#because I have no earthly desire to run into them
imperatorrrrr · 5 months
if you had to choose between getting to touch nico's hair and getting 1 million dollars would you tell me what nico's hair smells like or would you take that secret to the grave?
I know I already did this joke format I am not sorry about it.
don’t apologize, bub! 
but also, you’ve made the mistake of assuming once again...
because as you should know, I never ever ever ever ever want to be in the same location as Nico Hischier (or any hockey, except Sid because my toxic trait is that I think I can ensnare him), unless its me viewing a hockey game or like a Cup parade where there’s no chance that I will be perceived by any of them. 
so, FORK OVER THE MILLION BUCKS BABY! I’ll split it amongst the server even! 
You will have to get someone else to tell you anything about Nico’s hair. 
If I see that man and we aren’t separated by glass, I am RUNNING AWAY. 
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itsclydebitches · 1 year
Just finished Good Omens 2 and I'm honestly boggling at the Aziraphale hate because yes, his decision led to the angsty cliffhanger, but it makes SO much sense for his character. Not just in a "Religious brainwashing and sunk-cost fallacy" kinda way but also a "Aziraphale has no reason to believe this isn't the perfect solution" way. That scene among the nebula is crucial because it establishes that Crowley loved being an angel—reveled in his ability to create and allow his creations to grow kinda like plants—and the only problem was that someone else was calling the shots, someone who wouldn't listen to his criticism. Aziraphale has also spent 6,000+ years watching Crowley do good, all the while forced to deny the fact that he's "nice" lest embracing his original nature get him into trouble with hell. Now, Metatron comes along with an offer that fixes everything in one fell swoop. Crowley can be an angel again, be nice without censure, his ideas and criticisms will hold weight because he'll be answering to Aziraphale, and they'll be together.
It strikes me that Aziraphale isn't there when Crowley sees Gabriel's trial, ergo he likewise doesn't see the (non)acknowledgement that there's an institutional problem up in Heaven. There just happen to have been two archangels who called it quits. Same when Gabriel blurts that phrase out to Crowley. Aziraphale has always been more blind to the ways in which Heaven is "toxic" (for very understandable reasons) and this season he's continually sheltered from new evidence of its structural problems. The plot just preaches to the choir: Crowley. He likewise wouldn't see the conflict Gabriel and Beelzebub have caused as evidence of an underlying problem because that's a problem he and Crowley will no longer share. Why would they be worried about Heaven still being unable to accept partnerships between angels and demons when Crowley will no longer be a demon? And that's something he presumably wants based on Aziraphale's memories of him and the ongoing admission that he's lonely.
The way I see it, they got what they thought they wanted at the start of Season 2. Heaven and Hell are keeping an eye on them, but functionally they're left alone. Crowley can spend all the time he wants with Aziraphale and nothing comes of that except that they're both continually named traitors and the higher-ups grumble about it. If Gabriel had never shown up, things should have been perfect based on Crowley's "Let's just run away and have each other's company" standards. Better, even, considering that they get to be together on their beloved Earth, rather than being bored out in Alpha Centauri without any sushi, plants, books, or Bentleys. And yet... Crowley doesn't strike me as particularly happy. Because, you know, based on that kiss he wants to be with Aziraphale, not just literally be with him, but the point of this post is that his "Let's run away and be an 'us'" falls totally flat when he doesn't explain that specific desire to Aziraphale; the desire to change what an 'us' means. From Aziraphale's perspective they're already an 'us.' That was the entire point of "our side" in Season 1 and now they can continue to be 'us' up in Heaven. Plus, Aziraphale likely sees this as a sacrifice on his part. He will give up his bookshop, his Earthly indulgences, take on the responsibilities of leadership (which I don't think he actually wants for a variety of reasons), and spend the rest of eternity in a place where he's felt so small because he thinks that's what Crowley wants. Crowley was happy as an angel. Crowley wanted them to be together without risk of permanent discorporation. They were able to achieve that after not-Armageddon and he still wasn't happy... so surely those two things together will do the trick. Crowley never actually articulates how he wants their relationship to change and the kiss comes much too late, when he's already rejected what Aziraphale must see as a perfect, selfless solution he's secured for them. Even if Crowley wasn't always moving too fast for him, an overture of romance isn't going to go well after that.
Is this crushing and angsty and devastating as a hiatus? Damn straight, my heart it breaking. But it's a good setup. More importantly, it makes perfect sense for their characters, particularly when they're still talking past one another. Aziraphale is someone who has always moved more slowly as a matter of course, as an angel he has remained immersed in the rhetoric of Heaven, his main avenue of breaking free of that (Crowley) has a huge communication problem (to say nothing of his own denial. He only made headway with the help of Nina and Maggie, seconds before Aziraphale shows up), and Metatron (in a no doubt incredibly manipulative manner) has just offered Aziraphale a job that presumably makes him happy AND Crowley happy AND allows him to maintain the moral this-is-how-the-universe-works perspective he's had since he was literally created. Of course he's going to say yes to all that!! And sure, there are problems in Heaven, Aziraphale isn't completely blind, but he can fix them now that he's in charge. How? Well... he'll figure that out later! Kinda like how he's been making plans on the fly this entire season. That seems logical from his perspective, right? It's not like he's gotten a crash-course in the concept of the master's tools never being able to dismantle the master's house...
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mellowwillowy · 1 year
Love, Longing and Lust
Not proofread, contains slight nsfw (noncon)
"Princess, where are you heading to?"
The crown prince just wouldn't stop tailing you. It was a mistake to reunite with him. It was a mistake to reunite with both of them.
"... Princess?"
Both, of them.
You accidentally tripped yourself and was caught mid way by the second. His grip tightened a bit before he steadied you.
"Princess, what are you doing running around? It does not paint a... great portrait of you..."
While the second one was more 'calm', he was no exception to the unhingeness of this castle. This whole nation, you should have brought it down to fire.
"Tell him to stop tailing me around then perhaps I can finally act in modesty!"
You spat, while leaving them both, grumbling.
"What did you do?"
"Not much, just following her here and there!"
"... be mindful of your actions. She will soon be a part of our lineage"
".... .... I don't like that."
The first one was not pleased about it. To see you be wedded to another children of that bastard? He was the crown prince, so why couldn't he choose who to marry?
Simple. Because you were lower than the woman he was arranged with.
"We'll do something about that, I've asked someone to handle your fiancee personally"
"Hmm, then how are we going to share... in the end, only I get to marry her~ while you are nothing but a pristine man"
The first snickered at the second.
"Silence, for I am no longer tempted with earthly desires"
"What?! Why is it suddenly rearangged?!"
"Why does it even matter?! Look! We got someone who is even better than that cow!"
Both of them handled it well. The supposed fiancee? Only history knows what happened.
"But I don't want to! He is nothing but a creep! Urghh, just thinking about him made me feel, urph-"
The dispute between you and your father never found its own ending. In the end, you were wedded to the crown prince. While it was questionable, your family paid no mind of it. If their daughter could be wedded and mentioned into the lineage, who wouldn't accept?
The whole wedding was opulent, the lights illuminated in the whole building painted everyone in awe. But not for you.
"Do you think you can vow your love for eternity?"
"We'll consummate tonight though"
"With a witness, that is"
"!! Huh?"
You should have questioned him further but you didn't. His hands just wouldn't stop pestering you enough. One squeezing your hip while the other one just traveled wherever it wanted to be.
"I think you should really mind your manner"
"Why? We are both spouses to each other now"
"Let's stop bothering her, alright?"
If your internal organs could scream, they'd be screaming happily to see your spouse sulking. Of course it didn't last long when the night fell.
Your first night.
".... what? Come again?"
"I said~ we need a witness for what we are about to do?"
"Witness?! Are you nuts?! Let go of me!"
Why must he told you that when you guys are mid way of playing around now? And who exactly was this witness? Just when you were about to get yourself off the bed, he held you back by the ankle and,
"He's going to watch us and swear to god that we have done it well~"
You looked toward the door. It's the second. Obviously you stated throwing tantrums, telling him to leave.
"Darling...", his grip tightened, almost painful.
"You get to choose. Either I prepare you really well for our first time or..."
He grabbed your chin and made you face the second.
"I penetrate you dry and plainfully bloody"
"Now then, I'd be pleased if you beg yourself for the first!"
Humiliaton. Endless humiliation. Not only did you have to beg for the first one, you also had to bear the shame of someone else watching your bare body and expressions changing.
"Please... huk-"
Your tears wouldn't stop rolling. But no one cared. No one cared.
No one.
(I just wanna get to the Second's turn)
"... do you think God really exist somewhere?"
Your question caught him off guard while he was praying. God?
"If so... I wonder how much indecencies he wanted me to bear"
Right, the Second did not stop what he had to do every time they did it. 'Witnessing the love they were bearing' was nothing but a joke.
"... I believe this is no question you should pose in the holy-"
"Do you even conside yourself holy?"
"... of course not, excuse me", you scoffed at him before leaving.
He started to think. Think. Think. And think. He was thinking hard enough to stop you by the wrist and,
"... I think, you are not holy enough.."
The holy water, you are literally inside it now, drenched from top to toes!
"What the hell do you think you are do-"
A kiss to seal your lip from bickering, a really deep kiss. It's way too scandalous! You tried to free yourself from his grip but he just wouldn't let go!
"I said, I don't think you are holy enough"
His hands started to undress you.
"That's why, I'll do my best,"
Another kiss.
"To make you, the holiest."
You tried to get off from the water itself until you felt someone pushed your head down into the water.
"Great~ great~! Now then, let's proceed!"
You brought your head back to the surface.
"You-! What are you doing?! Can't you see what he's doing to your wife?!"
"But he's done nothing wrong right?"
"Kekeke, we already promised each other that if we, or one of us, decided to make you bear our love... the other one will make sure to watch everything. To ensure that the whole thing was proceeded well and safe!"
Your heart dropped. No, no, no. Don't.
The second grabbed you by your jaw and made you faced him.
"God wanted you to bear our love and I shall carry it out, please, accept the blessing from the child of God"
"Hmmm~ whose child is it, I wonder!!"
".... one thing for sure is that it is undoubtedly, the new child of God"
"Or perhaps children?! I can't wait to see them!"
You were not excited to see them.
But if God wanted otherwise,
Who were you to complain.
- ??? ; Love, Longing and Lust ; ???
First : Childe , Kaeya , Ayato , ?? , Kaveh
Second : Zhongli , Diluc , Thoma , ?? , Alhaitham
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sassykinzonline · 5 months
ok i saw the post you guys meant when you were asking about platonic SNS aka "SNS should be platonic because that makes it selfless", heres what i'll say (some of these sort of rehash the ask, but with a more direct rebuttal to the specific point):
the manga explicitly shows how various types of love (platonic, familial, professional, romantic, sexual) can be "imperfect", therefore, the manga rejects the idea that one sort of love is implicitly "correct" or "selfless" or whatever ontological good you want to attach to the love of your choice
action/shounen's propensity to pose the love interest as the "reward" for the hero's journey not only doesnt apply to SNS (nor the naruto manga from an SNS lens), but this is also another example of attaching an ontological idea that is irrelevant to a concept. tropes are not what define a genre nor a story archetype, theyre simply a common device used within these things. for example, the "heroine as a reward" trope for the hero may be a device used to exemplify success, honour, or nobility. it likely stems from cultural patriarchal norms where what was "desirable" was a "brave" man with deeds to his name. the point of this trope is likely to inspire a reader to emulate the hero, thinking that they will also ~get the girl at the end of their "journey". but the trophy doesnt have to be the girl. the trophy can be riches. the trophy can be a title. the trophy can be peace itself. it can be all those things. why? because the core of a hero's journey is literally the hero's journey, how and why they get from point A to point B and what the effects of that are. and thats typically how you choose what trophy to give your hero at the end.
the naruto manga subverts this trope by making the "journey" the feelings themselves: do you have them, how to express them, are they enough, are they even appropriate to have, what does the other person feel, what can be done about that? thats why i said the trope doesnt exactly apply to SNS. by making the journey about the feelings, the "reward" of the heroine at the end is no longer a patriarchal holdover but a logical conclusion to a conflict. this is why i joke that naruto the manga works better as a YA novel from the twilight/hunger games era, because typically those kinds of books have room for this kind of complexity. this is also why "sasuke" is not primarily an antagonist, he is a deuteragonist. he is tangentially going through the same journey as naruto, he is not running counter to naruto's journey intentionally.
even if you wont agree that the feelings are the journey, and instead the journey is becoming hokage or uniting the shinobi world or whatever, by definition naruto's feelings have to change for the journey to be possible. otherwise theres no point in the journey, hed be able to be hokage at the start of the manga and everyone would agree on that despite him being weak. there is a reason why naruto's power-ups also come with some sort of emotional lesson, and that emotional lesson is what gets people on his side. every arc in the manga is naruto has to do something -> naruto has an idea -> someone tells him that his idea is immature -> he trains while pondering the idea -> he needs to use the idea to complete his training -> he voices his revised idea that he learned from the someone -> he wins. theres only one exception to this. i'll let you figure out why that is.
many people who make this argument about how "platonic love is better" are both understanding the point and not understanding the point. these people are taking platonic love to mean "friendship" and thats not what it means in the sense its used in the manga, nor in a classical sense. platonic love according to plato (the one its named after), is the idea that it is a love that transcends earthly ideas like carnal desire and physical unity and instead becomes desire for one's true essence and unity in the "truth" of one's being. this means platonic love isnt "love without sex" but "love that can be more than just sex". so these people understand that "platonic love" is above any other type of love, but not because its "friendship". platonic love is "better" because it is permanent and unchangeable. truth is inherent. a soul is inherent. thats why within SNS there are themes of reincarnation of souls, of sharing of pain, of cosmic unity, of reuniting after death, of inexplicable yet unavoidable attraction, of the recognition, understanding and acceptance of someone else's truth.
in summary: SNS' souls are having cosmic sex and thats what saves the world.
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recreationalfanfics · 2 years
Hello! I saw your yandere!Loki, can I request something similar for Buddha? Hopefully it’s ok! :)
Hello! I'm assuming that you mean something that has to do with a love potion! I might not be able to write a one shot but hopefully headcanons and a drabble are okay!
This is the same reader from the Yandere! Loki one shot and the same general concept of: the reader will only fall for someone who manages to beat her in a fight.
Yandere Buddha + Love Potions
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- You truly embodied what it meant to be a champion of humanity in Buddha's eyes; determined, resilient, and hard to keep down.
-Buddha would realize instantly that he adored you and would try to get close to you, courting you the proper way and making his interest known.
- However, if you weren't interested in him then he'd suddenly have no idea how to pick up social cues.
- You step away from him when he puts his hand on your back? That's cool, he totally gets not being in the mood for physical touches today.
- You laugh uncomfortably with his flirty words? Aw, you're so adorably shy♥️
- But for the sake of the story, let's say that you were either truly unaware of his feelings or knew about them and waited for him to challenge you.
- When you were chosen to fight with a God before Tameemon Raiden, Buddha actually offered that instead of the Valkyries, he would perform Samavadhāna with you.
- And it felt amazing.
- He got to be one with you, he got to be close to you in a way no OTHER person, God or mortal, could ever hope to be.
- He thought his soul was already complete but when the battle was done and he separated from you, it felt like some part of him stayed with you. As if it didn't want to leave.
- He had given up all earthly desires in his life as a mortal, but a mortal he was no longer so surely...surely it wouldn't be wrong if let his feelings grow, right?
- So he did, he let his thoughts run wild with images of you and him together in his head. His calm and chill demeanor masking the burning obsession that told him he HAD to have you, he must claim you as his and he has to hear him call you yours. Please, it's all he could ever want.
- While Buddha is a god infatuated, he was not stupid. The length of his feelings was intense and he knew it wasn't right and thats why he tried to hide them.
- However, that resolve breaks when he finds out that you had fallen in love with someone else. Someone who was less deserving of your feelings, nevermind having your love in general was maddening to the Buddha.
- But Loki had challenged you to a battle and won. Buddha knew that this was how you always wanted to chose your lover.
- Yet, while you accepted the results of the battle and welcomed Loki with loving arms, the God who couldn't stand seeing the mortal whom he connected with would not stand for it.
"It's for their own good." He reminds him as he watches Aphrodite work. His blue eyes glinting when the pink light reflected from the heart shaped vial Aphrodite had put the potion in.
Yes...that's why he was doing this. It was for you, for your own best interest. The God of Deciet was not to be trusted, in fact, Buddha was more than 100% sure that Loki must have cheated during your battle with him and that is why you lost. Perhaps he didn't have any proof but he didn't need it given Loki's reputation. But he knew well enough that you were a stubborn human, something he still loved dearly about you. He could not let that green-haired punk ruin all that made you good, all that made Buddha love about you.
Aphrodite worked in silence, wondering to herself if this was real. If Buddha, the God who was once a mortal and gave up every desire in his body, was truly making her create a love potion for someone who already promised themselves to another. She wasn't aware Buddha had this side to him, it scared her, so she kept her mouth closed and didn't dare to say a word because if he was willing to do all this scheming over a measly mortal...what else would he be willing to do.
"Her love for you will be false." Aphrodite warned him, handing him the finished vial.
Buddha stared at the potion before nodding his head in acknowledgment of her words. Yes, he knew very well that there was going to be a catch...but it was better for you to be in love with him under the guidance of the love potion than for you to make the wrong choice of your volition.
"We were never here." He says lowly to Aphrodite, his tone of voice was casual as usual but he needed no words to convey that he was threatening her to stay silent unless she wanted to piss him off.
Yes, this was for you. Buddha was just concerned for you, that's why he had to do this. If you had realized during your time together when you were both bonded that you were both meant to be, he wouldn't have had to do this, but humans were often foolish.
This is why they needed Gods. Kind gods, who'd offer them a path to a better and more happier life.
This is why you needed him.
It was honestly too easy to get you to take the potion, after all, you had no reason to distrust the man with two hair colors. Buddha was your ally, who you fought as one with and who wanted to celebrate your newfound relationship. He watches eagerly as you accept the drink from him, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips as you down the entire cup. You then talk to him a little longer before looking at the time.
"I have to go but thank you!" You say cheerily, standing up to go meet up with your lover.
Buddha nods his head towards you, pouring himself a cup of tea and watching you from his peripheral. You walk only four steps before you feel yourself get dizzy, your feet stumbling before you. You were about to fall but one strong arm wraps around your waist and you feel a pair of lips on yours. Your half-lidded eyes slightly went wide with panic when you realized it was Buddha himself who was kissing you, but then that panic went away instantly.
Your eyes became softer, more docile, and before he knew it, you closed them completely and kissed him back with as much passion as he had kissed you.
He would deal with temper tantrums that your now forgotten lover would give him, he'd make sure you never see Loki again so he couldn't poison your mind with the false promises you two made to each other after your fight.
For you belonged to Buddha, you bonded with him, and he knew he couldn't live without you. He was willing to play every sneaky underhanded trick to have you in his arms because it was what was best for you. Or maybe it was because even after all those years of reaching enlightment, some part of him was still human...and you, unfortunately, just brought out the worst side of that humanity.
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Earth 3 Marvel fam and associates ideas
Okay so, context, Earth 3 is a mess. I’ve already had a headache realizing their Wonder Woman is apparently Lois and yet somehow Donna exists there too so bear with me, I’m just making shit up for this mess of a universe that’s just the dystopian “Heroes are villains and everything sucks” world DC pulls random threats from.
So, the main Thing™️ with Earth 3 is that things are reversed morally, the heroes are villains and vice versa. So if we account the still existing Marvel Family characters then all the villains for that world are Billy, Mary, Freddy, Uncle Dudley, Tawny, and The Wizard. I won’t include the other Shazamily siblings of Darla, Pedro, and Eugene bc DC doesn’t give them enough character to be swapped properly and they didn’t get to be heroes for a long time, this is more pre-2011 Marvel Fam based with the consistent characters form then that still exist now.
That means that the villains/anti-heroes of the family are as follows would be the Earth 3 heroes or do-gooders. Black Adam, Satanus, Blaze, the Sins, Sivana, and other miscellaneous rogues from their gallery.
So, ideas as I have them for this swap.
Historically for this switch The Wizard and the powers of Shazam (or Mazahs but I’ll keep using Shazam for simplicity’s sake) were inherently given to bad people, so it’s probably closer to some cabal of evil gods or demons who started the Shazam legacy with The Wizard and lived as tyrants or general evil villainous wizards until we got to modern day with Billy. His history swap would stem into his backstory too, making his parents less lovable as greedy archaeologists and his uncle Ebenezer not kick him out but instead probably do his best raising a horrible child, so Billy wouldn’t be homeless, he’d be a brat. Mary would also still be with Billy, some part for simplicity’s sake in the universe but also bc of Theo changes.
Another historical change would have to be Theo and Black Adam, who would switch to being good people apropos to their villain and anti-hero standings. Instead of taking the scarab necklace in the tomb for selfish reasons Theo would take it to preserve a historical relic and, in self defense, kill the Batsons as a role reversal of that situation and run away. If Mary is there he doesn’t kidnap her this go around, just sends her home to her kindly uncle Ebenezer and goes to his boss Sivana asking for help legally bc he literally just murdered two people. Cue The Wizard begrudgingly having to pass his powers onto someone new because either his benefactors demand new hosts or because of a selfish legacy reason and chooses the vile Batson twins to be his Champions of Villainy. Cue the renaming of Captain Billy and Scary Mary (names taken from what apparently was a prototype name for Captain Marvel and the YJ tv shows name for an evil Mary used to be the villain names two kids would come up with)
Theo then realizes the power of the scarab necklace and uses it to gain the powers of his ancestor, Black Adam, who was a cruel tyrant of a king the Wizard sought to make his earthly pawn but was reformed into being an agent of good by this universes Lady Blaze (who in this context would be the daughter of an Angel of sorts instead of a demon) and fought against the Wizard instead which led to his imprisonment in the necklace. Theo is beat by Billy and Mary who slit his throat personally to stop him from ever calling on the powers again and throw him in prison for the murder of their parents with him unable to claim self defense with no word to go against a dead couples. Double down on the bastardization of the Batson twins by making them tearfully make accounts of Adams villainy and desire to hurt their folks to make sure he stays out of their hair.
The Sins and Blaze are easy switches, you just make them the Seven Heavenly Allies of Humanity/ the Virtues and make Blaze and Satanus angel-kin with the minor name change of Satanus to something less Satan-sounding, like after a Saint or other angel. Sivana simply becomes a good scientist who still has two good children and two bad children, they’re just swapped. Beautia and Magnificus are cruel, spiteful people while Georgia and Thad Jr. are much more like their father and want to make things better in the horrible world they live in. Black Adam would closer resemble some prophet or elected official trying to save a land without a hero in Khandaq, leaning into the Anti-Heroism by trying to make Khandaq isolationist and use his magic to keep villains out by force or at the cost of his own life.
What wouldn’t change for any of them— Billy, Mary, Sivana, and Adam— is an overwhelming sense of family and the need to protect it. Billy and Mary would be upset their parents died more so because those are their parents and would be protective of the other more so in a “That’s my family” way than a “That’s my family” way. Sivana still loves his kids and Adam still loves his home.
Back to associates, Freddy and Dudley would also be swapped but Freddy more so into being a horrible person. As a part of the ensemble rogues gallery Krieger would be... well, what he is. Instead, Freddy would be more like him with those ideals while being a lackey for Billy and Mary instead of a close friend. And in keeping with the horribleness of the whole universe, he'd back stab them if he could but doing so normally gets his powers revoked and left in chronic pain from his bad leg. Billy and Mary are dangling being "perfect" and "powerful" over his head to get rid of his pain. Like, he's still a bad person but those two are just as bad and bad to him.
Dudley is still a con man, to put it simply, he's just successful at it and malicious in his practice. He's who the twins and Freddy replace the useless Ebenezer with after he "Suffers a terrible and unforeseeable stroke" to let them get their way with things.
Tawny is a maneater. He is a tiger and Captain Billys personal lapcat that happily devours nuisances and gnaws on their bones in the meantime.
Those are my thoughts to actually have some flesh to these versions of them, take the ideas as you please or tell me what you think about this!
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shouldaspunastory · 3 months
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Thank you @tobythewise! @dadrunkwriting
Garrett Hawke x Fenris, (DA2, Act III, 574 words)
“It’s hot,” Fenris remarks, stepping back from the steaming tub with wide green eyes.
“Shit, I’m sorry,” Garrett replies quickly. “Too much? I can add some cold,” the mage offers, but Fenris shakes his head.
“No. It’s fine. I just… didn't expect that.”
Garrett looks confused, then with dawning comprehension, a little angry, though Fenris knows this man, this mage, well enough by now to know this is not directed at him. Ever since Fenris expressed his discomfort and disdain for it, Garrett Hawke rarely expresses pity for what the former slave has endured. But this righteous indignation and fury on his behalf, runaway desires to hunt down his tormentors and force them to endure equivalent suffering and misery is a familiar standby, and one Fenris finds that he appreciates.
It’s a strange thing- being valued simply for *who* he is, rather than what or what services he can provide. Garrett would love nothing more than for Fenris to move in here with him, the elf knows, and yet, he has never forced his hand, never made him feel guilty or wrong for wanting his rare and hard-won independence, for keeping his stolen mansion on the hill just in case things between them ever go sour.
“Fenris, does your mansion not have hot water,” Garrett asks. Fenris shakes his head. It doesn't. It has running water, and after so long on the run, that in itself seemed like a luxury.
"I could fix that," Garrett says. The thought of Hawke on his hands and knees, under cabinets and in walls fiddling with pipes as if he has any earthly idea what he's doing is a laughable one. And yet Fenris knows he would do it. And probably wind up calling on Varric to find a more skilled laborer to fix whatever he's made an even bigger mess of. Still, the effort is... sweet. "If... you'd like me to."
Choice is another new and rather unfamiliar concept. But Garrett always offers it, however seemingly insignificant the decision is, and he always respects whatever Fenris choses. It's why Fenris chose him, another mage, despite how many have hurt him before. Because despite his initial misgivings Hawke could never be like Danarius. Garrett Hawke is unlike anyone else. And for some unfathomable reason, Hawke wants him, even three long years later.
It seems too much to ask with all he's put him through, but Fenris let fear make his decision for him last time, let it keep them apart for far too long. He won't make that same mistake again. He will trust Hawke, trust what they have, and take a risk.
"Do you- would you still have me here- with you," Fenris asks cautiously, large green eyes searching Hawke's brown ones, finding the same patience and love he always has for him reflected back in them.
"As often as you'd like and can stand me," Hawke nods immediately.
"Then perhaps, it's time I let the mansion go," Fenris replies softly. Garrett's answering smile is nothing short of blinding. Fenris feels his heart flutter, a rush of warmth rising to the tips of his ears and coloring his cheeks that has nothing to do with the steam that fills the small room. He clears his throat. "C'mon, then, the water's going to get cold," he smiles fondly back at Hawke who is already ripping his shirt over his head as Fenris begins to peel off his leggings.
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vonpharma · 28 days
w[h]ip wednesday: blocked by sicktember edition
welcome to whip wednesday! did you know the sicktember mods blocked me despite me being an avid fan of theirs for years, contributing 60 works and over 190k words, and hyping up their event in my social circles the whole time? i still do not know why this happened! i am pretty sure it's because i posted some very lukewarm critique about how the event was being run, on my personal blog where they had to go digging to find it.
i'm obviously heartbroken and pretty stressed about that but i've got a whole spreadsheet of planning done and a shit ton of fills ready to go so whatever. highly recommend not supporting the event this year or for the foreseeable future (there's talks of a new mod. if you're reading this, wanna unblock me?) because i'm starting to think the event runners might just be mean!
do, however, lavish me with praise. i will be writing sickfic until the end of the fucking universe, and when the new sickfic event makes their grand debut i will be kissing their feet.
here's some franmaya from my day 4!
With a confirmation of their reservation—curious, Franziska’s twisting expression seems to say, why would one need a reservation for a botanical garden?—the single employee standing stationary heaves the lock off the gates. They part as if heralding the arrival of something far grander than two young prodigies celebrating an anniversary—not even a proper one, something far more juvenile. Still, Maya feels nothing short of royal as she’s entering the sprawling, lush grounds—and the wonder sewn into every square of Franziska’s face tells her she’s not alone.
“Maya,” Franziska says, wandering toward the boundless stretch of camellia bushes, “what did you… the whole place is…”
“Empty?” Maya grins. “Yeah, happy anniversary, babe. Go wild.”
And Franziska looks at her like she’s hung the stars. How long Maya has waited for that look.
Because Franziska is rich. Loaded, even. There was so little you could buy for the woman who could buy herself anything, especially on Maya’s comparatively meager income. Her only saving grace was in the fact that Franziska was a workaholic to a fault who rarely thought of leisure, or pleasure, or earthly desires—so much so that the religious acolyte from the mountain commune was somehow less detached from those pleasures than she. Maya couldn’t often pay, but she could conceptualize.
This time, though. A year’s worth of saving, and planning, and praying… and finally, with all her ducks in a line, Maya was able to find a gift befitting of the wonderful creature who’d allowed her a space in their shared life. A few hours in the moonlight, wandering around the emerald sprawl of the biggest botanical garden in all of SoCal, with no one to bother them but the bugs chirping in the thicket.
A Franziskan paradise. A perfect night. Or it would be, if not for…
Another muffled sneeze escapes into the collar of her winter jacket, and it takes all of Maya’s willpower not to groan in sore irritation on the tail end of it. They’re starting to hurt, now, barreling through her with little regard for the shredded state of her throat or the date with the pretty girl she is currently trying to go on. It’s been relentless ever since last night, and Maya had hoped and prayed to Mystic Ami herself that she not be sick on her two-year anniversary that she’d spent ages arranging. As fate would have it, though, even Mystic Ami could not cure the common cold.
(Despite what the dusty tomes buried in the archives back home said….)
Luckily, even overdoting Franziska seems far too distracted right about now to notice that’s what’s happening. If this were any other situation, Maya’s sure Franziska’s searing blues would lock onto her like a vulture that’s just spotted a bloating corpse. Thankfully, the flowers are very distracting.
“It’s all…” Franziska is powerwalking from bush to bush in an erratic, excitable zigzag. “Maya Fey, is this whole garden nothing but camellias?”
“I dunno babe,” Maya sniffles once, twice, “you’re the expert. You tell me.”
Coming to a slow halt, Franziska allows herself to look out across the expanse—flowers as far as the eye can see, still in full bloom despite the bite of winter. In all colours, in all sizes, lit only by the far-off insomnia of the city, the moonlight peeking through the cloudy skies.
“I just—” Franziska turns back to Maya, glowing brightest of all, “—can’t believe the variety here, look at all this…”
Maya wanders closer to her side, feeling sunlit despite the chills that are quickly growing harder to ignore. Franziska kneels down to graze a gloved thumb across a velvety red petal, and Maya squats far less elegantly beside her, tilting her head awkwardly back in an attempt to keep her nose from running. 
“I can’t believe it,” Franziska marvels, “Maya, this is quite literally a historical specimen. You’ve brought me to the home of the oldest camellia in all of Southern California.”
“Yo, for real?” Maya stares at the flower, completely unremarkable to her own untrained eye. “Did this bitch know the dinosaurs?”
“No, nothing like that…” Franziska chuckles, continuing to cradle the flower in her hands as though it is the most precious thing in the world. “They’re Asian in origin. This one in particular is one of a kind, having traveled here from Japan in the 1800s.”
“Woah. Just like me for real.”
As she says it, Maya presses her cheek against Franziska’s own, that brand of endearing obnoxiousness that the two of them loved so much. Their hair bunches and tangles in between them, but Franziska leans into her beloved rather than away.
“I didn’t know winter flowers were a thing,” Maya lies, prompting her girlfriend to spring back to her feet, gesticulating vastly and passionately with her arms. 
“Oh, they’re some of the loveliest flowers in existence!” God, she’s so cute when she’s infodumping. “Camellias are some of my favourite of all, in fact I’d even heard of the breadth of this collection of them before coming to the states! It’s comprehensive reputation is largely the work of a single German botanist who traveled here in 1878, so naturally I was already in the know…”
Ever the savant, she carries on. Maya thinks she could listen to a phonebook being read, so long as it was drenched in Franziska’s wonderful, captivating, rounded accent.
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arcaneacolyte · 8 months
Not me furiously writing this idea dump/ficlet on my phone at the kitchen table to get the idea down and then running here to post it 🤣 CW: Phantom (Aeon) Pillow Humping, Voyeurism, Unresolved and Resolved Sexual Tension, Polyghouls ⛧——————⛧ Thinking about Phantom coming into his Earthly sexual awakening while on his first tour. Everything leading up to the tour was so busy and chaotic and filled with him learning how to be the rhythm guitarist for the band that he didn't really have much time to look into or even really think about sex beyond a quick hand or a pillow hump when he gets too pent up.
But then he's in a tour bus with 8 other Ghouls, all whom have high libidos, and suddenly his body decides to really start waking up and making literally everything about his packmates attractive. There's not one of them that he isn't wildly attracted to, and it starts to become a problem because he's going to be spending extended time with them in enclosed spaces for the next six months.
This is where I think his humping tendencies come from. He's so dizzily attracted to them all, but he feels like he doesn't want to mess things up, move too fast or commit a social faux pas and then end up stuck in an eternally awkward situation for the rest of the tour. He'd honestly almost rather be sent back to the Pit than have to deal with his pack hating him for any reason.
So at night, he almost always rubs one out by laying on his stomach and either humping the mattress of his little bunk, or taking his pillow and shoving it up under his hips, almost biting through his lip to hold in his little whimpers and squeaks and moans. He tries to hold it in, but after a while he just can't help it, accidentally teasing himself to the point where he's so desperate that his hips just start moving without thinking about it.
Of course the others know. Yes he might be able to stay relatively quiet for the most part, but that has nothing to do with the smell of him. He reeks of pent up Ghoul more often than not, and the only reason why no one has pounced on him yet is that they see his hesitation, and also don't want him to feel pressured. It's a silly miscommunication thing, but eventually, I think someone has to stop Phantom from stinking up the bus and staring longingly at the rest of them with those big little puppy bat eyes.
I imagine either Dew or Swiss would finally think enough is enough, and hatch a plan. A way to show Phantom that the desire is mutual without having to confront him about it because the little Quint will just deny till he's purple (more purple) in the face.
Late night on the bus and all the pack is asleep for the most part, but the telltale desperation leaks from Phantom's bunk, and either Swiss or Dew's bunk is right across the isle. A little curtain on both bunks is the only thing visually separating them, and either Dew or Swiss start jerking off, being a little louder and perhaps a little more showy, letting the curtain on their side be open just enough that you wouldn't directly see what they were doing, but it'd be obvious by the movement of their arm and the soft moans from their lips.
Phantoms heard sex on the bus plenty of times, and bites on a whimper as he starts to grind a little against the mattress. But what's different is that after a moment he hears his name on a sigh and he freezes, eyes bulging open, thinking he's been caught. But no, there's no other movement besides soft 'schlicking' sounds. Telltale that someone is getting themselves off.
Phantom's body flashes with heat so strong he gets dizzy, his cock blurting wetly into his underwear, and he actually almost bites through his lip to keep his noises down.
He has to see if he can see, he just has to at this point. As carefully as he can, he scoots close to the curtain, and edges it open just enough so he can peek his eye out and look.
And there's just enough light of passing freeway lights that Phantom can see the profile of either Swiss or Dew; chin to chest and panting softly, gentle moans slipping past their lips every once in a while and of course poor little Phantom can't stop his hips now, not when met with such a vision. As much as his eyes want to slip closed he keeps them open, enraptured with the beauty of the Ghoul across from him.
After what could be seconds or hours—Phantom's mind cant focus on the passage of time of all things with this vision in front of him—the utterance of his name once more catches his attention, and this time he gasps when he sees the other Ghoul tilting their head to look towards his bunk, their eyebrows pinched in desire and longing. Phantom can't help it, he cums right then, an obvious keen slipping past his lips as the force of his orgasm causes him to curl in on himself. He empties cum all over the inside of his briefs, it soaking through and pushed into his sheets by his still humping hips.
Unfortunately he doesn't see the other Ghoul's orgasm, but finally comes back up to Earth after another period of time he can't account for. His bunk curtain pulls back suddenly, and he almost shrieks, but he watches at the other Ghoul leans back in his bunk, a satisfied look on his face.
Phantom watches, hardly breathing and petrified at being caught, but either Swiss or Dew just settles back down, a flush of pleasure and exertion still touching their cheeks. They scoot to the edge of the mattress on their side before reaching a lazy hand over the gap of the isle.
The small Quint Ghoul stares from hand to face and back again for several long moments, before the Ghoul across from him offers a fond little smile, and wiggles their fingers in invitation.
Tentatively scooting to the edge of his own bunk, Phantom reaches out with a shaking limb, just far enough to hook fingers with the other Ghoul. He gets a little squeeze and maybe a wink in return, plus a hushed little "we want you" with enough conviction that makes Phantom's heart pound and his face flush up a pretty violet.
Content with his message, the Ghoul across the isle smiles fondly again, and offers a small little peck to the air, and it takes Phantom a moment to realize it's for him. Before he can offer his own in return, the other Ghoul releases his fingers with one more squeeze, and settles down to go to sleep.
Phantom pulls his fingers back and pulls them to his lips, the pads of them still tingling from the contact.
They want him?? They want him.
The giddy little breathless giggle that comes out of his mouth makes the other Ghoul smile.
There, problem solved.
Afterwards Phantom becomes so much more comfortable. Not only does his pack want him physically, but he realizes that they actually do want him there on the tour, in their pack, part of their lives. It gets so much easier after that.
Not to say that doesn't stop Phantom's humping habits of course.
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Zutara - Injury Recovery
After a brutal battle with Ozaatu and the red lotus. Zuko suffered some minor injuries, the gaang helped out and were hiding out in a hidden lodge.
Zuko: "Katara...?"
Katara: "(Shushes) will hide here until you're strong enough to move. Once again, you willingly put you're own well-being at risk for us. You're either the bravest prince I've ever met or the craziest."
Zuko: "Ex-prince, remember?"
Katara: "How do you always get hurt the way you do?"
Zuko: "Pain has become an old friend over the years."
Katara looked sad.
Katara: "I can't help but feel like I'm the one to blame."
Zuko: "What are you talking about?"
Katara: "Zuko, I'm always put in a situation I can't get out of, and you are always there to get me out, jeopardizing your own life while doing it! You shouldn't have to do that!"
Zuko: "I could just leave you to get hurt or die, couldn't I? It's my choice and I promised myself I'd make the right ones, and I’ll always do it knowing you're safe. I actually have a chance at saving you, I'm taking it, no questions asked. I'm not abandoning you like I was forced to abandon Azula because I'm an idiot."
Katara: "You are not an idiot."
Zuko: "You know of the mistakes I made and always called me out on them. No holding back. I always gave credit to my uncle for changing my ways, but I believe you also made me better in your own way, even if you didn’t know it. In a way. You saved me too."
Katara: "Zuko I..."
Zuko: "I'd be lost without you Katara."
Their eyes got caught in contact, unable to break. They leaned fearlessly, and their mouths caught into a kiss.
Aang’s eyes widened with shock. He wasn’t sure why; he already opened his last chakra and he told Katara his romantic feelings are gone but a part of him still felt surprised. His hands clutched and he closed his eyes. His mind wondered.
Patik voice: (Once you open this chakra, you will be able to go in and out of the Avatar State at will and when you are in the Avatar State, you will have complete control and awareness of all your actions. The Thought Chakra is located at the crown of the head. It deals with pure cosmic energy and is blocked by earthly attachment. Meditate on what attaches you to this world. Now, let all of those attachments go. Let them flow down the river, forgotten.)
Aang voice: (Yangchen said I'm supposed to latched on my earthly tethers; she was wrong. The moment all my chakras became open, at first, I was lost, and I was afraid I would always feel that way. But instead, a sense of calmness and true freedom has come over me, I'm no longer at war with myself and I see things more clearly. I’m no longer capable of harboring any romantic feelings for you. I’m sorry, but we could never be. My affections were never real, and they always clouded my judgment. I was wrong to risk ruining our friendship because of my desires. It’s better this way, that way I can truly embrace my role as the avatar. I’m not gonna keep letting fear stop me. I’m done running from who I am.)
Roku voice: (My wife was actually not an earthly tether, that honor belonged to Sozin. Ta Min was something else. I call it, the beacon of ascension. It is a person who is most special and most important to the avatar. The light within the darkness and the one to inspire you to achieve balance and your true potential and vice versa. Give yourself time Aang, your beacon of ascension is out there. This being is very rare and will sometimes appear when you least expect it.)
Aang eased his hands, took deep breaths, and opened his eyes. He made a tiny smirk at the new couple.
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stray-kaz · 26 days
To Spar or Not to Spar : a So Mun x f!reader oneshot
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Summary: Nobody wants reader and Mun to spar together, because they always end up making out in the ring.
A/N: Some suggestive stuff, but nothing explicit.
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"Want to train with me?"
You looked up from your book to see Jeok-bong standing over you, eager eyes fixed on your face. Over to your left, you heard Ha-na snicker quietly to herself. You smiled, but shook your head.
"No, thanks, Jeok-bong. It's a little too easy. There's no real fight. I'm waiting for someone a bit harder to beat before I step into the ring."
His shoulders sank a little, then he jerked forward as a familiar hand slapped him on the back and Mun stepped around him, smiling down at you.
"I'm harder to beat" he announced cheerfully.
Ha-na groaned loudly.
"No! You're not harder to beat, you're just hard" she groused.
Mun's mouth dropped open and he stared at her. She glowered back, then returned her attention to Jeok-bong.
"These two should never be left alone in the ring to train. Never, you hear me? It's a health risk to everyone else."
Jeok-bong blinked at her, confused.
You stood up, leaving your book behind on the seat, and leaned into Mun, wrapping your arms around his waist. You rubbed your cheek against the softness of his hoodie and he slid a hand up to the back of your head.
"I have no idea" you mumbled, hiding your smile.
Ha-na sighed heavily.
"Because they never stop at just training" she said pointedly. "They get up in each other's space and suddenly, you can't tell where he ends and she begins. It's gross."
You blushed, but just hugged Mun harder.
"I can't help it that he's so cute" you argued. "I just wanna kiss over his whole -"
"Shut up!" Ha-na ordered abruptly. "I don't want to hear it. Go away, both of you."
Ten minutes later...
The ropes were hard against your back, denting your clothes, your feet planted wide. Now there was no earthly reason for Mun to be standing so close, his body taking advantage of your widely spaced feet to step in between them, incapacitating you with his big brown eyes and faint lingering scent of soap from an earlier shower.
You stared up at him, already breathing hard from the workout, but now breathing even harder, your gaze flicking from his hopeful gaze to his mouth and back up. You sighed and released your grip on the ropes to fist the front of his hoodie instead.
"This is why we get in so much trouble" you mumbled, and yanked him in.
He let out an excited gasp a second before you kissed him, his hands leaving your shoulders to palm at your waist and hips, taking advantage of your loose clothes to slip under the fabric and graze his fingers over your warm skin. You let go of his hoodie to run your hands up his chest and neck to reach his face, keeping him close, not that he had any desire to go anywhere else.
Mun whimpered when you nudged his mouth open, eager for more, but it was the last sound you heard before you were pulled apart, one of Mo-tak's hands squared evenly in the center of each of your chests, holding you firmly away from one another.
"I told you!" he complained, glaring between you. "Hands and mouths to yourselves! You are not teenagers!"
You blinked and bit your bottom lip, the ghost of pressure from Mun's touch lingering still.
"But -" you tried, to no avail.
"No 'buts', kiddos! Go to your rooms and think about what you've done!"
You glanced sheepishly at Mun before spinning away from Mo-tak's hand and ducking out beneath the ropes. As you walked past Jeok-bong, you saw that his face was bright red. Apparently he had witnessed the whole thing.
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A few days later, Ms. Chu stumbled across the two of you laid out in the middle of the training ring, one of your legs tangled with Mun's. Your eyes were hazy and barely seeing, your hands lost in his curls as he worked his lips and teeth over your neck, one of his hands lost under your t-shirt. He was trying to get you to make that sound again, that lovely sound that tightened his stomach something fierce, when...
Ms. Chu clapped loudly and yelled.
"Hey! That is enough!"
Mun flailed away from you with a yelp and sat up, legs spread akimbo. You scrambled to follow suit, panting. She looked furious.
"This is a community space, you two! If you want somewhere to do...that...find a hotel!"
You were blushing firetruck red, twisting to hide your burning face against Mun's shoulder, still trembling a little from his earlier attention.
"...sorry" you said quietly, gingerly.
Ms. Chu snorted and stormed away.
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Another week passed and Jang-mul walked into the hideout to find you in shorts and a sports bra, pinned to the mat by Mun, shirtless and sweating, arching into one another, mouths glued, barely separating to breathe.
He sighed, reached into a pocket and threw an electronic card at you. It bounced off Mun's bare shoulder, and it startled him just enough to pull away, glancing up. He spotted the card and grabbed for it.
"What's this?" he asked, confused and breathing heavily.
"A key card for a hotel room. Get out of here, you rabbits."
Mun pulled his t-shirt back on, and his hoodie, then helped you into an extra layer before pulling you to your feet with him. You barely had time to mutter a thank you to your benefactor before Mun was running you out the door.
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The hotel room was lavish, but Mun didn't pause to notice. Neither did you, to be honest. You had eyes only for him as he closed and locked the door and backed you toward the four poster bed. He took careful hold of your hips and brushed his lips over your cheek.
"Now" he murmured. "Where were we?"
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Tagging: @writingmysanity
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demonir · 1 month
4 am sleep deprived thoughts do forgive me if I make no sense but is no one else scared for Aziraphale’s future? He left earth he left his bookshop he left his earthly possessions and pleasures and he left the one other being in this universe that truly cares and understands him because he simply loves him so much and believes in being good so hard that he thinks he can change the way heaven’s system has worked since before time itself just so he can make life all the better for everyone, specially for him and Crowley
He is so brave and hopeful that he is ready to take upon himself the burden of heaven ON HIS OWN despite the fact that would be a monumental task for anyone let alone ONE single angel and I’m sure he knows this and I’m sure that’s part of the reason why he wanted Crowley to come with him because he knows he will understand him and that he can trust him to do things right but Crowley has given up trying to fix the system and would rather play 5D chess with the rules just so he can have the closest thing to a peaceful little existence alongside Aziraphale
Aziraphale is gonna be up there, on his own. Surrounded by angels that by all means STILL DONT LIKE HIM, angels that doubted him, looked down on him, insulted him and tried to kill him and you expect me to believe that because now he’s gonna be their boss they’re simply gonna behave? They didn’t even behave when Gabriel was the boss, what difference would Aziraphale’s presence make???? And that’s not to mention God herself, Aziraphale has lied to God before, he’s gone against “the divine plan” more than once but before he had the benefit of not being the supreme archangel, just some angel deemed “far too gone” because he spent too much time on earth… what is going to happen when he wants to object to God’s orders straight to God’s face? I worry for his safety and I am certain Crowley does as well
I wholeheartedly believe that Aziraphale could change everything because just like him I’m a childishly hopeful person that would rather not see the world as bleak and impossible to fix but I think it’s unrealistic to expect him to do it alone when he already has someone willing to move mountains and drain oceans if he just asked
Aziraphale might still have to let go of the last remnants of his black and white world views “I’m the good one, you’re the bad one!” His desire to cling to the idea that heaven is inherently good and hell inherently bad. He is NOT stupid not by a long shot and neither is he innocent, he just sees things differently from Crowley and his sense of duty as an angel is just as strong as his nature to love and forgive even if those are the very same things tearing his relationship apart
I’m sure he wants to fix heaven and then come back to earth with proof for Crowley that they can now be together and have that peaceful existence they both yearned for, meanwhile Crowley hopes Aziraphale will just forget everything and run away with him, no responsibilities, no heaven or hell, he might even compromise his plans and stay by the bookshop rather than the middle of nowhere space if that’s what his angel wants, as long as they’re together and FAR way from those that only brought them pain and anguish then it’s alright but him… after all he’s obviously fond of humanity and earth
In short I am just scared of what Aziraphale’s future holds but I admire his bravery and conviction and I’m sure he will be okay and reunite with his demon eventually, they can’t live without each other after all
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pochipop · 10 months
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#. synopsis! — serge will love gilbert until the day he dies .
#. characters! — serge x gilbert .
#. warnings! — angst, explicit mentions of death and canon-typical dark content .
#. word count! — 1.4k .
#. alt accounts! — @ddollipop (nsfw) @hhoneypop (moodboards) .
#. others! — navigation & masterlist .
#. a/n! — please accept my humble kazeki spotify playlist <3
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It was never that Gilbert didn’t love Serge as much as Serge loved him. No, it wasn’t a matter of choice, or want, or desire, —it was a matter of possibility. By the time they met, it was much too late, although Serge never wanted to believe it. He was a smart young lad, but a child is always a child. And Gilbert was a child too, even if he didn’t seem it at times. They were doomed from the start; by the heavens, by God, by earthly forces and celestial ones alike. They were doomed by every season, by every whisper of wind, by every hand that had ever touched Gilbert’s aching frame, stealing more of him away.
When he met Serge, there was nothing left to give, no matter how badly he’d wanted to. He was a void, some cosmic hole of nothingness that sucked things in and never spat them out. He was broken, and tattered, and torn at every edge, —and he did love Serge for whatever that was worth, but in the end, it wasn’t much. Gilbert was living on Serge’s borrowed time, feeding off his warmth, pulling him under. . .
The sun sets upon another day, one that Gilbert never saw, and Serge sits alone in his room, dressed in clothes that don’t feel like his own. Because they aren’t. He’s always been more tall than he’s ever been proud, and this ruffled collar and gold-buttoned vest may have looked dashing on his father, but they swallow Serge up just like Gilbert used to; trading one prison for another.
At least when it was Gilbert’s doing, Serge felt more like himself.
But here he sits in this stuffy manor, brown eyes flickering across the ornate paintings hung about the room. They’re all trimmed in subtle bronze, carved into filligrous vines, and it’s all so melodramatic that it’s giving him a headache just staring at them. The art itself is expertly done, —mostly flowers and cabins stuffed somewhere off in the woods. For a moment, Serge thinks to himself that he should have run somewhere like that with Gilbert, somewhere they could have hidden themselves away from the world for as long as it took him to get well. Forever, maybe, if that’s what he needed. 
It’s a pipedream now though. Gilbert is gone; has been gone for years, and yet Serge still finds himself thinking of him as if he were soon to walk through the door at any moment’s notice. He can’t eat chestnuts without tasting Gilbert’s burnt flesh on their surface, can’t sleep in any bed without the ghost of Gilbert’s arms encircling him, —and sometimes they’re softer than others, but they never change their size. Sometimes when he closes his eyes, Serge can still smell Gilbert on his sheets; one’s that he never even laid on. He hears his voice when he plays piano, humming along to the melodies he plays, —he feels him when the wind rustles, when the sun shines, and when rain takes over the skies.
If there’s one thing Serge knows for certain, it’s that Gilbert will live inside him for as long as it takes to make things right. He’ll apologize a million times for mistakes he never had the chance to make, and he’ll pour an extra cup of chamomile tea, even though Gilbert probably wouldn’t have liked it anyway.
He’ll sit and think far too often about how Gilbert would have grown in tandem with him, —getting taller, and warmer, and kinder, like Serge was melting ice in his palms. He’ll visit his grave and tell him about his days, even if he’s never really felt Gilbert there where his name is carved into marble and brownstone. He’s the only one who ever visits these days, and it would be a shame to let his resting place become some overgrown mound of weeds. Maybe Gilbert wouldn’t mind, but Serge does.
He’ll try not to cry as much as the days go by. Time hasn’t healed his wounds the way he thought it would, —but he’s not doing himself any favors with the way he digs his fingers around in them every morning, desperate to keep them festering like some metaphorical maw of devotion. It’s what Gilbert always did, picking at his cuts and his bruises to keep them around.
Serge will bleed on every inch of Lacombrade Academy, then on every stone on the streets of Paris, just as Gilbert would have wanted.
He’ll carry this guilt like a cross on his shoulders, —unadulterated and proud, each step heavy with the weight of remorse. Serge will lug this love like a burden and a gift from some forsaken savior, a constant companion, shaping to the contours of his soul, merging down to the muscle. This is where he feels closest to the writhing boy he lost to the rain and the mud and the horrors of his mind. This is where he feels Gilbert so strongly; in the sinews of his being, rotting on the inside but sickeningly sugar-coated.
He puts an extra cube of sugar in Gilbert’s tea and watches it dissolve, then takes a sip of his own.
It’s mild, —floral, and maybe it would be soothing if Serge allowed for it to be. He won’t, of course.
Shadows dance off the walls in the late evening light. The air is thick with melancholy, the kind that permeates the tea in Serge’s delicate porcelain cup. He almost smiles when a whisper of wind from the open window makes the curtains quiver and snuffs out the candlelight on the clothed table. Gilbert never did like romantic gestures. He preferred something raw and much less tangible, clawing at Serge until he came apart, just so he’d put him back together.
And he always did. . . Until he couldn’t. Serge always knew how to fix Gilbert; how to pull him in and soothe the ache, until the echoes got louder, until Gilbert got high enough to block them out, even when it came at the cost of blocking Serge out with them. At least he was delirious at the end. It’s a somber sort of comfort knowing Gilbert wasn’t in the right mind when it all came crashing down, —but more than that, it’s a reminder to Serge that it’s his solemn duty to keep those memories alive until he’s food for the worms to eat.
There wasn’t enough love in the world to save Gilbert from himself, and Serge has yet to reconcile with the bitter truth that he knew that all along. He’d known it from the moment they met in that claustrophobic dorm room when Gilbert came crashing in, teetering on the edge. It was only a matter of time before his sadness caught up to him. He was running from ghosts and the whispers of his mind, from the attention he craved and begged for, and found in the arms of whatever upperclassman or old, nasty man he could sink his teeth into for a night.
And Serge couldn’t kiss that away.
He couldn’t ever hold Gilbert tight enough, so he settled. He settled for the tanned hands brushing golden strands from his face, caressing him gently even when he begged to be hurt. He settled for whispered words against his neck instead of canines on his flesh, for big, brown, innocent eyes that were just so disgustingly kind. Gilbert settled for love when he wanted to be hurt.
Worst of all, he liked it.
He liked how Serge held his cheeks and kissed his tears away and how he always kept the promises he made.
Now, Serge sifts through memories of pale skin and lean muscle, —emerald eyes that never really had a spark. But heaven knows they were so, so pretty when Gilbert wanted them to be. His heart wanes like the humble moon, the ache of loss still ever-present, no matter where he goes. He lives with a chill that follows him wherever he ventures, undeterred by the warmth of his tender memories or the cup of quickly cooling tea in his palms.
Gilbert’s love was never perfect, and it never came without great costs, but Serge would have traveled to every end of the Earth to keep it. He’d have paid every price imaginable just to pull him from the depths and breathe new life into his fragile lungs.
But it’s too late now. . . So Serge sits alone at this table, holding a cup of chamomile tea the way he once held both their hopes and sorrows. He clings to what he has left, —the reminders of what he lost and what he gained. 
The last sip lingers like Gilbert’s lips always did on his collarbones, and Serge settles the empty cup back onto its saucer.
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08theverysmallhuman · 6 months
THANK GOD SOMEBODY IN THIS FUCKING FANDOM LIKES IGAGURI!!!!!!!!! OH MY GODDDD HE IS LITERALLY JUST A LITTLE GUY WHAT THE FUCK ARE HATERS SO MAD ABOUT!!!!!!! I thought the more recent scene with him and Isagi where he was given advice was incredible and I really hope we get to see more of him in future arcs still because he’s Isagi’s pal and first real rival!!! He’s silly comic relief yeah but he’s also genuinely likable and has a VERY heavy and real reason to be so driven and passionate to stick in Blue Lock! And I am SO happy seeing somebody else who likes him here FINALLY! FINALLY!!! THANK YOU
FOR FUCKING REEEEAL !!!!! They're mad he's still in because it makes no sense well first of all he quite literally is established to not want to train if he doesn't have to and call him lazy and it doesn't make sense he's still in WHEN IN CANON he works hard enough to be good enough to run with the beasts blue lock is cultivating, to the point where he's actually straining his fucking body and injuring himself on equipment and throwing up???? Brother if you fall face first on a treadmill set to max you are not getting back on I don't know what to tell you. He's decided to train the thing he's good at, the same thing everyone else in the series is doing, the thing that Real Life Soccer Players accepts as an actual strategy and people are getting on his ass about it cause they can't fucking accept that he's a genuinely GOOD soccer player who's playing with actual superpowered geniuses
He's also like??? Really nice compared to some of these guys?? He talks a lot of shit but like it's comparatively tame and not really all that different from like regular team animosity? You got other people on this team saying some real out of pocket shit and you're on this guy's case about it ISAGI's ruder than this guy. He's genuinely happy for his friends when they reach a new level in their progress, he's comfortable asking them for advice and help with practice, he's literally isagi's hypeman on the field and he's cheering for every goal
It's literally just because they find him ugly there's literally no other reason. He's not even ugly he's bald but he looks fine dude he's literally living in a fucking temple what do you want from him. He might not even wanna look like this he very adamantly hates the thought of continuing to live in the temple let a man be
And yes his backstory is literally The most interesting one to me hands down I need to know what his home life is like I need to know his dad his mom his friends how he got into soccer in a reportedly strict shrine especially with his personality being like Super Not Buddhist, he prays to ask for stuff and not anywhere else, his jersey number is literally a reference to the 108 earthly desires Buddhists are meant to stay away from, that he specifically indulges in while he's away from home I wonder if he's used to being squished in a room with multiple people and that's how he finds such bizarre sleeping positions cause it's so open suddenly I need to know if he makes it out which he fucking better if he goes back I'm destroying all life on the planet let my boy go
Not even gonna get into the it shouldve kira argument I've said it a million times they only want him back because he's hot but kira was not fucking making it in blue lock . you want him to but he just fuckin wasn't maybe one day I'll get into it but you know in your heart of hearts Pretty Boy McSwaggy here was getting his fucking shit rocked
Igarashi Gurimu is a GREAT LIKEABLE AMD COMPELLING CHARACTER and just because he's not exactly bishie IT DOESNT MEAN HE'S A BAD PERSON?? Ive literally seen 'igaguri would be a pervert igaguri would be homophobic' he's literally one of the few people in blue lock who hasnt mentioned girls or romance bud. And my guy put up with shidou dude I think we're Fine
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11th September >> Mass Readings (USA)
Wednesday, Twenty Third Week in Ordinary Time 
(Liturgical Colour: Green. Year: B(II))
First Reading 1 Corinthians 7:25-31 Are you bound to a wife? Do not seek a separation. Are you free of a wife? Then, do not look for a wife.
Brothers and sisters: In regard to virgins, I have no commandment from the Lord, but I give my opinion as one who by the Lord’s mercy is trustworthy. So this is what I think best because of the present distress: that it is a good thing for a person to remain as he is. Are you bound to a wife? Do not seek a separation. Are you free of a wife? Then do not look for a wife. If you marry, however, you do not sin, nor does an unmarried woman sin if she marries; but such people will experience affliction in their earthly life, and I would like to spare you that. I tell you, brothers, the time is running out. From now on, let those having wives act as not having them, those weeping as not weeping, those rejoicing as not rejoicing, those buying as not owning, those using the world as not using it fully. For the world in its present form is passing away.
The Word of the Lord
R/ Thanks be to God.
Responsorial Psalm Psalm 45:11-12, 14-15, 16-17
R/ Listen to me, daughter; see and bend your ear.
Hear, O daughter, and see; turn your ear, forget your people and your father’s house. So shall the king desire your beauty; for he is your lord, and you must worship him.
R/ Listen to me, daughter; see and bend your ear.
All glorious is the king’s daughter as she enters; her raiment is threaded with spun gold. In embroidered apparel she is borne in to the king; behind her the virgins of her train are brought to you.
R/ Listen to me, daughter; see and bend your ear.
They are borne in with gladness and joy; they enter the palace of the king. The place of your fathers your sons shall have; you shall make them princes through all the land.
R/ Listen to me, daughter; see and bend your ear.
Gospel Acclamation Luke 6:23ab
Alleluia, alleluia. Rejoice and leap for joy! Your reward will be great in heaven. Alleluia, alleluia.
Gospel Luke 6:20-26 Blessed are you who are poor. Woe to you who are rich.
Raising his eyes toward his disciples Jesus said:
“Blessed are you who are poor, for the Kingdom of God is yours. Blessed are you who are now hungry, for you will be satisfied. Blessed are you who are now weeping, for you will laugh. Blessed are you when people hate you, and when they exclude and insult you, and denounce your name as evil on account of the Son of Man.
Rejoice and leap for joy on that day! Behold, your reward will be great in heaven. For their ancestors treated the prophets in the same way.
But woe to you who are rich, for you have received your consolation. But woe to you who are filled now, for you will be hungry. Woe to you who laugh now, for you will grieve and weep. Woe to you when all speak well of you, for their ancestors treated the false prophets in this way.”
The Gospel of the Lord
R/ Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
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nerdypanda3126 · 2 years
“possessive kiss to show the world they belong to each other’’ 💕
Hehehe I hope you guys didn't think I forgot about these 😁 thanks for the ask nony! Featuring viperbug because I love them 😁
Marinette twisted her ring around and around her left hand ring finger as she worried at her bottom lip with her teeth. She and Luka had only been married a day, but she'd thought maybe something would be different. That she'd look different somehow or feel different or… it should be obvious, right? Marriage should've changed her in some life-altering way, and yet… it was just another day.
Luka knocked on the door frame, then leaned into it and looked at her with the same expression he'd worn yesterday. For him, it was glaringly obvious. He didn't even need the glint of silver on his left hand; you could tell by looking at him that he was madly, hopelessly, irrevocably in love.
With her.
She blushed even as she thought it and Luka chuckled.
"You bring new meaning to the term 'blushing bride,'" he said, clearly amused.
"I just… was it right, do you think? To… run away like this? Get married on our own and come back and…" She twisted her ring again as she thought.
His easy smile twitched downward, but he moved to wrap her in his arms and rest his chin on her shoulder. "We'll still have the big wedding, Mari, I promise."
She put her hands over his and sank back into him. "That's not… exactly… what I'm worried about…" She caught his eye in the mirror and tapped her earrings. Luka nodded in understanding, then pressed a kiss behind her ear.
"We can do it together, if you want," he said. "Confront the press. It's not like we both don't have experience." He kissed a trail from behind her ear, down her jawline, and down her neck, then he worked on following the line of her shoulder, shifting the fabric of her shirt to get better access. She smiled despite her worries.
“That’s not really helping my motivation to go talk to anyone, you know.”
“So don’t,” he murmured. “Why do they have to know anything? For all they know, Ladybug is a 1,000 year old god with no… earthly desires.” At that he smirked against her skin and slipped her sleeve and her bra strap further down her shoulder. “And we’re technically on our honeymoon,” he reminded her.
She turned to wrap her arms around his waist and hugged him as tight as she could, burying her face in his shoulder. He shifted gears easily and let his hands fall respectfully to her hips.
“I just want it over with,” she muttered into his shirt. “I feel like I can’t enjoy this, being with you, until I know they’ll stop speculating and guessing and wondering and I want to stop hearing about how I’m obviously in love with Chat Noir every time I turn on the news and you’re sitting right next to me and we’re madly, happily in love and married now, and I know you’re not jealous, and I know it doesn’t bother you, but…” She nuzzled into him for good measure. “I belong to you,” she admitted softly. “And I want everyone else to know that, too.”
"Then I'm ready when you are, Mrs. Couffaine." He waited until she let go first, then smirked at her blush. His teal flash of magic was right behind her pink one, and they both left by using their balcony window.
It didn’t take long for the press to find them, or for the relentless questions to start. Why hasn’t Chat Noir been seen in a while? Why did Ladybug leave the city unprotected? Where had she gone? Was Viperion a permanent member of the team? Was she still in love with Chat Noir?
Viperion stood a little behind her, but kept his hand surreptitiously on the small of her back, lending her strength. She felt him tense the smallest amount at the last question, which strengthened her resolve. She took a deep breath.
“Chat Noir officially left the team about a month ago,” she started. “I am not, and have never been in love with him. He left of his own volition and I don’t expect to see him back anytime soon, although he’d be welcome if he did want to come back.”
There was a rush of questions and the circle around them pressed forward just enough to make her claustrophobic. She felt Viperion move and he was standing next to her now, twining his fingers with hers and squeezing her hand. Despite the pressure of the situation, she couldn’t help but smile.
“As for where I was, I’m happy to announce that I was getting married.”
There was a collective pause as what she’d said seemed to take everyone off guard. Then, one voice called out, “Married to who?”
“To the newest permanent member of the team,” Viperion answered beside her, and she didn’t even have to turn her head to know he was smirking at the shockwave that his statement caused. All eyes shifted to their hands, checking for rings which had unfortunately been hidden by their suits, and then over to Ladybug for her confirmation. She couldn’t help the blush that rose to her cheeks. There was only one way they’d believe them.
She turned to Viperion and curled her hand around his neck to pull him down. He followed her motion easily and covered her lips with his, smiling into the kiss. His arms wound around the small of her back, and she gasped as he lifted her off her feet easily. For a moment she forgot the press, forgot the suits, forgot the world and lost herself in kissing her husband, tangling her fingers in his hair, delighting in the way he seemed to be just as lost in kissing her.
It was only when a flash of a camera went off in her face that she remembered herself and slid down to touch her toes back to the ground, although she also didn't miss the way Viperion shifted to be a little more behind her to hide what his skin-tight suit definitely wouldn't. She shot a smirk back at the nearest camera person and wrapped her arm around Viperion's waist as she pulled her yoyo out and started twirling it.
"Now if you'll excuse us," she said, her teasing tone more directed at Luka than anyone else. She slipped her hand a little lower down his back to cup his ass and squeezed as surreptitiously as she could. Luka actually blushed under his mask, although the look he shot her told her she'd pay for it later. She bit back a giggle and finished her statement.
"We're on our honeymoon."
Send me a kiss!
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