avatorofthelonely · 1 year
My mental image for Jonn is literally any white male that appears if you Google tweed jackets and click on the images section. What is yours?
Based off this anon idk if I’ve made it clear enough that I rebuke white Jon in the name of the beholding.
I’ve said before that I hc Jon to mixed, having an Indian mother and a white English father but definitely favoring his mother’s features (some meta on that hc here).This is mostly to justify how white his name is. I do like to image he has green eyes tho but I’m also partial to him starting off with brown, maybe hazel eyes, and then they become green over time. Or maybe they just glow green. I can really go for any of the above.
I don’t really have a face claim but the best way I can describe my mental image of him is a mix of Sacha Dhawan as Count Orlo in The Great (I just saw him play a nerd with a dark academia vibe and was like “is that Jon Sims??”) and Alexis Denisof as Wesley Wyndam-Pryce in the Buffyverse.
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Now, because, as I said, Jon doesn’t really look white in my head I kinda imagine more as having features like Sacha’s and his build and stature is more like Alexis’s. Also the characters of Orlo and Wesley definitely have similar arcs and demeanors/characters as what I imagine Jon as having but probably a little closer to Wesley’s.
I want to reiterate: neither of these are fancasts as they are both too old to play Jon and I’m only really using them to describe how I envision Jon.
And of course, we can’t forget the prematurely graying hair — probably my favorite physical feature of Jon’s. I adore how punk.void on TikTok does their hair for their Jon cosplay. He’s also a tad short but not incredibly (like 5’8).
My favorite Jon artist is easily @andlatitude their Jon is very close to how I see him in my head. Specifically this piece.
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thebestestbat · 2 years
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Last page of Damage #9.
[ID: Grant Emerson limps away from a destroyed supervillain prison. the supervillains are throwing soap/toilet paper at him and yelling: "Whooooohooo, Damage!" "Up here, son!" "Don't listen to them, kid--I'm your dad! I can prove it!" "Your momma, she was so gooood! Fine woman!" "That's my boy! Come bust daddy loose!" Grant holds his arm and thinks, "It could be them...It could be any of them." End ID]
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Last page of Damage #15.
[ID: In the first panel Grant Emerson stands in the middle of four men: Ted Grant (Wildcat), Alan Scott (Green Lantern), Ted Knight (Starman) and Jay Garrick (Flash). Jonn (Martian Manhunter) stands in the background. Ted Grant says, "We'll tell you all about 'em, Grant." Alan says, "And you can carry on." Ted Knight says, "For your father--for all of us." Jay says, "That's right, Grant--The Justice Society is gone. That's the past, and it's only right that it should be. We had our day. But you--"
In the second panel Grant crouches, putting flowers at his birth parents' graves. Jonn stands behind him, and the four men with their images of them in their superhero outfits rising behind them. Jay continues, "--You're our legacy. You and the other young heroes like you-- You're the future!" End ID]
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christopher-bryant · 5 years
winn and jonn are 100% jake and holt.
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derelictdumbass · 3 years
"you... remembered that?" or "I heard what you said... no one's ever talked about me that way before?" + Jonn Seed?
ilu fren thank u again (am I going to thank u on every one of these yes I am fight me)
Title: Not a Diva
Ship: The Angels Baptist
Words: 1,244
Nadine walked swiftly down the bunkers corridors, past crates and boxes of supplies. Any members or chosen in the way basically flung themselves to the walls to make room as he passed by, none of them wanting to be in the way of Eden Gate's guard dog. his brown eyes stayed focused ahead of him, not giving any of them a glance as he made his way to one of the main rooms of John's bunker. He was taking stock today and he'd checked all the others except for this one, when he was done he planned to go to Faith's bunker and then Jacob's after that.
He wasn't pleased to see three chosen meandering in the large room, they glanced at him as he entered but quickly turned away when they saw it was him. Nadine ignored them, beginning to pick up lists sat atop the crates and taking note of the supplies. The children's loud talking became hushed as they spoke among themself and Nadine ignored it as he went on with his work.
Their hushed talking grew clearer as Nadine walked closer, trying to focus on the lists of inventory and not the chosen's words. He caught whispers of John's name and not so flattering words that made his jaw clench, a year ago he would have broken their jaw already but Joseph hadn't been too fond of them putting members of their project into the infirmary. So he held himself back and walked onto the next crate.
"He can be a bit of a Diva, don't know why the father let's him act like that, he makes us look like a joke,"
Oh. Oh, That was it.
"Do you want to repeat that?" Nadine asked, slamming the paper down on the crate and sharply turning around to face the three men. Anger burned clearly in his eyes and the men collectively straightened their backs and looked at him with wide eyes.
"Brother Dean–"
"John is not a diva that walks around with his head up his ass, he's smart, he's fucking brilliant. Everything he does has a meaning. Did you forget none of this would be possible without him, everyone here in this project owes John everything. Joseph wouldn't have gotten this off of the ground without him," Nadine nearly snarled, stalking towards them and stopping in front of the one they took as the main instigator. He shook his head uselessly, mouth opening and closing as the others looked on anxiously.
"I didn't mean anything by it—" He croaked out, shrinking under Nadine's intense gaze and looming figure. Nadine doesn't let him finish, not caring for their excuses.
"You did. You all think he can't hear you but he can and he doesn't deserve to listen to all the shit that comes out of your mouths. He gave away everything to be here, to make this happen. He deserves a little more gratitude than he's getting so maybe next time show a little fucking respect." He growls and the men all nod in unison. They looked like sad excuses for men standing there, cowering with their tails between their legs. It only served to make Dean angrier.
"We're sorry brother Dean," They all sputtered, but the apology fell on the wrong ears and Dean shook his head in disgust at their use of 'brother'. They weren't his family, not if they spoke about John like that.
"Get out of here, maybe do your job instead of gossiping like teenagers," Nadine snapped, glaring the men down as they scurried away from him with fearful eyes. Maybe they'd go to their actual posts and get some work done. Useless idiots.
With a sigh heavier than Saturn Nadine turns and stalks towards the wall, grabbing the overall stock clipboard and angrily scrawling down the supplies he noted. Footsteps alert him to someone entering the large room and he turns, ready to bark at any underlings that came in but stopping short at the sight of a familiar coat and vulnerable blue eyes.
Nadine gives an acknowledging nod to the youngest Seed, the man giving a slower more tentative one in return. His eyes were swimming with something Nadine couldn't place this far away so he simply turned back to the wall and returned the clipboard to its place.
"How was Joseph?" He asks, knowing John had gone to see his brother an hour prior.
"... He was fine," John's voice is soft, thoughtful. It makes Dean turn and watch as the Herald walked further into the room, looking off down the corridor the three chosen had left. Nadine's stomach dropped, he really hoped John hadn't heard that conversation, or anything the three idiots had said about him. But with the upturned curve of his brow Nadine could tell he most likely had.
"Are you alright?" He asks gently, John nodding softly and turning to meet his gaze.
"I heard what you said…" John paused, searching Nadine's eyes for something before a pained smile stretched across his face, "No one's ever talked about me that way before," He laughed humourlessly, avoiding Nadine's eyes and turning to inspect one of the crates. It made Nadine's heart twist painfully to see him in such a state.
"I'm sure Joseph–"
Nadine bit his tongue, the flat and sharp way John replied making him regret his words. He wanted nothing more than to reach out and hold the Herald of Holland Valley, to soothe that look on his face and ease the pain swimming underneath his cracking facade. 
"I'm sorry," Nadine murmured instead, stepping forward so they were side by side but not daring to move any closer.
"Why are you sorry?" John asked with another dry laugh, looking over at the other man who stared down at the crate with bubbling anger in his eyes.
"You don't get enough credit,"
"I'm not doing any of this for credit Nadine, I'm doing it for Joseph,"
"I know,"
More silence. John sighed, leaning closer and resting his temple against Nadine's shoulder. Nadine gently resting his head against his, letting him know the touch was welcomed. Nadine took that moment to take hold of John's hand, interlocking their fingers and giving a reassuring squeeze. John smiled faintly, eyes squeezing shut for a moment and just soaking up the warmth and the unspoken understanding.
Nadine hoped he knew even if no one else was, he was grateful for everything John did and that he would be there for him no matter what happened. He'd follow John to the ends of hell and back if that's where his path took him, he'd turn his back on Joseph and the project in an instance for the Baptist and he felt no shame for it. Everything Joseph gave him could not compare to the peace John gave him every day.
"Are you done for today?" John's voice is quiet when he speaks, not wanting to disrupt the calmness in the air. 
"If you want me to be I am," Nadine answers without hesitation and John chuckles, this time it's a genuine sound and Nadine smiles. John removes his head from Nadine's shoulder but keeps their hands intertwined, looking down at them and gently caressing Nadine's knuckles with his thumb.
"I think we both deserve some rest," John murmurs, blue eyes meeting Nadine's soft brown ones with a tiredness Nadine could feel in his own bones.
"I think so too,"
"Let's go home."
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mrsluthordanvers · 3 years
Am I the only one who was bothered by the fact that the men were the ones not really effected by their fears and had to save the women?? Idk I love brainy and jonn but that just rubs me the wrong way lol same with karas dad having to make her hope again 🙄
I know I’ve had moments like that while watching this show! This wasn’t necessarily one for me. I didn’t really see them as saving everyone. I thought it was interesting that Brainy seemed unaffected in everyone’s fear visions, bc to me it made it seem like everyone sees Brainy as being fearless. At the same time though, I wasn’t a huge fan that his fear was balloons when compared to everyone else’s. I think J’onn’s didn’t come off as impactful (and his scene felt very short compared to everyone else) as it should have. He was seeing everyone’s fear visions on that ship and I can only imagine the hurt he would’ve felt and his reaction to it felt very fatherly to me. And it kind of felt he gave them all the opportunity to save themselves. Like yes, he took out the phantom but they each still had to pull themselves out a bit.
But I doubt you’re the only one! They definitely did give Brainy and J’onn’s fear visions a different tone so it is understandable that that might not come off favorably for them.
For Kara and her dad, I feel like it might have been better if we saw more of Kara’s fear visions. We saw her telling Zor-el not to give up a lot, and that she was going to keep fighting. But we didn’t really see her fight a lot, so seeing her give up hope didn’t hold the same kind of impact for me as it would have if I saw her fighting her heart out over and over. So I would agree seeing her father be the voice of hope in the last moments before being saved was a bit disappointing
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amourology · 3 years
john b playing with brownie’s ears whenever he’s anxious —concept anon
also jonn b just holding the little bear tighter and tighter against him when he’s upset or something bc its embrace reminds him of his father
the pogues knowing you never tease him whenever he’s hugging brownie bc they know he’s really upset when he’s doing that so they’re instantly worried
and don’t even get me started on if he loses brownie — that boy would tear apart the island to find it only for it to be in his bedroom after it accidentally fell of the side of his bed
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Supergirl-Triwizard Tournament AU
Kara Danvers: -Hufflepuff
-sixth year
-was adopted from the Danvers when she was 1 year old after her parents got murdered by Death eaters
-starts dating Lena Luthor at the end of sixth year
Alex Danvers: -Slytherin
-Quidditch Captain
-sixth year
-the Goblet of Fire spits her name out although she didn’t put her name in it and becomes without even wanting it a second Hogwarts champion (basically the Situation Harry was in)
-starts dating Maggie in sixth year
-Maggie is her treasure during the second task
-she and Maggie are partners at the Yule ball
- witnesses the return of the dark lord, duels with him on the graveyard and makes it back alive to Hogwarts
Lena Luthor: -Slytherin
-sixth year
-her brother Lex Luthor is one of the most loyal allies of the dark Lord
-spends even her summer holidays at Hogwarts
-is the other Hogwarts champion
-Kara is her treasure during the second task
-she and Kara are partners at the Yule Ball
Maggie Swayer: -Gryffindor
-sixth year
-Muggel born
-gets Alex girlfriend just before the second task
Mon-El: -is the Durmstrang champion
-even though he has many female admirers, he‘s only into boys
-is a famous quidditch player
- gets together with Winn
-Winn and he are partners at the Yule Ball
-Winn is his treasure during the second task
-also witnesses the return of the dark lord and gets killed by him (sorry☹️)
Winn Shot: -Ravenclaw
-sixth year
-smartest Student of his house
-his father is an death eater and sits in Azkaban
-doesn’t like Quidditch but still he falls in love with Mon-El
-is totally heart broken after Mon-Els death
Jonn Jonnz: -Headmaster of Hogwarts
-was a Gryffindor during his school time
-before he got Headmaster he was head of Gryffindor house
-besides his job as headmaster he also is teacher of Defence against the dark arts, because no one else wants to to teach it
Cat Grant:- head of Slytherin
-Transfiguration teacher
-never gets Kara‘s name right;)
-is pretty strict but can also be very soft
I may add some other characters later:)
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occasionalcoherence · 4 years
What are your top five book quotes?
I have taken FOREVER with this question and I’m so sorry. I hope you see it. It’s an impossible question, but I needed to attempt it. The thing is I can’t remember everything I’ve read and loved at one time. Also I was so well-read as a kid, and I find it kind of embarrassing how little I’ve read in more recent years. Still love books, though. I’m going to try and hit a mix of the kinds of things that bring me joy/meaning.
“I realized that, sure, I was a Spokane Indian. I belonged to that tribe. But I also belonged to the tribe of American immigrants. And to the tribe of basketball players. And to the tribe of bookworms. And the tribe of cartoonists. And the tribe of chronic masturbators. And the tribe of teenage boys. And the tribe of small-town kids. And the tribe of Pacific Northwesterners. And the tribe of tortilla chips-and-salsa lovers. And the tribe of poverty. And the tribe of funeral-goers. And the tribe of beloved sons. And the tribe of boys who really missed their best friends. It was a huge realization. And that's when I knew that I was going to be okay.“ --Sherman Alexie, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian
I read this when I was fourteen and the way Alexie writes about the human need for belonging and love hasn’t let go of my brain. 
“After I grew up, I heard the chant of Fa Mu Lan, the girl who took her father’s place in battle…. I had forgotten this chant that was once mine, given me by my mother, who may not have known its power to remind. She said I would grow up a wife and a slave, but she taught me the song of the warrior woman, Fa Mu Lan. I would have to grow up a warrior woman.” --Maxine Hong Kingston, The Woman Warrior
All of the content warnings for The Woman Warrior, but there’s this sense of longing for independence that Kingston spins into these romantic narratives. Plus I need to read more books written by Asian women. Or Asian authors in general. It’s a part of my identity I don’t get to see a lot in books.
“’What the hell is Havarti?’ Gus asked. 
‘Semisoft Danish cow cheese,’ Casey said. ‘You’ll love it.’ 
‘That… sounds disgusting,’ Gus said. ‘You should have just called it cheese. I don’t know if I can eat cheese from a semisoft Danish cow.’” -- TJ Klune, How to Be a Normal Person
Ridiculous comedy is extremely important to me. I love this book more than I can explain. Gus is so easy to love, and he doesn’t realize it.
“’He is not alone,’ Marlie objected. ‘Rowan is with him.’ Val and Ellis stared at her as though she were mad. 
‘Of what use to Jonn is a scared weakling like Rowan?’ Val demanded. ‘He needs a strong, courageous companion to—’
‘He had five strong, courageous companions.’
Allun lifted his head and looked her straight in the eye. ‘They all ran away.’”--Emily Rodda, Rowan of Rin
Look. This is a kid’s book. It’s a total predictable cliche:  “weakling outcast kid was the hero all along.” But Rowan’s gentleness is portrayed as his Great Strength. As a masculine-identifying person, that’s a message I still need all the time. He doesn’t go through a Change to become Socially Acceptable. He was always like this, and it turns out to be what they need.
“Perhaps home is not a place but an irrevocable condition.” --James Baldwin, Giovanni’s Room
I don’t have an addendum to this one.
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ruffiorocks · 5 years
Kara has always had love, Lena has not.
You know I'm all supportive of not liking a character, RAO knows there's a few I'm not a fan of. But what bothers me is when people only focus on half the narrative of the character they don't like. When the rest of the characters narrative is usually the reason and explaination for why they are the way they are.
Take for instance the comparison of Kara Danvers and Lena Luthor. People who don't like Lena but adore Kara will throw out that Kara is a literal ray of sunshine who has suffered trauma and doesn't whine about it, while Lena has no right to be moody because she's privileged.
Ok, so there's quite a bit to address here.
First off, we (and the show) like to refer to Kara as 'sunny Danvers' and how she is a consistent ball of sunshine that only ever sees the best In people. Now I don't know what fan fic the people who think this have been reading but that just isn't true and the show shows us consistently that it isn't true.
Kara has been seen to be moody, depressed, judgmental, have prejudice, be hot headed, refusing to listen and seeing herself as superior whilst giving herself authority over things and people and feeling put out when people do things she personally doesn't agree with or hasn't sanctioned. But thats OK! It shows that Kara is just as flawed and normal as anybody else.
People will say that Kara lost her planet, her family, her race and she didn't let it get to her, but Lena is kept out of a secret or people don't like her and suddenly she's an awful person?
Erm... Ok, so I've mentioned this before but it's worth stating again. Kara has been adored and loved and privileged since the day she was born. Kara belongs to 'the noble house of El' an elite family of Krypton. Her father was a scientist and her mother was basically the head or the judicial system and her aunt a general. She was also well protected. So yeah, Kara was extremely privileged and had a superior social standing on Krypton. Yes her planet exploded but do you know what happened after that? People still continued to love and adore her. She immediately got placed with a loving family who only wanted to take care of her, even if she was rejected by Kal El. The Danvers weren't exactly poor either. Kara had a loving adopted family to help her through her trauma. Then she grew up to be adored by her Superfriends, was welcomed at the DEO by Jonn who took it upon himself to be her space dad and he always protected her and Alex even when they didnt know. People fall for Kara all the time and fight for her affections. She may have had a difficult relationship with Cat but even she was a mentor and was shown to love Kara, both as Kara and as Supergirl. She's also adored by the world because she's Supergirl, the amount of love and attention she gets shows this. She also has a devoted sister who's life is made up of protecting her. Plus she has a devoted billionaire best friend willing to do anything for her and put her self in danger protecting her because she doesn't know Kara doesn't need protecting. Kara also has statues dedicated to her and has friends from the 31st century who told her what a legend she is in the future. She's had cults dedicated to worshipping her, she has an abundance of Superfriends that adore her. It's an awful lot of love, devotion and respect since the day she landed. So Kara may have trauma but she has all the love in the world to help her through it. Oh it also doesn't hurt that she is a blonde haired, blue eyed Caucasian white woman. I wouldn't normally mention skin color but the show made a point of Jonn mentioning this. Kara didn't believe prejudice against aliens happened much anymore because she (the white woman) didn't experience it.
I'd like to point out that Kara's race survived, she also still has her mother.
Now let's look Lena, Lena was traumatized aged 4 by watching her own mother die and grew up believing it to be her fault. She was taken in by a horrible family she didn't even learn was biologically hers until after her father died and her brother had gone insane. Her father may have liked her but he has also been shown to be an alcoholic, her step mother made it abundantly clear she didn't want Lena around and has kidnapped her several times and though she was dedicated to Lex his diaries show that he saw her as a play thing even when they were children. So unlike Kara, Lena didn't get placed with a loving family. People are so focused on Lena's billionaire status, money doesn't equal love and happiness. Lena has been treated horribly for most of her life. It doesn't matter she went to the best school, maybe ate from a silver platter, she was emotionally abused and not wanted. The total opposite of Kara. Kara got a devoted adopted mother and father and a wonderful devoted sister. Lena got a horrible adopted mother, an alcoholic father and an insane, manipulative, mass murdering, genocidal brother. Lena had to watch her brother decend into madness to the point SHE not Superman managed to set him up and get him caught. But Lena has to suffer for what Lex did. She is cursed by her own name no matter how good she is. Kara's family sat back knowing Krypton would be destroyed, her family nearly enslaved the human race with tech ger father created (Astra and Non). But no one holds it against Kara/Supergirl. Lena's mother and brother try to kill aliens and Lena is instanty under suspicion because she simply breathes. Kara's family basically invade but no one sees Kara any differently. Why? Because she isn't her family, a sentiment no matter how many times she proves it Lena will never earn.
Lena is constantly shot at, treated like shit, manipulated, people try to asssinate her and whenever she does something good or saves the world it's only ever Supergirl that gets acknowledged for it. She even tries to help people and cure Cancer but is constantly taken advantage of. Even when she's trying to cure cancer she's condemned because the tech is used (not by her) for nerfarious purposes. She can't even try to cure cancer without being shat on. She had different opinions to the Superfriends and that makes her instantly bad not only to haters but also the Superfriends. She's framed, footage of 'her' shows her getting Kryptonite and no one cares to hear Kara protest her innocence. But does anyone remember Bizarro? Red daughter? Yeah the Superfriends never doubted for a second that that wasn't Kara. Instant love and respect no matter what, something Lena only had Kara for . Until she didn't.
Kara was the one person to show trust in Lena. That was until Lena did something Kara didn't like, approve of and suddenly felt threatened by even though Lena is one of the very few who has never hurt or threatened her and has always believed in her. That actually included Alex and Jonn. Kara felt threatened because Lena had Kryptonite, but never gave a rats ass that Jonn used Kryptonian cuffs on her, owned a Kryptonian knife, or that Alex shot her out of the sky with Kryptonite bullets and owns a Kryptonite sword. She didn't even care the DEO had a stash of Kryptonite until Kal El kicked up a fuss. The Superfriends, ALL of them have even doubted Kara's ability to succeed at some point. Lena on the other hand has done nothing but encourage her. So Kara was so quick to let fear and prejudice cloud her judgement.
Kara had been treated like she was in charge of all things for so long she started to think she was. Legally having Kryptonite wasn't against the law, it's never been stated that it was. Kara also thought she had the right to tell a civilian business woman that she had to give up her property to Kara's sister all because Kara said so??? This still bothers me. Kara actually doesn't have this kind of authority. Lena works with the DEO out of curtesy. She doesn't actually have to be there.
Kara also decided she had the right to go behind Lena's back and use her relationship, the very one Kara pushed her into against her. It wouldn't surprise me if Lena immediately starts to wonder why she was pushed to date Superman and Supergirls bestie, knowing full well (thanks James, slow clap to you) that Kara used James to spy on her. These things are all ignored because all people want to see is 'bad Luthor with different opinions' and 'sunny Danvers'. People say Lena is portrayed as the victim, but Kara does a good job or making herself one to.
Kara has also been shown to doubt Lena when it comes to HER personally, but in regards to others she tells them that Lena is good and she's usually right . Kara isn't consistent here.
Kara has NEVER had to work to get anyone's love or trust. She just gets given it. The only time she's had to work for it is after the red k incident, and the red daughter charade. But she got it back pretty quick. Lena on the hand constantly works to have trust, she knows she won't get love, but one rumour and it all goes to shit. Lena doesn't have the same support network that Kara does. When Lena makes a mistake she doesn't have lots of people to go to like Kara does. Ultimately the super friends are KARA'S friends first and foremost. Even her boyfriend put Kara first. Lena even has to work just to get respect from Kara and James at work, because neither thought they had to give that to her. Ultimately she got it from Kara who apologized and Lena instantly forgave her because she always does, but she was basically driven out of Cat Co by James. Notice after he refused to do the Lockwood interview and embarrassed her at Thanksgiving also rejecting her love she stopped going to Cat Co and focused her attention at L Corp. Which was sad because remember how excited she was to run Cat Co with Kara?
So Lena will feel betrayed by the secret? I personally think she has ever reason to. She's been used, manipulated, has already been betrayed, judged and kept in the dark by the Superfriends. I'd feel betrayed to. Kara's excuse about it being to protect her because people may use her or hurt her became redundant the moment Lillian told her she knew. It would have been safer for Lena to know at that point so she COULDN'T be used. Lena also had the right to know who she was letting into her life. A choice all the other Superfriends were given the the privilege of making. Lena being around Kara and friends with Supergirl hasn't kept her off people's hit lists. Her not knowing genuinely puts her in more danger.
There's so much more to add but I've made my point. If you're going to mention Kara's trauma DON'T ignore Lena's. Don't ignore the fact that Kara is just given love and respect and people want to protect her and have since the day she was born, whereas Lena has never had that.
Two people with trauma, one who's life is consistently filled with love even when more trauma is happening and one who's life has been full of abuse, assassination attempts, betrayal, being held responsible for others crimes and even being betrayed by the one person who supposedly believes in you. Lena has no such love and devotion to get her through it all.
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the-cookie-of-doom · 4 years
I type way too slow for my brain. Jumping back a bit, Undead Mitch? What type of undead? Does peter know? Does Mitch know? How did it happen?
!!! I love this AU, because it is so fucking angsty, omg. The premise is that it starts out mostly the same as the pilot. Stiles decides to go looking for a body in the woods after he hears the call come into the radio, and... well. He doesn’t like what he finds. 
Stiles is excited when he hears over the radio, because stuff like this never happens in beacon hills, so of course he's going to go out and see what's going on. Except it's worse than Stiles could have ever imagined, far from the thrill he thought it would be.
When he gets there, he follows the flashing lights, hoping for a glimpse of the body. He sees someone holding his father back, and immediately knows something is wrong. he wants to turn back and run home, because there is something horrible waiting for him. But he has to find out, he has to see what has his father so inconsolable.
John tries to stop him when he sees Stiles, but Stiles slips past him and the other deputies and trips on a root and lands face to face with the cold corpse of his brother, eyes blank and unseeing like colored glass, and Stiles screams, and John drags him away kicking and fighting because no! No, that is not possible, it's not him!
Mitch was supposed to come home hours ago, a recent college graduate, home at last. When he was late, both Stiles and John figured he'd hit traffic. Coming from San Francisco, it isn't unlikely.
But no, his brother was murdered, his mangled corpse dumped in the woods like nothing, and Stiles doesn't know why. He needs to know why. John isn't allowed to work the case, but Stiles isn't a deputy yet, and nothing can keep him from digging into his brother's death. he doesn't believe it when the autopsy report rules it an animal attack, because animals don't carve spirals into their prey. A human did this, and made it look like an animal, and Stiles can't imagine the sick individual that would have done this, tries not to imagine how horrifying Mitch's last moments were because nothing that happened to him was post-mortem. He was tortured..
What they don't know yet is that Mitch was bait.
As for whether or not Peter knew.... well. 
Mitch got involved with some things he shouldn’t have while in school in New York: Peter. And then the wrong people found out about them. Some of Gerard’s men snatched Mitch right from the airport when he came back to California and tried to get information from Peter, but Mitch is a stubborn bastard and gave them nothing, so they eventually killed him. 
But there is no way Peter is going to leave his mate dead in the ground. He’s going to bring him back, and he’s going to kill Gerard and all his men and anyone else who gets in the way. 
Mitch digs his way out of the grave and limps his way home, still covered in dirt and blood and looking like a horror movie. It takes him a while to get there, to remember how to be a human. He doesn’t come back all the way at first. 
The next day there’s a report of a grave robbing, and Jonn shows up to find it’s his son - his deputies try to keep him away so he doesn’t have to see who it is, but that only makes him more insistent - and it just... who would do this? Hasn’t his family been through enough?
He takes the day off, makes a sizeable dent in the alcohol he keeps for truly low nights - he promised himself and Stiles he would stop drinking, but damn if this isn’t as good an excuse as any, and it’s not like Stiles is home from school, yet, anyway. 
John takes to having a few drinks at night, so he’s drunk when Mitch finally makes it some. It’s late when he gets there, the door is locked, so he calls out to them. His voice doesn’t sound right; damaged vocal cords from screaming, probably. But it’s close enough that John thinks he’s hallucinating, and calls Stiles down to make sure. It’s impossible, but he’s drunk enough to hope, desperate for a miracle. 
Stiles is too afraid to let him in, because whatever is out there can’t be his brother. 
It seems like a cruel trick, and Mitch doesn’t know what happened, his memories are hazy and haven’t all come back yet, but can he please come home? And everything about this situation is wrong, but John hates the way Mitch’s Voice breaks, and he can’t get the door open fast enough, and sure enough, there he is, in the flesh. John just breaks down and hugs him, Mitch too shocked - and still numb, cold with lingering death that hasn’t fully worn off - to return it. the questions can wait until later because his boy is home and that’s all that matters. 
Stiles, ever the practical one, barely hanging on by a threat himself, makes Mitch go shower and change into clean clothes. It’s been weeks but his room is still untouched, because neither of them could bare to open the door, And then there’s hugging and crying and Stiles doesn’t care how or why, but Mitch is home again. 
Meanwhile Peter has been getting his killing spree on, and when he’s finally finished exactly his vengeance, he’s going to come back for Mitch. Part of him was afraid the spell wouldn’t work, and that might have been some of the reason he stayed away for so long: he didn’t want to know. But there Mitch is, close enough to living. 
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powerhours · 4 years
Who wants to talk to jonns dad legal father and real actual papa saul erdel, the man who decided he’d call himself a doctor because it sounded cool and built a fully funcitonal teleporter in his basement
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lastofmars · 4 years
saul erdel being around as a father figure in jonns life is very important to me bc even jonn in moments of weakness and vulnerability honest to god just wants his dad sometimes. he just wants someone he can go to for comfort and safety without having the responsibility of the world on his shoulders and i
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soymelodramatica · 4 years
Bad Girl.
Today, I am overwhelmed with emotion.
Last night, the first thing I saw when I closed my eyes to sleep were headlights. I had dreams where I was in a car crash. Lights coming at me. It definitely wasn't vivid though. It was all a blur. I didn't make anything of it. As the day has passed I’ve felt weirder and weirder. Then, I was reminded that four years ago today, on a fathers day, my friend and mentor died in a car crash. Not even  a mile away from our brewery. I can still remember the last thing we did together. It was Alex’s last shift and we all had a huge group hug together before he left. God I loved that team. I loved him. 
Things are weird. Most days I’m alright and I think I’ve got a grasp on things. Then the waves come crashing and I feel like I’m floating in the abyss instead of riding the waves as they come. I suppose I am riding this wave, allowing myself to feel what I feel but when I don’t feel well, when I feel like I’m losing my grip, I fight hard as I can to shove it right back down my throat. To keep it together, save it for another, more appropriate time. I wonder when that will be. When I or others around me will allow ourselves to really process and feel. Until then, I’ll use this method.
I’m also annoyed. Very very annoyed...at G. I’ve felt this before, with Kris and Jonns. I know its a projection but I don’t know how to appropriately communicate it. So, I avoid. Something I’m definitely trying to address and get better at. Long distance in itself is tough. Its tougher when both invested parties are busy, aren’t phone people and one is grieving with death. For the most part, since I’ve been going through this, he’s been fantastic. Giving me space (likely unknowingly) when I need it and treating me when I’m around to help soothe my soul. Right now though, everything is annoying me. He doesn’t want to come down because he wants to explore Miami and I don’t have the capacity for that right now. That annoys me. Its important to me that he meets my dad. Though, can I blame him? Hes never met him, I mean, I’m not exactly super tight with my family. This is also a weird situation because we’ve been together for a year, sure. But this is an intense situation to just walk into. I don’t know what I’d do either. I feel like a puppy asking for attention sometimes. I mean, to be honest, I could use his warmth. I��m sure all of us could use some warmth right now.  ANYWAY...Sometimes I feel like I say things and he doesn’t understand the gravity of what I say. Or maybe it doesn’t matter to him. One thing I know for sure, we have different love languages. I totally understand and appreciate that too. In the past, it was something I had to learn the hard way and it tore my relationships apart. 
I guess what I’m getting is is that I’m annoyed in general and hes the closest thing to me so, I’m likely projecting. Ha, look at me shrinking myself.  I want to explode most days and have to hold it together anyway. For the sake of myself and others around me. My relationship with him has been one of the healthiest I’ve had in my life. Communication is great, we have such a great time together, we appreciate and learn from each other, we’re both growing, what we have feels different and special and magical. Most importantly, we’re independent. We want each other but we definitely don’t need each other.  I’m just in a weird fucking place right now and its probably best that I’m doing this alone. Exploring this space alone. Evolving alone. Because that’s exactly how I feel, really fucking alone. Misunderstood. Just like other times though, I will rise. Sure, I will fall straight on my face and Jesus, I know it will fucking hurt. I will get up. I will be stronger. I will evolve. I will be amazing. 
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lucy-pepperwood · 5 years
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Lauryn Lefebvre
From the Begerossé  Union
The people of the Begerosse Union are the french equivalent 
They speak a version of french called Hasa as well as the common tongue.
The Begerosse call their country "Nations Alliées de Bezerose"
Some cities within the continent include:
The Capital Phiras
And the town in which Lauryn is from Selonnet
Selonnet is a small farming and mining town. Most people can read and write, but no one really has higher education. The technology is all decades old, and it leaves Selonnet looking like a time capsule. 
Lauryn's father and mother are both blue-collar works. Her father Jonn-Mar works in a steel factory, and her mother Emmalee works as a bar wench. 
Lauryn is one of 5 children
Her older sister Bryleigh ( 22), is married with a son ( Marcis, 1) and works as a seamstress.
Her elder brother Kason who is 19 and works in the mines. He also has a steady girlfriend, Elyse
Lauryn who works under her sister in the seamstress shop
Her brother Dominick ( 11)
Her youngest sibling Ryleigh ( 7) 
Lauryn and her family live in a tiny place with minimal luxury. They are one of the few lucky people in town who have a car. They also have a radio and running water. Only the government buildings and the tavern have electricity. 
Lauryn wants to change her family and the town's fortune. It's a small town. They all know how smart Lauryn is. They all plan to send her to university in Phiras. Once she turns 17, they were ready to go. That is until a group of hunters came through. 
They were anthropology hunters. Fascinated by the culture of Selonnet. The buildings and the language. Hasa and the common tongue spoke differently than the rest of the world.
 These hunters spread the tales of the prestige of being a hunter. All the money and perks. The townspeople are ready to evolve and get back on track with the rest of the world. 
They send Lauryn to take the exam, hoping she would pass and bring back the wealth and knowledge. Lauryn is helped to the first testing site by the Hunters.
( Lauryn takes the exam before the main cast, Exams happen twice a year, so she takes the first one ( fails) then joins the main cast in the second exam)
The trails to get to the exam are beyond stressful to Lauryn; this is the most physically exhausting thing she has ever done. 
There are only two obstacles she has to overcome before she can get to the exam testing site in Sarherta. First, she must board a cruise liner that is headed for york new city. She and all the other contestants must swim to the ship that is sailing away and pull themselves up lines off the back of the boat. Then once she reaches York New, she has to bike to the trolley station on the opposite side of the city that only has 1 trolley and one departure time. 
Lauryn is the 14/20 person to make it on to the trolley that takes her to the exam cite. She is number of 284/375 persons to take the 286 hunter exam. 
Lauryn struggles throughout the entire process; she does not speak the common tongue very well, and she is a very naive person. She makes it to the third round because she couldn't understand the rookie crushers' attempts at speaking to her. They break her ankle at the beginning of the third round, and she has to stop.
The first round is the easiest for her. It's an intelligence game. A great game of Clue. Where they have to solve a Murder, Theft, and Kidnapping. The contestants who are selected as the murderer, thief, and kidnapper get a pass on the round if less than 50 people guess it's them. If any other constant guess wrong about who did what, when, and where, they fail.  At the end of round one, there are 200 people left.
Round 2 is more physically demanding. It's a hike. In which the examiner marks a trail that the contestants have to follow. They have to make it to the peak and back down the other side of the mountain without being caught by him or his 6 students. Who are using Stun Guns, nets, wires, tear gas, and BB Pellets. Lauryn barely manages this round. And at the end of it, her lack of speaking ability comes to light when the examiner asks her a question, and she can't answer. Previously everyone just assumed that Lauryn was quite a lone wolf. But now they know she underconfident and cant under stand them. At the end of the round, there are 30 people left
The third round is a giant football match. Before the contestants can even be divided into teams, Lauryn has her ankle broken. She's not the only one. 4 people have something broken. After the teams are picked. 7 more people are sabotaged in one way or another. At the end of round 3, only ten people move on.
Lauryn goes unnoticed by Hisoka the entire time. He sees her and writes her off as uninteresting and not worth a second glance. 
Going home a failure is a massive hit to Lauryn's confidence. She feels deeply and is disappointed in her own shortcomings. Knowing how much the townspeople put into her.
She struggles with healing and deciding if she'll ask the townspeople for another chance. By the end of her six week healing period, she decided she will try again. She then spends the next 6 months, focusing on her physical self and learning the common tongue. In the day she spends hours under the sun on the farms. At night she sits near the radio and learns the common language from the shows. 
She goes back for the second exam, much more confident in her ability to pass.
She takes three pre-exam tests. First, she has to take a ferry to the Republic of Rakario, she makes it to the boat early and avoids having to struggle to get on like last time. From Rakario, she has to identify which mode of transport is the right one. She has to make it to the airfield where blimps are waiting to take contestants to the exam cite. Between the Taxi Cab, Rickshaw, and Bus, she picks none of them and walks/runs instead. The Taxi Cab was the right choice. Kinda. If you got into an unaffiliated cab, you would have gotten to the airfield but been unable to find the blimp. If you got into the affiliated taxi cabs, you would have been taken where you needed to go. The rickshaws and busses would have been driven around in circles or delayed as there was a mechanical issue. Because Lauryn walked, it was a slight issue on whether or not the employees wanted to let her on the blimp. They decided yes they would. 
The third challenge was a morality question. You were asked a question by the gate agent and had to answer with more than just one or two words. Depending on what you responded to, your ticket would be marked 1 or 2.  In the end, it didn't matter what you answered, it was a way for the examiners to scan the person's personalities. Depending on what you answered, you got put on one of two blimps. But both blimps took them to the exam cite. Those who responded poorly, they were purged from within the exam.
Lauryn is number 287 of 406. She does not make friends with the central cast until the boat ride to the island where they plan manhunt. Lauryn approaches Leorio for bandages because she had cut herself within Trick Tower. This is how she breaks into the group. 
Lauryn's target for Man Hunt is 118 Sommey. She does not go after him but does the alternate of finding one pointer. She sneaks up on people and hits them from behind. 
Lauryn fights in the second round vs. Pokkle. She Wins and passes the exam. 
Lauryn's fighting style is straightforward. She knows how to throw basic punches and kicks. She uses farm and mining tools as weapons. She wins in her fight over Pokke because she closes in and makes it a close-range battle. She uses a pike ax during this fight. She wins by slamming the handle into Pokke's stomach and shoving him down. Then points the sharp end at his throat. He surrenders. 
Lauryn initially intends to go home and show everyone she passed, then attend university. But she makes a detour to help the group save Killua. She makes plans to see them again in York New. 
Once she is off to school, Lauryn has three primary focus. 
First off is learning everything she can to help her town. 
Second is fixing her appearance. Finally, its to learn nen. Two out of three were easy for Lauryn,
Lauryn's always been smart. Her classes are easy once she gets into the flow, and finding a nen teacher wasn't that hard either. 3 of her professors are professional hunters who were happy to take her on.
It was her appearance that she struggles with. In her village shes never been the prettiest girl, she was just ok. But now, after traveling so much, she feels very self-conscious.  Fixing her appearance isnt even that hard. Getting her teeth fixed and contacts, going out into the sun so shes not so pale. Working out with her nen teachers. It's the psychological part that she stresses about. Anxious about her image, weight, and clothing, Lauryn is always a high strung bundle of nerves.  This effects her for her whole life. Still feeling like a fish out of water, never really good enough. She does manage her problem, but she never becomes entirely happy with herself.
Lauryn, in the 6-month gap, learns the basics of nen. Ten, Zetsu, and Ren. While she knows these principles she is by no means a master. She also knows what Hatsu is but doesnt know what she will develop. When taking the water divining test, she is an enhancer. 
While straightforward and honest. Lauryn is by no means naive. She is a quick learner. He knows how to read a situation and is now cautious of strangers. Gone is the simple village girl and in her place is a savvy young woman.
( the top picture is Lauryn during the first/Second exam the second picture is after the 6 month gap. 
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For the Brotp one, Jonn & Kara 9
9. Learning to drive
Note: Takes place after 3x03
Karamakes an effort to follow up with J'onn, after their impromptu tripto Mars. It's harder than she'd like to admit—she's assured Alexthat she's fine, she's better.And she is!
Butthe route to better,as Kara is finding out, is lot less linear than she would've liked.
Shefinds J'onn in his office; he's busy with a tablet when she knockssoftly on the door frame.
“Kara!”he says, brows raised in surprised, only to immediately furrow withconcern. “I didn't hear an alert—is something wrong?” He startsto get up, craning his neck to look out to the main floor.
“No,no,” she quickly tells him, approaching the desk and gesturing forhim to sit. He eases back into his chair, less tense than before, butclearly still suspicious. And Kara can't really blamehim, it's been All Supergirl, All The Time for the last few months;she hasn't exactly been great about scheduling in social calls. “Noemergency—I just. Wanted to see how you were doing. Both of you,”she says. She doesn't take a seat—she doesn't want to deal with thecape right now—but she does cross her arms and tilt her head a bit,in a manner that she hopesconveys: I'm ready to listen.
Becauseshe really does want to know how J'onn and M'yrnn are doing;reconnecting with a long-lost loved one you'd presumed dead,suddenly finding yourself on an alien planet, respectively...
She'sbeen there. And it was...
“Oh,ah,” J'onn blinks a few times and leans back in his chair.“We're...adjusting.” It sounds like he's chosen the wordcarefully, given the deliberate pause. Kara waits for him to addmore, and when he doesn't she nods earnestly.
“Wellthat's...good, right?”
J'onnconsiders her question. “...I think so,” he finally says. “It'sstill so...” he shakes his head, “so new. For both of us.”
Karaoffers him a kind of sad, knowing smile. “Of course.”
“Ireally can't thank you enough,” he continues. “I don't know thatI would've gotten through to my father—that we both would've madeit back without you.”
Karasmiles, but ducks her head. She didn't come to be thanked; she wantedto check on her friends. Make sure they were okay.
“WellI don't think any of us would've gotten back without the shape-shifting car,” she jokes, deflecting. “Does Alex knowabout that?”
IfJ'onn notices the abrupt change of subject, he doesn't say anything.“Neither one of you has ever asked.”
Karalaughs. “You know I'm gonna tell her, right?”
J'onnstands, gathering the tablet along with a few other files. When hespeaks, his voice is stern, but he's smiling.
“We'regoing to need to establish some ground rules,” he says, “startingwith: no borrowing it until you've had a driving lesson with me.”
“Alexis gonna love that,” she jokes. J'onn gives her an amused look,stopping to lean against one of the desks in the command center.
“Youtoo, Kara,” he says. “I noticed you were a little heavy on theclutch, back on Mars.”
Shelaughs. “That's...that's funny, J'onn. Very funny.”
J'onnsmiles. “I'm not joking.”
“Youneed to ease off on the warp drive and engage the primary—”
“Easeoff the warp drive? But you just said—”
“Primaryengines, Kara. You need to engage the primary enginesotherwise the warp drive will fail—”
“Where—Idon't see any—where is that?”
“It'sright—no, not there. There.”
“Allof these symbols are in Martian how am I supposed to—”
“Canwe change it back to a '57 Chevy?”
“It'sgoing to—”
“That...wasthe warp drive?”
“...Wellat least I don't ride the clutch?”
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Prologue: Pilot
Plasma rounds can be heard ricocheting off his spacecraft’s shield, as Jonn Walker boots up the HUD’s integral camera, and begins his first and last Star-Log.
           “Star-Log…ughh, zero…one?”
Jonn shudders to himself, brushes the long, brown hair from his face, and whispers under his breath “Damn…already fucking this up…”
           “This is…” Jonn’s voice picks up as he continues his story “uhhh, my first Star-Log, I’m Jonn Walker. My father-”
           Jonn is cut off by several direct hits to his ship’s hull and wings. Shaking the ship and showering him in sparks.
           “Christ! That shield isn’t worth a goddamn! Anyway, where was I? Oh, my dad’s body was found out in deep space eighteen Earth Months ago.” Jonn pushes forward with his story in spite of the rapidly encroaching gunfire. “His ship and crew were missing. All that he left to me was this damned treasure map.”
           Jonn swipes the HUD screen and pulls up a Star Chart, connected along points like a three-dimensional jigsaw puzzle between Jump Gates.
           “Polaris…Vega…Thxos-Asktra…GaleXXX-18…Vehlg-[Ekgorg]…Bvlorex-5…etc...etc… until you get to Nekrarzys--” Jonn’s composure begins to crack, and he starts to panic as the plasma rounds chew through his ship. “If you follow Nekrarzys just right and hit the edge you’ll find an unknown Jump Gate! This leads to a lonely little system, with a lonely little rock… in the Goldilocks Zone--”    
           As Jonn’s ship lurches, he is thrown from his chair as his harness snaps he relays his latest development with a fire in his eyes and fear in his voice: “Exiting the thermosphere, entering the stratosphere now. My father was obsessed with this world, Paradise-One he called it…so I thought I ‘ought to explore it--”
           Jonn’s ship experiences a catastrophic failure as a wing flies off its rivets, out of the cockpit he sees the alternating pattern of the expanse of space, the purple sky, the planet’s surface, then sky again, and space once more. Jonn’s visage ignites in the glare of the sun and the flicker in his eyes.
           “Fuck! I’d just hoped I’d find the others, or the ship. I guess this is really the end!” Jonn depresses a button on his helmet, causing the plexiglass panels of his face-shield slide out, they dovetail into each-other “Earth date: 2/4/2412 C.E. Galactic date--!” Jonn isn’t even able to choke out the end before his ship’s transition is blasted to pieces, and he’s hurled from his craft.  
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