#but at the SAME TIME is absolutely deserved hanako you little fuck
tbhkconfessions · 2 years
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"(This is really really long I am sorry)
I have been in this fandom for some years
And from what I saw, I think the main problem here is mostly because the manga is followed by people who have the mentality of teenagers (around 13/15 yo) who don't understand that a story doesn't need to be perfect, characters need to have flaws and ships don't need to be only "wholesome"
And also you don't need to scream your opinions or "hot takes" people will see you if you make good stuffs, just chill a little
The Aoikane ship is greatly written but people just refuse to acknowledge it because they only see the bad aspect of their relationships. And because they are not used to this take of romantic relationship, when the take on it is just realistic and refreshing to see compared to other manga (you have every right to not like a ship and to explain why of course, but don't be an asshole about it)
Tsukasa is a great character who is more than just "evil boi uwu" or an "evil thing who deserves to die and if you like him you're a bad person too"
Teru is more than the character who attacked the "precious boi Hanako who did nothing wrong ever"
And Hanako is also way more than that, he is a depressed asshole who makes a lot of bad choices for good and bad reasons but that's why his character is great, his take on everything is fucked up as for a lot of characters
Because it's the whole point of the manga
And also if you don't like something, you have evey rights to block the account and not start a meaningless war because you think your opinion is better
And even better, if you don't like the manga then maybe stop reading it?
You don't need to have a good reason to love or hate a character just don't go harass other people trying to "show" their opinion is shit when again, it's just an opinion
I am mostly talking about "kids" but it also applies to people who are older and do the same shit
I know it's hard to be consistent at a teenage age but I can assure you, once you grow out of it you will realize what you said or did and will feel ashamed
And protect yourself too, it's important. Do not spread absolutely all your tws on a cardd please
And also, people can make mistakes too (once again especially kids) don't shame them on thread or some stuff like that they don't deserve it. This is obvious but it's always great to remember there is someone behind the other screen, you may be hurting someone
You also don't need to scream to some people because you think they are "stupid" or some stuff like that (the amount of time I saw people being harassed because they didn't understand there were two Mitsubas?? You can explain it to them calmly not say they are stupid, we all read the manga with different perception and interest. Let people l i v e and enjoy what they want) You can enjoy the fandom in your own corner that's honestly the best thing to do
Just be chill and loving with one another idk
Maturity is a big problem in the fandom
(And I know there is also the problem with some adults being gross af but that's another problem most people in the fandom acknowledges and it's great)
(I am not talking about common sense like don't be a proshipper for example or don't romantize abuse or stuff like that but it just seems obvious af
I am talking about the people who are just enjoying the manga without making anything gross)" submitted by Anon.
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mari-lair · 2 years
the crumbs of Akane being friends with 'Amane’ in the Picture Perfect arc is so precious to me
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Eizan and Kuga (cause you write them SO INCREDIBLY ENTERTAINING), Julio and Isshiki, Nene and Mea, and maybe Tetsuji and Hanako if that’s okay ;w;
Yes of course!!! this will be all based on the canon verse because… That’s what I’m supposed to practice kjgbdfg But thank you for sending this in, I love you !!
[Note: This is when they’re part of the Elite Ten already because I thought it’d fit my idea most!!]
Summer vacation was up ahead and they both had different goals for the whole vacation. Eizan planned to gain some money by doing his “job”. By being able to persuade people with his lies and bringing down their business afterwards, he was able to get additional money- much more than what he actually needed. Kuga had other plans- it was too improve his forte so that he could actually move up in the seats and beat the people above him. He also planned to train with his men during the vacation so they wouldn’t be rusty.
… But well the gods weren’t in their favor. More of- Rindou Koboyashi wasn’t in their favor.
She planned a whole trip with them- with the whole Elite Ten to be specific and let’s just say that it wasn’t the best thing… Since there were two people who would probably stab each other on the guts if they had the chance. If only laws didn’t exist, huh?
Eizan was currently inside the airplane, and he thought that the trip was going surprisingly well. He didn’t talk to the blonde that annoyed him a single time and it was because he sat beside Erina Nakiri… So there was nothing but silence between the two.
All of a sudden, this peaceful moment was ruined by his seat getting kicked from behind… Of course he was going to ruin his day. Eizan sighed loudly before shouting from his seat, which even caused the sleeping first year to jump up and accidentally hit her face on the window of the airplane. “What the fuck do you want, midget?!”
“What the fuck did you just call me?!”
“First off, why the fuck are you kicking my damn chair?!” Eizan turned around to face Kuga and spotted the missing seat beside him. “Did you annoy Kinokuni enough to make jump off with a damn parachute?!”
“She was annoyed and she excused herself in the bathroom. I wouldn’t annoy her that much that she’d want to jump out the airplane!”He protested before grinning.”  “Why do you care about little Miss Pigtails again?” Kuga casually crossed his legs. “Huh, you shit?” He has that stupid cocky grin on his face and Eizan wanted to pull his hair out. 
“I don’t fucking are about her.” He replied before rolling his eyes. “But damn you make me want to jump off because your voice sounds like a fucking rat. Squeaky and annoying. Matches your height.” He insulted and Kuga stood up from his seat and he didn’t even hide his irritation.
“We’re playing dirty now, huh?” Kuga glared and he raised a finger. “At least I’m not a fucking business man who will never have nothing inside his pants but cash.” He countered and Eizan slammed the chair and went closer to the man who said that. “Do you got some shit to say to me, bitch?!”
Erina was currently face palming and she stood up from her seat. “Tsukasa-senpai, Koboyashi-senpai. I am transferring seats.” She couldn’t take it anymore and she knew from the start this will end up happening in the end. “I will sit beside Kinokuni-senpai and leave these two alone.
The trip only started 2 hours ago… and this trip was supposed to last for a week… Some members of the Elite Ten now were placing their bets on who will sacrifice who first.
[Note: This is before Isshiki became part of the Elite Ten!! We will see more of him in like.. Training Camp Arc in my fanfic and also on Autumn Elections!]
There was something that Julio didn’t understand about Isshiki Satoshi. He was well-liked by people, particularly by his juniors and he even had the friendliest attitude. He never seemed to focus on improving his skills during class hours and he never saw him stay after classes- he only went back to the dormitory which he called his “home”.
But what he didn’t understand was that no matter how much he didn’t show his true skills- he was still somehow on the top. Julio wanted to curse that damned man who never needed to perspire while he cooked, he cooked with no effort and yet he had grades greater than his. Isshiki was able to get something that he wasn’t and that was honor.
It was somewhat unfair to him and he couldn’t see how he was always better than him.
He gritted his teeth for a short moment but he ended up only looking away. Maybe if he weren’t so preoccupied with his dorm mates, he could have shown much more talent. Maybe he could actually prove to him that he deserved that spot. Because there was one thing he noticed about the male- he usually held back… It was getting annoying.
Before he could actually be trapped in his thoughts, he spotted the same male who he was thinking about with the corner of his eyes passing by him- not even pausing for a second to look at him. This was what made it worse. Isshiki was able to treat him as if he was just an “ordinary” student. He was more than that, and he deserved more attention.
“Isshiki.” Julio tried to catch his attention, and for the first time- he did. The male he called stopped on his tracks and turned around to look at the male who wanted to get his eyes on him. “I have to tell you something.” Once he said this, he only gave a sweet smile at Julio. He was in confusion since the smile seemed like it was hiding something underneath. 
“What is it, Shiratsu-kun?” He asked politely, wondering on why the male suddenly wanted to talk to him. “I was planning to go back to my dorm earlier today because some of my underclassmen need help!” He brought up the same people as always and this annoyed the hell out of Julio.
“If we go against each other, don’t hold back.” Those words slipped out his mouth and Isshiki’s smile only got wider before he ended up laughing. He began facing the direction of the exit again, as if he was ignoring what he just said.
“Maybe we can talk about this another time!”
Once again… He was ignored. But who knew that his small request would be happening very soon?
[Note: Middle school Nene and Mea? YES! I think once she’s in First Year, she becoms more studious so yep!!]
Who knew that Nene could somehow be convinced to go out to go shopping after school hours? ... Oh wait, she wasn’t convinced. She was forced. She was currently in her school uniform and she was holding unto her bag as she was getting pulled by one of the most well known students from her year... Mea Yanai.
She didn’t really mind going out for shopping, but she wasn’t the type to ever crave to actually go out and shop. She’d prefer drinking tea than soda inside a big restaurant. She’d prefer simple clothes than stunning ones that stole attention. She’d prefer doing simple things such as calligraphy or maybe even poem writing than actually shopping for bags and new clothes... She’d rather be studying than go out.
But well, her hand was grabbed by the girl and she somehow couldn’t get out of her grip. She later on gave up and went to the flow. Even if she gave the coldest stare to Mea, the other woman didn’t bat an eye as she continued to bring her along. So in this fight, she already knew she couldn’t win.
Right now, they were in a clothing shop as Nene only looked around, not even giving too much notice to the clothes around her. She found some pretty, yes- but she’d prefer to not say it out loud or react because if she did, it will only fuel Mea’s enthusiasm for the trip. She froze when she heard Mea speak. “Kinokuni-chan! Look at this!” She gets the hanger of the clothes and shows her a blouse.
It was a shade of light pink and it had some floral patterns on it. It somehow resembled one of her kimonos and she actually thought it was pretty. She didn’t want to take too long in the shop so she only talked in a blunt manner to try her best to show that she had no interest. “What about it?” 
 “Don’t you think it’d fit you?” Mea tilts her head and she gasps once she spotted something that would perfectly go along with it. She got another piece of clothing and showed it to her. “This will look stunning if you wear these two at the same time!” She exclaimed and Nene only held her bag tighter. She had to admit, it was tempting.
She never really go the time to have fun and shop with friends, and she was usually never given this opportunity because inviting her to places always ended up getting to nowhere. However, the pink haired girl was clearly a different one. She wouldn’t stop trying to persuade her until she said yes. “Fine. I’ll wear it.” She gives in. “But once I do... I’m leaving.”
The purple eyes of the person who was able to actually be with Nene outside of school sparked in happiness. “Of course!” She places her hands together. “I’ll be waiting for you to come out of the changing room and see how well it fits you!”
It took some minutes, but once she looked at the mirror- she actually was surprised with how much it matched her. It was simple yet elegant and it wasn’t something that grabbed too much attention... It was perfect for her. She went out to show the person how she looked. 
Mea was absolutely astonished by what she wore and she clasped her hands together. “Perfect! Absolutely perfect! Gosh, I’m the best in picking clothes!” She began praising herself and Nene fixed her glasses while blushing. “How about I buy it for you?”
“Y-You don’t need to...” She stuttered a bit because of the compliments and the offer. “I told you, once I wear this and get out of it... I will be leaving.”
“You’re not leaving without any new clothes, honey! That’s the Yanai Number One Rule!”
[Note: I don’t know when this exactly takes place but it’s probably somewhere around middle school since I think written exams are more common during that time for Totsuki students uwu]
Tick-Tock. Tick-Tock. Tick-Tock. That was the only sound that was repeating in the classroom as Hanako continued to study something for the upcoming exams. Even if their school focused on cooking- there were some tests that were written- and this was of course, not related to cooking at all. They still had other subjects after all.
Hanako only focused on the paper and ignored the rays of the sun that peeped at the window. She decided to come early so she could settle on her seat already and study there. If she came a bit later, there could have been a chance that she wouldn’t have been able to refresh her memory about the lessons in school because of the noise some of her classmates made.
She sighed as she pulled the paper closer to her so she could take note of every single detail from definitions to theories. For a couple of nights, she’s been sleeping later than usual just to study and it was known to some people that she was a hard worker, and even goal-oriented. She would do anything to reach what she wanted. Even if it meant making some sacrifices that could affect her health.
Once she was done with the reviewer, she brought out her book to turn it to a page with additional information- and there she suddenly heard something else besides the clock inside the room or herself flipping notes. It was the door. She looked over to the the person who came, hoping it wasn’t someone rowdy or loud. “Oh, it’s you.”
It was no other than her close friend. She was really relieved to see him come closer to her and he only sat beside her. He smiled at her like usual before he looked over at the things she was holding. “As expected from you, Hanako. But I think it’s best if you don’t overwork yourself.” He was a little worried about her, but he knew that even if he did say this- she’d do it anyway.
“I can’t do that. I have to make sure I pass.” She closed her book for a moment and she the male who just entered the classroom sighed. He already knew what was going to be her answer, but he still had to be mindful over her. He was one of the more caring ones, and he even acted like an older figure to some other students.
“I should have expected that answer.” He replied to her before he brought out his own studying materials. “But I hope you don’t mind that we study together. So at least you’d not end up mumbling to yourself the whole time.” He did notice that she was more stressed when she was with no one else and she had no choice but to blame herself if she didn’t understand something. “It would help the both of us.”
Hanako nodded her head, not minding his offer. Even agreeing with his little comment. “I’m okay with that.” She looked back at the page number that was written on the handouts that was given to them. “Page 125.”
It was always less stressing if you could study with a friend, and she knew this so well by now.
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angstybadboytrash · 6 years
||Voice of Treason || Chapter 7
Summary: Hanako Yamada is tired of living in her brother’s shadow, so when an old friend comes back into her life, she can’t help but take a chance and make a new name for herself alongside the League of Villains.
Chapter: | Masterlist |
A/N: Here’s some Mic and some slight Endeavor confrontation! Honestly I had a general idea of what I wanted to happen in this fic and it’s going so much better than I thought it would. The next few chapters will involve some flash backs and I really hope y’all enjoy. Also I don’t know if I specified but the purple writing is Hana using the mimicry part of her quirk. Please please please like and comment because I would really enjoy some feedback on this.
Reblog to be put on the tag list
Tags: @fridgesbestfriend @princedabi @nightkidd-hd @gaylemonsmutfluff @dark-eyed-dream @sweetycue @aarinisreading
“‘Zashi! I’m so glad you’re home! How was school?!”
9 year old Hanako ran to the door to hug her older brother. It was his 3rd year at UA and he was so close to graduation. He came home for a short visit before he had to get back to his interning Agency and his best friend Shouta Aizawa trailed in behind him.
“Hey there HanaBanana! Did you miss me?!” Hizashi picked his sister up and spun her around as she giggled happily. He blew a raspberry on her cheek as she struggled to get out of his grip.
He set her down and headed over to greet his mother. He hugged her tightly and murmured soft ‘hey mom’ into her cheek.
“Hana baby why don’t you and Shouta head up to Hizashi’s room? I need to talk to him for a second. Okay?” Mrs. Yamada’s sweet voice suddenly made Hizashi very anxious.
“M’kay momma. C’mon Shouta.” Hana grabbed Aizawa’s hand and started pulling him up the stairs to Hizashi’s room.
Mrs. Yamada let out a long sigh as she looked at her almost grown son infront of her. “...She misses you ya know...” her voice was quiet and sad and it hit Hizashi hard. “She needs you. School is getting difficult for her and she won’t talk to me about it. She’s only got one friend and it’s a Todoroki boy and I don’t know how to help her.”
Hizashi’s shoulders sagged like the weight of the world was on his shoulders and to him it was. Hana looked up to Hizashi like he hung the moon and stars but that wasn’t the case. He was imperfect and he was just doing his best to graduate.
“I’m sorry mom.. I have been busy with school and my internship and I just haven’t had time to come home. I promise I’ll do better. I’ll try and come home more often and check in with you.” Hizashi leaned against the counter and ran his fingers through his hair. It was a nervous habit he picked up.
“Don’t check on me. Check on her. Please. I’m worried about her future. She’s only happy when you’re home and new things have developed in her quirk. You both are so completely different and I don’t know how to parent this.”
Hizashi let out a deep breath he didn’t know he was holding in. He blinked repeatedly to try and disperse the moisture in his eyes.
“I’ll be better... for her... I promise...”
Broken... his promise was broken. He didn’t get better. He didn’t check in like he should have and things got worse. So much worse. Things go so bad that Hizashi was currently standing outside of the League of Villians hideout hoping and praying what Aizawa told him wasn’t true. Hana wasn’t a Villain. She couldn’t be... Had he really fucked up that bad??
All Might had just blown a hole in the side of the wall. They had just surprise attacked the league in hopes of rescuing Kastuki Bakugo. Mic was worried for the kid but he was more worried about his sister.
The dust started to clear and that’s when the heroes were supposed to make their movie but they didn’t. Mic’s breath hitched and he didn’t even realize that he yelled out a very panicked ‘Stop! It’s Her!’. Standing in the middle of the hole covered in settling dust was a very very VERY pissed off Hanako Yamada.
Hana heard and she couldn’t help but laugh a little at the reaction. Everyone was just standing there watching her as the dust cleared. Hana was ready to have a little fun with this. She started throwing little whispers all around the heroes, but mainly around her brother.
“Who’s her?”
“What’s wrong?”
“Are you at a loss for words?”
“What’re you looking for?”
All of the heroes’ heads were turning and looking to see if she had appeared behind them but she hadn’t. Hizashi knew that and that’s why he never broke eye contact with her. That made her angry.
“Look at you! Big brother isn’t so big anymore, are you Hizashi?!” Hana couldn’t help but gesture to the man who she could tell was falling apart from the inside. She stepped up on top of the rubble that All Might had created so she could get a good view of everyone.
Mic was still speechless, he was starstruck by the person infront of him who looked vaguely like his sister but at the same time was someone completely different.
“Hanako Yamada. We have you all surrounded. If you tell us right now that you were tricked into joining the Leauge of Villians then your sentence will be shortened.” Pro-Hero Endeavor spoke up behind Mic when he realize that he wasn’t going to do anything. The fact it was coming from Endeavor absolutely tickled Hana to death. She couldn’t help but bust out laughing hysterically. It took her a minute to compose herself and as she was wiping a tear from her eye, several other villains had joined her in the wide opening of the wall.
“The name is Decible and that’s rich coming from you. If I did that I would be lying and don’t we all know that Todoroki’s can’t lie wether they be past, present, or future Todoroki’s right?” Hana placed one hand over her heart and the other in the air like a mock salute.
“No son of mine will ever marry trash like Hanako Yamada. You’re forbidden!” She mimicked Endeavor’s voice and sick smile spread across her lips as several of the hero’s were shocked. His eyes widened at the statement and his flame grew hotter.
“Perfect impression, Doll face. It’s like he’s standing right infront of me. Oh wait, he is.” Dabi’s voice spoke up right behind her. He stepped up onto the rubble next to her so that he could give his father the death glare that he deserved.
Now Endeavor was speechless at the sight of his eldest son. He didn’t know that he was still alive. Mic was confused by both his sister’s statement and the boy next to his sister.
“Dabi he looks a little confused. Do you think he remembers?” Hana leaned into Dabi’s side as he put his arm around her waist. His hand settled on the curve of her hip.
“I mean it would be kind of hard to forget brutally scaring my own child, but that’s just me baby.” Dabi kissed Hana’s temple before throwing a very harsh glare towards his father.
Mic snapped. “YO WHAT THE FUCK?? WHO ARE YOU?!!” He didn’t like how this sick fuck was giving his littler sister bedroom eyes right before he was gonna save her.
“The names Dabi. I’m your sisters boyfriend, best friend, and soulmate. So just shut up. Your voice hurts my head.” Dabi rolled his eyes and sent a glare to the loud blonde.
“BOYFRIEND??? HANA’S NOT ALLOWED TO DATE?!” Mic was more upset with the fact Hana hadn’t told him she had a boyfriend, than her actually having a boyfriend. Hana facepalmed at her brothers comment and Dabi couldn’t help but laugh.
“Please just shut the fuck up. You lost the right to dictate what happens in my life the minute you left.” Hana kicked a piece of rubble off the edge of the ledge she was on. It tumbled down to the edge of Hizashi’s feet.
“Left? I never left. What are you talking about??” Hizashi was hurt and confused. How was this all his fault? He had always tried to be there for her but apparently it wasn’t enough.
“You left my life the minute you went Pro! You weren’t my brother anymore. All you cared about was climbing the Pro-Hero ladder. It was impossible to get a hold of you!” Hana jumped from the ledge to the ground below.
“You have no idea how many times I called you or your agency and you were always busy. You got even busier when you became a teacher! It was insane, it was like I didn’t even exist anymore!” Hana ran her fingers through her hair and slowly approached her brother. The anger in her voice was very noticeable.
“When Touya disappeared I needed you ‘Zashi. I needed you to be my brother for once but you weren’t. I handled all that grief on my own and the weekend of his funereal you were in the fucking states doing god knows what. How can you call yourself my brother when you never fucking acted like one?!?” Hana shoved Hizashi hard in the chest as hot tears streamed down her cheeks. Hizashi stumbled backwards but caught his footing. He was completely speechless and it showed since his mouth hung wide open.
“I’m sorry Hana... I- I had no idea. I deserved all of that.... if you confess to trickery then I can fix this. Hana I can fix this I promise. Please let me fix this.” Hizashi was distraught and tears ran down his cheeks. He grabbed Hana’s arms and pulled her into a hug in an attempt to calm her down but he knew it was really for his own benifit. She struggled against him and when she finally got his arms off of her she pushed him away and spit at him.
“There’s nothing to fix.”
“Hana I-“ Hana cut him off by screaming at the top of her lungs and it launched her brother into the air. He would have landed a couple of miles away but Aizawa intercepted him out of the air with his capture weapon.
Hana glanced around the area to see what heroes were here. All Might, Endeavor, Kamui Woods, Mt. Lady, Eraserhead, and Present Mic. Hana turned around to head back towards the giant hole in the wall when All Might spoke up next to her.
“Where is Katsuki Bakugou?!”
Hana laughed to herself and glanced up to nod her head at Dabi before looking at the Symbol of Peace. “He’s safe... with me. Now I really gotta run but it was awful seeing all of you. Hope I don’t see you again!”
Hana threw a peace sign up and winked at the Symbol of Peace as she jumped up in the air and landed in Kurogiri’s portal making her completely disappear.
All the heroes blinked in shock at the sudden disappearance. Somehow all of them had been completely oblivious to everything else that wasn’t Hana. It was like she had put a trance on them and that had allowed all of the villains to get away once again with Katsuki Bakugou.
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TeruSae AU drabble cuz I'm the s word for mythology aus
This has been in the inbox ever since I first posted about the aus and I’m sorry it took a wile jkbkgjfg Hope you like it though!! I wrote it also while waiting for the thing gkjdfbg
There were some mentioned so
The god of music belongs to @polar-star-dorks aka Emile!!
The goddess of dedication is Hanako and Rin belongs to @polar-stars!!
“You’re going to be a successful hero one day, Kuga Terunori.”
Those words were never forgotten by the younger hero. He couldn’t identify which god or goddess said that once he had successfully finished his frist quest. Certainly, even if the voice was not identifiable, he did believe that those words were unforgettable- and he wished he could know which of them said that to him that same day.
He could guess that he was favored by them, but he hated how his memories of how that voice sounded like was distorted after just a few days after. They probably didn’t want him to know either. It was rare for a human to hear the voice of them- especially that they were nothing related to a god at all. Demigods had it easy and they were allowed to remember the voices of them, maybe even remember their faces.
One day, he swore to the holy beings up above. He’d end up knowing which of them told him those words. He didn’t want to do anything bad- he only wanted to thank them. For believing in them even if people said otherwise. That he could be a successful hero just like Eishi Tsukasa. That was his dream and people told him it was impossible… and yet a divine being told him otherwise.
“Hero!” A playful yet loud whisper was heard by him.
He jumped aside before preparing his sword to fight, and he instantly placed it down once he saw the person- well, more of god- that said that. “It’s just you.” He was one of the ONLY gods and goddesses who didn’t go with the “don’t remember my appearance or voice” rule, and he was pretty thankful… sometimes.
“Just me? Oh how rude of you. I’m the main communication between you mortals and the rest of the gods.” He rolled his eyes before coughing. “Ahem. Messenger god, after all.” He coughed once again. “And you’re just a hero who is also pretty much a little runt.”
“You’re such a bastard even if you’re a damn god!” Kuga hissed, a bit irritated by the god’s comment. He was one of the more laid-back ones who loved teasing humans or fellow gods- so this caused him not to be worried of his words at all. “What do you want? I was supposed to rest before meeting Mister Smiley Hero.”
The god laughed before giving a tiny grin. “I, Kaoru, is here to drop a message from a god or goddess.”
“As always. But will you ever tell me which one?”
“Can’t.” Kaoru replied. “They told me not to say. And I go by my word.”
Kuga sheathed his sword before sighing. If he knew, he’d give even more offerings to them as a thank you. But well, he could never figure out who it was. He’s got several blessings over time, but Kaoru did say that they may have requested other holy beings to give him such. “Fine then, Red Wings.”
“How many times should I tell you to treat me with respect!” Kaoru shook his head in disappointment before placing his arm in a sack of letters. “You’re lucky that I’m in a good mood after hearing our most blessed Emile play a song before I went out to send messages to you mere humans.”
“Yeah, right, whatever. You probably won’t hurt a hero.” Kuga posed before winking. “The best hero at that.”
A tiny chuckle came out of the god before he handed out a letter to him. “Believe what you want to believe. Even if you’re one of the most known heroes, it doesn’t mean you’re the absolute best.” He began floating in mid-air before he snapped his fingers. “The God of Music and God of Dedication are not the most famous, but I do believe they’re one of the bests.”
“Maybe that’s personal bias.”
“Same goes to you calling yourself the best hero, little runt.”
‘You shit!“ Kuga growled before twitching. Yeah. Now he knew about this so-called god before, his respect for him died. "I fucking hate you.”
“I know you don’t. You’re probably just annoyed!”
“You’re a bitch.”
The messenger only laughed before vanishing into nothingness with his last words being “Don’t forget to check the letter.”
The hero slowly opened the letter and he began reading it with his eyes
“Dear Kuga Terunori,
I hope you received this letter in peace. I do know how troublesome our Messenger God can be, but please forgive him. He only wants to have some attachments to special humans like you. You’ll be having a next trial soon and I hope the other gods and goddesses will be in your favor. All I can say is, good luck and I wish you the best, young hero.”
As always, there was no information given to him about who sent it. A cocky smile appeared on his face. Of course he’d finish the trial in peace, but the fact that he was directly noticed by a god may show how truly talented he is. “Thank you to you, whichever god you are. But trust me, I’ll be able to get pass this trial like all the rest.” He spoke out loud as if the holy being could hear him from up above despite all the possibilities of other people praying to them.
But funny enough, they did hear his voice. In fact, they heard him clearly.
A goddess was holding a crystal ball with her delicate fingers and a warm smile was appearing on her face. A random flower popped out of her hair and she began giggling to herself. “Cocky, yes. But he deserves to be. He never lost a trial yet.” She quickly tapped on the ball before the face of the hero disappeared. “But he should know that each trial gets harder each time…” She placed the ball down before she took a glimpse around her room. Flower were everywhere, and some plants were growing on the walls- even a couple of rabbits went out of their hiding place once she began to look at them.
The moment she exited the room, she heard a loud gasp from a being outside. “Goddess of Nature, you finally went out the room! I thought that the God of Death may have captured you!” The being had hearts shaped pupils, and he even had a necklace with a heart locket around his neck. He was created by the Goddess of Love to be her assistant, and it was obvious by how he looked.
“You’re exaggerating. I was only there for hours.” She took a step near the matchmaker before ruffling his hair. “If I were captured by the God of Death, I’d try and choke him with thorns.”
“That’s our goddess! Beautiful and brave.” He giggled before wrapping his arms around the superior being. “But I do believe you would have to avoid contact with that hideous being. I heard he can bring people to his side.”
“I know, Dai.” She allowed the male to cling to her but she tried to reassure him. “But you don’t need to fear, I’m not planning to meet him any time soon. I also think that he won’t suddenly appear out of nowhere.”
He quickly released her before sighing dreamily. “You really know how to calm a servant like me when I’m worried, dear goddess.” A quick smirk was now on his face. “But I wonder when you’d have a child. Whether they be a god or demigod, I’d spoil them endlessly!”
A blush came across the face of the woman before she shook her head. “I’m… not interested in anyone at the moment, Dai.”
“Wrong. I sense something burning in you. It’s definitely love. I was created to make couples get together but I can’t ever pinpoint on who it is… Since your love never burns up when you’re with the other gods, it just happens when you hold your-” Dai paused before pointing at her. “-crystal ball…”
“Hm? What’s with that reaction?”
“Oh my Goddess of Nature…” His eyes widened. “Are you in love with a human?”
“Excuse me?”
“It’s totally a human! That stupid God of Sight told me something before! You only could watch your followers with that ball!” He zoomed in closer before holding both her shoulders. “Are you perhaps using such a heavenly item to watch a human, the love of your life?”
“Of course not!” She protested. “I wouldn’t use it for that. I have to see how my followers are doing. I choose to give them some blessings and request other gods to do so if I believe they deserved it. One out of many would be that human named Lyron Maes.”
“You’re in love with hero Lyron?”
“I told, I’m not in love with a human!”
“Then who do you love?!”
“No one!”
“Liar!” He shook her body. “You totally do! My senses never lie! Ask the Goddess of Love herself! Don’t make me bring in the God of Truth-”
“Admitting it?”
“Maybe I do.” She finally gave up and this caused the male to light up. “But I wouldn’t tell you.”
A frown came on the face of Dai before he dropped the formalities. “Masae! You can’t just NOT tell me once I know you do love someone! that’s like… me failing my only reason of living! I have to know!”
The goddess sighed before fiddling with her hair with her fingers. Dai was right. His sole purpose was to know about love, and making people together. He wasn’t so used to being rejected unless the humans he had to deal with were to stubborn to tell him who they loved- and this caused the romance to never happen. She didn’t want another report of him failing to the Goddess of Love to happen again.
“If I do say it, you have to keep it to yourself… and the Goddess of Love and to your magical creature friend, Rin.”
“Absolutely! I’ll inform them ahead to not share it! Romances of gods and goddess are much more private than humans, after all.” He placed his hand on his chest. “I swear, Masae. I’ll not tell anyone but them.”
“It’s… that new hero.”
“Please be more specific… I know several heroes from the north, east, west and south…”
“The hero who saved the creatures I created…” She made her voice much softer before she finally admitted the truth. “Kuga Terunori.”
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