#but I have to leave for uni tomorrow so it's gonna have to wait
opens-up-4-nobody · 1 year
#ya kno those days where its like. nothings wrong but if anything changes unexpectedly i will lose#my fucking mind. the threads holding me back from having a total freakout meltdown are old and frayed#my brain needs to shut thr fuck up is what im saying#ive got thr hysteria wah >:-[#i swear to christ. if i have to fucking drive to the other uni tomorrow#me via emails should i pick things up tomorrow? should i dedicate my fucking weekend to making sure things work right and then roll that#straight into 2weeks of watering schedule hell? is that i thing i should do?#i mean at least there wouldnt b ppl there bc spring break but ay the bitterness. im full of black bile#i hate it here. and i cant stop#im being so dramatic. jesus christ. i fucked up my timesheet from like a month ago and have to fill out a sheet to fix it. it just makes#me want to lay on the floor and wail like a toddler. its fucking hard enough to get my brain to fill out my timesheets. and i just streight#up dont fill out reimbursement sheets bc idk money stuff is so upsetting for me to think abt i would rather just take the loss#just so i dont have to think abt it. how much money have i lost in that way? best not to think abt it#my fucking time sheets r a lie anyway. i used to do like 10hr days 6days a week while a part time employee after i got my masters#bc it took them like 6months to hire me and itd like wtf else am i gonna do with my time#and that is how u build resentment. no one makes me do these things. its just how it has to be according to the fucking annoying rules in#my brain. terrible and irrational and annoying. i just wanna leave#and i do have to fucking drive tomorrow. cool cool cool#and i have to wait for my boss to approve comments so i can submit this paper and idk how long yhstll take or when itll happen#bc she was doing field work until apparently 9pm yesterday idk whats happening but im supposed to meet with her tomorrow#but i dont wanna. like whats the point. i can find things to do and meeting just makes me feel bad bc im just tired and sick of this#and shes so nice and enthusiastic and i just cant match thst energy anymore. she texted me last week at like 8pm to ask how i was#and i was like ??? what do u want from me? what did i fuck up that made it obvious im not ok?#and she said she was just interested in how i was so i was like ok im fine. no elaborate bc like what do u want from me? i dont understand#but idk shes got a lot to deal with bc she moved schools this semester so her life is probably infinitly more stressful than mine rn#im just laying in a field of burnout and i wanna leave but i have to wait at least 4-5 months#whatever i need to get a bunch of materials together for an undergrad bc i said id give her advice abt reaching out for a masters#bleh im tired and sad. its probably in part hormones bc my body hates me rip#whatever. itll b fine. one more project to check off the list#unrelated
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acidsoju · 3 months
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genre: romance, slice of life, college au, non idol, fluff pairing: smitten boy! soobin x reader warnings: kissing, skinship, soobin's a fool (for you), alcohol use word count: 4.6k summary: when soobin’s a loser who’s also a lover.
“Dude, close your mouth.”
Kai closed his friend’s mouth with a slight push beneath his chin. Soobin blinked a few times, landing on reality as he gulped loudly enough for Beomgyu to hear it at the end of the table. A sighed scaped from his lips as he watched carefully at your laughing self, just in the complete opposite side of the cafeteria.
When did exactly this little crush on you began? If he still recalls… It was exactly two years ago, on your first day at uni. Heavy rain was forecasted for that day, yet it seemed like you hadn’t checked the weather at all as you walked down the hall leaving a trace of waterdrops behind. You were drenched from head to toes, just like you had taken a shower with your clothes on.
Still, Soobin forgot about your drenched self as soon as his classes started. He didn’t see you around probably because you weren’t majoring in photography like him, but law.
He did see you again at the end of the day. He was the last one to leave from his class, taking his sweet time at picking up his stuff and walking to the entrance. Just there, you were sitting on the floor, sheltering yourself from the rain under the roof; all your attention dedicated to the book in your lap and, apparently, no umbrella at all.
Why weren’t you going home? Were you waiting for the rain to finally stop? The answer was: yes. Yet to your luck, it’d been forecasted to rain all night long, too.
She obviously doesn’t know. Soobin thought, twirling the umbrella in his hands. Should I offer to walk her home?
He should have.
Instead, an umbrella appeared in your vision so suddenly. You looked up at the boy, how tall, who was pointing at you with the umbrella and looking away, his ears furiously red. Was he giving you his umbrella? You thought that was the case, so you smiled sweetly at him.
“It’s okay, I can just wait till the rain stops.”
His eyes shifted to you, half his face was covered by the turtle neck of his very puffy jacket. The only thing barely visible were his dark and big eyes, but they also were camouflaged behind a thin curtain of black hair.
“It won’t.”
Oh, that was really bad luck. Walking down the rain two rows in a day? You’d probably wake up tomorrow with a sore throat.
“Still… I can’t just take your umbrella.” You mumbled, tapping your fingertips against the pages of your book. “Thanks though, that’s really sweet.”
“Just take it.” He replied, almost whimpering. Soobin bended down enough to put his umbrella over your book, his eyes flickering into yours maybe less than a second. You got up, furrowing your eyebrows.
“Really, I can’t. It’s yours.”
“I don’t need it.”
“What? But you’ll get soake-
“I’m waiting for someone, so just take it. Go.” Liar.
Before you could protest any more, Soobin turned on his heels and walked back inside. His loud heartbeat was the only thing he could hear. He was sweating; he felt so hot yet outside was so cold it made it malfunction even more.
Ah, yes. That was when his tiny crush on you started.
Now, two years later, you both had never crossed paths again. You had tried to find him the next day to return his umbrella, but with only a pair of eyes to recognize him, you soon gave up.
Would things have been different if, maybe, he decided to be the protagonist of his life and walk you home under the rain?
“Yes.” Kai said.
Soobin bit down an annoyed groan and fixed the pair of glasses sliding over the bridge of his nose.
Soobin was awkward, socially awkward. If you didn’t tell from that time you met him, then you were blind. It was really hard for him to get close to people, yet not impossible as he shared his lunch time with Kai and Beomgyu.
“You’re gonna burn a hole in her.” Kai told him, looking over his shoulder at the girl that had his friend so enchanted.
“Let him be, he hasn’t seen her since last semester.” Gyu said, only focusing on munching his food.
It was true. Last time he saw you had been four weeks ago, on last semester’s day. Of course, he followed you on social media. He could spend a really long time staring at a random story you’d share. Yet, nothing compared to the real thing.
Little did Soobin knew that he would have the chance to see you really up close in the class he dreaded the most, ‘classical civilization: literature, philosophy and politics’. Just the name of the course made his head hurt already, still as to why had he chosen such a class? The answer was very simple: credits.
“It’s this seat taken?”
You waited for a response, completely ignoring the strange automatic sound that scaped the boy’s lips when you stopped at the free seat next to his. Soobin shook his head and adverted your gaze, feeling his ears burning up. God, they might actually melt.
Soobin sat on the edge of his seat, trying to put as much distance as he could from you as if you had some kind of disease he might die if you were too close. Thankfully for him, you didn’t seem to noticed.
Class started and went on for about two long hours, yet Soobin couldn’t concentrate at all. All his attention was on whatever movement you would do; the way you wrote down whatever you thought was important, the way you would nibble at your lip when you concentrated too much, the way you’d pull the strands of hair that bothered you behind your ear, the way your eyes flickered in his direction and spoke something he didn’t hear.
“Uh?” He blinked a few times.
“I asked if you want to come to my place.”
What the fuck?
You must have noticed the perplexed look on Soobin’s face because once you had picked up all your stuff and turned around to face him again, you cracked a big laugh. Soobin only could wish to be buried alive.
“We’re partners, silly,” You stated obviously. “for the assignment? The one we had to bring in two weeks?” You smiled very amused at the boy. “Were you daydreaming all class?” Yeah, because of you.
“Sorry…” He mumbled. You shrugged.
“It’s fine. But we’re still partners,” A piece of paper appeared in Soobin’s vision. “here’s my number. As I said, you can come to my place to do this. If you’re free, maybe we could start... this Friday?” You adjusted the strap of your bag in your shoulder and checked the time in your cellphone before rushing to the door. “I’m y/n, by the way. Gotta go, see ya, partner!”
Soobin sat there looking down at the piece of paper laying innocently on his desk and the neatly written numbers on it next to a ‘y/n from LPP class :)’. Was this really happening or it was only a product of his imagination?
“So have you texted her yet?”
“… No.”
“Oh my god.”
Gyu snorted, his eyes never living the big screen in front of his face as his fingers quickly shifted over the joystick.
“She’s probably thinking you’ll ditch on her.”
“What? I won’t!” Soobin exclaimed.
“We know” Kai said, putting a hand on his shoulder. “But she doesn’t. You said she caught you on cloud nine all class?” Soobin nodded. “She’s probably thinking you’ll ditch on her.”
“But that’s not it…” He whined not liking the idea of you taking the wrong impression of him. He nibbled down on his lips, thoughts rushing in his mind; he looked up at Kai with eyes full of concern. “What should I do?”
“Text her, dude!” Gyu stated the obvious. “She’s waiting for you to do it, literally.”
“God, okay, alright.” Grabbing his phone from the coffee table in front of him, Soobin searched for your contact and opened the empty chat. His fingers stopped mid-air and he looked at Kai, panicking visibly. “What do I say?”
“You should start with a simple ‘hi’”
“That’s lame.”
“Gyu, shut up.”
“Hi? Hello? Hey? Howdy?”
“Just hi is enough. What do you think about ‘I'm Soobin from LPP class’?”
“Oh, that’s good.”
“Ha! Give me the phone.” Gyu snatched the phone and started tapping at the screen furiously; a big, devious smile on his face.
“No! Don’t do anything-
“And… send!”
“… stupid.”
Kai approached Gyu and looked over his shoulder to the screen, shrugging he gave thumps up at Soobin while smiling.
“It’s not that bad.”
soobin: hey there stranger!
soobin: this is ur boy soobsoob
soobin: soobin from lpp
you: hii
you: i was thinking you might’ve ditched me
you: btw you sound so different over text ???
Gyu laughed out loud like a maniac at your response, while Soobin groaned annoyed. Maybe she’ll think she’s being catfished!
Soobin managed to properly answer you by himself once he locked himself up in the bathroom.
soobin: hey sorry bout that
soobin: my friend kinda stole my phone from me
soobin: just when i was going to text you…
soobin: sorry
you: its fine
you: no wonder it felt like it wasnt you
you: anyways im glad you texted me!!
you: so?
soobin: ?
you: are u free this friday?
you: come to my place if you are
you: or we can go somewhere else if you’d like
soobin: …
soobin: your place’s fine
you: kayyy great ill send u the location later
you: gotta go now
you: kinda busy
you: byebye
“Bye bye.” He mumbled letting out a sigh of relieve. Talking to you over text was easier than in person, of course. Yet it still made him so nervous.
“You got yourself a date!” Celebrated Kai when Soobin walked back into the living room. Gyu cheered.
“It’s not a date.”
“You’re meeting up just the two of you?”
“At her place?”
“Sounds like a date to me.” Said Gyu.
“We’re just doing this assignment!” Soobin exclaimed, red in the ears.
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Friday came over more quickly than you expected. That morning you had woken up especially early to clean up around your house at least a little. The perks of living alone were that no one told you to when to clean up. The bad thing was, no one ever told you to clean up. And as a student living on its own during college days plus working some shifts at night at a grill meat place, time was something that became scarce.
You had just finished getting dress after your quick shower when the bell rang and your phone screen lighted up with a text from the boy outside. Behind the door, Soobin nodded at you and fixed his bangs with his hand, covering almost all of his face with it. You held the door opened for him and let him in.
“I set all up in the kitchen for us, ” You told him motioning for him to follow you. He obeyed quietly and followed your footsteps into the quite cozy kitchen. “I have water, juice, tea and also coffee, which one you want?”
“Um…” He hesitated, feeling the sudden pressure in his chest built up at the attention-your attention all on him. His cheeks warmed up and he mentally cursed when his voice cracked a little. “A tea, please.”
While you poured the tea for him, he put down a cute little box over your table caughting your attention. You sat down after placing a steaming cup in front of him, while he took the seat in front of you. He thought you looked so cute eyeing curiously the box.
“My mum works at a bakery and told me it was impolite to come over with my hands empty.” Wow, he had actually spoke so casually to you. He was so proud and felt so grateful to his mother when your eyes shone after he said that. He carefully opened the box revealing all kinds of patisseries.
“God, I’m so lucky having you as my partner.” You simply said, not really meaning anything behind the words, after tasting the sweets. Soobin smiled trapping his bottom lip under his teeth and giggled softly. “This is so good.”
Time flew once you two starting working on the assignment. At first, Soobin felt so shy to ask you about things he didn’t know but when you caught on the fact that he was short on his Greek and Roman’s basics, you started explaining to him all about it. And he started to like it so much; not really all the democracy's birth and development part, but he liked hearing you talk about something you clearly knew so well and enjoyed.
“Hey…” He said after checking the time on his phone and realizing you had been already three hours working non-stop. Your eyes left your computer’s screen and fixated on him. “What time are you parents coming back?” Your eyes went back to the screen.
“They’re not” You simple answered. “I live alone.”
“Ah, that’s nice.” Replied Soobin, not really processing your words. Once he did, his body froze. Sure, he knew you two were alone till that moment but he was so sure some responsible adult was supposed to come back and watched over you. Now that he knew no one was coming, he couldn’t stop his shameful thoughts as his mouth felt so dry.
“Are you okay? You’re so red”.
“It’s suddenly so hot?”
“Oh, let me get you some fresh water.”
You stood up and filled a glass of water for him. But you didn’t notice the boy getting up and following you so fast behind you, that when you turned around you ended up crashing against his chest and the water ended up all over him. You mouth molded into a perfectly ‘o’ shape watching the drenched cloth stick to his body, while Soobin’s face exploded red. You could almost picture the steam blowing out ofhis ears.
“S-sorry.” You stumbled on your own words while looking up at his face- oh, you were so close. Soobin’s breath got caught in his chest at the sudden proximity; your pretty eyes looked up into his so intensely. He gulped, his hands itching of nervousness-- itching for some contact.
“Down the hall, second door on the left.”
When Soobin got out of the bathroom, you were waiting for him in the small hall with a t-shirt in your hands.
“I’m sorry ‘bout your shirt. You can change into this one if you want.”
“It’s yours?” He questioned holding the shirt in his hands, really curious as it was right his size.
“It was my brother’s, but he doesn’t know I took it.” You showed him a small, playful smile that melted his heart.
Soobin used the shirt he burrowed from you almost for a week, which, Kai thought, was pretty disgusting. Yet for Soobin, the shirt with the scent of you became his small reminder of you at home.
Both of you met up at your place a few more times after that day and finally submitted the assignment when you finished it. After spending so much time with Soobin, you had gotten closer and used to being around him; you got to know him more and learnt a few things about him like how he knew how to make those delicious patisseries he’d brought that one time, or how he had a hedgehog pet and how cute it was curled up in his big palms, and how cute he was.
“Should we go out to celebrate?” You asked him the night you finished working on the assignment. Soobin hummed delighted, clearly liking the idea of going out with you somewhere to enjoy some time, besides the time he'd spent with you doing homework. That’s how both of you arrived that night at the grill meat place you worked at sometimes.
“I’ll cook it.” He said taking over the grill and the scissors. You happily hummed waiting for the food to grill and grabbed a few bottles of soju. When he looked at you pouring down the alcohol in two glasses, he panicked. “M-Maybe we shouldn’t.”
“Please? We worked so hard, we deserved it,” You showed him your amazing puppy eyes and his hand trembled, the scissors visibly shaking. "perhaps you're bad with alcohol? Okay then, I can drink for you.”
“Don’t.” He stopped you before you could swig down the drink and took the glass from your hands, tilting his head back as it invided his mouth. You whistled impressed while his faces twisted in disgust.
That night you both enjoyed the fancy meat and drinks all paid thanks to the employee discount you had. That night you also discovered that Soobin was, in fact, really bad with alcohol.
His cheeks were flushed, as always, but his demeanor was somehow different, not really in a bad way. His eyes didn’t avoided your gaze like usually and instead it fell heavy on you, heavy eyelids from behind his glasses that slipped from time to time down the bridge of his nose.
“Maybe we should take some fresh air to sober up, don’t you think, silly?” You said, helping the boy out. He walked funnily beside you, his head turned in your direction not really looking where he was walking. “Eyes on the road, Soobin.”
“You’re so pretty…”
“You are so drunk right now.” You said, hiding the blush in your cheeks. He whined, his hand grabbing your sleeve’s end and tugging softly at it, wanting you to look at him more.
“You’re so pretty.” He repeated, in a more demanding tone, a pretty pout in his lips.
“Please, watch where you’re going, Soob- hey!”
“Agh… shit.”
You looked down at the poor boy who’d fallen to the floor after tripping on his own feet. He hissed at the pain in his palms against the cold pavement. His glasses had fallen off his face and he suddenly felt the urge to cry out of embarrassment or pain, maybe both.
You got down on your knees in front of him and tried to grab his hands but he whined at the burning sensation in them, pulling away from your touch. His palms were scraped and red. He managed to sit properly and looked at you with trembling lips. Just then you noticed the tears piling up in his eyes.
“Are you okay?” You asked softly while carefully grabbing the unscratched back of his hand and scanning him for some blood or whatever. He sniffed, trying to contain the tears but you being all worried about him made him feel even more vulnerable.
“I’m really sor-sorry.” He started sobbing and the tears rolled down his cheeks. You gasped and tried to wipe them away. You touched him with such a care, like you were scared he might break at any moment. His eyes closed at your sudden touch, so warm, but the tears didn’t stop rolling down his cheeks.
“What are you sorry for, dummy?” You whispered softly, holding his face in between your hands, wiping the tears away with your thumbs. His skin was really soft, you thought.
“You’re right, I am a dummy!” He cried out loud. You panicked even more. You had dealt with drunk people before due to your job, but never had you ever tried comforting a six-foot tall, full-grown baby crying his heart out.
His eyes flickered open and stared at you from behind the tears. His eyelashes wet because of the tears looked so pretty but you felt a little bad thinking that while the boy in front of you cried, the tip of his nose red and his lips gasping for air occasionally.
“You’re so pretty, sob- you’re so pretty it hurts…” He said, almost in pain. You stayed silent, humming at his words encouraging for him to keep talking. His hands softly grabbed each one of your wrists. Your hands were frozen in his face. He looked up at you like some abandoned puppy. “It hurts really bad, y/n”.
“Sorry…” You mumbled under your breath.
“No, I’m sorry I’m such a coward dummy” Soobin pouted. “I shoulda have walked you home that day! But you were so pretty, y/n. Fuck, so pretty and I panicked.”
You had absolutely no idea what this man was talking about, yet all you did was heard him carefully, nodding slowly at his words. You watched him scan your face and bit down on his lip so hard that you feared he might hurt himself even more. Sighting, you grabbed his glasses and placed them back on his face, carefully pushing the hair falling over his eyes away.
“I think we should go back to my place, ‘kay? I’ll make us some warm tea and you can crash if you want, what’ya think?” You spoke at him with such a delicacy that he felt his heart squeezing.
“I’d like that…”
Somehow, you managed to bring Soobin’s drunk self into your place once again. Just after stepping his foot in, he started taking off his coat then his sweater and then stopping while grabbing the end of his shirt, after you had ask him to stop, blood rushing to your cheeks, eyes looking away.
You had Soobin drink the warm tea you made for him while sitting on your couch, him stealing quick glances in your direction from time to time and giggling to himself.
“You’re so pretty.”
“You’re pretty too, dummy.” You answered grabbing the empty teacup from his hands and putting it away.
“Am I a dummy?” He asked knitting his eyebrows, tilting his head slightly to a side.
“Yeah…” You heard his weak ‘oh’ while he looked down at his red palms. “But you’re a cute dummy. Let me help you with this, okay?”
“It burns!” He whined, pulling his hand away from the cotton you had dip in alcohol and were using to clean his palm. You groaned, annoyed, and reached for his hand getting so close to him that he found himself cornered between your couch and you. “S-stand back”
“Gotcha!” You grabbed his wrist and pulled from it, not actually thinking he could pull back which was exactly what happened and why you ended up falling against his chest. You felt him shiver against you, still his hand quickly grabbed your back trying to support your astonished self.
“So-sorry!” You squeaked, your face burning up.
Soobin had sobered a little since the warm tea, but he felt so comfortable being taken care by you he just ended up acting like a little kid. You looked up and couldn’t help it, the way his pretty eyes looked into yours made you so weak, you leaned in a little closer and more planted a quick kiss on his chin.
“????” Soobin covered his reddened face with his free hand, not really getting what you had done. On his chin??? Your lips??? Were so soft??? Do it again??? You analyzed his reaction and grinned softly, before placing another peck on his cheek.
“Are you sober up now?” You asked, playfully brushing the tip of your nose against his warm cheek. He nodded furiously. Then you took a step back and put some distance between yourselves, which he thought was really sad. Then you extended your open palm to him. “Let me see your hands.”
Reluctantly, he let you disinfect his palms. He would hiss and whimper when it really burned, but then shut up after you’d place a kiss on his bare palms. By the time you finished your little task, he wanted to feel your lips on another place. You looked up and smile sweetly at him. What had made you kiss him so many times? Maybe the addictive softness of his skin or maybe the way he’d shake under your touch.
“You feel better now?” You asked him, stroking his soft, ruffled hair. He hummed at your touch and closed his eyes, enjoying it. You nibbled your lip, eyes going down at his own. “You’re so pretty.”
He gasped quietly, surprised, and gulped realizing you had gotten closer to his face. You looked so calm, so relax, so unbothered while he was sure he looked the complete opposite; a nerve wracked, reddened loser.
Again, you pecked his chin, slower this time. Then you went up brushing your lips on his skin until you reached his cheek and placed down another kiss. He sighed, fighting to keep his eyes opened. His hands coyly placed themselves on your waist, mentally fighting not to just embrace you against him completely.
You softly kissed his forehead before going down and placing a kiss on his nose. His eyes looked at you pleadingly from behind his glasses, his lips slightly parting open when you brushed yours against his.
“Soobin, you’re so pretty.” You whispered, placing down your forehead against his. “Can I kiss you, pretty boy?” He nodded.
When your lips kissed his, Soobin felt like the whole oxygen in his body just vanished. The warmth from your lips rushed all over his body. You felt his hands tightened the hold in your waist and pulled you closer, sneaking through an eye you watched him; his eyes closed, his eyebrows softly furrowed. His lips were ten times softer than the skin of his cheeks.
When you tried to pull apart, he pulled you even closer not letting you go. His whole arm hugged you down by your waist, while his free hand cupped your cheek. He finally let you caught your breath after pecking a few more times your lips. One, two, three, four, he didn't want to stop.
You gently caressed his face and he, mesmerized, couldn’t stop looking at you.
“Do you like me, Soobin?” You asked him. He nodded enthralled. “Since when?”
“That time…” He nibbled down at his lip, feeling so embarrassed. “It was raining like, so much and it didn’t look like you had an umbrella.”
You tilted your head. “What? You mean that was you?” You smiled thrilled at him and found so cute the way his cheeks turned red at the remark. Giggling, you planted a kiss on the corner of his lips which made him look at you with those pleading eyes. Looked like he didn’t like being teased. “I still have it, you know? The umbrella.”
“Keep it.” He said, eyes fixated on your smiling lips. You giggled once more and attached your lips together again. He hummed happily and kissed you eagerly. That was how both of you spent the rest of the night, laying down on your couch, he embracing you, you kissing him when he gave you that look, he kissing your cheeks, you kissing his chin, until both were defeated by sleep.
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“God, I can’t stand it.” Gyu groaned at the sight of his friend watching at you with his mouth hung open while you just talked. You would stop in mid-sentence, smiled and kiss his cheek, and then continue talking about whatever.
“I think they’re cute.” Kai said. “He’s kinda clingy, tho.”
“We are literally here.” Soobin said, his arms hugging your waist and his chin resting up in your shoulder while you finished your lunch.
“I think they’re jealous.” You said mockingly. Soobin nodded in agreement.
“You should dump him, y/n.” Gyu said.
“Oh, but he’s so cute?” You brushed your head against Soobin’s only gaining the fake throwing up sounds from Beomgyu. Then Soobin reached your ear and whispered, concerned in his voice:
“You’re not dumping me, right?”
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melanieph321 · 2 months
Jude Bellingham x Reader - Capture Me Part 2/2
Part 1
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It was strange.
Strange how fast you could fall for a guy. However, Jude was so different from any other guy you've dated.
"So what's it like?"
"I dunno, going to uni, being a student?" He was so curious about the slightest details of your life and in a way he admired it, especially your passion for photography.
"It's nice, I guess. Sometimes it feels like I have alot on my plate but knowing I'm doing something I love motivates me to keep going."
"Like me!" He perked up.
"Like you?"
"Yes, me and the way I feel about football." He smiled.
He was so sweet. And refused to let you help pay for dinner. He didn't take you anywhere fancy, but a fancy enough place that let you dine in a private closed off section of the restaurant.
"So what now?" He asked, not hesitating to grab your hand as the two of you left the restaurant and made it out onto the street.
"Don't you have a big game coming up?"
"Yeah, it's gonna be fun."
"No, Jude." You stopped walking.
"What?" He frowned.
"Don't you need to rest ahead of it."
"Sure I do." He nodded.
"Okay, then maybe this should be where we part." You said, an urge to not be the reason why England loses the game against Brazil due to poor performance.
"What do you mean?" He said, with a wrinkled expression.
"I should go home Jude." You said, adjusting your purse.
"Why, didn't you have a good time?"
"I did." You were quick to say, seeing his face falter. "But it's getting late and both of us had a pretty long day today."
He nodded. "You're right."
"I am?"
"Yes. Let's go to my hotel. My car is parked around the corner."
"Wait, what?"
Before you knew it you were in Jude's car, on your way to where he stayed at a hotel in London. He had a big room, the biggest you've ever seen.
"My family is coming tomorrow." He said, when you asked him about it.
"Oh, okay."
"But they won't be here until the afternoon, so you won't have to hurry to get up."
"I see." You muttered, realizing where things were headed. "Jude I don't usually sleep with guy on the first date." You said, a need to set things straight. However Jude's eyes widened in suprise. "I..." He stuttered. "I didn't mean to assume..."
"But you kind of did."
You stood close to the wall, a sudden need to feel in control. Jude noticed this and put his hands up in defense.
"Y/N, I swear, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. It's just that I really like you and don't want this night to end."
You felt the same way. However, you weren't about to break your own rules just because a guy sweeps you off your feet with dinner and a fancy hotel room.
"There is a guestroom." He exclaimed. "You can take if you don't feel comfortable enough staying with me." Jude seemed to really want you to stay the night, despite you having taken sex off the table. "Please Y/N, I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable. Really."
"Jude. I'm not." You slowly approached him, stretching out a hand to caress his face, smiling when he tilted his head to rest against your palm. It then felt natural for you to perk up and peck his lips, startling him with the kiss. Nevertheless, a smile widened his lips. "I don't mind sharing beds." You said. "As long as there's no funny business."
"Deal" He nodded.
And that's how you ended up staying the night with Jude. Turns out he really liked to cuddle.
In the morning, when you were about to leave, Jude effortlessly tried to keep you in bed with him, not agreeing to let you go until you have accepted his invitation to England's game against Brazil.
"Please come." He begged. "My whole family and friends will be there, You'll love them and they'll love you."
You were hesitant at first, things moving a bit too fast for your liking, but Jude's enthusiasm was infectious. You agreed to go, making plans to meet up at the stadium the next day.
The next day, you felt akward wearing Jude's football jersey. But he said he would pretend not to recognize you if you didn't. Nevertheless, you cheered him on as he played his heart out on the field. And you met his family and friends, and they were all so warm and welcoming towards you.
As the game came to an end and Jude was reunited with you and his family, his mother slapped her son on the arm and said:
"How come you never told me you had a girlfriend. She's lovely.
Jude turned to you and smiled. "Y/N is not my girlfriend. At least not yet."
You rolled your eyes, but failed to hide your smile. You knew that you had found someone special in Jude, and you couldn't wait to see where your relationship would go from here.
Part 1
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osakiharu · 6 months
23:30PM : ran haitani
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content : gender neutral reader, fluff ig??, … , best friend!ran but you have a sneaky crush hehe, y’all are on ft and ran just gets changed, but he knows what he’s doing >:), ran’s job isn’t specified so you can interpret it however you want — i wasn’t aiming towards anything specific either so go crazy 🫶
words : 665
notes : accept this as my apology for not writing for a while, i’ve had a lot of change recently with uni and whatever and i’ve just been enjoying life but unfortunately i left a lot of my hobbies to collect dust so i’m trying to get back into them all, including writing lmao. anyways time to think whore thoughts of our fav man !!
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thinking about best friend!ran being so comfortable with you that he just doesn’t care about what he does anymore or the fact that you’re just friends (much to his displeasure and yours). 
“‘m gonna get changed.” you heard ran mumble from the speaker of your phone as you got up to pack up your books for tomorrow’s morning lecture. you gave him a short response from the other side of your room, leaving your phone propped up against the screen of your laptop. 
sometimes you think ran gets a bit too comfortable on facetime with you, hell maybe even face to face considering the fact that you two are just friends. wrapping an arm around your shoulders, pulling you close when it’s cold outside or when you’re watching a movie. when you’re both exhausted from your respective jobs and fall sleep on his bed, disregarding the plans you’d made earlier. though, of course, you can’t do this without him rolling over to spoon you, his warm chest pressed up against your back with his gentle breaths fanning over your neck. the hand he always has draped over your side rubbing sweet little circles, sometimes even hearts, into the skin if your tummy, coming to a stop when he drifts off to sleep. 
but you know ran and he never does anything without a reason, a purpose, a goal in mind, because what ran wants, ran gets. the only thing stopping him from getting it is you. you and your inability to figure out why he does what he does. 
a sigh left you as you got up and returned back to your seat at your desk. “earlier I was talking—”
oh. oh…
what you’d expected to see was his ceiling, or maybe a black screen from where he’d put his phone down, away from him changing. perhaps you’d expected him to be finished already, considering the fact that it doesn’t take long to change into a pair of sweats and a shirt. instead, your eyes were met with the sight of ran, shirtless, angling his hips forwards to tie the strings on his sweatpants that seemed to be hanging dangerously low. you stared at the dark ink covering his torso and arm, somehow looking even better under the warm, dim light of the desk lamp that glowed on his pale skin.
“hm?” ran looked up towards his phone through the purple strands hanging in front of his face. you saw his chest jump slightly with a chuckle he couldn’t contain when he noticed your expression — eyes ever so slightly widened, mouth slightly agape. you weren’t shocked or surprised, this is ran we’re talking about, but you didn’t think he’d be this relaxed in front of you. “uhh, nevermind… i was gonna tell you something rindou told me but i forgot.” clearing your throat you averted your eyes back to your essay. the essay you couldn’t seem to focus on any longer. 
“you get this distracted when you talk to my brother, too?” anyone could’ve heard the smile in his voice as he spoke. he liked when he got under your skin and made you blush, when you weren’t able to reply with something witty or clever. ran paced around ‘looking’ for a sweatshirt waiting for your answer. “there’s a sweatshirt on your bed, moron.” you chuckled and returned back to your notes. ‘fuck, they ignored it,’ he thought as he sucked his teeth and picked up the black item of clothing. you couldn’t help but peek over to your phone screen to see his back, lean and muscular, moving in tandem with the rest of body. a breath left your nose. fuck.
“quit starin’, sweets,” he turned to face you while adjusting his sweatshirt, “it’s rude to stare, y’know?”
“i wasn’t.”
“sure, y/n” you both grinned at each other, knowing the truth. “now, help me with this essay, will you?” he asked, and you could hear papers rustling and shuffling around on his desk.
GUYYYYSS i literally need him so bad ??!!
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reblogs appreciated <3
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judes-hoe · 5 months
Can I request a Trent Alexander Arnold x reader gf! Trent goes to Milano fashion week & surprises his gf with a ticket for her since her birthday is coming up soon (inspo is bc my birthday is Wednesdays lolz). This trip is big for them since they’re not super public since she’s just a uni girl but one things for sure is that they’re in love & Trent want to takes the next step with her & asks her to move in with him.
Surprise ~ TAA66
Warnings ~ none just fluff
A/N ~ this is super cute and I wrote this at 12am so bear with me, also didn’t have the energy to write about the actual show or whatever you want to call it.☹️☹️ sorry.
Your we’re currently on your way to your boyfriends house, he had said he wanted to send the day with you before he leaves for Milan in a couple days. He and his brother Marcel going together.
You got to his house, locking your car and walking up to the door. You walk in taking your shoes and coat off. “Baby I’m here” you shout out into the house. “Hey baby” he says walking over to you in grey sweatpants and a black sweatshirt. “Missed you” he said hugging you. “Missed you too baby” you said rubbing his back up and down. “Trent man I know you miss you girlfriend mate but we’re playing the game” his brother Marcel shouted from the living room. Trent rolls his eyes at you. “Marcel shut up, just mad you don’t have a girlfriend” he said walking with you back to the living room. “Hi Marcel” you said with a little wave. “Hi y/n” he said with a nod.
You sat next to Trent cuddled into his side watching him and Marcel playing the game and scrolling on your phone. “Alright im gonna go take a shower and we can play after if you want” marcel said setting the controller down. “Yeah sure” Trent said setting his down as well. Marcel walked up the stairs and to the guest room.
“Okay I’m sorry baby my attention is all on you” Trent said kissing your head and watching your phone. “I’m gonna miss you while you’re in Milan” you said closing your phone and looking up at him. “I’m about that” he said with a look. “What did you do trent” you asked knowing he did something. “I got an extra ticket if you want to come, I know your birthday is coming up and I want it to be a surprise/birthday present, and I know we haven’t gone public but we can make up something if rumors start, I just want you to come with me, even if you don’t go to the sho-“ he started rambling. “Trent of course I’ll go with you, plus I’ve been meaning to tell you I’ve wanted to go public” you said with a smile.
“Perfect, I’m glad you agreed to come with me, so when you go home later pack clothes and come back tomorrow and you can spend the night so we can leave in the morning” he said. “Sounds perfect baby, can’t wait to see you in all these different outfits” you said with a smile. “I forgot to ask how uni has been, how’d you do on your exams” he asked as he softly ran his hand up and down your arm. “I passed all my exams, I thought I was gonna fail at least one but I didn’t” you said with a smile. “My smart girl” he said giving you a kiss.
Trent, you, and Marcel just arrived in Milan. Currently heading to your hotel you’d be staying at for the next couple days. “I’ve always wanted to visit Milan, so beautiful” you said looking out the car window. “Beautiful like you” Trent said kissing the side of your head. “Gross” Marcel said with a fake gag. Leading Trent to smack his arm lightly.
You and trent signed into the hotel while Marcel went out to adventure. You and Trent go up to your room, placing your bags on the floor and throwing Marcels on his bed. You plop yours and Trent’s bed, tired from the jet lag. “Can we take a quick nap” you asked Trent, he looks at the time and sees that you both don’t anywhere for a while. He quickly texts Marcel saying what room number were in and that you and him are taking a nap.
“Before we do though I have a question” he said laying next to you. “What is it” you asked. “Will you move in with me, we’ve been dating a little over a year, it’s your last year at uni, and the apartment you have is just enough for you, and I’m ready for this next step” he said slightly nervous. “Of course I’ll move in with you Trent, I’d be the best thing” you said kissing his forehead,then his nose, then his lips. “Now let’s take that nap” he said closing his eyes cuddling closer. “This is the best birthday present ever by the way” you say before also drifting off to sleep.
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junkissed · 2 years
campus cat dad
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member — uni bf!vernon x reader genre — fluff, humor, college au word count — 1.9k warnings — vernon calls reader his girlfriend but no pronouns mentioned, vernon is precious i’m gonna cry, the cat has the funniest name ever notes — lowercase intended. this is based off an actual club at my university that feeds and neuters feral cats on campus because i thought vernon would definitely be a part of it, he just likes the kitties <3 alley cat allies is also a real organization! if you’d like to help protect cats around the world you can donate here. this post isn’t sponsored or anything just a cute idea :)
thanks to @hyucks-rose for helping brainstorm :D
one reblog = one cat i will personally adopt
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“i told you, babe, i don’t have time to join any clubs! i have calculus homework!”
“but vernie, i know you’ll like it! just come to one meeting, please?” you protest, putting on your best pout.
he sighs, giving you a pout of his own. “just because there’s cats doesn’t mean i’ll like it.”
you tilt your head and give him a look.
“okay, okay, fine!” he relents. “i probably would like it. but i just don’t have time.”
“oh, just like you don’t have time to play games with wonwoo every day?”
he glares at you, but you can see the smile in his eyes. “one meeting. that’s it.”
you grin triumphantly. “are you driving or me?”
he grabs the keys from the hook by the apartment door, shoving them in his pocket and holding up a finger. “one meeting!”
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“hurry up! we have to make sure they’re still there!”
four weeks (and many meetings) later, you’re being hurried out the door by vernon, on your way to the south end of campus, having received a tip on the club’s website about a kitten sighting.
despite his early protests, vernon has quickly become the mascot of your campus’s chapter of alley cat allies, an organization that feeds and neuters feral cats and kittens before returning them to where they were found or helping them get adopted. 
vernon volunteers to drive everyone out for trappings and vet appointments, keeps bags of dry cat food in the trunk of his car, he even helped design club t-shirts for everyone. he dotes on the cats, and the club dotes on him. they’ve never had a member so enthusiastic about… well, everything.
the car rolls to a stop at the dorm parking lot and vernon jumps out, grabbing the traps and blankets from the backseat.
you follow him back behind the buildings, tiptoeing as quietly as you can so as not to startle any kitties you might come across. it's late, later than you've been out trapping before, but vernon didn't want the kitten to spend another night outside.
you yawn and help him latch the trap open, filling a bowl of aromatic wet food to attract the cats before laying it inside the trap, surrounded by blankets. it’s the time of year when the nights start to get freezing, plus covering the trap makes cats less wary of going inside, so he always makes sure there’s plenty of thick, warm fabric in his car.
vernon positions a small camera on the branch of a nearby tree, angled at the trap so you can monitor it from the warmth of his car. some days you’ll be out there for hours, hoping to trap a cat someone reported, but to no avail.
after putting the trap in a secluded spot, you head back to the car. vernon turns the car on and flips the heater on, stretching into the backseat to grab another blanket and stretch it across both your laps.
his phone is set up on the dashboard so you can watch the camera, so you grab the aux cord to plug in your phone to play some quiet music while you wait.
after over an hour and not so much as a rustle on the camera, you’re starting to get tired.
“vernie, it’s late, we gotta go home,” you yawn, shifting in the passenger seat. “we can’t stay here all night. and you told me you have an exam tomorrow.”
“it’s just geography, it’s not that hard,” he says, waving it off. “besides, it’s too close to winter. if we leave them out here they’ll freeze to death. c’mon, please,” he whines. “just a little longer. you can sleep, i’ll do everything.”
you sigh. “fine,” you say, settling in and pulling the blanket up higher around you. “but wake me up if anything happens.”
what feels like only seconds but is probably more like an hour later, you feel a hand gently shaking your leg. “baby, wake up! they’re here! it’s time!”
“who? santa?” you ask groggily.
“the cat!!”
a car door shuts as you sit up, rubbing the little bit of sleep from your eyes after your catnap. indeed, you can hear quiet mews coming from his phone, still monitoring the camera. 
before you know it the passenger side door opens, blasting you with cold air. grumbling, you throw your blanket in the backseat and climb out of the car, where vernon is waiting.
carefully the two of you go searching into the trees, walking as quietly as possible until you reach the spot where you hid the trap. and sure enough, there’s a little friend hiding inside.
“hi, baby,” vernon coos, lifting the cage gently to speak to the kitten. “it’s okay now, you’re safe. we’re gonna get you all cleaned up, and some nice warm food, and then…”
he keeps talking but you stop paying attention and the words fade out as you watch how enthralled he is with the kitten. the excited little face he makes and the sparkle in his eyes as he tells the kitten all about the wonderful life they have ahead of them.
he points the cage towards you, bringing your focus back. “this is my girlfriend, and we’re gonna take good care of you, little buddy.”
you giggle and tug on his arm, pulling him back towards the car.
back at your apartment, you take the cage upstairs and carefully transfer the kitten into a cat carrier as vernon runs some warm water to give the little guy a bath.
as president of the club, new cats always stay with you and vernon in your shared apartment until you can take them to the vet to get neutered and given all their shots. despite his calculus homework, he insists on driving you and the kitties to every appointment: the vet, the adoption shelter, the pet store. you always warn him one day he’ll get too attached, but he always laughs and gives you a kiss, telling you he already is.
“can we keep him?”
you look up, your hands still submerged in warm, soapy water.
“vernon, you know we can’t.”
“but why not?” he pouts. “we have to keep him over the weekend until the vet opens on monday, anyway. and you always said you wanted to get a cat together.”
“i didn’t mean right now!”
“at least wait til after the weekend. please? he’s so cute… we can’t just put him up for adoption. who knows how long he’ll be in there.”
you pull the plug from the sink, letting the water drain out as you hand vernon the kitten, where he’s waiting with a big fluffy towel to dry him off.
“he’s a kitten. kittens get adopted fast. if we’re gonna get a cat we should adopt an older one,” you say.
“why not have both?” he grins.
there’s a sudden mew, and you both look down at the kitten. “see, he agrees with me,” vernon says.
you sigh. “we’ll see what happens at the meeting tuesday."
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the weekend comes and goes, and vernon spends every second he can with his new friend. you come back from work saturday to see him sitting on the couch on his laptop, the kitten sleeping soundly in his lap.
you sneak a peek at his computer screen as you walk past, and hold in a laugh when you see the pet store website pulled up, browsing collars.
the next time you catch him researching, he’s on your apartment complex’s association website, reading about their rules on pets while he flicks a toy on a string around and the kitten bounces around happily.
when you climb in bed that night, vernon yelps and tugs the blankets from underneath you.
“hey, be careful! you almost sat on vernard!”
you almost spit out your tea. “vernard? are you joking?”
he grins. “it’s cute, right?”
you snort. “no. and he’s in my spot.”
“it’s his spot now. sorry, he claimed it.”
you roll your eyes and pretend to sulk away. “wow. can’t believe i’m sleeping on the couch because of vernard.”
he reaches out, grabbing your wrist before you can walk away. “no– wait! uh… vernard changes his mind. he’ll snuggle with me," he says. "and so can you," he adds quickly.
you giggle and get back in bed, gently petting the kitten now in vernon’s lap. “oh, how very generous, thank you, vernard.”
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as usual, vernon drives you to the cat’s vet appointment, but instead of sitting at reception and cooing at the other pets in the waiting room like he usually does, he insists on coming with you, saying “he doesn’t want to leave vernard by himself because he might get scared.”
he’s attached to the kitten, you can already tell; he treats him like his son. and when vernon shows up to the club meeting that tuesday, you know there’s no way you’re putting that kitten up for adoption now.
vernard’s been blinged out, wearing a sparkly black collar around his cone that stands out against his light fur. vernon carries him carefully in his arms and sits at the front near you so you can open the meeting.
instantly the room fills with awws as the members rush to see his new friend. the kitten yelps at the attention, turning its back to everyone and curling into vernon’s arms, hiding its face.
after everyone’s done fawning over vernard and giggling about the little cone on his head, you explain the successful trapping over the weekend, as well as his successful vet appointment yesterday.
unlike usual, vernon’s noticeably quiet the whole meeting, and when you glance over, he’s gently running his finger behind vernard’s ears. he’s purring so loud, you’re sure the entire room can hear.
you clear your throat. “one last thing for today’s agenda. seeing as we’ve become so… attached, to this kitten, i’ve been reading up on our constitution, and there’s nothing that explicitly says we have to release every cat we find. but if we choose to keep the cat instead of putting them up for adoption, we have to go to a vote.” you smile at vernon, who’s beaming proudly from his chair. “i motion we allow one of our members to adopt this cat. can i get a second?”
one of the members speaks up eagerly. “i second the motion!”
you nod. “all in favor?”
every hand in the room shoots into the air. no one would dare ask him to part with his best buddy, and the vote passes unanimously.
you grin. “alright, then the motion has been accepted.” 
vernon turns around, waving the kitten’s tiny little paw at the members. “welcome to the family, vernard!”
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gadriezmannsgirl · 1 year
Men Are All The Same - Pedri González
Sooo... I got this idea, this morning while listening to this song, waiting for my Class to start at Uni and I don't know why but all I could see was Pedri fitting in this shot. So, I hope you guys like it.
Song Inspo: Los Hombres Son Todos Iguales - Lasso (Such a beautiful song)
*Song name traduces to: Men Are All The Same* *Don't worry, song lyrics will be traduced to English* Italics means song lyrics
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I tell her in her ear: "You are the most beautiful woman that I've seen in my life" She laughs and replies: "Seriously, don't you have a better line?" She tells me in my ear that she wasn't born yesterday, That she already learned that lesson. I laugh and reply that she agree to have a drink with me and then decide
"Pero, es que tú eres la mujer más hermosa que he visto en toda mí vida" (But, you are the most beautiful woman that I've seen in my whole life) Pedri says leaning into your ear whispering the words so that only the two of you can hear it
It's been four months since you and Pedri have met at that clothing store where he was trying to run away from some fans and collied with you, dragging you unintentionally, into one of the fitting rooms.
It was weird how much time it passed for his fans to leave the store (Three solid and good hours), so in between that time he made an effort to make a nice conversation trying to fix the fact you also got stuck with him. Resulting in a good friendship.
But, he obviously has been trying to hit on you since two months ago. And you can't say that you're not interesed in him, because he is damn beautiful, but you were broken before and you weren't going to let him break you once more.
Not when you just fixed yourself.
And adding the fact, Pedri is a famous persona. That only make your walls come higher than before.
"¿De verdad, Pedri? Pensé que tendrías una mejor línea que esa. It's very cliché" (Really, Pedri? I thought you had a better line than that one)
"Come on, you know it's true"
"I wasn't born yesterday, González" You replied "I know how that game works, I learned the lesson from it"
"Pero, venga" (But, come on) Pedri insisted "Let me have a drink with you, if you think I'm like the others, I'll back down" You looked into his eyes.
You were trying really hard to fight it. But you knew and he knew, he had that drink with you in his hands.
Like a star, she leaves me at daylight When she leaves, I pray to heaven, the night, just to see her again She is so beautiful, she hates being toyed with She swears that if she falls in love with me, she can only suffer, she already knows: "Men are all the same"
"¿Y?" (And?) Pedri asks after dropping her at her apartment after that date night
"I had a great time with you, González" You replied with a soft smile making Pedri break into a grin
"So? When is our next date?" You rolls your eyes and shake your head lightly
"It's getting late for you to drive"
"You're offering me your place to stay tonight?"
"I'm telling you, you should go to your house and have a good night, you're on training tomorrow" You said opening the door to your apartment
"Why are you so hard on yourself? You know you want to but you aren't accepting" You sigh after hearing Pedri's words
"You're beautiful, González" You began "But, if I fall in love with you all I'm gonna end up with is with a broken heart and I can't handle that again. Not again. Because no one is there to pick up the pieces except for me. Men Are All The Same, Pedri"
"Well, no", I tell her: "I'm not like that" "You charge me when the debt is not mine" "Pardon me", I tell her, "I am going to insist" "You can't live with fear all your life" She tells me: "They all start out like you, with a twinkle in their eyes" "And little by little, the routine drives them crazy and they take off" She tells me: "I hate being in love, being so blind and devoted" "So when something goes wrong, they'll leave with another one much prettier, prettier"
"I'm sorry to correct you, bonita. I'm not like that" Pedri shakes his head laughing lightly "You're charging me when the debt isn't mine. It isn't my fault some idiot didn't know what a wonderful woman he had by his side. I'm truly sorry he broke your heart and that I wasn't there to help you pick it up again"
"But I do know how wonderful you are and I'm trying to have you by my side, I know how much you are worth, you're so precious, it's crazy" Pedri shook his head "So I'm sorry, but I'll insist until you give in, you can't live with fear for the rest of your life"
"He told me the exact same thing you said, Pedri. He had the same look on his face, you're having right now. I fell, I fell and hard" You sighed taking a deep breath not wanting to cry "...And I hated it. I was so blind, so in love, so devoted and when something went wrong, even the smallest thing, he left me, blaming me for everything, for what went right and for what went wrong, for what it happened and for what it didn't. Everything, Pedri. He took the love I saved for myself and I watched him giving it to somebody else, somebody who was prettier than me in every single aspect" You sniffled looking at Pedri in the eye "That broke my everything"
"And I will pick it up" Pedri said decided "I will not be him. Trust me, please. That's all I'm asking. One chance, to prove I'm not like him"
Like a star, she leaves me at daylight When she leaves, I pray to heaven, the night, just to see her again She is so beautiful, she hates being toyed with She swears that if she falls in love with me, she can only suffer, she already knows: "Men are all the same"
You were having the time of your life with Pedri, deciding to give him a chance, giving in into his arms. You were out with his teammates, girlfriends and friends in a little bar, enjoying the meal and the drinks.
"Let's go dance" Sira Martinez said with a smile
"Yes, let's go!" Aurora, Gavi's sister said standing up
"C'mon, Y/N/N" Anna, Robert's wife said
"No. I'm fine" They complained but let it slide, if you didn't wanted, you didn't wanted.
"You really don't wanna dance?" Pedri, your now boyfriend of two months asked in surprise "You love dancing around in the house"
"I'm..." You trailed off, Pedri inmediately knew what was wrong
Your ex-boyfriend didn't let you dance in bars and clubs, even with your girl friends, he always wanted to have you by his side. You still had that part of the chip inside of you, afraid of Pedri not liking that either.
"Go" Pedri said "You can enjoy yourself too, okay? I'm not like that asshole" Pedri whispered in your ear "Go if you really want to" He nodded "I might join you girls later" He added making you laugh "But I still need more of this" He lifted his Corona beer "For that" He pointed to the little dance stage
They are all the same
You kissed his cheek and walked towards the girls, thinking. They are all the same but maybe he isn't.
And like a star, she leaves me at daylight When she leaves, I pray to heaven, the night, just to see her again She is so beautiful, she hates being toyed with I swear that if she falls in love with me She won't be sorry, I'll show her That all men are not the same
"Had a great time, young lady?" Pedri asks after coming to you, recently showered from his recent match against Real Madrid
"Yes, I did. My boyfriend scored and he dedicated me the goal. Also, his team won, couldn't get any better"
"Such a lucky guy he is" Pedri passed his arm around your shoulder as yours went to his waist
"No, I'm the lucky one" Pedri smiled "He's incredibly in love with me, I'm incredibly in love with him and everything's going incredible between us"
"Those are really great news" Your boyfriend of now, two years smiled at you leaning down to kiss your lips
"Can I drive the car?" You ask
"Can you give me back my hoodie?"
"No" You whine
"Ugh" He rolled his eyes dramatically making you laugh "Fine, you can have the damn hoodie, love. It looks better on you" You laughed "I hate the fact I can't say no to you"
"It seems like we're whipped for each other, because I can't say no to you either" He squished your cheeks together pecking your lips repeatedly
"Of course we are"
We are not the same, we are not the same Because all men are not the same
"I still hate the fact I can't say no to you" Pedri said after watching you ate one of his fries as you laughed
"So, if I asked you marriage...?"
"I will obviously say yes. Like, why would I ever say no to that?" You giggled "Like... When's the wedding?" You laughed
"Eres tonto" (You're silly)
"But I'm sorry to tell you. You can't do that"
"Why not?"
"Because I already did it" He pointed at your ring finger where the engagement ring was, making a smile break into both of your faces
You leaned in and kissed him
"You were right" You said after separating from him "Not all men are the same"
°°° °°° °°° °°°
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milawritesstuff · 1 year
hiii please write some pedri angst with a happy ending like they have this big fight and the reader leaves but the next day at training while talking with gavi he realizes how much he needs her and goes to find her thank uu
A/N: I have so many ideas and sometimes I can’t get anything in writing so I just start to write and hope the story takes form. This is one of those stories. Hope you like it.
Warnings: none
You sat At Pedri’s table going through your textbooks trying to suck up as much information as possible. You had been studying all day at his house while he played video games in the living room. You had taken a quick lunch break and then gone right back to your books.
As you turned the page you heard Pedri’s footsteps and then felt his arms go around your waist from behind. He gave you a kiss on your cheek and then rested his chin on your left shoulder.
“When are you going to be done? I’m bored” he said.
“Pedro, I told you I’m really nervous about this test. In fact I don’t know how I’ll be able to sleep tonight I am so stressed out.”
He began to leave small kisses on your neck and as much as you wanted to give in and close shut your textbooks you knew what your priority was. You let him leave a few more kisses as you reached for your phone, which had been sitting face down on Pedri’s table all afternoon, only to realize it was already 10pm. “Oh my god Pedri. I have to go home. It’s already so late and my test is early tomorrow morning.”
“Are you kidding me?” He growled as he let go of you and began to pace around the dinning room. “Im sorry, are you mad?” You asked as you packed up your stuff and sensed a bit of annoyance in his tone. “You spent all day just sitting here with those books Y/N. What was the point of you coming over? For that rushed lunch?”
“I’m sorry Pedro but I wouldn’t have been able to see you at all today if I hadn’t studied. This is a very important tests and I’m really nervous.”
“I know, you’ve said it a million times already.” He spat back. You stood there dumbfounded because Pedri had never talked to you that way. You decided to ignore him and started to walk towards the door. You had so much to deal with and you would deal with him another day.
At least that was your plan until Pedri couldn’t keep quiet. “Why do you even care anyway? We’re gonna get married and you won’t need to work. I’m going to take care of you.”
His words stopped you dead in your track “That’s your plan?” You asked him.
“It’s not yours?” He asked almost surprised.
“I’m not some gold digger, Pedro.”
“That’s not how I meant it.”
“Then how did you mean it?”
He stood there in silence.
“I just don’t know why you spend all day studying. I can’t even see you sometimes when I have my days off because you’re at uni. I could have gone out with my friends today instead of being stuck inside just waiting for a second of your time.”
You wanted to walk out of his apartment and just go home but your pride got in the way, like always. You couldn’t believe the words coming out of his mouth. He knew how proud you were of your achievements and it really pissed you off that he seemed not to care at this moment.
“So I should just drop everything when Mr Pedro Gonzalez has some time for me?” You ask. “What about when you leave for days with the team. I’m just supposed to be sitting here waiting for you to come back home and kiss the floor you walk on?”
“I leave for work. My job is the team. My job is what’s going to pay our bills.” He explained.
You scoffed. “Your job isn’t more important than my school Pedro. And your career isn’t going to pay my bills, I am.”
You turned around and began to walk towards the door. When your hand made contact with the doorknob and you began to twist it you heard Pedri. “If you walk out right now, it’s over.”
His words crushed you. You didn’t dare turn around. You knew this wasn’t just from today. The two of you had been digging at each other for weeks. He had been gone for a few weeks with the national team and when he came back you had been consumed with your studying. When you finally got some free time his family had been in town and he hardly had any time for you. Everything had been so fast paced lately and you yearned for some quality time with your boyfriend but you had come to the realization that this would be your life if you stayed with him. His career was just starting and even if you two got married and had kids he would still be gone on trips frequently and his career would always have to come before yours.
You gulped as you felt a tear fall from your eye making its way down your cheek and towards your chin. “I thought I had made it clear we were over Pedro when I said your career wasn’t going to pay my bills.” You finished turning the knob of his front door and walked outside.
You half hoped he would come running behind you and pull you back in. Telling you he was sorry and didn’t mean anything. You also half hoped he would not do that. That he would let you walk out of his life like this and the two of you would never have to turn back. And as you took another step and didn’t hear his footsteps behind you, you knew which option Pedri had chosen. And it killed you.
The next morning Pedri was in a bad mood. He had a bad practice and as he and his teammates walked back to the locker room he looked at his phone. He had hoped to get a message from you but of course he hadn’t. And he knew it too because you weren’t one to say sorry first. He took out his clothes and closed his locker. He stood there and punched the door.
“Hey, hey what’s going on?” Said his friend Gavi who was now next to him.
“I think I fucked it up with Y/N.” He said.
“What happened?”
“We broke up last night.” He said.
“What? But didn’t we just go look at rings for her?” Asked Gavi surprised.
“Maybe I was wrong Pablo. Maybe she’s not the one.”
“But you’re clearly upset Pedro. If she wasn’t the one you wouldn’t be acting like this.” Gavi talked some sense into his friend. “Tell me what happened?”
Pedri went on to tell his friend what happened the night before. He thought Gavi would be on his side but he was wrong. “I can’t believe you told her that.” Said Gavi.
“Excuse me, aren’t you my friend? Why are you taking her side?”
“Because you’re a dumbass.” Said Gavi. “How could you say that to her?”
“I was annoyed. She has been paying more attention to uni than to me.”
“What if she had told you that your career didn’t matter?” Asked Gavi. “She can’t say that.” Spat Pedri back.
Gavi rolled his eyes. “You have a problem my friend. You either show her some respect or actually if you’re going to act like this just leave her alone.”
Pedri couldn’t go home that afternoon because he was just thinking about you. He ended up driving around the city until he reached the port. He parked his car and began to walk around thinking of a way to say sorry to you. Finally he sat on a bench and made the dreaded call.
Y: hello?
P: I’m sorry.
Y: Pedro, I don-
He interrupted you.
P: I’m sorry for being an asshole. I want you to know that I - I’ll take care of you if want to. If you don’t then I won’t. But I still want to be with you.
You laughed.
P: But I - I love you Y/N. Can we please forget about last night?
Y: Pedri, I’m also sorry. I just, I miss you so much and we have been fighting on and off and I’m stressed with my exams. Maybe I overreacted.
P: Can we just forget about last night?
Y: Please.
P: Can I come pick you up?
Y: Yes.
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alienpossession · 1 year
Part 3: Spread a Little Wider (Jeff)
Aiden decided that its best to continue the construction of the house to not raise any suspicion. So he, Ricardo and Max decided to stick around in the property to also ensure the safetiness of the rest of their being while instructing the rest of the workers to go back into their respective after-construction life. Of course Aiden cannot let them leave without a handful of souvenir from the extraterrestrial world, and when they are ready, he set those infected puppet to the outside world ready to wreck a little havoc to the rest of the human population
Jeff White sidelined by injury in his sophomore year of university and his career simply never returned after that. In order to keep up the study despite losing his football scholarship, he worked in construction owned by his father's friend. Too bad the place that simply became the source that continued his uni life also ended his life as he knew it when the alien goo infected him just a couple hours ago. Now, he's more than ready to make the rest of his college friends turned into the same cause as him with the little help of the things stored in his massive carry-on
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He lived together with some friends that has been living with him since freshman year. The rule is for upperclassmen to no longer use dorm facilities and since Jeff is in his senior year, he's clearly not eligible for dorm any longer. But he and his dorm-mate and 2 juniors managed to rent a rather decent house fitting for 6 college kids who all love to workout and have frequent guests so they have no complaint whatsoever.
Trent just finished his classes late into the afternoon at 5 PM when he arrived in the house, but it seemed a little quiet, except for the lulling yet deep baritone voice of what he recognized as Jeff's voice coming from the kitchen. So Trent decided to swing by and take a peek on what his bro's doing before headed to his bedroom
"Hey bro, meal prep?"
"Oh hell yeah, you wanna come and have a taste?"
"Hmmm, I guess it's not gonna hurt,"
But Trent came for a little surprise as Jeff turned around and shown him a rather stuffed belly while smiling awkwardly
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"Glad I could share this with you bro,"
And just like that, Jeff grabbed Trent's head and then lodged copious amount of black slime right into Trent's mouth. The junior year student couldn't put up a fight as he eventually overtaken by the invading goo that quickly gained control of his body.
After the sloppy takeover/kiss from Jeff, Trent simply swiped the goo around his lips with his hands and give it a lick
"Umh so nutritious. Okay, now this makes the two of us. Shall we wait for the others or should we search them and give them a little surprise?"
"Don't you have a party to attend?"
"Oh yeah, Phi Kappa Alpha. But it's still tomorrow though. It's daytime pool party,"
"And who said that they wouldn't have a pre-game tonight? You know how Pike rolled. Infect the brothers before tomorrow's party and I'll wait here to get the rest of the housemates,"
"Sick, I like it,"
"What the fuck you two been talking about?"
A sharp and slightly terrified looking sound comes from the front of the kitchen. It's Gary's voice, and beside him, is Jae, the other two housemates,"
Jeff and Trent glared at the two smaller yet still muscular guy and decided that play pretend won't cut it, so they just simply do a full-front attack to the two that tried to run the quickest they can to exit the house. But the alien enhanced Jeff's and Trent's already insane physicality and stamina and that left both Jae and Gary subdued in less than a minute. The two writhed on the floor fighting for their dear life when both Jeff and Trent simply smiled wickedly and opened their mouth to let black shiny goo sludged down from their mouth to fill and overrun Jae's and Gary's system. Not long after that, the two also taken over by the alien sludge
"We should clean up. My girlfriend is coming,"
"And a nerd is going to tutor me,"
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"Hm, the more the merrier. Okay then, Trent, change your clothes and go to Pike. Take control of as many frat boys as possible. You two take care of your own subjects and I'll handle the two housemates, sounds solid?"
"Okay then, disperse,"
The alien inside Jeff runs the memory to really make sure what he spot in the human's memory was correct. And yeah, the two housemate left are two fucking muscle monster.
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Well, he can certainly take them down, but this might be the toughest battle he will have to face so far
Meanwhile, 10 minutes later, Trent is already standing outside Pike, ready to spread out a little blessings to the blissfully unaware frat bros of Phi Kappa Alpha
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farfromstrange · 8 months
Me, that’s right.
Which means I can start writing again, and I won’t be MIA for much longer. Thank you all for being so understanding. I can’t wait to catch up on all that I’ve missed and interact with you all again.
Putting a read more now for those who don’t want to read this little life update.
Uni starts in less than two weeks, and I’m pretty nervous about how that’s going to affect the time I have to write because I’ve already got a reading assignment and I’m way behind on that. But anyway, I’ll find time. I’ve been gone for so long, I need to get back into it. And it’ll help me get through Uni if I write a lot in my free time. I’m majoring in English and minoring in sociology, after all.
So, I’m going to watch the Eras Tour Movie tonight, which means I’m obviously not going to be able to write tonight, but tomorrow’s Saturday and I’ve got no plans, so I’m definitely getting back to it then. And I’ll see what I can do about Kinktober because my fingers are ITCHING.
AND I finally finished my wall, for those of you who care. Call me interior designer for fangirls because I really am proud of my own work this time around.
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There’s still space for me to continue the wall of fame, so obviously it’s going to grow
And I’ve got another one.
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I tried my absolute best to make the apartment 100% ME. And it worked, I think.
Anyway, I’m about to leave, and since I haven’t made any new friends in this city, I hope meeting fellow Swifties and sharing friendship bracelets will get me some contacts around here. It can’t hurt to try and socialize a bit, right?
I made SO MANY bracelets because I had no Wi-Fi and was stuck with the old criminal minds DVD’s I still got lying around here, but I have to say, it’s been kind of refreshing as well. I feel like a caveman, but not in a bad way. I didn’t use as much social media and I got creative a lot more, so that’s a good thing, I guess. It was a forced retreat, but it felt like one nonetheless.
I’ve got a whole ring of friendship bracelets and I hope to a God I don’t believe in that I’m allowed to take them into the theater or I’m gonna be sad.
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Anyway, here’s a picture of my outfit because I feel like I’ve slayed with that.
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I’ve been gone for so long, I hope you guys appreciated my little life update. And if not, I’m sorry for bothering you with this on your dash.
More news about my writing and everything else concerning this account coming tomorrow when I’ve finished going through all my notifications and drafts, and then I’ll make a post to tell you guys more about what’s to come and when to expect it.
Until then, I love you, take care of yourselves, and I’ll see you soon!
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misosick · 2 years
dirty little secret - we live such fragile lives | bang chan
pairing: bang chan x reader, ??? x reader genre: uni!au, predebut/idol!au, manager!reader, slow burn chapter warnings: busy work day, chan is... still a prick. word count: 670ish
author notes: surprise! special chapter! this is a little thing of what happened after the initial contact, i was gonna scrap it but i couldn't. also in case you haven't figured it out none of this is canon. enjoy it anyway~ chapter 3 dropping later this week heheheheh
taglist: @idunnomanmynamewastaken @freyaniobe @jellyglly (send me an ask if you would like to be added!)
previous chapter | masterlist | next chapter
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You stand in shock, trying to process what the hell just happened. First of all, he goes by Bang Chan now. That makes sense being in a K-pop group and all, but Felix is a western name, he could have totally used Chris. Secondly, ‘I doubt you’ll last long’ really bugs you. Since when did Chris grow so cold? He didn’t bother shaking your hand either, just walking away and getting back to whatever he was doing on his laptop. You stayed with the other boys while you awaited Minhye’s return, who apologised for Chris’s behaviour and explained that Stray Kids has a comeback soon, so they’re all busy preparing – ‘Bang Chan’ especially so, as one of the group’s producers.
It doesn’t take long for Minhye to return and for your induction to resume, but you struggle to focus. Thankfully, your new boss hands you a folder full of information that you’ll need for your role, including all important maps of the building. You return to the 8th floor (which you have since learned is the floor dedicated to Stray Kids) and are led to a small office tucked into the corner of the floor. Your name in Hangul on the door leads you to believe this is your office. Your very own space in the JYP Entertainment building. You place your items inside and practice using your login on the system.
“That’s all you’ve got to do today! I’ve got a couple of meetings to run then I’m heading home for the day, feel free to have a look around the building a little more! The cafeteria on the 5th floor is amazing! Or head home, tomorrow’s a big day, you’ll need some rest!” Minhye waves as she walks off. The jetlag from moving is starting to make you feel a bit tired, so you decide to call it a day and catch up on some sleep.
As you wait for the elevator to the main floor, you hear someone speak behind you. You’d recognise that voice anywhere. But you don’t recognise the words he’s saying. The tone doesn’t indicate anything polite or kind though.
“If you’re here to talk shit, can you at least do it in a language I understand? So, I can properly defend myself? Jesus, what stick’s been shoved up your arse today, Mr. Bang Chan Producer-nim?” You spin on your heels to reveal the one and only Chris ‘Bang Chan’ Bang, who despite your history, hates you now. He’s looking at you like you were in the wrong for simply being at this very spot at this very time.
“I don’t know, but it’s been there since you decided to skip town and tell absolutely no one. I had people asking about you, you know? It was embarrassing! All because they knew we did a couple of group projects together–”
“Yeah, sure Chris, that’s all we did. Nothing else, there’s no other reason for you to be this pissed off about people asking you where I went. Get over yourself, prick. I’m not here for you, I’m here for my career. You’re going to have to deal with that. You should go back to your group. I’m going home.” Echoing the words he had said to you all those years ago, you turn on your heel and head into the elevator. Chris is left staring at your figure leaving the building
He remembers that night so clearly, the night where he lost his everything. He also remembers stepping out with a girl on his hip a month later and seeing how broken you looked watching him do the one thing you wished he did with you. He had stopped dating altogether after that incident in case it happened again. Except it didn’t, because after avoiding him entirely, you’d moved back home, which was obviously not anywhere near the university. Seeing you again reignited a fire in him that he thought died when he moved to Korea after graduating. He really did not have time to deal with his feelings right now, especially for you.
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crushed-starlight · 7 months
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so instead of actual class today, we had a self guided walking tour of a neighbourhood in our city !! (it’s relevant to our course i promise)
meadow and i were walking together and he mentioned we were sorted into groups again, and that we were in different ones :(
when we got there, everyone had already kinda grouped with their friends, including us two with our friend ,, let’s call her goose (since she’s a silly goose like meee) and some others !! and the lecturer basically said “well it looks like you’re already in groups so you can just stay in those instead” !! big win !!
so me, meadow, and goose got to explore a bunch !! i’m good at navigating, so i did most of the directions stuff from the print-out maps we got given.
we ended up finishing early and going exploring to a store that neither of them had been to, and goose’s boyfriend showed up and those two left pretty soon after, leaving me and meadow alone in a completely unfamiliar part of town :0 so we shopped a little and headed off to a house viewing we had planned to go to :)
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now . keep in mind . i already have plans to live with my current roommates next year and meadow is gonna live with one of his roommates and a friend from back home that might transfer to our school ,, so not me . HOWEVER. that roommate wasn’t free today so i came for emotional support !! so i was just along for the ride :3
we got to the first apartment, and the person who was meant to give us the tour …….. didn’t show up !! so we just waited for like 20 minutes talking about ??? and making dumb jokes and yknow ,, being friends. then we went to the second property and got a neat tour !! the apartment kind of sucked but the tour person assumed i was the other potential tenant so i just .. kinda played along ?? and asked questions and stuff ?? as if i was actually considering it ????? it was a fun lil fantasy moment for me :3
after that we walked home and i played our spotify blend from my phone, wow we both have abysmal music taste. i love it.
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anyway, i realized i need an actual game plan instead of just simping in silence forever. so !! i made one !! in beautiful illustrated flow chart form !!
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surely nothing will go wrong and my plan will go perfectly right ?? right ??????? RIGHT ?????????????
we have class together tomorrow again, i don’t remember the last day we didn’t see each other. i knew uni life was gonna be a crush-filled chaotic mess for me but i didn’t think i’d get in this deep after only a couple months.. :,)
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tenjikusstuff · 1 year
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I got up from the stool and looked around hoping to find a certain red-headed girl who insisted so much on bringing me here to "have some fun once in a while".
I looked around the dance floor and, unfortunately for me, I didn't seem to find anyone that resembled the so dear friend of mine, aka Himari.
Knowing her sociable persona, she is dancing somewhere with a guy or girl and Tomoe is probably keeping an eye on her. The girl could faint on the spot knowing how little alcohol she can handle.
I'm already regretting the decision of coming here but maybe, just maybe Himari was right, a bit of fun won't hurt anyone. That said if I'm able to find them.
I went towards the exit so I could go out and be able to phone Tomoe or Himari but a hand that patted my shoulder caught my attention. I turned around and saw a short purple-haired girl looking at me and saying "Hey Y/n, Tomoe and Himari are waiting for you they were kinda worried because they thought they lost you or something"
"Oh, right, sorry. My bad, I should have warned you all before taking my leave"
"Mh, don't worry let's go before they think I got lost too. Himari is wasted and Tomoe looks like she's ready to kill whoever tries to talk to them. They are waiting outside in their car'
I let out a shaky laugh and followed her to the exit.
"Of course. Finally, we're getting out of here. I could swear I was smelling pee or vomit" I said with an irked expression.
We walked to the parking lot and saw Tomoe and Himari waiting near their car.
"There you both are!" Shouted a very much wasted Himari while pointing her index to the both of us. "How could you leave without telling meh!!!" With that she ran towards me and gave me what was supposed to be a hug. But it seemed more like she was trying to kill me by suffocating me.
"Hey,hey calm down I don't wanna carry your fainted ass home, so just relax"
Tomoe took Himari's wrist and helped her get in the car. Mizuki (the purple-haired shortie) let out a tiny scoff and joined Himari in the back seat.
"Y/n!Get in already I don't have all day"
"Yeah yeah" I'm not gonna let you ask me twice, don't worry, I was already tired before.
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Tomoe left me home and now I was in my bed, comfortably laying in the tangled sheets.
Ugh…my head hurts
Finally I can sleep a bit. Tomorrow is gonna be a long day at uni, and let's not forget the part-time job.
With that i closed my eyes and shifted in a more comfortable position.
But even when I was ready to welcome the darkness and the silence of a deep slumber I saw his face. His sparkling lilac eyes that seemed to glow in the neon lights of the nightclub.
Opening my eyes and turning on my back I stared at the white ceiling.
Ugh…stop it. He was just a random encounter.
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curlsfurls · 7 months
The Sexless Storyteller
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Chapter 2
Jacking off with someone else was more exhausting than I thought.
Rod made me feel lucky. He woke up before me and wrapped me up in a blanket. I woke up on the same chair with some freshly brewed tea. I stuck around for a while and talked to Rod. I felt rude leaving without at least a lil talk first, little did I know, when I asked Rod about the collection of snow globes around his room, that I’d get an explanation that would last the next hour.
I resided myself to writing and sending my smut tomorrow morning instead of tonight. Besides, Rod was cute when he got excited.
I woke up the next morning and spent a few hours typing up every hard, wet, juicy detail.
I changed our names, and made sure to exclude any details that might make either of us recognisable. I proof read it a few times, and sent it straight through to Stress Relief magazine, with the story title, Diaries of a Sexless Storyteller.
Alliteration ☺️
A few hours later, I was hired.
They loved it, and said it’ll be published tomorrow as a tester for their audience.
It’s time to go back to real life. Assignment due dates, three hour lectures, and a depleating bank account.
A few days pass before I get a text from Rod, “This is crazy! Your article is the most viewed web page in the magazine’s history! Everyone’s talking about it all over uni! I’ve never had this many people talk about my cock at once!
I quickly type back that I’m sorry, but he replies with a laughing emoji, “Don’t be sorry! It’s not like anyone knows it’s me! Besides I enjoyed being your reference material.”
I felt my boxers soaking while reading that last text. As if it was clock-work, I got a notification from my bank saying I got a deposit from the magazine.
Money! I can buy food! I can buy more lube!!!
I didn’t have much time to dwell on it before class ended, and I had to rush to the library to meet a classmate from another class for a study sesh.
Heidi and I had met last semester and we hit it off immediately. We had a similar style of writing that focused on character development over plot, and enjoyed the same novels.
We met and caught up a bit before opening up our laptops to start studying. I wasn’t expecting it but Heidi quickly shut her laptop after a second of opening it. Clearly trying to hide the screen but she was too late, of course I recognised the webpage article, I wrote it!
But she didn’t know that, and I had to keep my cool, so I pretending to not notice the abrupt reaction.
I focused on opening my own laptop, reading through some emails, and noticing that I got one from the magazine.
“Congratulations on your first published piece! We can’t wait to see the next one! How does the end of this week sound for your next deadline?”
The next one??? My palms started sweating and my brain started rushing. I forgot that I’m gonna need to write another piece and soon!
There’s no way I can recreate that success without more reference material!
I can’t just keep going back to Rodrick! He’s gonna eventually start feeling like I’m using him.
What kind of mess have I gotten myself into?
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vegancas · 1 year
anxiety is way up tonight, got a call finally about seeing a gynaecologist for my eventual hysto and i either have to go to the appointment alone, which is like a 40-50 minute drive away some place i've never been before, or get my parents to take me and potentially have to explain in front of them why i want my uterus removed (which like they already know about but like actually talking about and putting my reasoning into words is hard enough just in front of a doctor???) which i could maybe deal with on a regular day but i've got my next t shot tomorrow so i have to drive to the doctor for that (a more familiar drive but still one that makes me nervous none the less) and i'm stressed about being behind on all my reading for uni. like!! idk how i'm gonna get to sleep tonight
i mean the appointment isn't until the beginning of july so it's pointless to stress about it already but!!! i can't help it!!!! AND i thought i was gonna talk to the gynaecologist with the gender clinic first! but i'm pretty sure this is just like a general gynaecologist??? but i've been on this waiting list for like 2 years already, and now that i'm almost done with my masters i want to know what a timeline could look like for this surgery to help me in deciding whether i should actually try to find a job using my degree or stay where i'm at bcos i've got so much personal leave there
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myaquariusheart · 1 year
"Today, the best way for you to help others is with a dose of honesty. They'll be grateful for your directness. You can bring out the outcome you want." We had a heated discussion with Mum in the front room just before everyone went to sleep. She wants to retire by 50 and wants us to all support her financially, which, I guess she deserves, she has been looking after us all these years but I just find it ridiculous to have little to no savings and want to retire. She was telling me how she wanted Bab to get a better job but constantly putting him down is not going to motivate him to do better. Knowing were struggling sometimes isn't enough when someone's self-esteem is down and I do know a lot about low self-esteem. I gave her the example of me and Z doing our theory once she stopped forcing us to do it and making us feel bad that we basically don't drive, we finally wanted to do it ourselves with our own inspiration and determination. I don't know who wrote the rules to be Bengali because I hate them honestly. You're all washed up and unwanted if you're a woman whos not married by 27. It's so backward and not fair. We're expected to be married so young and enjoy no freedom. I literally wish I could travel the world and do some things that I love and can do without feeling the guilt of leaving Mum and Dad behind but I guess that's my sad little life. I can of course try and find a really good paying job and save enough to start alone somewhere but I also do want to be loved by a man and be married one day, I guess at my own pace. It's difficult and hard but I guess that part of my journey can start when I finally pass my driving, otherwise, I'm going to have to rely on TFL to get to places. After graduation I need a week at least of nothingness, I want pure relaxation and to do nothing with myself. I'm going to buy myself some new alcohol markers and really practice and focus on drawing and creating some art, I haven't been able to do much of it but I want to make a nice collection again and discover my own personal art style because I don't have one. I've also lost all my old art but luckily I have some pictures. I'm still going to work at the cafe or I will go crazy but you know, no stress. I want to go on holiday to Italy but I have no one to go with (that I would even want to go with) so it's all a bit shit. Anyway, tomorrow is the last day before I go back to my normal routine of Uni and work. Kinda can't wait to go back and kinda can't be bothered too. It's nearly over, five years of a really stressful university journey and I'm proud of myself because I honestly didn't think I could do it. Today was really nice, we watched the Super Mario movie. It was super funny and we were all laughing lots. I loved the silliness and the lightness of the movie and I'm so happy Alv enjoyed it because she's not too familiar with Super Mario brothers. It brought back a lot of childhood memories of playing the DS games and Mario Kart. I loved it and would want to watch it again but somewhere cheaper. The adult ticket was like £16 and that is literally too much. We had the worst pizza hut experience ever, I think it's under new management and that man was a bit horrible and did not have good customer service. I ordered a meal deal for about £20 for one pizza about 11 inch, and then properly reading the menu I saw kids could get their own personal 9inch pizza, with a side, bottomless drink, AND A DESSERT? for £7 so I asked the guy for a refund and he was being arsey about it. On top of that when the guy served the pizza he dropped half of it on the table and we were just wishing we went to Burger King instead. I'm in bed now, gonna try and sleep in a bit. I managed to finish my philosophy essay yesterday but when I go in on Monday or Tuesday I need to re-read it and include some references. Tomorrow my to-do list consists of me collecting my laundry, getting some hair dye, and getting ready for the first day of Uni on Monday.
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