#but bab style require to be able to have clothes
I wasn't too interested in getting the Cinnamoroll BAB (he's absolutely adorable, but too expensive and I just got the devil bear) and man watching everything go down last night/this morning made me confirmed my decision.
Though if they come out with a Kuromi I might have a problem...
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motherindia411 · 1 year
         Baby Clothes Buy Newborn Baby Clothes Online In India Buy Best Dresses Online Baby clothes online india- Mama and Peaches
Mama and Peaches is an excellent shopping platform for buying mothers and baby clothes online in India. Being into the market for several years, we have understood the latest requirement of parents for their baby clothes. Keeping in mind their custom needs, we have come up with the best baby apparel. Whether its casual wear, party wear, and sleepwear, you can buy best dresses online from us.
Shopping for kids is an exciting thing but also complex at the same time because of skin sensitivity. Their delicate skin can quickly get rashes, itching, or irritation if their clothes are not appropriate. When you buy new born baby clothes online in India from Mama and Peaches then you can leave all these concerns because all clothes are designed keeping in mind the safety and comfort of the little ones. Quality is at the best at Mama and Peaches.
In our apparel collection, we have the best baby winter clothes that will provide your kid with a unique style and ultimate comfort. Apart from the winter clothes, we have blankets too that ensures warmth during the cold weather.
We have the following baby comfort clothing in our collection:
Reversible Blanket
Generally, all our reversible blankets are designed from natural cotton muslin fabric, which makes it the ultimate comfort blanket. It’s soft in texture, lightweight to hold, and warm. It’s a perfect comforter for the winter season. Your kids will feel super comfortable and cosy in these reversible blankets.
You can choose from several designs, colours, and print of these double-sided blankets.
Bomber Jackets
In our baby winter clothes range, we have bomber jackets that are made of soft and warm fabric for ensuring comfort and cosiness. On top of that, these jackets are very stylish that make sure your little one looks cute on wearing them.
Denim Jackets
Up next, we have denim jackets in our collection of baby winter clothes. Pure polyester fabric is used to design these jackets for toddlers. There are multiple sizes available.
BRANDED CLOTHES: All parents have a desire to shop for premium quality and branded clothes for their cutie pies. We have a range of branded baby clothes, which includes apparel from top brands like Little West, Piccolo Piglet, etc. All these brands manufacture eco-friendly clothes, which are 100% safe and comfortable for your child’s delicate skin.
AFFORDABLE RANGE: All the baby winter clothes available at our store come with a reasonable price tag. If you are wondering how we are able to offer affordable products from the high-end brands then we would like to tell you that we source them directly from the manufacturer (brands). The additional costs for middlemen have got completed eliminated.
EASY RETURN POLICY: When you buy baby clothes online in India then you are concerned about the right size and product quality. We understand that you invest your hard-earned money in buying products from us. This is why we want you to get 100% value for your money so we have an easy return policy in place. You can return or exchange your products within 7 days of receiving your product. Additionally, we allow for easy refunds. However, you should go through all terms & conditions to returns and refunds at our website.
We have planning to add more to our collection so you can buy best dresses online for the cold season. You can explore the entire range at our website and buy newborn baby clothes online in India that appeals to you the most.
READ MORE....Online Shop for Baby Clothing, Nursery, Furniture, Gear &Gifts- Mama and Peaches
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tupe-lo · 6 years
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Finally getting around to rolling out full RWBY OC profiles 💗💗💗
First up is Miss Honey; all of her info is below the cut C:
Name: Honey Orabella
Nicknames: Hon, Little Bear (family or romantic partners only)
Race: Faunus (Kermode or 'Spirit' Bear)
Gender: Female
Age: 21 y/o (birthday is October 19th)
Height: 5’ 4”
Weight: 113 lbs.
Sexuality: Bisexual
Relationship Status: Single (currently planning/plotting a pairing with a friend)
Aura Color: Honey Yellow/Gold Voice Claim: Ashley Nicolette Frangipane (Halsey)
The Path of Fate Her Semblance is reminiscent of the mythical ‘red ribbon of fate’ concept, with a string or ribbon connecting two people in terms of their relationship and futures; however, in place of only connecting a pair of people, the young Faunus is able to see ribbons of every sort and color connecting people in every kind of relationship. From family and lovers to enemies and rivals, she can visualize their connections in ribbon-like projections of every color—gold is used as a general, overall color, with the projected paths and connections gaining tints and shades the more familiar she is with said persons. As long as she has a name and a face to pair with it, she can traverse these hidden pathways between people to find her intended target and know their whereabouts at any given time. The downside of this ability is when a wanted person is too far away, as the increase in distance can muddle the display she sees and can cause their ribbon-like paths to tangle with too many others between her current position and where they are.
Sona Shamira, the Golden Protector Modeled after the Spada da lato or side sword, her weapon is reminiscent of a Medieval arming sword and a predecessor to the fencing rapier style. An opening in the pommel leads to a hollow chamber in the hilt, where Dust can be inserted--either powdered and poured into shaped capsules, or a pure crystal sanded into the shape of the chamber--and it will fill and filter through fine filigree in the blade itself when activated. It's more of a sentimental, cherished weapon than a modern design, as it was her maternal grandmothers' when she was a Huntress and has been passed down to her, however it fits her aesthetic as well as her fighting style quite well.
Socializing; she has a learned ability to disarm and charm, and makes friends quite quickly
Mathematics and calculation; as the co-owner of the club she owns with her brother, she knows how to manage accounts and balance income with spending; it’s her rigorous upkeep of records that keep the business in such good shape
Poise and balance; from a young age, she has loved high places, and knows how to properly keep her breathing and movements even both in recreational activities and combat for improved accuracy
Practicality; while occasionally seeming lavish in her appearance or activities, she is no stranger to keeping a straight head and realistic thoughts, and is resourceful both in her daily life and in the field
Curiosity; more often than not, she gets into hard places or tough situations out of her wanting to test limits and see something for herself, and this leads to her having to learn things the hard way on occasion
Separation; having grown up with a rather close and loving family, when on her own she gets homesick and lonely quite quickly, which can cause her to cling onto friends or acquaintances and seek out other sources of companionship
Disregard of authority; due to her parents giving her near-independence at a young age, she is somewhat headstrong and can be rebellious at times, finding it difficult to listen to those in charge or over her in certain settings and defecting to do things her own way
Nonchalance; there are times she loses interest in something or someone and doesn’t realize until too late that she didn’t complete a task or pay proper attention, however this doesn’t occur often enough to present much of a problem
Born into the second-most influential and wealthy family in the city of Chrysus, Honey and her twin brother Henry had little in the way of limitations growing up, lacking nothing and always having nearly an over-abundance of food, clothing and things to occupy their minds and hands. As they grew up, it became glaringly obvious that their parents wealth and status made them a target; both twins were nearly kidnapped or killed dozens of times and it seemed to be a natural decision for both of them to receive training privately to learn to protect themselves. Where Henry found his talents laid in orchestrating traps and pitfalls, designing explosives and laying out fail-safes for potential problems that could arise, Honey found her calling in going on the offensive and learning to confront her problems head-on through combative measures. A set of private tutors taught the young Faunus siblings within their own home and surrounding grounds, Huntsmen and Huntresses hired for the sole purpose of giving the two an extensive education on how to defend and protect each other; their elder sister, Henna, would step in and teach techniques when she was home between years of schooling in Atlas. When they were old enough, both twins were asked where they wished to attend their primary combat school, and while Henry chose to study at Signal and be closer to home, Honey chose to follow in her elder sister's footsteps and attend Alsius in the kingdom of Atlas. The first time the two would be apart for extended periods of time, the years leading up to their attendance to Beacon and Atlas Academies, respectively, helped shape who they would become--and the differences in the teaching styles would mold their own ways of combat and assessment of threats. Henry became a bit more wild, able to make explosives and craft traps of delicate and detailed types with little provocation and expand on what he loved to do, while Honey was hard-pressed to break the mold of other students her age and resisted the military-esque way some of her schooling was attempting to lead her. In the end, Henry would complete his Huntsmen schooling and become licensed, whereas Honey lacked desire to complete hers and merge into the military as was expected, so she dropped out just after the start of her fourth year and returned home to the city to pursue other interests. As of current, she is the founder and co-owner of a club/restaurant called 24K in the central district of the city; it is lavish and beautiful, large and catering to not only the more affluent members of the local area, but also offers refreshments and entertainment that are affordable to nearly anyone. Because the city has laws in place allowing the open carry of weapons in most public areas, all that is required for entry is for patrons to put their weapons in lockers before entering the main establishment in order to prevent anything more than fistfights. As much as Honey wishes she had gone through with the final year of her schooling to receive her license, she doesn't regret the decision, and is happy and content with having the work she does. However, that's not to say her training doesn't get put to use--there are walls around Chrysus and a dense forest outside of them, and because the crime rate in the city is sky-high, Grimm attack on a near-daily basis, so she and her brother along with dozens of others who can hold their own in a fight are on call when the dark creatures are spotted and keep them at bay.
Most first impressions of Honey are those seeing her as being somewhat pampered, having little lacking at her fingertips and demanding of those around her--but when one gets to know her better, it comes to light that everything she has, she has worked hard to get. Requiring much at times, once she knows what those around her are capable of she will expect nothing less than their best, and she works hard to provide them with everything she can in return. Confident, capable and ever charming, this petite bear Faunus does her best to make acquaintances and friends everywhere she goes, as she firmly believes you can never know enough people, not to mention who you may know that will prove helpful in the future. || Chrysus is a location of my own design/development within the world of RWBY--more information about it will be released following other OCs that live within it
some notes:
Honey is a RWBY OC of mine I’ve had for ages and has gone through about 4 design overhauls, however she’s always been a Spirit Bear Faunus and a rich bab and I’m happy to finally settle on a design for her <3
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cominguptulips · 3 years
Dream journal entry 1
I had just woken up. the thing is, I dream on almost a daily basis. but the dream that I had just now was so vivid that it urged me to write about it first thing when I woke up. it was divided into 2 parts. The nice one with babs and the other one where I was in a asylum slash school with what it looked like the guy version of Chloe Grace Moretz. Brinda was there too, haha! 
So, part 1 went a little something like this: the first order of things was shayne accompanied me to have my hair cut. i don’t remember exactly what my hair looked like in the dream but what I do remember is that I wanted to get bangs, that I was going to FINALLY get my hair done, à La Summer Finn/ Brigette Bardot/ every manic pixie dream girl’s hair ever style. what made that bit so memorable was, I think, the salon also served Chinese food. I should mention that before we got to the salon, I asked shayne’s opinion on where should I get my hair done to THAT place or this other place called ‘Spearman’ yup, my statistics work is calling me, lol. we just found out that the place served Chinese food after we got there. I got my hair done whilst she ordered some food.
I don’t remember how we got there but there was this footage that bab’s showed me. it was from a party. everybody looked like they were having fun then he paused the video to this one bald guy who I assume was his prof and this girl. long hair, kinda busty. he said something along the lines of “Yes, it’s true. she’s now a cop and she has big boobs. you think that only exists in pornos but nope, she’s a real as it gets” bab’s said something prior to that but much to my chagrin, I can no longer recall it. 
Before Part 2 started there was this, I don’t know, I guess you can call it a intermission number, lol! it wasn’t cute or scaring or anything. like most dreams, it was just weird. so, it started when I went out of the house to buy Marcel’s food. I looked tired, barren and just, straight up shite (but then again when is a day that I actually look decent) I was stumbling my way to SM without a mask on. I was near Mcdonald’s so I turned right, still struggling to walk properly and still struggling to put on the god damn mask when out of the blue, I see this line appear in front of me. the people behind me pushed me until we were inside this mall or whatever. I mean, I assume it was a mall. it was cold, bright, empty, everything was white and gray, the floor was tiled, the whole shabam. apparently, they were in line for the vaccines. the host or whatever she was then told us that there were very limited vaccines available so, to determine who gets what, we we’re gonna play a game of ‘the boat is sinking’ the host, or HOSTESS, was hella weird. whilst thinking of a number, which by the way, took forever, she walked around doing these very random movements. she was tiny and had very short hair. now that i think of it, she looked a lot like Ms. Guiao, hehe. I don’t remember what happened after that but yeah. I assume my group won seeing that we and and the other group (there were 3 groups/lines) were the only one’s left. also, I dreamt of Katrina in her IG story. her prof excused her for not passing her requirements on time. except the part where she said that she was tired and yada yada yada. he marked it “nullified” for some reason, wtf
anyways, for part 2, it all began in a service car. Mang Allan’s, I think :o. like I said, Brinda was there riding shotgun with me. and we were messing around, well, it was mostly her (in typical brinda fashion :P) I think she was trying to mess with my hair or something, making fun of it. anyways, we got to the school, that school looking a LOT like DC, btw. and went our seperate ways. here’s when masculine looking Chloe Grace Moretz comes into the picture. unlike Chloe who leans more on the curvy side of things, this guy was skinny and lanky. ‘cute’ and ‘handsome’ is already a given because, duh. i called his name and handed him his water bottle that he asked me to hold on to for some reason. we went to a restroom and he proceeded to fill it up with water from the drinking fountain. we didn’t exactly go inside the restroom but yeah, the drinking fountain was beside it. I looked over at the open restroom and she a bunch of people fixing their hair, changing clothes and whatever. what happened next is that I turned to my left and saw one of the school’s professors. she was with 2 guys, who looked like a cross between bodyguards and lab assistants. she was naked, covered in slime and was now, half-human, half-fish. she said something along the lines of “It worked! I told you it’s not impossible! I’m a mermaid!” so, I took Chloe’s hand, who by the way, was even reluctant because he was still filling his goldfish with water in the drinking fountain, and ran. we ran upstairs. (because that was the smartest move to get out of the school, right?) it was dark (duh.) but Chloe eventually made his way to his classroom. we must have climbed 5 flights of stairs. by ‘we’ I meant, Melanie Martinez and I. yup, she was with me in that scenario all of the sudden. so we made it to, what I think was the last floor. that’s when things began to get more strange so I told her that we should just go down to the 4th floor and hide here instead but she insisted staying there because THAT’S SOO MELANIE MARTINEZ! so, I went flying down the stairs by myself. I made it to, probably the third floor when I decided to hide instead. I was trapped. so, I tensed up and prepared myself for battle in which I lost because these nurses found and sedated me. 
so, that was my dream. I know it’s weird coming here after what, 2 months of silence, then proceeding to write a dream without explaining first why I’ve been MIA for quite some time but yeah. a lot has happened, and I probably won’t be able to talk about everything, but I’ll give you the highlights later on since I have an exam and other activities to accomplish for today. 
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