#but I’ve seen the vlive clips and the behind the scenes
silverpiwon · 5 months
Can I be honest?
I’m so distrustful towards the kpop industry that it took me half a year to fully believe that p1harmony are actually singing live because they’re THIS good 🫣
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whenfatecollides · 2 years
Thank you for the svt recs! I've heard a lot of them, but I'm excited to have a better playlist and place to start with them ❤️
and re: dc notes feeling different (not my ask btw!), I feel the same way! I think you put it into words really well. I've sorta seen the same thing happen with the other group I follow behind the scenes stuff for, where at a certain point in their careers (and definitely during the pandemic), things became a lot more "catered" to fandom rather than a group of people hanging out and sharing a really unique and interesting experience together.
Things kinda feel more.. celebrity (?) now? Like, it's much more apparent to me in some notes and stuff that yup, they're celebrities (which.. kinda made maison a sore spot for me in a few ways, but that's a different story!). Which, duh, but it felt easier to find moments of just silliness and human connection in a lot of the older stuff, and I feel like that's sorta a thing that just happens at a certain success point, where maybe people have less of a desire to share every part of themselves on camera than earlier days. Which is fine! I'm all for more privacy for them, but I agree that I'd be happy with shorter notes with some moments where they're having fun and being together than curating messages or whatever to the fandom. I'm a fan because I love their music and performances, and I watch behind the scenes stuff because I care about /them/ and enjoy /them/ and enjoy /them having fun together/, not because I want to feel recognized as a fan lol
which is also probably why twitter isn't the place for me either, I go on occasionally but have to dodge/block a lot of the weirdo fighting and possessiveness. I wasn't on twitter until idk, a year ago maybe to keep up with content better and ehh lol I imagine it's a lot more sore to have been part of the active fandom pre-2019 and then to see those spaces you were in (and building) change so fast.
That being said! Gosh! You have really done so much, and I use that masterpost of content probably weekly just to find stuff I enjoy, it's such a huge help! Your gifs are always god-tier, and I enjoy reading your thoughts about dc stuff. If i think of any gifsets, I'll send an idea your way <3 I haven't gotten to see a lot of concert content recently, so I'm excited to go watch some stuff (I heard the Mexico concert was really really lovely in terms of fan energy and what not). I hope you have a lovely day!
I hope you enjoy it! 😊
and yeah exactly, I think in a way the dc notes just started following more of a vlog format which is understandable with everything that went on at the time. I do agree with the celebrity thing to an extent, in vlives and concerts they still feel the exact same, the levels of chaos have remained unchangeable so far asdkjh I do agree that they’ve been passing off that image more on the dc notes tho. but like I said I do think they’re slowly getting back to the old format in the sense that in the group ones at least we’re starting to get more of those small moments again. tbh I haven’t seen the solo dc notes of the special clips or the practices bc it’s all very similar... I think dcc could’ve done better with the release of the special clips themselves, I feel like at this point the momentum has completely died out for the special clips 💀 I get that they wanted to space it out to make the most of the content but idk I think they could’ve done it a bit better. I was really looking forward to the solo clips back in the beginning of the cb but that was in march/april? and it’s now july and not all of the special clips are out yet........ I think they dragged it out a bit too much specially considering that the first one was released two months ago already :/
but yeah tbh abt twitter I’ve never been that active there, it’s always been a platform that has never really resonated with me much but even then the change has been really felt, but oh well. I’ve come to make peace that if some content is truly important it will reach me one way or another asdkjh
and I’m glad the masterpost is helpful! I’ve been meaning to update it but the motivation for it has been a bit lost on me :’) still thank you for your kind words <3 I really appreciate that some of you take the time to read the things I put on here sometimes 💕
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kanmom51 · 4 years
JM JK timeline.- my observations how they grew over the years  Part 3
Disclaimer: these are my own opinions and conclusions.  Feel free to disagree, but hate or aggression will be unacceptable.
This is coming out so much longer than I anticipated, so I decided to post this in a couple of parts.
2016 was a big big year for Jikook.  There is sooooo much content out there, I just can’t refer to everything.  I had to pick and choose, hope I did so wisely. No Twitter, no song recommendations (they may or may not be relevant, but I decided not to go there).
2016 part 1
End of 2015 was the beginning.  Both JM and JK were putting out feelers, trying not only to figure out what this thing between them was, but also how far to take it.  I can only imagine they were filled with the excitement that the attraction was mutual, but there were (and sadly still are) so many obstacles to face.  
What does it mean for the band?  Do the others know? Do they let them know?  When do they let them know?  How does it affect the others? And I am sure they also faced the fears of what happens if it doesn’t work out.  
I know they were young, and when you’re young you take more risks, you think things over less, but I’m sure those questions did cross their minds and did affect their relationship over the years.
So, end of 2015 was putting out the feelers, testing the waters, and 2016 was when they stepped up a gear, jumped into the water, so to say.  There is a clear shift in their behaviour.  We see all the changes that occurred in late 2015 and so much more.  They are closer, touchier, slightly bolder.
There are the stares. JK at JM.  JM at JK.  Both at each other.  These aren’t just one looking at another.  These are just something special.  You can see the attraction, the adoration in their eyes, on their faces.
2016 is the year where we also start to see the shift beyond ‘skinship’.  The ‘skinship’ is still there but there is so much more.  There are moments when it seems like they are afraid to touch, so we see all those little touches, light brushes, micro touches, almost touches.  On the one hand they can’t keep their hands off each other, but it’s gentle, hesitant, like it’s something to hide.  If this is only ‘skinship’ what is there to hide?  Why the hesitance?
JK and JM were always close. But now JK lets us see it.  Prior to 2015 he shied away from JM’s touches, his closeness, his forwardness, his shamelessness (as JK himself put it). From 2015 that started to change, and we see it even more in 2016.  Not only doesn’t he shy away, but he also initiates this closeness.  He is not afraid anymore to show just how important JM is to him, how JM is his anchor.  JM is there to calm him, to sooth him when he is nervous or anxious, to be happy for him, to nudge him on to push him to do more (like speaking at award shows) and to support him and compliment him when he does.  
Through the year we can also see a push and pull in the relationship.  They are getting their footing within the relationship.  Setting the boundaries.  This is a process, and it takes time.  JM is JK’s elder. What does that mean for their relationship? Does JK have to come whenever he is summoned?  Does JK have to keep calling JM hyang? JK starts being defiant.  Sometimes calling JM without the honorifics.  There are times that it bothers JM, but sometimes he loves it. They are working into a relationship – are they on equal grounds?  This is something they are working through.  
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2016 is the year JK comes of age.  A most significant right of passage in SK culture.  
This is a year that gives oh so much Jikook content.  The fan meets, the behind the scenes clips, the music awards. This is the year of BV1, several most conspicuous Vlives, including the Osaka Vlive and the famous Hobi Vlive.  This is also when we got the notorious ‘Own it’ dance practice.  There’s the famous “Manila Fight” – most definitely not something I am going to touch upon.  Maybe it happened, maybe it didn’t.  Maybe there was friction, maybe there wasn’t. I, for one, don’t feel like I have enough content to base a conclusion on.
2016 was a substantial year for the two.  I’m aware that there is so much content out there, so I’ll only be touching the iceberg here:
Sapporo snow festival 7 Feb 2016 – JK joins JM in front of the camera – sending kisses to the camera but then leaning in towards JM.  Did he give him a kiss?  JM’s surprised reaction though...
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7 May 2016 Vlive – JK an JM being all flirty.
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12 May 2016 fan sign – JK trying to put a flower crown on JM’s head.  The two in their own world, playing a game, JM lifting JK up in the air, stabilizing JK with his hand and making sure he doesn’t fall.  Again, they are close, they are in their own world, doing ‘them’, no matter where they are.  This is the same fan sign JM tells JK that he is sitting in the wrong place, and his place is next to him.
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Moments in BV 1 –May 2016.  
JK sleeps in lounge room on sofa with JM, instead of on a bed with Suga.  JK fell asleep, and JM sets him up with a pillow and covers him up.
JK’s coming of age day Vlive.  
The famous JK JM discussion about men checking out their selfies (we can see how JK is still struggling with his ideas or conception of what is appropriate, ‘right’ behaviour for a ‘man’).  
JK’s “he’s driving me nuts” over JM lagging behind (Hobi’s reaction to JK’s rant is priceless), but still stops to wait for him all the time.  
The hand wrestling (JM losing every single time, and JM ignoring poor Jin when he offers to hand wrestle with him – was it really hand wrestling or hand holding?).  
JM misplacing his phone, and JK backing out of going all ‘hidden camera’ on JM, showing him he has the phone the minute he sees him. 
JK’s “I will sleep here with Jimin” in the camper.  JM playing footsies with JK’s crotch (JM playing footsies seems to be a reoccurring theme).   
JM feeding his Kookie (So, what’s new?). 
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JK’s coming of age performance.  This is a big one for me.  It’s JK’s song choice and him asking JM to do it with him.  The song JK chose to dance to is Park Ji Yoon’s Adult ceremony:
Hey you, why are you hesitating? I know you want me
Right now in front of you, I know what you want,
What you’re waiting for, just come here
 I’m not that little girl,
You used to know anymore,
I’m a woman now
I’m thankful that you’ve waited for me
Now I’ll become a woman at your kiss
 I’m not a little girl anymore
Don’t hesitate any longer
As much as you waited, I’ve waited for this day too
Give me twenty stems of roses, so I can feel your love
 As I wait for you, I close my eyes
 Hey you, I want to give you permission to give me your love
Teach me how love is so sweet and fragrant
 It was hard looking at you suffering and waiting
My heart even hurt
But now came the day
where there is no reason
to wait anymore
 I’m not a little girl anymore
Don’t hesitate any longer
As much as you waited, I’ve waited for this day too
Give me twenty stems of roses, so I can feel your love
As I wait for you, I close my eyes
The song’s message is clear. Is it a coincidence JK chose JM to dance this with him?  I don’t think so.  The Bangtan Bomb (21 Sep 2016) with their practice -  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D4oIpsRemPA .  
You can tell JM knows exactly how this looks like being all shy and flustered during the rehearsals. The members reactions during the dress rehearsal also are pretty telling.  Who is JK sending this message to? JM? Us?
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13 July 2016 JM and Jin reacting to Minwoo & JK’s celebrity bromance.  JM taking it a bit far there, expressing his jealousy and how JK doesn’t treat him the same, saying he has no feeling for him.  Seriously JM?  I kind of wonder here whether JM is trying to down play what’s going on between the two, or if he is genuinely jealous, maybe because he feels that JK is holding himself back with him, especially in front of the cameras or around others.  We do hear later in the year JM’s frustration that JK doesn’t say he loves him (Jin eats Vlive).
OK, now for the famous suspicious as Vlives.  I will tackle them just a little bit. I am not going to analyse them, there has been plenty of that going around.  I do, though, want to talk about them just a bit.
As far as I am concerned, both Vlives don’t prove the relationship between the boys.  They most definitely are very suspicious though.  
The Osaka Vlive -12 July 2016, when Tae surprises JK in his hotel room - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MjjAbQLXrEM .  JK is undressed, lights are dimmed, he has loud sultry music playing, makeup is smudged, he’s acting pretty suspicious as a whole.  I think that reaching a conclusion that JK has someone in the room with him is not far fetched.  Someone he obviously doesn’t want the camera to see.  Is it JM?  We really can’t know.  I have seen analyses that hear him calling out JM’s name when Tae’s at the door, or pointing out JM’s phone or clothes and shoes are in the room.  To me that is outright speculation. But I do believe someone was there, someone JK didn’t want to show up on camera.
A question I ask myself, though, if it wasn’t JM in the room, is why JM is obviously pissed at Tae the next day, when during his Vlive, he repeats several times not to let Tae into the room for the live?  Is it connected?  That’s for them to know, and us to probably never find out.
Then there is Hobi’s Vlive, 13 Aug 2016.  Hobi starts his live, saying how hungry .  This is an important piece of information to remember for later on.  He goes to JM’s room.  It takes time for JM to open the door, Hobi finally pushing himself in, saying how he is going to show off JM’s room.  Only thing is that they stand at the entrance, then walk slowly into the room, not turning the camera away from their faces, all the while Hobi looking worryingly into the room.  It seemed like he was looking at something inside the room.  
The camera is turned into the room, avoiding certain areas.  They come into the room to discover an enormous amount of food, and JM explains that he is starving and that’s why he ordered so much.  When Hobi entered the room he asks JM what he was doing, and he answered that he was boiling water for ramen.  So he was going to eat all that food and ramen by himself? They converse, and then V comes. At some point V takes JM’s ramen, after JM stated it was his manager’s (is this the same manager JM checks out during his future live?), and leaves the room.  Then Hobi says he’ll go and leave the camera with JM.  
The question I ask is, why did Hobi, who was really hungry, leave JM’s room when JM, obviously, had enough food for two?  We saw JM eat later, and he most definitely didn’t finish all the food he ordered by himself.  Then, before Hobi leaves JM with the Vlive camera, he goes to the bed, where JM is lying, and starts teasing him being all handsy with him and going: “Oh Jimin, oh jimin” – what was that about?  
JM is left alone, also managing the camera, not showing the whole room.   The whole time he is acting funny, grinning to what looks like someone off camera, seems like he talks to something/someone off camera, the whole vibe is that he isn’t alone in the room.  But the definitive proof that there was someone in the room with him was when at some point the camera is facing JM, who is sitting next to the tv.  Then, something happens. 
Is it a ghost?  Is it a plain? No, it’s super JK…  But seriously, there was someone in the room, someone who’s reflection we got to see in the tv.
To sum it up, here too JM is not alone in the room.  Is it JK? That we don’t know for sure. Suspicions are high, but that’s what they are - suspicions.  He does, at some point talk about inviting other members to join him (why didn’t he ask Hobi to stay and eat with him?????), and gives a pretty lame explanation as to why he isn’t calling JK to join (stating that he doesn’t listen to him anymore.  Again with this JM?).
A question I ask myself is why is it always those two that seem to have someone hiding in their room during the lives????
14 Aug 2016 upload of ‘Own it’ dance practice: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMprwPSFLyU .
This is private dance practice, just JM and JK, at what looks like late at night, lights dimmed, to a highly explicit song.  It’s filmed by them, as we can see them cutting and returning to the camera from time to time.  During the dance JM clearly has an erection.  He is aware of it, looks down at it, points it out to JK, and at some point changes his shirt to cover it up.   They don’t stop dancing. They don’t stop recording.  They are clearly having a good time.  
This clip is uploaded to BangtanTV in 2016 and is still there.  I can reassure you that both JM and JK are aware of what is seen in this clip, and still this clip was uploaded, and is still online.  It’s more the atmosphere (alone, dimmed lighting) and the choice of song to dance to that indicates the high level of intimacy and the feeling is that this is just something ‘more’.
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To be continued...
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stray-kids-react · 4 years
SKZ reacting to edits of their new male member
Bang Chan
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° It was a Chan's Room vlive, and fans were thrilled to ask him about you. Chan read through the thousands of comments about the new member, but one link caught his attention particularly.
° He copied the link quickly, whilst explaining his first impression of you when you joined the band. Gushing over how quiet and nervous you seemed, especially when you were around Chan himself.
° Once the video started, it had cute gifs and videos of you doing soft aegyo while the sweetie pie song played over it. Chan thought that'd be the whole video, but he was sadly mistaken once the song changed.
° A flustered giggle left Chan's mouth as his ears turned bright red, feeling as though he shouldn't be watching this. It was as if he just walked in on you changing, it just made him feel very embarrassed and flustered.
° Once the 1:34 second video ended, a long pause filled the live. He tried to gain composure after what he just witnessed, but his shy state of mind was still very clear amongst the fans who were watching.
"That was great editing... *giggle* I don't think I've seen y/n in that way before."
Lee Know
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° It came up on his YouTube recommendations, as he was watching crack edits fans made of him and his members. Minho never saw an edit made to show the duality, except for ones of him.
° He honestly wasn't fazed at all by the edit, approving of your sexy side. He soon watched other edits of the members and gave them each a like. Minho was the one who sent you the video, with a smirk emoji.
° You knew it was either something to make you flustered or something very random. That made up most of your conversations with Minho through text, especially if he had the smirk emoji after the link.
° The next day, a sly smirk will be plastered all over his features. Mimicking the moves you made in the fan made edit, even going as far to make Han play the song in your edit as he mimicked you.
° Won't ever let that edit go, just because he loves how flustered you get by it. He'll giggle at you when you cover your face, feeling proud that his hot stage presence has rubbed off on you.
"I am sexy, you are sexy, let's be a sexy team together. What do you say?"
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° While working on their comeback with you, Changbin got a notification on his laptop. The thumbnail was you with devil horns and a halo. His curiosity got the beat of him, so he clicked on the fan made edit of you.
° Changbin could only smile nervously when the hot edits came into play, many involving hip thrusts and grinding. He felt very uncomfortable, mostly because he saw you as brother more than anything else.
° It made things 10× worse by you being in the room with him, watching the edit next to him. Both of you at loss of words, never thinking that either of you would be in this type of situation together.
° Changbin began to chuckle at how weird things felt, asking you to promise him that you'd both forget this ever happened. Even thought it will probably haunt both of you for the rest of your career together.
° He continued on working on different side tracks for the album, both of you chuckling randomly at the reminder of what you had just witnessed. But both of you promised to not tell the other members.
"Lets promise to try and forget we watched this and not tell the members about this."
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° Both of you were quite close and showed and each other everything, whenever a hot edit of either of you came across your phone's. Both of you would just laugh it off, amused to see either of you so serious.
° Both of you know that fans will find you hot, even if you don't see why in certain situations. Neither of feel uncomfortable with seeing edits of each other, knowing it is simply part of being an idol.
° That still won't stop either of you from laughing when you see clips of each other with sensual music over it. Hyunjin laughs especially hard if he knows the clips and what actually happened behind scenes.
° There was one clip of you drinking water and fans went nuts, even though they always seem to cut out the scene where you choke on the water because of Jeongin's very effective aegyo.
° Hyunjin can make a big out of it, usually laughing with a slightly disgusted face. But he means no harm when doing it, he just wants to play around with you and knows you would do the same with him.
"Y/n, why do change so drastically whenever you wear an opened shirt on stage?"
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° Tries to act like he isn't fazed by the fan made videos of you that Minho is showing him, but he is and it shows through his blushing cheeks. His way of dealing with this is to try and laugh off the awkward tension.
° He thought that bringing it up to you would make it more awkward, but he found out that seeing you clueless as you why he keeps looking at you with a surprised glaze over his eyes is much more nerve racking.
° The next day you'd confront him on being so award around you, asking what you may have done to make him uncomfortable. Instead of avoiding the topic, he just admitted to watching a fan video of you.
° You laughed uncontrollably at his confession, after so much worrying that you offended him or made him un easy. Instead, he was just flustered by how hot and sensual you were in the fan made video.
° He promised to not make you worry anymore, and will not trust anything the Minho sends him with a smirk emoji. You both look back at that whole scenario and still laugh at how silly it truly was.
"I promise not to make you worry again, or answer Minho when he is smirking."
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° Everyone knows Felix is a king of duality, so he honestly isn't that fazed when he sees edits like this of you. He will however become giggly and a show off his sunshine smile, but that's only because it's you.
° It's strange for him to see you as a sensual sex appeal, when you were the same person who cuddled him when the power went out during a bad storm. And also cuddles him daily to his appreciation.
° Isn't fazed by fan edits, but can get uncomfortable when it comes to people Iver sexualizing you. Such as trying to see how big your dick is through leather pants or only calling you just a sexy visual.
° He won't bring up the edits to you unless you show them directly to him, he knows how it feels to be embarrassed by sexy edits. Mostly because of natural and human insecurities, and knowing it is made public.
° Felix won't tease you about your edits, even though he giggles when witnessing one its only because he sees you as a cuddly teddy bear. He won't hesitate to try and hide any overly sexual content of you from the public.
"Don't worry about it, me and jyp will find a way to delete that post. Stay calm."
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° Will hype you up in a soft way, he'll cheer quietly when reacting to an edit and even clap when it ends. Seungmin is just proud to see how far your stage presence has come, and it happy that you were able to debut.
° Doesn't try to see these edits as sensual videos, rather than the fans appreciating your visuals and amazing presence. He will however get a bit bashful if the clips aren't from stage performances.
° Cheers you on cutely when you do a sexy dance for the fans during concerts, giggling afterwards when you become a bashful mess and hide behind someone... Usually Hyunjin because he's the tallest.
° Prefers you softer edits rather then your Spicy ones, mostly because there is a less chance of being flustered and becoming red with the softer edits. Even if sometimes they make him cringe on the inside.
° Seungmin is your shy hype man that is honestly just so proud of you, and isn't ashamed to tell you how proud he is of you. He loves how fans welcomed you to the group even if you debuted later than the others.
"Y/n worked so hard to get here, and I feel like a proud brother by just watching him."
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°Jeongin is a the maknae and it truly shows during almost everything, from his natural aegyo to his charming stage presence. However it also shows when he playfully teases you for your fan edits.
° Jeongin won't take it too far, but just enough to make your ears turn red. He enjoys seeing you become so flustered over something you did. It makes him confused but also very satisfied.
° Jeongin doesn't like the sexy edits as much as the cuter themed ones, but will still use them against you nonetheless. But that's only ever yo get a reaction out of you and show you how much fans love you.
° He gets bashful from hsi edits, and will beg on his knees for you not to play them. He just can't stand watching himself being sexy or cute with everyone around it watch. It feels different on stage however.
° He'll feel bad if you get very shy from an edit, so he'll hug you as an apology and bribe you back to trust with some snacks. You adore Jeongin's behaviour, seeing him as an adorable brother to you.
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jeontaehui · 4 years
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kun kunhee
taehee’s true aegyo only shows when she talks to kun.
she would call him ‘kun gege‘ or ‘kunnie kun kun’ when she’s feeling it lol
taehee Loves kun’s cooking !!! every time the neos would separate into groups during an activity that involved cooking, she’d beg to be in the same group as him.
(nct world ep. 8) “oppa, your food is to die for.”
kun looks at taehee very fondly, like how a dad would watch his child. 
he thinks taehee can be a bit out of hand sometimes, but 98% of the time they’re together, kun looks like he’d spoil taehee without her having to ask him. 
(180403 vlive) “kun-ge,” taehee skips in her steps as kun turns his head to acknowledge her, “hmm?” “if ten oppa asked you to cut me in half, would you?” she asks him expectantly, and without missing a beat, he replies, “no”. triumphantly, taehee turns to the back to stick out her tongue at ten, “see, you’re the only person—“ “i don’t want to have two of you around,” kun cuts her off with a playful smirk, which turns to a laugh as soon as taehee lets out a gasp. she continued to ramble about how she trusted him, how she felt betrayed. “i’m just kidding,” kun says as he put his arm around taehee’s shoulders, pulling her close before ruffling her hair. 
although they’re not a very popular duo or not seen together quite often, taehee absolutely missed kun and his playfulness (and maybe his cooking too).
iconic moment (uncut take #1 | 2020 yearparty behind scene #2) “hello,” they respectfully greeted, with taehee clinging to kun’s side. “i’m here with taehee,” kun starts, “and even if we aren’t in a scene together, we’re hanging out.”
“i missed kun oppa,” taehee pouts, “kun gege.” this immediately made kun smile, it was clear how kun adored taehee like she was his own child. “really?” and taehee nods in response. “it’s been like, what, two years? since i’ve last seen you. moments with you are like, a breath of fresh air,” kun softly laughs at the comparison as he shakes his head at her dramatics. “you’re just making stuff up, aren’t you?”
“i’m not! i swear!”
“are you sure it’s not my cooking that you missed?”
“well... maybe that too.”
song happier by marshmellow ft. bastille
ten tnt / tenhee
taehee likes to think of ten as her twin, but then he would always shoot down the idea. 
(n’-75) “we’re like twins, right?” taehee tells ten before throwing a chip into her mouth. “yeah, but you’re the annoying one and everyone likes me.”
their videos on nct’s dance channel are literally Divine !!!!!! nctzens especially went wild when taehee performed with ten on ‘hit the stage’.
the dirty jokes ..... don’t even get me started. ten would make one remark and it immediately becomes dirty when he makes eye contact with taehee (ft. mark sometimes). if taehee was about to break out laughing, she’d go “UGH I HATE YOU!”
but even if they’re like this with each other, ten and taehee care about each other a whole lot :(
(nct world ep. 3) taehee strained her wrist while attempting to do jump over the vault. though she was able to balance herself quickly, she looked as if she were about to fall; at this split second, ten took a worried step forward, afraid that she’d slip to the ground. later, when taehee comes back with a wrist guard around her hand, ten takes a concerned look at her and asks if she was okay.
taehee also caught a cold while they were preparing for ‘90’s love’ and ten kept insisting he’d make her something to help her feel better.
ten would never admit it but taehee is his baby, anything or anyone that’s bothering her will have to go through him first >:(
iconic moment (jcc ep. 25) “ten, i don’t think it’s supposed to work that way,” taehee giggles at him as he stood a foot away from her while mixing his self-made cookie dough. “no, you wait for it. it’s gonna work,” ten insists while pointing the wooden spoon menacingly at taehee, but this just made the girl smile wider.
she secretly slides the jar of white sugar towards her and scoops up a spoonful, before moving carefully towards ten. “i don’t even think you added sugar,” she mumbles, but his body moves to block her and she bumps into his back with another step. “HEY!” she laughs at how protective ten was getting over his cookie dough, and his stirring becoming more and more aggressive as she tries to put sugar in it, “i’m going to place some so it has a taste!”
ten protests that he already did a while ago while taehee maneuvered her way around him laughing. ten knew what she was trying to do and so he bumped his hip against hers to stop her from getting any nearer. “this is going to spill! ten, stop!,” taehee tries to hold in her giggles, ten was being too cute. “and you’re going to clean it up when it does,” he bites back.
taehee resumes to finding ways to get sugar into the mix while ten resists, causing a very entertained mark to fill the studio with laughter. after a few minutes of trying, taehee sighs and puts back the sugar in the jar, "wow, i never knew baking could be so tiring.”
turns out, ten’s cookies didn’t come out that well and taehee’s expression said it all. “i told you so.”
song positions by ariana grande 
winwin winhee
when winwin was promoting with wayv, he and taehee would send each other messages asking about their days or if they had plans for anything. since both units were busy, they really never do this and it’s only rare that they message each other, let alone call each other.
that’s why taehee was very happy when she saw winwin again for resonance :(
if taehee was chill about her love for winwin before, now she’d just poke his cheeks every once in a while.
(uncut take #1 | 2020 yearparty behind scene #1) taehee watches from the side as three or four members corner winwin to gush over him, making her give a disapproving shake of the head to the camera. “everyone, winwin hyungie is like a baby,” she nods. “babies won’t like it if you bother them too much, so you have to be subtle with your affection.” taehee gives a playful smirk to the camera, “that’s why winwin hyungie likes me.”
winwin, on the other hand, thinks that taehee changed very much the last time he saw her. from being childish and innocent, she became matured and confident. this is how winwin felt time really flew.
(uncut take #1 | 2020 yearparty behind scene #1) “winwin gege~,” taehee whines, seeing how it would roll off her tongue. “did i say that right? ‘winwin gege’?,” she looks to see that winwin already had a fond smile on his face. “you are so cute,” he pouts, “jeon taehee, you are really too cute.”
iconic moment (201106 twitter blueroom live) “winwin hyung, who is your favorite member here in 90’s love?,” haechan asks from his left. and as everyone appeals to him, including mark who touches his ear out of affection, he already had one person in mind. “jeon taehee.”
song left to right by marteen
lucas luhee
a very very very very chaotic duo.
if you watch compilation videos of the funniest moments from empathy era, the iconic clip of lucas and taehee saying something else instead of ‘yadom’ (nasal spray) would always be included. they had to cut out that part from the live later, and members had to tell them what ‘야동’ actually meant in the next live.
taehee would try to teach lucas some korean before, but then that’s just her talking in korean with an english accent.
(180712 vlive) “why are you so tall?,” taehee raises her eyebrow at him. “why are you so short?,” lucas laughs.
taehee threw a pick-up line at mark during that same live, and lucas asked her why wasn’t she like that to him too. “lucas, don’t laugh but,” taehee tells him, “even if you’re as tall as a tree, i’ll still see you as a big baby. i’m not lying.”
and so jungwoo and taehee’s snacking tradition was actually jungwoo, taehee, and lucas’ snacking tradition.
for taehee, it’s so satisfying to watch lucas eat especially if he’s enjoying it so much. lucas actually admitted that the food that taehee carried in her bag would eventually go to his stomach. it became a habit for taehee to carry some in her bag even if lucas wasn’t promoting with her anymore.
iconic moment (uncut take #14 | ‘resonance’ mv behind the scene) “yo lucas,” taehee greets as she was pulled into a friendly bro hug. when she pulls away, she quicklt takes a look at lucas’ gorgeous features and steps back, “woah, you’re seriously so handsome.” lucas turns shy at her compliment and rubs the back of his neck, “you too.”
taehee raises her eyebrows in amusement, smirking as she says, “i’m handsome too?” lucas thinks for a moment before nodding yes, “you can be handsome too.”
“okay czennies, meet two very handsome people. hello!”
song rather be by clean bandit (ft. jess glynne)
xiaojun xiaohee
out of all the ‘99 boys, she’d want to get to know xiaojun more the most. 
they’re not awkward with each other, they’re just shy to approach each other and start a conversation. 
(sun & moon ep. 2) “taehee-ssi told me the other day she really liked xiaojun hyung’s voice out of the blue,” the said girl eyes haechan carefully, suddenly feeling nervous at what he’s going to pull. “i told her she should tell you herself, why is she telling me? she said she was shy,” when he had said this, a chorus of ‘ohh’s’ came from the rest of the bunch, except for taehee. she had a threatening smile on her face directed at the one and only lee haechan, so he decides to prod her further, “taehee-ssi, perhaps you’d like a guesting on awsaz?”
unknowingly though, xiaojun soon becomes one of the causes of taehee’s smiles or laughter whenever they’re filming together. 
(nct world ep. 2) “taehee, fighting!,” he cheers as taehee stepped forward to arm wrestle. the latter quickly turns around to give him a salute as she winks.
(201120 vlive) “xiaojun comes home and he talks about taehee too,” kun shares, “they hang out a lot.” doyoung snickers, “he fell for her too? taehee tells us how funny you guys are in your dorms, but she only ever talked about xiaojun.”
so yes ,,, they are very shy around each other but as far as we know !!! they’re really good friends who want to be closer to each other.
iconic moment (uncut take #14 | ‘resonance’ mv behind the scene) “you guys have pets in your dorm, right?,” taehee asks him as she leaned back, her arms supporting her from behind. “yes, we have three. the dog is bella and we have two cats named leon and louis,” taehee’s eyes widened, though she admits she feels jealous to have their pets around.
“i would keep my dog with me but they won’t let me.”
“oh really? what’s the name?”
“her name is 뚱이, and she’s a lhasa apso.”
“ahh,” xiaojun nods, “does she pee on your carpet?”
taehee throws her head back slightly as she laughs at the question, bringing a hand to her mouth to hide her growing smile. “do your pets pee on your carpet?” xiaojun shrugs, “well, sometimes,” he nods off disappointingly, causing taehee to giggle. “but we love them,” xiaojun sighs, and his eyes see taehee’s wide smile as she agrees with him. “that’s right, we love them.”
song i really like you by carly rae jepsen 
hendery deryhee
taehee finds hendery SO funny, i swear.
like he can literally just smile and nod she’d bust her lungs out from laughing
nctzens found it cute when taehee and hendery monitored each other while they were shooting for the ‘misfit’ track vid.
(misfit track video behind the scene) “ooo hendery is good. he looks cool.”
taehee watched the awsaz episode of winwin and jisung ,,, firstly because of those two.
but then hendery and haechan were so funny too she may have shed a tear from laughing.
a fan asked in those video call fansigns if taehee has watched any of wayv’s videos and she laughed, saying that she watched the one where they acted as disney princesses.
“hendery is so funny, really,” she smiled. “I CAN SHOW YOU THE WORLD!!!!”
they became really close during resonance era and talk about games, their pets, and already have some inside jokes between the two of them.
like a member would just say ‘cabbage’ and we already have the two of them smiling to each other from across the room !!! or they’d make eye contact when looking at the mirror and taehee would just bust out laughing.
iconic moment (201106 twitter blueroom live) “you’re really, really, really, really handsome,” yuta starts with utmost sincerity, “hendery.” the latter brings a hand to his face, his face warming up at the compliment as he sighs contently. this comical reaction causes taehee to burst into a fit of laughter, one you could hear off-cam.
later, when it was time for the ‘90’s love’ unit to take charge of the live, taehee giggles out of the blue, trying to keep her laughs in. “why?,” mark asks as he glances at her. “i’m sorry i just,” she pauses. surely, she was thinking about the funny things hendery pulled when they were doing the live before them. “i just keep thinking about how funny hendery was. i’m sorry, i’ll just eat my fries,” she says the last part quickly, throwing a french fry in her mouth as she bites back a smile.
song love story by taylor swift (disco lines ft. cassidi remix)
yangyang yanghee
taehee finds yangyang SO cute, precious, and tiny.
whenever yangyang is speaking, we’d see taehee in the corner of the frame smiling. 
she’s all over the yangyang vocalist agenda !!!!!!
(uncut #16 | ‘90’s love’ recording behind) “this is yangyang’s voice, isn’t it?,” taehee beams as she hears the younger’s voice through her headphones. “i really like his voice.”
yangyang’s such a smiley baby around taehee, partially because she told him he was very cute when he smiles.
fans find it so endearing when taehee calls yangyang “yangyangie” as if she’s talking to a baby :(
(201022 weibo live) “taehee noona and i play games when she comes here,” yangyang tells renjun. “and then she’ll hangout with the pets later,” he and renjun laugh at this. typical taehee.
taehee would buy drinks from the vending machine for sungchan since he’s the maknae in ‘90’s love’ but !!!! she makes a special exception for yangyang.
just a little bit more and he’s up taehee’s baby list ^ ^
iconic moment (uncut take #8 | ‘90′s love’ mv behind) “today is yangyang’s birthday!,” taehee chirps as she held the camera, making sure she and yangyang were both in the frame. “you’re like, 21 now, right?,” yangyang nods, “how are you feeling today?”
“i feel happy right now since you guys like prepared a cake and stuff and sang ‘happy birthday’ to me awhile ago,” taehee smiles at this. “so i’ll continue to work hard with you guys as we wrap up filming,” yangyang finishes as he beams at her, the latter mirroring his expression. 
“you’re so cute, you know that, right?,” taehee coos as she focuses the camera to yangyang (who smiles shyly at the compliment), before placing herself back in frame. “i only got to play games with yangyang a few times because chenle invited me, but now that we’re all spending time together, i think yangyang’s a very cute dongsaeng.” at this, they both giggle and taehee raises her fist for a fist bump. “i know,” yangyang says as he bumps his fist against hers, taehee laughing at this cute ball of sunshine. 
song timber by pitbull (ft. ke$ha) 
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aer-in-wanderland · 4 years
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구미호뎐 | Tale of the Nine Tailed - 이동욱 VLIVE 2020.11.18 TotNT Q&A
Below the cut you’ll find a translation of some of the TotNT Q&A highlights from Lee Dong Wook’s recent VLIVE, wherein the actor answers live questions from fans and shares some fun behind the scenes stories and insights. 
Note: these are only excerpts I’ve selected out (primarily from the third segment) of the full 2hr VLIVE. You can find a full transcript of the second segment here.
At the start, LDW wrote a few things on a white board because he was being asked them so much. Those are:
Tale of the Nine Tailed Ep 13 & 14 will both be broadcast the following week (filming for the drama has wrapped) [on November 5th, after filming for nearly 7 months]
He really does like mint chocolate
He has no intention of running his own SNS (social media) 
[In a later addition] He doesn’t know his MBTI type and isn’t interested in finding out
The VLIVE proceeded in three main sections. 1) Free talk 2) VS Game (prepared for him by his promotional team), and 3) TotNT Q&A. Below are some things I thought were of note, mostly from the third section, complete with time stamps in case you want to go see where he talks about them but also because academia has conditioned me to always be meticulous about citing my sources. ;) 
Q: Do you watch Tale of the Nine Tailed on live broadcast? [0:17:16~0:17:46]
I think I watched live...about half the time. I saw about half of the episodes live, and for the other half I couldn’t watch because we were filming, so I either watched them on re-watch [online] or when they re-broadcast them. 
Since it wasn’t entirely pre-produced, we were still filming as it was being broadcast, so there were occasions when I couldn’t watch the broadcast live. 
[Note: The reason people in Korea are concerned with the original live broadcast (bonbang) is because this is how the viewership ratings are measured.]
Q: Are you close with Kim Beom-nim in reality? [0:30:45~0:31:03]
(Laughing) Yes, we are close in real life haha. That was a very cute question. We’re extremely close. We worked out together yesterday too. (Laughing) That was a cute question. 
[Note: Lee Dong Wook and Kim Beom are represented by the same talent agency so they’re also label mates]
Q: Are there any ad lib lines that come to mind? [1:17:30~1:18:30]
Everyone, to be perfectly honest, I did so many ad libs I don’t even remember them all. I think I made an ad lib in nearly...at least once in every two scenes? Was it more than that? But thankfully the director and writer gave me a lot of opportunities to do as I pleased. Most likely if you were watching and found yourself thinking, ‘oh, that seems like an ad lib?’ those were all ad libs. And there were actually many more than that even. Yes. I did so many I can’t remember. 
[Note: You can find a full round-up of ad libs mentioned throughout the VLIVE that I did here. I’m not going to repeat them in this post since it’s going to be long enough already ;) ]
Q: What line left the deepest impression on you? [1:18:36~1:19:35]
This is also...for our drama, the writer really did a wonderful job writing the dialogue and there are many iconic lines, right? So to be honest it’s difficult to just pick one...yes. But, in any case, it would probably have to be that line, wouldn’t it? The ending of episodes 1, 4 and 9. Ji Ah’s line, ‘I waited for you.’ And then again at the end of episode 4, my line, ‘I also waited for you.’ And then at the end of episode 9 Ji Ah says, ‘I waited for you’ with a different meaning. The mirroring of the lines in these ending scenes, I believe it will have stayed with you, and it stayed with me too. 
[Reading the live chat] Yes, ‘I have never once missed my target.’ Yes, that line was also really good. It was a line that helped to wake something in Rang-ie’s heart, so... 
Q: Was it hard acting before the CG effects were added in? [1:20:39~1:23:19]
Ah, is that so? That was also released as a clip, as a video [available here]. They compared the CG before and after...It’s not easy. Yes. Especially in cases like the Knife Mountain Hell and the Snow Mountain Hell, when you film in front of a blue screen, you need to make a lot of calculations. And, you sort of...need to be aware of the details. Right now, what cut you’re filming, what cut will come after that cut, and...for that, seeing as how everything around you is blue, you tend to lose your sense of direction a bit? You also have to take that into account. So, actually to film all the Knife Mountain Hell and the Snow Mountain Hell scenes, added together, I spent three days and two nights in front of a blue screen...so it was a bit hard. After being in front of nothing but a blue screen for nearly three days straight...I started to lose my sense of time and space. Where I am now, which direction I’m going in, whether where I’m currently standing is facing forward or backward, even what time it is currently, or how much time has passed, these sort of...the most basic senses that are part of being human, become duller and duller. That was somewhat hard. But thanks to our director, our CG director, and our stunt director helping me a lot, and the same goes for our film crew, yes, so, that was how we filmed. 
Ah, and, when filming in front of a blue screen, especially in cases like the Knife Mountain Hell, there are knives flying at me right? So I get asked a lot if that isn’t embarrassing, but to be honest when I’m filming I don’t have the space to even be concerned with those sorts of things. It’s not as if, like, because I moved in such a way I feel humiliated or because I did this I feel embarrassed. I don’t even have the space to be concerned with those things. I just think about the fact that the CG team, the stunt team, the camera team, and me, I have to act well so that these four teams can work well in concert...yes. Because to the extent that my acting comes across as realistic, it should be better once the CG is added. Because it will be easier for the people filming [that way], so I always film while keeping those things in mind. 
Q: Do the colors of your thread rings have to do with the drama’s plot? [1:26:42~1:27:00]
[Big pause] Hm~.....the color doesn’t. 
Q: Between Lee Rang and Imoogi, who did you have the best synergy with for the action sequences? [1:27:26~1:28:11]
For me, it was easiest when I worked with the stunt team (laughs). When I do action sequences with other actors...I’m uneasy. Well, the other party might also be uneasy but I am also uneasy, because if we happen to strike each other for real, we’ll get hurt. So I always film with a very cautious mindset, but when I do action sequences with the stunt team, in any case, because they are professionals, even if I get the motions slightly wrong or I step forward too much, they are able to adjust to match me. So my heart is most at ease when I do action sequences with the stunt team. Because they are able to respond to me well. 
Q: Do you get startled for real when Taluipa screams at you while you’re acting? [1:28:46~1:28:59]
No. In reality it doesn’t startle me that much. Jeong Nan-Noona (Actress Kim Jeong Nan) is also very close with me. We’ve been in a number of productions together, so we enjoyed ourselves. 
Q: A behind the scenes story from the promotional teasers with Jo Bo Ah? [1:29:17~1:30:02] 
Ah~, this is a bit of a departure from talking about the drama itself. I was just talking with Ji Ah, with Bo Ah-ssi, and we ended up talking about how it might be if we tried filming something funny just by ourselves to release before the broadcast...and so, I was the one who provided the idea, at the beginning. If you look, it’s written there, right? Planning: Jo Bo Ah, Directing: Lee Dong Wook hehe. Yes, we just made them like that. At the very beginning, Jo Bo Ah-ssi was the one who proposed making them, so the planning is Jo Bo Ah, and then I was the one who supplied ideas of ‘let’s do this like this,’ so the directing is Lee Dong Wook. Yes. 
[Note: If you haven’t seen these, they’re great. There are three of them that were shared to both Lee Dong Wook (@leedongwook_official) and Jo Bo Ah’s (@xxadoraa) Instagram feeds ahead of EP03, EP05, and EP07]
Q: Who had the most NG (no good) takes while filming? [1:30:59~1:31:14]
I have the most NGs. I think in any case, I have the most...I joke around a lot, and I make a lot of ad libs, and I also had a lot of scenes, so I had the most NGs. 
Q: Re: Lee Yeon’s Hair [1:33:38~1:34:34]
Yes, I like it. Ah, this could actually be a bit of a ‘behind the scenes.’ It was actually my idea to make Lee Yeon’s hair red-brown. It wasn’t the original character setting. I thought that, since he’s a Korean red fox, how would it be to make his hair a bit closer to that color, and also that it would be nice to give him a bit more of an otherworldly image. So I consulted with the director of our salon and the salon director said that that would be good. So I ended up with red-brown hair, and it just worked naturally that the (mountain god) wig be a mixture of red-brown and silver. Ah that isn’t white hair, it’s actually silver. It’s much closer to silver hair, not white hair. So that’s how I came to have a combination of red and silver long hair. Yes. 
Q: What was your reaction when you first met the agwi while filming the Forest of the Starved sequence? [1:36:27~1:37:50]
That, rather than thinking they were scary, I mostly kept thinking about what a hard time they must be having. The Forest of the Starved sequence, adding together every time the Forest of the Starved shows up from beginning to end, we filmed for nearly a week straight. Six days? For about six days to a week. For most of them, they are actually members of our stunt team in stage makeup. There were also many people who appeared just in those roles, but those folks all had a really hard time. That makeup takes a long time to put on and a long time to take off, and seeing as it’s all special effects makeup it’s hard on your skin in a number of ways, and because it was summer it was really hot and humid, and because we were in the forest it was just...well, in any case there were truly a lot of error conditions, so while me and Kim Beom-ssi also had a hard time, in truth it was those people who had it the hardest. Those who played the agwi really worked very hard. Thank you very much to those people. For me and Kim Beom-ssi, at least our clothes and shoes were, at least we were dressed comfortably while we filmed, but those people had to wear torn hanbok and straw shoes while running, so in truth those people are the protagonists of the Forest of the Starved. They really worked the hardest of all of us.
[Note 1: ‘those people’ sounds dismissive in English but LDW is using the respective term ‘bun’ so he’s actually being quite deferential here.
Note 2: Kim Beom has said elsewhere that he filmed this sequence for 3 weeks so either LDW is just talking about his own scenes or possibly Kim Beom just remembered it as being longer than it was haha]
Q: When you played baduk with Lee Rang, did you know what you were doing or were you just placing pieces at random? [1:39:34~1:40:07]
For that, I knew what I was doing. For that baduk game, someone who knows [how to play], if they see that board just once they will know. We used a high caliber game by extremely famous baduk players and transferred the placement of the pieces exactly, and then Rang-ie and I took turns placing piece by piece like this, right? For that, we each, Rang-ie and I each memorized our moves, so we were playing an actual game of baduk. The reason being that, these sort of things are the details, and for those, well, you shouldn’t lie, right?
Q: Are there any details you payed attention to when you were acting as Lee Rang transformed (into Lee Yeon)? [1:44:27~1:45:47] 
For episode 11... for episode 11, at that time, conversely, I didn’t pay much attention to it. At that time, the reason being, fooling the viewers was a critical part of that sequence, of that episode, so conversely, if I had acted like Lee Rang, and Lee Rang had acted like me, like Lee Yeon, doing it like that seemed like it would have been too obvious, so we just, to the greatest extent possible, we each respectively acted Lee Yeon as had been, and Lee Rang as had been. 
But then, when Lee Rang transforms into Lee Yeon and goes to see Taluipa, at that time I tried more to act like Lee Rang. In fact, before we started filming, I asked Rang-ie, I asked Beom-ssi to read through the lines once. I asked him, ‘If it was you, how do you think you would do this?’ So Beom-ssi read it for me and I matched that. So this was another place that I manipulated the details while I was acting. When I (Rang) went to see Taluipa, when he was transformed, there was originally another version where I (Rang) looked around even more and was even more awkward. But rather than that, that was too blatantly obvious, so it was broadcast with the more toned-down version. 
Q: Did you really have a video call with Ji Ah? [1:46:18~1:46:36]
No, we each shot our scenes on different days. I shot mine first, and then Ji Ah-ssi, Bo Ah-ssi, shot hers about two or three days later. We each shot separately on different days.  
Q: A behind the scenes story from the sound booth recording? [1:48:07~1:48:47]
The sound booth recording is just the sound booth recording (laughs). Ah, that, the sound booth recording for the hell scene? Ah, that was exhausting. For that, honestly if it wasn’t for the ‘making’ (behind the scenes video) you probably wouldn’t have known about it. To that extent, I poured as much energy into it as when I had originally acted it out all over again as I was recording it, so I really ended up feeling like I’d gone to that hell and back twice. Which is what I said in the ‘making’...And that was caught on video by our miss Bo Ah, and that ended up being released as part of the behind the scenes. 
[Note: The sound booth BTS can be found here (2:09~3:01)]
Q: Which of the mountain god outfits do you like the most? [1:50:47~1:51:11]
That...when I went to save young Rang-ie, the outfit I wore the first time I appeared, the black one, yes. In the Forest of the Starved, when I went to save young Rang-ie, the mountain god clothing I wore when we first met, I personally really liked it.  
Q: Re: the mountain god hair [1:51:30~1:52:17]
It was uncomfortable. It...dragged a lot, and sort of...yes. It gives you a headache. Once you’ve had it affixed for about 6 hours, your scalp gets tighter and tighter, and it hurts your head. So the wig, it also takes a long time to put on and take off. To be honest, the mountain god scenes, to everyone watching they may be very beautiful...but they were quite tiring. That goes for the wig, but also for the hanbok. It’s very uncomfortable to move about in and restrictive in a number of ways. Especially, seeing as how I always got a headache, it was a bit hard. 
Q: Does Lee Yeon know that he’s cute? [1:55:06~1:55:09]
Of course. 
[Note: This is the 3rd gif ;)]
Q: What was the first scene you shot? [2:02:18~2:02:46]
My first scene was...the scene where Soo Oh and I meet at the park and talk. That was the first scene that I shot. When the little girl lost her balloon and I caught it and returned it to her. Soo Oh said, ‘Ajusshi, are you an alien?’ and I said, ‘No, a gumiho.’ That scene was the first scene of Tale of the Nine Tailed that was shot and it was my first scene that I shot. 
Q: Did you have a time when you swooned while acting with Jo Bo Ah-nim? [2:03:14~2:03:20]
Of course. Whenever I act out those sorts of emotions I always do. 
This is not a complete exhaustive transcription. You can find my translation of the VS game that proceeded the Q&A here. 
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littlecafe · 5 years
shows i liked
i don’t really watch many shows tbh so i thought i’d make a list of ones i found interesting, just for fun lol and maybe you’ll find something interesting too!! also if u know any fun shows feel free to share ~
all these shows should be available on kshow, i know the website is terrible which is why i didn’t link but if you CAN’T find these shows anywhere else just know, last resort, it’s on kshow...just be sure to use adblock too....
1. SUPER INTERN (eng subs) : basically produce for adults lol it’s like job hunting, projects, presentations but with mnet’s editing; super interesting since i’ve never seen a show like this and the things they touch on apply pretty much universally irl and to other businesses as well not just entertainments
basic rundown - jyp looks to hire interns purely through their SWOT analysis (without knowing anything about the contestants prior no background, education, gender, etc) and they go through various projects and the winner gets hired to work at jyp full time!
2. SUPERBAND (no subs but at least u can understand joe hahn): you might have seen me talking about this show because i was obsessed with it but it’s another survival show but to make a band, unlike most shows it feels like the contestants basically have full artistic freedom on what they want to do as there wasn’t really any set guidelines other than a max about of members you could pick for a team
normally in a band i tend to focus on vocals and guitar but thanks to the show i feel like i can appreciate other sounds more and how everything comes together, it was also very interesting to see instruments you wouldn’t normally see in a normal band set up and how they worked with everything
basically i think the entire show was performances and small bits of their creative process + judges and eliminations there wasn’t much filler from what i remembered but they do upload cute behind the scenes stuff on their vlive/youtube channel!!
> some performances i liked (these are now updated to naver links bc jbtc decided to be mean and private most of the youtube videos from the show): childhood memories, fireflies, smooth, stop crying your heart out, still fighting it, f=ma, creep, there’s just too many rip 
> alternatively you can just listen on spotify (someone compiled all the ones available on spotify onto a playlist, it’s not every performance for some reason some never got put up on there but it’s most of them)
note: if anyone wants to watch this now or want someone to discuss it with or anything i’m still free to talk about this show i will never get over it I WILL NEVER SHUT UP until they make a second season
3. THE GREAT ESCAPE (eng subs): huge escape rooms, fun to watch if u like doing escape rooms or like watching people trying to escape from large scale who-knows-where-the-budget-came-from rooms lol though if i remember correctly there’s a bonus episode at the end that shows the before and afters of some of the places and how the staff went through and renovated these places to make them into escape rooms (but i don’t think that one was subbed)
there are 2 seasons both are great though it does eventually turn into basically a horror/thriller special since all the rooms just get scarier but they have warnings before anything creepy pops up good for the weak souls like me but i guess bad for those who enjoy the thrill (they apologize, sorry guys)
4. VOCAL PLAY (no subs): it’s a show meant to introduce a capella to the masses, for once, this is not a survival show (even though there are winners) so if you get attached easily this will be a less tearful watch and while the entire thing is not subbed, they do have subbed clips on their youtube
i believe the pool has beat boxers, a capella groups, and vocalists (+ rappers); each judge form their teams with a mix of the above and they compete with each other purely with the sounds of their voices only - only in the beginning audition can singers use a backtrack, once the teams are formed all stages are advertised to be purely a capella! (note: they do use choirs sometimes to fill i think???)
> some performances i liked: phantom of the opera, attention, circle of life + my heart will go on
5. KANG’S KITCHEN (eng subs): i just.....love...food lol but it really shows the hardships of owning a restaurant and what some go through everyday to provide food for others, it’s super funny too and also if you’re really hungry or want to try making things for yourself you can find some of the recipes and instructions from the chef himself on youtube c:
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rainelot · 6 years
GCF in Saipan- A Rant as of August 2018 (Posted December)
(Out in December since I wanted to get a more objective view on things and to edit it slightly. This is just as a memory record anyways so)
When I made this blog, it was meant to be a blog to rant about anything Bangtan that interested me. However, I recently encountered one of the most frustrating, interesting, and baffling two days of my life and I needed to address the cause of this with a rant (that I doubt people will read). The cause: Jungkook’s GCF in Saipan.
WARNING: THIS IS ALL IN GOOD FUN. I claim no rights to what is true or not. Don’t take this too seriously please. Will have Koomin/Jikook references.
To start it off, I don’t like real people shipping. I don’t really care if others do it (as long as they remain sane and logical) but I personally didn’t enjoy doing it for one reason: I don’t know them personally, so it isn’t any of my business. I enjoyed their interactions with each other platonically, using what they gave us upfront as fuel, and whatever else that might be happening to purely up to them. For BTS, I never before cared much for shipping, and just enjoyed every interaction as it is.
Then I watched GCF in Saipan, the catalyst to my descent into a brief insanity. What I can say about Saipan is that it is a theorist haven, perhaps why I’ve become so interested now. By “theorist”, I mean NOT REAL, and my opinions should not be taken as fact. These are all just observations that I personally took from the GCFs.
Perhaps what I should say before going into Saipan specifics is that I watched Tokyo in my early days as a fan. I did not know the context of the song, I did not know Jungkook or Jimin well, so I didn’t think much of it. Of course, I acknowledged it was fairly romantic in setting, but I took it to be interpreted either platonically or romantically, and even now I don’t think too much of it. The video itself has a personal meaning to me: reciprocal love, any shape of it available, with little accents and layers that can be tilted and shifted for the viewer’s own interpretation (as all art). I don’t have too much to say about Tokyo itself, because of how straight forward it is. Saipan is the one that makes no sense if I tried to take it in upfront. I’m not very good at reading behaviors, hence my inability to see what others see as “moments”, but I have done some (very unprofessional) editing before and I absolutely love art analyzing, which the GCFs very clearly are to me.
For this, I will be isolating Saipan in a fairly tight bubble, with little unrelated topics. I won’t be including much outside Jungkook’s art (except in the skeptic area). Some previous GCF mentions/comparisons, some outside views strictly on the films as well will be referenced in the rant itself. Not going to include any deep reading into their overall relationship, mostly an analysis of the GCF.
I watched Saipan (at this point after being a fan for long enough to care) first thinking that something was off. Something wasn’t harmonious with each other. The second time I watched it, I realized the dissonance was between the film and the music. Together, it wasn’t coherent, which is different than all of his work so far. Tokyo, Osaka, even USA though being equally promo-related, they all had more to build upon meaning-wise, the perspectives matched within the film. Saipan’s song both in mood and in subject clashed with the film from beginning to end. Of course, all in my opinion.
Here is the song:
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Now, before I go any further, I had an intensive discussion with a mutual on twitter, who is a multi-kpop non-BTS stan. She doesn’t keep up with Bangtan, but she likes some of their songs and is a casual listener. She is also somewhat experienced and knowledgeable in video editing and had very interesting input for the factor of “film sound”, the information from a document which she paraphrased. This was her input through the DMs:
“The Pacific Cinematheque has stated that there two types of sound in film, Diegetic and Non-Diegetic. Diegetic is the sound that we would also experience in real life. Non-Diegetic is any sound we don’t experience in real life like dramatic orchestrated songs or musical score or sound effects like the screeches in the shower scene Psycho.”
“So why do directors use sound? Well (and here it comes) it is to do any of the following 1. add mood 2. add atmosphere to a film. How? By adding these soundscapes that Accent or add another Layer of meaning to the film. The filmmaker wants the audience to perceive the scenes in a specific way, and sound/music leg scenes be seen in the specific way that the director intended. Silence in a film can represent something very important or a turning point. Music, specifically in film, has various uses, but most commonly it is used to “guide the emotional response of the audience”. Music is the clue in scenes, it’s like a huge signpost directing (pun cause the filmmaker is a director anyways off track sorry) the audience on how to react to a scene.”
“So basically what I am saying is that of course Jungkook is aware of the music he’s using in his gcfs, and he’s also aware of the reaction he wants from the films. He used that song because he wanted a specific reaction from the audience, he wanted us viewers to see what his intentions are and at this point I’m insane too cause all I’m thinking is that he wants us to react to Jimin and to focus on that.”
(I may or may not have told her multiple times through out my discussion with her that I feel like I’m going insane. I calmed down before writing this though, for the sake of making any sense and neutrality.)
These are just the basics. If you still aren’t convinced how important a song is in context to a film, then remember: before Jungkook even began making the GCFs, he was doing mainly covers of songs. And he said, specifically to the fans, that the lyrics of his chosen songs are important. He usually chooses them for a reason (what that reason could be, up to the viewer, since he doesn’t outright explain the choices).
So we established that first, Jungkook most likely chose this song with actual thought and intention put into it (again, take that intention with what you may).
Of course, what interested me was Jimin’s parts. Mainly because he is my son (even though I am fairly younger than him), and also because of the teaser Jungkook released shortly before dropping Saipan. Truth be told, I wasn’t really expecting the silly dance nor the punches to be included, as I thought that Jungkook only posted that to show Namjoon and the fans what was going on in the “behind the scenes” video Namjoon posted the day before. Perhaps a little blooper insight. So yes, I was surprised that the scene was included at all, much less becoming a gap-clip repeating between alternating clips of the group and other members. I was also surprised at the amount of time Jimin was shown, as after USA being a very equalized group video, I was expecting the same from Saipan. Similarly to USA, it was very work-oriented and promotional, and also both (definitely USA as from Namjoon’s Vlive) were most likely commissioned by Bighit.
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Jimin’s dominates the bridge. By dominate, I mean he is the only one with a completely exclusive part in this particular GCF. Verse 1 was Taehyung, verse 2 was Hoseok, and the choruses are a mix. Jimin appears the most not only through adding up all the small clips, but because he takes up two solid blocks of the song, both with the same context and lyrics. The reason why the it’s hard for me to link the others with their individual parts is because of the way they were shot, the clips that were chosen, all very aesthetically pleasing but difficult to find depth or flow in. Jimin’s parts almost had a story line. This is important to me because of the lyrics, which we shall visit now.
First the meaning of the song. John K. in an interview: He describes the bouncy track’s meaning as “[about] evolving through young love, admitting to past mistakes and committing to giving someone the best possible version of yourself.”
To be honest, this song is not as ambiguous to me as There For You, Troye Sivan, Tokyo GCF. Sure, Troye Sivan is a gay artist, and the song lyrics are directed at a boy. But the lyrics themselves I do think can be taken in any shape of love. For Best of Me, this is not the case. I think Verse 2 is the clearest reason for this:
Waking up next to you
Got you back in my arms
Don't it feel like it use to
Like we were never apart
Never thought I would see you
Now we're loving in the dark
We can't fight this feeling
While I’m a staunch believer in lyrics being universally interpreted and available to all versions of personal view (take Osaka as an example, which is another fairly straightforward GCF), to make it simpler for myself right now and with the tinfoil hat on, I’ll stick with what the song can be most basically understood: lovers who are loving in secret, but wants to be let free.
Here comes a bit tinfoil (not really shippy, but more reading into what it could mean artistically. Purely subjective interpretation):
Now, without going into the ship or anything at all first, here is my artistic interpretation of Jungkook’s editing: the lyrics may be directed at Jimin, but I personally can also intemperate that Jimin in the video embodies the lyrics, or the lyrics embody Jimin in the video. Either way works for me. This is interpretation in the same way people interpret the smile of Mona Lisa (purely individualistic), and it doesn’t rely too much on Jungkook’s true intentions here. Again, I don’t claim any of this as the true meaning, as to me there is no true meaning needed for me.
In the video, Jimin shows the rawest actions. He barely pays attention to the camera half of the time, and when he does, it’s for the sake of the cameraman (Jungkook). This can be seen when in the second bridge part, he shows Jungkook his own camera just off screen, and during the second chorus, he high-fives Jungkook, just off screen once more. I believe Jungkook also chose these parts intentionally, especially the sneeze during the second bridge that he zoomed in on. No matter if the purpose was just to clown Jimin (also possible), it still leads an interesting narrative for me (I know I repeated this multiple times, but no, this may not be the intentions of Jungkook, and it is my own view on it as an art form). The lyrics “I don’t wanna hide no more” building up to “Imma let you get the best of me” was in sync with the way how Jimin bursts from a serious expression into a silly dance, with the silliness continuing later after the chorus and verse 2 into the second bridge. He is true to his actions, letting go of inhibition, essentially not hiding, lying, nor acting anymore. All genuine, silly, honest moments, such as the sneezing, the off camera action, etc.
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The editing for the dance part is interesting too. As I said before, I wasn’t expecting it, so it was interesting when it seemed Jungkook added a separate track and layered other clips on top of the silly dancing. This one might be a bit of a stretch, but I can see it like the clips of the groups randomly were “hiding” the silly dancing. No particular meaning needed really, just a technique used in editing that, to me, matches the lyrics in an unintended way. Those were just my thoughts when considering the possibilities of the lyrics, and the visual is pretty cool in the narration. I know from experience that it’s much easier to layer clips (BTS eating) over a longer clip (Jimin dancing) rather than cut them individually to fit around each other. So that’s just a neat observation lol. 
Artistically speaking, Jimin is the only solid narrative and character within the video because there seems to be an actual correlation between the actions he does chronologically with the lyrics given for him. I find it interesting how he and the lyrics embody each other as the video went on. Again, my personal take on a work of art.
Now here’s the ultimate tinfoil-kinda-shippy part of my post. ALL PURE SPECULATION.
This video can be conceptually all about the “hidden”. Looking at this as a GCF, in comparison to his two earliest works, it is a lot more promotional, like USA (I actually have some thoughts on USA and Bangtan as well, and may think about writing a post for it. It’s not gonna be as bad as this one though).
Perspective of GCFs before Saipan:
Onto the subject of music perspectives, Jungkook so far as established a trend of using the perspective within the songs to be directed at the people starring in it, most noticeably in Osaka, with the way the lyrics were directed/about either Jimin or Taehyung’s roles/characters in the film from a first person perspective speaking. Tokyo as well with the last few lines of “running running just to keep my hands upon you”, showing the camera in the perspective of being behind Jimin as he got farther away with the first person pronoun. USA with the “we” point of view, which is then including the film’s perspective as part of the “we”, especially noticed when Jungkook goes to shake Zedd’s hand. I assume then that Jungkook uses the music choices as a way to direct to the people or to include himself in it at some points, rather than being a passive outside third person view. Now that GCF in Newark is out, that is even more obvious, though I also find Newark to be a diverging path in his medium exploration, so the perspective is more centered around himself rather than those around him. GCF in Saipan was made with the same format as those before it so my thoughts on its techniques are the same (I will be ignoring Newark for now since it’s format is so radically different, as well as the fact that its creation doesn’t affect his previous works).
This is important in the case of Saipan being very dissonant with the the perspectives of the film and of the song. Beyond my personal artistic perspective above (which, in my interpretation, I believe is another layer to the narrative, as multiple meanings within art is always the best). Say that the lyrics are from the point of view of the camera as a character in the film (Jungkook), which so far it has been for most of the GCFs. USA’s perspective made sense in that it was a group song, and it’s about a "we”, including Jungkook, reminiscing the old days. Generally equalized screen-time for each member, first person plural perspective, you get it. Sure, the tone and mood of it was off, but at least the perspective made sense. Saipan’s perspective and mood both don’t make sense. As a whole, Best of Me as a song choice doesn’t make much sense, given the perspective of it. Very different to USA, which I previously thought Saipan was going to emulate for reasons already stated.
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Saipan is biased to Jimin based on the film and lyric placement, as previously stated, and so narrative-wise, it is also Jimin-biased. The song choice itself is also strange in that Saipan’s song is very clearly not a group song. It is a song with a “me” and a “you”. During the bridges, it’s even more clear how the “me” and “you” works. With the camera being the perspective, the “me” is the singer speaking, and the “you” (if we base this off of how Jungkook’s use of perspective works thus far) is directed at whoever is on screen. The same way Tokyo was directed at Jimin, and in Osaka, Jimin and Taehyung appeared whenever the lyrics were directed at them (Taehyung appearing at “he’s taking your side of the bed” so he is the subject of the “you” in that set of lyrics, similar to how “running running just to keep my hands upon you” in Tokyo, the “you” was Jimin. Again, Jungkook uses the camera as part of the narrative, hence the use of communication between camera and “actor”).
Well, you may ask, why isn’t anyone else’s part in the going to be the same? Especially Hoseok’s part, which to be honest, I’m surprised no one mentioned much? They mentioned how the song had questionably romantic lyrics, and everyone freaked out about how beautiful Hobi was in the video (same though) but his part coincided with those questionable lyrics I mentioned earlier. Why doesn’t that indicate Jungkook proclaiming his undying love for Hobi? Well, the main reason is most likely “selective context”. That part by itself could allude to that, but as a whole, the film focused on someone else. So this is an example of taking parts of something to make a different whole. That’s why the structure of Saipan felt different than those before it. Tokyo was linear, Osaka was alternating between two, USA was group, and Saipan is... weird.
So, during the bridges, the “me” is the “I don’t wanna hide no more, I don’t wanna lie no more” and the “you” is “’cause what I found in you is so real”. Depending on who the camera’s perspective is, this can be taken in many different ways. However, USA makes me believe that the camera itself is really Jungkook (as I always assumed so) and not the fans, a third person, etc. If the “me” is Jungkook, and the “you” is Jimin -  well, I did sort of lose my sanity for two whole days.
In short, for an entire two days I was convinced Jungkook was in love with Jimin or at least had some sort of romantic connection with him in some way. Not that they were in a relationship, I was feeling something much too sudden for me to give it labels, and much too isolated to consider any “big picture”. And I felt like I was going insane because of how out of the blue my own reaction was. As I said before, I’m no shipper. So it was shocking and a little terrifying when I was so convinced. (I am calmer now, and have a relatively more neutral stance on the pairing once more, thankfully).
The main reason why I was so convinced previously was because of one reason: with input from my perspective analysis, I believe the GCFs are from Jungkook’s point of view (as we all believe). With the song choice and the clips chosen, it was a surprise to me when I thought about the film more carefully. I don’t ship BTS because to me, those are outside opinions on what’s happening, behavioral analysis videos, coincidence theories, etc. Sure, they can be interesting, sometimes cute, but I don’t see any need to support or pay too much mind to it. With GCFs, it was different because this was not outside perspective. This was Jungkook. This was his video, that he filmed and edited and spent time on. Like with his covers, as he had told us before, they (could) have meaning. They (could) tell a story, that may change the way you view his work. So what exactly could he be trying to tell us has been interesting for me to interpret. Of course, I still don’t think it matters much to have an absolute “True Meaning” unless he gives out one, and even then, art is appreciated in many ways, with so many facets and personal subjective connections. I don’t think I’m right, just that it’s what I perceived. And for me, it took me off guard how disconnected from the rest of the film the bridges were. They were so different in mood, in style, the bias, the commutative narrative going on. I couldn’t understand what Jungkook was saying, unlike all GCFs previous where it felt more coherent and I could at least somewhat figure out his message. And while perhaps Saipan simply doesn’t have a message, that’s hard to believe with this ongoing narrative.
This basically comes down to the opposing ideals in my mind. On one hand, I would hate to assume anything about someone I don’t actually know, especially when it’s something so personal and not-my-business. On the other hand, I would hate to dismiss anything that could be meaningful from an artist who put a lot of thought and handwork into a project of their’s. Something my art teacher of four years told me before “don’t be scared of being wrong about reading into an artwork, because they want you to see the things you are seeing”. Perhaps it’s all on purpose without any personal meaning? Maybe. I’ll stick with the “meaningful narrative but not necessarily romantic” for my own safety.
Who knows? Here’s some counterclaims to cheer you up and help me regain sanity.
Speculative counterarguments with responses and more doubt and speculation (my irl friend helped to come up with some of them, just in case):
Counterclaim:The song is meant to be taken platonically, with more focus on literal meaning on the chorus parts “Imma let you get the best of me”, aimed at either the members or at the fans. The song may also be promotional due to it having the same name as one of their own song. This means the entire video was focused more on promo (like the end “Summer Package” text).
Response: Jungkook does care about lyrics, and even with promo possibly being the main focus (which I do think it is a big part of it), I don’t think he will choose a song with the same name at random. However, it is possible he wanted to choose a song with the same name (promo, personal reason, who knows) and also thought the lyrics applied minimally (and liked it musically). As I said before, I am a big “lyrics can mean anything” person, so taking romantic lyrics and using them for platonic or other situations is something I can see happening. So yeah. This is definitely possible.
Counterclaim: Jimin is focused on for the bridge part because of the lyrics “I don’t wanna lie no more” tying to his “Lie” solo from Wings (my friend is the one who came up with this one)
Response: This one I find there is a low possibility of. Mostly because even if that was the case, why would Jimin dominate the entire bridge, including the other lyrics? Jungkook could have easily edited in other members, like the mixture he does for the verses and especially the choruses. Just put in a little shot of Jimin at the lie part and move on. So, this is unlikely (along with the fact that I really doubt Jungkook chooses songs and clips based on that) Which leads to the next counter:
Counterclaim: Jungkook very simply enjoys filming Jimin most, due to familiarity and Jimin being more comfortable with it. He’s at the bridges for content symmetry and also because there were simply more footage of him because of ease and accumulation. He sees Jimin as a very fun and goofy person, so he used the funny clips. There is no deeper meaning behind Jimin’s shots.
Response: Sure, I guess. This comes down to “how personal are the GCFs for Jungkook?”, which I would personally say very much so but I digress. They’ve already proven that Jungkook enjoys pointing the camera Jimin a lot in recent interviews (5th army mainly). I still think the most questionable parts of the video was how Jimin was singled out at the bridge parts and what the lyrics could possibly mean along with that, but I won’t rule this one out for the sake of accumulating other possibilities, no matter how much I believe in Jungkook’s artistic vision and my innate enjoyment in getting random meanings out of everything for fun. Again, platonic intention is possible to me. You may disagree, and that’s completely fine. I’m still neutral about this, because hey, anything is possible. So don’t get too carried away.
Counterclaim: So what about Osaka, if you consider the lyrics literally? Does that mean Taehyung, Jimin, and Junkook are in a love triangle?
Response: Honestly, I would like to do a personal analysis of Osaka in a separate post in the future (if I have time). Here’s a taste of what I think of it in a shorter answer to Osaka in general: it is actually possibly my favorite GCF, reasons being that I adore the the little no-music cuts Jungkook did, and also because Vmin is one of my favorite relationships in Bangtan. Due to sentimental reasons, Vmin has a very special place to my heart. Osaka feeds that part of my soul I suppose. Now, about the lyrics and the supposed love training happening, the thing is that Osaka is very different from Saipan in terms of use of perspective, use of cuts, screen time, etc. Personally, I see Osaka as a film about the maknae-line as a whole, with a smidgen of Jimin-bias. I don’t see the film about a love triangle, especially not a romantic one. Hope I can make a separate post detailing this.
Now that I’m done, I want people to not overthink it too much (unlike me). Of course, Saipan for me personally was just incredibly interesting because of how off and strange it felt to me in comparison to the other GCFs, but in regards to shipping, don’t invest too much emotionally. Enjoy what you get from all members, get attached to a pair maybe. But don’t let it completely take over your life. I like the speculative agnostic approach best (similar to my favorite blogger in regards to KM). Sure, Saipan had me go insane for two days straight out of the blue, but coming down from the insanity was a learning experience, especially returning to my neutral stance, which I enjoy greatly.
Making this more clear once again: this is not a post exposing Jungkook or anything. I do not claim any of this as his real thoughts. In fact, I don’t even believe any of what I’ve interpreted entirely. Those to me are “possibilities” to be thought, but not to be declared as truth. I think I’m probably wrong about a lot of this. Since again, why else do people still question what exactly Mona Lisa was smiling so mysteriously about? (she knows something we don’t, as the critics say).
If you want a more impartial opinion on GCF in Saipan, I recommend this director's outlook. I recommend using a non-biased mind to read this non-biased outlook. It is very interesting by itself as a professional's opinion. Please do not take the post as fodder for ships nor the definitive meaning of Saipan (if there even was one, who knows). We will never know for sure unless Jungkook ever decided to explain it if he wishes to. And if he never does, that’s fine too. Distinguishing what is reality, what is our reality, and what is someone else’s reality is extremely important.
Thanks for reading if you did! Hope it wasn’t the most awful thing ever. Tell me what you think about my interpretation, my opinions, counterarguments and counter-counterarguments. I do like KM as a ship now in some way, but again, all in good fun, and I don’t really want to give the relationship any labels. I don’t really want to take any of this too far other than a long rant to let out some parallel universe thoughts.
This was made also before I really got into any KM speculation, and it’s all very interesting. But I currently don’t really want to form a solid opinion on anything, or read too deeply. Maybe I will, one day. Or not. Since like I said, I’m not good at reading people.
It’s very likely no one will even see this, but as a personal record of my thoughts, it feels good to put them down.
💦 ☔💦
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phantombandit-films · 4 years
The Man Who Laughs Musical 웃는남자 (2018 - 2019/20)
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My journey into ‘The Man Who Laughs’ all started when I found out about the South Korean musical because of Junmyeon who is a member of Exo, my favourite group. He had been in another musical before this called ‘The Last Kiss’ which we only got promotional photo’s of and a few clips, so I’ve not seen the entire musical. But from fan accounts that went to see it, it sounded amazing. He’s is a very talented singer and actor so from then on I wanted to support all his musical adventures. After this he got cast as one of the Gwynplaine’s and I remember when the first photo’s came out of Junmyeon dressed as the character for the promotion photo’s and he had the period clothing, the scars and I just thought to myself “WOW these photo’s are so beautiful I have to look into this story!” being a lover of period clothing and film/TV. I also went to college for two years to study media makeup. I always loved doing the cuts, scars and abrasions the most, so seeing the cuts on his face made me want to replicate and research into the makeup artist who created it. So I was very much drawn to the style of the musical, for a while we only had photo’s from the musical company and photo’s from fan accounts to go off of. You don’t seem to get many Korean musical companies filming their musicals, which was a bummer because by this time I had fully researched into Victor Hugo’s Novel and managed to watch the full French 2012 film subsequently falling in love with the story and the over all gothic vibe.
But then it was announced that they would be filming a special press call where they would be showing parts of the musical, extremely excited I anticipated it’s release on Vlive. This unfortunately still doesn’t have subtitles but if you are like me and are still willing to watch it for the talented actors, amazing vocals and over all beautiful stage design without really caring about subs then I will link it here to check out (The Man who Laughs Vlive)
The company that this production is with is called EMK, It’s one of the biggest and first musical theatre companies producing and releasing musicals like ‘The Man Who Laughs’ in Korea. It all started in 2010 when they began with Mozart, then continuing to produce more European musicals for Korean audiences. ‘The Man Who Laughs’ is EMK’s second original production, in the same year it debuted the musical won awards in various musical award shows and was honoured by a grand prize.  A Japanese performance of ‘The Man Who Laughs’ took place in 2019 with EMK’s production corporation, TOHO.
About EMK.
This was the first released promo photo of Junmyeon as Gwynplaine, for context I’ll just talk about him because I just know lot about him in this musical.  This musical I feel has the same vibe as the film, beautiful aesthetics and a more serious feel. Just the promo photo’s alone are stunning.
2018 - 
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2019/20 -
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Obviously the makeup from the promo photo’s is very different to the makeup for the stage, which is made bigger and more exaggerated so that people in the audience can see it. This show ran in 2018 but then in 2019-20 they did another run of it with some different actors but Junmyeon played Gwynplaine both times. It would have been cool to see the makeup in the promo shots in a movie though, as it’s very well done. The credited makeup artist on the company's website is Yoosun Kim, I don’t know if this makeup artist was the one for both runs of the show as the makeup in the 2019-20 is very different to the 2018 one so.  Yoosun Kim has also worked on some of the companies other productions such as Kingki Boots, Anna Karenina, Elizabeth, Yurin Town, Phantom, Mozart!, Jack The Ripper, The Three Musketeers and many more.
Stage Makeup 2018 - 
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Stage makeup 2019-20 -
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(Credit @MYEONSAFO) 
I do prefer the 2018 makeup to the newer one, it’s a bit more detailed and you can tell more time went into it. But I guess the newer makeup is more jokerish? I don’t hate it, I mean on stage it would still do it’s job of giving the allusion it’s supposed to. I just prefer the more detailed one.
This is definitely my favourite version of Victor Hugo’s story but then again I could be incredibly biased because of Junmyeon and because it’s what got me into it. But also I just love the whole aesthetic, makeup and the costumes. It’s a very well produced show that definitely deserves a watch if you are interested in ‘The Man Who Laughs’  even though there are no English subs for the Vlive if you know the story well you don’t really need to fully understand, you can just have a good time and enjoy the visuals and amazing performance of the talented actors.
You can find some subbed video’s on Youtube of some songs such as Junmyeon’s rendition of the song during the court scene - Source. On Youtube you can also find all of the behind the scenes video’s, which are very interesting to watch. 
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drwannable · 7 years
>>> EDIT: This link is OUTDATED. Click HERE for updated version! <<<
Having trouble keeping up with all of Wanna One’s past and future content? I created this archive to track almost all of Wanna One’s activities so I know what I’ve missed when I finally have time to sit down and watch everything (>.<)... Reposting this for those who haven’t seen it yet.
Color scheme:
Pink: Members’ birthdays, Wanna One Go episodes/clips, VLive, Album releases/teasers, Wanna City
Orange: Fan meetings, Fan sign events
Yellow: Awards show nominations, performances, appearances
Green: Concert performances, Music show/ festival/ year-end program appearances, MV’s (including cameos in other artists’ videos), Dance practice videos
Blue: Variety show, Radio show, Reality TV appearances
Purple: Behind The Scenes (BTS) clips for anything and everything
Beige: CF’s, Interviews, Special Event announcements, all other miscellaneous clips that don’t fit the above categories
Members:  (JS) Jisung, (HSW) Sungwoon, (MH) Minhyun, (OSW) Seongwoo, (KJH) Jaehwan, (DN) Daniel, (PJH) Jihoon, (WJ) Woojin, (BJ) Jinyoung, (DH) Daehwi, (GL) Guanlin
P.S. I update the ‘Beige’ category last, so you may notice new content from weeks ago randomly popping up whenever I get to it
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cozykpopblurbs · 4 years
hello I love your blurbs so much they give me such a warm fuzzy feeling whenever I read them and brighten my days so thank you for taking the time to share with us 🥺🥺 could you maybe do an ateez fantasy aesthetic? would also love to hear abt how you got into the groups you write for ♡ hope you have a lovely day and are staying safe
Hi! Oh my goodness that’s so sweet of you to say, thank you so much 🥺💕💕💕
This is going to get long so I’ve put the rest of my answer under the cut and posted the aesthetic separately here. You didn’t specify which member you wanted so I wrote one for San (because I’m very attached to my dragon trainer AU, heh) but feel free to request another member if you’d like!
NCT is my ult group of ult groups and the one I’ve been stanning the longest. I got into kpop in April 2017 through a friend who’s first and foremost an EXO-L but is into pretty much all of SM’s groups, which meant I also ended up casually into all of SM’s groups. NCT was still fairly new though so she didn’t know anything about them and neither did I, so when Cherry Bomb came out a few months later and showed up on my youtube homepage I decided to finally check them out.
(( *whispers* I didn’t like it at first. ))
(( and ))
(( neither did my friend. ))
But she was so enamored by the choreography she kept sending me clips of it to watch until eventually I’d heard the song over and over so many times it grew on me and I ended up loving it. Then I started getting to know the members by watching NCT Life and Mark’s Snowball Project thing which was airing around that time too and I’ve been an NCTzen ever since.
(You didn’t ask for this story but Snowball Project is what made Mark my ult of ults idol which he remains to this day. It was because of that one scene where he meets Parc Jaejung for the very first time and is super flustered by the setting and what a big fanboy Jaejung is but still said very politely, “You’re very unique. I like unique things.” 3 years later and I’m still a Markzen.)
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ASTRO I got into during the hiatus, spring 2018. I don’t remember exactly how they came across my radar but I’m guessing youtube must have recommended their MVs to me because I remember watching Baby and liking it and a couple months later watching Breathless and loving it even more. (I’m really, really big on the cute/bubbly/refreshing stuff so ASTRO was perfect for me.) It was around that time the Where Have You Been episodes were coming out too so I watched those and thought they seemed cute and fun so I ended up watching more content and spent a few days listening to nothing but their entire discography on repeat which was so my style I couldn’t believe it and just like that I became an AROHA.
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How I got into The Boyz:
someone on NCT discord posted a clip of Kevin saying “Jesus take the wheel” while making cheesecake
went to tumblr to see if I could find a gifset of it to reblog and found other content that looked cute
watched a compilation video of English line’s first vlive
read all their member profiles
KeePer MV dropped and I love it
watched the Summer Vacation RPG which I think had just finished airing and wondered how on earth it was possible for literally all twelve of them to be so cute
—> brand new Deobi
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ATEEZ I’d seen on music shows during Say My Name promos which I liked a lot and I also watched their Try Not to Sing Along Challenge with FBE, but it wasn’t until they got announced for KCON LA 2019 that I decided to start looking into them properly as preparation. I ended up listening to all of their music which I loved and watched Code Name is ATEEZ and just fell super, super hard for them as individuals and as performers in a very short amount of time.
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ENOi I got into during their promos for Cheeky around January/February of this year and I was instantly impressed by this one tall dude (Hamin, who’s still my bias now) who wore glasses for every single stage despite the really energetic choreo because I wear glasses and goodness knows I’ve knocked them off my face while dancing to kpop songs on more than one occasion. Normally I just listen to music shows in the background while I do other things unless a group I stan comes on but I started watching all of ENOi’s stages (and still never saw Hamin knock off his glasses), listened to their albums, and watched the behind the scenes of their collab with Haeun which was just the cutest thing ever. Finally I started looking into their youtube channel which had SO much good content with the funniest editors I’d ever seen and after all that I ended up firmly in the fandom where I’ve been ever since.
Hoo that was long but I hope it was interesting ^^ Thank you so much for asking! I hope you’re staying safe and having a great day too 🥰
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