#but N E wayssss :3
montrovy · 3 months
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heehee (polite)
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luvistqrzzz · 1 year
11th grade leggaurrr
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ctommylovebot · 2 years
pride is today !! I still stand by the fact that we r smarter for doing it later in the year so it's cooler outside
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boyfriendyke · 3 years
yah i love dnd. would love to play it some day
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emsvegetables · 4 years
Heacanon where Ushi and Tsukki (separately) have a girl thats crushing on them, (they like her too but its subtle..) but shes too shy to talk to them so she ends up showing her interest by giving them random gifts and then running away? Like candy, water, milk cartoon, stuff they need etc. Who do you think would end up confessing first in the end? And the fluffy stuff that happens uwu sorry this rq was long :(
“Heacanon where Ushi and Tsukki (separately) have a girl thats crushing on them, (they like her too but its subtle..) but shes too shy to talk to them so she ends up showing her interest by giving them random gifts and then running away? Like candy, water, milk cartoon, stuff they need etc. Who do you think would end up confessing first in the end? And the fluffy stuff that happens uwu sorry this rq was long :(“
it’s fine!!! dw this request wasn’t long!!!! i hope you like it!!!! <3
* tbh he doesn’t even know you like him!!!!
* he’s so oblivious BLESS HIM
* anyway he only notices volleyball shit, and you.
* he doesn’t even KNOW he likes you AHAHAHAH
* he just asks Tendou why his heart clenches whenever he looks at you.
* and Tendou’s like.
* “you like her, Ushijima!!!!!!!!!”
* so he’s like. oh.
* but this inexperienced pure boy will not know what to do HAAHHAAH so he just carries on with his daily life.
* anyway he merely raises his eyebrows whenever you pass him a milk box, and he smiles a slight smile at you and is SO confused when you smile back and quickly scurry away.
* “did i do something?”
* “no HAHAA” Tendou is enjoying this shit way too much LOLOLOL
* and he always accept your sweets whenever you pass it to him in the middle of class bc you sit in front of him, even though he’s not supposed to take sweets out of his diet plan!!!!
* tbh he finds you cute whenever you pass him something that he thinks he needs, and POOF, you suddenly appear with it!!!!
* he thinks you’re like a cute little fairy!!!!!!!
* n e wayssss
* he finds you so adorable!!!!!
* but you always run away from him so he’s very, very confused and he isn’t sure what to do.
* so he asks...
* you got it
* and Tendou just snorts and says,” just ask her out!!!!”
* so he does LOL
* one day you’re passing him a water bottle after he’s going to practice, and then he suddenly just goes,” let’s go out.”
* EHHHH?????
* anyway you are very shook and you stand there in silence for a while and Ushijima just blinks at you.
* so of course you agree!!!! bc you like him!!!!!
* but you’re blushing so badly you could become a traffic light LOL and Tendou snaps pictures of the both of you from the side and he sends it to Ushijima later.
* Ushijima makes it his lock screen 🥺
* and bc you always give things to Ushijima, when he’s in a relationship with you, he’s giving you things as well!!!!!
* lunch time??? say no more.
* a protein filled meal in a bento placed on your table.
* you’re cold??? say no more.
* he’s giving you everything, and he nearly takes off his shirt as well LOLOLOL
* you’re thirsty????? say no more.
* he somehow manages to lift out this big 1.5 litre bottle from his bag and passes it to you.
* anyway he loves you so much!!!!
* and your his first ever crush and he LOVES YOU.
* tbh he knows of your crush on him.
* like. you pass him stuff all the time???
* he looks around and you’re there???
* but he finds you SORTA cute whenever you smile at him quickly after passing him something then speeding away.
* okay he has to admit YOU’RE CUTE.
* but anyway he doesn’t return your crush until one day he realises he left his pencil case at home, and he doesn’t have any stationery when you tap him on the shoulder and offer him a pen!!!
* he’s like: WELL SHIT.
* and from then on he has to FIGHT this little smile that threatens to surface on his face whenever you give him milk.
* he doesn’t like milk, but he always drinks the cartons that you give him 🥺🥺
* tbh only Yamaguchi notices the small smile on his face whenever he accepts something from you.
* and Yamaguchi WILL tease him.
* “wow, Tsuki!!!!!”
* “shut up.”
* anyway he takes a while to fully realise his feelings for you, but when he does, he’s in deep shit.
* he wants to ask you out so badly!!!!
* Yamaguchi just urges him to do it.
* “c’mon, Tsuki!!! don’t be a coward.”
* “shut up.”
* anyway one day he plucks up the courage to do it!!!!!!
* you pass him something, and you’re about to scurry away when he grabs your wrists.
* “hey. do you want to grab coffee with me this weekend?”
* bc he never showed that he had a crush on you before!!!!!
* but you accept ofc bc you like him!!!!
* though you’re blushing SOSOSOSOSO much but he finds it adorable.
* and when he’s going out with you????
* man he’s so soft.
* he’ll accept anything and everything you give him.
* and one day, after you smile at him after passing him a water bottle, he just blurts out,” you’re so cute.”
* ehhh??????
* but he finds you sososososo cute and he just presses a quick kiss onto your cheeks.
* and then he looks away bc he’s blushing as well!!!!
* he loves you!!!!
hi!!! i hope this was okay riedicjfjdjd!!!!!
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doingitforbokuto · 4 years
may i also pop into to sneak a lil smut request? :) :) i'm imagining best friends to lovers with akaashi. he strikes me as the insanely patient, meticulous, and almost hesitant type lol. n e wayssss, only if you want but no pressure – love ya MWAUH xx
of course! I kinda got carried away a bit, I hope this is okay! <3
Friends to lovers with Akaashi
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warnings: smut in the second half (I put a warning there too)
Akaashi probably had a crush on you since highschool
You always supported him when it came to school or volleyball or anything, really
It was his second year at Fukurodani
He didn‘t exactly know how it happened
But slowly he started noticing smal things about you
How beautiful you looked when you laughed
How you got exited about things he understood nothing about
How your lips moved when you spoke
How your face looked from the side, when you were facing away from him
It became more and more everday
Ngl - in highschool Akaashi is so dense when it comes to his own feelings
He doesn‘t even realise that he has fallen for you
Bokuto of all people has to point it out to him
He tries to get Akaashi to confess but he refuses vehemently
He probably doesn‘t confess until you guys are out of high school
Akaashi needs some time to get in synch with his emotions and become more confident
After some time and help from Bokuto he finally does figure out how to express his emotions and not bottle it all up
He is more at ease with the world if you will
And also more at ease with you
When he finally does confess he is so so happy that you say yes
I‘m gonna skip the fluff because that is not what we‘re here for :)
But Akaashi doesn‘t wanna push you into anything
He is really happy that the two of you are together so he doesn‘t wanna ruin it and gives you some time and space
In his mind: cuddling you and kissing you and touching you
In reality: apologizes for accidentally touching your back
He just wants you to be comfortable! 🥺
Knows that there are so many guys out there that are super pushy and disrespectful and wants to avoid being like that at all costs
Big gentleman and softie for you - deals with all of your quirks and remembers them in great detail
Adapts very quickly so tbh ally you have to do is tell him that he can kiss and touch you
After a short amount of time of getting used to it he has it all down and knows what you like and don‘t like
(this is where the smut starts)
Still, you‘d have to initate sex if you wanna have it because this boy is chill as hell about it on the outside
Akaashi has had sex before and know what to do but still, with you it‘s so different than with everyone else before
ngl he almost nuts when he sees you naked for the first time
He still has his pants on, you seated in his lap
Looks at you with puppy eyes, his jaw dropping
Cannot believe how lucky he is
Akaashi is a very composed and quiet person but when the two of you are together he spends the first fifteen minutes just telling you how beautiful you are and how much he loves you and how lucky he is
(btw Akaashi would def wait until he has said “I love you“ before having sex with you)
Runs his hands all over your body
Loves the feeling of your skin underneath his own
Pulls you closer while doing that, leaving kisses and marks everywhere
Shamelessly moves his hips against your own, occasionally guiding yours with his hands on your hips
He doesn‘t want his praise to be mere empty words, he wants you to know exactly how hard you‘re making him
When he slips inside for the first time he is genuinely so overwhelmed that he thinks he might die or cum right away - or both
Might cum prematurely. The likelyhood is very low due to his excellent self controll, but it‘s there
Even if he does, he can and will give you an amazing round two
Likes experimenting, especially at the beginning when he is still figuring out what you like
Runs his hands across your skin softly
Gives your hair a playful tug if it‘s long enough
Grabs your thighs tightly (loves it if you have soft thighs he can grab)
Pinches your nipples
Kisses your neck sweetly
Gives you hickeys
Surprisingly, he is not his usual serious self
In general he is more relaxed and playful with you
But during sex he really lets loose and relaxes, it‘s the most carefree you will see Akaashi
He might even crack a joke once in a while - and at the most inappropriate times too!
You're right about to cum and this motherfucker will deadass stop, cease all movement, look you dead in the eye and crack the dumbest joke you will ever hear in your life
smiles a lot when kissing you
He is so happy that he gets to experience this with you!!
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flor3nces · 4 years
help me | spencer reid x fem!reader
AHHH OMG i am so in love with this. my heart yall. my heart :(. ugh im so so proud on how this turned out. this is sort of based off season 15 episode 9 “face off.” n e wayssss, i hope you enjoy this because i sure enjoy writing this <3
going alone was a mistake. i knew that the moment i spotted both of our unsubs together. two against one. it wasn’t going to end well. i should’ve called for backup when i had the chance but i didn’t.
“fbi! put your hands where i can see them!” i yelled. they turned around and my heart stopped for a moment. “drop the gun.” marcus was ruthless, he’d shoot a federal agent if he had too, or if he even wanted to.
marcus dropped the gun. “kick it over here. anthony drop the backpack.” he dropped the backpack just as his father kicked over the gun. i needed to pick up the gun and put into my holster before marcus even tried to make a move to get it back.
having to pick up the gun meant i had to let my guard down. i thought over it for a moments but kept a straight face and gun pointed at them. i started to lower my body to the ground but kept looking up every few moments.
it wasn’t until i got to the gun, that i completely let my guard down. i turned my head towards the gun, and that’s when i heard the gun shot. i didn’t have enough time to react as it hit just under my arm.
the gunshot sent me into the air. i landed roughly onto the concrete. marcus and anthony got into the car just a few moments after and sped off. i turned my head as the car rushed past me. my vision started to get filled with black spots but i didn’t let myself close my eyes.
i coughed and a bunch of blood came out. more and more blood gushed out. i was certain that at this point i was laying right in a pile of my own blood. tears welled up in my eyes as i started to cough again. blood covered my entire mouth and spilled over the side of my face.
spencer’s voice rang in my ears but i couldn’t move my arm to even try and let him know that i was shot. “y/n? where are you?” only a few moments passed before his voice came back. “y/n, do you copy?”
i couldn’t do anything. i just laid there, bleeding out in a garage of some building. i’d probably die in here if no one came in here.
footsteps. they were coming closer and closer. i didn’t even try and move my head. “y/n!” spencer. it was spencer. i wasn’t going to die after all. at least not here. “we need an ambulance, y/n’s down!” i heard spencer yell into his mic as he put pressure on my wound. “you’re going to be okay, okay? stay with me, y/n.”
i tried. i really did but my eyes were starting to get heavy and i was getting fairly tired. “no, no. hey, look at me.” i let my eyes find spencer’s face. “that’s it, look at me.” i coughed again and more blood came out. just as i was losing conscious i heard the medics rushing to spencer and i.
“stay with me, y/n.” i heard some woman say as they put me onto the stretcher. they put an oxygen mask over my face and wheeled me into the ambulance. that’s when i blacked out.
i watched as they wheeled y/n into the ambulance. i felt a hand on my shoulder. “go, we’ll find them.” i turned towards jj and sent her a tight lipped smile before running off to get into the ambulance before they took off.
“is she going to be okay?” my voice was shaky as i spoke. the nurse gave me a small smile. “she’s strong. she’ll make it.” i nodded at her words and held y/n’s hand.
it wasn’t until we got to the hospital when things went wrong. just as they were about to wheel her into a room her heart stopped. not only did her’s stop, but so did mine.
they ripped her shirt open and started to try and get her heart running again. i just stood there, helpless. i watched as the first try in getting her back, didn’t work. her body jolted as the defibrillator came in contact with her skin. “again!”
i watched as her body jolted once again. “she’s back!” i turned my head towards her heart monitor so fast, i could've gotten whiplash. and her heart was back to normal, or at least running again. thank god. i wasn’t going to lose her, at least not today.
“are you her husband?” a nurse i’ve never seen before asked me as i watched them wheel her away. “no, she’s- she’s not married.”
“are you her boyfriend?” i shook my head. “okay, i’ll call you when she’s out of surgery.” i walked to the waiting room they had for federal agents and waited.
the team called and asked to give them updates. penelope called and asked if she was okay, as soon as i answered the phone. “yeah, she’s in surgery right now.” i heard her let out a sigh of relief.
“please, call me as soon as you hear something.” i told her, i’d try and make her one of the first to hear about her condition.
it seemed as if i was waiting for hours. i ended up falling asleep only to be awoken by a smiling nurse telling me that she made it. i jumped out of my seat and asked to see her.
“of course, she’s in a coma right now. but she’ll hopefully be awake soon.” the nurse told me as she lead the way towards her room. i thanked her in a small voice before walking into her room.
as soon as i saw her laying there. with so many iv’s attached to her arm, tears welled up in my eyes. i stood by her, reaching over to push her hair out of her face.
“i’m sorry. i’m so sorry, y/n. i should’ve realized that you were missing sooner. but i didn’t and because of that you almost died.
i can’t imagine a world without you. and i know how corny this is going to sound but, i would’ve hated myself for the rest of my life if i let you die without telling you how i feel.
truth is, i’ve loved you were since you walked through those doors. which is 6 years, 47 days, 5 minutes, and 39 seconds ago from now. i thought it was just a silly crush at first and i’d get over it but i didn’t.
the moment i realized that i might lose you cause my heart to stop. i’d say world but you’re my world. if they didn’t get your heart beating again, i would’ve lost my world...”
i stopped for a moment to let out a small chuckle. “just, please for the love of god, please wake up. i don’t know what i’d do if i lost you. please.. don’t leave me.” i didn’t even notice that i was crying until a tear landed on her hand.
i wiped it quickly. i pulled up a chair next to her bed and laid my head beside her arm. my eyes shut and i fell asleep rather fast.
i was awoken again by fingers going through my hair. i lifted my head up and turned towards the source. “hi.” y/n’s voice was a bit rough but it still came out as soft as she could make it. “hey. how’re you feeling?”
“well.. despite being shot, i’m okay.”
“that’s not funny. i thought i almost lost you. your heart stopped, you know?”
“i’m sorry, i just don’t want this room to be all sad.”
“no, it’s alright. i’m sorry for snapping at you.”
“hey, it’s okay. i’d be the same if this were to happen to you.”
her hand found mine and she began playing with my fingers. “you know, i was putting up a hella of a fight before i eventually lost?” i looked at her as she spoke. it was as if nothing else in the world matter because i didn’t lose her. i still had her and it wasn’t really the best moment to tell her how i feel but before i could change my mind the world came flying out of my mouth.
“i love you.” silence engulfed the room quickly. “i love you too, spence.” y/n said after a while. “no, not like that. y/n, i’m in love with you and i have been for the past six years.”
i avoided eye contact with her at all cost as i just confessed how i felt towards her for the longest time. “spencer, look at me please.” i slowly looked up and met her eyes.
her pupils were very dilated and i couldn’t believe i didn’t see it sooner. “god, you don’t know how long i’ve wanted to hear those words.” her giggles filled the room and it felt as if my heart would burst from my chest. “i’m in love with you too, spencer.”
a huge smile made its way onto my face. in fact it was so big that it started to hurt. “now, are you just going to sit there smiling like a huge dork or kiss me?” i laughed at her words and leaned in to kiss her,
and i know almost everyone says this and i truly didn’t believe them at all when they said that they felt as if fireworks were going off or that there were butterflies fluttering around in your stomach, when you kissed someone you love. but goddamn, i sure did believe them now.
unfortunately, we had to pull away as our lungs were begging for fresh air. “wow.” i laughed at her expression. “yeah.” she softly kissed my nose and leaned back, smiling up at me with the softest smile i’ve ever seen on her face.
“oh my god! why didn’t you call me?!” i heard penelope yell. y/n turned her head towards her and smiled. “please, don’t yell. my head already hurts enough from these lights.” i watched as garcia gasped. “oh! i am so sorry.”
“wait! so he confessed his undying love for you?” penelope asked as she had gotten settled in. spencer left to go try and help with the case but called every 20 minutes.
“yes, and then he kissed me. my gosh, can you believe it penny?!” she let out a squeal. “was it magical? did you feel butterflies in your stomach?” i nodded at her words and let put a dreamy sigh.
“we have to tell the others!”
“no. not yet, please. i just want to enjoy for a few days before telling the team.”
“oh sweetheart you know i can’t keep secrets.”
“please, penelope. can you try?”
“of course! you, my gorgeous friend, just got shot. i will do everything in my power to keep quiet.”
“thank you.” just as we were about to watch a movie on garcia’s personal laptop, spencer walked in. “ugh. you have the worst timing ever, boy wonder! we were about to watch a movie but now that you’re here she’s going to have all her attention on you.” penelope whined.
“nice to see you too, garcia.” spence said as he looked at me confused. i shurgged as i knew that she wasn’t about to let him have any of my attention. “watch this moive with us. she’s not cleared to leave until tomorrow so until then i’m going to stay here with her.”
“no, that’s okay. you can go home peneople. i’ll stay here with her.” i watched as she give him the biggest death glare i’ve ever seen her give to someone. “i am staying her with her, you can leave.”
“okay, why don’t you both stay here.” i look at garcia as she nods her head and presses play on her laptop but not before giving spence another death glare. i lean up towards spencer’s ear. “if looks could kill, i’m pretty sure you’d be dead by now.”
“trust me, i know.” we both giggled. i gave him a soft kiss before cuddling up into him and turning my attention towards the movie.
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orphidian · 3 years
1. arrival (2016) dir. denis villeneuve / story of your life by ted chiang
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i’m sticking these two together bc the movie is based on the novella by ted chiang and goes into greater linguistic depth than the movie was able to, considering how they had to appeal to a much wider audience but ne wayssss. orin isn’t a 1 to 1 with louise but they share so many personality traits, and among their biggest shared themes is their knowledge of linguistics and how it applies to translation, especially when it comes to more complex/abstract forms. but tbqh the biggest thing for me is the ending which i don’t want to spoil in case any of y’all haven’t seen this beautiful movie, but if you have and you’ve followed this blog long enough you know it has to do with LOVE and pain and how despite the pain that love is worth it, even when it’s the worst pain humanly imaginable, love is still worth it 
2. what if we could? — trent reznor & atticus ross
this song breaks my heart every time i hear it thanks mr. reznor and ross. it plays a couple of times during tgwtdt but most prominently at the end when lisbeth goes to give mikael a gift that’s basically a declaration of love and finds that he’s slipped back into an affair with his married co-editor, and so she rides off alone into the still and snow covered night after dumping his expensive thoughtful gift in the garbage. n e ways it’s that moment of utter heartbreak which, u guessed it, makes me think of her relationship with drifter, especially during that period where she couldn’t remember him and he lied about who he was only to reveal it later,,,,,,,,,,, utter heartbreak that’s central to her story on top of her grief for namqi
3. making amends, holly warburton 
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i could have picked so many other warburton paintings tbh they all speak to me on some level wrt orin but this oneeeeee. the gently reaching! the way their fingertips touch! but you still get a sense that this woman is leaving, despite the title, that she’s slipping away, but somehow at the same time arriving??!? god if that ain’t orin
4. the mysterious vanishing of electra — anna von hausswolff
when anna von hausswolff sang this song i think she was peering directly into orin’s soul. ‘my love is not enough to save me’???? don’t get me started on the rest of the lyrics. this song also has a touch of driftorin that makes it a million times more heartbreaking but like are we surprised 
5. eurydice (2013) sarah ruhl 
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i actually haven’t watched this play or read it in full, it’s just this one part from it that smacks me in the chest every time i read it. it’s not just driftorin, it’s orin with every relationship she’s ever had, it’s how easily she loves and it’s the root of who she is, that love 
𝚃𝙰𝙶𝙶𝙴𝙳 𝙱𝚈:  @nezhnosts thank u queen 
𝚃𝙰𝙶𝙶𝙸𝙽𝙶: @cllgood​ @dcschain @exilegend @glorykill @ineskews @soaringstill  + u if ur reading this xoxo
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Yea, I hated that she was like just standing there. But yes i´m also glad I didn´t punch someone. Otherwise I probably would have been in trouble😣 But I don´t know if I would have been in that much trouble with my mom. But N E WAYSSSS enough about depressing matters. How was your day?
Yeah and it would be so unfair if you got in trouble :/ and my day was ok thanks for asking!!! I just finished some assignments today and I am so relieved :3
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haikyuuwaifu · 3 years
CONGRATS MAMAAA IM SO HAPPY FOR YOUU🥰🥰 ❤️❤️ THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL YOUR WORKS THEYRE BEYOND AMAZINGGG😤💗 they never fail to have me wanting to read more. I’ve been following your account for a while now and I’m hella excited to see all your future onesss😩 imma remain anon for now since I’m lowkey kinda shy and this is the first time I’ve ever gotten the courage to interact with you lmaooo N e wayssss thank you for everything have a nice day/night drink water and take breaks ilyyy -🧋
Thank you so much! I’m proud of you for stepping out of your comfort zone! <3
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kingkangdani · 6 years
soulmate au! kang daniel
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cr: to all owners of the pics
a/n: hi everyone so this is honestly so all over the place and idek if it’s good!! so i’m sorry if it’s not but anyways i love you guys all so much i hope everything is going well for everyone!!
• a matching birthmark appears on each soulmate’s chest the moment they share their first kiss • and the only hint you get if that person is your soulmate is when your line of thinking is highly similar • kinda similar to twin telepathy? • when you can finish each other’s sentences, or like very similar things, • in most unfortunate cases, a couple could share their first kiss together, waiting for the birthmark to appear… • but it doesn’t • and they are just left there to face the harsh and awkward reality that the person they are with now is not the person destined for them • and most of your friends have found their respective soulmate and they tell you cute little stories of how they met and their first kiss • and they all met in cute locations too like at the café or the school library or at a mutual friend’s party • and you just hope your story will just be as romantic and adorable • n e wayssss • so one day you dropped your laundry at this laundry service near your dorm • they provide a wash and fold service for busy college students • although they have this bad reputation of mixing up all the clothes from other customers, you were just too stressed with school that you just want one chore off of your to-do list • so couple of days after, they delivered your laundry • and you unpacked your clean clothes, transferring them from the plastic bag to your wooden cabinet • you check the clothes one by one • when you notice an unfamiliar green hoodie, a slightly deeper shade of green than the one you own – also, surely too big and too long to be yours • “ugh they got it mixed up with my green sweater!” you realized • so all week in school you’re just looking trying to spot anybody who must have had your green sweater and the potential owner of the green hoodie you have in your pile of newly cleaned clothes • but no luck • so anyways it was exam day, and you know the exam room’s are going to be chilly as hell and you were running late too so you grabbed the oversized green hoodie without thinking and wore it • “oh wow the owner of this one must be really tall because I’m freaking drowning in them!” you said, looking at the excess fabric that’s draping way past the whole length of your arm • so you proceed to the exam room and the professor were arranging all examinees by last name, alphabetically • the professor called in your name and pointed at your assigned seat • “okay next...Kang, Kang Daniel?” the professor called out and pointed at the seat beside you • you look up to see a tall guy, with a nice fluffy hair in a color that reminds you of your favorite milk tea • but other than that…you noticed that he…was…wearing a green sweater • IT WAS YOUR SWEATER • “how tf did that fit him? he’s so big??” you thought, slightly worried of your favorite sweater getting too stretched out • you brushed that thought aside and focused on your exam • so mini time skipppp • after everyone finished taking the exam, the professor finally let everyone go • so you tapped the male beside you, who was now all stood up, putting the cap of his pen back on • “uh-“ before you could even say a word, he beat you to it • “that’s my hoodie!” he said, tugging the fabric from the back to check for the label • “and that is mine” you said back • he laughed, a husky and throaty laugh comes out of his mouth and eyes forming a crescent moon • he pulled his, your, hoodie over his head as you did the same, handing it over to each other • and the hopeless romantic in you just panics in happiness because, what if he’s my soulmate? • but you shake the thought away because seriously you have to stop falling in love with every stranger you encounter lmao • so you head over to the student lounge and settled in on one of the sofas to unwind and relax for a bit after that hell of an exam • suddenly you see the tall milk tea haired guy again storming towards you and looking as if he’s about to break down and cry • “a-are you alright?” you question as he flop himself down beside you on the sofa • “this is gonna be so weird and random but can you play with my hair?” he says and immediately your eyebrows knit together and you’re just like • “what?? why tf will I do that?” • “because I have an exam to take again in 3 hours and I am near failing that class and it’s stressing me out!!” he said, face buried in his hands • and you sigh, “fine, but only because your hair reminds me of honey oolong milk tea” • and his eyes widen !! and it seems like he was about to say something but opted not to • so he just leaned quickly towards your lap, back flat against the couch, face parallel to the ceiling • so your fingers gently crawl and rake through his strands • pressing light massages on his scalp as his eyelids are starting to close slowly • and although it seems hella strange doing it with a stranger, he looked like he needed the calming down a lot • soon enough you find yourself humming to Signal Fire by the Snow Patrol • your fingers still twirling and dancing around the strands of his hair • “your voice is so nice” he said smiling, eyes slowly opening up to look at you. “And you’re very pretty, too” • you scoffed, pulling his hair a little stronger as payback for turning you into a blushing mess • “o-ouch! But,,,uhm,,, let’s get married??” • “hell no stop being so random and creepy!” you pushed him off of your lap and you guys starting laughing and chatting • you introduced yourself formally this time and talked about random uni student topics • so time skipppp • after that you and Daniel would throw nods and winks when you walk pass by each other in the hallways or in the cafeteria • but you find it oddly (and cutely) weird how you and Daniel always wear the same thing? • like one chilly night after your 6pm philosophy class?? you and Niel are wearing the same style of denim jackets • college formal event for the school’s 200th year anniversary? Matching red velvet outfits yo!! • but you still shrug the thought of him being your soulmate off because??? It honestly could just be purely coincidental • so you are having lunch with your bestie and you met eyes with Dan who is seated few tables away from you and he winks ! at !! you!!! • so your bestie sees this lmao • “so spill” she tells you coldly, crossing her arms • “spill what?” • “you think I haven’t noticed? that you’re secret boyfriends with that Daniel person? you guys wear couple outfits all the time, even during the school’s anniv party!” • “it’s all coincidental!” you scream whisper • “wait… have you guys kissed? Is he your soulmate?” • you shake your head no • and that’s when it finally hits you • that there’s a huge possibility that Daniel is your soulmate and that it all could possibly be not just a coincidence! • so your class ends at 5pm that day • and by 5:01 you are already sprinting your way to Daniel’s dorm, knocking aggressively • thankfully he opens up (lmao hehe) fast • “take your shirt off!” you order him • “what?? why?!” • “take your shirt off and kiss me!!” you say, lifting the hem of his shirt • “Perv!!!! I never knew you’re such a wild girl, y/n!!” he said laughing at your state • “I just want to know…” you said in a nervous tone • so at this point both of you got your tops off already • he then suddenly cupped both of your pale cheeks with both of his hands and leaned down to kiss you • it was a long kiss but neither lips are moving • both of you are afraid to pull away in case no birthmark appears on your collarbones • before pulling away from the kiss, you quickly put your hand over Daniel’s left collarbone with your eyes closed as he did the same with you • “even if we’re not soulmates, can you promise to still play with my hair whenever I’m stressed?” Daniel said, eyes pleading • tbh you got sad at the thought of not being able to play with his hair anymore • or better yet not being the one Daniel ends up with • because he’s honestly the best guy you’ve ever met • personality so amazing • humor so amazing • genuine, free-spirited, selfless, and honest • most especially • communicates with you through memes!!!!! A++++++ • so anyway,, • you nodded at his request, with your eyes still closed, “on 3. okay?” • 3… • 2… • 1… • “I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT Y/N!!! I JUST KNEW IT!!!!!!!!!!!” • before you could even open your eyes Daniel was already jumping around and screaming and you spot that little faint brown stain on the skin below his collarbone • and you looked down to see that the same shape appeared on yours! • “you always knew?” you questioned him, smile so wide it forces a bit of tear to come out on the corner of your eyes • “I’ve always felt!!” he kisses you again, and this time leaning further down to plant a soft kiss on your collarbone • “the moment you told me my hair reminds you of honey oolong milk tea, which was my all time favorite that’s why I dyed my hair in this color. And when you hummed to Signal Fire, I was singing the exact same part in my head! That’s why I asked you to marry me out of impulse!” he narrated excitedly • you jumped up to hug him, clinging on to his neck and wrapping your legs around his waist • he hooked his arms around your tiny waist, twirling you around and giving quick pecks all over your face and shoulder • “I’m so glad you’re my soulmate Daniel” you mumbled against the crook of his neck. “I can’t wait to shower you with love and food you’re gonna feel like a king!!!” • he put you down and cupped your cheeks again and stared in your eyes • “I’m so happy it’s you too, y/n. You’re like… the girl of my dreams!!! And my wet dreams!!!!” • you hit his chest playfully as he let out a dumb chuckle • “must your really ruin our moment like that?!” • “well my soulmate is half naked here in my dorm room can you really blame me???” • you rolled your eyes, scoffing trying to hold in your cackle • “but seriously y/n, I’m so happy to have found my soulmate. I’m so happy it’s you! I will take care of you so well and make you happy everyday. I promise!”
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aria-lanelle · 7 years
1) I didn't wanna put makeup on, so I put this heavy filter on lmbo 🤷🏾‍♀️2) @davidfoster can WRITE a freaking ballad 😍🙌🏾✨3) Brandy slayed the vocals on this song at, like, 19...BRUH 😩 I missed #musicmonday, but here's a cute little cover n-e-wayssss 😘💖✨ / / / / / #singer #vocalist #vocals #cover #DavidFoster #Brandy #music #90s #RnB #ballad #blackgirlmagic (at Houston, Texas)
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emsvegetables · 4 years
“Can I pls request hcs with semi, shirabu, tendou and futakuchi where they walk in on their s/o being bullied? I’m sorry if you don’t feel comfortable writing this, I love your writing btw ❤️”
AWW!!!! thank you anon!!! <3!!!! ofc i’ll do it!!! ALSO LAALLALAAL JUST SAYING I LOVE FUTAKUCHI LALALALALA
* tbh Semi’s a very patient guy.
* like??? absolute patience. this man has attained the highest level of patience.
* but when he walks pass a stairway, and he hears someone spewing rude shit at another person??? he’s pissed.
* like ????? wtf????
* he can’t stand bullies, so he’s heading down to talk to that ass.
* but when he sees who’s getting bullied???
* lmao you bet that mf going to die.
* “what’s going on?”
* he’s asking, and he’s looking at the guy with the COLDEST glare on his face.
* this is the first time you’ve seen Semi this angry.
* then he’s walking forward, and pulling you behind him, and he’s folding his arms.
* “what’s going on here?” he’s asking again, and that mf BETTER reply.
* “nothing, man,” the guy says coolly, and that’s when Semi actually feels like MURDERING someone.
* “then what the hell did you say to (Y/N) just now?”
* and when the guy walks away???? oh boy Semi’s PISSED OFF.
* anyway you have to hold Semi back from running after the guy to scold him, and when he looks at you, he’s instantly making sure you’re not hurt, and asks if you’re alright.
* when he’s checked to see if you have any injuries, he’s asking you if this has happened before.
* when you nod, he’s frowning at you, but he pulls you into a hug and presses a kiss onto your forehead and reassures you that he won’t let that happen to you again.
* LOL he’s telling Tendou and Ushijima what happened.
* anyway the guy comes up to apologise to you the next day, and he’s looking around, with a terrified expression on his face, as if waiting for someone to hit him.
* you accept his apology, and you never find out why he apologised LOL
* bonus:
* “(Y/N), are you alright?”
* “oh, i’m fine, Ushijima-san! why?”
* “that guy won’t bother you again.”
* “eh??????”
* okay.
* Shirabu is usually a very calm guy.
* the only thing that can get him worked up is GOSHIKI, and if anyone hurts you.
* then they have to deal with him.
* anyway, he probably finds out when Tendou sends him to the club room to take some vests for the team to play, and as he runs to the club room, he sees you.
* you look defiant, but your eyes have tears welling up in them, and he realises that the guy standing in front of you was definitely not complimenting you.
* so he’s storming over, before he’s calmly asking,” who’s this, (Y/N)?”
* he’s making sure to step in front of you, to shield you from that bastard who dared to bully you, and he’s staring him down.
* “what were you saying to her?” he’s asking the guy, and his voice is ice-cold, and so is his stare.
* when the guy merely shrugs it off, Shirabu sighs.
* anyway, it happens so fast that Shirabu’s hands are dropping down to his side in a flash.
* almost as if nothing happened.
* afterwards, Shirabu’s pulling you into a tight hug, and patting you on the back lightly.
* “are you alright?” he’s asking you gently, and he pulls back to see if you’ve been hurt anywhere.
* when you nod your head, he smiles slightly at you, and presses a kiss to your cheek before jogging away bc he’s LATE.
* anyway your bully comes to school the next day with a black eye LOL
* you didn’t know Shirabu had it in him LMAO
* bonus:
* “hey, (Y/N), did you know Shirabu was missing from practice for like ten minutes yesterday?”
* “oh, no, Tendou-san, why?”
* “i don’t know—he came back with bruised knuckles, though—“
* he pulls the most craziest shit ever.
* but the shit that he’ll pull for YOU??? out of this world baby
* so he’s walking around with Ushijima during lunch, and when he turns around the corner and overhears someone being talked down to.
* he’s like ??????? who tf messing around here??????
* anyway bc he’s a nice guy, he’s going to stop in to help.
* so he’s stepping into that stairway with Ushijima, and he’s friendly smile instantly wipes off his face when he sees you.
* the idiot still doesn’t notice the two looming figures above him.
* lmao idiot!!!
* anyway
* “what are you doing to my dearest (Y/N)?”
* his smile is back on his face!!! but it isn’t his friendly smile LOLOLOL
* when the guy merely sneers and rolls his eyes, Tendou smiles even wider.
* “hey, Ushijima?”
* “yes, Tendou?”
* “don’t hold me back.”
* so Tendou’s LUNGING at the guy, and attacking him LMAOOOOOO
* anyway YOU have to pull him off, and Ushijima is standing there, blinking, because Tendou told him not to hold Tendou back, so he’s listening.
* Tendou makes the guy apologise to you, and when he finally does that, the guy quickly runs away.
* then Tendou’s looking at you and pressing his hands on your cheeks.
* “you okay?”
* when you nod, he’s squishes your cheeks and nods happily at you.
* “you tell me when someone bothers you again, okay?”
* bonus:
* “Ushijima-san! why didn’t you help me stop Tendou?”
* “because Tendou told me not to hold him back.”
* “HUH? so you LISTENED to him?”
* “was i not supposed to?”
* Futakuchi has no chill, lol.
* he’s so snarky!!! and sarcastic!!!! he literally pisses his seniors off????
* but he’s so sweet to you.
* and he’ll do anything for you if you call him “hon”.
* so he’s casually walking around with Aone during lunch, when he passes by a staircase.
* then they hear some muffled voices, and a very clear degrading name get said out.
* Aone, bless him, moves forward to see more, bc he will not let anyone get bullied under his watch!!!
* tbh Futakuchi could not care less AHAHAH
* but for some reason he had this weird feeling in his heart??? so he decided to follow Aone.
* anyway the weird feeling in his heart intensifies when he realises the degrading name was directed at YOU.
* so he’s striding forward, and he’s FUMING.
* he’s normally very pissy on a daily basis, but this is the first time you’ve seen him TRULY angry.
* “what the fuck are you doing?”
* he instantly reaches your side within two seconds and he’s making sure you’re behind him and he’s looking down on the dude.
* “can’t you hear me? i asked, what the fuck are you doing?”
* he’s asking again, and he’s SO PISSED OFF.
* and when the guy rolls his eyes, you see Futakuchi clench his fist.
* “do you have some problem with your eye? i would love to fix it for you.”
* he’s moving forward, and you’re too slow to stop him, and when his arm flies up, it lands on Aone’s chest.
* “leave, now.”
* Aone opened his mouth!!!!!!!
* with Date Tech’s iron wall staring at that little shit, do you think he’ll run away??
* anyway your bully runs away.
* Futakuchi’s instantly bending down to your eye level and looking at you.
* “he didn’t hurt you, did he?”
* he’s making sure you’re fine, and his arms are gently reaching for yours.
* he’s so soft for you tbh
* and when he makes sure you’re fine, he sighs and swoops down to press a quick kiss onto your lips.
* “i’ll make sure that guy won’t do anything to you ever again.”
* “NO don’t Kenji!!!!”
* bonus:
* “hey babe, did that guy apologise to you yet?”
* “huh, no he didn’t, why?”
* “oh wtf that little shit guess one beating wasn’t enough for him huh????”
* “i thought you said you wouldn’t do anything to him???????”
ps . i simp for Futakuchi. ;) ;)!!!!
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emsvegetables · 4 years
“HELLO I LOVE HOGWARTS AUS SO MUCH TOO 😩😩😩😩 you have such great taste LOL could I maybe request hcs of Kuroo, Iwaizumi, and Matsukawa with a s/o that got hit by a bludger or fall off their broom? Thank you sm!!!!!!!!”
anon whoever you are, i LOVE U. this shit got my heart going WOOSH. and also, you didn’t specify what you wanted so i’ll just write the reader as a gryffindor if you don’t mind!!!
* he’s the captain...and he’s also the chaser!!!!!!!
* so anyways
* you’re dating him, right????
* so he’s ALWAYS smirking at you when you’re sitting up in the stands during his practices doing homework.
* after practice ends, he makes sure to fly up to you and plop down beside you, and help you with anything that you don’t understand!!!!
* he’s a WHIZ at potions, so he’ll always help you with your essays.
* and if you guys have time??? he’s taking you on a little ride on his broom!
* AHHH but he likes it when he suddenly jerks the broom down and you wrap your arms tighter around his waist.
* he’s a sly mf who does that on purpose ):(
* so one day slytherin’s having a practice match with gryffindor, thanks to Bokuto and Kuroo’s bromance!!!!
* and you’re sitting up in the stands not knowing who to cheer for LMAOOOO, your house or your boyfriend????
* you’re just minding your own DAMN business, cheering for both teams whenever one of them scores a point when one of the beaters accidentally hits a bludger straight at you.
* and you’re looking at how good Kuroo looks in his uniform when you hear someone shout at you.
* “DUCK!”
* “where?” you say, because you’re still staring at your man, AND BOOM IT COLLIDES WITH YOUR FACE FIFKFJFKF
* oh my god Kuroo instantly stops the game and flies to you immediately, and he’s looking at your bleeding nose.
* oh no Kuroo’s angry ):(.
* he stops your bleeding nose with a healing spell, and he carries you up on his arms to bring you to the madam Pomfrey, but not before telling the beater (who’s in his team AHAHAH POOR THING) to run 30 rounds around the field, and he’d better be done when Kuroo gets back.
* HES SO WORRIED and he won’t leave you even when madam Pomfrey insists he does, and only when she threatens to kick him out of the hospital wing does he step away from you to let madam Pomfrey examine him.
* madam Pomfrey secretly whispers to you that your boyfriend is really sweet, and you smile back at her with dried blood on your face and say you agree.
* aw this man’s a gryffindor!!!!!!
* he’s obviously on the team and he’s a chaser!!!
* and you’re on the gryffindor team as nwell!!!!
* let’s just say you’re a seeker, k!!!!
* n e way you’re the power couple of the gryffindor team!!!!
* Bokuto always says that Iwaizumi is so soft for you, and Iwaizumi constantly tells him to keep quiet or he’ll hit him with a quaffle AHAHA
* y’all occasionally fly around after practice, talking and chatting about the weeks events.
* he’s always genuinely interested in what you do, and he looks at you like you’re the world, and you look at him like he’s yours too 🥺🥺
* he’s AMAZING at charms for some strange reason, and he’ll always cast little spells that’ll cause warmth to envelop you everytime the night gets a little cold!!!!
* moving on!
* okay the incident probably happens because of some stupid ass slytherins.
* you’re a muggle-born, and they look down on you for that, even though Iwaizumi literally doesn’t know why, bc you’re still amazing and no different from him?
* you’re probably flying with him and suddenly a spell hits your broom and you fly off it.
* Iwaizumi’s RUSHING after you and trying to reach you, and he catches you before you hit the ground.
* and let me tell you, he’s fucking PISSED.
* he’s hexing those idiots, and when the hex wears off, he’s punching them in their faces.
* eventually professor Mcgonagall is called, but he refuses to apologise when the professor asks him to do it.
* “why should i especially when i didn’t do anything wrong and when they’re bloody arses that think their blood is superior?”
* okay Mcgonagall is so proud of him that she lets him off without detention!!!!!!!!! eidififidiekeke
* he makes sure you’re okay after the professor sends the slytherins away, and he presses a kiss on your lips when you say you’re fine.
* :”(
* he finds a charm that’ll make your broom unhexable with the help of Akaashi, and he casts it on your broom every single time before you ride it, bc he needs to make sure something like that doesn’t happen again!!!!!!!
* okay N E WAYSSSS
* Kuroo always says that you and Matsukawa are the most rainbow-vomiting couple everytime he sees you come up to Mattsun at the slytherin table and press a kiss to his cheek.
* Mattsun tells him to shut up, and he’ll occasionally hex Kuroo to have his tongue-binded, which Kuroo always removes easily bc he’s a whiz at non-verbal spells ):(
* but he loves it when you come to cheer him on during his practices/games!!!!!
* he finds you so cute and he occasionally gives you his robes to wear before practice in case it gets too chilly.
* and btw you suck at flying, so you’re not on any team.
* one day Mattsun’s smiling at you and you’re smiling at him during practice, and all of a sudden you hear Kuroo go,” (Y/N)! WATCH OUT!”
* you’re like?????
* and a bludger whacks you straight on your head and you fall backwards.
* oh shit.
* yo Mattsun is SPEEDING to you, practice be damned, and he’s making sure you’re okay.
* but you got a bruise forming on your forehead, so DAS NOT GOOD.
* oh man the second-year beater who’s just joined the team looks so nervous as Mattsun turns back to shoot a glare at him, and Mattsun tells him that if he wants to actually play in the team, he has to ACTUALLY be able to play.
* at this point you stop rubbing your head and scold Mattsun for his harsh words!!!!
* “Matsukawa. apologise,” you say, with that tone of yours and he sighs and says sorry to that second-year.
* but he rushes you to the library and insists that madam Pomfrey checks you for brain damage!!!!!!!!
* madam Pomfrey is so done with him and she tells him to shut his mouth before she performs the necessary spells on you.
* the next day the second-year comes up to apologise to you and you smile at him and says it’s fine!!!!
* Matsukawa is watching the entire exchange and his eyes are glaring at that second-year LMAOOOOOO
* “hey, glare any more and you might kill him,” Kuroo teases while drinking orange juice.
* “good, i want that to happen.”
HI ANON!!! I LOVE U!!! hope you liked this <3 ahhh i accidentally deleted this i’m sorry!!!!!
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