#but I waited the whole 17 years like manually
I think what bugs me with TotK's Ganondorf, beyond the uhhh everything here and here, is that... This version, the reintroduction of this character after 17 years of patient conversations, tries so super hard to kill any ambiguity he once possessed? I have come across many posts here, on youtube and elsewhere that focus on, just, settling down the flicker of doubt and complexity that could have been extracted as: no, he was just an evil prick all along without any depth and layers, and those who saw anything more were both wrong and manipulated.
(which could have been absolutely great if the gerudos' perspective had been centered as his first victims and how exactly that played out for them tbh --but here it just feels... I don't know, patronizing, a little bit? It's not like people hallucinated these elements, they were present in the text and resonated with people in a way that wasn't cynical at the time)
Again: obviously the fandom will do something cool with ambiguity regardless, but... I don't know, I want the media I consume to be interesting and layered also? I'm not saying TotK should not have him be evil (I think it's good that he is, I was dreading the redemption arc personally), but just... maintain the doubt? keep the conversation going? especially since it kind of condemns any further apparitions as a variation on this one-note interpretation of the character (which I think will get stale pretty fast), and also retroactively tries to reinterpret his previous iterations in the same breath. I think it's partially why I'm a little hostile to this version, even beyond its role in the narrative: Zelda is great when it reinvents its characters, but I'm not fond of sweeping statements that try to simplify the entire canon of the series for the benefit of the hylian heroes and their absolutely undisputable moral purity (and everything it implies).
I don't know, I think I'm just a little sad for what could have been.
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tdp-fandom · 1 year
Shipping Poll Results: 1. General Stats
Next: Favorite Ships (Part 1) · Shipping Poll Main Page
Thank you everyone for waiting! I would like to start with the general statistics.
1.1 General Information
The poll was open from June 1, 2023 til July 22, 2023 and gathered 216 responses. The links to the poll were shared on Tumblr, Twitter, Reddit, Discord (several servers), Instagram, Dreamwidth and later Mastodon.
Please note that with 216 responses, the margin of error is 6.7%, which means that not all of the results will be representative of the fandom as a whole or statistically significant. More on error (link to an explanation I wrote for the S3 shipping poll).
1.2 Where People Found the Poll
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Vote breakdown for this question
211 responses out of 216
Tumblr - 77 votes (36.5%)
Twitter - 53 votes (25.1%)
Reddit - 52 votes (24.6%)
Discord - 26 voted (12.3%)
Instagram - 0 votes (0%)
Dreamwidth - 1 vote (0.5%)
Through a friend - 2 votes (0.9%)
5 people skipped the question
Mastodon was not included as a choice.
Tumblr has always been the most active hub when it came to the fandom events I organized. Reddit used to be more active in the past. Instagram varied but I didn't expect to get zero responses. This was probably due to changes on Instagram itself, which removed the ability to view new posts. I will probably not post any future events on Instagram.
1.3 Participants' Age
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Vote breakdown for this question
207 responses out of 216
13 or younger - 3 votes (1.4%)
14-17 - 36 votes (17.4%)
18-21 - 57 votes (27.5%)
22-25 - 41 votes (19.9%)
26-30 - 38 votes (18.4%)
31-35 - 22 votes (10.6%)
36-40 - 4 votes (1.9%)
41-45 - 4 votes (1.9%)
46-50 - 1 vote (0.5%)
51+ - 1 vote (0.5%)
9 people skipped this question
With a small sample size, these results are very likely unrepresentative of the whole fandom, meaning that while the majority of the participants in this survey fall in the age group between 18 and 21 years old, they might not be the actual majority of the active online fanbase.
Moreover, as one participant pointed out, having fixed groups instead of separate ages might skew these results even further.
1.4 When the Participants Joined the Fandom
I can immediate say that I must've worded the options badly, because I got a large number of manual input answers, some of which correspond to my suggested options. For this reason, I made my own pie chart which accounts for that.
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Note on the vote options
By "After S1" I mean starting from the release of season 1 until the release of season 2. Thus the hiatus was included in the option "After S3). I will try to word the options more clearly for the next poll.
I didn't originally have the option "Before S1" and added it because three people mentioned that in their responses.
Vote breakdown for this question
212 responses out of 216.
Before S1 - 3 votes (1.4%)
After S1 - 69 votes (32.7%)
After S2 - 29 votes (13.7%)
After S3 - 69 votes (32.7%)
After S4 - 28 votes (13.3%)
Don't remember - 13 votes (6.2%)
4 people skipped the question
It appears that seasons 1 and 3 were the main times when people joined the fandom. It makes sense for S1 and 2, since they were released very close to each other (September 2018 and February 2019 respectively) but S4 came after a three year hiatus. I really expected more people to join the fandom after it aired, especially since the poll was held 7 months after its release.
1.5 Relevance of Shipping
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Vote breakdown for this question
213 responses out of 216
1 out of 5 - 20 votes (9.4%)
2 out of 5 - 34 votes (16%)
3 out of 5 - 58 votes (27.2%)
4 out of 5 - 64 votes (30%)
5 out of 5 - 37 votes (17.4%)
3 people skipped this question
Unsurprisingly, most people taking a survey about shipping do actually care about shipping. However, I'm also glad to see that people to whom shipping isn't as important also took their time to take the survey. Overall, of a scale from 1 to 5, the participants would rate the important of shipping as part of their fandom experience as 3.3.
Next: Favorite Ships (Part 1)
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inkribbon796 · 11 months
Egotober 2023 Day 14: Relative Time
Summary: Logan knew lots of things. That the world was unfair, that things didn’t work out the way he wanted them to, and that five years was a very long time.
A/N: We get a prisoner two-fer special. One today and Yancy’s visitation Day tomorrow.
Logan’s brother is Orange, I am calling him Dante here. It may be subject to change any time I feel like it, or when we learn Orange’s name.
Prompt: Time
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31
Four years. Four months. twenty-two days.
That’s how long Logan had before he could pick up brother, and Logan was certainly counting. He had a clock timer in the bedroom he had shared with his brother, a little paper manual flip timer in the kitchen to make himself feel better, and then the one on his phone.
His older half-brother, older by almost ten whole years, had always been there for him. Their mom had never been around and then when Logan was almost thirteen their father just didn’t come home after work. Leaving Logan and his brother alone.
To this day Logan had no idea what had actually happened to him. If he had just abandoned them, or if the various gangs and enemies he’d had run-ins with had done him in. The end was the same, and honestly Logan wasn’t ready to actually go looking yet.
But today was very important for Logan, he was taking the bus down to the correction center to visit his brother. He did it every month like clockwork and it made him feel less hopeless.
Logan made sure that he didn’t have anything dangerous on him before leaving and got there right on time like always. He had to be, he couldn’t emotionally afford to be late.
Once there he went through his usual routine, went into the little visitor’s side, checked in his bag and agreed to get searched, and then waited on one side of the visitation area.
It took a bit for his brother to come out in his orange jumpsuit. There were guards all around the room and Logan was not the only person visiting someone. But Logan did his best to pretend.
“Hey,” Logan said. “Dante.”
“Sup,” his brother said. He had a new little scar over his eyes and Logan was terrified of losing him.
“What happened?” Logan asked.
“Relax, it’s nothing big,” Dante said. “How’s school?”
“It’s,” Logan faltered, trying to be normal about this but he couldn’t. His brother shouldn’t be . . . no he couldn’t think like that here. “It’s fine.”
“Good grades?” Dante said, a hint of pride to his voice.
“Yeah, if I keep going I’ll be valedictorian of my year,” Logan said.
“Good,” Dante said.
“I miss you,” Logan said.
“I know,” Dante said. “Don’t it’ll make it harder. Time moves slower when you want something. Focus on your schooling, and you know where to go if you need anything right?”
Logan nodded. His brother was talking about one of his brother’s old friends who was essentially helping Logan by finding him a job and keeping him living in the apartment. “Yeah, Jan found me a job at his restaurant.”
“Good, should be enough,” Dante said. “Make sure you take care of yourself, don’t get in with the wrong crowd.”
Logan wanted to make a joke but he just couldn’t. “I might have found some apprenticeship for college.”
That got a bit more of his brother’s interest. “Really? With who?”
“Optical Engineering and Robotics,” Logan said, it was Bing’s civilian front. Well known for just giving internships to normal people and then passing them off to college. Logan working with Bing’s little engineering company was to be expected.
“Huh,” Dante said. “Well, you’re smart. Figures someone would see how smart you are.”
Logan smiled.
They would get to talk just a little bit more before his brother had to go. Logan couldn’t stay and that was how things worked.
Time moved on for Logan. Maybe Bing had something for him to do to take his mind off things. He’d try and take his mind off things until next month.
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justoneacatperson · 3 years
First Date
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This is reupload from my old blog!
request by @therealpotatobish
TodoDeku x Fem! Reader
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Date with Todoroki and Midoriya is, to put it mildly - chaos. Where do I start?
First we have Todoroki. Very handsome young man with two-tone hair and eyes. We all know that Shoto is not familiar with many things, his childhood was not very colorful and rosy, not at all.
He has not seen his parents take care of each other or behave like a couple, so he is not very familiar with how to treat a person he likes.
He didn’t even realize he liked Midoriya when he was still a student at U.A. It was good that there were his sister to explain to him what those feelings were.
We have already seen that he takes things seriously and does not understand jokes or metaphors, so it takes time to work with him.
Certainly his relationship with Izuku helped him a lot. He showed him what love, care and empathy are, but for him things are complicated again. He and Izuku will date a woman, a woman they have been in love with since their school years in the U.A. Shoto doesn’t know how to treat a woman and what they would like.
We also have the next one, namely Midoriya. Our broccoli boy has remained the same shy young man, despite his fame as the new No.1 hero, this part of him has not changed.
He would certainly do better than Todoroki, but his still shy nature worries him that he won’t be able to talk to you.
They are both worried about your reaction to everything. They have never heard that you like someone, nor have there been rumors that you are with someone, they didn’t even know if you like boys !? Nevertheless, you accepted their invitation to a date, at least they managed to make it clear that they were inviting you to a date, a DATE, and you were fine with that.
Now was the date where they would know if they had a chance with you, and here they were, sitting at the reserved table, waiting for you to come.
Deku kept a close eye on his watch, looking at every minute. They had arrived about ten minutes ago and were sitting nervously at the table, well, Izuku was moving nervously, and Shoto was sitting meekly, staring at one dot, trying to keep his mind tidy and clear.
-“She will come, Midoriya, our dateis at 9:30p.m.” Todoroki exclaimed, grabbing his boyfriend’s hand under the table to reassure him.
-“Ah, I know, Shoto-san, but that doesn’t make me any less nervous.” the green-haired man replied, smiling at his partner. -“We have been waiting for a long time for the chance to invite her and the fact that she agreed and now we will have a date makes me feel surreal. It’s as if I’ve finally reached a goal that I thought was impossible. It’s very strange that happens, I still consider it unrealistic.”
The two-colored man looked at him with surprised heterochromic eyes. Despite their years together, the things they went through could not be compared to that. And the fact that Deku feels that way surprises him. He is also surprised that he was able to describe how he felt too.
It felt like he was 17 again in his 2nd year at U.A. When he shared his feelings to Midoriya. Confused, scared, excited. He never believed that he would fall in love or be able to be a partner, the love of someone else.
A small smile crept across his face. Todoroki leaned over to his partner, leaning his head on his shoulder. Their physique has changed and evolved over the years. Already in his mid-twenties, Deku had grown much taller than his school years. He was now towering over Shoto.
Midoriya smiled, leaning against Shoto, planting a kiss on his white and red hair.  The two parted, looking up at a door that could be heard opening and closing. 20:30, you arrived just in time.
You looked around the restaurant in confusion, looking for your table. Midoriya instinctively raised his hand, waving at you and shouting. -“(Y/n)-chan!” you looked up at them, a wide smile appeared on your face, bringing butterflies into the stomachs of both heroes.
-“Hey, Deku, Sho!” you replied, going to them.
Midoriya wanted to make a good impression by taking your jacket and pulling your chair backward to sit, but you came like a whirlwind, sitting hastily in the seat in front of them. Obviously there will be no good first impression.
-“Oh, I was in such a hurry so as not to be late.” you started, removing your jacket, leaving it on the back of the chair. - “I was nervous not to be late because there was a traffic jam on the road. After I managed to park it took me time to find the restaurant and…”
Deku waved his arms in front of him, trying to reassure you that you weren’t late, sharing his own worries about not being late. So you two became a muttering mess, and Todoroki rested his chin on his hand, happily watching the scene in front of him. Cute.
-“You are not late, you have nothing to worry about.” the two-colored man called out of nowhere, stopping you and Izuku.
-“It’s good to know.” you said calmly, leaving your hands on the table. -“Long time no see.”
-“Since our graduation in the U.A.” added the green-haired man, rubbing the back of his head.
-“What’s happen with you? I last heard you joined Selkie’s agency.” you nodded in agreement to Shoto.
-“Yes, my quirk would be very welcome in sea battles.”
-“Are you adapting fast?” Deku asked cheerfully.
-“Yes, the hero Manual is there too. We have some pretty similar quirks, so he was so kind to help me adapt.” you replied, controlling the water in your glass with your quirk, making it take the shape of a snake and move along the walls of your glass in a circle.
-“This is very good.” exclaimed the hero, tying his hands on the table.
They both felt a little awkward, not knowing how to continue the conversation, fortunately the waitress saved them by giving them the menus. You opened the menu of hard leather covers, looking at the variety of foods.
-“Oh, hey, Sho, they have a cold soba.” you said excitedly, showing him the menu on the first page.
-“So I’ll order a cold soba.” the two-colored man replied before receiving muttering from Midoriya.
-“But, Sho, we have a whole pot full of soba!” you laughed at their interaction, attracting their attention.
-“What?” they both asked at the same time.
-“Nothing, you just haven’t changed since we graduated from the U.A.” you said with a laugh. Deku giggled too, smiling at you.
-“What do you mean? We look the same way we did 7 years ago?” Todoroki asked confusedly, looking at himself and his boyfriend and again to himself. You and Izuku looked at each other and almost fell from your seats with your boisterous laughter. -“Ah?”
-“O-oh…. Sho!” tears formed in the corners of your eyes, wiping them with your hand. -“You’re still funny!”
-“Yes.” the green-haired man replied, leaning his head on his partner’s shoulder.
The three of you ordered a teishoku, receiving it in about 30 minutes. Everyone enjoy their food before Todoroki calls.
-“(Y/n), do you see our old class?” you swallowed your food before answering.
-“Yes, even with some very often.” you said, playing with your chopsticks, twisting them between your fingers and doing tricks with them. -“Most often I go out with Kaminari, by some chance it turned out that we work in the same agency.”
-“Kaminari-san?” Deku exclaimed, looking at you in astonishment. You nodded, uttering a little “Uhm.”
-“All right, that’s nice! We haven’t heard from Denki.”
-“Are you close to each other?” Shoto asked, taking another bite of his meal.
-“I’d say yes. We go out often, we message to each other, he’s very cute. He’s also grown a lot from UA, he’s become more responsible and he controls his quirk much better. We have a lot of fun together. We have dinners for us, in which we are on the couch at my or his home and eating popcorn while watching scary movies. "you said with a smile on your face.
-"Oh, I understand…” Todoroki replied, bowing his head over his food, hiding his face through his hair, which he had left to grow for reaching a length where he could tie it in a bun.
Izuku reached under the table, gripping his boyfriend’s thigh, rubbing it lightly to offer support. He knew his boyfriend’s lack of confidence in relationships. He has always worried about whether he is doing well as a partner and doing everything right.
Talking about a boy (and you’re not the person who talks a lot or often about people, especially boys), who is the opposite of his personality and sees that you’re really having fun with him, feels like someone hit him with wet rag across the face.
-“And you guys…” you called, bringing them both back to reality. -“How are you? The press is very interested in your relationship.” you smiled slyly.
-“So… After we graduated from UA, Shoto and I went to Endeavor’s agency, as his partners in catching villains. That was until we turned 22, All Might offered to take his agency… And I took it.” he replied, scratching the back of his head where his undercut was. -“The press found out about my relationship with Todoroki when I took the agency and there were hundreds of news stories that said, ‘Hero No.1 is in a relationship with Endeavor’s son’.”
-“Yes, and still receives dozens of emails a day, invitations for interviews about our relationship.”
-“It’s too much for you. The press hasn’t learned for so many years that the heroes have a private life that they usually keep to themselves and don’t want to make it public. The personal space of the heroes must be respected.” you said and turned to Todoroki. -“And for so many years as a pro-hero, people have kept leading you the 'son of Endeavor,’ and that’s all you’re known for.”
-“It’s annoying.” Todoroki replied, making you and Deku giggle a little.
-“Well, those are just words from older people in Japan.” the green-haired man exclaimed, rubbing his boyfriend’s thigh. -“I am sure that the young generation will remember you with your name and your deeds.”
-“You’re right.” said his partner.
-“Ah, (Y/n)-san, do you happen to be in a relationship or dating someone?” Midoriya asked you. Shoto immediately ran one hand under the table, squeezing his thigh - too early, Midoriya.
-“O!?” you opened your eyes wide to them from the sudden question. -“No, I’m not in a relationship, I’m not dating anyone. Why do you ask?”
-“Uhhh…” and now was the scariest part of this meeting - to tell you. Shoto looked at Izuku out of the corner of his eye, looking for an answer as to what to do. -“With Shoto we wanted to ask you something…”
-“Yes…” you said under your breath.
-“Would you like to be with us?” Todoroki asked suddenly, leaning back in his chair.
You and Deku looked shocked at the two-colored man. You dropped your chopsticks as you watched Sho like you saw a ghost. Izuku immediately started waving his arms, trying to reassure you, saying that they were not forcing you to be in relationship with them, that they would not be in a hurry, that they would not be angry if you refused, and ect.
It just took you a moment to process Shoto’s question. They wanted to date you? Really? You were like close friends during your school years, but you didn’t think they had any other than platonic feelings about you. They were both open and comfortable, both shy and anxious around you or when talking to you. You wouldn’t be lying if you said you didn’t have feelings for them in the U.A., but once you found out they were in a relationship, it discouraged you a lot.
-“So?” Todoroki called again.
-“Sho, calm down, give her ti…”
-“Yes.” you replied, getting “Uh!?” from them. - “I accept, I would like to date you.”
-“Really?” Midoriya asked in surprise.
-“Yes…” you said, tying your hands on the table. -“I would just ask for time to get used to, as this will be my first relationship in my life, especially with more than one person.”
-“We’ll give you all the time you need.” Todoroki said, taking your hand in his. Where did you get this confidence? - Izuku wondered.
-“So… should we continue our dinner to celebrate our relationship?” the green-haired man asked cheerfully.
-“Yes!” you and Shoto answered at the same time.
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PSA: HP fics
Hello everyone!
In March, I discovered to my dismay that skyehawke.com had closed without warning and that I had lost all of my Harry Potter fics. I was upset, obviously. I had left the HP fandom many years ago, and had zero interest in promoting or discussing anything I had written, but I had always promised that I would leave my stories online and available, ideally all in one place. That place was skyehawke.com. When I re-joined fandom life in general after a lengthy hiatus, ao3 had sprung up and that's where I started posting my Sherlock fics. People have asked me repeatedly about the possibility of moving my HP fics over there and I always said, quite firmly, absolutely not.
(Putting in a cut to spare your dashboards!)
Why not? Because it's a lot of f-ing fic, for starters. My HP catalogue caps out in the 1.8 million word range, at something like 104 or 105 fics, some of which are quite short, but some of which are also QUITE long. The longest of the multi-chaptered stories is 36 chapters, for instance. Plus, as I said, I didn't want to be drawing attention to them, getting comments on them, having to re-read them just to understand what the comment was even referring to (I wrote the majority of these around 2004-7), etc.
However, in my gratitude to the people who stepped up and within days restored my entire HP collection to me, I promised both on my old livejournal account and here that I would, once my then-current project was complete, begin the long, laborious process of transferring my HP catalogue to ao3 after all. I'm not going to lie: it's a TREMENDOUS amount of work. Originally I had thought that I would take the opportunity to re-read the stories and edit out typos, manually re-format them, manually redo the html coding, etc, etc. However, I just can't. It's time-consuming enough just to upload all of the raw text, along with the fandom, pairing, rating, summary, etc, so that's my warning: they are what they are. The earliest of these was written 17 years ago. If you're a writer, imagine your writing from that long ago. I cringe at some of the pairings. But a promise is a promise, and I'm not someone who breaks my word.
So, long disclaimer aside, I'm here to announce that I've created a whole separate ao3 page. I was originally going to wait until I'd uploaded the full catalogue, but people have already noticed these stories popping up, so I thought I'd go ahead and share now. I'm adamant about not having these stories take up space in the very limit amount of time I have for fandom in general, and which I prefer to dedicate to Sherlock, hence the separate page.
Here it is: SilentAuror_HPworks. I started working on this the very day after I posted Nocturne (aka my latest project), as promised, and so far I've only uploaded 16 stories (although if you count individual chapters, that adds up to 125 individual uploads already). Every story comes with a posted note that I will not be answering comments. I did leave the comment field open, though, because I know that sometimes people really just want to comment. I'll read the comment and appreciate the kudos and bookmarks. I just don' t have the time to respond to comments on 105 stories in a fandom I don't want to discuss anymore. I hope that feels fair? Either way, this is what I'll be working on as my muses ponder my next Sherlock project. :)
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tricktster · 4 years
i finally bought a new car, which required me to trade in my beloved old car. Now there was a lot that sucked about my old car, like, for example:
 the driver’s window seal leaked, so I had to hold a towel up to it whenever I went through the car wash or got caught in a thunderstorm, or in the alternative, appear places as my alter ego, Ol’ Wet Sleeve.
one day, for no discernible reason, the passenger door power lock made a metallic shriek for thirty minutes and then refused to ever work again
the windshield fluid reservoir was cracked, so I not only had to stop at every gas station to wipe the salt off my windshield all winter, but until the last of the fluid worked its way out of its system, every parking spot looked like my car had done a blue tinkle
something went terribly wrong with the anti-theft system which caused it to beep incessantly until the battery quite literally drained from the effort every time I locked my door and it was even mildly humid, culminating in the day its incessant wailing ruined a kishi bashi concert and then never deployed again
once there was a chipmunk on the windshield and I needed to get to work so I started the car and began driving VERY slowly in the hopes it would jump off, but it instead disappeared into a hole next to the wipers and I just had to hope it crawled out at work because i was late and surely that hole didn’t lead anywhere
the hole apparently led somewhere, and the chipmunk made a home somewhere under the hood
thereafter, the chipmunk, and I do not understand the mechanics here, figured out how to get into the cabin and left about 15 uneaten acorns, 30 partially eaten acorns, 100 acorn shells, and 1000 tiny poops on the floor
after i got the tires rotated last year, the right front wheel made an irreversible and humiliating squeaking noise whenever i went less than 50 miles an hour
it got stuck in very small amounts of snow with extreme, perverse regularity
there were inexplicable danger buttons on the steering wheel that made the automatic transmission turn into a manual - which I cannot drive. But don’t worry, they were incredibly easy to deploy accidentally and could only be fixed by turning the whole car off
the horn sounded like a clown nose
After five years without so much as a scrape, I told my mom about my intention to buy a better car and trade in the old one for a few thousand bucks. Approximately 17 hours thereafter, my mom accidentally backed into it with her car, leaving a huge dent and rendering the whole car worth literally dozens of dollars.
Three days later, my mom ran into it again, but this time with the rider mower. Although the rider mower cannot top five miles per hour, she claimed the collision was unavoidable because “the rider mower doesn’t have brakes!” although she was unable to explain how that prevented her from, you know, steering around the large stationary object. Also the rider mower has brakes. 
Now I know this all sounds very bad and dumb. However, there were three great things about my car that made up for all that nonsense:
1. it only had two seats. Examples of why this ruled:
 “oh, you guys need a ride somewhere? Oh sorrrrrry I caaaaaan’t, it’s a twooooo seater.”
“It’s my turn to be the DD? Sure, that only seems fa- OH SORRY CAN’T NOT EQUIPPED TWO SEATS IS THE THINGGGG.
2. because it was stupid small, I could go roughly 340 miles on about 20 dollars of gas (unless I pressed the red button that made it much less fuel efficient but made the engine noise go “vrmVOOM,” you know, to impress men)
Lastly, and most importantly:
3. the license plate that it was randomly assigned was absolutely incredible. Now I don’t want to get doxxed so this is a fake plate to protect my car’s identity, but it was, in essence, ORC-42069. It was fantasy creature + the funny numbers. It was so fucking choice. 
Anyway, I loved that stupid, selfish, garbage car, but it was time to let it go, on account of I Drive In Vermont And This Winter It Nearly Killed Me (On 3 Separate Occasions). So two weeks ago I agreed to trade in the Jerkmobile for, and this is no joke, ONE DOLLAR, I said goodbye to the funniest plates in automotive history, I put several thousand bucks down on a preowned car with only 8k miles and that sweet all wheel drive, and I settled in to wait for the NYSDMV to process the registration.
It took like fifteen days to get the registration settled, but because NYSDMV employees, like the rest of us, are dealing with a global pandemic, I wasn’t about to complain about the wait. And I like to think that my non-Karen energy reaped beautiful rewards. See, at the dealership this evening, I finally laid eyes on my brand new car. 
Look, I don’t believe in God. I have to remind myself sometimes that there’s nobody pulling the strings, that human beings tend to draw connections between unrelated points of data, that none of this MEANS anything. And yet, at the same time....
oh what intelligence
what divine providence
that my new randomly generated license plate should begin with a thrash metal band and end in 69.
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lassieposting · 3 years
💘💘💘💘 + ghasdug
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send me 💘 + A SHIP and i’ll tell you—
where they first met and how
So Skug says they stowed away on the same ship, but this is...not exactly true.
He stowed away on that ship, because he was running away from home and he was a snobby little lordling who'd never had to fend for himself a day in his life, so the furthest ahead he'd actually thought to plan was "they won't want to turn around and drop me off once they're underway".
Ghastly was not stowed away at any point during that trip. Ghastly was signed on for the journey as a deckhand, because Ghastly's mother told him he needed to, and it had to be that particular ship. Ghastly gets seasick, and did not want to go to sea in the slightest. But Ghastly's mother has visions and so Ghastly does as he is told. Apparently there was something important waiting for him on that ship.
Anyway Skug pops out once he thinks they're far enough away from shore that they'll leave him be rather than take him back to port, and he is incredibly mistaken. The captain is in favour of turning him around right there and then, because he's clearly some rich lord's brat, and whoever his father is will probably pay handsomely for his safe return. Ghastly manages to talk the ship's crew into letting him stay on, provided he pulls his weight like the rest of them.
Needless to say, even before they're attacked by pirates, that voyage is a rude awakening for poor Skug, and good lord does Ghastly hear all about it. He has blisters. His feet hurt. This shirt was expensive and now it's all sweaty. His hair is in his eyes all the time. He's tired. The guy in the next bunk snores. Some of these people look like they have lice. He didn't realise he'd be doing manual labour, this is servant stuff, how dare they.
Ghastly does. Not realise at that point what he has let himself in for.
how long their ‘flirting’ phase was before feelings got involved
Poor Ghastly gets to pine for years. Baby Skug isn't a great boyfriend. He's less invested - he loves Ghastly, but they have two totally different outlooks.
Ghastly is ugly. He's always been ugly. He's got a face he believes only his mother could love. He's never believed he'd find someone who saw past that or loved him regardless. So as soon as he gets Skug into bed, he's over the moon and ready to commit. He's like 17, and would absolutely settle down there and then given half a chance.
Skug, on the other hand, was a weird-looking child who only recently grew into an attractive adolescent and he is loving it. For the first time in his life, girls are noticing him. He doesn't want to settle down, he wants to play the field and sow some wild oats and have fun. So there are periods of exclusivity with Ghastly, interspersed with periods where Skug basically drops him to chase after the latest pretty bit of skirt.
who fell for who first ( if applicable )
Ghastly's smitten by the time they make it back to Ireland - Skug is a bit soft and allergic to hard work and a pain in the arse, but he's flashy and charismatic and funny and pays attention to him without gawking at his face (past the initial "good god, what happened to you?") - but Skug is well and truly settled into living with Ghastly's family by the time he actually gives Ghas the come-on.
where their first date was and what it was like
They went to the local tavern and got drunk, and then rode home in the pouring rain once it kicked them out at closing time.
When they got home, Ghastly's parents had long since gone to bed, but that wasn't necessarily unusual - once Skug, who has a considerable allowance, is old enough to start drinking, Saoirse institutes a rule that if they're not home by the time she and her husband turn in for the night, she'll leave blankets in the barn and they can sleep there instead. She's not having them barging in, wasted, at all hours of the day and night, waking her up after a hard day's work.
So they put the horses away and give them a quick rub down, and Ghastly is trying to look anywhere but Skug because Skug's shirt has gone kind of see-through and poor Ghastly is an awkward, horny teenage boy, but he keeps shooting him these furtive glances over the horse's back and Skug notices because Skug notices everything and lowkey teases him about it. "Want me to sit for a portrait? It'll last longer," sort of teasing, and Ghastly tries to laugh along but he's also vibrant red because he's been caught staring, so obviously Skug realises something's up
And he's precisely as tactful about it as he ever is about anything, and jokes, "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you wanted me," and Ghastly's ears burn and he doesn't deny it quick enough and now Skug's eyebrows are inching towards his hairline and Ghastly panics because like, he's ugly, Skug is going to be disgusted or laugh at him and he can't cope with either, so he just? Freezes?
But like. Skug was a weird-looking, unfortunate child who very recently grew into an attractive adolescent, so he fucking thrives on attention. So his response to this awkward not-quite-a-confession is actually a moment of silence while he mulls this new information over (this feels like an eternity to poor Ghastly) followed by an early attempt at using The Hot Voice and, "If you want me, have me."
So, they end up having sex in the hayloft on the blankets Ghastly's mom left out for them. Ghastly has never even been kissed and doesn't admit that he has no idea what he's doing until he realises Skug is expecting him to take the lead. He also blurts that he loves Skug when he nuts, so like. It's your typical painfully embarrassing virginity loss.
It can't be all bad though, because Skug's up for doing it again.
who asks who out and how ( with a sign? spelled out on a cake? just a simple ‘will you go out with me’? )
So in my endgame-ghasdug AU, they get back together post-TDOTL. Ghastly survives being stabbed, but the blade nicked his spinal cord, so he's in a wheelchair for quite a while, and then has to do A Lot of physical therapy to relearn how to walk. Skug shows up at the hospital/facility where he's recovering every day unless there's an emergency, because Ghastly is very depressed and struggling with survivor's guilt over Anton and doesn't see the point in doing his physio because it hurts and he's exhausted and he shouldn't be alive anyway. And Skug annoys him into doing it, mostly by heckling him from the other side of the room, because he's not great at the whole emotional support thing. Ghastly will mutter, "Christ, I want to hit you," and Skug will tell him, "Well, if you come over here to do it I won't even duck." And if Ghastly gets his ass up and uses the walking frame support thing to cross the room, well, then Skug will take a punch like a man and be happy about it because Ghastly walked.
They also talk a lot during this period. Ghastly feels like shit, and he reminisces a lot about the good old days and how he never saw Ravel's betrayal coming and memories he has of Anton, and sometimes that veers into memories they share from when they were young men. And Skug, at this point, is old enough and has been through enough to admit that he wasn't great to Ghastly when they were boys. He was flighty and selfish and high-maintenance, and he would've hated to be treated the way he treated Ghastly. And he tells him that, at one point - that he's sorry, and if he could go back and do it differently, he would, assuming Ghastly was daft enough to be willing to put up with him a second time.
And Ghastly laughs and tells him, "I'd still have you now, you stupid bastard."
who proposes first
Ghastly. They're 19/20. Skug thinks he's joking.
if they keep / kept their relationship secret or let everyone know right away
Neither - they don't announce it, but it's not exactly a secret either. Ghastly's parents notice pretty much straight away, but other than a few parental pointers on what is and isn't appropriate, it's not really a topic of conversation.
where the proposal happens and how ( kiss cam at a baseball game? on a hillside surrounded by ducks? at a disney park? )
Skug's sister Confelicity accepts the first proposal she gets at the age of 16, because she's desperate to get out of their parents' house and away from their toxic relationship and controlling behaviour. Their father disapproves and refuses to attend the wedding (and, of course, their mother is not allowed her own opinion), and Carver is out of the country, so Skug stands in to a) pay and b) give away the bride. He takes Ghastly for moral support, because he doesn't like most of his relatives and also doesn't like the groom (Thurid Guild - their relationship doesn't improve when Confelicity divorces him a few years later to marry a baronet). While they're watching the couple say their vows, Ghastly murmurs, "We should get married."
Skug is right in the middle of his hoe phase and does not realise Ghastly's serious.
who’s more dominant
Generally, Skug. He is one hell of a force of personality and Ghastly does get steamrollered quite a bit, although he does eventually learn how to say no. Skug always gets things his way, always does whatever he likes and be damned to the consequences, and Ghastly is always there with a handful of the back of his shirt, pulling his ass out of whatever fire he started.
In bed, though, it's Ghastly.
how into pda they are
As teenagers, Ghastly's mother has to reprimand them occasionally for being too all over each other, but teenagers be rabidly horny. As grown men, they're just sort of casually affectionate. Comfortable with each other. When they're relaxing in camp after a day of travelling, Skug will lean against Ghastly to read a book or put his head on Ghastly's leg while they chat. They can have a silent conversation just by reading each other's faces. They'll nudge each other when something reminds them of an in-joke. They have that easy intimacy that comes with having known each other forever.
where their usual ‘date spot’ is ( if applicable )
As boys, Ghastly has a particular flowery meadow he likes to take Skug to for picnics, because he's a romantic. Skug at that age is considerably less so, and more interested in whether they can screw there without getting caught.
In the modern day, they go to see old movies. Ghastly was very into the early films of the late 1910s and the 1920s, after the war finished. He associates them with a time where he finally got to just set up his shop and live the life he always wanted to live. Skug hasn't seen most of Ghastly's favourites, because he spent that period of history fighting the truce and then spiralling into a black hole of trauma and misery, but he got very into the noir detective era to the point that he's still clinging to the aesthetic like 80 years later, so they'll alternate who picks the movies and catch each other up on their favourites.
who’s more protective
They've both spent their fair share of time fretting in the chair beside a hospital bed. After Ravel's betrayal, though, it's Skug. Ghastly retires as soon as he's considered fit to make the decision, and decides he wants to go back to Dublin to reopen his shop and just sort of try and forget Roarhaven exists. And Skug is absolutely adamant that he gets to do it. There's a lot of interest in Ghastly for a while - groundbreaking healing magic was used to fix what should've been a permanent injury, people want to know if he suspected Ravel, they want his advice on how to rebuild after Devastation Day. He's more approachable than China, and a lot more popular. But he can't cope with it all, and anyone who tries to hassle him in Dublin will have Skug to deal with.
how long it is before they sleep together ( can be as in ‘had sex’ or as in ‘shared a bed’ )
The first night Skug stays at Ghastly's family home. Ghastly is an only child, and his family isn't wealthy - their house doesn't have a guest room. It's sleep with Ghastly or sleep on the floor, and Little Lord Priss isn't going to be sleeping on the floor.
Honestly, he's relieved there isn't a spare room for him. He's never really slept alone before. Like most children of very wealthy families back then, he grew up in a nursery with his four oldest brothers and sisters, and when he was too old to live with The Children, he shared a room, first with Carver and then with Francis. The thought of being on his own in a strange house is pretty intimidating.
He moves to his own bed as soon as they get him one, but he stays in Ghastly's room, and he's perfectly happy with that.
(Ghastly is less happy. He's very much crushing on Skug and he's terrified he'll say something incriminating in his sleep.)
who steals whose clothes and how often
Skug gets to steal Ghastly's clothes for a year or two after he moves in with Ghastly's family. After that, they're built too differently. Ghastly is built like a brick shithouse of muscle. Skug is lean and toned and tall. When they're younger, he can more or less wear Ghastly's clothes as a nightshirt, but after Skug's final growth spurt, Ghastly's clothes don't sit right on him at all, and he's gotten too vain and fashion-conscious by that point to just wear them anyway.
what their usual coffee / tea orders are
Ghastly is fussy about his tea. Plenty of milk, two and a half sugars, leave the teabag in.
Skug just inhales it black, which Ghastly thinks is an abomination.
if they ever have any children together
Ghastly thanks his lucky stars every day that they have a 0% chance of accidentally spawning a skuglet. One of him is plenty.
He's very involved with Skugbab when he comes along, though. He's godfather and a very present uncle.
if they have any special pet names for each other
Skug doesn't do nicknames, and would rather not be given them, either. Ghastly gets away with "Skul", primarily because he's the only one who's known Skug since he was all of 16, but also because "Skulduggery" is a mouthful when all your blood is rushing to your downstairs brain and it's his own damn fault that he didn't think of that before he picked it.
if they ever split up and / or get back together
So many times. They're on and off again more frequently than Saracen's clothes. Every time Skug spots someone new, he ends it with Ghastly to pursue them, and then comes back when he loses interest or it doesn't work out.
what their shared living space is like ( messy? clean? what kind of decor? )
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Ghastly's family home is an old farmhouse on the outskirts of Dublin. It's simple, but cosy, and Ghastly's dad is incredibly houseproud, so it's very well-looked-after. Skug prefers it by miles to his own palacial, but cold and unwelcoming, family home, and he tries to replicate the vibe later on with Wifey. It's pretty small compared to what he's used to, so it sort of feels like they're all living on top of each other, and he has to get used to not having any servants and drawing his own water to heat his own bath etc, but he's loved there, and that makes all the difference.
what their names are in each other’s phones
They're both old-ass men about some things, and this is one of them. So no emojis or anything - they're "Ghastly Bespoke" and "Skul". How romantic.
who falls asleep first and who wakes up first
Ghastly wakes up first: he's used to rising early to get started on his chores. Skug is absolutely not a morning person at this point in his life and Ghastly frequently has to turf his ass out of bed by pulling his quilt off/dumping water on him/yelling in his ear.
Reversed with modern day ghasdug: Ghastly still wakes at a sensible time, but damn it he left the army a century ago and now he likes a lie in. Skug never really stopped being a soldier and still has most of his military habits, so he's up with the sun.
who’s the big spoon / little spoon
Ghastly is the big spoon. Skug likes to be Held.
who hogs the bathroom
Skug. The boy is vain as all fuck. There is a grand total of one cloudy looking-glass in Ghastly's family's home and Skug spends a good chunk of the morning hogging it to fuss with his hair and peacock at his reflection. Ghastly is under strict orders Never to mention this to Fletcher.
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sirtadcooper · 3 years
10-20 please 🥰
Phew! Thanks for putting me to work, Joy! <3
10: An old creation that will always have a special place in your heart
Answered here and here. Another one is this Pearl Mackie edit. I made five edits in this style of the Doctor Who cast and Steven Moffat, but this one is the neatest I think. I drew the doodles myself, I like the navy colour and of course Pearl’s orange nail polish in the middle photo!
11: A new creation that you’re very proud of!
Answered here and here. Another one is Starring Pedro Pascal - it came out pretty well, I think! I used to make edits like this with a fading effect but I was doing it manually with opacity and duplicating layers (I think there is a way to do it in Timeline but I don’t know how to do it) but this time I just went with no transition between the photos in the background and I think it actually looks better for it.
12: Pick your favourite creation of yours based on the colour palette
These Jim Kirk icons. I made these slap bang in the middle of two huge editing breaks, but I was very pleased with them. I was obsessed with Star Trek: TOS at the time and I wanted a new icon so I made these. I ended up keeping the green one with stars as my icon from October 2019 up until February this year. This colour palette suits this screencap perfectly, well done me, haha!
13: What is your preferred format? Moodboards, gifsets, poster sets…?
Any of these done well I will fall head over heels for! @radiantskywalker does fantastic moodboards, @sylvia-tilly made many inspiring ones back in the day. I have made a few myself but they’re not on par with those two at all. @millenniumsfalcon and @trashcora spring to mind for their stunning gifsets. Guess who I immediately thought of for posters? You have three guess but you won’t need them, it’s @sith-maul.
I realise I have not answered the question, and I guess that’s because I don’t stick to one format - I jump around all over the place. In terms of edits I have recently developed a clear style of inverted colours, best demonstrated here and here and here. So I guess I love edits because they get more notes than headers or icons, but! That feeling you get when someone uses one of your headers or icons? Unmatched.
Wait, I’ve got it! My answer to this question is anything but gifs. I have a love/hate relationship with gifs, in that I mostly hate them but I love to know how they are made.
I really belong on Tumblr, huh?
14: A fandom you want to create more content for!
I want to make some things for Star Wars and Rogue One! I haven’t made anything for them at all yet because I keep getting distracted by how much I love Din and Grogu and that’s perfectly understandable, I think. 
15: Talk about some of your favourite creators: what do you love most about their creations?
Oh gosh, okay! I’ll try to keep each of these to a few words as I am prone to writing essays.
@ewan-mcgregor | What can I say? Quality and Quantity. 
@sith-maul | Creativity, thought, precision, technical prowess.
@javier-pena | Coloured to perfection, every time, without fail.
@voidlila | Beautiful gifs and graphics with perfect colour palettes.
@millenniumsfalcon / @thernandalorian | Gorgeous colouring, not always what you’d expect, but perfect.
16: List some creators that always inspire you with their creations and talent!
Those mentioned above are a given, but a few more, in no particular order: @abednadir, @300mirrors, @cvanth, @skyshipper, @darksber, @kenobismullet, @trashcora, @sharoncarrter, @spotchka, @whimsicalrogers, @sugardaddyahxu, @djarsdin, @argetnallison, @perfectopposite and many more besides.
17: Do you enjoy working with gifs?
Gosh, no, I find them so stressful! Sometimes I fancy making a gif but the fancy doesn’t last long once I actually go to make them. The process of making gifs is so long and arduous and there’s only so much you can do with a gif and I just don’t enjoy the process at all. As I said I hate gifs but I also love to see what others have done with them! 
18: Do you enjoy creating graphics?
Gosh, yes! I find the whole process so much more rewarding, that you have the freedom to do anything, really, as long as you can work out how. I’m able to zoom in and put a lot of detail into my graphics which pleases me no end. I think it’s far more creatively exciting to work on a graphic, whether it’s an icon or a header or an edit. You’re transforming the source material completely, you know what I mean? I just get excited about graphics. It’s wonderful that so many people are learning how to make gifs but graphics? That’s where the fun really is in my opinion!
19: Do you like mixing up your style and trying new stuff, or do you prefer to have a more consistent style?
I’ve sort of answered this above, haven’t I? Oops. I like to try new stuff sometimes but always with a view to doing it my way. It has to fit in with my style or I’m simply not interested. Like the trend at the moment for text to be warped slightly into a shape? Not my style at all, I like my text boring, thank you. I have an inkling how it’s done but I’m not bothered either way. Almost everything I do now is informed by my love of making icons and headers - nearly everything is cut out from a background and put onto one of my creation. I’m an obsessive cutter-outer.
20: A creator you look up to!
Just one!? @sith-maul. I’m obsessed with Nik’s creations and I will not shut up about it. I’m like an embarrassing parent telling everyone how talented my child is because I’m so proud of them.
creators ask game | send me an ask
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lokisasylum · 3 years
Tag for Fanfic Writers
(this was supposed to be an Ask Game, but I don’t have the patience to sit and wait for someone to interact/write me one of 50 questions to my inbox. So I’ll just answer them myself LOL)
1. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently only for BTS
2. What pairings do you write for?
Jikook, Yoonmin, VMin & VMINKOOK.
3. What is your most popular fanfic?
“Lunatic High” for some reason... its a fantasy au. Has to do with a war that broke out following the assassination of the Emperor, where humans began hunting werewolves after accusing them of conspiring against the monarchy. So you have Taehyung, Namjoon, Hoseok and Jeongguk as survivors of this war and living as bounty hunters, but one day when Taehyung falls gravely ill and no remedy can cure his disease. The four of them have to journey south where a surviving pack of werewolves live and may be the only ones who can save him. But it is Taehyung himself who holds the biggest secret of them all.
I haven’t updated it in two years and it only needs the final chapter TT
4. Do you write original stories as well?
I used to have this one original story that I spent MANY years plotting and finally began writing in 2009, but after I reached the 32th chapter I left it on permanent Hiatus.
5. What fanfic of yours should everyone have read?
I would like to recommend “All or Nothing”, “Yoongi’s Confession” and “Forever You Said”.
6. What is a fandom you will never write for?
NEVER AGAIN for Death Note that fandom was hella toxic back in the day. I also wouldn’t write for Dragon Ball z (and all the versions of it) I just can’t envision the ships correctly XD
7. What is a ship you will never write for?
Tae//kook sorry no offense to the members themselves... but their crazy, toxic, obsessed fans made me hate the ship. Also the fics I’ve read of this ship are just as toxic and Jimin is always somehow hurt in them. So NOPE. The only way I would come close to writing anything with them is if it involves VMINKOOK as end game.
8. Archive of Our Own, FanFiction.net, Wattpad, Tumblr, etc. which platform do you prefer?
Archive of Our Own all the way. I used to have a FF.net account many years ago but never really uploaded anything to it. Never did liked wattpad’s format and Tumblr isn’t exactly a practical place to read fics plus you have to manually link chapters.
9. What are your favorite fanfics?
Oh wow I’ve read so many good ones... “Surreptitious” (by Bangtanbananas), “bitchin’ witchin’“ (by spookysuga), “forever was never till now” (by SpringonMars) and “The Devil’s Cut”
10. How do you stay motivated to finish what you’ve started?
I cry on the floor, go through several breakdowns and then stare blankly at my word doc forcing my brain to work.
11. What’s your longest fanfic?
“Lunatic High” with 16-17 chapters.
12. Do you want to break your readers‘ heart or make them laugh?
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13. What is your planning process?
I try to write little snippets whenever they come to mind no matter what I’m doing. So I always try to keep my phone close by and my Notes ready for any plot bunny that may run by.
14. What have others criticized about your fanfic?
I’ve honestly never gotten “criticized” per say or negative comments. Though I do get that sometimes my readers can be a bit impatient 🤭 but I get that since I can be impatient too.
15. OCs or no OCs?
No OCs as main characters, only supporting if I run out of people.
16. Do you use sentence starters, writing prompts and/or fandom headcanons for your fanfics?
I try a bit of everything if it helps the ideas flow.
17. Do you use/follow advice from writing blogs/posts?
I try to, but don’t let it influence my writing too much.
18. What is your favorite writing prompt?
Strangers to Lovers, most Alternative Universes
19. Dead or overused tropes?
omg, the freaking “school sweet heart who falls in love with the asshole”, the whole “first time/loosing their virginity” trope (how many times is the same character gonna loose their V-Card in 500 universes?!), also any mafia trope. 
20. Can we get a list of all of your current available fanfics?
I have like 19 of them. So I’ll just provide the link to them HERE.
21. What’s your shortest fanfic?
“You’re My Tear/You’re My Fear” (944 words) which is a song-fic with the song “TEAR” by BTS.
22. Do you listen to music during your writing process? What music do you listen to while you’re writing?
Hmm I have like 49 or 50 playlists/mixtapes. All from different genres but when I’m writing a particular story I listen to my Release Radar or New Releases and like the songs I think would fit to that story. So many of my fics have their own mixtape ^^
23.Long chapters or short chapters?
I always start a new fic thinking “this will only be a oneshot” and then chapter 2 and 3 happens...
24. How many WIPs (work-in-progress) do you’ve got?
......like 10...
25. How many WIPs will you finish?
3-4 because I finally have a solid plot for them.
26. First-person-narrative or third-person-narrative?
Both, both are good.
27. Do you take requests?
I used to when I had nothing to write about but some requests.... can be a little intimidating.
28. I will name you three things (object — scenario — fandom/ship): write a paragraph or two!
29. What’s more difficult? Fanfics or original work?
Original works.
30. What writing software do you use?
Nothing fancy, just Word Doc. & Notes.
31. Do you use beta/sensitivity readers?
32. Past or present tense?
33. Do friends and family know that you write fanfics?
Friends... and said friends don’t know me IRL lol
34. How did you find the magical world of fanfics?
I was 9yr and into the anime YuYu Hakusho, so I was browsing the internet for images about Kurama and Hiei cause they were my fave characters and stumbled into this blog that someone had and she had this story “Wild Winds”, I read it thinking it was some spoiler to the series and I remember that the story was kind of sad because Kurama had killed his human body and was going back to his Yohko Kurama self and Hiei held him in his arms through the process. At the end Kurama and Hiei kiss but it was out of defiance because they knew they didnt have much time left because they were found out. I legit thought this would or had happened in the series, but the author explained to me that it was made up by her and I found that so fascinating.
35. What is your favorite review?
This one is still a personal fave that I keep close to my heart:
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36. Did you ever delete a work of yours?
From my current fanfics? No, but I did deleted old ones from my deviantart page because years later as I grew more mature I realized how childish a lot of my writing was back then.
37. Did your work ever get plagiarized?
Ahh... that’s an old wound that’s tough to re-open. Because it didn’t happen with my fanfics but it DID happened with that original story I mentioned. And the one who plagiarized it was a long time follower of mine on DA, I even considered her a friend. She used MY story for a contest she made up at a Death Note fan club she had and never told me. I found out because another follower was a member in that club so she asked me about it. What hurt the most is that when I called her out in private and asked her to delete my story from her contest she made this post ON THE CLUB saying I was accusing her of being a disgusting thief and wanted to ruin the contest, so this ended up with her 300+ club members harassing me and sending me death threats. I think that’s one of the reasons I quit writing that story half way.
38.Do you partake in any fanfic/writing events? (Big bangs, zines, NaNoWriMo, etc?)
I’ve thought about it? But most of these contest take place on Twitter which I don’t have an account to and most of Army twitter is well... hella toxic. Especially now with fanfic writers getting harassed/bullied into deleting their accounts and called “fetishizers” by fake woke kpoppies who enjoy listening to fake moan videos and reading Y/N/self-insert fics about being r*ped by their 7 mafia husbands. 😒 (I said what I said)
39. Collaborations or working solo?
I enjoy working solo for now. I like working at my own pace.
40. Do you have any rituals before uploading a fic?
Yes! I freak out, obsessively go over each word and sentence to make sure no typos are in sight, drink two cups of black coffee, have a mental break down, get distracted by tumblr or animal videos on youtube, dissociate for half an hour and finally upload the fic at 6:00AM ^^ then have another meltdown the next day after I find ONE typo I missed 😂😂😂😂😂
41. What is something you don’t like about your writing?
That it doesn’t come out when I want/need it to or the way I have it figured out inside my head.
42. Rudest review?
lol okay so this wasn’t really a “rude” review, but there was this one girl who left very strange comments on every chapter of “Forever You Said” while talking in 3rd person. Its like she was running her own self-insert fic while reading mine. Thankfully she deleted her account.
43. Guilty pleasure tropes and scenarios?
Guilty pleasure tropes... hmm.. I’m a sucker for vampire x werewolf relationships since its considered a “forbidden love” and how they eventually work it out. Also the “Enemies to Lovers” tropes is an all time fave especially when the love happens in a way you never expected it. 
44. Does fanart of your fanfic exist?
I.. as far as I’m concerned I’m the only ones who makes fanart/companion art of my fics 😅😌 I have yet to see a single fanart of any of them....
45. Do fanfics of your fanfic exist?
I don’t think so? But if there are I would like to read them! Just as long as the person didn’t do it out of spite because they didn’t like the pairing/ship I wrote about.
46. Few long essay reviews or many short reviews?
I enjoy both! But the long ones are more fun to read because you get an in depth pov of what your readers liked/disliked about the story.
47. What fanfic of yours is truly underrated?
I feel like maybe “Sin For You” underrated. Its my first vmin fic and second fic I wrote/published.
48. What is your favorite sentence that you’ve used in a fanfic?
Ah there’s SO MANY... but the ones closest to my heart are:
#01. "Someone once said that when you finally learn to love… really learn to love, you won’t need to give up on anything; Not your friends, your family or your hopes and dreams. Because Love is supposed to add up, no take away.” He drew in a shaky breath. “But if that’s true, then why are we so afraid of what we might lose?–” [Jimin to JK, “All or Nothing”]
#02. “Most fairy-tales make you believe that there is such a thing as “Forever”, but in reality kingdoms fall, buildings turn to ruble, words fade, bodies decay and turn to dust. Nothing ever lasts.Not even love.“ [Jimin, “Forever You Said”]
49. Where do you draw inspiration from?
Music mainly, especially from composers like Peter Gundry, Zack Hemsey & Adrien von Ziegler.  Secondly since I am a History & Art major I enjoy doing research about topics of my liking to incorporate in the stories (for example: I had to do A LOT of research for “Forever You Said” regarding Joseon Dynasty, how the world kept changing up until World War I & II era. )
50. Can we get a teaser for an upcoming chapter?
Sure! This is from a Yoonmin oneshot I’ve been working on:
“He hated remembering those things—those days where he could only be happy not as himself.  Not as Min Yoongi, but as Agust-D.
Agust-D who lived on the edge; where the days and nights passed between cigarette butts, cheap drinks, fast cars, running from the cops, tattered curtains in a motel room somewhere, long roads and even longer nights. Anyone brave or dumb enough to mingle in his world would either come out a stronger man or die a coward trying to run from it without realizing that it was already too late to back out. Which is why only a literal handful of individuals made it till the bitter end of the journey and lived to tell about it.  Though not without a heavy price to pay. “
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hyunsracha · 4 years
six — lee felix
word count: 6.6k
summary: six months in which you realize you’re afraid of growing up.
warnings: uhhh reader is sad? not depressed but just like. sad. so if u don’t feel comfortable reading that!! also blood mention and like one or two suggestive lines hehe
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You fondly remember the moment you realized you had feelings for one of your best friends, Lee Felix. You were in 8th grade, and Felix was walking you home from school. Your dad had been out of town for the past 2 weeks, and Felix felt bad about you walking home alone. He stopped on the sidewalk in front of your house, “Well, here you are.” You had pouted, really enjoying the conversation you were having with your best friend. Your dad would be coming home tonight, so this would be the last of your little walks. 
“Wait right here!” You had squeaked before running into the house. You had a cute little orange tree in your backyard, and whenever Felix came over he would pick one or two and snack on them. There was a bowl in the kitchen full of them, so you plucked one from the top and ran back outside.
“To thank you for walking me home.” He smiled at you then, quickly knocking all of the air out of your poor adolescent lungs. When did he get so...radiant?
He’s radiant even now, leaning towards the front seat of Hyunjin’s car and honking the horn outside your house. You huff, yelling, “Shut up!” out the window as you hurriedly push a comb through your messy hair. It’s not like you’re going to be late. It only takes twenty minutes to get to the edge of your pathetic little town.
Hyunjin’s been driving the five of you to school ever since he got his license. You and Seungmin can also drive, but Hyunjin insists. He’s obsessed with the beat up little car he got with his own money; money that he got from working as a lifeguard one summer. Jisung sits in the passenger’s seat, claiming it’s his assigned seat since he’s Hyunjin’s boyfriend. Felix sits in the middle of the backseat, with Seungmin on the right and you on the left. You’re hyper aware of how nice Felix looks today. His hair is parted down the middle and wavy, a little dry from the many bleaches you did to it over the summer. He’s sporting a leather jacket with a Nirvana shirt underneath, and you suddenly feel like rolling down the window to get some air. That itself is a struggle, because Hyunjin’s car has manual windows that you have to roll down with a crank. The warm August breeze flows through your hair, but it’s not unpleasant. You’ve always liked summer; no school, spending all of your free time with the boys in the car, driving to surrounding cities and wreaking havoc all over the county. 
You all make small talk on the drive to school, mostly chattering about your senior year. Your last year in this hellhole of a place. You’ve been going to this school since 7th grade, since there aren't enough people to separate the middle schoolers from the high schoolers. You could maneuver these hallways with your eyes closed, and you hate it. In fact, you hate everything about this town. Almost every building is the same color beige, and almost every person sports the same blank, lifeless look. The people in this car are the only things keeping you grounded; if it wasn’t for them, you would have fled for the hills the second you got your license.
Another thing you hate about this town: everybody knows who you are. There’s no escaping yourself. You’re reminded of this during your lunch period, when the five of you walked into the one diner in town that hasn’t been renovated since the 1950s. When you enter, the waitress greets you all by name, a name that tastes like poison on your tongue. Everyone you know was born and raised here, leaving absolutely zero room for freedom. You itch to get out of here, to turn into someone you don’t even recognize. You long to walk into a restaurant in clothes that aren’t your style, and speak in a voice that isn’t yours, and even give anyone who asks a fake name. It’s not that you hate yourself, really. You just want the choice to be whoever you want to be. Here, you’re the same old (Name), the kid whose mom walked out when they were just a toddler. That’s all anyone around here really knows you for. 
Except for them. They’re sitting around you now, happily chatting away. You grew up with them, just like you grew up with every other kid around here, but they’re different. You were never the kid without a mom to them; you were just (Name), their best friend who just so happened to have a mom.
That’s another reason you like Felix, you think. He’s never mentioned your mother. Not once in the entire 17 years you’ve known each other. He understands you better than you even understand yourself. He’s always been the most caring person you know, refusing to step over boundaries you didn’t even know existed. He always does what’s best for other people, and never expects anything in return for his kindness. 
He’s too good for you, you think. He’s all sunshine and happiness, and you’re thunderstorms and eternal dread. It sounds cheesy, you’re aware, but it’s the truth. No matter how badly you want to be with him, you know it would never work out. It doesn’t matter how often you think about holding his hand in a more than friendly way or giving him quick kisses as rewards during study sessions. The two of you just wouldn’t work out, and it would certainly put a dent in your friend group. You convinced yourself all of this many moons ago. It’s just a silly crush, you tell yourself. A silly crush that’s been going on for four years. You could never be with Felix; it would ruin everything.
It’s better this way. You get to preserve this perfect image of this perfect boy, and you never have to see what he looks like once you’ve accidentally broken all of his ribs to stomp on his heart.
Crying in the middle of the diner really wasn’t your plan on this Thursday afternoon. But you can’t help it. You took a big math test on Tuesday and got an 89% on it. Jisung scoffs when you first complain about it, whining that he would be crying tears of joy if he got an 89% in your level math class. And that is when you start to cry. Hyunjin immediately takes you into his arms, running long fingers through your hair gingerly. He rolls his eyes at the other boys as he tries to calm you down. 
Truth be told, you’re not just crying over a math test. You’re crying over everything. You would rather have had this session in your room late at night but you can’t always get what you want. Applying for university has been stressing you out so much. It’s so expensive to apply and you don’t even know if you’re going to get in? Sounds like a scam. You applied to 7 different schools, all in big cities that are your ticket to leaving this shithole forever. And that’s exciting to you, but then you lay in bed at night and realize that you’ll be thousands of miles away from the only people who have ever looked at you, a fucked up mass of cigarette burns and bruises, and decided that they love you because of it. That terrifies you. You’ve cried about it almost every night since you started your applications, and you change the subject whenever your friends notice the puffy redness surrounding your sad eyes. 
In the midst of your mini meltdown in the middle of the diner, you don’t notice Jisung ordering your favorite thing off the menu, adding a strawberry milkshake because he feels bad. He pays for you, too, before pulling you out of Hyunjin’s hold and dragging you to a booth in the corner. He sits you down, plucking a napkin from its holder to pat under your eyes. He’s mumbling sweet words and apologies through you, but you’re not listening. You’ve completely zoned out at this point. You only come to when Seungmin slides a plate of food and a glass in front of you. Hyunjin nearly coos at the widening of your eyes, a fond smile growing on his face as you gratefully sip on the milkshake. 
The rest of your lunch period is normal; filled with jokes that make your sides hurt and throwing food at one another when they say something unsavory (Jisung is a fan of yo momma jokes). You find yourself mindlessly gazing at the boys around you as they talk to each other. They really are your whole world, huh? They’ve been by your side pretty much since you could walk, and you can’t imagine getting this far without them. Tears sting the back of your eyes and your vision starts to blur. You can’t cry again, (Name), not like this. 
You shake your head, “Do you guys wanna hang out tonight?”
“Why? Do you miss us?”
“Yes, Jisung. I miss beating you at Uno and making you cry.”
“We agreed not to talk about that - !”
You all laugh, and you hear echoes of them saying that they’ll come to your house later. They’ll figure out something to do. They’re the most exciting people you know. Definitely the most exciting people in this town.
And you were definitely right. You hear a knock on your door at about one in the morning. You were in the living room, scribbling French notes in an old notebook. You open the door, coming face to face with your four best friends wearing t-shirts and swim shorts.
“Why are you wearing swim shorts?” You ask in a monotone voice. They quickly hush you, aware of your father sleeping in the next room, and they tell you to go get changed. You oblige with a huff. 
You can easily figure out where the boys are taking you. It’s a short walk, but everything in this town is a short walk. There’s only one pool in town, next to the middle/high school. It’s obviously closed now, but that’s never stopped you guys before. Felix uses the stick of one of his earrings to unlock the gate, ushering you all in. Hyunjin and Jisung waste no time peeling off their shirts and jumping right in, screeching at the feeling of cold water against skin. Seungmin rolls his eyes before following suit, choosing instead to take the stairs into the water. You and Felix are last. You glance at him out of the corner of your eye after removing your cover-up, “I bet I could push you in before you push me in.”
You see him narrow his eyes in your direction, “Bet.” And you’re immediately at each other’s throats, palms pushing against each other’s bare skin. The boys in the pool have their eyes trained on you, a mix between wanting to make sure you don’t fall and kind of hoping one of you does fall.
Felix ultimately wins your little fight. He grips your biceps, walking you backwards before practically dropping you in the water. It’s definitely cold, but not cold enough to scream over. You think it’s actually kinda nice. 
You take a deep breath as you emerge, glaring daggers at the boy still standing on the concrete. He’s cackling, and you kind of want to kill him. The next best thing you can do is grab his ankle and pull him in yourself.
The five of you splash around for a while, screaming and splashing at each other. Seungmin chases you around, grabbing at your feet to pull you under. Hyunjin, Jisung, and Felix are playing Marco Polo. Jisung is a cheater, slowly climbing out of the pool before calling out, “Polo!”
A little while later, you and Felix are sitting next to each other at the top of the stairs, your chest heaving as you pant. Your hair smells like chlorine, but it’s the first time you’ve felt true bliss since the school year started. “Let’s play Truth or Dare.” Hyunjin suggests from the deep end.
You roll your eyes, “What are you, twelve?”
“Twelve inches deep in your mo-”
But you decide to play anyway. It starts out small, with Seungmin daring Jisung to steal a candy bar from the convenience store down the street, and Hyunjin asking Felix the weirdest thing he’s ever gotten off to. Definitely not the weirdest thing to come from the five of you playing this game. 
But then, Jisung turns to you, “(Name), truth or dare?”
A wicked smile covers his thin lips, and you immediately regret speaking, “I dare you to kiss Felix.” Your face immediately turns a bright red. Fuck you, Han Jisung, your mind is screaming. You sit up a little bit straighter, observing Felix out of the corner of your eye. He doesn’t even react to Jisung’s dare; he just turns his body to face you and gives you a lazy smile.
“You know you’re gonna have to shave your head if you don’t.”
“I know that.” You mumble before leaning in, stopping a mere few centimeters before his lips. You can feel everyone’s eyes on you. You want to just disappear. Felix, always the sweetest person you’ve ever known, does the work for you, closing that centimeter gap. He’s gentle; oh, he’s so gentle. He kisses you like he’s afraid of hurting you, like you’ll evaporate if he applies any real pressure to your mouth. Suddenly, all of your veins are filled to the brim with Felix and you want more, more, more. But you can’t get more, because your other three friends are right there. And once he pulls away, you can see it in his eyes. He will only ever see you as his best friend made of paper cuts and despair.
Felix has been looking at you differently since that night. You don’t understand it at all. At first, you would ask things like, “Do I have something on my face?” and he would just shake his head and look away, leaving you more confused than before. It’s the same look every time, like you’ve grown two extra heads or a tail or something. It’s so analytical; so different than how Felix used to look at you. It makes you feel like a stranger in your own body.
“Guys…” Hyunjin whines as he pulls up to your house after school, just having finished the last day of the first semester. Midterms have kicked your ass, and you’re not really in the mood for Hyunjin’s pouting. You always get dropped off first, because your dad is hardly ever around, so sometimes you all just hang out there. “It’s our last Christmas Eve before college!” 
You glare at him from the backseat. Must he always remind you that you won’t be able to spend every day together in six months time? You push open the door, “See you guys then. 10, right?” When you get a nod from Seungmin, you shut the door before hurrying into your house, your thin jacket hardly protecting you from the December air. 
The next three days pass terribly slowly. You watch TV and scroll through TikTok and take many naps before it’s the night of Christmas Eve and you head to the park.
The five of you have done this every year. When you were little kids, you would spend the day of Christmas Eve together, running through the streets and playing games. As you got older, your hangouts got later and later until they were eventually an evening affair. Like now, it’s 9:45pm and you’re walking in between streets to get to the one park in town. It’s a small park, with a plastic playground full of primary colors, a swingset in the mulch, and an open grassy plain. 
As you approach, you see that Hyunjin and Jisung are already there. That doesn’t surprise you at all; those two are always attached at the hip. They’re chasing each other around the field, and you can hear their giggles from across the street. You wish you were more like them sometimes. Happy and in love and free. You zip up your coat and make your way to the swingset. The swings have always been your favorite. You get to kick your legs and go high in the air, nearly free. But you never go all the way. Your ice-cold hands grip at the chains tightly, afraid to just let go and fall. You’ve always been afraid to fall, haven’t you?
Seungmin and Felix are last, and they came together. They’re neighbors, after all. Only two streets away from you. Hyunjin and Jisung are one street away in the opposite direction. Seungmin joins you on the swings, but he doesn’t go as high as you do. He doesn’t really swing at all, actually; he just kinda sways, the tips of his sneakers brushing away any mulch in their way. Felix is everywhere. He runs around with the others, climbs to the top of the playground and yells nonsense, and pushes Seungmin on the swing. There’s never really a plan with the five of you. You could do nothing together and still have a good time. 
Your phone isn’t on you, so you don’t know how long it’s been before Felix calls your name. He’s halfway hidden behind the slide, one hand ushering you towards him. Confused, follow his gesture.
“What do you want? And why are we hiding back here?”
“Look, I know it’s tradition for us to not give each other any gifts, but…” He pulls a small box out from behind his back. You click your tongue disapprovingly, “Lix! I don’t have anything for you.”
“You don’t need to get me anything, (Name). Just...accepting this will be enough.” He hands you the box, and you open it slowly, afraid of its contents for some reason. You cannot stop the gasp that pushes through your lips as you look inside. There’s a small, delicate ring sitting inside the box, looking like it would fit perfectly on your pinky. 
“Felix…” You begin, but no other words come out. A hand meets your chin and ever so gently tilts your head to meet Felix’s eyes. Right now, he’s the shyest you’ve ever seen him, the tips of his ears red from the cold as his eyes still manage to sparkle in the almost dark. 
“It’s a promise ring. So, I have to promise you something, right?” He chuckles then, a deep sound that spreads warmth throughout your chest, “I know that, in a few months, we’ll probably be far away from each other. So, (Name), I want to promise you that I will always be with you. No matter how far away I am physically, I am always right with you, in your heart.”
You think his words are stupidly cheesy, but you can’t help but feel giddy at them anyway. You smile at him, taking the ring out of the box and slipping it onto your left pinky.
Felix thinks the smile you grace him with in that moment is the most genuine smile he’s ever seen on your pretty lips. So genuine, in fact, that he can’t help but to immediately kiss you. This kiss is different from the last; confident and playful as opposed to the shyness of the one before. Felix feels as though he’s finally clicked in the last piece of a puzzle and his mind can finally be at ease. He’s been wondering why he’s been feeling so weird since that night in the pool. Why he feels butterflies in his stomach whenever he looks at you. Why Seungmin insisted he was in love with you when they went to buy your Christmas present. It all makes sense now. Seungmin was right.
Felix is definitely in love with you.
Lee Felix is not your boyfriend. You are not Lee Felix’s partner. And oh, God, does it burn. Sure, the two of you have kissed a few times since that night at the playground, and every kiss makes you feel like he’s trying to steal all of the oxygen in your lungs. Like he wants to steal your very essence; the very core of who you are.
A few days ago, he came to your house to study. The two of you sat on the boring grey carpet in your living room, on opposite sides of your boring grey coffee table. History books sat in front of you, and a plate of orange slices were being borderline inhaled by the blond. Midway through reading a passage about the War of 1812, he fell asleep, leaving you to finish reading on your own. In his slumber, you heard him mumble under his breath. This doesn’t surprise you at all; Felix has always been a sleep talker. What does surprise you, however, is when you hear him mumble something akin to your name. Your breath gets caught in your throat as you lean closer to Felix, hoping to hear him say it again. And he does. Your cramped living room suddenly feels very hot. He was dreaming about you. It’s like he wants you to fall in love with him.
It’s definitely working. You’re definitely in love with Felix. Ironically, you realize this on Valentine’s Day, when you wake up and immediately check your phone, your face turning bright red at his stupid good morning text filled with emojis. It wasn’t any different than the text sent the day prior, or the month prior, or the year prior, considering that he’s been sending you texts like these almost every morning since you both got phones. But this one made you feel different, like you were just some poor lovesick kid, hearts practically shooting out of your eyes at everything you did. 
You cry about this situation to Seungmin that night, tangled up in his arms as your tears wet his pale blue sweater. He’s always treated you like a baby for reasons you don’t know. You hated it when you were younger, but now you want nothing more than for him to rock you back and forth and mumble gentle words of care. He did this a lot when the two of you were kids; he was always more mature than he needed to be. Specifically, when Jisung would push little (Name) off of the swings. Seungmin has been the glue that holds your group together since you were in elementary school. He’s staring at the wall in front of him now, trying his best not to roll his eyes at your blubbering. He loves you, he really does, but you were reading this situation all wrong.
“(Name)...” he sighs, “You’re running out of time.”
You pull out of his grasp, watery eyes showing clear confusion. He can read you like a book, so he continues, “If you want to be with Felix, you have to go for it now.” You stare down at your lap, furrowing your brow. Your mind feels scattered. There’s no way that Felix loves you back. You’re his best friend. The person who brings him oranges from the single tree in your backyard every once in a while, just because you know he likes them. The person who he walked home for 2 weeks straight in 8th grade because your dad was out of town. All you would ever be is Felix’s best friend, and you’re okay with that. It just hurts sometimes, knowing that you could never happen. He’s too good for you; too bright and too good and too perfect. You would crush him, you think. 
Seungmin huffs from across from you, “Get out of your head. He loves you.”
You scoff, “Yeah, I know. He loves me like I love you.”
“No,” Seungmin pushes himself off of the bed, hurrying over to the other side of the room. He rummages through his desk, a somehow organized clutter of pens and crumpled up sticky notes. He retrieves a small receipt, a victorious smile on his face. He hands it to you, urging you with his eyes to read it.
“This is a receipt from a jewelry store. The one in the mall in the town next store, right?” He nods, “Why do you have this?”
“It’s Felix’s. I was the one who took him to the store to buy that ring for you.” Your hand comes up to your chest, fingers wrapping themselves around the ring you wore on a thin chain around your neck.
“Hearing the things he said about you would be gross coming from any other guy in love, but I think it was worse from him. And he was talking about you! It’s like Jisung and Hyunjin all over again!” You know he’s being dramatic to lighten the mood, and it definitely works. You sniff away any remaining tears and giggle while he sits next to you once again, “Look. It’s obvious that he likes you. He thinks you’re some sort of angel.” He drapes an arm around your shoulder and pulls you into his chest, “That ring was his move. It’s your turn now.”
It’s your turn now.
When you’re walking home that night and you get a text from the one and only Felix, Seungmin’s words cross your mind. It’s a simple text, really, just him asking when you want to study together next. You tell him to just come home with you after school on Monday, and you think about Seungmin again. It’s your turn now.
But you know you won’t be able to. You know you’ll look at his bright, warm eyes filled to the brim with pure love for everyone around him, and your confident facade will crack. You’ll melt under his sunshine gaze, crumbling into nothing but lovesick ash. 
You’ll give up your turn. It’s for the best, right?
You’re going to Seattle. A shocked chuckle bubbles from your throat as the acceptance letter shakes between your fingers. Seattle. Somewhere much bigger than here. Half of your heart swells; you’re getting out. But the other half sinks.
Because Seungmin is going to Washington, D.C.
Because Hyunjin and Jisung are going to New York City.
Because Felix is going to Los Angeles. Of course he is. Lee Felix is the sun, and he could only survive in a place covered by his rays. 
It’s only 1,000 miles, you tell yourself. And you know he’s telling you, too. You can see it in the way he keeps stealing glances at you; you can practically hear him yelling, “It’s only 1,000 miles! That’s like...ten 100 mile trips!” Not like you have any idea what it feels like to be even 100 miles away from the blond. You all met up behind your house earlier, under your orange tree, to open letters together. The five of you have never felt tension like that before, when you all sat in a circle, the realization that you wouldn’t be five minutes away forever sitting in the middle. 
You feel like screaming. Your fingernail is caught between your top and bottom teeth to keep the sound inside in the backseat of Hyunjin’s car that night. Felix’s hand is wrapped around your free one, sending warmth throughout your otherwise cold body. It’s a short ride, and nobody is talking. It makes fifteen minutes maximum to get to your destination. As soon as he parks, you’re pushing against the door, desperate for air.
There is an open field on the outskirts of town, unkempt wildflowers poking out of the grass. There’s an abandoned farmhouse smack dab in the middle, once a vibrant red, now dull against the black sky full of stars. You’ve heard many rumors about that house. It was a pretty common party house in town, and almost every year, some poor girl gets pregnant after a party there. 
You have to turn on your phone’s flashlight to see once you’re in the house, nose turned up at the mess. There are empty beer bottles and trash everywhere, and your light can pick up the dust particles floating in the air. No doubt nobody has cleaned this place in years. You pick up one of the bottles, twisting it around in your hand as if it were a foreign object. Then, without warning, you throw it against the wall. Hard. The glass shatters everywhere, and you don’t even flinch as small shards cover your face and hands. The boys don’t react. They’re not paying enough attention to react.
Hyunjin, always on your side, follows your lead. He lets out a small yelp as his bottle hits the floor, and even more miniscule pieces of glass pierce your skin. In less than a minute, all of you are smashing bottles, not a word behind shared. All you can hear is the sounds of glass crashing against wood, and the occasional shaky sigh from your own lips. You thank whatever god is up there for generations of slobby high school students, for you have never felt so relieved. You’re bleeding quite a bit, but it feels good. You swipe your hand over your face, staring down at the red liquid smeared across your palm. It makes you grin. You feel sick.
Some time later, you’re all outside. It’s mid-spring, and it’s warm. The five of you are standing in a line, facing the tree line that seems miles away. You step forward, and you start to scream. Scream about how you hate this town, and how you hate every blank faced person in it. Every person who woke up one day and decided that this empty shithole was the place to live forever, to go to college and start a family and die. You hate your father. You hate your mother. How dare they be born here, spend 18 years here and decide they want to stay? Even worse, how dare they bring you into this hell when you never asked for it. You think you hate your father more. Your mother had the good sense to leave when you were a toddler. Sound rips from your throat at the thought of her packing her bags, looking her only child in the eyes and deciding to leave them behind. You could’ve been in some big city somewhere, a vibrant red or blue as opposed to the grey you feel. But then you never would have had them. 
They start to scream with you, similar cries about how miserable they are and how badly they want to be free. You scream until your throats are raw and you picture it bleeding. You’ve all started crying without noticing, the salty tears making the small cuts on your face sting. You think you like it. 
You’ve never been angrier. You don’t even know why you’re angry, and that makes it worse. You pull Felix by the front of his shirt, nearly smashing your lips together. It’s all teeth and tongue, sending shockwaves through your body. You can hardly hear the cackles and cheers of your best friends over the sound of your heartbeat. You’re not angry at Felix. You’ve never been angry at Felix. Your chest aches at the thought of leaving him before you’ve even really had him. Because Lee Felix still is not your boyfriend. And now, you know he never will be. You never really had a chance, you tell yourself. He is the sun, bright and warm. You know people need him to live. You don’t want to dim him with the grey that spills from every word you speak.
“It’s not that far,” he whispers into your lungs, but you know it is. He will forget you in a sea of new faces; you feel far too plain to be remembered. He will meet people with rainbow veins, and he will forget you and all of the greyness that surrounds you. You only kiss him harder; you will never forget his face full of stars, no matter how many people made of moon dust you meet.
This is it.
This is it, you think, watching Seungmin bite down on his lip, hard. You know he’s doing it to keep the tears from spilling. He’s standing across from the four of you, hand twisted around the handle of his suitcase. 
This is it. He’s leaving. He’s going to get on that plane and fly a million miles away, leaving a cracked foundation behind. He’s practically staring through you guys at this point. He can almost see the thoughts of fear swirling around in your minds. He promised himself he wouldn’t cry until he was safe on the plane, but he nearly cracks looking at all of you. His favorite people in the whole world, looking at him like he’s their lifeline. His heart is aching in his chest, but he clears his throat and pushes the pain away, putting on the stoic expression he used to deal with fights between the group.
“Take care of each other,” He says, his voice wavering more than he would like it to. You notice, but you can’t speak through the lump in your throat. Tears are slipping from your eyes, but you can’t be bothered to wipe them away, “I’ll see you on Christmas Eve.” And he turns, dragging his suitcase behind him as he walks. You give him about 15 seconds before your demeanor snaps. You chase after him, the other boys quickly following after you. Seungmin turns back around at the sound of rapid footsteps, a short oof coming from his chest as you collide. Your arms are squeezing around his middle, and you’re sure you’ve stained yet another one of his sweaters.
“You have to promise.” You mumble into the fabric. There are three more sets of arms encompassing you two, “Promise what?”
“Promise you’ll come back. That you’ll always come back.”
He chuckles, a stray tear dropping onto the top of your head, “I promise I’ll come back. And I promise that Felix will come back, and Hyunjin and Jisung will. And that you will.” You release your hold on him, looking up at him with bleary eyes. He gives you a smile, one that says all of the words you know he’s too shy to say out loud. 
You let him leave this time. The remaining four make their way to the wall of windows, watching his plane soar through the sky. That’s when all of your tears start to get loud, as you all collapse into each other, gripping onto fabric like it’s the last time you’ll be able to feel each other. You won’t say it out loud, but you’re terrified. You’re terrified that once you get on the plane to Seattle, things will never be the same. That you’ll get too caught up in studying and new faces to make it home. That you’ll be too busy with exams and work to even send a text to the only people who matter to you. That you’ll end up losing them.
You jolt when you feel a soft hand on your wrist. It’s Felix, turning your hand palm up to see your tattoo. He places his wrist next to yours, looking down at the skin with a watery smile. You match his grin, thinking back to when you got it done.
It was the night of your high school graduation. You were at home, having just returned from a miserable celebration dinner with your father. The two of you didn’t exactly get along, seeing as he didn’t even know you that well, and he seemed to despise the parts of you he did know. You were exhausted, and you just wanted to call Felix and fall asleep together.
What you got was better than that.
What you got was a text from Jisung that simply said, “outside.” He waved at you from the passenger seat of Hyunjin’s car, Seungmin and Felix in the backseat.
“What are we doing?”
Hyunjin gasped, “You don’t remember the promise we made in freshman year?” You stared at his reflection in the rearview mirror blankly, blinking a few times as you tried to recall what this promise was. The five of you had made too many promises; you couldn’t keep up.
Felix grabbed your hand, tracing letters into the skin with his pointer finger. He knew Hyunjin wouldn’t drive until you remembered. Your eyes fluttered shut as you focused on what he was writing.
“T...Ta....oh! Tattoo! Oh- oh?”
And he was off. The nearest tattoo parlor was in the next town over, as was any actually cool place. The five of you stumbled inside, in a fit of giggles from some stupid joke Jisung had told. You all paid and played rock, paper, scissors to decide the order. You were last.
“Fuck-” You had nearly shouted, suddenly stressed. Hyunjin laughed at you, a high pitched cackle that made you want to throttle him. Felix’s hand found yours again, with a promise of, “I’ll hold your hand the whole time, okay?” coming from his lips. 
You were able to ignore your anxiousness while watching the boys get their tattoos done. You recorded all of their reactions, from their yelps of fear to their hisses of pain. Seungmin handled it the best, gritting his teeth as he made conversation with the artist. Felix was true to his word, a tight grip on your free hand the entire time you were getting your tattoo done. It hurt more than you thought it would. You squeezed his hand tightly, trying not to show too many reactions, fully aware of the camera in your face. 
Once you were done, Hyunjin took a picture of all of your wrists in a circle, blue “5”s on each and every one. It wasn’t a very big tattoo; only about the size of a quarter. But it meant a lot to you. You would be a piece of them forever. Whenever they shook someone’s hand, or held hands with a future lover, or even wrote on a post-it, you would be there.
“What are you thinking about?” the Felix of the present whispers, his breath fanning over your ear. You snap out of your daze, tears all dried up.
“Graduation night.” You answer, looking up at him. He nods, tongue poking out slightly. You can tell by his expression that he thinks you mean later in the night, when he walked you up to your door and kissed you soft and slow, mumbling i love yous into your mouth. When he asked to be your boyfriend and said no, telling him that you had missed your chance. That if he still wanted you after college, you’d be all his, but you were too scared to have your heart broken by your best friend.
He leans forward a bit, lifting up the chain that held his ring, “After college, we’re gonna come back here and hide behind the slide again...and I’m gonna put another ring on this necklace. Okay?” Your eyes go wide as you realize the weight of his words, stuttering an okay in response. How is he so confident? Is he not afraid of losing you, of losing all of this? He just assumes that nothing is going to change. That come Christmas Eve, you’ll all come back. Seungmin will still be the glue of your group. Hyunjin and Jisung will still be stupid and in love and filled with youthful glee. You’ll still be melancholy and grey, and Felix will still be in love with you. 
Maybe he’s got the right idea. Always the optimist, always hoping for the best and seeing the best in people. Maybe things won’t be so bad. After all, they’ll always be a piece of you. When you shake someone’s hand or hold hands with a lover or write on a post-it, they’re always with you. No matter how far.
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angisam · 3 years
Challenge Zimtober
Day 17. Home
Day 1
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Here we go. the beginning of the future arc and the incredible experience that Dib had
Oko belong to @owosa and thanks for tranlated it <3
Dib awoke to the strident sound of an alarm. His ship's alarm to be precise.
Confused and with a racing heart, the first thing he did was fall out of bed in a mess of blankets as he desperately tried to get to his feet. When he managed to free himself, he went running to navigation to see what happened. The red lights and the sound of the alarm didn't help reduce his panic.
-"... Holy shit" It was the only thing he could express when he saw the dark mass with an aura of distortion around him. A wormhole was in front of him and his ship was being drawn straight into the center of it.
This was normally not a problem, many ships were designed to use those as shortcuts to travel between the universe. Too bad his ship wasn't one of those ships designed for hyperspace travel.
He knew there was no turning back, the hole was going to suck him in and the chances of the ship not disintegrating were particularly slim but he wasn't going to give up that easily, HA! of course not. He took the controls of the ship and tried to divert its course by turning the power of the thrusters to the maximum. He only managed to win just two seconds before the hole swallowed him completely.
The ship stood still, dancing through space aimlessly, slowly but surely moving away from the wormhole where it had emerged just seconds before. It had all happened too fast to even think other than that for some reason, his ship endured the journey.
Dib was too stunned to congratulate himself on a good job building the ship, so he just sat in his seat about to throw up. It was an indescribable sensation,as he got back to his senses.
We can guess that molecularly separating to rejoin was not a pleasant thing.
He sincerely thought that possibly he had some fused organ.
He approached the commands to find out where the hell he had appeared only to discover that he had run out of power. Well, all was not lost, he simply had to wait for the energy to recharge again…
Oh well, nothing to do anymore. He went back to his small room at the back of the ship and got himself into bed. He had no control over the ship until it reloaded. If he was going to die, let him do it well rested.
Upon awakening, the lights were on which meant that the ship simply reactivated itself. He didn't know what else to do but take pride in building a ship capable of withstanding hyperspace travel without even realizing it. Hah!
He once again went to navigation to locate in which coordinates he was now.
The universe would have to be laughing at him, he was in the damn Milky Way fortuitously close to the solar system, HIS solar system. He literally could have ended up anywhere in the HUGE universe and he had to end up right in the last place where he vowed not to return.
He was just about to change course when he stopped short. Perhaps he could take this opportunity to pay someone a visit. The thought of it left a bitter feeling in him for a bit and made him feel guilty to the point of simply wanting to go ahead with his plan to turn around, but his sister's words echoed in his memories and he resisted the urge. He breathed in and out strongly setting course for planet Earth.
The trip was short and he was easily able to locate the area of ​​the planet where he wanted to land. Everything was going pretty normal until he entered the exosphere and noticed that something was wrong. The atmospheric stabilizer was not responding, SHIT. Which meant that the appropriate speed had to be manually managed to penetrate the ozone layer and well the problem with that was the possibility of bouncing if it did not reach the appropriate speed or that the ship would scorch a bit if it was overshot and the option of go back was no longer available. Well, surely the ship would survive although the landing would be… well rough at best. The decision was made by putting on whatever seatbelt the pilot's seat had.
Sure enough, the landing was horrible but at least it survived the impact and he hoped the ship had suffered no more than he had in mind. Although the biggest surprise was received when he got off the ship.
Before hitting the ground, the only thing he saw was
dense vegetation, so the last thing Dib expected was an immense empty city under that vegetation. Actually that was a lie, the LAST thing he expected to find was a pack of dogs surrounding his ship.
-"....wtf" he said simply, his mind still trying to connect the loose ends. A huge black Great Dane that was almost as high as Dib approached the human and cocked his head to one side as a clear gesture for him to follow in the indicated direction. He stepped back in distrust. Several dogs approached Dib and began to direct him, some chewing on his clothes and others at him.
They pushed insistently with their heads for him to follow.
"Hey! Stop! What are you doing?! " For every step the dogs tried to take with Dib, he took another two backwards, the absurd struggle going on for a while until the Great Dane looked closely into his eyes as a warning growl escaped his throat. He raised his hands in somewhat uncomfortable surrender to have this beast so close to him. After the canine victory, the Great Dane turned around, resuming his march.
It was there that he discovered PAK.
...wait what?!
A closer look made him realize that all the dogs had a PAK. An Irken PAK.
Oh no, it couldn't be true, the earth had been invaded by the irken armada and they used dogs to dominate humans. Dogs, human’s great and only weakness!. HOW COULD THIS HAVE HAPPENED?!
WAIT. Perhaps there were other simple explanations for this, what about humans? Where were them? It was flat daylight and the street was empty…. They were slaves working in mines drawing resources! And this city was just abandoned! It must be that! If not, why were there dogs with PAKS in an empty city?.
They made him get into a vehicle, leaving the dogs behind except the Great Dane, who sat next to him. During the whole journey he did not move an ear. Dib forgot what it was like to be uncomfortable in a quiet room with someone else, even if he was with this...thing, and spent the whole way fiddling with his hands in an attempt to focus his attention on something.
The fragrant sunlight was replaced by the grim, artificial light from the tunnel they entered. They didn't know where they were taking him but he would be prepared for anything.
The car stopped and without him being able to argue much, Dib was taken out of there, being accompanied by the dog-thing to a large room where there was… By Jupiter. In front of him was an immense irken Control Brain.
His knees trembled and he fell to the ground as he slammed a fist on the ground dramatically.
DAMMIT! THEY DID. THEY CONQUERED EARTH! He was only a couple of years off the planet and they took advantage of his absence to conquer it without him knowing.
Without him noticing, several mechanical arms began to scan him and when they finished, a small holographic figure appeared in front of Dib, that due to his small dramatic act, did not immediately took notice.
"...OKO ?!" And then it all made sense. "YOU HAVE INVADED THE PLANET WITH YOUR DOGS?!"
Oko's hologram tilted her head slightly. "Invading Was Never My Duty." she answered calmly with the same monotonous tone that he remembered.
"Oh... Then why are there ghost towns ?!" There was a moment of silence in which Oko tried to understand what the human in front of her was referring to.
“I Detected A Ship With Various Irkens Elements Approaching The Planet. I Ordered The Humas To Stay On Their Home To Protect Them When I Calculated Where You Would Crash.”
“… Oh well, that also made a lot of sense”…wait a second “Why should humans even listen to you?!"
"Because It Is My Duty" The hologram sensed the growing confusion of the human and there was a movement behind her. In one of the screens of the room, several images began to appear, which left the man stunned.
Happy walking families, futuristic structures, vast plains of vegetation among much more.
"No way... it’s that...the Earth?"
“Yes, Human-Dib. I've Been Taking Care Of It For More Than 7 Centuries.”
“Wha- Wait!…. 7 centuries?! How is it possible?!, it can't be true, I-... "
“I win~"
A spark ran through his
shoulder and he quickly turned his neck towards the voice he had just heard. There she was, leaning on his shoulder, half lying in the air. Alma.
"ALMA?!" In an instant, her face full of pride and glee was replaced by sheer disbelief
Dib also began to make faces of utter disbelief as she tried to utter words that she didn’t know how to choose or could express. He looked at Oko while pointing at Alma, but she made no sign of understanding what was wrong with him. He went back to the Floating Alma and she just shrugged.
After the day he was having so far and for the sake of his sanity, he just shut up and let it go for now.
"Your Arrival Is Certainly Unexpected And Clearly Interesting. This May Be An Important Chance To Convince Your Paternal Unit To Stop Exploiting Resources Of The Planet In An Unsustainable Way.”
Was his father still alive?! Well, at this point he didn’t know why he continued to be surprised.
The talk with “Control Brain” Oko had been intense, he still had too much to assimilate, too ...he still didn't know if all this could even be real. Either way, Dib was following a dog named BFT 222750 who was taking him to his new apartment until a few days passed and Oko determined that everything was in order with him.
Great, he was going to be quarantined.
"So ... can you see me?" Alma had appeared next to Dib, moving in the air in time with him. There was also that.
"Are you real?" he asked.
"I think so, are you?” Dib pinched his nose with his fingers and sighed.
"I don't know, I'm still trying to get out of the shock of all this to think about it...” Dib looked at the specter of his friend. She looked just how he remembered her.
"You are dead?”
"Did you expect me to be alive after more than 700 years?" He could hear a slight laugh coming from the ghost and for a second, the stress of the whole crazy day was gone.
"Welcome home, Dib"
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junk-jester · 4 years
The Sigmatrix
I’m feeling a bit creatively drained at the moment, so, taking inspiration from this post by @jennifer-10nyson​, here’s my own version of the Omnitrix.
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My name is AJ. My Omnitrix, locally known as the Sigmatrix, was created by my universe’s Azmuth, similar to Ben Prime. When I was 9 years old, I lived out deep within the Rocky Mountains of Canada, where my father operated at a local military base. Out of nowhere, one fateful day, a gunner at the base had shot down a passing by UFO, and it crashed right in my home’s front lawn! My father and I went to investigate, and an injured Azmuth exited the vehicle, his life in serious peril. My father and I attended to his wounds and helped repair his ship over the course of the next several weeks, no doubt thanks to some strange technology he had onboard. When all was said and done, and as thanks for helping repair his ship and heal his wounds, he bestowed upon the both of us a small, red box. I opened it and a gold and brown watch that felt like smooth felt jumped up onto my wrist! Now, by using this strange device that I still don’t know all that much about, I can transform into a number of different alien species from across the Multiverse and protect those who cannot protect themselves! Those who are wicked by choice, beware!
Main Function
The primary use of the Sigmatrix is to hold the genetic code of a variety of different alien life forms from thousands of different planets, galaxies and beyond, with most being from the Milky Way. However, I only started out with seven! Those seven being the following:
Meltdown (Mustarite)
Beatbox (Hyper-Evolved Sonorosian)
Huntdown (Yautja)
Hardware (Galvanic Mechamorph)
Airborne (Lepidosaurian)
Hexagon (Vreedle)
Overcharge (Conductoid)
Other functions
Master Control: While I currently don’t have it unlocked, the Master Control would allow me to transform into any alien with just a thought and allow me to remain alien for as long as I desire.
DNA Modifying: The Sigmatrix is capable of modifying the DNA of any selected transformation (as well as myself) to a limited degree in order to repair wounds, expand muscles to make my aliens (or myself) stronger, and more. 
Quick Change: While in alien form, I can choose to switch to a different alien without reverting back to human before hand. However, this does drain the “battery” faster.
Life Lock: If I so choose, I can remain in a specific alien form for an extended period of time without timing out. However, the longer I remain in said form, the longer it takes for the Sigmatrix to recharge once I revert back to human form.
Artificial Intelligence: The Sigmatrix is home to an A.I. Program known as Sigma, who manages a majority of the Sigmatrix’s other functions and acts as a moral conscience, giving me advice when in times of need. Sometimes, she even goes so far as to act like the mom I never had growing up...
Universal Translator: The Sigmatrix is able to translate any language within the galaxy to English in both a speech and text format, with the exception of Xa’tese, the native tongue of the Yautja species. I end up circumventing this by just transforming into Huntdown, anyway.
2-Way Communicator: The Sigmatrix can connect to any wireless communication device (be it a Plumber’s badge, cell phone, or computer) and communicate through said device. This basically allows the Sigmatrix to gain access to the Internet whenever I need it!
Voice Command: The Sigmatrix can act and engage or disengage any of the other features mentioned here according to various verbal commands given to it, with the exception of Master Control. Only Azmuth can access that one.
Anti-Removal Failsafe: The Sigmatrix is bonded to my DNA on a genetic level, meaning it is extremely difficult to remove and downright painful if done so by force. Any attempt to force the device off my wrist will result in an omnidirectional energy pulse that can knock away people with enough force to turn a brick wall into dust! Thank god this thing’s water-proof...
Anti-Death Failsafe: If I was placed in a position that would result in my death, the Sigmatrix will quickly cycle through my available aliens and attempt to transform me into something that will protect me from whatever threat I’m dealing with. However, if no aliens are available, it will forcefully unlock a brand new alien instead! This is how I managed to unlock my most powerful alien, a Celestialsapien named Prometheus. This is an imperfect failsafe, however, as it only works while I’m in human form.
Sigmatrix Modes
Orange-- Active
This mode means that all systems are operating normally and I’m ready to transform. It also allows me to activate and use the other functions mentioned above.
Glitched Purple-- Hacked
This one means that the Sigmatrix has been hacked and is under someone else’s control. To reverse this and get thins back to normal, I gotta hard-reboot it.
Brown-- Selection
This isn’t really a mode, but I figured I’d include it anyway. This one shows up when I’m getting ready to transform into a particular alien. For example, Overcharge.
Dark Red-- Time Out/Recharge
The roughly 17~ minute time limit for a transformation is up and I gotta wait out a recharge time, which is usually only about three minutes. This mode also engages if I manually revert back to normal.
Pink with Spots-- Mind Control
I’m being hypnotized and Sigma’s currently in the process of trying to shake me free. 
Teal-- T.S.T. (Trix Space Travel)
This one is... a bit on the strange side. From what I can tell, inside the Sigmatrix is this sort of simulated alternate dimension called the Trix Space, where all my aliens hang out and live life like normal people, patiently awaiting the next time I transform. They got all the normal needs, like entertainment, food, drinks and even their own form of government. Subsequently, this mode allows me to kinda-sorta project my consciousness into the Trix Space and interact with my aliens. When I’m inside, the Sigmatrix creates a barrier around my physical body that’s completely indestructible, just so no one tries to hurt me while I’m not home.
Grey and Red-- Self-Destruct
For this mode, the Sigmatrix recognizes that it’s been compromised and will destroy itself in order to prevent its technology from falling into the wrong hands, such as Vilgax or Malware. The detonation sequence can also be charged for various periods of time to either increase or decrease the blast radius and level of destruction, from only a few feet to almost the entire Universe!
Yellow w/ Question Mark-- Encyclopedia
Oh, I love this one! This mode acts like a hand-dandy guide to all things alien, such as culture, fashion, language and more, as I can’t really access the Internet when I’m not on Earth. I can always find just what I need through this one!
Yellow w/ Exclamation Point-- Message
This one is basically the Sigmatrix’s own form of texting. Lets me get in touch with friends real quick from just about anywhere, no matter how far away I am!
Dark Grey w/ Moon & Star-- Sleep Mode
What this one does is exactly what it says on the tin. Nap time!
Two shades of Grey w/ Clock-- Disguise
Also self-explanatory. This mode alters the Sigmatrix’s outer-shell to disguise it as just another ordinary wrist watch, just so people don’t get weired out. I can still transform like normal, though.
Green, Purple, Blue, Red and Orange-- Multiverse Communicator
This is basically the Message Mode, but way better! It allows me to get in touch with other Omnitrix Users from across the Multiverse, on the off chance I may need help in a fight or we just wanna hang out. Benzarro never returns my calls...
Black-- Shut Down
The whole thing is shut off and can’t be used until it’s turned back on. Perfect for getting under the hood and fixing the advanced tech when something goes wrong. Funny enough, I’ve managed to engage this mode while transformed into an alien before, and while I thought something terrible might’ve happened, nothing of the sort did. Score for me!
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nikolapavlica · 4 years
What code I’ve contributed towards other projects since beginning of my IBDP
Name of activity: FOSS project code contributions (so far)
Date(s) of activity:
2019: December: 30, 31
2020: January: 6, 8 March: 21, 29, 30 April: 8, 30 June: 19 August: 17 September: 3, 20 October: 4 December: 10, 13, 14, 20
2021: January: 11
Approximate # of hours: 11 hours and 45 minutes
This activity is: Creativity, Service
Learning outcomes: Strength & growth Challenge & skills Initiative & planning Work collaboratively with others Showing perseverance and commitment Global engagement Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions
This list includes only code that I’ve directly contributed to other projects, be it because I wanted it to be there or because I’ve been frustrated with something like a bug or lack of a feature.
The list of said contributions, divided per project:
Kanshi (https://github.com/emersion/kanshi) - A utility used that sets up displays as described per config file (used mainly in SwayWM and alike sessions)
Since video games often tend to break due to kanshi, I wanted to add a feature where one could load different config files by specifying it in the command line. However the dev found a better way to fix said issue (using include directives), which is why he rejected my request (https://github.com/emersion/kanshi/pull/74) - About 30 minutes was spent on this one
Kitty (https://github.com/kovidgoyal/kitty) - A GPU accelerated terminal emulator for Windows/macOS and Linux
Some guy I knew was having trouble running this terminal on his machine, and since I immediately recognized the problem, I offered a solution which I used in my own project (XAVA) - 15 minutes - https://github.com/kovidgoyal/kitty/issues/3154
Xst (https://github.com/gnotclub/xst) - An unimaginably lightweight terminal for systems with Xorg/X11
https://github.com/gnotclub/xst/issues/114 - Basically when resizing a font within the terminal it reset to default, which basically broke my use-case. It took an hour to detect from where the issue stemmed.
https://github.com/gnotclub/xst/pull/116 - When setting a custom “scroll rate” it broke some code down the line, causing over-scrolling issues - this also took an hour to find and fix
QEMU (https://www.qemu.org/) - A piece of software that either emulates or visualizes a virtual system (or computer, in layman’s terms)
A whole series of back and fourth communications trying to achieve the goal of having custom refresh rates on systems with GPU acceleration (Can be found here: https://www.mail-archive.com/search?q=Nikola+Pavlica&l=qemu-devel%40nongnu.org). This was especially difficult since the project had a release schedule you had to meet and building QEMU took for ‘effin ever. Not gonna lie, this was too much code to process since the project is so huge. Approximately 8 or more hours spent on this alone. Not to mention having to wait a year and still not having the darn issue fixed. For an detailed explanation I recommend looking at this: https://www.mail-archive.com/[email protected]/msg670335.html
AUR (ArchLinux User Repository) - https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/?SeB=m&K=nik123true - On ArchLinux (and alike) programs are installed using packages, which are files that you install on your Linux PC in order to get a certain program running. Just like regular installers on Windows although a bit more abstract. On my AUR account, linked above, I maintain a series of packages making it easy for other people to download said packages/programs and to save them the hassle of installing those programs manually (be it through compiling or otherwise)
discordlogin-git (https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/discordlogin-git/) - Basically a program that emulates a normal discord web login so that 3rd party clients can obtain a login session key (a unique password required for discord to work)
Creating it took me an hour
15 minutes to add and test the missing webkit2-git dependency
gtkcord3 (https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/gtkcord3/) - Basically a discord client written in Go using the GTK UI libraries
Creating it took me an hour
The whole libhandy0 debacle costed me an additional 30 minutes
Resolving the ``-git`` conflict with the other packages - an additional 15 minutes
gimp-plugin-deskew-git (https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/gimp-plugin-deskew-git/) - A plugin for the popular image manipulation program GIMP. What this plugin did was when you had multiple images in a single image, such as a digital photo scan using your own scanner, it separated them and saved the accordingly. This is extremely useful when you have thousands upon thousands of family photos back up from their physical to an digital format.
Since somebody already took the hassle of creating this package, my job was to fix it and renew it for newer Arch-based systems. That job took me about an hour.
Written above per project.
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jse-egopocalypse · 5 years
2016 Egopocalypse Detailed Timeline
now that you got the gist of the egos, we’ll get to the 2016 egopocalypse (from FNAF sister location to Say Goodbye)
so again, i’m putting every video (with time stamps and links to the said video) on this post and some pictures and screenshots that are important and from varies of social media.
(video playlist for this entire timeline is at the end)
Click keep reading to view
1st video: THE START OF THE NIGHTMARE | Five Nights At Freddy's Sister Location #1
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timestamp: 4:28
this is the first video anti appeared in. it was for a few minutes until he showed himself in the video.
more anti apperances timestamps:
8:20, 15:29, 20:19, 26:25
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he also said his first line: “Get the fuck back there or i’ll fuck you back there”
33:23, 34:10, 35:29, 36:52, 39:27
and then the outro music was very distorted.
in the description though, there was a weird zalgo text.
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“You’ve waited a long time Now I wake”
2nd video: THEY HAVE AWOKEN... | Five Nights At Freddy's Sister Location #2
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timestamp: 0:01
the first second of the video and anti already wants to pop in to say hi.
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timestamp: 1:19
there’s a very subtle face behind jack.
more anti apperances timestamps:
4:00, 9:09, 9:13, 9:20, 12:55, 16:27, 17:09, 17:12, 18:08, 19:01
then the outro music is still distorted
and another zalgo text was in the description
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“Follow the signs release me”
3rd video: SOMETHING INSIDE | Five Nights At Freddy's Sister Location #3
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timestamp: 0:02
2 seconds in and anti’s already showing up.
more anti apperances timestamps:
1:13, 2:35, 5:27, 5:31, 8:22, 8:25
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anti either said: “I am near” or “I am here”
10:43, 10:46, 14:31, 14:42, 17:27
and yet again, the music is more distorted.
there are more zalgo texts and it looks like it’s getting out of hand
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“I see you understand now keep watching https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dfgFNd6D408″
and you see that link right there?
4th video: Sͮ̏̿ͯ̈͐̈́̚̚͏͖͔͞ǫ̆͋͂̈ͯ̂̉҉͕̪͈͎̙o͊҉̛̜͔͚͓͔͈̗͠n̾́͂̾ͦ̓ͥ͏̪̖
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it’s just this with creepy noises and MORE zalgo texts:
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“Very good you may be worthy”
and then anti put up a comment:
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“I’m glad I have your attention now”
5th video:  The Temple Of No!
the first 10 mins was very chill and fun until...
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timestamp: 11:12
and sean looked into the camera and said: “we all know about anti don’t we?” and the facecam glitches.
in 20:37, there was no glitches but he did say “god, there was a weird sound...ticking in my ear. I thought it was in my room...now im weirded out.”
6th video:  PLEASE DON'T KILL ME | Hello Neighbor #2
just almost 10 mins in the video, he showed up randomly.
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timestamp: 9:45
and then the game crashed twice.
7th video: MERGED TOGETHER | Five Nights At Freddy's Sister Location #4
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timestamp: 0:00
and not even a second, anti already glitched the facecam.
more anti appearances:
1:18, 2:40, 3:15, 5:14
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timestamp: 7:30
and he said: “I’m near”
10:05, 10:12, 10:24, 20:11, 22:00
and then the outro...again. was more distorted than the last one.
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after the outro, he said: “oh, i don’t feel so good”
the facecam slightly glitched and...
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he just appeared in full screen in a few frames.
and the description still has the zalgo texts
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“We are together as one now in Five Nights At Freddy’s Sister Location”
“It’s almost time I grow stronger”
8th video:  CHOOSE YOUR OWN GOAL | ClusterTruck #16
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timestamp: 12:41
anti appeared when sean said “thank you to everyone who made a level for me or in commemoration of me...commemoration sounds like im dead”
9th video: GRANNY DAB | Stuntfest #1
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timestamp: 8:34
sean said: “im out, im free, im d e a d”, anti appeared.
10th video: SWIMMING IN POOP | Pipejob (HTC Vive Virtual Reality)
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timestamp: 12:17
“hi there, my name’s jack” and he glitches then smiled.
11th video:  ROBOT WARS | Manual Samuel #3
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timestamp: 21:33
the orphange house in the game got blown out and you could hear laughter as he glitched.
12th video: ALONE AND AFRAID | Layers Of Fear - Part 1
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timestamp: 20:30
there was a bit of a glitch...
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timestamp: 20:33
“i don’t like the double face thing”
and there’s anti
more anti appearances:
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timestamp: 22:08
the facecam glitched as the rat ran into the fire. anti laughed and sean said: “what the hell was that weird sound?”
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there’s something in the description though
it says: “it’s time to say goodbye”
13th video: SORE FROM LAUGHING | Stuntfest #2
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timestamp: 2:19
anti showed up as sean coughed and asked: “the hell was that?”
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timestamp: 5:00
as anti glitched, sean said: “ah my eye is twitching.”
14th video: BULLETPROOF CHEST | Mr. President #3
anti appearances:
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timestamp: 11:15
the WHOLE game glitched out including the face cam whilst anti was chuckling
after the outro music
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timestamp: 15:50
he appeared with that iconic grin as sean said: “i like how it gives you smooth jazz in the background, so you don’t wanna kill yourself anymore.”
15th video: SCARIER THAN IT LOOKS | The Cubicle (HTC Vive Virtual Reality)
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timestamp: 1:40
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timestamp: 3:47
anti appeared in a single frame...
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timestamp: 3:49
and then anti turned around to look at sean
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timestamp: 7:26
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timestamp: 7:27
after sean said:“what just happened to me?” anti sang: “one...two, anti’s coming for you, and he’s dead” and then the facecam disappeared
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timestamp: 7:32
again, anti appeared just for a split second and disappeared.
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timestamp: 9:16
and then, he just faced us and said: “i have come” and jack just said: “i could have sworn i just heard something.”
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there’s another zalgo texts that says: “tomorrow ends him”
16th video: THE SIGNS ARE THERE | Layers Of Fear - Part 2
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timestamp: 4:39
more anti apperances:
7:51, 7:55, 10:21
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timestamp: 13:03
anti winked at us
20:12, 26:03
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another zalgo text in the description that says: “it’s almost time”
17th video: S̺͍͉͔͉̞̪Ḁ̸̰̮͝Y̶̪ ̳͇̭͍̥̭͉ͅG̕҉̡̦̲O̤̫͖͎̗͜͞ͅÒ̴̬̠̺̪̥͉̳͉̥͝D̨̺̦̯͙͙͔̯͚͠B̸̬̻̝͉͍̻̀͝Y҉̫̝̖̹̝̠͠E̲̩͟͝ͅ
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timestamp: 2:19
sean heard a weird sound, stood up and said “the fuck was that?” and strated to slightly glitch.
he opened the door to his far left and said: “hello?”
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and then he appeared...
more anti apperances:
2:32, 3:18, 3:41
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timestamp: 4:22
sean said: “this smell isn’t making me feel well” and he got a nosebleed.
4:32, 5:32, 6:35
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timestamp: 8:07
“it’s time...to die!”
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timestamp: 8:28
he got quiet and listened to the thud sounds he heard. stood up and said: “i swear to god, i’m hearing something. that is fucking freaking me out.”
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timestamp: 8:43
he appeared again but with black eyes.
and then proceeded on saying: “maybe it’s just the neighbors i’m hearing. sounds like something’s walking around or something like stomping or banging, christ. maybe i’m just paranoid ‘cause it’s halloween” 
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timestamp: 9:09
the video slightly glitched when sean said: “but if you wanna make him look like he’s rotten or decayed”
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timestamp: 9:49
the video slightly glitched again before anti’s shadow appeared
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timestamp: 9:50
and then sean glitched
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timestamp: 9:51
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timestamp: 10:36
before sean finishes his sentence, anti cuts him off and took over him.
- tw: blood and gore -
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timestamp: 10:47
anti slits sean’s throat and killed him.
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timestamp: 11:03
and now, anti has fully taken over sean...with a voice saying “help me”
and then he proceeds with his monologue that we have to say goodbye to sean.
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in the description though, it says: “You wanted me.....well here I am”
- E N D -
moving on to the other social media, before the ‘say goodbye’ video, anti has been taking over sean’s instagram and twitter.
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i know he also took over his tumblr but it has the same vibes as his twitter. (bloody icon and zalgo bio)
and that ladies and gents, is how he died and now he’s in a coma.
coma? i’ll tackle more about that during the 2018 egopocalypse post soon!
HERE’S THE PLAYLIST TO THIS POST: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5wG46uK8MEOkOZFY4k9x9tSGECzF9l8z
i hope this is helpful to anyone who didn’t get to experience this or just forgot about what happened during that time of year.
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stone-man-warrior · 4 years
June 17, 2020: 3:24 pm:
Neighborhood Assessment: It’s quiet outside. The Sun is out today, it’s a beautiful day, a slight breeze brings cool air. There are peacocks at Sunflower terror cell making the required announcement to the neighboring terror cells that I stepped outside, and was within view of the people who control the peacocks. Think of the peacocks, and the sound they make, as bullhorn being used to make sure everyone can hear what has been said. That is how the peacocks are used at the Sunflower terror cell on Russell Road. There were some strange bird calls today, and last night. Today the strange bird calls were like the ones a crow makes, but not exactly. The new bird call today came from behind the 520 address in the woods. That other new bird call was shrill sort of repeating sound, fast chirping, and that came from the direction of the Strong terror cell and from behind the Monroe terror cell, yesterday. Yesterday at dusk, the neighborhood began to show signs of aggressive behavior. The sound of trucks, motorcycles, quads, and other sounds of revving engines, all coming from a direction that included the part of Jackpine that includes where my house is on the street, and towards Freeberg’s, and Dietricks terror cells. It was a reminder of the way things have been in the past, roaring engines of all kinds used as terror tools, for communication, and noise cover. I am still very sore from the arrest on Monday. I can still feel the place on my back where the officers knee struck me repeatedly, and on my neck where I was hit, and pressure applied there at my left side of my neck and shoulder. I am concerned about my knee, it took many years for that to heal from old wounds, and other people keep targeting that knee, over and over, and over again, such that the wound is never going to heal. Terror bastards like to use hyper extension when they want to hurt someone, and that is what is going on with that injury. Repetitive hyper-extensions over course of many years has been applied to my knees.
There are no doctors available in Oregon anymore. The medical services are all terror controlled, only serve the needs of the terror army, and SAG members. They get the best medical treatment available, while the US Citizens are Victimized, tortured, farmed of assets, killed, and then replaced with impostor look-a-likes who assume the identities of the murdered US Citizen Victims. The impostors vote the way they are instructed to vote, on both sides of the voting ballot, for SAG shill candidates who are cast onto the ballots, by SAG leadership. I am going to be sore for a while, a doctor cannot change that anyway. A doctor could make me feel more comfortable, but not completely pain free. SAG likes it when US Citizens are sent to a doctor, especially when the patient is insured with Medicare, and has Part-D. That kind of patient, helps to keep SAG members very comfortable, all of the time. Think of Ironside, meets Marcus Wellby, MD, to understand, then switch to McGiver, for ingenuity. Get yourself a shoe-horn, and think some more. ==============================
I’ll explain about how what to expect at the Jo-Co jail if you happen to be sent there. It was not as bad of an experience, as it could have been. It could have been much worse, there might be a message in that idea, so, I’ll just say what it looks like in there, and how the booking procedure is done. When you arrive in the sheriff car, there is a gate, the officer says what is going on, and why he or she is there. “Co-Operative Male in Custody”, the answer was a repeat of what was said, and then acknowledgement. The car is driven into a garage, and the garage door closes behind the car. There is doors there, that lead into the booking area. Once inside, a search is done there, the officers ask some health questions, so they don’t get AIDS or a virus. Any jewelry, and other accessories, are bagged right there at the search area. Then, into another room where there is a toilet, and a shower, a bench, sink, and coat-rack on the wall. The shower does not work. Maybe the deputy has to turn that on at a master control. The room is about 12 by eight feet. There, you remove your clothing, and are given some jail clothes to wear. The intake officer has a visual search through a window opening in the wall, a property receipt is signed there at the window, detailed, items listed. Some more health questions are asked, this time it’s more about medical history. The door opens, and it’s off to the booking area, a bigger area. From the time the car pulled into the garage, to the time the jail clothes are put on, is about thirty to forty-five minutes. It was done expeditiously, did not take all day. Then, into “Holding” area. There are a number of small cells, I was put into room number one, about a 16 by 20 feet room. Everything is super heavy duty and indestructible in there. The whole jail, is super heavy duty, nothing is ever going to need repair inside of the jail. Steel, concrete, block, and stainless steel, is what the place is made of. In Holding Room One, there were Two other unfortunate men. The room is suitable for three men, to lay down, if one uses the floor. Others could also fit, and lay down on concrete, while waiting for the remainder of the booking process to happen. I was asked if I wanted some food, and/or a blanket. I took the food, not knowing how long I might be there. I declined the blanket, but one was handed to me through a hole in the door that is made for passing blankets and food through. I was asked to fill out four different forms of information, everything there is to know about ID, body markings, some more health questions, and very detailed financial information was asked on the forms. Marital Status questions were repeated on each form, and some family and emergency contact information was asked for on the forms. I was asked to come out of the Holding room three times. Once to sign the forms and swear to the accuracy. Once to have a photo taken, and I asked that the intake officer also take a photo of some scarring that I have, in anticipation of further arrests in the future, and making sure that the ones who make the arrest are knowledgeable of areas vulnerability. And one more time I was asked to leave the room for fingerprinting, which is done electronically, with a computer scanning machine, at the initial intake area, where the jewelry was taken, and initial search was done after coming out of the sheriff car in the garage. At about 4:30 pm, I was inside my house reading and writing, at 9:00 pm, I was having my fingerprints taken at the Sheriff’s office, County Jail. I asked for a phone call three times. My question was heard, and I was told there would be a time for a call. That last time I asked, was during the fingerprinting, it was just after 9:00 pm. The printing officer told me what my bail was, and explained that the banks are all closed, and the phones close at 9:00 pm anyway, so, maybe tomorrow a phone call can happen, but I was also told that I was going to be going to court the next day, so, phone call won’t help. I explained that I have animals to care for, and no one knows that I was there, that I wanted to at least tell someone where I am. I was told that I cannot tell someone where I am on a jail phone call, you can only talk about bail, on a jail phone call. My pinky finger on my left hand, refused to scan for a print. Many scans were made, but it just would not scan. There was a manual override on the software to make the machine accept the scan as it was taken. Back into holding cell one, I went.
(The sound of big trucks outside tells me that Centurylink internet service has decided that what I am writing about right now, requires that Pacific Power send Dietrick are to make a lot of scary truck sounds around my home. It’s a staple of terror, to use what they have available, to do the terror, and they have a lot of big noisy trucks to teach the citizens with, over time. Big noisy trucks are driven by young strong construction crews and road builders are on board also. That is what the message is.) I think I will stop for writing for now. end terror report: 4:52 pm.
(I am doing something I never do, I used the edit feature here on Tumblr to continue saying about the booking process at Jo-Co County Jail. Begin again: 5:34 pm.)
The intake finger print officer took me back to holding cell one, a different way than the way we had gone to the finger print machine. We went through a hallway, and into a large, dark, and cold place, another room that was very similar to the booking area, which consists of a centralized service desk, with counter tops all around on three sides. So this other room, was a duplicate of that centered service counter booking area, darker, and noticeably cold. We went out of there, down another hallway, and into holding room one. My guess is there is the holding area for newly arriving people who have been arrested, and, this other cold, dark place, also with some holding rooms, that serves the actual main jail inmates in some way.
So, I was in holding room one with those two other men, no one spoke to one another. The two other men, looked like they were dead for the first half hour I was in there filling out the forms, I had to check to see if they were breathing. Finally, they both moved a bit. Each one was laying and completely covered with the blanket that is offered in there. Each of them was called out of holding room one, twice while I was there, and then returned. After a short time after finger printing, I was called to be “housed”. A body scan is taken at that time, electronically, with a large machine. It has a conveyor belt on it and some hand rails. You stand there, and the machine moves you through there, on the conveyor belt. Instructions are given to stand a particular way. At that point, it would be very easy to do the wrong thing. I felt that it was very important that I do exactly as instructed, listen carefully, and not be distracted by actions of others nearby, at any time while in the jail. Words are more important then visual movements, while in jail. The body scanner machine is big, made of stainless steel, with a conveyor, it has a computer attached to it on the service counter side where the officers are at. I suppose it’s like the machines at airports for looking at luggage, but that one, looks inside of people. I was asked if I had a implant of some kind in my right kidney area. Another officer was asked to look at the scan, and she could see no implant, while the other officer said he had seen something in my kidney area. We got past that part, I was frisked against a US American Flag poster, made of paper. I was given a cup, something in a tube, may have been toothpast, but was clear, like shampoo. I did not look at it closely. There was spoon, a pen, some bar soap, and paper with my booking number on it and some other information, that paper somehow is not in the things I came home with, it was either lost, taken from where I put it while Housed in jail, or, was taken at the time of release by an officer. There was a small ticket sort of paper in the cup, has information necessary to “Create a Turnkey Account” at the jail. And, a roll of toilet paper was given to me. A giant size Sheriff deputy, not a jailer, passed by me at that time, and asked “How are you doing?”. I was given a bed roll. Off we went, down a hall with a lot of doors along the hallway. My guess, is those are holding rooms for one person from the main jail if they cause problems. We passed by those, then, I was given a mat to sleep on. It was more stuff than I could carry, but I managed, and we got to the jail main housing, the jailer said “Places”, then the door opened, I went in, and the door closed behind me. I had been given a bunk number. There were men seated at some tables watching a television. In unison, there was a lot of “Que pasa?”, “Howzit going”, “Hellooooo”.... I replied, “Greetings all, I’ve been better, thanks for asking”. I went to my bunk. Three others helped me find it, and they also showed me how the sheet is supposed to fit onto the mattress pad. It was like trying to cram ten pounds of stuff, into a five pound bag, it didn’t work very well, and took three jailed men, and a new guy, to  get the mattress, into the sheet. It’s like a sock, fits on the mattress pad like a sock. All was good. The people were not mean, not too nice, it was ok.
A guard came through the jail a number of times during the night. I spent my time quietly. The mattress pads are not very thick, and the bunks are made with heavy steel. There was no sleeping for me, it was very uncomfortable, and I was too sore to sleep on that. There is an upper, and a lower bunk, I saw only one person sleeping on an upper bunk. There was at least one lower bunk with no one on it, and the place was pretty much filled up with people sleeping on the lower bunks. There was only one person that I could see sleeping on the upper part of the jail housing area. I estimate there were 33 men in jail while I was there. No one else came into the jail while I was there. Next day, I had a look around. There is an upper sleeping area, and a lower one. The lower one has thirty-two bunks. I don’t know how any are upstairs. There is a shower area, has curtains, somewhat private. There is a restroom area. All is made heavy duty and unbreakable.
There are some phones on the wall that require an account with that “Turnkey” account number I was given. There is a computer on the wall that works like “Jail eMail”, messages can be sent and received there. I was told you can request medical services with it, and talk to a jailer with it, see your court scheduling and some other similar kinds of basic communication can be done on the Jail Email. There is another electronic gizmo on the wall also, no one touched that one, but the message machine was something that I saw being used. I did not see anyone using the phones. There are some books on a book cart, not many. Seven large stainless steel picnic tables are solidly bolted to the ground. There are no windows in jail. There are some skylights, with bars over them, the ceiling is about thirty feet high. The jail is about one-hundred by seventy-five feet inside the main jail where the people are kept. There are some acoustic panels on the walls to help with the echo, reverberation, quality of the sound that can be heard in the room. Even with the acoustic panels, when information is spoken over the intercom, such as a call for a particular person to come to the front door service area, the sound quality of the room itself prevents what can be heard. The people in there, have become very attentive to announcements made by intercom. The jailers do not repeat what they say, it is said only one time. It turns out that all of those items that were given to me, the cup, spoon, toilet paper and such, are very important while in jail. Breakfast came in the morning, cereal cornflakes and some corn bread, watery milk, and some honey.
The breakfast treys are made very thick, and are hollow. They are more than one inch in thickness. It looks like a whole stack of treys, but is only one, hollow, trey. The jail was clean. It’s well built, never going to fall down, ever. There is a lot that could be said about the people in the jail. This is not the place to say any of that. At no time, did I feel threatened by anyone in the jail main housing area. No one touched me while I was in jail. I spoke to others for a total of about two minutes while I was in jail. The people in the jail were of mixed race, Latino, and white. There were no people of other heritage that I could see. My recommendation for being at jail, is to do as you are told to do, listen carefully, follow instructions. Don’t make eye contact, don’t make hand or other signaling, only speak if someone else speaks to you first, and then, be courteous, without being overly friendly, or overly rude. End terror report: 6:55 pm.
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andersd1 · 4 years
Life Saver Chapter 1
This story contains explicit language and sexual situations. Do not proceed if you are offended by such Content.
Daan took a quick look at himself in the mirror by the door. He didn’t need to be concerned about his hair as he kept it in a crop cut, no need for brushes, combs or gel. Taking a deep breath Daan breathed out and said, “Let’s do it”! Daan had accepted a job with the BSAA at their new compound. Daan was the new HR Liaison between HR and the military personnel. He would be helping connect personnel with benefits, resources, counseling and help with other issues. Even though Daan was not military, the BSAA would hire civilians for positions like this. Daan had a Master’s degree in Social Work and had taught Social Work for over ten years. It would be exciting to work with his friend and former student Samantha Nicks. Samantha had been one of his top students and the two became very fast friends.
  He had a meeting with Melanie Burden, the head of HR and also Daan’s friend. Daan had worked with Melanie at an agency before he started teaching. As Daan pulled up to the gate, he waited for the military guard to approach his car. “May I help you sir?” asked the guard. “Daan Anderson to see Melanie Burden in HR”. The guard asked for Daan’s ID and returned to the guard shack and made a call. A moment later the guard returned to the side of Daan’s car and returned his ID. “Follow this road to Quadrant A building and park in the green spaces”, the guard informed him. Daan smiled and proceeded down the road, “Quadrant A building” Daan repeated to himself. As Daan continued down the road he could see a structure coming into view, yet still far off.
  Daan did not know how enormous the structure was until he began to get even closer. “Jesus”, Daan said to himself. “This place is gigantic…shit”. Daan began to feels nervous, how would he ever find his way around in this place. Daan could see military personnel running in the fields and practicing what looked like combat routines. Daan seen a sign with an arrow pointing QUADRANT A BUILDING, so he followed the arrow to the left. Daan parked his car (making sure he was in a green space) and approached the door. Once through the door Daan was met by a soldier sitting at a desk. “May I help you sir”, the soldier asked. “Daan Anderson to see Melanie Burden in HR, I’m a new hire”. The soldier did not seem to interested and directed Daan to place his bag on the scanner belt, place his keys, wallet and phone into a small plastic container.
 He then directed him to step through the metal detector. Daan passed through without setting off the machine and collected his items and bag. The soldier standing in front of him handed him a temporary badge and instructed Daan to follow the hallway down to Office A-17. Daan gave a polite smile and proceeded down the huge hallway. The office doors were odd numbered on the left and even numbered on the right. A-13, A-15, Ahh, A-17. Daan opened the door and was greeted by the smiling face of Samantha Nicks. The two squealed like teenagers and immediately hugged. “OH MY GOD, I can’t believe we are going to be working together, I’m so excited that you are here”, stated Samantha. It was really good to see Samantha again, they haven’t been able to spend that much time together lately due to different work schedules.
 Daan and Samantha had met for lunch a few weeks ago and that’s when she told Daan about the new Job she had taken. “I just got hired at the BSAA to work in the HR department and there is another opening for a HR Liaison, Oh my god, you should totally apply”, stated Samantha. “What the hell is the BSAA”, asked Daan. “Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance”, stated Samantha. “And you work there, isn’t it a little… un-nerving” stated Daan. “Nah, we don’t deal with any of that stuff just HR related things”, said Samantha. “Besides, watching all those hot military guys running around, and carrying those big guns…mmm, mmm”, joked Samantha. “Maybe I should look into it”, stated Daan. Daan did look into it and applied, he was not sure if he would actually get the position, but he definitely needed a change.
 Daan loved teaching, and being on the advisory board for the county’s Social Service agencies, but it just wasn’t fulfilling as it used to be. It had only been six months since he called off the engagement with Max and gave his ring back to him. Max had lied and cheated, not to mention shattered Daan’s heart. No, this was exactly what he needed, a new job, a new location…a fresh start. “Mel is waiting for you in her office”, stated Samantha. Everyone had called Melanie “Mel” for short. Daan knocked on her office door and heard “Come in”. As Daan entered the office, Mel got up and came across the room to greet him with a huge hug. “Oh god it is so good to see you and to have you working with me again” said Mel. “Thanks again for the job Mel, I promise to live up to whatever standard you set”, stated Daan.
 “Of course you will, why do you think I hired you” teased Mel. As the two of them sat down to complete yet more paperwork Mel began to inform Daan about the compound. “Here is your security badge, since you are HR you will have more clearance than most others, you don’t have full clearance in the compound, but once you scan your badge you may also need to enter your personal code to gain access to more sensitive areas of the compound”, stated Mel. “Speaking of the compound, this place is freaking huge, how do you find your way around”, asked Daan. Mel reached inside her desk and took out something folded up. “Here” said Mel. “What is it”, asked Daan. “A map” said Mel with a laugh. Daan unfolded the map a little and was instantly panicked, he had never been good at following maps.
  “Couldn’t I just use the GPS on my phone”, Daan joked. “Not yet”, stated Mel, “They are still working on getting the satellite link up”. Daan sat looking somewhat befuddled as he was thought he was making a joke. Mel got up and walked over to a dry erase board and picked up one of the markers. “Okay, so each quadrant is about the size of a standard city block and contains three floors, there are four quadrants. Quadrant A which is where we are, it houses HR, IT, Admin, finance, two of the generals and the director Jill Valentine. Quadrant B houses the indoor training facility and cafeteria, feel free to use the indoor firing range or the gym and definitely avoid the cafeteria, the food is awful. Quadrant C is military personnel housing, there are also more housing available on the East side of the compound for military families.
  Quadrant D is the Infirmary and Research. They are still working on D Quadrant, they have been having some problems with the wiring or something like that. So basically the whole compound takes up four square city blocks. Each quadrant is connected by pass through's so you don’t have to go outside to access another quadrant. Oh and we do have carts that you can use if you don’t feel like walking. Overwhelmed yet, asked Mel. “It’s going to take some time, but nothing I can’t handle” stated Daan. “Good, your and Samantha’s office is on the second floor, and yes they are right next to each other” laughed Mel. Daan was very happy to hear this. “Samantha will show you where they are, Welcome aboard Daan. Samantha had hooked her arm inside of Daan’s as they walked down the hallway to their offices.
 She was very giddy and completely thrilled to be working with Daan. Daan notice a very attractive redhead in uniform coming from the opposite direction. The officer smiled and nodded to them both as he passed by. “GODDAMNNN, Daan whispered to Samantha and turned around to look in the man’s direction who was also looking back in Daan's direction. “I know, it’s like working in Candy Land” Samantha whispered back. Daan was definitely going to like working here. After getting somewhat settled into his new office, there was a knock at his door. Daan looked up and seen a man standing in his doorway. “Yes”, stated Dan. “Sir, I’m Private Williams from the IT department”, stated the young man as he saluted. “Oh you must be here to set up my laptop and network, and you don’t have to salute me, I’m not an officer, said Daan.
 “Yes sir, I mean no sir. I mean I am here to set everything up for you but your equipment will not be in until tomorrow, Sir. “O, well should I call you in the morning to check and see if it has arrived, or” stated Daan. “No sir, I will call you when everything has come in and set a time with you to complete set up, Sir”, stated the young soldier. “I see, okay well I guess I will see you tomorrow then”, stated Daan. “Sir, Yes Sir”, the young man started to salute but caught himself. With military precision the young man pivoted around strode away. Daan spent the rest of the afternoon reading manuals, policy and procedure guidelines for non-military personnel working with military personnel, the BSAA sure did like their rules. Samantha had taken Daan out for dinner and a drink to celebrate his first day.
  The compound was like its own town. There was a grocery store, a Café, bar/restaurant and so much more. As Daan sipped on his glass of Chardonnay and nibbled the great pizza he and Samantha chatted about future plans and all of the fun they were going to have together. When Daan arrived home he was exhausted. Daan looked around the room at all the boxes he had to yet unpack and put away. Instead Daan walked out on to his back porch and sat down and took in the scenery. His house set right up next to a forest in the back and he had a perfect view of the lake. As Daan lost himself in thought his mind wandered back to a time when he was happy…with Max. Why did he have to break Daan’s heart the way he did. Daan snapped out of the bad trip down memory lane and busied himself unpacking boxes.
  Daan met Samantha in the parking lot and walked in with her. As Daan sat in his office reading a report his desk phone rang. “HR Liaison Daan Anderson” stated Daan. “Sir, this is Private Williams with IT, I ‘m sorry to report to you that your equipment was not included in this morning’s shipment” stated the soldier. “Of course it wasn’t” Daan breathed. “I’m sorry sir, I did not hear you” said the soldier. “Nothing, it’s alright I understand. Please let me know when it does arrive”, said Daan. “Right away sir”, said the soldier and Daan hung up the phone. Daan heard a knock at his door and looked up to see Mel standing there. “Good morning, how are things going”, asked Mel. “Good, well my equipment did not arrive this morning so it looks like I will have to wait until tomorrow to get started”, stated Daan.
 Mel looked at Daan and suggested that he should visit the other quadrants and introduce himself instead of staying cooped up in the office. “That is a great idea, and it will give me the opportunity to learn my way around” said Daan. As Daan entered B quadrant he saw soldiers working out in the gym and smiled to which he received nods of acknowledgement. Daan went to the second floor where the firing range was but thought it a bad idea to try and get someone’s attention that was firing a weapon. Daan passed through C quadrant and did not want to knock on any of the doors seeing how this was people’s private quarters and Daan did not feel comfortable doing this. As Daan entered D quadrant he notice that some of the lights were flickering on and off, “must be the electrical problems Mel mention to me” he thought to himself.
 Daan saw two signs, one said INFIRMARY with an arrow pointing to the left and one that said RESEARCH with an arrow pointing to the right. Daan decided to start with Research. As he walked down the hall, he couldn’t help but notice how dim it was and then noticed that there were no windows, this kind of creeped Daan out a bit but he pressed on. Daan came to a set of stairs that descended down, he could see light at the bottom of the long staircase. Daan descended the stairs and walked into a large lab. The lab was filled with what looked like glass cubicles, some of them had metal tables in them and the lights were very bright. Daan heard voices coming from the back of the lab and followed them. When Daan reached the back of the lab he found the source of the voices, it was some kind of Comm system.
 Daan observed the lights and screens but had no idea what the hell he was looking at. Daan heard a noise coming from the ceiling, a sort of clicking noise and the lights began to flicker and then…darkness. Daan could not see anything except for the light coming from the Comm system. He could hear mechanical sounds but had no idea what it was, then suddenly the lights were back on. Daan breathed a sigh of relief and thought now would be an excellent time to get the hell of here. As Daan made his way back to the other side of the lab where the stairs were, he sees a glass door sliding shut preventing him from reaching the stairs. Daan runs to the door but is unable to budge it. He looks to the side of the door and sees a badge scanner and swipes his card but the door does not move, he tries again and again but the door will not open.
 Daan decides to call Samantha for help but realizes that he did not pick up his phone when he left the office. He decides to walk back to the Comm system to try and use it to call for help. Daan is almost half way across the lab when he hears an automated voice make an announcement. “HAYLOC System activated”, Daan’s heart drops. He knows that HAYLOC will remove all the oxygen from the area during a fire so the fire has no fuel to continue burning. Daan begins to run towards the Comm system. As he is running the sprinkler system begins to rain down water on him. “WHAT THE FUCK”, yells Daan? Daan reaches the Comm System and begins to push the call button and starts yelling into the speaker that he is trapped in the labs and needs help, no response.
 Daan sees a button on the Comm System that reads, “EMERGENCY DOOR RELEASE”. Daan pushes the button and begins to run back toward to door by the stairs. As he run’s he notices that the water is staring to raise in the lab and continues to run towards the door. Daan can see that the door is still closed but tries to scan his badge again, still closed. Daan decides to run back to the Comm System to push the emergency release again. As Daan is heading back he notices that the water is half way up his thighs but he continues on to the Comm system. Daan pushes the button several times and heads back to the door. Daan struggles to reach the door now that the water is at his waist and he is unable to run. Dan sees that the door is still closed and tries scanning his badge again but the door remains closed.
 Daan notices that the water is now pasted his waist. Daan stops and tries to calm himself. “Breathe, don’t panic, think, think, look around”, Daan says to himself as the water continues to pour from the ceiling and rise higher around him. Daan looks into one of the labs and sees a metal table, maybe he could find a chair or something to break the glass door. Daan struggles to get into the lab but there are no chairs and the table is bolted to the floor. Daan begins to panic and breathe heavy, the water now up to his chest. Daan is unable to think and he sees the water rising higher. Daan feels a strange sensation of a very strong arm going around the center of his chest a deep but calm voice speaking in his ear saying, “It’s alright, I’ve got you, relax”.
 Daan feels himself being pulled backwards, the lab door now open and he is being pulled towards the stairs. Once outside the lab, he sees the stairs but is unable to walk, his legs are failing him. Suddenly Daan feels another strong arm on the back of his legs and being hoisted in the air. Daan feels his head lay against a powerful chest and looks up. Daan is peering into a pair of the warmest brow eyes he has ever seen, and a face that wears a 5 o’clock shadow, the man’s voice is reassuring him that he is alright. “Hey, you’re alright, stay with me, don’t close your eyes, look at me, Hey”, said the man. Daan is unable to focus any longer and feels himself being lowered down onto a soft surface. Daan hears many voices and a woman yelling, “We got to get him to the infirmary, he’s going into shock”, then darkness.
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