erupting feelings, and her attack became more powerful so as to keep her defended. Thus Braig suffered the loss of the use of his right eye and a jagged scar up his left cheek.
Enraged and distraught, Braig decided to finish the fight, opening a portal into the Realm of Darkness---into which he banished Aqua.
Luxu---in the guise of Braig---cast aside the power of this vessel’s Keyblade in order to continue completing his Task, and, after tending to his wounds and upon demonstrating his merit, assumed the role of a guard to Ansem the Wise, Xehanort quickly becoming an apprentice to the ruler of Radiant Garden as well.
However, even during his time as an apprentice, soon enough hatching the plot to overthrow Ansem with his peers, Luxu---Braig, or whatever creature he might be after such a tumultuous melding of hearts and minds---never truly overcame the feelings that had remained for his dearest friend Aqua, imprinted permanently upon his heart, within his soul, inside his memories.
And as for Aqua, she wandered the Darkness, never forgetting Braig either.
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a-forlorn-soul · 5 years
Prompt #19: Sneaking Off
Prompt #19: Radiant
Rating: SFW
Warnings: N/A
Timeline: Present
Yet again Kete had vanished from sight for several suns due to injuries sustained from going off on his own. This meant, of course, that Chabi was back to glaring at him and reminding him to not do such things. Not that this would stop him, he’d just try to be more careful is all. Truthfully, it was a toss up of who was actually the more stubborn of the two. They constantly butted heads until one of them backed down, which did not happen very often and ended up causing more than a few spur of the moment Bokh matches to determine who was right.
By now most of his injuries had fully healed again to the point he could move around without any hint of pain from the stab wounds he had received. He couldn’t lie, the ever growing number of scars on his body was starting to get worrisome but this was how he lived life. To change how he lived was to change who he was. This was probably the only reason why Chabi wasn’t more forceful about him not going off and doing things on his own at times.
<”Too long in the yurt,”> he muttered to himself as he stepped out of the Haven into the late summer sun of the Black Shroud.
A hand went up to block the radiant rays of sunshine streaming down through the forest canopy, his own intense amber eyes needing a moment to adjust after being stuck on bed rest for so long. Everything from the fresh breeze, the sound of wind in the leaves, the waterfalls roaring off in the distance, and even the sounds of wildlife filled him with a newfound vigor. He really had been locked up for too long. Even if he hadn’t been given the okay he probably would have snuck off to go training in the woods.
<”She worries far too much.”>
With gunblade in hand he crossed the tidy yard of the Haven to take the path leading out of the Lavender Beds towards the deeper Shroud. He needed privacy and plenty of room to work when training. Too many people still assumed his gunblade was of Garlean origin, especially whenever they caught sight of his brand. He couldn’t blame people for making that jump in conclusion, but it was beginning to get tiresome. Then there was the fact that this particular Gunblade wasn’t going to help his case any.
Many sennights had been spent in the new forge ever since they had relocated the Haven. Every single bell with the fires burning hot and his hammer working metal endlessly. After coming into possession of some scavenged magitek he had been seeking a way to combine the technology with the Hrothgar blade to make it’s usage of aether more efficient, not to mention to reinforce the blade for heavier blows. So far all attempts had been met with disaster.
<”Ceruleum is too unstable,”> he grumbled to himself after nodding a greeting towards a patrolling Adder, <”The metal needs to be thick enough to contain it… but if I use too much then it serves no purpose.”>
The blade was folded up for the moment, one change he had made to the design in order to make it easier to move with. That had been another hurdle he had to overcome as well. The hinge was difficult because it had to be able to withstand his heavy blows while still being able to release and fold the blade without difficulty. All of this all while maintaining his other two gunblades and their ammunition. Him finding time at all to go off and handle solo mercenary work was practically a miracle with how often he was finding himself in the forge.
<”Mayhap I should just drop doing Mercenary work unless it is with others of the Tribe… being a Gunsmith could make good coin if I put more time into it,”> he mused to himself, not realizing he was already making it fairly far into the woods.
By the time he came to a stop the heavy canopy had almost completely blocked the sunlight out from the forest floor. It had been exactly what he was searching for. Practicing in a low light area allowed for him to react better on instinct when fighting rather than doing so where there was more light. Not to mention he could keep an eye out for any leaks in the ceruleum easier here than anywhere else.
A flick of his wrist caused the blade to snap open and activate the magitek circuits built into it. Slowly the ceruleum power cells flooded the weapon the synthesized aether, making it perfect for him. It created a blue glow along the blade that radiated into the dark woods, lighting up the area around him. This made it terrible for trying to sneak around things, then again a gunblade was not the best choice of weapons for a stealth mission anyway. Explosions tend to give one away rather quickly.
<”So far it looks like it is working.”>
With that musing though in his head he began to spin and move, the blade dancing around him expertly as he rotated through a series of strikes and thrusts. There was an elegance to fighting with this kind of weapon that most didn’t realize, and while he didn’t have the grace of movement like some he could name he was very well practiced with this. Since the newly forged weapon was holding up so far he fell into his full training routine while giving thanks to Nhaama. Doing this always felt so freeing.
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captainkurosolaire · 6 years
Prompt #28 - A Son’s Arrival
 A loud deafening shot was heard echoing throughout the area, “Sorry, I’m late. Couldn’t help notice ye looked desperate for some back relief. So, I said screw it and gave you an eye for an eye from scratching my back all those passing Sun’s ago.” from overhead that brought a sudden cold as it penetrated through the injury that was rejuvenated previously of Rykashi’s in his shoulder causing him to drop a katana and have difficulty carrying anymore on that side of his arm another shot quickly unreleased from the chamber as it hit directly in the same spot again. Following the same accompanied voice, the pirate passed off a gleaming smirk of radiant confidence. “Besides, ye ticked me off, if anyone gets to beat around the old man it’s going to be the one he bastardized.”
Steam sizzling off the muzzle of the flintlock. He’d notice the Samurai pausing but still held grip on a shimmering sword, Kuro prepared to reload for another fire and sent it forward but he didn’t even see Rykashi turn to notice his bullet had been slit in-half and his entire firearm had also been sliced.
This caused Kuro to back-step and drop his weaponry and open widely.
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“Why do I never run into anyone normal?” The pirate exhaled and drew his own hingan crafted katana’s trained by Silvana his mentor and given by his Captain Gark.
He sized up as Rykashi turned to face him, “This had nothing to do with you... Now for interfering, I’ll have to take you out too. There is nothing that I cannot cut.”
Clearing being a rebellious prick Kuro would shrug his shoulders. “Mate, I don’t know what ye do in the Far East but on the Seas, we just get to killing each-other by now, especially after shooting. So I’m b’ skipping this whole monologue thing. As for your whole ‘Grrr, I’m a Samurai’ code thing, I could care less. Ye overstepped on my rightful claim.”
He’d stand firmly still and bluntly his eye watching carefully his instincts attempt to monitor.
Rykashi passed a feint curve of his lips intrigued before having to make demonstration as the movement of the wind started slicing forward. The Kuro was sliced in half standing before Rykashi before learning it was a clone the entire time that was set up in preparation
While the real Kuro would rappel from cliff-side upwards and behind Rykashi in a split second using his grappling hook he often keeps in his leather satchel.
His sword coming in only to be blocked by the skilled Samurai the measure in their aether between them was unreal and this was an already weakened Rykashi. Deflecting and push Kuro back as they fought close. Kuro would be tripped up and begin falling down. Rykashi’s blade came forward, but Kuro would use his unorthodox fighting style to use his boots to barely hold the blunt of the blade at bay and attempt to disarm Rykashi. Though was having difficulty.
He’d pop open the bottom of his hilt that held a special department where a chain was stored in Kuro’s blades and swing it around Rykashi’s throat attempting to strangulate him back causing him to have to divert and pull back.
Kuro stood back up and drew his hands in his pockets and release a bundle of sand into the face of Rykashi causing his sight to go wary. Rykashi would play this off as it landing but he closed his eyes before the sand could even obscure him.
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Thinking he had the advantage over the swordsman. He’d attempt to use the chains that still hung wrapped around Rykashi’s throat by pulling him inward and then would go to get a decisive strike. Only for those very chains to be entirely broken as Rykashi slashed forward with his prismatic blade once again and came forward slashing against Kuro causing him to fall backwards.
His pirate’s hat falling down with him his head landing on-top it and shattering of glass was heard in the secret layer under a fold in his hat. Breaking one of his options.
Gasping loudly as only the force alone of it was catastrophic he’d stand back up his vestments embodied steel and armor broken. He’d pull the remainder of it’s tatters off him and stand back in realization. He’d pry off his eye-patch and let forth his own Truesight that he shared with his old man except on a lesser extent since he chose to keep one of his own eyes available to see people and the womanly treasures of Eorzea he often said plus being a Captain would be hard by being solely blind.
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Drawing forward his katana again and getting an amp up. “I always preferred fighting without constrictions.” He’d ghost step forward shuttering his optical lens and holding in concentration to appear before Rykashi. He’d start stance swapping using one sword to parry and block while the other continuously lunged forward offensively.
Rykashi deflected every attack forward though and whatever his blade was made of and the aether being channeled into it was causing Kuro’s own katana to slowly chip and crack from the pressure. Kuro noticing this would back off and throw each katana on opposite hands and then switch again his stance and start stealing off the noble fighting style an act in a fencing style. One arm behind your back as you held your posture sternly and searched for exploits more defensively.
Kuro’s tail rummaging back in his satchel attempting to find some grenades or something to use against Rykashi this close and personal but only finding a fish since he hurried to get here a lot of his arsenal was missing. He’d throw it at Rykashi’s face leaving him somewhat stunned at the whiplash.
Which brought in an aggression that caused him to break off Kuro’s katana turning it into a broken hilt and started getting some cuts against him. Kuro’s amber hue flashed to get out of the pinned corners. He only had one ballsy attempt to do. He’d use his Truesight to catch the upcoming sword strike of Rykashi’s and latch on with his bare hand cutting his palm harshly and clinging to it. With a growling snarl.
Kuro’s used his last remaining blade to slice into the same shoulder as previously and slash down cleanly against Rykashi’s muscular but nimble frame.
Before Kuro could celebrate though, Rykashi was the one even though he was hit and spewing his sanguine in droplets he’d be panting since the injury wasn’t too deep. Would begin showing an expression that the battle was over.
Kuro didn’t know that touching any of Rykashi’s blades often had an effect and this one in particular was death to the touch. Kuro engulfed in a volatile source of harmful energy being a foul signature released. Causing him to scream out in agony before dropping down. His remaining sword dropping down as he collapsed. Rykashi watching would break Kuro’s other remaining sword to send a message. That there isn’t a single blade out there that is superior to his.
Flicker watching would cry in helplessness before Rykashi paused something was happening in the air. As Kuro went silent he’d begin stirring against trembling weakly on his knee. Rykashi’s mouth opened amazed and agape, “You really have stolen Death’s luck. Though the sword’s curse didn’t work... I sped up the process for your own self-destruction. You Solaire’s have fought well... But your swords cannot break the one that I am. I’ll let your Ferryman take you now.”
He’d step forward towards the hardly conscious infamous pirate and only use the hilt to hit him square under the jaw to knock out the jet black haired ruffian to let his injuries and blood loss take him. Kuro’s sight dimmed down to grayness when fading from it’s passion glow. He was paralyzed during it all only standing for sheer stubbornness, his mind was talking but his body betrayed him. All the blood he had leaked on the battle had dissolved into a tainted mucky blackness. -To be continued - Part 5 (The Battle) - Chronological Order [Previous]
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bride-and-bride · 7 years
Bride and Battle and Bride
“Are y'ready?”
“Aye, ayeeee… c'mon, Fi, yer stallin’! M'gonna get grey hair iffin y’ ask me again! Jus’ go!”
It’s spring, and the rivers made swollen by melting snow are only just beginning to recede. She’s tall, and strong and vital, with a slender body that’s not slender enough yet, and a jaw that’s squarer than she wishes. She calls herself Regal in her head, though no one else knows her name. Her sister is tiny, not yet hit her meager growth spurt that still won’t make her taller than half-sized. She’s heavier though, in a way that has everyone relieved… more sturdy looking. More resilient. Less likely to break, though she still does, like clockwork.
Defiant holds a sword of blunted iron, her singular demand of their papa, her arms no longer so weak that she struggles to lift it. Regal has only her fists, himantes set aside against such a delicate opponent. Still, she’ll hold back.
It’s clumsy, barely able to be called a spar at all… Regal darts in and out of her sister’s pathetic range, laughing as she bops and taps the tiny creature in small kicks and punches. Every time Def flinches too much her sister skitters back, worried apologizes pouring from her lips before Def insists she’s fine.
For her part, Def simply can’t hit Regal. The blade she holds is heavy and she’s clumsy, having to hold the hilt with both hands at times to swing and miss. She knows how her father showed her, and how the Heavensward look in the books, and she tries but falls short, time and time again. Still, she calls for another round.
Sisters fight until the light fades too much, til Regal almost steps on her sister and the pair have to search on hands and knees to find Def’s sword when she drops it. As the smaller girl is hefted onto her sister’s shoulder, she peeps up, saying the same sort of thing she always does when they’re done.
“Y'j-just wait, okay? W-when m'bigger I’ll be a knight a’ Th’ H-holy See, n’ y’won’t be a-able t’push me around.... an’ I’ll be protectin’ you, too, s-so y’better enjoy it now, okay~!”
And then she bursts into laughter, Regal’s hand creeping to tickle her side as they wander the well-worn path up the mountain to their home.
“A-are you ready, R-regal?”
“Yeeeaaa yea... c’mon Fi, m’gonna get grey hair iffin y’ ask me again... nothin’ t’do but go.”
It’s autumn, and the woods are ablaze with red and orange, the air turning chilled at night. She’s tall and beautiful and proud, and holds herself like a queen no matter where she is. Her back protests when she moves too much, and her knees ache after a long day and she has lost... more than she can say. Her sister has hardly grown taller though she’s matured, full and soft and scarred. Her words are shyer and she stutters every other word, and her skin bears marks and one horn is little more than a stump of bone. She smiles bright and she breaks, and she mends herself as quietly as she can.
Defiant holds a tempered blade awarded by the Immortal Flames, longer and heavier than it’d seem she could wield, her shield bright and sturdy in high mythrite, both wielded with ease. Regal palms iron knuckles, tracing faint patterns inscribed on the surface with her thumb before she sets herself into position.
They don’t spar anymore, but 8 years hasn’t been enough for them to forget, to not know the other and what they’re capable of. Sisters are quiet, allowing the screeching wights surrounding them to fill the air with unworldly noise. Defiant is the first to move, shield blazing with radiant aether as she charges into the fray.
They move in tandem without speaking, dancing with each other and their foes, no hesitation nor fear as they fight. Defiant’s blade is nimble despite the power behind her blows, slicing through creature after creature, her aether dancing along steel and shield and flaring to protect her from blows, to protect her sister... from whatever dares turn her way.
Regal moves fast as the wind, fists and feet lashing out with enough force to concuss an auroch, smashing bone to dust though the ashkin continue to move. She laughs, and laughs, and chatters with her sister as they switch places, letting Defiant take a blow meant for her and then letting the wind whip around her. When her sister cries out in pain, she’s ready, the scent of ozone filling the air before she unleashes a burst of healing aether, sparks dancing along her skin.
There are many wights, cackling and howling and trying to drag them down, but there are two Brides, striking and dancing and laughing and letting aether pour and swirl around them. Regal crushes skulls with little more than a leap and squeeze of her thighs, every punch a burst of lightning that grows stronger and stronger. Defiant cuts down wight after wight, tail flicking and eyes bright, earth erupting below the things to scatter them and let her charge in.
Sisters fight until there’s nothing left, until every ashkin lies in shattered fragments on the leaves, until they’re both sweating and breathing hard and Regal needs clutch a dull crystal around her neck, her back popping as she leans over. Her sister slips over, urges her arm over her shoulder despite the occasional sparks, smiling as she denies they hurt.
“....y-you’ve really g-gotten incredible s-since you left h-home, Regal.”
“Hah... nnngh... I c-coul’ say th’ same ‘bout you. Yer doin’ ma proud out here, y’know that? S’just...” A soft chuckle, “........think y’could take Burly now, maybe even Silent.”
“....w-well... I... mean. I p-promised you, didn’t I? T-that... I’d b-become a knight a-and protect you? E-ehehe...”
And then she chuckles, and they chuckle, and cling to each other as they go, sisters and Brides and far from home yet still walking forward together.
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nightraid-hq · 6 years
A Special Visit [ End of Storyline ]
The Last Arpin: Crimson Four Series
A week after their last encounter with the Crimson Killers, the office was mainly quiet with a slow schedule at the time, their focus being: finish their remaining report files on their job to take out the killers for their client from a month ago. From a small meet and greet, Amara approached Tetsuro with the concern of discussing things between them in a more private setting. Tetsu agreed to arrange for them to meet at the bounty office and talk. Finally, after clearing his schedule for one night, Amara, Onan, and Salim met up at the office, greeted by Tetsu, Jin, and Gwyn who were in the middle of combat training. As they went inside, Tetsu led Amara to the planning room where they were able to speak in private while the others lingered by the bar and lounge area. Amara brought up her concern for Fenrys’ abnormal actions and sudden disappearances. Obviously troubled, shifting in his own seat, he knew exactly what she was talking about considering Fenrys was almost always showing up at their encounters with the Crimson Killers. The last two times was the most shakening for him and his temper. Eventually he spilled and mentioned how at the exact moment Gwyn was kidnapped, Fenrys did nothing to help despite his pleading. Tetsu was enraged and threatened to harm his wife, Amara, and their children. Ever since that, has seemed to stick with Fen. In the midst of their conversation, there was a harsh knocking at the front door. This sent the officers and Salim to answer. Tetsu ignored it, thinking it was just another rowdy client coming after closing hours. But shortly after the door was answered, this figure emerged from the doorway in the most abrupt and violent way to where he easily took out Salim, Gwyn, and Jin. As this man headed down the stairs, he was met by the three of them rushingly struggling with stopping him while Tetsuro hastily left the room, grabbing his katana and demanding Amara remain in the plan room. He stood still until he was met with the intruder, the hood of his cloak finally revealed the familiar face of Seifer who’s attention surprisingly wasn’t focused on recapturing and ending Gwyn, it seemed. As he strode forward mumbling in a foreign language while twisting his fingers before his chest, carrying dual blades, he spoke of an armored miqo who approached him the same night they sent him off in a portal across the map. Immediately, Tetsu knew who he was talking about - Fenrys. Seifer has been burning with the idea that Fenrys had tried to “talk him up” during his chase on Gwyn, thinking he would aid yet he was left behind. Seifer struggles with his overbearing pride, leading to pure humiliation in front of the group as he was easily sucked away. He managed to track down the office and knew exactly where Amara had been despite Tetsu’s frequent glances. The others caught up to Seifer as Salim managed to bring him down on his hands and knees with an aetherical chain, only to be dragged by the bruteish hyur. Again, they fought, Tetsu trying to push back as the others attempted to get in his way multiple times but the former shinobi master reached the planning room with a hard hit to the screen door, immediately latching his hand around Amara’s throat. Tetsuro and Salim struggled to stop him at first until Onan rushed in and aided Gwyn in her newly-learned healing skills.Tetsuro desperately swung his katana, aiming to strike Seifer in the back who now held his blade over her head but failed in sloppiness, instead smashing it against a radiant purple charm that was around Seifer’s wrist. Salim managed to get in front of him, striking him in the back with his ax, practically almost paralyzing him but not enough as he backhanded him but again, froze up in sheer pain, followed by a katana straight through the back of his neck and out the other end. Salim frantically pushed the body off of Amara who was on the floor. He was disheartened from the rough battle in saving Amara in time while the others were still catching their breaths. As Onan tried to comfort Salim, Tetsu and Gwyn helped Amara up, Gwyn healing any way that she could as Tetsu responded with an apologetic bow on their lack of security that night. Being Amara, she was more concerned for everyone else’s safety than herself, offering her thanks. As it grew later, one by one everyone left. Jin “took care of” Seifer’s body somehow and cleaned what was left in the office while Salim walked Amara home. That night, Tetsu sat in the office staring at their reports that had been stained by the last of the Crimson Killer’s blood, setting his pen down.
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