#but I'm SAD
amalthiaph 5 months
It's already April 30th here, I am on the very last Bad Batch Eve 馃槩
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This was Itachi's vision when he was fighting his last battle with Sasuke. The fandom sees it as 'he was so strong he could've killed Sasuke any time', but what it truly represents is something different and not very complex.
He couldn't see Sasuke's face at all. He had pretended to be evil all his life and he was going to go ahead with this pretense until the very end. At its core, it's very sad. Itachi walked through hell and eternal darkness for Sasuke's sake. He knew he deserved the punishment, the hatred Sasuke harboured for him.
In his head, he most likely believed he deserved this. For all the pain he'd caused Sasuke, he believed he didn't deserve to see his little brother, didn't deserve to be close to him in his dying moments. He saw Sasuke as pure, unblemished person, broken but not by his (Sasuke's) fault.
For someone who never allowed himself to be forgiven, didn't allow himself to rest from his guilt, until Sasuke killed him, Itachi didn't even have the comfort of knowing how his little brother looked like in his last moments. He was always detached from the mortal world, counting his days, and when Sasuke confronts him, and he continues with his games, Itachi finds solace in Sasuke's voice, in the hatred Sasuke proclaims to harbour for him.
He's truly happy in death. As much as I love him and would want him to live for his and Sasuke's sake, Itachi's life was ruined since his childhood; he can't truly be happy alive. He deserves to rest now.
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awakefor48hours 6 months
What I say: When will it be my turn to be happy?
What I mean: When will Marinette be akumatized?
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pbpsbff 9 months
sorry guys i'm straight man posting again anyway seeing the huskies down 13 to 34 in the last cfb game before the pac 12 is dissolved is a lil depressing
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partywithponies 1 year
Well I voted for Norway, Austria, and Australia, unlike the rest of you flop bitches across the world,
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harvestmount 4 months
this Saka racism needs to be stopped... England journalist are just plain racists, they love to use Saka as a scapegoat way too much
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girlpetrarca 10 months
Am I an idiot for risking all my progress because I want a kebab? Yes. Will I eat it anyway because vaffanculo Trenord io vorrei anche tornare a casa eppure anche oggi si resta qui? Also yes
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eternity-in-your-eyes 3 months
I've been in California this week and we still have a full day left but one thing I'm sure of is that this trip changed my life. Not in some dramatic way, but in a way. I had never been to the west coast or swam in the Pacific Ocean or seen sea lions or a cliffside beach or mica in the sand or a rocket taking off or had a mountain view in the back yard before. It's nice to be in a state where there's actual measures in place to try to do better by the planet and the people/animals who live there. I'm just having a really good time when I really needed to have a really good time.
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ilovewillsolace 11 months
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yumkatcakes 5 months
i wanted to sign up for a zine but i hesitated too long and it's filled now noooo :(((((
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greencarnation 1 year
i wish there'd been a butch/masc barbie. there was weird barbie who i loved but it made me sad that even in this utopia for women butch women are still shunned
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reminiscingtonight 1 year
All the US players said "time to go play again" except the reign girls huh 馃槶
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I'm usually not affected by deaths in fiction. Quite the contrary, even though I get teary eyed, feel bad for the dead and those who live on, I end up getting over them. Itachi is the first character whose death I'll never get over. It makes me sad and angry and makes me want to burn the world (Sasuke's reaction, in a nutshell) every time his face comes to my mind, especially in the end.
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Even until this moment he is pretending. About to plan Ametarasu in Sasuke's eyes, pretending he's the bad guy, after Sasuke's eyes. Pretending he might do something horrible any instant now. He's maintained his cold demeanour so far.
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His hand moves to Sasuke's forehead, while he's still pretending.
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Until he's not. He's done his job. He can rest now. At this point, he's probably completely blind. He was nearly blind in the beginning of the battle. He looks exhausted. Not only from the battle but from life itself.
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Then he gives the saddest, purest smile. A smile when he's not lying anymore. He cannot. In his last moments, after lying his whole life, he wants to be Sasuke's big brother, even if it's for a handful of moments that he needs to steal away from the death. He knows he doesn't have enough time and it doesn't matter anymore because Sasuke is going to hate him even now, but he can't help it. Since his childhood, he was repeatedly thrown in the circumstances that continued to take his life away, little by little. This is the smile when he's completely free, under no obligation to do what he doesn't want to do for someone's sake.
This is the smile after knowing his clan, his parents have found justice with his death. This is the smile after Sasuke has defeated him and will be able to live without him. This is the smile of someone who found solace in the last moments of his life. He knows he's hurt Sasuke too, and with his death, Sasuke finds his justice. What he did to Sasuke, in Itachi's eyes, there's no forgiveness. No, don't tell me he didn't feel any guilt for what he did to Sasuke. The narrative didn't have to yell at us to know his guilt.
He smiled in the end because Sasuke was strong enough to protect himself. Because the legacy of the Uchiha would be Sasuke, his little brother. The honourable Uchiha clan has a rightful heir in Sasuke. The one that made their parents proud.
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This is the face of someone who is exhausted beyond measures. At this point, no love can fix him, no warm blanket can offer him warmth in this arctic cold his life was. Nothing. He finds his comfort in death. His nightmares end when he dies.
His life - an endless battle - ends when he takes his last breath, as do his sufferings. He was sick, quite literally, not only from his illness, but of himself. His body weak, almost-blind, coughing blood, too much medicine - he endured all of it for years, tortured himself because an easy death was not option for him.
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And he did all of it for the sake of his beloved little brother...
[It's a request: if you really hate Itachi or have something negative to say about him HERE, please don't. If someone is too bothered about a character they don't like, rant about him elsewhere.]
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ghostofchaos-past 1 year
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*bleeding out* so how is everyone?
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supermacaquecool 8 months
:/ been refraining from posting about this, but I do really miss Tusa. She was a really strong-willed and proper dog, the things she did even during her final days still amaze me.
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winged-fool 9 months
I've been feeling this overwhelming grief and sadness for the past few weeks. I know I should talk to people about it but it feels like I've been in an endless cycle of bad things happening to me/my family since 2020 that I can't help but feel like my life is nothing more than a spectacle for others to witness.
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