#but ask me to list my hobbies and theyre always more or less the same: writing and singing
vivitalks · 10 months
not to be like "dreams do come true" on the Jaded Cynics Dot Com website but when i look back at tag/ask games i answered from my high school days every question of "dream trip/vacation" is always "new york city" and. fuckin here i am less than a year out of college living and working in new york city. so like. dreams do come true
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glasscoloredeyes · 4 years
Journal Entry: A lesson paid and not the same
I slept all day again. Partly from my own incompetence to get off tumblr and because my neighbor below me start their usual romping with loud music around 3 am. I had somewhere to go but to no one surprise i was to exhausted and at   to no one surprise i didn't wake up until like ....6 pm  I was suppose to be meeting family and when I didn't show it up a woman individual they just assume the worst and contact everyone including my exboyfriend. But I'm awake and  in the dark because something about writing against dim light with the rest of your world cover in darkness unaware of the problems and dangers...is really fucking comforting but thats not what this post is about. also  im trying my VERY hardest to not bounce between webpages especially because although i blocked YouTube on my phone is not block on this computer  i paid 600 to end a friendship today. it went a little something like this . an much older man someone who i only know because we share a particular hobby and had the pleasure to work with comes out of no where and ask me for 200 he promises he will return it in 24 hours with more and i’m like i get 300 in unemployment a week. so for a friend i thought i could do this because  i would want someone to do this for me. so i do it and i think everything is ok but immediately he ask for more and i think maybe its an emergency even though my gut reaction said fuck this man dont do it after some more confusing banter i sent an additional 400 dollars and i thought everything was cool speed forward to me passing out for 4 to 5 hours and i get i think 3 to 6 missed called asking for money. at this point i am livid . there no way you magically mess up the price of whatever youre doing twice. if you're child and god forbid was kidnapped call the police because therye messy ass kidnappers and its really fuck up to expect one person to have money i even told him i didnt even have more money and he was like “ just send more just send more “ eventually told him to never contact me again because again its not about the money its about the respect and he could NEVER give me back the respect i had for him. its lost. he had the audacity to eb like thank you sweetie because again fuck the fact im angry and exhausted  and you literally demanded as much money out of me.  i wanted to unblock it just so i could tell him to fuck off but if i ever have to used it i know for a fact that will ne my undoing. because men can do whatever they want to you as a women body individual but you have to be the bigger person even tho you ALWAYS will be consider lesser than  its not about the money...its about the respect and now that he given me a full recipt to never respect him again i can get my moeny in 2 weeks and never have to deal with him.  i hope whatever he was doing was worth the blackmail the other part of this jounarl entry was apparently some skinny genderfluid individual telling woman that mansplaining is inherently sexist because its based off of gender. no its something that only men can do and when a women say that a man is mansplaining when he not that women is simply lying. telling me i cant tell you that what you did i was think less of me or over talk me becuase of my presenting gender - is sexist. if i say something that you didnt do and you can prove it and i say it doesnt matter becuase youre  a man is sexist but telling you you are mansplaining - is not sexist this same person then preceeded to say something misogynist and misandrist are the same...and they're just not. theyre are equally horrible but they hit in COMPLETELY different ways. the hatred of men usually ends with women ignorging excluding and living without men. the hatresd of woman usually result in the punishment death and beratement of women. yes are thier people out thier that hate men so much that it could also escalated to death and torture of men absolutely but that is not common. its horrible but its not common and it not the same.  whenever i hear someone saying this is sounds like teh alm of sexism and its just gross  well whatever. my mange arrived today and i feel alot better. ive now had 3 men steal alrge amounts of money and claim to care or berated me for it. i cant wait til i leave. now im off  to craigslist list to look for some fashion lamp so i can actually work in warm lighting instead of ....nah poshmark
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cata-strophes · 6 years
idek how to express how grateful i am in words rn but thank you so much — ive been feeling really alone lately and your words make me feel a lot less alone & genuinely hopeful & that i will come out of this in the end — i really hope im sorta conveying how thankful i am, i dont think i was really expecting a reply ? i just wanted you to know that youd helped and again ! youve helped me so much more than you could know (ps i love that drawing so much 💙🖤 thank you sm for the comfort shances)
hello anon!!
i hope you dont mind me answering this like this, i didnt want to show last one since you genuinelly seemed distressed, and, well, i didnt know how else to answer but with more of what you said helped you before,, and i really meant it, what i said, it does get better
im gonna write some personal stuff under this cut so i dont occupy everyone’s space, but feel free to read if you want to (tw? depression and mental health in general), this is really text heavy, sorry!!
i was always a pretty anxious kid, but a few years back i had a big fight with some close friends, i had a few other friends, but they were really busy and couldnt hang out, i had some really huge family problems and i was alone most of the time. around the time i found voltron, i was really deep into a low circle, i held onto it like a lifeline, thats why i was around the internet a lot at that time
i found a hobby. it was pretty robotic, but it kept me going. voltron, fics, fandom, its not the best support system, to be honest, but it helped me find something to hold onto.
anon, it seems hard now, by then i was mostly moving because thats what people expected from me. my parents didnt even find out i was having a hard time until i literally broke down in front of them and went nearly catatonic for a few hours. i got into therapy after that. it didnt solve all of my problems, but it certainly helped me keep a clear mind. i dont think i ever really told my therapist all that goes through my head because of my own personal trust problems (im pretty sure i have some sort of impostor syndrome, but even then i doubt myself, u know?)
anyways, i got sidetracked. but really. it seems hard, i know, but hey, im here right now. and im so happy i am. i still find it hard some days to even gather energy to move, get dressed, eat, and i have anxiety attacks more often than not. but i met some trully incredible people at college, im closer than ever to the same friends i mentioned i had a huge fight with, i cant wait for the next day im able to meet up with friends and enjoy a movie, or go to the park and have some tereres and just talk, or for my birthday, and inviting everyone camping. its really a wonderful feeling.
i remember a few years back, when people invited me over, i was always looking for an excuse to not go. i live too far, its raining, its too hot, my stomach hurts, i have a headache, my dad asked me to help him cook, whatever i could to get out of it. and now im travelling one hour to the city just to see them, and i enjoy it, and i cant wait to do it again
it was hard, it was painful, but i feel stronger, and much more mature, and in the end, i know i can get out of it. i built myself an incredible support system, even if im a hardass and dont like telling my problems to the people i love
god i got too sidetracked again, im just- im really really happy i could help you through that, because i was there and it felt so awful, and im glad i can help you like that, doing what i love
the most i can recommend you right now, is find something you love, something that distracts you, and hold onto that. dont make your whole life around it, but support yourself on that, until you can support yourself on your own. i had voltron, i had fandom and i had fics and fanart. i had a family going through a hard time and my overcompensating ass trying to make up for it. now i have my friends and my family and the feeling that i cant let them down by missing a day not getting out of bed. make yourself lists, congratulate yourself with every accomplishment you make, from the smallest to the biggest ones, because you did it. you did it.
remember to breathe, remember to drink water, and please, please remember to eat, preferably four meals a day, but i’ll be glad if you take at least a bite now and then
i love you anon, and i know i said it before, but i believe in you, and i trust that you’ll get through this
(ps you can always trust in me to give comfort shances, theyre the best comfort 💙🖤)
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fenharelxenansal · 7 years
so i went back into my discord history to dig up some meta i wrote a while back about briala. alice, nixe, mo, merc, and cay have all already read this, but i feel like a lot of it is really important to my characterization and i want it on my blog. maybe someday i’ll format it to read in a less disjointed, chat-style way, but for now -- have 1600+ words about briala’s backstory, i guess?
cw: lots of emotional abuse and gaslighting, lots of character death
im having a mood abt the tactics celene might have used to keep briala on her side when they were fighting and aaugh
bc i think a lot about the scene at the beginning of TME where bria is getting sexually harassed by a palace guard and the fact that nobody in that scene, briala included, acts like its anything particularly abnormal. that worries me
i mean. celene killed her damn parents. i dont think encouraging a guard to harass briala from time to time to make herself look like a saint in comparison is beyond her
and i have this mental image of briala being hurt in some way, nothing serious, a bruise here or there from someone other than celene, deliberately caused to send her running back to the empress who will make it all better
to give briala someone to hate instead of celene
to give celene the opportunity to 'make it up' to her
because i dont believe for a second that celene, grand player of the Game that she is, wouldn't stoop that low
she would do anything in her power to keep briala
because she is too dangerous, she knows too much
my headcanon is that when celene tried to send her away to live with the Dalish, it wasn't for her own protection
it was to keep her from ever realizing the truth of what happened the night her parents died, because it could destabilize celene's grip on power
and when Briala came back, well, she had to come up with another plan. and she cared for Briala enough that she didn't want to just kill her. so she made her into an intensely loyal asset
so i think any time Briala started to turn on her, started to want to leave her service even a little, she would do something to make herself look like the good guy again
the thing i always think about
Briala was supposed to be killed that night along with her parents
it wasn't 'all the servants except briala' it was 'all the servants'. the fact that she survived was pure luck, and the fact that celene didn't just have her killed after that point was because. well. Celene was a 16 year old lesbian about to ascend the throne of one of the most powerful countries in Thedas. One might imagine her a bit lonely.
im pretty sure she knew sending briala away was sending her to likely bandits or death by starvation
but she didn't have to feel so personally responsible for that
its easy to kill a palace full of servants whose names you dont know
theyre just numbers on a piece of parchment saying how many bodies you have to clean up
briala made herself real to celene and that makes her harder to kill
because she could have just killed her right then herself
but celene never had the stomach for killing people herself. she just gives the orders.
and so when faced with that situation, with her personal handmaiden traumatized, crying, covered in her parents' blood saying 'they're all dead', the smart thing to do would have been to kill her. but celene didn't do that. she just sent her away to near-certain death instead.
Briala is incredibly dangerous to Celene
especially post-TME, post realization of exactly how Celene orchestrated her rise to power
she is the only one who knows that Celene's claim on the throne is truly illegitimate, no matter how much Gaspard tries to argue it
not only did she have her own palace servants murdered
she had the emperor assassinated
which i think everyone misses?
she had him assassinated and then staged the murder of her palace servants to paint herself as an innocent victim who just happened to not be there that night
thats why all the palace servants were killed
so that suspicion would not fall on her for Florian's murder
the point was to make it look like the same assassins who went after her uncle were also going after her
when in reality she was the one calling the shots all along
i did briefly toy with writing a verse where Briala never met Felassan, where she made it to the Dalish safe at 14 years old and tried to become one of them
but the fact is that the moment he sent her back to Celene was a defining moment for her, something that fundamentally changed her, and she wouldn't have been anywhere near the same person without that
it told her, right there and right then, subtextually and insidiously, that the cause was the most important thing, more than her safety - because she knew it was dangerous being anywhere near the Empress-to-be, she wasn't stupid. she didn't even really know what the cause was at that point; he never told her what he got out of their meetings. so the cause to her became helping elves. and then that really quickly became warped to helping celene because she convinced her that it was the best way to serve the cause.
"what would have been different if she'd decided what she wanted to fight for on her own?"
she would have been a lot less.....not less dedicated, but less 'dedicated to the detriment of her own wellbeing'
if she had decided herself not to go to the Dalish, to stay by Celene's side to enact change, rather than just following the orders of other people, her story would be very different
concept: briala actually processing her trauma??? what???
bc you know the moment she got back to the palace with Celene after meeting Fel for the first time she threw herself headfirst into the Game
she focused all of her energy on intelligence-gathering and supporting Celene in her bid to become Empress
She never gave herself a single moment to grieve
and it isn't an uncommon story in Thedas, an elf watching someone or multiple someones they love cut down by humans
imagine if u will: briala, trying to have a funeral, not just for her parents, but for all of them
thats the thing i really feel the need to
it wasn't just her parents
briala grew up in the palace. her parents were both palace servants.
she knew every single one of those servants. they were her friends and her family. and at the end of it she was left standing covered in blood in front of celene. celene was all she had left.
she didn't have any friends at the beginning of TME. she was friendly with the cook, but that was it.
celene took a generally happy, driven, and incredibly smart 14-year old elven girl and took away everyone she had ever known except herself. she made herself briala's world.
that's the real reason i hate that you can reunite them. its not that i don't believe they could be reunited - its that they can. because briala doesn't have anyone else. she has celene and felassan. that's it.
when you only have one person, its easy to make excuses for them and justify the things theyve done. its easy to believe them when they apologize and promise to do better.
thats why i want briala to have friends and lovers and people
i want to have a verse where she has grown so far beyond that point that she would laugh if Celene asked her to return to the palace
i want her to stop loving Celene but she isn't there yet
in my current writing, at least
she is still vulnerable to her in every verse where Celene is still alive
i just imagine her like
talking quietly about her childhood best friend among the servants
we don't get to see much of Briala's childhood
we get the moment of her mother telling her she mustn't try to hide her ears and that she must be proud of being an elf. that's really it.
but we do know that there were other children of servants who were considered for Celene's handmaiden aside Briala
i like to think she was friends with these other children. that she wasn't always lonely from the start
but of course that leads down the road of those friends being slaughtered as well so its a tradeoff
and then there's the question of whether when Celene kissed her when she was sending her away, if that was her first kiss, if she ever even had the chance to love someone else
i think a lot about how Briala spent 20 years learning how to love exactly 1 person the way she wanted to be loved
just imagining her trying to have a romantic relationship with someone else with that framework still in place is painful. it wouldn't work no matter how much she wanted it to because she'd be treating them like celene. she has no other model for how a relationship can work
she bypasses that somewhat with Lana, but its still there, thinking that the best thing to do is the thing that Keeps Lana Safe
she wouldn't recognize abuse if she got into another bad relationship
and she doesn't know how a relationship works where she isn't centering the other person's needs over her own
she gave up everything she ever wanted or aspired to for Celene
one time i got a prompt from a lyric starter list i made
'you can still be what you want to'
and briala just. broke for a moment.
'no. i can't. i never could - none of us ever could. thats why we fight.'
she doesn't have interests or hobbies or friends or a life
celene was her life and now she's filled that void with her cause
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yua-shizuka · 7 years
What 8 successful ADHDers want you to know about how they get stuff done.
Whenever I’m working with my family, friends, or colleagues, they always ask me how I’m able to get so much done.
My answer: “I have ADHD.”
That might sound confusing, but realistically, people with ADHD don’t always have problems with attention at least, not when we’re working on something that excites us. In fact, ADHD often means that we can hyperfocus on awesome things for hours on end, although sometimes that comes at the expense of all the less-thrilling things were supposed to be doing. (Why wash the dishes when you can build a rocket ship out of a cardboard box and a disassembled vacuum cleaner?)
Most people with ADHD have to work 10 times harder to achieve seemingly basic organizational and time management skills skills that other people develop naturally over time. While medication can certainly help, it doesn’t do all the work by itself. As a result, we pay more conscious attention to life hacks, memory tricks, productivity shortcuts and other mental managerial systems … because we have to.
GIF via Checkoofilm/YouTube.
Some say that people with ADHD are much more likely to start their own businesses, perhaps because were built to tackle creative and entrepreneurial challenges.
While other people dont need to learn the same tricks that we do, they can benefit from them. In fact, Id argue that ADHDers have some of the best advice and practices for getting stuff done even if we dont always listen to that advice ourselves.
GIF from “Bruce Almighty.”
Here are 21 productivity tips from people with ADHD that even non-ADHDers can learn from:
1. Habits are things you get for free. So get into ’em.
Even though Im not a natural creature of habit, I always start my day with meds, then a shower, then pants, then breakfast otherwise I know that Im going to forget one of those steps. Habits are essentially self-automation, which means less brainpower spent on the little things.
2. Always have a backup (or two, or three) and know where to find it.
I keep extra cables, chargers, adapters, medicine, and other things in my bag at all times. That way, whether Im going to the grocery store or on vacation, I dont have to worry about keeping my phone charged.
3. Reminders and alerts: love them and use them.
I even have a recurring 2 p.m. notification on my phone that says EAT SOME LUNCH, YOU IDIOT because, erm, I need the reminder more than Id like to admit. (Also: IFTTT triggers to automate actions and sync between apps and accounts make life way easier.)
GIF from “Despicable Me 2.”
4. Keep a calendar, and schedule in the time it takes for you to do things.
If it takes you extra time to keep a calendar or get into the headspace for a meeting? Factor that in when youre planning your day too.
5. Pay attention to the your day’s ups and downs, and use them to your advantage.
Do you get sleepy right after lunch? Then maybe dont dive into that intense project at 1 p.m. Are you better when you answer emails in the morning and get active tasks done later? Then do that. Figure out what works for you, and follow that schedule.
6. Find your rhythm and stick with it.
Even if youre not the slow and steady type, a regular pattern of sprint and rest can still help you reach the finish line. “Sometimes I’ll start counting beats in my head to create a rhythm,” says TV writer/director Hadley Klein. “It sounds crazy but for whatever reason, it helps me think through things in a different way.”
GIF via HIKAKIN/YouTube.
7. Make a list. Check it twice. Then make another list. And another.
Graphic novelist Tyler Page says, I keep one main to-do list on my computer in a Sticky or TextEdit file. Bigger projects get their own lists where they get broken down into smaller and smaller components. The lists also help with prioritizing something that needs to be done right away goes on the daily to-do list.”
GIF from “Monsters University.”
8. Prioritize action over accomplishment. Doing the thing.
This one comes from Patty Carnevale, head of revenue at Man Repeller. Measuring your progress in a tangible way can help you feel even more successful, which will then give you the drive to keep going.
9. Reward yourself for your accomplishments no matter how small.
If you’re someone who needs frequent feedback to get the necessary dopamine boost, then you can fake it by sticking a carrot in front of yourself to keep you going. Alysa Auriemma, an English instructor, gives an example: I can read that awesome online fanfic IF I get three papers graded!
GIF from “Parks and Recreation.”
10. Turn the boring parts into a game.
I use a fitness watch which monitors how many steps I take in a day and how many flights of stairs I climb. Its fun to make the numbers go up, says Nalo Hopkinson, an award-winning author. She also reports her daily word count on Twitter, so that people can cheerlead her along.
11. Don’t dread the boring stuff. Just get it done. It’s faster that way.
Focus on the satisfaction that youre going to feel once youve finished the task, instead of on the time itll take to get it done which, lets be honest, is probably less time than you think. (Of course, even though I know this works for me, it’s still easier said than done.)
12. The more you let things pile up, the easier it gets to ignore them.
Find a way to keep it fresh. Im a compulsive inbox zeroer because the longer that little red notification bubble sits there on my phone, the more inclined I am to ignore it. So I mark all my emails as “read,” then use an IFTTT trigger to remind me later of things that actually require a follow-up or my attention.
GIF from “Community.”
13. If things slip your mind, visual cues can help.
You know that mantra, “Out of sight, out of mind?” For people with ADHD, that’s pretty literal to a fault. So it helps to stick things right in our own faces so that we can’t miss them. When I was in college, I taped a postcard to my apartment door with the times I needed to leave by to make it to morning classes on time, says Rebecca Eisenberg, Upworthys senior editor.
14. Work with your brain, not against it.
Do you tend to lose your keys in the bathroom? Then make a new home for them in the bathroom, where youre already inclined to leave them. That way, theyre always there. Don’t fight your instincts. Use their momentum to your advantage. And on that note
15. Embrace your idiosyncrasies and find a way to make them work for you.
Everyones brain is different. A lot of ADHDers need to figure out on our own what works for us, rather than having someone tell us whats the right way to do things. For example: If someone else leaves me a list of instructions or things to do that’s organized by their mind, it only makes me frustrated and confused. I have to create my own to-do lists in my own way even if it does take more time.
GIF from “Adventure Time.”
16. Take a break. Move around. Do a little dance.
Movement helps your brain work better. As tempting as it is to put the emphasis on measurable actions, its just as important to not do things and give yourself a chance to breathe. Sometimes a little distance can give you a lot of new perspective.
I use a portable adjustable standing desk and a pair of bluetooth headphones so that I can basically dance in place and write at the same time. My wife thinks I’m weird, but it works.
17. Know when to call it a day.
Its important to accept when youve reached the point of diminishing returns. Don’t be afraid to give your brain a rest, and come back to it fresh the next day. This’ll save you time in the long run too because the more you power through your exhaustion, the longer it’ll take to recover.
GIF via ilvbunnies/YouTube.
18. Identity your flaws and strengths, and communicate them to others.
“My colleagues know that in exchange for tolerating all the things I do that make me less reliable, they get a guy who can think outside the box, that can create on the fly, that can wear many hats at once,” says Upworthy’s fearless editor-at-large, Adam Mordecai.
“They also know that if they want something from me, I’m far likelier to get it done if they ping me immediately on chat rather than on email. Let your peeps know how to get the most out of you.”
19. Keep your eye on the prize, but forgive yourself and others.
Everyones fighting their own uphill battles, and you’re not going to get anything done if you’re too busy beating yourself up. (Youre not going to help anyone else be more productive if you externalize it and pick on them either.)
GIF from the SAG Awards.
20. Set your goals, but stay flexible.
Maybe you didnt get as much done today as you had hoped, but thats OK. Regroup, come up with a new strategy, and try to figure out what went wrong so you can do it better next time. Which brings me to the last, and perhaps most important, lesson:
21. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.
This is actually a quote from Samuel Beckett, but it also makes for an excellent productivity mantra. The bad parts and failures are inevitable, and youll never overcome them all. But thats OK. Accept it, learn from it, and keep going anyway.
But you do have a brain. So use it. GIF from “The Wizard of Oz.”
ADHDers understand one thing better than most people: Success is not a stationary target.
There’s no “one weird trick” that will actually bring you any closer to success.
Instead, the best we can hope for is to embrace ourselves for all our strengths and weaknesses, and keep finding things to work toward. Perhaps that’s a new business endeavor, 15 simultaneous hobbies, or simply remembering to put your underwear on before your pants.
If that last part is a measurable indication, then for me, today was an extraordinary success.
Read more: http://www.upworthy.com/what-8-successful-adhders-want-you-to-know-about-how-they-get-stuff-done
from https://www.makingthebest.com/2017/04/16/what-8-successful-adhders-want-you-to-know-about-how-they-get-stuff-done/
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What 8 successful ADHDers want you to know about how they get stuff done.
Whenever I’m working with my family, friends, or colleagues, they always ask me how I’m able to get so much done.
My answer: “I have ADHD.”
That might sound confusing, but realistically, people with ADHD don’t always have problems with attention at least, not when we’re working on something that excites us. In fact, ADHD often means that we can hyperfocus on awesome things for hours on end, although sometimes that comes at the expense of all the less-thrilling things were supposed to be doing. (Why wash the dishes when you can build a rocket ship out of a cardboard box and a disassembled vacuum cleaner?)
Most people with ADHD have to work 10 times harder to achieve seemingly basic organizational and time management skills skills that other people develop naturally over time. While medication can certainly help, it doesn’t do all the work by itself. As a result, we pay more conscious attention to life hacks, memory tricks, productivity shortcuts and other mental managerial systems … because we have to.
GIF via Checkoofilm/YouTube.
Some say that people with ADHD are much more likely to start their own businesses, perhaps because were built to tackle creative and entrepreneurial challenges.
While other people dont need to learn the same tricks that we do, they can benefit from them. In fact, Id argue that ADHDers have some of the best advice and practices for getting stuff done even if we dont always listen to that advice ourselves.
GIF from “Bruce Almighty.”
Here are 21 productivity tips from people with ADHD that even non-ADHDers can learn from:
1. Habits are things you get for free. So get into ’em.
Even though Im not a natural creature of habit, I always start my day with meds, then a shower, then pants, then breakfast otherwise I know that Im going to forget one of those steps. Habits are essentially self-automation, which means less brainpower spent on the little things.
2. Always have a backup (or two, or three) and know where to find it.
I keep extra cables, chargers, adapters, medicine, and other things in my bag at all times. That way, whether Im going to the grocery store or on vacation, I dont have to worry about keeping my phone charged.
3. Reminders and alerts: love them and use them.
I even have a recurring 2 p.m. notification on my phone that says EAT SOME LUNCH, YOU IDIOT because, erm, I need the reminder more than Id like to admit. (Also: IFTTT triggers to automate actions and sync between apps and accounts make life way easier.)
GIF from “Despicable Me 2.”
4. Keep a calendar, and schedule in the time it takes for you to do things.
If it takes you extra time to keep a calendar or get into the headspace for a meeting? Factor that in when youre planning your day too.
5. Pay attention to the your day’s ups and downs, and use them to your advantage.
Do you get sleepy right after lunch? Then maybe dont dive into that intense project at 1 p.m. Are you better when you answer emails in the morning and get active tasks done later? Then do that. Figure out what works for you, and follow that schedule.
6. Find your rhythm and stick with it.
Even if youre not the slow and steady type, a regular pattern of sprint and rest can still help you reach the finish line. “Sometimes I’ll start counting beats in my head to create a rhythm,” says TV writer/director Hadley Klein. “It sounds crazy but for whatever reason, it helps me think through things in a different way.”
GIF via HIKAKIN/YouTube.
7. Make a list. Check it twice. Then make another list. And another.
Graphic novelist Tyler Page says, I keep one main to-do list on my computer in a Sticky or TextEdit file. Bigger projects get their own lists where they get broken down into smaller and smaller components. The lists also help with prioritizing something that needs to be done right away goes on the daily to-do list.”
GIF from “Monsters University.”
8. Prioritize action over accomplishment. Doing the thing.
This one comes from Patty Carnevale, head of revenue at Man Repeller. Measuring your progress in a tangible way can help you feel even more successful, which will then give you the drive to keep going.
9. Reward yourself for your accomplishments no matter how small.
If you’re someone who needs frequent feedback to get the necessary dopamine boost, then you can fake it by sticking a carrot in front of yourself to keep you going. Alysa Auriemma, an English instructor, gives an example: I can read that awesome online fanfic IF I get three papers graded!
GIF from “Parks and Recreation.”
10. Turn the boring parts into a game.
I use a fitness watch which monitors how many steps I take in a day and how many flights of stairs I climb. Its fun to make the numbers go up, says Nalo Hopkinson, an award-winning author. She also reports her daily word count on Twitter, so that people can cheerlead her along.
11. Don’t dread the boring stuff. Just get it done. It’s faster that way.
Focus on the satisfaction that youre going to feel once youve finished the task, instead of on the time itll take to get it done which, lets be honest, is probably less time than you think. (Of course, even though I know this works for me, it’s still easier said than done.)
12. The more you let things pile up, the easier it gets to ignore them.
Find a way to keep it fresh. Im a compulsive inbox zeroer because the longer that little red notification bubble sits there on my phone, the more inclined I am to ignore it. So I mark all my emails as “read,” then use an IFTTT trigger to remind me later of things that actually require a follow-up or my attention.
GIF from “Community.”
13. If things slip your mind, visual cues can help.
You know that mantra, “Out of sight, out of mind?” For people with ADHD, that’s pretty literal to a fault. So it helps to stick things right in our own faces so that we can’t miss them. When I was in college, I taped a postcard to my apartment door with the times I needed to leave by to make it to morning classes on time, says Rebecca Eisenberg, Upworthys senior editor.
14. Work with your brain, not against it.
Do you tend to lose your keys in the bathroom? Then make a new home for them in the bathroom, where youre already inclined to leave them. That way, theyre always there. Don’t fight your instincts. Use their momentum to your advantage. And on that note
15. Embrace your idiosyncrasies and find a way to make them work for you.
Everyones brain is different. A lot of ADHDers need to figure out on our own what works for us, rather than having someone tell us whats the right way to do things. For example: If someone else leaves me a list of instructions or things to do that’s organized by their mind, it only makes me frustrated and confused. I have to create my own to-do lists in my own way even if it does take more time.
GIF from “Adventure Time.”
16. Take a break. Move around. Do a little dance.
Movement helps your brain work better. As tempting as it is to put the emphasis on measurable actions, its just as important to not do things and give yourself a chance to breathe. Sometimes a little distance can give you a lot of new perspective.
I use a portable adjustable standing desk and a pair of bluetooth headphones so that I can basically dance in place and write at the same time. My wife thinks I’m weird, but it works.
17. Know when to call it a day.
Its important to accept when youve reached the point of diminishing returns. Don’t be afraid to give your brain a rest, and come back to it fresh the next day. This’ll save you time in the long run too because the more you power through your exhaustion, the longer it’ll take to recover.
GIF via ilvbunnies/YouTube.
18. Identity your flaws and strengths, and communicate them to others.
“My colleagues know that in exchange for tolerating all the things I do that make me less reliable, they get a guy who can think outside the box, that can create on the fly, that can wear many hats at once,” says Upworthy’s fearless editor-at-large, Adam Mordecai.
“They also know that if they want something from me, I’m far likelier to get it done if they ping me immediately on chat rather than on email. Let your peeps know how to get the most out of you.”
19. Keep your eye on the prize, but forgive yourself and others.
Everyones fighting their own uphill battles, and you’re not going to get anything done if you’re too busy beating yourself up. (Youre not going to help anyone else be more productive if you externalize it and pick on them either.)
GIF from the SAG Awards.
20. Set your goals, but stay flexible.
Maybe you didnt get as much done today as you had hoped, but thats OK. Regroup, come up with a new strategy, and try to figure out what went wrong so you can do it better next time. Which brings me to the last, and perhaps most important, lesson:
21. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.
This is actually a quote from Samuel Beckett, but it also makes for an excellent productivity mantra. The bad parts and failures are inevitable, and youll never overcome them all. But thats OK. Accept it, learn from it, and keep going anyway.
But you do have a brain. So use it. GIF from “The Wizard of Oz.”
ADHDers understand one thing better than most people: Success is not a stationary target.
There’s no “one weird trick” that will actually bring you any closer to success.
Instead, the best we can hope for is to embrace ourselves for all our strengths and weaknesses, and keep finding things to work toward. Perhaps that’s a new business endeavor, 15 simultaneous hobbies, or simply remembering to put your underwear on before your pants.
If that last part is a measurable indication, then for me, today was an extraordinary success.
Read more: http://www.upworthy.com/what-8-successful-adhders-want-you-to-know-about-how-they-get-stuff-done
from https://www.makingthebest.com/2017/04/16/what-8-successful-adhders-want-you-to-know-about-how-they-get-stuff-done/
0 notes
What 8 successful ADHDers want you to know about how they get stuff done.
Whenever I’m working with my family, friends, or colleagues, they always ask me how I’m able to get so much done.
My answer: “I have ADHD.”
That might sound confusing, but realistically, people with ADHD don’t always have problems with attention at least, not when we’re working on something that excites us. In fact, ADHD often means that we can hyperfocus on awesome things for hours on end, although sometimes that comes at the expense of all the less-thrilling things were supposed to be doing. (Why wash the dishes when you can build a rocket ship out of a cardboard box and a disassembled vacuum cleaner?)
Most people with ADHD have to work 10 times harder to achieve seemingly basic organizational and time management skills skills that other people develop naturally over time. While medication can certainly help, it doesn’t do all the work by itself. As a result, we pay more conscious attention to life hacks, memory tricks, productivity shortcuts and other mental managerial systems … because we have to.
GIF via Checkoofilm/YouTube.
Some say that people with ADHD are much more likely to start their own businesses, perhaps because were built to tackle creative and entrepreneurial challenges.
While other people dont need to learn the same tricks that we do, they can benefit from them. In fact, Id argue that ADHDers have some of the best advice and practices for getting stuff done even if we dont always listen to that advice ourselves.
GIF from “Bruce Almighty.”
Here are 21 productivity tips from people with ADHD that even non-ADHDers can learn from:
1. Habits are things you get for free. So get into ’em.
Even though Im not a natural creature of habit, I always start my day with meds, then a shower, then pants, then breakfast otherwise I know that Im going to forget one of those steps. Habits are essentially self-automation, which means less brainpower spent on the little things.
2. Always have a backup (or two, or three) and know where to find it.
I keep extra cables, chargers, adapters, medicine, and other things in my bag at all times. That way, whether Im going to the grocery store or on vacation, I dont have to worry about keeping my phone charged.
3. Reminders and alerts: love them and use them.
I even have a recurring 2 p.m. notification on my phone that says EAT SOME LUNCH, YOU IDIOT because, erm, I need the reminder more than Id like to admit. (Also: IFTTT triggers to automate actions and sync between apps and accounts make life way easier.)
GIF from “Despicable Me 2.”
4. Keep a calendar, and schedule in the time it takes for you to do things.
If it takes you extra time to keep a calendar or get into the headspace for a meeting? Factor that in when youre planning your day too.
5. Pay attention to the your day’s ups and downs, and use them to your advantage.
Do you get sleepy right after lunch? Then maybe dont dive into that intense project at 1 p.m. Are you better when you answer emails in the morning and get active tasks done later? Then do that. Figure out what works for you, and follow that schedule.
6. Find your rhythm and stick with it.
Even if youre not the slow and steady type, a regular pattern of sprint and rest can still help you reach the finish line. “Sometimes I’ll start counting beats in my head to create a rhythm,” says TV writer/director Hadley Klein. “It sounds crazy but for whatever reason, it helps me think through things in a different way.”
GIF via HIKAKIN/YouTube.
7. Make a list. Check it twice. Then make another list. And another.
Graphic novelist Tyler Page says, I keep one main to-do list on my computer in a Sticky or TextEdit file. Bigger projects get their own lists where they get broken down into smaller and smaller components. The lists also help with prioritizing something that needs to be done right away goes on the daily to-do list.”
GIF from “Monsters University.”
8. Prioritize action over accomplishment. Doing the thing.
This one comes from Patty Carnevale, head of revenue at Man Repeller. Measuring your progress in a tangible way can help you feel even more successful, which will then give you the drive to keep going.
9. Reward yourself for your accomplishments no matter how small.
If you’re someone who needs frequent feedback to get the necessary dopamine boost, then you can fake it by sticking a carrot in front of yourself to keep you going. Alysa Auriemma, an English instructor, gives an example: I can read that awesome online fanfic IF I get three papers graded!
GIF from “Parks and Recreation.”
10. Turn the boring parts into a game.
I use a fitness watch which monitors how many steps I take in a day and how many flights of stairs I climb. Its fun to make the numbers go up, says Nalo Hopkinson, an award-winning author. She also reports her daily word count on Twitter, so that people can cheerlead her along.
11. Don’t dread the boring stuff. Just get it done. It’s faster that way.
Focus on the satisfaction that youre going to feel once youve finished the task, instead of on the time itll take to get it done which, lets be honest, is probably less time than you think. (Of course, even though I know this works for me, it’s still easier said than done.)
12. The more you let things pile up, the easier it gets to ignore them.
Find a way to keep it fresh. Im a compulsive inbox zeroer because the longer that little red notification bubble sits there on my phone, the more inclined I am to ignore it. So I mark all my emails as “read,” then use an IFTTT trigger to remind me later of things that actually require a follow-up or my attention.
GIF from “Community.”
13. If things slip your mind, visual cues can help.
You know that mantra, “Out of sight, out of mind?” For people with ADHD, that’s pretty literal to a fault. So it helps to stick things right in our own faces so that we can’t miss them. When I was in college, I taped a postcard to my apartment door with the times I needed to leave by to make it to morning classes on time, says Rebecca Eisenberg, Upworthys senior editor.
14. Work with your brain, not against it.
Do you tend to lose your keys in the bathroom? Then make a new home for them in the bathroom, where youre already inclined to leave them. That way, theyre always there. Don’t fight your instincts. Use their momentum to your advantage. And on that note
15. Embrace your idiosyncrasies and find a way to make them work for you.
Everyones brain is different. A lot of ADHDers need to figure out on our own what works for us, rather than having someone tell us whats the right way to do things. For example: If someone else leaves me a list of instructions or things to do that’s organized by their mind, it only makes me frustrated and confused. I have to create my own to-do lists in my own way even if it does take more time.
GIF from “Adventure Time.”
16. Take a break. Move around. Do a little dance.
Movement helps your brain work better. As tempting as it is to put the emphasis on measurable actions, its just as important to not do things and give yourself a chance to breathe. Sometimes a little distance can give you a lot of new perspective.
I use a portable adjustable standing desk and a pair of bluetooth headphones so that I can basically dance in place and write at the same time. My wife thinks I’m weird, but it works.
17. Know when to call it a day.
Its important to accept when youve reached the point of diminishing returns. Don’t be afraid to give your brain a rest, and come back to it fresh the next day. This’ll save you time in the long run too because the more you power through your exhaustion, the longer it’ll take to recover.
GIF via ilvbunnies/YouTube.
18. Identity your flaws and strengths, and communicate them to others.
“My colleagues know that in exchange for tolerating all the things I do that make me less reliable, they get a guy who can think outside the box, that can create on the fly, that can wear many hats at once,” says Upworthy’s fearless editor-at-large, Adam Mordecai.
“They also know that if they want something from me, I’m far likelier to get it done if they ping me immediately on chat rather than on email. Let your peeps know how to get the most out of you.”
19. Keep your eye on the prize, but forgive yourself and others.
Everyones fighting their own uphill battles, and you’re not going to get anything done if you’re too busy beating yourself up. (Youre not going to help anyone else be more productive if you externalize it and pick on them either.)
GIF from the SAG Awards.
20. Set your goals, but stay flexible.
Maybe you didnt get as much done today as you had hoped, but thats OK. Regroup, come up with a new strategy, and try to figure out what went wrong so you can do it better next time. Which brings me to the last, and perhaps most important, lesson:
21. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.
This is actually a quote from Samuel Beckett, but it also makes for an excellent productivity mantra. The bad parts and failures are inevitable, and youll never overcome them all. But thats OK. Accept it, learn from it, and keep going anyway.
But you do have a brain. So use it. GIF from “The Wizard of Oz.”
ADHDers understand one thing better than most people: Success is not a stationary target.
There’s no “one weird trick” that will actually bring you any closer to success.
Instead, the best we can hope for is to embrace ourselves for all our strengths and weaknesses, and keep finding things to work toward. Perhaps that’s a new business endeavor, 15 simultaneous hobbies, or simply remembering to put your underwear on before your pants.
If that last part is a measurable indication, then for me, today was an extraordinary success.
Read more: http://www.upworthy.com/what-8-successful-adhders-want-you-to-know-about-how-they-get-stuff-done
from https://www.makingthebest.com/2017/04/16/what-8-successful-adhders-want-you-to-know-about-how-they-get-stuff-done/
0 notes
lavendermiilk · 7 years
What 8 successful ADHDers want you to know about how they get stuff done.
Whenever I’m working with my family, friends, or colleagues, they always ask me how I’m able to get so much done.
My answer: “I have ADHD.”
That might sound confusing, but realistically, people with ADHD don’t always have problems with attention at least, not when we’re working on something that excites us. In fact, ADHD often means that we can hyperfocus on awesome things for hours on end, although sometimes that comes at the expense of all the less-thrilling things were supposed to be doing. (Why wash the dishes when you can build a rocket ship out of a cardboard box and a disassembled vacuum cleaner?)
Most people with ADHD have to work 10 times harder to achieve seemingly basic organizational and time management skills skills that other people develop naturally over time. While medication can certainly help, it doesn’t do all the work by itself. As a result, we pay more conscious attention to life hacks, memory tricks, productivity shortcuts and other mental managerial systems … because we have to.
GIF via Checkoofilm/YouTube.
Some say that people with ADHD are much more likely to start their own businesses, perhaps because were built to tackle creative and entrepreneurial challenges.
While other people dont need to learn the same tricks that we do, they can benefit from them. In fact, Id argue that ADHDers have some of the best advice and practices for getting stuff done even if we dont always listen to that advice ourselves.
GIF from “Bruce Almighty.”
Here are 21 productivity tips from people with ADHD that even non-ADHDers can learn from:
1. Habits are things you get for free. So get into ’em.
Even though Im not a natural creature of habit, I always start my day with meds, then a shower, then pants, then breakfast otherwise I know that Im going to forget one of those steps. Habits are essentially self-automation, which means less brainpower spent on the little things.
2. Always have a backup (or two, or three) and know where to find it.
I keep extra cables, chargers, adapters, medicine, and other things in my bag at all times. That way, whether Im going to the grocery store or on vacation, I dont have to worry about keeping my phone charged.
3. Reminders and alerts: love them and use them.
I even have a recurring 2 p.m. notification on my phone that says EAT SOME LUNCH, YOU IDIOT because, erm, I need the reminder more than Id like to admit. (Also: IFTTT triggers to automate actions and sync between apps and accounts make life way easier.)
GIF from “Despicable Me 2.”
4. Keep a calendar, and schedule in the time it takes for you to do things.
If it takes you extra time to keep a calendar or get into the headspace for a meeting? Factor that in when youre planning your day too.
5. Pay attention to the your day’s ups and downs, and use them to your advantage.
Do you get sleepy right after lunch? Then maybe dont dive into that intense project at 1 p.m. Are you better when you answer emails in the morning and get active tasks done later? Then do that. Figure out what works for you, and follow that schedule.
6. Find your rhythm and stick with it.
Even if youre not the slow and steady type, a regular pattern of sprint and rest can still help you reach the finish line. “Sometimes I’ll start counting beats in my head to create a rhythm,” says TV writer/director Hadley Klein. “It sounds crazy but for whatever reason, it helps me think through things in a different way.”
GIF via HIKAKIN/YouTube.
7. Make a list. Check it twice. Then make another list. And another.
Graphic novelist Tyler Page says, I keep one main to-do list on my computer in a Sticky or TextEdit file. Bigger projects get their own lists where they get broken down into smaller and smaller components. The lists also help with prioritizing something that needs to be done right away goes on the daily to-do list.”
GIF from “Monsters University.”
8. Prioritize action over accomplishment. Doing the thing.
This one comes from Patty Carnevale, head of revenue at Man Repeller. Measuring your progress in a tangible way can help you feel even more successful, which will then give you the drive to keep going.
9. Reward yourself for your accomplishments no matter how small.
If you’re someone who needs frequent feedback to get the necessary dopamine boost, then you can fake it by sticking a carrot in front of yourself to keep you going. Alysa Auriemma, an English instructor, gives an example: I can read that awesome online fanfic IF I get three papers graded!
GIF from “Parks and Recreation.”
10. Turn the boring parts into a game.
I use a fitness watch which monitors how many steps I take in a day and how many flights of stairs I climb. Its fun to make the numbers go up, says Nalo Hopkinson, an award-winning author. She also reports her daily word count on Twitter, so that people can cheerlead her along.
11. Don’t dread the boring stuff. Just get it done. It’s faster that way.
Focus on the satisfaction that youre going to feel once youve finished the task, instead of on the time itll take to get it done which, lets be honest, is probably less time than you think. (Of course, even though I know this works for me, it’s still easier said than done.)
12. The more you let things pile up, the easier it gets to ignore them.
Find a way to keep it fresh. Im a compulsive inbox zeroer because the longer that little red notification bubble sits there on my phone, the more inclined I am to ignore it. So I mark all my emails as “read,” then use an IFTTT trigger to remind me later of things that actually require a follow-up or my attention.
GIF from “Community.”
13. If things slip your mind, visual cues can help.
You know that mantra, “Out of sight, out of mind?” For people with ADHD, that’s pretty literal to a fault. So it helps to stick things right in our own faces so that we can’t miss them. When I was in college, I taped a postcard to my apartment door with the times I needed to leave by to make it to morning classes on time, says Rebecca Eisenberg, Upworthys senior editor.
14. Work with your brain, not against it.
Do you tend to lose your keys in the bathroom? Then make a new home for them in the bathroom, where youre already inclined to leave them. That way, theyre always there. Don’t fight your instincts. Use their momentum to your advantage. And on that note
15. Embrace your idiosyncrasies and find a way to make them work for you.
Everyones brain is different. A lot of ADHDers need to figure out on our own what works for us, rather than having someone tell us whats the right way to do things. For example: If someone else leaves me a list of instructions or things to do that’s organized by their mind, it only makes me frustrated and confused. I have to create my own to-do lists in my own way even if it does take more time.
GIF from “Adventure Time.”
16. Take a break. Move around. Do a little dance.
Movement helps your brain work better. As tempting as it is to put the emphasis on measurable actions, its just as important to not do things and give yourself a chance to breathe. Sometimes a little distance can give you a lot of new perspective.
I use a portable adjustable standing desk and a pair of bluetooth headphones so that I can basically dance in place and write at the same time. My wife thinks I’m weird, but it works.
17. Know when to call it a day.
Its important to accept when youve reached the point of diminishing returns. Don’t be afraid to give your brain a rest, and come back to it fresh the next day. This’ll save you time in the long run too because the more you power through your exhaustion, the longer it’ll take to recover.
GIF via ilvbunnies/YouTube.
18. Identity your flaws and strengths, and communicate them to others.
“My colleagues know that in exchange for tolerating all the things I do that make me less reliable, they get a guy who can think outside the box, that can create on the fly, that can wear many hats at once,” says Upworthy’s fearless editor-at-large, Adam Mordecai.
“They also know that if they want something from me, I’m far likelier to get it done if they ping me immediately on chat rather than on email. Let your peeps know how to get the most out of you.”
19. Keep your eye on the prize, but forgive yourself and others.
Everyones fighting their own uphill battles, and you’re not going to get anything done if you’re too busy beating yourself up. (Youre not going to help anyone else be more productive if you externalize it and pick on them either.)
GIF from the SAG Awards.
20. Set your goals, but stay flexible.
Maybe you didnt get as much done today as you had hoped, but thats OK. Regroup, come up with a new strategy, and try to figure out what went wrong so you can do it better next time. Which brings me to the last, and perhaps most important, lesson:
21. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.
This is actually a quote from Samuel Beckett, but it also makes for an excellent productivity mantra. The bad parts and failures are inevitable, and youll never overcome them all. But thats OK. Accept it, learn from it, and keep going anyway.
But you do have a brain. So use it. GIF from “The Wizard of Oz.”
ADHDers understand one thing better than most people: Success is not a stationary target.
There’s no “one weird trick” that will actually bring you any closer to success.
Instead, the best we can hope for is to embrace ourselves for all our strengths and weaknesses, and keep finding things to work toward. Perhaps that’s a new business endeavor, 15 simultaneous hobbies, or simply remembering to put your underwear on before your pants.
If that last part is a measurable indication, then for me, today was an extraordinary success.
Read more: http://www.upworthy.com/what-8-successful-adhders-want-you-to-know-about-how-they-get-stuff-done
from https://www.makingthebest.com/2017/04/16/what-8-successful-adhders-want-you-to-know-about-how-they-get-stuff-done/
0 notes
txny-archxr · 7 years
What 8 successful ADHDers want you to know about how they get stuff done.
Whenever I’m working with my family, friends, or colleagues, they always ask me how I’m able to get so much done.
My answer: “I have ADHD.”
That might sound confusing, but realistically, people with ADHD don’t always have problems with attention at least, not when we’re working on something that excites us. In fact, ADHD often means that we can hyperfocus on awesome things for hours on end, although sometimes that comes at the expense of all the less-thrilling things were supposed to be doing. (Why wash the dishes when you can build a rocket ship out of a cardboard box and a disassembled vacuum cleaner?)
Most people with ADHD have to work 10 times harder to achieve seemingly basic organizational and time management skills skills that other people develop naturally over time. While medication can certainly help, it doesn’t do all the work by itself. As a result, we pay more conscious attention to life hacks, memory tricks, productivity shortcuts and other mental managerial systems … because we have to.
GIF via Checkoofilm/YouTube.
Some say that people with ADHD are much more likely to start their own businesses, perhaps because were built to tackle creative and entrepreneurial challenges.
While other people dont need to learn the same tricks that we do, they can benefit from them. In fact, Id argue that ADHDers have some of the best advice and practices for getting stuff done even if we dont always listen to that advice ourselves.
GIF from “Bruce Almighty.”
Here are 21 productivity tips from people with ADHD that even non-ADHDers can learn from:
1. Habits are things you get for free. So get into ’em.
Even though Im not a natural creature of habit, I always start my day with meds, then a shower, then pants, then breakfast otherwise I know that Im going to forget one of those steps. Habits are essentially self-automation, which means less brainpower spent on the little things.
2. Always have a backup (or two, or three) and know where to find it.
I keep extra cables, chargers, adapters, medicine, and other things in my bag at all times. That way, whether Im going to the grocery store or on vacation, I dont have to worry about keeping my phone charged.
3. Reminders and alerts: love them and use them.
I even have a recurring 2 p.m. notification on my phone that says EAT SOME LUNCH, YOU IDIOT because, erm, I need the reminder more than Id like to admit. (Also: IFTTT triggers to automate actions and sync between apps and accounts make life way easier.)
GIF from “Despicable Me 2.”
4. Keep a calendar, and schedule in the time it takes for you to do things.
If it takes you extra time to keep a calendar or get into the headspace for a meeting? Factor that in when youre planning your day too.
5. Pay attention to the your day’s ups and downs, and use them to your advantage.
Do you get sleepy right after lunch? Then maybe dont dive into that intense project at 1 p.m. Are you better when you answer emails in the morning and get active tasks done later? Then do that. Figure out what works for you, and follow that schedule.
6. Find your rhythm and stick with it.
Even if youre not the slow and steady type, a regular pattern of sprint and rest can still help you reach the finish line. “Sometimes I’ll start counting beats in my head to create a rhythm,” says TV writer/director Hadley Klein. “It sounds crazy but for whatever reason, it helps me think through things in a different way.”
GIF via HIKAKIN/YouTube.
7. Make a list. Check it twice. Then make another list. And another.
Graphic novelist Tyler Page says, I keep one main to-do list on my computer in a Sticky or TextEdit file. Bigger projects get their own lists where they get broken down into smaller and smaller components. The lists also help with prioritizing something that needs to be done right away goes on the daily to-do list.”
GIF from “Monsters University.”
8. Prioritize action over accomplishment. Doing the thing.
This one comes from Patty Carnevale, head of revenue at Man Repeller. Measuring your progress in a tangible way can help you feel even more successful, which will then give you the drive to keep going.
9. Reward yourself for your accomplishments no matter how small.
If you’re someone who needs frequent feedback to get the necessary dopamine boost, then you can fake it by sticking a carrot in front of yourself to keep you going. Alysa Auriemma, an English instructor, gives an example: I can read that awesome online fanfic IF I get three papers graded!
GIF from “Parks and Recreation.”
10. Turn the boring parts into a game.
I use a fitness watch which monitors how many steps I take in a day and how many flights of stairs I climb. Its fun to make the numbers go up, says Nalo Hopkinson, an award-winning author. She also reports her daily word count on Twitter, so that people can cheerlead her along.
11. Don’t dread the boring stuff. Just get it done. It’s faster that way.
Focus on the satisfaction that youre going to feel once youve finished the task, instead of on the time itll take to get it done which, lets be honest, is probably less time than you think. (Of course, even though I know this works for me, it’s still easier said than done.)
12. The more you let things pile up, the easier it gets to ignore them.
Find a way to keep it fresh. Im a compulsive inbox zeroer because the longer that little red notification bubble sits there on my phone, the more inclined I am to ignore it. So I mark all my emails as “read,” then use an IFTTT trigger to remind me later of things that actually require a follow-up or my attention.
GIF from “Community.”
13. If things slip your mind, visual cues can help.
You know that mantra, “Out of sight, out of mind?” For people with ADHD, that’s pretty literal to a fault. So it helps to stick things right in our own faces so that we can’t miss them. When I was in college, I taped a postcard to my apartment door with the times I needed to leave by to make it to morning classes on time, says Rebecca Eisenberg, Upworthys senior editor.
14. Work with your brain, not against it.
Do you tend to lose your keys in the bathroom? Then make a new home for them in the bathroom, where youre already inclined to leave them. That way, theyre always there. Don’t fight your instincts. Use their momentum to your advantage. And on that note
15. Embrace your idiosyncrasies and find a way to make them work for you.
Everyones brain is different. A lot of ADHDers need to figure out on our own what works for us, rather than having someone tell us whats the right way to do things. For example: If someone else leaves me a list of instructions or things to do that’s organized by their mind, it only makes me frustrated and confused. I have to create my own to-do lists in my own way even if it does take more time.
GIF from “Adventure Time.”
16. Take a break. Move around. Do a little dance.
Movement helps your brain work better. As tempting as it is to put the emphasis on measurable actions, its just as important to not do things and give yourself a chance to breathe. Sometimes a little distance can give you a lot of new perspective.
I use a portable adjustable standing desk and a pair of bluetooth headphones so that I can basically dance in place and write at the same time. My wife thinks I’m weird, but it works.
17. Know when to call it a day.
Its important to accept when youve reached the point of diminishing returns. Don’t be afraid to give your brain a rest, and come back to it fresh the next day. This’ll save you time in the long run too because the more you power through your exhaustion, the longer it’ll take to recover.
GIF via ilvbunnies/YouTube.
18. Identity your flaws and strengths, and communicate them to others.
“My colleagues know that in exchange for tolerating all the things I do that make me less reliable, they get a guy who can think outside the box, that can create on the fly, that can wear many hats at once,” says Upworthy’s fearless editor-at-large, Adam Mordecai.
“They also know that if they want something from me, I’m far likelier to get it done if they ping me immediately on chat rather than on email. Let your peeps know how to get the most out of you.”
19. Keep your eye on the prize, but forgive yourself and others.
Everyones fighting their own uphill battles, and you’re not going to get anything done if you’re too busy beating yourself up. (Youre not going to help anyone else be more productive if you externalize it and pick on them either.)
GIF from the SAG Awards.
20. Set your goals, but stay flexible.
Maybe you didnt get as much done today as you had hoped, but thats OK. Regroup, come up with a new strategy, and try to figure out what went wrong so you can do it better next time. Which brings me to the last, and perhaps most important, lesson:
21. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.
This is actually a quote from Samuel Beckett, but it also makes for an excellent productivity mantra. The bad parts and failures are inevitable, and youll never overcome them all. But thats OK. Accept it, learn from it, and keep going anyway.
But you do have a brain. So use it. GIF from “The Wizard of Oz.”
ADHDers understand one thing better than most people: Success is not a stationary target.
There’s no “one weird trick” that will actually bring you any closer to success.
Instead, the best we can hope for is to embrace ourselves for all our strengths and weaknesses, and keep finding things to work toward. Perhaps that’s a new business endeavor, 15 simultaneous hobbies, or simply remembering to put your underwear on before your pants.
If that last part is a measurable indication, then for me, today was an extraordinary success.
Read more: http://www.upworthy.com/what-8-successful-adhders-want-you-to-know-about-how-they-get-stuff-done
from https://www.makingthebest.com/2017/04/16/what-8-successful-adhders-want-you-to-know-about-how-they-get-stuff-done/
0 notes
nepaca · 7 years
What 8 successful ADHDers want you to know about how they get stuff done.
Whenever I’m working with my family, friends, or colleagues, they always ask me how I’m able to get so much done.
My answer: “I have ADHD.”
That might sound confusing, but realistically, people with ADHD don’t always have problems with attention at least, not when we’re working on something that excites us. In fact, ADHD often means that we can hyperfocus on awesome things for hours on end, although sometimes that comes at the expense of all the less-thrilling things were supposed to be doing. (Why wash the dishes when you can build a rocket ship out of a cardboard box and a disassembled vacuum cleaner?)
Most people with ADHD have to work 10 times harder to achieve seemingly basic organizational and time management skills skills that other people develop naturally over time. While medication can certainly help, it doesn’t do all the work by itself. As a result, we pay more conscious attention to life hacks, memory tricks, productivity shortcuts and other mental managerial systems … because we have to.
GIF via Checkoofilm/YouTube.
Some say that people with ADHD are much more likely to start their own businesses, perhaps because were built to tackle creative and entrepreneurial challenges.
While other people dont need to learn the same tricks that we do, they can benefit from them. In fact, Id argue that ADHDers have some of the best advice and practices for getting stuff done even if we dont always listen to that advice ourselves.
GIF from “Bruce Almighty.”
Here are 21 productivity tips from people with ADHD that even non-ADHDers can learn from:
1. Habits are things you get for free. So get into ’em.
Even though Im not a natural creature of habit, I always start my day with meds, then a shower, then pants, then breakfast otherwise I know that Im going to forget one of those steps. Habits are essentially self-automation, which means less brainpower spent on the little things.
2. Always have a backup (or two, or three) and know where to find it.
I keep extra cables, chargers, adapters, medicine, and other things in my bag at all times. That way, whether Im going to the grocery store or on vacation, I dont have to worry about keeping my phone charged.
3. Reminders and alerts: love them and use them.
I even have a recurring 2 p.m. notification on my phone that says EAT SOME LUNCH, YOU IDIOT because, erm, I need the reminder more than Id like to admit. (Also: IFTTT triggers to automate actions and sync between apps and accounts make life way easier.)
GIF from “Despicable Me 2.”
4. Keep a calendar, and schedule in the time it takes for you to do things.
If it takes you extra time to keep a calendar or get into the headspace for a meeting? Factor that in when youre planning your day too.
5. Pay attention to the your day’s ups and downs, and use them to your advantage.
Do you get sleepy right after lunch? Then maybe dont dive into that intense project at 1 p.m. Are you better when you answer emails in the morning and get active tasks done later? Then do that. Figure out what works for you, and follow that schedule.
6. Find your rhythm and stick with it.
Even if youre not the slow and steady type, a regular pattern of sprint and rest can still help you reach the finish line. “Sometimes I’ll start counting beats in my head to create a rhythm,” says TV writer/director Hadley Klein. “It sounds crazy but for whatever reason, it helps me think through things in a different way.”
GIF via HIKAKIN/YouTube.
7. Make a list. Check it twice. Then make another list. And another.
Graphic novelist Tyler Page says, I keep one main to-do list on my computer in a Sticky or TextEdit file. Bigger projects get their own lists where they get broken down into smaller and smaller components. The lists also help with prioritizing something that needs to be done right away goes on the daily to-do list.”
GIF from “Monsters University.”
8. Prioritize action over accomplishment. Doing the thing.
This one comes from Patty Carnevale, head of revenue at Man Repeller. Measuring your progress in a tangible way can help you feel even more successful, which will then give you the drive to keep going.
9. Reward yourself for your accomplishments no matter how small.
If you’re someone who needs frequent feedback to get the necessary dopamine boost, then you can fake it by sticking a carrot in front of yourself to keep you going. Alysa Auriemma, an English instructor, gives an example: I can read that awesome online fanfic IF I get three papers graded!
GIF from “Parks and Recreation.”
10. Turn the boring parts into a game.
I use a fitness watch which monitors how many steps I take in a day and how many flights of stairs I climb. Its fun to make the numbers go up, says Nalo Hopkinson, an award-winning author. She also reports her daily word count on Twitter, so that people can cheerlead her along.
11. Don’t dread the boring stuff. Just get it done. It’s faster that way.
Focus on the satisfaction that youre going to feel once youve finished the task, instead of on the time itll take to get it done which, lets be honest, is probably less time than you think. (Of course, even though I know this works for me, it’s still easier said than done.)
12. The more you let things pile up, the easier it gets to ignore them.
Find a way to keep it fresh. Im a compulsive inbox zeroer because the longer that little red notification bubble sits there on my phone, the more inclined I am to ignore it. So I mark all my emails as “read,” then use an IFTTT trigger to remind me later of things that actually require a follow-up or my attention.
GIF from “Community.”
13. If things slip your mind, visual cues can help.
You know that mantra, “Out of sight, out of mind?” For people with ADHD, that’s pretty literal to a fault. So it helps to stick things right in our own faces so that we can’t miss them. When I was in college, I taped a postcard to my apartment door with the times I needed to leave by to make it to morning classes on time, says Rebecca Eisenberg, Upworthys senior editor.
14. Work with your brain, not against it.
Do you tend to lose your keys in the bathroom? Then make a new home for them in the bathroom, where youre already inclined to leave them. That way, theyre always there. Don’t fight your instincts. Use their momentum to your advantage. And on that note
15. Embrace your idiosyncrasies and find a way to make them work for you.
Everyones brain is different. A lot of ADHDers need to figure out on our own what works for us, rather than having someone tell us whats the right way to do things. For example: If someone else leaves me a list of instructions or things to do that’s organized by their mind, it only makes me frustrated and confused. I have to create my own to-do lists in my own way even if it does take more time.
GIF from “Adventure Time.”
16. Take a break. Move around. Do a little dance.
Movement helps your brain work better. As tempting as it is to put the emphasis on measurable actions, its just as important to not do things and give yourself a chance to breathe. Sometimes a little distance can give you a lot of new perspective.
I use a portable adjustable standing desk and a pair of bluetooth headphones so that I can basically dance in place and write at the same time. My wife thinks I’m weird, but it works.
17. Know when to call it a day.
Its important to accept when youve reached the point of diminishing returns. Don’t be afraid to give your brain a rest, and come back to it fresh the next day. This’ll save you time in the long run too because the more you power through your exhaustion, the longer it’ll take to recover.
GIF via ilvbunnies/YouTube.
18. Identity your flaws and strengths, and communicate them to others.
“My colleagues know that in exchange for tolerating all the things I do that make me less reliable, they get a guy who can think outside the box, that can create on the fly, that can wear many hats at once,” says Upworthy’s fearless editor-at-large, Adam Mordecai.
“They also know that if they want something from me, I’m far likelier to get it done if they ping me immediately on chat rather than on email. Let your peeps know how to get the most out of you.”
19. Keep your eye on the prize, but forgive yourself and others.
Everyones fighting their own uphill battles, and you’re not going to get anything done if you’re too busy beating yourself up. (Youre not going to help anyone else be more productive if you externalize it and pick on them either.)
GIF from the SAG Awards.
20. Set your goals, but stay flexible.
Maybe you didnt get as much done today as you had hoped, but thats OK. Regroup, come up with a new strategy, and try to figure out what went wrong so you can do it better next time. Which brings me to the last, and perhaps most important, lesson:
21. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.
This is actually a quote from Samuel Beckett, but it also makes for an excellent productivity mantra. The bad parts and failures are inevitable, and youll never overcome them all. But thats OK. Accept it, learn from it, and keep going anyway.
But you do have a brain. So use it. GIF from “The Wizard of Oz.”
ADHDers understand one thing better than most people: Success is not a stationary target.
There’s no “one weird trick” that will actually bring you any closer to success.
Instead, the best we can hope for is to embrace ourselves for all our strengths and weaknesses, and keep finding things to work toward. Perhaps that’s a new business endeavor, 15 simultaneous hobbies, or simply remembering to put your underwear on before your pants.
If that last part is a measurable indication, then for me, today was an extraordinary success.
Read more: http://www.upworthy.com/what-8-successful-adhders-want-you-to-know-about-how-they-get-stuff-done
from https://www.makingthebest.com/2017/04/16/what-8-successful-adhders-want-you-to-know-about-how-they-get-stuff-done/
0 notes
saintofsunflowers · 7 years
What 8 successful ADHDers want you to know about how they get stuff done.
Whenever I’m working with my family, friends, or colleagues, they always ask me how I’m able to get so much done.
My answer: “I have ADHD.”
That might sound confusing, but realistically, people with ADHD don’t always have problems with attention at least, not when we’re working on something that excites us. In fact, ADHD often means that we can hyperfocus on awesome things for hours on end, although sometimes that comes at the expense of all the less-thrilling things were supposed to be doing. (Why wash the dishes when you can build a rocket ship out of a cardboard box and a disassembled vacuum cleaner?)
Most people with ADHD have to work 10 times harder to achieve seemingly basic organizational and time management skills skills that other people develop naturally over time. While medication can certainly help, it doesn’t do all the work by itself. As a result, we pay more conscious attention to life hacks, memory tricks, productivity shortcuts and other mental managerial systems … because we have to.
GIF via Checkoofilm/YouTube.
Some say that people with ADHD are much more likely to start their own businesses, perhaps because were built to tackle creative and entrepreneurial challenges.
While other people dont need to learn the same tricks that we do, they can benefit from them. In fact, Id argue that ADHDers have some of the best advice and practices for getting stuff done even if we dont always listen to that advice ourselves.
GIF from “Bruce Almighty.”
Here are 21 productivity tips from people with ADHD that even non-ADHDers can learn from:
1. Habits are things you get for free. So get into ’em.
Even though Im not a natural creature of habit, I always start my day with meds, then a shower, then pants, then breakfast otherwise I know that Im going to forget one of those steps. Habits are essentially self-automation, which means less brainpower spent on the little things.
2. Always have a backup (or two, or three) and know where to find it.
I keep extra cables, chargers, adapters, medicine, and other things in my bag at all times. That way, whether Im going to the grocery store or on vacation, I dont have to worry about keeping my phone charged.
3. Reminders and alerts: love them and use them.
I even have a recurring 2 p.m. notification on my phone that says EAT SOME LUNCH, YOU IDIOT because, erm, I need the reminder more than Id like to admit. (Also: IFTTT triggers to automate actions and sync between apps and accounts make life way easier.)
GIF from “Despicable Me 2.”
4. Keep a calendar, and schedule in the time it takes for you to do things.
If it takes you extra time to keep a calendar or get into the headspace for a meeting? Factor that in when youre planning your day too.
5. Pay attention to the your day’s ups and downs, and use them to your advantage.
Do you get sleepy right after lunch? Then maybe dont dive into that intense project at 1 p.m. Are you better when you answer emails in the morning and get active tasks done later? Then do that. Figure out what works for you, and follow that schedule.
6. Find your rhythm and stick with it.
Even if youre not the slow and steady type, a regular pattern of sprint and rest can still help you reach the finish line. “Sometimes I’ll start counting beats in my head to create a rhythm,” says TV writer/director Hadley Klein. “It sounds crazy but for whatever reason, it helps me think through things in a different way.”
GIF via HIKAKIN/YouTube.
7. Make a list. Check it twice. Then make another list. And another.
Graphic novelist Tyler Page says, I keep one main to-do list on my computer in a Sticky or TextEdit file. Bigger projects get their own lists where they get broken down into smaller and smaller components. The lists also help with prioritizing something that needs to be done right away goes on the daily to-do list.”
GIF from “Monsters University.”
8. Prioritize action over accomplishment. Doing the thing.
This one comes from Patty Carnevale, head of revenue at Man Repeller. Measuring your progress in a tangible way can help you feel even more successful, which will then give you the drive to keep going.
9. Reward yourself for your accomplishments no matter how small.
If you’re someone who needs frequent feedback to get the necessary dopamine boost, then you can fake it by sticking a carrot in front of yourself to keep you going. Alysa Auriemma, an English instructor, gives an example: I can read that awesome online fanfic IF I get three papers graded!
GIF from “Parks and Recreation.”
10. Turn the boring parts into a game.
I use a fitness watch which monitors how many steps I take in a day and how many flights of stairs I climb. Its fun to make the numbers go up, says Nalo Hopkinson, an award-winning author. She also reports her daily word count on Twitter, so that people can cheerlead her along.
11. Don’t dread the boring stuff. Just get it done. It’s faster that way.
Focus on the satisfaction that youre going to feel once youve finished the task, instead of on the time itll take to get it done which, lets be honest, is probably less time than you think. (Of course, even though I know this works for me, it’s still easier said than done.)
12. The more you let things pile up, the easier it gets to ignore them.
Find a way to keep it fresh. Im a compulsive inbox zeroer because the longer that little red notification bubble sits there on my phone, the more inclined I am to ignore it. So I mark all my emails as “read,” then use an IFTTT trigger to remind me later of things that actually require a follow-up or my attention.
GIF from “Community.”
13. If things slip your mind, visual cues can help.
You know that mantra, “Out of sight, out of mind?” For people with ADHD, that’s pretty literal to a fault. So it helps to stick things right in our own faces so that we can’t miss them. When I was in college, I taped a postcard to my apartment door with the times I needed to leave by to make it to morning classes on time, says Rebecca Eisenberg, Upworthys senior editor.
14. Work with your brain, not against it.
Do you tend to lose your keys in the bathroom? Then make a new home for them in the bathroom, where youre already inclined to leave them. That way, theyre always there. Don’t fight your instincts. Use their momentum to your advantage. And on that note
15. Embrace your idiosyncrasies and find a way to make them work for you.
Everyones brain is different. A lot of ADHDers need to figure out on our own what works for us, rather than having someone tell us whats the right way to do things. For example: If someone else leaves me a list of instructions or things to do that’s organized by their mind, it only makes me frustrated and confused. I have to create my own to-do lists in my own way even if it does take more time.
GIF from “Adventure Time.”
16. Take a break. Move around. Do a little dance.
Movement helps your brain work better. As tempting as it is to put the emphasis on measurable actions, its just as important to not do things and give yourself a chance to breathe. Sometimes a little distance can give you a lot of new perspective.
I use a portable adjustable standing desk and a pair of bluetooth headphones so that I can basically dance in place and write at the same time. My wife thinks I’m weird, but it works.
17. Know when to call it a day.
Its important to accept when youve reached the point of diminishing returns. Don’t be afraid to give your brain a rest, and come back to it fresh the next day. This’ll save you time in the long run too because the more you power through your exhaustion, the longer it’ll take to recover.
GIF via ilvbunnies/YouTube.
18. Identity your flaws and strengths, and communicate them to others.
“My colleagues know that in exchange for tolerating all the things I do that make me less reliable, they get a guy who can think outside the box, that can create on the fly, that can wear many hats at once,” says Upworthy’s fearless editor-at-large, Adam Mordecai.
“They also know that if they want something from me, I’m far likelier to get it done if they ping me immediately on chat rather than on email. Let your peeps know how to get the most out of you.”
19. Keep your eye on the prize, but forgive yourself and others.
Everyones fighting their own uphill battles, and you’re not going to get anything done if you’re too busy beating yourself up. (Youre not going to help anyone else be more productive if you externalize it and pick on them either.)
GIF from the SAG Awards.
20. Set your goals, but stay flexible.
Maybe you didnt get as much done today as you had hoped, but thats OK. Regroup, come up with a new strategy, and try to figure out what went wrong so you can do it better next time. Which brings me to the last, and perhaps most important, lesson:
21. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.
This is actually a quote from Samuel Beckett, but it also makes for an excellent productivity mantra. The bad parts and failures are inevitable, and youll never overcome them all. But thats OK. Accept it, learn from it, and keep going anyway.
But you do have a brain. So use it. GIF from “The Wizard of Oz.”
ADHDers understand one thing better than most people: Success is not a stationary target.
There’s no “one weird trick” that will actually bring you any closer to success.
Instead, the best we can hope for is to embrace ourselves for all our strengths and weaknesses, and keep finding things to work toward. Perhaps that’s a new business endeavor, 15 simultaneous hobbies, or simply remembering to put your underwear on before your pants.
If that last part is a measurable indication, then for me, today was an extraordinary success.
Read more: http://www.upworthy.com/what-8-successful-adhders-want-you-to-know-about-how-they-get-stuff-done
from https://www.makingthebest.com/2017/04/16/what-8-successful-adhders-want-you-to-know-about-how-they-get-stuff-done/
0 notes
danda202 · 7 years
What 8 successful ADHDers want you to know about how they get stuff done.
Whenever I’m working with my family, friends, or colleagues, they always ask me how I’m able to get so much done.
My answer: “I have ADHD.”
That might sound confusing, but realistically, people with ADHD don’t always have problems with attention at least, not when we’re working on something that excites us. In fact, ADHD often means that we can hyperfocus on awesome things for hours on end, although sometimes that comes at the expense of all the less-thrilling things were supposed to be doing. (Why wash the dishes when you can build a rocket ship out of a cardboard box and a disassembled vacuum cleaner?)
Most people with ADHD have to work 10 times harder to achieve seemingly basic organizational and time management skills skills that other people develop naturally over time. While medication can certainly help, it doesn’t do all the work by itself. As a result, we pay more conscious attention to life hacks, memory tricks, productivity shortcuts and other mental managerial systems … because we have to.
GIF via Checkoofilm/YouTube.
Some say that people with ADHD are much more likely to start their own businesses, perhaps because were built to tackle creative and entrepreneurial challenges.
While other people dont need to learn the same tricks that we do, they can benefit from them. In fact, Id argue that ADHDers have some of the best advice and practices for getting stuff done even if we dont always listen to that advice ourselves.
GIF from “Bruce Almighty.”
Here are 21 productivity tips from people with ADHD that even non-ADHDers can learn from:
1. Habits are things you get for free. So get into ’em.
Even though Im not a natural creature of habit, I always start my day with meds, then a shower, then pants, then breakfast otherwise I know that Im going to forget one of those steps. Habits are essentially self-automation, which means less brainpower spent on the little things.
2. Always have a backup (or two, or three) and know where to find it.
I keep extra cables, chargers, adapters, medicine, and other things in my bag at all times. That way, whether Im going to the grocery store or on vacation, I dont have to worry about keeping my phone charged.
3. Reminders and alerts: love them and use them.
I even have a recurring 2 p.m. notification on my phone that says EAT SOME LUNCH, YOU IDIOT because, erm, I need the reminder more than Id like to admit. (Also: IFTTT triggers to automate actions and sync between apps and accounts make life way easier.)
GIF from “Despicable Me 2.”
4. Keep a calendar, and schedule in the time it takes for you to do things.
If it takes you extra time to keep a calendar or get into the headspace for a meeting? Factor that in when youre planning your day too.
5. Pay attention to the your day’s ups and downs, and use them to your advantage.
Do you get sleepy right after lunch? Then maybe dont dive into that intense project at 1 p.m. Are you better when you answer emails in the morning and get active tasks done later? Then do that. Figure out what works for you, and follow that schedule.
6. Find your rhythm and stick with it.
Even if youre not the slow and steady type, a regular pattern of sprint and rest can still help you reach the finish line. “Sometimes I’ll start counting beats in my head to create a rhythm,” says TV writer/director Hadley Klein. “It sounds crazy but for whatever reason, it helps me think through things in a different way.”
GIF via HIKAKIN/YouTube.
7. Make a list. Check it twice. Then make another list. And another.
Graphic novelist Tyler Page says, I keep one main to-do list on my computer in a Sticky or TextEdit file. Bigger projects get their own lists where they get broken down into smaller and smaller components. The lists also help with prioritizing something that needs to be done right away goes on the daily to-do list.”
GIF from “Monsters University.”
8. Prioritize action over accomplishment. Doing the thing.
This one comes from Patty Carnevale, head of revenue at Man Repeller. Measuring your progress in a tangible way can help you feel even more successful, which will then give you the drive to keep going.
9. Reward yourself for your accomplishments no matter how small.
If you’re someone who needs frequent feedback to get the necessary dopamine boost, then you can fake it by sticking a carrot in front of yourself to keep you going. Alysa Auriemma, an English instructor, gives an example: I can read that awesome online fanfic IF I get three papers graded!
GIF from “Parks and Recreation.”
10. Turn the boring parts into a game.
I use a fitness watch which monitors how many steps I take in a day and how many flights of stairs I climb. Its fun to make the numbers go up, says Nalo Hopkinson, an award-winning author. She also reports her daily word count on Twitter, so that people can cheerlead her along.
11. Don’t dread the boring stuff. Just get it done. It’s faster that way.
Focus on the satisfaction that youre going to feel once youve finished the task, instead of on the time itll take to get it done which, lets be honest, is probably less time than you think. (Of course, even though I know this works for me, it’s still easier said than done.)
12. The more you let things pile up, the easier it gets to ignore them.
Find a way to keep it fresh. Im a compulsive inbox zeroer because the longer that little red notification bubble sits there on my phone, the more inclined I am to ignore it. So I mark all my emails as “read,” then use an IFTTT trigger to remind me later of things that actually require a follow-up or my attention.
GIF from “Community.”
13. If things slip your mind, visual cues can help.
You know that mantra, “Out of sight, out of mind?” For people with ADHD, that’s pretty literal to a fault. So it helps to stick things right in our own faces so that we can’t miss them. When I was in college, I taped a postcard to my apartment door with the times I needed to leave by to make it to morning classes on time, says Rebecca Eisenberg, Upworthys senior editor.
14. Work with your brain, not against it.
Do you tend to lose your keys in the bathroom? Then make a new home for them in the bathroom, where youre already inclined to leave them. That way, theyre always there. Don’t fight your instincts. Use their momentum to your advantage. And on that note
15. Embrace your idiosyncrasies and find a way to make them work for you.
Everyones brain is different. A lot of ADHDers need to figure out on our own what works for us, rather than having someone tell us whats the right way to do things. For example: If someone else leaves me a list of instructions or things to do that’s organized by their mind, it only makes me frustrated and confused. I have to create my own to-do lists in my own way even if it does take more time.
GIF from “Adventure Time.”
16. Take a break. Move around. Do a little dance.
Movement helps your brain work better. As tempting as it is to put the emphasis on measurable actions, its just as important to not do things and give yourself a chance to breathe. Sometimes a little distance can give you a lot of new perspective.
I use a portable adjustable standing desk and a pair of bluetooth headphones so that I can basically dance in place and write at the same time. My wife thinks I’m weird, but it works.
17. Know when to call it a day.
Its important to accept when youve reached the point of diminishing returns. Don’t be afraid to give your brain a rest, and come back to it fresh the next day. This’ll save you time in the long run too because the more you power through your exhaustion, the longer it’ll take to recover.
GIF via ilvbunnies/YouTube.
18. Identity your flaws and strengths, and communicate them to others.
“My colleagues know that in exchange for tolerating all the things I do that make me less reliable, they get a guy who can think outside the box, that can create on the fly, that can wear many hats at once,” says Upworthy’s fearless editor-at-large, Adam Mordecai.
“They also know that if they want something from me, I’m far likelier to get it done if they ping me immediately on chat rather than on email. Let your peeps know how to get the most out of you.”
19. Keep your eye on the prize, but forgive yourself and others.
Everyones fighting their own uphill battles, and you’re not going to get anything done if you’re too busy beating yourself up. (Youre not going to help anyone else be more productive if you externalize it and pick on them either.)
GIF from the SAG Awards.
20. Set your goals, but stay flexible.
Maybe you didnt get as much done today as you had hoped, but thats OK. Regroup, come up with a new strategy, and try to figure out what went wrong so you can do it better next time. Which brings me to the last, and perhaps most important, lesson:
21. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.
This is actually a quote from Samuel Beckett, but it also makes for an excellent productivity mantra. The bad parts and failures are inevitable, and youll never overcome them all. But thats OK. Accept it, learn from it, and keep going anyway.
But you do have a brain. So use it. GIF from “The Wizard of Oz.”
ADHDers understand one thing better than most people: Success is not a stationary target.
There’s no “one weird trick” that will actually bring you any closer to success.
Instead, the best we can hope for is to embrace ourselves for all our strengths and weaknesses, and keep finding things to work toward. Perhaps that’s a new business endeavor, 15 simultaneous hobbies, or simply remembering to put your underwear on before your pants.
If that last part is a measurable indication, then for me, today was an extraordinary success.
Read more: http://www.upworthy.com/what-8-successful-adhders-want-you-to-know-about-how-they-get-stuff-done
from https://www.makingthebest.com/2017/04/16/what-8-successful-adhders-want-you-to-know-about-how-they-get-stuff-done/
0 notes
professorsudowoodo · 7 years
What 8 successful ADHDers want you to know about how they get stuff done.
Whenever I’m working with my family, friends, or colleagues, they always ask me how I’m able to get so much done.
My answer: “I have ADHD.”
That might sound confusing, but realistically, people with ADHD don’t always have problems with attention at least, not when we’re working on something that excites us. In fact, ADHD often means that we can hyperfocus on awesome things for hours on end, although sometimes that comes at the expense of all the less-thrilling things were supposed to be doing. (Why wash the dishes when you can build a rocket ship out of a cardboard box and a disassembled vacuum cleaner?)
Most people with ADHD have to work 10 times harder to achieve seemingly basic organizational and time management skills skills that other people develop naturally over time. While medication can certainly help, it doesn’t do all the work by itself. As a result, we pay more conscious attention to life hacks, memory tricks, productivity shortcuts and other mental managerial systems … because we have to.
GIF via Checkoofilm/YouTube.
Some say that people with ADHD are much more likely to start their own businesses, perhaps because were built to tackle creative and entrepreneurial challenges.
While other people dont need to learn the same tricks that we do, they can benefit from them. In fact, Id argue that ADHDers have some of the best advice and practices for getting stuff done even if we dont always listen to that advice ourselves.
GIF from “Bruce Almighty.”
Here are 21 productivity tips from people with ADHD that even non-ADHDers can learn from:
1. Habits are things you get for free. So get into ’em.
Even though Im not a natural creature of habit, I always start my day with meds, then a shower, then pants, then breakfast otherwise I know that Im going to forget one of those steps. Habits are essentially self-automation, which means less brainpower spent on the little things.
2. Always have a backup (or two, or three) and know where to find it.
I keep extra cables, chargers, adapters, medicine, and other things in my bag at all times. That way, whether Im going to the grocery store or on vacation, I dont have to worry about keeping my phone charged.
3. Reminders and alerts: love them and use them.
I even have a recurring 2 p.m. notification on my phone that says EAT SOME LUNCH, YOU IDIOT because, erm, I need the reminder more than Id like to admit. (Also: IFTTT triggers to automate actions and sync between apps and accounts make life way easier.)
GIF from “Despicable Me 2.”
4. Keep a calendar, and schedule in the time it takes for you to do things.
If it takes you extra time to keep a calendar or get into the headspace for a meeting? Factor that in when youre planning your day too.
5. Pay attention to the your day’s ups and downs, and use them to your advantage.
Do you get sleepy right after lunch? Then maybe dont dive into that intense project at 1 p.m. Are you better when you answer emails in the morning and get active tasks done later? Then do that. Figure out what works for you, and follow that schedule.
6. Find your rhythm and stick with it.
Even if youre not the slow and steady type, a regular pattern of sprint and rest can still help you reach the finish line. “Sometimes I’ll start counting beats in my head to create a rhythm,” says TV writer/director Hadley Klein. “It sounds crazy but for whatever reason, it helps me think through things in a different way.”
GIF via HIKAKIN/YouTube.
7. Make a list. Check it twice. Then make another list. And another.
Graphic novelist Tyler Page says, I keep one main to-do list on my computer in a Sticky or TextEdit file. Bigger projects get their own lists where they get broken down into smaller and smaller components. The lists also help with prioritizing something that needs to be done right away goes on the daily to-do list.”
GIF from “Monsters University.”
8. Prioritize action over accomplishment. Doing the thing.
This one comes from Patty Carnevale, head of revenue at Man Repeller. Measuring your progress in a tangible way can help you feel even more successful, which will then give you the drive to keep going.
9. Reward yourself for your accomplishments no matter how small.
If you’re someone who needs frequent feedback to get the necessary dopamine boost, then you can fake it by sticking a carrot in front of yourself to keep you going. Alysa Auriemma, an English instructor, gives an example: I can read that awesome online fanfic IF I get three papers graded!
GIF from “Parks and Recreation.”
10. Turn the boring parts into a game.
I use a fitness watch which monitors how many steps I take in a day and how many flights of stairs I climb. Its fun to make the numbers go up, says Nalo Hopkinson, an award-winning author. She also reports her daily word count on Twitter, so that people can cheerlead her along.
11. Don’t dread the boring stuff. Just get it done. It’s faster that way.
Focus on the satisfaction that youre going to feel once youve finished the task, instead of on the time itll take to get it done which, lets be honest, is probably less time than you think. (Of course, even though I know this works for me, it’s still easier said than done.)
12. The more you let things pile up, the easier it gets to ignore them.
Find a way to keep it fresh. Im a compulsive inbox zeroer because the longer that little red notification bubble sits there on my phone, the more inclined I am to ignore it. So I mark all my emails as “read,” then use an IFTTT trigger to remind me later of things that actually require a follow-up or my attention.
GIF from “Community.”
13. If things slip your mind, visual cues can help.
You know that mantra, “Out of sight, out of mind?” For people with ADHD, that’s pretty literal to a fault. So it helps to stick things right in our own faces so that we can’t miss them. When I was in college, I taped a postcard to my apartment door with the times I needed to leave by to make it to morning classes on time, says Rebecca Eisenberg, Upworthys senior editor.
14. Work with your brain, not against it.
Do you tend to lose your keys in the bathroom? Then make a new home for them in the bathroom, where youre already inclined to leave them. That way, theyre always there. Don’t fight your instincts. Use their momentum to your advantage. And on that note
15. Embrace your idiosyncrasies and find a way to make them work for you.
Everyones brain is different. A lot of ADHDers need to figure out on our own what works for us, rather than having someone tell us whats the right way to do things. For example: If someone else leaves me a list of instructions or things to do that’s organized by their mind, it only makes me frustrated and confused. I have to create my own to-do lists in my own way even if it does take more time.
GIF from “Adventure Time.”
16. Take a break. Move around. Do a little dance.
Movement helps your brain work better. As tempting as it is to put the emphasis on measurable actions, its just as important to not do things and give yourself a chance to breathe. Sometimes a little distance can give you a lot of new perspective.
I use a portable adjustable standing desk and a pair of bluetooth headphones so that I can basically dance in place and write at the same time. My wife thinks I’m weird, but it works.
17. Know when to call it a day.
Its important to accept when youve reached the point of diminishing returns. Don’t be afraid to give your brain a rest, and come back to it fresh the next day. This’ll save you time in the long run too because the more you power through your exhaustion, the longer it’ll take to recover.
GIF via ilvbunnies/YouTube.
18. Identity your flaws and strengths, and communicate them to others.
“My colleagues know that in exchange for tolerating all the things I do that make me less reliable, they get a guy who can think outside the box, that can create on the fly, that can wear many hats at once,” says Upworthy’s fearless editor-at-large, Adam Mordecai.
“They also know that if they want something from me, I’m far likelier to get it done if they ping me immediately on chat rather than on email. Let your peeps know how to get the most out of you.”
19. Keep your eye on the prize, but forgive yourself and others.
Everyones fighting their own uphill battles, and you’re not going to get anything done if you’re too busy beating yourself up. (Youre not going to help anyone else be more productive if you externalize it and pick on them either.)
GIF from the SAG Awards.
20. Set your goals, but stay flexible.
Maybe you didnt get as much done today as you had hoped, but thats OK. Regroup, come up with a new strategy, and try to figure out what went wrong so you can do it better next time. Which brings me to the last, and perhaps most important, lesson:
21. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.
This is actually a quote from Samuel Beckett, but it also makes for an excellent productivity mantra. The bad parts and failures are inevitable, and youll never overcome them all. But thats OK. Accept it, learn from it, and keep going anyway.
But you do have a brain. So use it. GIF from “The Wizard of Oz.”
ADHDers understand one thing better than most people: Success is not a stationary target.
There’s no “one weird trick” that will actually bring you any closer to success.
Instead, the best we can hope for is to embrace ourselves for all our strengths and weaknesses, and keep finding things to work toward. Perhaps that’s a new business endeavor, 15 simultaneous hobbies, or simply remembering to put your underwear on before your pants.
If that last part is a measurable indication, then for me, today was an extraordinary success.
Read more: http://www.upworthy.com/what-8-successful-adhders-want-you-to-know-about-how-they-get-stuff-done
from https://www.makingthebest.com/2017/04/16/what-8-successful-adhders-want-you-to-know-about-how-they-get-stuff-done/
0 notes
n1nj4-l0v4 · 7 years
What 8 successful ADHDers want you to know about how they get stuff done.
Whenever I’m working with my family, friends, or colleagues, they always ask me how I’m able to get so much done.
My answer: “I have ADHD.”
That might sound confusing, but realistically, people with ADHD don’t always have problems with attention at least, not when we’re working on something that excites us. In fact, ADHD often means that we can hyperfocus on awesome things for hours on end, although sometimes that comes at the expense of all the less-thrilling things were supposed to be doing. (Why wash the dishes when you can build a rocket ship out of a cardboard box and a disassembled vacuum cleaner?)
Most people with ADHD have to work 10 times harder to achieve seemingly basic organizational and time management skills skills that other people develop naturally over time. While medication can certainly help, it doesn’t do all the work by itself. As a result, we pay more conscious attention to life hacks, memory tricks, productivity shortcuts and other mental managerial systems … because we have to.
GIF via Checkoofilm/YouTube.
Some say that people with ADHD are much more likely to start their own businesses, perhaps because were built to tackle creative and entrepreneurial challenges.
While other people dont need to learn the same tricks that we do, they can benefit from them. In fact, Id argue that ADHDers have some of the best advice and practices for getting stuff done even if we dont always listen to that advice ourselves.
GIF from “Bruce Almighty.”
Here are 21 productivity tips from people with ADHD that even non-ADHDers can learn from:
1. Habits are things you get for free. So get into ’em.
Even though Im not a natural creature of habit, I always start my day with meds, then a shower, then pants, then breakfast otherwise I know that Im going to forget one of those steps. Habits are essentially self-automation, which means less brainpower spent on the little things.
2. Always have a backup (or two, or three) and know where to find it.
I keep extra cables, chargers, adapters, medicine, and other things in my bag at all times. That way, whether Im going to the grocery store or on vacation, I dont have to worry about keeping my phone charged.
3. Reminders and alerts: love them and use them.
I even have a recurring 2 p.m. notification on my phone that says EAT SOME LUNCH, YOU IDIOT because, erm, I need the reminder more than Id like to admit. (Also: IFTTT triggers to automate actions and sync between apps and accounts make life way easier.)
GIF from “Despicable Me 2.”
4. Keep a calendar, and schedule in the time it takes for you to do things.
If it takes you extra time to keep a calendar or get into the headspace for a meeting? Factor that in when youre planning your day too.
5. Pay attention to the your day’s ups and downs, and use them to your advantage.
Do you get sleepy right after lunch? Then maybe dont dive into that intense project at 1 p.m. Are you better when you answer emails in the morning and get active tasks done later? Then do that. Figure out what works for you, and follow that schedule.
6. Find your rhythm and stick with it.
Even if youre not the slow and steady type, a regular pattern of sprint and rest can still help you reach the finish line. “Sometimes I’ll start counting beats in my head to create a rhythm,” says TV writer/director Hadley Klein. “It sounds crazy but for whatever reason, it helps me think through things in a different way.”
GIF via HIKAKIN/YouTube.
7. Make a list. Check it twice. Then make another list. And another.
Graphic novelist Tyler Page says, I keep one main to-do list on my computer in a Sticky or TextEdit file. Bigger projects get their own lists where they get broken down into smaller and smaller components. The lists also help with prioritizing something that needs to be done right away goes on the daily to-do list.”
GIF from “Monsters University.”
8. Prioritize action over accomplishment. Doing the thing.
This one comes from Patty Carnevale, head of revenue at Man Repeller. Measuring your progress in a tangible way can help you feel even more successful, which will then give you the drive to keep going.
9. Reward yourself for your accomplishments no matter how small.
If you’re someone who needs frequent feedback to get the necessary dopamine boost, then you can fake it by sticking a carrot in front of yourself to keep you going. Alysa Auriemma, an English instructor, gives an example: I can read that awesome online fanfic IF I get three papers graded!
GIF from “Parks and Recreation.”
10. Turn the boring parts into a game.
I use a fitness watch which monitors how many steps I take in a day and how many flights of stairs I climb. Its fun to make the numbers go up, says Nalo Hopkinson, an award-winning author. She also reports her daily word count on Twitter, so that people can cheerlead her along.
11. Don’t dread the boring stuff. Just get it done. It’s faster that way.
Focus on the satisfaction that youre going to feel once youve finished the task, instead of on the time itll take to get it done which, lets be honest, is probably less time than you think. (Of course, even though I know this works for me, it’s still easier said than done.)
12. The more you let things pile up, the easier it gets to ignore them.
Find a way to keep it fresh. Im a compulsive inbox zeroer because the longer that little red notification bubble sits there on my phone, the more inclined I am to ignore it. So I mark all my emails as “read,” then use an IFTTT trigger to remind me later of things that actually require a follow-up or my attention.
GIF from “Community.”
13. If things slip your mind, visual cues can help.
You know that mantra, “Out of sight, out of mind?” For people with ADHD, that’s pretty literal to a fault. So it helps to stick things right in our own faces so that we can’t miss them. When I was in college, I taped a postcard to my apartment door with the times I needed to leave by to make it to morning classes on time, says Rebecca Eisenberg, Upworthys senior editor.
14. Work with your brain, not against it.
Do you tend to lose your keys in the bathroom? Then make a new home for them in the bathroom, where youre already inclined to leave them. That way, theyre always there. Don’t fight your instincts. Use their momentum to your advantage. And on that note
15. Embrace your idiosyncrasies and find a way to make them work for you.
Everyones brain is different. A lot of ADHDers need to figure out on our own what works for us, rather than having someone tell us whats the right way to do things. For example: If someone else leaves me a list of instructions or things to do that’s organized by their mind, it only makes me frustrated and confused. I have to create my own to-do lists in my own way even if it does take more time.
GIF from “Adventure Time.”
16. Take a break. Move around. Do a little dance.
Movement helps your brain work better. As tempting as it is to put the emphasis on measurable actions, its just as important to not do things and give yourself a chance to breathe. Sometimes a little distance can give you a lot of new perspective.
I use a portable adjustable standing desk and a pair of bluetooth headphones so that I can basically dance in place and write at the same time. My wife thinks I’m weird, but it works.
17. Know when to call it a day.
Its important to accept when youve reached the point of diminishing returns. Don’t be afraid to give your brain a rest, and come back to it fresh the next day. This’ll save you time in the long run too because the more you power through your exhaustion, the longer it’ll take to recover.
GIF via ilvbunnies/YouTube.
18. Identity your flaws and strengths, and communicate them to others.
“My colleagues know that in exchange for tolerating all the things I do that make me less reliable, they get a guy who can think outside the box, that can create on the fly, that can wear many hats at once,” says Upworthy’s fearless editor-at-large, Adam Mordecai.
“They also know that if they want something from me, I’m far likelier to get it done if they ping me immediately on chat rather than on email. Let your peeps know how to get the most out of you.”
19. Keep your eye on the prize, but forgive yourself and others.
Everyones fighting their own uphill battles, and you’re not going to get anything done if you’re too busy beating yourself up. (Youre not going to help anyone else be more productive if you externalize it and pick on them either.)
GIF from the SAG Awards.
20. Set your goals, but stay flexible.
Maybe you didnt get as much done today as you had hoped, but thats OK. Regroup, come up with a new strategy, and try to figure out what went wrong so you can do it better next time. Which brings me to the last, and perhaps most important, lesson:
21. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.
This is actually a quote from Samuel Beckett, but it also makes for an excellent productivity mantra. The bad parts and failures are inevitable, and youll never overcome them all. But thats OK. Accept it, learn from it, and keep going anyway.
But you do have a brain. So use it. GIF from “The Wizard of Oz.”
ADHDers understand one thing better than most people: Success is not a stationary target.
There’s no “one weird trick” that will actually bring you any closer to success.
Instead, the best we can hope for is to embrace ourselves for all our strengths and weaknesses, and keep finding things to work toward. Perhaps that’s a new business endeavor, 15 simultaneous hobbies, or simply remembering to put your underwear on before your pants.
If that last part is a measurable indication, then for me, today was an extraordinary success.
Read more: http://www.upworthy.com/what-8-successful-adhders-want-you-to-know-about-how-they-get-stuff-done
from https://www.makingthebest.com/2017/04/16/what-8-successful-adhders-want-you-to-know-about-how-they-get-stuff-done/
0 notes
the-yaoi-galla · 7 years
What 8 successful ADHDers want you to know about how they get stuff done.
Whenever I’m working with my family, friends, or colleagues, they always ask me how I’m able to get so much done.
My answer: “I have ADHD.”
That might sound confusing, but realistically, people with ADHD don’t always have problems with attention at least, not when we’re working on something that excites us. In fact, ADHD often means that we can hyperfocus on awesome things for hours on end, although sometimes that comes at the expense of all the less-thrilling things were supposed to be doing. (Why wash the dishes when you can build a rocket ship out of a cardboard box and a disassembled vacuum cleaner?)
Most people with ADHD have to work 10 times harder to achieve seemingly basic organizational and time management skills skills that other people develop naturally over time. While medication can certainly help, it doesn’t do all the work by itself. As a result, we pay more conscious attention to life hacks, memory tricks, productivity shortcuts and other mental managerial systems … because we have to.
GIF via Checkoofilm/YouTube.
Some say that people with ADHD are much more likely to start their own businesses, perhaps because were built to tackle creative and entrepreneurial challenges.
While other people dont need to learn the same tricks that we do, they can benefit from them. In fact, Id argue that ADHDers have some of the best advice and practices for getting stuff done even if we dont always listen to that advice ourselves.
GIF from “Bruce Almighty.”
Here are 21 productivity tips from people with ADHD that even non-ADHDers can learn from:
1. Habits are things you get for free. So get into ’em.
Even though Im not a natural creature of habit, I always start my day with meds, then a shower, then pants, then breakfast otherwise I know that Im going to forget one of those steps. Habits are essentially self-automation, which means less brainpower spent on the little things.
2. Always have a backup (or two, or three) and know where to find it.
I keep extra cables, chargers, adapters, medicine, and other things in my bag at all times. That way, whether Im going to the grocery store or on vacation, I dont have to worry about keeping my phone charged.
3. Reminders and alerts: love them and use them.
I even have a recurring 2 p.m. notification on my phone that says EAT SOME LUNCH, YOU IDIOT because, erm, I need the reminder more than Id like to admit. (Also: IFTTT triggers to automate actions and sync between apps and accounts make life way easier.)
GIF from “Despicable Me 2.”
4. Keep a calendar, and schedule in the time it takes for you to do things.
If it takes you extra time to keep a calendar or get into the headspace for a meeting? Factor that in when youre planning your day too.
5. Pay attention to the your day’s ups and downs, and use them to your advantage.
Do you get sleepy right after lunch? Then maybe dont dive into that intense project at 1 p.m. Are you better when you answer emails in the morning and get active tasks done later? Then do that. Figure out what works for you, and follow that schedule.
6. Find your rhythm and stick with it.
Even if youre not the slow and steady type, a regular pattern of sprint and rest can still help you reach the finish line. “Sometimes I’ll start counting beats in my head to create a rhythm,” says TV writer/director Hadley Klein. “It sounds crazy but for whatever reason, it helps me think through things in a different way.”
GIF via HIKAKIN/YouTube.
7. Make a list. Check it twice. Then make another list. And another.
Graphic novelist Tyler Page says, I keep one main to-do list on my computer in a Sticky or TextEdit file. Bigger projects get their own lists where they get broken down into smaller and smaller components. The lists also help with prioritizing something that needs to be done right away goes on the daily to-do list.”
GIF from “Monsters University.”
8. Prioritize action over accomplishment. Doing the thing.
This one comes from Patty Carnevale, head of revenue at Man Repeller. Measuring your progress in a tangible way can help you feel even more successful, which will then give you the drive to keep going.
9. Reward yourself for your accomplishments no matter how small.
If you’re someone who needs frequent feedback to get the necessary dopamine boost, then you can fake it by sticking a carrot in front of yourself to keep you going. Alysa Auriemma, an English instructor, gives an example: I can read that awesome online fanfic IF I get three papers graded!
GIF from “Parks and Recreation.”
10. Turn the boring parts into a game.
I use a fitness watch which monitors how many steps I take in a day and how many flights of stairs I climb. Its fun to make the numbers go up, says Nalo Hopkinson, an award-winning author. She also reports her daily word count on Twitter, so that people can cheerlead her along.
11. Don’t dread the boring stuff. Just get it done. It’s faster that way.
Focus on the satisfaction that youre going to feel once youve finished the task, instead of on the time itll take to get it done which, lets be honest, is probably less time than you think. (Of course, even though I know this works for me, it’s still easier said than done.)
12. The more you let things pile up, the easier it gets to ignore them.
Find a way to keep it fresh. Im a compulsive inbox zeroer because the longer that little red notification bubble sits there on my phone, the more inclined I am to ignore it. So I mark all my emails as “read,” then use an IFTTT trigger to remind me later of things that actually require a follow-up or my attention.
GIF from “Community.”
13. If things slip your mind, visual cues can help.
You know that mantra, “Out of sight, out of mind?” For people with ADHD, that’s pretty literal to a fault. So it helps to stick things right in our own faces so that we can’t miss them. When I was in college, I taped a postcard to my apartment door with the times I needed to leave by to make it to morning classes on time, says Rebecca Eisenberg, Upworthys senior editor.
14. Work with your brain, not against it.
Do you tend to lose your keys in the bathroom? Then make a new home for them in the bathroom, where youre already inclined to leave them. That way, theyre always there. Don’t fight your instincts. Use their momentum to your advantage. And on that note
15. Embrace your idiosyncrasies and find a way to make them work for you.
Everyones brain is different. A lot of ADHDers need to figure out on our own what works for us, rather than having someone tell us whats the right way to do things. For example: If someone else leaves me a list of instructions or things to do that’s organized by their mind, it only makes me frustrated and confused. I have to create my own to-do lists in my own way even if it does take more time.
GIF from “Adventure Time.”
16. Take a break. Move around. Do a little dance.
Movement helps your brain work better. As tempting as it is to put the emphasis on measurable actions, its just as important to not do things and give yourself a chance to breathe. Sometimes a little distance can give you a lot of new perspective.
I use a portable adjustable standing desk and a pair of bluetooth headphones so that I can basically dance in place and write at the same time. My wife thinks I’m weird, but it works.
17. Know when to call it a day.
Its important to accept when youve reached the point of diminishing returns. Don’t be afraid to give your brain a rest, and come back to it fresh the next day. This’ll save you time in the long run too because the more you power through your exhaustion, the longer it’ll take to recover.
GIF via ilvbunnies/YouTube.
18. Identity your flaws and strengths, and communicate them to others.
“My colleagues know that in exchange for tolerating all the things I do that make me less reliable, they get a guy who can think outside the box, that can create on the fly, that can wear many hats at once,” says Upworthy’s fearless editor-at-large, Adam Mordecai.
“They also know that if they want something from me, I’m far likelier to get it done if they ping me immediately on chat rather than on email. Let your peeps know how to get the most out of you.”
19. Keep your eye on the prize, but forgive yourself and others.
Everyones fighting their own uphill battles, and you’re not going to get anything done if you’re too busy beating yourself up. (Youre not going to help anyone else be more productive if you externalize it and pick on them either.)
GIF from the SAG Awards.
20. Set your goals, but stay flexible.
Maybe you didnt get as much done today as you had hoped, but thats OK. Regroup, come up with a new strategy, and try to figure out what went wrong so you can do it better next time. Which brings me to the last, and perhaps most important, lesson:
21. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.
This is actually a quote from Samuel Beckett, but it also makes for an excellent productivity mantra. The bad parts and failures are inevitable, and youll never overcome them all. But thats OK. Accept it, learn from it, and keep going anyway.
But you do have a brain. So use it. GIF from “The Wizard of Oz.”
ADHDers understand one thing better than most people: Success is not a stationary target.
There’s no “one weird trick” that will actually bring you any closer to success.
Instead, the best we can hope for is to embrace ourselves for all our strengths and weaknesses, and keep finding things to work toward. Perhaps that’s a new business endeavor, 15 simultaneous hobbies, or simply remembering to put your underwear on before your pants.
If that last part is a measurable indication, then for me, today was an extraordinary success.
Read more: http://www.upworthy.com/what-8-successful-adhders-want-you-to-know-about-how-they-get-stuff-done
from https://www.makingthebest.com/2017/04/16/what-8-successful-adhders-want-you-to-know-about-how-they-get-stuff-done/
0 notes
leannamandy1 · 7 years
What 8 successful ADHDers want you to know about how they get stuff done.
Whenever I’m working with my family, friends, or colleagues, they always ask me how I’m able to get so much done.
My answer: “I have ADHD.”
That might sound confusing, but realistically, people with ADHD don’t always have problems with attention at least, not when we’re working on something that excites us. In fact, ADHD often means that we can hyperfocus on awesome things for hours on end, although sometimes that comes at the expense of all the less-thrilling things were supposed to be doing. (Why wash the dishes when you can build a rocket ship out of a cardboard box and a disassembled vacuum cleaner?)
Most people with ADHD have to work 10 times harder to achieve seemingly basic organizational and time management skills skills that other people develop naturally over time. While medication can certainly help, it doesn’t do all the work by itself. As a result, we pay more conscious attention to life hacks, memory tricks, productivity shortcuts and other mental managerial systems … because we have to.
GIF via Checkoofilm/YouTube.
Some say that people with ADHD are much more likely to start their own businesses, perhaps because were built to tackle creative and entrepreneurial challenges.
While other people dont need to learn the same tricks that we do, they can benefit from them. In fact, Id argue that ADHDers have some of the best advice and practices for getting stuff done even if we dont always listen to that advice ourselves.
GIF from “Bruce Almighty.”
Here are 21 productivity tips from people with ADHD that even non-ADHDers can learn from:
1. Habits are things you get for free. So get into ’em.
Even though Im not a natural creature of habit, I always start my day with meds, then a shower, then pants, then breakfast otherwise I know that Im going to forget one of those steps. Habits are essentially self-automation, which means less brainpower spent on the little things.
2. Always have a backup (or two, or three) and know where to find it.
I keep extra cables, chargers, adapters, medicine, and other things in my bag at all times. That way, whether Im going to the grocery store or on vacation, I dont have to worry about keeping my phone charged.
3. Reminders and alerts: love them and use them.
I even have a recurring 2 p.m. notification on my phone that says EAT SOME LUNCH, YOU IDIOT because, erm, I need the reminder more than Id like to admit. (Also: IFTTT triggers to automate actions and sync between apps and accounts make life way easier.)
GIF from “Despicable Me 2.”
4. Keep a calendar, and schedule in the time it takes for you to do things.
If it takes you extra time to keep a calendar or get into the headspace for a meeting? Factor that in when youre planning your day too.
5. Pay attention to the your day’s ups and downs, and use them to your advantage.
Do you get sleepy right after lunch? Then maybe dont dive into that intense project at 1 p.m. Are you better when you answer emails in the morning and get active tasks done later? Then do that. Figure out what works for you, and follow that schedule.
6. Find your rhythm and stick with it.
Even if youre not the slow and steady type, a regular pattern of sprint and rest can still help you reach the finish line. “Sometimes I’ll start counting beats in my head to create a rhythm,” says TV writer/director Hadley Klein. “It sounds crazy but for whatever reason, it helps me think through things in a different way.”
GIF via HIKAKIN/YouTube.
7. Make a list. Check it twice. Then make another list. And another.
Graphic novelist Tyler Page says, I keep one main to-do list on my computer in a Sticky or TextEdit file. Bigger projects get their own lists where they get broken down into smaller and smaller components. The lists also help with prioritizing something that needs to be done right away goes on the daily to-do list.”
GIF from “Monsters University.”
8. Prioritize action over accomplishment. Doing the thing.
This one comes from Patty Carnevale, head of revenue at Man Repeller. Measuring your progress in a tangible way can help you feel even more successful, which will then give you the drive to keep going.
9. Reward yourself for your accomplishments no matter how small.
If you’re someone who needs frequent feedback to get the necessary dopamine boost, then you can fake it by sticking a carrot in front of yourself to keep you going. Alysa Auriemma, an English instructor, gives an example: I can read that awesome online fanfic IF I get three papers graded!
GIF from “Parks and Recreation.”
10. Turn the boring parts into a game.
I use a fitness watch which monitors how many steps I take in a day and how many flights of stairs I climb. Its fun to make the numbers go up, says Nalo Hopkinson, an award-winning author. She also reports her daily word count on Twitter, so that people can cheerlead her along.
11. Don’t dread the boring stuff. Just get it done. It’s faster that way.
Focus on the satisfaction that youre going to feel once youve finished the task, instead of on the time itll take to get it done which, lets be honest, is probably less time than you think. (Of course, even though I know this works for me, it’s still easier said than done.)
12. The more you let things pile up, the easier it gets to ignore them.
Find a way to keep it fresh. Im a compulsive inbox zeroer because the longer that little red notification bubble sits there on my phone, the more inclined I am to ignore it. So I mark all my emails as “read,” then use an IFTTT trigger to remind me later of things that actually require a follow-up or my attention.
GIF from “Community.”
13. If things slip your mind, visual cues can help.
You know that mantra, “Out of sight, out of mind?” For people with ADHD, that’s pretty literal to a fault. So it helps to stick things right in our own faces so that we can’t miss them. When I was in college, I taped a postcard to my apartment door with the times I needed to leave by to make it to morning classes on time, says Rebecca Eisenberg, Upworthys senior editor.
14. Work with your brain, not against it.
Do you tend to lose your keys in the bathroom? Then make a new home for them in the bathroom, where youre already inclined to leave them. That way, theyre always there. Don’t fight your instincts. Use their momentum to your advantage. And on that note
15. Embrace your idiosyncrasies and find a way to make them work for you.
Everyones brain is different. A lot of ADHDers need to figure out on our own what works for us, rather than having someone tell us whats the right way to do things. For example: If someone else leaves me a list of instructions or things to do that’s organized by their mind, it only makes me frustrated and confused. I have to create my own to-do lists in my own way even if it does take more time.
GIF from “Adventure Time.”
16. Take a break. Move around. Do a little dance.
Movement helps your brain work better. As tempting as it is to put the emphasis on measurable actions, its just as important to not do things and give yourself a chance to breathe. Sometimes a little distance can give you a lot of new perspective.
I use a portable adjustable standing desk and a pair of bluetooth headphones so that I can basically dance in place and write at the same time. My wife thinks I’m weird, but it works.
17. Know when to call it a day.
Its important to accept when youve reached the point of diminishing returns. Don’t be afraid to give your brain a rest, and come back to it fresh the next day. This’ll save you time in the long run too because the more you power through your exhaustion, the longer it’ll take to recover.
GIF via ilvbunnies/YouTube.
18. Identity your flaws and strengths, and communicate them to others.
“My colleagues know that in exchange for tolerating all the things I do that make me less reliable, they get a guy who can think outside the box, that can create on the fly, that can wear many hats at once,” says Upworthy’s fearless editor-at-large, Adam Mordecai.
“They also know that if they want something from me, I’m far likelier to get it done if they ping me immediately on chat rather than on email. Let your peeps know how to get the most out of you.”
19. Keep your eye on the prize, but forgive yourself and others.
Everyones fighting their own uphill battles, and you’re not going to get anything done if you’re too busy beating yourself up. (Youre not going to help anyone else be more productive if you externalize it and pick on them either.)
GIF from the SAG Awards.
20. Set your goals, but stay flexible.
Maybe you didnt get as much done today as you had hoped, but thats OK. Regroup, come up with a new strategy, and try to figure out what went wrong so you can do it better next time. Which brings me to the last, and perhaps most important, lesson:
21. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.
This is actually a quote from Samuel Beckett, but it also makes for an excellent productivity mantra. The bad parts and failures are inevitable, and youll never overcome them all. But thats OK. Accept it, learn from it, and keep going anyway.
But you do have a brain. So use it. GIF from “The Wizard of Oz.”
ADHDers understand one thing better than most people: Success is not a stationary target.
There’s no “one weird trick” that will actually bring you any closer to success.
Instead, the best we can hope for is to embrace ourselves for all our strengths and weaknesses, and keep finding things to work toward. Perhaps that’s a new business endeavor, 15 simultaneous hobbies, or simply remembering to put your underwear on before your pants.
If that last part is a measurable indication, then for me, today was an extraordinary success.
Read more: http://www.upworthy.com/what-8-successful-adhders-want-you-to-know-about-how-they-get-stuff-done
from https://www.makingthebest.com/2017/04/16/what-8-successful-adhders-want-you-to-know-about-how-they-get-stuff-done/ from https://makingthebest8.tumblr.com/post/159631584231
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