Does anyone possibly know if Phil’s stream from December 7 2020 contains any Ghostbur clips because it is. very long. very, very long. And I have been trying to look through it but there’s just So Much and I haven’t found any Ghostbur lol
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firesnap · 2 years
genuinely certain fans will have a meltdown if u say wil was head writer and doing a good job at it and then get mad when u bring up that wil pretty much,,,,,stopped interacting w the dsmp after the 16th. Like he was ghostbur for a bit but only as a supporting character for other arcs and streams and after c!phil tried to bring c!wilbur back even that kinda stopped. He stopped being involved w lore. How was he supposed to get other ppl involved w lore?? Also Wilbur kept niki away from the plot? WILBUR? the mf that makes sure to include niki as much as humanly possible by making sure nobody talks over her in vc? By asking her questions when she does have someone interrupt her? Didn’t he literally go “hey niki was fucking talking shut up” once??? Hmm I wonder why he hasn’t done that rece- oh yeah those two can’t interact publicly anymore bc of shipping I forgot
Sorry I just get pissed off when people use niki as a GOTCHA argument like this fandom treats her so badly all the time and only seem to remember her to tear specially her friends down. God I can’t wait for the dsmp to be over
Such a bizarre choice because I remember Wilbur streaming during S2 and saying he had no idea lore things were going on and hadn't been keeping up with the discord.
He and Jack are also, consistently, the two people who mention Niki's character when she's not around and make references to how important she is to their characters. So to act like he doesn't try to include her is a choice. Other than the Ghostbur era, those two have always been peas in a pod on that server.
It just goes back to that there's a huge chunk of people who, when they don't like how something went down, are quick to say Wilbur and Tommy have like some chokehold over lore and who gets to do it. But when they do like how stuff went it's "well they didn't do anything more than any other streamer!!"
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Dream SMP Recap (April 1/2021)
It’s April 1st. You know what that means.
Good luck.
Jack Manifold
Captain Puffy
- Ponk continues to work on his plan.
- While at Sam’s base looking for supplies to take, Ponk finds an unsigned book and quill. He hides it from chat. It’s definitely not something he should read on stream, he discovers.
- He finds out that Sam still has his “Ponk says hi” Curse of Binding pumpkin kept in a chest, after all this time.
- He talks about his future lore streams. They’ll be great. Some parts may give you goosebumps.
- He reveals that this isn’t actually the Dream SMP, and they’ve all actually been playing Roblox this whole time. 
- Tubbo wants to build up Snowchester’s defenses, but it seems that he and Ranboo have swapped roles for the day: while Tubbo aims to get things done, Ranboo joins VC to go mmmmmmm and be obnoxious
- Occasionally, cryptic messages pop up on screen
- Tubbo tries to retrieve Ranboo from the Nether and bring him back to Snowchester, but he is incredibly stubborn
(It’s at this point that Wilbur joins the call to ask why Tubbo is trying to steal his brand)
- Throughout the rest of the stream in Snowchester, the messages continue.
- Phil works on mining and chats with Wilbur. They talk a bit about Wilbur’s music.
- Tommy doesn’t want the Prime Path going to L’manburg anymore. It makes him too sad. He starts destroying the route.
- He then goes to visit Snowchester. He sees Tubbo standing outside the mansion. Tubbo appears to be sleepwalking again.
- Tommy speaks with Tubbo and Ranboo and asks to see their son.
- They go to the attic. Tommy asks if Michael is kind of the thing that holds Tubbo and Ranboo together.
- Tommy sees Michael in the attic. He says he used to have a pet too...Henry. Tubbo laughs, and Tommy gets upset.
- He speaks with Ranboo alone and realizes that the last time he saw Henry was at the mountain vault.
- He asks if Ranboo’s ever gone to Dream’s bunker. Ranboo says he thinks they were all there when they came to save Tommy and Tubbo. Tommy thought Henry died.
- Ranboo asks if anything can really be dead for sure anymore.
- Tommy tells Ranboo to come with him to Dream’s bunker. He asks what Ranboo is like with Dream. Ranboo says he hasn’t really talked with Dream at all.
- They head out. Tommy hasn’t been back there since that day.
- Tommy asks if Ranboo would do anything to him. Ranboo says no, he has no reason to.
- They make it to the portal and enter. They see Henry still there. When Tommy first saw Henry on the day, he thought Dream was lying. But now he knows that the revive book is a thing. Had Dream already used the revive book on Henry?
- They wonder how to get Henry home safely.
- They start leading Henry up the stairs of the Vault incredibly carefully.
- Henry dies again on the surface. Tommy mourns.
- They keep transporting Friend. At least maybe they can bring Friend back to Ghostbur.
- They talk about life.
- They get Friend back home. Tommy wonders what else could make him happy. He tells Ranboo they need to kill Dream.
- He sits on the bench and listens to Blocks with Ranboo.
- They lead Friend to the summer house. They leave Friend there and go back to Tommy’s home.
- “Jack” runs around on the SMP a bit. He talks to Foolish and then Fundy. He has a cold.
- “Niki” streams on the Dream SMP to work at her underground city
- Fundy explodes the whole SMP with copious amounts of TNT, destroying L’manburg a fourth time (but also not)
- Ranboo finds a Drip Llama and adopts it
- Puffy, Bad and Quackity chat. Puffy puts on a cursed rabbit skin
- Bad tells Puffy the tale of Roberto
- Bad suggests they prank Punz with murder and putting his stuff in a chest with lava
- Bad and Puffy try to rob Punz of his shoes at the spider spawner
- A fight breaks out and Puffy combat logs. Eventually, Punz agrees to a truce as long as they don’t try to take his shoes again.
- Bad chats with George and Dream and shows them Puffy’s prank on the Egg. He notices that there seem to be a lot less of the Blood Vines around recently.
- They talk some more.
- Bad starts trying to out-British George.
- They talk some more. Bad attempts to Joe Mama them. It doesn’t work.
- They mention that the one-year anniversary of George streaming and also the Dream SMP is coming up on April 24/25th. George jokes about what he could do to celebrate, but Dream mentions there is something special happening that day that he doesn’t want to spoil.
- They reminisce about day one, George’s first stream, and Dream’s first stream
- Bad sings a parody of “Roadtrip” about George not being British and actually being from Florida or possibly France
Upcoming events remain the same.
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grace13star · 3 years
There’s been a recent uptick in posts claiming that “c!Wilbur is a worse villain than c!Dream” or that he’s “more manipulative” and it’s made me think a lot about just....how villainized Wilbur is? Because while he has done bad things, I’ve seen people just making things up or projecting onto him and making him just. so much worse than he is in canon. 
Again, this is all about the characters in the Dream SMP roleplay and are not the actual people. 
Let’s go over the bad things Wilbur is accused of doing. These are arguments I have actually seen people use and defend with their whole chest. 
1. Created a nation. 2. Sell drugs. 3. Talk about rigging an election. 4. Was a dick. 5. Blew up a nation. 6. Died. 7. Manipulation. 8. Neglectful dad. 9. Child soldiers. 10. Dictator. 11. “Threw a fit” over losing. 
Let’s talk about these and break them down a little. Another disclaimer, this isn’t trying to excuse any hurt that Wilbur has caused, because his actions did cause harm, but this is trying to explain and add context to things that are often taken out of context or just wholly misinterpreted.
1. A common argument for why this makes Wilbur evil is that he “stole Dream’s land.” But like...no. L’Manberg was created on untouched land where no one was living, and had a combined area smaller than Purpled’s garden. Dream, until he declared war, didn’t even care about them making their nation. 
I’m also including in here the claim that he “turned Dream into a villain.” ....What are you talking about. Before Wilbur was even on the server, Dream was part of the disc war, where he stole Tommy’s discs, and then kept perusing them even after the initial conflict ended, including griefing Tommy’s lawn. Before war was declared, Dream and his friends kidnapped and killed Tubbo and Tommy. Dream then also declared war on a peaceful nation (Wilbur said “if they try to declare war we will just say ‘no’”). None of that was in any way forced by Wilbur. Dream made his decisions on his own. Just because someone comes in and says “hey you suck,” doesn’t mean you have to actually suck. Dream made his own decisions, and his decision was to become a villain. 
2. Potions (drugs) are an infinite resource in Minecraft and everyone uses them. This is a stupid argument. 
3. Some people act like he actually did rig the election but...he didn’t. He definitely could have! Quackity wasn’t a citizen of L’Manberg, Wilbur could have banned him from the election easily, especially since his running mate was a previous enemy of L’Manberg. But he let him run, and then he let Fundy and Schlatt run as well. The worst he did here was talk about doing something bad. Also the reason he was trying to consolidate power wasn’t just for the sake of having power. There was, at the time, a civil war going on, and Wilbur tried to stop it but no one listened to him. He wanted the power to be able to protect his citizens and stop a war. 
4. Being a dick is not evil.
5. This is by far the worst thing Wilbur did, and though it hurt a lot of people emotionally, it really wasn’t as bad as everyone says it was. Though the explosion caused property damage, it only destroyed the podium and some of the walkway. People’s actual houses- Manifoldland, Niki’s bakery- were totallu untouched. No one even died in the explosion- the worst thing that happened was Quackity being blown back, but he landed in water. (This isn’t to say that characters shouldn’t be hurt by this! Wilbur betrayed them and definitely hurt them, but people acting like the 16th was worse than Doomsday and also blaming Wilbur for Doomsday even though he was dead is weird.)
There’s also the claim that Wilbur blew it up for the sole purpose of hurting people, which is easily disproved by just...watching a Wilbur stream. Like seriously, stop trying to do analysis on Wilbur if you haven’t even watched his streams. Wilbur had multiple chances to blow everything up, but when he had the choice between blowing it up and hurting people or not hurting people and not blowing it up, he chose the latter every time. At the festival, while Tubbo was trapped on the stage, he stopped going for the button. When Tommy and Quackity were in the button room which would have exploded if he pressed it, he refused. Also I’m gonna use the Reddit post that’s confirmed canon again- Wilbur blew up L’Manberg because he saw how much power it had, and he saw how it hurt people. He tried to destroy it to save everyone from the pain and conflict caused by the nation. He didn’t think they would rebuild. 
6. This one is the one that actually makes me angry. Because guys....Wilbur’s death was a suicide. If Phil wasn’t there, Wilbur would have done it himself- he had been planning to do it himself for months, as there was originally TNT in the button room that would have killed him with the explosion. The reason it makes me angry is because suicide is an extremely serious topic. Characters and the fandom framing it as “Wilbur left or abandoned them” is an ableist take that enforces the stereotype that suicide is a “weak” option or that it’s “running away.” 
There’s also people that will villainizing him for “forcing Phil to kill him” but while I empathize with Phil and realize it was a stressful situation, Phil very much made his own decisions here too. Wilbur didn’t force Phil to kill him, he asked him a few times and then Phil did it. 
7. Again, this is not an attempt to excuse, but an attempt to explain. So first of all, people try to claim that Wilbur was manipulative from the beginning. This is false. Persuasion and making sure someone is “loyal to a cause” is not manipulation. And then Pogtopia- he’s never manipulative in Pogtopia, again, he is only persuasive. I have a longer post that goes into more detail, so definitely check that out. After he is revived, he is definitely guilt tripping Tommy in his most recent stream, but (again, not an excuse) it’s clearly from his desperation to not be alone anymore after 13 years of near constant isolation. 
I’ve also seen claims that Wilbur manipulated Techno and that Techno didn’t know they were planning on starting another government, but this is easily disproven by the fact that Wilbur said multiple times that they’re “taking back L’Manberg” and that he wants to be it’s “rightful ruler” again while Techno was in vc. What about that implies they’re not going back to the government. 
Also since this is relevant- he never manipulated Niki. He was always kind and caring with Niki, even through his mental breakdown. He wasn’t able to bring her into Pogtopia at first, but he talked to her and made sure she’d be okay there (and she said yes!), he offered his life for hers at the festival before hitting people around them and yelling at her to run, she was the first person he gave Blue to, he gave her an inspirational speech and showed her the fox that had been left for her, she was one of the few things Ghostbur remembered. He betrayed and hurt her, but it was not manipulation.
Gonna combine this with this point also but Wilbur was not in any way abusive. A lot of people in this fandom for some reason equate “unhealthy relationship” with “abuse”, especially after the exile arc. Wilbur and Tommy’s relationship, while unhealthy, was not abusive. Please learn the difference. 
Also, if you’ve ever said that “Wilbur gaslit anyone” or that Wilbur is “insane” I want you to define those terms for me right now. No looking anything up. Tell me what they mean. Do it.  
8. What about any of Wilbur and Fundy’s dynamic implies any kind of neglect. No, seriously, where did this take come from. Wilbur was canonically overbearing and he babied Fundy. While it definitely wasn’t the best relationship, it definitely wasn’t neglectful. The only times in canon we’ve seen Wilbur be separated from Fundy was when he was exiled and Fundy cheered while he was shot and killed, when Fundy disowned him in front of their enemy, and when he committed suicide. Even before his death, when they were still on rocky terms, Wilbur stepped forward to defend Fundy from Schlatt in the van. 
9. This take is irrelevant. Child soldiers don’t matter. For one, this is Minecraft. Every single person has equal opportunities. Anyone can become powerful no matter what age they are as long as they grind enough. For another thing, at the beginning part of the roleplay no one was trying to make a long serious story about war and trauma, it was just some friends fucking around and fighting each other. Wilbur also revealed that while writing the Revolution arc that he headcanoned Tommy and Tubbo to be about 20- we know these ages aren’t correct because they’ve been reffered to by their irl ages in lore- but it shows that the “these are children” plot point was added way later- no one mentions it at all in season 1. It doesn’t matter. 
10. This is directed at one person. You know who you are. 
A dictator is defined as “one holding complete autocratic control : a person with unlimited governmental power.” Wilbur didn’t have control. That’s the whole reason for the election. It literally takes one google search to prove you wrong. 
11. There’s a difference between “losing” and “being unfairly exiled by your political opponent who is now declaring himself emperor.” Wilbur was totally fine with losing. He said during the election that he was fine with Quackity winning, and when they actually did lose, though he wasn’t happy about it, he encouraged Tommy to calm down and told him “We’re citizens tonight.” He only “threw a fit” after he was thrown out of the nation he built by someone who immediately declared himself emperor. 
So in conclusion, Wilbur Soot is an antagonist, but he is villified way beyond canon and I’m getting tired of some of these takes that I see over and over again that are easily disproved by just using critical thinking skills. 
This is most of the takes I’ve seen- some I haven’t even dignified with a response because of how clear it is that someone is just lying to try and excuse someone else’s actions- but if anyone has anymore they’ve seen that they want me to talk about, my ask box is open. 
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blockgamepirate · 4 years
On Philza and Tommy
I’ve been wanting to talk about this for a while but I just didn’t wanna rewatch ANY exile streams because they genuinely make me so depressed and anxious but I finally forced myself to rewatch the one where Phil visits Tommy. Or I say “rewatch”, I actually never saw the whole thing before, I kept popping in and out of the stream while it was live bc of the aforementioned anxiety and shit..
Anyway, I’ve seen arguments over the topic of whether Phil is a terrible person for not helping Tommy or not. And I wanted to offer my take on it. So I’m just gonna go through the arguments:
1: “Phil is Tommy’s dad and has a duty to look after him“
I’m not gonna spend too much time on this because for one thing it’s not really canon and for another, I actually don’t think it’s the relevant issue here. Even if Phil was Tommy’s dad, Tommy has already basically been living independently for a while. And even back when Phil and Will were still talking about the family relationships being canon, Phil said as much: that he doesn’t have authority over his boys, they’re independent people.
2: “Phil doesn’t even know Tommy and it’s unfair to ask him to look after a stranger”
I legitimately have no idea where this take came from or what it’s based on. I feel like it’s so obvious that they knew each other from before Phil even joined the SMP. Tommy recognises him right away (1), they act very familiar with each other, Phil immediately attacks Dream when Dream blows up Tommy’s house (2), Tommy tries to convince Phil to join NLM but Phil is torn because he’s friends with both Techno and Tommy (3), they plan to make their houses in NLM next to each other and Phil helps Tommy build his (4), Phil specifically gives Tommy one of the three friendship emeralds he has (5)... Also OOC Phil refers to himself as basically a father figure to Tommy (6).
The reason their relationship becomes colder is because Tommy doesn’t approve of Phil staying friends with Techno. I think this is made pretty obvious too. Tommy gets upset with Phil when he sees him hanging out with Techno (7) and when Phil comes to visit him in exile, Tommy immediately acts cold towards him and accuses him of being Techno’s friend before softening a bit when Phil gives him gifts (5).
1: I assume you’ve all seen this one it’s in Tommy’s video
2: Philza’s Twitch Archive: Nov 16 (around 03:44:30)
3: Tommyvods: Tommyinnit speaks to Philza’s wife (around 37:40)
4: Philza’s Twitch Archive: Nov 18 (around 18:55)
5: Tommyvods: Tommy Is Holding It Together in Exile with Dream (around 24:35)
6: Philza’s Twitch Archive: Jan 27 (around 01:20:30)
7: Tommyvods: Tommy & Wilbur make Tubbo a gift and he hates it (around 19:30)
3: “Phil didn’t help Tommy at all while he was in exile“
Oh shut up, watch reference video 5 again. He brought Tommy tons of useful shit, a stack of coal blocks, 8 iron blocks, diamond boots, how was he supposed to know that it would all get destroyed by Dream? When asked, he also helped Tommy with his projects at Logstedshire.
4: “Even if Phil isn’t Tommy’s father OR his friend, he still has a duty to save an abused kid”
Okay this is finally getting to the actual point.
So I wanna refer back to video number 5 up there on my references list again and I’m gonna go through that stream here:
- Ghostbur brings Phil over to meet Tommy
- Tommy is mad because Phil is friends with Techno
- Tommy gets distracted by Phil’s new clothes and the vision of Tubbo reappearing
- Phil gives Tommy a bunch of presents, including “Tommy Slippers“ (for the cold) and a friendship emerald from Techno. Tommy is excited about the slippers, somewhat apprehensive about the emerald until Phil assures him that it’s a gift from him to Tommy, not from Techno
- Tommy decides that Phil is his friend after all
- Dream shows up and acts all casual and friendly, Phil greets him politely but doesn’t interact much with Dream unless prompted to
- Tommy asks Phil and Ghostbur if they’re even real because he keeps seeing Tubbo
- Phil asks if Tommy has been drinking the sea water
- another vision of Tubbo, only Tommy and Ghostbur see him
- Ghostbur shows Phil around while Tommy tells Dream not to tell Phil about the beach party because it’s a surprise
- Tommy asks if the reason why Phil didn’t visit earlier was because there wasn’t a path and if the path made it easier for him and Phil says yes, because he didn’t actually know how to get there before
- More Tubbo hallucination shenanigans which I’m gonna cut out from now on, just assume that it keeps happening
- Phil tells Tommy not to drink the sea water, Tommy goes “I DID DRINK THE SEA WATER BECAUSE IT TOLD ME TO!“
- Tommy asks Phil (and also Fundy who showed up) to leave the VC so he can talk to Ghostbur and Dream alone (about the secret beach party plan)
- Tommy is happy about the fact that the path he made seems to be working and people are coming to visit him
- Dream notes that they aren’t even really hanging out with him so they might just be visiting Logsted, not him (which... Tommy literally asked them to leave them alone so they could plan, Dream is just blatantly trying to fuck with his head) and Tommy deflates and agrees that Dream is probably right
- Ghostbur invites Phil and Fundy to help decorate the beach (not telling them what for but it’s like super obvious that they’re planning a party) and they do
- all five of them work on the beach for a whole while and goof around until the end of the stream
So from Phil’s point of view Tommy is acting kind of cold towards him and doesn’t seem to particularly want him around (combined with the fact that he later doesn’t get an invite to the beach party that Tommy was obviously planning). Phil brought Tommy basic survival stuff and the slippers to keep him from getting cold, not knowing that all of that is going to get destroyed by Dream anyway. He seems a bit worried about the hallucinations but assumes it’s because Tommy’s been drinking sea water and tells him to stop doing that. He also notes that Tommy looks kind of rough but doesn’t push the issue.
Meanwhile Tommy is being manipulated by Dream into believing that Phil didn’t actually come to visit him, even as Phil is literally visiting him, with named gifts and everything. And he’s already doubting if Phil is even really present because he keeps seeing Tubbo who isn’t actually there so Phil could just as well be a hallucination too, or he could easily be convinced later that Phil was a hallucination.
Basically Phil sees that Tommy is having a hard time but there’s no obvious sign of anything being wrong besides him not taking very good care of himself and feeling lonely. Tommy says he hasn’t been sleeping and that he’s been drinking sea water (which is probably a joke but anyway). Him and Dream seem to be very friendly with each other, they even keep having all these secret chats that Tommy is telling Phil to leave for.
So.... assume this is your friend who you’ve recently had a bit of a falling out with. What kind of conclusions would you draw and what would you do? Honestly, yes, Tommy’s condition seems pretty worrying, but everything just points to him being lonely and depressed about being exiled, which isn’t really something Phil can easily fix other than just visit him more. But then Tommy gives really mixed signals about whether he actually wants Phil there or not (which is because he’s planning the party but Phil doesn’t know that) and then when Phil finds out about the party he doesn’t get an invite to it (because Dream stole the invites but, again, Phil doesn’t know this). So Phil just kinda has to decide whether to go there uninvited and presumably unwanted, or just vibe and wait to hear from Tommy. Meanwhile he has stuff to do with Techno who DID invite him to hang out.
Also Tommy seems to be doing better, he’s very excited about his beach, he’s excited about the fact that he’s getting more visitors (not just Phil but Fundy too) and he’s convinced that there will be more now that there’s a path. So as far as Phil is concerned, it seems like things are getting better and Tommy might end up doing okay after all, despite everything
As a sidenote also, Phil is a bit of a hermit, right? I feel like that’s fair to say about his character. He doesn’t mind hanging out with people but to him living alone in the wilderness isn’t a bad deal at all. Obviously he understands that Tommy is not like him and needs company but you can see how he might not see the situation as all that urgent. And you can argue about what Tommy’s canon age actually is but he’s been living independently and taking care of himself like an adult during his entire time on the server, this shouldn’t really be that different. Obviously the fact that he’s exiled is bad and upsetting for him but there’s nothing Phil can do about that either. He doesn’t have control over L’Manberg or Dream.
And I just wanna point out that all of this is exactly how abusive relationships work, right? Dream is deliberately distancing Tommy from everybody he knows and making him think that Dream is the only one who cares about him. And that shit can be really hard to pick up on. It might just seem like your friend is becoming kind of distant and has different friends now. And I’ll tell you, even if you DO see the signs, it’s really hard to decide when or how to intervene, or if you’re just paranoid about it.
It’s easy to say Phil should do this or that when you’re watching Tommy’s streams and KNOW what’s happening, but try to put yourself in Phil’s shoes for a second and actually think about what you’d do in a situation like this. Also please do so while assuming that Phil is a real person with his own life to live too.
You can say that he should have been more worried and more suspicious of Dream and gone to see Tommy anyway, that’s fair. But that’s a normal human mistake and also something pretty much everybody else should have done too by that logic. And Tommy was not being very receptive to help because he was being manipulated by Dream. Honestly this was probably something where Tommy needed to figure out for himself to break free. Which he did. (And speaking from a narrative perspective: that was the best possible ending to that arc. Tommy finding his own strength and willpower again, on his own.)
I’m gonna leave this here but I might reblog with more points (or make a new post). It does take ages to go through the vods, though, and I only made it up to December 9th so far.
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bing0boing0 · 4 years
So today was doomsday, it’s okay if you didn’t watch the stream. I watched from Ranboo’s perspective as always. This will be an extra long post because this is over 2 almost 3 hours of pure lore content instead of the usual ones which are 10, 15, or 30 minutes long. Please understand that because this is already long enough I will not be compiling any conversation that are not directly connected to Ranboo.
Ranboo starts stream in the panic room. Ranboo begins stream by saying that it’s not going to go well. He also struggles with remembering if he did something yesterday and if he moved.
Ranboo checks his book and his list of friends is completely blank. Previously it had a large list of names ranging from Fundy to techno.
Ranboo says that he didn’t betray anyone and in doing that he betrayed everyone. Ranboo does not remember moving/deleting the page. Although it is assumed that he did delete the page.
Ranboo tells himself that he will help and then immediately takes it back as a that would be in his mind picking a side.
Ranboo leaves the panic room and begins on the way to L’Manberg when he sees large obsidian grids. He has to ask himself if he made the grid he decides eventually that he would not do that.
Ranboo saves enderchest and apologizes to his other pets. He takes enderchest to the panic room.
Ranboo says that the others will pretend to know what he’s saying but they don’t and are just picking to side with him because it’s the one side they won’t lose with. Ranboo says that they don’t want to pick a side not because it hurts their friendships but because they want to keep their gear.
Ranboo explains that the moment they team up is the beginning of a vicious cycle. Ranboo says that this cycle will continue until everyone dies. Ranboo says that it’s fine and then corrects himself and says that it’s not fine. How do you pick people if there’s no people left.
Ranboo goes back to his house and apologizes to his pets again before he saves squeaks and puts him on the outer edge of L’Manberg. He does this because he does not want to hurt Tubbo anymore than he did already.
Ranboo believes that Tubbo’s and Quackity’s talk yesterday was about them arranging his execution since he knows how traitors are treated in L’Manberg.
Ranboo apologizes to his pets again. Saying that his pets don’t deserve to live in a world that will only bring pain.
Ranboo asks himself why he didn’t stop it this time (this last time is assumed to be during jschlatts presidency as they are talking about the destruction of L’Manberg).
Ranboo yells at himself that all of it is his fault because if he didn’t let Dream see his book then L’Manbergs destruction wouldn’t have happened. Ranboo believes that he was the reason why the only place that has shown him a home is going to be blown apart.
Ranboo says his goodbyes to L’Manberg and says that L’Manberg was a horrible idea in the first place but at least they tried.
Ranboo sees Tommy and Tubbo at the bench and looks in his book at the friend page. I’m assuming here that he was looking to see if their names were on the page. They were not. Ranboo says that they’re screwed.
Ranboo then yells at himself for having such a bad attitude and saying that they need to have hope if not for themselves than for the others.
Ranboo joins Tubbo’s vc at the request of Tubbo. Tubbo says that they need to rally the people. Ranboo writes in the book and questions why Tubbo is okay. They both find that there is no supplies to use for the war. Ranboo continues asking the book why Tubbo is being nice and not angry that he betrayed them. Ranboo once again expresses that they are screwed.
Niki to ask Ranboo to talk in a private vc. Niki asks to talk about yesterday and if he remembered yesterday. Ranboo apparently remembers parts of yesterday but not much. Niki apologizes for screaming at him. Ranboo does not remember Niki screaming at him or him screaming at Niki. Niki asks again if he remembered and he pulls out his memory book opens to the first page which only has a smiley face and then says that he doesn’t.
Ranboo does not remember his speech but he does not remember his speech. Ranboo says that he will be joining Tommy because they are friends. (Please note that while Ranboo says this he is looking at the ground and moving around quite a bit)
Niki asks why he is fighting with Tommy when Techno is on the other side and is his friends. Niki tells him that she will stick to her promise to protect him no matter what. Niki says that she does not want to put him under any pressure (Ranboo is known for having the backbone of a chocolate eclair and falls easily to peer pressure). Ranboo says he does not know what he wants to do.
Niki says that Ranboo is picking a side and Ranboo says that he’s not happy but he can’t hurt tubbo again. Niki says Ranboo is a good guy. Ranboo says that that’s not what everyone was saying yesterday before immediately stoping and asking himself why he remembered that.
Ranboo explains that everyone is like a parent in the way that despite knowing that you are right they will not let you speak. Ranboo says that even if he isn’t getting talked over he is not being understood. Niki says that L’Manberg is not a good thing anymore and everyone that has loved L’Manberg has gone insane.
Niki asks if Ranboo thinks that they should fight for L’Manberg. Ranboo says yes but not cause they’re going to win but because if they don’t help them then they’re showing that they never cared about them. Ranboo tells Niki that if they’re talking over her than she should speak louder until they have to listen.
Ranboo says that Niki has a chance of redemption while Ranboo does not. Ranboo was revealed as a traitor but she’s not.
Quackity asks if he plans on fighting. Ranboo says he will. Quackity says that he has Ranboo’s book.
Techno, Dream, and Phil attack L’Manberg early.
Ranboo while he was there the entire time he only hit a few withers. Techno kills Quackity and gets the book. Ranboo immediately goes to try and get it. Techno gives Ranboo his book says that he has nothing against him and tells him to escape while everyone is busy with the like nine withers he spawned attack.
Ranboo does not run away but he does not fight very much in fact I’d bargain to say that he did not not fight at all.
Ranboo takes Jonald from his grave and then finds his cats and dogs. He takes his pets to the outer edge L’Manberg outside of the blast zone.
Ranboo does not want to remember the destruction of L’Manberg. Ranboo mines flint and makes a flint and steel. He lights the ground in front of him before letting it go out, he does not burn the books.
Ranboo finds an on fire L’mantree and picks up the sign which was previously there. Niki reveals that she was the one to destroy l’mantree. This signifies the end of L’Manberg and the end of the fighting.
Ranboo does a lot of watching tnt fall and withers spawn but does not fight. Ranboo writes that they all chose sides in their attempt to not chose sides. He then calls Fundy a coward in his book.
Ranboo wanders over to Techno who notices him and asks how he’s doing. Ranboo says he’s doing the same as he was yesterday.
Ranboo goes back into his book and changes coward to cowards. Ranboo also goes back to the page he wrote about having put the book there. Underneath it he says that he didn’t.
Ranboo makes blue and exchanges his blue for ghostburs blue. Ranboo then burns ghostburs blue becoming literally the only person to follow ghostburs instructions to get rid of the blue when their done with it.
Ranboo writes over and over again in caps that he doesn’t want to remember. On the next page Ranboo writes that he has to remember or he won’t have anything left. Even less than when he started.
Ranboo spots unlit tnt at the bottom of the crater. He writes this is his book.
Tumblr media
Ranboo also brings his pets to the top land just above the panic room.
Fundy asks Ranboo to join vc. Ranboo is much quieter than before and he sounded disappointed even. Fundy says that the country didn’t matter. Ranboo says he was finally listening to him. Fundy kind of rants about nothing he did mattering. Fundy says that they should team up. Ranboo yells at him for not only being a coward but also for both understanding what the hell he was saying. Ranboo yells at Fundy for trying to make another side.
Ranboo sees sides as something inevitable unless one is alone. Teams are sides in the making. Fundy says Ranboo is full of bullshit. Ranboo sees picking people as picking their friendships not people to do something. Fundy does not see teams as sides. Fundy asks Ranboo if he thinks everyone being an individual will fix everything. Ranboo says that yes that will fix everything. Fundy calls Ranboo sad. Ranboo tells Fundy that he is sad but at least he’s not on a side. Ranboo says that in Fundy’s attempts to pick a side that never loses he picks a side that always loses.
Quackity brings Ranboo into a vc. Quackity admits to reading his book, he also admits to wanting to leave L’Manberg and the DreamSMP. Quackity read a phrase that made him stay. Quackity thinks that both him and Ranboo are on the same page about Dream. Ranboo thinks that even if they are fighting against Dream their can’t be extra sides it should be them v Dream. Quackity says he doesn’t care if he dies as long as everyone is closer to Dream’s death. Quackity says he doesn’t trust anyone but himself. Ranboo tells him that that’s what it should be.
Quackity tells Ranboo that it’s politics and if they want to get rid of Dream. Quackity calls it a game of politics. Quackity asks him to think it over.
Ranboo asks himself if he can deny Fundy but accept Quackity. Ranboo comes to the realization that while Fundy was trying to make a new team Quackity was using already made sides.
Ranboo realizes that because the sides have been created they can’t be undone. Ranboo eventually makes his way to the community house and says that he wouldn’t have done it. Ranboo says hes never even crafted tnt before. Ranboo then says he maybe did.
Ranboo goes through his allegiance list at the start of the original do not read book. Tommy was suspicious of Ranboo for staying still, Tubbo doesn’t trust him anymore. Phil just blew up a country and didn’t pay him any attention. Techno however was the only one that showed him any sort of favor.
Ranboo quickly goes over all the pages. He ends up saying that someone did find it (referring to the memory book). Ranboo doesn’t know how Dream found it. Ranboo says there is nothing he can salvage. Ranboo says that L’Manberg is now just a bunch of stones.
Ranboo says he doesn’t want to remember but can’t seem to forget what he doesn’t want to remember. Ranboo reminscies on the ashes of L’Manberg before continuing on that he doesn’t want it remember any of it. Ranboo says that he can’t forget before saying that there’s a chance he can forget (he is referring to burning the memory books). Ranboo once again let’s the firs burn out before saying he can’t forget. Ranboo attempts again to write the names of his friends. He cannot think of anyone. Ranboo refuses to burn the memory book because if he gives up then he’ll just be weak. He calls himself weak but not weak enough to burn the book.
Ranboo brings all his remaining pets (enderchest, enderpearl, jjjjjjjjeffery, and the dog?) to the panic room.
Ranboo is contacted by Phil. Phil asks if he made it out alright. Phil asks if he needs a place to stay. Ranboo says he does. Phil asks what the book was. Ranboo says that it’s a book that keeps the names of all his friends since he has bad memory.
Since Phil called Ranboo he has been talking more and definitely been happier. Phil brought Ranboo to the Antarctic Empire.
Phil says power corrupts absolutely when talking about what happened at L’Manberg.
Phil hits an enderman and then immediately tells Ranboo to look away as he kills the enderman. Ranboo looks away immediately and doesn’t look back up until Phil says to.
Phil shows Ranboo the enderpearl status machine. (I’m not saying that it’s likely that if Techno, Phil, or Ranboo are put in prison it’s likely that they’ll use this to escape but it’s a possibility)
Phil plans on making Ranboo a house next to the dog kennel he plans to build. Techno doesn’t want Ranboo staying in his house since Edward the enderman already lives in there.
Phil tells Ranboo that he doesn’t forgive Dream but that it was more of a business partnership and that it’s not likely that they’ll stay partners.
Ranboo writes both Phil and Techno on his friends list.
Phil asks if Ranboo makes an enderman sound and Ranboo says that he does but only under immense levels of stress (remember last stream when he ended with an enderman sound?)
Phil leaves the call with Ranboo in Techno’s house.
Ranboo says that maybe choosing this side (techno and Phil’s) won’t be so bad. That choosing this side is a good side to be on. That he always says that sides don’t matter but maybe this one does.
Ranboo then says that he’s really happy that Phil talked to him cause he was spiraling and Phil pulled him out of it. Ranboo is finally out of his catastrophifying spiral. Ranboo also says that he should apologize to Fundy cause he was being to mean.
Sorry this took so long, I had homework and this was 3 hours of pure lore so I had quite a bit to write!
TL;DR Most of Ranboo’s pets are alright! L’Manberg is a crater. Niki burnt l’mantree. Fundy is a coward, Quackity wants to play politics. Phil is a lifesaver. Ranboo was spiraling but now he’s not. Ranboo is now with the Antarctic Empire!
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sapphire-innit · 3 years
HERE WE GO AGAIIIINNN - time for more Tommy in EXILEE
(rp) ok everyone giving Tommy gifts while he's in exile is so nice actually~
especially cause everyone seems scared of visiting pissing off Dream -- shout out to @stellocchia for making a WONDERFUL analysis of these episodes that put a lot of things into perspective! Their post is HERE
"Every day at the start of my stream, Dream logs on" hhhnnn, yep
He's going to search for Technoblade huh. He was also the one to suggest using him to stop himself from being Exiled. He's getting pretty lonely huh ;-;
He also bounces back and forth between blaming Fundy too -- fittingly, since Quackity at least tried to reach out (though not since, I've noticed)
Tommy really does want to blame Techno for everything that went wrong since he placed those withers. I think he wants someone to blame, and Dreams been working very very hard to convince him that theyre ''''still friends''''
"Then again I've been alone for so long now, what does it really matter" ;-;
I do think its interesting that he's still willing to go against Dream at this point -- he's looking for Techno even though he doesn't think Dream would like it. It does seem like a step in the right direction at least, and a sign he hasn't given up completely
"Dream would just lie, he would just lie wouldn't he" well at least he still knows that,,,
sidenote! cc!Tommy is great at acting and very talented actually, he does Face Journeys very well
Did Philza spot him????? He literally logged on in time to see him enter the foor huh
oooh and he saw the sign from Phil to Techno. I don't think he knew they were friends, how could he?? oof
LOL well at least he didn't IMMEDIATELY steal all those emerald blocks, jc Techno THATS SO MANY
"Dream wouldn't like it if I was here, Dream wouldn't like it if I stole... he would lose his shit if he knew I was here" I take it back, I want him to steal
aaaaaww fuck, Tommy just immediately panics fuck fuck
Philza's "run" is very ominous (if probably well meaning) :(
....the switch from panic to "I don't know why I care so much" is just.. oof
god it really is like a prison
...that was sure a reaction to Tubbo getting online ;-;
He listened to a disc and got out the compass,,, my heart ;A;
why'd he go
why'd he leavee
ah fuck i thought it was gonna be Tubbo on the VC why is it DREAM UGH UGH
of course he knew of course of course :( :( :(
and Tommy immediately puts the disc he had out away because there's no trauma there at alll, nooo, can't imagine why that would be
Dreams so matter of fact about it, Tommy wasn't even arguing or hesitating and he still hit him, Tommy threw his axe in without even asking I hate how routine this has become :( :(
He's still preoccupied with Tubbo he's barely even paying attention to the armor pit
FUCKER he even has him light it "I don't want too" "just do it" HELL HELL HELL
is he hiding from Dream??????? that would make sense
"I just woke up, I came straight here to see you" yeah totally not obsessed
"because we're friends" "oh, yeah" god I hate that that sounds more resigned than sarcastic. Tommy sounds so flat it hurts.
"what if we made an iron golem, and they could guard your area" .........this certainly is a trend
...Tubbo's not there anymore :(
ooh! the party! I hate that he's telling Dream first! and asking permission!!
god I know Wilbur's gonna fuck it up but that hurts
"Can I come" "of co-yeah" i hate that he was actually enthusiastic for a second there
'for like 13 days now' We have a timeline!!! nice
I don't think Tommy actually noticed him, he was behind the sand!
..Philza are you here with Ghostbur or are you on the way to Technos right now huh...
so he is here to visit. And right after he found out he's Techno's friend
.........fuck I DID notice that this section of the VOD is called "Tommy Hallucinates while building" ... Tubboooooooooo
Also those shoes are gonna get blown up by Dream and its gonna be even worse because they were a gift :(
a Friendship Emerald~! wholesome
....fuck off Dream,, just leave. don't even be here.
Wilbur saw him but Phil didn't... Dream doesn't count because he would just lie anyway
"Dreams here btw, Dreams always here" >:|
"PHIL GO AWAY" lmaooo
annd Dreams harping on the 'oh you were just seeing things angle' now I REALLY don't believe it. God this really is the very definition of Gaslighting, like down to a T
"Oh I don't see anybody" YEAH LIKE I'D TRUST YOU. Hate that Tommy apparently does at this point
DID GHOSTBUR JUST SHOOT HIM WITH SPECTRAL ARROWS LMAO that's so fucking smart and fucks over Dream saying hes not there I love it
oh my god hes suffocating lmao
"I got you, I don't know if you need [this axe]" well he does esp after he had to blow up his axe this morning
Tubbo hit him-- I really wish Tommy would ask someone NOT Dream or the Ghost lol
Why is Tubbo not joining VC???? whats the plan here
*rolls eyes* and now he's devaluing the others visiting Tommy and saying they aren't here for him
"I thought I saw the compass in a chest, like he just threw it in a chest" Sure Dream, sure. He Definitely does not want Tommy and Tubbo reconnecting he is doing everything in his power to separate them :(
"I'm not scared of pain anymore" :( :( :(
"I'm gonna set up some lights if that's ok with you" hate this hate this hate this
also Dream continuing the trend of giving him stuff :/
;-; Tommy wants Beach Bees to lure in Tubbo doesn't he
what even is this girlfriend bit though, omg
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strawberrylemonz · 4 years
January 20, 2021 - DSMP
Here is my review of what happened on today’s stream! Keep in mind that I was only watching Tommy’s POV, but will be analyzing any other viewpoints that I come across (Mainly Tubbo’s)
I’m going to be honest with everyone, I was unsure as to whether not any of our boys would make it out alive. I went into the stream preparing the worst.
Tommy and Tubbo talking each other up, preparing to leave made me feel all kinds of thing. Like I stated earlier, I was prepared for the two to end their adventure today. I vibed with them when they walked down the prime path, and froze up when I saw the first person in line. I’m not ashamed to say that I nearly sobbed when I saw everyone line up to say their goodbyes to the boys (I’m sensitive, shut up). 
The way Sam kept giving them stuff??? Loved that
The way Tommy and Quackity’s voices quivered when they spoke to each other? Punch to the heart?
Tommy telling Eret that she was always the true king??? YES!!! POP OFF!!!
The entire trip to where Dream was both made me happy and broke my heart. Here, we saw these boys, children forced to grow up quickly to be used by those they trusted, do their best to be kids for a moment. They were kids for, what they believed, could be the last time. They had their serious moments where Tommy kept reminding Tubbo that it was okay to not feel okay about the situation. Where Tommy didn’t want Tubbo to hide his inner thoughts from him just to try and make him feel better. The moment that they watched the sun together made me all sentimental and shit. Tommy preparing to die and have Tubbo leave and tell his story broke me. 
“Why did you tell me to bring Tubbo?”
“Because, it’s always been you and Tubbo against me, remember? Ever since the beginning, Tommy and Tubbo against Dream” (paraphrasing)
I actually got hyped up when Tommy got the disc. It reminded me of Tommy’s clutch the time he dropped the disc down to Tubbo and knocked Dream off the tower using only planks. I had let my hope for them grow. And then I had my heart broken.
Dream using Tubbo against Tommy was something that I expected would happen, but I still wasn’t prepared for it to actually happen. I don’t think I’ll easily forget about how Tommy gave up the disc to Dream, even when Tubbo begged for Tommy to keep the disc and go. My heart nearly dropped to my stomach when I saw Dream break that first dirt block. It dropped when he told the boys to put their armor in the hole. 
I have to admit, I was kinda confused that the homeless man had an evil lair and not a home, but pop off I guess??? The elevator was pretty cool, ngl
When I saw the two discs on the floor, I thought, “Bitch, you better be polishing this fucking floor every 30 minutes. Disrespect Nicki Minaj? What?” My second thought was, “why tf did you make two giant ass shrines for these discs??? Didn’t even center them, wtf dude.”
When Dream was monologuing and showing off the stolen goods and pets (and Skeppy) he stole from everyone, I knew he was on something. Him calling Tommy the key confirmed that Dream was overthinking everything and seeing things in places they didn’t belong. Did Tommy initially bring these bonds? Bring all the things Dream said he did? Yeah, I’ll admit it, he did. But it was the people in the server that kept that going, kept it alive. If not Tommy, someone else would have started that chain. The way Tommy look horrified and uttered with a horrific tone, “how do you not hurt?” when Dream mentioned how he cut off all his attachments was hnnnnnnnn
Tubbo actively trying to protect Tommy from going to prison while Tommy was actively trying to protect Tubbo from permanently dying was-
Man, that broke my heart.
“You wanna be the hero of this server? Every hero has an origin story. Batman had his parents, Spider-Man had Uncle Ben. You have Tubbo.”
The look of complete horror/terror that came across Tommy’s face the instant those words were spoken. He genuinely looked scared. He kept trying to defend Tubbo, despite Dream repeating how defenseless Tommy was against him. Dream telling the boys to say their good byes hurt me in more ways that I can describe. Tommy was panicking, actively trying to come up with ways to get Tubbo out of there, no matter the cost or price that he had to pay. Tubbo telling him that it was okay, everything would be okay, he would be okay. The way Tommy was desperate to hold onto his best friend, his Tubbo, whilst saying, “You can’t be okay with this! Why are you okay with this?”
My heart nearly stopped for a second the moment Tubbo said “goodbye, Tommy”
My mind flashed back to Tubbo saying those exact words whilst exiling Tommy, his best friend, for the sake of everyone being safe. Now, here he was again, saying those exact words to the exact same person. The only difference? He wasn’t sacrificing his best friend for the sake of everyone and Dream. No, he was sacrificing himself for the sake of his best friend, his only true friend, Tommy. 
“Get away from them”
“I’m sorry Dream, but you should have paid me more.”
Literal chills. I cannot. It’s the “On your left” of the DSMP. The way everyone came through the portal to line up against this tyrant that manipulated them all. The way I imagined everyone coming through to see this decked out dude with a god complex about to murder a bloody and bruised child, said child’s best friend (also bloody and bruised) was watching, begging to have his friend spared. Imagining how they saw the tear streaks down the boys’ messed up faces as they accepted their fates. As they saw their fear turn to hope as Tommy got Tubbo behind them for safety. How Tommy entrusted them to keep Tubbo safe. How they all came, decked out, to defend these two children. 
How Quackity came in nothing but his yeezys because he just fucking knew that Dream wouldn’t put up a fight. The way Dream was so confident that he had power over everyone because he rid himself of his bonds towards objects and friends, only for that to be his downfall. The way Sapnap, Dream’s old friend, his buddy, was the one to give Tommy the pickaxe. The way Puffy was there to protect the two boys she renounced his duckling title for (and the nation).
The way Tommy dug a hole, without any protection or weapons, and had Dream throw his stuff in. The way he didn’t blow any of Dreams shit up, like he had happen to himself, and, instead, used Dream’s things to protect Tubbo and everyone else. The way Tommy took away Dream’s first two lives, paralleling the times Dream took Tommy’s two lives. The way Tommy boxed him in, like Tubbo was at the festival, and the way Tubbo held a bow to Dream. The way Tommy screamed at Dream to tell everyone what he had done. How Dream was the one to blow up the community house. How Dream tormented the poor boy in exile. The way Tommy didn’t spare him because he liked him, or wanted to play mind games with him. No, Tommy spared him because he had a chance to get his brother back, his family. 
“Let’s make Wilbur proud. SUCK IT GREEN BOY!!!!”
The way the boys sincerely thanked everyone for showing up, fully knowing that they didn’t have to do shit. The way that Tommy said to go to Tubbo’s vc, obviously warming Tubbo’s heart. The way they made it to bench, and finally had a chance to breathe. How they could sit their, listen to their discs, and be kids again. No wars, no going against Dream, nothing. They could just be Tommy and Tubbo, like it’s always been since the beginning. 
Then Wilbur fishfucking Soot had to crash the moment like the older brother he was, lmaooooo. 
“You didn’t die”
“I’m not Ghostbur.”
I sucked in a breath, not knowing how the interaction was going to go. Was Wilbur still in the mindset he was whilst blowing up the nation he and his younger brother created? Was he in a mindset before that? Was he sane? 
I must admit, their bickering match, along with Tubbo’s dancing, made me realize how much I missed their dynamic. I realized how much I missed Wilbur being in the picture. (Tommy whispering to Tubbo how he liked Ghostbur was hilarious)
Wilbur complaining about being stuck with Schlatt in the afterlife was hilarious. Wilbur admitting that he was preparing, waiting, for Tommy, his younger brother, to join him in the afterlife had me gripping my plushies. Wilbur telling Tommy that he’s proud of him put a sledgehammer into my fragile dam. 
“I’ll see you soon.”
“Yeah, I’ll see you soon.”
It was just so refreshing to see these two get the happy ending they deserved in this arc. The pain and suffering these two children went through at the expense of others, how they were forced to grow up quickly because of their situations, all of that was finally pushed towards the path of recovery. And although they’ve been through hell and back, it’s still them. Although the future will be hard for them, throwing more trials and difficult choices, they know that they’ll make it out, because that how it’s always been. And if their strengthen bond after today can tell them anything, it’s that it’ll always be like that.
It’s always been Tommy and Tubbo.
What I want/what I predict
Everyone complimenting Niki on her new fit better fucking happen, I will manifest it
Dream will use his favor from Techno to break out of prison
Connor playing a bigger role in the SMP
Foolish revealing that they don’t need Dream alive (hopefully)
Ghostbur to say a proper goodbye before Wilbur is revived
SBI reunion with every alive for more than five fucking minutes
Wilbur ignoring his dad Phil and zooming over to little brother Tommy so that he can hug him and tell him that he’s safe now and that he’s so proud of him
The egg will start to negatively affect people, causing those not affected to fear for their home and friends
Tubbo nuking L’manhole to get rid of the spreading red
Techno/Phil to come to an understanding with Tommy; vice versa
Those unaffected teaming up to safe those affected
Someone (preferably Ranboo) unintentionally activating the End Portal lmao
The rest of the SBI + Tubbo saving Tommy from being murdered by Jack and Niki
Jack and Niki learning that killing the child is not the fucking answer to their problems (If it didn’t work for William Afton, it won't work for y’all. Stop trying to be the man behind the slaughter)
Techno and Tommy rebuilding their trust and friendship with each other
Tommy giving Techno the Axe of Peace
Sam being influenced by the egg and becomes corrupted
Ranboo being free??? Pog???? Pog
Puffy and Niki having a one-to-one conversation about their personal opinions and goals
Puffy visiting Dream whilst he sits in his cell
Skeppy and Bad to be okay again :(
Everyone infected to be okay again :(
Tommy bonding with Eret
Big Q continuing to hold Clingy Duo close to him
Schlatt coming back but instead of trying to run for president and mess with everyone, he’s just everyone’s drunk uncle that somehow gives wise advice to every situation
Wilbur coming back but he’s that angry older cousin that only allows the favorite family members(Tommy)/friends to stay in his room 
Lani and Drista to make a comeback at the same time
Tommy meeting more family members
The kids being able to be kids
Lani selling yeezy
Drista w/ bedrock
Drista laughing at Dream’s imprisonment
Everyone finding peace within each other’s chaos and living in harmony
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felinedetached · 4 years
/roleplay I agree that Quackity is without a doubt, power hungry. I actually think that he is going after Dream not because he is like Tommy who just wants to stand against Dream but because he is afraid. He is afraid of Dream but at the same time, he is so damn envious of him. He wants that kind of power and control too. As much as he wants to dress it all up, Quackity crave power and authority. So, how do you think Festival 2.0 is going to go? Especially the reactions from Dream Team?
Okay first: I think you're spot on about quackity there!! Second: ty so much for asking this bc I have thoughts!!! Under the cut, because my thoughts are long as fuck. (Reminder that this is all rp, bc I'm too lazy to put c! In front of every character name in this post)
Note: for the purposes of this post, everyone who sided with Dream during the L'Manburg Massacre + the Badlands is "Dream Team", soley because I want to talk about Bad, Puffy and Punz too.
First: tommy teaming with Techno is going to cause some strain between Techno and Dream. (I'm very sad about this, because I absolutely love the concept of Dream & Techno as a chaos-causing pair and would love to see more of it.) This is going to cause strain because of the whole thing with tommy not liking to think about Dream, Dream repeatedly trying to blow up tommy, all that drama between those two with the fact that tommy now has extremely mixed feelings on Dream and is soley going after the discs now, which Dream has opposed him on the whole time.
This limits their ability to team up during this festival 2.0.
Second: I think tubbo is a lot more traumatised by the festival than he wants to admit. The fact that he didn't just kill Techno, he specifically tried to have him publically executed, and the fact that he's now also trying to recreate what happened to him in order to kill Dream and Techno is very very telling. This,,, generally isn't great, because a lot of people (I'm thinking mainly Niki, Ant, Eret etc, those who were pretty negatively effected at the festival) are going to have very bad reactions to the whole idea of a festival in the first place, even without knowing it's a front for the murder of Dream and Techno. Additionally, with Ghostbur remembering some,,, interesting things on Phil's stream this morning, there might be some Ghostbur drama!
Third: we've got to remember they're trying to kill god here. Dream is assumed to be the god of the smp, with his ? canon remaining lives, the fact that his only known canon death was a /kill on himself & Quackity's whole conversation with a drunk Wilbur, in which he apologized to Dream while calling him god in VC with Wilbur, which is obviously at best debatably canon, but confirms Techno's joke about the chest Dream gave him being "a gift from god".
Fourth: theseus! I'm sorry, I'm a classics major, I have to talk about this. So Techno was right at the festival but I'm just gonna give a slightly bigger version of the story here.
Theseus was the son of Aegeus, the King of Athens, and every year, Athens had to send young men and women to Crete, to fight the Minotaur. Theseus eventually went himself, promising his father that he'd switch out the sails on the boat that returned to Athens with the bodies of the Athenian youths so that his father could know he returned alive. Theseus went into the Labyrinth, and with the help of Ariadne (the daughter of Minos, the King of Crete) Theseus killed the Minotaur. He returned home, forgot to switch out the sails, and in his grief, Aegeus threw himself off the Acropolis. Then there were a few more adventures, including a battle with the Amazons, the Caledonian Boar Hunt (featuring one of my all-time favourite heroes, Atalanta) and an attempted rescue of Persephone. Eventually, he came back to Athens, where he almost immediately got overthrown and exiled. He takes shelter in Scyros, but the king of Scyros, Lycomedes, kills him.
This myth is really interesting in the context of the dream SMP for a few reasons!! First: who takes the place of Aegeus? Is it Phil, tommy's father? Is it wilbur, who's already canonically committed suicide? Is it tubbo, who thinks that tommy is dead? Second: Techno will take the place of Lycomedes. He owes Dream at the moment, for both the totem of undying and the save at his execution, and Dream is really not the biggest fan of tommy right now. Or like, ever. Additionally, Techno's already shown that he'll cave to peer pressure because of the festival, so if Dream asks, Techno will probably do it.
Back to festival 2.0, with dream team reactions this time! Badlands will be interesting. I honestly don't know if they'll even turn up, considering the whole red vines thing they've been dealing with. If they do, and tubbo successfully takes one of Dream's infinite fucking lives, I think Puffy would be pretty horrified, given that she's shown to consider Dream a mildly creepy baby duckling & appears to be generally fond of him. I really can't tell with George and Sapnap at the moment, but I think it might be a relatively violent reaction. Last I heard, they think Dream doesn't care about them & the trio appears to be splintering slightly, which is heartbreaking, but I think no matter how they pretend otherwise, they still care about Dream. Punz, I think, will start murdering people, which is always fun.
For tubbo, though, this festival is really leaning into the whole "Schlatt 2.0" thing. I think he might start drinking (illegally) because of the whole "thinking tommy is dead" thing, and/or he'll lose his last canon life at the festival.
I hope this answered your question? I know I started rambling a little bit, ahaha.
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clichesadmusic · 3 years
Wilbur/Tommy/Quackity Lore
This is a tad late but it was very good and I love c!Wilbur so much man.
Wilbur meets Tommy in L’manhole where Tommy shows him all the stone he got. Wilbur tells Tommy that he forgot he asked Tommy to do that but has a new mission for them.
Wilbur found the book Quackity left him and wants to go see him in Las Nevadas. On the way there Wilbur sees Purpleds blown up UFO and describes exactly how the TNT would have been set up to make it blow up that way and how there are still half slabs there because they are more resistant than normal blocks.
The two make their way to Las NEvadas and meet Quackity where Wilbur asks Quackity if he can join (as he assumed the book Quackity left him was an invitation). Quackity declines saying that he knows what Wilbur did to L’manberg and he won’t allow that to happen to Las Nevadas. Wilbur is surprised and tries to convince Quackity saying that he has changed, he doesn’t lie anymore, he doesn’t even remember anything about TNT (which is a lie, see Purpleds UFO conversation), he tells Quackity that he knows things that could help, he’s run nations, he’s won elections but Quackity continues to turn him down.
Quackity tells Tommy he would love to discuss him joining the county but that Wilbur’s ‘services’ are not needed at the time.
Wilbur runs around asking what part of the land actually belongs to him. Wilbur eventually finds an area directly beside Las Nevadas that Quackity refuses to say if it is his or not, dodging the question.
Wilbur asks Tommy how much of the stone he has on him. Quackity and Tommy have a quick side conversation about Tommy stone mining prowess as Wilbur walks off and begins mining a tree saying he's “getting to work” when they question him.
Wilbur tells Quackity that it was lovely to see his nation and tells him that there's no point to capitalism without some healthy competition (aka Wilbur is gonna build a similar country right next to Las Nevadas).
Throughout the conversations with Big Q Wilbur consistently tells Tommy to get beside him.
Wilbur runs over to a section of beach and builds a little platform out of stone proclaiming it their new headquarters.
Quackity is offended but not comp[l;etley surprised, he seems to welcome the competition that WIlbur will bring. Even congratulating Wilbur, though in an underhanded way.
Tommy tells WIlbur that he doesn't want to start a country, that he want to go to Las Nevadas with Big Q but Wilbur brushes him off, saying they will talk about it later.
Quckity stops Wilbur saying that he should listen to Tommy and take his opinions into consideration as he talks over Tommy himself.
“You’re not listening to me, you’re speaking over my...”-Tommy
Quackity pulls Tommy over into a conversation.
“I have utter faith that Tommy will make the right decision”- Wilbur
Wilbur turns his back (still listening in the VC) and Quackity and Tommy chat.
Tommy asks Quackity about his eye and Quackity asks him if he has ever heard about the butcher army. Tommy says yes, but he’s just aware of the name. Quackity explains that he got it when they went to kill Techno. Tommy asks where he was at this point. “Cause if this was when I was in exile you’re meaning to tell me you out in all the effort to kill Techno instead of helping me? You know I needed help and no one came to see me”- Tommy
During this conversation Wilbur stays where he left them, making a few tools.
Quackity defends himself by saying that so many things happened when he was in exile and that he would love to sit down and discuss everything with Tommy later. From there he offers to haveTommy run the restaurants in the country.
At this point Wilbur messages Tommy asking if they’re done yet to which Tommy replies that Quackity is telling him about ‘scran’. Wilbur says that they have work to do and Tommy asks what he means by that.
Wilbur calls out, saying that they’ve had long enough, asking if they’re coming out.
Quackity makes sure that Tommy understands that he is allowed to join but WIlbur is not. Tommy asks for some space as he runs back over to Wilbur who questions Big Q “What are you doing to him?” then messages Tommy “is he going to hurt you?”.
Tommy replies “Dunno. I can take care of whatever”
At this Wilbur says that he’s coming over, running past Tommy and asking where Quackity is.
Wilbur tells Tommy that he heard the conversation between him and Quackity and asks him if he really believes what Quacktiy said to him. Wilbur says that if he joining with Quackity yes he will have a job but...it would be boring. “I’m not gonna stop you man but...you’re all I’ve got.”- Wilbur
Wilbur says that Jack is too busy with the hotel and Phil has got some new opinions regarding authority that he’s not thrilled about.
Wilbur says that he doesn’t want to make a country, he wants to make an HQ where they can be safe for once.
Wilbur tells Tommy that he deserves some safety and a sanctuary and he won't be able to get that in a casino, they’re all plastic and fake, the thing that has true security is family, blood.
Tommy says that he doesn’t want to make his mind up now but Will pressure him to make a decision. “Tommy I love a challenge, this is exciting.”- Wilbur
Wilbur says that this side of the river has safety. “If you chose Las Nevadas I’d never hurt you, I’d never want anything bad for you just know what you’ll be doing to me.”- Wilbur
Tommy tells Wilbur that he does want a place to feel safe, that he has been putting revenge first for too long (“I betrayed Technoblade and I just couldn’t admit it and I did the wrong thing with Tubbo. I can’t go against family anymore”- Tommy).
Tommy decides to stay with Wilbur.
Wilbur and Tommy decide to make a giant penis in the lake between their two areas.
Wilbur and Quackity begging to yell at each other all the bad things they have done to try and convince Tommy who he should join until Wilbur mentions the pit.
“Remember the pit Tommy, don’t trust people who would have fought you in the pit.”- Wilbur. Throughout this exchange Tommy is silent.
Quackity tells Tommy to remember, as he is building this new place with Wilbur, what happened to the last country they built together.
In their conversations Wilbur makes sure that where he is standing is taller than Quackity.
“He is my yang”- Wilbur
“Tommy you aren’t smiling...we won!”- Wilbur
Quackity comes over to where Tommy is standing and Wilbur runs to him, sword drawn telling him not to come towards Tommy. “Let me speak!”- Tommy
“I just don’t want him to hurt you”- Wilbur
“I can fend for myself you weren't here for a long time”- Tommy
Tommy says that they said they were gonna make him feel safe and he doesn’t. “That was weird, don’t do that”- Tommy. Wilbur says that he won't do it again but Quackity will.
Quackity apologizes, saying that this was unkind and offers them a tour.
Wilbur says that in the future that despite his and Quackity’s differences they will keep Tommy out of it. They begin the tour.
Aa they go along Wilbur tells Tommy that he takes back what he said, that he would be okay with Tommy working here as long as he still came to hang out with Wilbur.
They go over to use one of the gambling machines. Tommy loses Linda to the machine;
They head up the top of the tower. (A replica of The STRAT hotel in vegas. Just a tall tower. Kinda like the Seattle space needle.) Tommy mentions that this would be a good place to just jump off and end it all, causing Wilbur to freak out and tell him to get away from the edge.
Quackity and Wilbur go inside to find a place to sit and Quackity asks Wilbur how he is alive and Wilbur tells Quackity that he was swapped with Ghostbur.
They go to Tommy inside but he has fallen slightly down. Wilbur uses a water bucket to help him up “I’ve always got you Tommy” and they head inside to talk. Quackity says that he wants to pick Wilburs brain aging, just like the conversation after the debates. Wilbur says that he has lost everything but he wants to improve from his past mistakes.
Quackty asks who he’s seen since coming back.
Jack, Phil, Ranboo, Tommy, Quackity.
Wilbur says that there are more people he wishes he could see to tell them he;s alive and that he’s sorry.
Quackity asks what Wilburs plans for the future is, mentioning that Tommy doesn't have to make a choice in his place yet.
Tommy interjects talking about how easy it would be to live in Las Nevadas but that it would be too relaxed, he doesn’t want to sit and run a food stand “Wilbur get’s things done.”
Quackity says he respects Toimmy’s decision but he wants him to know that this is not L’manberg, this is something else.
Wilbur goes into full facecam and types something out.
Tommy says that he still wants to be around Las Nevadas, just doesn;t want to be involved in the contracts and such.
Quackity once again asks about the revival. Wilbur says that Dream brought him back, Tommy interrupts saying that Dream didn’t just bring Wilbur back, he killed Ghostbur. Wilbur says that Dream is one of the people he wants to thank, “he saved me, he’s my hero.”
Quackity asks when this happened and Wilbur says that Ghostbur has been in limbo for almost three years, that every day is a month there.
Quackity quietly says that this must have been after his visit he then tells Wilbur outwardly that he has been visiting Dream. “He must love that!”- Wilbur
Tommy tells Wilbur that the prison is where he died, that Dream killed him to prove a point. Wilburt tells Quackity that eh needs to find Dream as Quackity informs them that the security measures on Dream have been increased
[at the same time]
“Sam's a fuckhead.”- Tommy
“There’s a warden?”- Wilbur
Quackity explains how you get to see Dream and seems surprised that TOmmy didn’t tell Wilbur.
“You’ve been going to torture the shit out of [Dream] I’ve heard.”- Tommy to Quackity
Quacity asks how Tommy knows about this.
Wilbur asks if going through the visitation was how he was resurrected. Wilbur then tells Quakcity that it has been lovely but he has to go, “I have work to do”.
Wilbur begins to run off so that he can go to the prison to thank Dream. Tommy tells him that he can’t do that.
“If you don’t want me to visit Dream, genuinely, I won’t, but you gotta let me.”- Wilbur.
Wilbur tries to convince Tommy by saying that this is just him tying off loose ends, but Tommy knows what happened when you try and see Dream ‘for the last time’.
Wilbur says that they will talk next time.
“What could go wrong in a prison.” (Wilbur ends stream)
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So a couple weeks ago I was watching a stream that Ghostbur appeared in (a Tommy stream) and at one point, Ghostbur left the vc to go talk to Tubbo. Quite unfortunately, Tubbo was not streaming that day, so I thought that whatever Ghostbur talked about with him was completely non-existent in terms of footage… COME TO FIND OUT, PHIL AND TECHNO WERE ALSO IN THE CALL WITH GHOSTBUR AND TUBBO!!! AND BOTH PHIL AND TECHNO WERE STREAMING!!! THE FOOTAGE IS NOT LOST THE FOOTAGE IS NOT LOST!!! YAYAYAYAY!!!
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soap-stains · 4 years
/rp- this is all just their characters! No ill will to any creators themselves.
This is just my reaction to Tommy's stream "I can't any longer."
"No one can come and visit you, until you learn to listen."
"Tommy, you would never, actually... You know. You're here for a very long time, Tommy."
I wanna hurt character Dream so much
Drista gave Tommy those tags and they're gone ;w;
At least he still has the photos/compass
The animatics after this are going to be so fuckin scary/scary good
.......and now he's gone. tommy's left with the rubble.
"I said I was sorry... I meant it..."
"Happy memories..."
"Jump in the- no, no..."
Tommy, Tommy what are you
"My only friend, Dream- Is gone."
please tell me someone is gonna join please please please
Please someone help him, don't let Tommy die
I know i thought the idea of GhostInnit was interesting but i don't want this
"He'd come to watch me."
Looking over Logsted
please please stop no he uncrouched come on tommy
i just saw people spamming flipinnit in chat
Tommy's realizing Dream isn't his friend
Tommy!!! To your senses Tommy!!!!!!!
"He wasn't here because he was my friend"...
The chat's going god damn crazy
"I almost said 'It's only a disc.'"
"My bed seems to have been destroyed..."
"This blooper reel is getting longer and longer."
let's pretend this didn't happen <3
I'm not going to forget Dream's death though that was hilarious, he's never gonna live that down
Who named this disc Mellohi lol
What the fuck are Ant/Ponk talking about
If I could sub I would </3
"No one [...] no one came here. And everyone left me."
"I'm the only one Dream's scared of. And he almost had me, for a little second there."
"We don't have to stay in this shit hole."
Heyyy found a chest with cool stuff!
"Die, pig. I fuckin' hate pigs." okay, well.
"No one's gonna know!" "Dream's not gonna fuckin' know, is he?"
"As soon as I get back my disc, everything ends."
"He won't be able to find me." I mean yeah, technically not ig
I just realized how much I've calmed down haha
He's heading into the snow 👀
"I'm not like Dream."
"No one on this entire server knows where I am, now." THEY WILL IF YOU LEAVE HALF TREES DIMWIT
"Even Ghostbur left me." Oh yeah, where'd he go lol
Is he. Is he going to try and rob The Blade.
"Surely I remember..." Tommy you're not supposed to remember, idiot-
LMAO SOMEONE IN CHAT SAID "Tommy, did your balls just drop man"
Holy shit I forgot those weird ice skeleton mobs were still in the game I haven't seen one in years
"When have I ever done the work myself?" tommy hhhhhhh whyyyyyyyy
"we are smol and confused" - awesamdude
"I'm at Techno's house right now" "He commissioned a bee Farm" - Phil 👀
Techno what the fuck is in your basement
tommy you idiot lmao you're fuckin' dead
"Exile is awesome"
Chat is saying run????? IS HE GONNA LIVE UNDER TECHNO'S BASE?????
raccooninnit & dumbassinnit haha
Heyyy Eret joined! And Dream's gone! :D
"It would be nicer just to be home. No, no, no-"
Fundy is live ayyyy
THE BOY IS BACK AYYYYYY I haven't typed in a while trying to put MC on my brother's pc
"I think shit's gonna get crazy from here."
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Dream SMP Recap (December 22/2020)
There have apparently been one too many days without a war on the Dream SMP, so a content-seeking attack mob formed today on the server, resulting in much violence and death across several faction lines.
Also, Phil escapes New L’manburg to join Technoblade as a fugitive.
- Tubbo catches Phil not wearing the ankle monitor in his house. Tubbo decides to apply Curse of Binding to the monitor. He gives Phil the new one just as Ghostbur breaks into Phil’s house to check if Friend is okay.
- Tubbo is having fun and decides to get Phil a monitor helmet as well. Funny bits happen, Tubbo tries to get Phil to put on the helmet but accidentally puts it on himself. 
- Tubbo shows Phil the Ocean Monument hole, gets some blaze rods at the Nether farm, then chats with Wilbur and Tommy. Wilbur does some Morse code and informs Tubbo of when it’s his birthday in various countries.
- Technoblade spreads his propaganda throughout the Dream SMP. He tries to meet with Phil but Tubbo is still following.
- Technoblade joins the VC to listen in. Wilbur announces that it’s Tubbo’s birthday in Iran in a couple minutes just as Techno messages Phil that he’s going to murder Tubbo the second it’s his birthday.
- Techno murders Tubbo, who is confused because he thought it was Ranboo. Techno is frustrated by the lack of plot.
- Phil starts running through a secret tunnel in the Catacombs beneath his base and joins VC with Techno. Tubbo realizes he’s escaped but doesn’t go looking. Phil breaks the ankle monitor.
- Ranboo wants to meet with Phil to give a gift. Phil and Techno meet behind L’manburg. They get spotted by Ranboo so Techno kills him, alerting Tubbo to his presence. 
- Techno goes to the Bee Dome but gets found by Tubbo and Ranboo while Wilbur catJAMs in the background. Phil tries sneaking past Tommy’s base but Captain Puffy is there. He meets Techno at the Community Portal and they head back to Techno’s house through the Nether. Techno now has two fugitives with him.
- Ranboo meets with them and gives them Netherite ingots. Phil and Techno get some villagers.
- Fundy logs on to make a birthday present for Tubbo. He does some good ol’ stealing.
- Jack prepares for war with Ponk, a continuation of their previous conflicts. Jack is still allied with Antfrost (the Badlands) against Ponk and possibly Purpled as well. 
- Techno traumatizes an orphan. Phil still hates his grandson.
- Fundy comes to their VC begging for stone from Ranboo. Phil says he can take some from his house since he’s not going back anytime soon.
- Ponk is still mad over his missing axe. Jack talks with Tubbo for a bit as he works on his evil lair. He puts on the Tubbo Cam in the corner while Tubbo plays Kerbal Space Program. Meanwhile, Techno and Phil sneak back into New L’manburg.
- Techno, Phil and Ranboo attack and evict Jack from his own country while Tubbo’s Kerbal Space Program continuously plays in the corner of Jack’s stream. Jack has to say goodbye to the Tubbo Cam while he negotiates. Jack says he hates Punz because Punz killed him, and everyone agrees to go attack Punz.
- Techno, Phil, Ranboo, Jack and Antfrost go to Punz’s house to swarm him, mentioning the fact that Punz had killed in the Holy Land previously. Fundy wants to join in but Phil is still mad at his grandson. The group surrounds Punz’s house in the name of anarchy. 
- Phil stabs Fundy with a sword for the sake of violence.
- Everyone turns on Jack for the sake of excitement but he escapes into the Holy Land.
- Everyone orders Antfrost to kill Jack in the Church of Prime. Fundy and Jack fight in the Church. Phil says if Fundy kills Jack, he might forgive him. Meanwhile, Ponk arrives at the Holy Land.
- They trick Fundy into falling to hell. Jack shoots Fundy, killing in the Holy Land.
- Phil helps Fundy get his things back from the hole. Fundy says he slightly tolerates Phil more now. Punz arrives to the call. They arrive at Punz’s backyard and Jack immediately kills him in one second. The mob turns on Jack again, this time with the delightful backdrop of Christmas decorations.
- Puffy joins the VC. She kills Jack next. Ponk gets a load of Jack’s items and runs away, gaining an upper hand in his and Jack’s war.
- Gack Manifold Pog?
- Punz kills Jack in New L’manburg. Even more Ggack Pog? Now with the double G. Phil returns to his basement.
- The mob turns on Ponk. Ponk dies by Ranboo’s thorns and Jack takes his things. Jack does some retconning. Everyone has learned some valuable lessons about the friends they made along the way.
- Jack and Punz start shooting at each other. Jack loses the fight. 
Gggack Manifold. #justiceforjack
(He’s not actually canonically dead for now, just in case that wasn’t clear. These were a bunch of in-battle deaths
He says the Wiki can have him dead for a week if they want, but afterwards he’ll do some good ol’ retconning
He also says to please not actually change his name to Gggack Manifold on the Wiki, as he literally just rebranded and doesn’t want people confused about who he is)
- Phil heads back to their base. He tells Fundy that he ripped off Tubbo’s ankle monitor and has escaped. Fundy speaks to Ranboo privately. He wants Ranboo’s help with Tubbo’s birthday present. Jack speaks with Puffy in Manifoldland.
- Techno tells Phil to follow him. He shows Phil the Vault. Phil is shocked.
- Phil agrees that everything to do with the government has resulted in nothing but violence, destruction and corruption of other people into tyrants. He says it’s about time that government falls.
- Jack runs around the SMP with Puffy while Fundy works on redstone with Ranboo in the woods. Puffy leaves and Jack gets some glass for his evil lair. He still wants revenge on Ponk.
- Jack says he and Antfrost are still allies, but Antfrost may not know that yet, so they may have to talk later.
- Fundy, Ranboo and Puffy all work on Tubbo’s birthday surprise.
- Puffy decides to build Dream a house.
Upcoming events remain the same.
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honkster · 4 years
November 30th - Dream SMP
Timing the streams
Little rules to make it easier for me to timestamp
^_^ after a quote - a joke conversation.
:| after a quote - a serious/lore important conversation.
|_| - banter on top of something plot relevant/Something plot relevant in banter form.
Usually if I write *someone* logs on, that means that there's either a little interaction or something that happens when they log in. If something isn't that important, or doesn't relate to any of the SMP lore/drama, I'll usually just leave it out.
Hope that these help get a better picture of all the drama!
The streams that I chose to take timestamps from:
Fundy - Dream SMP - THE CHESS CLUB
CaptainPuffy - DreamSMP - WHO DO I SIDE WITH?!
Philza - Dream SMP - Let's get more stacked :D
Btw Puffy streams end up really weird for me. Apparently the stream starts before midnight and ends after it, which makes the date on Twitch slightly off. So while this stream of hers actually started like half a minute after midnight here and is showing as December 1st, I’m labeling it as November 30th because my timezone is so fucked that LITERALLY EVERYONE starts their streams about AN HOUR before I have to go to sleep at a reasonable hour. Fuckin hell... That’s why it takes me 10-15 hours to get these timestamps out you’re better off reading recaps honestly.
Fundy’s stream
0:09:40 Fundy starts playing Minecraft, but gets distracted by chat asking him to sing a bit of his song.
00:10:48 He wants to meet up with Ranboo to do a deal.
00:12:03 They get into a vc. (Fundy tries to scam Ranboo)
00:16:42 Fundy deafens.
00:17:31 He undeafens. (To scam more)
Fundy and Ranboo vibes are absolutely incredible. Please watch this.
00:30:10 Fundy leaves the vc and starts work on the Chess Board.
00:31:25 "Did Tommy report today?" ^_^
00:33:37 "Here's the plan!" ^_^
00:39:32 A donation pops up that starts the long conversation about character!Fundy's age.
00:39:52 Thunder1408 joins the game.
00:48:00 CaptainPuffy spotted.
00:57:30 "PTSD" ^_^
01:04:48 "You guys wanna hear me rap?" ^_^
01:14:55 Strider spotted.
01:23:51 "Are you ready to fly?" ^_^
01:31:37 "There he is- OH" ^_^
01:40:50 "Disaster strikes" ^_^
01:44:41 "It's all fine!" ^_^
01:53:50 Wilbur joins the game.
01:56:12 Ghostbur spotted.
02:13:32 "Uh oh" ^_^
CaptainPuffy’s stream
00:02:55 Puffy starts playing Minecaft and immediately starts explaining about her options.
00:10:17 "Who owns Schlatt's body parts?" :|
00:14:30 "Allegiance to Nikki" :|
00:18:27 Fundy spotted.
00:23:27 "Shovel" ^_^
00:29:40 "Chess Board!" (And Puffy helping out Fundy) ^_^
Fundy and Puffy vibes are great as well! (Is it just Fundy + anyone = great vibes? Is it just because I like Fundy? What.)
00:34:30 Dronebur!
00:42:10 "Uh oh" ^_^
00:46:11 Puffy leaves Fundy and goes to show off her house. But Fundy follows her.
00:54:39 She tries to go to Gogy's house.
00:55:34 On the way, Three Cosplaying Idiots spotted.
00:57:33 She returns to her house.
00:59:45 She starts work on the underground.
01:44:20 "Uh oh Nikki" |_|
01:49:48 "It is animatic time!" ^_^
Sadly, from 01:54:00 to 02:06:00 the audio is muted :(
02:06:00 The ending of Sad-ist's [Dream SMP War] | Animatic
02:07:34 Sad-ist's Dream vs Technoblade Animation
02:10:42 Sad-ist's "The Fall" | Dream SMP Animatic
02:15:00 Sad-ist's Dre SMP
02:15:53 Squiddo's Centuries | Dream SMP (animatic)
But that animatic isn't watched in full. Audio mute from 02:18:00 to 02:24:00
02:24:00 Amanda Fagan's Please Don't Make Me Choose - Tommy's Song (Dream SMP)
02:27:10 Bowl Bear's Captain Puffy The Janitor (Dream SMP animatic)
02:29:11 nice's Seventeen | Dream SMP Animatic
02:33:16 tamato jam's Epic III [Dream SMP Animatic]
02:40:00 Kanaya's Your Unfinished Symphony - Fundy's Theme [Dream SMP]
02:42:13 Kanaya's Marionettes - Dream's Theme [Dream SMP]
02:49:28 "Oh I just remembered something" :|
02:52:34 "Blow something up" :|
After this, the stream ends soon.
Philza’s stream
00:08:15 Phil logs on and immediately goes to steal food from Purpled.
00:14:12 "Did somebody just request to go fishing?"
00:16:42 Phil goes to enchant a fishing rod.
00:21:18 Puffy's under-construction house.
00:23:34 Fishing!
00:37:35 Ranboo spotted.
00:41:15 Philza choppy boi goes to work.
00:46:00 The stream audio starts lagging and eventually gets taken down.
00:11:34 Phil returns home and gets ready to head into the Nether to mine debris.
00:14:45 Blend W
00:27:16 A Donation about people headcanon'ing Wilbur and Techno as twins.
00:42:10 The Angst-Fest start.
00:46:25 Wilbur and Tubbo appear in stream chat.
01:31:56 Phil shows chat "Sharky and George" and then everything seems to calm down just a bit. (Oh you can start skipping by bits if you want now)
01:41:54 Strider spotted. Commence search for Warped Fungus.
01:52:40 Lagza
01:57:15 Fundy spotted.
01:58:16 Phil returns home. The search for Warped Fungus does not end.
02:00:09 Phil's attention is on Ranboo for a bit, then returned to the striders.
02:25:13 "Uh oh"
02:37:39 "Killza wants revenge"
02:44:00 "Phil struggles with a villager"
02:55:40 "Oh god why are they still on this topic"
02:58:20 "What do I need to save Ranboo?"
03:01:45 Ranboo joins the vc.
03:03:12 HBomb joins the vc.
03:15:40 Phil decides to help Ranboo mine.
Phil really is the dad of the server <3
03:26:08 "Oh did you hear..."
03:35:35 "Secret"
03:49:00 Phil leaves the vc and the stream ends soon after.
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Dec 3 Stream Timestamps
Timestamps from Technoblade’s “a new home [dream SMP]”
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Link to my youtube comment with all of the timestamps x
Timestamps with hyperlinks below
01:26  “I just did a 70 second intro with my mic off” / “It’s ya boi Technoblade” 05:14  “Philza joined the server! What a fortuitous coincidence” 07:22  server looked good for a week 8:56  Tommy joining vc and being annoying / “Dream owns this server. I’ve never said I have the most subscribers” / “You’re speaking a lot of trash for someone who is 99% getting exiled tomorrow” 10:21  really wants to kill Tommy / kills Tommy / “Mexico is now canon” / wall is so ugly / “I find you so annoying” “Hearing that from you Tommy is the best” 11:53  Tommy trying to roleplay but getting every fact wrong / “We made the crater 5% deeper I am the true criminal of that stream” / “You go ahead and prove me wrong about that speech Tommy” / Tommy is Phil’s new neighbor / “My condolences” 14:00  “If I could kill you I would...maybe I could talk you into killing yourself” “In a video game” / recruiting Phil to help him move 16:57  “God I look good in that photo though” 18:17  agreed to take a plot break / “I take a week of and suddenly they’re on the brink of war” / Tommy starts problems 19:31  Ghostbur joins vc / makes a string axe / “They’re gonna put me in the failed crafting compilation” / “The server is cursed” / “The amnesiac is flexing his memory on me” 22:00  4/4 sleepy bois / “Me and Ghostbur go way back” 25:08  “You’re telling me [government] isn’t coming between you and all of your friendships right now” “That’s because of Dream” “Blame someone else” 30:47  “Tomminnit is only like 700k subscribers away I’m getting scared” 34:41  sneaking into L’Manberg for blaze powder 43:55  “WE have natural predators, everything wants to kill us” 47:19  “I think the reason people picked glowsquid is because they were afraid of another annoying mob getting @dded like phantoms” / “Hubert is off limits 48:50  vc with Tubbo / “I stay up all night thinking of cool things I can do on Dream SMP and then I realize I have to do a stream in 5 hours” / lying about not moving / wanted posters 52:44  “Not everyone hates you, they just want you dead or alive” / rain is back / Jesus could walk on rain / “My career is over” 56:17  Tubbo trying to explain how leap years interfere / “mmm 5 hours of sleep mmm” / Ghostbur joins vc / Mexican L’Manberg / “We have to ban some people...from building” 59:09  “We’re making you drugs” “He’s going back to his roots” / explaining the sellout timer / Tubbo is not aware of what his cabinet does 1:03:59  his brother named the cow Bob 1:07:32  “I’m a tactical genius! I’m so wise” / barely used his palace in smp earth so he decided to go smaller this time / compass for Phil 1:11:44  "The start of a new era... I could not control the hearts of men" 1:15:11  Tubbo's pickaxe 1:21:54  Bedwars nostalgia and potential reaction video 1:25:47  Plot summary 1:27:32  Second monitor 1:28:40  Unopened packages 1:29:51  Sony Vegas free trial 1:31:42  Plot video/video integrity 1:37:54  Tommy and endscreen statistics 1:38:02  Tommy character development 1:40:15  Ten-noblade 1:42:30  Not a traitor just an anarchist 1:44:39  "I'll save you Ph1lza!" 1:46:22  "There was a lot of killing" 1:47:59  TECHNO WRITER 1:56:01  Second monitor and new desk 1:57:00  manager/no breakfast/sleep 1:58:40  subscriber statistics 2:01:07  YouTube should sign Techno/eat IRL 2:06:35  3 foods a year / restaurants should be using streamers to advertise 2:09:10  asking for the emeralds back / putting the art back up 2:11:42  don’t insult anime Techno or art twitter will cry 2:13:47  Fossilnet’s love of Carl / exclusive Carl video 2:15:44  complaining about Puffy returning his horse / secret collaborator 2:18:31  hungry / “No one has it harder than us...Dream SMP streamers”  2:20:01  “boring writer” / “Tommy is getting exiled so hard”  2:26:54  tnt collection / chat spa.mming E  2:29:04  exp farm / spiders killed stats / not using creative mode 2:31:26  trying to stop Tommy from catching up / being more productive / Tommy’s twitch viewerbase is too big 2:33:04  SBI streamer house / Kristen can join / ideas for more streams 2:35:18  “If the turtles had netherite armor they’d be wearing it too” / “Masterchief fishing”
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foryouthegays · 4 years
summary of ‘nothing bad ever happens at festivals. [Dream SMP]’
live commentary comin out in a minute or so!!! 
Techno starts the stream making Invis potions, and talks to Phil. Phil lends Techno his riptide trident. Phil tells Techno that he’s going to build a farm, and they talk for a few minutes before Tommy joins and they talk about discs. 
Technoblade gives Tommy potions, and the Axe of Peace. Phil leaves the VC, and TnT finally start rowing towards the festival, and talk about their plan. They agree to try and get the discs back, and destroy L’manburg at the first chance possible. However, they start arguing when Techno says that if there’s a chance, they will kill Tubbo. Tommy freaks out, and says that they’re getting the disc off of Dream, and to not kill Tubbo. 
Techno reveals that he isn’t against Dream, and is instead against the government. They reach land, and find a strange structure, and Techno observes that it looks like a prison. They continue walking, and end up at Tommy’s vacation home.  After taking their hats off for Henry, Tommy finds signs that read, ‘My parents named me after a Minecraft Block so I griefed you,’ and another that said ‘sighed - Clay :) (that is why the blocks are clay)’
Tommy goes inside and doesn’t see any griefing, so they keep moving to L’Manburg. While Tommy watches from the Bee Sanctuary, Techno gets closer to the festival and tries to find Ranboo. Ranboo takes them to a cave, and talks about the games, the meaning of the festival, and who’s coming. He mentions that Dream will be respecting the laws of L’Manburg, and Tommy remembers that one of the original laws was that no one is allowed to wear armor, and if Dream is respecting the laws, he would be vulnerable to attack. 
While exploring and trying to find a place to watch, Techno spots Dream and runs to hide. He watches as Dream places obsidian and they find a good spot to observe the festival. They join the VC and find Dream getting confronted by Tubbo, Fundy, Ranboo, and others. Dream says that Tommy fucked up, and takes them to the Community house. They find it blown up, fully destroyed. Techno yells at Tommy in chat, and Tommy denies any involvement in its destruction. 
Dream continues yelling about Tommy, saying that the house is the oldest building on the server, and that everything is Tommys’ fault. He finally calms down and starts talking about a plan. He says that Tommy has to pay for his actions, and goes back to the historical and cultural significance of the building. 
Techno and Tommy are still talking in chat. Techno says that this was bad, and that the entire server will unify against Tommy, and that they’d have to do a 50v2, which implies that Techno will stand with Tommy. 
Dream comes back around to the Discs, saying that he needs both discs to keep Tommy under control. Quackity, and a few others, start talking about how it isn’t their fault, and they shouldn’t be walled in because Dream couldn’t keep Tommy in exile. Dream continues trying to get Tubbo to give him the disc, saying that the servers conflict will never be resolved if Tommy thinks he can get his discs back. 
(00:40:40) Tommy reveals himself, and Techno follows soon after. He defends Tommy, saying, “Tommy wouldn’t lie to me, ok? He said he didn’t do it, he wouldn’t lie to me.” 
Dream interrupts, “he- he lied about burning down George’s house!”
“He wouldn’t lie to ME, Dream. He’d lie to you, but he wouldn’t lie to me!” 
Dream and Techno continue arguing, and Tubbo finally steps up and almost takes out the disc to give to Dream. Tommy punches him, and they start fighting. Tubbo tells Tommy that he’s untrustworthy, and that their friendship might not be a recoverable thing anymore. Tommy tries to explain what happened, tries to tell Tubbo how he was treated and how betrayed he felt when Tubbo didn’t visit him, but Tubbo doesn’t seem to care. Tubbo yells at Tommy, telling him that everything comes back to him, and not in a good way. 
Their arguing continues, and their trust in each other, and their friendship, shatters as everyone watches. They talk of betrayal, and lies, and eventually start fighting. 
Techno advises against fighting, but lets Tommy make his own choice. When Tommy starts the fight, Techno splashes potions on himself and starts to fight the people surrounding them. Tommy tells Tubbo that the discs were worth more than Tubbo, and Tubbo gives Dream the disc, at Tommys request. 
Tommy tells Techno he’s sorry, and joins Tubbo and L’manburg. Techno yells at Tommy, saying that just because he said Tommy didn’t have to help take down L’Manburg, that didn’t mean Tommy could switch sides and betray him. 
Techno tells Tommy to think about his decision, and Tommy decides to stay with L’Manburg. Betrayed, Techno looks around, and resorts to his last true ally: violence. He asks everyone who wants to go first, and Dream interrupts him. Dream calls Tubbo an idiot, saying that he isn’t a president, and that Quackity is more presidential than he is. He continues, and Techno encourages Dream, occasionally adding on to his bullying. 
And then, Dream says the one thing that brought Techno onto his side: “you just gave me the ONE THING I needed to destroy L’manburg.” 
In chat, Techno thinks about this. He tells us, ‘im liking where this is going,’ and you can tell that his alignment is fitting perfectly into Dreams speech. 
Dream continues berating Tubbos role as president, and reveals that Ranboo is a traitor. He shows Tubbo the book, and Techno denies that Ranboo corresponded with him at all. 
Dream goes back to yelling at Tubbo, and this time, Techno joins in much more often. 
Dream turns to Techno. “Techno. Got any Withers?”
Techno smiles as he agrees, and Dream and Techno ally together.
the crowd around them begs for mercy, but it’s been decided. Without even calling in a favor, Dream and Techno ally to destroy L’Manburg. Dream tells Tubbo and Tommy that at 3 PM tomorrow, L’Manburg was going to be destroyed. 
Dream leaves, and Techno is left to deal with the group himself. They start trying to fight him, but he manages to calm them down, and starts to talk to Tommy. 
“Tommy. Give me back my axe. You’re not worthy, I was wrong.”
“...no. No! You know what, Technoblade? I am worthy. And you’re not- you’re not gonna side with Dream to take down L’Manburg, are you.”
“I- I’ve been so transparent about how I’m going to destroy the government, I’ve explained my reasons, like, I’m destroying it because of a, b, c, they executed me, they betrayed me, you betrayed me... you know what, Tommy? You’ve made a decision today that can’t be undone, and you know what? I respect you, Tommy. You’re free to make your own choices, wrong as they are, that’s what anarchy is about. It’s about freedom, to do what you want. But all I have to say, Tommy, is that I hope you don’t come to regret it.”
Techno leaves. He pearls to the portal, and runs home, wondering how to contact Dream. He finds Phil at home, and updates him on the situation. Dream finds them, and they talk about their plans. Dream wants to duplicate TNT, and asks if Techno has withers. He gets the stone button, and they walk to the Vault together. 
He opens the vault, and there’s only enough for six withers. Dream is impressed, but why is Techno hiding his true stash of skulls? Techno opens his ender chest and shows off the rest to the viewers, two stacks and seventeen, but doesn’t tell or show Dream. 
They talk, and Techno says that he’s confident that they can fight the server. He says that Dream’ll destroy everything, and he’ll hold off everyone else. Dream says that he has another part to the plan, that guaruntees their victory, but he can’t tell Techno until tomorrow. Techno once again shows the audience the hidden skulls.
Techno shows Dream the Vaults redstone, and then Dream leaves. Phil and Techno continue talking, and Techno remembers that Tommy knows about the wolf army and all of his plans. Phil realizes that Tommy switched sides, and Techno starts ranting about how Tommy took his axe. 
at around 01:03:00, Ghostbur joins the call, and things get a lot less tense. Techno and Phil shelter him from the knowledge of the wars going on.  Ghostbur reveals that he has canonical access to twitch and youtube (he’s able to see through their eyes, meaning he’s watching their streams), and the group laughs at the implications of that. 
Techno mocks Tommy for switching sides, saying, ‘oh, i haven’t been betrayed by these government guys enough, I’m going to switch sides, take Technos axe, totally betray the one guy who stood by me, because I am a fooliSH CHILD.’ Techno then tells Phil that he’s his only friend, because Phil doesn’t betray him. 
Techno decides to go back to L’Manburg and get his wolves, fearing someone finding and taking, or killing, them. Phil joins him, and Techno reveals to Phil that he hid most of the skulls, and that he doesn’t trust Dream. 
He then starts talking about how he can’t even trust trust alone anymore, and that he has to have a common interest with the person. Phil agrees, and stands by his decision to destroy L’Manburg. 
Phil sees the bombed community house, and Techno reveals that most people think it was Tommy who bombed it. Ghostbur asks if he’s ok, and Techno says he’s fine. 
While in the sewers, Techno and Phil see a ton of nametags and go quicker, and Techno starts realizing what a huge task he’s going to be a part of in destroying L’Manburg. He lists who he’s going to be against, and ghostbur inserts his name, because he thinks Techno is just listing names. 
Phil finally gets to see Techno’s Wolf Army, and he’s impressed. Techno starts moving all the dogs, and once again he starts making fun of Tommy. 
Techno shows Phil another area of the Wolf Army, which the viewers hadn’t seen before. He sits all the wolves down and tells us to not snitch on the location of the wolves. 
Right after Techno brought the last dog to the cave, Fundy spots him. 
Techno pauses, and sends the message, ‘Run.’ in chat. He chases after Fundy, and kills him. They run, and Techno sends a totally effective diversion in chat, telling everyone that he just saw Techno at Pogtopia. 
Eret spots them, and they finally make it to the nether just before Eret can catch up. 
They almost get caught by Jack Manifold, but he doesn’t see them before they make it through the portal. Once back home, they use the sellout bell, and then Techno ends the stream.
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