#but I‘ll maybe post some stuff about him later cause I want to post him so bad
peachssodapop · 1 year
what if i made a zelda comic and i set it in the most fucked up part of the timeline i could find
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91percentpynch · 4 years
the cut that always bleeds - kevaaron au pt 3
kejerejean stans? this one is for you. no seriously this one is out of jean‘s point of view? cuz honestly i love that hoe so much. as always get your tissues ready guys. this is actually kinda long? and a mess? and no one beta read it so if there are mistakes or it doesn‘t make sense i‘m sorry!! this is not that sad? tw: mention of murder, mention of physically hurting someone, mention of stabbing, mention of the nest, mention of trauma
check this out to find the other parts:)
Jean has always been a light sleeper. He had to be in order to survive the horrors of Evermore.
So naturally the sobs - as silent as they might have been - woke him up. His eyes opened at once, he sat straight up. Almost automatically he got to his feet and left the room to get to Kevin.
After all, comforting Kevin was like breathing to him.
Jeremy followed Jean, because he would always follow Jean. Jeremy was like a moth and Jean was the light. Wherever he went Jer would follow.
So they went to Kevin‘s room. The striker laid in his bed, curled up, phone in his hand, uncontrollable sobs escaping his mouth.
„I see you took the call this time“, Jean said, surprisingly gentle.
„I wanted to end it. I wanted to have a clear cut. So tell me, why does the cut still bleed?“, Kevin whispered, his voice barely audible.
„Because it‘s a cut that always bleeds“, Jeremy told Kevin as he came closer, carefully and ever so gentle placing his hands on the other boy‘s back.
„He said he wants me to come back to him“, Kevin whispered while holding onto himself as if to try to stop himself from falling apart. „He told me he misses me. That he only gets high when he misses me“
It was quiet in the dark room, shadows were dancing, just as Aaron and Kevin used to dance in the dead of night underneath the night sky.
„You did the right thing Kev“, Jean replied in French while he got into the Bed behind Kevin. Just like they used to do in the Nest.
When Kevin was in his arms he began to hum a French lullaby into his ear.
Jeremy joined them after a second of admiring his beautiful boyfriend and the broken boy in his arms.
„Dude, do you want something? Hot coca? A special Knoxian hug? Us to get Andrew to gut that bastard? Wait, hold on. I forgot. Twin brother. Well, I can gut him for you? Andrew and this is a word by word quote told be once ‚You‘re like a little unicorn in a world full of wolfs with razor sharp teeths, learn to gut the wolfs, stay safe‘, so he taught me how to stab someone? Yeah okay that is not the topic right now, I can still gut Aaron though. I mean Andrew would try to hurt me, but then again I‘m his best friend so he does not have the rights to gut me, right?“, Jeremy offered him a toothy grin, while his hand wandred to his neck rubbing it nervously.
„Can you please not gut him? First of all: Andrew already tried to choke me once when Josten was in danger and I told them where he was, cause apparently yOu DoN‘t KeEp ThOsE tHiNgS tO yOuRsElF yOu FuCkInG mOrOn. I think you do keep those things to yourself if the other option is to get fucking murdered by the mafia??? But what do I know, am I right? After all I‘m just a narcistic, Exy-obsessed asshole without a personality. Bonus I have anxiety, panic attacks, probably depression and I‘m unlovable“, Kevin mumbled into his pillow, the voices of the other foxes, of the other teams inside of his head.
„Did they tell you that?“, Jeremy asked, not quite able to hide the sadness and pain in his voice.
„Doesn‘t eveyone think that?“, Kevin asked. „I mean I think they tend to forget that the woman who gave birth to me, the last woman who geniuely loved me besides maybe Abby, invented the job. I think they tend to forget that the fucking mafia killed her when they found out I‘m not theirs by nature, so the only solution was apparently fucking murder. Then they kidnapped me, brainwashed and tortured me to the point where all I knew was Exy. Oh and maybe they also tend to forget that Ravens were only ever allowed to do Exy, if you were privilegded enough sleep, and do more Exy“
„Kevin you are so much more than that“, Jean whispered into Kevin‘s ear while pressing him against his chest. Just as they used to do in the Nest. „I might be mad at you, because you left me alone with those psychopaths. I used to think you didn‘t care about me. But you were just like me, okay with less scars and less you know. However I cannot say I wouldn‘t have done the same. I understand you now, Kevin. And please, please stop saying those things. And now let us cuddle you and let Jer go through his ridiculous post break-up list. We‘re gonna cuddle you and all you have to do is trying to fall asleep. Used to help me when I was alone at USC. Could only sleep properly when someone held me. Well, Jeremy. Tomorrow we‘ll shove unhealthy food down your throat and watch Downton Abbey or whatever those historcial dramas you love so much are called. While stroking your hand or whatever you‘re into big boy. Afterwards we‘ll take the dogs out and force you to watch the fucking sunset. And I‘ll hold your fucking hand“
Kevin supposed the middle of the night was the time of long lost truths. „Okay“, he mumbled while he moved closer to Jean. Replacing his smell with Jean‘s. It took him a while to fall asleep but he managed.
At the same time Jeremy said „Mi amor, I love you, I really do, but that was literally the most romantic thing you said in the past two years? That is way more romantic than ANY date you ever planned for me? Rude? The audacity?“
„Moi soleil, you don‘t have the ‚cult kidnapped me and tortured me‘ card you can pull, you get the bonus treatmeant of any other people. Besides I literally have matching tattoos with you? I drew you like multiply times? I wrote like a dozen poems and at LEAST one short story? I wrote you a fucking lullaby? You have no right to complain right now, or you‘ll loose your kissing privileges and I give them to Kevin“
„Eww gross“, Kevin mumbled.
„I don‘t remeber you saying that back in the Nest“, Jean replied, poking his cheek.
Kevin didn‘t have the energy to answer. It was a long day. Sleep could have him for the day. Death’s little sister might claim him for the night.
This night he dreamed about Aaron. Strong arms around his waist. Golden eyes locking with smaragd ones. They were on some lonely beach, kissing lazily while the water kissed their feet. It was a beautiful day. Not as beautiful as Aaron, but then again nothing would ever be as beautiful as this specific piece of art. Everything was alright. Everything was good. Why couldn‘t it be the real Aaron and the real Kevin on that beach.
At about noon Kevin woke up to a drooling Jeremy on his stomach and the smell of waffles and soft French swearing in the kitchen. Softly Kevin woke Jeremy up.
„Sorry I always end up on weird angles and drooling on random guys. Jean used to get so mad when I fell asleep in his lap. But you can‘t take him serious when he looks with you with heart eyes trying to be Mad, can you? Anyways we should probably go to him and help him? Oh wait hold on a hot second there. I‘m banned from the kitche, so we can sleep? Right? Right?“
„I hate to break this to you Jer, but it‘s noon. So, no we cannot sleep. You can choose my clothes, though. I know you love going through my stuff and playing dress the doll, Kevin Day edition“, Kevin almost smiled at Jeremy, when he looked up at him pouting.
Then he remembered another blonde boy, pouting at him when he told him no. Another constellation of freckles around another, straight, perfect nose. Sinful lips softly turned up, trying to look mad. Hazel eyes instead of ocean blue ones. Messy blonde curles, instead of soft badly dyed ginger ones. Strong arms instead of lean ones covered in flower tattoos. God, Kevin missed his Aaron.
No, not his. Not anymore
„Okay, but you have to wear to fab outfit I‘ll throw in your face“, Jeremy gave him another easy, toothy grin.
Slowly the other boy got out of bed and went over to the cabet. Slowly Jer went through Kevin‘s cloths. After a while he slowly turned around, holding a jersey that is obviously by far too small for Kevin in front of his face. „What is that? Why do you still have his jersey? Babe, you gotta get rid of that, rather sooner than later“
Jeremy had the weird habit of calling his friends babe, baby, dude or bro. Before Jean he called his boyfriends bro or dude as well, but Jean was so confused by it he quickly stopped doing it.
„First of all: I‘m a weak ass bitch, it smelled of it. And secondly maybe I wanna stab it once I‘m over the phase where I‘m like madly missing him?. I‘d just put it into a pillow, stab at it like a maniac and then set it on fire. I didn‘t grow up with a psychopath as my supposed best friend for nothing Jer“
„Okay? Well I got your clothes. And you‘ll look amazing, cause it‘s the FOX ONSIE I GOT YOU!!! I‘ll wear my onsie as well, and I‘ll force Jean to wear his one as well!! Much fun!! Much wholesome!!“
So that‘s how Kevin Day, queen of Exy, landed sandwiched between his childhood crush and long life crush on their couch, watching Downton Abbey with a plate of waffles on his lap. This was nice. He might had actually enjoyed it, if this wasn‘t his and Aaron‘s show. They used to watch it, cry over it together, make out while watching it.
Thank God didn‘t actually touch him while watching Downton Abbey, he was good at daydreaming. Kevin would just had preteneded that it was Aaron and he thought him breathing Aaron‘s name was the last thing any of them needed today.
After their Downton Abbey marathon they ordered pizza, against Kevin‘s better judgement. Another traditon Kevin shared with Aaron. At finals Aaron would often forget to eat and Kevin was too big of a mess to be bothered to cook so he would end up ordering something every single day and feeding it Aaron while he studied on the floor. Occasionally he would earn a soft kiss, growing hungrier when the night grew darker. God Kevin missed the soft lips on his own.
Kevin would have enjoyed the beach, wouldn‘t he be dressed in a fox onsie, holding hands with a 6“5 guy who looked like he both could and would kill you in a unicorn onsie holding two tiny dogs in his other hand and with a 5“4 dude in a matching unicorn onsie with two dogs that were almost bigger than him.
At least this didn‘t remind him on Aaron.
Well, actually. The way the ocean softly kissed the sand, reminded him of his dream. And of the endless trips to the beach, sleeping in the car, Aaron on top of him. Lazy kisses and warm hugs. It was the first place Aaron took Kevin after their rehab. It was the first night they spent together, as sober men. Well, not sober per se. But drunk and high on each others love. It might had been the most painful memory of the day. God he missed those strong arms around his waist.
Nontheless the pain got less, he felt almost numb. Kevin liked feeling numb. Nothing hurt when you feel numb.
The sunset was beautiful. It reminded him of golden hairs, freckles standing against golden skin, soft lips at his ears, his neck, the corner of his lips.
„Aaron you‘re supposed to look at the sunset, you shithead“, Kevin used to smile down at him. „But I‘m already looking at the most beautfiul thing this world has to offer“, Aaron replied smoothly, locking eyes with Kevin.
When the moon took the place of his long lost lover they decided to go back.
It was safe to say that no one dared to think that someone would wait for them there. Especially not the one person they tried to avoid by all means the entire day.
„You said to stop calling. Never mentioned face to face conversations“, a husky voice said. And Kevin‘s world stopped.
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jbbuckybarnes · 4 years
Professor Sugar - 3/7
Pairing: Student!Reader x Professor!Bucky Description: Like tons of other students you struggle with finances, but you can’t get any aid since your parents are filthy rich. The system doesn’t care that they broke off contact after you came out as bisexual. There is, however, someone else that cares. The prof of your class on PTSD and trauma. Professor Barnes. Warnings: Financial Instability, flirting with a teacher, feelings, mentions of PTSD and war, not beta read.
Professor Sugar Masterlist // Masterlist
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After Office Hours
The week after you decided to visit him in his office hours to figure out where you lacked in your studies. The mission earning you a wiggling of brows from your roommate Samantha. „I think you struggle most with the medical part of these things. You‘re great at the psychological part and all the causes and symptoms. I just think your medical referencing could be a little better. Can‘t blame you, my course is for med students and psych students.“ He explained after reading through your study materials again and then your test. „Yay,“ You expressed monotone, „Wish I‘d get paid like that too, once I graduate.“ He smiled with a huff, „You remind me a lot of myself when I was in Junior year.“ „I hope that‘s a good thing, Bucky.“ You raised a brow with a playful smile. „A little bit of sass is always good.“ He chuckled and WOW...why was that so hot? There was a short silence when he put all your stuff back into a neat pile of papers. „So...how is the book?“ He asked interested with his attention fully on you. „Oh, it‘s really cool. I like it when I find out just how wrong stuff in movies is. The way they do shit and how much we don‘t know about is insane. They also did some horrible shit man. I‘m about 80% through.“ You smiled wide and he looked at you very content. „I‘m glad you like it. Would‘ve been shitty to spend $35 on something bad.“ He chuckled at you and almost looked cute. „Did that ever happen to you?“ You grinned and he nodded. „Have you ever seen psychology-based books? My god, half of them are absolute trash.“ He groaned and then laughed. „And what is the last good book you read?“ You dipped your head to the side. „Romance Novel. Forgot the name. The main character kinda has the same outlook on life that you have.“ He grinned. „What‘s that supposed to mean?“ You asked a little more playful again. „Been through shit, knows what she wants, works hard, asks for help, doesn‘t get played easily.“ He smirked at you and gosh were you attractive to him after this conversation. Where did that come from?
+Why was he suddenly so hot? You got a little flustered by the compliment. -He shouldn‘t, should not. +You would if you could. -Why did he now picture you leaned over his table naked? Shit! +You noticed him undressing you with his eyes. Why didn‘t it bother you? -The tension was so thick, cutting it with a knife would‘ve been easy.
„Why don‘t you start one of those study accounts. Heard there is money in that.“ He leaned back and changed the mood in the room. „My phone is from the last ice age and the good editing apps cost money.“ You shrugged. „Maybe just with your iPad notes for now?“ He shrugged and pointed at the pile of paper on the table. „Yeah...that might be an idea.“ You mumbled taking them and putting them back into your backpack.
You started studying for the course by rewriting notes in your Goodnotes app. Making them look nicer and organizing them in fun ways that made them easier to read and understand. You created that studying account like Bucky had suggested and started posting your notes on there, gaining a couple hundred followers in a short amount of time. He wasn‘t wrong, there was money in it as you found out with time. You realized your notes looked different to what most other study accounts posted but copied some of the stuff they were doing. Getting a hold of using an Instagram account in a business-manner wasn‘t as easy as you thought it would be. But at least it was fun and made you learn more and more so you could produce content. „Are you making new notes for Insta again?“ Sam peeked her head through your door. „Yup.“ You smiled over. „If you wanna borrow my phone for some nicer pictures you just need to ask.“ She grinned proudly. She had gotten a new phone from her parents at the end of the last semester. It was her whole pride in the midst of broke student life. „I‘ll keep it in mind. Are we watching Star Wars later?“ You looked back to your notes. „Baby Yoda doesn‘t like to wait.“ You both giggled as she closed the door.
After the next test about two weeks later you found an App Store card on your table with a little note. *Some people need to be self-made with a little help. -B* You smiled for a second before putting it away and listening to Bucky‘s presentation. PTSD in DID patients. After the lesson you went to him, realizing how weird it might look to others by now. You did it every time, but now that you had that little situation in his office, it became apparent that it could be interpreted wrong. „Bucky?“ „Yes?“ He smiled at you. „Can I ask you something a little more personal?“ You mumbled and had him nod back with attentive eyes. „Where do you take the money from to just give to me. It‘s not like professors make that much money.“ You asked straight forward. There was a short silence and a deep breath, „I was a prisoner of war with the army. That‘s why I started teaching about trauma. I just leave it out of my material since it‘s a depressing story. But that money I have is from the army paying me for the time I was a prisoner of war.“ His lips were a thin line. „God, I‘m sorry for asking.“ You were embarrassed. He grabbed your hand with both of his, „Don‘t be. Wouldn‘t be doing what I love otherwise.“ 
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