#but also her deepest fondest wish is to one day own a house in which she spends all day reading never talking to anyone ever
lizhly-writes · 2 years
cnovel shenanigans: our original fmc of the gl novel, who has lived life before the official beginning of her novel fairly friendless.  doylistically speaking,  a friendless background serves well as 1) part of a sad backstory 2) gives those ‘not like the other girls’ vibes 3) serves to make relationships in the plot more ‘significant’ 4) provides a possible explanation for her to ignore glaring red flags, and thus, allows for more drama. 
in-universe, fate enforces this. as a result, chen lihua is... well.  she’s used to it, by now.
Chen Lihua liked to think that her roommates were friends.  This was true, in the sense that she and her roommates were on friendly terms with each other and if they were badmouthing her, they had the courtesy of doing it behind her back.  This was unhelpful for knowing if they were going to backstab her at any moment, as was custom, but certainly did lend a pleasant atmosphere between them.  She appreciated that.
It was perhaps a very low standard for friendship, but Chen Lihua had a lot of people that treated her worse that she still called friends, even if she trusted them about as much as she could throw them.  Actual friends were something she was in rather short supply, which is to say she had none.  What she did have were people who were obsessed with her, people who would dramatically betray her, or both.  
Chen Lihua would like a friend, at some point.  It would be a novel experience.   That’s not to say she never had a friend.  It was just, well.  Generally, when she made a genuine friend, they tended to move away or die or have some miscellaneous horrible thing happen to them.  Once Chen Lihua had noticed this rather disturbing trend, she had elected to simply not put any emotional investment in anyone at all if she could help it.  It was easier that way.  Her reputation was contentious enough already, she didn’t need to have some sort of doombringer attribute added on top of it.
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jacksonsdead · 5 years
Tagged by both @robobrainmurdermysterytheatre​ and @ticktockthem​ Thank you!  Rules:
1. Choose an OC. 
2. Answer them as that OC.
3. Tag 5 people to do the same. I’m choosing my courier!
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(Also some of the answers feature Jack, who belongs to @robobrainmurdermysterytheatre​ ) Callie and Desmond are my other OCs ;) 
What is your name? Haley
How old are you? Late twenties? Hard to keep track out here
What do you look like? Blonde, been told by plenty of people that I’m pretty, unfortunately...that’s not always an advantage.
Where are you from? Where do you live now? I’m from Nevada, lived in a little community just outside of West Vegas when I was a kid. Now I mostly still travel but the boyfriend has a house just outside of Freeside so I guess that’s what I’d consider home.
What was your childhood like? Not...great...Don’t really remember much of my parents, just flashes. They were apparently pretty famous singers/performers but they died when I was still really young. I was raised by my older sister and most of my memories of her are good, which... makes dealing with things harder considering how she died. And after she died? Well...I was 17 and stupid and I’m not getting into the rest. 
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What groups are you friendly with? Are you allied with any factions? I don’t consider myself ‘aligned’ with any factions but there are some I’m on good terms with, honestly I try to keep my nose out of things entirely but...well you have to draw a line sometimes. I respect the hell out of the Followers of the Apocalypse, one of the few factions I’d go out of my way to help out. And the Kings? I like their leader a lot, seems level-headed and pragmatic. And have you seen the way they dress? Every member of the Kings is attractive as hell. 
Tell me about your best friend. Don’t have that many but my closest are probably Callista, Cass and Jack. Callie’s running New Vegas now, was always ambitious as hell, no one I’d trust more to get shit done and done right. Plus we’ve been looking out for each other since we were kids. 
Cass is the type of friend who is going to tell it to you straight--she doesn’t mince words, doesn’t bother with niceties, and honestly, there’s something refreshing about that. Really fun to drink with too.
And Jack? Jack is...well he’s way more than just my best friend, more on that later.
Do you have a family? Tell me about them! I have a daughter, didn’t know about her until a few months ago. Basically one day this 12-year-old kid shows up and introduces herself. We’re still getting to know each other at this point, but she’s sharp; really clever and funny. 
What about a partner or partners? ...I could have you sitting here all day but I’ll only mention the ones that matter. There’s Manny, Desmond and Jack. 
Manny is an ex but when we were together? He was just, such a genuine person; authentic and honest. I knew pretty much *right* away that he was way too good for me, but it was hard to not want that, to not want someone just...nice? But he was still so obviously in love with someone else so I ended things and maybe that wasn’t fair; I honestly hope him and Boone work out. 
Desmond...well the way we met isn’t exactly the type of story you tell the family. Thought he’d just be another in the line of feeling-sorry-for-myself-late-night-mistakes. But he ended up being one of the most decent people I’ve ever met, quit the raiders for me and buy a house kind of decent--didn’t think I’d ever find something like that. He’s also really good with the kid so, think I’ll stick around. 
And finally, Jack. 
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(screenshot courtesy of @robobrainmurdermysterytheatre​ )
I met Jack when I left Nevada for a while--took the first caravan I could find going the furthest away and eventually made it to Boston. I was...not ok. I’d had one foot off the edge of a cliff for a while at that point, ready to fall, just waiting for a push. Turns out Jack was too--and I think we both felt that instinctually, that connection. We had a lot in common, that disregard for our own lives, that recklessness born of misery and through it all, somehow, we each became the one thing keeping the other from drowning.  And man, we had fun too. I can honestly say there’s no one that *gets* me like Jack, knows how to have a good time. Some of my fondest memories are my time with him; Sometimes I wonder why I even left Boston at all. We still talk, and he visits in the winter, wish he could visit more though, I miss him all the time.  Who are your enemies, and why? The Omertas and I have history and no, I don’t want to talk about it. All I’ll say is that if you go into Gomorrah knowing that they get teenagers hooked on chems and then force them into prostitution to pay back their debt, then fuck you. 
Have you ever heard of The Brotherhood of Steel? What do you think about them? They’re kind of assholes right? I mean, you fly around on airships with prewar tech that could be used to help, I don’t know, the world, but instead you use it to grind people under your heel, to “civilize” and then you take any prewar tech they may have away for yourselves. Not a huge fan of them honestly, don’t trust them...but the power armor and airships are pretty cool, I’ll admit. And to be fair, there are a few individuals in the brotherhood that seem pretty decent, I’m just not a real fan of organized militaristic factions as a whole.
What about The Enclave? Don’t really know very much about them but the propaganda spewing fascist patriotism is annoying as hell. 
How do you feel about Super Mutants? Hate fighting them, try to keep my distance; there’s just something viscerally terrifying about mutated GIANT used-to-be-people that turns my stomach and gets the fight-or-flight response going.  Granted, the friendly ones are fine, but there’s also something so sad about them too, makes you sick to your stomach knowing that they used to...not be that way.
What’s the craziest fight you’ve ever been in? The entirety of my time in the Sierra Madre Casino was just one awful clusterfuck that’d I’d rather forget. 
Have you ever fought a Deathclaw? Unfortunately, and I have the scars to prove it. I typically try to avoid them or snipe them from a distance. Better make your shots count though, cause once they see you, it’s over. 
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Do you like fighting? To be honest, most times I try to talk my way out of it, but sometimes there’s nothing that you can do to avoid them. And then? Well sometimes there’s stress that nothing but a good fight can ease. What’s your weapon of choice? Prefer to keep things at a distance, typically use a Anti-Material rifle. But if things get close a .45 pistol or That Gun is my next choice.
How do you survive? Your wits, your charm, your skills, brute force, some combination? (a.k.a. what’s your S.P.E.C.I.A.L?) Half the time? Spite. Spite and instinct. Charm can usually get me out of most situations, or into them depending. And usually if you’re stuck, hacking a terminal or two can get you all the information you need. 
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Have you ever been in a vault? What do you think about them? 
How do you beat all the radiation around here? Has it affected you? I carry a lot of Rad-X and try to filter my own water whenever I can. I have no issue with ghouls but I don’t want to be one. 
What’s your favorite wasteland critter? I know that they’re dangerous but NightStalkers are just cool.
What’s your least favorite wasteland critter? MOTHERFUCKING CAZADORS. You see one set of wings? Don’t worry there’s 50 more nearby AT LEAST.  How do you feel about robots? Robots are honestly fascinating, Jack taught me a lot about programming them. And I’d do anything for ED-E, they’re my favorite to travel with. 
How many caps do you have on you right now? Doesn’t matter how many I have, if I need more I’ll just play a few hands of Caravan or Black Jack. 
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Nuka Cola or Sunset Sarsaparilla? I like both honestly (especially Quantums) but out of the two I’d take a Sunset Sarsaparilla, way more refreshing in the desert heat. 
Do you do chems? Used to be a Med-X junkie when I was a teenager, try to stay away from it now but it’s hard not to use when they’re such a tactical advantage. I keep chems on me for battles and occasionally for recreation even though it’s probably not a great idea. Used to do drug runs for the Great Khans too. 
Do you ever think about the Pre-War world? I hack a lot of terminals and read a lot of emails and it really does get me curious. Trying to imagine a world that I only have the skeletons of to use as a frame of reference? A lot of the stories Jack tells me seem impossible, but the evidence is all around us if you know where to look. It’s honestly fascinating to learn about. 
What’s your deepest regret? What would you do differently? My sister shouldn’t have died, I should have stopped them or, hell, I should have been the one to...It just shouldn’t have happened.
What’s your biggest achievement? Or what do you hope to achieve? I’d say that being a courier and going to all these places that most people have never seen or heard of or imagined is definitely a big accomplishment. I’d like to see more.
What do you want for the future? For yourself? Your friends? The world? I could try and say I have lofty, big goals for the world, that I look at the big picture but honestly? I just want to find peace for myself. To not wake up already tired. I want my kid to be happy and provided for and never go through anything I went through. I want to see Jack. 
I TAG: @undeadcourier and @courierspikeee
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sweetiecutiedarling · 7 years
Quinton Pérez (Anderson)
This November I will be participating in NaNoWriMo, today I am working on some pre-writing for Try Not To Die. Here is the character sheet for Quinton, one of my two main characters. 
Age: 22 Height: 6′, 167lb Eye color: Green Physical appearance: Quinton is a gangly guy. He has curly brown hair and is a moderately hairy guy. He doesn’t do anything physical and isn’t very strong.  Strange or unique physical attributes: Quinton has an extra tooth and a tattoo that says “DON’T PANIC” in a simple black font right below his left shoulder on his chest.  Favorite clothing style/outfit: He wears the cheapest jeans he can find at Walmart and geeky printed shirts, many of which he got with various video game purchases. Where does he or she live? What is it like there? Quinton lives in a basement studio apartment of a home that is empty most of the year. He doesn’t have a full kitchen, but with his microwave, toaster, and mini cooktop he is happy. His home is usually messy, with a path to his futon cleared so he can play video games, cook his ramen, and go to the small bathroom.  Defining gestures/movements (i.e., curling his or her lip when he or she speaks, always keeping his or her eyes on the ground, etc.): Quinton is very sarcastic and rolls his eyes a lot. He ruffles his hair when he is nervous. He also paces and kicks his feet around when he is uncomfortable.  Things about his or her appearance he or she would most like to change: While Quinton considers himself above vanity, he wishes he was less gangly.  Speaking style (fast, talkative, monotone, etc.): He is a very droll and sarcastic speaker, not quite monotone but he deadpan’s most of what he says. Also, he was adopted by a family in Spain and has a slight Spanish accent. Pet peeves: People mixing up Star Wars/Star Trek, people without substance, history classes, physical activity  Fondest memory: His first comic con, at 16.  Hobbies/interests: He enjoys PlayStation games (Dark Souls, Bloodbourne), books (Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, Enders Game, Lord of the Rings), and video game programming of his own  Special skills/abilities: Quinton is a gifted programmer for video games and can speak Spanish and set almost anything on fire. Insecurities: Quinton feels uncomfortable around most people, he would much rather stay home. Additionally, he was given up for adoption when he was 12 “You’re just not worth it anymore” after an occasionally abusive childhood. Quirks/eccentricities: Quinton completely believes that magic is real and can go weeks at a time without leaving home and be perfectly happy.  Temperament (easygoing, easily angered, etc.): Quinton is completely comfortable at home, but when in public can appear upset or short-tempered.  Negative traits: He isn’t overly friendly and judges people quickly. He can also be very mean when angered.  Things that upset him or her: He doesn’t like it when people question his fluency in Spanish or his Spanish accent. He doesn’t find computer illiteracy acceptable and doesn’t like people he considers “fake”.  Things that embarrass him or her: He is embarrassed by his birth family and gangly body. If attracted to a woman he is easily embarrassed.  This character is highly opinionated about: His family (adoptive and birth), lower class situations (very fiscally liberal), and the geeky things he loves (books and such) Any phobias? Snakes Things that make him or her happy: A day of relaxation with his family Family (describe): Quinton has two families, birth and adoptive. Birth Family Quinton is ashamed of his birth family. His mother had him when she was 16 and his father was 24. Due to his father’s drinking and abuse he was in and out of foster care until his mother gave him up when he was 12, telling him he wasn’t worth it. He never met his extended family because his mother ran away when she found out she was pregnant and never looked back. -Mother: Joanie Carlnly, F 38 -Father: Dennis Carlnly, M 46 Adoptive Family When Quinton was 12 and put up for adoption he was quickly adopted by a family that had tried to adopt him in the past. They welcomed him with open arms, moving him to Spain with them. He has been with them for the last 10 years. They offered to change his name, and he accepted.  -Mother: Carmen Pérez, F 48 -Father: Hugo Pérez, M 49 -Younger Sister: Laura  Pérez, F 20 (10 at adoption)  -Younger Sister: Andrea Pérez, F 8 (not born yet at adoption) Deepest, darkest secret: Though he will happily admit he was adopted (it’s kind of obvious anyway) he will not divulge anything that indicates his life before adoption. Reason he or she kept this secret for so long: He is deeply ashamed of his family. Other people’s opinions of this character (What do people like about this character? What do they dislike about this character?): People are mostly ambivalent about Quinton, though they are annoyed as well. Favorite bands/songs/type of music: Classic rock, 21 Pilots, etc. Favorite movies: Anything comic book-y. Favorite TV shows: Firefly, South Park, and recently  Estoy vivo Favorite books: Lord of the Rings, Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy, Harry Potter Favorite foods: Paella, snickers bars  Favorite sports/sports teams: Not a huge sports fans, but he supports the “Real Madrid” soccer/football team when at home Political views: Though an American citizen,  because he only intends to stay for school Quinton doesn’t care about American politics.  Religion/philosophy of life: He is atheist  Physical health: healthy but out of shape Dream vacation: Quinton would love to stay home. Description of his or her house: Quinton’s studio basement apartment isn’t much, he doesn’t have windows or a full kitchen or a bathroom. He has his futon, a coffee table, and his video game set up. his clothes are usually all over the floor. Description of his or her bedroom: Quinton lives in a studio, see above. Any pets? Quinton has no pets Best thing that has ever happened to this character: His adoption. Worst thing that has ever happened to this character: The back and forth with foster care/adoption for years and the subsequent night that his mother gave him up. Superstitions: He doesn’t believe in superstitions.  Three words to describe this character: Geeky, soft-at-heart, sarcastic If a song played every time this character walked into the room, what song would it be? Lane Boy, 21 Pilots
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