#but aside from that i don’t think barty really gets Crushes like he kind of sucks
foursaints · 8 months
Do you think Barry boy ever had a teensy crush on anyone other than Evan/Reg?? Never did anything about it but the feelings were still there? ✨
PANDORA. pandora pandora. at first it was because she looks identical to evan (lmao) but i think it eventually becomes one of those really genuine but silly lowkey kind of crushes you have on such a good friend that nothing would ever happen. they’re super close outside of that but i swear sometimes she laughs and he gets struck with that “oh, she looks so much like herself right now and she’s beautiful”
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blznbaby · 5 years
Book: The Royal Romance
Pairing: Liam x Marcella (MC)
Rating: G. Fluffy
Disclaimer: Characters belong to Pixleberry Studios. I'm just borrowing :)
Tag list: @museofbooks @callmetippytumbles @cocomaxley @hopefulmoonobject @pixieferry @i-choose-liam @zaffrenotes @brightpinkpeppercorn
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Liam stared at his wife with adoration. She was beautiful, amazing, incredible...in the six languages he could speak he still couldn’t find the right words. He’d cherish the precious memory of her holding their son for the first time for the rest of his life. In his mind, Marcella had become elevated to something more than a goddess. Their love had created life and that fact alone was enough to render him speechless. Good thing, because he didn’t want to utter a word in fear of spoiling the perfect moment, but once Marcella looked up at him with so much love in her glittering chestnut eyes, the dam broke and the tears flowed freely down his face. He’d never been so happy, so proud, so humbled, or felt so blessed in his entire life.
That night, Marcella refused the offer to have the baby sleep in the nursery so she could rest; she didn’t want him out of her sight and honestly, neither did Liam. Even the amount of time he’d been whisked away to get weighed, cleaned, and checked had almost been too much for him to bear. He watched them like a hawk and asked repeatedly for his son to be brought back, much to the amusement of the staff. However, the king was not amused and commanded his son’s return. Despite Marcella’s fears, Liam knew she’d be a brilliant mother. She had a kind and caring nature about her and possessed all the qualities that made for a good mom, and the first night with their baby proved it. Throughout the night, Marcella had woken the instant their son stirred, having him already changed and fed before Liam could blink his eyes open. He offered to get up with him so she could sleep, but she declined. He didn’t want to be one of those fathers who just stood back while the mother handled everything. He wanted to help. He laid his head down hoping she’d be more willing to share him once they were back home.
It was strange and exciting, having a baby, their baby in the palace. Marcella had relaxed a bit and Liam had taken endless pictures of their son sleeping…because aside from feeding that’s all he did. Marcella watched Liam carefully as he cradled and fed Fabian Leonidas Yo-han Rhys. They’d named him after Liam’s role model, King Fabian, while his middle names payed homage to his brother and his mother’s Korean heritage. Afterwards, he laid the baby across his chest, telling Marcella to go to bed while he put Fabian down. Afterwards, Liam crawled into bed next to his wife, her body perfectly tucked into his. He smiled as he held her, grateful that life had given him a marriage and family based on love instead of duty. It had only been a dream until recently. “Love, are you still awake?”
“Hmmm…I am now,” she whispered.
“I’m sorry. I just wanted to tell you that I’ll get up with Fabian tonight so you can rest.”
“You don’t have to, Liam.  I can—“
“He’s my son, Marcella. I want to. I will handle it,” he argued, a soft note of admonishment in his voice. He’d been trying not to take her insistence at doing everything for the baby personally, but he was. She turned to face him. His face was serious…intent. She had to admit she really hadn’t given Liam much alone time with the baby, if any. Not that she didn’t trust him, she did…completely, but she knew her refusal would be taken as the opposite. “Okay.” She was met with his signature thousand-watt mega grin and she brushed a kiss to his lips. Liam fell asleep almost instantly with the corners of his mouth turned up and his heart bursting with joy. Everything he ever dreamed of, he had. He was a lucky man.
It was well past midnight and Liam slept as the baby cried. Marcella gave him a swift kick to the shin and told him to get moving. He stumbled from the bed and prepared a bottle before heading to the nursery. He took his time with the diaper change, savoring the moment, etching it into his memory, and then settled in the old rocking chair that once belonged to his mother and proceeded to feed his son. He studied Fabian’s dark hair that he inherited from both him and Marcella, but his jaw and chin were definitely from the Rys bloodline while the shape of his nose and eyes were identical to Marcella’s, much to his satisfaction. He remembered telling her on the balcony in Valtoria that he wanted children whose eyes looked just like hers. He was the perfect combination of them both. He counted ten fingers and ten toes and brushed his finger over his son’s impossibly soft cheek. Once he was done feeding, he laid the infant over his shoulder, patting his back gently to bring up any wind. When all was said and done, he looked down upon his son cradled in his arms looking so calm and peaceful and decided to stay and hold him a little while longer.
Marcella watched quietly from the doorway. She knew the point of him getting up was so she could get some uninterrupted sleep and her spying defeated that purpose, but she just wanted to take a quick peek to see that her boys were okay. But once her eyes caught sight of them, she couldn’t will herself to leave. She honestly didn’t think her heart could be any more full with love than it was in that moment. The picture of father and son together was so moving and beautiful, it hurt. Tears welled in her eyes as she watched her amazing husband rocking their son in the same chair his mother use to rock him in. Feeling like an intruder on such an intimate moment, she began to walk away when she heard Liam speak. “I’ve been waiting for you, little one. Mommy and I love you so much already. She’s an amazing mom, and I promise to be a good dad. I will always be there to encourage and support you…and to challenge you. So just know that if I ever ask more of you than you think you’re capable of, it’s because I know you’re capable,” Liam smiled and continued to rock, his thought turning inward. “I can’t believe you’re here. Mommy said she wanted to wait a bit to have children, but I’m so glad she settled for sooner rather than later.”
Marcella bit her bottom lip at his words to keep from crying. They had it all planned out; they would start their family immediately after the wedding, but with all eyes on her and the constant pressure to produce an heir, Marcella had a change of heart. She told Liam children could wait and he seemed to understand, telling her he was happy to just have her, children or no children, but she saw the sadness behind the façade, a sadness that hadn’t been there before. He never pressured her, but the longing looks anytime they encountered a family, or the gentle smile that appeared on his face whenever he saw a newborn didn’t go unnoticed. Liam adored children and got on with them naturally, citing it was because he never had a real childhood and was still a kid himself in some aspects. It wasn’t until that day she’d been watching Bertrand and Bartie playing together in the hedge maze, she’d realized she wanted that for Liam…and for herself. She was terrified, excited, and nervous to tell him she was ready, choosing to do so after one of their weekly Netflix and chill nights when they were relaxing together with a bottle of wine.
“Everything all right, love?” Liam asked. His cool, calm, and collected wife had been stammering over her words the majority of the evening, which was very unlike her. Marcella was always so sure of herself. Something was definitely bothering her and he was growing more alarmed by the second. Marcella sighed, trying to pull herself together. “Well, there is something that’s been bothering me and I don’t know how to bring it up to you.” Liam could only think of the negative connotation that came along with her statement. “What is it?” he finally asked, his gaze never leaving hers.
“Are you…are you ready to try for a baby?” she asked him softly. Liam almost fell off the couch at the question before his eyes softened, welling up with emotion. He swallowed hard, trying to get past the lump in his throat. Marcella watched as he struggled to speak before closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. He exhaled and opened his eyes a moment later, much calmer than before.
“You’re ready?” he managed to choke out.
“I am.” And she was. Sure, she was scared, but with Liam by her side she knew she could conquer anything, including parenthood. They were ready. Liam couldn’t help the smile that formed across his face as his mind filled with thoughts of having a mini version of him or Marcella running around.
“Are you sure?” All she could do was nod from the lump now in her throat. He grabbed her face and crushed his lips to hers. A cry escaping him as he kissed her deeply thought their intermingled tears, holding her so tight she thought she might break. He had wanted this so badly, and he had feared that it would never be the right time.
She smiled fondly at the memory of them “trying” for a baby. They both had a more than healthy appetite for each other and they’d joked that increasing the frequency of their lovemaking might leave poor Marcella unable to walk properly. She stopped taking her birth control and conceived in no time. Liam adored her pregnant body, saying that it made her even more sexy and beautiful. He’d kissed her belly every day, rubbed it every night and he even sang to it—terribly—but the gesture and the lullabies he crooned from his own childhood were beautiful all the same, and sometimes she’d look up to see him watching her with the softness expression of happiness, love, and admiration. He was fiercely protective. He went overboard on the nursery. He went overboard on the clothes. He went overboard on the toys. It was sweet until he started reading baby and pregnancy development books absorbing the information like a sponge. Much to Marcella’s dismay. She tried not to choke hear dear husband…one cup of coffee wasn’t going to harm the baby.
And even though she had her fears as a mother, she knew Liam would be an incredible father. Liam smiled down at his son, “you know, I’ve loved your mother from the moment I saw her. I was planning the wedding inside my head before I had even asked her to marry me,” he chuckled before his face grew serious. “I love her so much. And I love you too, little guy. I will stop the earth on its axis for you, if necessary,” he swallowed hard, and she knew he was fighting back tears. “Fabian…you are the greatest gift she could have ever given me.” Marcella’s tears overflowed; she could no longer stand by and watch. She pushed the door open. “No child could hope for a better father than you,” she said kneeling beside Liam, wrapping her arms around both of them. “I love you. I love you both more than anything.” Liam wrapped his free arm around her and pressed a kiss to her forehead, amazed that his whole world fit in his arms.
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habibialkaysani · 5 years
harry potter + gayness ratings
so I've been doing a hp reread the last week or so. I'm on the goblet of fire and I figured it was time to look at all the hidden subtextual (and therefore the last thing from intentional from she who must not be named) homoeroticism in the books I've read so far:
harry potter and the philosopher's stone - 2/10, pretty much zilch as harry was still smol and therefore didn’t really understand his feelings at all (not that he got much better at that later on lol), but I'll give a couple points for harry and ron because their friendship at least started here
harry potter and the chamber of secrets - 3/10, nothing really springs to mind except ron being fiercely protective of his bff MY DUDES I HAVE FAILED MY OWN FANDOM how could I forget the whole “scared, potter?” “you wish” moment??? or just generally how harry and draco are archenemies aged just 12 years old?? for realsies tho that moment in the books and the films was one of the few things that I think was done justice. 5/10
harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban - 7/10, now we're talking. this was the one that made me glad I was doing a reread (the first two, while enjoyable, felt a bit predictable, possibly because I have watched those movies so many times), and the moments with remus and sirius being unflinchingly loyal to their bf james and rightly berating peter for not dying for him the way both of them would have - showstopping. I'm just sad they only hugged when they reunited but hey this is you-know-who after all - and no, I don’t mean voldy-shorts. and I felt like drowning in my own tears at “not at all, padfoot, old friend” and good god now I want to either read or write marauder fic. I will have to dig up some of my old faves at some point soon. 
also!!! ron with his whole “if you’re going to kill harry you’ll have to kill us too” - this is the kind of RIDE OR DIE person I need in my life one day - girls only tho lol.
harry potter and the goblet of fire - 12/10, omg. omg omg omg. I haven’t even finished it yet but here’s a quick list of what I have so far:
harry meeting bill and immediately realising he’s got a crush on him (”bill was - there was no other word for it - cool”). 
also I always felt like bill radiated bi energy with that long hair and earring combo amirite
fred and george legit say to harry that they’re sure percy is gonna pop the question soon to barty crouch, which aside from being rather funny also reminds me of the fact that there are a fair few jokes of this vein that I might have missed in past books - tho I still find it hilarious that crouch calls percy weatherby, lolol
so! many! mentions! of cedric diggory being handsome! like harry my boy I know how you feel. I used to wonder what that feeling was when I looked at a girl and was sure I was just jealous of how pretty she was and actually it turned out I just wanted to kiss her. harry should have kissed cedric on the mouth 2k19
god also harry gets so nervous around cho, bless my lil bisexual disaster
when harry is doing the second task, the thing that he would have missed the most was “his wheezy” and honestly SAME. like, aside from fleur who got her sister, the boys all got the people they loved to save
(side note, I love love love all the krumione in this. not gay directly but I’m getting there)
I know it wasn’t in the books but when the weasley twins are teasing ron about how much he admires krum it reminded me of how in the movies they were like “viktor, I love you, viktor, I do, when we’re apart my heart beats only for youuuu” and also!!! ronnie literally has a figurine of viktor in the dormitory. freddie wasn’t wrong when he said ron was in love :D 
on that note, omg, I am something of a sucker for love triangles and I have to admit I loved the whole thing with ron, hermione and krum, and then harry, cho and cedric, esp because??? they all liked each other??? and they could have all been happy together if they wanted to. in particular, ron clearly fancied the pants of viktor, and there is no platonic way of harry thinking of him as handsome that many times, lbr.
the yule ball. good god. it could have been so, so, so easily solved if they just went with their best friends. I remember seeing a post about how ron should have danced with harry to open the yule ball with a rose between his teeth and honestly SAME. 
not to mention??? parvati and lavender were clearly girlfriends and dean and seamus were boyfriends, so they also should have gone together instead of forcing this thing with parvati and harry (krum and hermione meanwhile were a match made in heaven imo and I loved them and always will)
I’m sure there will be more as I continue to reread. just thought I should liveblog for this :) 
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astrifer0us · 8 years
5, 6, 7, 11, 14, 19, 21, and 25 for your dnd ocs, Alyona, and the android apocalypse characters. have fun.
OC QUESTIONS | Accepting’
5. Are there any story arcs you would like this character to explore?
Meh idkk???
Please let this asshole realise that it’s okay to let other people take care of you.
I want Michaela to have like a badass warrior woman moment man.
I’m not sure. I’d like for him to let go of his mother’smemory sometime, and live for himself.
Please give Chal a redemption arc in which he realises that,wow, he’s been kind of a bad person. Wow.
Ahh idk. I really loved that she died and came back as aghoul, and I’d love to see what she learns from that, tbh.
Ehh, no clue yet.
Well she’s getting into a pretty cool arc now, having todeal with the loss of her love interest and actually grasping for a goal so shecan live on, so yeah, I’m excited about that.
Noooo clue yet.
I want to corrupt my little wolf boy so bad. Give this boy afiendish warlock pact or something, fuck him up.
????? Honestly I’d love for em to realise humans aren’t toobad but. They kind of are.
At some point I want him to get over Traesyc and put itbehind him but rn? Let him grieve let him suffer.
6. What would your character like (or have liked) to do with their life?
Kick ass.
Go… outside….
Find a solution to the android problem, save a lot of people.
Live in his nice house on top of a hill and tend to hisgarden. Please. Leave him alone.
Chal is pretty content where he is now. He has centuries infront of him if he plays his cards right, and he’s intent on making the most ofit.
Ghilli is here to make the world a better place, and take noshit from anyone. A simple life.
Preferably live out of spite.
God, that’s a hell of a good question. She doesn’t reallyknow herself, at this point. She doesn’t really have a clear goal or a path setout in front of her.
Just let this child explore the world at her own pace,please.
LET THIS BOY BE HAPPY!!! I want him to be nice andcomfortable with Morana and explore the world and figure everything out.
??? idk. Be free as the wind.
She wants to find a new flock at some point, but right now she just wants revenge for the death of her old one.
???? sorry lmao
God he’d love to just. Stick with his sis. Go onsilly adventures. Have fun, and not worry so much.
7. Who is your character’s best friend?
??? no clue.
Issy and Michaela. Not that they’d admit it.
Kita and Michaela.
Kita and Isidore, obviously.
Definitely not himself lmao, but??? He doesn’t really. Haveone.
Temperance and the Conman.
??? who knows. Maybe Ealda at this point.
Yknow. Barty. Probably.
Morana and Traxae, definitely.
His twin, Scytta. They’ve been best friends since birth.
11. What crime is this character most likely to be convicted of?
Murder. Definitely murder.
Punching someone they shouldn’t have punched.
Breaking in.
Hacking into her superior’s computer.
Trespassing or something minor like that.
… Slavery. But they’ll have to catch him first. So probablysomething smaller, like, say, influencing a rich person to hand over theirmoney.
Something dumb she did to protect someone else.
Literally anything. They don’t have great morals.
Breaking a rule she wasn’t aware existed.
Theft, poaching, something like that.
They’re a wild little gnome living outside of civilisation.Laws are not a thing they’re aware of.
Literally same as above.
Breaking eir programming, probably.
…. Ykno. Murder.
14. What is this character’s relationship with religion or the church?
Oh no. No, fuck the Overseers. Nope.
They don’t particularly give a fuck, to put it bluntly.
He was raised by a catholic family, but doesn’t really care about any God anymore.
No time for religion in a post-apocalyptic wasteland man.
Calvael is not religious, though I could see him becomingreligious later on. He’s the type for silent prayer.
Gods are for losers, just don’t mess with them.
Ghilli is devoted to the creator of dwarves, Moradin.
The gods have forsaken them. I mean, that’s what they think.
Ren is a very loyal follower of Zehir, and recently became acleric of him.
Ser worships Kord with great enthusiasm.
Rorik is not the most pious, but he always sends smallprayers and sometimes offerings to Avandra.
Aer is not all about gods, but they do recognise theirexistence.
Eiridi has little knowledge of gods, and does not worshipone.
Fuck gods.
He’s not very devoted, but does wear a little symbol of hisdeity around his neck. He’s pretty sceptical about gods in general, and doesnot believe they are as benevolent as people make them out to be. He’d ratherplace his trust in things he can see and experience.
21. Do you ship your character with any other characters? (This includes characters from other universes and canons)
??? Nope.
Isidore and Kita would make a good couple if they could stop arguing for like 5 minutes.
See above. Doesn’t stop him from flirting with everyone.
Michaela had a tiny crush on Kita when she was younger, but she got over it.
Not anything concrete, but @celticrune and i Have discussedsome things abt Calvael and Whisper and it was cute.
Boy oh boy yeah. Chal and @celticrune’s Temperance were mostlikely a thing back in the days and I still ship it HARD. Also, Chal and @kima-ladyofvord‘s the Conman, its great its wonderful 10/10 would ship.
N o p e
I don’t… wanna talk about it….. (but Syardis-debacle aside,Ren and @dunno-audino’s Lynnae would be the best, most dangerous couple ever and itsgr8)
Not at the moment.
Boy yeah. Rorik and @celticrune’s Morana is like. The OTP.
Not atm.
Hahahahaha. Traesyc. :c but apparently him and @celticrune’sKeiji also work very well together so there’s that.
25. What does this character mean to you? 
just gonna only do my dnd chars here cuz the rest is all a lil. meh. havent writtene nough abt them yet.
Calvael was my first DnD character, but since I didn’t getto play him much, not a lot yet. He’s great anyway.
SO MUCH U DON’T EVEN KNO. He’s hands down my favourite, justbecause he’s this little, snarky piece of shit, he’s wonderful to write andheadcanon about and just??? I love him????
Ghilli I unfortunately have not played a lot yet, but she isvery fun to play, so there is that. She’s also the perfect mix of adorable anddangerous that I love.
Tbh not much yet lmao.
Ren is like. So great. She’s very little like me, but she’smy perfect outlet for my aggression and anger. Also, I love caster classes andshe was my first real caster class I played. She’s amazing and I love her.
I haven’t played Ser yet, but she already means a lot tome??? She’s letting me prove that, heck yeah, neurodivergent characters cankick ass like any other! Disabilities don’t have to hinder your progress! Iwanna be like her!!
Rorik is my little child. My son. I love him so so much. He’sthe one that really got me into DnD, I’ve been through so much with him, it’shard to describe just how much I care about him.
Not a lot yet? Though honestly any nonbinary character meansa lot to me just cuz. Well.
Not a lot, but she’s fun to play.
Not much.
So much please protect this child from me I hurt him so muchbut he’s!!!! so good!!! To hurt!!!!
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