#but I'm glad I did read because the crossover worked super well and it ended up being my favorite fic series
Kaiju Week in Review (December 17-23, 2023)
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Episode 7 of Monarch: Legacy of Monsters laid down significant Monsterverse lore, showing the moment Monarch finally revealed itself to the public (under hilarious circumstances) and how the organization's partnership with Apex Cybernetics began. I did not find May's long-awaited backstory super compelling, to be honest, I think because the proto-Apex company was so thinly sketched. And that Frost-Vark better not be dead. :(
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An incredible three Godzilla comics released last week: DC/Legendary's Justice League vs. Godzilla vs. Kong #3 and IDW's Godzilla: War for Humanity #3 and Godzilla Rivals: Jet Jaguar vs. Megalon. The crossover lit a certain section of the Internet on fire with the revelation that Godzilla did, in fact, kill Superman the previous issue. Writer Brian Buccellato chalked it up to Godzilla's atomic breath having "a radioactive signature similar to [K]ryptonite," which as handwaves go is pretty good. Behemoth and Scylla had moments to shine as well, and the issue ended with Lex Luthor discovering a Mechagodzilla eye. Glad Godzilla won't be the only Toho character in the comic; that would've been a bit lame.
Godzilla: War for Humanity remaining a thrilling read, and the Super MOGUERA debuting in this issue is not to be missed. Jet Jaguar vs. Megalon starts with a content warning for depiction and discussion of attempted suicide, which certainly surprised me. It's another strong issue, neither callous nor didactic, and told so efficiently there's plenty of room for the titular bout (which sometimes has felt like an afterthought in Rivals stories). Also, Jet Jaguar talks—something Toho forbade in a comic earlier this year, for whatever reason. Anyway, he's exactly the 'bot you would expect him to be. Hope IDW can keep him chattering in the future.
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You've probably seen my flurry of posts already, but it bears repeating: The Boulet Brothers' Dragula, a drag reality competition found on Shudder, aired a kaiju episode. Reality TV isn't my bag, but I thoroughly enjoyed the competitors' kaiju-inspired costumes and performances. I also kept ping-ponging between awe that Americans are just expected to know what a kaiju is now and yelling at the hosts for, say, not naming any kaiju outside of Toho's Big Five.
Hot on the heels of the black-and-white re-release of Shin Godzilla comes Godzilla Minus One/Minus Color, which has to be the best title one of these things has gotten. As with Shin, this is no mere filter; each shot in the film was regraded, with director Takashi Yamazaki striving for "a style that looked like it was taken by masters of monochrome photography." It opens in Japan on January 12; no word yet on whether it will play in any other country.
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Godzilla will follow in the steps of pop culture fixtures like The Lord of the Rings and Star Wars with Godzilla: The Official Cookbook by Kayce Baker, due from Titan Books on September 10. (You can tell it's official because he's actually on the cover.) 60 recipes lie within. It's a given that I'm going to buy something Godzilla-related that's this silly; I just have to pick up another cookbook first so it won't be the first one I ever own.
I was surprised to realize that McDonald's has never done anything Godzilla-related; far less prolific fast-food chains have worked with the monster, from White Castle to Carl's Jr. The first salvo in the campaign was pretty underwhelming—BE@ABRICK figures that can only be won via lottery, with an entirely plain Godzilla. That replica MogeGoji suit looked great in the ad, at least. Tokusatsu is being kept alive in the Godzilla franchise through some truly odd means. The follow-up ad/promo was a lot better, but that's a matter for next week's post.
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This is at least kaiju-adjacent—James Wan's long-gestating The Call of Cthulhu movie seems to finally be going somewhere, as revealed in roundabout fashion by a Deadline article. I thought the 2005 silent version was just fine, but presumably this will be produced by his company Atomic Monster, which is long overdue for an actual giant monster movie.
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12romy · 7 months
Thanks @sebchal for tagging me!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Oof. 57, damn that's a lot, what am I doing with my life?? 53 of them in F1 (I know it says 52 but one of them is on anon lmao)
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
F1rpf, although I have a fic for The Sandman and one for Our Flag Means Death (let's forget about my works for spn lol)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
So the first one is Odd ducks, the fic I wrote for The Sandman, which is pretty normal since the fandom is bigger. After that, only F1, with Let's try something else (sewis fake dating feat Seb and gay panic), A Change of Habits (my lonnnnnnng chewis fic following the 2022 season), Your Crush is Showing (Brocedes, the first long fic I completed. Lots of smut.) and finally, Remember to forget (me), brocedes lewis!amnesia fic. I am very proud of the last one, mostly because it's super angsty and I torture Nico so much in it lmao
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do, actually, but usually I procrastinate on it, and I took ages. It's just, like, I feel it important to thank everyone for the comments, but it can feel a little repetitive and so I just tend to... Push it back to the next day, again and again. When it's on a multi-chapter fic, I reply before publishing the new chapter usually, but if it's a one-shot or the last chapter... Well. You'll get an answer but god knows when ahah
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Oof, that's between Losing it all, a really dark fic about Nico, and Too Late, a bad ending 3344 fic based on Monza 2021 :)
(be careful about the tags if you go and read them btw)
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Damn, that's a difficult question, I love writting sappy endings... But actually I think it's the ending of Welcome in the family!
It's a cute fic about Kimi/Tonio/Minttu, and the ending is definitely what I consider one of the happiest, mostly because of a little time-jump that allows to see the future ^^
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I did once, actually, on the 3344 fic I mentionned earlier. I think the person was just a max fan and didn't appreciate the way I make him suffer... I had put the write tags and all, so idk why they clicked on it. Anyway, it was scary and upsetting and I'm glad it only happened once ^^"
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Hell yeah. Go have a look, honestly, there's no way I can summarise it. I write way too much of it, I think (and most of it hasn't been published yet I think)
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Nope, but I should, it could be fun! Actually, I'd like to write a Lewis/Lil Nas X one day, so who knows. That's not at the top of my list, though.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I... Don't know, actually? How do you even check that? I hope not ahah ^^"
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! Someone offered to translate one of my fic in Chinese!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I DID, The Prince and the Knight, with my wonderful @feuerspirit !!!!!! And I don't want to spoil, but me and @metheevilgenius miiiiight publish a little os at some point ;)
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
Oh, such a hard question... I'll go with brocedes, but it's really mean to make me chose only one. They're just.... *siiiigh*
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Definitely this BDSM seb/charles/mick and lewis/pierre I have started. I didn't publish it and it's like 20k long but I'm completely stuck and haven't worked on it in a long time. Not totally happy with it either ^^"
16. What are your writing strengths?
Uh, good question? I don't know, I get compliments about the characterisation... But other than that, I like to think I have a pretty good sense of humour and I'm able to make people laugh (or like, I hope. I make myself laugh, which is a good begining)
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
The fucking dialogues.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I like to use petnames in other languages cause petnames always feel more personnal when you use it in your own language. So with the F1 drivers, it's nice cause not all of them are english! I tend to put some German or some French sometimes in my fics for full sentences, but I try not to do it too much. If you don't understand the language, it can be very frustrating.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Time to dig up my old ff.net account lmao
Nah, actually, I remember very well of my first fic. I was 15, it was two pages long, I was feeling bad about writing a fic in the first place although it didn't involve any romance. I deleted it a few hours after posting it, ahah. It was for the fandom of a french youtube show called Aventures. It's like, people playing a dnd style game, it's pretty cool and I was really into it for a long time.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
The fic I love the most of is definitely Up or Down. It's one of my favourite fic I've wrote. It's one of my early work, so it's a little clumsy and far from perfect, but I have good memories of myself writing it. I was in vacation in Rome at the time, alone, and I spent my time wandering in the city and thinking about my fic, it was amazing. And well, the content of the fic is also nice I guess XDDD
noooo idea who did this thing, and who didn't, so ignore if you've already done it or don't want to! I tag @feuerspirit @n-ico-ando @sunshinesebby @sionisjaune
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nellectronic · 7 months
20 questions for fic writers
thanks @marvellouslymadmim for the tag!! now I'm tempted to spend the rest of the evening/weekend writing fic rather than doing my tasks...
idk who to tag so if you're reading this and you write fic, consider yourself tagged!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
currently mostly the witcher, but I've also written for the worst witch and a few others. and I have wips that will probably never see the light of day for more fandoms than I can count.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
(1) those heavy days in june when love became an act of defiance, (2) i promise you the truth can't hurt us now (i want to love you but i don't know how), (3) i'm so human, (4) i was looking for a breath of life, (5) her eyes and words are so icy (oh, but she burns).
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
yes!! I love interacting with people and making friends through fandom, even though I'm super shy and a bit of a loner irl. I think I do have quite a few comments that I haven't replied to yet, but I've definitely been meaning to get around to that...
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
hmmm, I'm not actually sure. almost all of my fics have happy endings; I haven't really done angst in a while. I'm guessing it's probably my oldest fic on ao3, which was a kepler's ghost ex fic (idk if that's still a thing in the wolf 359 discord but it certainly was at the time), so I doubt it had a particularly happy ending.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
somehow this question is even harder than the last one. pretty much everything I've written (other than maybe some of the stuff I've deleted from the internet) has a happy ending.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
no, and I'm very glad I don't :)
9. Do you write smut?
10. Do you write crossovers?
not usually, but I do have one crossover idea that's been sitting in my head for years begging to be written. possibly one of the best ideas I've ever had. I don't even want to say what it is because it's just so good. hope I manage to write it someday.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that I know of, but I think someone once copied a specific turn of phrase, which they mentioned that they stole but didn't specifically say from whom. honestly it still made me really happy - it was a minor enough thing that it felt more like taking inspiration than stealing.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
no, but it would be extremely cool if someone did want to translate one of my fics.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
not really - I once had a conversation with my dear friend @stardreamerl0ve about vampires that spiraled into a whole she-ra urban fantasy AU that we were planning to write, but we never did.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
don't make me fucking choose. I feel like I have to say calanthe/eist because they've been the hyperfixation for several years now
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
so, so, so, so many. you have no idea.
16. What are your writing strengths?
idk really. I'd like to think I'm pretty good at humor.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
probably a whole bunch of things, but most notably, I never fucking finish anything.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
if there was another language I was proficient enough in to write dialogue, and it fit the fic, I'd do it. sadly, though, the only language I know well enough to write in is english.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
I don't remember and I don't want to remember.
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
oof. probably and they were soulmates. easily one of the funniest things I've ever written
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tigger8900 · 5 months
The Books I Didn't Review
I dropped the ball on book reviews in 2023. I'm not surprised. It was a rougher year than 2022, and I also dropped that particular ball then as well. It's hard for me to stay motivated, especially since when I get stressed out I simultaneously read more and want to write(including blogs) less. But this is a new year(I have realized, more than two weeks into it) and I can wipe this slate clean. Start with a book I'm very excited to review, and then...nothing! Empty pile!
So I'm going to do a very brief overview of some of the books I read in the last few months of 2023. Some stuff I read completely fell through the cracks, because it had to go back to the library and I just wasn't able to write up anything about it. Most of these are ones I'd tried to save though, because I was excited to make a record of them in the blog. So I'm disappointed in myself that I couldn't do as well as I'd hoped, but at the same time I recognize that I did as well as I could. Haven't ragequit my job. Still meeting the important bills. Am reading, and writing, and having weird-ass dreams about what if Beauty and the Beast were mutual beards. So it could be a lot worse. Let's see what happens when I give myself permission to start fresh.
Golden Boys, by Phil Stamper
⭐⭐⭐⭐ 1/2
Young adult gen fic. This is Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, but with less 00s-era weirdness. Brotherhood of the super gay boys, as I deemed it in a work e-mail. I didn't expect to like this one, but I actually found myself incredibly invested in these boys' lives. I especially appreciated how their friendships were centered above all else, even in the cases where romance was also taking place. I intend to read the sequel if I can find time, because y'all I have *got* to know where these boys go next.
The Darkness Outside Us, by Eliot Schrefer
Young adult science fiction. This is a love story, but not a traditional romance(even though it starts out looking like a straightforward enemies to lovers in space). High appeal to people who enjoy brainfucky sci-fi as well as gay romance, though if you come solely for the romance you're probably going to walk away disappointed, confused, and possibly vaguely traumatized. I'm so glad my coworker insisted I pick it up, because I never would have read this based on the cover.
Horse Barbie, by Geena Rocero
Adult memoir. This is about a Filipino trans woman's experience in the pageant circuit in the Philippines as well as her time modeling in the US. I wasn't really into the performance-oriented segments, but I found it illuminating how she contrasted the US's legal acceptance(but social hostility) of trans identity with the Philippines' social acceptance(but legal hostility). Someone who's more into glamour/fashion might get more out of it than I did, but it's still a solid trans memoir even if you're not into that stuff.
Never Whistle at Night, edited by Shane Hawk and Theodore C. Van Alst Jr.
⭐⭐⭐⭐ 1/2
Adult short stories. This is an anthology of "dark fiction," horror-adjacent, centering North American indigenous voices. Almost all of the two dozen~ stories were good or great, hitting a diverse selection of tones and content. I loved too many of them to list favorites. The stories might not be the type to make you check under the bed, but come prepared to be unsettled and disturbed.
Citadel, by C. M. Alongi
⭐⭐⭐⭐ 1/2
Adult science fiction. Featuring a nonverbal autistic protagonist, who seems to have been researched very thoroughly, this is a story about uncovering the truth about what happened long ago. My main gripe is that it ends rather suddenly, leaving me feeling like there's meant to be a sequel, but as far as I can tell there's no plans for that. But the story it told was fantastic, I just wish I knew where some of the loose ends and teased bits were going. Probably has strong crossover appeal to an older YA audience.
Blackouts, by Justin Torres
Adult general fiction. Won the national book award this past year. Three and a half stars for the novel, bumped up to four for the excellent use of blackout poetry on found text throughout. It's about an inter-generational friendship between two gay men, one of whom is on his deathbed and gifts the other a selectively blacked-out copy of Sex Variants, a real publication from the 40s, as well as a selection of other photographs and artifacts. This is all characters and no plot. Highly recommend reading this in the print edition, as the best parts seem like they won't translate to audio.
Out There Screaming, edited by Jordan Peele
Adult short stories. Horror-adjacent "dark fiction"(to borrow a phrase from a previous book) centering Black voices working in a variety of formats and genres. Picked this up for the names included(Nnedi Okorafor, Tananarive Due, N.K. Jemisin, Rebecca Roanhorse, P. Djèlí Clark, Tochi Onyebuchi, and of course Jordan Peele himself), but was happy to enjoy some of the other stories as well. My favorite story by an anticipated author was Clark's Hide & Seek(though it had stiff competition), and my favorite story by a new-to-me author was Nicole D. Sconiers's A Bird Sings by the Etching Tree.
The Possibilities, by Yael Goldstein-Love
⭐⭐⭐ 1/2
Adult speculative fiction. A new mom struggles with contradictory memories of whether or not her child survived the birth. Then he disappears, as if he'd never been, and she has to go find him. I haven't read/seen Everything Everywhere All At Once, but people keep bringing it up when I describe this book to them, so it must be similar! Heavy content warning for baby-related trauma. This is not the book for you if you're going through an anxious time with a pregnancy or young child!
The Future, by Naomi Alderman
⭐⭐⭐⭐ 1/2
Adult speculative fiction. In the near-future, tech bro CEOs have a plan for the end of the world. In the lead-up and as the plan deploys, we follow a survivalist blogger and a cult survivor who muses about the end of the world seen through the lens of god's wrath. A surprisingly hopeful pre-apocalyptic(the event itself happens roughly 3/4 of the way through) novel, with some sapphic shenanigans in the background. Funny coincidence: I finished this and handed it to my mom at the same time as she tried to hand me The Power by the same author. 😂
Us, by Sara Soler, translated by Silvia Perea Labayen
⭐⭐⭐ 1/2
Adult graphic novel memoir. Originally published in Spain, this is the story of Sara Soler's experience when her partner comes out as a trans woman. I read this hoping for more insight to their particular experience, especially when Soler mentioned early on that she discovered she was demisexual, but ultimately it reads as more of a primer to trans issues in general. No hate for that, it's just not what I was expecting. While this is marketed to adults, I think there's cross-appeal to teens who are interested in the subject matter. There was nothing that struck me as particularly scandalous, mostly a lot of swearing.
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minty-bunni · 2 years
Feel like I should recommend my favorite DP holiday/Christmas fic to y'all. The entire series is great if you like Danny having a bad time. The author puts together a good story and the way the entire series comes together shows a hell of a lot of planning. Some of the series is even read out loud and uploaded to youtube to improve accessibility for those who have trouble reading or struggle to read long fics.
Anyway, this is the Christmas fic and it involves Dani/Elle and extended Fenton family OCs (big holiday family event) that are really neat.
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lyracasstuff · 3 years
Heya!! I actually just found your blog and I would like to say how amazing your writing it! Aaaa it's so cute and you seem very sweet!! <3
I came here to ask for a idv match up! I'm a female, she/her, I'm bi but I do have a preference towards men. Also, I don't mind a survivor or hunter!! Whatever you feel like atm dear. I'm very energetic when you get me in the right mood!! I love baking and editing! I also quite like photography. I'm a very loving person but can get cold if I feel bad so it's a bad habit TwT. I do give lots of compliments to people and it may seem like i like them but I just really like pointing out nice things about people. I love hugs and kisses especially!! I love it if my s/o could give me attention but not too much yknow? Like i want them to be happy with their life with me and their life outside of our relationship. Umm I hope that's enough!! Thank you for making your blog! It is very nice!! You're doing great!! I appreciate you <3 (ps. Make sure to eat and drink enough~)
Thank you for caring about my health dearie~ Honestly,, I could also say the same for you..(。・ω・。)
And I'm quite glad that you enjoy reading my blog posts! It means quite a lot for me whenever I hear people enjoying my blog as much as I enjoy writing them..( ´ ▽ ` )
After much thinking,, I've decided to match you up with...
Joseph Desaulnier!!📷
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Let's first address the big elephant in the room: Photography..(・∀・)
Since the both of you love photography,, I can most *definitely* imagine you two taking pictures of scenery found in the manor..
As well as *some* of the silly things that happen outside of matches.. Although,, it's more on your end than Joseph's..
However,, I must also remind you that you WILL be bombarded with questions partaining to your "equipment"..(。・ω・。)
Whether it'd be a modern HD camera or your smartphone,, it's safe to assume that Joseph will be VERY much curious about these "equipment" that you have brought from the "future" ((even though we call it anything *but* from the future..))
"Are you telling me that this camera of yours can capture pictures instantly??? With just a simple press of a button??? Then, does that mean you won't have to stand for long periods of time to take your picture???"
((Fun fact: the first cameras that were patented require you to stand for long periods of time to take your picture which explains why plenty of the pictures during the Victorian Era were people staying in one position like standing..))
"This "smartphone" can ALSO capture pictures?? Would you mind showing me how, ma chérie??"
"The quality of the pictures are ABSOLUTELY DIVINE! From what time period must you be to access this kind of machinery, ma chérie???"
I highly suggest that you study your equipment thoroughly because Joseph *will* be asking questions about your photography equipment..
Well,, that and Joseph will *literally* fumble with *every* single nook and cranny of said equipment where he might actually break something on accident..
Which is rare for the gentlemanly and disciplined Joseph,, however we ARE talking about one of his biggest passions here..╮(─▽─)╭
Another topic here that is perhaps connected somehow is editing!!(⌒▽⌒)
Joseph is quite astonished when you told him one time that photos can be tweaked from your time period..
Now, on one hand,, he is amused as he sometimes *does* struggle with getting the perfect picture when the environment around him just isn't having it..
But he also can't fathom the idea of people actually editing their photos so much that sometimes,, the unedited version looks far too different than the edited version...
When I say that,, I specifically mean people who probably use photoshop just a *bit* too much..(^_^;)
Not that there is anything wrong about it as everyone knows.. After all,, sometimes we just use it solely for entertainment by making weird, abstract collages of people..
((Like photoshopping a bunch of characters from different fandoms to make some sort of crack-crossover movie poster..╮(─▽─)╭))
It just that Joseph prefers less edited photos as he believes that a photo can shine on it's own when it's taken skillfully..
((Another fun fact: Based from what I can gather, the French in the 1800s preferred a more natural look, which is evident by their choices in makeup like powder for the face or some simple rouge for the lips and cheeks.. Of course,, we are excluding the hair as we all know that big, elaborate wigs were all the rage in this era..))
In fact,, he might even throw a *little* shade towards photos that are super edited...(◎_◎;)
Pls tell him to calm down and not insult people who do something similar to that.. It'll only escelate and get worse in the future..
Okay,, now that we've discussed those, I think we shall head on over to other things, don't you think??(・∀・)
Another reason as to why I paired you with Joseph is because of your upbeat and loving energy!!(〜^∇^)〜🧡
Joseph's life before the manor was already pretty gloomy, and it hasn't really improved when he got into the manor..
So your very energetic and affectionate nature will surely bring in some lost warmth to his life!!(>y<)
Although,, please be patient with him for at least a little while.. After all, him *suddenly* receiving love and attention is a bit overwhelming for him to process all at once..╮(─▽─)╭
When he *does* gets used to it, he appreciates it very much..(∩_∩)
With that being said however,, he is still quite disciplined about the time that you two spend together AND the time that you two spend seperately from each other so you won't have to worry about having your boundaries being meshed together..(・∀・)
On the topic of affections,, Joseph will actually be a bit shocked to hear you dish out compliments to everyone in the manor.. And quite frankly,, as well as everyone else that you complimented
((Listen,, we're talking about the Victorian Era,, where modesty is highlighted as a core value..))
I'll be honest in saying that for a split-second,, Joseph *might've* actually thought of you as a flirtatious person
So when you explained to him that that's just how you are and that you just like to point out nice things about other people,, he's confused..(^_^;)
"Wait, but you complimented Mike's juggling act. Shouldn't that mean that you would like to court him??"
"Didn't you tell Victor that you thought he was sweet?? Pardon me for asking this, but are you... Interested in him, ma chérie?"
You're going to have to explain to him that just because you like a certain aspect of a person,, that doesn't mean you actually like them AS A WHOLE...
He may or not have demanded that you bake for him the next time that you two will have your afternoon tea together..(⌒_⌒;)
It's his "apology gift" as he puts it...
Okay,, I know I said that Joseph absolutely appreciates your loving side,, but he also *adores* your more "colder" side..
And no,, it's not because he's a masochist..(。・ω・。)
See, as much as Joseph relishes in the feeling of protecting someone he cares/loves.. Even he can admit that sometimes,, it gets too exhausting when your partner is the *literal definition* of a walking doormat..
I don't know about you,, but I kind of picture Joseph as someone who wants to have a partner that, at the *very least*,, can stand on their own two feet.. It gives Joseph a sense of pride,, see???
In conclusion,, I personally think that you and Joseph would work wonders for each other!! Different in your personalities, but united through the same common interest of photography.. I'd say its a decent balance of "opposites attract" and "similarities attract"..
Author's note: On the topic of people photoshopping the heck out of their photos.. DON'T HARRASS/BULLY/INSULT THEM PLEASE!!! I will be blunt in saying that I frankly do not care whatever your intentions were, because when you strip said intentions away from the grand scheme of things,,
All that's left is a situation where someone insulted/bullied/harassed another person just for editing their photos a bit too much..
And when you put it like that,, wouldn't you agree that it sounds idiotic? Because in all honesty, it is..(¬_¬) After all,, those photos won't be affecting you much in the long run now,, would they??
And even if you said that you did it with good intentions, the way you acted upon these "intentions" was poorly done when it could've been handled *much* more efficiently...
So in short,, pls don't harrass anyone that you know that does these to their photos, it's not only for their sake but also yours..( ´ ▽ ` )
I apologize for ranting like that,, however I feel as though these types of situations are completely meaningless AND avoidable had it not been for the people that continue to stick their fingers into others' honeyjars.. So I personally as though it needs to be said.. Again, sorry if this rant is a bit unsettling and a bit "rough on the edges"..(⌒_⌒;)
Well that's about it.. Until next time,, I'll see you all in my next post!!ヾ(@^∇^@)ノ💚
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nobleburn · 2 years
✨ 👉👈
hahaha you have fallen into my trap now you can only sit there and take it as I drop compliments and praise upon you, you can do nothing to stop me, the uno reverse card is entirely disabled
When I started writing Lilli on tumblr, I was worried that she was going to be too abrasive for most people, or that people would dislike her. I really poured years of my life into playing her in D&D and I try not to be TOO precious with my OCs, but Lilli, uniquely, means more to me than any other OC probably ever could, for a lot of reasons. I was so afraid that people wouldn't like her or be interested in her, or that they would only like her if I changed her or made her different, and from the start, I remember being so excited and so thankful that you seemed to like her as she was and think she was cool.
Even before we talked more, even before Eira and Nikolette and anything after, I was just so grateful that you liked Lilli enough to write Wylan opposite her. I don't know if I ever told you that, how close I came to shutting her blog down and taking her away from Tumblr because it felt like I just couldn't make her work here, and maybe I just wasn't a good fit for writing on this site anymore, and what ultimately changed my mind and made me want to keep trying was writing with you. I don't think I could ever thank you enough for that.
And then from there, your writing was so good and it felt like we clicked in a way that I've only clicked with a handful of writers that quickly and that easily, like it felt like there was an immediate mutual understanding of what the dynamic was, and what we were going for, and how things could progress, to the point where even when I was struggling to feel creative or make writing happen, and even when things took forever on my end, I really wanted to get it right in our thread.
I was already primed to be in awe of Wylan, how comfortable you seemed to be writing him, your ability to put him in so many different AUs and crossovers in a way that made him fit in, but also preserved what was uniquely his, and then you hit me with a multi-muse? With like a dozen characters that were all so different and unique? Different canons, different personalities, different genres, and somehow you were pulling them all off so well? Boy, I was floored. There were a handful of characters I was semi-familiar with (Samus, Armstrong, Mizuki) and then characters I'd never heard of at all (Raguna, Dogi, the OCs), but it felt like you had a vision for all of them in the same way you did Wylan, like you knew what they were about, you knew how they could fit into tons of different settings, and you knew how to make them work as RP characters.
That's actually the most impressive thing to me, like, it's one thing to be just a technically good writer. Lots of people are. It's another thing to be so clear on like, not just how to write something that is nice to read or shows a strong command of language, but that is easy and clear and FUN for someone else to write alongside. Lots of people have a story inside them and can write by themself, but I've always always always been impressed by your ability to write great stuff that somehow has the perfect mix of getting across your own character, leaving space and development potential for the opposite character, and also moving things forward into a plot or a story.
You are an absolute joy to write with, I have a ton of fun thinking about plots and threads and memes with you and your characters, I would literally perish for Eira. You're super easy to plot with, you're great at coming up with ideas and you also bring great energy to my ideas, to the point where it feels to me that so much of what we figure out together feels like real collaboration. I'm always in the position of both loving the things we're writing, and being extremely excited for what might come next.
Anyway yeah, you're fucking awesome and I'm so glad that I get to write with you as often as I do.
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putonmyfavoriteshow · 2 years
002 for luty and 003 for naty pls <3 - iris
002 | Send me a ship and I will tell you:
When I started shipping them: I don't know if I have a specific moment? Somewhere in S1. I would guess half-way because I remember that's when I was really getting a kick out of Naty picking Ludmi up and carrying her off and the way she would really dunk on Tomás (queen). Then their pirate/parrot costume at Fran's party and related antics. Basically, anytime that season was lacking Franletta moments I'd focus my attention on them and be like omg look at these chaotic gays.
My thoughts: They're toxic blah blah blah...like yeah their relationship needs work but it's not shallow.
What makes me happy about them: Anytime they're getting along or Ludmi is nicer to Naty it makes me very happy. Or I like when Naty is a bit sassier or stands up to Ludmi and Ludmi is annoyed (but secretly impressed)
What makes me sad about them: That it takes so long for Ludmi to really treat Naty better/recognize how important she is to her not just as her "assistant" but as her friend.
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: Haven't read enough tbh
Things I look for in fanfic: More depth and introspection of Ludmi. We only get it in s3 of the show, so always looking for more of it in fics.
My wishlist: idk
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Like Franletta, I'm pretty happy with their endgames (Naxi, Fedemila) but I will say I def feel like they're the better match for each other in the long run. Like Naty always had a hard time throughout the show choosing Maxi over Ludmi when Ludmi was NOT treating her well. So if Ludmi changed her ways, wouldn't she choose her even more? And as much as Fede has the ability to soften Ludmi, no one is more loyal and loving than Naty towards Ludmila.
My happily ever after for them: They dump their bfs and get together after Ludmi does some reevaluating lol
003 | Give me a character & I will tell you:
How I feel about this character: the cutest girl in the whole world
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: Ludmi, Cami, Maxi
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: Naty/Napo wlw/mlm solidarity! Also Naty/Lena sister relationship is super sweet.
My unpopular opinion about this character: I feel like everyone loves Naty (as they should) so idk if I have any because I simply adore her
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: More solos! The girl doesn't get enough singing opportunities and it makes me crazy. Or every time she did it never would actually happen because it would just be a plot point in Vilu/Ludmi's rivalry or something. Give her her moment in the spotlight! (I'm glad she got her songwriting plotline tho)
Favorite friendship for this character: I ship them a little but I also just love Naty/Cami friendship. Cami really shows Naty what real friendship looks like in s2 when she and Ludmi are going thru it. I love their silly little music video they end up doing for Pablos' assignment without Ludmi and how Cami encourages her to audition for the Rock Bones in s3. She's so nice to her, and reversely I think Cami could use a friend like Naty who cares so much about her opinion.
My crossover ship: Eh don't have any.
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mermaidsirennikita · 7 years
Hello. This is the anon that asked if Albert was manipulative towards Victoria. I meant to thank you for your response as soon as I saw it, but I got caught up in life. I don't know if I'm once again seeing people only react to the show's history or actual history, but I just read with my own two eyes that Victoria "stopped" being the queen only because Albert "turned" her into "money-giver" and "baby-automat." Are people just determined to make Albert look like the bad guy no matter what?
I mean, I get that Victoria and Albert had a power struggle, literally, when it came to their relationship, but Victoria never stopped being the queen. Didn’t she give him the key to her dispatch or “red” box as a Christmas present after Vicky was born? And wasn’t Victoria well aware that if she didn’t want any more children, all she had to do was stop having sex with Albert? People make it sound like she was being forced against her will to become pregnant or give Albert any money and power.
I’m glad you liked my first response, and I’m glad you’re back with more because honestly, the ITV Victoria “fandom” is kinda ridiculous and I don’t like to wade thru it when people try and act like they’re interested in history when half the time they’re interested in furthering a fictionalized agenda.  I can tell you that when it comes to the ~history fandom~ on here, the biggest work of fiction in relation to V&A prior to Victoria was The Young Victoria, and everyone was obsessed with V&A together and nobody really questioned it… until there was a ship to be put up against it.  Lol, I guess poor Paul Bettany didn’t get people’s hearts going like Sewell, even tho the latter really isn’t my thing either.
The thing that people have a problem with, fundamentally, is Victoria being a woman of her time–I would say this more than Albert being a man of his time.  If Victoria had wanted to say no to sex with Albert, she could have; in fact, all evidence points to the fact that she was far more sexual than he, especially after they grew into the marriage.  If she’d put her foot down after, say, baby number four, she would have had two sons and two daughters and not only would Albert not have objected, but her people couldn’t really say much about it either.  But she didn’t, because Victoria loved sex and she loved Albert and she loved having sex with Albert.  I’m not saying that Albert didn’t love sex/Victoria–no doubt he loved Victoria, but his thoughts on sex are a bit murkier.  Sidenote: he did comment on her cleavage in his notes right after they were married and clearly found her physically attractive, but his feelings on sex in general were often prudish and maybe even complicated by the disaster that was his parents’ marriage, imo.  Some have even speculated that Albert was asexual, though not aromantic, and had sex with Victoria to make her happy–I don’t think so based off of what I read, but he certainly was not keeping Victoria pregnant in order to keep her under his thumb.  In fact, as soon as Victoria had so many babies that it became physically hazardous for her to keep getting pregnant, she stopped getting pregnant–and as Victoria’s response to being told that babies = death was “but what about my fun in bed” (allegedly) I have a feeling that Albert, who was already apparently at his wit’s end with worry over her and baby Beatrice prior to the birth, put his foot down.  Albert wasn’t unaware of the dangers of pregnancy for a woman back then, so I find it especially bizarre that people are insinuating that he purposefully kept Victoria pregnant in order to exert his power over her.  Certainly, a byproduct of Victoria’s pregnancies were that Albert took the reins more often, but he also was notably pretty involved with the births for a man of the day, and seemed to be worried about her physical and mental health during the pregnancies (again, for a man of his day–he wasn’t fretting over postpartum depression, but he did make note of Victoria not being super happy about being pregnant, about how he wished she’d be able to enjoy motherhood more–it’s not like he wanted this chick miserable in bed waiting for a baby to come).  She would have likely been expected to have at least three children no matter what–ideally four, I think.  No matter who she married, she would have needed at least two healthy sons for people to feel comfortable, and a daughter would also be ideal for marital alliances.  Her love of sex with Albert and a lack of good contraception back in the day (as well as I’m sure a lack of belief in the propriety of contraception on his part, and hers as well most likely) equaled more babies.
As for Albert’s control over finances, I’m not 100% sure on that anecdote, but honestly, like you said, Victoria could have taken away much of what she gave.  Maybe not easily all the time, but she remained the queen, Albert a prince consort.  She gave him power, she gave him money, because she wanted him to be happy, she loved him, and at the end of the day, she was (as I keep saying) a woman of her time who lacked a strong male figure for much of her life and clearly sought one.  She wanted him to be big and strong–I mean, not to speculate, but it sounds like it kind of turned her on when he took control.  With any other historical figure I’d say that’s going too far to ponder, but we have Victoria’s diary entries, and while they are edited, she clearly thought a lot of this guy.  Now, you don’t have to think the world of him–but let’s say you have a friend.  She’s a vibrant girl and she’s dating a guy who’s a nerd, who’s quiet, you don’t get the appeal, he seems uptight.  But if she ADORES him, if she sees something through him, if she starts doing more of the things he likes to do to please him–would you say that he was forcing his will on her?  No.  You’d say that you don’t get her taste, you don’t see why she’s doing it, but it’s HER choice.  I really don’t see Victoria’s choice to give Albert more power as a bad thing, at least not in the short term–he was by no means a perfect would-be monarch, and of course he was alive when the monarchy was transferring from being a ruling power to a reigning power.  But he did care about the less fortunate in a way that Victoria and many English nobles (Lord Melbourne included) didn’t.  He did see a responsibility in the royals to set a good example, and for that matter to “give back” even if that meant simply raising awareness for important causes like the abolition of slavery.  He was very well-educated, and while Victoria absolutely inflated his intelligence in her mind as a young, naive, lovestruck girl, he was impressive in many ways.  She saw things that she liked, and frankly–Victoria wanted to be the queen, but she was never all that into the serious job of it.  She seemed more about socializing that social reform, you know?  And that’s okay.  Albert could handle that, and Victoria could handle the more public side of things.
The thing about Albert is that he’s fallen prey to an unfortunate part of historical research in this day and age…  Wherein people (largely people who write pop history, or crossover history) have written and written about “controversial” people to the point that it becomes overdone (Elizabeth I, Anne Boleyn, Marie Antoinette, Cleopatra) so they look at things that are VERY obvious and make a complicated issue out of it.  Henry VIII was probably a dick with some natural mental illness(es), but we wanna make something new and exciting–so we start going, oh, can this all be traced back to his mom dying when he was young and his father favoring Arthur?  Oh, is this all due to a traumatic brain injury that probably didn’t happen?  Prince Albert was probably a man of his time–he wanted to be the head of the household and got insecure about that, but overall he had a happy marriage and loved his family.  But we want it to be MORE, so we look at this marriage through the lenses of 21st century standards, and we find flaws that only exist to a certain extent.  Albert and Victoria did not have a perfect marriage, and they clashed over dominance at times.  But ultimately, Victoria certainly wanted Albert to be the head of their personal family, and that gradually led to him becoming more powerful.
Also, people tend to take a lot of the less flattering perspectives on Albert from Englishpeople of the time who were xenophobic towards Germans sooooooo not super reliable imo.  People said he was money-grubbing because compared to Victoria he didn’t have a lot of personal funds; but to be frank, differing factions would have been critical of anyone she married.  She was a sovereign queen, people assumed that her husband would have control on some level–and on some level, he eventually did.  
At the end of the day, people are essentially angry that Victoria doesn’t live up to their feminist expectations of what a sovereign queen should be, when she… lived… in… the…. nineteenth… century……..
And for God’s sake people are dramatic, she never stopped being queen, she just handled fewer administrative duties and took on a more ceremonial role.  Which was inevitable, to be quite honest, due in part to her sex and in part to the fact that the monarchy was, as previously mentioned, becoming less of a real ruling entity.  Much of what Albert did was contained to running the literal household and handling marital alliances, nothing compared to what, say, Elizabeth I did.
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