#but anyways i spent soooo long on the bg
timesnewfishcat · 2 years
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starry sailor :3
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kattythingz · 13 days
6, 9, and 15 or the bunny gets it 🔪 🐰
Anyway, since you asked I guess
6. Make a sampler plate! Which three fics should a first-time reader of yours read first?
Oh, real funny. Kat can't write short works so she'll struggle with this question—I see your ass Jinx. JOKES ON YOU, I HAVE AN EASY LIST THOUGH.
care for a death? - my darling favorite child of an au. My edling Hades au. This one-shot is only 2k and honestly an odd one out next to all my other longfic works, buuut, it's super cute and loosely establishes the grounds for a more extensive au if anyone's interested in further exploring it (in the 14k sequel hehe). I'd like to think I characterized edling very well with their new backstories in mind! And there's not nearly enough flustered Ling content in the world.
Reliable Conclusion - yet another edling pride and joy of mine! This time a Monkie Kid au, and this one actually follows my more "canon" take on edling (or, well, Ed), so this can serve as a very nice appetizer to my characterization of them in Crown. I also put a lot of effort into the bg world-building and the casting! It has a nice blend of romantic (well, queerplatonic to me) and platonic too, with edling and greedling respectively! I also finally take a crack at my guilty pleasure of Ed & Lust being besties too~ 03 my beloved you were SO real for redeeming her. All in all this fic captures a ton of my trademarks!
Falling Impressions - last but not least RIVALSHIPPING! Yes, yes, I do write outside of edling from time to time, and Yugi/Kaiba are esp a love of mine. This fic was written before I completely fell into longfics, so it's also a shorter work, but it's cute and captures some of my favorite tropes of gruff characters softening for their loved ones! Which is... quite the common trope that I find myself writing. Ehe.
9. Oops! Your entire fic repository has to be permanently deleted, but you can pick three to remain. Which three fics are you saving and why?
Well, first, I'd need to cry—but after that!
A Crown with Gems and Gold - yeah, OBV my edling magnum opus is going on this list. Crown is my first (published) fic to breach 100k and SO much heart and soul went into it, from the rewriting of the plot to the established relationship to the blessed whump; this fic has been a goddamn test of my love, for better or worse. But by god if I don't adore it to pieces. It has all the tropes I love and it's so shamelessly catered to ME. It's truly my pride and joy. I dunno where I'd be without it, considering I've spent the better part of a year now cracking at it.
We'll Be a Sweet Disaster - this fic is def one of my lesser known ones but it means THE ENTIRE WORLD TO ME, OKAY. Stalia is one of my favorite ships to this day and this fic specifically was my first successful crack at a longfic canon rewrite, one of my favorite genres. S4 of Teen Wolf was particularly my favorite because of Stalia and I just. I love them so much. And I'm honestly still so proud of the work I did here, even if it's notably older in terms of writing style.
Apple of Your Eye - yet another canon rewrite, this time of sk8! This one is esp dear to me tho because I finally got to write a darkfic for the first time. And by god was it SO FUN. I was honestly afraid that I'd overdone it with the dark aspects in this fic, but so many people commented on loving it FOR those aspects and I just. I've never felt that much love and support on a fic of mine before, honestly. It boosted my confidence by MILES and ultimately pushed me to pursue my other guilty pleasures! It was soooo worth slaving through Ramadan for it.
15. Which three fics were sleeper hits?
Okay so how I understood "sleeper hit" was as a fic that unexpectedly got popular, or took a while before it abruptly skyrocketed. That being said:
Apple of Your Eye - THIS FIC, HOLY SHIT. I posted it back in 2023 long after the sk8 hype had died down honestly, and given the prompt of the fic (a roleswap with Reki as Adam's object of obsession rather than Langa), I wasn't expecting it to get popular either. I felt lucky that I'd get even 2k hits or any comments at all. As of its stats today, it has 13k hits and. Way more comments and bookmarks than I can even wrap my head around. Idek how this happened tbh, like did someone just go around reccing the fic?? Was sk8 experiencing a resurgence I didn't know of? Either way, this fic continues to top my yearly fic stats.
What Sort of Imminent Threat - now this one. This one I had even LESS expectations for because—it's a fic about a musical, ffs. Who's gonna read that? Not many, at first! I wrote this fic loooong before the Ocean Saga (3rd out of 9) even released, so reception was predicably low at the start. But then. Then the UNDERWORLD SAGA happened. And the fic really exploded then, because ig we all needed collective sanctuary from the angst that was that goddamn saga. And then everything after was just pure trauma after trauma so. I'm not surprised when the numbers spike anymore lmao.
Mother(ghost) of Mine - THIS fic is the one I'm still most skeptical and embarrassed by, buuuut, yeah, I wrote this DP fic all the way back in 2020—and it was painfully self-indulgent. Like, in a way I was still anxious about, even as I was posting the fic. It didn't help my expectations that this fic was just. A series of fluffy one-shots. No real plot to be seen (which is most certainly not my brand anymore, and I find myself bored of that genre in fact). And yet, somehow, to this day, I am still getting comments and hits and the numbers just keep racking up. Not that I'm complaining, ofc, but it's just... extremely bizarre. Esp given the DP fandom tends to favor soul-crushing angst instead of fluff lmao. And this oddball is in fact my most popular fic still today. (Crown is looking to top it soon tho 👀.)
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cheswirls · 4 years
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anyway/// here are those other versions
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steamberrystudio · 3 years
The changeling art gets negative comments?? Really? I always thought it looks so smooth and unique and I really think it adds a lot to the atmosphere of the game. I especially loved the cgs (like the broken mirror one!! The eyes!!), some of the bgs and basically anything to do with Ewan! Different strokes for different folks but I will definitely look forward to more of this art and writing. 💐
Hahaha. SO MANY. Soooo many. xD
The art is janky, the art is wonky, the art isn't as nice as other otomes + a billion and one comments that say some variation of "The art put me off at first/I didn't play it for a long time because of the art/Despite the art...." etc.
I know the art isn't perfect though - and my art is better than it was at the time I started Changeling (2015! How has it even been that long? LoL) so when I look back I definitely see the flaws. I try not to judge people who aren't as fond of the art. The comments do kind of wear on me though. So it's just a pleasant surprise when someone says they liked it!
That style was actually really hard on my hand/wrist/arm so I spent a lot of the time working on Changeling in physical pain from doing all that artwork. There was so much blending and all the art took so much time to complete. Anyone who was hanging out with me during the development of that project can attest to how much time I spent with my entire right arm hurting. I think that's one reason I feel a little sensitive about the artwork as well. There's this part of me like "DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I SUFFERED!?"
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ANYWAY. Enough whining from me.
The mirror CG is one of my favourites in the game! OwO I also really like how most of the ending smooches turned out. I was able to go nuts with the swooshy hair in those so they were fun. LoL But I still think the mirror one probably looks the coolest. OwO
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song-tam · 2 years
once again dropping into your inbox w a very long very random rant <3
okay so! i had this huge (i mean HUGE) deciana phase a couple years ago where i consumed every scrap of content i could find for them. i mean every. all of it. i feel like i read every dexiana centered fic there was (and then many that werent dexiana centered but i went through anyway)
and it was like 2020 so obv most the fics were wattpad level bad BUT. there was this one fic. it was soooo good i read it dozens of times i absolutely loved it <33
it was like dex had an ugly sweater right? and biana saw him at the library studying every day? and she was like “oh no hes cute” and she kept coming back to the library to see him but like she could never talk to him bc she was way too flustered and there was bg sokeefitz i think and tbh all i rlly remember at this point was the ugly sweater but!!! it was just a super cute super fluffy fic in general and i loved it so so much
anyways. its been two years but my brain has just randomly remembered that fic and now i. cant stop thinking abt it. ive tried looking for it but i cant even remember what site i read it on. ive searched all of ao3 w no luck (and on a related note i. i need eye bleach. help me.)
and, okay, if its not on ao3 then its probably the wiki or wattpad bc thats where i spent most my time reading fic BUT both those sites have a terrible sorting system so 😭😭 i dont think i read it on quotev or fanfiction.net but then again, it’s entirely possible???
so idk i think just gonna spend my weekend searching the internet to find this one dexiana fic i read when i was 13. like, i did that all the time when i was seriously starved for content so!! i can do this probably!! anyways wish me luck </3
askflsks that sounds really fucking awesome and i’m hoping that the fic will turn up bc it sounds like so much fun to read omg (also why. why do you need eye bleach.) anyway wishing you luck that it’ll turn up when you least expect it <3
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