#chen lihua
lizhly-writes · 1 month
one day i'll actually work on the canon of this original fiction instead of going off on an offbeat au. that day is not today. anyway here's the chen siblings being violent people i guess
Chen Liwei wishes he could threaten people. His face is hostile enough that it stops people from talking to him, but apparently not enough for him to scare them in a way that matters. Sure, they’ll be scared for the first five minutes --- an hour, if he’s really lucky --- but that’s not enough for them to rethink that dumb thing they want to do to him or his sister.
To make an impact that lasts longer, Chen Liwei usually has to beat people up.
Today, it’s some of his sister’s crazy stalkers.
“They’re technically not stalkers,” Chen Lihua says, not because she actually disagrees with his word choice, but because she’s a little shit who likes to argue with him for the sake of arguing.
“Fuck off,” Chen Liwei says.
“Don’t be so touchy,” Chen Lihua says, and then, “Hey, do you think if I’ll actually kill him if I hit him again?” She twirls the bat in her hand consideringly.
Chen Liwei gives the prone body in front of him a kick. Not too hard --- just to enough to budge it by a couple centimeters. It’d be nice if he was allowed to break some ribs, but --
“You’re not allowed to kill people, that’s illegal,” Chen Liwei says reluctantly. There’s a limit to how much damage they’re allowed to do. Too much, and then it’s not reasonable retaliation or just kids being kids or whatever the fuck the school or the police lets people get away with. It looks bad, and they can’t afford to look too bad if they want to be properly accepted to a good university.
Even if there are absolutely some people who deserve to die.
“How disappointing,” Chen Lihua says.
“Completely disappointing,” Chen Liwei says.
“I really can’t understand it,” Chen Liwei says, her lips curling. “It sounds so nice, saying you’re in love, but isn’t all of this just to get your dick wet with someone you barely know? I should tear that useless thing off, shouldn’t I?”
“Illegal,” Chen Liwei repeats.
“Fuck off,” Chen Lihua says. Thoughtfully, she taps her bat against the ground --- no, against the body, that’ll be another bruise right there. “Hey, Ge. Speaking of romance--”
“Is there someone you like?” Chen Liwei says skeptically, wrinkling his nose. Considering what they’re doing literally right now, that doesn’t seem right.
Chen Lihua snorts. “I’m not talking about me, I’m talking about you.”
“Are you dumb?” Chen Liwei says.
Chen Lihua makes a rude noise. “You’re in a good mood these days, is all I’m saying. And there aren’t that many reasons for you to be in a good mood and also not tell me about it. Is there a beautiful sister-in-law I should be looking out for?”
Chen Liwei feels his face twist involuntarily.
“No?” Chen Lihua says. “That looks like a no. How tragic, I was looking forward to hearing about how some brave white lotus melted the heart of the school’s cool aloof beauty, and together, they bravely faced the world, overcoming all trials with the power of love--”
Chen Liwei shoves a hand over her face.
“Dickhead,” Chen Lihua says.
“Don’t make me throw up,” Chen Liwei says. “Why do you read so many shitty romance novels?”
“A better question is why don’t you read any shitty romance novels.”
“Because I don’t feel like eating trash.”
“Don’t sound so disgusted, there’s a certain appeal to eating trash--”
The body at their feet groans. As one, Chen Liwei and Chen Lihua kick it.
“Anyway,” Chen Lihua says. “So I don’t have a beautiful sister-in-law.”
“Why would you even think that.”
“Well, it’s true you really have been in a better mood,” Chen Lihua says. “Also, last week, some bitch tried flirting with you at lunch and you didn’t make her instantly regret existing.”
Chen Liwei wrinkles his nose in automatic revulsion. Flirting is annoying at best, rage-inducing at worst. Who wants this sort of attention? There’s no respect there. It’s only masses of people who want his body and face, all in the most revolting way possible. That sort of thing is enough to ruin his day.
...Which is why he really should have remembered if it happened last week.
“What?” Chen Liwei says. “Really?”
“You know,” Chen Lihua simpers, shifting her voice high and breathy as she demurely lowers her lashes. “It’s just --- you were so impressive when you dealt with Qi Mingtao earlier. So dashing and handsome! Actually, I’ve always thought you were a really cool person. I --- I just really wondered --- would you want to--- ?”
“You’re going to make me throw up,” Chen Liwei says flatly.
“You keep saying that but you never do it,” Chen Lihua cackles. “Gege, your stomach isn’t as sensitive you think it is! But yeah, it went a little like that. You really truly don’t remember?”
“Should I?”
“It’s not like it was a stranger. It was one of your classmates. Han Aihan?”
The name is vaguely familiar. It takes a moment, but he eventually associates it with a face. He has no memory of talking with it last week.
Chen Liwei shrugs.
“Shit, she’s been going around saying that clearly, you like her because you didn’t bother scaring her off and also wow, you smiled at her, and what, you weren’t even paying attention? Hey, do you even know who she is?”
Of course Chen Liwei knows who she is. He knows all of his classmates by name, even if he doesn’t remember straight off the bat. Generally speaking, Han Aihan is an average girl with no particular academic talent, extracurricular talent, or even social talent. In other words: “Nothing special.”
“I’ll pay you to say that to her face,” Chen Lihua says gleefully.
“No deal,” Chen Liwei says. “If you want to her to hear it so badly, say it yourself.”
“Ah, you’re no fun. Poor Han Aihan, she’s so unimportant to you that you can’t even be bothered to crush her heart personally. If she flat-out confessed to you, would you even hear it or would it just be ‘huh? Oh, were you talking to me?’”
With some effort, Chen Liwei vaguely recalls Han Aihan saying... something to him. Chen Lihua was right --- at the time, he really hadn’t been paying attention.
“Huh,” Chen Liwei says.
“You’re normally better at remaining awake and alert,” Chen Lihua says. “What were you distracted by? Thinking good thoughts? About what? Oooh, did somebody die?”
He’d honestly been thinking about the offended expression on Wu Youxuan’s face when he saw Chen Liwei’s perfect test score.
“How are you even doing this,” Wu Youxuan hissed. “You spend all of your time either at your job or beating people up, what kind of study medicine are you even taking that you can just casually walk in and get the best goddamn score, stop smiling I’m going to beat your face in --”
“You’d know if somebody died,” Chen Liwei says, and then, because he owes his sister honesty, says, “I have a...”
What’s the word he’s looking for? Acquaintance? Lackey? Victim?
“...Friend?” Chen Liwei finishes skeptically.
Even before their parents had died, Chen Lihua had always been the more social one of them. Back then, Chen Liwei had been abstractly aware of what friendship was, but he’d never really bothered with anything more than surface level relationships. A healthy classroom atmosphere where it was easy to find partners for class projects and maybe a game of basketball --- and that was pretty much all he cared about. After...
Well, he stopped caring about even that, eventually.
Is Wu Youxuan a friend? Maybe for lack of a better word, but Chen Liwei is almost certain he isn’t treating Wu Youxuan nice enough for that. Should he treat Wu Youxuan nicer?
“A friend,” Chen Lihua says dubiously. “You.”
“I’m allowed to have friends,” Chen Liwei says. “You have friends.”
This is a lie. Chen Lihua doesn’t have friends. She has ‘friends’: people that she chats with and laughs with, but doesn’t actually expend any real care or feeling for. She’s explained this before. Something about keeping a pleasant atmosphere, something about feeling like your ‘friends’ are friends, even if they badmouth you behind your back. It’s a lot of effort for not very much payoff, keeping on a fake face, day after day, always ready for the knife in the back.
Chen Liwei doesn’t really get it.
Wu Youxuan is at least upfront about the desire he has to stab Chen Liwei in the face.
“You’re smiling,” Chen Lihua observes.
“Well,” Chen Liwei says. Wu Youxuan is really funny when he wants to stab Chen Liwei in the face.
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the-monkey-ruler · 5 months
Journey to the West: Trouble in Heaven and Conquer the Yellow Robe Monster (1928) 西遊記: 鬧天宮收伏黃袍怪
Picture: N/A Director : Chen Qiufeng / Li Yuanlong Screenwriter: Lin Ruxin Starring: Zheng Ruinian / Zhu Jianling / Gu Mengchi / Yuan Xueou / Wang Lihua Country/Region of Production: Mainland China Also known as: Journey to the West: Conquering the Yellow-Robed Monster in the Naotian Palace / Journey to the West · Conquering the Yellow-Robed Monster in the Naotian Palace / 西游记。闹天宫收服黄袍怪 / 西游记·闹天宫收伏黄袍怪 / 西游记之闹天宫收伏黄袍怪 Type: Retelling
Tang Monk and his apprentice met the Bone Demon in Baihu Ridge. The Bone Demon successively transformed into a girl, an old woman, and an old man. She wanted the Tang Monk's flesh, but Sun Wukong saw through them all in time and killed the Bone Demon, but was scolded by Tang Monk, who was still alive with naked eyes. Coupled with Zhu Bajie's slander, he had to return to Flower Fruit Mountain. Tang Monk was soon captured by the Yellow-Robed Demon in the black pine forest. Fortunately, his wife secretly released him, but she turned out to be the third princess of Baoxiang Kingdom. The master and disciples came to Baoxiang Kingdom, and the Yellow-Robed Demon also turned into a beautiful man and followed him, turning Tang Monk into a tiger. Zhu Bajie went to Sun Wukong for help and tried to arouse Sun Wukong's anger towards the Yellow-Robed Demon. After a fierce battle, the Yellow-Robed Demon was subdued, Tang Monk returned to his original shape, the princess was rescued, and master and apprentice, father and daughter were reunited.
Source: https://movie.douban.com/subject/26416661/
Link: N/A
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ledenews · 1 year
Women’s History Month at WLU Concludes with Panel Discussion
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West Liberty University is observing Women’s History Month with events celebrating women’s empowerment. Under the coordination of the Diversity Committee, events conclude with a panel discussion planned for noon, Wednesday, March 29 that addresses leadership and Title IX. The panel discussion takes place in the Student Leadership Center, located in the College Union and is open to the public. “The panel addresses two topics important to women's empowerment — our evolving conceptions of leadership and the ongoing benefits of Title IX,” said Dr. Cecilia Konchar Farr, Dean of the College of Liberal and Creative Arts and leader of the Women's Empowerment subgroup of the WLU campus Diversity Committee. The panel includes: - Assistant Vice President of Enrollment Management Katie Cooper,  - Dean of the College of Sciences Dr. Karen Kettler,  - Graduate student researchers in the sciences Alyssa Oppedisano and Megan Stubbs,  - Student athlete leader Nyia Setla (volleyball), - Student Government President Sydney Burkle, - Associate Professor of Management and Economics Dr. Vishakha Maskey, Gary E. West College of Business.  The Diversity Committee meets throughout the academic year and is chaired by Dr. Felipe Rojas, assistant professor of Spanish. Members include staff: Emily D‘Aquila, Izzy Bennett, Kate Billings, Ryan Glanville, Yodev Ocasio, Cassandra Seth, Michelle Panepucci and Tasha Taylor.  Faculty members are: William Baronak, Rebecca Meacham, Hilary Bougher-Muckian, Lihua Chen, Terri Giller, Eveldora Wheeler and James Wood. Read the full article
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craftercat · 1 year
Yang Jian doesn't seem to have much of a remarkable early career, so how did he managed to take the throne easily?
Because he married his daughter Yang Lihua to Yuwen Yun and Yuwen Yong and Yuwen Yun died young.
He was not the most remarkable general in Northern Zhou, but he held military authority and was the son of Yang Zhong, who was a powerful general.
Shortly after his conquest of Northern Qi, Yuwen Yong died young at only 35. His son Yuwen Yun inherited the throne. Yuwen Yun was very extravagant. He later would create another four women empress as well as Yang Lihua as retired emperor. This was partly due to poor and even abusive parenting on Yuwen Yong's part, as he battered Yuwen Yun over mistakes like drinking alcohol.
Because Yang Jian was now waiqi or consort kin, he got more military authority, despite people having been suspicious of him since Yuwen Yong's reign.
Only a year after taking the throne, he passed the throne to his son Yuwen Chan. However Yuwen Chan was six and needed a regent. Yuwen Yun initially was regent himself, but he became even more extravagant as the retired emperor. He wanted to launch an attack on Chen but died before it could take place. Yuwen Chan was still only seven, and being Yuwen Chan's step-grandfather (Yuwen Chan's mother was not Yang Lihua; it was Zhu Manyue, another of Yuwen Yun's empresses, and she was 12 years older than Yuwen Yun), Yuwen Yun's men made him the regent.
Yang Jian eventually saw that Northern Zhou had collapsed beyond repair and he began making plans for a takeover. Northern Zhou's accomplished general Yuchi Jiong saw what was going on and rebelled against Yang Jian. After Yuchi Jiong's rebellion was suppressed, nobody could stop him usurping the Northern Zhou, and he began to slaughter the Northern Zhou princes in preparation (this was common for this type of usurpation), so he did that, forcing Yuwen Chan to abdicate and declaring himself emperor of the Sui dynasty. Afterwards he had Yuwen Chan and all of the descendants of Yuwen Tai executed.
Note: His dynasty name was the Sui dynasty, named after his dukedom, but he removed the walking radical from the name of his dukedom as he thought that it indicated that the dynasty wouldn't last. It turned out not to matter, as the dynasty fell within 40 years of its founding thanks to his second son Yang Guang killing millions of his own people.
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investintowine-blog · 7 years
Hurun: China Produces Most Self-Made Female Billionaires
Hurun: China Produces Most Self-Made Female Billionaires
China’s ultra-wealthy population has been leading the way for the last few years, but the latest Hurun Global Rich List shows that the number of Chinese billionaires is growing, pulling the country even further ahead of the United States.
Chen Lihua (left) tops the self-made female billionaires on Hurun’s Global Rich List, while Jack Ma (right) retains his number two spot among China’s…
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writinggeisha · 5 years
Ah Cy…lovely
Ah Kum…good as gold
Ah Lam…peace
Ai…love, affection
Annchi…angelic peace
Bai…crystal clear
Baozhai…precious hairpin
Bi…green jade
Bingqing…clear as ice
Biyu…jasper; semi-precious stone
Caihong…a rainbow in the sky
Chan juan…the moon; graceful; ladylike
Chang…free; uninhibited
Changying…flourishing and lustrous
Chao-xing…morning star
Chen the…morning
Chenguang…morning light
Chu Hua…chrysanthemum
Chunhua…spring flower
Chuntao…spring peach
Chyou…sweet autumn
Cuifen…emerald fragrance
Da Chun…long spring
Da-Xia…long summer
Dai-tai…leading a boy in hopes
Daiyu…black jade
Dandan…cinnabar red
Diu…one who is down to earth and is a practical person
Dongmei…winter plum
Ehuang…beautiful; august
Eu-fùnh…playful phoenix
Eu-meh…especially beautiful
Fang…fragrant; sweet-smelling
Genji…who is most valuable as gold
Gho…responsible and inspirational
Guan-yin…goddess of mercy
Heng…constant; steady; persistent
Honf…sign of good luck
Hop…agreeable; consistent
Howin…a loyal swallow
Hualing…flourishing herb
Hui ying…bright; intelligent
Huian…obliging and quiet
Huian…kind peace
Huifang…kind and fragrant
Huifen…wise and fragrant
Huilang…wise jade tinkling
Huiliang…kind and good
Huiqing…kind and affectionate
Huizhong…wise and loyal
Hwei-ru…wise and intelligent
Jia li…good and beautiful
Jiahui…nice person
Jiao…dainty or lovely
Jiayi…household fitting
Jiaying…household flourishing
Jilpa…a teacher of life
Jing…crystal; sparkling
Jing…small bird
Jingfei…still fragrance
Jinghua…situation splendid
Jinghua…leek flowers
Kuai hua…mallow blossom
Lanfen…orchid fragrance
Lanying…indigo lustrousness
Lanying…blue glitter or blue quartz
Lì húa…beautiful pear blossom
Li mei…beautiful plum blossom
Li ming…beautiful and bright
Li na…beautiful and graceful
Li qin…beautiful stringed musical instrument
Li rong…beautiful lotus
Li wei…beautiful rose
Lian…the graceful willow
Lien… lotus
Liena…a woman as beautiful as a lotus flower
Lifen…beautiful fragrance
Lihua…beautiful and flourishing
Lijuan…beautiful and graceful
Liling…beautiful jade tinkle
Liling…white jasmine tinkling
LiMei…beautiful plum flower
LiMing … who is pretty and bright
Lin…beautiful jade
Ling…compassion and understanding
Linqin…beautiful zither
Liqiu…beautiful autumn
Lixue…pretty and pure as snow
Luli…dewy jasmine
Méh-è…beautiful posture
Méh-fùnh…pretty or beautiful phoenix
Mei…beautiful plum
Mei Lien…beautiful lotus
Mei Xiang…beautiful fragrance
Mei Xing…beautiful star
Mei Zhen…beautiful pearl
Mei-yin…very beautiful or beauty.
Meifen plum…fragrance
Meifeng…beautiful wind
Meihui…beautiful wisdom
Meilin…plum tree
Meiling…beautiful and delicate
Meirong…beautiful countenance
Meixiang…plum fragrance
Meixiu…beautiful grace
Meiying…beautiful flower
Meizhen…beautiful pearl
Mey…gorgeous or pretty or stunning.
Ming Yue…bright moon
Ming-huá…tomorrow’s flower
Mingmei…bright and beautiful girl
Mingxia…bright glow through the clouds at dawn
Mingxia…clear halo
Mingyu…bright jade
Mingzhu…bright pearl
Mu lan…magnolia blossom
Mu tan…tree peony blossom
Na…elegant or smooth
Ngo-Kwang…beautiful; august
Ninghong…tranquil red
Niu…a girl
Nuwa…mother goddess
Nuying…female flower
Pangfua…clouds in the shape of flower
Peijing…admiring luxuriance
Peizhi…admiring iris
Qi…fine jade
Qiànrú…nice smile
Qiaohui…skillful and wise
Qiaolian…skillful always
Qing…dark blue
Qing…yuan clear spring
Qingge…clear pavilion
Qingling…lucky years
Qingyuan…a clear spring or deep water
Qingzhao…clear illumination/understanding
Qinyang…sunshine of my heart
Qiuyue…autumn moon
Renxiang…benevolent fragrance
Rong…beautiful; elegant
Rong…honor, glory
Rou…gentle, mild
Rùfen…nice fragrance
Ruiling…auspicious jade tinkling
Ruolan…like an orchid
Ruomei…like a plum
Shaoqing…young blue
Sheu-fùh…elegant phoenix
Shihong…the world is red
Shu fang…kind; gentle and sweet
Shuang…frank; open-hearted
Shuchun…fair; pure
Shui…one who is like a water
Song…pine tree
Suyin…plain and unadorned sound
Tao…peach; symbol of long life
Ting…slim and graceful
Tu…jade element in earth cycle
Tung-Mei…winter plums
Ushi…the ox
Wan…gentle; gracious; beautiful; lovely
Wei…valuable; precious
Weici…preserving love
Wenling…tinkling sound of refined jade
Wenquian…refined matter
Xia…rosy clouds
Xia…glow of the sunrise or sunset
Xia…the summer lotus; pure and elegant
Xiao chen…early morning; dawn
Xiao hong … rainbow
Xiaodan…little dawn
Xiaofan…little and ordinary
Xiaohui…little wisdom
Xiaohui…morning sunlight
Xiaojing…morning luxuriance
Xiaoli…morning jasmine
Xiaolian…little lotus
Xiaoling…morning tinkle
Xiaoqing…little blue
Xiaosheng…little birth
Xiaotong…morning redness
Xiaozhi…little iris
Xifeng…western phoenix
Xin qian…happy and beautiful
Xingjuan…arising grace
Xiu…fine; beautiful
Xiu Mei…beautiful plum
Xiulan…beautiful orchid
Xiurang…elegant countenance
Xiurong…beautiful glory
Xiuying…beautiful flower
Xueman…snowy grace
Yan…swallow bird; gorgeous
Yanmei…Beijing plum
Yanmei…flattering and seductive
Yanyu…Beijing jade
Yenay…she who loves
Yet Kwai…beautiful as a rose
Yi jie…happy and pure
Yi min…happy and smart
Yi ze…happy and shiny like a pearl
Ying…clever or eagle
Yingtai…flower terrace
Yu…jade or rain
Yu-jun…from Chongching
Yuanjun…Yuan River ruler
Yubi…jade emerald
Yue wan…happy and gentle
Yue ying…happy and smart; kind
Yue you…happy and friendly
Yuèhai…beautiful moon
Yuèqín…moon-shaped lute
Yunru…charming seeming
Yusheng…jade birth
Yüying…jade flower
Zhaohui…clear wisdom
Zhilan…iris orchid
Zhu… bamboo
Zi…graceful; beautiful
Zongying…taking heroes/flowers as a model
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300iqprower · 2 years
China have a lot of Chinese women wwho led to the downfall : Mo Xi, Daji, Bao Si, Xia Ji, Li Ji, Xi Shi, Zhao Ji, Empress Lu Zhi, Yangcheng Zhaoxin, Zhao Sisters, Diaochan, Lady Zhen, Jia Nanfeng, Liu Chuyu, Feng Xiaolian, Pan Yu'er, Zhang Lihua, Empress Xiao, Empress Wei, Princess Anle, Yang Guifei, Li Shishi, Dong Ge/Yehe Laonu, Madame Ke, Wan Zhen'er, Chen Yuanyuan and Empress Cixi
if we dont count ones i know through FGO then out of all these I only know two, Da JI (which is the free space) and Diaochan
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hfgewer · 3 years
Technology has no boundaries, convergence and symbiosis, China-Singapore Digital Economy and Artificial Intelligence Summit Forum held in the cloud
The forum was chaired by Bo AN, Chair Associate Professor of the President's Committee of the School of Computer Science and Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Zhang Lihua, Director of the CAAI Human-Computer Fusion Intelligence Special Committee, and Executive Deputy Dean of the Institute of Intelligent Robotics, Fudan University.pc case    Desktop Case    computer case    best pc case   pc case recommendations     gaming pc case     pc case white     pc case atx     mid tower pc case     https://musetex.com/
  4 major topics, 13 speeches, drawing a blueprint for development
  13 scientists and entrepreneurs in the fields of digital economy and artificial intelligence in China and Singapore focus on "Artificial Intelligence and Brain Health", "Natural Language Processing and Brain-Computer Interface", "Information Learning Perception and Cognition", and "Intelligent Robot 2020-2035:" The four themes of “exploration in breadth and depth” were shared, and contributed to a high-quality cross-border, cross-cultural, and cross-field academic resonance and ideological turmoil, which provided the development of smart technology and digital industry in the post-epidemic era in China and New Zealand. Professional guidelines.
  In the topic section of "Artificial Intelligence and Brain Health", researcher Jiang Tianzi from the Institute of Automation of the Chinese Academy of Sciences introduced the use of artificial intelligence to solve the challenges of brain health; Associate Professor Anqi QIU, deputy director of the Department of Biomedical Engineering, National University of Singapore, focused on the effects of brain images and genetic data on aging , Dementia and other aspects of the enlightenment to us.
  "Natural Language Processing and Brain-Computer Interface" topic session, Cuntai GUAN, Dean of the Institute of Artificial Intelligence, Nanyang Technological University, Zhu Xiaoyan, Director of the State Key Laboratory of Intelligent Technology and Systems, Tsinghua University, Weisi LIN, Associate Dean of the School of Computer Science and Engineering, Nanyang Technological University Gao CONG, a professor in the School of Computer Science and Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, focuses on the research and application of artificial intelligence and brain-computer interfaces in brain health, the status quo and prospects of dialogue systems, visual collaborative intelligence and its productization prospects, spatial data management and mining and Brings wonderful views sharing on the level of smart city applications.
  In the topic section of "Information Learning Perception and Cognition", Professor Tat-Seng CHUA of the School of Computer Science at the National University of Singapore analyzed the deep semantic understanding of videos; introduced by Jiao Licheng, former vice chairman of CAAI and dean of the Institute of Artificial Intelligence of Xidian University Several challenges and reflections on the current perception and optimization of quantum learning; Shengmei SHEN, Chief Scientist of Pensee Technology and Dean of Singapore Research Institute, focused on sharing the important role of artificial intelligence in driving the upgrading of the digital economy in the construction of Singapore’s “smart country”.
  In the topic session of "Intelligent Robot 2020-2035: Exploring Breadth and Depth", Shuzhi Sam GE, a professor at the National University of Singapore and a member of the Singapore Academy of Engineering, explained the promotion and development of artificial intelligence and robotics in the digital economy; CAAI vice chairman, Peking University professor Liu Hong introduced a new generation of AI and public service robots; Chen Xiaoping, director of the Robotics Laboratory of the University of Science and Technology of China, analyzed the opportunities and challenges faced by smart machines in 2020-2035 from closed to non-closed; Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Computer Science and Engineering Bo AN, Chair Associate Professor of the College Presidents Committee, shared the latest developments and trends in distributed artificial intelligence.
  Establish communication channels between the Chinese and New Zealand scientific communities and establish a long-term exchange mechanism. Relying on the "World-Class Society Construction Project" of the Chinese Association for Science and Technology, the Chinese Society for Artificial Intelligence actively organized and jointly organized this forum, which was awarded to the Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, National University of Singapore, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Xidian University, and University of Science and Technology of China , Jiangsu Nanjing Eco-Technology Island Economic Development Zone Management Committee, Sino-Singapore Nanjing Eco-Technology Island Development Co., Ltd., Nanjing Raco Intelligent Engineering Research Institute, and iFlytek Co., Ltd. are strongly supported. The forum takes the field of digital economy and artificial intelligence as an incision, and has taken an important first step in creating a "China-Singapore artificial intelligence dialogue mechanism".Musetex     musetex pc case     musetex website   musetex company      musetex manual     musetex pc case review    
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psycheblog-uk · 3 years
Different Regional Gray Matter Loss in Recent Onset PTSD and Non PTSD after a Single Prolonged Trauma Exposure
Different Regional Gray Matter Loss in Recent Onset PTSD and Non PTSD after a Single Prolonged Trauma Exposure
Open Access  Peer-reviewed Research Article Yunchun Chen , Kuang Fu , Chen Feng , Lihua Tang , Jian Zhang, Yi Huan, Jinli Cui, Yunfeng Mu, Shun Qi, Lize Xiong, Cheng Ma, Huaihai Wang, Qingrong Tan , Hong Yin Published: November 14, 2012 https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0048298 Abstract Objective Gray matter loss in the limbic structures was found in recent onset post traumatic stress…
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theguideforwriters · 7 years
Under the cut, are 80 feminine names, of Chinese origin.
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lizhly-writes · 9 months
for villain fiance - a thousand words and/or fusion dance with classic fantasy setting isekai 👀
classic fantasy isekai…  not otome isekai, hmm?  actual isekai? okay!  i have aged everyone down accordingly (everyone's like, 16 in these kinds of stories, right?)
In fantasy land, they called Chen Lihua Lady Saintess, or Lady Hero, or just Hero.  Never her name, but then again, no one used her name back at home either.  “Hero” was, frankly, a lot more flattering than “Ungrateful Waste of Space” or “Dead-faced Little Bitch” or “What, It’s Her Again?”  
Truly an unimaginable improvement. Truthfully, everything was an improvement.  Anythiing and everything she could eat, instead of her family’s leftovers; anything and everything she could wear, instead of bargain-bin rejects.  No insults, no sneers, no whispers.  Everyone treated her with more kindness and respect than she had had in the last five years combined.
This was the best kidnapping that Chen Lihua had ever been involved in.
The only person who hadn’t been 100% friendly towards to her was Knight Jovis, who was her designated guard by virtue of, as far as Chen Lihua could tell, being the most talented knight that happened to be around Chen Lihua’s age.  This seemed to be more important than the fact that Knight Jovis hated Chen Lihua with every fiber of her body.
There really didn’t seem to be anything Chen Lihua could do without provoking her, which is the reason why Chen Lihua had decided to deliberately provoke her, just to see what would happen.  The results were entirely uninspiring. Some gritted teeth, sure, but no violence.  Maybe a comment, about how Chen Lihua could be making better use of her time, but no snide remarks at her appearance or parentage or anything.  
People really were very nice to her here, even if Chen Lihua wasn’t particularly nice back.
“She’ll warm up to you!” Prince Yulan said, who had vastly higher standards for niceness than Chen Lihua did.  “Eventually!”
“You really think so,” Chen Lihua said.  Chen Lihua was not the kind of person that people warmed up to.  Chen Lihua was not the kind of person that people liked, in general.
Prince Yulan nodded enthusiastically.  “Of course!  You have plenty of good qualities!”  He even really seemed to mean it too. Chen Lihua wondered if he had something wrong with his eyes.
Prince Yulan, the third-born prince of House Zether, was quite possibly the most optimistic person Chen Lihua had ever met.  This was most likely why he was her tour guide.  He was sunshine-y and cheerful and perfectly willing to account anything and everything in the best light possible, which was probably a bonus, if people were trying to get her to like the place enough to truly protect it.  He never got frustrated or annoyed; he didn’t seem capable of getting frustrated or annoyed. 
It was disturbing.  Chen Lihua almost preferred dealing with Knight Jovis, because at least Knight Jovis openly hated her.
“It’s not really you,” Prince Yulan said.  “Truthfully, Micaiah doesn’t much like anyone, ahaha. She’s not really a people person.  The only person she really does like is Haakon – aaah, don’t look at me like that, Micaiah!  It’s the truth!”
“Haakon?” Chen Lihua said.
“My fiance,” Knight Jovis said, deigning to speak for the first time today.  There was a warning growl to her voice.  It reminded Chen Lihua of girls warning her to stay away from their boyfriends.
What fun memories.
“What, you have a fiance?” Chen Lihua said, more to irritate Knight Jovis than out of an actual disbelief.  “You?”
Knight Jovis bared her teeth.
Prince Yulan blithely ignored their interaction.  “Haakon’s nice!  He’ll actually be accompanying you next week, by the way, instead of me.  I’m going to be called away on business…”
“So Knight Jovis’s fiance will be around me all week?”
“....That’s an odd way to say it, but yes?”
Chen Lihua smiled brightly at Knight Jovis.  Knight Jovis gave her a look that said she would like to set Chen Lihua on fire.
Chen Lihua would love to see her try.
unusual fic-specific asks for authors
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the-monkey-ruler · 8 months
New Journey to the West (1985) 新西游记
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Director: Liu Weiyi Screenwriter: Cai Tiansong Starring: Yang Lihua / Xiao Fengxian / Wu Cui'e / Guan Cong / Huang Xitian / Xu Lu Genre: Mythological Drama / Gezi Drama / Emotional Drama Country/Region of Production: Taiwan, China Language: Hokkien Date: 1985 Number of seasons: 1 Number of episodes: 1 Single episode length: 60 minutes Type: Retelling
"New Journey to the West" There is the Flower and Fruit mountain in the Aolai Country of Dongsheng China. A stone on the top of the mountain gave birth to a monkey. The stone monkey sought instruction from a teacher and was named Sun Wukong. He learned seventy-two transformations, could travel hundreds of thousands of miles in one somersault, and called himself the "Monkey King". He stole the Sea Fixing Needle and turned it into a Wish-Fulfilling Golden Cudgel. He then went to the underworld to cancel the monkey's name from the book of life and death. The Jade Emperor's two attempts to bring him peace ended in failure and he had no choice but to invite Buddha Tathagata to suppress Sun Wukong under the Five Elements Mountain.
The Tathagata sent Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva to the Eastern Land to find a Buddhist scripture collector, and to come to the Western Heaven to collect Buddhist scriptures and persuade all living beings. Guanyin enlightened Chen Xuanzang to go to the West to obtain the true scriptures. Tang Sanzang traveled westward and rescued Sun Wukong in the Five Elements Mountain. The two masters and apprentices traveled westward and captured the white dragon in Yingchou Stream. In Gaolaozhuang, Zhu Bajie was subdued; in Liusha River, Sha Wujing was subdued.
The four masters and disciples traveled across mountains and rivers to the west to seek scriptures. During the journey, the four masters and disciples eliminated demons and subdued them, and experienced countless hardships and obstacles. Finally, they came to the Holy Land of Lingshan, obtained the true scriptures, and returned to their homeland. Tang Sanzang and others returned the Buddhist scriptures to Chang'an, the capital of the Tang Dynasty, and the real body returned to Lingshan. Tang Sanzang was named the Sandalwood Buddha of Merit, Wukong was named the Fighting Victory Buddha, Bajie was named the Envoy of the Pure Altar, Sha Monk was named the Golden Body Arhat, and the White Dragon Horse was promoted to the Eight Heavenly Dragons. Each returned to his own place and shared the bliss.
Source: https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E6%96%B0%E8%A5%BF%E6%B8%B8%E8%AE%B0/19282471
Link: N/A
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随笔画的陈后主妖妃张丽华。野史《南部烟花记》中的记载:陈后主为张贵妃丽华造桂宫于光昭殿后,做圆门如月,障以水晶,后庭设素粉罘罳。庭中空洞无他物,惟植一桂树,树下置药杆臼,使丽华恒驯一白兔。丽华被素袿裳,梳凌云髻,插白通草苏孕子,靸玉华飞头履,时独步于中,谓之月宫。帝每入宴乐,呼丽华为张嫦娥。 袿裳,或袿衣,是古代女人的一种敝屣,也就是吊在腿前的布,像围裙又不是围裙。南北朝的袿裳流行杂裾,上面缝有三角的燕尾与飘带,后期简化成了很长的燕尾。凌云髻是一种高耸如入云霄的发髻,南北朝的女人开始流行把头发梳成发鬟,凌云髻到了南北朝可能就是单环的发髻。南北朝出土的文物没有特定的“飞头履”,所以这里的鞋是我自己随便画的。白通草苏孕子就是通草做得假花,插在头发里做装饰。南北朝流行服装是大袖襦裙,内衬白色曲领汗衫,女人带披子,可以纯属作为装饰的彩带,也可以在天冷时用夹棉披子做围巾。《妆台记》说陈朝后宫戴即晕妆,就是把双颊擦满胭脂的浓妆,不过张丽华为了表示嫦娥的清淡飘逸,大概会淡妆一点。除了胭脂外,从南北朝一直到宋朝,女子化妆还有各种贴在面上的装饰。南北朝后期,北方北齐流行淡妆,隋朝后来为了节俭也是提倡淡妆,但是这里还是用了一直很流行的斜红和花钿。
A sloppy sketch of one of Chinese History’s most infamous women, the last Emperor of Chen’s concubine, Zhang Lihua. According to the semi-historical “Record of Southern Decadence”, Emperor Chen would dress Lihua as the goddess of the moon, wearing “a white swallow-tail hem, hair combed into a Rising Cloud Bun, decorated with white pith paper imitation flowers, and wearing Jade Splendor-ed Flying Head shoes.” She lived in a “Moon Palace”, which had a round crystal-gated door, and a back garden that only had one sweet osamanthus tree, under which there was a mortar and pestle for grinding herbs, reflecting the myth of the goddess living with an osamanthus tree and a rabbit that constantly pounded out the elixir of immortality. To complete the myth set, she owned a white rabbit. Swallow tail hems are sort of Ancient Chinese decorative apron, from the Northern and Southern Dynasties period, deriving from a stylized and ceremonialized version of the loincloth. A Rising Cloud Bun is a sort of hooped hairdo. In addition to the above stated clothing, the general style for women’s dress was a white, round collared undershirt, a long-sleeved blouse and skirt combo, and a ribbon that could be used as decoration or a neck scarf. The semihistorical “Record of the Make-up Mirror” states that the Chen Dynasty imperial harem generally wore “drunken blush” make-up, where thick blush would be slathered on to make the cheeks seem very red, as if the woman was drunk with wine. However, Zhang Lihua is imitating the moon goddess, known for elegant simplicity, so her make-up might be lighter. In the sketch, she has the popular “xiehong”, a sort of facial decoration where two crescent marks are cut from cloth and pasted on the temples, or directly painted on, supposedly to imitate a scar that a favorite concubine of a certain emperor had. She also has a “hua-dian”, a forehead flower decoration, in her case, in the shape of a moon.
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marlaluster · 5 years
Emptying the cliptray on the new phone. ....
1. https://youtu.be/8YsoEcdagK4 2. Schizophrenia-Related Disability in China: Prevalence, Gender, and Geographic Location Tianli Liu, Ph.D., Lei Zhang, Ph.D., Lihua Pang, Ph.D., Ning Li, Ph.D., Gong Chen, Ph.D., Xiaoying Zheng, M.D., Ph.D. Objective: This study estimated the prevalence of schizophrenia- related disability in the Chinese population and explored factors that may contribute to differences in prevalence rates between women and men and across geographic regions. Methods: Data for 1,909,205 noninstitutionalized adults (age 18 and older) from a representative national sample were obtained from the Second China National Sample Survey on Disabilities in 2006 (participation rate of 99.8%). The sample was first screened for disability (activities of daily living and social participation ad- versely affected by the disorder) via in-person household inter- views. Trained clinical psychiatrists then administered the ICD-10 Symptom Checklist for Mental Disorders and the World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule Version II to all individuals who screened positive for a psychiatric disability. Results: The prevalence of schizophrenia disability was .41% in China. It was higher in rural areas (.45%) than in urban areas (.32%). In rural areas, the prevalence was higher among women than among men (.51% versus .38%), but in urban areas, the rates were similar for women and men (.30% versus .35%). The results of logistic regression analysis showed that after adjustment for variables related to socioeconomic status, the likelihood of having schizophrenia disability was slightly lower among rural residents than among urban residents (odds ratio [OR] =.92, 3. The devil torments me very bad about stuff its doing to my face n that im supposed to be aging. Its attacking me very bad as im trying to write stuff here. Its pressing im supposed to be inferior to white men that are supposed to be cool etc. But i was talking here about things being not able to be generally understood here as whats happening such as that people can have widely available for them to change things such as things w aging. Its supposed to be medically described but not everyone w a aptitude n real understanding of medical stuff n it is because it is really magic. But it is asserted as okay here n its supposed to be normal that not everyone knows the stuff of whats happening. And the stuff is supposed to be taken seriously or just as legitimate that the devil is doing. Its extremely bad. 4. 257,315 likes tombrady @tb12sports in the heart of Boston. Summer 2019. NYC, LA, San Fran, Miami, Chicago, Dallas, Phoenix and others coming soon... ps: anyone around to grab lunch while I’m down here?# cmuenster Awesome! ohmillennials Please check out my page if you can ? Thank You [***carrot symbol removed***]3 benmaxweiss @momonibs yeah, but how is a Bay Area boy going to call it “San Fran” tho smh Tom juanacevedo7773 Went is coming to NYC cirocboy_ro Dude please go get @bease11 🙏🏾 atomicblondish Looks the funny video ‘ Hey you’re from BAAAHSTUN! No I’m from California! Love that vid ❤️ chriscrossb8s I need one in Atlanta! 😩 geejayyy can we get some new bags for your protein... zipper break every single time 🙄 @tombrady pa_dill_uh @tombrady should have called it ‘The GOAT Farm’ #hugemiss lordcj_ Can we keep Patterson 😥 victoriadegruttola @annakbarker_ TB12 coming to SF! Maybe Tommy will visit 🤩 j_rodjr0712 When you go to Chicago? trist.l tom's gonna have no receivers other than edelman if free agency keeps up this way johnreplogle About time Tom! Well done christian.sunny.ever Nice...Hello!!! How was you day my dear friend? faucherchaffino I think Gisele has showed how to promote yourself and your business. How’s your Portuguese coming along ? I went to a Portuguese catholic school. stephanieannflores @lawrencetoole18 you did that for me 😍 loftisray Heck ya. 🐐=health loftisray Ask a 🐐get fit! rachel.nusky Congrats Tom! You should be very proud. Inspiration every single day! patpokemon_101 @patr1ots it’s too late lynda_raine 💙💙 lordcj_ Can we get somebody anybody ? connorcaiazzo I am 1 DAY AGO 5. https://www.instagram.com/p/BubiDs-HVdM/?hl=en 6. https://goo.gl/images/xmyDaC 7. https://goo.gl/images/vSBuWi 8. Talking more about not supporting the present way of things w only the medical like labels n defining of things. I say this reality is ruled by the devil. Its really bad. Really its not at all so possible to work as pretended w people having all these things to be described n understood only by some figures that are supposed to be really smart n superior to others n supported by the populace n society to have the means etc to have decent living situations etc n others not. Its very bad, something (the devil) asserting it as real here however. As i was writing this the devil was pretending someone (a white woman) was saying something i was saying n it was trying to pretend she was saying the next word about medical descriptions, it was saying the word "descriptions" or something n then pressing i wasnt supposed to think of another word. Then its making my under eye area look bad in this still image of the video i see on the screen now. Its started making that area look more wrinkly recently n its really bad its putting that onto the video. Its attacking me very bad as im writing. Its pressing im ugly. 9. Talking more about not supporting the present way of things w only the medical like labels n defining of things. I say this reality is ruled by the devil. Its really bad. Really its not at all so possible to work as pretended w people having all these things to be described n understood only by some figures that are supposed to be really smart n superior to others n supported by the populace n society to have the means etc to have decent living situations etc n others not. Its very bad, something (the devil) asserting it as real here however. As i was writing this the devil was pretending someone (a white woman) was saying something i was saying n it was trying to pretend she was saying the next word about medical descriptions, it was saying the word "descriptions" or something n then pressing i wasnt supposed to think of another word. Then its making my under eye area look bad in this still image of the video i see on the screen now. Its started making that area look more wrinkly recently n its really bad its putting that onto the video. Its attacking me very bad as im writing. Its pressing im ugly n pressing other stuff, a sense of something happening to my head. 10. This one is cut off also. But i tried to tell a bit more about an example of how things are inconsistent. I heard from a like frog in my mind telling about some inconsistency w supposedly bugs trying to eat produce thats being grown by people for themselves. This reality having inconsistencies yet asserted as true n some people are supposed to be dumb not to like participate in it n act like thry understand it like it really really makes sense. Well, it actually does not really make sense the way the REAL truth would. It would be consistent, the truth would be. 11. https://youtu.be/uZ2qGiPCgzI 12. https://www.google.com/search?q=lackluster&oq=lackluster&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l3.6026j1j9&client=ms-android-mpcs-us-revc&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8 13. Search for a word lack·lus·ter /ˈlakˌləstər/Submit Learn to pronounce adjective lacking in vitality, force, or conviction; uninspired or uninspiring. "no excuses were made for the team's lackluster performance" synonyms: uninspired, uninspiring, unimaginative, dull, humdrum, colorless, characterless, bland, insipid, vapid, flat, dry, lifeless, listless, tame, tired, prosaic, mundane, run-of-the-mill, commonplace, spiritless, lusterless, apathetic, torpid, unanimated; More (of the hair or the eyes) not shining; dull. Feedback Translations and more definitions Web results Lackluster | Definition of Lackluster by Merriam ... Merriam-Webster › dictionary › lackluster Feb 27, 2019 · : lacking in sheen, brilliance, or vitality : dull, mediocre The actor gave a lackluster performance. ... In its earliest uses, "lackluster" (also spelled "lacklustre") usually described the eyes or face, as in "a lackluster stare." ... These example sentences are selected automatically ... Lackluster Synonyms, Lackluster Antonyms | Thesaurus.com Thesaurus.com › browse › lackluster Synonyms for lackluster 14. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/environment/2019/mar/06/glory-hole-bird-duck-cormorant-swims 15. Support us The Guardian - Back to home News Opinion Sport Culture Lifestyle Menu Bird swims headfirst into 'glory hole' and survives – video report This land is your land Bird swallowed by giant 'glory hole' reportedly lives to fly another day Witness says cormorant survived the plunge into a 200-foot-deep vortex in a California reservoir Supported by SEJ About this content Erin McCormick in San Francisco Wed 6 Mar 2019 15.49 EST Last modified on Thu 7 Mar 2019 15.20 EST What happens when a small bird is swallowed by a gaping vortex? The fate of the unassuming-looking waterfowl was the subject of anguished debate Wednesday as video surfaced of the animal disappearing into a 200ft-deep tube in a dammed reservoir in northern California. When water in Lake Berryessa is high enough, it spills into the 72ft-diameter drain, nicknamed the Glory Hole, and is funneled 18 stories down, into a creek below the dam. Recent heavy rains have meant the hole has seen plenty of action, and the creek, which is normally about 25ft wide, now looks like a mighty river, spanning a width of about 1,000ft, said Rick Fowler, the Lake Berryessa water resources manager. Such circumstances do not bode well for the bird, which was pronounced a duck by online commentators. “From what I understand, that water is going down really fast and when things come out the other side … I don’t want to get really graphic,” said Brionna Ruff, a spokeswoman for the Bureau of Reclamation, which owns the glory hole, known as the Morning Glory spillway, in an article on SFGate. Giant 'Glory Hole' sucks in rainwater as storms swell California lake Fowler, who made the video and has worked at the lake for 11 years, had a different story to tell. He told the Guardian he was taking a video of the hole when the bird, which he said was actually a cormorant, suddenly appeared in the frame, floating near the opening. After seeing the bird disappear down the hole, Fowler said, he ran to the edge of the dam. “Thwack – it shot out of there like a bullet,” he said. “It looked like a rag doll – like it was dead.” Loading video California 'Glory Hole' drains reservoir after heavy rains - video But he said that after he watched the turbulent creek water below for a few seconds, he saw the bird fly up and land in a calm spot on the creek, shaking its head to clear the water. He hypothesized that the bird made it through precisely because it is a cormorant, a sturdy, oily-feathered diver that has been recorded at ocean depths of of 150ft. He plans to show his video to an ornithologist. The video became a talking point around Fowler’s office, in his hometown of Vacaville, and on social media. Fowler’s cousin Tori Junes Fowler posted the video to Facebook. It has since been picked up by newspapers and television stations, sparking a huge debate on the fate of the “duck”. “Nobody ever thinks of anything going down that thing and being able to survive,” said Fowler. “But he survived, all right. I watched it.” Topics California This land is your land Animals Wildlife Birds news Share on LinkedIn Share on Pinterest Share on WhatsApp Share on Messenger View on theguardian.com About us Contact us Complaints & corrections SecureDrop Work for us Privacy policy Cookie policy Terms & conditions Help All topics All writers Digital newspaper archive Facebook Twitter Advertise with us Guardian Labs Search jobs Dating Discount Codes Support The Guardian Available for everyone, funded by readers Contribute Subscribe Back to top © 2019 Guardian News & Media Limited or its affiliated companies. All rights reserved. 16. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=m4yy0U_fHNk 17. https://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/venezuela-crisis/china-offers-help-venezuela-restore-power-n982721 18. ADVERTISEMENT SHARE THIS — LATINO China offers help to Venezuela to restore power With the blackout in its sixth day, hospitals struggled to keep equipment running, food rotted and exports from the country's oil terminal were shut down. Image: People rest at their house during a blackout in Puerto Ordaz, Venezuela, on March 9, 2019. People rest at their house during a blackout in Puerto Ordaz, Venezuela, on March 9, 2019.William Urdaneta / Reuters March 13, 2019, 10:17 AM EDT By Reuters China offered on Wednesday to help Venezuela restore its power grid, after President Nicolas Maduro accused U.S. counterpart Donald Trump of cyber "sabotage" that plunged the South American country into its worst blackout on record. Maduro, who retains control of the military and other state institutions as well as the backing of Russia and China, has blamed Washington for his nation's economic turmoil and denounced opposition leader Juan Guaido as a puppet of the United States. With the power blackout in its sixth day, hospitals struggled to keep equipment running, food rotted in the tropical heat and exports from the country's main oil terminal were shut down. Speaking in Beijing, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesman Lu Kang said China had noted reports that the power grid had gone down due to a hacking attack. "China is deeply concerned about this," Lu said. Venezuela power outage enters second week "China hopes that the Venezuelan side can discover the reason for this issue as soon as possible and resume normal power supply and social order. China is willing to provide help and technical support to restore Venezuela's power grid." He gave no details. Power returned to many parts of the country on Tuesday, including some areas that had not had electricity since last Thursday, according to witnesses and social media. But power was still out in parts of the capital of Caracas and the western region near the border with Colombia. Information Minister Jorge Rodriguez said power had been restored in the "vast majority" of the country. The blackout was likely caused by a technical problem with transmission lines linking the Guri hydroelectric plant in southeastern Venezuela to the national power grid, experts have told Reuters. Maduro has blamed Washington for organising what he said was a sophisticated cyber attack on Venezuela's hydroelectric power operations. FOLLOW NBC LATINO ON FACEBOOK, TWITTER AND INSTAGRAM. 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hyokas · 7 years
全职高手 (Quan Zhi Gao Shou/The King’s Avatar) Production Staff and Voice Actor Info
List of production staff and voice actors under the cut.  I might update the voice actors as the season progresses, we’ll have to see.
Production Staff
Director: Xiong Ke
Screenplay: Liang Sha
Produced by: Yue Wen Group (aka China Reading Limited); Qi E Pictures; Dong Shen Pictures
Co-produced with: bilibili
Producers: Luo Li; Wang Juan; Li Guodong
Executive Producer: Chen Kun (aka Aloys Chen)
Executive Editors: Wang Yun; Jin Wenjun
Editors: Gao Lihua; Hao Bo; She Yuanyuan
Original Novel by: Hu Die Lan (aka Butterfly Blue)
Production Managers: Jiang Bowen; Li Shaotang
Literary Coordinator: Yan Huan
Commerce: Zhang Tianwen; Li Qianru; Sun Chenlu; Zhao Ying; Wu Mian 
Marketing: Huo Ya’nan
Content Advisor: Du Jianbo
Art Advisors: Liu Liming; Zhang Tianwen; Lu Yiyi; Chen Chen; Zhou Li’na; Li Jie 
Game Advisors: Ma Zijun; Tian Zhen; Qu Yi; Song Xiao; Lin Rui; Wei Yifei; Liu Ze
Adaptation Design: Yan Ling; Ye Guang Chong; sanama; Gao Deng Qi Liu; Mus; Pin Qi; Bingtang Xueli; Yu Han; Cha Cha*
Sound Director: Chen Yujia  
Animation Director: Shen Lin
Dubbing Director: Zhang Jie
Tencent Production Representative: Jin Wenjun
Yue Wen Production Representative: Gao Lihua
Animation: Shi Mei Animation (aka G. CMAY Animation & Film)
Voice Actors**
角色名称                                            配音演员
Character Name***                         Voice Actor****
叶修                                                  张杰
Ye Xiu                                              Zhang Jie
苏沐橙                                               C 小调
Su Mucheng                                   C Xiao Diao
孙翔                                                  刘三木
Sun Xiang                                       Liu Sanmu
刘皓                                                  赵毅
Liu Hao                                           Zhao Yi
崔立                                                  商虹
Cui Li                                              Shang Hong
吧台小妹                                            久任
Receptionist                                   Jiu Ren
陈果                                                  季冠森
Chen Guo                                       Ji Guansen
月中眠                                               王晨光
Yue Zhong Mian                             Wang Chenguang
阳关                                                  李进
Yang Guan                                      Li Jin
柳色                                                  龙吟
Liu Se                                              Long Ying
渭城                                                  小蛇
Wei Cheng                                      Xiao She
暮云深                                               王敏纳
Mu Yun Shen                                  Wang Minna
田七、云归                                         傅晨阳
Tian Qi/Yun Gui                              Fu Chenyang
浅生离                                               飞大团
Qian Sheng Li                                Fei Da Tuan
灯花夜                                               森中人
Deng Hua Ye                                  Sen Zhong Ren
系舟                                                  刺儿
Xi Zhou                                           Ci Er
雷鸣电光                                            张赫
Lei Ming Dian Guang                    Zhang He
蓝河                                                  杨天翔
Lan He                                            Yang Tianxiang
知月倾城                                            咩咩
Zhi Yue Qing Cheng                      Mie Mie
唐柔                                                  乔诗语
Tang Rou                                        Qiao Shiyu
夜度寒潭                                            郭浩然
Ye Du Han Tan                               Guo Haoran
车前子                                               凌振赫
Che Qian Zi                                    Ling Zhenhe
包子入侵                                            藤新
Baozi Ruqin                                   Teng Xin
旁白、电视播音                                   李龙滨
Narrator/TV Broadcastor               Li Longbin
NPC                                                  小蛇、北辰、草摩琅琊、傅晨阳、飞大团、                                                                                           李进、森中人、周湘宁
NPC                                                 Xiao She, Bei Chen, Cao Mo Lang Ya,                                                             Fu Chenyang, Fei Da Tuan, Li Jin,                                                                   Sen Zhong Ren, Zhou Xiangning
*translator’s note: I’m 99.9% sure these aren’t real names
**translator’s note: I will try to update this list as the series progresses (NO GUARANTEES)
***translator’s note: some of these characters have yet to appear (as of episode 2).  I’ve put the names of the characters in pinyin for now, if I have time to read the English translation of the novel I might add their English names on there, but this is all I have for now.
****translators note: again, some of these names are not real names
All the names listed above follow the format of a typical Chinese name (surname, first name).
for @kingsavatar-fan
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cnbnews · 6 years
An Open Letter on Ilham Tohti’s Life
The Governments of Australia, Germany, Japan, Taiwan and the United States, and the European Council:
We are a group of students, scholars and professionals from China and Chinese-occupied territories. We call upon you to urge China to release the well-regarded Uyghur human rights leader Prof. Ilham Tohti, amid reports of students, scholars and professionals
disappearing and dying in concentration camps and prisons in the occupied East Turkestan.
The Chinese occupation authorities have been cracking down on Uyghurs by widespread surveillance, restriction of the use of their language, elimination of cultural and religious expressions, forcible political indoctrination, family separation and mass incarceration.
Prof. Ilham criticized such oppressive policies and called for dialogue, reconciliation and the autonomy China promised. Serving a life sentence now, he has suffered physical abuse and been banned from corresponding with his family.
The Chinese occupation authorities have been kidnapping Uyghur intellectuals, including Prof. Halmurat Ghophur, a prominent medical scientist, and Prof. Rahile Dawut, a respected specialist on Uyghur culture. In China's camps and jails, notable detainees have been tortured to death, including Imam Muhammad Salih Hajim, the first scholar to translate the Quran into Uyghur, and at least two students who had been forced to return from Egypt. Such disappearances and deaths make us extremely worried about Prof. Ilham’s life.
To save Prof. Ilham from today’s biggest ethnic cleansing and political murder spree, we appeal for your intense pressure on China’s anti-humanity regime. We look forward to the international community's moral courage facing China which it used to show in the
face of the Nazis.
Initiated by(发起人):
Lebao Wu(吴乐宝, student, Australia, Twitter:@MerlotN)
Sulaiman Gu(苏莱曼·古懿, student, United States, Twitter:@slmngy001)
Co-signed by(联署人):
Biao Teng(腾彪, lawyer, United States)
Ismail Cui(伊斯梅尔·崔浩新, poet, China)
Memet Emin(买买提·伊明, researcher, United States)
Lihua Mo(莫莉花, writer, Sweden)
Zhengming Fu(傅正明, writer, Sweden)
Salih Hudayar(萨利赫·胡达亚尔, student, United States)
Chuangchuang Chen(陈闯创, United States)
Tsundu Oser(宗都奥色, editor, Australia)
Ismail Ma(伊斯梅尔·马聚, United States)
David Yeliang Xia(夏业良, researcher, United States)
ümit Hamit(玉米提·哈米提, therapist, Germany)
Suk-fong Choi(蔡淑芳, journalist, Hong Kong)
Tahir Imin(塔希尔·伊明, researcher, United States)
Nicholas Liou Kiyokawa(刘耀元, student, Japan)
Abduweli Ayup(阿布都外力·阿尤布, poet, Turkey)
Yonglin Chen(陈用林, activist, Australia)
Aynur Mehmet(艾努尔·买买提, student, United States)
Usmanjan Zhang(奥斯曼江·张龙,engineer, United States)
Jurat Sadik(居来提·萨迪克, student, Japan)
Yijiang Liu(刘奕江, United States)
Mihray Abdilim Abral(米拉依·阿布迪里木·阿布拉力, journalist, United States)
Gheyret Toxti(海拉提·土赫提, engineer, Turkey)
Francis Liu(刘贻, pastor, United States)
Anwar Nuruz(安瓦尔·诺鲁孜, journalist, Germany)
Qianyi Li(李谦宜, Australia)
Zumret Tursun(祖木热提·吐尔逊, analyst, Norway)
Angela Margya(杨思婷, student, Canada)
Tsolmon Tsoggerel(朝勒蒙·朝格勒, student, Mongolia)
Akbar Kasim(阿克巴·卡辛, student, Germany)
Tao Zhou(周涛, student, Canada)
Mahmut Barat(马哈提·巴拉提, teacher, Norway)
Nijat Kader(尼加提·卡德尔, researcher, United States)
BBC:为何影院空无一人 却又“一票难求” :中国造假无孔不入
哈奇士:这样的中国 多一个孩子就多一个奴才
非洲猪瘟蔓延 8月有292件中国肉品违法入台
鼓吹嫁到印度像当「少奶奶」 中国女遭猛批
法广:习近平亲自操刀中非论坛 英媒:中国模式不适合非洲
分析: 欧洲欲掘金非洲 但中国仍占主导
中国将向非洲注资600亿美元 承诺不附带政治条件
原文链接:关于伊力哈木生命 致多国政府和欧盟理事会的公开信 - 新闻评论
本文标签:tor, 中国, 伊力哈木, 公开信, 政府, 欧盟, 理事会, 维吾尔
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