#anyways i reported the messages
Today i was reminded of how annoying people can be and how they are inferior to animals.
Sure my cat might piss on everything bc he’s a dickhead. But at least he doesn’t call me slurs, tell me to kms repeatedly, and act like an edgy child tryna look cool.
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gatoburr0 · 3 months
Post-scam attempt doodle y’all
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3584-tropical-fish · 16 days
i simply must know what rokc is
Yessss my relentless rokc posting has worked!! >:]
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The ROKC is a radio show I do with a friend of mine! It follows Nick and Mallory, two grad students in the town of Kullerluk, who soon come to realize that there is Definitely Something Up with the disasters that never stop plaguing their world. There are two main portions to the show:
1.) The horoscopes. Read by Nick each week, the horoscopes seem pretty normal at first, but eventually he shares with the class that he basically blacks out while reading them. They’re usually fairly ominous, and definitely a little prophetic.
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2.) The disaster report. Read by Mallory each week, the disaster report details whatever crisis has befallen their town that week, ranging from floods to earthquakes to really dense fog. She usually writes her reports clinically, but every time she reads them she ends up going a liiiiitle off script.
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Eventually, they come to realize that their horoscopes and disaster reports are definitely supernaturally attached to the disasters that are happening, and after a lot of arguing back and forth and one minor character death they feel like they’ve maybe figured out exactly what’s going on (they have not).
Aside from that, there’s also the perpetually impassable route 80, Mallory’s one sided beef with local author/film-maker/musician Naomi Beech, and a handful of stupid puns for random places in our fictional town.
That’s like a Very broad overview of what’s going on. My rokc inspo tag is basically anything that I feel I could incorporate in some way to the show, or just has the vibes of it in general! Also some fun quotes from our script for you:
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But yeah those are my guys!! I play Mallory and write the disaster reports, my cohost and I tag team the dialogue sections. It’s a pretty fun time. I’d share it here but it’s through my college so uh. Would prefer not to doxx myself. But if anyone’s curious I can and will ramble more about these fools forever and always!!
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yanqings · 9 months
its so difficult when ur in the process of getting diagnosed (or not at all, really) with something u already know u have bc while u know how it affects ur life u can’t explain those difficulties to someone fully bc u arent “technically” diagnosed yet
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raytorosaurus · 1 year
You are allowed to think what you like, obviously, but since you said that you weren't following the full coverage on it i just wanted to let you know that there were only five people (plus the pilot) on board the "submarine" and they were all billionaire business men.
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okay ty! yah like i said it wasn't an informed opinion on the situation, just an inarticulate reflection on the current state of my dash haha. mainly it's just a generalised personal discomfort with media coverage of tragedies lol. obvs billionaires are inherently unethical and don't need defending so it's not even rly about them tbh. intended as more of a personal post than serious commentary yk (honestly i assumed there were some kinda employees on board along with them sjdjgjf - i'm uninformed mostly on purpose lol, i feel uncomfortable looking for details. but thanks for clarifying + not being rude dw i hear you)
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biolums · 1 year
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ereborne · 8 months
Song of the Day: January 16
"Coast of Carolina" by Jimmy Buffett
#song of the day#when I said my schedule would be back to normal today apparently what I meant was my sleep schedule would be obliterated today!#it snowed and I wanted to sleep in and so I reset my alarm but then my phone didn't get plugged back in and it died!#I slept through all my work day and woke up feeling quite refreshed to find several politely displeased messages from my boss#unfortunate!#I did sleep incredibly well though. better than I have in maybe a year#anyway my kitchen is clean again finally and my plants probably will not die and I have done quite a lot of frantic report-building for wor#and I'm going to sleep again now to nap for a few hours so I can be awake for real worktime tomorrow and apologize! unfortunate!!!!#love this song though. very soothing to croon. baked lovely brownies to this song while fretting tonight and it did help#edit: I'm awake and I've written out my apologies and Jo is here and purring so so loud#and I woke up with a different Jimmy Buffett song stuck in my head#Coast of Carolina is the one I was humming when I went to bed#but I've woken up with 'The Wino and I Know' which is also a fabulous song and which also did play as I made my sadness brownies#'just like a fool when those sweet goodies cool / I eat til I eat way too much#cause I'm livin on things that excite me / be they pastry or lobsters or love#I'm just tryin to get by / bein quiet and shy / in a world full of pushin and shovin#and the wino and I know / the pain of back bustin / like a farmer knows the pain / of his pickup truck rustin#strange situation / wild occupation / livin my life like a song'#a later edit: my lovely apology message has been left on read. unfortunate!!!!!!!! I do keep laughing though
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daddy-socrates · 1 year
so glad i have therapy tonight im. Ready to talk about scary things
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woodsy-hoe · 8 months
working from home sounds cool unless you’re like me and need to be held accountable every second of the day or will do whatever i want lolol
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thornilee013 · 9 months
I hope your week is going well🤍🤍🤍 could I please have some baby Jean?
prev | Baby Jean | WW 20.12.2023
Predictably, as soon as Jean asked, his sisters both piped up expectantly. Just as predictable was his grandparents' attempt to bring reason to the conversation by pointing them to the aquarium map. But his sisters refused to even attempt to listen to reason, arguing with each other in complete dismissal of which exhibit was closer or what their plan could be.
Jean sighed and wandered off to the closest exhibit, immediately awe-struck by the colors and movements of the fish on the other side of the glass.
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leofrith · 11 months
genuinely can't tell if some of these journalists are so far up israel's ass that they actually believe in what they're saying, they're acting their asses off to keep their jobs, or they're just this fucking stupid.
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hotboiessek · 2 years
well my package was officially (probably) stolen :’/ i left a note for my neighbors asking them to check their boxes and 1 (my new fav) wrote and said it wasn’t in her’s and the other 2 would have set it out if it was
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risingsunresistance · 2 years
changed my reply settings bc these new bots are ANNOYING, i just got hit with 6 replies at once. you have to be following for at least a week to reply now. sorry new ppl 😔 no offense to you, i like you guys and i know a good portion of my posts are non-rebloggable, but you're free to send asks whenever you want instead. askbox stays open 👍
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No scammy person, I do not want to give you money.
Stop asking!
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princekirijo · 2 years
My copy of Royal came today but I can't even play it til Wednesday this is ass 😭
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plagashe · 2 years
the way the prince in bullet train had that pink plastic chongo wrapped around the gun . . . post -re4 ashley core, except the trigger hurt her finger and she's a terrible shot so she just carries around a little self defense pocket knife now instead 👍
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