#but I am legally obligated to be in contact with her :D
lunarpiscesangel · 1 year
i hate my mother holy shiiiiittttt
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takaraphoenix · 3 years
Well now I am legally obliged to ask about Btvs.
(Also, did you watch Angel the series ?)
Thanks for asking, I am glad you felt obliged! *grins* And yeah, I watched AtS ;)
favorite character: Buffy and Spike, it's a tie, I adore them both. Buffy is just such a good, complex, lovable, amazing lead and Spike is my precious bastard boy who needs a hug
least favorite character: mmh... probably Hank, but that too feels like a cop-out, but I genuinely like most characters. Riley?
brOTP: Buffy and Willow, I love them in particular. I mean, core-Scoobies all the way but that's less brOTP and more found family, so if it's brOTP then Willow and Buffy
OTP: Buffy and Spike. They are. Just. Everything
OT3: ...huuuh... I don't really have an OT3? Maybe Buffy/Tara/Willow?
NOTP: Riley/Buffy from the canon ships and non-canon wise I'd say every ship that involves Willow with a man, post her coming out as a lesbian :D""" Let's not do that...
favorite storyline: The Body, as a storyline. The way Joyce died, the way her death was dealt with, it was just so incredibly well written and executed
least favorite storyline: Willow's addiction storyline. It just... her, of all people, she who is always prim and proper, even letting Amy bring her to this incredibly shady magic crack den and giving that a try felt really weird on Willow's part and honestly also on Amy's like girl's been a freaking rat since she was seventeen where did she even get the contact to some magic drug dealer from? And the way the addiction broke Will and Tara up. Just really greatly disliked all of that
what I wish had happened but didn’t: I wish we could have had more crossovers with AtS? Not just Angel very randomly and rarely stopping by, but... let me see Giles and Fred meet, I know he would be fond of her, I wanted to see the Scoobies meet later Wesley and Cordy, the two had grown so much over AtS?
what happened that I wish hadn’t: Seeing Red. You know what I mean
Fandom Ask Game
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lovelyirony · 4 years
sweeter than honey (redux)
Pepper Potts did not exactly mean to become a criminal. Really, she still doesn’t think she is. 
But here are the facts: 
1.) She has broken several laws in pursuit of funds that do not belong to her. 
2.) The FBI would like to talk to her about several things and potentially put her under arrest. 
3.) She can no longer go to her regular coffee shop because the barista snitched and told them her name, as well as her occupation. 
Pepper broke several laws because the company she was working for (Stane International) was technically breaking laws, but laws that do not apply to corporations because corporations do this thing called “funding campaigns” and also sometimes “doing favors.” 
She decided to do the same and suddenly she is a criminal. Not her fault she redistributed money back into the community, and now they can’t get any of it back. 
It’s just how that worked out. 
She’s been staying at a hotel that serves many questionable individuals each month, and it has an indoor pool and a three-star rating on the latest travel website. 
It’s nondescript, not her style, and she’s currently in the bathroom having a crisis because she most likely needs to dye her hair. 
She’s vain. Pepper knows she is, has known it since high school when she trimmed her hair and cried. Her hair, by all accounts, is gorgeous. It’s a shiny strawberry-blonde that makes her look like an ice queen in winter and a mysterious fairy queen in summer. 
She does not want to dye it. But here she is with an eight dollar box of dye and thoughts in her head. 
And then her hotel door opens. 
Not supposed to do that, but that’s what happens when you’re in a three-star hotel. 
She is also in old athletic shorts that have most definitely seen better days and a tank top that was a last-minute buy from the nearest store, and it does not suit her at all. 
Facing her is a man with an odd beard, tinted sunglasses, and a graphic t-shirt over a blazer. 
“So. You pissed off Stane Industries,” he drawls. “I’m impressed. Usually they just sweep their little problems under the rug.” 
“I’ll sweep you under one if you’d like,” Pepper offers, wondering how quickly a blowdryer can knock someone out. She’s not sure how well-made the hotel one is. Probably not very. 
“I’m not here to kill you,” the man says. He takes off his sunglasses. His eyes are a nice shade of brown, not that you’re supposed to notice that about a potential enemy. Pepper is just that skilled. 
“Then what are you here to do? Make me move to Florida?” 
“No, the opposite. We’re staying here. I’m offering you a job position of helping me take down Obadiah Stane and the company itself.” 
“Who would I be working with?” 
“Anthony Stark.” 
Pepper stills. 
She read the news when she was in college, same time as Tony Stark. Went missing in the car crash, no one found his body. Temperatures were freezing, he was wearing a tuxedo. The chances were that he froze to death somewhere that they didn’t find yet. 
Chances were. What an odd little phrase. 
“So, you made it out.” 
“Not as hard as people say it seems to be, Virginia.” 
“Call me Pepper, my first name disgusts me.” 
“Gotcha, Pepper. Call me Tony. You in?” 
“Obviously. What do I need to do?” 
“Meet the team.” 
There is Rhodey, who was Tony’s best friend and sobbed on national television for two weeks until they forgot all about him. 
“He’ll cry at anything,” Tony says with a laugh as Rhodey sends him a dirty look. “Just made him think about neon shoes and he bawled like a baby.”
“I did not,” Rhodey hisses. “I was a good crier.” 
 “You looked like a seal,” Pepper intervenes. “But you played the part quite well. Nice to meet you.” 
“Right back at you, Pepper.” 
She meets Happy, a man who is all serious and grumpy and “did not want to break the law before forty” but he also gets to watch Downton Abbey whenever he wants, so he’s not doing too bad. 
He runs security and also tells Rhodey and Tony when they’re banned from ordering pizza all the time, and Pepper is inducted into the Healthy Eating Committee. 
There’s Bruce Banner, who enjoys taking over corporations for fun, and this is his second one. His first was some sort of health insurance scam, and apparently that was just to finish up his thesis for his third doctorate. 
“He has seven degrees, he’s weird,” Tony says. 
“Oh like you’re any better,” Bruce says with a snort. “You learned twelve languages for fun. Including French, which is useless.” 
“French is not useless,” Tony says. “It got us free food in Canada.” 
“We would’ve gotten it anyway if we’d done it my way.” 
“Stealing?” Rhodey asks. 
Pepper laughs. 
Their job is a bit easier than anticipated. They found out from Pepper that getting into the building is stupid easy because no one likes their job and will do anything when bribed. 
Tony struts in with a badly-made-employee-ID and talks about a copying machine and coffee and seeing someone next month for dinner. Pepper just keeps her head down and pretends like she’s meeting someone for something. Like usual. 
Obadiah Stane is out of the country on a meeting, and his secretary is scared to death of him, so they’re allowed to poke around the office and find some interesting information. 
The problem comes when someone recognizes Bruce outside (government watchlists: the most pesky things on earth) and suddenly there’s this huge fuss. 
Tony pushes Pepper into an office closet and then promptly asks her if anyone opens the door, if she’s alright with him kissing her. 
“Why would you do that?” 
“People don’t like watching kissing, too intimate. Also, you have a lovely face and you’re quite funny, and I think it’d be fun and delightful to kiss you.” 
“How long have you thought about that?” 
“Not going to talk about that, just want an answer. If you say no--and feel free to, there’s no obligation in physical contact right now--it does complicate plans A to D. I suppose we could play the divorced couple route, but I’m not a gigantic fan about that.” 
“I mean, I guess? It wouldn’t be bad, and I’m not exactly opposed to it, Would it mean anything later?” 
“Do you want it to?” 
“Let’s figure that out after we do it.” 
“If we need to do it.” 
Door swings open. 
Oh, there’s a need. 
Tony is a particularly nice kisser, Pepper thinks. The thought runs through her head that she’s only kissed two people before Tony, and one was in high school so that doesn’t count, but the other was a secretary at an old company she used to work for.
But Tony is nice. Soft and warm and he grabs her waist and that’s nice. 
“Oh my god, sorry,” the employee mutters. “I just, I thought--” 
“Occupied!” Tony says, not even stopping as he kicks out his leg and practically stomps the poor other guy in the stomach. 
They get out, run, and Pepper laughs as she sees a bit of pink lipstick on the side of Tony’s mouth. 
“So, how’d I do?” 
“Send me a survey,” Pepper remarks. “Or a ranking.” 
“On a scale of one to ten?” 
“I was that bad?” 
“How do you rank things? Do you put one as the best?” 
“No, you’re an idiot. One is always the worst. You’re a nine. It would’ve been higher but we were in a corporate office and in a supply closet.” 
“So what you’re saying is, I’ll have to try again?” 
“Preferably over a couple glasses of wine and pizza. The good kind, though. Not the garbage Rhodey orders.” 
They approach the car that Happy has, with Rhodey and Bruce already leading others on a goose chase. 
“You two have too much fun,” Happy mutters. “Boss, you got lipstick on your side. Did you get the drives?” 
“Transferred and set to release to every major news outlet tomorrow morning at six a.m.,” Tony says. “Interns are going to curse my name as they’re forced to rewrite articles.” 
Pepper smiles. 
That night, they have a couple of glasses of wine and Tony orders the good pizza, the kind that costs a little bit too much for what it is, but it’s all worth it in the end. 
When Tony takes over the company after about six months of legal battles that would probably have drawn on for well over a decade if not for the fact that Tony is one of the most in-your-face-let’s-talk men she’s ever met, Pepper was kind of expecting things to slow down. 
Of course not. That’s not her style nor is it Tony’s, although arguably a vacation or a nice spa day would have been nice beforehand. 
“We have shit to do,” Tony says. “Rhodey, you need to help me revamp R&D. Pepper, I need to talk to you in the office.” 
They’ve already hired a company to completely redesign the entire building and refocus the company’s outlook, starting with getting rid of the disgusting 1970s carpet and chairs. God, it’s ugly. Pepper cried when she saw the office chairs. 
But she’s in Tony’s office, and she’s wondering if this is going to be directly related to workplace relationships or not. She’s already prepared an argument as to why she still wants a relationship and just how much professionalism she can exhibit in the face of hardship. 
(That hardship being the fact that Tony looks quite good in suits but also has arms that are made for tank tops.) 
“I have a problem with you,” Tony says. “And it’s that I want to make you CEO, but I don’t want people to think that you got it just because we’re dating. So we have an issue to cross.” 
Pepper was not expecting this. She was expecting maybe head accountant, or head of the PR team. But CEO? That was something that was...wow. Pepper had had a fifteen year plan for working up from wherever it was that she would be at. 
She also didn’t know they were dating. 
“We’re dating?” 
“Did I read the kiss wrong? Oh shit, was the seven secretly the bad seven?” 
“No!” Pepper says. “You just never told me that we were dating, we didn’t have a communicative conversation about it.” 
“Oh. Well, would you like to go on dates and things?” 
“What’s ‘and things’?” 
“You know. Sexy times. But I wanted to be a professional about it. But I am not that professional.” 
“No, no you’re not. Which is why you offered me the CEO position and why I am accepting it. But I will also date you...and things.” 
“Excellent. Have a dinner tonight while we discuss how to do Microsoft Excel?” 
“I already know how to use it.” 
“Pepper, you are the only woman for me in this lifetime and the next.” 
“And the one after that?” 
“I’m assuming you’ll get bored of me and marry someone who’s seven feet tall.” 
“Seven feet tall? What, am I going to attend every NBA game for the next husband?” 
“Maybe, I don’t know what you’ll do. I’ll probably be halfway into a grave over despair.” 
Pepper chuckles, dropping a short kiss onto his temple. 
“Well, I hope I don’t have to witness that. You want me to make some salad for tonight then?” 
“Yes please! We also need to review the decor and see what chairs to order.” 
Pepper nods. 
“We need to ask Rhodey, he has opinions about design of those.” 
“Of course he does, he hates standing too long. We’ll send him some of our options.” 
She waves as she leaves the office. 
What Tony misses: 
Pepper pumps her fist as she leaves the office, nearly stumbles, and is quite glad that no security cameras were installed that day. 
What Pepper misses: 
Tony spins so hard in his office chair as a celebration that it topples over. 
Yeah, they’re made for each other. 
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getyourguidede · 3 years
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Auto Insurance
Auto Insurance Associates, LLC may receive compensation from an insurer or other intermediary in connection with your engagement with the website. All decisions regarding any insurance products, including approval for coverage, premium, commissions and fees, will be made solely by the insurer underwriting the insurance under the insurer s then-current criteria. All insurance products are governed by the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions set forth in the applicable insurance policy. Please see a copy of your policy for the full terms, conditions and exclusions. Any information on the Site does not in any way alter, supplement, or amend the terms, conditions, limitations or exclusions of the applicable insurance policy and is intended only as a brief summary of such insurance product. Policy obligations are the sole responsibility of the issuing insurance carrier.HomeInsurance.com, LLC, is a licensed insurance producer resident in North Carolina with license number 020773852, with its principle place of business at 15720 Brixham Hill Avenue, Suite 300, Charlotte,.
Boat Insurance
Boat Insurance (formerly known as Boat Insurance) is a policy that provides a coverage against damages caused by: • Motor vehicle collisions with objects, such as a motorhome, boat, trailer, and other vehicles. • Uninsured motorist bodily injury (UMBI) or property damage (PD) up to your policy limits. • Motor-owned or rented cars. • A certificate of deposit and financial responsibility for any car and/or truck used in the state to prove ownership of the vehicle. • Vehicles licensed for other use. • Commercial vehicles and the use of these vehicles (including trailers and SUVs) in the state. • Vehicles licensed for personal use. This policy provides liability coverage against your liability to other drivers. • Uninsured motorists, and injuries of any passengers or property of which the driver is responsible. • Uninsured motorist bodily injury (UMBI) coverage, which pays for medical bills for you and passengers, regardless of who is at fault for an accident. • Motor homes and businesses.
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Business Insurance quotes include common coverage options, plus discounts if you’re a member of a preferred auto club, and we offer some extra features: We offer the following auto insurance coverages as add-ons on our homeowners insurance: The best part is our policies are backed by our dedicated team of independent insurance agents. They’re uniquely knowledgeable about your home and your insurance needs. And they’re happy to help whenever an extraordinary requirement applies (unless specific circumstances would cause us to issue you a policy). That’s why you will see our savings for as little as $25 per month. At the end of the day, your personal property can be protected by you and your family – from your home to your cars and from the businesses that depend on it. It’s a job of hard work that protects your home and your family. The same insurance policy that covers all of your personal belongings (like your clothesbox, sofa, etc), .
Insurance Resources
Insurance Resources Administration, Inc. All Rights Reserved. In November 2016, the Federal Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that a company must pay $13.5 million to settle a lawsuit alleging that it misled consumers and insurers. The trial was scheduled to begin August. If you’re looking for the best cheap car insurance in Missouri, you also need to be aware of how insurance companies evaluate your risks. Below is a list of the 10 factors that affect your car insurance quotes. The minimum insurance required by Missouri law, however, isn’t low either. It’s affordable if you know where to look. Drivers who go without liability insurance are essentially breaking their law. Drivers who carry only the minimum coverage should expect to pay somewhere between $2,500 and $4,900 in premiums every year for full coverage car insurance — a great deal more than the Missouri minimum. In other words, if you have a clean driving record, you will likely.
Umbrella Insurance
Umbrella Insurance. When the vehicle is uninsured, they offer to pay for your damages, your deductible, and the vehicle insurance. “Bond” or Uninsured Motorist Coverage – An umbrella insurance coverage coverage can provide coverage for you while you’re driving on public roads in the United States. Uninsured motorists may make this coverage optional though it s usually included to protect you if any other party gets into an accident while not legally insured. Uninsured Motorist Coverage may apply only to the insured vehicle when the policy is written and does not apply to a driver who doesn’t have it. There are two ways to buy uninsured motorist coverage: A buyer pays a higher monthly rate for liability insurance that includes a portion of the liability portion, as well as a portion of the collision risk covered by the policy. Purchasing uninsured motorist coverage is not a complete process. You’ll need to ask your carrier for any written notice of your policy cancellation and.
Rental Car Insurance
Rental Car Insurance: Your personal insurance company may offer their own individual coverage. It has to say its policies tend to be more expensive than what a comparable company offers. When it comes to insurance, it is not easy to change car insurance with a simple phone call – the process was cumbersome when I’ve tried. I did the following: I called to speak with an agent to get a quote, and my coverage was being canceled. They asked me about my current auto coverage, and I was a little confused about when a call should be made. One time, I called them on the phone to say that I was covered for the next month, and they sent me a bill, so I wasn’t paying for my current coverage. I sent the bill to the insurance company, and they called me back to say that they were no longer renewing coverage I had with them. I was very frustrated, and I’m thinking of quitting auto insurance or paying to do so. It was.
0 notes
orbemnews · 3 years
Lansing mom relaunches the clothes enterprise of her son, who died in 2014 LANSING, Mich. — Shirley Mitchner determined to relaunch her son Brandon Mitchner’s city style line in October. She wished to honor her son, who died in 2014. “My trademark is the lion,” Mitchner mentioned. “However I saved his phrases. MIYM. Make it your mission.” His dream was to be a clothier and he launched Make It Your Mission two years earlier than his loss of life. Brandon was 22 when he died. He’d gone out with a gaggle of associates to rejoice a birthday. In keeping with the incident report from the Lansing Police Division, Brandon wandered off on his personal. He reportedly fell into the Grand River close to South Road and drowned. Nobody has been arrested for Brandon’s loss of life and the case has been closed. However Mitchner thinks one thing else may’ve occurred that night time. “How did he get within the river? How did he get in there,” she mentioned. “Did he fall? Was he pushed?” State Rep. Cynthia Johnson of Detroit has joined forces with Mitchner to get Brandon’s case reopened. “They didn’t keep on prime of this case for this mom and this son who could be 29, 30 by now,” Johnson mentioned. Police haven’t reopened the case. Mitchner can also be working to get invoice HB4507 Responsibility to Act reintroduced within the state legislature. “It is merely, you and I are collectively and you realize I am sick, I have been shot, I have been stabbed. Do not go away me,” she mentioned. “Name 9-1-1.” Ken Levy, a legislation professor at Louisiana State College, says related legal guidelines have already handed in just a few states. “They’re watching against the law unfold earlier than them they usually’re on the fence about whether or not to report, the concept is that the legislation will put a bit extra stress on them to report,” Levy mentioned. Levy helps such legal guidelines however sees why others may oppose them. “The opposite aspect would say that that is an infringement on our liberty,” he mentioned. “So long as I am not committing the crime, I am not part of the crime, I simply occurred upon the crime, I shouldn’t be legally obligated to report it.” Mitchner is decided to get a legislation handed for Brandon’s honor. “If HB4507 Responsibility to Act saves one life, then he did not die in useless,” she mentioned. Mitchner already fought to get a guard rail and hazard signal put up across the Grand River space the place Brandon fell in and she or he’s decided to maintain combating for justice in her son’s honor. “I am happy with all my kids,” she mentioned, “and so happy with Brandon.” Mitchner shouldn’t be promoting clothes out of shops, but. Purchases might be made on-line at www.miym.store. Wish to see extra native information ? Go to the FOX47News Web site. Keep in contact with us anytime, anyplace. Join newsletters emailed to your inbox. Choose from these choices: Breaking Information, Extreme Climate, College Closings, Day by day Headlines and Day by day Forecasts. Observe us on Twitter Like us on Fb window.fbAsyncInit = function() FB.init( appId : '177848625885232', xfbml : true, version : 'v2.9' ); ; (function(d, s, id) var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = "http://connect.facebook.net/en_US/sdk.js"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); (document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); Supply hyperlink #BrandonMitchner #Business #clothing #died #DutytoAct #fox47news #grandriver #grandriverguardrail #HB4507 #lansing #MakeItYourMission #MIYM #mother #relaunches #ShirleyMitchner #son
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roblnwheeler · 6 years
I was tagged by the very lovely, @scorpivsmalfoys​, thank you for tagging me! We must talk some time and get to know one and other officially :)
how tall are you?
5′10″ (though there’s been some recent and fierce debate on this statistic-- I’m sticking with this until an official heightologist tells me otherwise. Pride and all that, ya know? ;P)
what colour are your eyes?
do you wear contacts and/or glasses? By pain of blindness, some form of one of these is constantly required if I want to see anything past the tip of my nose. I usually wear glasses, particularly a home, but I did recently get a prescription for contacts as well :)
do you wear braces? Unfortunately no, I have never felt their painful metalic embrace around my firm yet moldable teeth. And it shows. But, there has never really been a need for it other than cosmetics so I am grateful for that. Just a little jealous of my partner’s charming and uniformed smile :P
what is your fashion style? Currently, on break I’ve been sporting a to-die-for, shirt and no pants look around the house coupled with my, you-can’t-believe-it’s-not-one-of-her-animals-omg-there’s-so-much-hair-on-those barn clothes for the outdoors. In the presence of humanity however, I tend to upgrade to a slightly more dignified black sweats and a matching black zip-up with rotating shirts that peak through the gap left unzipped. My friend likes to say I look like a wrestler though it’s really just my uniform of sheer laziness and efficiency for my tired mind in the mornings. There are rumors I have the capability to dress nicely, very nicely, but those are things of myth seen only at conferences and certain public events that require a bit of schmoozing.
when were you born? November 8th, 1996
how old are you? If we do the math, with the components given to us in the question above, I do believe the answer comes out to be a striking, twenty-one. That’s right folks, I’m of that age in America where the kids go wild and party ‘til they drop like lead balloons. Fortunately, my middle-aged demeanor and endearment toward an old group of peers prevents me from adhering to this lifestyle. Instead, we play board games and sip our rum into the late hours and retire from this rowdy behavior tipsy at most with a dread for classes the next day. Wild, I know.
do you have any siblings?  I do, but they was significantly older and shall not be spoken of further. In large part because there’s not much else to tell lol. I’m for all tense and purposes, a single child really.
what school/college do you go to? I would rather not say the name of the specific college I attend but it is in the North East of the United States.
what kind of student are you? Lately, I’ve been a rather languishing student by my normal standards. In a typical semester however I tend to receive straight A’s. I have a horrid habit however of not reading the course material but getting away this habit due to some finely honed ‘bs’ing skills, some intense intuition, and some vague prior knowledge of the subject matter. I’ve been trying to improve upon this to foster a stronger sense of accomplishment with my grades.
what are your favourite subjects? My two majors, Philosophy and Anthropology, consume a vast majority of my time at college and so classes surrounding these fields tend to be my favorites generally. My current class however, on white-collar crime has proven to be greatly educational and enjoyable.
what are your favourite movies? A dangerous question... It would be hard not to say the Harry Potter films of course. I also love Studio Ghibi films and I enjoyed the new Bright movie quite well. I am certain there is a surplus of movies I love but it is hard to remember them in the moment.
what are your favourite pastimes? Hanging out with my partner/close friends, playing d&d, binging shows and the like, being with my animals, watching YouTube, [used to be] writing fanfics [when I had inspiration to write]
do you have any regrets? No, because it all happened the way it was meant to. Everything that led me to where I am now, mistakes and all.
what is your dream job? That is an excellent question... One I will have to get back to you on the specifics. This is honestly a current problem in my life. I take comfort in knowing it’ll sort itself out one way or another.
would you like to get married? Traditionally, I would not consider marriage in most circumstances. I find most relationships would be happier without the legal entanglement because of their inevitable separation (this is not a knock on people or their relationships-- it’s just an observation on the way Americans live their lives. Many times people rush in or feel pressured into a marriage and it doesn’t work out). However, that said, I would very much like to marry my partner. We are highly compatible with one and other and we share a common outlook on life with reasonably parallel interests in the future. They make me incredibly happy and I cherish them very much. It’s hard to adequately describe my feelings about our relationship without sounding mushy or absurd.
do you want kids? how many? I would love to have children yes. I ideally would like to have three, relatively aged, though I’m not certain I’ll be able to keep up with them if they’re too close together lol.
how many countries have you visited? With my passport in hand, I can firmly say, one. The United States. I’ve sadly not had the opportunity to give this bad boy a work out yet. One day though, one day. If it counts for anything though, I’ve been to roughly 20 states or so thus far :)
what was your scariest dream? There have been some, dark and weird ones. Funniest but most ridiculously upsetting dream I’ve ever had happened to me my senior year of high school... I had a dream that a teacher I loved housesitting for was asking other students to housesit for her instead of me. Just stopped asking me for no reason. I woke up and wanted to cry, but one the same hand I realized how ridiculous it was and wanted to laugh.
do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/significant other? Indeed I do. I have a very wonderful boyfriend who I met, a little over a year ago. As was featured in the marriage question above, I have a hard time describing my feelings for him but, he makes up a lot of the joy I have in my life and I’m unthinkably happy when I have an opportunity to spend time with him.
put your playlist on shuffle and without skipping list the first 15 songs: [This is the one question I’m going to skip because I was tagged in another music thing and my answers are going to be very bland as my library is so small. In summation, you’ll hear songs from The Wombats, DNCE, Pitbull, and a few singles from various different artists.]
Welcome to the end everyone, whether you read all this or scrolled passed it as fast as you could. Thank you again for tagging me Kayla, it was actually pretty fun answering these questions :)
i’m going to tag the following people, but they are in no way obligated to respond unless they wish to, this is all for good fun: @explodingsnap, @mollyprewett, @pavratipatil, @porpentincgoldstein, @muqqlestudies, @audreyweasley, @borqinandburkes, @theodorenqtt, @daphnenott, @disscndium
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christineamccalla · 5 years
In regards to the eastern nations including Israel,  Writ of defense of self, character, assets including intellect and education, et al, by McCalla, Christine Ann
See link  https://docs.google.com/document/d/16iKM-aligVzBVT0w5r9uBUXFGuf7XurpFmnu5tcUHBk/edit?usp=sharing See PDF link w/ tables,
In regards to the eastern nations including Israel,
Writ of defense of self, character, assets including intellect and education, et al
Writ of inferiority, et al (numerous eastern nations including Kuwait and Israel has to barraging
the denizens of the US with the advanced technology to the point of coercion, duress, and misuse, et al
Writ of  malicious prosecution of law enforcement, et al
Writ of forced, forceable, and forcible incarceration through forced, forceable, and forcibly
criminalities including homelessness, et al
Writ of mystery, secrets, and deception et al (allegations made by the east can never truly be
substantiated due to their penchant for deception where none is required)
Writ of prostitution, pimping, murder, and inciting violence and other criminalities, et al
Writ of prostitution, organized crime, racketeering and corruption through coercion and duress,
et al
Writ of coercion and duress, et al
Writ of coercion and duress in power maneuvering, et al
Writ of devaluing and depreciation of education and an educational system, et al
Writ of illegitimate conference and conferring of degrees originally and legitimately earned
under the name of Christine Ann McCalla and all variations thereof, et al
Writ of redefining education and its worth within an economy and an individual, et al
Writ of human trafficking, et al
Writ of defining and redistributing of individual progress, prosperity, and worth of an individual,
Christine Ann McCalla, and all variations thereof, et al
Writ of illegitimate arms length transactions with the intent and intention to disrupt world
economies, mental stability, and productivity, et al
Writ of fraud, deception, and destabilization, et al
Writ of redefining an economy and an economic system to enslave an alleged attachee of the
Department of Defense, Christine Ann McCalla and all variations thereof, et al
Writ of identity theft, theft, fraud, and deception, et al
Writ of assumption through fraud and without consent of power of attorney, power of attorney
by agency, and power of attorney by delegation, et al
Writ of fraudulent assumption of fiscal agent, fiscal agency, trustee, trusteeship, and
receivership of property / chattel including one individual named Christine Ann McCalla and all variations thereof, et al
Writ of undue influence, et al
Writ of fraudulent and illegitimate bargain and bargaining power of an economy, state, and
locale with the prime objective of creating prostitution, organized crime, racketeering, and corruption, of one Christine Ann McCalla and all variations thereof, attachee to the US Department of Defense, et al
Writ of entry by consorting, consortship, prostitution, and power trading of an economy, the
United States of America, by illegitimate use of an individual and name of one Christine
Ann McCalla and all variations thereof, et al
Writ of purchase of a name later identified and franchised as a brand, with all intellects,
development, developmental rights, and assets, identified as one Christine Ann McCalla
and all variations, et al
Writ of forced, forceable, and forcibly mental incapacitation with the intent to murder,
imprison, unauthorize of brand and franchise, and illegal trade, bartering, and sale of
name of one Christine Ann McCalla and all variations thereof, et al
Writ of credential verification and intellectual infringement, et al
Writ of theft of consent, et al
Writ of subrogation through identity theft, without consent, and fraudulent acquisition of power
of attorney, power of attorney by agency, and power of attorney by delegation, et al
Thursday, May 11, 2017
From: Christine Ann McCalla and all variations thereof
There were numerous instances of the eastern nations trading with my name, reported previously.
The eastern nations have taken advantage of the fact of the allegation that I am attached to the US Department of Defense in which they have organized numerous collections and paid for my unemployment, prostitution, homelessness, and incitement of violence and other criminalities to include malicious prosecution of law enforcement resulting in incarceration through forcible criminalities including the now multiple attempts of Katy from EveryMind, Stephanie Fender my public defender in second degree assault charge discharged Nolle Prosequi, and now the attempt by Interfaith Works, their employee Yvette, Stephanie Fender, and Katy.
There are instances of consort marriages between the east and the US denizenry which has resulted in my abuse resulting in my homelessness and sleeping on the ground and at bus stops of numerous places. This included the allegation via amplifier where Saudi Arabia purchased my house several years prior without my consent without title transfer or any other legal procedure.
There use of US Department of Defense to allegedly store marauded / stolen offensive and defensive weaponry which have been used to jeopardize my health and prosperity.
Serving prior relationships including employers, roommates, and landlord with documentation in regards to my alleged “Her Majestyship” which included fraudulent transactions and criminal cashiers check.
Engaging in sexual intercourse with persons and prostitutes and deputizing these liasons as me, Christine Ann McCalla, and then assuming power of attorney, power of attorney by agency, and power of attorney by delegation in my name and regard.
Giving references to people contacting eastern residents although I don’t know or have met them, nor authorized this transaction.
Residents from eastern nations calling and reporting me to numerous law enforcement agencies including DHHS in regards to food stamp and possibly medicaid, and probably local grocery in regards to fictitious shoplifting.
Forming liaisons with numerous parties including UMUC to defraud me of my education and its thereof by selling it numerous nonenglish speaking parties.
Challenging my credentials including education, technical skills, and criminal records in an attempt to derogate me, e.g. my degrees are fictitious and I don’t understand grants.
Constant references to my being a prostitution, my prostitution, and when my prostitution begins my homelessness and poverty can end.
Financial assistance I provided to numerous members of my family were provided by them including from youth. As a result, these gifts obligate my family to the east as it came from them. Any assistance provided to my family has been subrogated by the east.
The use of illusory promises to entice governance including those local to me into relationships with outcomes to exclude me, e.g. allegations of gift to shelter including stipend but I must leave the shelter creating violence and assault by me.
The eastern nations while fully and in some case partially developed including educational, financial, technological, and defense systems, seem to be fully self-sustaining based on Statista’s [IMF. (n.d.). The 20 countries with the lowest national debt in 2016 in relation to gross domestic product (GDP)] publication with approximately 6 eastern nations and related regions included in the countries with the lowest national debt in 2016 in relation to GDP.
Countries with the lowest national debt 2016
The 20 countries with the lowest national debt in 2016 in relation to gross domestic product (GDP) data
Macao SAR
0in %
Hong Kong SAR
in %
Brunei Darussalam
in %
in %
Solomon Islands
in %
in %
in %
Saudi Arabia
in %
in %
Islamic Republic of Iran
in %
in %
in %
in %
in %
United Arab Emirates
in %
Equatorial Guinea
in %
Democratic Republic of the Congo
in %
in %
in %
in %
Although impressive on a stand-alone basis and without intensive review of the each nation / regions performance, this is fiscal reponsibility is not enough to consider any relationship or other trade and commerce activity given the brutal treatment I have received at their alleged behest. One would imagine given my chronic unemployment and my current dire economic status to which they have allegedly contributed, I would be eager to make my mark in that esteemed area of the world. Unfortunately, I cannot in all good conscience agree with said assumption. So unfortunately, should such an opportunity arise I would be forced to decline given the depth and breadth with which hard living and prostitution is being forced upon me with alleged contribution by the east.
Fortunately, this is the United States and without the east’s continous and manipulative contribution my financial circumstances are certain to revive, and hopefully fruitfully, with incomes, savings, and housing in the near future when equal opportunity arrives.
IMF. (n.d.). The 20 countries with the lowest national debt in 2016 in relation to gross domestic product (GDP). In Statista - The Statistics Portal. Retrieved May 11, 2017, from https://www-statista-com.proxy1.ncu.edu/statistics/273488/countries-with-the-lowest-national-debt/.
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waj4all · 5 years
Winston James, the alleged target of a murder-contract, has made arrangements to release info (already with the police) to the general public regarding the organizers and sponsors of the murder.
 For a gist of this story, modified excerpts of emails to the police are provided below.
The complete story and the bizarre history which led to this point can be found in a book available here;  https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07MMFX57T       
However, this is not a book-promotion, and there’s no need to buy this book as the background can be freely gleaned from the first few chapters made available through the ‘Look Inside’ feature at the book-site.
Please excuse the rushed nature of this post. It’s the best that could be accomplished under the circumstances. 
Be also advised that if I were not sure of what is afoot (beyond all shadow of reasonable doubt) I'd not be making such serious allegations - I'm not stupid. I also realize that there could be legal consequences (especially regarding any post with the names - to come if I'm killed) but legal considerations matter not if I'm dead. And if this post and others like this elsewhere can help to cause a cancellation of the contract on my head, then the post is worth the relatively minor risk of legal consequences.
The police have nearly all the info that I have (some of which are not revealed here) but aside from warning the suspected parties (already done by other police entities - even if not taken seriously) other more serious police entities on this case still cannot act further unless my murder is actually achieved or at least another attempt is made. Therefore, this is my own initiative geared at discouraging another attempt. 
I'd also encourage one of the parties to buy my house cheaply (and get rid of me in that way) instead of murder, especially since they'll definitely be exposed and exposed to the certain consequences.
Let good sense prevail. If the plans and efforts are abandoned at this stage, everything can all be blamed on my stupid imagination. Even paranoia could be blamed. Call me a crazy fool too. I certainly wouldn't mind that, if my life is spared. 
But if I'm still murdered after these posts, who on this planet (including the police and any subsequent judge or jury) would ever doubt that all the rest I say is true, after accurately predicting my own murder and those behind it? A linked book also provides additional details of the background to it all.
Again I say; let good sense prevail.
  Here are excerpts from the first email (to the higher echelons of the police) and its addendum:
24th of July, 2018
There are strong and compelling reasons which combine to make me fairly sure that there’s a plan in place to have me murdered.
I have reason to believe that the owner of a property immediately to my north; one Mr. Mich Bail, and the absentee owner of a property immediately to my south; one Mr. Cli Cam, have both combined to finance a hit on me, with both purporting to be seeking to enhance property values by having me eliminated. 
[The first is a customs broker operating from eastern Kingston. And the second is a former footballer who spends significant amounts of money each year to promote initiatives and events purporting to ‘bring back’ and promote peace & ‘love’ and harmony in the society. Ironically, just after a news-item one night with him holding a baby while presenting gifts to a basic-school, one of the alleged murder-missions alleged co-sponsored by him was again launched.]
I therefore urgently seek the police’s immediate intervention in this matter. I know the police cannot accuse these men based solely on my perceptions, and neither am I, but I propose that the following intervention may indeed save my life.
My proposal is simply that the police contact these men to inform them that I; Winston James, have alleged that both men might have combined for the purpose of my demise. And, while emphasizing that the police has not assumed a position on this matter, one way or the other, the police is also obliged to inform them that they should desist with any such plan if there’s even a kernel of truth in such an allegation. Of course, it would be prudent also to make it clear that the allegation would also become much more credible if I were to be actually murdered. And, bearing this allegation in mind; this would naturally cause them to be prime suspects in any such murder-case. Arguably, the case is virtually solved before the murder is committed.
As to the main issue at hand; it would be impossible for me to convey all the factors which lead to my virtual certainty of what is afoot, though I’ll try to present some of the ominous signs and a brief overview of the background in an attached addendum.
I have no contact number for Cam, but I believe Bail can be contacted at work at; 928 – 54--. He could then be asked to convey the police’s warning to Cam who is really the one suspected to be in more direct control of the potential murderers.
Assuming a more complete understanding of the situation is garnered from the addendum, it is hoped that both these men will be contacted by the police with the urgency warranted by any effort necessary in saving a life and discouraging a possibly imminent murder.
Thanks for your kind assistance in this matter. 
  Addendum to email from W. James, d/d 24-7-18
In early 2000, Mr Bail moved into the premises immediately to my north with his wife. The latter was approached and befriended by one Ms. Ela Che from across the road. This woman has a history of seeking to indoctrinate others as she incites them to engage in actions to provoke, persecute, and generally ensure my detriment.
[Incidentally, this persecution also included interfering with my tenants over the years, with a view to influencing them to leave or to stir up turmoil. This has been consistent and has ensured perennial floundering of that business, garnering my economic demise. (Previous endeavours of mine had been similarly targeted and undermined). These actions and constant sabotage have caused the maintenance of my premises to suffer. And this situation, which they go out of their way to ensure, is at the root of the notion that I should be gotten rid of to enhance property-values. Mr Bail’s wife was an integral part of this scheme.
Also to my disadvantage is the fact that; in 1995, a 19 year-old woman had my child as a result of a quiet, mutual affair. This woman was the daughter of my spouse, with the involvement occurring at a time when the previous relationship was on the rocks - sleeping-places were actually swapped, despite my protests; a fact which grossly contributed to the commencement of this affair. However, this affair (with details distorted to suit the tellers) has served as the basis to make several lies from my enemies seem credible (even a relative sought to take advantage of this) but that association with the 19 year-old is my only real transgression. Nothing of the sort had ever transpired before, and nothing of the sort has ever transpired in the twenty-odd years since that one episode. 
Still, my enemies hide such facts in order to magnify their own lies to portray a monster, in order to convince others that the monster should be eliminated. The focus by two evil women to incite my murder (with any excuse convenient at the time - termites and all) is nothing new. (The full book-length story on that and all else is here; https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07MMFX57T )
Suffice to say, the Che woman is the second of two women who obsessed at my persecution for their own disparate reasons. The first woman; one Lor Spen, is now deceased, and the main basis of her hate-filled motivations was that I thwarted her scheme to swindle my gullible stepmother out of our house for less than half-price. She manipulated a change in my stepmother’s will (bringing her own paid ally equal with me) and then commenced schemes to have me killed (which would ensure that my house goes to her choice of beneficiary). She also organized the theft and hiding of the will to thwart my oft-repeated plans to sell and move to the country, even as both she and Che encouraged my demise by advocating the need to eliminate me for ‘property-values’ and other reasons.
By the way, I’m sure Che would not have mentioned my long-made plans to sell and move when she convinced her puppets I should be eliminated.
The Che woman was drafted onto the persecution bandwagon in 1993 by Spen telling the small-minded Che that I said she was inquisitive (faas). Together, both women have wreaked havoc in my life. As did Spen, Che also used my transgression with the 19 year-old as the basis to fabricate her own monumental lies enroute to convincing others of a monster which needed to be gotten rid of.]
As she’d done with a previous occupant of the northern property, Che convinced Bail’s wife (with her friendship being the reward, in this case) to perennially seek to provoke me by repeatedly organizing and supervising the illegal trespass and cutting of my hedging-plants, FIVE feet from the dividing wall at the front of my property, in order to afford Che a better view into my yard.
This insulting provocation continued on an average of three or four times a year for 12 years, with me avoiding the cantankerous and tempestuous woman who obviously sought a fight. Instead, I repeatedly asked her husband to get her to stop the practice. And, though he agreed that it wasn’t right and promised he’d have her stop (at least on three occasions) the practice continued. So, after discovering their latest chop-job on my property in early 2015, I exploded with a barrage of expletives imploring the offenders to desist with the practice. As if their practice wasn’t disrespectful to me, Bail claimed I “dissed” him, and this has been the basis of his animus since then. This is exactly what both Che and Bail’s wife had sought in perpetrating this provocation for 12 years, as he’s the one with the funds to finance any subsequent action against me. (Unlike Spen before her, Che prefers to get others to do such things as financing hits or attempted hits).
The story has been severely shortened, with some details left out for brevity, but that’s the gist of the story with the Bails.
I should also mention that; neither on this (2015) nor a previous occasion (2012) when I’d reported these criminal offences was any appropriate action taken by the responding officers. I’d also been approached with a machete by Bail and the cutter during the 2015 altercation, and not even a warning was given – yet, I was warned about a threat I never made (the first of several such lies at the beginning of a new trend).
Other things have happened since then – like my home being invaded more than once (with both Bails heard to be actually supervising and directing one such incident from their own lawn) and a death-threat from phone-stalking elements of the same Che/Bail alliance. But the 2015 altercation remains the main event in that regard.
Most importantly, though, and in the presence of the responding officers, in the aftermath of the 2015 altercation, Bail’s wife announced that she wanted me to move. In other words, she wanted to be rid of me (which doesn’t necessarily mean my voluntary removal, obviously).
That statement alone points to the reason behind the perennial provocations. And it also points to the reason behind the murderous situation which exists today.
Similarly, with regard to the situation with Cli Cam, a similar message was apparently sent to me by way of his paid troublemaking house-sitter, among others.
First; a brief history:
As far as I’m aware, this Cam fellow might have been the absentee owner of the property to my immediate south from the day I occupied my own premises in 1971/72.
Eventually, he was seen around occasionally, but it was also apparent that he might well have been influenced by the gossip spewed by Che and Spen, especially since his sister (who once occupied the premises) was also a friend of the latter. Needless to say, I doubt there was ever a word exchanged between that individual and me.
In recent years, it became apparent that termites were present on that property, with obvious signs displayed by a pine-needle tree and a sweet-sop tree. It soon became also apparent that a tenant there had been making several attempts to spread the termites to my own property, as witnessed by two of my own tenants on separate occasions. I’m reasonably sure Cam had nothing to do with this, as I’m also sure his tenant worked in this and other regards on Spen’s behalf. If any blame could be ascribed to Cam regarding the spread of termites from his premises to mine, then it would have to be in relation to his apparent tardiness in addressing the matter.
My own ability to address the subsequent infestation was certainly compromised by the perennial sabotage to my rental business alluded to earlier.
It is therefore extremely ironic that said termites (along with property-values, etc) would be among the reasons for my proposed elimination.
Consequences of the very same gossip-culture which he apparently supports might also have worked against him in one instance I observed.
However, his latest trend seems to include the hiring of a ‘house-sitter’ who doesn’t work and does nothing but ‘observe’ my premises or my movements or both – with tendencies also to provoke. The last act of one such individual in 2016 was to usher a chainsaw operator on to my property (obviously paid by Cam too) to cut the hedging trees at the southern side of my property.
Obviously, in ordering this copy-cat offence, Cam might have been encouraged by the fact that the authorities did nothing about this illegal act when those at the north had engaged in it, and so he decided to copy this action in his own obvious efforts at provocation.
Cutting a long story short, one of his latest house-sitter’s first jobs was to stretch over the dividing wall to cut small trees I my backyard – obviously to afford a better view. This and other acts invading my privacy and etcetera have led to a series of altercations. This house-sitter is also joined in such efforts by other occupants who seem motivated by the prospect of picking up a t’ing from the boss.
These activists include the male son of the elder female tenant of the southern half of that house. This fellow recently threatened to come over and “juk-juk” (or stab-stab) me up because I’d taken offence to his watching my friend and I as we talked in my backyard. (This threat was made on 5-7-18, if I recall correctly, and the only name I have for him is; 'Andre' - hopefully, this can facilitate an official report on said threat). He’d then followed us to the frontyard, then went thru his own gate to sit on a sidewalk rail when I stepped into the street, then pretended to take a selfie as he raised his phone over his head in his obvious attempts to capture my image. After his threat and his vehement denial, he then went to clear away vines from my property which obstructed his view into the relevant part of my backyard. Other trees in my yard are similarly lightened by these creeps, from time to time, in order to afford visual access.
This is in keeping with their usual behaviour – watching and peeping and listening – while vigorously denying the fact that they stoop so low to do what they habitually and perversely do. And, lest this be seen as harmless, this watching and peeping also extends to when I attempt to walk on the road, with phone-calls made to summon whomever they may. It is also obvious that info garnered in this way about my habits, movements and even whereabouts in my house have also been passed on to some who can only be described as potential murderers (as examined later). There are also obvious signs that this still continues today as they work hand I hand with these suspected murderers.
The others involved in this are; the tenant’s daughter and her boyfriend (who was once the owner’s house-sitter – and obviously still does nefarious works for him). The larger side of the house is mostly used by members of a particular football team, and these are generally not involved in these shenanigans, though the southern tenant’s son is relentless in seeking assistance and agreement from these and others, at every opportunity.
Recently, however, the main house-sitter was obviously sent with a message from his boss, as I was told (after again being provoked) to leave and allow someone else to come and ‘fix up’ my place. And, following a trend set by the north (where they institute a conflict and then rush to call sympathetic officers to report a false claim of a threat) the owner’s paid troublemakers did likewise. And one of these officers sympathetic to the cause of the Che/Bail/Cam-Alliance called me to the side to whisper the fact that I was being encouraged by Cam’s goons (and obviously by this more courteous officer too) to move.
As to the expansion of the alliance to include Cam, I’d neglected to mention that; at first sign of my altercation with the paid troublemakers at the south, Che sent Bail to link with Cam. First; Bail bought a little dog to give himself an excuse to walk that dog pass the southern property for three weeks straight, in efforts to link with the troublemaking house-sitter. The dogwalking charade stopped the very Saturday morning when contact was made with this house-sitter, no doubt to set up a meeting between Bail and Cam to unify efforts to ‘deal’ with me.
The outcome of that is that today I’m being featured by a crew of obvious criminals.
Cutting a long story short, Cam recently made one of his increasingly rare visits to the premises. He seemed to have been obviously joined by four of these criminal-looking types who drifted in and out of the house to take a glance in my direction, from time to time.
On another occasion, I’d stepped into my driveway to talk with a tenant, only to find that one of these same criminal types was nextdoor and now going to great lengths to get a better look at me (one of his cronies actually wore a mask – with dark-glasses). 
Eventually, he drove his white Honda Civic (28--HS - with a different plate at back) slowly pass my gate and later returned with a short individual sporting a goatee-beard. This fellow darted inside and was later seen near my wall as the house-sitter apparently pointed me out to him. This is the fellow who is apparently tasked with the job of my murder, and this is the fellow who’s been dropped off around midnight for a week straight to be picked up early the next morning (sometimes by a large SUV which I believe belongs to the owner of the house, but driven by someone else).
Twice during that week, my spouse and I had discovered a grating over a bathroom cistern to have been shifted – an obvious sign that someone might have stood at the bathroom window and inadvertently shifted the object.
On that first night the fellow was brought, the tall lanky Civic-driver made a phone-call and a woman later drove up in silver Nissan AD-Wagon (5 or 63--HF). This woman apparently seems to be in charge of this crew and has been seen several times after the short fellow had been dropped off. They also seem to be very fond of drinking a concoction which includes what looks like the ‘Boom’ energy drink and seem to be very intoxicated (with high-stepping moves) after partaking.
As to my specific concerns with this crew and the short fellow in particular, one night the white Civic dropped him off at midnight and (instead of heading south and then toward the back entrance, as he later did) he headed straight for our own dividing wall with an apparent intent to scale it, and only stopped when he saw that my spouse was watching from the bathroom window. He then went to change into his shorts and returned to have a car-side conversation with the Civic fellow for the next hour and a half.
However, the most ominous scenario is as follows:
The Civic fellow dropped off the short fellow at around minutes to 11 on Friday, 6-7-18. They both chatted on the verandah for a few minutes and then the high-stepping intoxicated-looking Civic driver stepped out onto the driveway as he made a call on his cell, shouting;“Jolly? Jolly?” Apparently, Jolly must have given certain instructions as (to our eternal shock and amazement – watching from our bathroom window - at how brazen this fellow was) he lifted his tee-shirt and retrieved what seemed to be a wrapped-up pistol from his waist. He then returned to the verandah to give this thing to the short fellow.
Soon after that, the woman in the silver AD-Wagon drove up. (Jolly?) The three chatted on the verandah for a while. But, hours after the conversation had died, they still lingered there after 1 am, as if waiting for something or for something to happen – yet, none lived at the premises. This seemed more than strange.
At minutes to 2:00 am, my spouse and I heard a branch break, as if someone had scaled the wall and landed on said branch – subsequent sounds from the dry trash we’d rigged confirmed that someone was invading our yard and seemingly heading toward our bedroom window. The sound ceased after we’d quickly switched on a bright light we’d recently rigged there while we simultaneously placed a call to the police. While I engaged the police on the phone, my spouse went to our bathroom window again and saw and heard the short fellow panting and coughing. Apparently, he might have been the one in our yard, while the others waited.
The police came and went without much ado, citing the fact that they were not about to disturb people on their verandah. However, before heading north, they did reverse their vehicle to have a look at these people and subsequently indicated that there was no sign of them.
Perhaps another significant fact is that, immediately after the police left, the Civic-driver emerged to look up the road, as if to confirm that the police was gone. He returned to the verandah and then quickly went to the passenger-side of his vehicle, from which he seemed to retrieve a package (similar to the first one) from under the seat. In another brazen and bizarre display, this fellow engaged in actions which seemed reminiscent of those employed by TV characters when ejecting a round from a pistol’s chamber to store the gun, for example. He then returned to the verandah and apparently handed this second package to the short fellow (who’d be staying for the night and not at risk of a spot-check from police, for instance).
All three then headed through the gate as the woman bolted for her car, omitting the usual parting-rituals. The two fellows lingered for another five minutes, casting furtive glances at our bathroom window as they uttered nervous laughter before the Civic driver drove off and the short fellow returned to the premises.
Based on all the evidence, I believe it’s reasonable to consider that this could have been a hit – thwarted. And, based on all the evidence (some of which is with-held, for brevity) I believe it’s also reasonable to consider that both Mr Cli Cam and Mr Mich Bail (and Mrs Ela Che, by extension) might well be culpable in a possible plot geared at my demise. And this is why I seek the police’s urgent intervention.
On Monday, 16-7-18, my spouse and I both heard the sound of someone quietly tampering with the roof over our bathroom. I immediately phoned the police and then suggested to the intruder that he might have enough time to kill me before the police arrived, but that he could well be shot by the police on his way out. And apparently my argument was convincing, as apparently abandoned his mission, and the police saw no sign of him when they arrived.
We’ve surmised that the trash we’d rigged was too noisy for the intruder, and so on his subsequent visit he took a direct route from the dividing wall to our southern mango-tree which landed him above our bathroom. The nearest branches of that tree have since been cut.
On Tuesday, 17-7-18, someone (not a resident here) mercilessly hit a stray dog in our backyard. It's possible that our shouts to alert neighbours to the fact that murders might be in our yard might have caused a halt in further proceedings that night - i.e. in addition to our pointing out who the murderers might be connected with. But, thankfully, we survive until now.
My spouse continues to refuse all efforts to have her leave (not even insults or locking her out has so far worked) and so we both continue to endure sleepless nights as we watch for and await the next attempt, and the next. However, we cannot continue to depend so heavily on luck and prayers alone. And this is why we seek your help.
Please warn those who might be behind this so that, hopefully, they call off their plans. A simple phone-call or two from the police today could possibly save two lives. Please help us!
Thanks for your indulgence.
  A second email to the police, months later at the beginning of 2019: 
Jan 3 at 10:38 PM
I’d sent you an email on the 24th of July asking for your assistance in having the police address a perceived threat to my life. A simple warning was all that was needed to hopefully deter the individuals suspected to be behind this alleged scheme, and I apologize for having had to bother you for something a local station could easily and promptly have addressed (and I did try to get this and other previous and related matters fairly dealt with – to no avail, mostly) but that’s an issue I’d prefer not to elaborate too much on. Suffice it to say, I now strive to avoid channels where my issues seem to be perennially ignored or slighted, despite personnel changes.
However, the first of my two reasons for this email is to thank you and your officers for your intervention, which I sincerely believe has so far saved my life and that of my spouse.
We are extremely grateful to you sir and to the Superintendent who assigned the outstanding Inspector to a task he thankfully accomplished – i.e. a warning to one of the two suspected perpetrators, which I’m sure has preserved our lives for the time being.
Nevertheless, aside from the fact that other officers have tactfully hinted that said Inspector’s current job-description dictates that a pure-bred ‘investigator’ may be better suited to my ongoing situation, the Inspector himself (by his subsequent actions and scarce words to me since our initial interview, despite ongoing events) has apparently hinted that perhaps he’d prefer not to continue. Whether the latter is influenced in part by the fore-mentioned factors (which – again – I’d prefer not to elaborate too much on) I can’t say for sure. Nevertheless, I wish the gentleman all the best.
Still, the forgoing is indicative of why I believe my on-going issues would be better served by an impartial investigator who is far removed from and immune to whatever factors which might have influenced others in the past to look pass the relevant issues at hand to perhaps be influenced by malicious gossip which originates from the very enemies who perennially offend me (including blatant criminal offences) and get away with it.
What has happened since the Inspector’s warning is that the ‘suspected’ assassin had ceased to use the premises to my south (occasionally) as his base since July/August, 2018. However, the fact that he was again seen there in December, arguably points to the fact that a mere warning to only one of the two suspected sponsors of my murder-contract might not have been enough of a deterrent.
What has transpired since then is that I’d rented a room in May to an individual who was recommended to me by a trusted acquaintance. (This was on a temporary 6-month basis - as-is, and bereft of a kitchen - as a favour to my acquaintance, and just to alleviate a crisis where the applicant faced water-lock-off and an impending eviction). I’ve since been informed that he was sent by someone else to my acquaintance for the purpose. Based on this tenant’s subsequent actions and utterances, I’ve established that this person was sent by an individual who is firmly on my enemies’ ‘bandwagon.’
Cutting a long story short, in addition to several other unauthorized actions, and even instances where he knocked at my door to make unsolicited ‘suggestions’ en-route to proffering insulting remarks which could only have originated with the person who sent him, this fellow insisted on parking his gas-stove and other belongings in an unauthorized section of my premises (normally reserved for storage of my own belongings) while cooking on a car’s tyre-rim placed on a block on my kitchen-floor. And despite two previous requests over a 3-month period imploring him to use his gas-stove in that non-functional kitchen-space instead, because of the fact that the heat from his coal-fire so close to my floor would damage the tiles and loosen the grout, he persisted. So then, I simply placed the rim outside when I next encountered it on the 28th of December, 2018.
This simple action of mine resulted in the monumental wrath of both this individual and his spouse as they also objected to the fact that I’d leaned-up a bed (added to a mattress I already stored there) in the space they had captured for their own use. Having already told me that he knew “some serious badman,” I now have reason to suspect that this has something to do with an ominous phone-call I received shortly after he’d left that evening (28-12-18).
Based on what I’ve seen before and after this event on the 28th, I suspect that this individual might have suggested to my enemies perpetrating the previous murder-arrangements that some of his known ‘serious badman’ might do a better and/or quicker job. The very same night of that argument on the 28th and after receiving my ominous phone-call after he’d left, my spouse and I heard someone walking on our roof at minutes after 4:00 am. The attacker apparently went away when he heard us speaking on the phone loudly with the police at 119.
Unlike previous attempts which had come from the southerly premises, this attack came from the north (from the premises owned by those who’d approached the southerly owner with the idea of my murder, all instigated by the obsessed woman behind it all pulling the strings). I have a video of a dress-rehearsal for such an attack from the north, as husband and wife stood on their lawn and issued instructions as their hired ‘gardener/troublemaker’ scaled the wall and entered my property.
Very interestingly, the day before the attack on the 28th, the cantankerous trouble-making wife from the north returned from a one-year hiatus (caused by a suspected infidelity for which her husband had threaten her life with his own gun) to now supervise the same ‘gardener/troublemaker’ in the cutting of a branch of my ackee-tree, which could have presented an obstacle for anyone wanting to use that ackee-tree for access to my roof from that northern premises.
‘Coincidentally,’ this was the EXACT route used by the murderer the very next night. 
Some time after 4 am, my spouse had heard what sounded like a vehicle stopping somewhere near to the gate at the northern premises (where all occupants had ‘coincidentally’ left, for that particular night) and, shortly thereafter, we heard the walking on the roof coming from the direction of the very same ackee-tree. (Incidentally, the route of the intruder, and the fact that someone was walking on the roof, were also independently confirmed).
As mentioned, this attack was apparently aborted when the attacker over-heard our call to the police. However, just as the police arrived, a small white car suspected to be the get-away car which had brought the murderer to the scene, was seen driving slowly by and stopping at a gate three houses away. The driver of this car subsequently turned the car to face where I’d been talking to the officers at my own gate.
After the police left, the day dawned without further incident. But we’ve been mostly spending nights away from home since then.
Fast-forward to the night of 1-1-19 when this very same car was again seen, after this crew was apparently informed as to where we were. And this info could only have been supplied by someone in close proximity listening to a prior phone conversation between my spouse and her daughter where-in my spouse had told her daughter to meet us at Mother’s in Cross-Roads.
While there, I noticed that a fellow arrived approximately 20 minutes later, initially peering at me through the glass-window and subsequently entering to take a seat some distance away from me while casting occasional clandestine glances in my direction and sending several text-messages. Shortly after his arrival, the VERY SAME white car drove up and parked. The driver entered and took a quick glance at me and nodded almost imperceptibly at his accomplice as he walked by toward the cashiers. At this time, I walked out the door and subsequently returned to tell my spouse and her daughter that I’d be over by the police-station.
On my way over to the station, I noticed that the driver had abandoned his pretence at placing an order to now re-enter his car. My spouse later told me that the driver’s accomplice had followed me outside and was lurking when she and her daughter alighted from the store. The kind officers at the Police-Station later arranged for a police crew to transport me to my next destination (which I’ll not elaborate on at the moment).
There’s a lot more to this story, but I’ll spare you the details, some of which have already been provided in my previous e-mail and addendum, which I’ve attached for ease of reference.
In light of all the above, I sincerely implore you to assign an impartial investigator (who’ll not be influenced by irrelevant and malicious gossip) to look into this matter. 
[Also, further evidence of past events and offences can be provided to any investigator you assign. For example, I'll attach a picture of what's left of my outside bathroom's ceiling after ceiling-tiles were removed and neatly packed on the floor one night in another attempted break-in, previously. This is fairly 'concrete' evidence of what these people are about, and it's unfortunate that the two sponsors of these things feel empowered to continue. And one can only wonder if a previous warning was not taken seriously because of contradicting signs which might have (inadvertently?) re-assured the perpetrators.]
We (my spouse and I) leave it all in your hands (and in the hands of God) in hopes that justice will finally be served.
Thanks again for your previous assistance, and for any further assistance you may render in this ongoing matter.
    This next email to a related police-entity was not yet sent at the time of this posting:
Further to our conversation this morning (and subsequent to my initial e-mail to you) I’ve pasted copies of a few e-mails which may prove helpful with regard to your request and also with regard to any further investigation which may or may not ensue.
I should stress, however, that I do not seek serious action against any police officer who may have misunderstood the gravity of the relevant issues
As one who has suffered the (near death) consequences of officials’ gullibility and propensity to entertain, encourage, and to adversely react to hear-say and malicious gossip, I should also stress my own conviction that such things should be vigorously discouraged.
Yesterday, I came very close to being killed because individuals at a particular police-station decided that they could not or would not provide an escort out of a situation where forces amassed against me. I can only hope they misunderstood the full gravity of the situation and mistook my plight as a ploy to finagle a free ride home.
In walking along Half-Way-Tree Road, early that morning (after spending another night away from home) my spouse and I realized we were being followed by a fellow we’d passed lurking on a side-road. Luckily, we got a police patrol to drop us off close to the nearest police-station, as the crew was unable to drop us home which was too far out of their way. While there at the station, we noticed more and more that we were being watched by more and more people (male and female) one or two of whom lurked outside, while others walked by several times at varying intervals (all taking a glance at my face) with several actually taking seats beside me with no obvious business at the station – texting or talking on their phones (and directly to each other in a few instances). After overhearing an officer citing an August Town emergency as the reason he declined to assist me out of the situation, one of these watchers on his phone some distance away was heard to say, “Dem naw help him.” Another fellow lurking on the outside was also known to us, as he’d done the very same thing on a previous occasion. I have video footage of this and a few of the other watchers. 
A point I’d neglected to mention in previous posts elsewhere is that, at one stage, a car drove by with one of the two occupants (none of whom I knew) tauntingly shouting; “Winston, yu good!” This left no doubt that I was the focus of these people, and (with all things considered) it also left no doubt as to what their aim was......
.......Hopefully, the information provided will be helpful in any ensuing investigation, as per your request. 
Perhaps it would also be helpful if the investigator assigned to this case (if any such case ensues) would inform both main sponsors of my murder-contract, and especially the Cam fellow to my south, that; instead of spending so much to be rid of me, he could simply embark on a process to buy my house (cheaply, because of damage from his termites – less the value of a replacement roof) and resell it at a profit. There are hindrances (such as the theft and hiding of a will to prevent me from selling before now – partly in order to facilitate previous acts to ensure my detriment) but I’m now sure such obstacles can be surmounted. If he’d looked more closely into the matter, he’d have probably learned that I’ve always been of a mind to sell and relocate to more desirable regions (a dream of mine since childhood, known by both my main female enemies). So, unknowingly acceding to my remaining enemy’s demand to have me killed is not only self-defeating for him and his co-sponsor and also their manipulator (considering the likely consequences of imprisonment, and also exposure of their deeds by several articles and a book I’ve already written - with the book already released without names, but with the articles with their names subject to release in the event of my murder) but such a course holds the guarantee of being rid of me (and I of them) with no-one dead and no-one going to prison (and exposed in news-articles and social media as murderous individuals who can’t be trusted not to do it again if given the chance).
Thanks for your consideration in all the relevant issues.
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Contest: Win a Blu-ray copy of Lucio Fulci’s ZOMBIE: Limited Edition
A gory basic
Take a chunk out of this contest: Win a Blu-ray copy of ZOMBIE: Restricted Version.
It is new launch Tuesday, which implies we’re persevering with our streak of making a gift of nice Blu-rays from our associates at MVD Leisure. At present’s launch is designed to scare your pants off and gross you out — suddenly!
Step on down on your probability to win a Blu-ray copy of Lucio Fulci’s basic horror movie ZOMBIE.
When a ship owned by a famend scientist reaches NY city with a zombie on board, the scientist’s daughter, a journalist, and others got down to discover the reason for the incident. After they arrive on a tropical island, they discover the place overrun by the strolling useless! This gory cinematic masterpiece has virtually as many names because it does nationwide bans, however you may simply name it ZOMBIE.
This 40th Anniversary Restricted Version boasts a 4k restoration from the movie’s uncut and uncensored adverse. All the higher to see that splinter go into your eye! This set contains a reversible cowl, a second Blu-ray disc loaded with additional options, and a soundtrack CD of the film’s unique rating.
We’re going to eat you.
To enter to win your copy, remark under telling us your favourite zombie-related loss of life in media. It may be in movie, literature, video video games — wherever you get your kicks. I am not going to call every other movies, however a sure lawnmower scene from one other basic zombie movie has at all times been a favourite of mine. What can I say? I kick ass for the Lord.
Now we have two Blu-rays to offer out. Winners shall be drawn Monday, December three. As it is a bodily prize, you want a United States transport handle to be eligible to win. Be sure to remark utilizing a Dtoid account that has your present e mail handle on file. If I can not e mail you, I can not throw a zombie child at you.
ZOMBIE: Restricted Version is obtainable now from MVD Leisure. Head over to Flixist for extra probabilities to win!
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24oncloudtk-blog · 7 years
How One Major Internet Company Helps Serve Up Hate on the Web
Since its dispatch in 2013, the neo-Nazi site The Daily Stormer has rapidly turned into the go-to spot for racists on the web. Ladies are prostitutes, blacks are second rate and a shadowy Jewish scheme is arranging a genocide against white individuals. The site can consider as a part of its perusers Dylann Roof, the white adolescent who butchered nine African Americans in Charleston in 2015, and James Jackson, who lethally wounded an elderly dark man with a sword in the boulevards of New York prior this year.
Movement is up of late, as well, at racial oppressor locales like The Right Stuff, Iron March, American Renaissance and Stormfront, one of the most seasoned white patriot destinations on the web.
The operations of such outrageous locales are made conceivable, to a limited extent, by a generally extremely standard web organization — Cloudflare. Situated in San Francisco, Cloudflare works more than 100 server farms spread over the world, filling in as a kind of go between for sites — accelerating conveyance of a site's substance and shielding it from a few sorts of assaults. Cloudflare says that somewhere in the range of 10 percent of web solicitations move through its system, and the organization's standard customers extend from the FBI to the dating webpage OKCupid.
The across the board utilization of Cloudflare's administrations by bigot gatherings is not a mishap. Cloudflare has said it is not in the matter of editing sites and won't deny its administrations to even the most hostile purveyors of loathe.
"A site is discourse. It is not a bomb," Cloudflare's CEO Matthew Prince wrote in a 2013 blog entry guarding his organization's position. "There is no fast approaching risk it makes and no supplier has a positive commitment to screen and make conclusions about the hypothetically destructive nature of discourse a site may contain."
Cloudflare likewise has an additional interest to destinations, for example, The Daily Stormer. It swings over to the loathe destinations the individual data of individuals who censure their substance. For example, when a peruser makes sense of that Cloudflare is the web organization serving locales like The Daily Stormer, they infrequently keep in touch with the organization to challenge. Cloudflare, per its approach, then transfers the name and email address of the individual grumbling to the loathe site, regularly to the astonishment and lament of those griping.
This has prompted crusades of badgering against those sending in to challenge the hostile material. Individuals have been undermined and annoyed.
ProPublica contacted a modest bunch of individuals focused by The Daily Stormer after they or somebody near them grumbled to Cloudflare about the site's substance. Everything except three declined to chat on the record, refering to dread of further badgering or a yearning to not remember it. Most said they had no clue their report would be passed on, however Cloudflare states on the detailing structure that they "will advise the site proprietor."
"I didn't know that my data would be sent on. I assume I, gullibly, had a desire of protection," said Jennifer Dalton, who had whined that The Daily Stormer was requesting that its perusers annoy Twitter clients after the decision.
Andrew Anglin, the proprietor of The Daily Stormer, has been authentic about how he feels about individuals announcing his site for its substance.
"We have to make it clear to these individuals that there are outcomes for disturbing us," Anglin wrote in one online post. "We are not a bundle of children to be kicked around. We will deliver retribution. What's more, we will do it now."
ProPublica got some information about its arrangement of sharing data on the individuals who grumble about supremacist destinations. The attorney, Doug Kramer, Cloudflare's general insight, safeguarded the organization's arrangements by saying it is "base established law that individuals can confront their informers." Kramer proposed that a portion of the general population assaulting Cloudflare's clients had their own faulty thought processes.
Despise destinations, for example, The Daily Stormer have turned into a concentration of extraordinary enthusiasm since the racially divisive 2016 race — how well known they are, who bolsters them, how they are financed. A large portion of their administrators upheld Donald Trump and spread an assortment of paranoid ideas gone for harming Hillary Clinton. Be that as it may, they plainly have additionally turned into a recharged wellspring of worry for law implementation.
In declaration Tuesday before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Chief Will D. Johnson, seat of the International Association of Chiefs of Police Human and Civil Rights Committee, highlighted the scope and risk of detest on the Internet.
"The web gives radicals an uncommon capacity to spread loathe and select adherents," he said. "Singular racists and sorted out abhor bunches now have the ability to contact a worldwide gathering of people of millions and to convey among similarly invested people effortlessly, modestly, and secretly.
"Despite the fact that detest discourse is hostile and harmful, the First Amendment for the most part secures such expression," Johnson said. "In any case, there is a developing pattern to utilize the Internet to threaten and disturb people on the premise of their race, religion, sexual introduction, sex, sex character, incapacity, or national starting point."
A glance at Cloudflare's arrangements and operations reveals some insight into how locales advancing combustible discourse and even vicious conduct can exist and even flourish.
Jacob Sommer, a legal advisor with broad involvement in web protection and security issues, said there is no legitimate necessity for an organization like Cloudflare to direct the locales on their administration, however numerous network access suppliers decide to. It comes down to an organization's feeling of corporate duty, he said.
Generally, Sommer stated, a ton of organizations don't need "this stuff" on their systems. He said those organizations oppose having their systems turn into "a hive of loathe discourse."
Jonathan Vick, relate chief for investigative innovation and cyberhate reaction at the Anti-Defamation League, concurs. He said that a significant number of the hosts they converse with need to get loathe destinations off their systems.
"Indeed, even the most obstinate of them, when they're given proof of something truly risky, they do react," he said.
Cloudflare has raised at any rate $180 million in funding since its origin in 2009, a lot of it from the absolute most unmistakable investment firms and tech organizations in the nation. The administration is what's known as a substance conveyance system, and offers insurance from a few digital dangers including "refusal of administration" assaults, where several PCs make solicitations to a site without a moment's delay, overpowering it and cutting it down.
Organization authorities have said Cloudflare's center conviction is in the free and open nature of the web. In any case, given its outsize part in ensuring a scope of sites, Cloudflare has gotten itself the objective of commentators.
In 2015, the organization experienced harsh criticism from the programmer aggregate Anonymous for purportedly permitting ISIS purposeful publicity destinations on its system. At the time, Prince, the organization's CEO, expelled the claim as "easy chair investigation by children," and disclosed to Fox Business that the organization would not intentionally acknowledge cash from a fear monger association.
Kramer, in a meeting with ProPublica, emphasized that the organization would not acknowledge cash from ISIS. Be that as it may, he said that was not for good or moral reasons. Or maybe, he stated, Cloudflare did not have dealings with fear mongers gatherings, for example, ISIS in light of the fact that there are noteworthy and particular laws confining them from doing as such.
At last, Kramer stated, dingy and frightful locales made up a small part of the organization's customers.
"We have 6 million clients," he told ProPublica. "It's anything but difficult to discover these edge cases."
One of the general population ProPublica talked with whose data had been imparted to The Daily Stormer's administrators said his objection had been posted on the site, yet that he was "not intrigued by discussing my experience as it's not something I need to return to." Someone else whose data was posted on the site said that while she got a couple of odd messages, she didn't know her data had been made open. She followed up to state she would forsake her email account now that she knew.
"The whole circumstance makes me feel uneasy," she said.
Scott Ernest had grumbled about The Daily Stormer's lead after Anglin, its proprietor, had utilized the site to professedly badger a lady in the town of Whitefish, Montana. After his grumbling, Ernest ended up on the less than desirable end of around two dozen pestering messages or telephone calls.
"Fuck off and bite the dust," read one email. "Leave and kick the bucket," read another. Those remarking on the site guessed on everything from Ernest's cleanliness to asking, suggestively, why it showed up in a Facebook post that Ernest had a kid at his home.
Ernest said the messages and telephone calls he got were not damaging, but rather they were stressing.
"His dangers of badgering can transform into brutality," he said of Anglin.
Anglin shows up very alright with his course of action with Cloudflare. It doesn't cost him much either — just $200 a month, as indicated by open posts on the site.
"[A]ny protestations recorded against the site go to Cloudflare, and Cloudflare then sends me an email disclosing to me somebody said I was accomplishing something awful and that it is my obligation to make sense of in the event that I am doing that," he wrote in a 2015 post on his site. "Cloudflare does not control content, so it is good for nothing."
Delegates from Rackspace and GoDaddy, two famous web has, said they attempt to control the sorts of locales on their administrations. For Rackspace, that implies adhering to a meaningful boundary at facilitating racial oppressor substance or despise discourse. For GoDaddy, that implies not facilitating the kind of harsh distribution of individual data that Anglin much of the time participates in.
"There is surely content that, while we regard the right to speak freely, we don't
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advertphoto · 4 years
Child Custody Attorney Salt Lake City Utah
Child custody is a legal term regarding guardianship which is used to describe the legal and practical relationship between a parent or guardian and a child in that person’s care. Child custody consists of legal custody, which is the right to make decisions about the child, and physical custody, which is the right and duty to house, provide and care for the child. Married parents normally have joint legal and physical custody of their children. Decisions about child custody typically arise in proceedings involving divorce, annulment, separation, adoption or parental death. In most jurisdictions child custody is determined in accordance with the best interests of the child standard.
Following ratification of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child in most countries, terms such as parental responsibility, “residence” and “contact” (also known as “visitation”, “conservatorship” or “parenting time” in the United States) have superseded the concepts of “custody” and “access” in some member nations. Instead of a parent having “custody” of or “access” to a child, a child is now said to “reside” or have “contact” with a parent.
People commonly believe that the issue of child custody of the minor children in a divorce case will always go in favor of the Mother unless she is shown to be “unfit.” Our child custody lawyers in Utah know that this just isn’t true. Unfitness is what the state must prove (and by clear and convincing evidence) before it can take children away from their parents permanently, or what Grandparents must prove if they want to try to get custody instead of one or both parents, and that process usually plays itself out in the context of a child welfare proceeding in the Juvenile Court where both parents have been accused of abuse or neglect of the minor children.
In the divorce context, where the decision is almost always between the Father and the Mother, both of whom are probably good parents, the question becomes what would be in the children’s “best interest,” i.e., who is likely to be the better parent for these children going forward. There is no legal presumption that this will be the Mother. This “best interest” standard takes into account a myriad of factors, from who has been the children’s primary care provider in the past, to who is more compatible with the children. The bottom line is that child custody is generally awarded to the parent who appears best able to provide the stability, nurturing and training that the children need to help them grow up to be happy, well-adjusted adults and contributing members of society. The attorneys at Ascent Law LLC have the expertise and years of experience as Utah child custody lawyers to help you and your children find and implement the best solution for your unique family dynamic.
The different forms of physical custody include: • Sole custody, an arrangement whereby only one parent has physical custody of the child. The other non-custodial parent would typically have regular visitation rights. • Joint physical custody, a shared parenting arrangement where both parents have the child for approximately equal amounts of time, and where both are custodial parents. • Bird’s nest custody, a type of joint physical custody whereby the parents go back and forth from a residence in which the child always reside, placing the burden of upheaval and movement on the parents rather than the child. • Split custody, an arrangement whereby one parent has sole custody over some children, and the other parent has sole custody over the remaining children. • Alternating custody, an arrangement whereby the child lives for an extended period of time with one parent and an alternate amount of time with the other parent. This type of arrangement is also referred to as divided custody. • Third-party custody, an arrangement whereby the children do not remain with either biological parent, or are placed under the custody of a third person. • Are you facing a difficult time in your life going through issues such as: Separation, Divorce, Child Support, Child Custody or Alimony? You need to act fast to protect your assets, your rights and the people you love. Porter Law Firm is an experienced Family Law Firm that is dedicated to resolving your Family Law issues. We are compassionate and understand that nothing is more personal than legal issues relating to your family. We strive for excellence in our representation with contested and uncontested Divorces, Child Custody, Alimony, Paternity, Child Support, Paternity, Modification of Decrees, Adoption and any other Family Law need you may have. • Are You Going Through A Difficult Time In Your Life Facing Issues Such As: Divorce, Separation, Child Custody, Child Support, Or Division Of Property? Do you need divorce or family law representation? Are you losing sleep over your divorce, child support or child custody concerns? Are you worried about the division of property? • If the answer is “YES” then you need the help of a caring and competent legal professional! I have helped many clients in situations similar to yours and we may be able to help you through this difficult time and protect your rights and the rights of your loved ones. I am absolutely confident that we may be able to help you in your time of need. Call me today for a free consultation.
• We have experience representing clients in family law, bankruptcy and personal injury matters in the state of Utah. We have provided numerous clients with personalized legal results relating to Family Law. This includes matters such as Divorce, Child Custody, Mediation, Paternity, Adoption, Child Support and Guardianship.
Divorce Lawyer in Utah
Family law disputes, especially divorce, are among the most stressful and challenging legal issues someone can encounter. When certain issues arise as part of a divorce – for example, child support, custody, asset division, and alimony – the divorce may take several months or longer. When these factors arise we work with his clients to ensure they receive aggressive and candid representation regardless of the divorce’s complexity.
When divorcing parties have children, custody-related matters are often the most important topics to resolve. “Physical custody” refers to the allocation of time a child spends with his or her parents. “Joint physical custody” refers to the common situation in which both parents are entitled to spend at least 111 nights with the child. Joint physical custody does not necessarily mean an equal division of parent time with the child. A parent holds “sole physical custody” when he or she is awarded more than 254 nights with the child. Courts consider many factors of varying significance when assessing custody scenarios. It is important to assess the applicability of these factors and evaluate which ones will lead to a favorable outcome for the parent. Examples of these factors include keeping siblings together, the stability of the child’s environment, and considering which parent was primarily responsible for taking care of the child.
Legal Custody
Unlike physical custody, “legal custody” refers to a parent’s decision-making authority and access to information regarding the child. Joint legal custody is presumed in most cases. Legal custody empowers parents to participate in decisions regarding religious worship, medical treatment, education, and extracurricular activities. On the other hand, day-to-day decisions (for example, what the child eats or wears) are usually determined by the parent taking care of the child at the time. A dispute resolution process should always be included in parenting plans to ensure parents can reach a final decision in the event of disagreement. Whether you’ve decided to divorce or are still considering your options, call Ascent Law LLC today for a no-obligation consultation and case review at 801-676-5506.
“Alimony” refers to payments made from one party to his or her former spouse. Alimony is not automatic. It is awarded only after considering the recipient spouse’s financial need and both parties’ ability to produce income. The primary goal of an alimony award is to ensure the parties continue to enjoy, as much as possible, the standard of living experienced during the marriage. Whether alimony is awarded is highly dependent on the individual factors of a case. Alimony is most likely awarded in cases in which one party is capable of earning a higher income than the other. Considering these awards can exceed hundreds of thousands of dollars, neither party can ignore the importance of alimony.
Child Support
Utah courts routinely order parents to make regular “child support” payments to the other parent. Child support is not a fixed amount; instead, child support is determined by applying specific guidelines to the parties’ unique situation. Specifically, child support is calculated by considering the number of children involved, the number nights spent with each parent, and the parties’ respective incomes. The child support amount can be adjusted as any of these factors change. For instance, if the noncustodial parent’s income decreases then his or her child support obligation will likely decrease as a result. In addition, child support payments decrease or discontinue entirely when a child turns 18 or graduates from high school, whichever occurs later.
Property and Debt Division
Divorcing parties must regularly examine their situation in order to determine the best way to divide ownership of property and responsibility for debt after the marriage. If the property is deemed non-marital property, then it is easier for the owner to retain the property after the divorce. The same principle applies to whether a debt is the responsibility of one or both of the parties. Assets and debts included the marital estate must be divided among the parties “equitably.” This often requires a combination of mediation or litigation to determine the exact method that assets and debts will be allocated. Marital assets often have both economic and sentimental value, which means that disputes over these assets can be frustrating for parties without an attorney.
Winning strategies for custody & divorce
Families thrive in places where they can work together and communicate properly. If your family has a focus on long-term growth, all members will feel that they become natural parts of something much bigger. However, when communication breaks down, strategies can be implemented to keep the family ‘fabric’ together although there may be several different venues, such as mom’s home and dad’s apartment.
No hard and fast rule exists to fix divorce, which is why I work on dispute resolution and getting custody of children agreed upon.
Protecting the Best Interests of the Child
In determining child custody matters, the law places the best interests of the child above all other considerations. However, parents do not always agree on what is in the best interests of the child. Certain issues may make custody complex. If you are getting divorced or separated and your ex is requesting more access than you feel is in the child’s best interests, it is very important to consult with an experienced child custody lawyer. Our knowledge of Utah child custody laws allows us to facilitate the development of the required child custody and parenting plan in an effective and efficient manner. We can also assist you with modifications to child custody orders should the need arise.
If you are engaged in a child custody dispute, our aggressive trial lawyers are here to fight for your rights. While a prostrated legal battle is hardly ever in the child’s best interests, operating from a position of strength is a key element in achieving what is best for you and your child.
Contact a Utah Child Custody Law Firm
Are you facing a divorce in the state of Utah? Contact us today online or by telephone at (801) 676-5506 to arrange a consultation with a knowledgeable Salt Lake City divorce lawyer. We have offices throughout the state of Utah.
Salt Lake City Utah Child Custody Attorney Free Consultation
When you need legal help with child custody in Salt Lake City Utah, please call Ascent Law LLC for your free consultation (801) 676-5506. We want to help you.
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
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Source: https://www.ascentlawfirm.com/child-custody-attorney-salt-lake-city-utah/
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aretia · 4 years
Child Custody Attorney Salt Lake City Utah
Child custody is a legal term regarding guardianship which is used to describe the legal and practical relationship between a parent or guardian and a child in that person’s care. Child custody consists of legal custody, which is the right to make decisions about the child, and physical custody, which is the right and duty to house, provide and care for the child. Married parents normally have joint legal and physical custody of their children. Decisions about child custody typically arise in proceedings involving divorce, annulment, separation, adoption or parental death. In most jurisdictions child custody is determined in accordance with the best interests of the child standard.
Following ratification of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child in most countries, terms such as parental responsibility, “residence” and “contact” (also known as “visitation”, “conservatorship” or “parenting time” in the United States) have superseded the concepts of “custody” and “access” in some member nations. Instead of a parent having “custody” of or “access” to a child, a child is now said to “reside” or have “contact” with a parent.
People commonly believe that the issue of child custody of the minor children in a divorce case will always go in favor of the Mother unless she is shown to be “unfit.” Our child custody lawyers in Utah know that this just isn’t true. Unfitness is what the state must prove (and by clear and convincing evidence) before it can take children away from their parents permanently, or what Grandparents must prove if they want to try to get custody instead of one or both parents, and that process usually plays itself out in the context of a child welfare proceeding in the Juvenile Court where both parents have been accused of abuse or neglect of the minor children.
In the divorce context, where the decision is almost always between the Father and the Mother, both of whom are probably good parents, the question becomes what would be in the children’s “best interest,” i.e., who is likely to be the better parent for these children going forward. There is no legal presumption that this will be the Mother. This “best interest” standard takes into account a myriad of factors, from who has been the children’s primary care provider in the past, to who is more compatible with the children. The bottom line is that child custody is generally awarded to the parent who appears best able to provide the stability, nurturing and training that the children need to help them grow up to be happy, well-adjusted adults and contributing members of society. The attorneys at Ascent Law LLC have the expertise and years of experience as Utah child custody lawyers to help you and your children find and implement the best solution for your unique family dynamic.
The different forms of physical custody include: • Sole custody, an arrangement whereby only one parent has physical custody of the child. The other non-custodial parent would typically have regular visitation rights. • Joint physical custody, a shared parenting arrangement where both parents have the child for approximately equal amounts of time, and where both are custodial parents. • Bird’s nest custody, a type of joint physical custody whereby the parents go back and forth from a residence in which the child always reside, placing the burden of upheaval and movement on the parents rather than the child. • Split custody, an arrangement whereby one parent has sole custody over some children, and the other parent has sole custody over the remaining children. • Alternating custody, an arrangement whereby the child lives for an extended period of time with one parent and an alternate amount of time with the other parent. This type of arrangement is also referred to as divided custody. • Third-party custody, an arrangement whereby the children do not remain with either biological parent, or are placed under the custody of a third person. • Are you facing a difficult time in your life going through issues such as: Separation, Divorce, Child Support, Child Custody or Alimony? You need to act fast to protect your assets, your rights and the people you love. Porter Law Firm is an experienced Family Law Firm that is dedicated to resolving your Family Law issues. We are compassionate and understand that nothing is more personal than legal issues relating to your family. We strive for excellence in our representation with contested and uncontested Divorces, Child Custody, Alimony, Paternity, Child Support, Paternity, Modification of Decrees, Adoption and any other Family Law need you may have. • Are You Going Through A Difficult Time In Your Life Facing Issues Such As: Divorce, Separation, Child Custody, Child Support, Or Division Of Property? Do you need divorce or family law representation? Are you losing sleep over your divorce, child support or child custody concerns? Are you worried about the division of property? • If the answer is “YES” then you need the help of a caring and competent legal professional! I have helped many clients in situations similar to yours and we may be able to help you through this difficult time and protect your rights and the rights of your loved ones. I am absolutely confident that we may be able to help you in your time of need. Call me today for a free consultation.
• We have experience representing clients in family law, bankruptcy and personal injury matters in the state of Utah. We have provided numerous clients with personalized legal results relating to Family Law. This includes matters such as Divorce, Child Custody, Mediation, Paternity, Adoption, Child Support and Guardianship.
Divorce Lawyer in Utah
Family law disputes, especially divorce, are among the most stressful and challenging legal issues someone can encounter. When certain issues arise as part of a divorce – for example, child support, custody, asset division, and alimony – the divorce may take several months or longer. When these factors arise we work with his clients to ensure they receive aggressive and candid representation regardless of the divorce’s complexity.
When divorcing parties have children, custody-related matters are often the most important topics to resolve. “Physical custody” refers to the allocation of time a child spends with his or her parents. “Joint physical custody” refers to the common situation in which both parents are entitled to spend at least 111 nights with the child. Joint physical custody does not necessarily mean an equal division of parent time with the child. A parent holds “sole physical custody” when he or she is awarded more than 254 nights with the child. Courts consider many factors of varying significance when assessing custody scenarios. It is important to assess the applicability of these factors and evaluate which ones will lead to a favorable outcome for the parent. Examples of these factors include keeping siblings together, the stability of the child’s environment, and considering which parent was primarily responsible for taking care of the child.
Legal Custody
Unlike physical custody, “legal custody” refers to a parent’s decision-making authority and access to information regarding the child. Joint legal custody is presumed in most cases. Legal custody empowers parents to participate in decisions regarding religious worship, medical treatment, education, and extracurricular activities. On the other hand, day-to-day decisions (for example, what the child eats or wears) are usually determined by the parent taking care of the child at the time. A dispute resolution process should always be included in parenting plans to ensure parents can reach a final decision in the event of disagreement. Whether you’ve decided to divorce or are still considering your options, call Ascent Law LLC today for a no-obligation consultation and case review at 801-676-5506.
“Alimony” refers to payments made from one party to his or her former spouse. Alimony is not automatic. It is awarded only after considering the recipient spouse’s financial need and both parties’ ability to produce income. The primary goal of an alimony award is to ensure the parties continue to enjoy, as much as possible, the standard of living experienced during the marriage. Whether alimony is awarded is highly dependent on the individual factors of a case. Alimony is most likely awarded in cases in which one party is capable of earning a higher income than the other. Considering these awards can exceed hundreds of thousands of dollars, neither party can ignore the importance of alimony.
Child Support
Utah courts routinely order parents to make regular “child support” payments to the other parent. Child support is not a fixed amount; instead, child support is determined by applying specific guidelines to the parties’ unique situation. Specifically, child support is calculated by considering the number of children involved, the number nights spent with each parent, and the parties’ respective incomes. The child support amount can be adjusted as any of these factors change. For instance, if the noncustodial parent’s income decreases then his or her child support obligation will likely decrease as a result. In addition, child support payments decrease or discontinue entirely when a child turns 18 or graduates from high school, whichever occurs later.
Property and Debt Division
Divorcing parties must regularly examine their situation in order to determine the best way to divide ownership of property and responsibility for debt after the marriage. If the property is deemed non-marital property, then it is easier for the owner to retain the property after the divorce. The same principle applies to whether a debt is the responsibility of one or both of the parties. Assets and debts included the marital estate must be divided among the parties “equitably.” This often requires a combination of mediation or litigation to determine the exact method that assets and debts will be allocated. Marital assets often have both economic and sentimental value, which means that disputes over these assets can be frustrating for parties without an attorney.
Winning strategies for custody & divorce
Families thrive in places where they can work together and communicate properly. If your family has a focus on long-term growth, all members will feel that they become natural parts of something much bigger. However, when communication breaks down, strategies can be implemented to keep the family ‘fabric’ together although there may be several different venues, such as mom’s home and dad’s apartment.
No hard and fast rule exists to fix divorce, which is why I work on dispute resolution and getting custody of children agreed upon.
Protecting the Best Interests of the Child
In determining child custody matters, the law places the best interests of the child above all other considerations. However, parents do not always agree on what is in the best interests of the child. Certain issues may make custody complex. If you are getting divorced or separated and your ex is requesting more access than you feel is in the child’s best interests, it is very important to consult with an experienced child custody lawyer. Our knowledge of Utah child custody laws allows us to facilitate the development of the required child custody and parenting plan in an effective and efficient manner. We can also assist you with modifications to child custody orders should the need arise.
If you are engaged in a child custody dispute, our aggressive trial lawyers are here to fight for your rights. While a prostrated legal battle is hardly ever in the child’s best interests, operating from a position of strength is a key element in achieving what is best for you and your child.
Contact a Utah Child Custody Law Firm
Are you facing a divorce in the state of Utah? Contact us today online or by telephone at (801) 676-5506 to arrange a consultation with a knowledgeable Salt Lake City divorce lawyer. We have offices throughout the state of Utah.
Salt Lake City Utah Child Custody Attorney Free Consultation
When you need legal help with child custody in Salt Lake City Utah, please call Ascent Law LLC for your free consultation (801) 676-5506. We want to help you.
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
4.9 stars – based on 67 reviews
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Source: https://www.ascentlawfirm.com/child-custody-attorney-salt-lake-city-utah/
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melissawalker01 · 4 years
Child Custody Attorney Salt Lake City Utah
Child custody is a legal term regarding guardianship which is used to describe the legal and practical relationship between a parent or guardian and a child in that person’s care. Child custody consists of legal custody, which is the right to make decisions about the child, and physical custody, which is the right and duty to house, provide and care for the child. Married parents normally have joint legal and physical custody of their children. Decisions about child custody typically arise in proceedings involving divorce, annulment, separation, adoption or parental death. In most jurisdictions child custody is determined in accordance with the best interests of the child standard.
Following ratification of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child in most countries, terms such as parental responsibility, “residence” and “contact” (also known as “visitation”, “conservatorship” or “parenting time” in the United States) have superseded the concepts of “custody” and “access” in some member nations. Instead of a parent having “custody” of or “access” to a child, a child is now said to “reside” or have “contact” with a parent.
People commonly believe that the issue of child custody of the minor children in a divorce case will always go in favor of the Mother unless she is shown to be “unfit.” Our child custody lawyers in Utah know that this just isn’t true. Unfitness is what the state must prove (and by clear and convincing evidence) before it can take children away from their parents permanently, or what Grandparents must prove if they want to try to get custody instead of one or both parents, and that process usually plays itself out in the context of a child welfare proceeding in the Juvenile Court where both parents have been accused of abuse or neglect of the minor children.
In the divorce context, where the decision is almost always between the Father and the Mother, both of whom are probably good parents, the question becomes what would be in the children’s “best interest,” i.e., who is likely to be the better parent for these children going forward. There is no legal presumption that this will be the Mother. This “best interest” standard takes into account a myriad of factors, from who has been the children’s primary care provider in the past, to who is more compatible with the children. The bottom line is that child custody is generally awarded to the parent who appears best able to provide the stability, nurturing and training that the children need to help them grow up to be happy, well-adjusted adults and contributing members of society. The attorneys at Ascent Law LLC have the expertise and years of experience as Utah child custody lawyers to help you and your children find and implement the best solution for your unique family dynamic.
The different forms of physical custody include: • Sole custody, an arrangement whereby only one parent has physical custody of the child. The other non-custodial parent would typically have regular visitation rights. • Joint physical custody, a shared parenting arrangement where both parents have the child for approximately equal amounts of time, and where both are custodial parents. • Bird’s nest custody, a type of joint physical custody whereby the parents go back and forth from a residence in which the child always reside, placing the burden of upheaval and movement on the parents rather than the child. • Split custody, an arrangement whereby one parent has sole custody over some children, and the other parent has sole custody over the remaining children. • Alternating custody, an arrangement whereby the child lives for an extended period of time with one parent and an alternate amount of time with the other parent. This type of arrangement is also referred to as divided custody. • Third-party custody, an arrangement whereby the children do not remain with either biological parent, or are placed under the custody of a third person. • Are you facing a difficult time in your life going through issues such as: Separation, Divorce, Child Support, Child Custody or Alimony? You need to act fast to protect your assets, your rights and the people you love. Porter Law Firm is an experienced Family Law Firm that is dedicated to resolving your Family Law issues. We are compassionate and understand that nothing is more personal than legal issues relating to your family. We strive for excellence in our representation with contested and uncontested Divorces, Child Custody, Alimony, Paternity, Child Support, Paternity, Modification of Decrees, Adoption and any other Family Law need you may have. • Are You Going Through A Difficult Time In Your Life Facing Issues Such As: Divorce, Separation, Child Custody, Child Support, Or Division Of Property? Do you need divorce or family law representation? Are you losing sleep over your divorce, child support or child custody concerns? Are you worried about the division of property? • If the answer is “YES” then you need the help of a caring and competent legal professional! I have helped many clients in situations similar to yours and we may be able to help you through this difficult time and protect your rights and the rights of your loved ones. I am absolutely confident that we may be able to help you in your time of need. Call me today for a free consultation.
• We have experience representing clients in family law, bankruptcy and personal injury matters in the state of Utah. We have provided numerous clients with personalized legal results relating to Family Law. This includes matters such as Divorce, Child Custody, Mediation, Paternity, Adoption, Child Support and Guardianship.
Divorce Lawyer in Utah
Family law disputes, especially divorce, are among the most stressful and challenging legal issues someone can encounter. When certain issues arise as part of a divorce – for example, child support, custody, asset division, and alimony – the divorce may take several months or longer. When these factors arise we work with his clients to ensure they receive aggressive and candid representation regardless of the divorce’s complexity.
When divorcing parties have children, custody-related matters are often the most important topics to resolve. “Physical custody” refers to the allocation of time a child spends with his or her parents. “Joint physical custody” refers to the common situation in which both parents are entitled to spend at least 111 nights with the child. Joint physical custody does not necessarily mean an equal division of parent time with the child. A parent holds “sole physical custody” when he or she is awarded more than 254 nights with the child. Courts consider many factors of varying significance when assessing custody scenarios. It is important to assess the applicability of these factors and evaluate which ones will lead to a favorable outcome for the parent. Examples of these factors include keeping siblings together, the stability of the child’s environment, and considering which parent was primarily responsible for taking care of the child.
Legal Custody
Unlike physical custody, “legal custody” refers to a parent’s decision-making authority and access to information regarding the child. Joint legal custody is presumed in most cases. Legal custody empowers parents to participate in decisions regarding religious worship, medical treatment, education, and extracurricular activities. On the other hand, day-to-day decisions (for example, what the child eats or wears) are usually determined by the parent taking care of the child at the time. A dispute resolution process should always be included in parenting plans to ensure parents can reach a final decision in the event of disagreement. Whether you’ve decided to divorce or are still considering your options, call Ascent Law LLC today for a no-obligation consultation and case review at 801-676-5506.
“Alimony” refers to payments made from one party to his or her former spouse. Alimony is not automatic. It is awarded only after considering the recipient spouse’s financial need and both parties’ ability to produce income. The primary goal of an alimony award is to ensure the parties continue to enjoy, as much as possible, the standard of living experienced during the marriage. Whether alimony is awarded is highly dependent on the individual factors of a case. Alimony is most likely awarded in cases in which one party is capable of earning a higher income than the other. Considering these awards can exceed hundreds of thousands of dollars, neither party can ignore the importance of alimony.
Child Support
Utah courts routinely order parents to make regular “child support” payments to the other parent. Child support is not a fixed amount; instead, child support is determined by applying specific guidelines to the parties’ unique situation. Specifically, child support is calculated by considering the number of children involved, the number nights spent with each parent, and the parties’ respective incomes. The child support amount can be adjusted as any of these factors change. For instance, if the noncustodial parent’s income decreases then his or her child support obligation will likely decrease as a result. In addition, child support payments decrease or discontinue entirely when a child turns 18 or graduates from high school, whichever occurs later.
Property and Debt Division
Divorcing parties must regularly examine their situation in order to determine the best way to divide ownership of property and responsibility for debt after the marriage. If the property is deemed non-marital property, then it is easier for the owner to retain the property after the divorce. The same principle applies to whether a debt is the responsibility of one or both of the parties. Assets and debts included the marital estate must be divided among the parties “equitably.” This often requires a combination of mediation or litigation to determine the exact method that assets and debts will be allocated. Marital assets often have both economic and sentimental value, which means that disputes over these assets can be frustrating for parties without an attorney.
Winning strategies for custody & divorce
Families thrive in places where they can work together and communicate properly. If your family has a focus on long-term growth, all members will feel that they become natural parts of something much bigger. However, when communication breaks down, strategies can be implemented to keep the family ‘fabric’ together although there may be several different venues, such as mom’s home and dad’s apartment.
No hard and fast rule exists to fix divorce, which is why I work on dispute resolution and getting custody of children agreed upon.
Protecting the Best Interests of the Child
In determining child custody matters, the law places the best interests of the child above all other considerations. However, parents do not always agree on what is in the best interests of the child. Certain issues may make custody complex. If you are getting divorced or separated and your ex is requesting more access than you feel is in the child’s best interests, it is very important to consult with an experienced child custody lawyer. Our knowledge of Utah child custody laws allows us to facilitate the development of the required child custody and parenting plan in an effective and efficient manner. We can also assist you with modifications to child custody orders should the need arise.
If you are engaged in a child custody dispute, our aggressive trial lawyers are here to fight for your rights. While a prostrated legal battle is hardly ever in the child’s best interests, operating from a position of strength is a key element in achieving what is best for you and your child.
Contact a Utah Child Custody Law Firm
Are you facing a divorce in the state of Utah? Contact us today online or by telephone at (801) 676-5506 to arrange a consultation with a knowledgeable Salt Lake City divorce lawyer. We have offices throughout the state of Utah.
Salt Lake City Utah Child Custody Attorney Free Consultation
When you need legal help with child custody in Salt Lake City Utah, please call Ascent Law LLC for your free consultation (801) 676-5506. We want to help you.
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
4.9 stars – based on 67 reviews
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from Michael Anderson https://www.ascentlawfirm.com/child-custody-attorney-salt-lake-city-utah/ from Divorce Lawyer Nelson Farms Utah https://divorcelawyernelsonfarmsutah.tumblr.com/post/620714053519785984
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asafeatherwould · 4 years
Child Custody Attorney Salt Lake City Utah
Child custody is a legal term regarding guardianship which is used to describe the legal and practical relationship between a parent or guardian and a child in that person’s care. Child custody consists of legal custody, which is the right to make decisions about the child, and physical custody, which is the right and duty to house, provide and care for the child. Married parents normally have joint legal and physical custody of their children. Decisions about child custody typically arise in proceedings involving divorce, annulment, separation, adoption or parental death. In most jurisdictions child custody is determined in accordance with the best interests of the child standard.
Following ratification of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child in most countries, terms such as parental responsibility, “residence” and “contact” (also known as “visitation”, “conservatorship” or “parenting time” in the United States) have superseded the concepts of “custody” and “access” in some member nations. Instead of a parent having “custody” of or “access” to a child, a child is now said to “reside” or have “contact” with a parent.
People commonly believe that the issue of child custody of the minor children in a divorce case will always go in favor of the Mother unless she is shown to be “unfit.” Our child custody lawyers in Utah know that this just isn’t true. Unfitness is what the state must prove (and by clear and convincing evidence) before it can take children away from their parents permanently, or what Grandparents must prove if they want to try to get custody instead of one or both parents, and that process usually plays itself out in the context of a child welfare proceeding in the Juvenile Court where both parents have been accused of abuse or neglect of the minor children.
In the divorce context, where the decision is almost always between the Father and the Mother, both of whom are probably good parents, the question becomes what would be in the children’s “best interest,” i.e., who is likely to be the better parent for these children going forward. There is no legal presumption that this will be the Mother. This “best interest” standard takes into account a myriad of factors, from who has been the children’s primary care provider in the past, to who is more compatible with the children. The bottom line is that child custody is generally awarded to the parent who appears best able to provide the stability, nurturing and training that the children need to help them grow up to be happy, well-adjusted adults and contributing members of society. The attorneys at Ascent Law LLC have the expertise and years of experience as Utah child custody lawyers to help you and your children find and implement the best solution for your unique family dynamic.
The different forms of physical custody include: • Sole custody, an arrangement whereby only one parent has physical custody of the child. The other non-custodial parent would typically have regular visitation rights. • Joint physical custody, a shared parenting arrangement where both parents have the child for approximately equal amounts of time, and where both are custodial parents. • Bird’s nest custody, a type of joint physical custody whereby the parents go back and forth from a residence in which the child always reside, placing the burden of upheaval and movement on the parents rather than the child. • Split custody, an arrangement whereby one parent has sole custody over some children, and the other parent has sole custody over the remaining children. • Alternating custody, an arrangement whereby the child lives for an extended period of time with one parent and an alternate amount of time with the other parent. This type of arrangement is also referred to as divided custody. • Third-party custody, an arrangement whereby the children do not remain with either biological parent, or are placed under the custody of a third person. • Are you facing a difficult time in your life going through issues such as: Separation, Divorce, Child Support, Child Custody or Alimony? You need to act fast to protect your assets, your rights and the people you love. Porter Law Firm is an experienced Family Law Firm that is dedicated to resolving your Family Law issues. We are compassionate and understand that nothing is more personal than legal issues relating to your family. We strive for excellence in our representation with contested and uncontested Divorces, Child Custody, Alimony, Paternity, Child Support, Paternity, Modification of Decrees, Adoption and any other Family Law need you may have. • Are You Going Through A Difficult Time In Your Life Facing Issues Such As: Divorce, Separation, Child Custody, Child Support, Or Division Of Property? Do you need divorce or family law representation? Are you losing sleep over your divorce, child support or child custody concerns? Are you worried about the division of property? • If the answer is “YES” then you need the help of a caring and competent legal professional! I have helped many clients in situations similar to yours and we may be able to help you through this difficult time and protect your rights and the rights of your loved ones. I am absolutely confident that we may be able to help you in your time of need. Call me today for a free consultation.
• We have experience representing clients in family law, bankruptcy and personal injury matters in the state of Utah. We have provided numerous clients with personalized legal results relating to Family Law. This includes matters such as Divorce, Child Custody, Mediation, Paternity, Adoption, Child Support and Guardianship.
Divorce Lawyer in Utah
Family law disputes, especially divorce, are among the most stressful and challenging legal issues someone can encounter. When certain issues arise as part of a divorce – for example, child support, custody, asset division, and alimony – the divorce may take several months or longer. When these factors arise we work with his clients to ensure they receive aggressive and candid representation regardless of the divorce’s complexity.
When divorcing parties have children, custody-related matters are often the most important topics to resolve. “Physical custody” refers to the allocation of time a child spends with his or her parents. “Joint physical custody” refers to the common situation in which both parents are entitled to spend at least 111 nights with the child. Joint physical custody does not necessarily mean an equal division of parent time with the child. A parent holds “sole physical custody” when he or she is awarded more than 254 nights with the child. Courts consider many factors of varying significance when assessing custody scenarios. It is important to assess the applicability of these factors and evaluate which ones will lead to a favorable outcome for the parent. Examples of these factors include keeping siblings together, the stability of the child’s environment, and considering which parent was primarily responsible for taking care of the child.
Legal Custody
Unlike physical custody, “legal custody” refers to a parent’s decision-making authority and access to information regarding the child. Joint legal custody is presumed in most cases. Legal custody empowers parents to participate in decisions regarding religious worship, medical treatment, education, and extracurricular activities. On the other hand, day-to-day decisions (for example, what the child eats or wears) are usually determined by the parent taking care of the child at the time. A dispute resolution process should always be included in parenting plans to ensure parents can reach a final decision in the event of disagreement. Whether you’ve decided to divorce or are still considering your options, call Ascent Law LLC today for a no-obligation consultation and case review at 801-676-5506.
“Alimony” refers to payments made from one party to his or her former spouse. Alimony is not automatic. It is awarded only after considering the recipient spouse’s financial need and both parties’ ability to produce income. The primary goal of an alimony award is to ensure the parties continue to enjoy, as much as possible, the standard of living experienced during the marriage. Whether alimony is awarded is highly dependent on the individual factors of a case. Alimony is most likely awarded in cases in which one party is capable of earning a higher income than the other. Considering these awards can exceed hundreds of thousands of dollars, neither party can ignore the importance of alimony.
Child Support
Utah courts routinely order parents to make regular “child support” payments to the other parent. Child support is not a fixed amount; instead, child support is determined by applying specific guidelines to the parties’ unique situation. Specifically, child support is calculated by considering the number of children involved, the number nights spent with each parent, and the parties’ respective incomes. The child support amount can be adjusted as any of these factors change. For instance, if the noncustodial parent’s income decreases then his or her child support obligation will likely decrease as a result. In addition, child support payments decrease or discontinue entirely when a child turns 18 or graduates from high school, whichever occurs later.
Property and Debt Division
Divorcing parties must regularly examine their situation in order to determine the best way to divide ownership of property and responsibility for debt after the marriage. If the property is deemed non-marital property, then it is easier for the owner to retain the property after the divorce. The same principle applies to whether a debt is the responsibility of one or both of the parties. Assets and debts included the marital estate must be divided among the parties “equitably.” This often requires a combination of mediation or litigation to determine the exact method that assets and debts will be allocated. Marital assets often have both economic and sentimental value, which means that disputes over these assets can be frustrating for parties without an attorney.
Winning strategies for custody & divorce
Families thrive in places where they can work together and communicate properly. If your family has a focus on long-term growth, all members will feel that they become natural parts of something much bigger. However, when communication breaks down, strategies can be implemented to keep the family ‘fabric’ together although there may be several different venues, such as mom’s home and dad’s apartment.
No hard and fast rule exists to fix divorce, which is why I work on dispute resolution and getting custody of children agreed upon.
Protecting the Best Interests of the Child
In determining child custody matters, the law places the best interests of the child above all other considerations. However, parents do not always agree on what is in the best interests of the child. Certain issues may make custody complex. If you are getting divorced or separated and your ex is requesting more access than you feel is in the child’s best interests, it is very important to consult with an experienced child custody lawyer. Our knowledge of Utah child custody laws allows us to facilitate the development of the required child custody and parenting plan in an effective and efficient manner. We can also assist you with modifications to child custody orders should the need arise.
If you are engaged in a child custody dispute, our aggressive trial lawyers are here to fight for your rights. While a prostrated legal battle is hardly ever in the child’s best interests, operating from a position of strength is a key element in achieving what is best for you and your child.
Contact a Utah Child Custody Law Firm
Are you facing a divorce in the state of Utah? Contact us today online or by telephone at (801) 676-5506 to arrange a consultation with a knowledgeable Salt Lake City divorce lawyer. We have offices throughout the state of Utah.
Salt Lake City Utah Child Custody Attorney Free Consultation
When you need legal help with child custody in Salt Lake City Utah, please call Ascent Law LLC for your free consultation (801) 676-5506. We want to help you.
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
4.9 stars – based on 67 reviews
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Source: https://www.ascentlawfirm.com/child-custody-attorney-salt-lake-city-utah/
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michaeljames1221 · 4 years
Child Custody Attorney Salt Lake City Utah
Child custody is a legal term regarding guardianship which is used to describe the legal and practical relationship between a parent or guardian and a child in that person’s care. Child custody consists of legal custody, which is the right to make decisions about the child, and physical custody, which is the right and duty to house, provide and care for the child. Married parents normally have joint legal and physical custody of their children. Decisions about child custody typically arise in proceedings involving divorce, annulment, separation, adoption or parental death. In most jurisdictions child custody is determined in accordance with the best interests of the child standard.
Following ratification of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child in most countries, terms such as parental responsibility, “residence” and “contact” (also known as “visitation”, “conservatorship” or “parenting time” in the United States) have superseded the concepts of “custody” and “access” in some member nations. Instead of a parent having “custody” of or “access” to a child, a child is now said to “reside” or have “contact” with a parent.
People commonly believe that the issue of child custody of the minor children in a divorce case will always go in favor of the Mother unless she is shown to be “unfit.” Our child custody lawyers in Utah know that this just isn’t true. Unfitness is what the state must prove (and by clear and convincing evidence) before it can take children away from their parents permanently, or what Grandparents must prove if they want to try to get custody instead of one or both parents, and that process usually plays itself out in the context of a child welfare proceeding in the Juvenile Court where both parents have been accused of abuse or neglect of the minor children.
In the divorce context, where the decision is almost always between the Father and the Mother, both of whom are probably good parents, the question becomes what would be in the children’s “best interest,” i.e., who is likely to be the better parent for these children going forward. There is no legal presumption that this will be the Mother. This “best interest” standard takes into account a myriad of factors, from who has been the children’s primary care provider in the past, to who is more compatible with the children. The bottom line is that child custody is generally awarded to the parent who appears best able to provide the stability, nurturing and training that the children need to help them grow up to be happy, well-adjusted adults and contributing members of society. The attorneys at Ascent Law LLC have the expertise and years of experience as Utah child custody lawyers to help you and your children find and implement the best solution for your unique family dynamic.
The different forms of physical custody include: • Sole custody, an arrangement whereby only one parent has physical custody of the child. The other non-custodial parent would typically have regular visitation rights. • Joint physical custody, a shared parenting arrangement where both parents have the child for approximately equal amounts of time, and where both are custodial parents. • Bird’s nest custody, a type of joint physical custody whereby the parents go back and forth from a residence in which the child always reside, placing the burden of upheaval and movement on the parents rather than the child. • Split custody, an arrangement whereby one parent has sole custody over some children, and the other parent has sole custody over the remaining children. • Alternating custody, an arrangement whereby the child lives for an extended period of time with one parent and an alternate amount of time with the other parent. This type of arrangement is also referred to as divided custody. • Third-party custody, an arrangement whereby the children do not remain with either biological parent, or are placed under the custody of a third person. • Are you facing a difficult time in your life going through issues such as: Separation, Divorce, Child Support, Child Custody or Alimony? You need to act fast to protect your assets, your rights and the people you love. Porter Law Firm is an experienced Family Law Firm that is dedicated to resolving your Family Law issues. We are compassionate and understand that nothing is more personal than legal issues relating to your family. We strive for excellence in our representation with contested and uncontested Divorces, Child Custody, Alimony, Paternity, Child Support, Paternity, Modification of Decrees, Adoption and any other Family Law need you may have. • Are You Going Through A Difficult Time In Your Life Facing Issues Such As: Divorce, Separation, Child Custody, Child Support, Or Division Of Property? Do you need divorce or family law representation? Are you losing sleep over your divorce, child support or child custody concerns? Are you worried about the division of property? • If the answer is “YES” then you need the help of a caring and competent legal professional! I have helped many clients in situations similar to yours and we may be able to help you through this difficult time and protect your rights and the rights of your loved ones. I am absolutely confident that we may be able to help you in your time of need. Call me today for a free consultation.
• We have experience representing clients in family law, bankruptcy and personal injury matters in the state of Utah. We have provided numerous clients with personalized legal results relating to Family Law. This includes matters such as Divorce, Child Custody, Mediation, Paternity, Adoption, Child Support and Guardianship.
Divorce Lawyer in Utah
Family law disputes, especially divorce, are among the most stressful and challenging legal issues someone can encounter. When certain issues arise as part of a divorce – for example, child support, custody, asset division, and alimony – the divorce may take several months or longer. When these factors arise we work with his clients to ensure they receive aggressive and candid representation regardless of the divorce’s complexity.
When divorcing parties have children, custody-related matters are often the most important topics to resolve. “Physical custody” refers to the allocation of time a child spends with his or her parents. “Joint physical custody” refers to the common situation in which both parents are entitled to spend at least 111 nights with the child. Joint physical custody does not necessarily mean an equal division of parent time with the child. A parent holds “sole physical custody” when he or she is awarded more than 254 nights with the child. Courts consider many factors of varying significance when assessing custody scenarios. It is important to assess the applicability of these factors and evaluate which ones will lead to a favorable outcome for the parent. Examples of these factors include keeping siblings together, the stability of the child’s environment, and considering which parent was primarily responsible for taking care of the child.
Legal Custody
Unlike physical custody, “legal custody” refers to a parent’s decision-making authority and access to information regarding the child. Joint legal custody is presumed in most cases. Legal custody empowers parents to participate in decisions regarding religious worship, medical treatment, education, and extracurricular activities. On the other hand, day-to-day decisions (for example, what the child eats or wears) are usually determined by the parent taking care of the child at the time. A dispute resolution process should always be included in parenting plans to ensure parents can reach a final decision in the event of disagreement. Whether you’ve decided to divorce or are still considering your options, call Ascent Law LLC today for a no-obligation consultation and case review at 801-676-5506.
“Alimony” refers to payments made from one party to his or her former spouse. Alimony is not automatic. It is awarded only after considering the recipient spouse’s financial need and both parties’ ability to produce income. The primary goal of an alimony award is to ensure the parties continue to enjoy, as much as possible, the standard of living experienced during the marriage. Whether alimony is awarded is highly dependent on the individual factors of a case. Alimony is most likely awarded in cases in which one party is capable of earning a higher income than the other. Considering these awards can exceed hundreds of thousands of dollars, neither party can ignore the importance of alimony.
Child Support
Utah courts routinely order parents to make regular “child support” payments to the other parent. Child support is not a fixed amount; instead, child support is determined by applying specific guidelines to the parties’ unique situation. Specifically, child support is calculated by considering the number of children involved, the number nights spent with each parent, and the parties’ respective incomes. The child support amount can be adjusted as any of these factors change. For instance, if the noncustodial parent’s income decreases then his or her child support obligation will likely decrease as a result. In addition, child support payments decrease or discontinue entirely when a child turns 18 or graduates from high school, whichever occurs later.
Property and Debt Division
Divorcing parties must regularly examine their situation in order to determine the best way to divide ownership of property and responsibility for debt after the marriage. If the property is deemed non-marital property, then it is easier for the owner to retain the property after the divorce. The same principle applies to whether a debt is the responsibility of one or both of the parties. Assets and debts included the marital estate must be divided among the parties “equitably.” This often requires a combination of mediation or litigation to determine the exact method that assets and debts will be allocated. Marital assets often have both economic and sentimental value, which means that disputes over these assets can be frustrating for parties without an attorney.
Winning strategies for custody & divorce
Families thrive in places where they can work together and communicate properly. If your family has a focus on long-term growth, all members will feel that they become natural parts of something much bigger. However, when communication breaks down, strategies can be implemented to keep the family ‘fabric’ together although there may be several different venues, such as mom’s home and dad’s apartment.
No hard and fast rule exists to fix divorce, which is why I work on dispute resolution and getting custody of children agreed upon.
Protecting the Best Interests of the Child
In determining child custody matters, the law places the best interests of the child above all other considerations. However, parents do not always agree on what is in the best interests of the child. Certain issues may make custody complex. If you are getting divorced or separated and your ex is requesting more access than you feel is in the child’s best interests, it is very important to consult with an experienced child custody lawyer. Our knowledge of Utah child custody laws allows us to facilitate the development of the required child custody and parenting plan in an effective and efficient manner. We can also assist you with modifications to child custody orders should the need arise.
If you are engaged in a child custody dispute, our aggressive trial lawyers are here to fight for your rights. While a prostrated legal battle is hardly ever in the child’s best interests, operating from a position of strength is a key element in achieving what is best for you and your child.
Contact a Utah Child Custody Law Firm
Are you facing a divorce in the state of Utah? Contact us today online or by telephone at (801) 676-5506 to arrange a consultation with a knowledgeable Salt Lake City divorce lawyer. We have offices throughout the state of Utah.
Salt Lake City Utah Child Custody Attorney Free Consultation
When you need legal help with child custody in Salt Lake City Utah, please call Ascent Law LLC for your free consultation (801) 676-5506. We want to help you.
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
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