#but GENUINELY wtf 2016 flash fans
shrinkthisviolet · 15 days
So I doubt I have to tell anyone this anymore, because it’s 2024 and this fandom has hopefully grown some compassion, but I’m going to anyway because seeing some more hate for Cisco from back in 2016 (when s3 was first airing) pissed me off, so I’m gonna rant about it for a bit:
So: Cisco got mad at Barry for doing what he wouldn’t do for his brother. Um…yeah?? Listen, if someone told me that saving my sibling with time travel was too risky, but then it turned out they did it to save their family member?? I’d be pissed too!! wtf!!
Do I think people blaming Barry for every little consequence of Flashpoint was kinda overboard? Yeah. I don’t blame Barry for Dante’s death, I don’t blame him for Diggle’s daughter now being his son*. Etc etc. I am however on Cisco’s side, and I absolutely understand why he’s mad. He’s not blaming Barry for Dante’s death—he’s angry because Barry wouldn’t save Dante and yet still tried to use time travel to save his own mom.
(*literally HOW tf?? Writers?? Westallen can have Nora twice after timey wimey shenanigans, but Flashpoint changes a kid into a whole different kid??)
And yeah people are gonna say “but they signed off on it in the s1 finale” yeah!! That was then!! Different circumstances!! Barry made sure to talk about it with all of them and get everyone’s input!! Him doing it then would’ve been fine!! But here?? He only talked about it with Iris, and only in the vaguest terms. No one else got a say, even though he knew it would change all of their lives. How exactly is that fair? It isn’t.
I just…*sighs* I’m glad I don’t see recent hate for Cisco, because that would really piss me off. I just needed to get this off my chest 😅
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hankmoonbeam · 2 years
Seeing as it's Bondy's birthday what are your favourite things about him?
This ask is going to make my circuits explode…cannot articulate, must self-destruct…
Positivity. I don’t think he’s ever said anything bad about anybody or about anyones music. Once in an interview a DJ was talking trash about pop music and Bondy was like “you can find something redeeming in anything.” It’s so refreshing that he just is open to most experiences and people and just sort of soaks in everything about the world. (ACL 2016)
Humor. The best droll, dry comedic timing in interviews. The best loopy dances and unashamed ass-flashes. The most creative, out there, bizarre videos and portmanteaus that you can’t help but laugh at because you’re just like…wtf?? 😆
Loyalty. He’s found and kept so many close friends over the years. Look at him and Lou. Such different life paths, but still so close with each other. And what dude buys their best friend a painting of the two of them?!
Humility. I love listening to the bird podcast because it’s the best thing ever, but it also makes me tear my hair out when he calls himself a “sub-par” guitarist. He knows he’s decent, I’m sure, but he’s constantly learning and getting better. And he has as much fun on stage with Jango Flash in front of 50 people as he did with Catfish.
Gratefulness. I don’t know how he does it, but that man says “thank you” often, and it always feels absolutely genuine. Like his message after the Cardiff cancellation, or in an interview where he’s asked what he wants to say to fans, or any of a million other times. And that Argentina video when he’s drunk as a skunk and hihj in life, blubbering about how happy they’ve made him…😭
Musicianship. An obvious one but like, he’s not just a guitarist. He writes songs and plays other instruments (drums, bass) and can sing, etc. The dude is a musical treasure trove and I can’t wait to see what he comes up with in his new album.
There’s lots more but I’ll stop there. Thank you for this ask 🥰 what do you love about Bondy?
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obsessivedilettante · 5 years
Dramaland Forecast: January 2019
Previously: 2016 - 2017 - 2018
Waaahhh, it’s another year! I feel like I’ve been waiting for 2019 since, like, February, but somehow it still seemed to blindside me and I’m not ready to look ahead and make any goals or resolutions or, well, do much of anything (including watching dramas, haha).
Buuuuut I shall do my best to gather my thoughts on what this year promises us when it comes to dramaland.
None. Again. I was even determined to try and finish up the last episodes of a couple of variety shows I’d started (NJTTW and Dancing High), but those are still sitting unwatched on my flash drive. It’s like I have a fear of completion or something. I’m determined to be better this year. 2019 is the year I actually finish dramas! Yeah!
Currently Watching:
Red Moon, Blue Sun aka Children of Nobody -- this drama is a wild ride, y’all, and you should be watching it if only to go “wtf” with me (I mean that in a good way, because the show is genuinely mysterious, and not in a “was this writer smoking crack” way -- although it might end up like the latter in a few weeks if things aren’t resolved to my satisfaction).
Miss Sherlock -- I got a couple more episodes in over the holidays when I was traveling. I’m only a few episodes from finishing the show, but apparently when I’m at home, I prefer to watch things on my laptop instead of my ipad. I need to work on that.
Groan. Everything, basically. I feel like 2019 is gonna be the year when I tackle my “on-hold” and “to watch” lists because there have been so many dramas in the past few years that I have genuinely wanted to watch (and finish!) but just never got around to it. I’m almost hoping the 2019 offerings are lackluster just so I can get caught up on a few things. But let’s see what’s on offer so far...
Upcoming dramas of interest:
Kingdom -- I think I’ll forever be mildly disgruntled about Netflix being one of the reasons that easy access to dramas is so fractured, but I’m hoping that their investment in this drama by one of my favorite writers will prove to be worthwhile.
Neighborhood Lawyer Jo Deul Ho Season 2 -- I’m interested in this, but I never got around to finishing the first season, so... yeah...
Liver or Die aka What’s Wrong, Poong Sang -- this looks like it could be cute! A wacky family drama with a pretty decent cast. I adore Lee Si Young, so I’m happy to see her in another drama.
The Crowned Clown aka The Man Who Became King -- this sounds like a Prisoner of Zenda type of story, which I always enjoy -- buuuuuuuut I always get a huge roadblock when it comes to historical dramas, even though they’re usually so pretty and lush. Will probably pass on a live-watch, but have a vague idea that I might one day watch it.
Spring Must Be Coming -- a body-swap starring Lee Yuri and Uhm Ji Won? Um, you’ve got my attention! My only concern is that I don’t know who the screenwriter is, so I don’t know what kind of direction this show might take, but the one teaser I’ve seen so far makes it look pretty cute.
Romance is a Supplement -- listen, I don’t hate rom-coms. I really don’t. I don’t hate Lee Jong Suk. I really don’t. But. For whatever reason, I instinctively go “nope” on this just because of that combination. Plus the writer has had some... questionable... takes on rom-com, and I don’t know if I have the patience to enjoy the cuteness and ignore whatever problematic stuff will crop up.
Touch Your Heart -- Lee Dong Wook and Yoo Inna, back together again! Tbh that’s all I really need to know, but the production team and supporting cast also make this sound pretty promising, even if the plot sounds very typical.
Haechi -- I’m happy Jung Il Woo is back, but my track record for historical dramas is truly pitiful, so l doubt I’ll watch this (especially because as much as I like Go Ara, I don’t think she’s a good fit for sageuks).
Big Issue -- this one vaguely interested me until I saw the production team, and now I’m convinced that this will likely start out pretty awesome but then turn into a confusing dumpster fire at the end.
Possessed -- a psychic and a detective solving crimes -- but without a priest? Hmm, seems suspicious. It’s OCN so it automatically has my attention, although I still want to know more. However, the cast filled with a lot of familiar supporting actors seems pretty promising, because if all those familiar ajusshis decided to add this project to their 2019 roster, then it must be at least decent.
Item -- this has an interesting premise and a really strong cast, and it’s probably the most compelling of the Jan/Feb premieres. But I’m still hesitant for reasons I can’t fully explain (or understand yet).
The Light In Your Eyes -- the ability to manipulate time sounds pretty cool, and Kim Hye Ja pretending to be a younger woman should be one heckava fun ride, but I just don’t understand the appeal of Nam Joo Hyuk in lead roles (in cute supportive roles, yes, but as a leading man? Um, no, thank you). This seems like those kind of dramas I might like in spite of the leads and would wish that it would focus more on the secondary characters.
Dear Citizens -- I’ve missed Siwon! And it sounds like this character leans on his skill as a comedic actor, so I’m tentatively excited, especially since it comes from the writer of Vampire Prosecutor 1 & 2, Bad Guys, Bad Guys: City of Evil, Police Unit 38, and Missing 9, it should also be a decent thriller/mystery, too.
Hot-blooded Priest -- lbr, the only hot-blooded priest I ever need in my life is Handsome Oppa, but apparently priests are practically de rigeur these days. I do think this could be a pretty good drama, just because I’m a fan of mysteries and police procedurals. I’d have more confidence if it were on OCN (although MBC has been impressing me lately).
Vagabond -- tbh this only caught my attention because it reunites Lee Seung Gi and Suzy. I know Gu Family Book was a hot mess, but I enjoyed it despite them being the least interesting thing in it. I don’t know that I’ll tune into their new drama, but it’ll probably get a lot of buzz and do well in the ratings just because of the cast.
Trap -- sounds like a very classic OCN drama with a strong cast. What more can a girl ask for?
When the Devil Calls Your Name -- Jung Kyung Ho making a deal with the devil, sign me up.
Legal High -- I’ve not watched any of the Japanese versions so I’m merely judging this for being a legal drama, but the fact that it’s an adaptation means there’s an extra hurdle to jump.
Aseudal Chronicles -- ...a fantasy? An actual, legit k-drama fantasy that isn’t set in the Joseon era or relying on common mythical stories?? A fantasy that is directed by one of my ultimate faves, Kim Won Suk (known for Misaeng, Signal, My Ajusshi)??? From the writers of Six Flying Dragons and Tree With Deep Roots???? Starring Song Joong Ki and Kim Ji Won???? WHAT IN THE BLESSED DRAMAVERSE HAS ALLOWED THIS TO BE??????? I don’t wanna jinx it but OMG I’m so excited and CAN’T WAIT for a premiere date to be set so I can start to count down the days.
There isn’t a lot so far that is really making me excited about the 2019 offerings yet (except for the obvious handful *cough*ASEUDAL CHRONICLES*cough*). It’s hard to make judgments about shows that are still even barely in the casting stage, and who knows what else will turn up on these forecasts over the year. But there really isn’t a January premiere that feels like a “must watch,” so maybe I’ll attempt to tackle that ginormous “to watch” list this month.
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nickyschneiderus · 5 years
No, Kamala Harris didn’t flash ‘Wakanda Forever’ for a campaign ad
A video of Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) performing the “Wakanda Forever” sign from the movie Black Panther made the rounds on Twitter today. The Gateway Pundit featured the clip in an article claiming it was Harris’ first ad of her 2020 presidential bid that she announced earlier this week.
But fans of late-night TV were quick to debunk that claim, as many recognized the video from where it originally aired: as part of a comedic sketch on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert back in April.
While the first few seconds of the video could make one think it’s a genuine campaign ad, that it’s a parody becomes apparent as soon as Harris begins speaking. “I am pleased to announce that I am running for the first ever senate seat of Wakanda,” she announces. Text reading “Kamala for Wakanda” flashes onscreen later in the video, seen in the clip The Gateway Pundit shared, which references her fictitious bid to lead Marvel’s hidden African metropolis.
Without cracking a smile, Harris details how she will lead the city out of its self-imposed seclusion. She’s even ready to grab a spear and join her constituents in battle, she says, prompting a still from the movie with her face Photoshopped on one of its characters. As if the parody wasn’t obvious enough, she goes on to reference vibranium, Wakanda’s equally fictional leading resource, as well as the movie’s main antagonist, Erik Killmonger.
“What a nut,” wrote Jim Hoft, the Gateway Pundit article’s author, apparently mistaking the comedy sketch for a real ad. Other Twitter users from both sides of the political spectrum appeared to be fooled, as well, judging from comments like “OMG. How in God’s Good Name did we arrive here” and “we couldn’t make this up.” Some users speculated the video would trounce Harris’ presidential aspirations.
What a Nut. Kamala Harris Opens Campaign with Bizarre "Wakanda Forever" Video @KamalaHarris @JackPosobiec https://t.co/t8LSEisyMk via @gatewaypundit
— Jim Hoft (@gatewaypundit) January 24, 2019
OMG. How in God's Good Name did we arrive here -> #KamalaHarris Opens Campaign with Bizarre "Wakanda Forever" Video https://t.co/I5Tm1jjOCY via @gatewaypundit
— Joe D #WAR (@joeinthejeep) January 24, 2019
we couldn’t make this up. pic.twitter.com/xx2Hcono4J
— Starr X
Tumblr media
(@starr_abel) January 22, 2019
— Bon Vivant (@Un_Bon_Vivant) January 24, 2019
WTF is this? She was too green to be running for POTUS already but this really slams the door on any aspirations she may have. If Im in a debate with @KamalaHarris , I'm ending every debate answer with Wakanda Forever. #WakandaForever #YouFuckedUp #Why pic.twitter.com/D0Mhr8Iiai
— DandyDon (@GetPaidPicks) January 24, 2019
Given that Harris recently hired several alumni from Hillary Clinton’s campaign, many wondered if the video was a stunt to connect with younger voters. Clinton was ribbed relentlessly for her failed attempts to relate to millennials during the 2016 election.
She really wants to secure that black vote
— Chris Dankmingos (@_chrisdomingos_) January 24, 2019
Whoever got hired to be on the Kamala Harris campaign team, y’all really finessed the game. #smh pic.twitter.com/0JuF0kUZrH
— Tariq Nasheed (@tariqnasheed) January 24, 2019
Though several users quickly jumped to explain the video was a parody, it continues to circulate with astonished captions as if it were the real deal.
Wealthy Trump officials keep trying to relate to furloughed workers, keep failing
A panel involving everyone in the Russia probe devolved into chaos and memes
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez parody accounts are all the rage on the right
from Ricky Schneiderus Curation https://www.dailydot.com/layer8/wakanda-kamala-harris-senator/
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