#but Israeli Jews sure will
the-catboy-minyan · 2 months
would you tell a Native American person you know their history better than them?
would you tell an African American person you know their history better than them?
would you tell any minority group you know their history better than them?
then why the fuck are you doing that with Jews?
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whitesunlars · 3 months
hey. you. yeah you. if you think every and all zionists are inherently evil and the jewish people have no ties to the levant then the posts about antisemitism are about you.
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magnetothemagnificent · 6 months
Love how there have been literally lynch mobs storming airports and hotels in Russia searching for Jews and no one is talking about it.
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feuilletoniste · 7 months
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There's this group of people, usually Western leftists, who tend to filter all global politics through the lens of "what if this happened in America?" regardless of the actual political landscape of the situation in question. So this is one of the two primary reasons that you get takes like the above, even while people who know literally anything about Israeli politics know that Israelis are absolutely furious with Bibi right now. There have been protests! He's under immense pressure from Israeli civilians who don't want Gazans massacred! Israel is not the US under Bush!
The other primary reason is, of course, antisemitism.
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autistic-katara · 7 days
peaceful is when u punch jews, yell slurs, set things on fire and wave around signs with mein kampf quotes on it
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unbidden-yidden · 5 months
FYI — since I have now slowly been posting more normal stuff and not just about the current situation in Israel, I think it's fair for me to start tagging my I/P posts as something so people can filter them out.
If you do not want to see those posts, please filter #המצב going forward. I am not going to promise 100% that I will always remember, but I will do my best ok? Ok.
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transboysokka · 3 months
Anyway I have to get out of this country bc my family member just proudly told me they support Israel bc “both sides have problems”
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sakebytheriver · 6 months
Here's the thing about Oct. 7th
Any analysis of the situation that does not acknowledge that the IOF itself is responsible for most of the casualties is incomplete and pretty close to straight up propaganda
I have no love in my heart for Hamas, I agree that it is an extreme fundamentalist religious movement founded on the most radical platform the Palestinian revolution could have had and even as the secularists have taken positions and done work to move the ideology in a less radical direction as they saw that with only Hamas in power they only had one option but to try and change the organization from the inside, that doesn't mean they don't still have extreme views or tactics and nor does it mean that they are not also mistreating the Palestinians in Gaza as any ruling government party mistreats their citizens, remember they only received 44.5% of the vote and then promptly ended free elections there after, not even to mention how many Gazans were under the voting age when that election was held. Their extreme views and tactics for liberation are quite literally why Netenyahu himself funneled money into their operation to ensure that they were the international face of Palestine to make it so that public international opinion would be against them and further destabilize Palestinian liberation attempts
But it has literally been reported by Israel's own media and journalists that the IOF are the ones who shelled Israeli homes which led to those horrific burning deaths of Israeli babies Ben Shapiro won't let the internet forget about, it was reported by the Israeli media itself that the IOF fired at their own citizens fleeing from the music festival, it was reported by Israeli media that the IOF shot and killed hostages with their hands tied behind their backs, and it has been confirmed by Israeli citizens who were taken hostage by Hamas insurgents that the insurgent's main goal seemed to be to keep them alive and relatively safe in order to be taken hostage as leverage for the Palestinian hostages Israel has locked in their prisons while the IOF soldiers and the people who gave them their marching orders were indiscriminate in who they killed, driving tanks through residential areas, shooting citizens, and bombing houses with families, the elderly, and infants inside
This is not to say that Hamas didn't kill anyone, I'm sure they did, but from Israel's own media and their own citizen's reports who were taken hostage we have been told the number of casualties were so high on Oct. 7th because the IOF had absolutely no qualms killing their own people
And nor is this to say that Hamas is some kind of humanitarian freedom fighting militia that will always treat Israelis nice and respectfully, the reason why they've been so nice to their hostages is because they are playing the optics game that Israel won't
They are doing the wartime optics game correctly right now while Israel has all but abandoned it, they are keeping the hostages safe and well looked after so that when held up next to the cruelty and the indiscriminate violence of the Apartheid state (which has over 10,000 Palestinians held hostage in their prisons as of now) they look better in comparison to the international eye, that is the whole point of fighting an asymmetrical war, you have to use asymmetrical tactics, especially in an age where public opinion can mean the difference between life or death
Ultimately, my point here is that the idea that Hamas are the ones who are soley responsible for the massacre of over a thousand Israeli citizens is just false, and that is confirmed by the Israeli media itself. It was the IOF response to the attack that killed so many, Hamas does not have the technology available to them to be able to shell someone's house, the people who crossed the Gazan border were only armed with the guns they could carry in their hands, that doesn't lead to the kind of damage done in these Israeli neighborhoods that we have seen reported on (just check NPR's ig page it's full of videos of the Israeli neighborhoods destroyed after Oct. 7th) but a tank driven by an IOF soldier who has been given the greenlight by his superiors to kill as many Israelis as he deems necessary in the hopes of killing any single Hamas insurgent they can get, definitely will
Innocents died on Oct. 7th, I will never deny that, but most of them didn't meet their end by a Hamas insurgent. They met their end by an Israeli soldier who was supposed to be sent there to protect them and if you don't acknowledge that fact, if you simply say that it was the attack by Hamas that killed so many people then you have not done any research into what actually happened that day and you don't get to use it as some kind of gotcha against the people who support Palestine
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bijoumikhawal · 7 months
only going "rape and torture are bad" when people defend Palestinians is pretty fucking scummy, speaking as someone who knows more than the average person on this site does about torture, and hates it real bad and knows a lot of people repeat torture apologia because it's deeply pervasive in modern culture
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zionistbeyonce · 3 months
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this is the one blog in particular that i cannot believe is still up, and haven't been deleted by tumblr. i-am-aprl. this person has posted, on the day of the hamas terrorist attack, Oct 7, a photo of a dead body of an israeli man being driven into gaza by a gazan man riding a motorcycle. She added celebratory words and emojis. Celebrating desecration. On the same day, while civilians were still being murdered, hunted down by hamas terrorists, this blogger posted screenshots from the video of a terrorist pulling israeli Naama Levy from the back of a truck, by her hair, while she's covered in blood. again, this blogger was CELEBRATING it!!!
at the time, she didn't get many notes. she wasn't popular at all. the fact is, this disgusting behaviour made her famous on tumblr. her posts containing antisemitism, blood libel, lies, and misinformation, get thousands of notes, tens of thousands of notes sometimes. instead of being told off, she has actually gained something from this behaviour. I don't have a bottom line here.
[I hate giving her more attention, but going through her archive is crazy.
on oct 7 she was also celebrating rockets being shot from civillian areas in gaza, later she's sad and heartbroken when the terrorists throwing those rockets are eliminated. she's a fan(?????? LOL) of fricking ahmed yassin who's rotting in hell. true supporter of terrorism. oh wow, tumblr has left this post UP!!!! she had a worse version of it which was deleted, but this one is... fine with tumblr?! another one celebrating the terrorist attack, while it is happening. no words, notice the date, and the hypocrisy! she's now crying screaming about the poor hamas terrorists being killed by the idf. google translate this celebratory post!!! maybe the worst one yet, she celebrated the oct 8 terrorist attack in Egypt, where two Israeli tourists and their Egyptian guide were shot dead! and TUMBLR IS FINE WITH THAT?! the post is still UP ON HER INSANE BLOG!]
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pacificgasandelectric · 4 months
it would just be very very cool. if more ppl would be capable of being anti-israel, anti-genocide, anti-colonization and anti-human-rights-violations, and ofc pro-palestinians without also being anti-jewish about it.
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natsukaishii · 3 months
twt if i see one more “zhongli and tighnari’s eng vas are zionists don’t support them” tweet i’m deleting the app
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whitesunlars · 7 months
targeting civilians. murdering them, raping them, torturing them, and then desecrating their bodies. annihilating entire families. kidnapping babies as young as 6 months and Holocaust survivors as old as 100. shooting down attendees at a rave that was for peace. this is not freedom fighting. this is not liberation. and this will certainly not free palestine.
all this does is cause more suffering for both israelis and palestinians. all this causes is war and death and atrocities.
it is terrorism. if you try to justify it, you are supporting terrorism.
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princesssarcastia · 7 months
the way public discourse is profoundly failing both Palestinians and Israelis in turns isn't surprising, but it sure is a depressing refresher on the importance of refusing to dehumanize anyone. the importance of remembering that states are not moral actors; and that a nation's government is not its people, and often does not represent the will of its people.
i mean, shit, as an american, how fucked would i be if people in other countries tried to hold me responsible for the bloody things my government has done in my name? pretty goddamn fucked. so i should refuse to level that condemnation at anyone else.
so as we watch netanyahu call this terrorist attack israel's 9/11, and watch his administration gear up to carry out what might charitably be labeled ethnic cleansing, if not outright genocide, against people who had fuck all to do with it, in some twisted strongman show of force and revenge, in a continuation of the same violence that will only beget more violence as it always does...
i can only see the specters of the american wars in afghanistan and iraq. and i can refuse to condemn israeli people for the actions of their government. all while expressing grief and outrage at the atrocity hamas committed against israel. its truly fucking horrifying what they did, and what israeli people suffered.
and also, as someone whose government has a long, torrid history supporting right-wing dictatorships and leaders, to the detriment of those leaders' peoples and also, to the eventual detriment of americans...
as someone whose country literally lived through the frame of reference that netanyahu is using to contextualize what israel's government is about to do...
i can say firmly that israel's government, much like america's government, creates its own demons. this is what happens when you visit nothing but war and cruelty upon a group of people. this is the end result! this is always the end result of oppression and violence. you reap what you sow.
that doesn't justify what hamas did, or what it will continue to do in the coming days. but goddamn, if you spend decades taking away people's homes, taking away their opportunities for economic advancement, refusing them any meaningful participation in their own governance, penning them in with no resources and no hope, and then gunning them down in the streets when they try to protest it or otherwise acceptably fight for change and progress—
you will always end up where we are right now. always. if you leave a group of people with no other option within a system but to wait for better days and kinder enemies and suffer horrors in the meantime, some of them will inevitably radicalize and seek violent options outside that system.
and millions of Palestinian people are now going to suffer, and die, and become further displaced, as they have suffered for decades. because israel's government, like america's government, can't stop sowing the seeds that inevitably grow into its deadliest enemies.
so long as they continue to oppress palestinian people, things like this will continue to happen. which is why we should take every opportunity to condemn that oppression, and why i can refuse to condemn palestinian people for the actions of hamas. all while expressing grief and outrage at the atrocity the israeli government is committing against paelstine.
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evansbby · 6 months
If you actually deep it
Is Chris dumb or ignorant or just doesn’t care or is uneducated or is ignorant bc most American celebs are
Bc why did he agree to be in RSDR
The director is a former IDF soldier?????
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autistic-katara · 5 months
seeing ur beloved mutual reblogging some questionable shit (probably unintentionally) but not having the energy to argue or explain why </3
#please i dont wanna have to be the one to correct u fuckers every time u reblog a mildly disguised dogwhistle#goyish mutuals please talk to some jews (who r knowledgeable and want to educate ppl)#cause stg some of the stuff i’m seeing is 2 steps below nazi propaganda#and ik its most likely not malicious but god i’m so tired#please educate urself on some stuff#bcz some of the shit ur rbing could easily be found on some neonazi page if u just (((added some of these around the word zionist)))#or just replaced the word zionist with “jews” or smthn#or idk just so many posts if u tweaked the language just a little but kept the same message it would be blatant nazi shit#and yeah sure the post sounds normal nd everything or whatever but u gotta remembered the point of dogwhistles is to seem innocuous#to signal to other nazis to make them sound more sympathetic and to make ppl calling them out seem insane#just please guys i’m begging u watch out for those posts that r like#“the zionists in hollywood r censoring x” or#“oh no! x jewish celebrity is scared of antisemitism in their big mansion? so sad! lets address their hurt feelings right away#dead palestinian children can wait!”#or whatever#like yes what israel is doing is beyond fucked nd the us being supportive of it is gross but please ffs watch what ur reblogging/posting#think abt if its denying/downplaying antisemitism#if u replaced the word “zionist” with “jew” would it sound like a conspiracy theory?#are u dehumanising jewish/israeli ppl in any way?#(bcz yes not every israeli citizen is the actual devil yk i dont think my 2 month old cousin ever bombed anyone)#yk just please think before u post/reblog jesus fucking christ#idk i kinda went off on a whole rant here oops-#antisemitism#ryan shut the fuck up
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