#but at least the idiot used gendered pronouns i dont hate with a passion
Today i was reminded of how annoying people can be and how they are inferior to animals.
Sure my cat might piss on everything bc he’s a dickhead. But at least he doesn’t call me slurs, tell me to kms repeatedly, and act like an edgy child tryna look cool.
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p-r-i-c-e-r · 7 years
ayyy @hallow-yeen​ tagged me so i figure i’d answer it
How did you choose your name? i wanted to keep the same initials so i went with an “m” name and basically just went from there and got Marceline, which probably also subconsciously came from adventure time lol, and my middle name is from my trans friend in high school who picked it out lol
What gives you the most dysphoria? (Acknowledging that not all trans people experience dysphoria)
my voice fucking makes me want to die extensively, also body hair
Do you have more physical dysphoria or more social dysphoria?
probably a mix of both, my face and body are the physical, my voice and way i talk sometimes is probably the social What do you do to perform self-care when you’re feeling dysphoric?
nothing really, i don’t have many coping methods :( What was the first time you suspected you were transgender?
well idk really, but like i know as i kid i always wanted to play with girl stuff but got told not to When did you realize you were transgender?
probably early/mid sophomore year of high school cuz i found out that being trans was an actual thing What is your favorite part of being transgender?
i dont have to fake my existence as much as i used to lol How would you explain your gender identity to others?
trans woman, i’m a girl!!!!!!
How did you come out? If you didn’t come out, why do you stay in the closet? Or what happened when you were outed?
i made a long ass facebook post and then told my mom when she got home What have your experiences with packing or wearing breast forms been?
uh none, i mean i wear a bra sometimes and i stick extra bra pads in them but idk if it even looks different What are your experiences with binding or tucking?
tucking isn’t too bad but it gets annoying when something slips out of place, also i tucked for like almost a week straight and my dong hated me lol Do you pass?
not in any way, shape, or form What (if any) steps do you want to take to medically transition?
i want to at least get electrolysis, possibly hormones, an orchiectomy cuz i know i’ll never afford a full transistion but i can at least feel a bit less dysphoric, and very unlikely, but i also would like vocal surgery How long have you been out?
idk maybe 4 years i think? What labels have you used before you’ve settled on your current set?
uh i think it’s just been trans lady, but like obvs before that i thought i was cis Have you ever experienced transphobia?
yeah, i was at a conference for key club (basically a huge group across my state) that was all weekend long, and two girls laughed and stared at me judgingly at the dance and i couldn’t get out because i was in a crowd of probably 200 people.  i also got called slurs, misgendered, and deadnamed a lot in high school What do you do when you have to go to the bathroom in public?
i almost always go to the womens restroom, but if i dont feel safe, i look for a unisex, and worst case i go to the mens and use a stall How does your family feel about your trans identity?
mom seems cool with it, her bf seems cool with it, my legal guardian who took legal care of me growing up and her husband aren’t great, but they try, my grandma was apparently cool with it but i haven’t got a chance to just talk to her about it one on one, extended family idk, probably not great but i know a few of them are very sweet so probably okay Would you ever go stealth, and if you are stealth, why do you choose to be stealth?
no, i don’t want to hide who i am, the only time i ever sort of stealth is with legal documents and all that bullshit, so hopefully a legal name change will help with most of that What do you wish you could have shared with your younger self about being trans?
i’d tell her to be herself, don’t let other people control what you like, be forceful!!! make yourself heard when people try to suppress you! Why do you use the pronouns you use?
because i’m a girl and i love being referred to as such~ What’s your biggest trans-related fear?
being murdered or attacked physically, also being pubically called out in a bathroom What do you wish cis people understood?
I just want to be respected, i want them to understand that we are more than just genetics and genitals, read scientific studies, they literally almost all back us up as the gender we identify with you fucking idiots How do you feel about trans representation in media?
really bad, but shout out to griffin mcelroy for making lup, she means so much to me Who is your favorite trans celebrity?
hgggg, probably bree from MsBreezy on youtube, she’s a sweety~
Who is the transgender person who has influenced you the most?
probably my friends and gf!!!!!!!! but like chelsea manning comes in second place lmao~
How are you involved with the trans community, IRL or online?
uhhhhh i have trans friends online, but that’s about it What trans issue are you most passionate about?
Hey maybe stop saying we’re a mental illness, that’d be great What is your sexual and romantic orientation, and what are your thoughts on it?
i’m grey-ace pansexual, and i'm kinda biromantic? but i lean mostly towards lesbian Is your ideal partner also trans, or do you not have a preference?
i’d prefer a trans partner, but i’m sure there’s a few good cis peeps out there How did/do you manage waiting to transition?
i can’t handle it, i just want hormones and to modify my fuckin body Do you interact with other trans people IRL?
i have like one trans friend irl, also my cousin just came out as trans!!  but i dont have a way to contact him Are you involved in any trans-related activism?
i reblog shit when i can, but that’s the extent of it rn sadly :( Ask me anything!
imma tag some peeps this who may wanna do this, but if you dont wanna thats okay!!! @sadgayvamp @maxinima
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groundramon · 8 years
...what kind of opinion would my characters have on nonbinary identities, and if none of them would already be bigoted towards the idea, can I make a character into the nonbinary equivalent of a bigot
these are the kinds of things my brain thinks about and because I have no self restraint, I’m going to answer for all of my characters (under a read more tag because this’ll probably get long)
also if you dont want to see my characters as anything other than all-loving and innocently liberal beans, then you mayyyy not wanna read this, but I mean I’m nonbinary/agender and I still love these guys regardless so //thumbs up
Mich, at any point within EOTP’s story, doesn’t even know nonbinary identities are a thing.  I’m sure he’d eventually hear about it somewhere, but he probably would just dismiss it as some internet fad and not think twice about it.  If he was presented with the idea and had it fully explained to him, though, I dont think he’d quite understand it.  Mich probably would learn not to be transphobic/homophobic because Llabu is gay and trans (have I said that officially before? idk but it’s official now) and wouldn’t put up with his shit, but obviously more people know about transgender mtf or ftm people than nonbinary people and Llabu probably wouldn’t bother explaining it to him since it doesnt concern her and she may not even agree with the sentiment, who knows.  So yeah, he just wouldn’t understand it.  But Mich also doesn’t like pissing people off, so if he knew someone who was nonbinary and didn’t respond to he/him or she/her pronouns, he’d probably just avoid using pronouns with them altogether.  If someone took the time to gently walk him through it, he might warm up to the idea, though; Mich does lean liberal politics-wise, and depending on how interested he got into social rights, he may or may not also gain a respect for nonbinary identities.
Sarah’s in the same boat as Mich; she just doesn’t know what they are, and probably wouldn’t care to try and understand them.  Like Mich, she isn’t intentionally going to go after people who identify as nonbinary and harass them; she just doesn’t understand it.  UNLIKE Mich, she might still use binary pronouns for them, but if the person called her out multiple times then she’d finally get it through her skull to stop.  Also unlike Mich, Sarah doesn’t lean liberal (I dont think, anyways, but that may change) so she has less likelyhood of gaining respect for them later in life.  But she still wouldn’t care what people do in their own free time, so long as it doesn’t hurt others, so she wouldn’t hate nonbinary people or anything
Out of all the Oneiromon characters, it feels weird to say that Devin’s the one most likely to accept nonbinary identities.  I’m still trying to get a read on how he’d act when he’s older, but he seems like he’d have an interest in representing minority groups within the already-minority LGBT+ community (AKA nonbinary people, pansexual people, asexual people, ect) whether because that’s just the kind of guy he is or because he actually identifies as one of those things.  During the story he has no idea what the hell nonbinary identities are, though, but he’d be accepting of the idea if he was approached with it.
Llabu, well, I’m not entirely sure about her.  Given that she’s trans herself, it’d be kind of weird if she didn’t support them, buuuut on the other hand those kinds of people exist, so I mean...  I feel like she’d either support them in spirit but not actively orrr she’d be the harshest on them out of all the Oneiromon characters because she thinks nonbinary people give a bad name to “actual” transgender people.  Idk man, I dont WANT her to be anti-nonbinary but it feels like that’d be in her political views D:
And I’ll just say, for the rest of the revealed Oneiromon cast so far: Oneiromon are naturally accepting of nonbinary identities by nature, so Triopmon, Amp, Ron, Lily, Velvet, and Astrea (despite being a day old lmfao) all accept nonbinary identities as just as valid as any other gender.  Oneiromon identifying as nonbinary is still pretty rare, but given that gender is entirely a choice in the Oneiromon world and you can pretty much change it at any time, and they’re all born sexless anyways, they wouldnt have a problem with it.
Luce wouldn’t have a problem with nonbinary identities and would probably support them if asked, but not actively campaign for ‘em.  Luce also has his own problems so it’s possible he would be more passionate about it if he had any passion left in him at all.
Since Grace’s dad is bigoted to every LGBT+ identity because he’s a hardcore Christian, and Grace will do literally anything to spite her father, Grace would support nonbinary identities.  Not only would she just...not care...but again, she’d do anything to spite her father.  That’s not exactly being a good ally but it’s still...a thing...I guess
Shawn, out of all the characters I listed, would probably be the biggest advocate of nonbinary rights.  I mean, she probably identifies as a demigirl (given that she’s loosely based on 13-year-old me [who did technically identify as a demigirl but didn’t bother mentioning it because i used the same pronouns anyways] except more lovable and also smarter, even though Shawn is still a fucking idiot) but beyond that, she’d be a big supporter of equal rights for all sexes, races, genders, sexualities, ect.  She’s one of those people who put same-sex relationships on a pedestal, if thats any consolation (not “omg its so sinful aaaa im sinning1111″, but “omg theyre so cuuuute I’m going to ship everything gay even if they’re in a heterosexual relationship/the creator has flat-out said that they’re straight and not bi or pan”)  And she’d worship a character who came out as nonbinary in mainstream media tbh
Hunter’s uneducated.  Like Mich and Sarah, he wouldn’t really understand it.  But given that it means a lot to three of his friends, he’d at least try to understand it.  He wouldn’t succeed, but he would try, and would do his best to use the right pronouns.  He’d probably be that guy who fucks up all the time though, and apologizes a lot when you tell them that they used the wrong pronouns |D
Annnd finally, the last one I’ll write because holy shit its after midnight, Corey.   For some reason I feel like Corey’s saying “nah nah, enough with that made-up shit” when it comes to nonbinary identities, but I dont know w h y he’d say that.  Like, I dont know his thought process behind it; all the others just dont understand it, but I know Corey would be smart enough to comprehend it.  Maybe...he’d do it to try and fit in with Hunter’s friends?  I feel like Hunter’s friends would be assholes who say “lol nonbinary? what the fuck are those tumblrinas doing!!! XDDD” (I know I say stuff like that myself, but shhhhhh dont tell anyone) and Corey would’ve picked up on that overtime.  Corey would only actively attack a nonbinary person to make himself look cool.
And I’m not going to bother writing for my ever-expanding roster of characters for Majjikku or Branching Paths, mostly because they dont come from the human world and I’d have to work out more about their culture before I answered this question for ‘em.
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