#but Sam should also stop making deals with criminals LMAO
thatsgoodsquishy0 · 7 months
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I haven't done one of these in a while. With the flood and various fuckery going on, there's really been no time for Tumblr. I mean, no proper time. No sit down, blog, and write time. But here, I suppose there is. I was asked to share if I had something, so here is something I'm re-working on since my hiatus. A snippet from Chapter 3 of my Young! Ranger Sam Coe x Reader fic --- soon to be renamed.
summary: just a father and son catching up + Sam remembering his momma
tagging: anybody who sees this and hasn't participated yet (since I've seen most already)
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Sam pushed the door open, leading with his palm against the wood as he welcomed himself inside. Six years. Nothing new. Dust swirled in the dim-light of the living room. Photographs of happier times sat on shelves caked in thin layers of grime. His mother’s vine plants -- Baby Tears --- cascaded down like spotted green waterfalls from the ceiling into the walls of the dining area.
The trance of memory overwhelmed him. His breathing slowed. 
His mother stepped out of the house and his father busied himself in his office, leaving Sam practically home alone. He was about as tall as the counter tops in the kitchen and he liked to grab anything he could, just because he could. Little rebel. He'd grabbed some rocks off a book stand. Played pretend on the floor of his bedroom, when a voice echoed faintly, like the call of a ghost. Sam paid no mind. The voice boomed louder than before.
Sam. Sammy!
His heart leapt. He knew that voice. It traveled from the deck into his room, into his ears, once more. Abandoning his geo-rocks right then and there, he rushed to her. Curiosity and eagerness carried his little legs across the living room as he tumbled outside. The sunlight blinded him immediately, but painted his mother in a golden shadow. Her hand was smooth and warm, like beach sand, as she gently took his own and shared her pride, pointing to the potted plants. He remembers peering up at her. His little eyes wide in awe as she spoke their names. He could hear her now. How the words rolled off perfectly, as if she'd practiced over and over on her way home. Pilea Depressa, she told him. Otherwise known as, Baby Tears, from Old Earth.
As far as Sam was concerned, the planet and the Coe Estate were one in the same. Both lived with color. With life. Once.
Black coffee and eggs permeated his nostrils. Some routines never died. Sam’s nose scrunched as he shut the door.
“Hello?” His voice rang out.
A figure dressed in official’s wear emerged from the kitchen holding a bowl of yellow bits. The man’s eyes were wide, as if he’d been up for hours, expectant. “Sam Coe,” He paused. A sudden chill whipped through the room. “You didn’t knock?”
“I did. No answer.” He traversed towards the table without so much as a glance to the other and settled Cora into her high chair. From out of the corner of his eye, Jacob loomed. Weren’t his eggs getting cold just standing there? 
“Keeping your boots on?”
Sam bobbed his head, sternly. “Can’t stay long,” he added, “They’re clean. I ain’t gonna mud up your floors.”
“Rangers more important than having breakfast with your family, huh? Don’t gotta tell me twice.” Jacob disappeared into the kitchen. leaving Sam in an air that was clogged and stuffy. He felt as though he were on the cusp of a cold.  
God damn. It was too early.
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degrassi for the tv show ask 🥰 and if you want since it's not on the list - game of thrones? (although sansa is ofc the only character that counts 😇)
Yay thank you! I'll do both but it's gonna be so uneven lol. Like there's a million Degrassi things worth mentioning and also my GOT knowledge is so fuzzy so... not gonna be much there lmao. But whatever Degrassi is the superior show anyway, duh
Degrassi -
favorite male character: Jay, Tristan, Eli, Miles, Marco, Zig, Jimmy, Drew, Tiny, Connor, Dallas... So many (mostly) good boys
favorite female character: Manny, Alli, Alex, Bianca, Clare for the drama lol, Maya, Fiona, Imogen, Zoe, Jenna, Holly J, Jane, Liberty... That's enough lol
least favorite character: So so so many. Dave, KC, Esme, Frankie, Lola, Ellie, KATIE, Dylan. Then like anyone who should be in jail like Peter, Derek, Hunter, Luke (who was in jail yay) and any adult that had a relationship with one of the students
prettiest character: Manny! Alli also. And Alex until she got that nose job lol
funniest character: So hard to focus on comedy when so much of this show makes me miserable alskfjslks. JT is an obvious one. Moe. Also Jake when he started smoking pot asjsalkfs. A lot of them make me laugh but not for reasons I should be laughing lmao
favorite season: Hmm that's a hard one. Probably like 9-13?? The Clare era. But there's honestly something happening all the time like there's hardly a dull moment. Except all of Next Class, no one needs to see that
favorite episode: Again I just binge this show so much that it all runs together and I don't really remember episode titles lol. For some serious episodes, Rick shooting up the school, and then the one dealing with the aftermath of Cam's suicide. For some fun ones, Degrassi Goes Hollywood (mainly the Manny plot) (even tho that also makes me cry), the bottle ep that's an homage to the Breakfast Club, and the Vegas Night ep is ridiculously iconic
favorite romantic ship: JANNY. I knew they got together before they did and I was literally like "nope sorry im never gonna ship this" well. Here we are. Also love Fiona/Imogen, Alli/Dallas, Connor/Jenna, Tristan/Miles, Drew/Bianca, and Eli/Clare, bc they were so dramatic you have to love them
favorite family ship: Again I hate all these awful awful parents so no one there. Maybeee Adam and Drew? Aww and Dallas and Rocky, and Mia and Isabella <3
favorite friend ship: Fiona and Eli, JT and Toby, Alex and Jay, Adam with Eli and Clare, Tristan with Maya and Zoe
worst ship: Any adult dating a teenager, obviously. All the actual abusive ones (which includes Zig and Esme [put him in the hospital], Jenna and KC [criminal negligence], and Drew and Katie [rapist]). Frankie and anyone, Peter and anyone, Ellie and anyone alskjfslkfs. Miles and Lola, Alli and Dave, I could be here forever talking about this so I'll stop <3
favorite male character: Hodor. And Sam, Sam was nice. Aaand Grey Worm ig
favorite female character: SANSA STARK QUEEN OF THE NORTH BABYYY. I also like Margaery, Brienne, Olenna, Catelyn, Shae, and Missandei
least favorite character: Daenerys Flopgaryen. And like all the obvious ones - Joffrey, Ramsay, Petey, whoever. At least they were good villains lol
prettiest character: All the ladies I listed above <3
funniest character: Umm Olenna?? She had all those sick burns lol
favorite season: literally couldnt even tell you
favorite episode: the one where joffrey dies is pretty fun. and the red wedding. uhh the battle of the bastards? that was a good battle i think
favorite romantic ship: Sansa and me <3 i really couldnt tell you this either lmao idk
favorite family ship: the tyrell family? rip
favorite friend ship: sansa and margaery
worst ship: all of them tbh. special shout out to dany x khal and dany x jon bc people actually like those lol
send me a show!
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Kissing prompt: 25, 36 and 38 (stucky would be magnifico but I’ll also take reader insert too. Love you lots fuckface)
yeah, yeah, love you too bitchalso this is way longer than i expected and i’m putting it under a keep reading lmao
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The rain had been pouring down for hours, leaving everyone stuck inside the compound as they stared longingly at the outside world.  It had been raining for the last week straight, giving no one a reprieve.  Steve was debating on just sucking it up and using one of the cars that Tony offered, but damnit he wanted to ride his bike.
“Weather says it should stop in a few hours, so if you need to do anything do it then.” Sam set down his phone, glancing out at the ground that seemed to be swallowed up by the rain.
“At this point we’re gonna be rained in.” Steve groaned, rubbing a hand over his face.
He had things to do and with the unpredictable weather that was clearly out of the question, not unless he wanted to get caught in the downpour.  He’d already heard Wanda complain when she arrived home, muttering about killing the weatherman.  Steve was going to have to just brave the weather and deal with the consequences later.
“Are we actually gonna get to leave the compound today?” Bucky wrapped his arms around Steve’s waist, chin resting against the blondes shoulder.
“Yes, why don’t you actually put something besides your sweats so we can leave.” Steve smirked at the other man, laughing as Bucky rolled his eyes and stalked off.
Bucky had gotten used to people staring at his metal arm, coming to terms with the fact that even though he had been labeled a criminal before, he was someone different now.  Little kids would stare up in wonder, asking him how it worked constantly, it never failed to bring a smile to his face.  Him and Steve would be walking through a grocery, getting food for the rest of the compound.
“You know, we haven’t had cake in a really long time.” Bucky was constantly trying to get Steve to buy sweets more often, though Steve rarely ever gave in.
“Buck, you said the same thing last week, get the damn cake.” Steve shook his head, looking through the apples that were scattered inside of the box.
Bucky all but squealed as he ran over to get the cake he had been eyeing while Steve got the fruits and veggies.  Until a little kid caught his attention, staring at his arm with utmost fascination.  He never approached them, not unless he wanted to be screamed at by a parent in the middle of a grocery store.
“It’s made of metal.” Bucky leaned down, picking up the small cake.
“That’s so cool!” The kids voice startled him, high pitched and squeaky, just like Steve used to sound like when he was a kid.“Thanks kid, why don’t you find your mom before she gets nervous cause she can’t find ya.” Bucky stepped over to the cart Steve had all but abandon on his quest to find avocados, placing the plastic container inside.
Only Bucky couldn’t seem to shake the kid, looking around for a parent that seemed terrified that their son had walked away.  No one in sight, shit.  Where the hell was Steve when he needed him?
“Jackson!” A woman’s voice rang through the section, startling the customers that were picking through the selections.“Mama!  I met Bucky!” The boy, Jackson, ran over to find his mother who seemed absolutely paranoid.
Bucky’s cheeks darkened, she was going to assume Bucky was being a pig and slap him.  He wanted to call out for Steve, have someone to help protect him.“Oh my god, Jackson you can’t run off like that.  Thank you for keeping an eye on him.” The woman glanced over at Bucky, blushing as soon as she realized exactly who he was.
“No problem ma’am, just trying to make sure nothing bad happens to the little guy.” Bucky smiled nervously, glancing around for Steve who finally made his reappearance.
Jackson looked up at his mom, asking to get a picture with Bucky and Steve, she agreed immediately upon seeing Steve.  Of course, who could resist the boyish smile and charm?“Thank you!” Jackson clapped excitedly after his mom took a few photos, leaving the two men to their own devices.
Steve wrapped an arm around Bucky’s waist, pulling him closer until Bucky could all but feel Steve’s breath fan over his neck.“I love you.” Steve whispered softly, pressing his lips against Bucky’s.
Bucky smiled into the kiss, pulling away before they could draw attention from the other shoppers that were around.  Bucky didn’t care who saw them showing their affection to one another, it just bothered him when the wrong people made comments.“Love you too, now let’s finish up so we can go home and relax.” Bucky pressed a chaste kiss to Steve’s cheek before heading down to the freezers, making jokes the entire way.
Now there were a lot of things that Steve disliked, bullies, Bucky’s morning breath, agents not listening during debriefings.  But the one thing that Steve absolutely despised was getting caught in a torrential downpour.  Which was currently the case as Bucky and Steve stood under the protection of the building.  The groceries were all inside the compound, being put away so they could go inside and relax.
But right now?  They were stuck hoping the rain would ease up so they wouldn’t be soaked from head to toe before they made it inside.  And from the looks of it, the rain wouldn’t be stopping for a long while.
“Just make a run for it, we’ve got dry clothes anyway.” Bucky was already thinking about the sweatpants he was going to throw back on.  Steve would most likely shower before putting on something comfortable.
Steve nodded, gripping onto Bucky’s hand as they ran from the garage, laughing excitedly before they were safe inside the compound.  Water dripped from their sodden clothing onto the tile below, running down their skin in little streaks.  
Bucky glanced up at the other man, holding his face gently as he kissed him, lips sliding together easily due to the rainwater.  Steve smiled into the kiss, slipping his arms around Bucky’s waist gently.  The world around them didn’t matter for those few moments, nothing except for the two of them.“Let’s go get dried off, my sweats are calling my name.” Bucky pulled away from Steve, heading in the direction of their room with a wink.
Steve groaned softly and followed behind, the thought of being dry pursuing his thoughts after a few moments.  They could relax together after they were each dry, kisses could wait until after that.
Steve plopped onto the couch, sighing softly as his muscles settled into the plush couch beneath him.  His sweats were two sizes too big, something that Bucky had gotten him into the habit of wearing.  Shirts on the other hand, not so easy for Steve to wear something that was hanging loosely from his body.  It reminded him of the times when everything hung from his frame, times he wasn’t happy to remember.
“There you are, i thought you’d be in bed.” Bucky draped himself over Steve’s body, tangling their legs together with a content hum.
“I debated, but i want to catch up on some shows before we lay down.” Steve ran a hand along Bucky’s arm slowly, smiling when the other man relaxed entirely.
Bucky lifted his head slightly, eyes locking onto Steve’s for a brief moment.  He smiled at the blonde, rubbing their noses together for a few seconds.  Steve chuckled and pulled Bucky closer, pressing their lips together slowly.  The kiss was slow and languid, neither rushing to cause a swirl of emotion in the other.  Nothing but love for the other in a slow delicate kiss.
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allthenobodyppl · 7 years
I had a crazy dream...
I dreamt that I lived in a trailer park and Dean and Sam Winchester and David Bowie as Nathan Adler were my neighbors (although Sam doesn’t actually show up in this dream). I was a hunter along with the Winchesters and Bowie was a cop that didn’t know of the supernatural world. LP just moved in and I was immediately infatuated with her, so I pursued her and we got to be flirty and date-y pretty quickly. She asked me to help her make some baked potatoes because she was hungry and didn't know how to bake them. I went over to her trailer and it was a total mess; it looked very dilapidated. She said she just moved in and the trailer still needed to be repaired and renovated and she would get on that ASAP. All that was clean was the kitchen, the bedroom, and the couch. The only food she had in her trailer was this huge bag of Idaho potatoes that she stuffed in the closet of her bedroom. I helped her pick out some potatoes and I noticed that her closet was blood stained with old brown blood. There were old and frayed blood-stained ropes stashed in there, as well as a few bundles of brand new rope. There was also an old box cutter in there.
I blankly stared at the creepy closet for a few seconds before I finally said "You just moved in, and you stuffed your potatoes in here…you didn't notice this crime scene?"
She was like “Wha?” She popped her head in and then she screamed bloody murder.
I came up with the conclusion that a serial killer must have broken into and used her trailer before she moved in. I told her that I knew a guy who can help with this, maybe the killer is still here amongst us in the trailer park, or maybe he will come back to find her here and get rid of her.
We abandoned baking her potatoes and we go look for Dean. I knew that Dean was going to spend the day at the local state fair, so we went there. LP got distracted with the food, because she was still hungry, and we separated. I went to look for Dean and she went to get something to eat.
I found Dean and I told him what I found and then we went to find LP, who was done eating. We go back to her trailer and I showed him the murder closet. He went in and poked around. He steps out of the closet and he looked annoyed as he rolled his eyes and said, "You seem to think I have some kind of magic charm that allows me to solve crimes in the blink of an eye. This isn't our problem, this is a human affair; we only deal with monsters."
He shoved past me an LP and walked out of the trailer. I got ticked off and followed him; LP following closely behind me. I snapped at Dean, "I thought we saved people, hunt things! Killing people is still considered hunting things!"
I said that very loudly as we stepped around the corner and we ran right into David Bowie as Detective Nathan Adler. He was out having a smoke and he heard us clearly. He had an incredulous look on his face as he said "That is exactly the thing you should not say in front of me. Don't you move."
He was going to call for backup and arrest us, but we immediately turned and ran. He yelled, "HEY! GET BACK HERE!" as he chased after us.
Apparently, backup arrived very quickly because soon, a whole squad was chasing us. The three of us split up and ran in different directions. Dean ran into some office building, LP ran towards a park, and I ran into a mental asylum for the criminally insane. I ran up and down stairs, across hallways; trying to evade the police. Finally I pressed a button behind a desk to open all the doors to let the criminally insane out of their rooms/cells.
The cops became too busy dealing with the chaos while I ran out the back door of the asylum, ran across the street, and into the park. I guess I was off looking for LP, ya know, my new girlfriend that I almost got arrested on conspiring to murder via vigilantism lmao. Then I woke up. Of course, during the course of this dream, it didn’t occur to me that the best bet was to just call the police instead of trying to be a vigilante to impress a girl ^^;;
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