#but I am very excited regardless
painted-bees · 11 months
Being ADHD(+ rsd) and having friends & customers who do not mask their autism by preforming ‘neurotypical’ emotional responses--is a very healing thing once I properly realized “oh, the flat tone doesn’t mean they hate me and my work. When they say ‘Thanks. I love it.’ or ‘yeah, fun.’ they mean it at total face value!” The number of times my rsd has started to flare up before my conscious is like ‘autism-!’ it’s like...a calming weighted blanket on my nerves. I can trust that there’s no disappointment to read in between the lines of their tone.
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fayeandknight · 29 days
We NQed both our runs yesterday. In standard he dropped a bar and in jumpers we got a wrong course because I couldn't cue him away from the weaves fast enough. But I'm still really proud of us.
I honestly did not expect to get a Q at all between both days so that we got one feels huge. Also I got a lot of compliments on our runs from random folks which was flattering.
I did get friendly with a lady who is part of the club and ended up being ring steward for her last Q in excellent. She runs a Giant Schnauzer and it was really awesome to see. Later she introduced me around and people were shocked to find out Forte is my A dog. I explained that I'd practiced with a corgi mix but due to COVID we never went to trial.
Ended up winning the NQ raffle which was nice, got chocolate (yum) and a West Paw lick mat/slow feeder.
All in all it was a good first experience and I'm excited to see where the journey takes us. But I was so tired I fell asleep right after dinner last night, lol. So definitely glad I didn't sign up for three days.
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hey guys how much you wanna bet the mysterious “he” scott is trying to raise is gonna end up being played by owen
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lcfthaunted · 3 months
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@sorrowsick • Zahrosa sent : “Someone, somewhere has failed you miserably. You were supposed to be loved, protected and cared for but you never were.“
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Mazie’s initial response is a mere raising of her eyebrows, but the Nightmare next to her takes offense. Castle huffs, somewhere between a laugh and a growl, and hauls himself to his feet. It is not a small dog he takes the form of, as his shoulders come just below Mazie’s hips. She rests her hand between his shoulder blades; part comfort for herself, part reminder to him to behave. The witch before her unsettles her in ways she struggles to comprehend, and she knows Castle is picking up on that.
“You are not wrong that my training has been… slapdash,” she says slowly, “but that does not mean I was left unloved. I could not ask for a better mum and dad, better siblings, and Madeline did the best she could with the knowledge she had.” Madeline had bound her and Castle, after all.
Mazie tips her head to the Nightmare. “As for unprotected, well. I doubt anyone could argue that.” The Nightmare grins, and it is not the grin of a dog, with too many, too long, too sharp teeth.
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varilien · 2 years
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@lesbian-rook pointed out the silhouette kinda looks like a plague mask if u look at it closer and i like both observations for very different reasons >:)
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jacksprostate · 3 months
sorry this is once again my monthly 'i'm in love with people and our capacity for compassion even in the face of deep deep cruelty, even though i've seen worse and worse things, come to terms with so much, it's my love of humanity that has let me avoid rotting, encouraged me to grow and chase my own place in helping everyone around me" post
#im really excited for the job im starting. still about a month or so out but heading towards a career change sort of that im really excited#for. im just... i actually used to be very cynical and i struggled to see the point through all the terrible things in the world#but for many reasons#even as i discovered worse and worse things#ive developed... resiliency i never thought id have#born out of this appreciation for those and the world around me#and i wish i could share it. i see so many people in my old shoes#im still growing. so much to do#but im at a level of contentment.. idk. i couldntve dreamed of#and it took effort#it is not /easy/ to face things and believe in good regardless#but. its rewarding. i wish it for all of you#on a similar but different note ive been reaching a point of being more myself in social situations rather than just a chameleon#and ive been lucky enough to have the people around me the past two years or so be very supportive in a way that has truly let me grow and#become a better version of myself#and its sort of been this positive feedback loop. because the more confident and passionate you are the more people are delighted by your#eccentricies#i used to be so beat down#i still struggle so much#but. im at a place i never thought id be#no doubt there will be struggles in the future#hell its not like things are perfect now#still so much. major things to improve on#but idk. i am happy#and its a very full sense of happiness.#full and aware and strong#thats what i wish for all of you :)
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acaesic · 7 months
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hawkinslibrary · 8 months
below the cut i've included all of the pictures from the sneak peek of the rehearsal of the first shadow with a little description. spoilers ahead.
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henry with brenner, both very obviously pissed off. seems to be in lab/hospital/exam room setting. mirrors scene with brenner and el from "papa"
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creel family arriving to their new home in hawkins. mirrors the scene in the show. bob in the bg at his radio booth -- possibly narrating ? band instruments and misc costumes on the stage in the back, might be trees/shrubbery to the right
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joyce and lonnie on a bed; she doesn't look happy. bob in the background/center stage again at his booth
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school picture day ? joyce and alan munson, charles sinclair on the lockers with a sling shot (wrist rocket), some cheerleaders, hopper, ted (jock), claudia with a cat, bob hidden behind the photographer, a few other hidden castmates (someone in band), henry having his picture taken, walter henderson center stage, bob's father (principal newby) furthest right
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henry and patty. if you download from twitter, flip upside down, and zoom in, you can make out pieces of the scene (henry and patty feeling like they don't belong in hawkins/are too different to fit in)
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henry and patty, again. this time at chuch in a confessional booth. rest of the cast seems to be in attendance. og casting for patty (betty) called for a goody-two-shoes type, preacher's daughter (principal newby was originally referred to as father newby -- maybe now he's both ?)
there's also been some changes on the cast list. more ensemble, actresses listed for alice, a henry double, claudia's last name has changed (was henderson, now yount = walter Is dustin's father), and the father newby to principal newby change as mentioned above
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altschmerzes · 5 months
was thinking about the 'sex is rock climbing' post op last night like do they know the effect they have had on my life. do they know what kind of identity crisis they helped me bypass entirely by kick-starting my reconsideration of the way i thought about sex as a concept. butterfly effect etc.
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hillerskaroyals · 2 years
decided to switch things up and rewatch the first 4 min of season 1 and the tone is so different but also quite similar?
the first 4 min are the fight at the club and the beginning of wille's speech saying he's going to hillerska. it sets the tone that he's going to be this bratty privileged kid who's used to everything going his way and throws a fit when his parents tell him no but it also sets the tone that he's going to be alone.
whereas season 2 opens on him totally broken. the only 'happiness' wille experiences is a dream and once he's awake he walks through the palace like a ghost. he doesn't talk to or look at anyone. he physically shuts kristina out when he closes the door on her and although we see his responses to august we don't actually see him send them. he doesn't acknowledge anyone.
both seasons start with wille alone but the difference is this time he's also lonely. in s1 when he got sent to hillerska he was alone but he wasn't lonely because he could still text or call erik if he wanted to talk (like on parent's day and before rowing practice) but this time? he's lost his brother and has both loved and lost simon. he has no one. we know at some point he talks with felice but at this point in time he is well and truly on his own.
the opening of s1 was purposefully misleading because we had to meet the characters and get to know them to understand their motives. but by the second episode wille was already friends with simon and still had erik. but this season? all bets are off. we know how things were left. even though wille and simon didn't end on bad terms they still ended. ngl i was originally skeptical when all the actors kept saying s2 was darker because s1 was plenty dark. but after that opening. after feeling the hopelessness and grief wille's experiencing? i fear we've only begun to scratch the surface of how far wille is willing to go now that he has nothing to lose.
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stormyrainyday · 22 days
the beyblade brainrot is coming back send help
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wavernot4love · 1 month
oh my brain is truly mush this time what do you mean i have clancy AND (suddenly) nex gen to process in less than an hour what a fine evening this is to be alive
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moonfurthetemmie · 3 months
That post-fanart-reblog clarity of ‘wait they made that character’s waist thinner and gave her less muscle….what the fuck the big muscle ness was what I loved about her….’
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phoenix-flamed · 3 months
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Guess who's finally making icons for Miles? :D Thank you so much again, @cwarscars , for the beautiful theme and icons and icon PSD and headers and everything! (Also I hope it's okay to tag you, because I am still so excited over the stuff you made for me!)
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aletheialed · 6 months
why am i making so many headcanons for barok despite having seen so little of his actual dialogue.................. i have a PROBLEM gamers ;~;
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brw · 2 years
darcy being in scarlet witch does make me more apprehensive ngl. that decision is super clearly one designed for fans of the show, & she's teaming up with viv in the second issue.... i don't necessarily think they'll get back together (vision), but i do see flirting shenanigans to try and get more people into the comic n i'm. slightly concerned. not even for the comic but i will be seeing annoying people complaining & annoying people celebrating over it. i mean hopefully they just won't shut up but if they're already tickling mcu fan's balls why wouldn't they go the extra mile.
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