#but Red grows out her hair when she’s older cuz she likes Blue brushing and styling it
amphxtrite · 4 years
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george weasley x fem!reader
part two: our future together
warnings: swearing, spelling/ grammar mistakes.
summary: George falls head over heels for the reader at Quidditch try-outs.
word count: 2.2k
enjoy <3
Ah Quidditch, one of George’s favourite activities, other than pranking. The feeling of cool wind blowing against his face and the rush of adrenaline he gets hitting bludgers, and flying across the stadium at full speed makes him feel on top of the world. He’s adored the sport every since he was just a little kid watching in envy as his older brothers and his dad flew around throwing quaffles, catching snitches and, his favourite, hitting bludgers. He’d always dreamed of being to play real quidditch, not just the scrimmages at home, so when Fred suggested they try out for the gryffindor team in second year, he jumped on it. George smiles at the memory of their first try-out, they’d dusted any other kid in the beaters department and since then always have. Fred laughing loudly brings George out of thought.
It’s the start of a new year, which means try- outs again. George tries not to worry about it, he’s been on the team for years now, what could go wrong? He tries to focus on how excited he is to get back on the Hogwarts Pitch, but his anxiousness is shown, he’s tapping his foot and figeting with his bag string. “Let’s get a move on Fred, we’re going to be late!” He starts to drag Fred out the door of the gryffindor common room. “Alright, alright! Just quit your pestering.” Fred sighs, rolling his eyes and stuffing a dungbomb he was poking at back into his bag. “I don’t understand what’s got you in such a worry.” Fred starts. “We’ve been on the quidditch team for the past three years, we’ve got this!” The older twin smiles, patting George on the shoulder, “I know, but who knows who’s going to try out this year, what if there’s someone bloody amazing.” George says nervous. “Can’t be better than us, eh?” Fred smiles back. George manages a weak grin.
The twins make their way into the changeroom and get into more suitable clothing, swapping out their uniforms and ties, for their quidditch jerseys, and shin guards. Grabbing their brooms, they make their way onto the pitch and are greeted by their captain, Oliver Wood. “Hello lads.” He greets with his usual heavy Scottish accent. “How’s it going Oliver?” The twins answer back in sync. “Not bad, just excited to start try-outs, you guys have got competition this year!”Olliver laughs pointing over to a small group of gryffindors huddled together. “Well I guess we’ll just have to show em who’s boss, right Freddie?” George nudges his twin. “Right on George.” Fred answers back smugly.
The try out begins with a couple laps around the pitch, so Olliver can start to pick off those he sees unfit. Fred and George decide to have some fun looping around people and pestering their friends. “Heya, Harry how's it going?” George smiles at the blue-eyed brunette, while flying upside down above him, Harry flashes a smile and rolls his eyes at the twins' antics before making small talk with the red-head.
Oliver finally calls everyone back down and starts each round of try-outs starting with chasers, he and Fred began to cheer on Angelina, Katie and all their fellow gryffindors, feeling pride watching his classmates play.
George starts to grow nervous as the try-outs for the beaters roll around, he figits with his broom as Oliver begins to call them out in twos. “Alright let's have y/n and Finnick go first!” Oliver motions for two people. George sees a tall, skinny boy walk out first, sizing him up, he turns to Fred and shrugs slightly before turning back to look at whoever y/n was. His breath catches in his throat. You were stunning. He watches you in shock as you climb onto your broom with a bat and push off, taking a moment to admire the way your h/c hair blew in the wind and the look of excitement plastered on your face as you flew around, your e/c eyes seemed to shine like diamonds in the sunlight. How did he not notice you before? “Blimey.” George whispered out watching you race back and forth hitting bludgers back with such elegance and force. He had a dopey grin stuck on his face as he watched the way your eyebrows scrunched together when you spotted a bludger and how you retaliated quickly after a not-so-good hit. You were perfect. “Freddie…” he turned to his twin next to him. “I think I’m in love.” He concluded a blush littering his freckled cheeks. Fred eyes widen and his brows shoot up, looking back towards the pitch, he’s in time to see you landing back down, a huge smile plastered on your face as you pant slightly, giving a high-five to your partner. Fred looks back towards his twin “y/n?” Fred questions, George nods, still gazing at you, stuck in a daze, as you take a sip from your water bottle and spoke to Angelina. “Mate, that’s Angie’s best friend, she’s going to rip you to shreds!” Fred laughs. “Really?” George questions, he tries to think back to if he’s ever seen you before, but draws a blank every time. “How come I’ve never seen her before?” George asks, his eyebrows knitting together in a confused expression. “Well you’re pretty bloody clueless for one.” Fred smirks and continues, “You know, she goes to games a lot to cheer on the team, you probably haven’t noticed cuz you’ve got your head so far stuck in the game.” Fred laughs loudly. “She’s also in the year below us so that explains why she’s not in any of our classes.” Fred finishes explaining, rolling his eyes as he watches his twin’s love-struck expression.
“Weasleys’ you’re up!” Oliver shouts. The twins shoot up immediately, walk over and quickly ascend into the sky. “Alright George it’s go-time so put your goo-goo eyes away, alright?” Fred warns. George blushes bashfully, sneaking a glance down at you one last time, he almost has a heart attack when he sees you looking back at him, cheering him on with Angelina. He musters a smirk and decides to show off a little. Oliver releases the bludgers and George grips the bat a little tighter, he lets his usual competitive nature consume him and he flawlessly hits back the incoming bludgers with a strength only to be rivaled by his own twin. Flying back and forth down the pitch, doing loops and laughing, he looks back at you again after hitting the bludger several yards back and sees a look of amazement cross your eyes, your lips slightly parted in shock at the sheer talent of the twins. George’s smile goes even wider and taking a chance he shoots you his signature wink and speeds back into the game. Praying that he’d gotten the reaction he wanted.
Back down on the ground, you watch in awe as the Weasley twins loop around, hitting bludgers and laughing their heads off, you could kiss being a beater goodbye when the twins were this good. Your focus was mainly on George, his loops and turns were just so amazing and the ways his arm flexed made you blush. Continuing to watch him, he makes eye-contact with you and winks, before swinging his bat again, You smile and feel your heart swell. This doesn’t go unnoticed by Angelina, who comments on the small interaction.
“Oh what’s this I see?” she teases, “does someone fancy a certain Weasley?” Angelina continues a wicked grin crossing her face. “Don’t be ridiculous Angelina, there's nothing there.” You say brushing her off as the twins land, pushing each other around smiling. “I don’t know y/n, I’m pretty sure that wink was something.” She nudges you. Ah shit so she saw that. You feel your face grow hotter as a devilish smile grows on Angelina’s face.
George had just touched down. Wiping the sweat of his brow with his arm he nudges the boy beside him, “Nice job Fred!” he says high-fiving his twin. “You too!” Fred laughs back, bumping shoulders with George. Oliver calls up the next duo as Angelina calls out for them. “Oi, you two nitwits, i have someone for you to meet!” she yells for them. George can see you bury your face into your hands and he frowns. Was something wrong? Fred saunters over with George in tow and the two groups meet halfway.
“Well hello there Miss Angelina, you called?” Fred says as he approaches the two friends.
“Yes, I’d like you two to meet my very best mate y/n.” She laughs wrapping an arm around your shoulder. You blush and mutter a thank you to Angelina before speaking.
“Hi, it’s nice to meet you, you’re very great at quidditch by the way, y-your skills I mean.” you stutter out, mentally cursing yourself for messing up your introduction. George couldn’t care less in fact, he could’ve melted right there, your voice was adorable and your nervousness made him just want to wrap you in a hug.
“Thank you, haha y/n right?” Fred answers swavely before George could open his mouth, The younger twin turns and glares at his brother, what was he doing? “Yeah, that’s me.” You respond.
“Hey Angie, how come you haven’t mentioned little y/n before?” Fred teases. Angelina rolls her eyes.
“Oh I have, you two twats don’t seem to listen though.” She says coldly. Panic takes over the older twins face. “Oops?” Fred cringes. his answer coming out more like a question.
George decided to speak now while the other two were bickering. “You’re really good yourself you know, you’ve got a mean swing.” George compliments, your face lights up like a kid in a candy store. “Wow! Thanks George, it means a lot.” you smile sweetly at him. His breath hitches.
“W-wait you can already tell the difference between us?” he asks, trying to be nonchalant, but his voice comes out very excited. “Of course!” You laugh. “Angelina’s been telling me loads about you guys, and I’ve just drawn the personality to the person.” You giggle out. “Of course, she obviously can recognize the better looking twin.” Fred butts in puffing out his chest smugly. You roll your eyes, “Fred’s the confident and cocky twin and George is the sweet and compassionate twin” you explain with a smile playing on your lips. Fred opens his mouth in mock offence looking to Angelina for an answer, Angelina stares back at him and mutters a quick, it’s true.
George could tell he had to be beaming, you thought he was sweet and compassionate! He was going to burst with happiness.
“Hey Freddie can I talk to you, alone, for a sec?” Angelina asks, pulling Fred away. “Uh-yeah of course.” Fred follows slightly confused. Angelina shoots y/n a wink and George a look that said, don’t fuck up, as she continues to pull Fred away.
Oh shit she saw his blush didn’t she? Feeling nervous he turns back to face you and he can’t help but stare into your gorgeous eyes, tracing your adorable nose and perfect lips, he can feel himself falling. Hard.
“Lovely weather we’re having” you started, George accidentally cuts you off “Uh- hey, y/n how’d you like to grab a butterbeer with me this weekend?” he asks with a grin, silently kicking himself for interrupting you. Your eyes widen at his sudden boldness, but it’s replaced with a smirk. “Are you asking me on a date Georgie?” His face must’ve been on fire now, he hoped you’d think it was because of the try-outs. Godric he loved the way you said his name.
“I might be, what if I was?” he questions sarcastically. You grin playfully, you pretend to think it over, tapping a finger on your cheek. “I’d say, I’d love to go with you George Weasley and do this.” George looks at you confused as you walk closer to him, but it’s replaced with happiness when you wrap your arms around his torso. He was going to faint, he was sure of it, serotonin was coursing through him at such a fast pace he felt himself physically wobble. You step back a bit, not wanting to over step any boundaries.
Regaining a sliver of his confidence he flashes a charming smile. “Well then y/n what do you say then? Will you go on a date with me?” He opens his arms. You roll your eyes playfully and step back into his embrace. “Yes George I’ll go on a date with you.” you murmur into his broad chest. He hugs you tighter as Angelina and Fred walk back into your view, “alright love birds, y/n and I have got to get going.” Angelina pulls you by your shirt out of George’s embrace, you pout and say one final goodbye to both the twins before grabbing your bag and rushing to Angelina’s side, waving before turning and chatting with her.
Fred leans closer to the blushing red-head, “I take it, it went well?” Fred teases. George doesn’t answer at first, too busy watching you fade in the distance. “Perfect. It went perfect.” He feels himself grinning like an idiot and turning to his twin, “Freddie, I think I'm in love.” He says again joyously, “Alright, loverboy, let’s go get showered and changed so you can go hang with your little y/n again.” Fred suggests. George nods excitedly and grabs his bag, walking alongside Fred back towards the castle. Smiling all the way back.
George didn’t think it possible, but he found himself loving quidditch even more, tuning out Fred’s voice, he silently finds himself hoping he’d get to play quidditch with you by his side.
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burts-baked-bees · 4 years
{If The World Was Ending          You’d Come Over Right? }
Author: ohhey-mishamigosx
Relationship: Cas x Reader
Warning : Violence, swearing, ANGST, idk what else, its for big kids. 
Word Count :  4404
A/N: I’ve been meaning to post more stories on here cuz AO3 is trash. This song gives me major SPN vibes so I made this. Its divided into 3 parts. The male sung verse/chorus is Cas’ POV, the female sung is Y/n’s POV, the part sang together will be both of them!  This took me a while to write and I’m so happy with how it came out! So enjoy! 
Summary: (A story written to the song lyrics of “If The World Was Ending”by JP Saxe &  Julia Michaels) Castiel and Y/n have had a complicated relationship since day one, but now Chuck is wiping out the world they know, and Y/n is nowhere to be found. 
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                                                                         - PART ONE - CASTIEL’S POV - 
( Bold is Song Lyrics ) 
( Italics is Flash Back )
I Was Distracted, and In Traffic 
    The room was impossibly silent as a lone figure stood in a dark and dismal room, their head tilted to the heavens. Flashes of red were seen in the night sky, clouds outlined by the blood soaked light sending eerie shadows on the world below. The harsh flashes outlined the fabric of a worn trench coat and even older suit, the vessel wearing them was no stranger to the feeling of fear that filled his bones as the impending doom danced across the skies. He had been present for many of the earth's cleanings; from the Great Flood to some of his father’s more recent attempts at wiping the slate clean. But, in all those mass killings, those end of days times, he had never felt nearly as much dread as he felt in these very moments. 
I Didn’t Feel it, When The Earthquake Happened
As his blue eyes followed the red lighting across the ever expanding skies, he found himself thinking back to one singular person. 
   One small human of the billions on this planet had captured his mind and held it in bittersweet captivity. He just knew she was somewhere halfway across the country he was in, her eyes also fixated on the skies. And he, an angelic host of the Lord, prayed that she too was thinking of him, but he knew that to be far from the truth. He would know, he remarked, if she was sending out her thoughts to his almost graceless form. 
   The earth shook. 
   Castiel felt the very ground beneath his feet cry out in pain as a rumble filled his ears. He grabbed ahold of the wall next to him and dug his fingers into the plaster. He watched as dirt erupted from new forming holes and cracks in the surface of this once calm planet. He knew it was drawing to a close. He knew his father had had enough of the foolery of his creation, and now he was striking back. The end was near. 
   And he was alone. 
But It Really Got Me Thinking
“Well, look who’s back.” Her voice was soft, but bitter and it sent a shiver to the angels' very core. He turned his head from Elieen and met her gaze. The ghost of a smile was seen on his cracked lips as he took a step to face her fully. 
  “Hello Y/n.” He rasped, his blue eyes twinkling. Her expression didn’t change in the least bit as Sam came to rest behind her. He pursed his lips into a flat line and raised his brow at Castiel, making his confusion with her temperament known as well. Eileen signed something to Y/n and she responded quickly, too fast for Sam to see and unknown to Castiel. She stepped away from Sam and past Cas to lean her weight against the map table. 
  “What brought you back? Thought you and Dean were mad at each other again.” 
Sam looked to Castiel confused as the seraphim looked to his feet, then back at the woman across from him. 
   “I was told that Sam needed help with his….. Unusual wound ...” The words left his mouth like a plea for any form of relaxed conversation, but it met Y/n’s ears like a deflection of what she truly wanted him to say. She narrowed her eyes at him and smiled dryly while nodding. 
  “Yeah…” She pushed her weight off the table and brought her body impossibly close to his. Castiel felt his grace flare for a moment, the proximity of Y/n to him was affecting him in more ways than one. Her e/c eyes were fixated on his blue ones as he felt her body heat enter his own personal space. His Adam's apple bobbed as he tried his best to keep his eyes on her’s and not her weather beaten lips.  
      “That’s exactly what I thought you’d say…” Castiel felt like a spike of ice had entered his vessel. Her words cut him deeply as she made her way around him and out of the room. Sam, Eileen, and Cas watched as the hunter left the room with her arms crossed. The way she carried her obvious sour emotions resembling that of Dean, and giving Castiel yet another taste of the discomfort of being in the presence of this family. 
Were You Out Drinking?
Were You In The Living Room Chilling
Watching Television?
    The sky was growing darker and brighter all at once as the lone fallen angel made his way through the musty afterglow of the earthquake. His mind drifted to thoughts of Sam and Dean, and what they must be doing now. They always seemed to be at the center of earth shattering events, and this time must not be an exception. He imagined them throwing caution to the wind and pulling out all the stops in order to bring his father’s plans to its knees once again, like a never ending story book that had no definitive plot. He wondered however, as he looked to the rubble around him, if this time God had truly given up. If this was to be the ending to the creation he had hid from for so long. 
   “I’ve never seen this planet so calm.” His voice drifted over the restless land and floated into the air with no real destination. He wondered how Heaven and Hell would react to the coming end, and to add the Empty to the mix was a frightening thought. He had gone face to face with that entity before, and hated every minute of it. That disgusting abyss had taken more than one friend from him; from brothers and sisters, to the only soul that had ever come close to calling a son. He recalled the way Jack used to interact with Y/n. How he looked to her for comfort and compassion when the Winchesters lacked the knowledge of how to tap into those emotions. She was so kind to the young boy. She treated him like family, and Castiel couldn’t help but see him and her as the parents that Jack deserved. 
      There she was again.
    The world was crumbling around him and all he could bring to his mind was a girl that had rejected him long ago. She was all he could think of. Her world was coming to a close and he feared she may be alone in this chaos. He feared most of all that he hadn’t crossed her mind once. 
It’s Been A Year Now
  “You don’t get it Cas! After all this fucking time you still don’t get it!” Her voice was rough and raw as she screamed at the angel across from her. He stood rigid and tall, his suit jacket and trench coat were placed on the edge of her bed, his frame looking impossibly naked with his white sleeves rolled and tie loose. He clenched his jaw as the words left her mouth and he looked to the door before looking back to her; blue eyes ablaze. 
   “I am not some ignorant child Y/n. I may not be human, but I assure you I have a firm grasp on the nonsensical emotions you all seem to share!” His hand was raised and pointed at the door as if referencing the Winchesters just a step outside. She laughed dryly and with venom in her lips, she marched at him and got right in his face as he straightened up and met her gaze with a passion. 
  “You’re not a child Castiel, that much is true, but you’d be a fucking liar to say you weren’t ignorant.” She spat the last few words, and Cas felt each one strike him like a knife to the chest. She went to walk past him and out the door but she was stopped by his hand grabbing hers. She went to pull away when her eyes found his face. His blue eyes were fogged with tears and his brows were knitted together in what could only be pain. Her entire mood changed at the drop of a hat as she took in the look on his face. His messy hair was falling in his face from the heated fight just a few moments ago, and his chest was shaking from ragged breaths. 
   “Please…” He choked as Y/n stopped moving, “I Can’t do this….. Not with you…” His once strong and dominant voice was nothing more than a whisper now as a lone tear made its way down his cheek. Oh, how the mighty have fallen. The angelic beast once proud of his inability to feel, was forced into experiencing the most human of emotions. 
Y/n let her guard down and let a sob slip past her lips. Castiel looked up at her with a look of confusion, but relief all the same. She gave a hard tug on his arm and brought his body crashing into hers. Castiel deflated and let her hold him. He felt himself give into her completely as they fell to the floor in a mix of limbs and tears. 
I Think I Figured Out How 
How To Let You Go And Let Communication Die Out
“It’s a shame. Of all the ways for our father to dismantle this planet, he chooses earthquakes and fire from the heavens.” Castiel spun around, his shoes sending a groan through the gravel he was standing in, his angel blade dropping from his sleeve like an extension of his arm. “Well, nice to see you haven't changed brother.” The words left the girls mouth as Castiel sighed and lowered his weapon. 
  “Iaoth.” He breathed, “You caught me off guard.” The seraphim stiffened up upon seeing his sibling.
  “I’m surprised to see you alone.” She remarked as she brushed a bit of soot off her shoulder, “I’ve been told you’re very fond of humans. Seeing that you threw away heaven and all of us for them.” Her mouth was smiling but her eyes shot daggers, Castiel glared at his sister with a deep anger. Her emerald eyes darted around the torn and beaten landscape, “So after all this time, we finally get to see our mighty fathers breaking point…” Her hand reached to a decaying flower sprouting from the ground. Castiel watched her intently, his grip on the silver angel blade never wavering. She picked the rotting plant from the ground and crushed it in her hand. “His breaking point was his biggest mistake.” 
 “Why are you here Iaoth?” Castiel spat, his jaw clenched and eyes ablaze. She laughed at his demeanor and wiped her hands on her suit jacket. 
  “I could ask you the same thing ‘Oh Fallen One’.” She turned from his gaze to look upon the fire filled skies. “Heaven, as you know, is very much in shambles. You and I are some of the only ones left alive. Naomi is having a party up there with what's left.”  She looked to Castiel, her teeth barred in a sinister smile. Cas took a step to his left, circling her as she moved the opposite direction. “It’s so sad to see you like this brother.” Castiel could hear her wings ruffling, as if she was preparing to take flight; or fight. “I can almost smell her human vile on you.” Her wings extended to their full length, the lights from the sky illuminating the silken feathers. Cas felt a primal fear alight in his gut, this wasn’t the first sibling of his to try and kill him since this all began. So many seemed to blame him for the way things were coming to an end. His vessels hands were drenched in the blood of his fallen brothers and sisters, and his angelic form was scarred from the ending of his own kind. Iaoth’s words stuck Castiel to his very core as he allowed the human Iaoth spoke of to take shape in his mind; a misty form reaching out to him in the midst of chaos. 
 I Know, You Know, We Know        
        “The whole of the heavens is ending, your celestial home, where you were created and raised, and yet your mind is lingering on the vile mistake that is human kind?!” Iaoth’s words were strong and soaked in rage as she squared up the much smaller Castiel before her. 
  “Iaoth. I don’t want to fight you.” Castiel spoke, his deep voice unwavering. The woman's laughter flooded the air like a bolt of lightning, 
  “You really think you have a choice?!” She spat. “Look at you! A broken and grace stripped seraphim! You don’t stand a chance against me or my TRUE brethren.” Her wings were now fully visible. All six of the deep grey spans filled the air like dark clouds, and Castiel let his heart drop as he considered the condition his own wings were in. Iaoth laughed again as Cas allowed his own wings to spread out, the once proud black feathers holding more gaps than anything else, and scarred flesh beneath them. “All that…” Iaoth spat, “For humans. You must be so proud…” Her words dripped with sarcasm as she lunged at the fallen angel before her. 
You Weren't Down For Forever And It’s Fine 
The motel room was dusty and old, large pieces of dust hanging in the air were seen best around the yellow lamp light, setting a almost frozen in time feel about the place. Castiel looked ahead of him through drooping lashes as the frame at the foot of the bed unbuttoned the last of the flannel shirt that hid her form. The yellow light illuminated every inch of skin as she made her way up from the foot of the bed to mere inches from the angel's face. He could feel her breath fan over his face as she moved his hands to rest on her hips. He exhaled shakily as he closed his eyes, his fingers digging into the flesh of her hips. His own name filled his ears like a breathy sigh as he shot his blue eyes open to meet her e/c ones. 
  “Do you want to do this?” She asked, her voice barely above a whisper. He could see in her eyes that she was genuinely asking him, out of fear of frightening him away. He gave a smile and brought his face closer to hers, his lips ghosting over hers. She held back a low moan as he rested his forehead against hers, their noses brushing. 
  “More than anything.”  In an instant their lips crashed together, moans and staggered breaths filling the air of the motel room. Y/n straddled Castiel’s lap atop the bed and worked his white dress shirt off his torso. Cas brought his hands to her hips and brought her roughly down against his heating core. She let out a gasp and broke the kiss. With a smirk she reached for the bedside lamp and wrapped her fingers around the switch. Castiel grabbed her wrist and held her back from snuffing the light. She looked to him with confused eyes, only to be met by rough lips against her own. The stubble around his own face dragged down her neck as she let her hand drop from the light. 
  “Want to see you…” He growled as he pressed more kisses to her neck. With a smile she brought his eyes back to meet her own. 
  “Then let's get started.” 
I Know, You Know, We Know 
We Weren't Meant For Each Other And It’s Fine 
Iaoth spit a mouthful of blood to the cracked and dry earth as Castiel stood above her, his hand wrapped firmly in her hair bringing her gaze to his own blood splattered form. She laughed through red stained teeth and took a shallow breath, 
  “You pack quite the punch little brother.” Castiel brought the butt end of his angle blade down on her swollen face a few more times, the sick crack of bone filling the hot air. 
  “I’m not going to sit here, Iaoth, and watch you die but you should know that it’s out of pity,” He brought his face closer to hers in order to whisper the final statement, “And not because I consider you anything close to family.”  He released her hair from his fist and let her fall to the ground. His hands were red with the paint of war as he wiped them clean on his coat and began staggering away. Iaoth was on the ground on her back, sputtering blood as she cackled at seemingly nothing. Cas ignored the sound and kept walking, finished with the mere thought of her. 
   “She’s-- She’s going to die alone. On this forsaken slab of creation. Thinking of why you didn’t save her…” 
Castiel froze. His eyes were wide as he turned his head to the side, taking in the sickly form of his dying sister. “That human girl you bonded with like an animal,” Her words were choked, “The word back home is that Naomi is offering safe passage to a parallel world to the one who brings him her filthy head.” 
 “SHUT UP!” Castiel boomed, bringing his boot in contact with Iaoth’s jaw and sending her reeling to the ground. More broken laughter left the dying angels mouth as Castiel breathed heavy, his shoulders rising and falling in a dramatic manner. He stood over her, his eyes ablaze by her words,
   “That hunter whore is going to die drowning in her own blood and her filthy body is going to burn with the rest of this world.” That was the straw that broke the camel's back, with a deep guttural scream Castiel drove the shimmering blade in his hand through Iaoth’s chest. Her own scream ripped through the skies as her eyes and mouth broke forth with a bright glow, a small reminder of the grace that once filled her. 
  Once the screams died down, the dark haired angel stood from the lifeless body beneath him. He looked to the burned imprint of her wings upon the ground and wiped a spot of blood from his own face. His mind was reeling, wondering if what Iaoth said had been true. If there really was a price on Y/n’s head, as some sort of sick joke by Naomi’s hands, he had to find a way to get to her. 
    To warn her. 
   He wasn’t even sure if she’d want his help at all…
But If The World Was Ending You’d Come Over Right? 
Dean placed a hand on Y/n’s back as he helped her stumble to the car. His eyes were laced with concern as Sam opened the back door for her, worry upon his features as well. 
  “Guys, I’m really fine.” She slurred, her head spinning from blood loss. “You don’t  need to panic…” Her knees gave out as Sam jumped forward and helped Dean catch her. She chuckled a bit at her own expense and allowed the boy’s to help her into the back seat. Sam looked to Dean and they both decoded that he would ride in the back with her. 
  “Hey Y/n. Keep those eyes open.” Sam cooed as he brushed the side of her face. She smiled at him and scrunched her nose. 
  “Trust me Sammy, I’m not dying in the back of this car. That’s nor nearly exciting enough for me.” Sam laughed at her blind optimism and met Dean's eyes in the rear view mirror. 
   “You die in the back of my car, and I’ll kill you.”Dean joked, taking a glance behind him at her ever shrinking form. Sam felt her squeeze his hand and looked to her now closing eyes. 
  “Hey!” He shouted, “No, no,no,no, don’t go to sleep Y/n.” He shifted so his hands were holding her face. “Goddammit don’t go to sleep.” 
 Dean began to panic in the driver's seat as the sounds of Sam’s protests filled his ears. 
  “Dammit Sammy, don't let her sleep!”
  “I’m trying!” Was the angry response. Y/n shifted in Sam’s grasp as she forced out a few more words. 
  “You guys are such idiots…” Her eyes drifted closed. 
You’d Come Over And You’d Stay The Night?
Castiel practically flew down the stairs as the Winchesters came into view. His eyes were wild as he searched the room for any sign of loss or pain. Sam smiled at him and took a step forward. 
 “Hey, easy buddy.” He placed his hands on Cas’ shoulder and held him steady. Cas looked to Dean who pursed his lips, cocked his brow, and gestured to the chair Sam’s body was blocked from his view. Cas moved from Sam’s hold and froze upon meeting the gaze of Y/n, wrapped in one of Dean’s hoodies, and face littered with stitches and bandages; but still smiling. 
  “I lived bitch.” She spoke in a horse voice. Dean laughed out loud at her statement and sat down beside her, nursing a half empty beer.  Sam sighed and ran a hand through his hair,
 “Wow that was so sensitive, considering he thought you were actually dead.” Y/n shrugged and felt tears brim her eyes as Cas raced to her. He pulled the chair around and knelt down at her feet, taking her hands in his. 
  “I - I really thought I lost you.” He looked up at her with big blue eyes, also brimming with tears. Dean shifted away just slightly, a look of fake disgust on his face from the romantic display. “If you ever do anything like that ever again-” 
 “Oh, I guarantee you I will.” Y/n cut him off, “But we’ll be a bit more careful next time.”   
Would You Love Me For The Hell Of It? 
All Our Fears Would Be Irrelevant. 
“I don’t think I’ve ever felt this way about anyone before.” The words sailed off with the breeze as Y/n scratched an itch on her face. She glanced to the angle beside her, his body leaning against the tan car behind him. His trench coat was wrapped around Y/n’s shoulders, and she noted how utter naked he looked without it. “Sorry if that's too forward.”
  Castiel looked out at the sunset and sighed, his eyes soon traveled to the human beside him, wrapped in his essence. “Y/n…” He began. She looked to him with hopeful eyes. 
  “In all my eons of existence, watching civilizations rise and fall, watching your kind like a child watches a bee in the garden…” He looked to her, “I’ve never seen a more perfect example of the wonders my father is capable of making…” His hand wove together with her’s. 
                                                        “... Then you…” 
            If The World Was Ending You’d Come Over Right?
   The sky let forth a loud cry as the earth beneath Castiel's feet shook. He looked skyward and took witness as large chunks of flaming stone began falling from the heavens. He watched in the distance as the stone crashed to the ground and set a sick crack through the air. He watched as the sky began falling to the ground, and he was helpless to stop it. He swallowed hard as the soft sound of ringing filled his ears, and he reached for the almost forgotten phone in his inner pocket. 
  “Dean?” His voice bellowed over the sound of earth breaking all around him. 
    “Hey Cas! You seeing this?! Where the hell are you two man?! Me and Sam are dying over here!”  
Castiel furrowed his brow and shielded his eyes as dirt few up all around him. 
 “Dean? I’m in Montana! Are you two still at the bunker?” His voice met Dean’s ears like a long lost prayer and the hunter sighed. 
  “Yeah! How is Y/n?” Cas froze, his face scrunched up in confusion. 
   “What do you mean? I thought she was with you?!” 
  “Why the hell would she be with us?! Isn’t she your soulmate or whatever?” 
 Castiel felt his heart drop. 
The Sky'd Be Falling And I'd Hold You Tight 
And There Wouldn't Be A Reason Why 
“I wasn’t supposed to tell you…” Jack mumbled from his seat at the dinner table. Y/n felt a lump grow in her throat as she forced back tears. 
  “Don’t worry Jack, sweetheart…” She looked to the ceiling as she viciously fought her tears.
 “Castiel, he didn’t want to. But it was the only way. It seems selfish, but it’s not. He saved so many. I really wasn’t supposed to tell anyone. He made me promise…” Jack let his head fall to the table, his mind not at unease. 
 “I would have found out sooner or later.”  
  We Would Even Have To Say Goodbye
  “You are the biggest idiot I’ve ever met.” Y/n spat as she slammed the car door, the force shaking the whole vehicle. Castiel didn’t even flinch as he watched her walk from the parked car to the small lakefront just beyond the car. He felt his heart ache as she sat on a small bench and placed her head in her hands. 
  “I know…” He whispered to the empty car. 
If The World Was Ending You’d Come Over Right? 
“The Empty will take you.” She sobbed as she looked to the water in front of her. Castiel stood behind her, his own eyes filling with tears. “Take you the next time you feel joy.” She laughed, a last stitch effort to mask her pain. “How- How the fuck am I supposed to live with that?” She spun around to look at him, and he saw first hand just how much pain he had caused her. 
“But that was months ago Castiel.”  He tried to take a step towards her but she stood. 
“Months ago! And you're still here!”  She let a few sobs rack her chest as she looked down, tears falling like rain. 
 “So…  Since that day when you sold yourself over. Everything we’ve done. All the moments we had, that filled me with an immeasurable amount of love and joy… You’re still here. So...” She looked at him, her pain turning to hurt, turning to anger. 
 “You're not happy?” 
If The World Was Ending You’d Come Over Right?
Castiel held the phone to his ear, his mind blank. 
“Cas?!” Dean shouted on the other line, “Cas?!” 
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lockwoodlitherland · 4 years
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“Okay what is happening, you are never late.” Her sister's voice came crackly through the dashboard speakers. 
“I’m driving, I fucking hate driving in this city.” 
“Oh, we’re swearing too? Late and swearing-“
“Anni I don’t know where I’m going, I’ve just come out of Little Portugal, where can I park in Downtown?” Lil whined, charcoal blue eyes wide with mild panic as she looked left and right and left again, making a calculated last minute turn in the traffic. 
“You know the only time I think I’ve ever seen you properly angry was in traffic. It was horrifyingly violent, I loved it. I think you called a really old man in a Merc a ‘wank sock’.”
Annika’s laugh rang through the speakers, warmly familiar. It calmed her slightly in the midst of her burgeoning road rage. No matter the situation, it always came as a relief to Lil, hearing that sound now; there had truly been a moment last year when she worried she’d never hear it genuinely again. 
“I stand by what I said, he was a wank sock and a danger to society. Annika, I don’t know where I’m going and it’s icy and it shakes me to my core that people are still speeding. Also, I shouldn’t be talking to you while I’m driving.”
Anni laughed at her again and Lil couldn’t help but join in despite herself; she was serious about the Highway Code. 
“Okay, just park opposite mine between the churches, I’m pretty sure it’s free, I’ll meet you there.”
“Anni, it’s not gunna be free, it’s like a block away from City Hall.” 
“You’re telling me that these God honouring folk don’t provide free parking? Shocking. Anyway, I don’t fucking drive here, how am I supposed to know? I’ll see you in a minute.”
A few stressful minutes later Lil turned into the car park off Bond Street, carefully reversing into a space directly opposite St. Michael’s. She clocked Annika immediately, who stood outside her apartment building on the other side of Church Street. Anni was leaning against the sandstone, heel of her right boot braced against the wall behind her. She held a cigarette in one hand and her phone in the other; the screen lit up her graceful features in the dwindling daylight of the late winter afternoon. It always amazed Lil, the juxtaposition between Annika’s nature as a force of chaos and the very precise and pristine way that she presented herself to the world; never a hair out of place, all clean white lines. 
Anni looked up from her phone and spotted Lil’s silver Toyota 4Runner. It was still splashed up the sides with dirt and snow sludge from the two hour drive she’d embarked on this morning, from just outside The Park in Peterborough and into Toronto. Anni took a quick glance up and down the road before jogging across the traffic towards Lil. She took a last drag from her cigarette when she reached the safety of the pavement, flicking what was left of it into a metal trash can and quickly blowing the smoke out the side of her mouth before reaching Lil, who climbed out of the 4x4. 
“Lite!” With a huge grin Anni put her arms out and hugged Lil tightly, kissing the side of her face with glossed lips. The familiar scent of Annika’s signature perfume filled Lil’s nostrils as she returned the hug and leaned into the kiss, scrunching up her features. 
“It’s good to see you Anni, even if you have just made my cheek sticky.”
“Just rub it in, it’s moisturising. You’ve changed your hair!” Anni replied, pulling back a little from the hug to brush her gloved hand across the shaved side of Lil’s head. She had a short back and sides now, the length on top pushed up from her forehead and to the side in a lazy quiff. This wasn’t particularly new for Lil. 
“Yeah, but I change my hair all the time, you on the other hand.” Lil raised her eyebrows at Anni and nodded towards the others scalp, her hands held Anni’s upper arms proudly as she took her in. 
Anni’s delicately curled hair lay over the left shoulder of her long white woolen coat. Lil took note of the red roots and strawberry blonde fade into Anni’s customary pale blonde at the ends of her hair; for as long as the two had known each other, Annika had never let her natural roots grow in. In fact, she remembered Anni actively panicking about how much they showed and getting so desperate as to ask a pre-teen Silvie to help her bleach them- chemical burn city. 
Anni moved a hand to her hair consciously “Out with the old and in with the older, ey?” 
“You look great Anni.”
The two women linked arms as they walked the wintry streets of Church and Wellesley, rainbow flags decorated red brick, glistening with frost or frozen solid and unmoving in the breeze. They made their way to Second Cup, chatting about everything and nothing; the minutiae of their week. They got to the coffee shop and sat with their drinks in the gentle yellow light of the lamps above the counter. 
“I still can’t believe you drink black coffee, and without sugar too, you psycho.” Anni said, smiling as she took off her lilac scarf and set it over the dark wooden back of her chair, “It’s like how Lloyd used to-“ 
Annika sucked in a sharp breath, stopping herself before going any further, the light of her smile dying in her eyes after she realised what she was saying. She was looking at Lil with frightened doe eyes, like a child that had just accidentally told a secret. Lil was about to take a sip of her plain black ‘psycho’ coffee but she didn’t. Instead, she put the cup down and reached across to hold Annika’s hand, which had balled into a fist at the table.
“It’s okay.”
Lil felt Anni relax with her touch, the woman slumped her shoulders a little- they had tightened after she spoke the name aloud. 
“It’s okay.” 
Anni pursed her lips and closed her eyes, taking the hand that Lil had offered, locking their fingers. Lil could see that although time had passed and Annika had really taken steps forward, away from the trauma of her past, of that night, the toll still weighed heavily on her. 
“It’s about getting to the point where the edges of the pain aren’t as sharp Anni. It will start to hurt less, you’ll catch yourself doing that a lot, it’s normal.” 
Anni opened her eyes, the pale green glistening with tears that had welled up. She didn’t cry though, Lil knew that Anni never let herself cry in front of people. Anni sniffed and squeezed Lil’s hand before pulling hers away and gathering herself. 
“Last night I couldn’t sleep,” Anni said, ripping a brown sugar sachet “so obviously, I thought why not give an orgasm a try?” She poured the contents into her cup and began to swirl the liquid with the wooden stirrer. “But the guy in the video I was watching reminded me of Lloyd, so, I just cried myself to sleep instead, and that’s not even a joke.”
Lil sucked in her cheeks as she tried to swallow a laugh. 
“You can laugh, it’s funny, I’m pathetic.” 
“I’m really sorry.” Lil stifled her laugh through her fingers. 
Anni gave a painful, sarcastic smile and shrugged, taking a sip of her drink.  
“It will get better, I promise you. After Matthew died, I would just forget he wasn’t here anymore, all the time. Even years later. I still sign cards from both of us and I feel him behind me sometimes. It’s like he’s just sitting in the next room but I can’t go in... It gets easier with time, but sometimes something will push the button and it’s just as painful as it used to be, that just happens less and less.” 
Lil thumbed at the wedding ring she still wore on her finger, twisting it round and round by the stone it bore proudly. This was a nervous habit she got into after Matt had first proposed. 
“Matthew and Lily Teller… my Lily Teller. Lite of my life, ha! Li-Te. Do you get it? Cuz you’re sugar-free?” Matt’s voice rang in her ears, it was like a warm hug. Lil smiled, remembering his big, proud, dumb grin. The sadness was still there, it would never leave her, but neither would the light he brought to her. 
“It’s fine.”
“Thank you. But, you really lost Matthew. Lloyd’s still around and what happened was my fault. I deserve to feel like this, you don’t.”
“Stop it Anni. You don’t deserve it and just because he’s not dead doesn’t make your grief any less valid.” 
Annika shifted uncomfortably in her chair and moved her cup up to her lips again, “I did sign your birthday card from both of us and then had to bin it.”
“Just give it time. Are you going to your therapy?” Lil asked, already knowing the answer. 
Anni rolled her eyes as she swallowed, “No. I’m not, I can’t cope with that yet. Maritza rides my arse enough.”
Maritza Ramirez- Annika’s narcotics sponsor. The woman worked loosely in the same circles as Lil professionally; she’d referred a few of her kids to Maritza’s service. She did great work, the progress Lil could see Anni making in recent months was a testament to that. Lil could see the fog that hung thickly around Anni when she was using, and it had been absent for nearly a year now. 
“Anyway, how was your day? How’s Silvie, is she excited about ESA? God, what grade is she in now?” Anni asked, shooting out the questions, unsubtly changing the subject. 
Lil visited the city periodically for work, to see her Umbra kids. Today she’d been busy. One of her kids was undergoing their first Theriomorphic Metamorphosis and she had only just found them a placement at High Park zoo, where the Veil facilities were sketchy at best. Luckily, it turned out to be a peacock -just like Mitchell’s first time- as she had predicted, hoped to all hope, so it worked out. Lil spent time with him this afternoon after dropping Silvie off for this weeks block of classes at Etobicoke school of Arts; after what felt like months of auditions she got onto the dance programme she wanted most. Lil had already talked to Anni about most of this on the walk over here of course. 
“You’re worse at deflecting than you used to be.” 
“I just don’t have the effort in me today. Please talk to me about anything other than my shitty life or I’ll just stab myself in the eye with this.” She waved around the wooden stirrer. 
“Are you done with that? I’m gunna recycle it.” Lite reached across and took the stick from her. 
Anni groaned, “Look, see, you’ve just got your shit together. You’ve got a fucking travel cup, you recycle, you’re literally a social worker and every day you’re out here all saintlike helping our lost, sad, disadvantaged shifter kids have a better life. Most people are roaming the world with a cause, I don’t have a cause, my only cause is me.” 
Lil burst into a laugh, that was perhaps the most Annika thing she’d said all night. There’s my girl. 
“You’re one of those rare people Lite, that does something once and doesn’t like it, or makes a mistake and learns from it, and simply doesn’t do that thing again. How the fuck do you do that? I think you were just born into this world knowing that it was bullshit, but you somehow push through it all with your compassion.”
“And I think that you don’t give yourself enough credit. I think that you were born into this world knowing that it was bullshit too, but you had a tougher time of it than me, Anni. Plus, I’ve had a lot more years of doing some intense spiritual growth and it’s not all roses. As you and your porn are discovering.”
“Don’t!” Anni put a hand to her forehead. 
“Anyway, did you really just ask me what grade Silvie is in? Eleven, she’s seventeen, you know this.” 
“I don’t have a clue, it was all just ‘Years’ in England and Russia.”
“Anni,” Lil laughed and stared at her sister across from her who had a blank, dismissive look on her face “you went to school here from grade eleven.” 
“Oh, so what, she’s in lower sixth? Jesus…” Anni looked reflective, staring past Lil for a second at something else. Lil waited for the question to come. 
“...How’s Cass? I mean, officially.” Anni’s perfectly gelled plum nails rapped on the dark wood of the table nervously as she took another sip. 
Lil ground her teeth “I’m sorry Anni I-“ 
“I know, I know. Confidentiality, Department of Integrations and all that. I thought I’d just as and see.” 
“You should ask her yourself.”
“Mmm, I’m building up to it, there’s a lot of people I wanna ask about.”
“Jay’s here too you know.” Said Lil, testing those waters. 
“Oh, I know.”
Lil let out a frustrated breath. Those two had been poison for each other continuously in the past. Encouraging each other’s bad behaviour, always forcing shifts together. There was nothing inherently wrong with the practice, it was a tradition in some of their communities. But the way that those two did it, to get away from themselves, to lose themselves more and more, their humanity, for the sake of unresolved issues and words left unsaid. It was unhealthy. And now Anni was in a place where Lite felt she could tell her that, and Anni might take it in, instead of telling her to fuck off. “Anni, I say this as your sister and your friend, please do not start sleeping with him again. For both your sakes.” 
“Ugh! Ye of little faith. You know I’ve not been with Jay like that since…”
Since before Lloyd. Lil finished the sentence in her head. It would keep coming back around to this subject until-
“Do you know anything about how he is? It’s just that I know that Jay was tailing him for a while after the wipe and-“ 
“Anni you know I can’t, you shouldn’t even know that much. Plus, I don’t even know,” A lie, Lil hated to lie, “and if I did I wouldn’t tell you anyway.”
“I just want to know if he’s okay... if it’s holding. I did so much damage to it after the wall was put up.”
Lil sighed, “I don’t suppose you’ve spoken to Jamie at all?” She already knew the answer to this too. 
Annika scoffed, “Ha, actually I have.” 
Lil looked at Annika, stunned. Lil brought strays home regularly, but when she brought Jamie into the household it caused more trouble than ever before. Annika and her had severely butted heads. 
Okay, maybe I'm not as omniscient as I thought I was. 
“I left her a voicemail.”
“And exactly how inebriated were you at this point?” 
“I was actually relatively lucid when I had the initial idea, part of the programme an all that, but I was really drunk during its execution.” Anni raised her eyebrows at Lil over her cup as she took another deep swig of her coffee. 
“Did she reply?”
“Probably for the best.” 
“Uh-huh.” Anni unzipped her boots and placed them neatly next to her chair so that she could comfortably sit cross-legged, tucking her feet between herself and the seat. “Can we talk about something else again please? I just don’t have the stomach for an impromptu counselling session from my, no offence, know-it-all older sister with all her shit together. I know that I’m messy.”
Lil would usually fight Anni on this and get her to talk about what was bothering her, what had happened, but she could see that today wasn’t the day. 
“Are you working tonight?” Lil inquired politely, back to basics.
“Yes, at the hotel, I’m accompanying a singer. I actually haven’t read the music sheets yet.”
“Oh! Is it Hollie from the band? How did your date go with her? I’ve been meaning to ask you.”
“Oh GOD!” Anni threw her hands up in the air before resting her head in them, elbows on the table, she was groaning. 
“Not great then I’m guessing…” 
0 notes
artificialqueens · 7 years
Mardis Gras Fantasies & Enough Polygamy to Shut Down Bourbon Street {ABC's} -C*NT
A/N: Hey guys! Been a little bit, I know. I’m terrible with titles so apologies. I’ve been blocked lately, but I had some random inspiration to get this finished before the fic challenge is over! I used the words Beads, Blonde, and Hip Bone. It’s a mardis gras fic (spoiler alert) starring the ABC’s. It’s short, 2.5k words, but I was happy with it and wanted to share since there isn’t enough ABC. I will admit, it’s a tad more focused on Biadore, but there is ABC action promise! TW: Smut, drug use, throuple, alcohol. Thanks for reading and hope you enjoy 💕
“Guy’s we’re here!” Adore exclaimed, eyes glued to the window.
Down below, was the beautiful city of New Orleans, lit a lovely pink with the early morning sunrise.
Bianca was finally home.
She audibly sighed with relief as the plane began to descend, but then remembered how much work she had to do once they were back on the ground.
As per usual, Bianca was named the grand marshall of the Mardi Gras parade, arguably the biggest celebration in the country. Since Courtney and Adore hadn’t been back to New Orleans in a long time and needed a break from their incredibly busy schedules, they decided to accompany Bianca and see what all of the fuss was about.
Courtney was familiar with the Australian Mardi Gras, but had never celebrated it elsewhere. She knew that it was a huge deal in the bayou country, and that there would be no end to half naked guys in costume. While on the other end of the spectrum Adore had no clue about Mardi Gras, (it wasn’t really a huge deal in southern California) but she was always open to partying. Especially with her two best friends.
Sometimes Adore felt like she felt something more though. Courtney and her always had amazing chemistry, but Adore had never really done anything more then make out with her in a music video and once at a bar.
Bianca was another story. There had always been this horribly sexual tension between the two of them. Whenever Courtney left the two of them alone, the energy in the room shifted almost immediately. It was always thick with tension, like a spark went off and traveled throughout her entire body. It would take everything in her not to attack Bianca then and there, and if she did get too touchy she would just say she was drunk. She didn’t expect a relationship out of Bianca, especially since she was always working. She never considered the attraction to be mutual.
But little did Adore know, underneath Bianca’s long dirty blonde wig and thick layers of makeup were some deeply buried feelings for the two of them. She tried to push the feelings aside as they exited the plane and quickly rushed from the airport to their shared hotel room to drop off their stuff.
Bianca was secretly elated that she was introducing Adore to a proper celebration of Mardi Gras. As they walked to their float, she watched her green eyes growing wider and wider as they quickly walked past all of the different glittering cars and displays. Everyone was dressed in their best attire for the occasion, there wasn’t one place you could turn where you wouldn’t find a sequin, and the three of them fit right in.
Courtney noticed that Bianca looked the most at peace around this time of year, usually because it was the one time her theatrical makeup blended into the crowd. She always loved how different Bianca was, and appreciated her uniqueness. Sometimes, she’d let herself brush her hands against the older queens arm and she’d feel her shudder. Courtney would pretend not to notice, but she always did.
As Adore squealed at a nearby fan, Courtney couldn’t help but smile. She had such an enthusiasm for life when she wasn’t struggling with depression, and it was so refreshing. When they made out or partied together, Courtney swore Adore would let her lips linger on hers when they made out. Courtney didn’t mind it one bit, it felt good to kiss someone with no strings attached.
The parade went rather quickly, especially with the three of them entertaining each other throughout the whole event. They decided afterwards that they would go back to the hotel and recharge before going out later that night.
Making her way through the hazy bar later on that night was none other than Adore. The atmosphere was thick with smoke and the stench of sweat. They had just gotten back from freshening up at their hotel, the sun was casting a faint orange glow across the bar signaling the end of the crisp February day.
Adore had just left 15 minutes ago to go flirt with a guy at the bar, she usually didn’t reappear so early into the night. Bianca raised an eyebrow as the redhead reappeared, not looking as defeated as she usually did.
“Aw, the new southern belle didn’t get to kiss her frog tonight?” Bianca teased, a bitter tone of resentment hidden underneath.
“Fuck off, I just flirted with him cuz I wanted his beads.” Adore rolled her eyes playfully, dangling the sets of colorful beads in front of them. “That’s not all he gave me.”
“Buy beads, get herpes free!” Bianca mocked, taking a sip of her cocktail. Courtney almost choked on her drink and slapped Bianca playfully.
“Pussyface, you are in rare form tonight.” Courtney chuckled, wiping around her lips with a napkin. She wanted to make sure her lipstick didn’t run, just in case she found a hot guy later on. The night was still young.
“Guys don’t you wanna know what he gave me?” Adore whined, feeling impatient.
“What, pray tell, did the strange beaded man give you?” Bianca asked, trying to keep the bitterness out of her voice.
Adore opened her palm and revealed 3 small blue pills, and a tiny bag of cocaine.
“Drugs!” Courtney exclaimed excitedly.
Bianca froze, staring down at the small pills. She had never done ecstasy, cocaine was one thing that she had tampered with when she was younger but most likely wouldn’t do it again.
“How do you know those are what he says they are?” Bianca asked seriously.
“Well I don’t, but it’s fucking Mardis Gras and we’ve been working non stop guys. I say we do it!” Adore exclaimed, punching the air with her fist.
“C’mon pussy willow, let’s let loose for once. When was the last time you did party drugs?” Courtney encouraged.
“At a party.” Bianca deadpanned. “Listen, I’d love to, but I’m not touching the coke since I don’t know where it’s from. For all I know it could be bath salts.”
“Hmm. You’re right.” Adore shrugged and tossed the coke into the garbage.
“We’re really gonna do this then?” Courtney asked, eyeing the pills hesitantly. “I was expecting you to be a party pooper like you always are B.”
“It’s Mardis Gras. I’ll make an exception.” Bianca tucked a curl behind her ear and downed the rest of her drink. She had already drank her fair share of cocktails this evening, she was ready to shake it up a bit. It had been a long time since she had let loose, Bianca was no stranger in keeping an incredibly tight schedule with very little time for fun. Maybe it was because she was home, but for some reason tonight she was feeling adventurous.
“Okay then. Let’s do it man!” Adore exclaimed, jumping up and down. She held out her milky white hands, allowing the two other queens to take the small chalky looking pill out of her hand. Without hesitation, they each popped it into their mouths chasing it respectively with the drink of their choosing.
It was foggy. The room was spinning, and all Bianca could focus on were the multi colored lights swirling around her in the club. It had been about an hour since they had all taken their pill, and she swears she could feel the music pulsating into her 41 year old heart.
“Do you feel it yet?” Adore exclaimed, as she whipped her long red hair around to the music. It was just a dull early 2000’s mix, but Adore felt like it was the best remix she had ever heard in her life. She was loving everything right now.
Courtney jumped up and down animated next to her, holding an open bottle of champagne and taking a swig every now and then from it.
“Yeah, I definitley do.” Bianca slurred. “Gimme that bottle.” She reached for Courtney’s hand, staggering forward before Court handed it to her.
Bianca didn’t even put the bottle to her lips, instead she tilted her head back and poured the sparkling gold liquid down her throat with ease.
Adore cheered and clapped her hands as she watched Bianca down the bottle. Fuck she was so hot, Adore thought.
As if Bianca had read her mind, her eyes locked with hers. It felt like they were the only two in the room as they openly stared at each other. Bianca let herself really look at Adore for once, scanning the slim queens body. Her eyes kept searching her groin for any sign of a popped tuck, but no luck.
Adore felt butterflies as she watched Bianca openly check her out. She returned the favor by up and downing her, but she couldn’t get away from her hypnotic eyes. The warmth in her brown eyes always got her, she didn’t know what it was but she just couldn’t resist.
Bianca was dressed in a simple gown by her standard, a short black sequin gown that rested off the shoulder. Classic but elegant.
Easy to get under, Adore thought.
Bianca grabbed her hand and pulled her closer. She gasped, enjoying the rare contact. Courtney looked on with wide eyes at the two of them.
“You. Me. Dance.” Bianca ordered half drunk, leaving Courtney to her own devices.All she wanted right now was her cute party animal to dance with.
“Man, I’m always the third wheel!” Courtney whined.
Adore felt electricity pulsing through her at Bianca’s touch. She really loved Bianca so much, and tried her best not to show the excitement from being ordered to the dance floor by her. She couldn’t help herself though, as she smiled and let Bianca’s hands dip under her clothes.
Bianca was blunt with her. Adore liked that. Her rough hands brushed up against her chest, sliding down her torso to her exposed hip bone, idling there for a moment. She was not being modest like she usually was. If her hands dipped any lower Bianca would be very aware of her tuck that was about to bust open.
In fact, Bianca felt like she was about to bust open. She wanted nothing more then Adore to open her up and make love to her. Instead, the sloppy dancing would have to do for now. She could feel herself growing very warm and very eager for her touch, the longer they pulsed to the music together.
It was times like this when Adore hated that Bianca would dress in floor length gowns and dresses. She couldn’t exactly slyly feel her up, every touch she let linger would be jarringly obvious and not unseen.
But at this moment, she didn’t care. She let herself really feel Bianca, pulling her close into her chest as she gripped the older queens lower back. She let her hands run up and down Bianca’s long torso softly, feeling like she was on fire as they danced.
Soon, Adore felt arms around her torso too, and then another pair shortly after.
“I didn’t wanna be left out of all the fun.” Courtney whispered huskily, pushing a strand of red hair away from Adore’s ear.
She realized she was in the middle of a Bitney sandwich now, chuckling at the two of them holding her and the thought of Bianca actually captioning one of his pictures with the ridiculous Bitney hashtag.
But then she felt full. She felt balance.
Why was monogamy a thing?
“What we have is beautiful.” Courtney murmured, as if she had read her mind as the three of them swayed on the dance floor.
“So we shouldn’t fuck it up.” Bianca retorted.
“Being together wouldn’t fuck it up.” Adore smiled lazily as she felt their arms around her. “Monogamy is dead. All I need are you fuckers.”
It was as if they were all on the same level, realizing the same thing all at once as they stared in disbelief.
Bianca, lusting after Adore.
Adore lusting after Bianca.
Courtney lusting after both of them.
All three of them, lusting.
They had taken care of each other before, but never in the way that they were all thinking.
Adore smiled, reaching for Bianca’s hand, who then reached for the australian’s. They nodded in agreement silently as they made their way out of the bar.
Stumbling into their shared hotel room, Adore flicked on the light and shielded her eyes.
“So bright.” Adore whined.
“We don’t need it.” Bianca shrugged, flicking it back off.
The room fell silent as they shut the door, letting their eyes adjust to the very dark moonlit hotel room. They all sat on one edge of the bed together, staring down at the floor as time slowly passed.
Bianca looked up and admired how the pale blue moonlight made Adore’s red hair glow. She brushed a piece of it off of her shoulder softly, watching the younger queen shiver under her touch.
The tension was there again, but this time it was between all three of them.
Adore couldn’t take it anymore, she grabbed Bianca’s hand and pulled her close, letting their lips meet for the first time. Their mouths moved in unison as they let themselves fall all the way down on the bed. Bianca let her tongue swirl inside her mouth, making Adore groan. She felt her tuck become undone as her boner finally revealed itself.
Bianca was so soft, Adore thought as she let her fingers graze slowly across her cheek, settling on one of her dimples. She felt Courtney move behind her, laying down with them. She began stroking her shoulder softly as she she planted a kiss on her back. Courtney then let her hands slide across her back to her torso, where she undid Adore’s shorts.
The need for both of them was overwhelming. Adore could never possibly choose. Monogamy was stupid. Courtney was a celestial being in the night, her masculine features still softened by makeup and the heavy darkness that filled the room. Her blonde wig was glowing as she moved softly behind her.
Then there was Bianca, so smart, funny, and quick she could put her in her place faster than you could say Azusa.
Her cock twitched as the touching became more rough and desperate. Bianca’s kisses became more fierce, and more desperate, while Courtney tugged at her clothes and wig trying to reveal their true personas. First Danny was revealed to the world again, as he felt his wig fly off of his head and to somewhere in the distance. Then Shane emerged, removing his Wigs by Vanity with ease. Roy was the last one, he was so wrapped up in Danny that he couldn’t focus long enough to remove it. Shane had to remove all of the meticulously placed bobbi pins and hair pieces before he could remove it completely.
Once the hair was all thrown off, Shane moved to be behind Roy and caressed his back. He lifted up his dress gently, exposing his smooth brown skin. Danny moaned as he moved from Roy’s lips down to his now exposed chest, while Shane let his lips hover over his neck before he peppered kisses up and down his shoulders.
They were all at a mutual understanding, there was no jealousy. Roy wasn’t more Danny’s then he was Shane’s and vice versa. They all belonged to each other in perfect harmony. Kisses became more frantic, hands became more curious, and soon they were all naked. Bare skin wrapped around each other, pulsating against each other in perfect harmony. Roy was inside of Danny, as Shane was inside of Roy, as if they were all one.
Roy grabbed Danny’s ass and dug his nails into his back as he felt himself become more and more aroused from Shane. He usually didn’t bottom, but those pills had made him make an exception, and at this moment he was feeling very glad that he had. He really loved these bitches, he never realized how much until this moment. They would be bonded for life after this, always sharing this quiet taboo moment of love. He felt Danny quivering around his length as he pushed harder and harder, not being able to hold his orgasm much longer.
“Shane please.” Roy whimpered, feeling his body tremble in warning.
“Ugh Roy.” Danny moaned, pumping his cock in his hand.
“You can’t come until Danny’s ready.” Shane ordered sweetly.
“I’m ready!” Danny groaned exasperated, gripping onto his shaft desperately. He felt Roy sigh in relief as he thrust into him one last time. Danny felt the warm hot stream enter deep into his ass. He shivered with intense pleasure as he released all over the sheets. Shane had came into Roy, shortly after and all three of them collapsed into each other on the bed.
“I love you guys.” Roy murmured, sandwiched between Shane and Danny as they gasped for air.
“I love you too.” Shane and Danny whispered in unison, as they wrapped themselves around Roy. Danny held Shane’s arm and rubbed it soothingly and Roy leaned his head into Danny as they laid there.
They were on the same wavelength, hearts beating rapidly as they held each other closely.
“Things won’t be weird right?” Roy asked, showing rare vulnerability.
“Never.” Danny murmured, gently pressing a kiss onto his cheek.
“Let’s make a pact, that even if we all go our seperate ways after this; we know that we will always be each other’s no matter what.” Shane suggested encouragingly.
“Deal.” Roy and Danny said in unison.
They all laughed, squeezing each other tighter in the process.
“We’re always connected now.” Shane whispered, snuggling closer into Roy. “I couldn’t be happier about it.”
“Me either.” Roy whispered.
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