#but bc clinic also dropped so many balls i handed to them)
baccan0pe · 1 year
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So, it seems that some of y’all have taken an interest in Niko!!! I’m so glad. Anyway, here’s part two
Nikoshi is torn between charging up to hug his literal fucking idol and keeping up a cool kid facade. Fortunately, the cool kid facade wins out. If Niko had touched Kevin, he would not have been able to stop himself from flinging the kid across the lawn. There’s something that’s just so… so… Riko about the kid that Kevin is on the verge of breakdown. 
Ichirou kind of ushers him into the house and Kevin sits down very mechanically on the couch. From the kitchen, Aaron walks out and is faced with Niko for the first time. Niko’s heard about Kevin Day’s husband before but he’s never seen him. 
“You’re really short,” is the first thing out of his mouth. This kid, this absolute asshole, walks into his fucking house and the first fucking thing he says is ‘You’re really short’???? Aaron is so stunned by this kid and his bullshit that he doesn’t even say anything.
Amalia wanders out from the kitchen at the commotion in the living room and the second she sees Niko her first reaction is friend????? New fren??????? She’s very excited. Before she can go out and say anything, Aaron snags her and makes his way into the living room to sit beside Kevin and sets her in his lap. She keeps squirming bc she wants to meet new fren. 
Anyway, Ichirou has already called the two of them and has informed him of who the kid is. They’re going to have to take him to the doctor and get some ‘blood work’ done to confirm Ichirou’s suspicions but they already know. He looks too much like Riko to not be his kid
Ichirou asks a few questions, all of which Aaron has to answer seeing as Kevin is too busy silently flipping his shit. Both Niko and Kev spend the whole half an hour just staring at each other in awestruck silence. 
Ichirou leaves and Aaron says it’s time for dinner. They all eat at the dinner p quietly, except for Amalia who has run out of patience. She insists on sitting next to Niko and blabbering on and on about something or the other. She’s 5 at this point so she’s mostly talking about her crayons and showing Niko that she can count to fifty. For the most part, Niko is content to listen to her bc it means he doesn’t really have to talk. 
After dinner, Aaron takes Niko upstairs to show him his room and hands him some clothes. As soon as Aaron heard the news, he’d gone down to target and just picked some random basic shit out. He tells Niko that they’ll go to the mall soon so that they can pick up a few things that’ll actually fit him. Niko’s never had new clothes in his life. He doesn’t know how to feel about it. 
He puts all of his emotions aside for the time being. He’ll have to evaluate them later. Niko starts to pull his shirt off and he hears Aaron gasp. Only then does he realize that the bruises from his last foster haven’t faded yet. He goes red and backs away, trips over something and falls onto his butt. 
“Niko-” Aaron started, moving forward. Immediately, Niko flinched violently and Aaron stilled. Schooling his face into neutrality, Aaron dropped his hands to his side. “Get changed and come down. I want to see the bruises.” 
“No,” Niko spat.
“I’m not asking,” Aaron countered flatly. “As soon as you’ve changed, you will come downstairs and we will treat the bruises. Are we clear?” Niko nodded. Aaron backed out of the room, shutting the door to give Niko some privacy. 
“What bruises?” Kevin asked, starling a curse out of him. 
“Kev, he’s covered in them,” Aaron replied. Anger burned in his chest. In that moment, there was nothing Aaron wanted more than to hunt down whomever had hurt Niko so badly and beat them black and blue. All that kept him grounded was the pain of his nails biting into his palms. He felt Kevin’s arms wrap around him and he left himself be held. “He looks worse than I ever did,” Aaron whispered. His voice sounded hollow, even to his own ears. 
“He’s going to be okay, baby. He’s here now. We’ll take care of him,” Kevin assured as he stroked his hair. 
A few minutes later, Niko steps out and lets them take him downstairs. Amalia is long gone, put to bed so that she doesn’t witness this absolute horror that her dads are about to see. Aaron has a makeshift clinic set up in the house and he makes Niko sit down on the little bed and take his shirt off. 
Kevin curses and gets smacked for cursing in front of Niko. After figuring out how old they are, Aaron sets to work massaging creams into them to heal them faster. His hands are firm, unyielding, but gentle enough that they don’t hurt. It’s a foreign feeling to Niko. He’s never not been touched by anyone without them intending for him to hurt. 
Aaron asks Niko if there are anymore. Niko is tempted to lie to him but something in Aaron’s dark brown eyes coaxes him into telling the truth. He wriggles out of his pants to show him the bruises on his legs. 
Lashes from rulers stripe his legs. A few scars have accumulated from the metal part cutting into his skin. Kevin sucks a breath in through his teeth when he sees them. He’s been hit with the metal edge of a ruler before. He’s got the same scars on his legs. 
Aaron rubs scar cream into them and takes care of the remaining bruises. He’s so pissed off and it shows on his face. Niko, the poor, sweet bean thinks that Aaron is mad at him. So many adults have gotten angry with him for being such a problem. 
He slides off the table when Aaron tells him to and changes back into his clothes. They dismiss him so he slips back upstairs. Kevin and Aaron stay downstairs to talk for a little while. Neither of them say it outloud but they both come to the consensus that, Riko’s son or not, they will protect Niko with their lives. 
It’s not quite as easy as you’d think. Riko was such a bitch and he caused them and their families so much pain. Over the course of the next few months, every time Niko raises his voice, Kevin flinches violently. There are times when Aaron has to discreetly escort him away to help him avoid the impending panic attack. 
They’d told Bee that they were taking in Riko’s son and she’d mentioned that it would be hard on Kev but Aaron hadn’t thought it would be this bad. It’s been almost twelve years since Riko’s death but Kevin is still such a broken man. 
That doesn’t mean he isn’t trying. Kev drives Niko to school himself every day and picks him up from the bus stop every morning. They work on his history projects together and stress out over math together. Aaron is an amazing science tutor but he’s also very insistent that Niko actually learns things for himself.
Over the summer, Kev takes Niko to the court Every. Single. Day. Aaron, who’s the head physician for Kevin’s team is almost always sitting on the sideline with Amalia to keep an eye on them. He doesn’t need Kev killing their kids. 
Most of Kevin’s frustration comes from the fact that Niko shows absolutely NO POTENTIAL. I mean, baby boi is just tripping over his own two feet and can barely keep track of his steps while holding the ball only to have Kevin just FUCKING BARREL INTO HIM BC HE KNOWS NO RESTRAINT ON THE COURT BC HE’S A DUMBASS!
Anyway, Aaron eventually intervenes and kicks Kev off the court. He just kinda sits a really huffy Niko down on the bench and asks him if something’s wrong. After a great deal of gently coaxing, Niko admits that Kevin is kind of scary. 
Aaron digs his shit out of the closet and steps on the court and he helps teach Niko the basics. In a week, Niko is playing incredibly well for his age and Kevin is pissed bc how tf did Aaron manage this????
Anyway, Niko is playing really well by then so he tries out for the team and makes it! He’s playing varsity despite being in 7th grade and is a starting offense dealer. 
He tried out for dealer in middle school but he only ever plays as a striker at home. It’s his secret and he’s not keen to show his hand just yet. He’s also a halfway decent goalkeep. That being said, both Aaron and Kev are comparing him to the best goalkeep in the Southern circuit so calling him half-way decent is an understatement but I digress.
Anyway, he’s an incredible player bc he has a lot of individual skill but he’s not much of a team player. More than once, he’s mouthed off to the wrong kid and gotten himself into trouble. That being said, he’s really fast so he’ll just nyoom off before anyone can beat his ass and no one has the time or energy to pursue him for it. 
It’s not until 8th grade that he gets into serious trouble. 
Kev and Aaron are called down to the school bc Niko’s gotten himself into a fight. When they get there, they just about die. Their baby boy has a massive black eye and there’s bruises on his arm from someone holding him down. They are so so so pissed off. 
When they ask what happens Niko doesn’t say anything. One of the kids says that he was bullying them. Neither Kev nor Aaron buy that. 
What happened was a bunch of kids were picking on someone and Niko was having none of that shit. He absolutely unleashed and shreds the kids, picking out insecurities they didn’t even know they had and trashing them. So caught up in roasting these ho’s Niko didn’t realize it was time to dip until it was too late. The kids beat the crap out of him and he can barely stand. 
When the kid Niko was defending ghosts into the room Kev and Aaron immediately know what’s going on.
Niko,,,,,,, has caught feelings. Babie is looking at this kid like they hung the goddamn moon and, honestly, they couldn’t past them. Winter Aziz (they/them) is,,,,, stunning and it wouldn’t surprise either of Kev or Aaron if they’d crafted the moon. The two of them are now betting on how long it’s going to take Niko to figure out he likes the kid. 
But back to the actual story. 
Anyway, once Winter gives their side of the story, the dean admits that the boys were in the wrong. Two of the boys end up getting suspended. Apparently, Winter’s parents are busy so they offer them a ride home. In the rearview mirror, Kev can see Niko squirming bc Winter is just sitting so close!!!! They stop by this lil diner that Niko loves and buy him a milkshake. They offer to buy Winter one too but they decline. Niko ends up offering to share and its ADORABLE!!!! Aaron snaps a pic and sends it to Kev so that they can both be reminded of this cuteness. 
Anyway, needless to say, Winter and Niko are now best friends. They do everything together and have a lot of,,,,,,, sleepovers in which Kev and Aaron feel really bad bc Niko’s gone gone for his best friend and Winter doesn’t seem to notice. 
That’s bullshit. Winter knows Niko likes them. They’re just not ready to admit that they like him too. 
Over the summer before 9th grade, Winter becomes a part of their summer practice. They’ve taken an interest in sports medicine bc they can be close to Niko.
Midway through July, Kevin gives up trying to get Niko to be a team player. He’s just not the kind of person who can teach him how to be that kind of person. 
But he knows someone who can. 
It’s a late night on the court and Niko’s run himself ragged. 
“It’s no use to play against an empty goal,” a voice Niko knows too well said. It took every ounce of his energy to sit up enough to see Neil Josten standing above him. “Why don’t you give him a real challenge?” he asked as he stepped aside, revealing a man who looked exactly like Niko’s dad. The man said nothing. Instead, he moved quietly to stand in the goal. “Better hurry up, Niko. Andrew doesn’t like to be kept waiting.” With that, Neil left Niko on the court to face off against the best goalkeep in the Southern circuits all on his own.
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possiblypeachy · 5 years
“Wait, the tears are good tears?” for Jacob and Flor, the cuties!
thank you thank you!! my internet has been horseshit today so this was a fun way to bide my time!
also, i would like you all to know that this:
Tumblr media
is how i envisioned jacob while writing this ksjksjdksjdk i literally cannot stop thinking about this image im--
i’m also determined to get one of these below 1000 words bc i write too much for everything sigh
― ❊ ― 
Florence had been feeling tired lately. She was unsure on why she’d felt so fatigued all of a sudden, though simply chalked it up to her busily preparing for a trip to Dorset to meet with the family again. Worrying had a tendency to tire out her mind, which in turn made her body want to laze in bed all day. Briefly, she’d thought that maybe all her trips to the chamber pot in the night could be adding to her weariness but Florence dismissed it and simply decided to lay off of all the tea.
Then came the sickness. It was the kind of bottom-of-the-stomach queasiness that made her grimace whenever she heard that familiar growling. She’d dealt with such things before (stomach bugs were a far too prevalent part of her childhood) and, despite Freddy’s initial worrying, she refused to waste the doctor’s time with something that would pass in a few days.
It did not pass in a few days.
Upon Lissie having to hold her shawl back while Florence threw up in a backstreet near the market, she all but ordered her to go and see the doctor. Florence fought against the idea at first, joking that Lissie must’ve put something in her cooking that had made her so ill. This, in itself, earned her a slap on the arm from the older woman, to which Florence had grinned cheekily, secretly hoping that that would be enough to make Lissie let her off of the hook. Of course, Lissie could not be shaken off so easily and asked her to go again, a knowing glint in her eyes.
Florence was in and out of the damned clinic as quickly as possible, wanting nothing more than to get back home and curl up with Duncan and a good book. When Freddy had asked what the doctor had said, his sister had told him that “it’s a simple stomach bug; nothing to be worried about” and hurried upstairs. 
Why had she hurried upstairs?
Because she was lying.
What exactly was she lying about?
Florence was--
“Lissie told me you’ve been throwing up again.” Her bedroom door opened without much warning and, instinctually, Florence gathered up her now undone hair to try to keep her from looking indecent. It didn’t work, however; she had far too much of it to just hold in her hands. As soon as honey eyes met with hazel, her locks dropped back down her back and she sighed quietly, rubbing the space between her eyebrows. The door clicked shut behind Jacob and Duncan yowled at him in greeting, to which he gave the tomcat a brief scratch behind the ear. “What did the doctor tell you?” He glanced about while shrugging off his jacket, “Where’s your medicine?”
Florence swallowed once and rolled her lips inwards to let her chew at them. She inhaled so much that she could feel the strain in the lace of her corset. “You should learn to knock, Jacob. I could’ve been nude.”
From the bed, her eyes met his and he raised a brow, the corners of his lips tugging into an amused smile. “Yes, because I certainly haven’t seen that before.” She rolled her eyes and shook her head in a feeble attempt to keep back a laugh. The toes of his boots touched her own and he collected her hands up in his hands, playing with them as if to draw attention to him. “What’s wrong?”
A riot began in Florence’s mind and her gaze dipped away from his briefly, hands limp as he moved them about. “Nothing. Nothing’s wrong. I’m fine. It was just… some bad food.”
“What? Bad food for the past two weeks?” Jacob narrowed his eyes at her. “I’ll tell Lissie you said that.”
Florence huffed out something that resembled a laugh but it was dry and worried and muttered something like:  “That will be the very least of her concerns.”
At that, Jacob’s brows drew together and the playing with her hands stopped. Instead, he just held them, that worried glint growing in his gaze. “Flor, love, what’s going on? I need to know so I can help because, if you--”
“Jacob, I’m alright--”
“-- end up horribly ill from something I could’ve prevented, I’d never--”
“I’m pregnant.”
He paused.
She looked vacantly at the wall behind him. 
His grip on her hands disappeared and they fell into her lap.
Florence’s mouth opened then closed again, accompanied by the first tear of many beginning its descent along the curve of her cheek. “Jacob, I’m sorry.” He said nothing but there was a twitch in his lip that she couldn’t make sense of. “If you want to--” God, she felt like she was choking, “-- to leave, I’d understand. I can-- I can give the baby to--” Florence hiccuped, one of her hands coming up to press against her own chest as if doing so would calm her breathing, “-- one of my sisters or-- or maybe--”
Arms enveloped her and she began to sob, muttering weak apologies until it was the only thing she could bear to think of. Her arms were trapped against his chest, hands balled into fists, and her face was buried into the crook of his neck. Jacob pitied her-- that’s what it was. One last embrace before he left. It was for the better, she told herself; he had things to do. He was busy-- too busy to marry a woman and raise a child that he didn’t want. 
Hands cupped her face when he pulled away, her tears rolling past the curve of his thumb. Jacob’s eyes were red too, cheeks wet with… tears? Had he been crying too? A little grin cracked across his features and it was like seeing sunlight again after years stuck in the dark. “You glorious, glorious woman.” He muttered, pressing his forehead to her own. Wasn’t he unhappy? The kiss he gave her told her the answer. 
Through a rather ugly sniff, she laughed, tears still careening down her face. She didn’t hate them this time though because they were borne of a lovelier emotion entirely. “The tears are good tears?” 
“Of course they are.” Jacob was still smiling, gaze cloudy. It made Florence feel miles better about her crying. “Well, mostly.” His expression became more serious and one of his thumbs stroked along her cheek to keep her attention on him. “It hurts me to know that you’d think such things.”
She frowned a little but it was more out of a sense of guilt than anything else. “You’re… well, you.” Florence put on a voice that made the both of them chuckle, “Sir Jacob Frye: leader of The Rooks, her Majesty’s saviour--”
“You think I’m not yet grand enough to raise a child of the Abberline family?” He raised a brow and she grinned, that dimple appearing in her cheek that made him feel like all was right with the world. “I’ll get a couple more titles, if you’d like? How about: Sir Jacob Frye the railroad baron?” 
Florence began to laugh, shaking her head. “Jacob, that’s not what I--”
“If I became a doctor, would I be Sir Doctor Jacob Frye, do you think? Or, would it be the other way around?”
“How about I try to switch about some documents to become a duke? Would that be good enough for my lady?”
She had started that terrible laugh of hers-- the one that sounded like a pig’s squeal-- only this time some sniffs and coughs were there too. There was a pause in which he was just grinning at her, searching her expression for any signs of doubt or worry. “You’re terrible.” Florence said somewhere between a snort and a giggle, her wide grin calming into a smaller, more delicate smile. One of her hands came up to cup his cheek like he had done to her and their eyes met. “I love you, Jacob Frye.”
“Right back at you, lovely Flor.”
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1800-seungshine · 7 years
member: park woojin  genre(s): high school!au, fluff  summary: cold and aloof, many view him as intimidating and despite everyone’s advice of staying away from him, you didn’t care; he looked lonely and keeping him company was the best thing you could offer even if he thinks he doesn’t need it. (requested - bullet point format) word count: 2.1k
in high school, there’s always that one person everyone can never seem to reach
doesn’t matter in what ways they’re unattainable, they just are
it’s like the love that you can’t have
a perfect example of this type of person is the school’s human antarctic
park woojin
there’s this menacing aura that surrounds him which causes numerous of students to somehow fear him even if he’s done nothing wrong
like seriously, he’d walk through the hallways with a straight-face and suddenly all the students would make a clear pathway for him
no one’s ever seen him break into a smile nor heard him let out the slightest of a chuckle
he didn’t seem to have friends either which left an even more negative impression as some started to believe he was stuck up
but jokes on them, woojin’s just a kid who grew up constantly relocating from one place to another due to his father’s job, landing him in a position where transferring schools was more frequent than settling down
and with every move, he’d enter into a new school which further meant making new friends
eventually, it got to the point where it became too tiring to even try and socialise, knowing that the friends he’ll make would be temporary anyway
so he stopped making friends altogether and distanced himself from other people
and what’s even worse is that he’s sha sha sha (i just diddly done it #sorrynotsorry)
as a result, woojin became so used to staying away from people that even when his family decided to finally settle down a year ago and transferred him into the school he’s in now, he remained withdrawn from other people
yet of course while everyone’s petrified of him, woojin has also managed to gain the attention of nearly all the female students within the school
“he’s just so mysterious yknow..? he looks so cool and dreamy…”
smh @ these girls but who can blame them??
he just attracts attention without even doing anything
and that’s exactly what happened to you
you entered his class with a bright smile on your face and stood in front of everyone as the teacher introduced you as the new transfer student
“hello! i’m y/n and it’s nice to meet all of you, please take care of me!”
you scanned the class and immediately your eyes landed on him, staring right back at you with a cold, unamused expression
and though you brushed it off, you couldn’t help but be slightly intrigued by his silent nature
time skipppp
so a few weeks flew by and you were getting used to the new environment
gifted with social skills and an easy-going personality, you’ve managed to talk to nearly everyone in your classes
but from the corner of your eye, you just can’t help but notice how woojin would silently sit by himself paying no heed to everyone else
so your curiosity sparked and now all you do is ask about him
you don’t really get anywhere bc all everyone’s answers are consistent with one another bc no one knows woojin that well and they always manage to leave you the same advice. 
“ever since he arrived last year, he hasn’t really reached out to anyone and i don’t think he wants to be approached so it’s better if you stay away from him.”
yet your stubborn ass wasn’t going to listen to everyone else bc you found it unfair how no one’s tried to befriend him simply bc of the intimidating aura around him and the fact that everyone’s presuming that he doesn’t want to make friends
and so that’s how you found yourself approaching him one lunch break
as per usual, woojin sat all alone on a table and was about to eat the food in front of him
until you sat opposite with this wide smile on your face that he didn’t reciprocate 
“hi, i’m y/n the transfer kid from your class!” you greeted cheerfully to which he only replied with a nod before putting his full attention to his food this douchebag asdfghjkl; 
with such a cold reply, woojin expected you to leave bc everyone else does
or so he thought 
“you don’t mind if i sit with you right?” he instantly froze at your question, immediately looking up at your innocent smile
he had this internal battle with himself bc yes, he minds but at the same time, he’d somehow feel guilty if he said so 
and after much contemplation, he continues to remain silent and lets out a sigh before taking a bite out of his food 
“i’ll take that as a yes.” 
and suddenly it became an everyday thing
every day, once the lunch break would ring, you’d make your way to his table and happily greet him as you’d put your tray down opposite him
sometimes you’d try to talk to him by pipping up a conversation and tell him multiple stories 
even if his replies consist of staring at you with an unamused face, sighing or completely ignoring your entire existence 
but of course every once in a while, he glares at you but you simply grin at it because hey, at least it’s a different expression than all the other times he’s done with you  
woojin, on the other-hand, was beginning to find you annoying because you’re ruining the tranquil atmosphere he’s gotten used to whilst he was all alone
plus once you talked - good lord, it was impossible to shut your mouth
and one day, he had enough of keeping silent 
“why are you doing this?” 
your eyes widened in surprise because for once, he’s actually talking to you 
like wow the guy can speak at will 
but you immediately regain your composure and look at him with confusion, “doing what?”
“this - always sitting with me and trying to talk to me even if i don’t reply to you. why are you even trying?” woojin finally questions before he continues again, preventing you to speak.
“just don’t waste your time on me and find other people who deserve your attention more than me because i don’t need it.” 
you remain silent as you absorb in his words and woojin suddenly feels like taking back his words, fearing that he had been to harsh on you
yet the next words he hears from you causes the tables to turn as it becomes his turn to remain speechless.
“i don’t believe that at all because no one goes through life alone. to be completely honest, i don’t know how i managed to gain the amount of courage i get every day to sit in front of you because i expected harsh words and curses thrown at me at some point but you didn’t do that and do you know what i learnt from that?
you’re not as cruel as people perceive you to be; everyone’s perception of you is the reason why they stay away and i find it unfair how no one’s proved to themselves otherwise because although you didn’t verbally reply to me, you let me sit with you and that’s how i knew that you’re actually a lot more than what you seem.” 
and finally, woojin began to saw you in a different light because despite the naive-like personality you had, you saw him in a way no one else did and you understood him better than anyone could
another time skippp bc jokes on you this story hasn’t ended 
after that day, you found new friends and eventually stopped joining woojin for lunch
in fact you stopped interacting with him all together apart from those occasions where you two would share eyecontact and you’d send a smile at his way 
and to clarify, it wasn’t because he hurt you or anything 
but rather because you respected his choice of wanting to be alone and you knew that you couldn’t force yourself on him even if you wanted to 
so you stayed away 
and at the beginning, woojin didn’t care because this is what he wanted 
but then he suddenly started to look for you and began to hope that you’d join him again
because he missed your pestering
he missed hearing the weird stories you’d tell him 
he missed that smile you’d send him whenever you greeted him 
and most of all
woojin missed you
and it wasn’t until your class had a practical for pdhpe that he could tell you everything he couldn’t once you stopped sitting with him
your class was playing volleyball and the entire class was split into two teams 
the other team was short on people so everyone agreed that the teacher could join them 
unfortunately, your pdhpe teacher was an overly-competitive person who took the game a little too seriously 
so when the ball came towards his way, he jumped up and spiked the ball with all his might in order for his team to win 
but it slammed right into your face, causing you to lose your balance
and let me tell you, the entire class was in so much chaos once they saw you fall and began to bleed from your nose 
everyone started to gang up on the teacher, remarking how he was too harsh and he panicked before he helped you sit up and asked if you were okay 
“yes, sir don’t worry i’m fine. i just feel dizzy.” you tried to reassure everyone by sending a smile before lightly wiping the blood off your nose
but out of nowhere, a hand offers you a bunch of tissues and you look up to see that it was no other than woojin 
“sir, i’ll take y/n to the school clinic.” 
his offer caused numerous whispers thrown around the class bc wth woojin’s never done this before?!?! is the world ending??
you see the worried look on his face before you watch him bend down in front of you 
and the next thing you know
one of his arm is around your waist, the other one’s holding onto your legs and you have an arm snaked around his neck as he picked you up
now everyone’s really sh00k, esp you because you don’t really know what’s happening 
but why your heart is beating really fast all of a sudden?? 
so he drops you to the infirmary and waits outside as the school nurse helps you out 
“woojin, you can come in now.” you say once the school nurse takes her leave and exits out the door
he shyly pops his head in before officially entering and stands before you 
“are you okay now...?” 
“yeah, i’m okay - thanks for what you did by the way,” you say to him with a grin, “and see, what did i tell you? you’re not really the cold hearted guy, everyone thinks.” 
woojin looks at you smiling towards his face before he shakes his head in amusement, “how can you still be smiling when you got smacked right in the face with a volleyball flying at such a rapid speed?” 
“because, if it weren’t for that i wouldn’t have experienced the rare kindness of the school’s very-own antarctica.” you joked to him, your grin widening
and then, at that very moment you instantly freeze bc woojin just let out the most pleasant chuckle you’ve ever heard in your entire life 
“did you just laugh...?” you ask him, staring at him with a dazed expression, “am i dreaming?? oh my god- park woojin laughed. the world has become a brighter place, the sun has been replaced and the cure of cancer has been discovered; park woojin’s laugh.”
he rolls his eyes at you, “why yes, i am a human with emotions; how fascinating.”  
but the silence then overtakes the situation as you two simply look at each other, waiting for one another to talk again 
“look, i know that we didn’t really get off on a good start but after that day, i realised that you were right that i can’t always get through life alone and before i graduate, i think it’s a good time for a change...” woojin confides to you and is instantly met with your smile 
“so what are you trying to say....?” 
and all of a sudden, he begins to feel shy with his cheeks starting to heat up, “so what i’m saying is...would you like to help me? i mean, y-you don’t have to of course, i can take no for an answer but it’d be great if-” 
woojin shuts his mouth as you interrupted him with your immediate answer, “what? are you sure?” 
yet you only flash a gentle smile at his way before you extend your hand out to him, “hi! i’m y/n, it’s nice to meet you.” 
“i’m woojin and it’s nice to meet you too.” 
and as he takes your hand to shake it, indicating a fresh new start
woojin finally flashes you a smile that started to melt your heart 
the same way, yours did to his heart when he first saw you
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