#but I saved this one to use in reference to the jays who’ve absolutely sucked this season so far
gotham--fc · 1 year
Tagged by @grapefruit-personified
Lockscreen, last photo taken, last song, last photo saved
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I’ll explain in the tags!
Everyone I would tag has already been tagged sooo I’ll just leave this open to whoever wants to do it
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temmie-loony · 6 years
Speedy^3′s kids
They got three kids.
Iris Belle West II
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Wally and Jesse’s child
The older fraternal twin of JJ West by twenty-two minutes
She’s the oldest child, born on January 8, 2018
Like both parents, she is a speedster metahuman
Unlike Dawn, she’s still learning the language of the Speed Force
She can understand better than she can speak it and she can’t write anything at all except that stupid “This house is bitchin’” reference
Growing up, she was always affectionately called ‘Kid Flash’ by her Uncle Barry
Her dad has long let go of the hero name Kid Flash and instead goes by Flash but only when he’s with the Legends; when he’s chilling in CC, the locals still refer to him as Kid Flash
So now she’s the newest Kid Flash of Central City in Earth-1
Thank goodness that she didn’t go through the same dilemma about her hero name like her cousin Connor did
Her suit kind of resembles that of her mother’s but has a lot more yellow incorporated in it as a tribute to her father of course
She also added laces at the sides as a tribute to her other mother
She occasionally visits Earth-2 to visit her Grampa Harry, where people over there call her Flash Jr.
Meh she doesn’t complain too much about it
She mostly trains with Team Flash since it’s easier receiving instruction from other speedsters who’ve already honed in on their skills
Sometimes, she’ll head on over to Earth-38 to train with Alex Danvers because apparently her combat skills still suck but only if Dawn is there
Connor, even though she loves him, is a headache
Having graduated from high school early (at fifteen), she chose to attend college over on Earth-2 so she could have multiple majors with no one looking at her funny for being an overachiever
She knows she’s probably slowly burning herself out but she loves the material as much as she loves saving people
Although she does complain a lot about the amount of work she has to do every day to her friends, siblings and cousins
She still has no idea what she’ll do once she’s done with her degrees
Meh she’ll probably end up working for STAR Labs
She just has to figure out if that means Earth-1 STAR Labs or Earth-2 STAR Labs
Iris was pretty mad that Thea got Oliver, Barry and Kara’s kid to be named after her and when Barry confirmed that they weren’t planning on having any more kids, she promptly turned to her other brother and demanded that their first daughter will be named after her
Unlike Dawn though who is referred to by her middle name, she is referred to by her nickname: Irey
Thea tried teaching her archery but she’s so bad at it because grabbing an arrow, pulling back and aiming all take time and she doesn’t like things that take time
She’s an incredible multitasker 
And that actually has nothing to do with her speed; she just doesn’t like wasting time
Connor likes to make her race him but, like his races with Dawn, he ends up losing
She’s a bit slower than Dawn but at least she’s still faster than Connor
She’s closest with her Aunt Iris, Pawpaw Joe, Zari, Ray and Grampa Harry.
She calls Wally “Dad” or “Daddy”
She calls Jesse “Mom”
She calls Thea “Momma”
Johnny Jai West
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Wally and Jesse’s child
The younger fraternal twin of Iris West II by twenty-two minutes
The middle child, born on January 8, 2018
He was once, in fact, a speedster like his twin
However, after years of already having his powers, Caitlin had belatedly found an anomaly in his DNA
He began to become horribly sick, which seemed to worsen by the day
No one knew why at first until Caitlin, Cisco, Alex and Jesse realized it had something to do with the Speed Force
It wasn’t their parents or any of the veteran heroes that saved him but his twin
“I’m sorry, JJ, but the Speed Force said the only way to save you was to sever your connection to it and...”
“Hey, it’s cool, sis. You saved my life. I owe you one.”
His nickname is JJ
He got his first name by Thea opening up a baby book and blindly pointing at one of the names
He got his second name as a tribute to Jay Garrick, who helped save Wally from imprisonment in the Speed Force by taking his place
He’s affectionately called Johnny Quick by Team Flash, especially when he still had his powers
They don’t call him that as much anymore, out of respect that he’s essentially had an important part of himself ripped away and calling him that would just be a cruel reminder
He’s a brilliant engineer but not so much an excellent student
He’s not the greatest at tests (why do schools rely on memorization as a way of measuring intelligence instead of actually measuring their intelligence?) but you could give him just about anything broken without saying anything and it’ll take some time for him to figure out what’s wrong before fixing that thing better than it ever was in an hour
Having Connor as a cousin and a constant presence had really made him consider not going to college at all but he found this university that cultivates knowledge and favors experience over stuff like tests so he applied and that’s where he’s attending college
Since William’s place is pretty close to the college, William offered him the other guest room since the bigger one is unofficially Connor’s
It’s been pretty dope so far
He really wants to take on the family business of becoming a superhero but ever since he lost his powers, it really felt like he lost his identity and was stripped of his heritage
Obviously, he doesn’t need powers to become a hero but having the Speed Force severed from him was traumatic 
He’ll probably take up John Diggle’s offer or even Alex Danvers’ offer of training properly with their respective agencies, but for now he just wants to distance himself from all that insanity and try to live a regular life
Had he still had his powers, he says his code name would have been ‘Impulse’
Like his father, he’s an incredibly talented dancer
When they both have some free time, he’d team up with Dawn for mini-performances for places that would hook them up with a gig
He’s suspected to be dating someone but will deny for as long as he can
He’s closest to William, Cisco, Nate, Felicity, Winn, Curtis and Uncle Barry
He calls Wally “Dad”
He calls Jesse “Mom”
He calls Thea “Momma” or “Ma”
Olivia Laurel West
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Wally and Thea’s child
She is the last born but only by a few months
She was born on June 1, 2018
Her parents expected her to be a regular baby, but Caitlin did some tests and actually found the metagene present in her DNA
Her powers started manifesting when she was a toddler
She was definitely more problematic as a child compared to Irey and JJ when they too got their powers
She was a brat and often asked for attention, barely acknowledging her siblings except when she really had to or wanted something in return
That all changed when JJ started getting sick 
She was actually the first person to witness JJ’s descent into his sickness when he passed out shortly after vomiting what seemed like the entirety of his lunch and maybe even breakfast too
Then Irey got hurt pretty bad on what was supposed to be a relatively easy mission
Now she’s extremely protective of her siblings, especially when it concerns Irey’s missions or JJ’s love life
Oh by the way, she’s definitely sure JJ is dating someone, despite his claims that he’s not
She has absolutely no proof but...
She just knows okay?
She can feel it
She is most definitely spoiled but not to Dawn’s level
Unlike her siblings, she’s not that great at being an intellectual
She considers herself average
When someone argues that she had straight A’s and did extracurriculars in high school, she points out that she worked hard for them, not because she’s a genius like her siblings
She’ll also be going to college but took a gap year to help her sister (and occasionally her cousins too) as a vigilante
Since Thea retired, she stole inherited her mother’s suit and mask sans the bow
She can do archery just fine; she just prefers using her speed over using arrows
Archery is something she loves doing but only recreationally
Intentionally shooting people is something she has a problem reconciling with
Since she’s not creative at all with names or even have the desire to think of one, she just took the name Speedy but it wasn’t her idea
For a while, she operated without a code name, which was obviously problematic since calling her by her real name on the field wasn’t at all doable
One day, while visiting Team Arrow Jr Team Light Team Light Arrow her brother’s kids team, with Irey and Liv teaming up with them, Thea slammed her hands on William’s desk and, through the comms, angrily told Liv to just take the name Speedy so her civilian identity wouldn’t get compromised simply because they had nothing to call her
So that’s how she got the code name ‘Speedy’
She sees Dawn as a little sister and Connor almost like a best friend (almost only because John Diggle Jr. would kick her ass)
She doesn’t see William as often as she sees Dawn and Connor but she loves him all the same
Connor keeps pushing to have a race with him and the others
She always shoots him down because she knows her limits
She knows she’s definitely slower than both Dawn and Irey
She doesn’t know if she’s slower than Connor though
She doesn’t race them because, in the end, hero-ing isn’t her calling like it is for Dawn, Irey and Connor
She just helps them out because she has the ability to
She’s obviously named after Oliver because Oliver made Thea name her after him
Her middle name is Laurel to honor Dinah Laurel Lance
She goes by Liv
She’s still salty her last name isn’t Queen
She calls Wally “Dad” or “Daddy”
She calls Jesse “Mom”
She calls Thea “Momma” 
yep i finally gave thea/wally/jesse kids because i have very poor impulse control okay bye
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