#but also Knuckles isn't a hermit just to be a hermit
sage-nebula · 4 months
I'm thinking about Knuckles, and how little we know of him, and how what little we know of him informs what we do know of him, and how that makes some of the writing around him (in various canon materials and adaptations) feel . . . kind of disrespectful, at times?
What we know of Knuckles' backstory is this: he is the last of the echidnas, and specifically a descendant of the Knuckles clan. The Knuckles clan was an empire under the rule of Chief Pachacamac, and when they tried to take the Master Emerald and Chaos Emeralds for the sake of their nation's power, Chaos went on a rampage and wiped most of them out. Pachacamac's daughter, Tikal, sealed Chaos into the Master Emerald along with her own spirit (sacrificing her body in the process), and those that remained enshrined the Master Emerald on a chunk of land that they hefted into the sky to become Angel Island. It's there that they vowed to protect the Master Emerald, but because there were so few of them already, now Knuckles himself is the only one who remains.
What we don't know is: how the remaining echidnas on Angel Island died out, and whether Knuckles' parents were around when he was born or not.
We don't know this, because echidnas hatch from eggs at least in real life, and we don't know that they don't in the Sonic universe. And we also don't know how long it would take for those eggs to hatch . . . essentially, we don't know if Knuckles was born alone on Angel Island, with only the little animals and the Chao there to keep him company. We don't know if perhaps he named himself Knuckles, after a clan he never knew, to try to feel some connection to his heritage. We do know that he doesn't know all there is to know about Angel Island, that he doesn't know the meanings behind a lot of the murals (which is how Eggman was able to trick him back when they first met), which would lead me to believe that if his parents were around, they weren't around for long enough to teach him about his culture or their sacred duty. That perhaps they weren't around long enough to give him a name of his own, rather than just taking the clan name.
All of this is to say, if Knuckles was born alone (or if his parents died when he was too young to remember them), and he's just had to piece together what little he knows about his people and his culture from what there is on his island . . .
. . . then it kind of makes moments in canon when Sonic or others pester him to leave the island or to stop taking it all so seriously feel kind of . . . insensitive at best.
Like, I do get it. Sonic himself doesn't care about his own past, he has no ties to any family (besides Tails) or culture, that's all fine for him. But it's clearly not fine for Knuckles, who very obviously wants that connection, especially if he's the one who named himself after his clan. And while I get it from a character standpoint for Sonic, part of me also feels like writers have validated Sonic's view in things like having Knuckles decide to go on a journey away from Angel Island after Frontiers, after his conversations with Sonic goaded him into it a little. Which again, as a writer I understand, because it's hard to do things with Knuckles if he never leaves Angel Island. You have to bring the plot to him, or else you can't include him. But at the same time, he's literally the last of his people. And the only connection he has to those people, those people who are lost and that he can never get back, are there on Angel Island, in ancient murals and ruins he's not sure he fully understands no matter how many years he spends studying them . . . I don't know, I just feel like some more understanding or compassion could be given to him for this. Like the way his eyes lit up in that IDW issue when Amy returned the echidna artifact to him -- that was something made by his people! That's a part of his history! He may not (probably doesn't) understand its significance, but now that's another lost connection that he has. And while Sonic might not care about things like that, Knuckles does. That's important to him, and that should be respected.
I don't know, that post about how Knuckles is not just a warrior (or, imo, a warrior at all, but a protector instead) has just had me thinking about him the past couple of days. I'm not saying that he should stay locked to Angel Island forever, I do think it does him good to socialize with his friends as well . . . but I also wish that the writing respected a bit more often the fact that he is the last of his kind, that the island and the ruins there and the Master Emerald are all he has left of it, the only way he has any connection to his culture at all. And honestly, much as I love Sonic, and as much as this is an E for Everyone series, I do think that, at times, Knuckles should get to tell Sonic to fuck off when Sonic starts going on one of his "don't be so stuck on your dusty old island" spiels he sometimes goes on. Because it's not really about the island, and Knuckles' feelings are just as valid as Sonic's. Perhaps even more so, on this topic.
But that's just what I've been thinking about.
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twiixr4kidz · 7 months
PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE ANYTHHING FOR YOUNG NEIL!!🙈🙈🙈😁😁😁 maybe like boyfriend headcanons :3!!
YESYESYES i love young neil he's so severely underrated
young neil bf headcanons!!
he's the silliest goose you ever will meet
most of your date nights will consist of either playing video games or watching movies
he doesn't mind if you wanna do something else though!! if you wanna go out for like, pizza or something, he's totally onboard
he infodumps to you about the legend of zelda and there is nothing you can do to get out of it
he gets a little nervous in public sometimes (he's kind of a hermit) so he clings to your side like a little kid
he's either holding your hand so tight his knuckles turn white or he's fidgeting with the bottom of your shirts
neil isn't necessarily shy though
if a creep is trying to get in your pants, he will literally start a fight wherever you are
he also talks a lot since he feels so comfortable around you so he'll probably just ramble about silly things that pop into his head
i hc him as a total stoner (sorry not sorry xD) and i can imagine he'd always invite you to shmoke with him if you were feeling up for it
and if you're not, he won't force you at all
one thing about neil is that he is very easily entertained
if you want to get him into your favorite show, just put it on and he'll eat it up
he LOVES. LOVES LOVES LOVESSSSSSS when you borrow his close
you're sleeping over at his place and you forget to bring pajamas?? whatever, he has an extra hoodie for you to wear
his eyes won't leave you for the rest of the night
he's not the biggest cuddler at first but when he realizes you like it, it begins to grow on him
sometimes neil will sneak up behind you and he'll stick his freezing cold hands up your shirt just to scare the shit out of you
he thinks it's hilarious
he loves you so much, but he also loves getting on your nerves
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soemthingsparkly · 7 months
hello! I just finished reading the most recent chapter of your Hermitcraft Coffee Co. fic, and I would LOVE to see the deleted scenes you mentioned in the notes at the beginning of the chapter! I'm loving this AU btw, it's so good! :))
Hi Hi Hi!!!! Just to let you know, I am vibrating with exitement because of this. LET ME FETCH ONE.
The Hermit Coffee Co. Chapter 10 Deleted Scene: Short King Squad
“Oh, sorry, my bad, my bad,” he says, and then leans into Mumbo and stage-whispers, “Jeez, these nerdy frat boys are so sensitive.”  
Mumbo slides his gaze towards Grian, to find the man staring back with mischief. 
“I’m not going to bite, G,” he says, causing Grian to break out in a delighted grin.
“Oh, but you want to,” Grian teases. “And that’s almost just as good.”
Mumbo rolls his eyes, which makes Grian laugh again and both are too distracted by each other to notice the look that Tango and Impulse exchange.
Tango reaches over and takes his phone back. “I sketched them up last night after work. It was actually Grian here that inspired me with his little…” Tango wiggled his fingers in the direction of Grian’s wrist. “Friendship bracelet.”
Grian’s expression sours and he tucks both hands under the table. “It’s not a friendship bracelet.”
“But you do match with Jimmy and Joel, don’t you?” Mumbo asks, pressing a finger to his chin. Grian’s eyes glint and the corner of his lips twitch in amusement.
It makes things easier again and the discomfort in Mumbo subsides a little.
Tango is wearing a joyous smile at this interaction. “Aka, bracelets that signify your friendship, also known as… friendship bracelets.”
Grian huffs and rolls his eyes, which makes Mumbo chuckle in delight. Without much prior thought, Mumbo snakes his arm around Grian’s shoulders and pulls him into his side for a brief squeeze.
“It's okay, G, the friendship bracelet isn't embarrassing,” Mumbo says, ruffling his hand through Grian’s mop of styled chestnut locks. “It’s the fact that it says Bad Boy that really makes people cringe.”
Grian cackles at that and Mumbo feels a warm surge of pride, even when Grian pushes him off.
Tango clicks his tongue.
“Actually, Mumbo, Grian, I think you’ll find that cringe culture is dead and the concept of “coolness” is a social construction that exists within the insecure to alienate others."
Impulse takes a sip of his beer and shrugs one shoulder.
“I don’t know, T, that sounds a little like an argument someone uncool might make.”
Grian snickers and Tango points an orange painted fingernail in Impulse’s direction. He grins and says, “Be quiet, or no hoodie for you.”
Impulse mimes locking his lips.
“Careful, mate,” Mumbo says with a wink and returns his arm to resting comfortably on the back of Grian’s chair. “You don't want your custom nerd hoodie on the line.”
“It’s cool to be a nerd now, actually,” Tango mutters, folding his napkin into a neatly tucked triangle.
Zedaph pats his shoulder. “Don’t worry, T, you're almost 30. You don't have to worry about being cool anymore.”
Tango grimaces. “I’m 27! That's not almost 30.”
Grian mock-gasps. “Woah, I didn't realise you were so old, Tango. You don’t look a day over 15.”
Having just taken a sip of his drink, Mumbo quickly brings a hand to his mouth to stop himself from spitting it out or choking.
“When’s your growth spurt due, by the way?” Grian asks and Zedaph barks a laugh at that.
Tango, clearly enjoying himself, jabs an accusing finger in Grian’s direction. “Hey now, don't you start. Where’s your step-stool, shorty?”
“Oh, I leant it to Bdubs.”
“I HEARD THAT,” comes a shout from the other end of the table and that draws a pure cackle of delight from Tango.
“Nice one, G,” he says, swiping a finger across his lower lid, before holding his fist out to Grian.
After the briefest hesitation, Grian leans forward across Mumbo and brushes his knuckles against Tango’s.
He doesn't sit quite so far back on his return and ends up neatly tucked up against Mumbo’s side.
It's not super polished, but I did enjoy writing Grian and Tango joining forces to bully Bdubs, so I'm very glad you asked to see it :D I hope you enjoyed it!
Thank you for stopping by, it means a lot to me! <3
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iratusmus · 2 years
honestly its a real shame we didnt get to explore moebius as a concept more because it has like an incredible amount of potential to be a really interesting deconstruction of the "alternate universe where all the moralities are FLIPPED!!!" type of stories. like i was talking about it with @/goosewhisker and she brought up a bunch of super interesting points like. okay see the main question that most of this springs off of is... what, exactly, is the relationship between mobius and moebius.
i think its really worthwhile to go ahead and put in this question ian answered on his now-defunct forum that has frankly haunted me ever since i first found it. i've transcripted it below for easier reading.
Tumblr media
"Question #4 wrote: When we talk about anti-Mobius, is this an evil version of Mobius really? They seem flipped around, but Knuckles, for example, is a good guy really in either dimension, and anti-Sonic… well, there's some potent foreshadowing in #172. But if anti-Mobius isn't an evil Mobius, in what sense is it the anti-Mobius?" In terms of Anti-Knuckles, at the time he was the antithesis. Knuckles at that point was still a nebulous hero - distrusting, hermit-like, and ultimately heroic in that he helped against the greater evil. Anti-Knuckles also was very open and telling about himself and his world, the exact opposite of Knuckles who sequestered himself away and generally kept everything to himself. Our Knuckles has grown to be more open, trusting, helpful, and truly heroic. One would assume the Anti-Knuckles wouldn't be nearly as approachable nowadays. I think calling the Antiverse the "evil Mobius" is too easy. Originally that's exactly what it was, but as its slowly built up over the years there's more to it. Mobius is a world under one dark cloud as the Eggman Empire seeks to conquer everything. Despite this there are pockets of hope, of heroism, and selflessness that fight back. On Anti-Mobius, the one beacon of hope is Dr. Kintobor's hospital and what he's managed to rescue in the Great Forest. The world is in a perpetual state of chaos as pockets of selfishness, ruthlessness, and misery sustain each other. Mobius is an example of hope enduring despite all odds. Anti-Mobius is a sad look at inevitable doom. I'll have much more to say on this later on.
so as ian himself says, moebius is no longer just the "evil mobius", but at the same time it can't really escape the shackles of being the inverse of prime mobius (see: knuckles vs anti-knuckles). so is this connection one way? do the inhabitants of moebius truly have any free will, or are they simply bound to be the opposite of their mainline counterparts?
i think scourge is definitely an interesting way of exploring this concept. as a character he's concepted on the idea of somebody who hates the idea of being considered a derivative of somebody else. he's not his own person - he's simply a discount version of the "real" him. his identity isn't his own. in his desperation to become anything that isnt sonic, ironically he ends up leaning into... well. still being a derivative of sonic. namely, what he is. anti-sonic. so even in his attempt to break free of the place that the universe has assigned him as a "sonic", he ultimately becomes exactly that.
does he really have free will, or is he simply confined to his lot in life? alternatively, is it that his natural inclinations/personality/choices are exactly that of his assigned place, which is how he ended up as the "anti-sonic" in the first place?
there's also another aspect to consider here - zonic says that scourge's "mutation" has made him "something of a wild card in the grand scheme of things". a line which is... never explained. but fascinates me nonetheless.
what is scourge's mutation, then? is it the master emerald incident, or is it that he rejected(?) his assigned place in the universe? if its the latter, then what does that mean for the rest of moebius, who have all followed in his footsteps (willing or not) to take on new, personal identities that are allegedly separate from their mobian counterparts?
buns' joining of kintobor is also definitely worth mentioning here - at the point that she switches sides, bunnie is still an unwavering freedom fighter. morally, both the mobian and moebian are on the same side. given that after the antoine incident, bunnie was going to join eggman's side to get legionized, what does that mean for the moebius/mobius connection?
is it possible that when scourge made them all take on new identities, he made the connection twofold? can changes in a moebian now affect their mobius counterpart? ironically, again, could scourge's attempt to break the ties between mobius and moebius only brought them closer together, now that both sides could potentially affect each other?
on a different meta note, i really would've liked to see more of moebius just because like... if mobius is a world where people are generally default "good", then is moebius a world where people are generally default "evil"? are they literally set up to fail because of the world they were created into?
frankly, going back to ian's commentary on moebius posted earlier... its no wonder that scourge (+ by extension the rest of the ss) ended up like that. the entire thing is so screwed from top to bottom and i wouldve killed to see it explored more.
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Obviously, there must be a million incorrect Sonic blogs on tumblr, but I wanted to make my own too.
I have one (1) Sonic OC and her name is Opal. She is a purple wolf.
I can't draw, so I'm gonna do my best with a description:
Her fur is purple, her eyes are light gold, she wears a purple yukata and sandals.
Okay, that's the best I can do.
As for her character, she's basically to Sonic as Blaze is to Silver and Rouge is to Shadow: his female chaperone.
She can see into the future at random, and she can conjure a magic aura. She's also a really good apothecary: she makes all sorts of solvents and medicines for everyone. She also makes potions that help out in combat. Her most utilized technique is conjuring thread and firing it at her enemies. This technique is like a cross between Spiderman and Yelan.
She is a wise, somewhat stern, and at times mischievous individual. There are times when she has to be the responsible one in a scenario, but sometimes her energy can match that of Sonic.
We'll get into her backstory some other time.
Also, she and Blaze are married and they adopted Silver. Fuck you.
There's also a canon storyline involved and I will get to it when I'm not emptying out the contents of my absolute circus of a brain.
Obviously, we have:
Amy Rose
& plenty more
I'm also centering this universe around Sonic Boom because that series is art and you cannot change my mind.
As I'm sure you gathered, Silver is the son of Blaze and Opal.
I know Aleena, Sonia, and Manic aren't canon, but they are here. And speaking of Sonic's family, Tails is the triplets adoptive little brother.
Plus, Amy and Knuckles are half-siblings, so I'll be referring to Amy as an "echidna-hog".
And Cosmo's alive because fuck you.
Amy and Sticks are girlfriends.
Sonic and Shadow are boyfriends.
Scourge simps for Silver.
Blaze and Opal are married.
Infinite (a.k.a. Zero) and Mephiles are gay hermits that live in the mountains.
Tails and Cosmo make long-distance work like it's nobody's business.
And that leaves Knuckles and Rouge being the token straight couple.
And this isn't one of those cringe AUs where Maria's alive and she's a hedgehog. Those are just weird.
Anyways, that's everything.
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mirbystudios · 2 years
Sonic Frontiers review (PS5)
Sonic Frontiers may not be the most mindblowingly amazing game this year, but it is still, surprisingly, quite good. The environments are vast and beautiful, the combat is fun and can mostly be avoided if you're not feeling up to it, the story is a great mystery you're piecing together with every tidbit you're given. The voice cast is expressive, and these characters are the best they've been in years. Knuckles is no longer an idiot but instead someone who trusts Sonic as a rival and friend, and someone who is also knowledgeable about ruins and such. Tails is no longer useless unless Sonic's around but someone who is working through his self-doubt to become a better more independent person. Amy's about the same, but she hasn't had as much issue with writing in past games as the others.
There are issues, sure. Pop-in is definitely quite prevalent, and some encounters are a pain to deal with, especially on the last island where I've actively avoided several particularly annoying foes. Another issue, though it's more of a nitpick, is leveling via the Elder Koco. You have to manually pick an option one by one, and the menu here on my PS5 was also laggy, requiring around a second after it showed up to move down and select the option once more to keep leveling my Rings or Speed. The Hermit Koco just levels both Attack and Defense as much as he can at once depending on how many of those you have on you, but the Elder Koco is a menuing nightmare, especially due to the minor lag on his menu.
Aside from those issues, the music is pretty good. Exploration themes are toned down but still pretty good while basic battle themes are energetic. The Titan battle themes are all amazing, standing toe to toe with past greats such as Live & Learn quite easily.
And then there's the Cyber Space stages. I'm mentioning these separately because the game treats them separately. Your upgrades in the rest of the game don't transfer over and the physics even feel different here. The majority of them are based on layouts from past 3D Sonic titles, which is a nice homage. There's only 4 stage themes though, and 3 are ones Sonic Team has been using as a crutch for a decade now (being Green Hill, Chemical Plant, and Sky Sanctuary). These aren't that bad to go through but they even feel different to control. A fun distraction that you need to go through a few of for progression purposes, but they still feel disconnected from the design philosophies of the main game.
There's also fishing. Big's here for the first time in a long time, and he's happy to just let Sonic vibe and fish. The music here is relaxing, the gameplay for fishing is simple (select where to throw, hit the button when there's a bite, then time another press or two when the small ring is inside the larger ring). You can get a lot of items here, and it's far more connected to the main game than Cyber Space is. Each catch nets your tokens. You can get the Kocos you'd turn into the Elder Koco, seeds for Power and Defense, Memory Tokens for that Island's trapped character, and even Skill Points and Rings. There's also 24 Egg Memos to collect, which are voiced bits of lore by Eggman that give fun lore insights or tidbits about how he feels about other characters.
Speaking of story, this isn't quite a dark one but it is, as they've been saying, quite melancholy. Ian Flynn, known for his work on the comics, brings a masterful touch to this one. The characters are as well-written here as they are in the comics, and I already touched on how Knuckles and Tails really benefitted from it. Eggman feels a lot less one-dimensional villain, and Sage is a great addition. I quite enjoyed hunting down the side stories to get more tidbits about how the characters feel or things about the ruins, and even information on a greater backstory that forms the backbone of the entire plotline. There's also a lot of references to past games, which creates a great continuity that wasn't quite there before and is quite welcome. The only place the plot suffers is in the ending, which feels quite sudden and a bit rushed honestly, though I blame Sonic Team on that far more than Flynn.
I will note that there are three difficulty settings, and none of them affect the storyline. The only notable difference is Hard Mode grants you an extended (and difficult) final boss fight, and an alternate credits theme, but aside from that the ending plays out the same regardless of what difficulty you were on. That being said, Frontiers is certainly a game that lets you play how you want to. From an extensive suite of customization and accessibility options to an abundance of tokens to collect (far more than you need to max out your stats and get everything), Frontiers is a game that really shows a great start to the Open Zone formula Sonic Team wants to focus on. I'm glad they're listening to feedback because if this is the direction Sonic's going, then I'm excited to see how they improve upon this already solid base. With all this in mind, I'm giving it an 8/10.
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camileeon · 3 years
🍵- “maybe it was fate to meet you.”
🦋- GN!Reader x Camilo
🍊- HELLO DISCLAIMER!! i am not an expert when it comes to tarot reading, i simply searched up the tarots and their reading and picked the ones that were appropriate. If i did make a mistake please don't be shy to point it out to me! PLEASE ENJOYYY!!
The mysterious town of encanto, everyone is familiars with everyone while the walls have it's ears to listen for word to spread. Good old news, gossips, and rumors to keep the town's people up on their heels as to entertain themselves. But especially infamous for it's magical gifted family, each of the gifts could not possibly compare to a simple reading or perhaps it could..?
Word speaks once more from the informant, also known as the chismosa/chismoso of the wondrous encanto "a new stall opens!"
Indeed there was a new addition to the centre of the town's bustling heart filled with carts and stalls of miscellaneous ways for entertainment. "A fortune reader? Their not trying to get bruno's spotlight are they?" Well since it's just a "reading" after all, it can't be certain, isn't proven and is just a hunch to give it that fling or flaw point for mystery.
Camilo had been walking through the town's stalls the same ones he passed by everyday, hearing a few town's women calmoring in the distance at a certain stall others seemed to clamor about.
“my omen's too disappointing.. bad luck??!”
One exclaimed before worriedly pacing towards a town house, the others had good and other had the opposite. Like said, fates like these aren't proven to be true, Camilo wondered what could be the worst that could happen if his fate was read? He walked up to the stall to find a strikingly attractive lady, seeming to be his age as he scanned her features. They covered themself in a vibrant magenta cloak as they sat on their knees while watching the boy in yellow enter the tarped stall “A madrigal? One wonders why you're here.. don't you have your Tio Bruno to read your omen for you..?” They speak as they take hold the stack of tarot cards in hand, their eyes fixed on the shapeshifter's astonished expression before letting out a chuckle
“He's busy with Tia Julieta today, he also took a break with doing fortunes for awhile ever since he came back.” He spoke as he ran his hand through his hair
“ i suppose we haven't met personally.. it's camilo, as you already know.”
The fate reader chuckle as they started to shuffle their cards
“I'm aware, you're quite famous around these parts you know? It's y/n l/n, from a long line of omen readers.” they answer before laying out a scatter of cards facing downwards, gesturing for him to pick three from the scattered deck of cards.
Camilo looked carefully through the cards, choosing the three ones that drew him close. He slid the cards towards him and as he finished, y/n was compiled all the unchosen cards in a swift movement once more to set it aside and remain her focus on the madrigal and the cards.
“what good choices.. are you ready?” she looked deeply into his eyes, lending out her hands for him to hold due to his wandering expression before commenting once more
“you seem awfully nervous, i take it this is your first time. Don't worry, they won't bite.”
Camilo's expression changed into a more relaxed one, letting out a huff of air that he wasn't aware of holding. Slowly sliding his hands in hers, fingers intertwined and locked together as if it was destined fate.
The fate reader carefully flips the first card for it's face to show, The hermit upright.
”you continue to find and learn yourself along the ways of life, this leads to somewhere greater for you.”
She speaks, slowly nodding as she pondered before feeling the other's thumb brush over her knuckle with a small smile on his face “see? So far so good.”
Y/n then proceeds on to the middle card's face, The magician upright.
“you have great potential at whatever comes in your way. You are decisive and say what must be said without hesitation. Shoot your shot at whatever faces you.” She speaks fondly.
“the magician huh? Seems fitting.. i'll take the advice then.” He says proudly, puffing up his chest as he shifted into them and his other relatives. Earning a light laugh from the reader sat in front of him as their hands stayed eachother's grasp whilst the boy shifted to see the gorgeous smile she owned.
Lastly it came down to one, they carefully lifted and flipped the card to see it's face. The Fool Upright.
“new beginnings, you stand your ground and have a clear path filled with great opportunities in your way. Don't let it go to waste. What an amazing omen.. the best one i've read up to date.” they motion their hand to slide the card torward for him to scan it, especially The Fool.
“new beginnings huh? Well, are you up to starting a new one with me?”
“hmm.. alright then, you're treating me.”
“Anything for you mariposa.. indeed, a fool I am.”
@destinydrawssometimes @camilolovesroxiie @i-more-need-books @aphrodicts-imagination @s1mpysstuff @yoursimpingfan
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yaneyanedaze · 5 years
Hah, guess what. I dont have a bed frame. All these yandere that tie you to the bed. Dummies. Cuff me to the headboard? There isn't one losers good luck keeping me pinned down 🤭🤭🤭
*Kakyoin noises intensifies*
“Oh? I don’t need a bed frame when I have Heirophant Green~ He does all the restraint for me so you can’t run away from me darling~!” He smirks and chuckles softly, a dark glint in his amethyst eyes. Heirophant Green can be seen appearing then quickly vanishing. It’ll be best to sleep with one eye open tonight hun.
Joseph also cough lightly with a playful smirk on his face, “You like to play games don’t you baby?~ Well then, two can play at that game, guess hermit purple gets to be used today~” He laughs while cracking his knuckles, sneaks of hermit purple seen twisting around his arms. Again, might wanna just not sleep tonight.
Ives: Yeeeaaaaa good luck, try out running two people with stands like theirs! They’ll find a way to keep ya down~
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tarjapearce · 6 years
Vulnerable ( Pt. 1)
Hello lovelies, I hope you're faring good. first of all I'd to apologize to @heyellies for the SUPER LATE upload of this. I seriously had no idea how to work the idea based on the *Leave Me Post reblogged more than a month ago 😅. She chose 3 so three parts will be c: . (Thanks for your patience lovely :') ) . I hope it worths it. This is the "Tell me" one. Enjoy the reading! Comments and feedback is accepted! ♡ ~
italic: dialogue
bolds and italic: dialogue and Jacob's feelings mixed.
" Jacob?"
That sweet voice his ears loved to capture whenever he had the chance was approaching. He had heard all the ample variations of pitched tones in that sound. Angry, grieved, breathless, needy, loving, lauging. Every emotion he could think of, he had provoked them all with no regrets. His hazelnut eyes twinkled at the sight of her, sometimes Jacob found hard to believe how he had gotten someone that got the best and worst out of him and still remained at his side. He never nurtured the thought Evie and Henry had of him being a simpleton in matters of love, making him more a brute that always thought with his fists first. He didn't like to admit to himself that at some extent, they were right, but he wasn't the one to blame! Oh no. Sir Jacob Frye, Master Assassin, hadn't just found the right one that suited him perfectly like his brass knuckles fitted his hands.
Romance was something he didn't like to think about after the few failures passing through his young adult years. Maxwell Roth's treason hurted him deeper than he thought, but not that he would admit it to himself. The hurt, the anger and pain were not pleasant to him at all, yet he decided to try again once he felt his life was peaceful enough to look out and protect someone in just the way Henry oathed to protect Evie.
The younger twin was truly happy for his dear sister and despite all the fights, spites and words between them both he wished her the best, but still it was one of those times when he woud feel also a little too envious of Evie to accomplish that adventure first. But of course, nothing a good drink could numb out.
He had tried courting a banker's daughter, but it only lasted nothing but two months since she was sent away to marry off a man she was already promised to. Affairs were always welcomed, the secrecy of them continued to feed that sparkle of life he always yearned. But no man or woman could satisfy that.
Just when he thought his fate was to be the loner and possibly hermit uncle of the family, the sight before him arrived like a hurricane to his life. And he, more than willingly and delighted accepted it.
She just drove him insane in all the sense of the word. He loved and hated how tight she had him wrapped around her delicate fingers, and how she took a no for an answer, how bold her words were, her drinking habilities, how easily she could appeal to his most intimate emotions. She reminded him of some parts of himself he didn't want to change at all like, how to charm their way out of danger, the adrenaline they got before pouncing on their targets, and the thirst for aiding no matter what the most defenseless in the cruent society of London.
Jacob just loved her, flaws and all. He just knew he did but she reciprocating his feelings? That was another story. Something he was determined to find out, hence his presence on the rooftop.
" Its a bloody marvelous time to be alive." He said, half smiling at the beauty of her and the landscape.
" Hmm. It is. " her vivacious eyes scanning his form and then the slow and gracious way the sun fell behind the farthest of the sea.
"Do you remember... that time you thought I was the enemy?" "Well, a dangerously gorgeous femme-fatale sneaking in my hideout late at night isn't what an ally of mines would do." " Do I still have to apologize to interrupt your... session with those women?" "Is jealousy the one speaking for you, love?" "Maybe. Maybe not? Who knows." Her bluntness to say things was one of the first things of her he was drawned to. And the silent smirk on her face was only adding a new level of torture on his restrain to just grab her and kiss her like no tomorrow.
" Enjoyed that night, Frye?" " Not as I do now, Hawthorne." a brief silence came on both, until she decided to break it
" You know... If I could change something of me, It would definitively be my last name." The look on his face made her cheeks to obtain a bashful hint . " I...I mean it gave me hell through my learning years. Even the directors of the orphanage I was in always found it hard to pronounce. I was mistaken often by Hawthrone, Headcone, that until a kid thought was funny to call me Haw-scones.... Its not funny!" she protested at the soft laugh that came from him "I apologize love. I am not laughing at you... Im laughing at the lad's terrible choice of nickname." He couldn't help but snicker between teeth, an airy chuckle killing his laugh and the sudden seriousness on his face caused her upset features to twist into a concerned one.
"What about we change that awful last name of yours? Cause I must admit, even I at times get my tongue twisted at the pronouncing" "Ah well, we've got to track and maybe bribe a trusty Letter Judge to do that I am afraid or paid some... money I dont have at the moment. And yes... I've thought about it alot." " So do I. What about a shorter one?" "I'd love so yes." " Must be powerful, and easy to write." his steps approached her as he spoke and held his chiseled chin between his index finger and thumb " Also respectable one, if you don't mind." said the culprit of the sudden madness he was about to commit. " Do you like... (Y/N) Frye?" Her eyes went wide at that, something he found endearing "That's... Heh.." words were failing her, and that was a rare trait. She had always something to say. Always. But now she was speechless and a flushed mess before the provoker of such state.
" I love the sound of it. But its all up to you darling." "J-Jacob... I..." " I won't kneel before you and beg you to be my wife cause... That wouldn't be me. Even I have some standars regarding that."
He removed his gloves and cupped both her already burning cheeks, hazel eyes burning into her wide, brown and tearful eyes, looking for any hesitation.
This was one of the few times Jacob Frye allowed himself to experience emotions as raw and pure as they came with someone else.
" I wont give you a bouquet of flowers cause I know how you think of cutting flower's lives just for a cheesy moment. But... I will give you the best and sometimes the worst of me because... I wouldn't stand... to just look at you any longer. I want to kiss you, touch you and make you mine. I want you to... look at me and be proud of what you see, I want you to wake up one day and tell me to stay five more minutes in bed next to you . Don't you want that? Cause I do, love. Even if you think I am crazy for coming out to you this way. I want you... and nothing else." "Jacob!..." the emotions inside were overwhelming her senses, and as he spoke his thumbs wiped away all the tears that rolled down the precious face he had trapped in between.
"Will you? Do... you want me?"
His throat and mouth turned dry, heart was beating so hard between his ribcage he thought it would explode at any second. Her eyes were wide, afraid yet appalled, however he did not expect her hands reaching for his top hat and placing it herself on the top of her head. The sudden breeze caused goosegumps down the back of his neck while her lips moved.
" What?" he blinked slowly but her smooth lips collided with his as if she was kissing all the shock out of him.
"I love the sound of (Y/N) Frye, yes." " You impish woman!" They both laughed and kissed again, sealing the non-conventional proposal. He wouldn't tell her how happy she made him, instead he would prove her each and every day. After all, he was more the action than words man.
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Gif just cause ♡ hehehehe ~
@assassinofmasyaf @sassenach-on-the-rocks @unreadpoppy @ermergerd517 @kittitt @creednight @ladye11e @assassinscreedforever
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andavs · 7 years
For the "I wish you would write a fic where..." thing: Derek is smugly singing "Scotty doesn't know" while Scott is around or he plays it while they're in the car with a smirk on his face. And obviously Derek and Stiles are together, but Stiles isn't ready to tell Scott, I don't know, something like that, pleaaaase :)))
There were a lot of misunderstandings in the pack, which was understandable; misunderstandings happened in any group of people, small and large, especially when most of them were too emotionally stunted to have a conversation that wasn’t 85% sarcasm. Which the Hale pack was. Because that’s what happens when an emotionally stunted twenty-two year old finds like-minded people to join his angst club.
So there were misunderstandings. Assumptions. Misconceptions.
Misconceptions like Stiles could do card tricks now because he was an emissary, or that Erica’s lewd sense of humor meant she was kinky in bed (she wasn’t, she’d drunkenly confessed as much after chugging a fifth of 151). The absolute lie that Isaac became cultured since he lived in France for a year, or the assumption that Jackson was anything spectacular in bed (he wasn’t, Lydia had drunkenly confessed as much after one shot of 151).
But by far, the most heinous misconception was that Derek was a no fun stick in the mud; a true Adult who went to bed early, only drank decaf coffee, and dusted regularly, or sat in silence reading every day.
The reality was that Derek played douchey music too loud, drove with a lead foot, and spent way too long getting his hair just right in the morning. That effortless stubble? Carefully maintained. He had a brush for his eyebrows.
If he had no plans, he laid in bed until well after noon, scrolling through articles on his phone so he could huff indignantly at them and roll his eyes.
He had a secret cookie stash behind his bran cereal, a weird fascination with deep frying food that he never indulged in beyond buying interest magazines about it, and for some god awful reason, he knew all of the names of the people from Jersey Shore.
He snored and drooled, didn’t always clean up the hair after he trimmed his beard, and occasionally had days where he watched hours of cooking shows and only got off the couch to pee or brush chip crumbs off himself.
Stiles knew all of this to be true because he had personally witnessed all of it, and had found stubble sprinkled across the sink on more than one occasion. He’d woken up to nudging and a phone in his face and Derek’s exasperated, “Read this, can you believe these idiots?” He knew way too much about how to deep fry everything from ice cream to entire pigs, because sometimes he forgot his phone and that was the only type of reading Derek left in the good bathroom. He’d watched three two hour specials on making soufflé in one sitting, a dish that neither he nor Derek had any intention of ever attempting.
Stiles knew all of this to be true because despite the rampant emotional stuntedness all around, he was dating Derek—fairly successfully, he might add. Maybe a high B+ with the points deducted for the time he tried deepthroating and burped on Derek’s dick.
That aside, they were doing great, Stiles was happy, loved, terrified of screwing it up, he’d kill a man with his bare hands before doing anything to risk it—standard butterfly kind of flutters.
So when it came time to tell the pack about them...he flaked. Like a dry scalp in winter.
(Which, coincidentally, Derek also had.)
He wasn’t ashamed or anything, god no, who could be ashamed of dating Derek? Stiles was just...bad enough at relationships under the best of circumstances, and it was going so well, so why tempt fate by changing things and adding variables to the equation? Variables like a pack of werewolves looming and cracking their knuckles at him, just waiting for him to mess up, which would no doubt make him mess up spectacularly.
Stiles might be the Hale pack emissary with Scott on his side, but the betas would always favor and protect their alpha. Jokingly fluttering his eyelashes at Derek had already gotten him a “hurt him and I’ll rip your spine out through your asshole” talk from Erica while Boyd stood behind her, face blank, not blinking once.
And unfortunately, it was not a misconception that Boyd would kick his ass if given proper motivation.
So yeah, no pressure or anything.
The one time he’d (drunkenly) confessed his fears of ruining everything if anyone knew, Derek lovingly called him a dumbass and then got him water and put him to bed, and that was also the last time he’d been so understanding about it. Because apparently Derek was the date type—datey dates, with candles on the table and holding hands in nice shirts, which was a real shock to Stiles and only Stiles, because no one else knew.
They all kind of assumed on some level that he was the same hermit from their high school days who avoided people like the plague and growled if you got within ten feet of him, which was yet another misconception, because Derek liked leaving his apartment and often did. Sometimes for hours at a time just because. And sometimes even with Stiles. Maybe even for a few days, which Stiles would definitely be saying yes to as soon as he managed to come up with a cover for why he and Derek would be gone at the same time without arousing suspicion.
And then he’d made the mistake of saying that out loud, which ended up in another fight about their whole secret relationship right before they were supposed to pick up Scott and drive four hours north to meet another pack. Which was great, because as it turned out, the only thing worse than an outright pissed off Derek, was a passive aggressive Derek, which was a Derek that Stiles didn’t have much experience with.
Another common misconception the pack held about Derek was that he was the adult in the group and listened to NPR and audiobooks, and was too mature for trolling. But because that was entirely wrong, and because he grew up in the years of manually making playlists before Pandora or Spotify, he’d made a playlist for the drive. On a CD.
I’ll keep you my dirty little secret—
Stiles skipped to the next song.
Baby when you got a secret love—
Daytime friends and nightime lovers—
Scotty doesn't—
Stiles slammed his palm across half the dashboard to turn it all off and glared.
Derek smirked behind his stupid sunglasses.
Scott made a slightly disappointed sound in the backseat, because he always kind of enjoyed songs with his name in them.
“How do you even know this many songs about this?” Stiles hissed, barely moving his lips as if that would keep Scott from hearing.
“It’s a pretty popular topic,” Derek shrugged lazily, not taking his eyes off the road. “Right up there with breakups.”
Stiles’ stomach dropped.
“Scott, we’re dating!” he all but shouted, only to be answered with a bored,
“Cool.” Scott sounded distracted, like he hadn’t even looked up from his phone for this massive revelation and brand new information. “Can you turn the music back on?”
Derek was smirking again, and he didn’t even have to say what Stiles knew he was dying to rub in his face: their relationship hadn’t imploded the second the words left Stiles’ mouth, nothing had changed, Stiles wouldn’t have to tuck and roll onto the freeway.
Nothing to worry about.
They were good.
“Wait, was I not supposed to know about that?” Scott asked, somewhat delayed as he dragged his eyes from his phone, because it was another misconception that Stiles and Derek were anywhere close to subtle about their relationship.
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