#cause there was no limit to the amount you could buy
I wasn't too interested in getting the Cinnamoroll BAB (he's absolutely adorable, but too expensive and I just got the devil bear) and man watching everything go down last night/this morning made me confirmed my decision.
Though if they come out with a Kuromi I might have a problem...
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sexybritishllama · 1 year
in further neopets discord news, oh boy is there drama in my awful virtual pet game website today. strap in if you want way too much information on neopets’ broken economy
for some context, an event has just launched called the faerie festival. this is the first event to be run by the ‘new’ TNT (aka. the neopets team aka. the staff) since the leadership change, and they've said in recent editorials that this year’s faerie festival is going to be a combo of two previous popular events:
the faerie quest event, wherein people can get a free quest from a faerie every day in exchange for a reward (something that’s normally limited to random special events and therefore quite rare)
the charity corner, a highly requested event that hasn’t run since 2020, where you can donate random items to get points that can then be exchanged in a prize shop
there’s a LOT of ultimately worthless items on neopets that people gather from doing dailies and things, but charity corner actually gave a use to hoarding all of these, so people have wanted it back for ages. people have been going out of their way to hoard extra junk items for like 2 months now, after TNT teased the event in an editorial
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this event was originally meant to start on 20th august, but got delayed 2 weeks, presumably because of issues behind the scenes. people were generally a bit disappointed but relieved if this meant they were going to get a proper, well prepared event without bugs
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flash forward to 2nd october, the actual start of the event. nothing actually opens up for several hours on the day- that’s somewhat waved off by the fact that staff presumably need to be in the office to launch everything, a midnight launch isn’t expected
but, eventually, it opens!
well… kinda. there’s one page with one dialogue scene available and a link to an event page for spending neocash (the premium currency that costs irl money). the faerie quest page is giving out free daily quests, which is nice, but literally just the same as they did back in 2020. where’s the item recycling part? did this really need 2 weeks of delay?
the next day, the FAQ page for the event is published neopets support site (but not announced via news). still no sign of the actual event starting- seems like that might not be until moday?
as well as multiple grammatical errors, the FAQ had a few… concerning elements. most notably:
only 10 items could be donated per day
points would be awarded based on the rarity of the item, with the maximum rarity being r200-500, worth 15 points each
this meant people's hoarding of junk items for months was... essentially useless
r200-500 items basically means either hidden tower items (rare, expensive items that can only be bought in an account age locked shop with a purchase limit of 1 per day) orrrr….. neocash items. In other words, players could either spend an exorbinate amount of their in-game currency to buy up items to donate, or they could just hand over their credit card and pay to win
people were Not Happy about this
not long after info spread and the outcry started (and a sizeable number of people cancelled their premium membership in protest), the FAQ was quietly updated to remove mention of donating neocash items. that took away to pay to win element at least
however, now there was a new problem. a tombola man problem.
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i mentioned already that the highest rarity items are pretty rare and expensive. one of the least expensive of these is an item called the Squeezy Tombola Guy Toy. you can probably see where this is going already
because you can only buy a maximum of one tombola guy per day from the hidden tower, your only option if you want to buy more than that in a day is to go to user shops. however, in light of the event, people had already started buying and hoarding tombola guy toys. equally, others were buying them purely to sell at a profit. this made the perfect storm and caused the price of the tombola guy toy, which was normally 110k NP, to explode up to 500k, 600k, even 700k within just one day
BUT THEN THE FAQ GOT UPDATED AGAIN. surprise, you can now donate 30 items per day! also they just got rid of the highest rarity tier altogether. the maximum you can get for an item is now 8 points, for rarity r102-r179.
this has now made the squeezy tombola guy toys useless. unless you’re a collector they don’t serve any function beyond that of a normal neopets toy (of which there’s thousands of much cheaper options). the price has now plummeted down to BELOW what it originally was and many users now have piles and piles of the dolls sitting in their inventory, mocking them
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so what now? well, because no one ever learns, everyone is now flocking to what is now the cheapest high-rarity item eligible for donation. most are going for omelettes, which have a few different options at r102+. these have also inflated by like 400% from before the event, but unlike the squeeze tombola guys, these are only worth a few thousand neopoints, so not as bad a potential loss in comparison
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it’s worth noting that while all this is going on in preparation for the recycling event, neopets is also experiencing insane inflation in a lot of other items right now, including those required for people to complete faerie quests. for example, a Griefer, which cost 5000 np just last week, is now worth selling for 1 MILLION
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So yeah. 3 days into the event and that’s where we are so far. who knows what tomorrow might bring
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ssahotchnerr · 2 months
hi!!! could you write aaron x bau! reader, where jack accidentally finds a positive pregnancy test in the bathroom or somewhere in a drawer before reader gets a chance to tell aaron)))🫶🏻
omg omg i could cry 🫶🏻🥹 cw; pregnant bau!reader, mentions of pregnancy symptoms, a ton of fluff <3 wc; 1k
"Hi sweetheart."
Aaron's eyes rose as you entered his office, before returning to the files laid atop his desktop, a paper in his right hand. His stare had lingered momentarily, so he noticed the bag in your hand. "Heading out?"
"Yup, gotta pick up Jack." You replied, hoping you sounded somewhat normal, given your current circumstances. You felt as if your voice was borderline squeaky, in that attempt to remain normal, while also resisting the urge to bounce on your toes. "You coming with?"
On another note, you were so incredibly thankful to be leaving early; overwhelmed with nausea, back pain, fatigue. Ginger ale had been within arm's reach all day, an achingly long day. Laying in bed had never sounded more appealing.
"No, I wish I could. There's a few consults I need to look over before tomorrow. It shouldn't take too long, though." He got up, inching towards you, "I can, however, spare some time for you."
Your nose scrunched in amusement, leaning up to peck his lips, "You're too good to me."
He chased your lips, murmuring into the kiss with a soft smirk and teasing you right back, "I do try."
After the two of you pulled away (and a whistle echoed outside from a passing Derek Morgan), you toyed with his tie, smoothing it cleanly against his torso. "Don't stay too late, okay?"
"I won't." Aaron kissed you once, twice more before retreating back to his desk. He held onto your hand for as long as possible, causing it to fall gracefully to your side. "I'll be home before dinner, I promise."
Instead of leaving, all you could do was stand there; staring at him, completely giddy. The secret you held, it made you feel a whole new kind of love when you looked at him. The father of your unborn child, the perfect addition to your family. A new love you had created together.
Aaron's gaze lifted, catching you ogling him, a confused smile forming on his face. "What?"
"Oh, nothing. Nothing at all." You shrugged, forcing your feet towards the door. "I'll see you at home."
His eyes narrowed suspiciously, playfully. He absolutely didn't buy it. "Okay, drive safe."
"Hi." Jack greeted, climbing into the backseat and shutting the door behind him. He struggled the smallest amount, his backpack weighing him down.
"Hey Jackers," You twisted behind, offering a warm smile, "have a good day?"
"Yeah." He verified, and left it at that. He simply settled in, buckling up.
While you had thought you were the one being strange, he was definitely more so. As you took the route home, he remained quiet in the back, rather than being his usual talkative, wanting-to-tell-you-everything-about-his-day self. You peered at him in the rearview, observing him.
He didn't look pale, so hopefully he wasn't coming down with something. He didn't seem upset - his eyebrows always pinched together in worry when he was. Even this morning during breakfast for instance, he seemed far away, off in his own world. If you didn't know any better, he looked on edge, but in a jittery, seemingly excited way. Antsy, and oddly familiar.
"You okay?"
Jack nodded, keeping his eyes out the window. His absorbed expression indicated the gears continuing to turn in his mind.
"Did something happen today? You're awfully quiet."
"I have a question."
You stopped the car, arriving home, turning around in your seat again to fully look at him. "You know you can ask me anything. Whatever's on your mind, nothing's off limit."
His eyes lit up, hopeful yet quizzical. He quietly and timidly asked, "Am I getting a baby brother or sister?"
You blinked at him, surprised, as that was the last thing you expected to come out of his mouth. But you couldn't stop the small smile tugging its way onto your face. Not only because you were happy, of course, but you also didn't want him thinking he had done something wrong. "What makes you ask that?"
"I wasn't snooping, I promise. I went into your bathroom to look for some floss - Dad said I could, said it was in the top left drawer - and I saw it, it said pregnant. But I didn't mean to see, I swear."
Your expression softened sweetly, a gentle laugh escaping you too, "It's okay buddy, that's completely on me. I didn't do a very good job of concealing it at all."
An adorable, boyish smile pulled at his lips, the words leaving him shyly. He could infer the answer, but he needed the actual confirmation. "So... am I?"
After a moment's silence, letting the suspense linger, you confirmed, your heart bursting as you did. "You are."
"Yes!" He nearly shouted, immediately unbuckling his seatbelt and throwing his arms around you, as much as he could with the obstacle of the driver's seat. His arms mainly reached around your neck.
You laughed gleefully, your hands raising to his arms, squeezing them gently - a makeshift hug for the meantime. Tears dared to spill down your cheeks, overwhelmed with emotion.
He released the embrace, sobering for a moment and the realization beginning to fully set in. "I'm really getting a sister?"
"It could be a boy too." You arched a brow, grinning.
"Yeah," he matched your smile, buzzing with happiness. "And I'd love that too. But, I think it's gonna be a girl."
"Well, we'll just have to wait and see." You shrugged coyly, "It's still quite early, so we won't be able to find out for a couple weeks."
"Weeks?" He whined painfully, but it faded as fast as it had appeared. "I'm so excited. I can't wait."
"You wanna know something else?" He nodded profusely. "You're the only one who knows."
Jack's eyes brightened more if it were possible, in both exhilaration and shock. "Seriously?!"
For the meantime, it was a special secret, shared just between the two of you. You could've sobbed right there, between his genuine sweetness and excitement. And the hormones.
Regardless, he was going to be the best big brother.
"Dad doesn't know?"
"Not yet. I was brainstorming how to tell him, how to tell you, but you were just too quick for me." You flashed him a teasing grin. "That means you have to help me come up with a fun way to tell him, and quick, because I think he's onto me. Deal?"
Jack held out his pinky, interlocking it with yours. "Deal."
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starseneyes · 7 months
Heart-Warmed and Teary-Eyed: Kindness Matters
I have a P.O. Box that I check once a week. Right now, I mostly use it for letter correspondence with my friend @always-coffee—a tremendous published poet and beautiful human I met by chance online.
Monday she said she mailed her latest letter. So, I stopped by the Post Office on the way home from dropping the kids at school on the off-chance it made it through USPS faster than normal.
I found no letter inside, but a flyer from the Post Office saying they were holding something for me that wouldn't fit in the box. I wondered if Ali had sent a letter that was too tall (because she has such amazing stationary). I had no idea what was about to happen.
I glimpsed the package as they pulled it from a cabinet and wondered what on earth Ali sent me. That was not a letter.
Then I saw The Golden Notebook Bookstore label and knew it was something @neil-gaiman related.
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For those who don't know (normal people who don't follow Neil on social media, for example), that is the local bookstore near Neil's home in New York. He periodically signs books for them that are sold with zero markup.
I am a fan of Neil as a writer, but also as a human. I don't follow many celebrities—a side effect of my set-kid youth—but I did follow Neil last year during the WGA Strike. Been a fan of his for ages, and Neverwhere is my favorite book.
Ali knows all this, and I just knew she had done something sneakily sweet.
I rushed home with a smile on my face, trying desperately not to set off the speed-trap on the road back. Let me tell you, driving speed limit when excited is not easy for me!
When I finally whipped into my driveway and sprinted into my house, I carefully opened the package (more excruciating slowness) and tried not to cry happy tears when I saw what was inside. Wrapped tenderly in bubble-wrap rested... a book.
What You Need to be Warm is a poem Neil wrote that features illustrations from some of the best artists in the industry. That in itself is wonderful. But the mission of this little book is what is so amazing.
See, the sale of every copy supports UNHCR—the UN Refugee Agency. This book literally helps people when you buy it.
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I have wanted to buy a copy for ages, but you all know I thrift and buy books secondhand. I didn't want to do that with this book.
I wanted to buy it outright to ensure the maximum amount of money went to support the cause. So, I have been waiting until we were a little more stable so I could buy it full-price, outright.
Thanks to Ali, I have a copy that was purchased outright (so it helps people in need) and it is signed!
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Yes, it's a signed copy with pen bleed on the opposite page, and all.
I would never do something like this for myself. You all know I am woefully practical and doing things for myself isn't second-nature. I’m working on it, but it is slow coming reprogramming a lifetime of behavior. So gifts like this... oh, they mean everything.
I am overwhelmed with gratitude that such a kind soul would do something like this for me. Thank you, Ali.
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klaus-littlestwolf · 10 months
Lost Boys Sick!Mate Headcanon
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(For whoever requested a Sick Mate Headcanon for the Lost Boys, I hope you enjoy this)
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•David wants to change you immediately
•He hates seeing you sick, miserable or in any kind of pain and while most people wouldn’t believe David can be sympathetic, for you he very much is
•He has been trying to get you to turn for a long time and while this is a convenient way of convincing you, he really just wants you to get better
•David hasn’t been sick in…several hundred years. He’s the oldest out of the whole pack and so he remembers sickness the least of all of them, the only thing he can relate it to is not feeding for a long amount of time and he knows how painful that gets to be
•He would lay with you in the bed in the cave, whether you live with them in the cave yet or not, that is where you will be staying and you have no choice, he won’t let you be alone while you’re ill
•He often gives you massages whenever your muscles are achy, he knows how good it makes you feel and it makes him feel like he’s able to do something to help you, even if it’s just to relieve a small bit of your discomfort
•He’ll definitely make Marko go out to get you food, though he doesn’t know what kind of food since you keep insisting that you aren’t hungry
•David wants to care for you, he just has no clue how and if you weren’t sick as a dog, it might even be adorable how frazzled he is
Overall Grade of Care: 4/10
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•Dwayne would be a major worrier every single time you get sick
•While he doesn’t remember what it’s like to personally be sick, he does remember his younger sister being sick when he was human and dying of a fever, so every time you’re even remotely warm he attempts to put you in an ice bath
•When you are bed ridden he is sure to make you stay in the cave, he’s always by your side and will often sit and read to you until you drift off to sleep
•He tries to keep you fed as much as you’ll allow with your upset stomach and he gives you plenty of water, to the point you wonder if vampires can survive being waterboarded cause you’re ready to kill him
•Dwayne is very much like David, he doesn’t know how to take care of a human that’s sick and he doesn’t understand that sometimes you just need to let an illness run it’s course
•Eventually he would buy some medicine at the store (Marko’s recommendation) and give it to you. He’s completely stunned by how quickly you finally fall asleep with how badly you’ve been coughing but the medicine works
Overall Grade of Care: 5.5/10
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•Paul is chill when you get sick, he knows most of the time it’s just a little cold
•He gives you a few shots of whiskey and smokes a joint with you until you pass out, most of the time you wake up feeling better
•When you don’t however, he becomes frantic
•He will run around like a human having a manic episode. He makes sure you’re as comfortable as you can be, and if you’re not he goes to the store and buys more pillows and softer blankets. Hell get you new pajamas and more boxes of tissues than you’ll ever use
•He cleans the entire area you’re in as best he can in a cave, trying to get rid of germs that could make you sick all over again. It would be funny if you didn’t want to strangle him for moving so supernaturally fast that he makes you even more dizzy which makes your stuffy head hurt more
•He tries not to bother you too much, getting you to sleep as much as he can because apparently humans only heal when they’re sleeping so you need to sleep until you feel better
•He doesn’t quite understand that there’s a limit to how much NyQuil you can take
•Paul means well and he wants to help, he just goes too far with it most of the time
Overall Grade of Care: 7/10
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•Marko is probably the best of the boys to have taking care of you when you’re ill
•He gets you medicine immediately and actually reads the instructions to give you the correct dosage
•He ensures you are comfortable in the bed, making sure to keep the blankets on when you’re cold and removing them if and when your fever gets too high
•When you’re too warm, which seems to be most of the time, he will strip to his boxers and crawl into bed with you, his cold skin making you feel better almost instantly
•He goes to the store and gets you whatever you want but also picks some things for you to make you feel better. He gets you your favorite tea bags to make you hot tea, the Chamomile helping to calm you and be able to sleep better, he also gets you some cans of coke to sip on when your stomach is upset
•He makes you soup everyday to keep you eating, even if you cant hold too much down, it’s not too heavy on your stomach
•Marko will also rent movies (and by rent I mean take them from Max’s store when he’s not looking) to bring back for you two to watch together to keep you entertained
•Marko was a human not too long ago, Paul being the only one younger than him, and he remembers very well how to take care of sick people, he is very good at making sure you get well as quickly as you can
Overall Grade of Care: 9.5/10
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Lost Boys Masterlist
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justice-artblog · 9 days
Had a vivid thought
Prior to his current friends, Saiki's room is painstakingly bare. No pictures, Books of the most normal things including obscure stories, his bed is only made for comfort but no fun. His TV is standard, his desk having no noticeable scratches or morks or doodles.
And the first time any of his friends head up to his room, it's clocked in how bare bones everything is. As if the Saiki was ready to drop and move at a moments notice sort of deal.
And of course they go to remedy that.
Kaidou brings in old games for Saiki to play, lending him his consol time to time. It's also a perfect excuse to join him to play games. Saiki seems to know everything before even playing, but it's about the fun more than the story!
Nendou brings different books and manga's to Saiki's home, replacing some of the math and history books with books about random animal facts, one scary book, and a particularly raunchy one that Saiki immediately throws back in his bag.
Kuboyasu coming in with Plushies galore cause he has ZERO idea what to get his homie. But normies like these soft plushies, so clearly Saiki would adore them! Except he gets the weirdest ones, little guys that are very creepy but Kusuo has stashed up on the corner of his bed.
And slowly his room is filled with life that was sorely missing.
Teruhashi stashes cuter plushies alongside Kuboyasu, in order to not overwhelm Saiki with a lot, they have agreed to limit the amount they get and the size. They both pitch in to get a giant sitting pkushie on the floor that you could flop over
Chiyo and Mera tag team in pictures, decorating the frames and taking random pics of Siaki or their friends to hang up on the wall or placs on his desk. They get a pin board to pin up the photos.
Toritsuka absolutely hides magazines under Saiki's bed. The first time Saiki finds em he really wants to murder Reita, but it's actually one of the sweets magazines and none of his horndog ways. So he lets him live... For now.
Aiura stashes beads and Kandi everywhere, she has absolutely bedazzled Kusuo's lamp.
Akechi slips in movies of all kinds, detective ones where Kusuo needs to pay attention and purposefully thinking up of Random Babble so he doesnt accidentally spoil the psychic.
Saiko goes above and beyond and buys Siaki a new bed. He does check in with the other Plebians to make sure it... Ya know... Fits. It's so comfy and the new comforters are still plain in design
He does also buy a little cat house for Amp outdoors cause they all know that the cat is something Saiki secretely adores even if he doesnt outwardly show it.
Yuuta probably leaves Cyborg Cider man action figures scattered around the room every once in awhile, And Saiki has to meticulously clean them and display them so that Yuuta doesnt forget about them next times he's over.
Like i just want one moment where Saiki is there, laying down in bed, playing on the borrowed Switch with a plushie behind his head instead of a pillow and just the the realization that his room is not a room anymore. It's his room.
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talaok · 11 months
The Mask
Pairing: Joel Miller x f!reader
Summary: You ask your husband Joel to buy a Ghostface mask to wear during your "alone time", and he’s more than happy to comply
Warnings: smut| mask kink, sir kink, degradation, threats of anal (but no actual anal), unprotected p in v sex, choking, Joel has a bit too much fun fulfilling your fantasy... but then also aftercare and soft husband!Joel cause ill always go back to my fluffy roots (also i don't specify it but obv they've talked about all their boundaries and everything, so they know each other's limits)
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It had been such a stressful day that the last thing you had in mind was what had happened yesterday.
With Sarah wanting to change costume last minute because apparently she now hated the idea of being a princess and wanted to be a witch, with Molly's helicopter of a mom constantly calling you to make sure your daughter wouldn't get to the sleepover with lice or carrying a snack that god forbid had gluten in it... it had been such a hectic day that, once Joel finally managed to ride Sarah to her Halloween sleepover, all you wanted to do was lie in bed and hide under the covers... which is what you did...for twenty minutes, before you surrendered to the inevitable task of cleaning up the mess you'd made on the vanity from doing Sarah's makeup.
And it was then, as you were huffing and sighing loudly into what you thought was an empty house, that a figure appeared behind you, making your body run cold with fear, and your heart start to beat out of your chest.
You remained immobilized, frozen in your spot, watching from the mirror as the figure approached, backing away from where he was leaning on the door to walk towards you slowly...
And then you got it, your brain recovered from the scare and you pieced it together.
Such a quick conversation, such a quick decision you'd made as you shopped for Sarah's costume, that in all the chaos, it had managed to slip your mind.
"Ghostface?" he'd frowned once you handed him the mask "I don't think Sarah's even old enough to watch that movie"
And at that you had smiled, looking up at him with that devilish smile you got whenever you got a special idea.
"it's not for her"
his brows knitted in puzzlement again
God, for being such a smart man he sure was dense sometimes
"You wanna dress up too sweetheart?" he asked, making you inevitably snort.
"No" you'd laughed "it's for you"
"for me? what would I need to put this on f-"
And that was when he got it, watching you bite your bottom lip, as that particular spark lighted your eyes, then, he finally put it together.
"ohhh" he he breathed, a smirk making its way to his lips as soon as he realized "Oh yeah, we're definitely buying this"
And that's how you ended up here, watching your masked husband grab your waist to host you up so you were flashed against him, against his tight black t-shirt and black jeans.
You couldn't feel his breath, but you could hear him breathe heavily beside your neck, right against your ear, looking at you from the mirror and studying you as if you were a pray.
Now this wasn't the first time you'd asked him to do something... kinkier, you had made him buy a blindfold, you had your fair amount of toys locked in your bedside drawer, and you were sure some rope and one of those little leather whips you'd purchased once were still somewhere in your wardrobe, but this, the dressing up, the putting on a mask... this, you'd never done, this was all new...
And god were you excited.
"so..." he spoke, his voice huskier than usual, a giveaway of just how much he was enjoying this too already "You've got a boyfriend?"
Now if he got to play the part, so wanted you. 
What fun would this be otherwise?
"I've got a husband" you murmured, your voice faint, seemingly scared.
"mh..." he hummed, his head tilting downwards as if he was looking at you up and down "Lucky husband"
You wanted to say something, anything, but before you could even breathe he had turned you around, his strong, veiny hands gripping your waist.
"P-please" you shut your eyes "Please don't hurt me Mr. Ghostface"
A faint chuckle came from beside the mask
"It's sir" he corrected
Oh he knew you so fucking well
"I-I'm sorry... sir" you whimpered, trying to get used to not getting to look into his hazel eyes, but instead into two big black holes. 
"A-are you gonna hurt me, sir?"
His thick fingers caressed your sides, as he took his time answering you
"no" he finally said "Not if you behave" he explained, his grip tightening, a simple gesture, a simple threat "Are you gonna behave y/n?"
"y-yes" you nodded, actually believing it now, actually losing yourself in the fantasy.
He didn't need to say anything, all he did was tilt his head, and you had realized your mistake.
"yes, sir"
"good girl"
Just two words, and your panties were drenched.
He didn't speak, all he did was break away from you to walk backward until he could sit on the edge of the bed, watching you expectantly.
"go on"
that's all he said, and fuck but that's all you needed.
Your eyes remained on him as you took off every piece of your clothing. You started softly tugging your shirt off, listening to his breathing falter, then you got rid of your pants, then it was time to undo your bra, and then finally, finally you were shuffling your panties down your legs just to step out of them.
A whispered groan fled his lips at the sight, and he couldn't help but stand up to meet you.
His right palm landed on your asscheeks before you even realized what was happening, and a soft whimper escaped your throat in response
"real lucky husband" he growled
An hour ago, you were trying his daughter's Halloween costume on her in this exact room, and now there you were, naked, in front of your masked husband.
"please sir" you pleaded
"What?" he hushed "What do you want?"
He was slowly rounding you, bringing a hand around your torso with him, sending shivers everywhere they could be
"I want to hear you say it" he purred, right against your ear now "I want to hear you beg for my cock, beg for me to fuck you, I know you want it"
"I- Sir, I-"
"I want you to admit just how much of a slut you are" he murmured, now in front of you "I want you to admit just how much you want it"
“Please Sir-i need you”
“Mhh” he hummed, “what do you need?”
His left hand started a slow path down your belly, igniting shivers with his touch, until he was right there, and all he did was cup your pussy and he broke you completely
“You, I-inside of me” you whimpered
"is that right?" he taunted, tilting his head
"yes" you nodded "yes, please sir-"
But once again, he had turned you around like a doll, powerless to his strength, and stole your words from your tongue.
The table rutted from the impact once he pushed your back down on it, your head almost hitting the hardwood.
"Is this what you want?" 
His rough jeans and hard bulge were flashed against your bare ass, making you squirm.
"answer me" he demanded, gripping your hair to yank your head back so you could look at him from the mirror "I asked you a question"
"yes" you murmured "Yes please"
A snicker made its way to your ears as you heard the familiar sound of his zipper undoing.
"aren't you the little whore..." he growled, his insult only rendering you all the more desperate as he slapped his cock on your asscheeks "You'd let me put it anywhere I want?" he mocked, his tip infiltrating between your crack and probing at your other entrance "even in this pretty little hole?"
You gasped.
"I bet you would" he teased "I bet you'd let me do anything I want with you" his head tilted to the left, watching you biting your lip as you tried to keep a straight face, and failing miserably "you're just a poor slut that's desperate to be filled, you don't care in which hole, do you?" he asked now, "answer me"
"y-yes" you stuttered "I-I'm a slut, I'll take anything you'll give me sir, just please-"
"please what?"
"please put it in"
you couldn't see the smirk on his lips, but you sure as hell could hear it.
"Since you asked so nicely..."
And it was then, it was then that he trusted his whole length and girth inside of you with one single push, making you cry out into the thick air and forcing the whole table to shake just for him to not even wait a second, he didn't give you a moment to breathe, a moment to recover, no, he did the opposite... he started splitting you in fucking half.
All the remaining makeup on the vanity was tumbling down onto the floor one by one, but he didn't show signs of slowing down, or god forbid stopping.
The sound of his skin slapping with yours bounced off the walls with each merciless thrust, and you... you were fucking gone.
"look at that" his grip on your hair tightened as he forced your head back even more "I want you to see how much you like this" he groaned, his digits on your waist definitely leaving marks "How much of a slut you are" he spoke "how much you enjoy getting fucked by a stranger"
You wanted to say something, anything really, but as you watched your reflection, your eyes spilling tears, your cheeks wet and your mascara smudged all over... all your mouth could produce were moans, or whimpers, or curses not even belonging to the English language each time his dick hit that spot inside of you that made you want to scream.
"Look at that" Your scalp hurt as he fisted your hair more "Look at how fucking pathetic you look" he spit as you gasped for air and as you felt your belly tighten in that way it did before your release.
"you're gonna cum already?" he realized, his tone mocking "The slut likes it so much she's not even gonna last a minute?"
"Mh-mh" you hummed, "y-yes, I-it's too..." Your eyes rolled to the back of your head and you gripped the edge of the table until your knuckles went white as the orgasm unexpectantly overtook your whole body, only letting you moan out a "good" before you were back to a non-verbal state and cried in pleasure.
He let you ride out your high, but as soon as you came down he had manhandled you and threw you on the bed back down, not even giving you a moment to realize what was happening before he had slipped his cock inside you again.
His hand took hold of your arms and pinned them above your head as you arched your back at the feeling of this new angle. It wasn't as deep but the way his pelvis rutted against your clit with each movement of his hips, made it all just as breathtaking, and speaking of which...
His other hand sneaked up your chest, diverting a moment to grab at your boobs before he was wrapping his fingers around your throat, first gently and then applying more and more pressure, until you were completely in a sensory overload and all you could feel was pleasure in its purest form.
"fuck-look at that, you're so desperate for this cock that your pussy's sucking me back in"
He taunted, his thrusts remaining as unforgiving as ever. 
you had lost all touch with reality, this wasn't your husband, this wasn't you, this wasn't your bedroom this was- you didn't even know what it was, you just knew your brain had stopped working long ago, and you were on the verge of another mindblowing orgasm
"what would your husband think seeing you like this?" he purred as he forced your head to the mirror again, and this time, the image you were met with was only more of a mess, your cheeks red, your mascara nonexistent, and your mouth parted, desperately looking for air that it wasn't gonna find any time soon...
"drunk on another man's cock" he continued, his grip on your neck tightening to the point you were seeing black dots staining your vision "Not even able to speak anymore" he groaned "Look at yourself... such a fucking whore"
And then inevitably, as fucked up as that may be, those words sent you over the edge, your legs shaking and your walls tightening around him as you moaned louder than you'd ever had.
And at the feeling you were granting him, he couldn't help but follow suit, filling you up with a loud groan, until his juices and yours mixed as they ran down your thighs.
It took more than a moment for either of you to get back to reality, but as always, Joel managed to beat you to it, pulling out of you and taking his mask off, revealing his flushed and fucked out state as he whispered a low "fuck"
"sweetheart?" he called, stroking your cheek once you wouldn't open your eyes "Are you ok?" he asked "Did I go too far?"
"n-no" you murmured almost inaudibly as you shook your head "You were... perfect, I'm just" a yawn interrupted your words
he didn't need you to finish the sentence, all he did was pick you up and place you softly on your side of the bed, positioning your head gently on the pillow
"stay here, I'll clean you up"
As if there was any chance you'd get out of bed after that
And he did, he cleaned you between your thighs with a wet cloth, gave you a tall glass of water to drink, and then set you under the covers just to join you a moment later, watching you crawl closer to him until each part of your body was touching one of his.
"Better?" he asked, petting your hair as you looked up at him with your head on his chest 
"yes" you smiled "Thank you"
he stroked your back as he leaned down to kiss you "I love you" he promised
"I love you" you vowed back
He smiled too now as he leaned back on the headboard
"you wanna watch something?"
"mhh" he hummed, pointing the remote at the tv "Got anything in mind?"
And there it was again, that dangerous dangerous grin
"How about Scream?"
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irawhiti · 1 year
no tagging please lol
hey so uh. a little while back i was forced to leave where i lived for my own safety due to racist violence. i'm currently homeless living in an uninsulated caravan full of holes with my parents in the middle of nowhere (literally, it's over an hour to the nearest small town and 30 people live in an entire hour radius. i'm very remote.) with no electricity, water, or plumbing. we had a generator but it's been broken for several weeks now and we have EXTREMELY limited power because of it which means we have no heating at all. on top of that, since we have no heat or plumbing, if i want to take a shower i have to pay a minimum of $30 ish for petrol and the shower cost to get a lift into the nearest town and back. i can't really wash using a basin as often as i want to because of disabilities that are severely affected by cold and i'd have to wash out in the open in a field since we have no shed to wash in which is uhh... haha not ideal lol. as you can imagine. we don't really have any neighbours (they can still see us but they're not here right now) but it's extremely paranoia inducing. it also means i have to handwash all my clothes which has been causing issues with my disabilities too.
i hate to ask but could i please get some help to buy some warm clothes and bedding or something? several people on the block have contracted hypothermia in the past week and due to where we live we get hit with antarctic storms fairly frequently. i've been trying to stay positive but i'm honestly so fucking cold and getting increasingly malnourished, like i'm australian and all my clothes are only really good to keep warm if it's above like 15c/59f. it's also just very expensive just to exist here because it costs $40 in gas to get to the closest town we can actually buy groceries from + we need to buy and scavenge firewood wherever we find it because campfires are the only way we can heat up water or cook anything right now. i've been foraging and trapping invasive animals to supplement my diet but it's really not enough and i've been getting sick from malnourishment again. we also had e-coli in the household recently and three of us have gone into hospital (including myself) in the past month and i'm kind of at my limit. since we have no power i've had to pay a stupid amount for my phone bill and data also like everything is truly so fucking expensive.
please specify that it's for irawhiti, this is my friend's paypal. thank you so much if you can help me at all, i'm trying to take this shit in stride but i'm kind of absolutely fucked right now as much as i hate to admit it
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ewreckedshin · 4 months
Aventurine x reader ~ cat cakes [caked up cat]
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Description: Ruan Mei has been working on a special creation, one that can help her create a sentient life through... indirect means. She gifts one of these products to Aventurine, a wealthy buyer who purchased 3 of her normal cat cakes. Aka I've made yet another plot to insert cat-girl sex
WC: ~2k
Warnings: NSFW, mostly smut, honestly long overdue, tempted to buy the pajamas in that art just so I can pretend Aventurine is gonna spawn in my room at some point then I can give him the clothes to wear, unedited
Head swirling after his encounter with Sparkle, Aventurine was not in the mood to answer the knock at his door
Nevertheless, he lazily swings open the door, masking his annoyance with a forged smile
It was a young delivery guy, who was so intimidated talking to Aventurine of the ten Stonehearts that he immediately set down the boxes and ran off after muttering a rushed introduction
Ruan Mei, the seller he bought from, had left him a note on one of the boxes
Dear Aventurine,
I am pleased that you have taken an interest in my experiments. For your multiple purchases, I have included an extra product in one of the boxes. This one is quite “special” as it is able to maintain a human form for certain activities. It is my gift to you, but you are also doing a service for me by testing out my newest experiment.
With gratitude,
Ruan Mei 
Shutting his door, he muses over the contents of the letter
He first unboxes the regular cat cakes, smiling at the irony in front of him
“Black cats, huh? Are you little ones going to balance out my great fortune?”
He then opens the special package…
To find nothing but you, another black cat nestled within a pastry case, blinking your eyes cutely at him 
“Don’t see what’s so different about this special product”
He gently lifts you out of the box, and you discover that his slim pretty fingers are calloused despite their manicured appearance
“Can you speak?” 
You sink your fluffy body into his hands, enjoying the feeling of dangling from a pretty boy’s arms.
He shook his head, blond hair falling into his pretty eyes as he chuckled at his own question. “Of course you can’t, what a silly question.”
He fondly pets your head and scratches behind your ears, causing you to trill out musical purrs at the sensation
Aventurine collapses on his luxurious bed and scoops you onto his chest
You could hear a soft vibration in his chest as he spoke, making your small body buzz from the movement
“Sometimes it seems like the more luck I bring to myself, the worse the situation around me is. Almost as though there’s a limited amount of luck in this world and I’m taking it all for myself”
Curiously, you knead your paws into the silky material of his black pajamas
He simply stares at you with an empty smile on his face, a touch of something vulnerable underneath his practiced expression.
He closes his eyes and presses his forehead to your smaller furry one. Up close, you could see dark circles under his eyes. He was beautiful, despite his face being the picture of fatigue
“To be special…”
He trails off at the end of his sentence and loosens his embrace on your body
Soon the room was entirely silent save for the quiet breaths that escaped his parted lips
You stretch out your limbs and nimbly pull yourself out of your cake shell, stopping to stare at his closed eyelids. Cattish eyes followed the movement of his breaths and a subtle flutter of his lashes revealed something wet sliding down his cheeks
You wanted to call out to him, to just do something to console the sleeping man
Simultaneously, a familiar burning sensation spread within you, one that occurred whenever you were within proximity of a human for long enough
Almost as though it was nature’s alarm, reminding you of the reason for your creation
You nimbly pull yourself out of your cake shell and shift into your human form
Fully naked too (why would there be clothes?)
Aventurine lets out a small grunt from your sudden change in weight but remains asleep
Flipping yourself around, you sit your cute butt on his chest and crawl your upper body under the covers, hands clumsily fumbling around to find your target
You hear your destination before you realize it; as your fingers brush against a bulge, a muffled surprised gasp vibrates from his chest against your bare pussy 
The heat within you continues to grow as you squirm and squeeze your thighs around his shoulders to quell it. 
Your eyes tear from frustration when you’re unable to figure out the strange human contraption that blocked you from his waiting cock
You rest your head on his muscled thigh and mouth his clothed bulge, wishing that you weren’t so dumb and useless
Low moaning noises rose from the man behind you, which you were taught was a good sign 
You give his dick kitten licks and sloppily drool all over his expensive pants as you mimic sucking motions 
Subconsciously your hips buck into his chest, rubbing your slick into his heated skin above the unbuttoned part of his shirt
All the while your tears continue to fall from your face, feeling unfulfilled from not completing your purpose
You were so focused on your task that you failed to realize the man behind you had awoken
It wasn’t until you felt a hand roughly pulling your hair back that you squealed in surprise, teary eyes meeting an angry bright pink
“I knew it. Everything about that letter was weird.” 
You were resting awkwardly, limbs twisted as you stared up at him with wide, unsuspecting watery eyes. The room was silent as you held your breath out of fear of upsetting him
Too focused on the feeling of betrayal, Aventurine ignores your innocent pleading gaze and pins you to the headboard
“Don’t play dumb with me. What is your actual purpose here?” 
You nervously squirm in his hold, legs still wrapped around his waist. He’s glaring at you but you can see the flicker of his eyes from your face to your bare chest, as well as the still hard bulge pressing against your pussy
“I said,” he hisses. “State your purpose.”
Tears begin to fall from your face, afraid that you’ve let him down. He seemed slightly startled at your tears but didn’t remove the dirty look from his face. Why was he looking so angry even though he was displaying all the correct signs of arousal?
You try your best to decipher his sentences; you only know one word that a pretty brunette lady had mentioned multiple times while training you with various men
“Purpose” you echo his words, before shifting your hips and attempting to grind down on his dick. “Purpose…”
You hold his gaze, hoping to communicate with him through action
Despite his anger, Aventurine was a smart man and figured you must be referring to… explicit activities
“I see. So this is what she meant by ‘experiment…’” 
His eyes glaze over as you watch him get lost in his thoughts; of what this meant, what to do next
Displeased, you squeeze your bound arms out of his hold and grip his shoulders, whimpering as you press your sensitive pussy on his hardness
Aventurine felt conflicted; on the one hand, he disliked being deceived
On the other hand…
“Oh god,” he groans as your heat catches on the clothed tip of his dick
On the other hand, it had been a long time since he last felt the warmth of a woman, nevertheless one who was seemingly so eager to please him
But he knew this was wrong. This was an artificially made creature after all, not even a real person
Still he felt a twinge of sympathy for you as you probably had no choice in your behavior
And he knew what it was like to be in the unknown
He listens to the good of his conscience, gripping your plush thighs and pulling you onto his right thigh instead, ignoring the protest of his aching cock
Gesturing toward his thigh, he guides you to move your hips
“You can use any other part of me to satisfy yourself. I’ll… find some way to return you to your creator afterward”
He knew you couldn’t understand a word he said and if he were being honest with himself he was simply rambling to fill the space, poorly concealing the fact that his pretty eyes were glued to the movement of your wet pussy on his silk pants
Confused, you let out a soft cry and move to paw at his dick, only for him to firmly grasp your wrist and pull you back
You couldn’t understand why he was refusing to have you, this had never happened before
The soft cloth of his pants and firm muscle underneath provided enough friction to satisfy you temporarily
It wasn’t enough, but if it was all you could have…
You give up trying to reach for his cock and instead hump his thigh needily, mewling each time your clit pressed into the muscle of his thigh
Aventurine swallowed hard and nearly gave in as your pussy grinds a little too close to where he wanted it
He watches you with half-lidded eyes, and you swear that you see his eyes glowing for a moment
You let out several gasps in a row, eyes rolling back as you felt your climax approaching
A part of Aventurine wishes that you wouldn’t finish, that you would need his help and beg so that it was you who initiates instead of him
But you let out a few more gasps, and came undone on his hard thigh, pussy clenching around nothing as you catch his cock twitching against his pants out of your peripheral
Panting, you fell against his chest but tears continued to fall from your dissatisfaction
Your walls ached for something thick and hard to fill it, and in that moment it felt like nothing in the world mattered but to fulfill that desire
And in a way that was true, it was all you were made for
“Need…” you whimpered out, gesturing to his cock. You didn’t touch it in fear of being pushed away, instead you communicated your want through eye contact and a single word
Aventurine’s internal conflict had begun to boil, and your desperate pleas were the tipping point 
“Alright baby, alright. You can have me” He gives in, shakily pulling down his pants with one hand while the other keeps you steady on his lap
You nearly drool at the sight of his cock, flushed and painfully hard, slapping against his shirt
“Just this once, yea? Once and that’s all” His voice is all raspy now, attention solely focusing on getting his needy cock into your slobbering hole. 
It was you who couldn’t even speak human, so why did he feel like he was the one about to be fucked dumb? 
Your ears flatten against your head as you felt the tip of his cock against your pussy, and the stretch itself nearly has you crumbling in relief
He clenches his jaw, biting back an ungodly moan at the feeling of your tight gummy walls clenching around his sensitive tip like a vice. He holds still so as to not cum with just the tip in you
You however, were impatient and wanted his cock now. With one swift movement, you sink down on his shaft, a layer of cream and juices forming at the base of his cock where you two were connected
Unable to help himself, Aventurine lets go of the bruising bite he had on his lips and moans a depraved, desperate noise
All thought of how wrong this was left his mind, and all that was left was a persistent echo that told him to fuck into your squelching hole
You had a purpose and you were on the way to achieving that 
The next morning, Aventurine is sleeping soundly with you cuddled up against him when he hears a ding from his tablet
Hello gambler, this is Ruan Mei
I do hope that you are not too angry with the surprise. I’m guessing that you aren’t too disappointed though, as you looked like you could use the extra company. She is the first creature I have made for the purpose of procreation; most of my creations lack this need as they are lab-raised creatures who do not need this function. Feel free to return the product if you were unsatisfied with its… performance.
This is my first fic so uh sorry if he’s OOC >.>
Idk how people work
Or real sex
I just know that I’ve read way too many depraved fics and I need to make my own \(; - ;)\
I swear as I was writing this my thoughts were entirely drawn from prior fics I read and they all just came together to write this horny draft. IT’S LIKE I’M AI
Anyways have a lovely day :)
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pinkyqil · 3 months
Can we get a fluffy night fic with gfn Jenni Hermoso?
Days with you // j.h x reader
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Summary : jenni being the clingy gf she's
Author's note: hope you enjoyed reading this added a little twist to this and if it's anyone's brithday who's reading this well happy brithday and as always feedbacks are appreciated hope you all enjoyed reading this and have a great day
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You loved spending time with your girlfriend and today was no exception considering the fact you guys are on vacation after her many game schedules that limited your time with each other.
But you would always find a way to make up for missed time.
Today was really special to you as it was your birthday and jenni had organized a whole day filled with fun activities catered to your needs. she made sure your day went smoothly and was perfect for you.
The first half of your day was spent getting spoiled rotten by her you guys went shopping anything you glanced at she instead on buying it. when you tired carrying your shopping bags she beat you too it.
It wasn't that she was never attended but today she made sure you knew how much she loved and would worship the ground that you walked on.
While the of your day with her was spent doing intense workout that mostly you both enjoyed.
You got of the bed as quietly as you could not wanting to wake jenni up. Well you we're wrong the moment you moved from the bed to the bathroom she was just right next to you.
"amour go back to bed I'll be back soon". you told her.
"I'll go back when I got you back with me". she said wrapping her hands around your waist as you tried doing your skincare.
"You can wait there but no disturbing me hermoso". You told her firmly she knew your skincare routine was something you don't play around with.
You should've known jenni and patience was something that never went together cause it hasn't been a five minute mark and she's already interrupting you.
"Amour are you done yet?". She asked knowing damm well you hadn't even started
"No jenni". You answered her
"Are you done now?".
"Nope I just got started".
"How about now".
"Jenni hermoso if you ask me the same question again I'll lock you out of here". You threatened her this time around even though you wouldn't actually fo it.
You colsed the tap before grabbing jenni's hands and leading her back to you guys bedroom.
"querida you haven't even finished". She told you.
"I know but it's better to wait know other stuff deserve a handful amount of attention". You told her not wanting her to feel bad has she gets that way some times.
"Sí". She told you bit what you didn't expect was for her to literally swipe you off your own feet and carried you to bed.
"Hermoso be careful". You yelled surprised at her actions that should have been expected.
"You're fine amour". She said before placing you down and leaving a gentle kiss on lips as you both got to bed.
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Gym Headcanons - Lisa & Ningguang x Male!Reader
A/N: I hope you'll like this one! All the others WIPs are staring daggers at me though... CW: Nothing notable.
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Going to a gym? Lisa will pass, thank you. 
All the sweat and all the effort could, if she had to exert herself at all, go towards other things than gaining muscles. What would she use them for anyway? Her strength doesn't come from raw, brutish power, but rather from her brilliance and knowledge. 
For Lisa, getting some gains would be a bad thing as far as her appearance is concerned. She feels great as she is - of healthy weight with some delectable fluff on her belly, thighs and butt. A girl's got to have some meat on her bones, doesn't she? It's perfect for touching and resting your weary head on those plushy thighs. She won't ruin that especially since you're far from complaining about her assets. 
Even if she won't train, Lisa will care for her diet, and will keep an eye on yours too if you ask her to. She'll buy more of her natural yogurts, fruits, granola and other healthy foodstuffs. You'll be in good hands - Lisa will buy you shakes and foods with lots of protein to help build that dazzling body of yours. 
If at any point you find yourself tempted to cheat, she’ll gently remind you of your goal and help you resist. 
She's a vegetarian herself, but will not, to any extent of the word, force her views upon you. She just dislikes the taste of meat, especially when it's fried. The heartburn she feels after is straight up awful. Still, she won't object to making you hearty meals with all the love she has. After all, she has all the time in the world. 
Although she wouldn't ever come to the gym herself, it's different with you there. Lisa will gladly tag along to keep you company whenever she can. She won't hesitate to do her research, helping you in maintaining the proper position and form as you train. Need a break? She'll pass you the water and take away the weights (according to her ability). Feeling tired or bored? Lisa will be there, keeping a conversation or reading out loud to you - this way you train both your mind and your body. She'll get you whatever help she can offer. 
Is she accompanying you to gawk at your bare chest, your tensing, sweaty muscles, hear your masculine groans of exertion as you lift inhuman weights and give it your all? See you doing what men do, pushing yourself to the limit to become bigger, better, faster and stronger? Perhaps. Is that an invalid reason? Not at all. 
After a certain amount of these trips, the mage will start eyeing the exercise mats with increasing curiosity. Of course she wouldn't do any actually tiring exercises, but it wouldn't hurt to stretch a little, would it? Being flexible has a few uses Lisa can't think of, most of which involve you~
The first few times would render her limbs and joints crying in pain as years of “rust” come off. It would surely leave her grumpy the next day, but it's alright - you'll do your duty and massage her pains away, won’t you? 
When going at them, Lisa likes to do stretches that let her poor back get some lovely relief. Every time she begins the cobra stretches of the day, she can't help but sigh in satisfaction. The first one's the best, no doubt about that. On the other hand, those exercises that require her to lean down are the cause of her pains rather than the relief. Toe touches aren't easy, and things like forward folds are the stuff of nightmares, the mere thought of which is enough to make her spine ache.
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Ningguang isn't one to work out either. She’s on a strict diet, planned out for her by the best dietitian and cooked by the best chef Mora can buy. Each of her meals has its calories counted to the letter, and - should the situation demand it - Ningguang is capable of counting them herself. Even when there's no label, she's able to judge it with impressive accuracy. 
It's thanks to this attentive lifestyle that she can flaunt her wasp waist. Even if a person's worth is more in merit than appearance, impeccable beauty can go a long way too. Oftentimes just her looks alone can charm an interlocutor, leading to favorable outcomes. 
Eating this little has a downside, coming in the form of low energy levels. She can push pencils all day long, but even short jogs can find her out of breath after a while. Ningguang gets tired and sore fairly easily, making it no surprise that she avoids straining herself. 
She avoids training, but that doesn't mean she simply sits around looking pretty. Each of her mansions is equipped with a rich and well stocked gym for use at yours and hers leisure. Before you came they were mostly gathering dust, but your interest in training reminded her of that purchase. It was nice to see they finally had a use. 
Sometimes, on a slow day, Ningguang will bring out her sport gear and join you in the training room. Most of her time she'll do stretches or use the treadmill, since these don't increase muscle mass that much - the high class canon of beauty doesn't include muscle girls, nor does she see the appeal if truth is told. She's the Tianquan, not some… sea captain. 
Besides, that would be threading on your territory. Why be muscular if you're the muscle man here? If you're strong, then she'll be swift and agile. Perfectly complementary, wouldn't you say? 
When it comes to date ideas, a gym date is a unique one to be sure, but she doesn't mind. It gives both of you a chance to show off your hard earned physiques and spend some quality time together. Ningguang enjoys you spotting for her, even if she won't do the exercises by herself. The attention is always appreciated. 
She wouldn't admit that to anyone, but she enjoys goofing around with you. Using her as a dumbbell or doing push-ups with her casually sitting on your back is both amusing and quite flustering - getting a first hand experience of your strength never fails to get her a little red. But don't tell anyone, or else…!
Sometimes when she needs to think, Ningguang visits you and simply enjoys your presence in silence. There's something hypnotic about you going about your business and the repetitive motions of the equipment. Many times she watched you in silence, only to mutter a silent ‘got it’ before getting up and thanking you with a kiss. Each time after she left the room you were left fairly confused. Confused, but happy to be of help nonetheless.
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Thanks for reading!
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quack-quack-snacks · 2 months
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Time Will Tell - Chapter 12
Can you tell that I'm having trouble finding gifs that fit the chapters?
My Time Will Tell Masterlist
My Cha Hyun-su Masterlist
My Navigation and Masterlist
The Time Will Tell Glossary
Warnings: Minor character deaths, passing out 🤪. Word Count: 1,706
prev | current | next
According to the clock on the wall, it was 5:13. When your legs got tired of wandering in circles, you chose to join Eun-hyuk in the surveillance room. It had been a while since you’d talked to him since he spent all his time in there, just waiting for his sister to come back downstairs and for Yi-kyung to return from her brave venture into the basement. 
A knock on the door brought his attention away from the wall of screens and over to you as you entered into the room. 
“Hey, everything okay?” He asked once he turned around to look at you with his normal blank stare. His voice was quiet but had the slightest hint of concern. 
“Yeah, everything’s good. Seok-hyeon has selfishly completely blocked off the market to everyone except him and his wife, so our food source is down unless that opens up again,” you sighed and propped yourself up onto the table next to him as he returned his gaze to the camera. After opening your wallet, you saw the limited amount of cash you had. “I was thinking we could all combine our cash and use it to buy as much food as possible. At least that way Seok-hyeon would open the door for us,” you theorized out loud. He refocused his attention on you as you came up with ideas for what you could do about the food situation. “Maybe we could just steal some,” you theorized again, this time much quieter and sneaking a look at the door to make sure no one was coming in to hear you. 
Eun-hyuk softly laughed at that idea and you shot him a sheepish grin. “That doesn’t sound like a terrible idea honestly.”
Your grin turned more confident and teasing. “Exactly! Wow, Eun-hyuk, never expected you to be one for thievery. Such a rebel,” you teased with a light laugh. 
“We need as much help as we can get,” he said, his voice starting out with a light tone but fading to a more serious one.
You nodded, the smile on your face becoming more subdued. “Yeah of course. Oh! That reminds me, there’s a new guy in the lobby now. He came down with a suitcase full of food that he shared with everyone.”
“That’s good at least, we have a better hold of the food situation for now,” Eun-hyuk nodded.
“I guess, but he seems… off. I don’t know what it is but I don’t trust him,” you confessed, fiddling with your fingers as you remembered the feeling he gave you when you saw him walk toward the group with that suitcase. 
“Okay,” Eun-hyuk started, trying to reassure you and validate you about your feelings. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
You nodded and smiled at him gratefully. “Thank you, Eun-hyuk,” you told him. He nodded in return and looked back at the cameras, occasionally glancing back at you as you sat there in silence. When you felt the air start to thicken with a bit of awkwardness due to the silence, you took it as your leave and stood up. “Well, I’ll see you later, yeah?”
“Yeah, see you later,” he replied. “If you see my sister, could you send her my way?” 
You nodded with a reassuring smile. “She’s tough, she’ll be okay.”
He nodded, looking down at his lap. He was worried but he knew your words were true. Eun-yu was tough, tougher than he wanted her to be. He knew it was the trauma of losing their parents that caused her to be that way, just like how it caused him to become the caretaker of the both of them. 
Even if she hated him for it. 
He shook his head when the daily music sounded from the speakers, realizing he’d been staring at the door where you’d just walked out of. Instead, the music reminded him of when he tried to use the speaker system to call for other survivors. He tried the other day to announce it over the speakers but it didn’t work.
‘Maybe this time…’ he thought.
And so, he stood up to try again. It was the same as before for the first few tries, just straight static and no connection to the building’s speakers as he tested it with his voice. 
It was only after he kept trying, attempting to keep his mind off his wandering sister, that it finally worked. 
You were just wandering around when you heard the speakers projecting Eun-hyuk’s voice all over the building. 
“Survivors,” he announced. “The first floor is safe now. Come to the first floor. We’ll be safer together. We survivors… Must stick together. Please come down. Come down here now… I said, please come down-” His voice cut off and the speakers went back to being silent. You sighed, hoping there would be some people who would be brave enough to get down to the first floor and bring some food and water, but you weren’t going to place any bets on it. 
Your pacing stopped when you heard distant screaming and arguing and you started running towards it. Once you saw the group, you ran up beside everyone. “What the hell is happening?” You asked Eun-hyuk, who looked spooked by your sudden presence. 
“Min-ju! Run!” The woman screamed again just as the young girl was fully in view and revealed herself from behind a flipped-over truck. She sprinted as fast as she could towards them, not stopping or slowing down and not even looking at the ground as she ran. That was her downfall when she tripped over a pothole in the ground, spraining or possibly even breaking her ankle. Jin-ok continued to scream for her daughter as she limped towards them, pain and fear showing on her face. 
“Shouldn’t we do something?” Jae-hwan asked. “We need to decide now!”
“What do we do?” Seung-wan screamed out. 
Just as you had made up your mind that you wouldn’t just let this girl die without any help, you quickly started to step forward. You couldn’t get more than a foot forward when Eun-hyuk protectively wrapped his arms around you, stopping you from moving any further. 
“No!” You screamed. “Let me go! She needs help!” You protested, he just tightened his grip around you without saying a word. You struggled and screamed some more until the two of you were bumped into, stumbling to the side as Su-ung - the resident dressed in military clothes - ran forward, nudging everyone out of the way as he sprinted out of the gate toward Min-ju. Your struggling stopped as you watched him get closer and closer, getting nearly within reaching distance of her until-
The tongue of the monster you’d fought off during the first night pierced its way through the chest of Min-ju and through the stomach of Su-ung. With his hand still outreached for the girl, he coughed up blood and fell to the ground with a slap from the tentacle. Min-ju was even more unlucky. The tongue stayed pierced through her as it seemed to be stealing her life, just like it did to that man that first night. It lifted her off the ground, everyone too much in shock at the moment to do anything besides watch in horror as she was harshly dropped onto a concrete slab on the ground. 
Blood dripped down each of the two’s faces, scattering the red liquid all across the bricks underneath them. 
Jin-ok finally broke out of her shock, wailing as she watched the life drain from her daughter’s body. 
“She could still be alive, you know,” the new man said quietly as he approached from behind you and Eun-hyuk. His words broke you out of your stupor and you shot him a glance before moving into action. You watched as Seung-wan and Jae-hwan ran to close the gate and you sighed slightly in relief as you saw it start to close ever so slowly. 
“No way,” Eun-hyuk said as he ran to pull everyone away from the entrance. You took the next step of lifting the storage cabinet to block the entrance again. Eun-hyuk came up to help you when he saw you struggling slightly from the weight and you both succeeded in lifting the box. 
It was so fast you almost didn’t see it happen when the cabinet’s door swung open, knocking Eun-hyuk away with the force and sending him onto his back while you stood less than an inch away from the creature’s tongue. It opened and closed its ‘mouth’, slithering around while it searched for its next meal. You became a statue with how still you stood. You didn’t breathe, didn’t blink, didn’t do anything in shock and fear of the creature. You could hear Eun-hyuk quietly calling your name but you had no reaction, not until the creature slithered back out of the hole when it started to be crushed by the lowering gate. 
You panted heavily as Jin-ok started to sob loudly. Eun-hyuk stood up, stumbling over to you, probably just as much in shock as you were, if not a little less. 
“Are you okay?” He asked. His voice was breathless and shocked but still had worry lacing each word for you. 
You didn’t respond. You couldn’t. How could you respond after having the fear of God put into you when you almost died. 
“It’s all your fault!” Jin-ok sobbed out, standing up and going to Eun-hyuk. He turned around to face her, his face blank of anything as he tried to comprehend everything that was happening. “I should’ve gone out!” She started to punch at his chest in her sorrow. “It’s your fault. You killed her!” 
You wanted to stop her, tell her she was wrong with her words and Eun-hyuk wasn’t at fault at all, but you just couldn’t move. It was like your brain had disconnected from everything else. Your feet were cemented to the floor, your eyes glazed over and unfocused, even your ears made everything sound like you were underwater. You could hardly even breathe. 
Correction, you couldn’t breathe. 
Everything was light and bright and you could see and hear things the way they were, and then there was only darkness.
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prncessjaeger · 10 months
making slime with bf!eren ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
ღsypnosis: the title…that’s it!
ღan: i wrote this already but changed it up a bit and boom here it is
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“bro, why can’t we just get the big things of glue instead of buying these small ass bottles?” it was late at night, possibly around 11 pm, and you and eren were currently in walmart after he brought up the cute idea to make some slime. “because, it’s just for us two, we’re only getting one clear and one white glue bottles, now what’s next?”
“uh the borax solution…but all i see is this big ass white box.”
“that’s the solution.” eren examined the box, “how in the fuck does powder and glue make slime?”
“you have to add water i think, that’s what mikasa said, now we need food coloring, choose a colors, “ he picked out the yellow one and you chose pink (obviously), “do you want your slime to have a scent? or any add-ons?”
“you can do that?!” he screeched, scaring the other few shoppers, “sorry,” he bashfully said, rubbing the back of his neck, “why’re you apologizing, people have heard worse, they’ll live. anyways, yes you can do that so pick the ones you want, imma do strawberries…”
he scanned through them, picking out a strong vanilla scent, “okay and we’re gonna get some glitter and a couple of spons and bowls, that’s it.”
paying for your things, you drove back to the house with all your slime supplies and some extra snacks and when you walked in, you saw your cat in armin’s arms, being swung around like nothing, “boy put my baby down?!”
“oh come on, she likes it, right??” the cat just meowed and meowed, “right! talk yo shit, pookie!”
“girl hush, come eren,” you went to the back and got the materials laid out on your spare table you made armin set up for you, and began to make your slime. when you poured the amount you wanted, eren leaned over, “wow, you’re like insanely cool, and talented, and beautiful, and also really intelligent-“
“what do you want, eren?”
“could you pour my glue i’m scared ?”
“scared- i’m not even gonna ask, hand me the one you want,” he handed you the white glue to pour, “what color?”
“the one that’s not pink.” you dropped a couple of yellow dye in, “now i wanna make my slime. mix it until you see no white left,” he began mixing while you started on yours, hearing the loud music from the living room armin blasted, “i don’t know who’s worse, you or armin-“
“woah i’m like the perfect boyfriend ever-“
“you literally thought dwayne johnson and the rock were twins eren..”
“hear me out cause it makes sense if one was wrestling and the other twin acts!” staring at this man in disbelief, “eren why do you think they added “the rock” in parentheses of dwayne johnson?”
“to acknowledge the limited space on the screen?”
“okay, you know what! let’s just finish making this,” you chuckled, trying not to laugh in this man’s face. you added the glitter in, “alright now add your vanilla scent in and added a small amount of mine in the pink one as well, i’ll make the solution.”
once you were finished, you both begane pour solution in the bowl and watched how it clumped together, “alright you got your gloves on?”
“yep, let’s knead it together,” you both began playing with your slime, “uh y/n…” you turn towards eren sighing deeply, “oh my god.”
he was covering in slime from the top of his head to the middle of his chest, “how did you- i don’t even wanna ask, come here.”
and the rest of the night was spent with you and armin trying to get slime out of his hair, “eren! stay still goddamnit!”
“ow! you popped me!”
“oh shut up!”
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vannies · 1 year
hii could i request dan heng, luka and blade with an s/o that has too much money for their own good and uses a concerning amount on it on gifts for the character?
feel free to substitute any of the characters or completely deny this request btw, i just think this idea is pretty funny
thanks for your time 🫂🫂
how much money you got? ft. HSR MEN
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characters: blade , dan heng , luka x gender-neutral reader
warnings: fluff n crack mostly hehe , short
note: HI ANON! im so sorry for the super late upload, been super busy with some applications!! anyways, loved writing this! i hope this wasn’t too bad hahah : luka also might be ooc since i don’t really know him..
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ᓚᘏᗢ・一 BLADE
“are you seriously spending your money on such useless items like that?” BLADE asks, frowning at how heavy your bag has gotten during this date.
you laugh, “of course i am! and this isn’t useless, this is a limited-edition cat plush! don’t you think it looks like you?” shoving the plush in front of his face, he sighs.
blade takes the plush from your hands and stuffs it in the shopping bag, “so, need anything else? or are you finally running out of money?”
taking a look around, you spot a beautiful rose in the distance. immediately, you run towards it. blade looks at you with disappointment before catching up.
“seriously..? a flower this time? and look at the price tag, where do you even get the funds for this?”
“oh, blade! these gifts are all for you, y’know?” you smirk, planting a kiss on his cheek. “as long as i have you and money, i think i’ll be alright~”
ᓚᘏᗢ・一 DAN HENG
DAN HENG has piles of books all snuggled on his arms, all of them which you picked out for him as a gift of loyalty. “this is enough.. i don’t think i needed this much!”
“not enough? ahaha, you asked me for a few books! and since i love you so much, why don’t i just buy you the whole store?” you shoot dan heng an innocent cheeky smile, causing him to look away.
“w-what are you..?” he asks. “asta’s long lost twin? don’t you even know how expensive this series is?”
you pick up the book in question and chuckle, “money means nothing to me, but you mean everything to me. so shut up and let me buy these for you.”
ᓚᘏᗢ・一 LUKA
LUKA falls to his knees as you keep piling gifts onto his arms. he winces in pain, but quickly picks them back up.
turning around and giggling, you give him a helping hand. “what’s wrong? the strong luka can’t handle a few heavy items?”
he looks at you in disbelief. how dare you doubt him! “hah, of course i can! this is nothing to me! but how on earth are you gonna afford all of this?”
“well.. i always place the highest bets on you during your tournaments. of course, my strongest boy always wins, gaining me some easy money!”
the look of disbelief shrouds away and turns into pure love, blushing, he gets back up and caresses your cheek. “hmph, then allow me to carry all of these gifts back home!”
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bigification · 3 months
New Salesman
You finally saved up enough money to buy a new horse on your ranch. You make a good amount of money on the side by running a horse riding business, so a new horse will be well worth the money.
You get to the address given to you. There is an older middle Eastern man standing next to your new horse, waiting for you. You greet him and he goes to shake your hand. As soon as your hands meet, a shock of pleasure shoots through your body. You try to hide your reaction, but he notices you squirm slightly and smiles in response.
You approach your horse and check it out, but you keep getting distracted by the feeling coursing through your body. It's making you feel warm and fuzzy, and it's making it harder and harder to think. So much so you don't seem to notice the changes happening to your body.
The washboard abs you earned through the hard labour at the ranch disappear under a swelling pad of fat. At first a small lump under your wife beater, it grows into a soft round gut that hangs over your waistband. The growing fat rides up your shirt, revealing thick love handles pouring over your waist, extending all the way to your thickened lower back.
Next your defined pecs grow soft and plump, until you could never tell there was any muscle under them. Two large round imprints pressed against your shirt as your larger nipples became impossible to hide.
Your shoulders broadened as your spine shortened, giving you a short and stocky look. Your arms grew in size but lost their definition under a thick layer of pudge. And your hands fattened up, with thick fingers that looked stuffed like sausages.
Next your lower body starts to get pumped with fat to match your thick upper body. Your thighs thicken until they are constantly rubbing together, pushing your cargo shorts to their limit. Your perky ass grows with fat and nearly sags under its own weight. Your fat ass fills your shorts to the brim, causing the button on them to fly off and the fly to unzip. This exposes the growing bulge in the front of your shorts. And your feet even grew many sizes, despite the fact that you have already lost 8 inches in height since you got here.
Finally your face begins to change. Fat pours into your face, making your sharp jawline disappear in seconds as a thick double chin forms. Wrinkles and skin spots age you from your mid thirties to well into your fifties. Your blonde hair darkens to black as it shortens to a slick back buzz cut. Your eyebrows thicken as your blue eyes turn brown.
As the transformation in your face comes to an end, your skin turns from a pale white to a light brown. And dark hairs start to sprout over your previously hairless body. Your legs, arms, chest, and exposed belly all get covered in a forest of hair. And the itchy feeling that has engulfed your body suggests many other places on your body have been covered in hair as well.
You finally snap out of your haze. You look down to see you are in a completely different set of clothes. Your wife beater is now an expensive looking black button up. Your tiny cargo shorts are now a dark pair of jeans with chains on them. Your sandals are now a high end pair of Nike's. And you're now covered hard to toe with jewelery. Rings, bracelets, necklaces all 24 karrot gold, and a pair of sunglasses to go with it. Everything you need to look like a proper salesman.
"You ready?" The man asks you.
"I've been ready my entire life." You say in a shockingly deep voice.
He holds up his camera as you put a thumbs up, to commemorate your first sale.
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ripleyresonance · 9 months
Sweet Enough to Eat pt 2
Sugar Mommy Rhea! x OC
Part 1
Thank you guys so much for all of the love on the first chapter. Typically I am a one-shot Sm*t kind of girl but let's see where this story takes us. And don't worry I will still post some one-shots in between.
As the two sat across from each other at a quaint cafe Cali’s mind was racing. She looked down at her freshly manicured nails tracing the outline of her stiletto acrylics with her thumb as Rhea sat down. 
“I ordered you a mimosa...I know it's 2 pm but I say we celebrate our new…relationship.” Rhea smiled. 
Cali blinked a couple of times studying the woman's face to see any doubt and yet the woman was dead serious. 
“So I was thinking we could talk about the…finer details?” Rhea winked finally pulling Cali out of her shock.
Cali was a lot of things but when it came down to “business” she could put everything else aside. 
“My weekly fee is 3k but if you do monthly I can let it slide to 10k,” Cali said taking a sip from her glass. 
Rhea laughed causing Cali to lift an eyebrow. 
“Sweet girl, I don't know what these other “Mami’s” gave you but I don't have a “Limit”. You like it I get it no question asked,” Rhea said.
“So I can tell you I want a Gucci bag because my head hurts and boom you get it?” Cali questioned.  
“I think that is a pretty valid reason to buy a bag” Rhea shrugged. 
Cali’s mood shifted a bit…maybe she wanted to emphasize the sugar aspect of this relationship. 
“And you expect me to be… “available” all the time? Cali whispered admittedly afraid of the answer. 
“Available?” Rhea repeated.
“Like in the sugar capacity?” Cali said looking into Rhea's eyes as hers went wide.
“Oh god no that's not what I meant, I meant it in more of the way that you should be able to have everything you want without strings attached…well, I guess some strings because I want you to travel with me sometimes or be there when I come home but not make you think you have to have sex with me for it! It is not like I would mind I mean look at you, you are stunning but if we did that I would rather it be”- Rhea studdered as Cali burst out laughing. 
Rhea seemed very flirty and direct from all their interactions so far so seeing her loose composure made her comfortable again. 
“Alright then no sugar…for now. Any other terms you would like?” Cali smiled at her seemingly making Rhea blush. 
“Let's start the deal by making the contract last a year. Therefore if you don't like it or I don't like it we can go our separate ways. I just expect you to show up for me when I ask and I will give you the world. Can you do that for me, pretty girl?” Rhea smiled extending her hand. 
Cali returned the smile placing her hand in Rheas as she lightly kissed Cali’s hand sealing the deal. 
Cali rolled her eyes that time making the Australian laugh. 
“What the hell was that for you can’t already be exasperated with me,” Rhea said.
“Sorry, you just go from so smooth and flirty to the most fuck boy gestures.” Cali laughed causing Rhea to gasp dramatically.
“I will have you know that women usually love gestures like that,” Rhea said.
“So you have done that to other women…like I said, fuckboy.” Cali playfully waved her off as she stood up. 
“And yet, it seems like you like that,” Rhea said pulling her into her lap. “Cali” Rhea whispered in her ear. 
Cali felt her cheeks heating up as she playfully pushed her shoulder. 
‘Hey hey! No sugar for you, YOUR rule.” Cali said standing up and fixing her skirt. 
“Plus I saw this bracelet in a window we passed move it “Mami”. Cali grinned. 
The two spent the day together Cali buying an impressive amount of stuff. To be honest she was not the most high-maintenance sugar baby. But after not having funds for a few months she went a little crazy. She started feeling bad as Rhea made her fifth trip from her car to Cali’s apartment. 
“I'm so sorry it’s such a mess in here,” Cali said frantically, trying to clean up some magazines on the ground and a pizza box on her table. 
Cali had originally been given this apartment by one of her sugar mommy’s. It was beautiful. It had a loft that was covered with plants. As the sun went down you could see the golden light reflecting off of every potted plant making a mix of colors shine through the apartment. But something about the large space seemed…cold. 
Rhea watched as Cali frantically ran around. She made a note to herself of the look on her face of embarrassment as she tried to hide her mess. And Rhea found it adorable.
“Please sit anywhere you like I think I have a cabernet I flew in a while ago from France,” Cali said grabbing two wine glasses. 
“It’s a nice place,” Rhea remarked.
“I know right? I have had some wild nights here..some mornings too.” Cali laughed. 
“It just seems so…” Rhea trailed off
“Luxurious, sophisticated, stunning?” Cali smiled strolling over with the wine.
“Lonely” Rhea whispered making Cali pause. 
“It’s not that bad! I am told I throw the best parties everyone talks about them the next day.” Cali cleared her throat setting the glasses down. 
“But when they leave…” Rhea prodded. 
“What is this the pity party or something? I said I was lonely last night because I was drunk and look It led me to you.” Cali winked trying to change the subject. 
“And we are both the better for it.” Rhea conceded. 
Cali smiled at the response picking up her wine glass to toast. 
“To a new relationship,” Cali stated. 
‘To new beginnings.” Rhea said as they lightly clinked their glasses. 
Cali made sure to cover her emotions with particular care but Rhea noticed immediately something she couldn’t hide from. 
No matter how many parties she had, bodies rushed in and out of the apartment. Cali tried to hide it by liking nice things, but she wanted someone to see her for who she was. 
In that moment Rhea made it a priority. In this year she would see it. She would see Cali’s true self. 
Let me know if you would like to be added to the tag list going forward!
Tag list:@bdalas, @babybatlover,@asherlilwitch,@littlemiss-fanficlover,@eepyslut,@cakeiloki,
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