#i should not have watched this episode today
llamaisllama777 · 13 hours
Okay, we had a lot of really good episodes today, so let's hurry up and talk about them!
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First up, FAMILY MOMENTS! I love this thumbnail so much, especially Moon's face.. I .. I just love it!
I love how we get to learn about everyone's movie preferences. It's interesting learning these little random tidbits about them. It's fun. Also Sun...
Also, Prince of Egypt is a really good movie. You all should go watch it. Even if you aren't religious, it's really good and has some awesome animation and music. Seriously, if you haven't watched, please do. I think it's on YouTube for free???
This episode was cute.... ONTO THE TRAUMA!
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Bout time, I was wondering when Nexus would try to kidnap Sun. Took longer than I expected... I wonder why? 🤔
This episode I think confirmed a theory I had...
New Moon/Nexus never cared.
I had this thought in the back of my head that Nexus never really cared about them. He never thought of them as family. He just saw them as people he was told to call family. They were NEVER his family. He never really cared. He just cared about Solar, but Solar never saw him as a brother. OOOFFFFF!
That hurts!
But I'm glad we know because DANG! The angst there!
Also, Sun is stronger than Nexus' chain ability (That ability where he forces people to the floor. I like to imagine purple chains form around the person when he uses that move)
Nexus was so close to kidnapping Sun....
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Monty FINALLY got to use the shotgun! He nearly killed Nexus there! Thank you, Nebula, for the starshells! The Astrals are starting to grow on me.
(Okay... maybe a was a little rash on the whole "Down with the Astrals" "Viva la revolution" thing!) Sorry, Astrals. Still don't really trust Taurus or Leo tho.
Things are getting serious! October is in like two weeks! The creator is still out there! Rez and Cetus are out there! And Dark Sun still has a stinkin' dragon! This is gonna be an exciting October! I'm so excited!
Also, thank you, Davis and Reed, for this picture of Monty with a shotty.
And lastly...
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Okay, Eclipse looks like that one guy from the office that conspiracy theory guy. And Puppet just looks depressed.
Puppet really wants to catch the killer. It's really affecting her. It's the MCI incident all over again. And she clearly doesn't want anyone or herself to go through that again. Eclipse still won't watch movies with anyone. It's only a matter of time, though. The moment he says yes and joins them is the moment his redemption arc is complete for me!
So, Eclipse and Puppet have narrowed down the killer to 4 suspects. All employees of Fazbear.
1. Vincent
2. Some lady named Margo
3. A teenage intern who works in the daycare named Josh
4. And the repair man whose name I forget.
I don't think it's any of these guys. But I have a few theories on who the killer could be..
1. Michael Afton of this world. Eclipse did mention in one of the early episodes of the EAPS that the Michael of this world was/still is an employee of Fazbears.
2. Henry Emily. Just cause the angst that it would cause Puppet.
3. The Charlie of this world. Just cause again the angst it would cause Puppet being the killer of this world!
There is no way it's Wanda(the William of this world)
And I highly doubt it's Vincent or some rando employee.
It has to be someone important.
These episodes were amazing!
Davis, Reed, Kat, Valentine, you guys did amazing on these episodes again!
Extra point cause WOW!
Also shout out to this commentor for having the funniest comment on there.
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Nebula, you are starting to become my favorite Astral!
Also, Patchnotes is a ship I really hope happens now!
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Welcome to another round of W2 Tells You What You Should See, where W2 (me) tries to sell you (you) on something you should be watching. Today's choice: 彩香ちゃんは弘子先輩に恋してる / Ayaka-chan wa Hiroko-senpai ni Koishiteru / Ayaka is in Love with Hiroko!
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Ayaka is in Love with Hiroko! is a 2024 eight-episode Japanese comedy of errors about what happens when two adorable lesbians continually get in the way of their own relationship.
I think the poster gives a somewhat wrong impression: Hiroko (in black) is not a straight girl horrified that she is being hugged by a lesbian; she is a lesbian horrified that she is being hugged by her crush, whom she perceives to be an oblivious straight girl. But as the title of the show would suggest, Ayaka (in pink) is very much not a straight girl, and is instead a determined young woman with sapphic designs on the hot older woman at her job.
And they are both so, so stupid about it.
The whole wacky, wonderful series will take up a mere three hours and twelve minutes of your life, so here, as was the case with Otoko Meshi, is a correspondingly quick list of five reasons to watch it.
1. Clueless Lesbian 4 Clueless Lesbian
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Have you ever seen someone have a crush and proceed to be normal about it? Well, you won't find that here. Ayaka is going to con this beautiful, competent woman into topping her if she has to kill everyone in this office to do it.
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Hiroko refuses to believe that Ayaka might actually mean what she's saying, choosing instead to believe that Ayaka's actions are pure platonic displays of admiration, even when Ayaka outright says what she's after. Meanwhile, Ayaka simply cannot imagine why her very targeted overtures are always being rebuffed, interpreting Hiroko's continued resistance as a sign that Ayaka is simply not doing a good enough job of seducing her. She's got to up her game, dammit!
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If you like the type of business where it takes multiple dates for two women to figure out they are in fact girlfriends, this is for you. Every oblivious lesbian trope in the book is on display here. It's a war of attrition between a woman who feels obligated to say no because she doesn't believe the person asking understands what she's asking for, and a woman who won't take "no" for an answer because she's certain that as soon as she figures out how to ask the question correctly, the answer will be "yes."
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And will it be? Well, of course it will, because you know how this genre works. But not before some adorable wlw wackiness ensues!
2. Harold, they're (actually) lesbians
Often in both BL and GL properties, characters are presented as mostly straight with only plot-related same-sex leanings, usually having moments of going, I can't believe I'm falling for a wo|man!
The main lady-loving characters in this show have no trouble believing they're falling for women, because one's been out to herself as a lesbian since she was in middle school, one's just coming to terms with her desire for women but has acknowledged that it probably indicates she's a lesbian, and one honestly just never stopped to consider that being a woman desperately in love with another woman is pretty gosh darn lesbian behavior.
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And I like that, you know? As much as I love a good Gay For You plot, I appreciate one that acknowledges that there's a whole very real community out there of people who feel the same way! You are not the only girl in the world who wants to kiss other girls! Lesbians have their own networks, hangouts, stereotypes, relationships, and even aesthetics that are distinctly lesbian. You can find them in real life, and I like it when you can find them in fiction too.
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These aren't just straight relationships with incidentally matching genitals. There aren't even any strict butch/femme dynamics or demands that lesbianism equal gender-nonconformity. Sure, Hiroko is slightly more toward the masculine side of the gender slider than most of the other women in the show, but she's definitely not outright masc. While she's real into Ayaka's girly looks, as we see from flashbacks, Hiroko's not what you'd call picky about the gender presentation of her female partners.
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They even go to a lesbian bar! The world's tiniest, most brightly lit lesbian bar! A magical place where you can always meet a beautiful red-clad femme, a cute little tomboy, and...
3. That hot bartender
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It's like a good fairy granted a lion one wish, and the lion said it wanted to be turned into a beautiful Japanese lesbian, and the good fairy was like, wow, that's such a good wish, I'm going to make sure it turns out really great for you.
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We are all the big-titty lesbian in red here.
4. Ayaka's outfits!
A major conceit of the show is that Ayaka, in response to her crush on Hiroko, has given herself a complete makeover, choosing outfits and hairstyles that (accurately) reflect Hiroko's tastes.
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Even if you don't like her outfits -- and let's be real, some of them are a bit much for me -- they're still very cute and a lot of fun to see worn.
I do want to note that this isn't just a story about Girl Changes Entire Personality For Boy Girl She Likes. Ayaka's pre-transformation self is severe and almost robotic, and ... well, it doesn't seem to make her particularly happy to be like that. It seems less like her older persona is her "real" personality, and more like it's one that she'd just settled on because she'd been told it's what being an adult means.
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There, that's what she used to dress like.
When she decides to change her style, she initially steers way too hard in the other direction, to the point where it feels like she went home and binge-watched fifty romcoms to learn how to be a person. (I'm just saying, if you wanted, you could choose to read Ayaka as an interesting flavor of autistic.) Over the course of the show, though, she gently settles into her new mode, which winds up suiting her so much better! So it's less about the nerdy girl having to leave her nerdy self behind to earn the attention of her crush, and more about how having a crush gives a girl the incentive to stop dressing the same way her parents dressed her in the second grade.
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Also very cute: Some elements of her wardrobe get reused! She doesn't just magically wear several whole new things every episode! We see her apartment, and it's not large. She doesn't have room for a million different complete outfits, so she has to mix and match.
So yeah, if you, like Hiroko, like to see a cute girl wearing cute things, this show has just what the lesbian doctor ordered. (It's me, I'm the lesbian doctor.) (No, seriously, I am.)
5. A weirdly thoughtful take on the complexities of queer workplace relationships!
The show knows it can't keep up the absolute lesbian obliviousness the whole time, so feelings start to become clear about halfway through -- at which point the conflict that fuels the drama stops being about mistakenly thinking people are straight, and becomes more about why a lesbian office romance might not be the smartest career move for either of them.
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After all, by the time you're in your mid-thirties and you've been working in the same place for over a decade, you're pretty well-established in your position -- but not so much that your job is completely safe from gossip or disapproving looks from your higher-ups. Meanwhile, when you're in your early twenties and just getting started, it won't do you any good to have everyone suspecting any future success is just a result of your sleeping with the (girl)boss.
So the goofy lesbian misunderstandings are fun and funny, but their worries about how dating will affect their jobs are real.
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You find out eventually why Hiroko is particularly touchy about workplace relationships, and it's a very good reason! But at the same time the show explains this very good reason, it also points out that Japanese culture is slowly becoming more accepting of out gay people. Ten years can make a pretty big difference! Older generations might still be regressive about open queerness, but there's growing support from the youth.
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Like these supportive coworkers! Aren't they precious?
I will admit, I am not the biggest fan of boss/underling romance dynamics. However, that never bothered me in this series, because Hiroko never feels quite like Ayaka's boss. She's Ayaka's sempai, sure, but she feels more like a senior colleague than an actual supervisor -- and Ayaka is 100% the one pursuing her, not the other way around. Still, if the idea of any hierarchy-crossing workplace relationship is an absolute dealbreaker for you ... well, you probably stopped reading this rec several paragraphs ago, so I'm not going to worry about it!
Anyway, don't get me wrong and assume this is something deep and serious about how perceptions of queerness can hinder professional success, because it's not. It's a goofy little comedy with cute outfits and dumb lesbians. But it's also a goofy little comedy that also occasionally makes some smart observations, and I like that about it.
bonus: Of course there's an adorable manga!
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And you can read it here! It's a bit wackier and it makes some choices that wouldn't have worked in a live-action drama, but they're quite entertaining on the page. Here's the MangaDex summary:
Soft and bubbly office lady Ayaka is madly in love with her senior at work, Hiroko! Two lovestruck coworkers who both think the other is straight totally crush on each other… popular Twitter artist Sal Jiang’s latest office rom-com!
If anything, it handles Ayaka's transformation better than the show does, because it makes clearer that even after the makeover, she's still as intense and tough to crack as she was before -- around everyone but Hiroko. It even says in so many words that sometimes Ayaka's smiling demeanor is just masking.
The manga also knows a lot better what their job actually is, while the drama is more along the lines of, we work in an office! we do events! we have meetings! we create things for clients! It's basically the same Generic Company, LLC that every character in a modern AU fanfic does endless paperwork at.
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Beside that, the series is a pretty darn faithful adaptation of the manga! Three volumes and eight episodes seem to be enough to carry about the same amount of story.
Want to watch the cute lesbians?
Sure you do! And the most reliable place to get them appears to be GagaOOLala, though I've found the whole series uploaded by various people on Dailymotion (here's episode 1 from one account, though you can find others).
It's a laugh-out-loud romp smart enough to know to get in there, tell a cute little bite of a story, and get out before the joke gets old. If you believe in the truth and goodness of lesbian love, treat yourself with this cheerful little romance that's only a slight exaggeration of how oblivious real-life lesbians can be.
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denv2 · 3 days
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It's been a long time,, I've been reading Inky Mystery for a while, but lately I tend to read it all at once when I have a few stories piled up. But recently I saw 349 and 350 and thought I should draw Felix and Oswald, so I drew them right away.
It's so good... So much fun... I love it!
No seriously zany felix < this is so good the more I think about it. He's out of the zany, but he's still got it in him? Oh my God, it feels so good... Do you know what I mean? Felix admitting that to me is really... Actually, I'm not exactly sure about zany because I just understand the concept as a feeling... but it just feels so good. I wonder about Felix's zany days... Even more so because of the current situation where Felix denies those days.
I also loved the jump to Oswald's side in episode 350, and the scene where Felix came to visit him in a bad mood really made me smile. I feel sorry for Felix, but it was good.
I also loved that Oswald brought up the past, the kids and Ortensia... Oh God, I need to watch episode 350 again.
Ha... I love how Felix and Oswald come to an understanding about fatherhood... or should I say, I love how they talk about it...
But... I couldn't hold back a sigh at the mention of Mickey. Oh my God, I'm so dreading the day when the series will reveal the news about Mickey's ink illness, but I'm looking forward to it...
Of course, I also read episode 351 posted today. The plot is getting more and more interesting...
This has nothing to do with the novel: I recently went to Tokyo DisneySea and Disneyland! The parades were so fun, impressive, moving, and fantastic... I especially loved the DisneySea parade, and I'm so glad I bought official Oswald merchandise! I got a doll and a key ring! I also saw two Disneyland stage shows, both of which I loved, and I got to meet Pluto and Donald Duck and take pictures with them, which made me so happy... I want to go to Hong Kong Disneyland and meet Oswald, so my next goal will be Hong Kong Disneyland.
I'm still in love with Inky Mystery and the cartoon characters. Epic Mickey rebrushed is coming out soon, I'm definitely going to play it.
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I'm usually not affected by deaths in fiction. Quite the contrary, even though I get teary eyed, feel bad for the dead and those who live on, I end up getting over them. Itachi is the first character whose death I'll never get over. It makes me sad and angry and makes me want to burn the world (Sasuke's reaction, in a nutshell) every time his face comes to my mind, especially in the end.
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Even until this moment he is pretending. About to plan Ametarasu in Sasuke's eyes, pretending he's the bad guy, after Sasuke's eyes. Pretending he might do something horrible any instant now. He's maintained his cold demeanour so far.
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His hand moves to Sasuke's forehead, while he's still pretending.
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Until he's not. He's done his job. He can rest now. At this point, he's probably completely blind. He was nearly blind in the beginning of the battle. He looks exhausted. Not only from the battle but from life itself.
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Then he gives the saddest, purest smile. A smile when he's not lying anymore. He cannot. In his last moments, after lying his whole life, he wants to be Sasuke's big brother, even if it's for a handful of moments that he needs to steal away from the death. He knows he doesn't have enough time and it doesn't matter anymore because Sasuke is going to hate him even now, but he can't help it. Since his childhood, he was repeatedly thrown in the circumstances that continued to take his life away, little by little. This is the smile when he's completely free, under no obligation to do what he doesn't want to do for someone's sake.
This is the smile after knowing his clan, his parents have found justice with his death. This is the smile after Sasuke has defeated him and will be able to live without him. This is the smile of someone who found solace in the last moments of his life. He knows he's hurt Sasuke too, and with his death, Sasuke finds his justice. What he did to Sasuke, in Itachi's eyes, there's no forgiveness. No, don't tell me he didn't feel any guilt for what he did to Sasuke. The narrative didn't have to yell at us to know his guilt.
He smiled in the end because Sasuke was strong enough to protect himself. Because the legacy of the Uchiha would be Sasuke, his little brother. The honourable Uchiha clan has a rightful heir in Sasuke. The one that made their parents proud.
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This is the face of someone who is exhausted beyond measures. At this point, no love can fix him, no warm blanket can offer him warmth in this arctic cold his life was. Nothing. He finds his comfort in death. His nightmares end when he dies.
His life - an endless battle - ends when he takes his last breath, as do his sufferings. He was sick, quite literally, not only from his illness, but of himself. His body weak, almost-blind, coughing blood, too much medicine - he endured all of it for years, tortured himself because an easy death was not option for him.
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And he did all of it for the sake of his beloved little brother...
[It's a request: if you really hate Itachi or have something negative to say about him HERE, please don't. If someone is too bothered about a character they don't like, rant about him elsewhere.]
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arttsuka · 10 months
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🫂 hug
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nevecircus15 · 1 month
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god i love this show and this silly lil man
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kideternity · 4 months
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[Image ID: An inked digital drawing of Digimon character Amphimon. Amphimon is a cyborg humanoid wearing an altered diving suit, they have large chunky gauntlets and boots, lightning bolt embellishments across their design but most notably on a buckle at their waist, on the bottom of their chest armour and on their diving helmet window. They have diving helmet style shoulder pads, a large jellyfish like skirt connected to the buckle made up of two layers- a puffier top layer with jellyfish markings on it and a longer flow-ier bottom layer- and large circular pads at their hands, feet and knees. The ones on their knees and hands have a cross symbol on them and the ones on their feet have a minus symbol. They have large jellyfish antenna coming from their diving helmet and the exposed parts of their body- such as their forearms, waist and at the inner upper thighs- appears made of straps. They’re in a front facing action pose, with their right leg and arm pointed down whilst their left leg is raised the calf slightly tucked in, and their left arm is raised over their head. /End Image ID]
I haven’t seen all of ghost game yet but Amphimon is by far my favourite new digimon from it
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shesmore-shoebill · 3 months
Even with the fun of the entire Beyonce ranking section aside, the "Love on Topp" and "Say My Nayme" editing jokes got me more than they should have.
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rapidhighway · 9 months
hey i might be controversial but im not really feeling the 12th doctor so far
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beeholyshit · 5 months
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What would u do if I told you I'm about to adopt another baby?
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six-improbable-things · 5 months
I've watched 3 episodes of Black Sails tonight, and I had to stop myself from watching a 4th. I blame @transgods for this, but I'm not mad about it, aksjdaskdjas.
Character opinion update: I'm fucking fascinated by Anne. I need to know more about her, and fast. John is a prick, but he's an amusing one, so it works. I still hate Vane, but that's kind of the point. Mr. Guthrie sucks and I would like to stab him. I'm still invested in Flint and Silver and Billy, and love all three of them. Oh and Eleanor. I love Eleanor. She's stubborn as hell, and we all know I love stubborn characters. Especially those who are so stubborn it just might ruin them. And I hope so bad that Max gets to murder people. Yk, as a treat. She deserves the world.
And, of course, this show is providing me with entirely too much information about pirates and sailing, which is a bad thing because it only fuels my daydreaming about Rook's time as a pirate, both past and potential future.
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This might not be anything, but while writing about your fics, the way you have the characters' mannerisms down PERFECTLY got me thinking about mirroring...
There's a lot of it in 7 (Horii is a directorial genius etc etc), most of it more intentional than these probably are, but there's something so interesting about mirroring that takes the tone of a (relatively) fond memory, a familiar gesture, and inverts it in the way shown here.
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OH I'M GLAD YOU'VE NOTICED THESE TOO I think I mentioned it months back (or I drafted a post 'bout it but didn't think it was anything noteworthy) but I always really did like how the Arakawa Family mimicked each other's mannerisms (also circling back to how Jo and Masato calling Ichiban 'Ichi' presumably after picking it up from Arakawa)!
Aoki actually does the same sitting gesture too! I went back to double check and skim through the rest of the game's cutscenes, and as far as I could tell unless I skipped a scene, it really is only these three that do this specific pose:
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It's such a small detail but I love it immensely and it really does highlight their connections with each other and it drives me insane
#snap chats#the fact aoki holds his left fist with his right like jo..... im gonna be sick... (crying)#potential hints that aoki really does favor jo and/or spends more time with him... or i might be delirious. could be both even..#focusing on how jo mimics arakawa though i dont think i have to say i love how it is inverted intention wise#like of course in arakawa's situations he's in a position where he's helping ichi and speaking calmly with him#while with jo Evidently each interaction is more tense and antagonistic#really is a cool way to emphasize that whole 'step parent' angle if that makes sense#OH BUT THANK YOU ON MY WRITING that's a huge compliment: i'm glad you think i have their mannerisms down !#accuracy is a big thing to me... in case we haven't picked that up yet.... i should relax a little tbh--#BUT i'd like to think my brain's good at visualizing things and i think i've 'studied' enough to get an acceptable result in what i show#it's like... if i can't see it in my head clearly or it doesn't look right then i wanna keep trying until it DOES look right yk#dont want a Hello Kitty Wouldnt Do Xanax moment... only on occasion.... a lil xanax wouldnt hurt as long as its not too far gone ☠️#alright im. DELIRIOUS.#to end this off i watched the first episode of Sailor Suit and Machine Gun !#my japanese is. HORRENDOUS BUT the art of inference and context clues and stray knowledge got me through it#i'm excited to watch the next episode even if i'm only really getting half the impact from the dialogue#BUT THE FEELING'S THERE... the emotion's there#embarrassingly i almost cried when izumi was crying in the theater over her dad while she was eating cause like Girl Me Too ☠️☠️#ill go one day without mentioning my dad i promise... todays not that day tho ☠️#IN ANY CASE. thank you for droppin the episodes on me !! i can't stress never tiring of having new things to watch#ill watch the next episode tonight probably. i was gonna go out to get lunch buuuut my moms home#so there goes that plan.. at least my bro got me food while /he/ went out today lmao
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the-writer-nerd-ro · 10 months
Happy Anniversary to the girls ever, it's been one year since these blorbos crashed into my life and infected my brain forever.
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harmcityherald · 2 months
Can I really call it a rewatch when the truth is is that I watch Babylon 5 every single day.
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trutletruffle · 3 months
so i read Just Stab Me Now by Jill Bearup (because i watch her youtube videos obviously) and it was actually really good. i wasn't expecting and i was very pleasantly surprised. it was a funny and well-researched, as well as accurately and compassionately portraying how real people act in stressful situations. as well as pandering to my dislike of writing/reading specifically for tropes. the book understands that a lot of banter and charged situations will always fall flat without previously established trust and respect, and that things that look good in a tik tok video are generally somewhere between icky and horrifying for most people. also did i mention that all of the plot lines are very interesting and that the romance is well done. anyhow i really enjoyed it and have not been able to stop thinking about it.
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hauntingblue · 5 months
Why do they say dragon is luffy's father but doesn't look much like him... I mean it is true but why point it out... in that way he doesn't look like garp either
#i thot we were gonna get baby luffy but no.... old man luffy.....#also the opening is so intense 'dreams save all of us' and the arc starts with luffys dream i might throw up#zoro and brook staying behind to protect them from the government.... yeah.... VEGAPUNK AND DRAGON??? ACTUALLY FLABBERGASTED#maybe vegapunk is part of the rev army but then he modified kuma on the behalf of the gov??? thats so cruel.....#talking tag#watching one piece#episode 1094#the fucking opening..... dream save all of us like okay damn it goes hard#incredible how they just take the hit from the laser.... minor injuries that's all... seraphim jinbe has mr pink's power???#how come sanji hasnt immediately jumped on the seraphim like god. and nami not being able to hurt children yeaaahhhh ROBIN GO OFF!!!#zoro conveniently being the only one who doesnt see the seraphim..... come on....#york what an icon i wish thay were my job too. eat shit sleep amazing#900 YEARS AGO???? EMPTY CENTURY TIME!!!!!!!! LETSGOOOOO D LORE D LORE D LORE#episode 1095#and that is IT for today. yesterday i watched like 5 today we are measured.#<- this is when you find out i stack episodes on my posts even if i dont watch them one after the other...#i am sensitive rn and the preview has ohara and robin crying i am not making it out of this one folks#YEAH YEHA THE KINGDOM (OF THE D I AM SURE) VS THE WORLD GOV usopp hitting his head against the floor akdjka#clover and noland have to be related the flora on head has to be genetic or smth#also now they showed lulusiq being obliterated we can assume imu was responsible for destroying this advanced kingdom right#THE BOOKS FROM OHARA MADE IT????!!!!! DRAGON IN OHARA??? THEY HAVE THEM??? BUT THEIR BASE BURNED????#luffy calling the robot robo ace. should i end it all rn be honest. and the robot turned on. nvm someone was in there#vegapunk meeting with luffy knowing dragon oof also ohara was in the west blue???? wow#episode 1096#that giant was the one in dressrosa??? hierjudin??? omg dragon without his tattoo... 33?? damn he is 55 now...#OMG JAGUAR D SAUL GIANT FROM ELBAF????? VEGAPUNK DIDNT JOIN THE REVILUTIONARIES??? SELL OUT!!!#dragon pacifist???? god this lore. sanji didnt know about ivasan??? the books are in elbaf... with saul.... omg.....robin ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️#jinbes face reacting to vegapunks fruit ajdjsjs did vegapunk cut off his head? is he stupid?? -luffy#vegapunk wants to make wikipedia.... omg lucci already too... the robot attacked marie geoise ✍️✍️✍️#episode 1097
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