#but also i will not be so hesitant w the baseball bat anymore
i think its hilarious bc like. hi. im cheeri. i want to help encourage a sense of community in this isolated behemoth of a fandom by not only joining them but creating them! finding niches and making my own!
practicing kindness and mindfulness, offering people a place in a community where its so easy to get othered.
i was gonna write smth sad actually but now i dont want to. im just in awe of me and the shit ive been through after walking in this fandom a year ago. and im still nice to people. aint that something
i love yall dearly
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drewsleung · 5 years
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⌠ ROSS BUTLER, 24, CIS MALE, HE/HIM ⌡ welcome back to gallagher academy, ANDREW LEUNG! according to their records, they’re a THIRD year, specializing in THREAT ELIMINATION + PROTECTION & ENFORCEMENT; and they DID NOT go to a spy prep high school. when i see them walking around in the halls, i usually see a flash of (various sports equipment, faded photographs of people he holds dear, and the academy handbook). when it’s the virgo’s birthday on 08/24/1995, they always request their SNOWSKIN MOONCAKE from the school’s chefs. looks like they’re well on their way to graduation. ⌿ jess, 21, she/her, cst ⍀   
its ya girl..back again w a qt PI
family background: for as long as he could remember, his immediate family has always been in san francisco. sure, he’s got some cousins in sacramento, anaheim, and a swanky dj cousin in los angeles, but san francisco was it. the leungs had a local bookstore that they’ve had for generations. how they manage to keep it up despite the subtle changes in town was something that none of the leung children ever questioned. they knew the answer. they didn’t wanna know anymore than that.
as the oldest of the three leung sibs, andrew was used to mediating and protecting for pretty much every day of their lives. he was the one the others turned to for advice and as a human shield against their classmates that would have rather mean (sometimes racist) things to say to their face. at his family’s shop, he helped out with inventory and being the person in front. sometimes he would give out flyers. all in all, it was a relatively normal childhood.
the only thing that wasn’t normal ( at all ) was his knack for learning physical things quickly. whether it was a friend’s hiphop choreo for a party or some really inaccurate (but still cool looking) kung fu moves on television, andrew could watch it and practice it for a bit before being able to do it near perfectly.
his uncle noticed this particular ability of his and all but told him to start working with him in his gym. andrew’s protective spirit finally began to have a body that matched - large, rather formidable. his uncle was also handy with a few makeshift weapons - namely whatever the kids had lying around - baseball bats, tennis rackets, etc. 
the thing is: andrew is not that violent. at least, he’s not unnecessarily violent. *robert deniro vc*  he don't like to cause pain for no reason, because all his sadistic urges are satisfied when he cause pain for a good reason
personality: he’s more of a teddy bear than anything. sensitive. he likes (and writes) poetry. really good and really fascinated with words (remember zeke from the get down??? like tHAT). he also likes corny jokes a lot. that saying, his smile could honestly mean anything at any point. whether he’s smiling because he’s genuinely amused or he’s hiding his urge to physically confront someone is anyone’s guess. he usually doesn’t hesitate to communicate his thoughts. ( idk how else to explain bc im a lil sleepy but .. he’s..not afraid to cry in public.. its that type of energy. )
back to the story! his skills caught someone’s eye and subsequently invited andrew. however, he knew the family couldn’t afford it and he really didn’t want to leave san francisco ( just yet! ) and he refused. thinking that was the end of it, he went back to his normal routine thinking that all’s well ( but....he’s being observed still! )
with that, andrew spent his teenage years in sf. going to high school, helping out his fam, normal teenage stuff (with the added badassery of martial arts knowledge ig) and then....he fell in love. a girl by the name of celia whose parents were friends with andrew’s parents. after high school, the two decided to become steady and began to live together - though no plans of marriage was ever said ( im sure they thought about it tho ) and at some point during their time living together, celia became pregnant with andrew’s child. a son. ( they were like..20 years old when this happened, so they both have graduated already and were going to community college ) -- theodore michael leung ( a qt pi all on his own!! a star!! )
( death tw ) then tragedy happens when teddy turns 1. celia’s parents must have gotten the triad upset and celia’s parents were tragically slain in their home. andrew was watching teddy when he learned that in celia’s haste to get away, she was also caught in violent act. a neighbor had tried to take her to the hospital, but she was already dead when they arrived.
andrew was devastated. he moved back in with his parents, who were scared for him. his uncle ( who had triad connections ) vouched for him, however, and was told that him and teddy would be left alone. celia’s parents mistakes were not their mistakes.
but celia’s death hit him hard. his parents and the rest of the family were trying their best but he knew that a simple word wouldn’t be enough in the future. he wanted to secure teddy’s future. 
so when he was offered to go to blackthorne, he didn’t refuse. and no matter how bad things got there ( not to mention how bad the actual facilities were ), he trained hard and he didn’t try to cause a lot of trouble. 
the move to gallagher wasn’t surprising to andrew. blackthorne was basically a wilting plant waiting to be put out of its misery. it was a relief, almost. yet he knows that gallagher’s original students would take some time to get used to. i mean, come on. they have their own chefs! and the floors are so shiny, you could see yourself in them!
andrew is just here to learn the necessary skillz to protect his family, his child!1!!
the fun part! wanted connections: friendos (pleathe...), roommates (u get to squeal over pictures of his son!), some flirtationships ( drew is bi wink wonk ), and some people that he can complain about blackthorne to ( “blackthorne was wack yo. we had mystery soup” )
thank u for reading all this. ur a blessing and i hope u hav a great day!! 
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It Will Come Back
Third drabble from the song drabble game. You can read the first one here, the second one here and here is the BTS request list and the Girl Group request list. Song: It Will Come Back by Hozier Don’t give it a hand, offer it a soul Honey, make this easy. Leave it to the land, this is what it knows Honey, that’s how it sleeps. Don’t let me in with no intention to keep me Jesus Christ, don’t be kind to me. Honey don’t feed me I will come back. Word Count: 3k I don’t know what a drabble is apparently :’D Genre: fluffy fucking fluff and a hint of smut Author’s Note: I’m drunk so I don’t know if this is shit or not lmao sorry
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Yoongi almost jumps right out of his skin when he's woken up from his barely two-hour-long sleep by something yapping and licking at his face. In his haste to get away from the thing, his legs get tangled up in the sheets and he falls to the ground, knocking his head against the nightstand. "Fuck!" He just manages to shout before a small, furry demon leaps down from the bed right into his lap. Startled, Yoongi stumbles back and hits his head against the nightstand again. He cradles his head in his hands and falls to the ground, which makes the little creature even more persistent in his pursuit of him.Through the blurriness of the pain, he squints his eyes to try to make out the exact nature of the beast he was dealing with. Brown in color, small in size, fluffy fur, and a toy form...
Yoongi pounds on the door of his next door neighbor with all his might, feeling like he might actually knock it down. Well, if he was Jungkook that is. A panicked voice stutters from behind the door, "Who is it? If you're looking for trouble then I think you should know that I have a baseball bat that I'm not afraid to use." The clearly terrified girl squeaks out then adds later as an afterthought, "I h-have also called the police." "I have your thing-- animal." Yoongi grits out, clearly irritated with the dog and his owner. She seems to have recognized his voice because the door is swung open right away. "Mr. Min, w-why do you have my dog?" She says all wide eyed and blushing. He shouldn't have come here. He should've just kicked the dog out of his house and let it fend for itself. Even if that meant it would get lost and his neighbor would cry over it. See if he cares. "I should be the one asking you why I woke up to find that ridiculous excuse for a dog slobbering all over my face." "I'm so sorry." She gasps, quickly taking the dog off his hands. If he was any other person, she would've already chewed his ears off for daring to insult her dog. But with him, she just took it and apologized to boot. "He must have slipped out the house and found an open window at your place and jumped in. He's a jumper you know." She lamely jokes, little snorts appearing in between her chuckles, but her laughter soon dies down at Yoongi's unamused expression. "I'm sorry." She says in a small voice, holding her head down. "Whatever, just make sure it never happens again," Yoongi says coldly and the girl bites her lips and dares to sneak a glance up at him before he can turn his back to her. "You're injured!" She gasps, noticing the drop of blood peeking out from under his bangs, and without thinking it over, she reaches forward and brushes them back fully exposing the wound. "Oh my god, oh my god! You're really hurt!" Yoongi winces as her voice rises in pitch until it resembles a bird's call rather than a young woman's. "It's nothing I'll take care of it." He says dismissively and turns to leave. She hurries forward and steps in his path, "No, I'm the one who caused this. Let me drive you to the hospital." "Don't be overdramatic. I said I'll take care of it." He bites, but she still doesn't let him go, holding onto his hand and looking up at him with big, pleading eyes. "Then let me do it, please." She sees a hint of hesitation in his eyes so she says again with more conviction, "Please."
Yoongi is aware of her puppy crush on him. He'd be blind not to, but she's wasting her time. Sure, she's attractive, and he certainly wouldn't mind hitting that, but that's precisely why he shouldn't. He'd be in it for a quick fuck but she obviously wants more. She isn't the type of girl who can just sleep with someone and then move on. She is too sweet and innocent for her own good. "I think it would be better if you don't put any bandages on it and leave it to dry. You need to clean it and disinfectant it the same way I've shown you twice a day, but if you can't do it, I'd be more than happy to help." She was done with his wound a long while ago, but she still kept touching him, fluttering around him and pretending to inspect and perform some minor touchups to the wound but Yoongi knew it was bullshit. When she couldn't do that anymore, she started messing with his bangs, pretending to try to pin them back so they wouldn't contaminate the wound, and that's precisely when Yoongi realized he'd been letting her. The smell of her flowery perfume had permeated into the deepest parts of his mind and cast its spell on him, ordering him to follow the smell to the space between her breasts that he just knew to be the origin of the smell, cradled by the wide neckline of her princessy sundress that he was certain she wore with no intention to arouse the desires of dirty men like him. And yet, here he was, a single thread of will power away from burying his nose into her chest. Pushing her hands away, he gets up and walks towards the door. "It's fine. I can do it myself." "Yoongi!" She follows after him again and touches his shoulder, and he whirls around to face her and snaps, "What?" She quickly drops her head to the floor and mumbles, "Mr. Min, It would really be better if you push your hair back for a while, and don't get water on the wound." Fuck, he really wanted to jump on her and fuck her right there and then. He'd teach her a lesson for teasing him with her doe eyes and her pouting lips. God, how he wants to fuck the innocence out of her until the only thing she can think of is his cock. He really needs to get out of here. Yoongi doesn't spare her even a grunt as a way of reply, leaving the poor girl not knowing whether to clutch the door to keep from falling or clutch her heart to keep it from bursting.
Despite the cold facade he'd shown her, it took only one day for his feet to lead him back to her house under the pretense of botching up his wound upkeep process. He went back for her, for the way she looked at him like he was the most wonderful man in the world, for her innocently sexy dresses and for that damned intoxicating perfume. She really should stop letting him in. He became convinced that she was a witch and that perfume was her love potion. That is the only explanation for the way he seemingly found himself in front of her door out of his body's own accord. Long after his wound has healed, he still found his way into her house, too tempted by the fact that she always let him in. He kept telling himself that he shouldn't, that he was bad news for a girl like her, and yet he found himself coming up with any flimsy reason he could to excuse his frequent visits. From baiting her dog to come into his home and then yelling to her about it, to complaining about a nonexistent noise coming from her house when in reality he was the one who was always blasting music, to the god-forsaken banal excuse of needing to borrow some sugar. Fucking sugar. He never even uses sugar. He drinks his coffee black and his tea unsweetened. He got to know her much better during that blissful time. She works in an office but she dreams of saving up enough money to go back to college and study art and philosophy. She has an overpowering sweet tooth and her fridge and pantry are overrun with all kinds of cake, chocolate and ice cream, but she has a single drawer where she hides all her salty snacks in like a guilty pleasure. Her library is full of books that once fooled him into thinking she's a bookworm but that image was banished from his mind when she bashfully admitted one afternoon that she never actually finished any of those books. She would start reading one but then get distracted by another one and abandon it only for the same thing to happen to the new one too. And day by day, he found himself impossibly more smitten with her. Her sweet smile was the highlight of his day and he swooned every time she looked his way. And before he knew it he was head over heels in love with her. Those days went by so blissfully and seeing him always made her so happy that he started getting it into his stupid head that maybe he could actually let his guard down and allow himself to be with her. That is until the moment he'd almost thrown her over his lap and spanked her for daring to bite her lip in his presence. He stopped going to her after that, despite her constant asking about what happened and the permanent glint of tears in her eyes that drowned his sorry heart every time he saw it. God help him but he was a man bewitched.
Holy fucking father in heaven! Was the world ending? That's the only explanation for the celestial-scale ruckus in his mind that could have only come from the trumpets signaling the end of times! He tries to open his eyes but immediately shuts them against the light of the sun that seems to have decided to come down from the heavens to take a stroll through the earth's atmosphere. "Sorry" A voice squeaks out then there's a flurry of movement around him and the light goes away. He hears a quiet thud on the floor in front of him then a soft hand removes his arm from over his eyes. His gaze immediately falls on those maddening doe eyes of the girl kneeling in front of him then, as if drawn by a magnetic force, they travel down over her pink lips to the swell of her breasts shown by the uncharacteristically plunging neckline. He groans. Does she not realize the pull she has on him? Does she not know of the sickness of men's minds? Is she deliberately trying to drive him crazy? Because it's working. He feels her hands on him again and he curls up deeper into himself. Why can't she just go away? But she doesn't go away, instead she shoves him back with surprising strength until he's on his back then she straddles him before he can recover from the shock and turn around again. "Get off," Yoongi warns, voice raspy from the weight of her hips on his own. God, he's going to break. "No." "Listen to me or you'll regret it, baby girl." She shivers at the pet name, "Why? Because if I don't, if maybe I start moving my hips like this," She enunciated her words with little tentative grinds against his crotch, "You won't be able to hold back anymore and you'll fuck me until the only thing I can think of is your cock?" Yoongi was in a state of shock at her words and actions. He puts his hands around her waist in a belated attempt to stop her movements that were making him so hard, but he finds that his hands would rather help her instead. "How..." "You're very honest when you're drunk." Fuck him. His memory comes back to him in bits and pieces. A picture of him discreetly pining after his sweet neighbor from his window. Him throwing on the nearest shirt and pants to escape to a bar and try to get the image of himself sitting on the couch beside her out of his mind, the image of letting her hold onto his arm and cuddle up to him as he sees her on another one of her infernal horror movie marathons, clutching onto her toy dog for dear life. He'd do a much better job than that ridiculous dog. The next picture is of him dancing with some woman in the bar, them making out, her asking him where he lives, him suddenly bombarded by the look of absolute heartbreak his oblivious siren regards him with whenever she sees him bring another woman home, and somehow she always sees. Him running out of the bar and hailing a cab home. Him beating down on her door, shouting for her to stop messing with his mind. Her opening her door, looking alarmed and entirely too fuckable in her large t-shirt that almost entirely hid the shorts under it, but of course, she would wear shorts, his innocent girl. No, fuck, not his girl. He cringes hard as he remembers the monolog he launched on about how everything she does makes him hard and how badly he wants to fuck her until she weeps and apologizes for the countless times she made him jack off like a hormonal teenager to relieve himself of her. "You want me, Yoongi. You can't deny it anymore." Her words are brave but her voice isn't, and neither is her movement as she lifts her hands and removes the dress she's wearing. When did she change into that anyway? He was sure it was to seduce him, so is the makeup on the normally barefaced girl. Dark makeup, he notes. She must have taken the looks of the girls he normally brings home too much to heart. The bra and underwear she was wearing underneath her dress were another thing entirely. Pink lacy things with a strip of pink material covered in glitter running around the lower part of the bra and the upper part of the panties. Fuck it. He pulls her down and crashes his lips to hers, immediately tasting an explosion of strawberries. Any illusion of bravery she put on immediately leaves her body along with her strength and she becomes putty in his hands. He turns her around on the couch so that she's the one under and he's hovering above her. The distance between their bodies doesn't exist for long as his hips soon find their place between her legs, and he grinds on her harder than before.
His hand moves to the strap of her bra and he pulls it back a little then releases it, causing it to snap against her shoulder and her to moan out even louder than she already was. God, she looks like a princess but she sounds like a pornstar. He never even knew girls like her existed. He was going to lose his mind.
He contemplates taking off her bra and seeing her breasts in their full glory but the innocent sexiness of her little lingerie fits her so well that he eventually decides to leave it on, and touch her over the lacy material instead. Turns out, that only adds to the pleasure for her. The combination of his fingers and the lace rubbing against her nipples sending her senses into overdrive.
He's a bit taken aback by how little she's touching him. He wouldn't have pegged her for a selfish lover considering how generous and loving she is with everything else. No matter, she's his princess and he'll wait on her hand and foot. He couldn't wait anymore. His hand travels down to her pussy and gives her an experimental stroke over her panties. Her reaction is almost violent as she mewls and lies witless in his arms, which only fuels his madness further and before he knows it, he's prodding at her entrance, dying to feel how tight she is. Too tight. He jumps away when he feels resistance against his fingers and a sob escaping her. "You're a virgin?!" He meant for it to sound bewildered but it must have come across as condescending to her because the lust escapes her eyes and she wraps her arms around herself. "Yes. I know you don't like that. You like your women experienced and bold. I've seen them, but I can get better." She looks at him with fragile hope and he feels like throwing up. "No! You're fucking perfect. Look at you! Don't ever say that again." Again his tone betrays him and he sounds angry without meaning too. But he is angry! Angry that she'd ever doubt how much he wants her. She has him losing sleep over her for fuck's sake. She struggles to unwrap her arms from around herself, too timid to lose the imaginary protection, and moves closer to him, hands resting awkwardly on his chest. "If you really think so, then fuck me." "But you're a virgin!" "So what? Everyone is a virgin once." She childishly counters, taking her hands off of him and putting them in their original spot around herself. This time it's Yoongi's hands that cup her cheeks, "I know. There is absolutely nothing wrong with you being a virgin. I just don't want you to lose it to a burn out like me." She forgets about her anger in a second and rushes to comfort him like she always does, "Now, you don't say that. You're a wonderful man with a wonderful heart and I'd love for my first time to be with you." "Baby..." He begins to chastise her again but stops when he sees the familiar wet glint of her eyes, and an idea pops into his mind out of nowhere. "How about we postpone it a little bit. Say after a few dates?" In a fraction of a second her head shoots up and in another fraction a dazzling smile lights up her entire face, leaving no trace of any previous sadness. "Y-you'll go out with me?" He curses himself. Why the fuck did he have to suggest something so stupid? He's smarter than this. This could only end one way: with her wizening up to who he really was and dropping him, and him dying a swift death from acute loss of his sunshine. But it was too late to take it back, he could never say no to that smile. "Yes."
Author’s Note: Thank you all for the lovely feedback. I’ve gotten a lot of messages asking about a continuation for this but unfortunately, this is only a one-parter and there will be no further addition to this. 
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