#ditto for Birdie
randomnameless · 10 months
Was Hopes doodoo-ing all over Houses lore, while also removing most of the good parts of the latter game's story and characters and quadrupling down on the bad ones, worth Rhea getting meaningful interactions and relationships with her family and friends for the first time outside of Heroes and having a badass death scene in SB?
This is a difficult question lol -
More seriously, I guess everyone expected something different from the finished Nopes product.
Given all the "attention" Fodlan receives that completely ignores Nabateans (tfw there are no nabatean bond rings bar Flayn who might have been Billy's student, but plot wise?) bar the Heroes alts, I'm very happy for the tasty breadcrumbs Nopes offered.
But if you order a burger, and if only the sesame seeds on the bun are tasty - is it a good burger? I don't think so.
So while another Fodlan procut/content might have forgotten or straight up ignored Nabateans (I just remembered the uwu drama CD :( ), imo those breadcrumbs wasn't worth getting Nopes, aka a game full of retcons, developed as a cashgrab by people who forgot FE16's plot (remember Hayashi said FE16 only had 3 routes !) to get an AU where everyone loses characterisation to uwu, even more than in the base game, about Supreme Leader.
Mind you, the devs from Nopes thought adding Monica and Holst were necessary additions to the story, but apparently, the evil lizard lady wasn't.
On paper, I like the idea of an AU and seeing how characters develop differently if some events of the base game never happened, but at least make them plausible! There's a reason why AG is so well liked, it's different from its FE16 version (unlike Supreme Bullshit and Tru Piss) and has meaningful characters developing in ways they didn't in FE16 (tfw Sylvain and Felix become mature!) while still remaining their core selves (unlike Clout).
But it didn't happen, while I try to find positivity in the game, I'm still a bit miffed that this spin-off could have been a WoH prequel, with giant armies clashing (the Larva paralogue!) where Rhea interacting with her brother (?) and friends while being a badass wouldn't just have been confined to 5% of the game (+3% for the opening cutscene).
Sure, that would have implied yeeting the student/modern world cast and not making a game based on them - still I never hid the fact that I care most about Nabateans in that game than about the student-modern cast, but hey, if I'm wondering about my dream "Nopes", I can be a little self-indulgent right?
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lindyloosims · 26 days
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LUKA: I don't know where your parents have got to little one, but you sure do need a nappy change before you get a rash, my little sensitive chirper!
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LUKA: Ohhh you like peas huh?
BIRDIE: Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!
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LUKA: *chuckles* Oh man, try getting some of it in your mouth Birdie, eh?
BIRDIE: Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh! *chirp*
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OPHELIA: I've missed you so much!
COLT: And I missed you too!
OPHELIA: I'm sorry for-
COLT: You don't need to say it again, I remember what you said when you were giving birth to Birdie, it's all good!
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OPHELIA: You make me so happy!
COLT: Ditto!
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I am really happy, it's true, but I get the feeling that Ophelia isn't telling me the whole truth...and that could be a problem!
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minotaur-asterion · 9 months
What Pokemon would the various Slay the Princess characters have? Any characters you wanna talk about. Full teams, starters, or just what general type or theme would their teams have?
Default Princess: Might be a little basic, but she likes Eevee! She sports a full team of Eeveelutions
Spectre: Relicanth, Aerodactyl (can mega evolve), Aurorus
Nightmare: Golurk. The Moment of Clarity’s Golurk is especially cracked and dilapidated
Wraith: Gengar, Dusknoir, Mismagius. She likes to come off as scary
Gallant: Togekiss and Spritzee. He doesn’t battle, they’re just his silly little birdie friends
Burned Gray: Basic ass Charizard. She loves it though
Prisoner: Absol, which she prefers because of their precognition to disaster
Drowned Gray: Dewgong, Milotic, Blastoise. Loves the pure power of their water guns. Terrifyingly strong!
Beast: No Pokémon!
Adversary: Hitmonchan and Mudsdale. Appreciates their strength, but pampers them outside of battle. She sends them to fetch things outside her house for her
Eye of the Needle: Houndoom (can mega evolve)
Tower: Meowstic, Sylveon
Fury: Silvally!
Stranger: Ditto, Eevee… Dugtrio???
Razor: Scizzor. Obviously
Witch: Zoroark
Thorn: Liligant
Hero: Alolan Raichu, Clefable
Cold: Froslass, Alolan Ninetales, Kantonian Ninetales. Last one for the warmth, not for battle. Well-trained and with good stats
Stubborn: Hitmonlee, Pyroar
Broken: Emotional support Sprigatito and a service Arcanine
Cheated: Legendary spammer 😒
Paranoid: Beheeyem, Sigilyph, Reuniculus
Smitten: Roserade. Gayass
Opportunist: Dragonair, prefers the appearance of Dragonair to Dragonite so he refuses to evolve them
Hunted: Tropius. Likes to climb their neck for a good vantage point
Skeptic: Absol, much for the same reasons as Prisoner, but his can mega evolve
The Long Quiet and The Shifting Mound both have Corviknight. Hers is shiny
Let me know if I missed any!
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lcndonboysstuff · 4 months
If Joe is not playing the first or second lead role in a film, they won't announce his casting till the middle or end of filming - so I wish these anons would quit worrying ! Proof :
Announcement of his role in The Favourite : March 2017 almost 2 years after he read for it and filming had already started. Catherine Called Birdy: Joe's casting announced in March 2017 when filming was mid-way/ almost wrapped up but Lena Dunham said he was the first person she cast. The Brutalist : casting news came out in April 2023, when filming was midway/ almost wrapped up Kinds of Kindness his casting announced in October 2022 when filming had already started. Ditto for Operation Finale , Boy Erased , Stars at Noon. For Mary Queen of Scots and Harriet, Joe's involvement was announced one month before filming.
Hamlet was the only exception! He might even be in the new Yorgos film Bugonia but the first announcement is only about the two leads; the other casting news will come much later. This is customary in the business- films like the ones Joe goes for take very few days to shoot but from whole conception to financing to audition to preparation to rehearsals , all of this goes o for months (sometimes years)
thanks, it makes sense when you lay it all out like that
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slumberlandrecords · 3 months
Low ticket alert: the mind-boggling SLR London show on July 24th at The Lexington with Birdie (album release), Tony Molina (debut LDN show!), Lightheaded (ditto) + the Hangover Lounge DJs is too good to be true. You are not dreaming, get your tickets now!
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miraculousmitzi · 1 year
Sonic characters, their gym specialisms and potential gym teams. A thread (since I enjoyed making my Hetalia/Pokémon threads so much!).
I think for Sonic, he'd be a normal type gym leader. This is a tough one, but I think given how Sonic seemingly sees the best in everyone and can pinpoint their better qualities, he'd be the type to have a cool normal type team to show people normal type Pokémon are just as exceptional as other types!
Potential team: Kangaskhan (a reference to Sonic's bravery, like how this Pokémon will always fight to protect its young, Sonic will always fight for his home and those he cares about), Lopunny (reference to Sonic's combat skills), Audino (reference to Sonic's kindness and compassion), Snorlax (I like to think this Pokémon and Sonic would eat SO many chillidogs), Ditto (a reference to Sonic's inner prankster, I can imagine Sonic asking Ditto to turn into others as a distraction for Eggman).
Given how Shadow's personality can be described, I think he'd be a dark type gym leader.
Potential team: Sableye (reference to the Chaos Emeralds), Houndoom (its nature and how it is described in Pokédex entries remind me of how others fear Shadow), Tyranitar (a strong, powerful Pokémon- similiar to how one could argue Shadow is), Pangoro (another reference to Shadow's physical strength and the fact that like this Pokémon, Shadow sometimes engages with his fists first), Umbreon (reference to Shadow's inhibitor rings).
Knuckles for sure would be a fighting type gym leader, given his strength and combat skills.
Potential team: Hitmonchan (reference to Knuckles' fighting spirit), Annihilape (reference to how one may describe Knuckles' nature and its fists also remind me of Knuckles'), Machamp (reference to Knuckles' physical strength), Scrafty (reference to how Knuckles looks after his friends, though he is fierce and often a loner by nature), Hariyama (another reference to Knuckles' strength, like how this Pokémon compares strength).
I can see Tails as an electric type gym leader, due to his engineering work and intelligence surrounding technology.
Potential team: Plusle and Minun (reference to Tails' energy and enthusiasm in regards to working with his friends, particularly Sonic), Rotom (I can imagine Rotom would help Tails in his work, particularly when inventing new equipment), Kilowattrel (reference to Tails' ability to fly), Alolan Golem (I think Tails would have a Pokémon like this to act as a defense against Eggman's attacks), Jolteon (its appearance reminds me a little of Tails), Magneton (again, another useful Pokémon for Tails in his engineering work).
Amy would be a fairy type gym leader, given her gentle but powerful disposition (like how fairy types can be cute but also pack a punch!).
Potential team: Wigglytuff, Tinkaton (reference to Amy's Piko hammer), Togekiss (reference to Amy's connection with nature and Birdie), Slurpuff (reference to Amy's baking/cooking skills that have been hinted at), Sylveon (reference to Amy's caring nature and how in touch she is with her emotions).
Ahh, this is a tough one! But I can see Rouge being a steel type gym leader, one who has Pokémon to help her hunt for jewels with Pokémon strong enough to fend off potential threats to her missions.
Potential team: Mawile (reference to Rouge's cunningness and deceptive appearance), Corviknight (reference to Rouge's flying ability), Klefki (much like how this Pokémon loves keys, this is a reference to Rouge's love of emeralds and gems- I also like to think she'd try and use this Pokémon to get into places where she shouldn't be), Copperajah (reference to Rouge's strength, especially her kicks, and her proud nature), Tinkatuff (I like to think Rouge would have this Pokémon help her dig and scout out gems and jewels).
I think Silver would be a psychic type gym leader, given the nature of his abilities and the fact he is from the future.
Potential team: Espeon (I like to think he'd have a Pokémon like this to warn him of potential danger), Gardevoir (reference to the fact Silver is from the future), Male Meowstic (its defensive nature reminds me of Silver being able to use his abilities as a defense), Sigilyph (reference to Silver being able to fly using his abilities), Galarian Rapidash (reference to Silver's bravery and strength), Alakazam (another reference to Silver's abilities and his knowledge).
A no brainer here- Blaze would be a fire type gym leader.
Potential team: Flareon (a reference to Blaze's ability), Blaziken (reference to Blaze's strength and inner temper), Delphox (its appearance reminds me of Blaze's appearance and also, both can be argued to be quite elegent), Armarouge (reference to Blaze's loyalty to her friends and allies), Arcanine (reference to Blaze's royalty and her regal nature).
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badassxbirdy · 11 months
November Activity Update: Mini Edition (Pinned Post)
Hello, lovely people! It’s time once again for an activity update. If you’re new here: these monthly posts help me to keep track of what the frick I’ve been doing, particularly when tumblr breaks or the brainfog strikes. However, this month we’re doing an abbreviated version as October was a slooooow month for me. Otherwise I would primarily be tagging people to say “hey, it’s in my drafts!” which we already did last update. So! This one only includes OOC houskeeping.
If you want to see all IC interactions without the other stuff, click here. If you’d like to start something new, there are opens and memes, or you can just hit up the DM’s. You can also add Ty on her (newly fixed) Wire for IC texting. Bold text = links.
Alrighty, now onto the housekeeping!
Ty’s Wire is now working again! If you didn’t get a reply, please resend your message. Or just send her a new one/start a new convo if you’d prefer.
Edited to add: I now have her discord back too! 🥳
I’ll be heading off to visit my mum in about two weeks time, and should be there until mid January. I’ll have my tablet with me to trim threads, but if you notice any formatting or image quality issues, shhhhh no you don’t.
Tumblr is being a little hit or miss with when it shows me notifications that I’ve been tagged, ditto with new posts showing in my actual tracked tag. If you tag me in something, a quick DM to let me know would be much appreciated. I don’t want to miss stuff!
I’m poking around with the pages, so expect the new relationships page to go up by the end of the month! The old one is approximately a century old, so it’s well overdue.
Updating rpthreadtracker as we speak. As soon as that’s done, I’ll edit this post with a link to it.
I intend to make more use of my ooc sideblog, @birdy-ooc, for mini updates and ooc things. Sorry not sorry for the amount of memes that will be posted there.
Currently still in the process of changing up my medication. We’re taking it slowly as I’m coming off one that is notoriously a pain in the neck for withdrawal symptoms. It’s been absolutely kicking my arse, so if I’m slow to respond to ooc messages, please do not feel ignored. I will answer when my brain is not making dialup noises. There are several appointments coming up as part of the new treatment plan for my medical mischief, so wish me luck!
That’s all for all now! Stay safe, be kind to yourself, and don’t forget to hydrate your flesh prison.
— Em ❤️
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mallahanmoxie · 1 year
some assorted music opinions under the cut given im not using twitter anymore yes you will have to contend with this regularly from now on (or as regularly as I listen to new music which isn't all that much)
alright let's get the big one out of the way
speak now taylor's version
i generally support the rerecordings as the statement that they are and I don't expect her or the records to sound the same (i think that's a foolish thing) but the production on this one sounds a little off to me particularly in the most punchy songs like haunted and enchanted (I like that she sounds audibly older though) the only song I'm disappointed by is back to december which somehow lost some of the magic I cannot however even begin to pinpoint why
vault tracks rank (better than fearless, much worse than red's btw)
When emma falls in love (lyrics are a bit cringe but it's a banger)
I can see you (originally my favourite rapidly becoming overplayed tho)
Electric touch (it's fine but it fades out of my memory the minute it stops playing)
castles crumbling (fine lyrics, okay melody, what a way to misuse Hayley Williams)
timeless/foolish one (they're okay but they're definitely not my style the refrain from timeless chafes at me and the whole concept of foolish one is too silly for me to battle against my dislike of its repetitiveness. They're passive listens)Su
surrender by maggie rogers
the story with this album is that I put one song in my anthony/penelope fic playlist (it is what it is) and became so obsessed with it I had to look into more and the album it is off of was actually great! it was very nostalgic sounding to me I sank into it and I was like this could've played in the princess' diaries and I wouldn't know a thing. really liked it. her vocals are very nice to listen to and I have done so repeatedly which is the highest praise an album can get from me. anyway some semblance of a ranking after a half assed listen but you gotta know it's not very trustworthy
begging for rain (THEE ballad sorry)
that's where I am (2000s ANTHEM????? the vibes are immaculate when every teen girl I looked up to on TV was a little grunge)
Want want (SO close to number 2 it's also a fucking banger)
overdrive (a good opener! it nails down the vibe early and contains some sonic (?) themes/devices that reoccur during the album and does them best (I'm thinking of the ahhs))
anywhere with you (this one is also very vibey it went into one of my character playlists right away)
horses (my second favourite ballad I enjoy the simplicity)
shatter (one of my favourite choruses this one's even more retro)
symphony (I rlly like the rickety synth (???) in the back. idk what it is it only strikes me as metallic in nature)
honey (I love the chorus verses are meh I like the instrumental)
be cool (this one is very retro but it sort of stagnates until the end which I like lots. I think it may be the interrupted synth throughout it all which bothers me some)
different kind of world (I enjoy the switch up it is simply not my fave)
I've got a friend (the only one I don't entirely like the verses are okay the chorus and the ending is so... did you write this on a ukulele)
assorted random releases
grl gvng by xg (ate up aespa. sorry.)
bite me by enhypen (good for a bg song the spoken bit is always jarring and a little cringe though)
seven by jungkook (I did not like it the mv SLAPS though)
super shy by new jeans (I liked this better than the other release but not more than ditto)
vampire by olivia rodrigo (very nice and singable loved the twilight vibes in the mv)
paradise calling by birdy (I KNEW she was gonna go retro with the album at some point it was the hair loved it obviously I've loved every release from portraits this one is very fun)
francesca by hozier (it's like he made this for 2016 me)
unknown/nth by hozier (in contrast this one's too flat to keep my attention long I know I'll like it when I get invested in the lyrics but I can't spare the focus now)
I haven't listened to the exo album or any NCT song lately nor anything from the Barbie soundtrack....... hopefully later?
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eurazba · 2 years
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Ditto Bee
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dittolicous · 2 years
there are two things I've loved consistently since I was wee lil and that's pokemon and batman and you can bet ur sweet tuckus I have teams plotted out for each robin, batgirl, and batboy.
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cf56 · 3 years
This is the hub for all my Animaniacs fanfics. If you read any of them and have something you'd like to say afterwards, positive or negative, please don't hesitate to leave a comment! I may not always know exactly how to respond, but I cherish each and every one.
Here is a link to my Ao3 page, if you'd prefer to browse that way:
One-shots/Short Fics:
A Christmas Emergency: On Christmas Eve, Wakko realizes that he forgot to get presents for his siblings.
A Little Birdy: Wakko befriends a little bird.
All For Nothing: The Warners learn that their show has been cancelled for a second time.
All That's in a Name: Yakko and Max are getting married soon, but Yakko has a hangup about changing his name.
And the Warner Sister?: In the early 90’s, the Warners are pitched a new series for them to star in. However, the studio doesn’t want all three of them…
A Very Serious Conversation: Yakko and Max have a very serious conversation about their relationship.
Don't Call Me Insaney: Finally caught and put away in a mental institution, Yakko tries to scheme a way out.
Earthquakes: An earthquake hits the tower the Warners are locked up in.
Empty Tracks: An alternate Wakko's Wish story where Yakko and Dot left on a train to get treatment for her illness, and Wakko waits for their return. Inspired by the tale of Hachiko The Dog.
Extending the Family: Ratto, Saffo, and Ditto get inducted into the Warner family.
First Christmas at Home: The Warners celebrate their first Christmas in the tower.
Goodbye, Doctor: Dr. Scratchansniff dies, and the siblings are forced to deal with a new emotion- grief.
I Hate Him: A new psychiatrist comes to the lot, and Yakko hates him. (First-person)
Knight in Shining Armor: Dot wishes for a knight to save her from Warnerstock.
Lost in the Crowd: Wakko finds a lost little girl in the streets of LA and tries to return her safely to her family.
Night of the Unliving Toons: A horror story written for Halloween. A toon zombie outbreak hits Burbank- can the Warners make it out unscathed? (Rated T)
Nighty Night Yakko: Usually, Yakko puts his siblings to bed. What happens when he falls asleep first? (Collab with @cringetownusa)
Not How We Operate: A poem about the making of Wakko’s Wish.
Off Stage: Hello Nurse finds the Warners in an unexpected state.
Over Before It Began: A tragic accident leaves Yakko and Dot in an unprecedented situation.
Say Hello: The truth about why Yakko stopped saying ‘hello nurse’. (Rated T)
September 1: In a nonspecific future where the Warners have grown up, Dot remembers someone important on her special day.
The Super Strong Warner Sibling: Dot loses control of her emotions.
Thoughts: Late at night, Yakko contemplates the nature of his existence. (First-person)
Thoughts of Nothing: Yakko thinks about how his siblings have changed.
Too Much: Yax breakup story.
Wakko’s World: Collection of Wakko-related one shots.
-Pants: Wakko asks for permission to wear pants.
-Puppy: Wakko gets mistaken for a puppy.
-Gookie: The origin of Wakko's gookie.
-Love: Wakko wonders why his brother never says those three important words.
-Stare: Wakko enjoys the presence of someone important to him.
-Stand: Wakko enjoys the evening air.
-Introduction: Wakko introduces himself.
-Crazy: Wakko asks Dot an important question about his name.
-School: Wakko does an assignment on what he likes about his family.
What We Never Had: A followup to reboot season 2, Yakko has a nightmare about the family that was never his.
A Day Apart-
A Day for Dot: After her brothers leave her alone, going off on a required WB business retreat, Dot enjoys her first-ever day to herself. It doesn't go quite as planned...
Just the Warner Brothers: A sidequel to the previous story, Yakko and Wakko go off on a business retreat without their little sister.
Multi-Chapter Fics:
Monsters Within: The Warners stumble upon a toon virus that has the ability to turn them into lovecraftian monsters. (Rated T)
Silent Nights: A pre-Wakko's Wish story about a young nonverbal Wakko.
The Curious Case of Yakko Warner: Yakko is mysteriously turned into a toddler, aging one year every day. Wakko and Dot are forced to get to the bottom of it all, while also trying to care for their new little big brother.
The Warners Write: A collection of diary/journal entries from the Warner sibs. (First-person)
And here is another list of all my fics, this one ordered from my personal favorite to my least favorite:
Empty Tracks
Don't Call Me Insaney
I Hate Him
What We Never Had
September 1
And the Warner Sister?
The Super Strong Warner Sibling
Knight in Shining Armor
Silent Nights
Wakko's World
Nighty Night Yakko
A Very Serious Conversation
All For Nothing
Off Stage
A Little Birdy
Not How We Operate
Goodbye, Doctor
Night of the Unliving Toons
Say Hello
A Day for Dot
Over Before It Began
Monsters Within
Thoughts of Nothing
Just the Warner Brothers
All That's in a Name
Too Much
Extending the Family
The Curious Case of Yakko Warner
First Christmas at Home
Lost in the Crowd
The Warners Write
A Christmas Emergency
Note that a fic being near the bottom of the list doesn't mean I dislike it. I love all my children :)
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randomnameless · 3 years
Gosh, how did Rhea explain the homonculi to Jeralt? Was he even aware they were "sort of" related to Sitri or not?
I think Rhea presented them as "her children", but since she calls everyone "her children" he just shrugged it off.
Still, he thinks the brat who pissed off the Empire and basically destroyed the Southern Church really looked like her, with his hair and eyes too, but that'd mean Rhea actually fucks, and Jerry was not ready to accept it, so he started to drink.
But then Sitri happened so Jeralt had better things to do than think about Rhea's weird stuff - at least Sitri is kind, isn't calling him an "inferior being" or seething at his "borrowed power", or messing with relics ; Sitri smiled and liked flowers.
And then 9 months later Billy popped up!
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benevadeca · 2 years
More spyfammy thoughts...Anya in a pokemon AU would have a porygon i think her chimera plushie would be a could comparison.
This thought expanded to I think in pokemon AU they all have pokemon that are mostly normal but if u think too hard abt it ur like wait...wait..........
And anyway bond in this AU is a type:null
If she had a full team it would be:
eevee (that rly wants to evolve into an espeon but keeps failing somehow. Eventually becomes a sylveon by accident lol)
Her penguin plushie is maybe a prinplup that got into a fight w/ Bond and came out worse for wear but rly bonded to Anya despite it? They still don't get along tho lol (I also think it could be a pelipper or altaria since it very fits the Size of him. Big boy birdie is the moral)
Either a Ralts or Abra (psychic type. Both have little ears that match her horns. End of thought)
Loid has a:
ditto ("haha the little thing got attached to me, I don't use it for battle tho" definitely his main spy partner pokemon)
Audino (convincingly for his job as a psychiatrist but also a partner. Is always a little grumpy bc it's constantly rly aware of lord's tummy achiness)
Mime Jr. If you get it you get it. Def gets into mischief with Anya lol, untrustworthy as a babysitter.
Yor's team
Roserade. Duh
I think she has a plusel and her brother has a minun. Siblings!!
Medichamp (psychic fighting baby!!)
I think she'd have a gloom that evolved into a vileplume after getting married. Oddish she had since she was a kid who's been a lifelong companion, evolved to be more helpful to her but became another point where people judged her for having a nontraditional partner pokemon, evolved again after she's given more confidence and direction etc etc.
Tbh yor's are hard...teetering the line between pokemon that are normie enough to be disengaging but also yor stands out in a lot of other ways outside of her assassin thing (the autism of her) I think she'd be the type to find traditionally ugly pokemon cute. Skorupi. Pinsir. Etc.
These ones are just maybe but i think either a Hatterene, Beawear, or Cufant would work. Hatterene bc...you know. But cufant very has the same bewear look of being very cute but could deadlift you lol.
All of Franky's pokemon hate him a little lol. Has a mawile who's bitey, a klefki that's always hiding and stealing his gadgets. And a beldum (not actively malicious but def pranks him subtly)
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veryhappyhuntresses · 3 years
What’s everyone’s favorite/go-to pet names for the others?
Robyn: Not sure of the line between “petname” and “nickname” honestly…
Joanna: What do you mean?
Robyn: I don’t think we call you “Tree” in a petname-y way.
Joanna, snort-laughing: Oh, I see.
May: Isn’t it “Jo”? Or “JoJo”?
Joanna: That’s more like it.
Fiona: “Birdie” is definitely a petname though~
Robyn, smiling: It’s a good one, too…
Joanna: Almost as good as “Mayflower.”
May, rolling her eyes and failing to hide her blush: Right.
Fiona: What’s mine?
Joanna: “Fi”?
Fiona: I feel like there’s another one, one you three haven’t used it a while…
Robyn, snapping her fingers and pointing: We called you “Fluff” a lot early on. Because of your fluff. *pats Fiona’s fluff*
Fiona: OMG I forgot 🥺
May, also patting her fluff: Fluff.
Joanna, ditto: Fluff.
Fiona, whispering: This fucking rules…
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I got tagged for this by the delightful @las-lus​. ta, dear heart!
1. why did you choose your url?
I fell in love with The Amazing Devil (and have yet to fall out with it) and just... yeah. It’s from one of my favorite of their lyrics:
Day by day oh lord three things I pray That I might understand as best I can How bold I was, could be - will be - still am, by god still am
2. any sideblogs? if you have them, name them and why you have them.
Not really, unless you count my old blog that I abandoned due to some interpersonal fandom wank shit on a totally other website that i just... did not want to potentially have to deal with fielding on tumblr as well, and I’d linked regularly to my tumblr so I knew ppl knew where to find me. (I don’t much care any more, it’s @actuallyclintbarton)
Unfortunately for y’all, I do not give a fuck about restricting my fandom reblogs and shitposting to thematically appropriate blogs, y’all get to deal with ALL OF IT. ;)
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
2012! my original username was bemyselfloudly. (i’ve also been through shit like... whatwouldcapdo, queersuperteens, wrotemyown, actuallyclintbarton, cottoncandydumpass, and ruffboijuliaburnsides. I know I’m missing a few lmao. I don’t change my URL on a whim mostly anymore)
4. do you have a queue tag?
I’ve had quite a few! I think the one I kept longest was “always we will queue as one”, from the Avengers Assemble theme song? Mostly bc I forgot to change it for a while. currently, it’s “i promise queue i’m not broken”, from TAD’s “Farewell Wanderlust”.
Other entries: “i’ve got red in my queue”, “to queue the monsters we created monsters”, “i am not queueing away my shot”, “were queueing it man. were making it happen.”, and “abracafuqueue”.
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
I randomly found a trans guy’s blog who was... like he wore stockings and heels and makeup and dressed really feminine but was still A TRANS GUY. And that spoke to my lil not-out-as-trans-to-anyone-at-all heart, and so the first handful of posts were probably introspective shit. And then I started reblogging MCU stuff. And then birdie got a blog and I was lost.
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp?
Oh! My icon is currently art of one of my many DnD characters, a gnomish warlock named Cricket! My wife got a commish of her and her halfling girlfriend Ambria on Flight Rising from a particularly delightful artist, and I love it dearly.
Here’s the full piece, btw (with a gradient on it bc the original is transparent):
Tumblr media
Cricket’s whole “starting concept” is basically just “Party Girl-era Ke$ha, but a gnome, a lesbian, and bound to a warlock patron”, she has fully helped win a cage match by hitting a guy in the dick with a folding chair, and I love her constantly drunk or hungover lil ass DEARLY.
7. why did you choose your header?
It’s Joey Batey, who sang the line my url/header text is from, but also it’s fuckin HAWT.
8. what’s your post with the most notes?
AHAHAHAHAHAHAH *sob* It’s a post from February with like 63k notes about Quibi doing a quarantine home video version of The Princess Bride.
9. how many mutuals do you have?
I have no earthly idea and I have no way to check. PROBABLY AROUND 200?
10. how many followers do you have?
5,109. Gods bless you all, why are you HERE????
11. how many people do you follow?
392. I am very picky, clearly XD
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
I mean, hasn’t EVERYONE?
13. how often do you use tumblr each day?
anywhere from “no times” to “essentially constantly”. It really depends on the day and where my brain is.
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? who won?
Not with any particular blog. I’ve got particular arguments I feel strongly about and will fight any time I see it on my dash, but it’s not a particular FEUD or anything. Possibly the closest is the artist formerly known as zarabitha bc I had serious issues with their headcanons/fandom policing, but that’s ancient news and I’m p sure she never recognized me as a unique individual.
15. how do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
i resent them and generally actively AVOID reblogging them. Don’t fuckin try to guilt me into shit motherfuckers, I’m not here for that.
16. do you like tag games?
Yes!!! I don’t always respond as promptly as I’d like, but I adore them!!!!
17. do you like ask games?
Ditto above. LOVE ‘EM. Not always timely.
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
Probably @seananmcguire​ and @thebibliosphere​ are the closest to tumblr famous amongst my mutuals.
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
....I mean, YEAH? it’s kinda a foregone conclusion, I crush easy.
20. tags?
WHOEVER WANTS TO. I mean this. Pls tag me as having tagged you. I just can’t CHOOSE. So fuck that. I guess specifically @jackironsides​ and @persony-pepper​ but specifically pls JUST IF YOU WANNA DO THIS, DO IT.
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Fix me, part 8/finale:
Summary: Love is complicated but incredibly beautiful, and if it’s healthy it will help you grow too.
Warnings: angst, fluff, swearing
Word count: 4000
Fix Me (doctor/soulmate AU) series Masterlist
A/N - heavily inspired by Grey’s anatomy, my own experiences and thoughts, but also by songs: Birdy - Not about angels, Bear’s den - Fortress, Matthew and the atlas - Out of the darkness, Harry Styles - Falling, Kodaline - Wherever you are, Isak Danielson - Love me Wrong, Dove Cameron - Remember me, Tom Odell - Can’t pretend, The XX - Angels, Coldplay - Fix you, Coldplay - The scientist, Elvis Presley - Can’t help falling in love.
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Kakorrhaphiophobia (n.) - the fear of failure
Atelphobia - the fear of not being good enough
She stared ahead blankly, her mind void of thought as well as her heart is void of emotion. Is this what it means to break? To lose your humanity once your heart is broken one too many times? To become numb, lifeless, no care for anything or anyone?
It's a fate she would never wish upon anyone, because when you lose the will to fight, why would you want to live?
For some unexplained reason, she felt like a failure...like she failed Ethan and like she failed the blob inside her that counted on her to nurture it until they’re full grown. She had always feared of not being enough, so what if years of chemotherapy had ruined her ability to bear a healthy child? Would Ethan want her then?
"What do you mean you can't find a heartbeat?!" Ethan, on the other hand, wasn't ready to give up. His soul bleeds, but his heart is strong - it's turned to steel, something his many years on the planet ensued. But it's more than age or experience, it's love in its purest form - for the woman beside him that went mute with the news and for the little clump of cells that bear his DNA inside her. 
It's hard to understand how one could care for something that's not even a fully formed human bring, someone you've never met or held, but he fucking loved Y/N before he met her and he sure as hell loved the child he thought she'd gift him with.
"It could mean one of two things. Y/N, when were you supposed to start your period?" Grayson felt the eerie emptiness in the girl before him and he couldn't help but notice his brother is dancing on the edge of that same cliff as well. 
They look pale, defeated, lost. Even with the hurt his words caused, they still hold their hands together, like Y/N is a tree looking for prosperous land to settle down her wary roots and Ethan had provided the perfect soil for her to rest and feel safe.
For a moment, Grayson expected Y/N to leave Ethan, to hate him. Yet, it would seem they are stronger than ever and he can't help but pray that he has it easier with his soulmate but for their bond to be as strong as their's.
"12 days." Monotone voice had sounded as she laid her head back, staring up at the ceiling. Tears prick at her eyes, but she can't even cry anymore. There's nothing left inside her to make her fight and yes, the touch of Ethan's hand is the only grounding sensation at this point.
"And I'm gonna guess you two go at it like bunnies?" This time he turned to Ethan for an answer. With a roll of his eyes and a reluctant nod, Ethan had realized where he's going with this.
"First possibility is that you will have a miscarriage very soon if the embryo didn't implant properly. But the second one I hope is true is that you just came in too soon. The heart tube doesn't form or start beating before the first month." Finally, Y/N blinks, looking back at Grayson who forced a smile for her benefit. Truth be told, he can't be sure but he has to believe in the positive outcome. For his own sanity, and theirs.
"So what does that mean for us?" Gripping Ethan's hand strongly once more, Y/N found herself choking on tears she wants to let out, feeling an overwhelming rush of emotions wash over her.
"For now? Go home. Rest up, avoid stress and eat well. I'll give you prenatals because I'm hopeful and likely right about the second theory. Just be with each other and enjoy the fact destiny gave you this time together."
As hard as it is to admit it, Grayson is right. Y/N knew that. She could still hold onto the anger and let it harm her and possibly the baby, or she can embrace the miracle of life that included both having the man she loves as a soulmate and having his baby she thought she couldn't have.
Resfeber (n.) - tangled feelings of fear and excitement before a journey begins
And in that moment, her eyes found his and a small smile crept up on her and it had made all the difference in the world. Just one smile she gave eased Ethan's raging heart and overwhelmed mind. She anchored him once again and the fear of losing her suddenly had no meaning. For the first time since he met her, Ethan felt that he can't lose her...until death do us part at its truest form.
They sat in the car and Ethan didn't expect much more than the smile she already gave him. He thought she'd ask to be taken to her apartment and be left alone and yet, before he has a chance to ask, she speaks first.
"I love you." Small as it may be to some, this statement she had showed mercy with had given Ethan strength to keep breathing - for both of them if necessary.
"I don't ever want to be away from you. So, if it's alright with you, I'd like to look for a house together." Is it a dream? An elaborate daydream where their relationship is perfect and he didn't lie to her and she isn't a flight risk?
"I choose to have hope. Before you, I wasn't exactly a person with a positive outlook on life, but I can't hide that you've influenced me and I have hope. Thanks to you." Swallowing thickly to hide the fact that he's completely choked up, at a loss for words, Ethan covers his mouth as a chuckle escapes him and he nods.
"Yeah. Yeah. I'd love nothing more." Deciding not to test fate, he started the car and set it to a route to his own home. There's no chance in hell he'd let her stay at her place now. Not when he finally has her - mind, heart, soul.
"I'm still going to be angry at you from time to time, so expect that." She giggles, as if all the worries of the world have washed away and nothing but love remained. 
Sneaking a peek, Ethan found himself mesmerized for her beauty is enthralling, her body intoxicating, but her heart and mind? It's what keeps him coming back for more. 
Ethan realized that everyone is looking for one thing in their significant other - that one person whose light would make all the darkness we've known worth it.
"I'd expect nothing less, sweetheart. As long as you know I plan to spoil you rotten and that I won't leave you...ever."
With a satisfied smile and a court nod, she looked away and out the window, whispering under her breath.
"You really are the sunshine brother."
Unaware Ethan heard her, she kept her gaze on the people outside the window, but Ethan as perplexed as he is with her statement had felt like he finally found meaning in every horrible thing he had went through in his life. His life was fairly good, but when it got bad it truly went up in flames. She made it worth it.
 All of it.
When he feels her love, it robs him of sadness and doubt and when he feels her pain, he senses he could fight the world if it meant she'd be happy again. There is no greater feeling in the world than to love deeply and be loved as passionately and as strongly as you've imagined.
Once they arrived at the apartment, Ethan took her by surprise as he swept her off her feet, holding her in his arms as she squealed with the unexpected loss of stability only to find herself as safe as she never thought she'd be, right in his embrace.
"What?! Are? You? Doooiiinggg?!" She taped his shoulder before wrapping her arms around him tightly, making sure he can't drop her like he once joked he would and then actually dropped her...on the couch, but it was still an accident and she bounced off it and bruised her hip in the process.
"Practicing for when we get married." Ethan smirked as her face flushed red with the thought of actually wearing a wedding dress and saying her vows. She never truly thought she'd live long enough to find her soulmate, let alone actually love him with every inch of her tortured soul and yet she found him and everything that happened after was beautiful, the unfabricated kind.
"You really want to do that?" Her voice went higher and Ethan knew she was nervous, but the good kind.
"If I don’t put a ring on that finger, someone might beat me to it. I'm well aware I'm not entitled to have you as my wife, lover or even friend just because we're soulmates. I'm always going to do my best to remind you that I am a besotted fool when it comes to you and I actually want nothing more than to wake up next to you for the rest of my days. I lived over a century and I never felt happier than I am with you." There was something about the way his eyes changed, the color deeper and warmer in the sunlight as his gaze conveyed all the love he could never express with words even though he tries daily.
Jaded as she used to be, Y/N couldn't deny destiny was right about this match, about the man sent to her when she found herself closed to love, giving up on the notion altogether.
She took his hand and wrapped both of hers around it with a gentle squeeze, hoping he understands how much his words truly mean, especially when he backs them with actions, only to manage a faint: "Ditto."
Raising his eyebrow in surprise, Ethan couldn't stop a chuckle from escaping him as he leaned into her and pecked her lips.
"Ditto? Really? That's all you got after I poured my heart out?" His deep, low tone had rippled through her heart and mind and wreaked havoc as she struggled to put together a sensible thought.
"Love you?" She squealed, his warm hand sneakily riding up her thigh only making her tremble, losing her ability to even breathe. He's intense. Always has been and even now, after everything, Y/N is learning how to survive him.
Aware of it all, he couldn't do much but capture her luscious, quivering bottom lip, claiming it as his, thinking just how much he loves her lips.
And while they hid in his bed for days to come, watching romcoms and eating popcorn, having time to just relax and be at peace with one another, Ethan had to return to his job after three days while she was officially put on bed-rest by Grayson who declared himself as her gynecologist, a little something she intended to change before the first vaginal examination.
Selcouth (adj.) - unfamiliar, rare, strange yet marvelous
"Wait!" Rubbing her hands as she approached him on her knees trying not to fall with her faux crawl from her side of the bed, Ethan laughed halfheartedly as he winked at her with his smirk setting on his lips once again.
"Already miss me?"
Rolling her eyes, she groaned as she took his hands in hers, rubbing them diligently while his confusion grew.
"Not to be that guy but why are you rubbing your soft, kinda oily hands on mine?"
"They're not oily!" Her defensive tone matched the quick sharpness in her eyes as she looked up at him before sighing.
"It's hand cream. Your hands are your instrument, Ethan, you need to protect them."
And he couldn't stop thinking about that for the rest of the day. The way her hands took time to make sure his were safe, it felt...different, intimate like sex and while it’s all he could ever ask for, Ethan was still adjusting to the feeling of being loved by Y/N. He’s been too used to chasing her for every inch of affection, too used to being the one giving her all the love in the world that he never realized she might have a whole lot of love to give as well and perhaps it’s time he lets her.
"You okay, bro? Y/N's fine?" Grayson placed a hand on his brother's shoulder, worried he might have to jump into caretaker mode in case something happened.
"Yeah, just...You know about that thing when girls put moisturizing cream on their hands and then take yours and rub it into your skin?" Ethan glances at his quiet brother who waited for him to continue, only to realize he was actually asking a question not just stating something.
"No. But continue."
"Y/N did that for me today and I swear I almost cried and I still might." Chuckling, Ethan realized he might sound like a baby but he honestly couldn’t believe he’s finally at a point where his life doesn’t seem bleak anymore. 
He’s a little worried how Grayson might take it – watching him grow old and having a family when in fact, that was Grayson’s greatest wish and losing his twin is his worst fear.
“Please don’t.” Grayson squinted, removing his hand off Ethan’s shoulder. “When you cry, I cry, and I’m in no mood to wipe any tears today, alright?” And while his brother joking words and expressions made Ethan’s day go by much faster, his mind remained on two…well, three things: 
how will Grayson fair without him, 
will he be a good father, 
and is he truly at a time in his life where happy ever after is real.
“Who did you operate on and why?” To say he didn’t quite expect to find Y/N rushing to the door with these kinds of questions would be an understatement of the century, but then again, she was never quite ordinary. If anything, this is what drew him to her – the quirkiness, the ambition and even the crazy glint in her eye she gets whenever surgery is even mentioned which intensifies when she’s actually in the operating room. It’s what every good surgeon has – a passion unparalleled to anything earthly and he admired how her fire burned bright and how her thirst for knowledge seemed unquenchable.
“Now I know you did not just decide to run when you’re supposed to be on bed rest.” Giving her a critical, slightly amused look, Ethan waited for her to roll her eyes at him before kissing her forehead. 
“I didn’t do any surgeries today, I was working in the clinic, but I’ll be sure to tell you every gory detail tomorrow after my triple bypass.” Pecking the tip of her nose, Ethan’s eyes dropped to her robe, noticing a hint of cleavage and he couldn’t help himself, smirking with the sight and the image of perfection hiding underneath.
“Don’t even think about it pal, not until we’re sure the blob is fine.” With a pointed, warning glare, Y/N adjusts her robe swiftly, enjoying Ethan’s groan of despair way too much.
“You really gotta stop calling our baby a blob.” Ethan drapes an arm over her shoulders, a small smile gracing his face – smile of content he long forgot could exist in his heart.
“I will when there’s something more than just a mix of DNA.” She retorted as he knew she would and he realized this would be his life – and he loved the very thought of having these silly little arguments with her even when they’re old and gray, stealing intimate moments while the kids are in the other room, being the embarrassing parents that are so in love with each other that their kids will never settle for anything less but their soulmate as well. 
He wanted that future and he was so incredibly grateful he has a chance to finally rest his head on her chest and just listen to the sound of her beating heart.
Ludic (adj.) - full of fun and high spirits
Within two weeks, Grayson confirmed the pregnancy and for once, Y/N realized life isn’t a bleak collection of painful memories but a beautiful, evolving thing that seemed to make every day a pleasure.
“That’s one strong heartbeat.” Grayson enthusiastic response made all three to cry the happiest tears one could ever shed. Hand in hand, Ethan and Y/N felt like the world was on their side and that even when they face hardships, together they will conquer them all.
The pregnancy wasn’t easy for them, especially when Y/N insisted she continued her internship till the end, pausing on residency for a while after she passed her intern exam. 
Ethan constantly reminded her to take her supplements, to rest up and eat and he often had to carry her to bed because she’d fall asleep on the ride home. He didn’t mind though, he just worried she was working too hard and he was way too happy about her residency break…even if it came at six months of pregnancy. 
If she was being completely honest, Ethan was driving her crazy all the time and sometimes it felt as if he were the one pregnant not her, but she took it all because it was a way he shows how much he loves and cares for her and she never felt so loved and cared for in her life.
He was relieved she didn’t suffer from any morning sickness or heartburn, but her night cravings were so bad he was out driving to the store almost every night and the things she ate were usually too disgusting for Ethan to watch, especially because she really liked everything his vegan ass wanted to freak out over.
“The things we do for those we love, huh bub?” He whispered at the belly, gently running his hand along where he felt the baby kick earlier. 
Ethan loved to stay up longer than Y/N and just talk to the baby, sometimes just about his day or about how he and uncle Gray made headway with the nursery or the really cute father-uncle-son outfits he found shopping online, but those moments where he believed it was just the two of them talking turned into his favorite time of day.
Y/N would hear him some nights, smiling softly into her pillow but she let him believe she was asleep but even he realized more than once she was listening in – truth is, she started snoring in the eight month, not that Ethan minded much. He truly couldn’t sleep from fear of early labor anyway.
Grayson wasn’t very happy when Y/N switched gynecologists at all. She still let him do the ultrasounds but anything else was a big no – no. Not that she could stop him from being in front of the office, yelling reminders for her actual doctor, knocking every ten seconds to ask Y/N if he can come in and most of the time she just laughed it off and Ethan appreciated her more for it. He knew if she could handle his crazy, over-involved brother, she would be able to handle anything – even the tiny Dolan in her belly that would surely drive his momma nuts down the road because Dolan men are rowdy, adventurous, headstrong and incredibly prone to accidents. 
To be fair, Ethan did warn her.
However, when labor did start, it was during one of the worst storms New York ever faced.
“Our whole relationship was a hurricane, why not crown it with a baby during an actual one too?” Y/N teased, showing no signs of worry while Ethan was a hot mess, holding her right hand and Grayson was guiding her through everything, holding her left hand.
Every time Grayson tried to see what’s happening, to make sure everything is going right, Y/N all but crushed his hand and Ethan shouted: “Stay where Y/N’s head is not the babies!”
After an eighteen-hour long labor, Hamza Cameron Dolan arrived, already loved and so, so wanted. Ethan and Grayson wept, trying not to freak out Y/N who held her son at her chest, a look of pure adoration on her face as she tried to remember every inch of Hamza’s little face.
“I think he has your jaw already. No wonder I felt something cut my cervix while he was passing through.” Giggling, she looked at Ethan – the man who had changed her views on love, on soulmates and on what it means to have someone you can count on, someone who will always hold your hand to prevent you from falling. He had taught her what it feels to really be at peace.
“Little mans is holding my finger.” Ethan cried out, making Grayson laugh through tears.
And as years went by, Grayson watched his brother’s happiness grow, his family growing as well. In seven years that passed, Y/N had become a surgeon specializing in oncology patients, though it took her a while considering she had twins three years after Hamza was born.
After a while, Grayson started withering. He truly loved his nieces and nephew, he adored Y/N and there wasn’t even an inkling of jealousy of his brother – the chief of surgery, but he did have longing. He longed for a love of his own, to have his soulmate in his arms and look into her eyes for the first time and have it all make sense.
He wanted that grey streak in his hair, the one that meant his life wasn’t an unstoppable, repeating cycle that drowned him with a people, events and emotions he could easily predict at this point. And he loves his job, always did, but something was missing and he knew it was her.
Sighing, Grayson passed Y/N in the hall, leaving a quick kiss on her cheek before continuing down the hall, realizing he’s almost late for his next appointment.
Going over the list of things he has yet to do for the day, he walked into the examination room, heading straight for the sink to wash his hands before putting on a pair of gloves. If anything, Grayson was always a firm believer in protocol concerning disinfection between patients, writing a book on it about fifty years ago that became a core for future hospital guidelines, ones still in place today.
While he went about his duties, his patient watched him intently – something he’s used to considering he’s a very handsome ‘young’ man in a sensitive part of medicine. He could feel her gaze upon him, but he just couldn’t bother with yet another flirtatious patient. While he’s usually friendly, charming and kind, Grayson tends to be a bit colder with those who want to cross the lines.
“I’m Doctor Dolan and I understand you’re here for a Pap smear?” Turning around, he looked at the patient’s already prepared position – legs spread with a cover still allowing him to see the full image of her vagina and everything he’d need to see to do his job right, however, in seconds, the woman closed her legs and gasped, sitting up frantically and only then did he make direct eye contact – no longer distracted by anything but the undeniable appearance of a silver streak in her hair right before his eyes.
“Oh my God!”
*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *
Tags: @beinscorpio @peacedolantwins @heyits-claire @dolandolll @godlydolans @dolanstwintuesday @ethanhes @graydolan12  @zeusgrayson @libradolan @justordinaryjen @pineappledolan @graysavant @livexdolan  @shadowsndaisies @dolans4lyfe @mendesficsxbombay @fxkthatdairy @drewsstarkey 
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