#but I do not go to Hoboken or Jersey City unless I know for a fact the boys are playing an away game
imperatorrrrr · 5 months
if you had to choose between getting to touch nico's hair and getting 1 million dollars would you tell me what nico's hair smells like or would you take that secret to the grave?
I know I already did this joke format I am not sorry about it.
don’t apologize, bub! 
but also, you’ve made the mistake of assuming once again...
because as you should know, I never ever ever ever ever want to be in the same location as Nico Hischier (or any hockey, except Sid because my toxic trait is that I think I can ensnare him), unless its me viewing a hockey game or like a Cup parade where there’s no chance that I will be perceived by any of them. 
so, FORK OVER THE MILLION BUCKS BABY! I’ll split it amongst the server even! 
You will have to get someone else to tell you anything about Nico’s hair. 
If I see that man and we aren’t separated by glass, I am RUNNING AWAY. 
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forestcump · 5 years
Gentrification and The Last Black Man In San Francisco
Heres a blog I wrote lol
Joe Talbot’s The Last Black Man in San Francisco is a tale told of the heartbreaking wave of culture-annihilating gentrification that has hit one of America’s iconic metropoles. It’s sloping streets, angular row houses, and quirky residents have made it a place of myth emboldened further by its key role in radical social movements such as the Anti-War Movement, The Black Panther Party, etc. But, the story Talbot tells doesn't reflect on the history known by most (white) Americans. Instead, he tells the story of the black man in San Francisco and all of the culture that gentrification is, successfully, trying to wipe away. 
The film’s protagonist, Jimmie Failes IV, and his best friend, Montgomery Allen, take it upon themselves to maintain the house that Jimmie grew up in. The rub of the whole thing though is that neither Mont or Jimmie live there, in fact, this older Yuppie (stands for: Young, Urban Professional) couple are the owners of the property. In one of the first scenes, Jimmie is repainting the window sill in the front of the house and the woman who owns the house threatens to call the police, which is quickly met by her apologetic husband. This struck me as funny because it perfectly represents both sides of the well-meaning, affluent, white person that have become the principal population group in the city. On one side, these new folks are tired of locals giving them shit and not caring about them or their cool publishing jobs; and on the other they won’t call the cops to avoid the risk of being “like” other White people. Although humorous, this scene is a haunting reminder to viewers who are themselves victims of gentrification that this is what the final stages of the process look like. Neighborhoods once teeming with ethnic influence, devoid of the blandness of White America, have now been transformed into pricey and bland versions of the suburbs where these damn people come from. 
The role of race is also very present in this film as it does a great job establishing the symbolic gravity that happens whenever Jimmie or Mont are on the screen. This becomes especially clear when the film returns to where Jimmie and Mont actually live, which is the far-off borough of Bayview-Hunters Point. This area plays just as key a role as the decadent Victorian house that Jimmie longs for, as it establishes the result of when a cities inhabitants are priced out of not just their homes but their impact on the cities culture. In this part of the map, there are a group of local men who spend their days busting the balls of any and everybody that come their way. This group acts as Greek Chorus which provides commentary and atmosphere to scenes where Jimmie and Mont seem to be singularly focused on the old Victorian. Another character that stood out to me was a Preacher who stands on a milk crate and preaches to these men, and anybody walking past, about the insane levels of inequality that have pushed Black people so far from the city. In one scene, the Preacher is railing against this mysterious cohort of men wearing hazmat suits cleaning some sort of chemical spill in the Bay right behind where the Preacher is standing. “Why are they wearing suits and we’re not? What are they not telling us?” he roars atop his milk crate to the attention of, uh, nobody that’s listening. 
The imagery of this movie, which includes the Chorus and The Preacher, speak to the San Francisco that is fading away fast. Another image that stands out is a scene where Jimmie is waiting at a bus stop next to a nudist and they are both accosted by a party bus full of inebriated Yuppies. They roar and cackle at the sight of the nudist and proclaim him “the fuckin’ man!”, but fail to realize they’re role in the extermination of people like the nudist. Jimmie and this nude man sit silently in shared exhaustion of this wave of people storming they’re city, despite their best efforts to “be cool”, the city is dying with each yoga studio and salad bar that opens. 
Although my experience as a straight, white man has no comparison to the struggles of POC and LGBTQIA+ communities in this country, I do share the same feeling of being exiled from your own home. I grew up in Hoboken, New Jersey which has now turned into a hot bed for gentrifiers who desire to work in New York. This is yet another iconic American metropole that has had it’s soul stamped out by the wave of suburbanites who feel it is their right to claim the city as their own. This is seen, mostly, in the cost of housing and cost of living which has skyrocketed as a result of the wave of private equity money that flooded the city and whose tentacles have reached nearly every industry you could imagine. Hoboken was once a working class town that had its fair share of racial tension, as any town in this country, but it always remained genuinely Hoboken, until the real estate developers came. Wharfs and warehouses that once played a key role in the American economy were demolished and turned into apartment complexes. This obviously brought more money into the community, but soon the locals that made Hoboken were being pushed out further and further. For instance, my mother and I lived in one apartment for my entire childhood until the end of middle school but the rent got raised and we were forced to move to Jersey City. In high school, I spent most of my free time in Hoboken because that’s where my friends were but everytime the party was over and my friends walked back to their childhood homes, I had to walk across the city to the train station to get back to my new home. I felt displaced and lonely for most of my high school days as I grappled with the harsh realities of gentrification and the brutality of capitalism. It also did not help that my mother was laid off from her job in 2009 and was essentially job-less for five years. 
My childhood home was sold to a young couple from somewhere that they turned into some trendy little spot for them to live for the time being. No care was given to the memories I made there or the progress that my mother made as a single mom raising a child in this area, just a cold “Sorry, thanks for cleaning it before you left”. The coldness of gentrification is the most galling result of this phenomenon. The young people move in and immediately lust for making their mark; whether it be calling the police or 311 on locals loitering on the streets, or building breweries in old school buildings, etc. Business' that I grew up walking by every day became boarded up and replaced with hair salons and boutiques that were going to close in six months anyway. But, despite the spirit that lives in places like Hoboken, San Francisco, New York, or Boston; money always seems to win.
Watching “The Last Black Man in San Francisco” gave me a strange sense of hope because it showed me how to defend your home, even when the odds are terribly stacked against you. There was a scene at the end of the movie where Jimmie Failes is sitting on the bus and overhears these two Yuppie women shitting on San Francisco and talking about much they “hate it here”. Jimmie turns to them and tells them “you don't get to hate it unless you love it”, which doesn’t make an impact on the women, but it made an impact on me and many others who have seen the movie. Hearing transplants bitch and moan about how shitty the New York subway is or complaining about the cat that lives in the bodega makes me laugh when it used to make me sad, because I know that the city has won. What I mean by that, is that when you hear Yuppies complain about the community they’ve gentrified it's clear that they’ve failed to make “the city their own” and have succumbed to the community that was already there. Cities are magical places that are the center for so many things, but what truly makes them magical are the people that built them, whether it be physically or spiritually. So, I hope to embody the spirit of Jimmie and Mont as fierce defenders of their homes even when it doesnt even seem worth it to fight for it anymore. 
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irenenorth · 7 years
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New Post has been published on http://www.irenenorth.com/writings/2017/07/a-walk-down-mostly-food-memory-lane/
A walk down (mostly food) memory lane
Ed explains to Paul that if you sit quietly, you’ll eventually hear the woodland creatures and they may even come up to you. Location: near the top of a trail at Winding Hills State Park in Montgomery, New York.
The only two things I miss about living in New York are the trees and the food.
There’s nothing better in the summer than to walk under a lush, green canopy in one of the many state parks, the sun poking through spots here and there. If you sit and listen long enough, the forest comes alive with the sounds of all the critters that live there.
In the fall, the reds and oranges and yellows blend together in a beautiful array that is difficult to look away from. Raking them up isn’t fun, but six-foot high piles to jump in with your dog, Conan, certainly is.
Then, there is the food. There are so many different kinds of food to try, you would stay away from chain restaurants for most of your life.
You should, however, always start with dessert. Why? Well, why the hell not? New York State has many delicious options, from the sultry homemade cheesecake at the I-84 Diner to Drake’s Cakes’ Funny Bones.
The I-84 Diner in Fishkill, New York still has the best cheesecake on the planet.
When you could still carry your food, cooked, uncooked, in a baggie, or in your hand, onto a plane, I once brought cheesecake from the I-84 Diner. It comes in a nondescript box. It is a large box. I was bringing it back to my coworkers in Nebraska so they could get a taste of what cheesecake should taste like. Even after the trip across the country, it was still silky, smooth and scrumptious.
As I walked down the aisle to find my seat on the plane at Newark International Airport, several people, including a flight attendant, asked me, “Is that I-84 cheesecake?” It was. Most smiled, but one passenger said, “Whoever you got that for is one lucky person.” My five coworkers were lucky. They loved every bit.
I could eat an entire box in one sitting.
I have loved Funny Bones my entire life. The whipped peanut butter center, surrounded by chocolate cake and dipped in milk chocolate is not a healthy snack by any means, but the three are perfectly blended together that my mouth waters at the thought of eating one. There is no better snack in the world and I have eaten plenty of snacks around the world.
Decent ice cream in Bloomingburg, New York.
My cousin Kaylie took me for some ice cream. Friendly’s was the place I went for that whenever I was home, but they’re closed now, so she too me to the Quickway Twin Cone in Bloomingburg, New York. I got my favorite, vanilla dipped in chocolate, and proceeded to eat like a five-year old. The ice cream dripped all over my hand and I didn’t care.
My small vanilla ice cream dipped in chocolate at the Quickway Twin Cone in Bloomingburg, New York. Yes, I asked for a small. I couldn’t finish it before a good portion dripped all over my hand.
Once you have eaten your dessert, then you can move to main course. There are so many options, but I have a few favorite things to eat whenever I return to New York. I need to visit Coney Island in Middletown. I want some Indian food. I want a Bavarian Kreme Donut from Dunkin’ Donuts. Then, I want to taste the world.
A trip to Middletown isn’t complete unless you visit Coney Island.
Since 1924, Coney Island has served up food to locals and travelers. As a child, I didn’t care what else they had, still don’t, I went for the hot dogs. Their homemade chili sauce is a recipe that has been passed down through five generations.
A proper Coney Island chili dog has their famous chili sauce, mustard and onions on it. Since I’m not a proper American, I eat mine with just the chili sauce or ketchup only. I know. I’ve been told many times how wrong I am. I don’t care. Eat your hot dog however you want. I won’t make fun of you for whatever toppings you chuck on it.
a Bavarian Kreme donut from Dunkin’ Donuts.
I got my Bavarian Kreme donut this time at the Dunkin’ Donuts in the Hoboken Train terminal in Hoboken, New Jersey. It’s a good donut. So is the Boston Kreme. Still, nothing will ever beat the sweet taste of their honey-dipped donuts. It’s a shame they switched to the crappy glazed donuts because the honey-dipped donuts were glorious perfection, especially if you got one while it was still hot at about 5:30 a.m., after delivering 250 newspapers to the good citizens of Middletown. It also sucks that Dunkin’ Donuts no longer make their donuts fresh every day, but that is a story for another time.
Although Colandria’s Pizza is good, I enjoy pizza handmade, homemade and with the flavors of the local pizza shop. I let my mom choose a place. We ordered by the slice, like you can do in civilized places and I grabbed a Yoo-hoo in a glass container to go with it. If your Yoo-hoo isn’t in a glass container, you’re missing what makes it taste so good.
A perfect lunch. Pizza by the slice, Funny Bones, and yoo-hoo.
After hitting the required foods, I look for whatever else I can eat or try. While spending time in New York City, there were two restaurants within a couple of blocks of our hotel this time, so Paul and I decided to try them out. After walking a dozen or so miles each day, we had worked up an appetite.
Shepard’s Pie at D.J. Reynolds in New York City.
D.J. Reynolds Irish Pub and Restaurant had some great food. I’m always up for trying Shepard’s Pie and this place did not disappoint. It was like every pub I’d been into across the United Kingdom, the Republic of Ireland and Europe. We were close to the table next to us and eavesdropped on their conversation. It was pleasant to hear a Dutchman, an Italian, and an American discuss world affairs in engaging conversation. I often only get to hear right-wing shouting where whoever shouts the loudest thinks they’ve won. This was thoughtful, well-thought out arguments with discussion that covered all sides. It was refreshing to listen to while I ate my Shepard’s Pie.
Our next dinner was a ABA Turkish Restaurant. I had never eaten in a posh Turkish restaurant before, though I have had Turkish food in European fast food joints.
Homemade bread and olive oil.
The homemade bread to dip into olive oil was a great way to start after spending most of the day walking.
Lebni, thick homemade yogurt with walnut, garlic and fresh dill and herbs. The dill was a bit too much to take, but otherwise, not too bad for the first time I tried lebni.
For the first course, I chose lebni, a thick, homemade yogurt with walnut, garlic, and fresh dill and herbs. I’m not fond of dill, which is probably why I kept squinting my eyes every time I took a bite. While it was tasty, I’m not sure I would eat it again. Dill just isn’t my thing. Paul had a homemade lentil soup.
Döner Kebab.
For the main course, I went with Döner kebab, a ground lamb and beef cooked on a rotating spin then thinly sliced. It was served with rice, lettuce, and red cabbage. It was what I expected, though it tasted like there was much more lamb than beef. Paul got the Adana kebab.
The third course was drinks. Paul had Turkish coffee while I had Turkish tea. Everything was in just the right portions and we were definitely full when we left.
Great Indian food in Middletown, New York.
Back in Middletown, we finally got my favorite kind of food. Saffron is a damned fine Indian restaurant. If you’re ever in Middletown, go eat at Saffron. Every dish is good. I’m partial to Chicken Korma. The garlic naan is fantastic as well.
A quick and unfocused shot of some of my dinner, Chicken Korma with garlic naan. The naan was perfect, with large chunks of garlic in it.
We don’t eat out much in Scottsbluff. There aren’t many options to choose from. There is Chinese, Mexican, fast food, and your typical American fare. We’re always grateful for the Greek Festival in August and try to make it every year. If I want a lot of food options, I have to drive several hours to get it.
So, when I visit my mom, I bring a handful of cash to throw at good food. It’s worth it.
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