#but Xiao XingChen would have been alive
parlerenfleurs · 1 year
I'm perplexed by people who think Xue Yang could have redeemed himself given the opportunity.... It's a sentiment I see echoed a lot but it has no basis in the text or in simple logic.
The dude had plenty of opportunities to do it on his own before even meeting Xiao XingChen, when he had both a better material situation and protection from powerful sects. But sure, he was protected with the aim of making him do more bad things, and Jin GuangYao is a terrible frequentation to have if you want a chance to turn out better at some point in time, and also yeah, everyone knows emotional connection and genuine love are what truly nourishes the soul, so let's say he's a big brat bastard who needs a little more than that to grow up, and let it slide.
But then he ends up with Xiao XingChen. He ends up with him, the embodiment of pure-heartedness, with a miraculous blank slate because the dude is blind and doesn't have a clue who he is! That's the perfect opportunity to bask in the wonderful feeling of true kindness, and then of true affection, right? And what does he do? Not right away, mind you, no, he had the time to heal from his injury and dilly-dally about what to do next, he had plenty of time to make a different decision, to wait a bit more before making it, to stop being an evil asshole and sit down for five minutes. But no, what he does is, he tricks Xiao XingChen into killing innocent people. And he gets a huge kick out of doing it. AND he does it again, repeatedly, even after years have passed and they have truly bonded.
Like? I don't know what more people think he can get, as second chances go. He's a very fun villain but he is an irredeemable one. Of course, he feels love and care, in his own way, sure, yeah. Cool feelings, still manipulation and murder.
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aoxue · 5 months
Wait, tell me more about songxiao in the bayou tho 👀
AHAHA well! If things work out, the story will appear sometime this month for MXTX Diaspora May (fingers crossed) 👀 But it would be part of a historical fantasy/horror AU that I've had cooking for... over three years now, wow.
The premise involves ghost/monster hunters Song Lan and Xiao Xingchen, living and working in the USA in the 1890s/turn of the century. They're married and travel the country, handling supernatural threats using a blend of Chinese and Western magic and rituals, and also guns (it is the USA lol). The main fic I've been chipping away at over the years (working title "Come Back Alive") follows the guys as they attempt to settle and semi-retire in the part of Appalachia where Xiao Xingchen grew up in order to raise their daughter. But things devolve into horror territory with the emergence of something very strange and powerful that puts even these seasoned hunters out of their depth. 🙃 Oh no.
The bayou story would be a lighter prequel to all this, though! The lads hear about some odd happenings as they pass through New Orleans, and they may team up with a plucky little street girl in order to get to the bottom of things....
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shanastoryteller · 1 year
Happy Birthday grandma! How about BFF WWX LXC and NMJ? Or female!MXY? Your choice🌻🌻🌻🌻🎉🎉🎉🎉
Ps. Made it?!?!
a continuation of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37
Lan Xichen arrives to his brother and Xuanyu in the middle of an argument.
They’re surrounded by corpses, Xue Yang inexplicably among them, and the missing Xiao Xingchen is standing there huddled against Song Lan’s side, looking strangely small, while a blind girl stands on his other side.
Sizhui and Jingyi are staying several steps back in an attempt not to get caught in the couple’s argument.
He almost regrets leaving A-Yao behind with the rest of the disciples. It had made sense at the time, with the low but present chance that they’d run into trouble, but now he wishes he could be the one dealing with their siblings instead of him.
“-not just going to – XICHEN-GE! GET DOWN HERE!”
The disciples, who’d demanded to come along, cringe away and even send him sympathetic looks.
She only calls him Xichen-ge when she wants something. He’s pretty sure A-Yao taught her that.
He descends, jumping off his sword, and frowning when he gets a closer look at her. She has wounds around her waist and shoulder even though they seemed to have stopped bleeding and there’s a variety of colorful bruises on the bits of skin he can see on her, which means there’s even more hiding beneath her robes. “You’re injured.”
“It’s nothing,” she says dismissively. Wangji’s eyebrow twitches. “I want Song Lan, Xiao Xingchen, and A-Qing to accompany us to Koi Tower.”
He assumes A-Qing is the blind girl. “Ah.”
“It’s not proper,” Wangji says, enough irritation bleeding though that this is clearly not the first time he’s said that.
She sends him a scathing look. “We can’t send them back to Cloud Recesses, Lan Qiren will eat them alive, and we can’t leave them alone. Look at them! Look around! They need help.”
“Ah, Madame Lan,” Song Lan says tentatively, “you’ve already done-”
“Shut up,” she says and his mouth snaps shut. Lan Xichen stares. He’s encountered Song Lan many times and has never seen him act like this. “Where are you going to go? What are you going to do? You deserve rest, all three of you, and while I would hardly call the Jin restful, it’s at least better than having to watch you back on the road.” She frowns. “Also, what’s with Madame Lan? I told you to call me Xuanyu. If you fight an army of the undead together, you don’t have to use titles. It’s a rule, or something.”
Wangji’s eyes narrow and Song Lan smiles at Xuanyu before he catches sight of Wangji’s expression and then his lips thin out into a straight line.
Lan Xichen can already feel a headache building.
She’s only been missing for a few hours. How did any of this even happen?
If he wants to find out, then he’s going to have to give in to her. She won’t tell him anything otherwise, he assumes, because A-Yao definitely wouldn’t. Besides, he has no reason to deny her. She is Madame Lan and Lady Jin and she’s more than entitled to add people to their traveling party and to invite wandering cultivators to Koi Tower.
“The rest of our party is nearby,” he says finally. “We’re happy for you to join us.”
His brother glares at him, but what does he expect him to do? She’s Wangji's wife.
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mdzs-fanon-exposed · 6 months
MDZS Fanon VS Canon: 7/?
Mo Xuanyu and Xue Yang were Jin disciples at the same time
There's a not insignificant amount of fanworks that depict Xue Yang and Mo Xuanyu interacting during their time as guest disciples of the Lanling Jin sect. While we do not have any concrete evidence that the two characters ever met, it is (mostly) possible to discern whether they were guest disciples at the same time.
The timeline of Mo Dao Zu Shi is often hard to follow because specific years and dates are rarely given in the books, but using context clues, I can piece together a rough estimate of when both characters were present at Golden Carp Tower and use that to identify any points they may have overlapped.
Xue Yang:
Xue Yang's time as a guest disciple is easier to define, so I'll start with him. The earliest time we see him, chronologically, is during the flower-viewing banquet that Lanling Jin held directly following the end of the Sunshot Campaign:
Xue Yang was extremely young at this point in time. Although his face still had a boyish cast to it, he was already very tall. He also wore a Sparks Amidst Snow robe, the very picture of carefree youth as he stood beside Jin Guangyao, like a spring breeze caressing the willow. (Seven Seas Ch. 10, Part 2)
He is already a disciple of the Jin sect, although he hasn't been one for long, according to Nie Mingjue's reaction:
Nie Mingjue frowned. “Xue Yang from Kui Prefecture?” Jin Guangyao nodded. Xue Yang was already infamous at a young age. Wei Wuxian could clearly sense Nie Mingjue’s frown deepening. (Seven Seas Ch. 10, Part 2)
Note that at this point, both Wei Wuxian and Jin Zixuan are alive (and attending the flower-viewing banquet as well). We can assume that this happens approximately 1-2 years before Wei Wuxian's death, due to factors such as time skips and a reference to the Sunshot Campaign from when Xiao Xingchen leaves the mountain, which we know is about a year after the Siege:
At the time, it had only been a few years since the end of the Sunshot Campaign, and the Siege of the Yiling Burial Mounds had just concluded. (Seven Seas Ch. 7)
Twelve years ago happened to be the year right after the Siege of the Yiling Burial Mounds, so they had just missed each other. (Seven Seas Ch. 7)
We can also approximate when Xue Yang's time as a disciple ended. He had to have been a guest disciple of the Lanling Jin until between one and two years after Wei Wuxian's death. We know it was at least one year afterwards, because he meets Xiao Xingchen and Song Lan while still associated with the Sect:
Xiao Xingchen smiled, seemingly well aware that it was in Jin Guangyao’s nature to speak in an ingratiating way. “Lianfang-zun speaks too highly of me.” His gaze then turned to Xue Yang. “He may be young, but since he ranks among the guest cultivators, he must still exercise self-discipline and restraint. The Jin Clan of Lanling is distinguished, after all, and should strive to set an example in many aspects.” (Seven Seas Extra 3)
And it must have been up to two years or less because Xue Yang was both imprisoned and exonerated for the crime of the Chang Clan massacre (and therefore no longer a disciple) while Jin Guangshan was still alive:
“I’m not shielding him,” Jin Guangyao defended himself. “The incident with the Chang Clan of Yueyang shocked me greatly as well. How could I have anticipated Xue Yang would slaughter a family of over fifty people? But my father insists on keeping him…” (Seven Seas Ch. 10)
Jin Guangshan began thinking of ways to pull Xue Yang out of jail ... until finally, the Jin Clan of Lanling successfully persuaded Chang Ping to change his story. He withdrew all the grievances he had stated before and announced publicly that the clan extermination case had nothing to do with Xue Yang. (Seven Seas Ch. 7)
And we know Jin Guangshan died eleven years before Wei Wuxian was resurrected, from Sisi's story.
“I’ll go first, then!” She casually curtsied to the crowd. “What I’m about to tell you is an incident that happened roughly eleven years ago.” ... And the half-dead man on the bed must have been Jin Guangshan! (Seven Seas Ch. 19)
Therefore, Xue Yang's time as a guest disciple lasted anywhere from two to four years in total, beginning at the end of the Sunshot Campaign and ending approximately a year (give or take) before Jin Guangshan dies.
Mo Xuanyu:
Mo Xuanyu's timeline is harder to define, because we never actually see him while he's a disciple, and have to rely on rumors and circumstantial evidence. The only reliable information we have, date-wise, is that he was fourteen when he was called to Golden Carp Tower by his father:
And sure enough, when Mo Xuanyu turned fourteen, that clan leader sent over a grand party to officially take him back. (Seven Seas Ch. 2)
Although knowing he's fourteen isn't particularly helpful, we do know that Jin Guangshan was still alive at the time. As for the exact time frame in which Mo Xuanyu could have been accepted as a disciple, Jin Guangyao says this:
“Did you think that I would rise in position with Jin Zixuan’s death? Jin Guangshan would rather bring back another illegitimate son than have me succeed him!” (Seven Seas Ch. 10)
This implies that Mo Xuanyu was accepted into Lanling Jin after Jin Zixuan's death so that Jin Guangyao would be further down the line of succession. This sentence is said when Nie Mingjue confronts Jin Guangyao about sheltering Xue Yang from the consequences of the Chang Clan massacre. Therefore, Mo Xuanyu could have (theoretically) entered the Jin sect at any point between Jin Zixuan's death and Nie Mingjue's confrontation, the latter of which took place after Xue Yang's imprisonment.
However, I believe it is more likely that Mo Xuanyu was brought in during the aftermath of Jin Zixuan's death, for the sheer reason that it would shunt Jin Guangyao out of the line of succession quicker.
We do know that Mo Xuanyu was present at Golden Carp Tower after Wei Wuxian's death, because Jin Guangyao gave him access to Wei Wuxian's manuscripts on possession:
He had written plenty of these manuscripts back then, all penned on a whim and tossed aside just as easily, scattered all around the cave where he slept in the Yiling Burial Mounds. ... He’d wondered where Mo Xuanyu had learned such forbidden magic. Now he knew. Never in a million years would Jin Guangyao have allowed unimportant people to glimpse the remains of a manuscript on forbidden magic. (Seven Seas Ch. 10)
And although we don't know exactly when Mo Xuanyu was kicked out of Golden Carp Tower, we can infer that it happened before Jin Guangshan's murder. During the events in the Sword Hall of Lotus Pier, after Sisi and Bicao's testimonies, one unnamed cultivator says this:
"He spent the last few years before Jin Guangshan’s death busily clearing the land of his father’s illegitimate sons, for fear that someone would suddenly pop out of nowhere and challenge him for the position. Mo Xuanyu was probably one of the lucky ones. Had he not gone crazy and been booted back home, he would likely have ended up disappearing like the others." (Seven Seas Ch. 19)
This implies that Mo Xuanyu's expulsion from the sect happened at some point before Jin Guangshan's murder. Theoretically, this was done because he would be a potential threat to Jin Guangyao's legitimacy (and have gotten killed) otherwise. As Mo Xuanyu was not legitimized, though, it's unlikely that he would have posed a genuine threat to Jin Guangyao's succession. Regardless of the reasoning, the quote here indicates that Mo Xuanyu was kicked out before Jin Guangshan's death.
To be clear, however, this cannot exactly be taken as reliable evidence. As Wei Wuxian says about this exchange,
If they’re just rumors, why so quick to believe them? If they’re secrets, how would you even know of them? This was not the first time these rumors had spread. While Jin Guangyao was in power, they had been suppressed so well that no one took them seriously. But tonight, the rumors all seemed to have become hard facts with irrefutable evidence. They became a solid foundation for Jin Guangyao’s multitude of crimes, proving just how unscrupulous he was. (Seven Seas Ch. 19)
So while it's possible that the timeline here is correct, we know that (as established earlier in the books – see Chapter 1) rumors in the world of Mo Dao Zu Shi are unreliable at best and often contradictory. For the purposes of this post, though, I am choosing to assume that this is at least partially true.
So taking the assumptions I've made into account, we know that Mo Xuanyu's time as a Jin disciple could have lasted up to approximately three years, anywhere between directly following Jin Zixuan's death to just before Jin Guangshan's death.
The timeline:
Now that I have a rough estimate of when both characters were present at Golden Carp Tower, I can try to find places where they overlap. Unfortunately, even with all this sleuthing, I cannot say for sure if they were present at the same time. The chance that they just barely missed each other, though, is unlikely.
Given the most generous interpretation of their respective timelines, Xue Yang and Mo Xuanyu could have been Jin disciples together for almost three years at maximum. This assumes:
Mo Xuanyu was accepted into the Jin sect almost immediately following Jin Zixuan's death.
Both Xue Yang and Mo Xuanyu's expulsions happened soon after one another, within the same year as Jin Guangshan's death.
This means Mo Xuanyu would have been a disciple since before Wei Wuxian died, and that Xue Yang's imprisonment and exoneration happened on a very tight timeline right before Jin Guangshan's death. This is the interpretation that gives both characters as much time to interact as possible.
Given the least generous interpretation, however, Xue Yang and Mo Xuanyu just missed each other. This assumes:
The massacre of the Chang Clan happened very soon after Xiao Xingchen descended from the mountain.
Mo Xuanyu's acceptance into the sect happened just before Nie Mingjue confronted Jin Guangyao.
This means that Mo Xuanyu's call to join the sect would have happened in between Xiao Xingchen apprehending Xue Yang and Nie Mingjue confronting Jin Guangyao about it, which is presumably a very short amount of time. This is also the least likely interpretation, as it wouldn't make much sense for Mo Xuanyu to have been accepted so late and during such a controversial period for the sect.
The most likely interpretation is somewhere in the middle: that Mo Xuanyu and Xue Yang were, in fact, Lanling Jin disciples at the same time, but that they did not have much overlap. I believe it is probable that Mo Xuanyu would have been accepted into the sect within a year or so of Jin Zixuan's death, and that the Chang Clan massacre happened at least half a year after Xiao Xingchen descended, meaning the two would have had around a year of overlap between them.
In conclusion, I can say with relative confidence that Xue Yang and Mo Xuanyu would have been Jin disciples at the same time. However, I cannot confirm this as canon, as there is not enough evidence available in the books. Therefore, this must be rated as SUPPORTED FANON: the text does not directly state this is true, but it is a distinct and likely possibility.
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hils79 · 1 year
Hils Watches Mysterious Lotus Casebook - Ep 32
I've reached the 'oh no I don't want it to be over' stage which I usually do when there's less than 10 eps to go :(
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Welcome to this week's episode of CSI Jianghu
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Holy fucking plot twist.
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HOLY FUCKING PLOT TWIST! Wait, does that mean all these elaborate schemes to frame Li Lianhua for the murder of Shan Gudao were done BY Shan Gudao?
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So is Shan Gudao the dude in the hood who's been having all those secret meetings with Jiao Liqiao? None of this was even on my radar as a potential endgame. Holy shit, well played.
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I can see why he teamed up with Jiao Liqiao, who also wants to see the world burn because she wasn't getting enough attention.
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As much as I enjoy Li Lianhua as the damsel in distress I do also enjoy when he gets all super protective over Fang Duobing
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Suddenly the pointing and finger wagging is less funny
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How do you tell your dad, who you thought was your uncle and then thought was dead, but who is actually a supervillain, that the man he despises is your new boyfriend
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He made Li Lianhua cry. Jail for one million years!
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I mean he has, but I don't think it's like that
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Poor Fang Duobing feels so betrayed. And after they shared bread and water and Fang Duobing...put his energy into Di Feisheng's body 👀
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Of course she's still alive. She wouldn't die that easily.
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This dude is like 'Ma'am, I have told you repeatedly that Di Feisheng is gay. What else do you want me to say?"
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See, at least Fang Duobing's aunt knows there's no point chasing after a gay guy
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I mean, many hurt/comfort fics have this exact premise. Why do I feel that this random dude is going to be someone significant and probably evil though. It reminds me of when Xiao Xingchen found Xue Yang injured at the side of the road. That didn't end well for anyone.
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You're not a mass murderer bent on world domination so you are WAY better than my biological father
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Did Di Feisheng secretly send them one of the ice shards that he stole?
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Apparently this actor was in both The Blood of Youth and Immortal Samsara, but I don't remember him at all in either of them.
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Oh, wait, was he the sword spirit who was...ahem...inside Cheng Yi in Immortal Samsara. He looks a bit more familiar from this angle
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Wait, do the pretty guard and Li Lianhua have History? They keep looking at each other. Is this another one to add to the polycule? I think Di Feisheng has come to accept Fang Duobing but not sure how he'd feel about sharing with anyone else
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I love his face
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Wow. Okay.
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It absolutely would not
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Fang Duobing is jealous! Have to check if this is another one of Li Lianhua's ex boyfriends
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veliseraptor · 10 months
AU scenario: xue yang survives getting disarmed (hah) by lan wangji after the yi city arc! what happens next 👀
i have actually written two versions of this one! one in novelverse where Su She manages to sweep Xue Yang away (my god, I keep mentioning this one lately, but nurture the tiger) and one in cqlverse where Song Lan makes the deliberately contrary choice to leave Xue Yang alive (Walking Far From Home)
this is a rough one though!! because I want things to end better for Xue Yang but they don't look great for him at this point in time unless somehow you bring Xiao Xingchen back to life. though okay let's see what I've got here. going with novelverse for this one and at least starting with the nurture the tiger premise
so Su She manages to bring a half-dead Xue Yang away from Yi City, half-dead and an absolute wreck having lost his last ditch hope of getting Xiao Xingchen back. somehow (Xue Yang's nearly inhuman endurance) he manages to stick him back together
(since Jin Guangyao is busy, probably this is just a Su She effort; they need all the allies they can get with the way things are going, he thinks, even if this particular ally is not going to be very useful, but still. maybe Su She's a little attached, though I don't think he'd be very inclined to admit it. Xue Yang grows on you. like a fungus.)
howmever, he's got other things to do, so he does have to leave Xue Yang on his own once he's (more or less, barely) stable. and then everything goes to shit, leaving Xue Yang entirely on his own because everyone else is dead.
this becomes clear to Xue Yang (that nobody's coming back for him, anyway, though he may or may not realize that's because they're dead and just assume he's been given up for lost and not worth killing personally. dick) and he reaches out to the only option he has left, which is to say his fierce corpse masterpiece (with whom he still has at least a distant connection, as his former master, even without the nails he can at least try to summon him), figuring that at least he can die with...if not grace then a little faster than of infection, and hey, Song Lan was kind of sort of his fierce corpse best friend for a while there
anyway, Song Lan (who has nothing better to do except be miserable right now) shows up, decides to leave Xue Yang alive because he's too pathetic to kill at this point and also because Song Lan doesn't have any other (living) friends and is incredibly lonely and at least here's the only other person who understands the grief he's feeling, even if that's the last thing that Song Lan wants to admit
eventually once Xue Yang is better (ish) they leave and go off journeying together in the weirdest most miserable duo road trip ever. Song Lan is continually like "good night, I may kill you tomorrow" to which Xue Yang is like "okay, that's chill" but it gets almost comfortable
shared grief bonding!!! Song Lan is just waiting for Xiao Xingchen to heal while trying to maintain the work that they (would have done) were doing together before everything fell apart. Xue Yang is like "saving people is boring but not like I have anything better to do at this point ¯\_(ツ)_/¯"
I have no idea where this goes. but I like the idea of it just kind of continuing until eventually Xue Yang does die and it's bittersweet in the end and it's kind of like. everyone's dead now. including Song Lan. he's just ambulatory about it.
anyway this whole thing would be really fucking angsty and all about grief and mourning and I'd probably cry writing 90% of it
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silvysartfulness · 6 months
so three questions in one, i would like to know your:
-xuexiao thoughts
-songxiao thoughts
-songxue thoughts
separated from songxuexiao
(if you would also like to provide your songxuexiao thoughts i would love to read that too i just wanna see specifically how you feel and think about each ship individually)
(+bonus: any a-qing ships you do or don't have, why/why not, and/or any sexuality/gender headcanons you might have for her)
Oh wow, that’s a very broad question! Let’s see what we can come up with…
XueXiao was my entry point to the SXX ship. I love their chemistry in CQL (much more than in MDZS) I love how – when all other variables were stripped away – they make each other happy. How they share the same silly, almost childish humour, and love to laugh and tease and joke together.
How Xiao Xingchen’s patience and gentle nature allows Xue Yang to experiment with being a kind of person he’s never been before – just a human being, a bit sharp around the edges, but no longer an attack-dog, a weapon or tool. Just a person, being given affection for free, just for being.
And how Xue Yang makes Xiao Xingchen happy, makes him laugh. He’s helpful – first, no doubt, because he’s learned to make himself useful to stay alive. But later just because he actually enjoys taking care of the people he likes. And Xiao Xingchen relishes in being loved and appreciated – and also getting to be just a human being. No legendary hero or world-saviour. But just a person, loved.
I also have a huge weak spot for the kind of hopeless obsessive devotion Xue Yang expresses after Xiao Xingchen’s death! That getting him back somehow matters more than anything, even his own life. That he never stops trying. That his final moments is remembering Xiao Xingchen’s kindness, smiling as he looks at the candy and finally lets go.
That’s a major reason why I started writing Heaven – to give them a second chance at realizing how much they did and do care about each other, how much the other cares. How much of that was real.
SongXiao is by far the weakest part of the triangle for me, personally. Not as in they’re not close, because they are, but because they don’t interest me much without Xue Yang there to spice things up. They have some issues, certainly, but on their own they’re just a bit too straight-laced and wholesome to be very interesting.
I do find Song Lan’s issues with touch clashing with Xiao Xingchen’s tactile nature interesting, and the Yearning can be good, too.
But still... Without Xue Yang there, I don’t connect much to these two on their own. I virtually never read fic for just the two of them (and not only because a lot of SongXiao fics sadly often spring fun surprise “fix-it”s that just boil down to “kill Xue Yang and everything’s fine!” on you without even warning for it.) They’re just a bit eh.
SongXue is delicious. It’s hurty and crunchy with a lot of fun chemistry to poke at. They both start from a place of loathing everything the other is, and then take a fascinating further detour through destroying the most precious things the other has. For that to turn into any kind of working relationship… It takes a lot of work. And that work, the dealing with and overcoming past trauma, forced cooperation, realizing the things they have in common, the world’s most grudging respect and appreciation slowly growing between them... That’s my catnip. I love it. I’m not interested in canon divergent stories where they just rush past all that to forgiveness and love. I want to see the work.
When I first started writing Heaven, my outlook was to fit in some angry hatesex at best, and really struggled with imagining a way for them to actually grow to love each other. And it did take a lot of work! Some 350k of it! And a lot of hurt, and compromise, and dogged determination from the both of them! But now they’ve finally gotten there and it feels solid. It feels earned.
No forgiveness for the unforgivable hurt of the past, but an unspoken mutual agreement to look to the future. Love that for them.
Finally, the SongXueXiao triangle as a whole – I love how well they all balance each other when together.
Xiao Xingchen can be overly idealistic, but paired with Song Lan’s pragmatism it turns into more concrete things to actually do, and Xue Yang’s irreverent habit of pointing out the weakest links in their reasoning to tear down their arguments also identifies what really needs working on… It’s a good way of making progress!
I like how Song Lan’s stubborn patience and stern sense of justice can temper Xue Yang’s worst and most violent impulses, and how Xue Yang can push Song Lan out of his comfort zone and force him to consider greyscales and not just neat blacks and whites.
I love how Xue Yang grows when he’s feeling loved, and how much he loves taking care of his loved ones, though he wouldn’t realize himself that that’s what he’s actually doing. He just likes pampering them, when given the chance! It does piss him off to no end, sometimes, the way they try to "change" him and "hold him back" - but once he’s calmed down a bit, he can usually see when it’s merited and for his own good, and even when not… the compromises are an acceptable trade-off to get to have the good parts of the relationship.
They’re good for each other, a mix of supporting the best in each other, and helping temper and guide their weaknesses into better habits and more nuanced understanding.
This is a set, do not separate. ♥
As for a-Qing… I love her as a character! Especially her weird aggro-sibling relationship with Xue Yang. But I don’t have any very strong feelings about her aside from that – I’ll happily read fics where she stays single all her life, or ends up in a happily married polycule, or settles down with husband and kids, or dates around as she pleases. She can be ace or lesbian or pan or anything. You do you, Queen!
In Deep Blue Sea, she had a friends with benefits situationship with Wen Qing. In Under The Wheel it wasn’t stated outright, but the way she kept wandering with the other three, she never settled down with any one partner, but had the occasional flings and a number of more or less casual bedmates along the journey.
The only real notp I’d have for her would probably be Xiao Xingchen or Song Lan, who are more gege/parent-coded to her in my mind. If, in some version of events, she would be interested in exploring sex with the mysterious (canonically designated handsome) stranger who lived with them in Yi City, though? Sure, why not. I don’t know if Xue Yang would go for it, and it’s not a ship I would seek out, but that I can imagine enjoying if handled just right.
Other than that, as I said, pretty much anything goes. She’s not a character I would seek out fic for, but I very much like her as part of the whole Yi City mess. She should get to have fun and get good things! She certainly deserves it every bit as much as the other three disasters.
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mxtxfanatic · 2 years
Wei Wuxian: I want to do good, help innocents, and uphold justice!
Also Wei Wuxian:
Immediately, he laughed sardonically and depreciated himself silently. Me? Deal with it? How could I have dealt with it? If I was still alive back then, there might not be a need to investigate the massacre of the Chang Clan. The blame would have been pushed to me right away. If this Xiao Xingchen daozhang met me on the streets, and if I had struck a friendly conversation and treated him to a drink, he probably would have given me a whipping with his Hossu. Haha.
–Chapt. 30: Morning Dew Part 3: The Annihilation of the Chang Clan, the gravedigger, summoning Wen Ning again, taming wangxian
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soulmatebracket · 1 year
Soulmate Bracket: Round 1 [Side A — Part V]
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Provided reasoning under cut:
Wei Wuxian & Lan Wangji
They are canonically called soulmates!! In the live action this is platonic due to censorship and in the book it is romantic but the term actually used is zhiji (知己) of which soulmate is the closest english translation but is more literally like. the mirror to your soul. your own self in another person. i am not good with translations only wei wuxian dies but lan wangji mourns him for thirteen years (despite wwx being hated and despised by the world) because he can never love another. when wwx is brought back he recognises him instantly despite being in someone else’s body. they literally would find each other in any time or place
Oh boy. Ok. They're not explicitly called "soulmates" in the show/book but Netflix does use that categorization in its description of "The Untamed". Nor are either of them technically reincarnated BUT Wei Wuxian does get resurrected in another man's body through some shady necromancy, which is pretty darn close. They've got a fascinating relationship journey (basically enemies/rivals to lovers) Mr. Follow-All-Rules-To-The-Letter Lan Wangji meets Mr. Break-All-The-Rules-In-The-Name-Of-Fun-And-Showing-Off Wei Wuxian at teenage exorcist summer camp, they go through some sh*t, Wei Wuxian dies, Lan Wangji spends over a decade trying to find any sign of his lost soulmate while raising his adopted kid, then the shady necromancy happens and Lan Wangji IMMEDIATELY clocks that this guy simultaneously solving exorcist issues using slightly questionable means and causing shenanigans is Wei Wuxian. He might be in a different body pretending to be another crazy man, but HE KNOWS it's his guy because he acts the same and he knows the secret love song Wangji wrote for Wuxian that he shared one time in a cave during one of their near-death bonding experiences. Then history starts kind of repeating itself, only this time they stick together and make sure EVERYONE knows that they've got each others' backs, and they are absolutely legendary. Also Wei Wuxian is INCREDIBLY dense and it takes him just about until the end of the story to realize they're both gay and in love. They're complex and fascinating and tied to each other by the red string of fate so tightly that they are incomplete without each other. That's destiny, baby. They're soulmates, always and forever. (Possibly literally as the proper practice of exorcism (called "cultivation" in this world) can lead to immortality, and you know Mr. Follow-All-Rules-To-The-Letter Lan Wangji has the potential, and he will drag his guy along with him so they are never separated again.)
Okay so I feel like it could be argued if they count but the Netflix description of the show calls them soulmates and WWX *did* get reincarnated and then almost immediately run into LWJ who had been mourning him for 16 years. LWJ composed a little musical theme for them that ties them together and WWX playing it on a super out of tune flute is what let LWJ fully recognize him. Their magic which comes from their souls is very compatible and neither of them have ever been normal about each other in their life even though WWX spent a long time being extremely dumb and repressed about his very gay feelings (they are romantic soulmates, just takes them a bit to get there). Big "you and me against the world" vibes once WWX becomes the number 1 wanted guy in the entire universe due to dabbling in dark magic even though WWX was like "lan zhan if someone has to kill me i want it to be you" (LWJ did *not* want it to be him and did his very best to keep WWX alive even though it meant betraying his clan and the world as a whole). They got fake married as teens back when LWJ didn't even like WWX. There are multiple moments where they parallel other soulmates/soulmate-coded characters (song lan and xiao xingchen, baoshen sanren and lan an). They're the only two characters who get to be happy at the immediate end of the story and that's because both of them being alive and together and getting to wander around fighting monsters and playing music and being grossly in love is all that they both need.
Utena Tenjou & Anthy Himemiya
[SPOILERS] at the end of the series, it is revealed that they weren’t living in the real world this entire time. Utena was sent somewhere else. Anthy goes to find her in the movie, and Utena has lost all of her memories of Anthy in that world. At the end of the movie, they end up escaping to the real world
Utena falls in love with Anthy on first sight and makes sure she becomes her prince without even remembering who she is. They're stuck in a timeloop and eventually find themselves together near the end escaping from the horrors theyre trapped in. (Spoilers kinda) Anthy is hinted to have came back to life after being burned st the stake for being seen as a witch so the reincarnation exists,,,(they're in love your honor vote for my silly sapphics)
Every version of RGU is the narrative repeating itself. Devouring itself again. The serpent eating its own tail. Utena fights for Anthy again and again. Anthy betrays Utena, or lies to Utena, or cannot save the both of them quick enough. Anthy escapes, or they both escape, or they both get trapped again, and the story repeats, and Utena is winning the hand of the rose bride, and Utena cannot escape the narrative. Each time the story is told again Utena cannot quite remember how she got here, but it gets more familiar each time. RGU is a time loop that the characters can hardly escape. In every version, Anthy and Utena find each other. Betray each other. Find each other, again.
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wutheringskies · 1 year
I wish to tell people that we do not know what happened in the burial mounds. What we do know is that Wei Wuxian exacted "revenge" upon Wen Chao, Wen Zhuliu and Wang Lingjiao. People often use the way he killed them as showing he's morally dubious, which is true according to your modern, western, "no better than them" morality scale. In truth, he had most probably gone through similar stuff as the revenge he'd exacted upon the Wens; and done the work in three days, instead of three months.
In here, we do not judge cruelty upon the actions only but also the intention behind said action.
Xiao Xingchen says it'd have been okay if Xue Yang took an entire arm in revenge for his broken finger. Jin Guangyao had the pass of slaughtering an entire clan for his dead son (with the Jin sect leader privelege). Madam Lan killed someone because of previous grievances.
Wei Wuxian got his home burnt, core lost, tortured, humiliated and then thrown into literal hell which would prevent his soul from ever moving into the underworld - thus killing him, soul and body, permanently, in the cruelest, most painful of ways for doing nothing much.
People do not know that Wei Wuxian has been thrown into the Burial Mounds. He's well and alive!
We will never know what happened. Thus, you can't condemn his action.
You can go like "you can't say he's morally correct if he shoved a chair down a woman's throat," Well I can. Because this isn't our modern world built on modern shared values such as peace and feminism.
Revenge is an accepted part of their society. Debts are to be paid.
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greenandhazy · 1 year
I am getting like seriously obsessed with the idea of an AU in which Meng Yao, Wei Ying, and Xue Yang meet as children and grow up to be sworn brothers/an Abhorrent Triad (not sold on that exact adjective but w/e)
Wei Ying doesn’t get found/adopted by the Jiang clan, but a nice older boy who lives in a brothel helps him hide there when he’s scared of a dog and they become friends. Meng Yao doesn’t have much food to share, but he does what he can, and he does have books and that’s worth just as much. A few years later Wei Ying stumbles across a boy who has been walking for days trying to track down Chang Ci’an, despite the fact that he’s practically delirious from the pain of an injured hand. Meng Shi is ailing by that point and maybe Meng Yao is reluctant to take on another brother, but Wei Ying brings Xue Yang inside just to give him cool water and bandages at least and Meng Shi insists they help, and Xue Yang is already nursing a vicious streak that becomes really useful as the brothel becomes more of a hostile place to live.
A few years later, Meng Yao goes to Jinlintai. Gets thrown out of Jinlintai. But Wei Ying and Xue Yang are there to say fuck the Jin, we’re your family, and they swear it in an informal little ceremony in the cheapest room of the only inn they can afford. They go to the Nie. At some point, Jiang Fengmian comes across Wei Ying, realizes who he is, and insists on sponsoring his education with the Lan. Xue Yang is already kind of resentful because being a minor vassal for the Nie does NOT suit his temperament, so not being able to accompany Wei Ying is the last straw and he runs away. Neither of his brothers see him again until he’s slaughtered the Chang Clan—although I think this version of Xue Yang, where he has some family he can rely on from an early age, softens him just enough that he is a little more discriminating. He leaves the children alive, at least, and when he’s captured, his silver-tongued Da-ge can make an argument that he was enforcing some kind of justice.
Not enough to convince Nie Mingjue, but enough that Xiao Xingchen and Song Lan (who accompany the group to Qinghe this time because they’re obvi not letting this criminal’s brothers have absolute custody of him) are somewhat swayed. The three brothers end up escaping together—I’m going to say Wei Ying still ends up in the Wen indoctrination camp because he still managed to piss of Wen Chao, but I can’t decide if it makes more sense for Meng Yao to remain as the Wen spy or for Xue Yang to get that job? 🤔 Anyway ONE of them takes it, but regardless Meng Yao also is like “war is coming, that means civilian casualties, that means famine” and sets up like a proto-watchtower system with the help of XXC, SL, and other rogue cultivators.
Wei Ying still turns to demonic cultivation. Xue Yang still turns to demonic cultivation. By the end of the war, the major clans are still calling for their heads but they’re heroes and no amount of propaganda is going to convince the common people that the Abhorrent Triad deserves death, not after they saved so many of the lives that the major clans didn’t seem to care about.
Hand-waving the end of the war a bit because I’m not sure exactly how the Nie/Jiang relationships with WY and MY would change things, but. Imagining Xue Yang having a full screaming meltdown when Wei Ying dies, Meng Yao can just barely keep him from jumping over the cliff to catch him. Meng Yao asks Lan Xichen to promise that if they’re going to be executed, they kill Xue Yang first, because Xue Yang is practically catatonic and he can’t bear to leave his didi alone, even for a few minutes, not after all of this.
ANYWAYYYYY. I think the class and family politics of these three characters makes for a fascinating contrast and I would like it to have even more angst and love and the particular angst that comes from loving others more than you love yourself thnx bye.
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shanastoryteller · 1 year
Happy birthday Shana!!! I wish for a continuation of the Lady Mo story if you have any inspiration. Otherwise I would love any untamed promt!
a continuation of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
"Are you hurt?" Sizhui asks anxiously, jumping off his sword to tun towards Lady Xuanyu.
"Nah," she says, wincing as she stresses. "Well, nothing important."
"You're bleeding!" Jingyi shouts at a really unnecessary pitch. He unsheathes his sword and points it at Song Lan. "What did you do?"
"Stop that," she scolds, knocking his sword down. "Go get Xiao Xingchen and the girl. He's probably really confused right now."
Song Lan's expression clears and he bows to her before flying off.
His father jerks as if to go after him and Lady Xuanyu calls out, "Leave him be! He's doing what I said."
Lan Wangji hesitates, but nods and finally descends to join them. He towers over Lady Xuanyu, looking down at her with a fierce glare that makes Sizhui cringe even though it's not directed towards him. "What happened?"
"Found Xiao Xingchen, found Xue Yang, Song Lan killed him," she says, not even so much as lowering her eyes. "Xue Yang, not Xiao Xingchen, obviously. Wasn't this guy supposed to be killed during the war or something? It was a little before my time, so to speak."
"Song Lan is unharmed and you are not," his father says, lifting a hand to press it against the sluggishly bleeding wound in her shoulder.
Lady Xuanyu hisses at the contact but doesn't pull away. "He's a more experienced cultivator. Give me a couple hours and they'll be all closed up."
It used to take days for Lady Xuanyu's golden core to heal anything more complicated than a paper cut. She's strengthened it to the point that what would have been weeks of healing is reduced to just a day.
"He should have protected you," Sizhui says stubbornly. He'd rather she didn't have to heal at all. "Why did you run off with him anyway?"
"Had a hunch and figured I'd be back before you noticed," she says. Jingyi sputters. "Also, I don't need him to protect me, geez. He's a more experienced cultivator, but I still am one. I've gotten more hurt in training."
It's true, but Sizhui doesn't like that either. To harm ones body without cause is against the rules. Perhaps it's not entirely without cause, considering her rapid growth, but none of their teachers had ever beat them as badly as she demands the disciples beat her, and their cores had all turned out fine.
"What hunch did you have?" his father asks.
She winces and says, "Oh, you know, womanly intuition."
It's a lie and not even a very good one.
Lan Wangji's eyes narrow but they're interrupted by Song Lan returning with two people balanced precariously on his sword. Sizhui assumes the other man clad all in white must be Xiao Xingchen but doesn't know who the blind girl that looks to be about his age is.
"Xuanyu!" the girl calls out joyously, causing him to reevaluate his assessment of blind. She's being awfully familiar with his step mother. The girl leaps from the sword before it's fully on the ground and goes running towards them, shoulder pass Lan Wangji to body slam into Lady Xuanyu. "You're still alive, right? You said you would be!"
Lady Xuanyu laughs, closing her arms around the girl's shoulders. Her shoulder is bleeding again now that his father isn't keeping pressure on it. Cant the girl see that she's injured? "Yes, yes, I'm still alive. Excellent work keeping Xiao Xingchen out of the fray, A-Qing. I knew I could depend on you."
The girl - A-Qing, apparently - glows under the praise, beaming up at Lady Xuanyu, still with her arms around her waist.
What's her problem anyway?
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deathfavor · 2 months
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@diivineray said: The day felt endless, but the warmth of the sun had been a comforting presence. A-Yang had selflessly offered A-Qing to make the trip to town to gather supplies for dinner, while he ventured off to collect more firewood and other essential items.
He found himself in solitude, the silence urging him to seek solace in the river. Gathering his belongings hastily, he made his way towards the gentle flow of the water. He cherished that particular moment, relishing the sensation of the water cascading down his body. After he had completed his shower, he made his way back to their home. Xiao Xingchen, with his damp hair brushed to the side, set about tidying up their living space.
Xiao Xingchen inadvertently left something on the floor, unbeknownst to him. As he took a step, his heel unexpectedly encountered it, causing him to lose his balance and stumble backward. Fortunately, he was able to catch himself and land against the edge of the bed, preventing a potential fall. His luck appeared only to double it seemed when he heard someone approaching, not realizing that his fall had his robes shift, leaving his chest bared and exposed. Long black locks fall back over his shoulders, his legs slightly spread as he found his face red and panicking.
He knew instantly from aura, the wide grin that spread across A-Yang’s face like he had just walked into something special. “A-Yang you're back!” he exclaimed, fumbling to stand. // GIVES YOU THIS
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Sometimes it does him good to get out ; to the market or to do errands that are easier for him versus his companions. ( Swords pressed against the delicate skin of the throats of merchants did wonders in ensuring neither Xiao Xingchen or blind brat were given the worst food anymore on the occasion they went out to the market. ) Xue Yang finds that the domestic life is not so bad. He's come to enjoy a lot of aspects of it, from this meandering walks and chores to the lazy days. It's a peace that he's never known before.
( It does not mean the teeth are gone. Old habits die hard and there are days where he's restless, when it festers like an open wound and sometimes the peaceful things he likes feel like flies buzzing around his head. )
Xue Yang gathers up several things - kindling, sticks, firewood - some wild plants that are good for medicines. Everything for the next few days and as much as he can carry before he makes his way back towards the home. ( HOME. Such a strange word and though even after all this time. ) He steps inside and sets the materials down with a cheerful " That's right Daozhang ~ I'm back! " before he turns to see the cultivator.
It's a good thing he set the items down already or he's sure he would have dropped it all right then and there.
Midnight black suffocates the red of the deliqnuent's eyes as his pupils dilate while he takes in the sight with a sharp inhale. His eyes fall to the damp hair clinging to the column of Xiao Xingchen's throat, the robes that are open for anyone to see, the thigh glimpse of thigh that flashes in his vision as the oh so pure cultivator fumbles to stand and has no idea what he's doing or how he looks. Black desire erupts low in his stomach, and his jaw aches to sink his teeth in and never let go. It burns, twists in his veins and snarls at the idea that anyone could have walked in and seen HIS Xiao Xingchen like this. Mine. He won't let anyone have him. Won't let anyone else see this sight. He'd gorge out their eyes and let them wail in agony before he skinned them alive.
A grin twists its way onto his lips and in a flash, Xue Yang crosses the space to keep Xiao Xingchen pinned exactly where he was. " Well now, isn't this a pretty sight to come back to ~ ? " Xue Yang purrs smoothly, his voice dropping a note as he lifts his hand to ghost his fingertips over the edge of the robe and Xiao Xingchen's bare skin, drawing attention to let the other man feel where his robe has fallen open. He wants to bite and claim ; the hunger, the desire, it all burns in the same way the painful sensatation of starving to death on the streets feels. But A-Yang is nicer - even if these little traces of purrs and deepening voices and power plays come up every now and again. So nothing about this is enough to raise alarms, only show his interest. Only play as far as Xiao Xingchen knows.
" How BOLD you've gotten. " He teases as he leans into his space until his hot breath ghosts across flawless skin. He wants to mark it, maul it so his claim is known. He presses a slow kiss to the underside of Xiao Xingchen's jaw, lazily kissing his way until he makes it to his mouth and sinks their lips together with a groan, like he's been dying for it all day. ( He has. ) His free hand drops down, faintly brushing along the fair skin of his upper thigh with a devious, troublesome smile. A-Qing should be gone for a while...No reason to not have fun. Just the two of them. He might have strangled her if it went much longer. He breaks the kiss, teeth nibbling at the perfectly pink bottom lip, perfect like everything else about the man caged under him. " Now how long were you scheming this? Tsk tsk. All beautiful and flawless and posed like this just for me? It's like you're asking me to lose control. " He murmurs heatedly, the hand on Xiao Xingchen's thigh lifting to settle possessively on his hip.
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bitterfrosts · 1 year
For the shipping meme: Would you share your lanlan and songning thoughts with the class?
Ohohoho!!!! Those are my sleeper agent code words!
In my view for both of these, it’s quite a lot of “this person is the only person who understands what I’m going through”. That person is: Song Lan.
On the LanLan side: there’s quite a bit obviously to parallel. Both have lost people that they can never get back, even through reincarnation. Xiao Xingchen’s soul is so broken he removed himself from the cycle of rebirth entirely and both jiggy and nmj are trapped in that coffin so dead or alive or reanimated or what else have you, they’re gone. A huge chunk of what makes both so tragic is that aside from each other, in terms of having someone who can comfort you and knows what you’re going through? They’re alone. And for both of them at the ends of their respective stories it’s by choice!!!!! Song Lan goes off with xxc and aq’s souls and just… leaves! He could go anywhere and accompany anyone, and chose not to. There’s an interesting element of “walking off to his doom” present that makes the whole thing even worse. Lxc chooses seclusion and never comes out. This is, again, also by choice. I think from a meta standpoint, the only thing that could get him to come out is a heart to heart with Song Lan. Much as the twin jades love each other, Wangji can’t help him. I do honestly think the only way either of them could really move on is to move on together.
For SongNing, the thing that song lan understands is being a fierce corpse. And on a surface level it seems like a shallow comparison but it really isn’t. We Ning may have been initially created out of distress and wanting him back, but it does not change that before the timeskip and Wei wuxian’s character development, wen ning fills the same niche that sl filled with xy. He’s a tool. A beloved one, but a tool nonetheless. Wei Wuxian can protest much as he likes, but his actions have him used that way. There’s something very isolating about the idea that everyone you live is gone and you will outlive them not because of cultivated immortality but because you’ve been made into an abomination. You will always be permanently “othered” and ordinary people will always (somewhat justifiably) be afraid of them. Fierce corpses are dangerous! And the average person might not have the luxury of double checking to see if they’re sentient or not before having to run away. For wen ning, song lan is an opportunity for a companion that both understands him and won’t fear him.
Anyway we love parallels in this house 🥹
I’d do the questions but I’m too rambly about them also both are rarepairs so I’m not sure any option on either would have an element of “unpopular?” So yeah 🤍
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veliseraptor · 2 years
Okay, but consider: Groundhog Day Yi City, a tragic-comedy of repeated errors with drama sprinkles on top (results vary depending on who’s Bill Murray)
a secret that I have never seen the actual groundhog day movie. I feel like I should admit that, as a big fan of time loop stuff, I have not seen the trope namer. I just feel like that should be out there.
also if you saw me post this before it was finished: no you didn't
but to the substance of your ask: yes, I have considered this, I have considered this a lot and I actually technically have a fic in progress for it from xiao xingchen's pov but I might need to start it over, we'll see. and it is so much fun! because the success states vary wildly for each character, like:
xue yang: xiao xingchen alive, himself alive, nice domestic life preserved
song lan: xiao xingchen alive, himself alive, xue yang not alive, xiao xingchen never knowing about who he was living with
xiao xingchen: song lan alive, a-qing alive, doesn't even know what he wants with xue yang??? ahhhhh
a-qing: xiao xingchen alive, all else optional and only relevant inasmuch as it serves that end
so there are three of them aligned on the "xiao xingchen alive" goal, at least (xiao xingchen's a little more wobbly on that one), and only one person actively invested in xue yang being dead, and nobody actually putting as a definitive condition song lan being dead (though xue yang operates on a low key assumption, most of the time, that the win condition of "himself alive" depends on the condition "song lan dead"; he is not necessarily right about this but he tends to assume it's the case. however, it's not something that's necessary; I think if xue yang knew how badly things could go, he would be fine with letting song lan live if it didn't ruin the other stuff).
however, these points of agreement come into conflict with each other in several key places. I feel like I'm also thinking about these in order of priority (i.e. what's most important to least important) in which case it looks like:
xue yang: xiao xingchen/himself alive (either/or is not acceptable, has to be both), nice domestic life preserved (terms and conditions may apply, he'll make it work), song lan dead (possible condition but not required, particularly the longer he has to go on trying)
song lan: xiao xingchen alive, xue yang dead (at least initially, though I think it might eventually swap places with), xiao xingchen never knowing about who he was living with, himself alive
xiao xingchen: a-qing alive/song lan alive (I don't think he could deal with either not being true), still doesn't know what he wants to do with xue yang (affectionate/derogatory/deeply confused)
a-qing: she's got a very clear single priority and she's sticking to it.
so how this fic looks, and what the resolution is, could go any number of ways depending on who is trying to "fix" it and what the individual author decided a fix-it looked like (someone who is not me might think that just killing xue yang fixes the problem, but they would sadly be incorrect. common misconception! but inaccurate.). which is why my favorite version of this, I realized as I've been writing this post, is a version where all of them are time looping but none of them knows anybody else is, and every time one of anybody's primary win conditions are violated it starts over (i.e. if xue yang dies, even though it's only his win condition that stipulates his survival first and foremost, it still cycles back to the beginning).
just please consider with me the mutual frustration both song lan and xue yang in particular experience on discovering that they cannot, in fact, fix the problem by just murdering the other person in the right way. I feel like that alone makes this entire concept worth it.
also a-qing just getting xiao xingchen the heck out of dodge and being like "GREAT DODGED THAT BULLET" only to end up cycled back because one of the other two died. she didn't sign up for this
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silvysartfulness · 2 years
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Chapter 49 - Great Heat of Heaven Has A Road But No One Walks It is up! :D
Even in half-sleep Xue Yang could tell that the day would be unpleasantly hot and humid, and he was still a bit sore after last night's Night Hunt, but Xiao Xingchen was a comfortable enough pillow and so everything was as it should be.
Just another sleepy morning, like hundreds of mornings – even if it felt a bit different for some reason, like he was still half dragged-down by some bad dream, a lingering memory of loneliness and hurt. Having no desire to dwell on it, Xue Yang burrowed his face in deeper.
“Daozhang,” he sighed, content.
“What,” Song Lan said, voice flat, slapping Xue Yang out of his comfortable doze so fast it almost left his head ringing.
Wrong fucking daozhang.
“It seems you slept well,” Song Lan said, all cold and dispassionate as if he wasn't secretly laughing at him, and Xue Yang jerked away with a furious glare.
Xiao Xingchen was there. Of course. But curled up with Song Lan, not him. Here and alive and perfect and snoring like a sow - but not his. Still not his.
And nothing was the way it should be, after all.
A chapter a very long time coming - this winter has not been kind to me, and I’ve only just recovered enough to try my hand at writing again.
A heartfelt thank you to all you who are still along on this journey with me - I hope you will like this chapter and its new developments!
All always, any comments, fun tags and feedback mean more to me than you can ever know, it’s very much what gives me the energy and motivation to keep this story going! ♥
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