#but all the awards and the celebrations and trying to make things feel special can breed bitterness and resentment and a certain
sweatervest-obsessed · 7 months
Discretions and Devotions
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Reader
WC: 1.2k
A/N: Decided to make this a mini series, in terms that the chapters will be short, but still entertaining since the idea of this makes me giggle. (Gender Neutral Reader btw)
Part 1: Hangovers and Hickies
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Supervisory Special Agent Derek Morgan was on the case.
Obviously, something was going on between you and Spencer. That much he could deduce. But to what extent? For how long? 
Since he needed these questions answered, he would require backup from his favorite girl.
“Enter and be known.” Rang out from behind the door when Derek knocked on it. He swung the door open and closed it behind him.
“Babygirl. Put your detective cap on.”
Garcia swiveled around in her chair and raised an eyebrow.
“I think Y/n and Reid are sleeping together.”
Garcia’s eyes lit up. “What’s your proof.”
“Well, Y/n came in today with a hickey and was completely hungover. Then Spencer brought in McDonald’s and Dunkin as a hangover cure—“
“They could’ve just texted one another Derek, you know that he’s completely smitten and would’ve just taken it upon himself to cure their hangover…”
He shook his head. “Let me finish. Then Y/n said that it was Reid’s fault that they ‘were like this’. Plus, both of them are wearing scarves or sweaters with neck coverage…” 
Garcia's mouth dropped open. “No…”
Derek nodded and crossed his arms. “And Reid started blushing because of whatever Y/n said, but then ran away before I could ask him any questions.”
“Oh, so they’re sleeping together.” Garcia nodded along with Derek.
“Exactly, but they won’t say anything about it.”
“I love you, but no. If this was the first time, why would they want to talk about it at all, but….If this has been happening for a while then it’s a secret. And I always uncover secrets” Penelope stood up, and all but stomped out of her bat cave and down to the bullpen, where you were feeling much better, having eaten some greasy foods to combat the headache.
“Where’s the fire?” You looked up as you saw Garcia headed over to you.
“Are you sleeping with Reid?”
“Woah. First off. Don’t go screaming that question in the middle of the bullpen.” You crossed your arms. “Second, who said I was?”
“You’re deflecting. So it’s true?”
You rolled your eyes. “Pen. I said that it was Reid’s fault I was drunk last night. But that’s where that ends. One of his papers just got nominated for some award and we went out to a bar to celebrate. I’m a good friend. And then, somehow, I had a bunch to drink, which caused me to flirt with some guy, and then take him home and uh….he went a little crazy with the whole hickey thing so…” You raised your eyebrows. “Can I give you any more information to give to Derek or is that enough.”
“Hm.” Garcia's lips twisted slightly as she looked you up and down, trying to decide if you were telling the truth.
“Garcia I love you but can you profile me at a different time, I have a consultant call in five.”
She sighed but nodded. “This isn’t over.”
“I didn’t think it would be.” You grumbled and turned back around to your computer.
You were able to avoid conversations with Garcia and Morgan for the rest of the day, which was nice considering you didn’t really want to talk about your sex life in the bullpen for anyone to hear.
Especially since the opposite party would be within earshot.
But that didn’t stop Garcia and Morgan from trying their damndest to get you or Reid to talk. At some point during the day, you were sure you saw Derek corner Spencer into a closet, which ended poorly since clearly he was not given the answers he wanted when you saw Spencer walk by earlier with a smug look on his face.
You decided to leave about half an hour earlier since you came in early. It worked out nicely and you were able to enjoy the walk to the subway by yourself, listening to your music and enjoying the fresh winter air.
The peace was interrupted when someone sat directly next to you causing you to look up with a pissed-off look on your face, that quickly melted into something a lot happier.
“Hey, you. I thought you were going to stay late today.” You smiled up at him and kissed his cheek. He shook his head and took your hand in his.
“I was but then getting chased around by SSA Tweedle Dee and Technical Analyst Tweedle Dum made me want to leave as soon as I could. Then I decided on it when Derek cornered me in the bathroom. Plus you left early and I’d rather spend time with you.”
Your eyes widened. “The bathroom?”
Spencer nodded and rolled his eyes.
“They’re persistent, that’s for sure.” You grumbled. 
“Well, considering how long it took them to figure out that the possibility of us being together was real, I think we’ll be okay.” He murmured, kissing your hand.
“Those two could leave no rock unturned and still find nothing but sand.” You snorted. 
Spencer laughed and squeezed your hand.
“I mean.” You sighed. “Today was a close call. Not that hiding is a bad thing or anything, like I know we’ve talked about it a lot, but still sometimes I get worried about if we’re ven doing the right thing or—“
“You’re starting to sound like me.” Spencer laughed softly, cutting you off. “But I get it. We slipped up.”
“We?!?! Excuse you. I think you mean you slipped up. You went a little crazy on the neck there Spencer.” 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
“I could slap that stupid grin off of your face Doctor Reid.” 
The two of you looked like two good friends, maybe something more if an eagle-eyed observer was searching for it, but nothing more. It was a science the two of you had perfected in case you were spotted together by someone from the team, or really anyone that was willing to snitch to them. 
“I don’t think we’ll be able to cover for much longer though. If Derek suddenly remembers how good he is at his job then we’re fucked.”
“Royally.” You agreed and rested your head on his shoulder.
The two of you sat like that for the rest of the ride, only moving to get off at your station.
You and Spencer took your time walking home, even though it was cold out. The sun was shining, which was rare enough as it was, which made you feel a bit better. Eventually, you made it back to your shared apartment where Spencer put in the code to get you both into the building.
You and Spencer were a minimal PDA couple, not because your relationship wasn’t very well known, but because neither of you felt the need to be overtly touchy with one another.
But today, with the sun, and the enjoyment of the fact that Spencer was home earlier than promised got to you. And before you entered, you kissed him softly on the lips, enjoying the feeling.
This was your fatal mistake since at that exact moment, one Emily Prentiss drove by and saw the whole thing. 
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pokado8 · 3 months
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Happy Birthday!
summary: what they do and how they spend your birthday with you <3
warnings: none
a/n: thought of this since today is my birthday!
Kuroo Tetsurou, Kotarou Bokuto, Shouyou Hinata, & Kenma Kozume
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Kuroo Tetsurou
✿ Kuroo wants to make sure you have the best birthday ever
✿ he’ll throw you a surprise party and everything. He just wants you to have a good time
✿ first Kuroo will take you out to go get breakfast and you guys talk about what you have to do for that day
✿ meanwhile your friends and his friends from nekoma and karasuno are at your house decorating and getting everything set up
✿ once you and Kuroo get done with breakfast he takes you shopping so you can get some things that you want he’s paying ofc
✿ if you try to tell him that you don’t want anything or that you’ll pay for yourself he will not stand for it. He will literally force his card into the employee’s hands
✿ he’ll go with you to get your hair and nails done for your birthday so you can look all nice and pretty pls let him pick out a nail color he just wants to be helpful 😭
✿ when you’re done yaku texts him that everything is ready and to bring you home. When you get there your friends all jump out and scream happy birthday
✿ everyone plays games and eats some food and cake
✿ after the party when everyone has left Kuroo gives you your gift from him after much teasing on his part
✿ it’s a photo book full of pictures from when you two started dating and some that are pretty recent. If you look at him you can obviously see a light pink tint on his cheeks indicating that he was nervous.
✿ if you tease him about this he’ll either get defensive and playfully tell you off or admit that the reason he’s blushing is because he was nervous. No in between
Bokuto Kotarou
✿ now Bokuto is special. He will force you to stay over at his house the night before your birthday and sing you happy birthday knowing it’s not 12 yet
✿ he just loves you so much he wants to wish you a early happy birthday
✿ once it’s finally 12 bokuto will hug and kiss you so much you feel like your face and body might go numb
✿ he’s so energetic you have to tell him to save his energy for earlier in the day and to go to sleep with you
✿ when you guys wake up and do your routine bokuto is glued to you. Anywhere you go he’s going too. Bathroom? Okay, he had to go too. Kitchen? Alright, let’s make breakfast. Going back to sleep? Hmm well fine, he could use the extra few minutes.
✿ kind of like Kuroo, Bokuto will get some of his and your friends to come hang out with you for your birthday
✿ you guys might go out to eat or something and celebrate there
✿ wants everyone to know it’s your birthday and will make sure they know too. He got you one of those award ribbons saying ‘birthday girl’, ‘birthday boy’, or ‘it’s my birthday!’ And yes you have to wear it
✿ when you guys get some alone time Bokuto’s demeanor will change from playful and energetic to serious. The shift is crazy and it will catch you off guard
✿ but anyway he’ll tell you how much he loves and appreciates you and how he really hopes that you had fun for your birthday
✿ he’ll give you a handmade bracelet or necklace and some snacks cuz he’s not very good at gift giving
✿ he hopes that him making the jewelry was okay instead of him buying it. He just wanted to get you something more meaningful
Hinata Shouyou
✿ Hinata is literally bouncing off the walls
✿ he so excited for your birthday dare I say more excited than you
✿ he doesn’t know what to do but he’ll just do whatever you wanna do
✿ if you stayed over at his house then he’s waking you up with soft gentle kisses on your face, but if you didn’t then he’s the first one to tell you happy birthday once it hits 12
✿ you guys are doing everything for your birthday. Maybe even things you haven’t even tried
✿ Hinata will take you out for a little walk while holding hands with you as you talk about what plans you have for today
✿ you’ll go get some ice cream and maybe even share one together if Hinata is feeling a little bold
✿ after ice cream you guys go to get some food and talk. Hinata might even ask force you to play volleyball with him if the conversation steers towards that direction
✿ if you’re celebrating with friends or family then that’s your next stop after he absolutely crushes you in volleyball. He’s like the loudest one singing happy birthday
✿ like bokuto, Hinata is glued to you the whole day and he won’t let you go. He’s like a little puppy following you around everywhere you go
✿ for your gift Hinata made you this little diy box full of cute pictures you took at the photo booth and some cute keychains, charms, and plushies
✿ after he gives you your gifts you guys eat some cake and watch movies
Kenma Kozume
✿ kenma is pretty laidback for your birthday. Although he wants to make sure you have fun he also doesn’t want to overwhelm or overstimulate you with so much stuff
✿ he invites you to stay the night the day before your birthday under the guise of ‘playing video games’ when in reality he just wanted to be the first person to tell you happy birthday
✿ both of you stay up for hours and when it’s 12 kenma pauses his game, turns to you while having a small smile on his face, and says “happy birthday, [name]” with the softest voice ever. Depending on how brave he’s feeling he just might give you a quick kiss on the lips
✿ if there’s something that you specifically want to do that day kenma is all for it. Even if it’s something physically demanding
✿ when you both wake up he cuddles into you some more while softly talking to you as to not break the peacefulness of the room
✿ kenma will do his best to make breakfast for you but don’t expect it to be top tier cooking because he’s not really the best at it
✿ if you’re celebrating with friends and family then you guys will bake your cake together.
✿ kenma will take you to the beach later on in the day so he can have some more alone time with you. If you want to he’ll even dip his feet into the water with you (doesn’t have to be the beach it can be anywhere just someplace that isn’t very populated/crowded)
✿ when it’s time kenma will sing you happy birthday as another surprise although it would most likely take a great deal of persuasion from Kuroo for him to even consider doing it
✿ he’ll be so nervous while singing it and if you tease him about it kenma will lovingly tell you to shut up and that the only reason he did it was because it was your birthday
✿ when kenma thinks it’s an appropriate time he’ll give you your gift which was a cherry blossom tree lego set and some ramen with a heartfelt message. Like Bokuto he really isn’t good at gift giving
✿ he’s so nervous when gifting them to you. His hands are superglued to his pockets while you examine your gift. If you tell him you like it then he’ll be really happy and you both will spend the rest of the day putting together your cherry blossom tree
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reblogs are appreciated!
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donnerpartyofone · 1 year
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This has been a really hard one to talk about. I'm always very ambivalent about mourning celebrities. I try to remember that I don't know these people, that what is really mourned by most of us is the person's ongoing work, which in the best cases has helped us understand ourselves and the world in which we live. Unavoidably, though, you can start to develop the sense that you know these people personally, which isn't true or even appropriate necessarily, I mean you have no idea whether you would even like someone you've only seen on a screen or received an autograph from; but at the same time, I don't know if you can really force yourself not to feel like the deceased celebrity is a dear friend you will never get to talk to again (the last time I tried and failed was the passing of Lux Interior). Maybe this is more forgivable, and also more inevitable, if you feel like you grew up with the person.
Of course this is all about ME now, but my mother (who also died from cancer) was an extremely hip, brilliant, funny individual who for whatever reason refused to form a relationship with me. This was pretty strange, because we liked a lot of the same things--B movies, old comics, all types of camp and kitsch--but when I liked those things, it was in poor taste and punishable by exile, whereas when she liked those things, it was evidence of her cultural genius. Before I make anybody too mad I should say that I'm being a little bit unfairly reductive just so I can get to the point, which is that one of the few things we could share was Pee-Wee's Playhouse. I didn't know anything about the show's more adult origins or the fact that Paul Reubens was sort of a performance artist, but I didn't have to. Pee-Wee's Playhouse was a feast for any child's senses: stylish, hilarious, and on some subliminal level, really sophisticated. I was clued into some of what was going on just because I watched it with my mom, who always laughed at Pee-Wee's winks and nudges to the hep parents in the audience. The show might have been my first encounter with the kind of anthropological humor favored by people like David Byrne and Laurie Anderson, artists who engage subversively with cliches, stereotypes, and other memetic parts of popular culture. In Pee-Wee's Playhouse, with its sharp, edgy cast and crew, kids like me were getting into fine art without even knowing it--which is possibly the best way to learn about art anyway.
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In fact, on the other side of our house, I became obsessed with Gary Panter's incredible punk opus Jimbo In Paradise, a Dantesque comic book about an innocent young guy living in a dystopian future, where he is occasionally joined by guest stars such as Nancy and Hedorah. I was about 7 when I started reading Jimbo over and over again even though I could barely understand it, and I had no idea that Gary had pretty much designed Pee-Wee's Playhouse. I'm speaking about him so familiarly because I got to know him a little bit as a grownup. I remember Gary talking about how private Paul Reubens could be. He used to do this thing where he would accept a dinner invitation from anybody who asked, as sort of a stunt, but he had to stop doing it because people became so intrusive and entitled with him. Gary said that they'd be walking around in New York and when they saw an obvious Pee-Wee fan gearing up for an offensive, Paul Reubens would sort of transform into this totally different person, putting out an aura that let you know not to fuck with him. It's crazy-making to think that someone who was so protective of the boundary between his private and public selves had to suffer that ridiculous arrest, but it's heartening that most of society eventually grew the fuck up and forgot about it. It's also helpful to remember when he turned up later on the MTV Music Video Awards and started off by asking the audience, "HEARD ANY GOOD JOKES LATELY??"
I'm glad we got one more Pee-Wee special in the past several years, but I always wished that we would see Paul Reubens in more movies. He was such a cool actor, funny, convincing, and naturally charismatic. While people are cycling through their favorite roles of his, I want to point out that he had a great role on a recent HBO miniseries called Mosaic, an intense, engrossing crime drama that I definitely recommend if you have access. Maybe I'll rewatch it, too. In closing, here's a great story that I grabbed from Facebook that should warm everybody's heart, along with the heartbreaking statement (inappropriately cropped by Instagram of course) released upon the death of the very private Pee-Wee Herman. It makes you wish you could thank him in person, for everything. The best we can do is just remember him.
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rainbowsky · 9 months
Hi rbs, stupid question maybe but do you know why Yibo never stays during events like this one?
(I mean he just walks the red carpet very fast and then we almost don't see him for the night, he doesn't sit with other celebrities)
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Hi Anon! ☺️
It's not a stupid question at all.
Of course no one knows for sure, we can only theorize. However, there are a few excellent reasons that immediately pop into my head for why DD doesn't linger and hobnob with others at these events.
He wants to avoid being a disruption
Let's face it, wherever DD goes the cameras and fans follow, and his mere presence can be a huge disruption to any proceeding. DD always tries to stay in the shadows so as not to steal other people's fire. Not just because he's humble and respectful - which he definitely is - but also to avoid anti attacks about him 'taking up too much space'.
A perfect example of this happened last night at the event. Eric Wang - his costar from Hidden Blade - was onstage speaking, and DD's face appeared on the screen briefly and the fans screamed really loudly, interrupting his speech. He was startled and looked around in confusion trying to figure out what had set everyone screaming.
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This is the sort of thing both GG and DD no doubt want to avoid. They wouldn't want to be the reason other people's moments in the spotlight get derailed. Eric Wang is a friend and colleague, onstage in his own special moment. DD wouldn't want this.
And this isn't just an issue with the event itself, but also all the discussion and buzz that their appearance generates online.
Yes, of course it's important for them to be talked about a lot and viewed as popular and in demand, but that can often tip over into being seen to take up too much space - too many 'public resources' - which can lead to public criticism and viewer fatigue. It can also heavily contribute to the 'traffic star' 'teen idol' reputation, which I believe they're both trying to shake (for various reasons it's better if they can be viewed as serious actors).
He and his team want to minimize risk
This goes along with my first point - he and his team will want to do everything they can to minimize the risk associated with unscripted moments in the spotlight. Of all the reasons, I think this is actually the number one reason they lay low at events.
Whenever a star is out in front of people in a live public setting, there is tremendous opportunity for them to become the subject of embarrassing, hateful or even career-jeopardizing anti attacks, gossip and hotsearches. Especially at an event where other stars are present. Every move they make, every choice about where to look or how to stand, every facial expression, becomes an opportunity for misinterpretation or incitement of fan wars.
This is likely also why GG and DD are never in the same room when accepting awards at these things. When one is onstage accepting an award, the other is backstage. This ensures that there can be no camera cut to the other one, which would be massively disruptive (as with point 1) and potentially inflame fan wars.
And it's not just onstage moments that are a problem; all time spent in the room can be a minefield. For example, any time one star is seated next to another star every micro-expression, every slight move or action is analyzed and conclusions drawn about how the two feel about each other. This can lead to harmful rumors ranging from dating rumors to rumors they hate each other - all of which can lead to negative gossip and fan wars.
If a star is really friendly with another star and one of them ends up embroiled in scandal, that can lead to the other one being dragged into the same scandal just by association. DD especially is constantly the target of hate attacks. It wouldn't do for him to be seen getting too cozy with the next star on the chopping block. Antis would have a field day making it seem like DD was part of the scandal somehow.
Both GG and DD are at the level where frankly they don't need this kind of exposure anymore. They don't need the risk, and they don't need the 'rewards'. They simply don't need to be seen quite as much as some of the newer up-and-coming stars do. There comes a point where the risk/reward ratio shifts to where it's safer for their careers to not be so constantly in the spotlight.
He is at work
I know these kinds of events can be a lot of fun for fans and feel like a big exciting party, but ultimately for the star, they are at work. It's work. Because of the issues I pointed out above - along with so many others, no doubt - being put in the spotlight like that has to be incredibly high pressure and high stress.
These are tightly managed events, and a lot goes on behind the scenes to ensure that things in front of the camera go smoothly. They have to be at certain locations at certain times (for example, they have to be at the end of the red carpet when it's their turn to walk, they have to be in their seat when their award is announced), and they have to be looking their best and on their best behavior.
They have to look beautiful but not too flashy. They have to look relaxed even if they don't feel relaxed. Their facial expressions and behavior have to be appropriate. They're appearing, after all, in front of millions and millions of people - appearances which are being recorded, photographed and livestreamed from every angle.
Behind the scenes there are people managing their makeup and wardrobe, there are often interviews and photos with media, there are often brand-related bits that need to be captured on film.
It might seem glamorous to get all dressed up and go to a party and get an award, but for the top stars it's a high stakes public appearance where every moment is closely managed and timed up to the minute - even second.
Things are simultaneously fast-paced and incredibly dull. Top stars like GG and DD are usually the last to appear on the red carpet or onstage, so there would be a lot of waiting around in unfamiliar spaces surrounded with work colleagues and management.
With events like this the stars are often starving as well, as they don't have time to eat or don't want to risk ruining their outfit or having digestive issues while in the spotlight.
I'm sure being a surgeon or a detective also seems exciting to those outside the profession, but really it's always work, and these are some of the most high-pressure, high-stress, high-stakes jobs.
A public appearance like this is ultimately a promotional activity, not a party, celebration or social occasion.
He's a very busy guy
This is another huge reason GG and DD often sweep into an event and leave the first instant they're able to. Because they have incredibly packed schedules and many conflicting demands on their time. They simply don't have time to dicker around at an event for any longer than necessary.
They've left events like this to go straight to a filming set to get back in costume and back to work. It's just how things go when you're that high profile and in high demand.
It's too public
GG and DD have private lives, even just in WeChat groups, etc. where they can socialize with friends and colleagues out of the public eye. I doubt they get excited about being under the scrutiny of so many people at events like this.
This is just the norm
I feel the need to add that DD's behavior isn't unusual at all. I think sometimes fans get the impression that GG and DD make themselves unusually scarce, but it's just not true. All the top stars tend to vacate their seats the moment they have a chance.
Just look at this footage from last night when DD was accepting his award. Look at all the empty seats behind him as he's walking to the stage - all along the entire length of the stagefront where the top stars are always placed. Soon DD's seat will also be empty.
Anyway, like I said, no one knows for sure. It's not something he or his team is ever likely to speak about publicly. But just looking at the situation some features do stand out.
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seeminglyranch87 · 6 months
Taylor & Travis Timeline
April 2024 - Part 1
April 1 - iHeart Radio Music Awards (x)
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Taylor won the following iHeart Awards for 2024
Artist of the Year
Pop Artist of the Year
Tour of the Year
Best Lyrics - Is It Over Now
TikTok Bop of the Year - Cruel Summer
Favorite Tour Style
Taylor accepted these awards remotely
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April 2 - Travis speaks to People promoting Kelce Jam music festival (x)
Kelce, 34, tells PEOPLE, "I'm the happiest I've ever been. I'm a guy that some people say is glass half full, half empty, and my glass is all the way full. It's all the way full." "I'm oozing life right now,"
"It's just so much fun getting into when you win the Super Bowl, all these doors open, and so I've just been going through all these open doors, experiencing life and just appreciating the people that have got me here and also staying high and meeting new faces."
"It doesn't feel like there's much chill in my life. Everything seems to be full throttle and just moving at the speed of light, and that's how I kind of like it. I like it to be up pace. I like to have just exciting things going on. And sure enough, I'm out here in the entertainment world trying to dabble into that before I get back locked in on football and knowing that that's going to be my focus until I'm done playing."
"But to dabble around in the entertainment space is something that I'm really interested in, it's just going to be an amazing opportunity to get out in front of Kansas City and just celebrate the Super Bowl win one more time." Travis says referring to Kelce Jam.
ETonline release 8 minute interview with Travis (x)
Speaking of his trip to the Bahamas with Taylor Travis says "t's just a lovely place down there isn't it you can get it all down there, all the love in the world 
"you make it all work is it just you prioritize what's important yeah I mean I think we're both very career driven, I think we both love what we do and you know any chance that I can you know show my support to her and knowing that she's shown me all the support in the world throughout the season it's just been an amazing experience you know getting to know Tay"
Travis spoke to Associated Press (x)
"The only thing I can learn from [Taylor] that translates into how I can perform is just how relatable she is on stage. She’s very comfortable. She brings everybody into the room with her. She makes it an intimate setting even though there’s 70,000 people at every show. It’s pretty impressive.”
Travis speaks with The Hollywood Reporter (x)
You’re producing your second festival and taking part in the live music space, while Taylor Swift put on one of the biggest live music events of all time last year with her Eras Tour. Did you learn anything from watching her do that? (Laughs.) I did: Don’t try and be Taylor, that’s what I learned. Yeah, she’s on a whole other stratosphere. She’s the best at what she does for a reason. It’s because she’s so articulate and just very dialed into every single thing that she does. And that’s the beauty of it. I’d be silly if I ever tried to take anything from what she does, other than just enjoy the people that show up. I think that’s one thing I could probably take away: She really relates to the people she’s performing in front of, and so I’ll take that. Her four-hour concert is not easy to do … It’s impressive.
April 3 - New Heights Ep. 84 airs with special guest Arnold Schwarzenegger. Jason & Travis Kelce film episode in LA after flying in from Philadelphia together with Taylor.
April 4 - Are You Smarter Than A Celebrity filmed in LA - Travis confirmed to host
TikTok - waitress who served Travis over the weekend in Ohio shares that Travis knows all 300 Taylor Swift songs in sweet interaction (x)
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April 5 - Are You Smarter Than A Celebrity day 2 filming in LA - Travis to host.
Taylor promotes her up coming album The Tortured Poets Department according to Billboard (x)
The two week countdown to 'The Tortured Poets Department' is on — and to celebrate, Taylor Swift unveiled five new playlists featuring songs from her first 10 albums representing a distinct phase of heartbreak. ⁠ ⁠ Four of the playlists are named after the taglines of previously announced deluxe editions: “I Love You, It’s Ruining My Life," “You Don’t Get to Tell Me About Sad,” “Am I Allowed to Cry?” and “Old Habits Die Screaming." The fifth one is dubbed “I Can Do It With a Broken Heart” after one of the song titles on 'Tortured Poets.' ⁠ ⁠ Each playlist also features a voice note in which Swift speaks about her personal experiences with each phase, inspired by the stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance.⁠
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Just checking in, how is everyone?
Are You Smarter Than A Celebrity filmed in LA - Travis is host
April 8 - Taylor reveals lyrics to TTPD (x)
Perfectly timed with the solar eclipse - personal photo taken on iPhone today - USA
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Are You Smarter Than A Celebrity filmed in LA - Travis is hosting
April 9 - Are You Smarter Than A Celebrity filmed in LA - Travis is host
Travis & Taylor papped driving in LA (x)
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April 10 - New Heights Ep. 85 airs with guest Dave "Lil Dicky" talking about Travis dating Taylor (x)
1:16:50 (x)
LD: how you guys doing with all this? Travis beams; "I'm having a blast in life baby, just flying high, enjoying it all!" Lil Dicky says "your most popular Popstar and beloved musician somehow met your most popular beloved athlete and they actually fell in love..." Travis replies "I don't know how I did it because she does not, she wasn't into sports so I don't know how the f**k I did it? Lil Dicky responds "well you did it because you said you called her out on..." Travis answers "I know exactly how I did it!"
Are You Smarter Than A Celebrity filmed in LA - Travis is host.
April 11 - New Heights podcast recorded live with Jason & Travis Kelce at Nippert Stadium, Cincinnati, Ohio
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Travis dances to Shake It Off and tells the audience this is one of his favourite songs, Jason says it's Wyatt's favourite too (x)
April 12 - Are You Smarter Than A Celebrity filmed in LA - Travis confirmed to host
Taylor & Travis seen leaving Sushi Park restaurant - LA
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April 13 - Taylor posts (x) with lyrics “I wish I could un-recall how we almost had it all.”
The photo reveals that Aaron Dessner is a collaborator.
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Travis & Taylor attend Day 2 of Coachella. They are first seen side stage for Bleachers with Jack Antonoff then escorted to the pit for Ice Spice and others through out the night. (x x x x x) Taylor is wearing a New Heights cap
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April 14 - Taylor releases another clue in the lyrics of Peace - CONDUCT on Apple Music.
April 17 - New Heights Ep. 86 airs. Jason & Travis Kelce talk about experiencing Coachella (01:07:50) (x)
Jason "we know who you went with, we saw the pictures. All right we know who you went with"
Travis "She's [Taylor] supporting the New Heights"
Jason "Big New Heights supporter - yeah sold out of the green hat real quick"
Travis "It's a good color green"
Jason "How was Coachella different? I expected you guys to be backstage like mostly with the musicians right but it seemed like you guys are in the crowd?"
Travis "I'd like to see it front from the fans perspective like the people that actually cuz I am a fan of music I'm a fan of live shows. I want to see it from the front of the stage. We probably could have finessed it that way but I think it's just that much more of an experience if you're in the uh if you're in the pit man if you're in the the madness with all the uh all the fans. It was awesome though."
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shut-up-danny-kun · 10 months
Disclaimer: OP is aggressively neutral about Taylor Swift.
The way the internet collectively bullies swifties makes me sick. Oh, you've decided you like this (extremely popular) (world-renowned)(award-winning) singer? Lol ur sooo basic, you have no taste, you're delusional about this boring-ass white girl, try and listen to some real music (like me)! It's always “don't make fun of people for their interests” with y'all until it's something you've decided to performatively hate in order to seem more special.
“Oh, but they deserve to be made fun of” stop right there.
“Her music is boring” I'm sorry, but popular things are popular for a reason - people like them. Not everyone wants to listen to Orangutang Johnson and The Men of The Seven Seas, and that's okay. You're not - and I repeat - you're not any better than a swiftie for listening to less popular music. It does not make you good. It does not make you more special. It does not give you arcane abilities to judge other people. If you have a musical education and want to critique Taylor's music from a quality standpoint, that's another thing, but it's not what the majority of haters are doing.
“she's queerbaiting fans by refusing to talk about her sexuality” NOT WHAT QUEERBAITING MEANS. THAT'S NOT QUEERBAITING. Celebrities are not characters, they are real people and they don't owe you a revelation of their sexualities. “But she's straight, I 100% guarrantee it!” and what happened to our precious “don't assume people's sexualities until they tell you”? Huh? Apparently that's okay to do if a girl looks straight enough? Imagine for a second that she was queer. Imagine how she would feel. She doesn't have to be a lesbian to be LGBT+, so what if she's, say, aromantic? She would risk facing public outrage over “tricking” the public with her love songs. You can see how quickly this goes south.
“She's a nepo baby! And she's a millionaire, eat the rich!” Look me in the eye and tell me you're not obsessed with a famous white man who is also both of those things. Go on. If you're not, you're off the hook for this one, but keep in mind you should also be making fun of virtually every popular singer, not just Taylor Swift.
“It's okay to make fun of swifties because there's a lot of them” it still hurts, you know. Especially if you don't get a lot of contact with other fans. Especially if you're very young or feel like you can't be yourself in your daily life and Taylor's music speaks to you.
In the end, all that you're doing is taking something that someone really loves and telling them it's worthless, and that's just plain mean. To any swifties reading: keep having fun. Listen to whatever music you like.
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Summary of my Edinburgh Festival experience, celebrity gossip edition – comedians who referenced other comedians in their shows. Spoiler alert for everything, obviously.
Nish takes the main prize on this, with jokes affectionately making fun of the Off Menu and Parenting Hell guys, and non-affectionately making fun of Ricky Gervais and Jimmy Carr (the latter of which I hesitated to mention on Tumblr because it’s a WIP and I wasn’t sure he wanted it recorded, until he did that joke while streaming on NextUp, that has to make it fair to discuss). There were also little references to various comedians in a story from filming Hold the Front Page, and to Luke McQueen breaking Nish’s finger during football. Oh, and a bit about Russell Brand. Not a fan.
I heard a few other comedians take shots at Ricky Gervais in their sets, mainly just in passing. Sarah Keyworth actually took one of those out of their set, taking a joke that used to be specifically about Gervais and making it about comedians doing bigoted Netflix specials in general (again, though, has to be fair game to reference the original version as they filmed it at Access Festival for NextUp). It’s the only bit of their set that I thought was stronger in January than in August, but it was a small thing, and the set had improved in a whole bunch of other ways since then, and was very very good to begin with. An excellent show.
More surprisingly, David O’Doherty got a fairly small, but seemingly genuinely frosty dig at Jimmy Carr in his show. It was one of those moments where DO’D plays with the effect of suddenly turning off his gentle persona just for a moment, and it worked well. Got a massive cheer from the crowd, especially for something so quick.
DO’D also had a brief bit slagging off those comedians who claim they’re edgy enough to talk about anything but want to shut down discussions of allegations. A few comedians brought those guys up. Eleanor Morton focused a bunch of her show on discussing how to reconcile having to go around in a community where everyone knows the predators are still there but no one’s allowed to say their names, she discussed a few specific events with guys at that festival but of course didn’t name them. She also referenced an award-winning comedian who once assaulted her, and based on some vague circumstantial evidence I think I know who that is, though I sort of hope I’m wrong. Sort of. Doesn’t really matter, I guess, since a terrible thing happened whether it was by the guy I think it is or not.
Kiri Pritchard-McLean did name a name, when discussing sexual predators in comedy, but of course immediately asked us not to repeat what she’d said because she can’t afford to get sued. Honestly, I was surprised when she said not to repeat it, because I’ve heard that guy’s name mentioned so much in connection with being a predator that I forgot it’s just a rumour, and not something you’re allowed to officially say. So to be clear, Kiri didn’t reveal any unknown secrets. Just a well known one.
…On a lighter note, Mat Ewins has videos that featured Richard Gadd and Jordan Brookes. That was fun. Jordan Brookes had the Crizards guy doing backup dancing in his musical, and some other sketch comedians whom I did not recognize.
On a less light note, Ed Night talked some shit about Tom Binns, which was a bit of a left-field choice, he tied it into stuff about messed up ways people talk about mental health (ie. arguing that mental health medication can turn you into a sex offender).
I have to admit, I did not start this post with the intention of listing all the comedians who referenced rampant getting away with misconduct within the comedy industry. I was just remembering that it was fun when Jordan Brookes turned up in that Ewins video, so I thought I’d do a post where I try to collate all the comedians whom I saw referenced in other comedians’ shows. I feel like if I did this list 10-15 years ago, it would have a lot more comedians telling stories about hanging out with their comedy friends, and a lot less of the harrowing stuff. Not because the harrowing stuff wasn’t happening then, but because it was talked about less, so it is definitely for the best that it’s getting dragged into the open now. Sort of. Only sort of. There are a lot of ways I find comedians’ descriptions of the “industry” familiar, as someone who’s been in an insular community, and I’m sure this is also familiar to anyone who’s ever been in a community of any kind, which is most people. Some of those relatable descriptions about workings of communities are fun, and some of them are the trap where everyone is allowed to condemn awful behaviour in general terms, including the people committing the behaviour, because no one is allowed to discuss specific instances or specific names of predators or victims, and if you do then you’re the problematic person who doesn’t respect confidentiality (even if the victims of what you’re describing want the story out there), so talking about it changes nothing. Anyway. I genuinely did not intend for this post to go in this dark a direction.
…Zoe Coombs Marr directed Lou Wall’s show and they both gave each other shoutouts about that, that was sweet. There’s a non-harrowing instance of comedians referencing each other. Lou Wall also discussed doing various things with other comedians, some harrowing and some not. I was trying to find a lighter side and ended up at Lou Wall’s decidedly non-light show.
Luke McQueen broke Nish Kumar’s finger while playing football. That’s pretty funny. And the crowd did really like it when DO'D took a shot at Jimmy Carr. Also funny.
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wrongcaitlyn · 6 months
do you have any favorite scenes that didn’t make it into talk ur talk?!?
okay so i took a long time to think about this bc GOD its such a good question but now that i rlly look back at talk ur talk - i realize that i was incredibly self indulgent with writing scenes and what sort of stuff i was including!! i mean, obviously the fic idea as a whole was very self indulgent, but i think that whenever i had an idea for a scene, it ended up in talk ur talk in some way
however, there are definitely some things that i cut out simply because they weren't in character/i didn't think it would be fitting, which sometimes you just have to do! the characters were progressing, and they didn't fit into this cookie cutter mold of a classic celebrity, so obviously i wasn't able to write some of the things i would've liked, aka:
interviews. i would've LOVED to write more interview scenes with nico. but i also knew that he, as a character, very adamantly was not a fan of them, and so obviously i couldn't just make him go back on his word and go off to do a bunch of interviews
more scenes in public/with fans, getting recognized and what not. honestly this may have just come from my own fear of oc's, bc everytime i included other characters that were not from the main cast, i got *terrified* like idk i just try to stay away from them? not like they can't be written well, they absolutely can, i've read fics with some of the most incredible oc's. i am just scared of writing them on my own, so i tended to stay away from the fan interaction thing even though i definitely would've liked to do that more
red carpets/award shows!! i didn't include a lot of these bc i felt like it'd get really repetitive after the first time and i didn't want to clutter up the fic with a bunch of, essentially, the same scenes. he walks down a red carpet. cameras are flashing. he answers some questions. that's pretty much it
OKAY OKAY WAIT THIS IS SOMETHING THAT TECHNICALLY it's not that it didn't *make it* into talk ur talk, but just several ideas that i had that i knew immediately wouldn't ever be in the fic, but like, aghsljdf my heart - him interacting with irl celebs. i KNOW i don't write that, i don't plan on writing that, i don't like writing with real people involved, BUT
him being a special guest on the rep tour
him talking with lorde at the grammys
him just meeting a bunch of other celebs like ugh ik i've thought abt it a lot and it'll never actually show up in the fic but i do like to imagine it!!
something i also didn't include in greatest of luxuries was will listening to welcome to new york. nonstop. like all the time. it's just always there he's always listening to it if i ever mention him listening to a song and not saying a specific song it's welcome to new york bc ofc it is.
(i am currently listening to welcome to new york)
aside from all that, i think when looking back at all of it, the one thing i regret is that i didn't write more school scenes. like. there were so many opportunities, more octavian, more angst, more nico being famous, like i feel like famous kid in a school with the asshole that is octavian would be such a cool dynamic and i kinda regret not writing it more! i think i may, one day, go back and write a few extra scenes of talk ur talk into a few one-shots or something (probably after i finish greatest of luxuries and just get nostalgic over talk ur talk lmfao) but i think that's it! thank you for the ask!!
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bbfeelings · 1 year
My contribution to the first day of Kazuki Week 2023: grief/acceptance. Sorry double posting, but I figure it's more accessible to post the entire fic here on Tumblr. You can also read it on AO3.
Title inspired by this song. And for your vibe considerations.
Your Mess Is Mine
QPR or mlm KazuRei. Post-finale, Pre-Time Skip. Family fluff.
Summary: Kazuki, Rei, and Miri attend Karin's wedding in France. Before this, Kazuki and Rei's relationship was largely undefined because they were both fine with whatever that is going on.
When Karin flashed her engagement ring over video chat a year ago, Kazuki didn’t imagine he’d be in the French countryside, walking her down the aisle, with Miri tossing petals just steps before them. Karin clung to “Kazu-nii” all those years ago; and just now, she hooked her arm around his again.
Yuzuko’s death once separated them. Parentless and raised by her elder sister, young Karin went to live with a distant relative up north, while Kazuki remained in Tokyo. He believed that she resented him for taking her only family away. Then they reconnected again, and she fitted right into his newfound family. Miri and Karin adore each other, and Rei warmed up to her quickly, too.
Kazuki feels the tears well up. Don’t cry, don’t cry, they’re taking photos. He looks at her; Karin is beautiful in the gown she designed herself. She looks right back at him, the way she squints when she smiles, the same quirk Yuzuko had. I’m walking her down the aisle, Yuzu. Can you believe it? He presses his lips together, but a blink lets the droplets fall.
“Aw, come on, you’re such a cryer,” Karin says, with a smile so dazzling that he almost misses her misty eyes. “You’re gonna make me cry, too.” The two giggles at how silly they look trying to fight back tears.
After retiring from their previous careers and moving out of the city to a seaside town, Kazuki and Rei (mostly Kazuki, really) made local friends and were invited to weddings a couple of times. But this particular wedding is unlike anything they’ve experienced. For starters, the celebration is hosted at a chateau—or what Miri excitedly called a castle. Karin’s husband is an award-winning chef specializing in Japanese-French cuisine, so the food is bound to be exquisite. Not to mention, French weddings are an all-day affair, as they’ve been warned that dinner will be served at 9 pm, and the party after will last till dawn.
As her first trip outside of Japan, or perhaps just as a 9-year-old, Miri is having the time of her life. “We’re staying at a castle!” Their room is furnished with one king-sized bed. Kazuki and Rei looked at each other and shrugged.
In the four and a half years they’ve left their old lives behind, the family of three had had a few living situations. After the loft apartment, they moved into an old unit with a tatami floor in the only bedroom. Much to young Miri’s delight, the three of them slept together for an entire year.
It wasn’t an easy year; stuck in a shoe box, between assimilating into civilian life, parenthood, and Rei’s disability, Kazuki and Rei had disagreements. Many. Never fighting in front of Miri was the one thing they could agree on from the start.
But it was also that year when they grew much closer. The reality forced them to communicate, and to face issues head on. Ultimately, Kazuki and Rei wanted the same thing: a safe, happy childhood for Miri. Every time they fought, it was to protect that vision. In that same year, they began to truly mold and fit into each other, consciously or unconsciously. From Kazuki walking on Rei’s right side, Rei’s ability to maneuver in the kitchen alongside Kazuki, to the way they sleep in the futons on tatami.
The day of the wedding, Kazuki stood before the armoire; a black suit for him, a navy suit for Rei, and a satin and tulle dress Karin had made for Miri in a shade of sage green that flatters her eyes and hair. She’d even hand sewed her name, in cursive, on the inside of the dress.
“Reminds me of the night before her first day at daycare,” Kazuki said in a tone reminiscent of something like nostalgia.
“A much better job than we’ll ever do,” Rei took a glance then chuckled.
“Can’t argue with that.”
Kazuki zipped up the dress then fluffed up the wrinkled tulle skirt. Miri twirled excitedly. “Can I go? Can I go?” Her eyes sparkled.
“Don’t run too far, be back here in 10 minutes, okay?” She nodded then disappeared behind the door. By the sound of her heels, she was skipping down the hall.
Kazuki combed and tied Rei’s hair into a sleek low ponytail. Rei had kept it at mid length, after discovering his strands form loose waves with the right haircut, instead of a puffy, frizzy mess. Though Kazuki never called it a mess; he’d say it was fluffy while ruffling through it.
“I can do it myself,” Rei said. Kazuki fastened the necktie just right, then smoothed down the collar. “I know. But I like doing it.”
After the ceremony, it’s the cocktail hours. When the blonde man finally returns with a plate of hors d'oeuvre and two flutes, Rei snares. “Done harassing your brother-in-law?”
“This is the time! A real, living Michelin star chef. I had to.”
“So what did you steal from him.” Rei takes a sip as he watches Miri playing with other children across the room.
“He said we should try using baguette instead of milk bread for French toast.”
“We could test with baguette on the next day off. What else?”
“Something about olive oil… I’m not sure. His Japanese isn’t fluent. And a lot of the food terms were in French,” Kazuki pauses to enjoy the finger food. “You have to try this.”
Rei studies the little piece of toast with various toppings, “Nah. It has olives.”
Kazuki picks out the olive, eats it, then offers Rei again by shoving it directly in front of his face. Rei reluctantly eats off Kazuki’s hand.
“Not bad.”
The dinner was a feast. Multi-course, modern Japanese-French cuisine with wine pairings. Rei swears that Kazuki was nearly brought to tears, again. “The miso? The miso in the sauce? Brilliant. Gosh. I wish I was Karin.” Kazuki gushes.
“Don’t even think about stealing my husband, Kazuki,” the tipsy bride waltzes over with a wine glass in hand. Her pretend stern face turns into giggles as soon as she sees Rei. “I don’t think Rei-kun would be happy with that either!”
“Why wouldn’t I be—“
Karin shushes him. “Stop it. Stop. It flew right over you again and I’m not explaining.” Rei closes his gaping mouth in confusion.
“Go get Miri! I’m doing the bouquet toss in a bit!” The giddy bride says before hopping away towards the groom, who waits to take her hand with the fondest look on his face.
“What was that?” Rei asks. Kazuki puts a hand on his back and shakes his head.
Kazuki and Miri wait with a group of women who are participating in the bouquet toss.
“This is so fun,” She says as she yawns. Too much fun, perhaps. It is getting late. “When you and Rei-papa get married, can I be a flower girl again?” She looks up at Kazuki and asks nonchalantly.
“Eh? Why—“
“Kazuki! Get outta there! You’re not getting this bouquet!” Karin shouts and swings her arm dramatically. Her cheeks are flushed and her steps are slightly unsteady. She looks so happy.
“My bad, my bad…” Kazuki holds up his hands as he moves out of the way. The guests laugh at their sibling banter.
The excited crowd gathers. This is where the real fun of the night begins. Karin turns around and does a couple of swings before her toss; the guests watch attentively in anticipation.
“Three… two… one!” The bride jumps and hurls backward, sending the bouquet across the ballroom. In front of the group, Miri realizes the bundle of flowers isn’t coming their way. It’s going completely sideways, towards the wine table. Everyone’s eyes follow the flying bouquet.
Rei flexes his left arm and catches it backhandedly. He turns around, prosecco in one hand, flowers in the other, utterly flabbergasted. The guests go wild; several women swarm him. That man wasn’t even looking!
Miri weaves through the traffic, throws herself at Rei, and squeals. “That was so cool!” She beams and hugs his waist tightly. “My papas are getting married!”
“Eh? What do you mean—“
“Congratulations!” The guests cheer, making him even more flustered. What is Miri saying? He scans the crowd in a panic, but couldn’t find a single familiar face.
Then he sees it. Strawberry blonde, a pair of bright, tea-brown eyes, and a crooked grin. Kazuki swims through the crowd and makes it to Rei and Miri.
“Rei-papa and Kazuki-papa are getting married!”
“Wow, haha, um, nice catch!” Kazuki says awkwardly. Damn it, my nerves! Rei doesn’t say anything, eyes wide like a deer in the headlight. “Um, you all right? Rei?”
“I saw something in the corner of my eye and… this.” He holds up the bouquet, “That wasn’t very normal people of me.” Rei mutters, ears still hot from all the attention.
Kazuki chuckles slyly, “Sure was very assassin of you.”
Rei dishes a side eye and chucks the flowers in his face.
They finally coaxed Miri into going to bed. The condition: she gets to hold on to the bouquet when she does. The two men step out to the garden for some fresh air. Rei takes out a brand new pack of cigarettes in French packaging.
“Haven’t seen you smoke in a while,” Kazuki commented.
“Well, it’s for the occasion.” He lights it up, takes a drag, and promptly coughs.
“Can’t handle it anymore?”
“Shut up. I just wasn’t expecting it to be this strong.”
The lively music flows out from the chateau, a stark contrast to the serene and sleepy countryside.
“…would you do it?”
“Do what?”
“Sign the papers.”
“Sign what papers?”
“Gosh, Rei, do I really need to spell it out?”
“You know the answer.”
“Fine.” Kazuki sighs, wishing he’d had a drink before this. “Like, getting married or whatever. Hypothetically, of course.”
Rei takes a long drag and exhales. “I mean, you’re the one who was married.”
“That was different.”
“How so?”
Kazuki pictures the day he and Yuzuko got married at the city hall. She was in a sundress, and he was in a shirt and tie that were sold as a set. But that wasn’t really it, was it? Marriage is… what comes after. Though their marriage barely lasted, and it wasn’t their fault. Kazuki reaches his hand over, Rei passes the cigarette.
Kazuki coughs.
“Told you.”
“Yeah, thanks for the warning.” Regaining composure, Kazuki continues. “You know she died six months later.”
Rei remains silent.
“But it was easy—the decision to get married. It was just the thing to do, you know? If I could do it over, I’d marry her again. She was what I needed. At the time. I… loved her. I really did. And I still do, I think.” He pauses, looking back at the chateau. “Like how I love Karin and Miri. I’d do anything for them—I’d die in their place, if I could.”
The thought of Miri or Kazuki dying sends a chill down his spine. Rei turns his head away. “That’s grim. We’re at a wedding.”
“I know. But—and then there’s you. And I’d do the same for you, too.”
“I can handle myself.”
“That’s not what I mean.”
“Then what do you mean, Kazuki? You asked me a hypothetical question and went on about… about the people you love. What’s that got to do with each other? I can’t understand you when you go roundabout like that.” Rei pauses, filling his lungs with brisk air. “I need you to tell me exactly what it is.”
Kazuki traces the outline of the man before him, then puts his arm around his slim frame. Rei leans in and rests his head on his shoulder. “We’re not fighting though, are we?”
“Of course not, dummy,” Kazuki says softly.
“…it’s warm.”
“I like you.”
“What did you just say?” Kazuki pulls away, “What are you, a teenager?”
“I didn’t like anyone when I was a teenager.”
“Don’t get smart with me,” he fixes Rei’s crooked tie, “I love you.”
Rei brings them back together and burrows his face in the strawberry blonde.
“I love you, too.”
The guests circle the newlyweds as they open the dance. Kazuki and Rei watch from a safe distance, sipping on drinks.
Rei finishes his dessert wine. “This is delicious, why do they serve it in such a small glass?”
“Probably because only an ant like you could drink it,” Kazuki scrunches his nose, “It’s sickly sweet.”
“No, it’s not, it has… layers.”
“I think it’s too sweet.”
“Can we stock these at the diner?”
“Absolutely not.”
“You suck,” Rei pouts, “I’m going to get more.”
10 minutes later, Rei is visibly tipsy. “I learned,” he says as he puts his hand on the small of Kazuki’s back, “these are called dessert wine.” His eyes twinkle. Oh no. Kazuki knows this look.
“Let’s go!” Rei tugs on the lapels.
“You don’t even like dancing!”
“Yeah, but, Karin says we have to.”
Kazuki glances over, Karin is in the middle of the dance floor, picking up her floor-length skirt, laughing and twirling to the poppy music. Kazuki hesitates. He can’t dance to save his life. A happy drunk Rei is mesmerized by the joy spilling over from the dance floor.
Then the music changes. It’s a slower instrumental piece; anyone can tell that it’s a love song. The crowd slows down. Then the groom waltzes in, Karin takes his hand. Cheek to cheek, they step and sway to the rhythm. The guests pair up and follow their lead.
Rei looks at Kazuki, eyes twinkling. He gives in. Then Rei smiles the only way he can: a thin-lipped, strained smile. But Kazuki knows better than anyone else. This is Rei’s happy face. He takes his left hand, and he places his right on his heart. He pulls him in with an arm around the waist.
“Is your arm okay like that?” Kazuki asks, in a voice only Rei can hear. Rei hums. They move with the music; knowing nothing about dancing, they just follow their instincts. Rei puts his head down on Kazuki’s shoulder and closes his eyes.
“Don’t fall asleep on me.”
Daylight breaks into the ballroom, the partied-out guests sit around, nibbling hot onion soup.
Rei’s glossy, wavy, raven-colored hair is down, draping over his shoulders. Kazuki’s shirt is stained with wine. Their ties are missing. The two huddle together, eating soup.
“If it’s possible, it’d be nice.”
“To get married. To you.”
“I see.”
“Tsk. That’s it?”
“You want me to propose now?”
“Then I propose to—add French onion soup to the menu.”
“Yeah. It’s delicious.”
“That’d be nice.”
“To get married. If it’s possible. That is.”
“Okay. What about dessert wine?”
Kazuki warps Rei into his arms and rests his chin on his left shoulder. Their cheeks touch; slightly sticky with sweat, wine, and maybe a little bit of happy tears.
[ The End ]
Thank you for reading! Fun fact: the baguette French toast is a secret menu at this little cafe run by a French couple near where I used to live. The best French toast hands down. I want to thank the anon who sent in the lovely idea of a KazuRei story at Karin’s wedding.
Check out my other Buddy Daddies fics in the pinned post, if you'd like!
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yuyu1024 · 9 months
Pairings: San × y/n x Hongjoong
Genre/tags: confession, secret relationship
Warning: cursing, pet names, fluff, flirting, [lmk if i miss anything]
Words: 2.6k
- this story is just made up
- english is not my first language, please be nice 😊
Note: nothing 🔞. Respot. Check pinned post for more
Ever since you've been hanging out with Hongjoong more than a year ago, you started to form relationships with all his member. They were all so welcoming and friendly with you that all of them became dear friend of yours. You even hang out with them when Hongjoong is busy with work and no tike to meet you. Then though the thing between you and Hongjoong ended, you still keep in touch and hang out with them.
You're still happy that even though the thing between You and Hongjoong was very vague at least you gained amazing people in your life. However, you cannot hide the fact that even after a few months, it still hurts. Because for you, he is special and you thought the 'relationship' you had was real. For you the hugs and kisses you shared when you visited him in his studio is magical. For you the 'I miss you' and the 'I can't wait to see you' meant more than it actually meant. For you, Hongjoong needed and wanted you. For you, the lyrics he wrote about love is about you. Coz' saw him wrote it all while you were on his lap after a make out session.
You thought, everything between you is serious. Not until a few months ago, the last time you visited him in his studio. He looked serious and very concerned. The second you sat down on the sofa behind his workstation, the first thing he told you was 'Sorry' and that he cannot do this anymore. That career is more important for him at the moment that he cannot commit with you and distract himself.
You laugh at the word. Because who were you kidding? In the first place, when you two started to hold hands and meet each other behind everybody's back, he already told you that commitment is out of the picture. That the thing between you is not going to last.
And yes, it ended just like that. Even you two just had a dry humping session the night prior the "break up" in his studio while he plays the melody he made just by thinking about you. Funny right?
Now months later in present time here you are, in their company where his studio is. Not to meet him but to celebrate them winning in an award show three straight times and then wrapping up their latest comeback.
If this happened months ago, you'd probably be standing beside him or behind him, waiting for him to tale your hand and include you in everything. That's how it was. A simple attention to you was everything. But now, you are just standing in the corner of the room watching them all go all out screaming, singing and cheering. You just stand there looking at Hongjoong, looking at every one except you.
It fucking hurts. But you need to smile and stop thinking about it. This is not about you. This party is for them.
You then feel sweet caress of your cheek and see San standing by your side. "Why are you standing here alone in the corner?" He asks, smiling.
"I just find it more comfy here..."
San notices the hint of sadness in your eyes. "Y/n... do you want to leave?"
"Huh? Where would I go?"
"Anywhere... not here... not here where you can see him."
You're head whirls to face him, "Sannie... you knew?"
He sighs, "Sadly... I do. You two never mentioned it so I assume it was nothing... but I know... he does stay in his studio to make music... but it got to often than usual when he introduced you two us... as a friend."
You look away, embarassed and felt exposed. "You must think that... I'm such an easy girl..."
"No, I don't."
"Thanks for trying not too... but... If you do... it's okay... I am though..." you are on the verge of crying. "I was just a side thing for him... nothing serious..."
"I said, I don't." He says again. This time his voice is low and stern.
You look back at him and see him looking at you with warm eyes. "Thank you..." you say softly
The party got more loud and all over the place. Wooyoung and Jongho got a bit competitive in playing games and doesn't even bother letting their teammates Yeosang and Mingi play. They are now just standing there cheering and everything while the rest of the staff are busy eating and relaxing behind them. Though the some of the managers are yelling as well coz it's an intense battle game.
The other members are just watching except San. Who is busy being by your side, hiding in plain sight.
"Why don't you join them?" You ask
"I want to stay with you."
"Why though? I'm boring... you should play with them..."
He pouts, "Why do you always ask me to go away?"
"Ahm...It's not like that..."
"Then what?" He looks at you with curious eyes. "Is it because hyung can see us talking?"
"No, of course not." You frown.
"Then what...?"
"I don't know... Maybe I'm just... I don't fucking know..." you sigh
"We can go upstairs..." San says, "it's quiet. The dance studio is there... we can listen to music and dance... you dance right?"
"I don't..."
"Then I'll teach you basic..." San takes your hand carefully and leads you out of the party.
Both of you arrive at the famous dance studio where their dance practices gets filmed.
He opens the lights and reveals the all white room and mirrors. Then he goes straight to the computer at the corner to turn it on.
"What music you want to hear?"
"Anything you like... but if you're serious about teaching me to dance... maybe something slower?"
He smiles, showing his cute dimples. "Okay!"
While he's busy searching for a song to teach you. You on the other hand walks straight in the middle of the room after closing the door. You look straight into your reflection and begin to analyze how awful you look today.
Messy hair in a bun, a fitted black cropped top shirt and a black highwaist cargo pants paired with black boots too.  Outfit looks nice yes, but your aura is so dark and down. You used to be excited when coming here but now...
The sudden music startles you. San then comes close, slides his hand to yours to make them intertwine and then tug you close to him. "Maybe... let this one go...?" He pulls off the ribbon from your bun, letting your long hair unravel. "So pretty..." he mumbles looking at you, all smile.
You begin to follow him move. You have no idea what type of dance you are even doing but you are so captivated by how he makes you dance and do it while smiling. He's such a sweet soul and a nice person. He is very endearing like what Hongjoong decribes him.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" He asks as he make you twirl and fall in his arm. "Do I look handsome?"
You snort a laugh, "Of course you are..."
He puts his hand behind your back and spins you until your back feels the wall. "Handsome enough for you to take a chance with me?"
Stunned. You look at San and try to process what he just said "S-sannie..."
He lets go of you, takes a few steps back and smile. "Shall we change the music to something upbeat?"
You question yourself if you heard him right. If what you heard was just nothing, that it meant nothing and your just taken aback and overthinking it. You swear he looked serious saying it but that can't be right. Right? Why would San say that? Why would he like you?
After he thought you a few basic dances, you said no and quit. Your body is not meant for dancing. You are very awkward and no flexibility. So, you just sat down on the floor, legs stretched out and watch him do his thing.
"Your lines are so beautiful, Sannie!" You say clapping.
Catching his breathe he falls down the floor and roll over until he reaches you. "Thank you... I've been practicing this routine for a week now..." then he places his head on your lap. "Yunho and I are planning to do it for tiktok..."
"That's cool... that would be cool and for sure fans will like it."
"Yeah... Yunho did so well making the choreo."
"And you did well, executing it. For sure he's happy that you're doing it with him."
"Yeah... he is..." he then closes his eyes and you could feel the tense in his body relaxes. "Y/n...?"
He gets up and adjust his position to face you, "Are you feeling a lot better now?"
He's sweating but still glowing and looking so good.
"I am... thank you..." you smile and then proceeds to pinching his cheek. "You made me feel better."
He actually did. It was just for a short period of time but it made you clear your mind. He made you stop making yourself be horrible and dark. And finally after a few months, you've finally laughed genuinely. His jokes and his silly moves whilst he was dancing earlier made you really laugh.
"Aha! You guys are here!"
Both you and San snap your heads to look at the door. It's Wooyoung.
"Yah! We've been calling you... what are you two even doing?" He enters the room, holding a ice americano in one hand and paper bag on the other. "Why are you two sweating?"
"Who?" Yeosang appears from behind, peaking at the door.
"Sannie thought me how to dance." You answer as you push yourself up to stand. "And now I know, I don't have the talent to do it..."
"Noona, don't worry! You just need more practice if you really want to learn..." Woo says, "anyways, we're gonna go now... we have a schedule for tomorrow."
"Oh, okay... bye! See you again whenever." You say to the two.
"Bye noona!" Yeosang waves and follows Wooyoung to leave.
"How about you...?" You ask San, "Are you not leaving yet?"
"Are you asking me to leave again?" He pouts
You laugh, "Silly you... of course not... It's just... maybe your dormmates wants to go home and your ride..."
"I can always take a cab home. I want to stay with you longer."
Hearing him say those words make you smile. You suddenly felt important and wanted. But weirdly enough this is different from how you felt with Hongjoong.
With Hongjoong, its always with such rush. He does not have a lot of time so you adjust your time for him. And when he needs you, you gave in. If he wants to make out, you do it. If he needs a cuddle, you give it. If he needs someone to sleep with on his couch in his studio, you are there. It may sound bad like its all about sensual things, no its still more than that. And Hongjoong is not a bad person. It's just that, what you had with him is not established.
Then with San, it feels warm when your with him. You know you haven't had that much alone time with him like this but when you do hang out even with the other member, San is always there taking care of you in his simple ways. He's always present and attentive to you. He's a sweet, kind and a gentleman. You may not always express your appreciation to him but you do, appreciate him. He is a good friend. A good person.
"Can we--"
Before he could even finish his sentence, Hongjoong suddenly enters the dance practice room startling the both of you.
"Hyung..." San says
"Seonghwa and Mingi is waiting for you..." Hongjoong says to San before glancing at you. "Let them know if you'll going with them or not."
"Okay. I'll call them."
"Okay." Hongjoong finally looks straight at you. "Do you want us to give you a ride...?" He asks
You pause for a few seconds trying to absorb this. It's been so long since he directly spoke to you. It feels weird and awkward.
"She's staying with me hyung..." San answers for you then takes your hand to squeeze it. "I'll take care of her..."
"Ah, really... okay..." hongjoong sounds so nonchalant like he's trying so hard not to care. "It started to rain so..." he glances at you again then your hands with San. "Be careful going home..."
"We will." San answers
You exhale very loudly the moment Hongjoong closes the door and left. You've held your breathe without realizing it.
"Crap..." you mumble as you stumble and then carries on to holding on to San's body for support. Meaning, you are hugging him.
"You still are affected by Hongjoong hyung..." he says
You shake your head and tighten your embrace. "I don't want to anymore... I need to move on..."
His hands then snakes around your body and hugs you bag. "Does this make you feel better? Hugging?"
Nuzzling your face on his chest and taking in his scent. "A little...? I miss hugging someone... I miss... the feeling of..."
"That bring me back to what I was about to ask you..."
You lift your chin up to look at him, "What is it?"
"Can we try?"
You blink multiple times, "Try what...?"
"can we try to hang out... go out... date... fling... or be super close... or whatever you want to call it."
"W-wait... what?" You move back. "Sannie... are you... are you trying to fuck me?"
"I know you might think I'm easy... but..."
"No! Not that... I don't think of you that way... please no..." he looks worried that he cannot convey what he wanted to say. "I meant... I want you to try to date me... but I'm not sure what you wanted... so I gave you options... whatever you want... I just..." he pauses for a bit before continuing, "I like you y/n... I've liked you for quite a while. However, you are with hyung and I didn't want to interfere with your relationship with him because I can see how you look at him... I know you love him... but now... I want to take a chance and risk it."
"Why... me...?"
"What do you mean why you?"
"Sannie... you know I've dated your member... and probably fucked him and all..."
"So? It's not my business who you loved or liked before me... all that matters to me... is you and me. Our present and our future. If you agree on taking a chance with me."
"But... what if... I can't give you what you deserve coz' San... I'm still not 100% okay..."
"I'm okay with it. Whatever you can give me, I'll accept it. I will give you everything I can with no regrets until you can love me back the way you can. And if you can't... I'm okay to... just..  let me be with you and I'll be your crying shoulder and still be your friend..."
You are getting emotional and shock on what San is willing to have and do for your attention, for you.
"If you need someone to be your rebound... just to heal... pick me... chose me... I'll accept even just that..." he adds
"I will... think about it...If its alright with you?"
"No worries... I understand."
San caresses your cheek wtih his knuckles. "No rush..."
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denimbex1986 · 8 months
'I expect Andrew Haigh to be a bit bleary-eyed this morning. After all, it’s the day after the British Independent Film Awards and Haigh’s stunning new film, All of Us Strangers, has just walked off with seven awards, including best supporting performance for Paul Mescal, best director and best screenplay for Haigh and the big prize of the night, best British independent film. Surely he was out celebrating? “Oh, I’m too old for drinking and having fun," he laughs. "I was in bed by about 12.30 after a cup of tea.”
Adam, the protagonist of All of Us Strangers (played by Andrew Scott), is similarly partying-aversed – initially at least. As the film opens, he’s alone in his near-empty tower block in London, where he spends his nights gazing longingly across the city or watching archive clips from Top of the Pops while struggling to write a screenplay about the death of his parents. His lonely existence is punctuated one night by Harry (Paul Mescal), his only neighbour, who turns up at his door drunk and horny.
A lonely gay man longing for connection puts us in mind of Weekend, Haigh’s breakout feature from 2012, although a hint of the supernatural creeps into the new film. While researching his screenplay, Adam goes back to his childhood home to find his mother and father still living there, despite having died in a car crash when he was 12. “At one point, I was nervous that people would just see this as Weekend Part 2 with ghosts.” laughs Haigh. “I was like, ‘Oh God, I don't want that to be what this film is.'” Haigh agrees that the films are in conversation in some way, though. “Weekend was 12 years ago, and as I've got older, there were more things that I've wanted to explore about queerness and the nature of love. And I've poured that all into the new film.”
One theme that links the two films is the feeling of being outside of society as a queer person. “As queer people, we're all trying to understand romantic relationships because we haven't had a framework of what those relationships can be,” explains Haigh. “You know, you grow up in a family where everybody is straight, and everyone at school seems to be straight, and you're not, so you're unsure how you fit in with any of that. So I think it can take a lot of queer people a long time to understand what it is that they want. But it is not that you're inherently lonely because you're gay, which is what people used to think. It's just that the world says we are that kind of person.”
All of Us Strangers is based on Strangers by Japanese author Taichi Yamada, which tells a similar narrative about a heterosexual writer. What drew Haigh to the story initially was its central concept of meeting your parents as they were when you were a child and you are now an adult. “The idea of being able to go back and meet your mum and dad on the same level would be an incredible experience,” says Haigh. “Often we think our parents should know everything. But then, when you get older and you look back, you're like 'Jesus, my parents were 32 when I was a kid. I was a mess when I was in my early 30s. Why did I expect my parents to know everything?'”
Haigh suspects that children’s inability to fully see their parents' point of view is what makes family dynamics so tricky to navigate. “If love is, in general, let's say, about truly knowing the other person, it's no surprise to me that familiar relationships can be quite complicated, because there is so much that stops us from being honest with each other within those relationships," he says. "So to me, to have this sort of space, separate from reality, where you can find a common ground feels so appealing. I mean, it's wish fulfillment, obviously, because it’s never going to happen, but it feels like something that would be special.”
All of Us Strangers is undoubtedly Haigh’s most visually complex film. But like all his work it’s centred on great performances. Working with actors is clearly something he relishes and Andrew Scott is an actor he’s wanted to work with for the longest time. “Obviously Andrew has had a lot of lead roles in theatre, and he's done a lot of stuff on television, he has been in a lot of films, but I've never seen him be the centre of a film. And I've always thought, Why? Because he's such a good actor.” Haigh also felt Scott would understand this world. "In real life, Andrew and I have similar experiences," says Haigh. "Andrew is gay, so we understand what that experience was like growing up. Plus he really responded to the script. So it was just a no-brainer, really. He's a really talented actor, he loves the script, and he understands it. It's like the three things you want more than anything else.”
Paul Mescal matches Scott’s performance every step of the way. Haigh points to Mescal’s eyes as being the key to his performance. “It just feels there's a whole world going on behind there that you want to sort of understand; there's a soulfulness to him. And with a role like Harry, you don't know a huge amount about him. But Paul lets you know that he wants him to be compassionate towards Adam, and you also get the sense of his own demons. It’s all there in the eyes and I feel like Paul is so good at communicating two things at the same time, one thing on the surface, and then something else that's underneath. And that's rare."'
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Hello Kait ❤ first of all, I hope things are starting to get easier and better on your side. Take all the time you need to recharge and rest if you feel the need to do so and don't forget to take extra good care of yourself too. I'm actually a little embarrassed to share this with you, partly because it's something personal but I hope you're fine with this.
So... the next Tuesday would be my graduation day which I'm very excited to attend! There's no doubt about it since I also got an award for being one of the graduates with excellent examination result throughout the semesters. I'm happy and delighted because I worked so hard to get the award and all the blood, sweat and tears paid off at the end.
But there's also some complicated feelings behind all the positivity that somewhat makes me feel all jittery and nervous about the upcoming days. I'm guessing it's from all the stress I've been experiencing for the past few months among other personal stuff.
Which leads me to think about none other than my very comfort character that is Choi Saeran. He's actually the reason why I didn't give up on my studies all this time. I found MysMe when I'm at my lowest, lost and confused about the future that seemed like a blur because I can't imagine what my future looked like.
I don't want to sound too dramatic for being nervous over such simple stuff... Do you think he would be twice as excited to celebrate? Or twice as nervous too? My mom made me two beautiful bouquet and it got me wondering what kind of flowers he would gave me as well.
Ah, I apologize for the very messy ask because I'm still trying to sort out my thoughts together. I hope things get easier for you from now on 🤍 Thank you if you did manage to read all the way.
Saeran is proud of you. There is not a shadow of a doubt in his mind when it comes to you. He loves you, he loves how hard you work and how much time you spend trying to make your world a better place. It doesn't matter how many times you stumble or cry, he believes in you and how strong you are.
Don't assume for a minute that you aren't the person who carried you through your struggles. Sure, he inspired you and drove you to do the things you've done today, but you're the one who fought for your best life. You know how your words inspired Suit Saeran to fight for a good life by your side? He had to help himself, but your words impacted his heart which guided him to do what he had to do for himself. That's it!
That's the sentiment!
Saeran isn't nervous at all. He has faith in you. He knows you can do this and he wants to make sure you are known for what you've done. He'll make and personalize a bouquet of your favorite flowers the day of your celebration. He'll make you a special meal to share with all of your loved ones the evening of your graduation! He'll have your photo and more taken and plastered all over the house just in time to make it a silly moment of devotion of pride.
You've always been there for him, rain and shine. So, he'll be there for you no matter what. Smile on, princess, he's happy to be your prince.
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ariel-seagull-wings · 2 years
@the-blue-fairie @thealmightyemprex @themousefromfantasyland @angelixgutz @parxsisburning @faintingheroine @princesssarisa @tamisdava2 @goodanswerfoxmonster @amalthea9 @moonbeamelf
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Originally released as a television minisseries, director Ingmar Bergman recuted it to fit the format of a feature lenght film, and this version was the one that got nominated and won the Academy Award for best foreign language film, and that is how it ended known internationally.
In Fanny and Alexander, we are taken to 1907 Sweden to see the story of the Ekdahl theater family: the matriarch Helena, her three sons Oskar, Carl and Gustav Adolf, their wives Emilie, Lydia and Eva, Gustav Adolf's and Eva's daughter Petra, Oskar's and Emilie's children Alexander and Fanny, Maj, the young nanny of Alexander and Fanny, and Helena's old friend and lover Isak, who is of jewish origin.
Trough Alexander's eye, we see the Ekdahl house as a place that encourages joy, imagination and freedom: the family is constantly dancing and singing, the children enjoy Alexander's storytelling with use of the Magic Light (one of the oldest versions of the movie camera), Uncle Carl, while alcoholic, abusive in his marriage with the submissive Lydia and full of debts, indulges the children with some toilet humour, Gustav Adolf openly has nanny Maj as his lover with the blessings of his wife Eva, Oskar and Emilie are always bringing the children to the theater world, and Helena rekindles her old flames with Isak.
Sadly for Alexander and Fanny, this atmosphere of freedom and joy is taken from them when their father falls ill while rehearsing the role of the Ghost in Hamlet and dies.
During the funeral, the church bishop Edvard takes advantage of Emilie's emotional vulnerability and seduces her, promissing to be a protector of her and stern moral father figure to the children if she accepts to marry him.
Alexander, who, like his grandmother, is able to see and comunicate with the ghost of his father, sees since the beggining that something is not right with the bishop, but his mother naively dismisses his concerns as jealousy and rebeliousness.
And so, after accepting Edvard's conditions of stoping acting and cutting ties with her old friends, Emilie marries the bishop, taking the children to his grimm house by the coast where he lives with his mother, sister, aunt and housemaids.
Soon, Alexander's predictions about the bishop become true, as his control turns the lives of him, Fanny and his mother a living hell.
Edvard uses his position as a bishop to justify his physical and psychological abuse of the three as being needed to "set them in the right path", specially resenting Alexander's imagination, that he calls "sinful lies".
Meanwhile, the other members of the Ekdahl family, concerned for the well being of Emilie and the children, try to prepare a plan with Isak to rescue them and bring them back to the safety of their home once and for all.
Being a movie that focuses on how an imaginative child that comes from an artistic family sees the world, you can describe the film as a modern fairy tale, with the focus on the domestic family drama seen under big proportions, a clear cut conflict of good and evil represented by the Ekdahl family against the bishop stepfather, the desire of return to the old home and family unity being the main desires of the main characters, and the presence of the supernatural with Alexander and Helena's vision of Oskar's ghost treated by them as a natural thing, rather than being a subject of scientific debate.
Due to being a former minisseries, some scenes may feel that lack proper context and explanation due to the difference in cuts, but the artfull editing that makes even the scenery become a character and the fact that the story focuses on a child's dream rather than naturalist realism may very well compensate for the detriment of these extra explanation dialogues.
The movie is primarily a celebration of idealism and imagination that helps us move on with life after suffering harsh traumatic events, well represented by this speech sayed by the character of Gustav Adolf to celebrate his family's connection to the world of the theater:
"Therefore let us be happy while we are happy. Let us be kind, generous, affectionate and good. It is necessary and not at all shameful to take pleasure in the little world."
And I recomend watch this movie at least once in your life. Its an experience that asks for sensitivity and concentration, so when you are alone, open your mind to this child's little world.
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texasmadehustler · 2 years
What is your favorite sleeping position of all time?
What is the dumbest way you've been hurt?
What are the three scents you like?
What sport will be invented next?
What’s your favorite board game?
Which word would you use if you could only use one for the rest of your life?
Would you rather have intelligence over looks?
What’s your most embarrassing moment in grade school?
Would you rather stay in or go out on a Friday night?
Have you ever thrown someone an extravagant party?
Which celebrity would you rate as a perfect 10?
What music do you usually play on a road trip?
What are the things that drive you crazy?
What syrup do you like with your pancake: honey or chocolate?
Do you plan to have kids?
What is your most favorite holiday?
What are the things I do that you wish I would stop doing?
What’s the first book you’ve read?
What are the facts about you that you think I would find difficult to believe?
Which body part is your favorite?
What has been the worst phase in your life?
What do you prioritize more: relationship or career?
Where do you like to go right now?
Where’s the worst-smelling place you have ever been?
Will you be willing to move to another country without your friends and family?
What qualities do you want in a partner who will be with you for the rest of your life?
If you were given the chance to travel back to the past, where would you go?
What do you usually eat for breakfast?
Which store would you like if you could just shop at one for the rest of your life?
What household chore do you hate doing the most?
Who is your role model in life?
Do you really care about the Academy Awards, or do you think they’re just dumb?
Who you share the last slice of cake with if there was just one piece left at your birthday party?
Do you believe in aliens?
What was the best year of your life?
Do you actually believe in soulmates?
What is your biggest accomplishment in life?
What TV series could you watch several times?
What movie did you last watch inside the cinema?
Which one do you prefer: summer or winter?
Are you confident to face the future?
Who gave you the weirdest gift?
What makes you cry?
When was the last time you cried?
How many concerts have you gone to?
What would our friendship be called if it was a comedy movie?
What would you name your car?
Do you think life after death is really possible?
What is so special about you?
What will you tell your past self?
Would you move to another country for love?
When was the time you felt really proud of me?
What has been your worst nightmare?
What usually keeps you up at night when you couldn’t sleep?
Were you born for challenges?
Which film do you want to see turned into a musical?
Do you still believe in Santa Claus?
How would you describe your greatest enemy?
Have you ever pulled out a tooth just to get money from the tooth fairy?
What are the childish acts you still enjoy doing up until now?
What does your brain try to make you do and you have to resist yourself not to do it?
What three things did your past relationship teach you?
What do you think is the best hangover cure?
What are the foreign languages you’d like to master?
In your own opinion, how smart are you?
When was the last time you’ve ever felt jealous?
Would you move to another country for love?
When was the time you felt really proud of me?
What has been your worst nightmare?
What usually keeps you up at night when you couldn’t sleep?
Were you born for challenges?
Can you describe to me your relationship with your dad?
Which do you listen to the most: your heart or your brain?
What would you do if you were offered a one-minute ad slot during the Super Bowl that you couldn't sell?
When was the last time you’ve felt your biggest adrenaline rush?
Who is the tallest member of your family?
What traits did you get from your parents?
Who do you look up to the most?
Can you show me your oldest item inside your closet?
Do you feel happy to be my friend?
What makes you jealous?
Is there someone you really hate?
Who gave you the best compliment?
If you could only have one superpower, what would it be?
What’s the best thing to do when you’re alone?
Will you ever imagine having a child named after you?
Do you want to have a cat as a companion or do you want to be a cat instead?
What’s one body part that you wouldn’t even mind losing?
For you, what does a perfect vacation look like?
Which one do you prefer: being controlled or be in control?
What are your phobias?
What’s the easiest dish to cook?
If you could be any type of object, what would you like to be?
How do you deal with a stressful environment?
Which part of the roller coaster do you usually ride: the front, middle or back?
What quotes do people admire but you think is a total lie?
Do you believe in second chances?
What has been the most flattering compliment you've ever received?
Have you tried flirting with a stranger online?
What would you like to change in this country if you were chosen as the president?
Do you have a close relationship with your parents?
What has been your hardest goodbye in life been so far?
What are the two things you’d like to ask your pet?
What’s your favorite exotic animal?
How would you describe me based on my outside appearance?
What is your favorite viral video?
Who is your favorite YouTube vlogger?
If you could only drink coffee or tea for the rest of your life, which one would you choose?
What’s your favorite action movie?
What gets you motivated?
What’s the most beautiful country you’ve ever visited?
Would you rather cook or eat at a restaurant?
What is the most useless talent you possess?
What is the craziest thing you’ve done in school?
How often do you replace your bedsheets?
Do you like listening to podcasts?
Do you like to save more or spend more?
What is the weirdest superstition you’ve ever heard?
If dark chocolate is the only available food in this planet, would you eat it?
What movie makes you laugh even after watching it several times?
What’s your favorite toy when you were a child?
What is the best name you could think for a cat?
Have you ever counted your steps while walking?
Do you believe in heaven?
If you have a million, what are the things you wouldn’t spend?
If you could have lunch with one person from history, who would it be?
What’s the certain product you couldn’t live without?
What are your pet peeves?
Who’s the messiest person you’ve ever known?
Which of the two smells better, fresh-cut grass or bread baking in the oven?
Who is your all-time favorite Disney character?
What is the funniest doomsday device a super villain could threaten the world with?
How much would you pay a hacker threatening to release your browsing history to your friends and family?
If you had to replace your hands with something other than hands or claws, what would put at the ends of your arms?
What’s something that people think makes them look cool but actually has the opposite effect?
What futuristic thing do you wish your clothing or accessories could do?
If you could level up humans as a species, what stat or ability would you increase?
Which movie sequel do you wish you could erase from history?
If you suddenly found out that your internal monologue for the last week was actually audible, how screwed would you be?
After you survive the apocalypse, what will your job be?
What job would you be absolutely terrible at?
What would your perfect Saturday be like?
What mildly annoying curse do you wish you could curse people with?
If your life had a mascot, what would the mascot be?
What easy thing do you most often screw up?
What’s the silliest invention you have heard of?
What would your perfect vacation entail?
What would be the worst ingredients to fill a burrito with?
If you could choose one celebrity to instantly become disappear from the spot light, which celebrity would you choose and why?
What product would you seriously stockpile if you found out they weren’t going to sell it anymore?
If you opened a restaurant, what kind of restaurant would it be?
Do you think the world would be a better or worse place if everyone suddenly could read each other’s thoughts?
If you lived in a tribal society, what role would you play? (Hunter, gatherer, shaman, chieftain, etc.)
Would you go to another planet even if it meant that you would never return to earth and eventually die on that planet?
Would you rather take a two week all expenses paid vacation right now or a one month all expenses paid vacation in one year?
What is the absolute worst movie you have ever seen?
What food do you crave most often?
What is the grossest sounding English word?
What silliest thing you get nostalgic for?
When is lying the right thing to do?
What is your dream car?
What quote do you (try to) live by?
What is your hometown famous for?
Which appliance can you not live without?
Whose advice do you always listen to?
Would you enjoy a vacation away from all of your technology?
You have $1,000,000 to make a viral video. What video do you make?
How did you find out that Santa isn’t real?
Why can’t most people keep up with trends in music / fashion / tech as they get older?
What is your version of “There’s two types of people in this world…”?
If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
What common misconception do you hate to hear repeated as fact?
What is something that everyone should everyone be trained to be able to do?
Would you rather have a very long (120 years) comfortable but boring life, or live half as long but have an exciting life packed with adventure?
How do you feel about cars becoming fully autonomous and having no steering wheel, breaks, or accelerators?
Besides food/water, medicine, or money what would be the most helpful thing to air drop to refugees of a war torn country?
What is the best way the 1% could spend their money? (Besides just giving it to people.)
What is the best and worst state in the USA? For non US readers, what is the best and worst province / region / county in your country?
What is something that most people learn only after it’s too late?
If you could change 3 things about your country, what would you change?
Are you confident to face the future?
Who gave you the weirdest gift?
What makes you cry?
When was the last time you cried?
How many concerts have you gone to?
What would our friendship be called if it was a comedy movie?
What would you name your car?
Do you think life after death is really possible?
What is so special about you?
What will you tell your past self?
What was one of the best days of your life?
If you could trade 1 year of your life for $30,000, how many years would you trade in?
Who is the most impressive famous person alive today? Why?
What skill or craft would you like to master?
If you didn’t have to worry about money, what would you do all day?
If you could slow down time, what would you do with that power?
Would you rather go to a club, house party, or a small get together of 4 or 5 friends?
What sub culture do you wish you knew more about?
What fact amazes you every time you think of it?
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suvidhafashion · 5 months
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Indo-Western for women: You can define the Indo-Western dress as a fusion made by mixing Indian and Western patterns. Such indo-western outfits give you a traditional touch and a western appearance giving a distinct presence of both styles in your dress. Nowadays, fashion trends are going on in the women’s range with different outfit styles for every mood. There are some events in which it is appropriate to wear a saree, while in some events it is suitable to wear a completely Western dress, but what about those events in which both types of outfits fit well? Do not worry ladies, you still have a beautiful option called indo-western dresses which is a beautiful mixture of Indian traditional dresses with a touch of western taste. This article is gonna be very helpful for women who have to attend many types of different occasions in their routine life and always want to have a beautifully different appearance.
4 Types Of Indo-Western For Women For Different Occasions
1.Indo-Western For Social Events:
Indo-Western Dresses for Women can be beautifully styled for any type of Social event from luxurious award ceremonies to casual gatherings where you can make new contacts socially with many people. In that case, you have to wear something unique and attractive type of outfit which can gain the attention of the crowd.
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2.Indo-Western For Weddings:
Weddings are the most interesting celebrations in which you ladies can flaunt your style in different types of outfits from wearing sarees in the wedding ceremony to wearing a western gown or dress at the cocktail party, but what if you do not want to wear a lehenga or suit in the sangeet? Wear our Off-White Indo Fusion Asymmetric Dress & Palazzo Set at Sangeet night if you want to wear something new that is not that typical Indian traditional dress or not portraying the proper Western feel. This Indo-Western for women will be a perfect choice for those who never go with the trend but always create new trends for others by grabbing full attention in crowd.
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3.Indo-Western For Cocktail Parties:
We understand that wearing those same types of party-wear dresses in the range of midis, minis, or maxis can make you feel bored when you are styling or selecting dresses for a cocktail party. You should go for something new this time by wearing a new trend in terms of Indo-Western for women. You can try the Black Ruffled Top And Palazzo Set from our store this time. This Indo-Western for women features a beautiful sleeveless top and a comfortable Palazzo for the bottom. You can accessories this dress with some statement earrings, a black pearl bracelet, Blood red heels, and a red beautiful clutch.
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4.Indo-Western For Festivals:
Festivals Are the best thing in Indian culture you can feel alive and excited all 365 days, you can get recharged and relaxed over a time in the whole year by celebrating different festivals from every religion From Diwali To Eid. Festivals are very special occasions to celebrate with your family and friends. If you are bored of wearing designer sarees or other traditional outfits in festival celebrations, then you should choose to wear Indo-Western dresses for women. You can try our Chocolate Brown Ombre Dress With Skirt And Crop Top With Cape from our Suvidha Fashion Store to enhance your beautiful appearance in festivals.
We understand that by having a social life we all have to attend many social gatherings and events which require dressing beautifully to maintain your fashionable appearance in the world. We know that you can’t always wear sarees, suits, and dresses for every event, that is why We have created a beautiful range of Indo-Western for women that can be worn and uniquely styled according to the different occasions and events. Visit our site to get comfort and style in one piece of apparel.
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olympia28 · 8 months
Award Medals in Sports: Celebrating Champions and Inspiring Athletes
Everyone’s buzzing with excitement for the International Youth Sports Festival 2023! It’s not just any event; it’s a global stage where young athletes from all corners of the world come together. But it’s more than just showing off their skills. This festival is a big celebration – it’s about sportsmanship, pushing limits, and going above and beyond. 
And let’s not forget the award medals! These aren’t just shiny pieces of metal. They’re symbols of hard work, dreams, and big achievements. They mean a lot to these young stars. In this blog, we’re diving into why these medals matter so much, especially at youth events like this one. It’s amazing how these small medals can boost confidence and inspire these young athletes to keep aiming higher.
Tracing the Journey: How Award Medals Became Symbols of Glory
When we think back to the early days of school sports, it’s not just the cheering crowds or the thrill of the game that comes to mind; it’s also the medals that were given out at the end. These medals, as simple as they might have seemed, have a long story. They started out as tokens of recognition in inter-school competitions, a small yet significant way to say ‘well done’ to the young athletes.
But here’s the thing about these medals – they’re so much more than just a pat on the back for winning. Each medal carries a deeper meaning, especially for young sports enthusiasts. It’s not just about coming first, second, or third; it’s about what these young athletes learn on their way to the podium. These medals celebrate their growth, the new skills they master, and the sheer joy they experience just by being part of the game.
In every youth sports event, when a medal is placed around the neck of a beaming youngster, it’s a symbol of the journey they’ve tackled. It’s about the early mornings, the hard work, the team spirit, and the personal victories, big and small. These medals tell stories of perseverance, teamwork, and the spirit of giving your best. They remind us that in youth sports, every participant, every effort, and every moment of joy is worth celebrating.
Behind Every Medal: The Artistry and Creation Process
The medals awarded to young athletes are not just pieces of medals and ribbons. They’re a lot more special than that. Have you noticed how these medals often burst with colours and cool designs? They’re made to catch the eye and make the young champs feel super proud. Each one is crafted to be a bit unique, just like the kids who win them.
And there’s something else cool about these medals. Often, they carry messages that go beyond ‘Great job!’ or ‘You won!’. Some have words or pictures that motivate and teach something valuable, like teamwork, persistence, or fair play. It’s like each medal isn’t just a prize; it’s a mini-lesson in being a good sport and a great person.
For instance, a medal might have a picture of a handshake, reminding kids that being a good teammate is just as important as winning. Or, it could have a quote about never giving up, inspiring them to keep trying, no matter what. It’s these little touches that make youth sports medals more than just awards – they’re keepsakes that teach life lessons.
More Than Victory: How Medals Shape and Inspire the Next Gen Athletes
When a young athlete wins a medal, it’s not just a piece of metal they’re taking home. It’s a huge confidence booster and a memory that often stays with them for life. Take, for instance, a 12-year-old boy who won his first swimming medal last summer. Before the race, he was nervous, doubting his abilities, but that victory? It changed everything for him. Not only did he start believing in his swimming skills more, but he also became more confident in school, participating in class and even running for student council.
This isn’t just about sports. Winning a medal teaches kids like him important life skills. They learn about hard work, persistence, and the joy of achieving their goals. It’s these moments that often spark a lifelong passion for sports. But more importantly, these early wins give young athletes a taste of success, teaching them they can achieve great things if they set their minds. It’s about giving them the courage to chase their dreams on the field and beyond.
The Economics of Medals in Youth Sports
When it comes to youth sports events, one big puzzle is making sure the medals we hand out are both nice and budget-friendly. Let’s face it: organizing a big sports event for kids isn’t cheap, and every penny counts. But at the same time, we want to give these young athletes something they can be proud of, a token that they can look at and remember their achievements.
Now, you might think, “Well, cheap medals might not look or feel as special.” But here’s the thing – for a young athlete, the value of a medal goes way beyond what it’s made of. It’s not about the shiny gold or silver coating. It’s about what that medal represents:
The early morning practices.
The hard work.
The teamwork.
The sheer joy of playing the sport they love.
Even a less expensive medal can twinkle like the most costly one when seen through the eyes of a kid who’s just scored their first goal or run their fastest race.
So, when we talk about the economics of medals in youth sports, it’s all about striking that balance – making sure the medals are affordable without losing their magic. Because at the end of the day, each medal, no matter the cost, carries a story of triumph, effort, and dreams. And that’s priceless.
Beyond the Podium
When we think about medals in youth sports, it’s not just about who ran the fastest or scored the most goals. These shiny awards play a much bigger role. You know, they’re like little beacons of encouragement, telling kids, “Hey, you did it, and you can do even more!” Every time a young athlete slips a medal over their head, it’s more than just a win; it’s a nudge to keep going, to keep playing, and to keep dreaming.
But here’s the really cool part: these events and their medals do wonders for the kids’ growth. Imagine being ten years old, working hard at something, and then getting recognized in front of everyone. That feeling of “I can do this!” sticks with them, not just in sports but in all sorts of things they do. It’s about building confidence, learning to be part of a team, and dealing with ups and downs – life skills they carry way beyond the field or the court.
So, next time you see a kid proudly showing off their medal, remember, it’s not just a piece of metal – it’s a step in their journey of growing up, learning, and being part of something bigger than themselves.
As we wrap up our chat, let’s think about what the International Youth Sports Festival 2023 really stands for. It’s more than just a competition; it’s a celebration of young talent and hard work. Those medals they’re vying for? They’re not just shiny objects. They’re symbols of encouragement, pushing our young athletes to dream big and work hard. 
Let’s all get behind these events, cheer on these amazing young folks, and give them the recognition they deserve. Their efforts today are shaping the future of sports. So, here’s to supporting our young athletes – the heroes in the making!
Originally Published At -  Award Medals in Sports: Celebrating Champions and Inspiring Athletes
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