#but I have a feeling that if Seb means THIS much I shall be broken too
secondsofhappiness · 7 years
This is the most Rob centric storyline we've ever had.
I made a post a while back about how this intense year has showcased The Worst of Robert Jacob Sugden and not only that, has reminded us of his past in VERY clever ways...
For example, he cheated. We're reminded of his long history with infidelity. He pretended to kill Tim, bringing back MANY parallels with Katie's accidental death and the part he played. There was the stuff with Chrissie and her hug that reminded us of how he treated her despite their connection. Then there's the Lawrence shenanigans reminding us that Larry has always had a thing for Rob, it's the reason he met Chrissie and giving us a throwback to their earlier and brutal scene together where Rob tells him this straight. There's the master being overpowered by the student aka Lachlan. Rob is definitely a factor in Lachlan's behaviour nowadays I think. We're constantly reminded of how he screwed up with Aaron. We get regular reminders of Liv and she brutally tells him how he has hurt her. Etc.
It's like a little tour of the life of RJS and a reminder that he has never really owned his shit.
He has tried. He has tried hard at times and I think the only person that got him close was Aaron but Aaron had his own things to focus on, had his own issues and they weren't strong enough to save each other. Why should they be?! They were so fractured and damaged as individuals that the thing that kept them together was the sheer force of their ridiculous love for each other and damned pig headedness. It's why their eventual break up was MESSY AS HELL because it needed to be something huge to break their ties. Neither would do it otherwise regardless of how much they were struggling together.
Robert always needed a storyline like this. A redemption of his character could never ever be about anything other than his core. Doing it for Aaron was never going to last because it's ingrained in him from his youth and it's why this storyline has been so bloody great, I think.
Yeah it had been soapy and OTT at times but it was a showcase of RJS and how he operates. It was presenting his mistakes to the audience, allowing them to survey them, to see his character in full but all the way through, be reminded in little ways of who he is underneath it all, who he can be, who human!Rob is and the only ones to do that have been Aaron and Liv. Their involvements have only ever been to bring out human!Rob. Sometimes Diane does it but it's more contrived when it's her as we know Rob isn't all that comfortable with some of her comments for good reason.
Tonight's episode and the introduction of Sebastian (and I hope tomorrow's scenes too) screamed loud as THE TURNING POINT.
- The result of his cheating was born - his son
- He faced a devastated Aaron and Rob was reminded of Aaron's love, goodness and the faith Aaron has in him
- He faced Liv's brutal words about how his actions impacted her when all he wanted was to help and love her and he tried so hard to support her
- He was reminded of his father, told he'd be proud and had to deal with that reality
- The Lawrence stuff came to a head with Rob, I think, actually feeling deeply moved in the end because he saw a man who believed in what he was saying and Rob knew he'd taken advantage of a tortured soul
All of that came to a head and then he was handed Sebastian and this innocent, helpless, clueless blank slate was HIS and Sebastian doesnt hate or doesn't have any preconceived ideas. Robert is his dad and that's all he is right now. Sebastian is a little being made to love him and need him.
So Robert leaves. Because he is faced in one day with the reality of his entire life and that's that he has done many many bad things but who does he go back to? His father. The person who is the root of many of his issues and despite this, Robert STILL craves his respect and validation. He's telling his father that he has ruined his own life and that by having his own son, he is faced with the reality of his lifetime, of the culmination of years of mistreatment of others, of coveting, of manipulation, of misguided focus, of making bad decisions and all of that has cost him the things that he holds dear.
There's a reason why we get the scenes we're getting tomorrow. There's a reason why we're getting a long ass Rob and Aaron scene because as I've been saying for weeks, Aaron is the route to Human!Rob. Aaron is the sole source of faith, unconditional love, openness, honesty he has and as he said last year, he can be himself with Aaron. Aaron will tell him straight and Robert will listen and the reason he'll stick around and NOT listen to those words of Jack Sugden is because Aaron has faith in him and would be disappointed in him if he left.
The decisions will be Robert's but Sebastian was the trigger and Aaron will be the one to make Rob realise that his past doesn't always have to shape his future.
It's the beginning of Robert becoming Human!Rob and I feel like it'll be bumpy as hell but I am kind of smitten with the way it has been framed and even despite some of the soapiness and OTT moments, it has felt grounded by Ryan's acting. Let it be known, I'm bloody fascinated by Rob as a character, I have grown to love him way more because of this storyline and I am so damn excited for the rest.
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madmaddoxfuryroad · 3 years
HSMTMTS: Season 3 thoughts
So I’ve been ruminating a lot about this show today (like every other day) and I got to thinking about what they might do for season 3. Less so plot-wise (I mean season 2 is just over halfway through), but more about what musical they might do, what the cast might be, and how that could tie into the individual characters and their arcs (some more so than others, but c’est la vie).
In trying to figure out what musical they might do, I started first with the obvious: what does Disney own? I don’t think they would return to the HSM franchise (until the final season, but thoughts on that for another day), so anything related to that and other DCOMs I counted out. I also eliminated all Disney animated/princess films. I love them, don’t get me wrong, but seeing as this season they are doing BATB, I don’t think they would immediately go into another animated-film-adapted-for-broadway right after that. So at that point I wasn’t quite sure where to go. Mary Poppins was really the only other thing that came to mind and while I love the film and broadway show I just don’t think it fits the cast well slash even has enough parts to really showcase them. You have Mary and Bert. And then I guess Mr. and Mrs. Banks? Then the kids are a whole other issue. It just felt messy. So I just started thinking about broadway shows that I like, I mean if they wanted to, Disney has the money and could pay for the rights to use most shows. Then everything fell into place.
Into the Woods. I am 100% positive I am letting my bias for this show cloud my judgement, but if you stick with me, I think I can persuade you (or not, your mind is your own and I respect that). First off, Disney owns it. At least I think they do. They made the movie (RIP), so I am going to safely assume they have the rights at this point. Next, yes it contains fairytale elements, which might make you feel it’s a little too close to BATB, but it is such a deconstruction of fairytales and their tropes that I almost feel like it is an amazing follow up to a more traditional fairytale. It introduces conflict and the real world into these fantasy scenarios, which I feel goes really well with high school in general and growing up, expectations being shattered, and learning to alter your world view (I really love this play). Plus, I think it would be exciting to see this cast do a more broadway-type show. Obviously BATB is a broadway show, but I think there is a lot of reliance on knowing the film and less on the play itself. And not going to lie after Julia Lester’s rendition of “Home” last week (which I have not STOPPED listening to) it would be amazing to hear these teens tackle more broadway-style music. Which, takes me to my final point: the cast. What I love so much about Into the Woods is how it is very much an ensemble cast. Yes some roles are bigger than others, but if you have a named character, odds are it’s a fairly good role. And the whole HSMTMTS cast is so talented, I like the idea of them picking a show where it does not feel like anyone is sidelined with their part. Now the only thing left to do is cast it…
FULL disclosure. I ran into an issue early on that I ended up thinking Ashlyn was perfect for every female role and Seb was perfect for every male role. But I was eventually able to push through and cast it (in my humble opinion) pretty well. So I am just going to go off in the order that I cast them, because I think it will help explain my thought process.
Cinderella - Nini. Once I got over my need to hear Julia/Ashlyn sing “No One Is Alone” (loophole to this coming later), this felt like a pretty natural fit and was one of the easiest to cast. For one, I just think Olivia’s vocal range pairs very well with Cinderella’s and she could do beautifully with her songs like “On the Steps Of The Palace”. But what really got me was the way she parallels the character so perfectly. Cinderella is a character who always dreams of more but isn’t quite sure what that “more” is. And because she isn’t *quite* sure what she wants, the character is often seen grappling with indecision (see: “On The Steps Of The Palace”). Most of Act I is her being stagnant and letting the Prince take the active role. Finally in Act II she starts to get a better sense of who she is, who she wants to be, and what she doesn’t want. So this felt like it tied in really nicely with Nini’s journey and would be a great role for her, especially when…
Cinderella’s Prince - Ricky. Yes, yes I know. Ricky and Nini playing love interests? Groundbreaking. But stay with me. For one, I just like the idea of Ricky not getting the lead male role, and this part is perfect for him, regardless. The whole relationship between Cinderella and her Prince mirrors Nini and Ricky remarkably well. The way the Prince sees Cinderella as this perfect maiden who, if he could just be with her, would be the only thing he would ever want/need. But of course this isn’t realistic and isn’t how relationships work, which they both come to terms with by the end of Act II. Their break-up/parting ways scene might be my favorite in the entire play and I think it would be so great for Ricky and Nini to get to perform. In part because the conclusion of the scene is basically them both admitting that they will always love the idea of the other, even though they don’t actually work as a couple. (**I am operating on the assumption that they will have broken up in season 2 and are still broken up, but never really dealt with it). Honestly I recommend just watching the scene I will link it here (it goes from about 2:12:35-2:15:00). Plus, I could totally see there being an episode where they are trying to rehearse this scene, but it just isn’t working so Miss Jenn has both of them improv it or rewrite the lines to something that might feel more comfortable or personal. And I just see that being a really beautiful moment for the two and a chance for growth and closure. I could go on about this dynamic, but I will move on to my final point: “Agony”. First, while it is mostly a comedic song, you can take just the first verse of the song and recontextualize it really nicely as a Ricky pining kind of song, which I absolutely dig (not quitting on my Rina endgame, and you can’t make me) I mean: “If I should lose her, how shall I regain the heart she has won from me? Agony, beyond power of speech, when the one thing you want is the only thing out of your reach”. And BONUS I think we could also get a full-on version of “Agony” in all its absurdist glory with…
Rapunzel’s Prince - EJ. Well, sort of. Technically, no. BUT for the purposes of “Agony”, yes. At this point EJ will have graduated, but I don’t think he will be written out of the show, so it remains to be seen exactly what his place will be. I just think these two 100% need a song together and this is 100% that song. I could see it being something as simple as EJ is helping out with the show, the unnamed kid playing Rapunzel’s Prince is out, so they have EJ fill in. Or they have to have him go on for that kid last minute during the performance. It’s a quick, easily explainable thing that would have SUCH a great payoff.
Jack - Big Red. This was certainly one of the easier ones to cast, but my first thought was of course Seb. Jack is just a boy whose best friend is his cow and Seb radiates that energy. But I needed him for something else. Enter Big Red, the perfect Jack. For one, Big Red has a lot of that starry eyed wonderment that Jack has, that none of the other characters do. There is a purity and innocence to the way Jack sees a lot of things. That pairs nicely with Big Red. And it also opens the door for him to grow and mature more as a character. By the end of the show, Jack is in a place where is needs to transition more to adulthood and with Big Red being a senior by season 3, I think there is a lot of potential here. Also, with Big Red as Jack, I really like the character he is often paired with in scenes, but I will hold back until I get to them.
Witch - Kourtney. Yes. It is her time. One can debate over which character is the “main character” of Into the Woods, but for me it’s the Witch. And Kourtney deserves this. Did I heavily consider Ashlyn for this as well? You know I did. But I grow more and more confident in the casting of Kourtney the more I think about it. First thing’s first: the Witch belts, and I mean BELTS. Dara is such a powerhouse vocally that she would crush every moment of that; I have total faith. But the Witch also has such quiet and tender moments that people don’t think about as much, but are so necessary for the character to be effective and I think she also has that on lock. We have not seen a ton of it (so I would be eager to get more) but when she did her version of “Beauty and the Beast” she was able to find soft but strong moments in the song, and it was so lovely. Then, from a more thematic POV, the Witch is characterized as “the voice of reason”. While everyone else is running around in their fairytale dream world, she is always the one there dolling out the reality checks. And if that ain’t Kourtney. Basically, I think it is her time to get the lead and she would be amazing in this role.
Baker - Seb. Finally settled on a role for him. But really, how could it be anything else? I have felt since the first time we heard him sing (in Truth, Justice, and Songs in our Key, I think) that he was severely underused. The Baker is essentially the male lead, and he has earned it. I don’t think there’s much more that needs to be said here.
Baker’s Wife - Ashlyn. Here’s the thing: could someone else be cast as Baker’s Wife? Yes. And I am sure they would do a fine job. But the thing about this role is that you often don’t realize how fantastic it is until you see someone really great playing it. There’s heart, humor, tragedy, and so much more all wrapped into this character and I would far and away trust Julia/Ashlyn with this above all others. And Baker’s Wife gets to sing a short reprise of “No One Is Alone” so I get to win both ways. No matter how I try to cast it or rearrange characters, I keep coming back to the fact that Ashlyn is just hands down the correct choice. Plus she is one of the better options when it comes to having chemistry with Seb. And I’m not even talking about romantic chemistry, just more about the camaraderie of it, and being able to really see them as a team worth rooting for. They both have an inherent sweetness that makes you care for them, which is crucial for the show. AND this would be another opportunity for Julia Lester to flex her acting after playing VERY different roles in HSM and BATB. Basically, I don’t know when it happened, but I think I am a Julia Lester stan and I only want what is best for her and I think this is it. 
Little Red - Gina. “Didn’t see that one coming did you?” -Pietro Maximoff. And honestly same. There’s always that tough moment in casting when you’ve done the more obvious ones and then you feel sort of stuck with cast choices that weren’t really your choice. But this one really grew on me. Hopefully, I can do it justice. And I will be the first to admit Gina deserves her time to shine because I do think she is amazing. It just isn’t her time yet. It also doesn’t help that Into the Woods is one of the LEAST dance-centered shows and dance it where she really puts all others to shame. So this is where we landed. But it works. I promise. Little Red as a character is pretty naïve, but covers it up with over the top confidence. That feels pretty Gina. I love where her character has gone and all the growth she is displayed in trying to be more vulnerable. But there is still a part of me that does miss mean girl Gina and I think Little Red is a great way to get that energy without backtracking the character development. I don’t think she would be the stereotypical “bratty” Little Red, but I think she could still do something great with it. Also very similar to Jack, Little Red is one of the more innocent characters that has to grow up and face a lot of harsh realities over the course of the play. And I have no doubt Gina would nail that aspect of it, too. And speaking of Jack, Little Red has a number of scenes interacting with him and you know what that means: Gina and Big Red bonding time! I really like the idea of these roles bringing the two closer as friends. And I already head-canon that they would have a ton of fun playing with the fact that they are now Big Red and Little Red (especially since he is on the shorter side and she is on the taller side). Basically I see this as a way for them to build up a really good rapport. I am also pretty convinced that Big Red is a secret Rina shipper, and this would only add to that. And finally even though this is not a dance-heavy show at all, one place where they could add a dance is during “Hello Little Girl”. Now I will be the first to admit that this song is dicey at best, particularly for Disney. But even a scene working on the dance with just the instrumental, no lyrics, could be great. I see it as a partner dance with the wolf (I don’t know dance terms, so maybe this is super vague). And oh, wouldn’t you know it? Cinderella’s Prince is often double-cast as the wolf! (WHAT ARE THE CHANCES) Meaning the Wolf would also be good ol’ Richard Bowen. And I like the idea of getting Rina scenes of them trying to work on the dance, but Ricky is super bad a leading, and they just have fun trying to figure it out. It’s also nice that it is absolutely not a romantic dance so the two wouldn’t feel any added pressure and could just have fun with one another, and that really is when Rina is at its best (not that I would say no to a scene where Gina has to teach Ricky the BATB waltz, but I digress).
Narrator/Mysterious Man - Carlos. By process of elimination, you probably could have guessed who was next. And I know this one also feels like a weird choice but I do kind of love it. First you have the narrator, which is another one of those roles that is only as memorable as the actor playing it, which I think is right up Carlos’ alley. He is always trying to put his unique stamp on things and be memorable and he would take the narrator in a very enjoyable direction. There’s also the matter that I see Carlos as something of an assistant director with Miss Jenn, which makes him a third-party observer of the shows inherently, so it is almost a little meta that he would also end up being the narrator. Then there’s is the mysterious man. I love the idea of Carlos getting to play two very different characters, but I love it even more because the mysterious man is the father of the baker which makes for a lot of sweet moments between the two of them. Yes it might be a little weird for Seblos to be playing father and son, but there is such a vulnerability and tenderness in the moments between the two characters, particularly during “No More” that I can get over it. Because I think they are one of the few pairings on this show that could really pull that off. I just think this character would be a great way to exhibit the range of Carlos.
I really, really love this idea and could not fault them if this was the direction they went, but I ultimately decided against it, mostly because I felt too strongly about another character having the role BUT:
Baker’s Husband - Carlos. I just really love the idea of Seblos getting to be front and center, with their dynamic as the focal point of the show. And honestly Carlos would also do an amazing job as this character. I mean, Seb and Carlos singing “It Takes Two”? How sweet is that? This would also be a great way for the development of their relationship to get a little bit more attention, instead of a side story here and there. There is a lot that could be done with this from a story perspective and I would be here for it.
Unfortunately, then that leaves me unsure of where to put Ashlyn. She could be Jack’s mother, but that feels like such a waste of her. I mean, she would do well and she does have the lead this year, so it’s not SO terrible her having a more minor character, but it just doesn’t feel right. And I really just feel so strongly that she would be the best option for Baker’s Wife out of everyone. And it opens the door to develop the Seb and Ashlyn friendship more, which I am always here for. 
Anyway. Those are my thoughts. If you made it this far: wow and thank you!
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capevans3000 · 4 years
Love triangle - Part 5 (final part)
seSummary: You and Chris had always have feelings for each other, but were too afraid to let each other know. That was until Sebastian came along and a love triangle was quickly formed.
Featuring: Chris x Reader x Sebastian Stan
Warning: Some angst. Other than that mostly just fluff.
Note: This is the final part of Love Triangle! I hope you’ve enjoyed reading this mini series as much as I’ve had a wonderful time writing it! Let me know what you think of the ending! Should there be a sequel, if yes, what should the sequel be? Which was your favourite part of this story? Let me know! Once again, thank you for reading and pardon any grammar error in this one. Stay safe everyone! <3
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
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“Don’t leave me like this again. Please.” Chris choked as he pulled you into a hug, his actions urgent, like his life depended on it. You took in his warmth and returned the hug. Chris quickly removed his jacket, second time in two days, and wrapped it around your shoulders to keep you warm.
You looked at him and saw that he had tears in his eyes. “You were gone for so long and I didn’t hear anything from you for hours. I couldn’t get through to your phone and- and I thought something bad had happened to you.” Chris cried openly now, tears cascading down his cheeks and dampening his face mask. You felt bad for making Chris cry like that. It was never your intention to make Chris worry and you felt so bad for forgetting the time. You pulled Chris in for another hug. “I’m sorry for making you worry.”
You and Chris were locked in an embrace in the middle of that sidewalk. It was late and dark, and no one else were around. You felt a sense of déjà vu, for 24 hours ago, you were in a similar embrace, but with Sebastian. Both of these embraces were warm and safe to be in, but you couldn’t help but feel a sense of home and familiarity with Chris, although this was the first time you and him had hugged. Chris felt like home, something that you didn’t quite feel with Sebastian last night.
Chris quietly took your hands in his and walked you towards his home. You and Chris didn’t talk during the walk home, instead, the both of you just enjoyed the moment together. It was the first time you held hands and your hands fit so well together. His hands tightened on yours, seemingly not wanting to let go. His hands were warm, warmer than your pockets.
Hidden from view, Sebastian stood and watched. After realizing that you were gone and missing, Sebastian had dashed out of Chris’ house in no time to look for you. He heart had pumped with adrenaline and fear as he searched around the vicinity for you. When he couldn’t find you anywhere, it had felt like his heart had collapsed. His hands had went cold, his mind numb and he struggled to breathe. It was a feeling of utter despair when he couldn’t find you and the closest way to describe how he felt was like he was drowning. When he had finally seen you walking alone on the sidewalk, he was too late. He was a step later than Chris, yet again. Chris had gotten to you first. As he saw you walked away with Chris holding hands, he wanted to cry out your name. He wanted to run towards you and take you away, not caring what anyone would say.
But he couldn’t. His feet stood still on the ground, suddenly losing its ability to move. He could only watch as you slowly disappeared into the night, his heart felt cold like the weather. When the sense of loss finally hit him, you were already nowhere to be seen. Willing his legs to work, he slowly made that lonely and broken road back to Chris’ house – in the other direction, even further away from you.
Right before you both reached home, Chris sat you down at the bench nearby. Seeing and ensuring that there were no one else around, you and Chris removed the face masks so you could talk.
“Y/N, I’m really sorry about what happened last night. There’s no excuse for how I reacted.” Chris began. “I want to be honest with you, something I wished I had done earlier.”
Chris then began to tell you everything he had been feeling, from fearing about your lack of privacy, to him being a jerk for not telling you how he felt about you much earlier and to him lashing out at Sebastian because of his own fears.
You listened and took in everything. Your heart was pounding so hard and so quickly, you swore you could hear it in the dead of the night. You swore the person in the house next to you could hear it. You felt euphoric, like a weight had been lifted off your shoulders. Before this, you had felt inadequate, thus unable to tell Chris you had feelings for him. But with Chris’ confession, you felt braver to let him know about your feelings as well.
“I love you, Y/N. I have never, never loved anyone else so much before that it scares me. It scares me that I could actually lose you that I became possessive. I love you, and I really want to be with you.”
You took a breath and looked at Chris. All those months of secretly having feelings for him were finally over. This was the moment that you would tell him your true feelings as well.
“Chris, I love you too. I have been wanting to tell you this for months but I never felt good enough for you. Thank you, thank you for loving me the way I am and showing me that I am enough for you. This means so much to me.” You said, feeling a tear escaping the edge of your eyelid. It was one thing feeling like you were not good enough for him, but it showed you how much Chris really cared about you that he had casted all these doubts from your head. You felt lighter, not only because you had finally told him how you feel, but because, as he always did, made you feel enough.
“I don’t care if being with you means a life of paparazzi chase. I want to be with you and everything else is secondary.” You continued. You saw Chris’ eyes tear up again at the sound of what you just said. In the same way Chris had made you feel enough, you had assured him that his fears were unfounded because you were not afraid of giving up that part of your life for him. Chris was touched at what you were willing to sacrifice for him and his heart swelled with love.
In that moment, it was like everything clicked. It was like putting the last piece of the jigsaw puzzle that you each had held in your hands for months but didn’t put down to complete the whole puzzle. Everything was full and well, like tea leaves and water together, making one flavourful drink.
“I love you so damn much, Y/N.” Chris said and he leaned in for a kiss that he had dreamed about for months. Your lips locked and you felt Chris’ warmth through his kiss. If this was a movie, fireworks would light up the sky behind them, because that was exactly what the kiss felt like. The kiss felt like it went on forever, when finally you both let go to catch a much needed breath. “I love you, too.” You said.
“Shall we continue this at home?” Chris asked and took your hands in his.
As Chris kissed you, he fumbled to look for his keys. He didn’t had to, because the door unlocked from the inside.
“Hey,” Sebastian called out. Both you and Chris stopped kissing and looked up at Sebastian. He had his bag over this shoulders, and was preparing to leave the house.
“Hey.” You and Chris called out at the same time.
“I see you two are officially together. Congratulations.” Sebastian said, forcing a smile. 
“Yeah. Thank you.” Chris replied. You looked at Sebastian and smiled.
“Thank you for having me for the past two days. I should get going. Sorry if I had caused any trouble.”
“You’re family too, Seb. You’re welcome here anytime.” Chris said.
“Thanks, buddy. Before I leave, can I just talk to Y/N for a moment?” Sebastian said, his gaze turned to look at you. You turned and looked at Chris before noding your head and followed Sebastian into the deck.
“I hope this doesn’t scare you, what I’m about to tell you.” Sebastian began. He was usually confident and candid, but it felt difficult to confess to you, knowing that you already belonged to someone else.
You looked at Sebastian, not knowing what to say.
“You’re really a very special person to me. I have never ever felt this way before about someone that I barely know for a day but you were different. I was so drawn to you and extremely attracted to you almost instantly. I can only blame the fact that I didn’t know you before you knew Chris. I know Chris is head over heels in love with you and I know you’re well protected with him. If it was anyone else, I would have stopped at nothing to put up a fight for you. This may sound crazy, but please know that my feelings for you aren’t rash. I may not have known you for a long time, but I can’t deny the fact that I have feelings for you no matter how short our interaction was.” Sebastian continued.
You looked at Sebastian, even more unsure of what to say.
“I’m here for you. We may not have the chance to develop our relationship further, but I’ll be here when you need me.” Sebastian finished. He pulled you in for one last hug, and you gladly returned the hug. “I’ll always remember the dance we had on this very deck.” He said and kissed you gently on your forehead before saying goodbye.
You followed Sebastian back to the house as he went to bid goodbye to Chris. As he leaned in to give Chris a hug, you heard him whispered to Chris, “Don’t you ever dare hurt her.” Chris smiled as he returned the hug. If not for Sebastian, Chris wouldn’t have had the courage to do something he had been afraid to do for months, which was to tell you how much he loved you.
Sebastian gave you a final wave and a smile and as his car slowly disappeared into the night, Chris closed the door behind him and grabbed you in for a kiss. “For all the times in the past few months that I didn’t kiss you, I want to kiss you enough and more to make up for it. I love you, Y/N.”
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luninosity · 4 years
fanfic writers tag game!
I was tagged by the marvelous @musette22 for this lovely fanfiction tag game that was devised by the clearly very brilliant @thewaythatwerust, to discuss some of the fics I’ve written over time! Thanks so much! 💖
Let’s see, I shall tag... @thebestpersonherelovesbucky @turtletotem @gerec @whtaft and @ninemoons42 <3
Which of your fics…
* Did you think would get a bigger reaction/audience than it got:
Ah, a tricky one! I feel like I never really have expectations - I just write words because I can’t not! But maybe lines of light, which was my Steve/Bucky Fake Character Death Trope fic - it’s sort of a weird little fic, but I wanted more of that trope, but maybe that’s just me!
* Got a better reaction than you expected:
Oh, goodness - just about all of them! I remember being so shy and so nervous to share any of my writing, years ago, and now I write things that people seem to like...I think probably never mind the why and wherefore surprised me most, though! That’s my TJ Hammond/Johnny Storm fic, and when I started writing it mine was literally the third fic on AO3 for that pairing, and for that small a fandom, I’ve just been amazed.
Also, of course: I’m constantly amazed by how much people love Like Sugar! It was the biggest thing I’d ever tried to write, and it made me a better writer along the way, and I suspect it’s the Evanstan fic/series people might remember most, from my fics? (Also also, if original-fic-inspired-by-an-Evanstan-drabble counts: the love for Character Bleed has been overwhelming!)
* Is your funniest:
...am I funny? I don’t know! *waves hands about* I feel like I never set out to “write something funny,” but then again I like terrible puns and wordplay, so there’re probably funny lines in most fics? I hope?
Honestly maybe every inch of north and south, which has the Chris-turned-into-a-puppy plot, or Now That I’ve Found You, Stay, because giant patriotic dildos, or some of the banter in just a couple lovebirds, because I love Chris and Seb in that one. Or some of Bucky’s pulp fiction stories in tales to astonish. Or all the TERRIBLE autumn-related puns in the current Evanstan fic, A Place Not Far Away!
Or we could go REAL old-school and pull out the McFassy semi-crack fic in which James gets magically cursed to turn into a kitten. There’s that.
* Is your darkest/angstiest:
Ahahahaha. Um. *stares in Characters Having Emotions*
Okay, okay, um... Aside from certain specific chapters of Like Sugar and Amateur Cartography, it’s either The Tones That Tremble Down Your Spine (Bucky needs all the softness, after this! of course so does Steve...) (sometimes I think about adding a chapter, because it ends a little abruptly, but I also wanted it to - not everything’s 100% resolved, but it’s clearly on a healing trajectory!) ...
...or, over in Cherik-land, I hope we rise to the occasion, which does have a hopeful ending but is painful, or the balancing act stories (also Cherik) which were...personal in many ways (also originally written over on Livejournal, because I’m old).
* Is your absolute favourite:
Impossible! *laughs* It’s always the current story I’m (actively) writing. Which at the moment is the Evanstan autumn fluff-with-porn A Place Not Far Away. I don’t know if it’s my favorite-favorite, but it’s nice to get back to Evanstan and I love fall.
* Is your least favourite:
Also impossible! There’re things I love about all my stories. If I have to...maybe It’s Time To Bring This Ship Into The Shore, mostly because Michael’s such a dick to James for a lot of it. Which is also true in Loving Days (why was that a plot point in a few of my McFassy fics?) but I think I did a better job with his redemption in that one, and showing how much he changed and tried harder. And with Ship & Shore I wasn’t super-knowledgeable about the soul-bond trope (it was a request-fic) so I never felt quite sure I’d done it well enough!
* Was the easiest to write:
Amusingly, considering how epic and glorious and long the whole series became, I’d say Like O, Like H - the first Like Sugar Evanstan story. It just flowed. It knew what it wanted to be, and I tried to keep up. (Lovebirds was also one of those, as was the TJ/Johnny fic, never mind the why and wherefore.)
* Was the hardest to write:
the sound of rain on tin. It’s been the fic I’ve had the hardest time with ever. It’s my own fault for trying to do too much in terms of plot - sort of AU, an Evanstan-Stucky crossover, Lovecraftian elements - and then starting to post before I had it all properly sorted. I do know how it ends in general terms, I promise! but resolving plot/action has never been one of my strengths, and we’ve hit the point where I actually have to figure out How To Fix The Magic Portal-Thing, and I don’t feel like I’ve got it worked out well enough.
I mean if you all just want me to write the emotional Sebastian talking to Steve Rogers (and maybe a little curious kissing) and Chris talking to Bucky, and then *poof* suddenly Seb and Bucky are back in their respective universes and we get Emotional Reconciliation Scenes and Love Confessions, that part’s easy. I’ve had stray bits of those scenes done for years.
* Have you re-read the most:
Like Sugar, in part for continuity as I worked on later stories and in part because I’m really kind of proud of it.
* Would you recommend to someone reading your work for the first time:
Depends on what genres they like! I’m probably best known for - if anything - Like Sugar, and I think it’s pretty representative of my writing in terms of loving tender kink-with-emotions! But the person would have to not mind Evanstan RPF and soft Dom/sub kink and arranged (sort of) marriage tropes.
Other than that, for Evanstan, maybe Sweet Disposition (the third version of the clothes-sharing fic!); or (baby won’t you please), which is the Chris And Seb Go To A Sex Club For Research For a Role fic, or tempt me, tease me, which is...Sebastian leaves an unsatisfactory date with someone else (brief and random) to go pick Chris up from a bar, and then there’re lots of revelations about Feelings, and also porn-with-emotions. Those last two ‘feel’ similar in my head for some reason - mood, maybe, or story arcs about revelation and discovery.
...for Stucky, maybe when and where our eyes meet (Bucky falling asleep! soft blankets!)...or tales to astonish, because it’s such fun!
...if you want to go a bit older, I have weird affection for my first-ever Cherik fic, Know That It’s True, which is a Cerebro hurt/comfort fic, and then I love the slow development of the McFassy in No Wonder, No Wonder, which I occasionally still think about trying to revise as original, but it’s so character-driven that it’d be hard, but I love the feel of it, the hints of magic and the setting...
* Are you most proud of:
Like Sugar! At the time it was the biggest story I’d ever tried to write, both in terms of length and in terms of world-building and planning and characters growing closer together. Character Bleed got more complicated in terms of needing multiple outlines and plot, eventually, but I couldn’t’ve done that if I hadn’t done Like Sugar first.
* Has your favourite line/exchange/paragraph (share it):
Too hard to pick! There are so many! 
I sometimes say it’s this one, from tempt me, tease me, though not always:
“If you’d like,” Sebastian offers, “we can even tell them I borrowed your key and lost it, if you don’t mind asserting small untruths to hotel personnel.” Big blue half-plastered Captain America eyes stare at him some more. “…Chris?” “You…” One hand waves, a partial gesture, pulled back at the last second. As if Chris has meant to reach out, and thought better of that. “You really would? You wouldn’t, y’know, mind?” Sebastian half-smiles. Thinks of cars with broken-glass windows in Romanian capital-city streets, thinks of students waving flags and cheering with feral glee, thinks of saucer-eyed childhood memories and songs of revolutionary fervor and desperate upheavals of optimism like birthing-pains. Chris Evans is beautiful and genuine and real, and Sebastian would do far worse things, would splinter his body and perjure his soul, to give Chris one more day in which to eat pizza and laugh and clap friends on the shoulder with a broad happy hand. “No,” he says, “I wouldn’t mind.”
Or, from the WIP - the next chapter of A Place Not Far Away - because my favorite is often what I’m currently working on, there’s this! Enjoy? <3
They both watch Sebastian for a second; he’s nodding, jotting down a quote, hair bouncing with the motion. His fingers are quick and tanned, gathering notes; his jacket’s casually open, and dirt’s left a scuff on his right boot.
 He’s a New York City reporter in a black leather jacket and a stylish sweater, but he’s also a reporter who doesn’t mind getting dirty and will run through a corn maze and helped set out signs the first day Chris ever met him.
 Carly pats Chris’s shoulder, says, “Enjoy yourself,” and heads off to supervise some historical blacksmith demonstrations. The sky shimmers in clouds and satin and magic and unfallen rain.
 Sebastian bounces back over. “That’ll be fantastic, she was so excited, she’s already thinking about next year, which is so perfect for a pull quote, and it’ll get people thinking ahead about coming here then!”
 Would you come back, Chris doesn’t say. Would you come back next year, next month, next week, even if your story’s done? Would you stay and not leave?
 He can’t ask that. This is Sebastian’s job.
 He says, “That’s awesome. You want lunch?”
 “Absolutely. I haven’t eaten my way through your menu yet. Recommendations?”
 “Classic Oktoberfest? The whole German sausage, potato, onion thing? That one’s popular. And, um, baked apples. In maple cream sauce.” Food. He can talk about food. Promoting their menu. Not getting down on both knees and promising to bring home every pumpkin Sebastian likes, if that’ll make those happy eyes stay at his side.
 “Sounds good.” Sebastian’s eyebrows go up, beckoning Chris into the joke. “And I do like sausage.”
 “I like your sausage,” Chris tells him, and Sebastian’s laugh is a splash of sunshine through clouds and cold and tree-branches that stretch to the sky.
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holylulusworld · 5 years
I don't wanna love somebody else (3)
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Request: Was thinking something angsty with Sebastian Stan & reader. His friend maybe tells him that she's not nice & is behind his fame & money so she's acting all nice. Once when she's talking abt someone else Seb thinks she's actually talking abt him. He acts cold towards her & throws her out on her b'day. He insults her in front of everyone & tells everyone how bad she is. She leaves the country & changes all the contacts. Seb sees her after 2yrs, with his child. Idk a happy ending??? 
This part got inspired by A Great Big World’s ‘I don't wanna love somebody else
Pairing: Sebastian Stan x Reader, Chris Evans x Reader (platonic), OFC Matteo Christopher, OFC Loretta
Warnings: angst, sad reader, mentions of heartbreak/break-up, arguments, daddy!Sebastian
You love me not masterlist
Sebastian is pacing around Chris’s apartment. Glancing at his best friend, trying to convince him to give him your addressee or at least your phone number.
“Please, Chris.” Moving his hand over his face Sebastian sighs. “I only want to talk to her. It’s been over a week and she didn’t allow me to see my son, please.”
“Seb, I always respected your privacy, never even tried to get involved with your decisions. Only one time I tried to make you change your mind, the night Y/N gave birth to your son. I called you, told you she’s in the hospital, asking for you.” Chris is clearing his throat at the memory of you lie on the hospital bed, waiting for Sebastian to come.
“I thought she has a broken leg or something…” Sebastian whispers, feeling more guilt well up. “I didn’t know…”
“Sebastian, you hung up the phone before I could explain the situation. I tried to reach you again and you refused all my calls that night. What if she would’ve had an accident and was close to dying?” Now Sebastian’s eyes widen, and he let the tears fall.
“Exactly! You wouldn’t have cared at all, Seb, too busy believing this lying bitch of a best friend. I tried to make you see your mistake, Y/N tried, hell even your parents tried to make you call her. They still can’t believe you treated her that badly.” Chris is glancing at his phone the moment Sebastian’s eyes land on it.
In a split-second he grabs Chris’s phone running out of the apartment to dial your number. He’s a panting mess but the sound of your voice let Sebastian’s heart flutter.
“Chris, is something wrong? I’m at the playground Matteo loves so much, you know, close to my house. Do you want to come around?” Not knowing what to do, Sebastian wants to imitate Chris's voice, but this would be wrong, and he clears his throat.
“Please don’t hang up, I stole Chris’s phone to hear your voice.” Sniffling Sebastian walks backward seeing Chris approach, angrily clenching his jaw. “I swear Chris will hit me right now. He had nothing to do with this.”
“Seb, please stop trying to get close to me. We are over for two years. This was your decision, not mine. I only try to live with the consequences of your actions. Find someone new to love…if you ever loved me at all…”
You end the phone call and Sebastian glances at the phone he stole from his friend, not knowing how to change your mind.
“Sebastian Stan give me back my phone! How old are you, dude? I swear if you hurt her…” Chris is angrily stalking toward his friend, shaking his head. “Give her some time!”
“She said I shall find someone new to love, if I ever loved her.” Sitting onto the sidewalk, looking at the phone in his hands Sebastian recalls the day he kicked you out of his life.
“I don't wanna love somebody else, Chris.” Sitting next to his friend Chris takes his phone out of Sebastian’s hands. “I don’t know if I’m the right one to give you advice. You are my best friend, but Y/N is my friend too. She’s been through too much over the last two years. I can’t let you hurt her again or force your way back into her life.”
“I know…”
“If you are honest about your intentions and if you still love this wonderful, smart and caring woman, you have to be patient and selfless this time. Give her time, only take what she offers and maybe you can have another chance, if not…” Chris sighs, squeezing his friend's shoulder. “You have to leave her alone.”
“That’s great, baby boy.” You try to fake a smile watching your son building a castle of sand with Loretta. She came around to help you over the last week as you were a mess once again. 
Seeing Sarah, hearing the insults and hurtful words made you vulnerable. The worst is, you always hear your son calling Sebastian ‘dadda’ and it breaks your heart.
Then he calls you this morning and the knots you thought left your stomach are back once again. You can’t let this man back into your life but maybe your son deserves to get to know his father.
“Loretta? Your brother is a lawyer, right?”
“Si, one of the best. He studied at Harvard and works in New York.” Loretta is more than proud of her little brother, you can see it all over her face. “Why, Bella?”
“I need to know everything about custody, shared custody and the rights of a father. Sebastian has way more money and I don’t want to lose my baby if he wants sole custody…” Loretta’s eyes round, before she picks your son up. “Bella, I don’t think he will do so. I guess he only wants to get to know this little boy…”
“Do you think I should allow Sebastian to see his son? Matteo called him ‘daddy’ last week. I’m so confused and got no clue what to do know. I can’t forgive him for what he did, but my heart still wants to reach out for him…” Sniffling you take your son out of Loretta’s arms.
“The heart wants, what the heart wants, Bella. We can’t always agree with our stupid hearts.” Nodding you look at your son smiling up at you.
“Find a nice Italian man! They are hot men, strong men with strong hands…” Loretta swoons and you chuckle at her words.
Oh, I built a world around you
Oh, you had me in a dream,
I lived in every word you said
The stars had aligned
I thought that I found you
And I don't wanna love somebody else
“Can you call your brother and ask him to send me all the information I need? I want to be prepared, just in case…”
Another week later Sebastian tries to leave the set when he bumps into one of the PAs, looking for him. “Mr. Stan, I’m sorry to disturb you but I got a letter for you.”
“Thank you.” Glancing at the letter Sebastian’s hands start trembling, that’s your signature. Heart beating a mile in a minute he rips the envelope open, there are only a few words written on the scented stationery.
We need to talk about Matteo, meet me at this place… That’s all Sebastian can read before he starts shaking. His vision is clouded by tears as he runs toward Chris standing in front of his trailer.
“She sends me a letter…” Voice raspy Sebastian hands his friend the letter but Chris doesn’t need to read it. You already talked about your plans. “I know, Seb. Y/N asked me for advice. I suggest you have a shower before you talk to her, you reek…”
“Okay…yeah…you’re right…”
Oh, I shouldn't go on hoping
Oh, that you will change your mind
And one day we could start again
Nervously glancing at the flower he bought Sebastian knocks at your door. The moment you let him into your house his heart begins to race. Your hair is in a messy bun, you are wearing sweatpants and an old shirt, but you are the most beautiful thing he ever saw.
“These are for you…” He manages to choke out as you lead him into your living room, pointing toward some papers.
“I want to talk about custody, Sebastian. I asked a lawyer for advice and want you to sign some papers.” Sebastian’s face falls, as he sits onto your couch, nodding.
“I will have sole custody for Matteo, and you will agree to these terms but…” Taking a deep breath you place a picture of your son onto the table. “I will allow you to see him. My job here is almost done. I got a better job offer in the States and will move back…”
“I sign everything you want me to if I can see my son…” Sebastian’s hands are shaking as he blindly grabs the papers to sign them. 
“You should ask a lawyer first, Seb. I don’t want to defraud you.” Glancing at Sebastian you shake your head when he signs the papers without thinking twice. 
“I know you won’t do such a thing, Y/N. I learned from my mistakes. Can I…” Clearing his throat he looks around your house. “See him, please. Only for a minute…”
“You can stay till dinner, then you must leave. Matteo needs to sleep early; he woke up in the middle of the night.” Walking out of the living room you show Sebastian your son’s room. “His room is at the last one on the right, next to my bedroom.”
“I can go in alone?” Searching your face Sebastian gulps hard seeing the hesitation in your eyes. This is hard for you and he doesn’t want to make it harder. “Or do you rather come with me? I mean…uh…you’re his mommy.”
“Look at my big boy! Did you grow over the last week?” Matteo is showing his father the dog he got from him. “You like the dog?”
“He won’t let it go. Slept with it over the last week, even refused to let it go during lunch and got it dirty. I couldn’t wash it as my son decided to cry every time I tried to get hold of the dirty plushie.”
Sebastian can’t hold back the smile at the sight of his son playing with the dog he gave him. Matteo is squealing, walking toward his father to place the toy in his hands. Your breath hitches in your throat as not even you could take the plushie out of your son’s hands.
Watching your son playing with his father, squealing you know that this was the right decision, even if it breaks your heart being close to Sebastian your son needs his father.
“Y/N, can we talk later?” Sebastian asks hopefully glancing at you. Your heart wants to race but you press your hand onto your chest, taking deep breaths. “About Matteo…?”
“About us…” His blue eyes search your face as you refuse to look at him. “No. There is no us, Seb and there will never be an us again. You made me leave and this is how it ended. I will allow you to see, Matteo Christopher, nothing else…”
“Do you know how hard this is for me, Seb? Do you have the slightest idea of how it breaks me inside to see YOU next to the son you abandoned along with me? I can or rather I don’t want to talk about us as this is in the past.” Sebastian nods, remembering the advice Chris gave him.
“I’m sorry for asking.”
Watching your son sleep you look at the floor, picking up the dirty plushie. Next to it lies a piece of paper and your necklace. Sebastian must have let someone repair it. 
Your eyes fill with tears at the single line he wrote onto the paper: I don't wanna love somebody else.
Well I don't care if loneliness kills me
I don't wanna love somebody else
Oh, I thought that I could change you
Oh, I thought that we would be the greatest story that I tell
I know that it's time to tell you it's over
But I don't wanna love somebody else
All works Tags
@yolobloggers​​, @meganywinchester​​​, @shikshinkwon​​​, @miraclesoflove​​ ​, @mogaruke​​, @shatteredabby​​, @soryuwifeyxx​​, @letsdisneythings​​, @i-love-superhero​
Marvel Tags
@stuckys-whore​​​, @notyourtypicalrose​​​, @voltage-my2dlove​​​, @thedoctorscamanion, @officialmarvelwhore​​​, @randomgirlkensy​​​, @juniorhuntersam​​​, @lumar014​​​, @doctorswife221b​​​, @sister-winchesters99​​​, @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog​​​, @the-soulofdevil​​, @chonisberonica​
Steve Rogers/Chris Evans Tags
@hhiggs​​​​, @roonyxx​​​, @stylesismyhubs​​​, @multisuperfandom​​, @mrspeacem1nusone​​, @shadowcatsworld, @fallenoutofrose​
You love me not Tags
@thequeenreaders​, @aubageddon91​, @adayinmymeadow​, @imsonick​, @selluequestrian​, @mccloudchloe​, @harrison-shot-first​, @shakemeupthanks-blog​, @bvckys-doll​
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enchantedsugden · 6 years
it's only been a moment, it's only been a lifetime
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 He wakes up slowly, legs tangled with Aaron and his face half pressing against his husband’s shoulder. He holds his breath for a second trying to listen to the noise, or in this case the lack of it in the house. Sure, the baby monitor would let them know if Seb’s awake but there are mornings that Liv is up early, rare, but they do exist, and she likes to take him downstairs to keep her company until he really needs his dads. There’s no noise downstairs however, it’s just one of those rare quiet mornings.
He raises his head a bit, trying his very hardest not to wake up Aaron.
Half past eight, he reads on the clock. He’s pretty sure his son will be reminding them all of his presence very soon, and he feels too restless now to try and get back to sleep. He kisses Aaron’s shoulder, smiles softly at the little noise his husband let’s out. He wants to let him sleep, Aaron had been up early yesterday and looked after Seb for the whole day, while Robert had meetings until late. And tonight when Seb screamed his lungs out it was Aaron who checked up on him, calmed him down, Robert protested but his husband insisted.
He now has to untangle his legs though, Aaron lets out a few murmurs of protest but he doesn’t wake up. Robert reaches out to grab his phone, scoots closer to Aaron again, pressing another kiss to his shoulder to let him know he isn’t alone.
He unlocks his phone and sees the date, he also feels his heart close to stopping. He can’t help it, he’s sentimental like that and knows Aaron is too. The 21st and 22nd are just special ok?
But especially today, the 22nd of August. It’s been six months, six months since they got back together. Robert’s breathe is caught in his throat. Six months since he got this back, waking up in their bed, close to Aaron, tangled up with Aaron. It’s really flown by, he guesses time really does fly by when you’re having fun, and when you’re settled, happy and finally back where you belong. Then he realises that for a man keen on celebrating anniversaries, he actually forgot this one, a pretty damn special one. He doesn’t know if Aaron knows, what if his husband planned something? He feels sick suddenly, sick and guilty.
He quickly works it out in his head, he will make Aaron breakfast to make up for it and then they can both decide what they want to do today, if Aaron hasn't got anything planned, that is. Robert is about to move again when Aaron opens his eyes, Robert can’t lie, he loves this, Aaron waking up, sleep soft, a slightly confused look on his face and then he smiles, sometimes annoyed because he is just like that, but often it’s just a soft smile, one that warms Robert’s heart.
“Hey.” He says softly
“Hey you.” Aaron says, eyes not leaving Robert’s face “what time is it then?”
“Half eight.”
“It’s quiet.”
“Yes, it’s nice, Seb will wake up soon though.” Robert sighs, can’t escape now so he just decides to ask straight out. “Do you know what day it is?” he whispers, sees Aaron looking slightly panicked which tells him enough really, “It’s nothing bad.” He laughs, he holds up his lock screen to Aaron, sees his husband squint.
“It’s the-“ Aaron cuts himself off, Robert watches it click for the next few seconds then he breathes “it’s been 6 months hasn’t it.” He states and Robert has to chuckle at his reply.
“Yeah, I forgot- I’m so sorry I don’t know how I could even forget-“
“Don’t I also forgot, or doesn’t that surprise you.” Aaron grins.
“No! that’s not what I meant I-“
“I am just joking Rob, it’s ok, we have the day off, so we can just do something nice, I do want to celebrate.” Aaron says, voice going soft.
“Yeah me too, I can’t believe it’s been 6 months, that’s half a year.”
“Best we have ever been really.”
“I think so too, so much has happened.” Robert says grabbing Aaron’s hand and squeezing it. It was true, a lot of things happened, they were a real little family, all settled and happy and they were getting married again. But there was also all the stuff with Rebecca, Liv in prison, a carbon monoxide leak, losing Gerry.
Aaron nods, squeezing his hand in reply “stop daydreaming you and kiss me.” Robert laughs and does exactly that. When he pull away he runs his hand through Aaron’s hair, and whispers “happy anniversary, I love you.”
Aaron is all smiley and happy under him “I love you too.”
“As much as I would like to continue this, unfortunately we can’t.”
“I know” Aaron sighs, “we can later though.”
“I’ll hold you to that.”
“So, shall I get started on my legendary fry up then, on this special day.”
“I like that idea very much Mr Sugden.”  Aaron wriggles, Robert still lying half on top of him, he will let him go but not before he gets to give him another lingering kiss, a promise for more later.
  When Robert comes downstairs Seb on his hip, all dressed and ready for the day, Aaron has already set the table.
“Hiya, it’s nearly done.” Aaron says and comes closer, giving Robert a kiss on his cheek and tickling Seb’s belly, “morning little man, and I also got your food ready.”
“It’s like he knows it’s a special day, giving us that little extra time in bed.” Robert replies.
Aaron laughs and orders for them to sit down.
“I’ll make us a brew.” Robert says.
“No, no it’s fine, I think someone is hungry.” Aaron says, nodding to Seb.
“Where’s Liv, is she still sleeping?” Robert asks, can’t really believe someone would sleep through the smell of his husband’s legendary breakfast.
“Left a note, she’s getting up to whatever with Gabby.”
“She’s missing out then.”
  When they’re all finished, Robert gets up to clear the table. “No, no it’s my turn, stay.” He orders and Aaron just laughs at him, and Robert wants this forever, gets to have this forever.
“What do you want to do today?”
Aaron biting his lips, shrugs, “I don’t know, we could always go to that new bar in town.” He grins and Robert scoffs, “shut up, we can always try and find a fair somewhere.”
Aaron shakes his head, chuckling, “no but we can go somewhere later, a drive out somewhere, have dinner.
Robert nods “yeah I like that, I’ll ask Vic if she can have Seb.”
  They spent the rest of the morning and afternoon pottering about in the Mill.
They watch a film Robert’s head on Aaron’s chest, they drink more cups of tea and eat loads of Aaron’s favourite chocolate biscuits. Seb’s amusing himself in his pillow fort, which is definitely his new favourite thing, thanks to Aaron.
After the film’s finished they have another two hours before they even have to get ready, Robert brings Seb up for his nap, Aaron still lazying about on the couch. Just when he’s flopped down next to him again, about to use their time wisely he hears the lock and seconds later Liv walks in.
Robert sighs against Aaron lips and the younger man can’t resist rolling his eyes.
“Good timing Liv.”
She laughs “so I can see, never said when I’d be back did I?”
“No you didn’t” Robert huffs, while he tries to get back into a more normal position.
“It’s our anniversary today.” Aaron tells her but she just frowns. “Well our six months anniversary, we got back together six months ago.” Robert adds.
“Oh” she brightens, “congratulations then, that means I’ve been stuck with you for six months” she nods towards Rob.
“Yeah, and you will be until you move out ey” Aaron surprises him by saying.
“Gross” Liv laughs.
  When Liv is upstairs, Aaron looks at him and sighs “later then” Robert rolls his eyes “later” and gives him a peck. They sit like that for a while longer, the tv showing something neither of them care about, they only care about enjoying each other’s company.
“I just can’t believe it’s been six months” Robert starts, shaking his head.
“I know” his husband replies, lost in thought, also thinking about how much has actually happened. “I am glad I didn’t have to do any of it alone you know, what with Liv and mum.” Robert pulls him closer, so Aaron’s head is now on his chest. “I know” he murmurs, “same here, I- I don’t even want to think about it, doing all of this alone, I am so glad I’ve got you again” he whispers “thank you.”
“Don’t” Aaron says and Robert smiles, he always does that, he doesn’t want Robert’s thanks, but he can’t help it.
“I am glad you came back you know, to Vic’s” Robert says, can’t keep it in, and he’s allowed isn’t he?  It’s been six months. Aaron reaches for his hand and squeezes it tightly. “So am I. I- wasn’t sure if you’d open or- if it was going to work.” He laughs softly. “I just needed to make sure, you knew how much I love you and- well appreciate you Rob, you’re a good person, even if you don’t always see it yourself.”
Robert finds it hard to swallow, squeezes their hands. “You help” he says “I love you so much, and I’ve got everything back haven’t I, my best friend, my husband and my home.”
“You will always have a home with me now.” Aaron whispers and then he suddenly sits up and throws his arms around Robert’s neck and Robert responds by burying his face into his husband's neck.
    Aaron was always good at fixing Robert’s broken parts.
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Seb and Aaron, which got a bit long, so under a cut.
It all happened because Diane slipped on the orange juice. The pub was quiet, just after the lunch time rush when Diane slipped and fell, landing in a very undignified heap on the floor. It would have been funny if it wasn’t for the way that Diane was wincing in pain. Chas insisted on taking her to A and E, which would have been fine, apart from Seb in his carry cot, sitting in the corner. Diane was clearly on baby sitting duties, and Aaron could see where this was going in a quick flash of realisation.
“I’ll watch him,” Aaron said, heading off the inevitable. He’d held Seb before, but only for about five minutes at a time, if that. He and Robert were incredibly tentative right now, and Seb was still an issue, whether he liked it or not. Something that hadn’t quite been settled yet.
“Are you sure?” Chas asked seriously, knowing the under currents of the situation, with Robert and the baby, and Aaron nodded.
“Robert’s in Harrogate all day,” Diane said, wincing through the pain in her hip. “Meetings and…”
“I’ll be fine with him,” Aaron said. “Promise. Go and sort yourself out.” Chas decided in that moment to listen to her son (first time for everything) and bundled Diane in the car on the way to the hospital.
Apart from Sandy in the corner, the pub was empty, and Aaron looked at Seb, watching him sleep. He didn’t really look like either of his parents, or not while sleeping. He certainly had Robert’s gorgeous eyes, that much he did know. That and the blond hair, but otherwise he just looked like all babies look like. To Aaron at least.
It took ten minutes for Seb to stir, and wake up. He blinked and his eyes settled on Aaron, as if to say “who are you?”
“Hey, little man,” Aaron said lowly. “I’m looking after you for a bit, so do me a favour, and behave yourself yeah?” Aaron asked. “I’d appreciate it.”
He mewled, and Aaron knew enough about babies to recognise a soon to be full out cry, and he hurriedly picked Seb up, keeping him close to his chest. Seb started sucking a wet patch on Aaron’s hoodie with single minded focus and Aaron realised he must be hungry. “Okay little one, lets see how useful google is in making formula,” Aaron said, grabbing the bag of baby stuff that had been resting under the table.
It took a good five minutes of louder and louder crying, but eventually Aaron had a bottle made up, sitting on the sofa in the back room, feeding the baby.
“Well, this wasn’t how I really planned on introducing myself,” Aaron said, watching the way Seb’s eyelashes fluttered on his cheeks, so content now that he was being fed. “I’m in love with your daddy, you know. So… I think you’re going to be seeing a bit more of me.”
“Though I know we didn’t exactly plan this today. But we can make it, right? Two of us teaming up against your dad? I need numbers on my side when I’m arguing with him. Which is most of the time.” Aaron smiled at the thought. Having Robert back in his life was still a novelty. Aaron hadn’t quite got used to it, and their time together was still so precious and new. Robert had been very hesitant of letting Aaron spend time with Seb, and Aaron had been hesitant too. He knew none of this was Seb’s fault, but he was a reminder of the past, like it or not. And that wouldn’t change until he spent some proper time with him.
Seb let go of the bottle and burped softly. “Have I made too much?” Aaron asked, seeing the bottle still half full. “Hey?” Seb’s eyes opened and he smiled at Aaron. Actually smiled. “Do you know who I am?” Aaron asked. “I hope you do.” Seb started hunting for the bottle and Aaron gave it to him again.
“Robert told me he had meetings all day,” Aaron said. “Didn’t expect to be with you all afternoon though. I probably shouldn’t tell you this, but I think he’s gorgeous when he wears that suit of his. Mm, the things a jacket and tie does for me on that man. Yeah, definitely shouldn’t be telling you this.” Aaron smiled as Seb continued to eat.
“Hey, anyone minding the bar?” Charity asked, poking her head through the back room.
“Chas took Diane to hospital,” Aaron explained. “She’s having x-rays on her hip. Diane is, I mean.” Aaron had got a text telling him that. “I was keeping an eye on the bar, but this one needed me.” Charity raised her eyebrows which said more than words could. “I’m fine,” Aaron said. “Really.”
“I can take over if you like,” Charity said. Aaron scoffed. He knew Charity meant well, she’d always had a little bit of a soft spot for Aaron, but he wasn’t about to leave Robert’s kid with her. Robert would kill him.
“I’ve got him,” Aaron said softly. “Thanks.” Charity nodded and left, and Aaron put his feet on the coffee table, relaxing now that he knew he wouldn’t be called through to the pub at a moments notice. He put the empty bottle down and started patting Seb’s back, the way he’d seen Robert do occasionally after a feed. He didn’t pretend to be an expert in babies, but he had noticed Robert’s behaviour around him. Eventually Seb settled into Aaron’s arms again.
“Now, I need you to not need a nappy change, otherwise we might fall out, okay?” Seb blinked at him, like he was focusing on every word and Aaron smiled. “Shall I tell you a story, hm?” Aaron racked his brain. “How about how I met your daddy? That’s a good story to tell. Though probably not infant appropriate.” Aaron shrugged. “Ah well. I guess it started when I stole your dads car. Not something I’d recommend by the way.” Aaron smiled at the memory. “It was a stupid car anyway. Then your dad lied, and said it’d broken down. He just wanted to get me on my own. You need to be wary of that. Robert will lie to get what he wants, when something’s important to him. He’s better than what he used to be, though, believe me.” Seb made the tiniest noise, shifting in Aaron’s arms. He looked so cute and precious right now. 
“If you inherit half his good looks, you’re going to be trouble as a teenager.” Aaron thought of Rebecca then. “Actually, you’re definitely going to be trouble, aren’t you?”
Seb buried his head against Aaron’s neck, and Aaron smiled, feeling strangely content as the baby went to sleep. “Your dad likes putting his head there too,” Aaron said, a hand on the back of his neck, supporting him. “Must be a Sugden thing, eh?” Aaron suddenly felt tired, and could feel himself drifting off to sleep, arms around Seb the only thing to focus on.
“Hey.” Aaron jerked awake to see Robert in front of him, all worried eyes and concern. “You’re with Seb?”
“He’s better behaved than you,” Aaron said shortly, smiling as he handed the baby over. “He was really good. Had a bottle at around half past two, then slept.”
“Aaron, what’re you doing?” Robert asked, clearly worried and agitated.
“Looking after him,” Aaron said.
“Yeah, but,” Robert said, rocking the baby. “You don’t have to, I know how difficult this must be for you, I don’t want to make it worse.”
“It’s not worse,” Aaron said. He kissed Robert’s cheek. “I was always going to have to spend time with him eventually.”
“You got on?”
“He’s a baby,” Aaron said. “It’s not like we could fall out over different football teams.” Robert still didn’t look convinced and Seb was picking up on his fathers mood. “Yes, we got on. Relax.”
“Okay,” Robert said.
“Unless you don’t want me looking after him,” Aaron said. “If you don’t think it’s my place, I can’t…”
“No!” Robert said so quickly. “I want that, I just didn’t know if you did.”
“I knew,” Aaron said quietly. “When I got back with you, I knew that he came as part of the deal.” Seb was whining, obviously unhappy with Robert’s attitude and Aaron took him back to stop him fussing. “Calm down,” Aaron said to Robert.
“I don’t want to mess this up,” Robert said. “I can’t do anything about him, I can’t…”
“Robert, we‘re good,” Aaron said. “Until you came home. Please calm down.” Robert nodded once and Aaron kissed him softly. “No more running. I promised you and I meant it.” They kissed again, soft light kisses turning into something more. They only stopped when Seb squawked, not happy about being squashed between them and Robert smiled.They might just make it here. Might just.
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jlynnhiddles-blog · 5 years
Chapter Two: The Living Daylights
Set in the present, this is a fairytale about a girl making her own way in the world whose work leads her to the man she’d cast as her Prince Charming. Will she try on those glass slippers or will she find out she’s met The Beast? Can two people from different realms risk everything to make it across The Bifrost? Can endings ever be happy? Join me on this adventure, send me a message or a poisoned apple and enjoy!
She thought it was impossible to be more embarrassed. Quickly, she prayed for a hole to open under her or an asteroid to crash down from space. Heck, she'd take a Chitauri invasion. Instead, with what she hoped was a convincing voice, she said, "I just like the suit.”
Tom nodded at her, his lips smiling almost shyly. Was he embarrassed? He must be used to things like that. But Jamie saw the faintest hint of red creeping up his neck.
"Shall we get to work?" he asked her, rubbing his large hands over his thighs, seemingly happy to change the subject.
"Yes, of course, Mr. Hiddleston."
"Tom. Please. You're going to have your fingers in me in a moment so we don't need to be formal."
There it was again! As he realized what he'd said, the red crept further up to behind his ears. Jamie turned her face away as to not reveal what she saw and opened her kit.
"First of all, if you don't mind brushing your teeth and rinsing well. That'll make sure I get the best shade match."
She handed him a zip top bag with a boxed toothbrush, travel sized toothpaste and a small cup.
"I actually have my own toothbrush here, but thank you,” he replied.
"Of course you do. Sorry. I always see patients at my office and they obviously don’t. I'll just get a few things ready. Wait, isn't someone from Dr. Kline's office supposed to be here as well?" She quickly glanced around the room despite knowing they were alone.
"I believe there was some sort of emergency. I'm sorry, I thought you had been made aware. Are you able to do your portion without them?"
"Yeah, I think I’ve got everything. Strictly speaking, I'm not allowed to do any medical work on you. I'm not licensed. But, I don't think that I will actually have to. I will have to touch you quite a bit more that I'd planned. It’s completely fine if you’re not comfortable with that. No hard feelings.”
"I'm sure I'm safe in your hands. I'll be right back." He nodded at her and walked out.
Jamie moved one of the chairs to face a window and pulled a small table in front of it. She filled a bowl with warm water from the kitchen and grabbed a roll of paper towels. She’d been hoping not to have to do this part.
Tom returned as she was getting out a bag of powder.
"The ashes of fallen Avengers?" he asked blandly. Half of the superheros had been turned to dust and blown away at the end of the last film.
"How many people made you take pictures with dead Avengers in plastic bags last weekend?" she asked, her eyes on what she was doing as she pulled on neoprene gloves.
"Seb and the other Tom had the worst of it by far. Bags with their own ashes in them. At least Loki didn’t..." His voice trailed off.
"That is just morbid and unkind," she replied. “But what I have here is impression material I'm hydrating. Have you ever had a mold taken of your mouth?"
Tom's blue eyes crinkled as he thought.
"Yes, for 'Lovers' when they made my vampire fangs."
Jamie already knew that. Only Lovers Left Alive was one of her favorite movies.
"This'll be the same. Have a seat. Normally, the dentist would do this, but I'm naturally overprepared so I brought impression materials just in case. She gloped the thick paste into the mold and gestured towards him. “Any allergies or other ways I could easily accidentally kill you right now?”
He laughed. “I’m fairly hearty, but thank you for your concern.”
"Is it okay if I put this in your mouth?"
Tom nodded and opened widely to accommodate her. She tried to keep her hands from shaking as she fit the mold against his teeth.
"Now, bite down completely. Okay, great. It'll take about an hour to set up, so just relax."
His eyes widened in panic and she couldn’t help but laugh loudly at his expression.
"Kidding! It'll be like three minutes and I already spent thirty seconds of them scaring the living daylights out of you."
She checked the time on her Fitbit and sat down across from him, gloved hands clasped. He looked absolutely ridiculous with the plastic form in his beautiful mouth. He glared at her but she knew it was without malice.
"Silver tongue betraying you?" she asked, lightly. Loki was known for his use of words.
He rolled his eyes. Jamie leaned forward and checked the edges of the material.
"I think it's ready. I'm going to pull it out. It won't hurt but it'll feel weird."
Gently, she pried down on the handle and it pulled free. She held it up to the sunlight and, with an expert eye, saw that it was an excellent impression.
"I guess I should have told you that I've never actually done that to anyone besides myself.”
"Well, I survived. Excuse me while I rinse that taste out."
Jamie sprayed the tray in the kitchen sink and wrapped it in damp paper towels and then in plastic. She put it back in her bag and pulled out her shade kit, loops and flashlight.
Tom returned and sat back in the chair.
"I'm afraid we're going to be even more intimate for this part," Jamie said, as she scooted her chair closer. "Actually, you're still much taller than me. I'll need to stand over you. My office has a proper dental chair that leans back so I don't usually need to be in the patient's...lap. Sorry."
"It's fine," he replied. "You're the one being put out by having to come here. Remember, I'm used to people doing hair and makeup and costumes for me. I don't have much of a sense of personal space. Even for a Brit."
She pulled her magnifying glasses over her eyes and clicked her flashlight.
"Please open your mouth and turn so you're looking at my left ear. Relax your jaw. Excellent. Just like that."
With a practiced eye, she examined the chipping on his tooth. Her initial treatment plan would work.
"I'm just going to take few very close pictures. I'm almost done."
Tom made an agreeable noise in his throat as she still had one hand on his mouth. She took just a moment to appreciate the situation. She was currently straddling one of Tom Hiddleston's very long legs and she was touching his face. This was the weirdest day of her life.
"You'll just need a small veneer to replace the chipped portion. Actually. Your dentist should have been able just to bond the chip back in place. It wouldn't last forever but you wouldn't need a replacement yet." She frowned a bit down into his handsome face, appreciating the angle.
"Actually, I don't have the broken part. I, uh, swallowed it."
"Oh, well that happens all the time. I can't tell you how many crowns we need to replace because the patient swallows them while they're being put on."
Tom chuckled and she felt it in her body because of how close they were.
"Thanks, that makes me feel a bit better. When should it be completed?"
"I can fabricate it over the weekend and have it on Monday for you."
"That fast?" he asked. "Do you normally work on the weekends?"
"Well, no, but I don't mind taking care of it for you. Some of it is just time in the oven. I'll do the design and shading by hand. It's really not a challenging fit."
"I can't tell you how much I appreciate that. Monday would be wonderful. Will you be coming back to put it in?"
Jamie blinked at him. Do this again? Assuming she survived this time?
"That's something the dentist should really do. They'll be able to pick it up from me."
"If it's all the same to you--and you said it's easy. I'd be more comfortable if you did it. I mean, what if they send someone here and she's this Hiddlestoner who climbs in my lap and takes pictures of the inside of my mouth?"
"Hey buddy, those were for me to get the shade right."
“Then why are you still in my lap?”
“Oh. Right. Sorry. Yes, of course I'll do what I can to get you fixed up,” she said, stepping back from him. She began to pack up her tools.
"Excellent. What's next?" he asked her.
"I'm actually done with my part. Everything else I'll do at the lab. Or at home. I really can't tell you how much I appreciate your being so kind when I'm obviously completely a bag of cats."
"You were completely professional and only scared me slightly. Luckily for you, I don't scare easily. I'll grab Luke and we'll get you a ride back. Excuse me."
As he walked out of the room, Jamie sank into an armchair. She was almost out of here. She'd just barely managed to escape with some dignity.
Jamie stood as both men walked back into the room.
"Would you mind terribly if I rode back with you?” Tom asked, putting his hands together in prayer. “I'm getting stir crazy in the hotel and it's not like I can just pop out to the pub. But a drive would be just the thing."
"Sure. Yes. Of course," she said, hoping her voice sounded convincing. "I'd like that a lot. Do you mind if I freshen up before we go?"
"Right through there," Tom pointed behind her to another room. “Take your time.”
She nodded and walked through the door into the next bedroom and into the bathroom. She sat on the edge of the tub and put her head between her knees. Pull yourself together, Birch. He was just another guy. Yes, so, he was the guy of her dreams. But it's not like he would ever see her like that. I’m just here to do a job and he's being nice to the help. After smoothing down her hair and rinsing out her own dry mouth, she returned to Tom, who was standing by the elevator. Her two bags were slung over his broad shoulder. He'd put on a leather jacket and black ball cap, a loose curl peeking out behind his ear. It took all of her willpower not to tuck it back in.
"You're sure you don't mind?" he asked again, noticing the glossy gaze that had come over her eyes, before pushing the button on the elevator.
Jamie stepped in as the doors opened.
"C'mon," she said. "Maybe we'll see some dolphins."
This trip in the elevator wasn't back to the lobby, but to the basement garage. The doors opened and Bruce was waiting with the Navigator. This portion of the garage was sectioned off with its own set of doors. One additional black Navigator was parked behind the one waiting for them.
"Hiya, Bruce!" Jamie greeted him like an old friend.
"Miss Birch." He nodded.
Tom opened the rear door and offered her a hand to help her up and passed her her bags. She put them at her feet then leaned over to push open his door. Her eyes caught the surprise in his to find her arm out over towards his side.
Bruce slid in to the driver's seat and checked the mirrors.
"We're good to go, sir, if you're ready."
"Yes, thank you. Back to your office, right Jamie?"
She looked at her watch. This whole thing had taken up the afternoon and it would be early evening by the time they got back.
"Yes, please. I'm sure everyone is gone by now but I need to get some stone material so I can make molds from the impression. I'll just do it at home tonight."
"Do you work from home a lot?" Tom asked, leaning back as they pulled into downtown traffic.
"No, not really. Most of my work needs to bake in specialty ovens so I can't do that part. I don't usually do the designs but I'll be doing yours. That's easy enough do at home. I'm happy to, really. I'll pour the stone models and they can dry overnight and boy this is incredibly boring and yet I keep going on about the process. Sorry." Her voice trailed off.
"No, please don't apologize. I asked. I'm genuinely interested. I'm going to sound like a tosser, but I always have to talk about myself. It's really nice just to...honestly just listen to your voice." There was the redness creeping up his neck again.
She turned to face him. "I listen to your narration of Octopussy and The Living Daylights a few times a week. I love how you voice James Bond. So, I guess it's fair for you to listen to me for a change."
His face slightly downward, he looked up at her through his long eyelashes. "And High-Rise?"
She sighed. "And High-Rise."
"Good," he said firmly.
As Tom watched Jamie point out things over the water, including a lucky sighting of a pod of dolphins, he couldn’t help but hear his own voice, as Bond, in his head. Somewhere, within easy reach, that girl lived. Was she married? Did she have a lover? Anyway, to hell with it. She was not for him.
Bruce brought them back to the lab. Dusk had fallen and the security lights  illuminated the building. No cars were in the parking lot. The place always cleared out early on Fridays. Tom got out and walked around to her door. She said her thank yous to Bruce and took Tom's hand as he helped her out.
"Are you sure you'll be okay here, alone?" he asked, looking around.
"Oh yeah, absolutely. I work late plenty of nights. I like to be alone."
Still looking around, he frowned.
"Where's your car?"
"Oh. Yeah well I only live across the street so I walk."
"Nope?" she asked, incredulous. "Yep. I walk. It's a safe neighborhood. I like the time to think."
"There's no way I'm leaving you here alone and then letting you walk home in the dark just because you were late helping me. Bruce and I will drive you. When you're ready." He closed the door behind her with finality.
There was no point fighting about it. She wasn't worried about walking home at night but it would be nice to spend a few more minutes with him.
"Okay, I only need about five minutes to grab some things."
"There’s no rush. May I come in with you?" Tom asked her.
"I'll be perfectly safe!" she replied, not hiding her exasperation.
"I'm sure you are. I just wanted to see it. I've never been in a dental laboratory."
Internally, she swooned at his pronunciation of laboratory. Externally, she nodded and dug through her bag, feeling for her badge. Pulling it out by the lanyard, she touched it to the keypad on the door. She heard it unlock and Tom reached past her to pull it open. In her hand, he saw himself in miniature. She followed his eyes and grinned sheepishly. There was a small, plastic keychain cartoon version of Loki, daggers drawn, on her lanyard.
"You like that suit, too?"
She shrugged. "Gold, for his mother," she replied, factually.
He nodded approvingly. They walked through the dimly lit lab and she pointed out this and that. She grabbed a container of stone model mix, a few plastic bowls and an electric handpiece.
"Where's your desk?" he asked.
"Oh, I don't need anything from there. Just this stuff."
"Maybe I want to see it," he replied. So they walked over to her little corner. It had some succulents and a few pictures taped the window. He ran his fingertips over the counter where she sat, as if to memorize the space.
"The ovens are back here. Be careful not to touch anything because some of them may be hot."
The warm room hummed loudly. Usually there was an overnight staff, but not always on Fridays. Jamie was happy for this because he seemed to be enjoying the tour. He watched her mouth as she explained the dull details of the lab and he'd gently brushed her back with his hand a couple of times as they'd walked. She thought it was her imagination when she felt his gaze on her while she slid her timecard through the timeclock.
"Okay, we're ready," she said brightly. She'd caught him looking at her. Probably making sure that I don't knock him out and keep him prisoner here, she thought. But secretly, she was flattered and flustered.
Tom opened the lab door and then her car door, helping her up again. She told Bruce how to get across the road to her apartment and they were there in a few minutes.
"See, I told you it was close," she said reproachfully as Tom opened her door yet again.
"But thank you for the ride, Bruce. Maybe I'll see you on Monday?"
"If not sooner," he said quietly, turning back to wink at her.
"I'll let my boss know to let your...people know to set things up for Monday,” she said to Tom as she grasped his hand.
He helped her down, took her bags from her and started to walk the path to her apartment.
"You don't need to walk me up!" she said, trailing after him. He didn't slow down. Climbing the concrete stairs two at a time with his impossibly long legs, he held open the screen door for her. She pulled her keys from her bag on his shoulder and reached out to take the bags he carried. He didn't move.
"Have dinner with me." He'd meant to say it more elegantly. He'd meant to ask.
"I--what? You can't go out.” She didn't really know what to say, but it wasn’t that. She knew, though, for absolutely certain, he could not come inside her apartment. Nope. Not happening.
"No, I can't and I'm sorry for that. I just don't want to go back to my hotel and eat with my team again, as much as I enjoy them. I wouldn’t be fair to drag you back across town. So, do you think maybe we can get a takeaway and eat it here? I really can't believe I'm saying this out loud because you don't know me and it's terribly inappropriate but I just--I don't want to leave you." He sighed. "It was a long weekend in Seattle and working again now when I thought I was done. I love my job. I just want to continue this normal conversation with you. And I'm hungry."
She stared into his blue eyes. He really did look like a sad golden retriever.
"Listen, Tom. I want you to understand completely. If you come in. We will not have sex."
He laughed loudly and brushed her hair back from her ear. He couldn't help himself.
"Can we have pizza instead?"
She could hear her cats meowing on the other side of the door. He took her keys from her and turned the lock. They bounded out and then right back in when they saw the stranger.
"I thought for sure they'd recognize me!" he said, laughing at his own joke.
"Not without the horned helmet!" she threw back.
He hung her keys on the hook next to the door as if he did it every day.
"Where can I put these?" he asked, gesturing with her bags.
"Kitchen counter, please," she replied.
"Alexa, we're home" she said to the speaker.
"Welcome home. I hope you're having a good day." Alexa replied.
From the moment Tom took her keys, Jamie knew she was completely screwed. He'd see her apartment and he would nope out of there, probably not even making a polite excuse. This had been fun, but it was over. His dentist would put in the crown and she'd never see him again. He might pursue legal action preventing it.
Tom set the bags on the counter next to the black refrigerator. It had the usual magnets and take out menus. And his face. He mouthed the words, quoting himself.
"Well, do you?" he asked her.
"Do I what?" Her voice was shaking.
"Do you like potatoes?"
She turned to him, her face now fiery red. Tears swam in her eyes.
"I am so, so sorry."
She covered her face with her hands. It was one thing to have a sexy picture of a celebrity on your phone. But to have a silly screenshot printed out and on her fridge from a video he’d made about potatoes for UNICEF? Like he was a friend.
She didn't hear him close the distance between them. She felt his strong arms around her.
"Shhhhhhhh," he whispered, rubbing her back as he held her tight. "Please, don't cry. Please. It's a happy day.”
"You're here and on my fridge and on my walls and you just can't be and I'm sorry,” she said, her shaking voice muffled through her hands and his chest. “I've been trying so hard to be cool and calm since I saw Luke in the lobby but I'm not. I'm sorry."
"Hey. Look at me."
He leaned back and forced her chin up to meet his gaze. Her face was red hot with embarrassment and tears.
"Is there a shrine with candles and locks of my hair purchased from eBay?"
She shook her head.
"Is there a life sized nude painting of me hanging in your bedroom?"
"Not...nude." she sniffled, half a smile coming up.
He beamed at her.
"Let's get some food and we can talk about my work, if you want. Or any other topic. Or I can go. This is your home."
0 notes
neakco · 3 years
Vixen & Crow Ch. 17
Ao3 First Prev Next V&C Masterlist
Where Sebastian finally learns what jealousy is and how not to deal with it.
Sebastian was eating breakfast when his father asked to see him in his office. Sebastian started to worry; had Gem been discovered? Had Amelia been marked as a bad influence? Was he failing a class? Since he was expecting bad news, he was a little taken back by his father’s wide smile. “Father?”
“I know you have to get to class so I will be brief. I have realized I am sheltering you. I would like you to know how to survive on your own in case the worst comes to pass.”
“Father I...”
He held up a hand and Sebastian fell silent.
“I have found you an apartment with a possible roommate. Your half of the rent will be covered by me and I will supply you with a monthly allowance for food. The building has laundry facilities and internet is covered in the rent.”
Sebastian was speechless for a few moments before hugging his father. “This is amazing news, thank you! I shall make sure I am packed and ready by this weekend!”
Running back to his room to grab his school bag he remembered that he had some responsibilities his father was unaware of, “Hopefully the place will have large windows.”
Amelia was almost at school when she received a text from Vanessa that included and address and the monthly rent payments. There was a small note saying she would need to be okay with a roommate. The payments were suspiciously equal to what she was currently paying, but she knew from her patrols that the building was in a nicer neighborhood. She quickly typed to Vanessa that she would accept the offer and be ready to move out by tonight. She hoped the bedroom would have good locks. She didn’t need anyone snooping through her computer or wondering why the room was empty when she should be home.
Sebastian messaged her that morning as well to let her know he was running a little late and asked her to grab his usual coffee.
As she grabbed their assigned seats in psychology, she let her mind wander to her new place. She knew what the outside looked like, but how big would the kitchen be? What floor would she be on? Silly little questions that would all be answered by tonight.
She was broken out of her thoughts when someone unfamiliar sat next to her, she was fairly certain they were a guy.
“Morning foxy lady, how are you?”
She calmed herself a little and looked him over, he was the wrong build to be Crow, “You are in my friend’s seat.”
The person smiled and placed a hand over her’s. “I bet your friend is just as lovely as you sweetheart.”
Amelia couldn’t quite decide if this was some weird test being done by Professor Briggs or not. “Oh, my friend definitely has their own presence.” She smiled before her tone turned slightly less pleasant, “You should move.”
Sebastian entered class to see someone in his seat and holding his.... he shook the thought away; they were holding Amelia’s hand. Sebastian did not understand the emotion he was experiencing but he did understand that he really did not like this guy.
Gem’s voice whispered quickly from his pocket, “Calm down before you share your emotions with Vixen.”
He took a calming breath and reminded himself to thank Gem later. He then finished walking over to his seat in time to see Amelia rip her hand back.
“Is everything okay my lady?”
She smiled radiantly at him and completely ignored the person next to her, “Of course,” She handed him his coffee, “Still fresh.”
Sebastian managed to smile naturally in response, “You are a blessing this morning.” He looked over at the androgynous person and his smile fell away, “That is my seat.”
“Seats are free.” The person was matching Sebastian’s stare.
Amelia grinned slyly, “Normally you would be correct, but psychology likes to differ from the norm.”
“All other seats are free but these two have been assigned to us.”
Professor Briggs chose that moment to arrive, “Ah Mr. Haynes. I am happy to see your transfer finally went through. Please find yourself a seat, that one is Mr. Waterfield’s for the remainder of this semester.”
Amelia let the knowledge that the person was presumed to be a man settle as she watched him grumpily move away.
Sebastian took his own seat back feeling victorious and a little confused by his emotions.
Haynes thankfully wasn’t in any of their other classes yet they still managed to locate the duo during every break.
It was after school when they approached them yet again and rudely addressed Sebastian, “Really, do you need to follow her to the washroom too?”
Before Sebastian could even think of a response, Amelia was in their face, “If you think spending time with my best friend is a bad thing than maybe you have your own problems you need to work through!”
She walked away quickly and Sebastian had to run after her as they left Haynes standing stunned behind them.
“Seb, was I too mean?” Amelia looked like she was regretting her words. “I mean, neither of us understood friendship a couple months ago.”
Sebastian managed to surprise himself as he suppressed the bitter emotion to answer her properly. “Maybe you were a little mean, but they also been bothering you all day.”
She sighed, “If they apologize than I will take back what I said.”
Once home, Sebastian starred at his homework without really seeing it before he turned to look at Gem. “Is there something wrong with me?”
Gem perched on his deck to better look him over, “You seem healthy. Why?”
“Well, I mean...”
“I am too old to judge you kid.”
“Amelia is my friend, she is my spirit hunting partner, yet I feel possessive of her. Are all friends possessive of each other like this?”
Gem starts to cackle, “You are precious kid.” She laughs a little longer before taking pity, “That bitter possessive feeling is called jealousy.”
“Oh, that makes sense.” Sebastian seemed to have an epiphany and Gem froze, dreading what was about to happen. “She is my first friend so it actually makes sense that I wouldn’t want to share her friendship with anyone else.”
Gem nodded before muttering silently to Nathanial. “I am sure the fledgling will figure it out eventually.”
“I bet you something shiny that my kit figures it out first.”
“You’re on Red.”
Amelia had just finished moving in to her new home. She really didn’t own much, it was just her disguises and her computer that were a bit bulky.
“Thank you for everything Vanessa.”
“it was no problem Miss Amelia. It is the least we could do to repay you for your help.” Vanessa pulled out a sheet of paper and handed it to her. “This is the man responsible for trying to hire you. He still had the emails in his personal sent folder.”
“Thank you, I will use this to help me discover who is redistributing my information again.” She pinched the bridge of her nose, “I have had more requests in this past week than I have had in the past year.”
“If you would like a hand tracking anyone feel free to contact me Miss Amelia.”
“Thank you, but I have a few people that owe me some favors. I should be alright.” Amelia smiled as she walked Vanessa to the door. Oz was trustworthy, she would have to call him.
“Vanessa turned to look at her before leaving, “Your roommate will be moving in this Friday.”
“Again, thank you Vanessa.”
“Of course, you may rely on me anytime Miss Amelia.”
Amelia waited until she heard the elevator descend before letting Nathanial out of her purse to explore, “Do you think I will be able to convince my mystery roommate that you are a pet?”
“Possible, it would depend on the person.” Nathanial himself believed that Sebastian would be gullible enough if he wasn’t already Crow. “It is probably better if I remain hidden until we know for sure.”
“I guess you have free reign of my bedroom and closet than.” She opened up the curtains, At least we have a nice view.”
“Since we are higher it will be easier for you to travel.” Nathanial relaxed on the kitchen table, “Not too far from that park of yours either.”
Amelia smiled and closed the curtains before sitting down at the table, “I guess it would be a little strange if I suddenly wanted to change our meeting spot.”
The sat in silence for a bit before Nathanial spoke up, “Do you really have people that owe you favors?”
“Mostly just Oz, he is an information broker that I trust. I think he still owes me around 20 favors. If these requests don’t slow down then I will contact him for help.”
“How did he end up owing you so many favors?”
“If he needed anything stolen than I wouldn’t charge him, in exchange if I needed information, he wouldn’t charge me.” She smiled, “As I worked towards retiring, he still needed my help but I no longer needed his, at least until I cashed in close to 30 favors. It was Oz that helped me actually retire and start a new life.” She stood suddenly, “Enough about my past, I don’t want to remember it. Besides I have homework to complete.”
Nathanial smiled; his kit was hard to corrupt. That was good.”
There is a funny story about Oz getting his nickname because he was a wizard that helped people grant their own wishes, but honestly the guy just tossed a dictionary in the air and it landed open on Osmosis. He invented the "official" story later.
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bondedtales-blog · 7 years
The Aftermath
Seb: *After what seemed like an eternity spent in the restroom, I finally exit it. Looking around the establishment before I make my way back to my table. Fidgeting with a napkin, letting my fingers brush over the words that were printed on the white paper. I have never heard of this bar before. My brown eyes flash up to see the waitress back again. She watches me closely then asks “What do you want to drink? Anything to eat?” My stomach growled, remembering yesterday when Sir only gave me his scraps of food. Rubbing at my eyes with the heels of my palms before I mutter* I’ll have a beer. *When she leaves I pat my sides and tugs out my wallet from my back pocket. Knowing it probably wasn’t smart to use credit cards, I check the back and sees only a twenty dollar bill. Welp it looks like a few beers would be all I could afford. When the waitress returns with the beer I grab it and down almost half of it. Holding in a burp, I press my forehead to the edge of the table and keeps my head down. I was tired of all the looks I was getting from everyone. It was better for me to stay hidden as much as possible. Fuck I should've tried to get in a table in the back. Watching closely as my feet sway back and forth as they hang off the bench I was sitting on. The images of him come to my mind. Was it always abuse and I was too blind to see? Honestly I thought it was all normal behavior of a Dom/Sub relationship. Frowning slightly as I think of all the things he has done to me. My stomach growls again like it was trying to talk to me. I place a hand over it then sighs. Before Sir I was just a loner. Only someone that had the occasional hook up but never something more. Then I met him and he changed all that, but maybe not for the better. I found myself being a pushover. Letting everyone and everything control me and my life. My eyes water up and I feel a few stray tears fall down. I was fucked in more ways than one*
Deacon: -rolling my head from side to side in an attempt to pop it and relieve some of the tension that had been plaguing me all day. Figures seemed to blend on the screen of my laptop, my bar manager #Cyril had been after me for months to hire a “kitchen” manager to take some of the weight off of my shoulders. Trying to reconcile the bar’s and the restaurant’s POS system would vex even the stodgiest of English grandmothers. It was a simple system; each time that an item or ingredient was used it was removed from inventory, this should have made weekly orders easy but it seemed that at every turn we either ended up with a surplus or a deficit. Back when it was just #Cyril and myself managing all aspects of the bar was done with ease. Last year when we moved to the new site and opened a full service restaurant the complications began. Always I’ve been the sole responsible party, it’s difficult for me to turn over control. I was pulled from my thoughts by a knock on my office door- Come in. -#Ophelia peeked around the door as it swung open- “Sir, there is a young man sitting in my section that you might want to talk to.” -my left brow lifted, I was beyond curious and I’m sure that was #O’s intent. “He looks like he got one hell of a beating, boss and he doesn’t look like the fighting type.”- What table? -My staff was well aware of my /proclivities/ as we held a monthly Munch for the local BDSM community. The bar provided a safe, neutral place where like minded individuals /old and new to the lifestyle/ could gather, meet and discuss. “He’s sitting at 28. And Sir, he’s real skittish.”- Thank you. -with a nod, I rise from my plush leather desk chair. Coming around, I affectionately pat #Ophelia’s cheek and follow her from the room. Business is bustling, nearly all of the tables and booths filled, the bar was crowded with patrons either waiting for their tables or enjoying selections from the kitchen’s bar menu. Weaving through the throng, I reached the correct table and took a seat- Good evening, I am Deacon Ainsworth, it's a pleasure to meet you… -I allowed my introduction to hang on the air so that it would necessitate a response-
Sebastian: *Reaching a hand up from my lap to wipe my tears before dropping it. Sniffling softly as I keep my head down knowing that i’ll probably have a mark on my forehead. Then again what does it matter when my whole face looks like i’ve been hit by a truck. Closing my eyes as I try to wrap my head around everything. I had to figure out what the fuck I was doing. As of now I had nowhere to go. I mean I could go back to my place, but wouldn’t that be the first place he would check? Then again maybe it was an accident and maybe he was sorry. Everything felt so confusing right now. Just as I was about to lift my head I watch feet move over the floor then legs slide into the booth. I tighten up and my heart starts to quicken. Wait was it him? No. Those weren’t his shoes then again they were expensive looking. No. Couldn’t be. Then who was sitting in my booth? Oh please don’t let it be the police. Then again I don’t think detectives had this nice of shoes. When I hear the mystery man’s voice goosebumps rise at the back of my neck causing my hairs to stand up. Biting down hard on my lip as I stay still. What do I do? Should I look up? I should stay down and maybe you would leave and hopefully get the message. Counting to five in my head I see the shoes stay then sighs before I slowly raise my head. Knowing my eyes were probably red from the crying. I manage to find some courage and downs the rest of the beer in my bottle before wrapping my arms around myself. My eyes scan the room, barely looking at you* Look, I’m not interested and as you can see it's been a bad night. I’m alright, I swear so you can go. *One hand lifts from my body to reach out and pick at the label on the beer bottle. Why did I lift my head? I should've just kept my head down. Maybe I should leave now. Make my escape*
Deacon: Do I seem the sort to seek company from one that is looking like a pup kicked by a bastard of a master. -lifting my hand, I signalled for #O, when she reached the table, I cut a glance to the young man again- Cheeseburger with bacon, a side of tots and a fizz, love. -she nodded, casting a soft glance to the boy. The side of his face was swelling and taking a blue tint in the rapid manner of a bruise from a vicious blow would. A cut to his lip appears to have dried, sadly I was certain the act of eating would find it split, again. As #Ophelia deposited the glass of carbonated lemonade on the table, I flashed a bit of a smile to her at the sight of the small bag filled partway with ice and the clean bar rag to temper the cold.- Thank you, darling. -shifting my gaze back to the boy, as there was no other word for him- There is no charge for the meal or drinks, little one.
Seb: *Hearing the term of endearment you use on me has me all squirmy. I didn’t like the fact that you were paying for drinks and food, but the moment that the cheeseburger was in front of me I went to town. Grabbing it I take three large bites and uses the fizz to wash it down. My hand fists the tots and pushes them in my mouth next before I take two more bites of the burger. More fizz, burger, tots, burger, rest of tots then washes it all down when it's gone. Leaning back against the booth as I look at the empty plate and lets out a small burp* Excuse me *I murmur before I try to think of the last time I had a good full meal like that. Fuck I can’t remember. My eyes slowly lifted to you* Thank you *Biting on my lower lip tasting some blood, I reach a hand up to rub at my stomach* Um I’ll repay you back somehow *Gazes at the bag of ice then you*
Deacon: -quietly watching the boy eat, I noted his trembling hands and small scars on his wrists that were an indication of poor shackling. I was remiss to point out that he needed to chew his food or he was risking a stomach ache as he appeared to be in great need of a meal.- No repayment is needed. Shall I continue to call you boy or do you have a name? -reaching across the table, I lifted up the bag of ice and offered it to you.- Please, use this on your cheek, I don’t believe it will stop the eye from swelling closed but it should ease some of the pain.-
Seb: *Thinking that there was a lot of pain I could endure but reluctantly takes the bag of ice. Pressing it to the side of my face before I gaze at you* My name is Sebastian but you can call me whatever the fuck you want. *Scrubbing a hand through my hair before I look around. I should probably get going. If I stayed at one place for too long he might...find me. Winces at that then groans and hangs head. Staring at the table as I speak* I think it's time I go now. *Laughing at that cause I had no idea where I was going to go. Maybe I could sleep at the office. Sliding out the booth before you can say anything then heads towards the front. Shit no. Go out the back. I turn and smack right into you not realizing you got up. My eyes slowly move up the length of you. Damn I didn’t realize how tall you were. On instinct my head lowers*
Deacon: -the indecision that crossed his face was difficult to watch, it was akin to viewing a timid and broken dog be offered food by a kind hand. Should he run or bite. I rose right after him from the booth, the supple leather making little noise to indicate my movement. His shoulders slumped after he’d gone a few steps, turned and ran smack into me. My left brow lifted at the lowering of your head. It would seem that my instincts were bang on, he is a submissive and one that has been treated brutally. .This community, our community fights an oft silent battle to explain to outsiders otherwise known as “vanilla” that BDSM and abuse are utterly separate. What can seem barbaric to the uninitiated is simply a kink to one of us, that whilst a submissive might be covered in bruises they were not beaten in anger. In my opinion, the greatest misunderstanding that the general public has is the belief that it is the Dominant that has all the control when it is simply the opposite of that. A submissive holds it all, the ability to say yes and no, to say stop and most of all to give their trust that their Dominant holds their gift of submission because that is what it truly is; a gift. Regardless of title; Master, Dominant, Daddy or their female equivalent have no power until their submissive says yes./ Giving a slight shake to my head, I plucked myself out of my inner dialogue to take gentle hold of his chin and lifted his face- Sebastian, do you have a safe place to stay this evening?
Seb: *I tried not to shake when you grabbed my chin. Looking into your eyes before I shake my head slowly. It was true. I didn’t have a place I could go to tonight, but I in no way was looking for handouts. Then again. Would it really be bad to have you take me in? Not unless...did you expect me to put out. Frowning at the thought before I set down the bag of ice on the table and lets out a deep breath. I slowly started to look at you. Dark hair with specks of gray on the sides, the scruff on your face. You didn’t look anything like Sir. Which was good. Hell the british accent even helped cause it made you not sound like him. Even when you spoke the word ‘boy’ to me. Stuffing my hands in my pant pockets* Why? You going to take me in? I...I shouldn’t stay in one place for too long. Not safe.
Deacon: -regarding the young man, I raised a brow whilst contemplating the dilemma. If I were to offer him a hotel room for the evening it might give him the rest he desires but I was remiss as it would have a lack of security I deemed necessary for his need of sleep- You may have use of my guest bedroom, the building is the most secure in the city. If you wish that is. I have several rules and my physician will see to your injuries. -without benefit of reading his mind I could anticipate his questions- No, I will not ask for anything in return. You needn't worry on that. The rules are as follows; the guest room is yours as is the attached bath. I expect you to refrain from entering my bedroom and it's adjacent office. No drugs unless prescribed by my physician will be in my home. Items such as Tylenol and Aleve are fine. No alcohol is to be consumed without my express permission though the kitchen, pantry and bar are yours to use as you will. Do you find this acceptable?
Seb: *Looking up and listening to you telling me that I can stay in your guest bedroom as long as I followed the rules. The one that got me the most was the physician. I didn’t do well with doctors. Fuck just thinking about them right now made my skin crawl. Bringing my arms up to wrap around myself as I keep my gaze steady on yours* I...I suppose I could follow those. *Frowning slightly as I avoid your gaze* Do I really have to see a doctor though? I’ll be fine I promise. *Was all this safe? He said it was secure but how was I sure? I barely knew this man and I was letting him take me in. Yes. Why? Because I had no place to go and you were trying to help me out. Closing my eyes as I drop my head slightly* If you really need me to see the physician I can, but I swear that I am okay. Just a bed will do.
Deacon: I understand your aversion to the Doctor, little one but it is necessary. I want to make sure that there are no possibilities of a fracture. -catching the eye of both #Cyril and #Ophelia in turn, I gesture toward the back of the restaurant before leading Sebastian through and into my office. One of the positives of having designed this space was that I had requested access to the store room from the back of my office, it made leaving easier and for this I was all the more grateful tonight- Tomorrow we can discuss if you would wish to stay longer. -having gone outside, I lead the boy to the sleek and low, black BMW 650i coupe. With his door open, I waited until he’d taken the seat before closing the door and rounding to the driver’s side. This was going to prove interesting and I sincerely hoped that it wouldn’t come back to take a bite out of my ass-
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neakco · 3 years
Vixen & Crow Ch. 9
Ao3 First Prev Next V&C Masterlist
The chapter where Amelia discovers magical healing and Sebastian is worried for his study partner.
Amelia reluctantly got ready for patrol. She knew from past experiences that her ankle was likely broken. It was hard enough to walk home and now she was getting ready to bounce across rooftops on a Friday night.
To her pleasant surprise she felt no pain after the transformation and she managed to meet Crow with a genuine smile.
“There you are Vixen; I was beginning to think you stood me up.” Crow glided down gracefully from a light post.
“Beanna Bán, you wound me. What could be more amazing than learning magic by your side?” She held her hand to her heart in mock hurt as she smiled up at him.
“Enough!” Gem interrupted their banter. “You did well enough acting on pure instinct last night, but most spirits will be harder.”
“You don’t need to shout silly names for your abilities.” Nathanial added, “This is not some cheesy cartoon. You just need to feel the energy within you and let it take form.”
“Silence can mean the difference between life and death.” Gem lectured.
“What do we do?” Crow asked the two gate guardians.
“Try to surprise Vixen.” Gem shrugged.
Nathanial sighed, millennia and Gem was still bad at teaching. “Use your wind to hit Vixen and knock her off balance. Vixen you try to catch the wind in your jar and release it back towards Crow. To make it harder I want you both to try and hold a conversation while you fight.”
It took them an hour before they stopped announcing their attacks and another 2 before they were able to hold some form of conversation. At first it was a lot of short taunts or strange guesses at their partners identities.
“Enough.” Gem called. “It is two and you both need energy to get home.”
They both looked up, “Yes mother.”
Amelia released her transformation reluctantly; she was happy to no longer be in pain. “Nathanial?”
The fox hopped onto her bed. “Yes?”
She held her pristine foot in the air, “Why is it better?”
“Any injury you receive while human that impedes your movement as Vixen should heal at a highly accelerated rate.” He curled up next to her pillow ready for sleep.
“What if I am injured while transformed?”
“The injury will not be as bad as it could have been had you been human and should heal at twice the normal rate.”
Amelia jolted out of bed sending Nathanial toppling to the floor. She raced to check the time; 10:17. She wasn’t late yet. Sadly, she still needed to shower and change.
Nathanial groggily walked through the closed bathroom door, “Why are we running around before noon?”
“I am supposed to be at Sebastian’s to study.” She was in and out so quickly that Nathanial questioned how much cleaner she actually managed to get.
“Why does this matter?” He yawned as he curled up on her discarded clothes.
“Sebastian’s father is a huge business tycoon. If I am not up to standards, I may not be allowed to be Seb’s friend anymore.” She sprinted from the bathroom trailing water. “Is a suit too much?”
“It is too early for this.” Nathanial muttered as he walked straight through the wall and into an expansive closet. “Yes. Why do you have so many clothes?”
“Disguises from my old job.” She held up a deep blue cocktail dress.
“No.” Nathanial yawned while looking at the dress. “Just look casual and clean. I shall be in your bag sleeping.” Without waiting for a response, he shrank down and turned plush as he walked away.
Taking his advice, Amelia grabbed a pair of black slacks and a silken blue shirt.
Sebastian was trying hard not to pace. He hoped Vanessa could locate Amelia before she walked for too long. He really didn’t want his friend making her injury worse just so they could study together. He looked towards the door as he heard Amelia’s laughter.
“Thank you, Vanessa, but I assure you I enjoy walking. You didn’t need to pick me up.” Amelia walked over to Sebastian and glared a little. “I told you it was just a bruise. It doesn’t even hurt today.”
He smiled innocently, “Think of the extra 30 minutes we have to study together now though.” Sebastian turned down a hall and gestured for her to follow.
Amelia was a little amazed, she didn’t realize Sebastian lived in an actual mansion. “Your house looks so....” She paused to find the right word.
“Amazing?” Sebastian asked.
“No. Lonely.” Hearing Sebastian’s silence, she continued. “Growing up with no friends in these large halls; I respect you for it.”
He stopped walking and turned to look at her with a carefully blank expression, “What?”
“So much nothing, and yet you aren’t bitter, you don’t act entitled, you seem to enjoy the small things in life. I respect that about you.”
“Oh.” Sebastian smiled widely. Amelia didn’t pity him. She actually understood.
“Hey Seb, are we going to study out here in the hall with all the creepy technical drawings?” She had stepped a bit closer while he had been smiling like a loon.
“Sorry, this way.” He made a turn to the left down another hallway. “Father says we are not allowed to study in my bedroom unsupervised, so he has authorized us to use the secondary study.”
“Are we not still alone in an enclosed space? How is this different from your room?”
“No bed or couches and the study has cameras.” He opened up a door on their right, “after you my lady.”
Amelia entered and noticed that somehow Vanessa had arrived ahead of them.
“I took the liberty of gathering information on several business, the operators and their families.” Vanessa handed over a large docket. “All for you to memorize at your leisure.”
“Thank you?”
“It is basic information you will need to know if you are to continue to spend time with Sebastian.” Vanessa turned to him. “Lunch shall be brought up in 30 minutes by one of the servants.” She left quickly after to return to her other duties.
Sebastion looked at the top name and whistled, “I guess father approves of you.”
“Is that what just happened?” She sat down at the large table and began glancing through all the documents.
“Vanessa wouldn’t have given these to you without his permission. I had to memorize all these names when I was twelve. When Father told me I had proven myself to not be an idiot.” He pulled out his notes from psychology. “When you are done memorizing, would you be able to discuss these with me? I find that your opinions help me remember the concepts better.”
“Of course. That is the main reason I am here today.”
Vanessa came in after Amelia had left to check on Sebastian and spotted the docket on the table. “Did miss Amelia forget this?”
“No, she memorized it all already.” Sebastian said while double checking his notes. “She has an eidetic memory.”
Vanessa made a quick note on her phone before picking up the docket, “I shall make sure to have these disposed of then.”
Sebastian blinked a couple of times when he thought he saw a smile on Vanessa’s face before deciding he must have imagined it.
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