#but because judas can't forgive themselves
agnerd-bot · 9 months
Fate Fanservant: Judas Iscariot, The Traitorous Disciple(Avenger)
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Ascension Stages:
First Stage: Judas is clad in tattered clothes, an a large red scar is cut across her stomach, in the shape of a demonic toothy maw. A mask covers her mouth, and her hair is blood-red with white streaks. She is hunched over, with a hangman’s noose around her neck, and a string of silver coins wrapped around her hand.
Second Stage: Judas’s robes have become even more torn and ratted, and the markings on her stomach have shifted and morphed, revealing a massive, demonic mouth lined with rows of teeth and dripping blood.
Final Stage: Judas is now clad in more kept-together cloth, covering the mouth on her stomach. The pieces of silver hang around her neck, and she stands up much straighter. She has a small smile on her face.
SCORN RAP by JT Music - "Sick of Myself"
Hell's Comin' with Me
Class: Avenger Alternate Class: Assassin, Caster, Ruler, Alter Ego, Beast True Name: Judas Iscariot Source: The Bible Region: Israel Alignment: Lawful Evil Attribute: Star
Known as: Yehûdâh Ish-Kerayot, The Traitor, The Liar, The Woman from Kerioth, The Thirteenth Disciple, The Woman of Pollution, the Thirteenth Seat
Voice Actress: Asakawa Yuu
Parameters: Strength: C- Endurance: A+++ Agility: B Mana: A+ Luck: E- NP: EX
Passive Skills:
Magic Resistance EX:
As one of the original Thirteen Disciples, Judas Iscariot’s Magic Resistance is at the highest rank, on par with that of Saints. It is nigh-impossible for Magecraft to seriously affect Judas, even those from the Age of Gods.
Even for a fallen prophet, the psalms song still ring true in her heart of hearts:
“Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me.”
(FGO Effect:)-Increases own Debuff Resistance by 25%.
Avenger A+:
Judas Iscariot is defined by hatred and resentment. In the New Testament, the Thirteenth Disciple was known as a callous misanthrope, always willing to accuse others of heresy and wickedness, even when the prophet from Kerioth performed the same sinful acts she shunned others for. So great was her hatred that it is said that the Devil was able to enter her heart, influencing her to betray the person she believed in more than anything.
In return, upon her treacherous actions and death, Judas Iscariot became one of the most despised figures within the biblical canon, seen by many as the incarnation of betrayal itself. Those who wrote of the Twelve Disciples have all remembered Judas as the Traitor, the Betrayer, and the Sinful One. The very name of Judas Iscariot has become synonymous with evil and treachery.
Hatred of others and hatred unto oneself. Perhaps more than any other Servant, Judas Iscariot embodies the defining attribute of the Avenger Class.
(FGO Effect:)-Increases own NP generation rate when taking damage by 22%.-Reduces party's (including sub members) debuff resistance by 12% except themselves. [Demerit]
Oblivion Correction C:
As a penitent, Judas Iscariot cannot and will not forget the reason for her self-inflicted damnation. The betrayal of the one man who showed her such unconditional love. The kiss that betrayed Him to his enemies. The failure to redeem herself of her sins. Her hatred will never subside, even in death. Where so many found their salvation from their sins, she alone remained behind, unwilling to accept her Teacher's hand. She has chosen the path of her own Hell, alone, painful, and cold. And yet, it is one she will never waver from.
"O Lord... May you never forgive me for my sins... And may I never forgive myself for my treachery..."
(FGO Effect:)-Increases own critical damage by 6%.
Self-Replenishment(Magic) A:
As a Servant of God and embodiment of the Gates of Hell, Judas Iscariot's magical power is near-limitless. Her rage is unyielding, pushing her through even the most horrific types of pain without even flinching. It doesn't matter how badly or how many times her body is broken. It doesn't matter what kind of opponent she stands against. The answer is always the same: an unyielding march forward, until all who stand in her path are left to face the consequences of their actions.
It is the memory of her treachery that drives her, the fuels her every waking moment. Her sins call out to her each and every day, haunting her, screaming at her. Blood must be repaid with blood. Pain must be repaid with pain. Grief must be met with grief.
So long as the hatred pulses through her veins, the lashing, the torment, the sorrow, it will all drive her forward.
(FGO Effect:)-Charges own NP gauge by 4% every turn.
Pieces of Silver EX:
According to scripture, the price Judas Iscariot received for selling out Jesus of Nazareth to the chief priests was thirty pieces of silver. Upon realizing what she had done by betraying her teacher and friend, she attempted to return the pieces of silver to save him, only to be coldly rebuffed, with the priests scolding her for daring to bring blood money to the temple. Ultimately, these very same silver coins were used to pay for Akeldama, the Field of Blood where she hung herself in despair over her greatest sins.
Even in death, these damned coins follow Judas, strung around her neck as a reminder of her gravest sin. Each coin holds incredible amounts of magical power, and they can be offered up in order to boost Judas's own power, at the cost of the demon within gaining more influence over her. If she offers all thirty at once, she can activate her personal Noble Phantasm, Akeldama, the very same field that she bought with these thirty pieces of silver.
"I hear them... Always. Their clattering reminds me of what I've done... And why I can never accept forgiveness..."
(FGO Effect:)  -Whenever Judas Iscariot attacks, apply 'Pieces of Silver' buff to self, one time per turn(Can stack with other 'Pieces of Silver' buffs). 'Pieces of Silver' Buff: -Gain crit stars equal to half the amount of ‘Pieces of Silver’ buffs -At 30 Pieces of Silver, fill NP Gauge to 300%, and boost NP Damage by 30%. -After NP is used, clear all 'Pieces of Silver' buffs[Demerit].
Active Skills:
Damned for All Time B:
For her role in the death of the Messiah, for her treachery and sin, Judas Iscariot is believed by many to have been subject to eternal damnation, cast within the deepest pits of Hell for eternal torment. Judas herself believes very much the same. Believing herself to be irredeemable, she willingly accepts any and all punishment given to her without complaint, fully awaiting her return to Hell.
However, thanks to the blessings imparted as a Disciple of Jesus, the Thirteenth Disciple recovers quickly from any and all enemy attacks, shrugging off grievous injuries such as limbs being removed, bones being broken, and even her heart being crushed. As a result, her body goes through a constant vicious cycle of being reborn, put back together, and being destroyed once more.
Judas herself claims that this is further proof of how God despises her, refusing to let her die to punish her for her wickedness and faults. A sign that she can never be redeemed or forgiven, and will suffer until the end of time for her evil actions.
And yet... Can this really be the truth?
(FGO Effect:) -500% Chance to draw attention of all enemies to self by 300% for three turns. -Recover 1500 HP at the end of each turn for three turns.
Protection of the Faith EX:
While infamous as 'The Traitorous Disciple', Judas Iscariot has among the highest levels of Protection of the Faith. Unlike many prophets, zealots, saints, and kings who praised their gods from a distance, Judas walked alongside her Messiah day to day. From the day she was cured of her own illnesses, she walked with him, broke bread with him, and preached alongside him. She knew of his dreams and aspirations, as well as his faults and imperfections. She loved and was loved in equal measure.
Even now, in her state of agony and pain, her thoughts are always centered around the man she called Teacher and Friend. While Judas Iscariot does not believe that she can ever be forgiven for her sins, nor does she believe she will ever reach the Heaven that was promised to her all those years ago, she still holds faith in the power and goodness of the King of Men. As a Servant, Judas uses the holy knowledge she was imparted, even when she proclaims herself a vile sinner, all because of the faith she keeps.
More than any Disciple, more than any follower, more than any person who ever lived, Judas Iscariot believed in her Messiah.
(FGO Effect:) -Increases own debuff resistance for three turns. -Recovers own HP. -Increases own defense for one turn. -Increases own attack for three turns. -Apply Guts to self, two times, five turns.
Kiss of Judas A:
It is said that the thirteenth disciple betrayed her Master with a single kiss upon His cheek, signaling to the crowd that came to arrest Him. It is this single act that damned Judas Iscariot for all eternity, fully cementing her as the traitor to God and setting in motion the events of the Crucifixion as well as Judas's own death by hanging.
This moment manifests as a powerful ability, allowing Judas to gain every last fragment of knowledge of an enemy once she kisses them, seeing everything they've done, everything they've seen, and everything they will be. In a Holy Grail War, this ability is especially powerful, granting Judas knowledge to be used against enemy Servants. If used against a divine figure such as a god or demigod, this ability is even more powerful, cursing anything divine and holy with her very existence.
"Judas, are you betraying the Son of Man with a kiss?"
(FGO Effect:) -Lower one enemy's defense for three turns. -Decrease one enemy's charge. -Increase own NP Gauge by 30%. -500% Chance to draw attention of all allies to one enemy by 300% for three turns[Demerit]. -If used against a ‘Heaven’ Enemy: --Remove all Buffs(activates first). --Decrease one enemy's charge. --Increase own NP Gauge by 30%. --Inflict Curse on an enemy for five turns. --Inflict Evil Curse on an enemy for five turns. --Increase damage against 'Divine' enemies for all allies(five turns).
Noble Phantasms:
Noble Phantasm: Judas Iscariot - It Would Have Been Better If I Was Never Born
Rank: A+ Maximum Targets: 1 Range: 10m Classification: Anti-Unit(Self)
The very noose the twelfth Disciple hung herself with on that fateful day. This symbol of her eternal shame manifests as a snapped noose tied around her neck. This rope is taut as ever, but even though its rope seems severed, it can extend to impossible lengths to reach whatever target she aims for. Judas can use this noose as a grapple, allowing her to clear vast distances in a single leap or to grab onto a fleeing opponent. However, its most dangerous feature lies in a hidden property of the rope.
If she wraps the rope around an enemy, it forms a knot around the opponent’s limb, and their lives become ‘bound’ in a sense to Judas. Any damage that her opponent strikes her with is mirrored upon her foe, and vice versa. Even if one tries to cut this rope, the strikes will merely be reflected back onto both Yehûdâh and her opponent. Combined with Judas’s Protection of God skill, the battle becomes one of endurance that the victim is likely not to live through. The only way to possibly escape this deadly Noble Phantasm is to cut off one’s own limb that is attached to the rope, or inflict a wound that one can survive but their enemy cannot.
Noble Phantasm: Gateway to the Inferno - Abandon All Hope, Ye Who Enter Here
Rank: A++ Maximum Targets: ??? Range: 2000m Classification: Anti-World
A powerful Noble Phantasm that manifests as the wound Judas incurred upon her failed hanging. A jagged scar is displayed prominently on Judas's stomach, sharpened into a wicked grin. In reality, Judas Iscariot’s stomach functions as a passageway into Hell itself, and by activating it, the scar morphs into a monstrous maw of a creature, who drags victims into its jaws with its tongue. 
Alongside the innate threat of the Beast's maw, this Noble Phantasm also serves as a pseudo-Marble Phantasm. Due to the mouth on her stomach serving as a gateway to Hell itself, Judas can impose parts of Hell onto the world, creating rivers of boiling blood and towers of fire and bone. With a mere thought, she can change her body's attributes and access a different section of Hell to match the sins of her adversary.
Limbo: Reserved for the unbaptized, the lustful, the greedy, and the gluttonous, that which is known as Limbo is nothing but pure darkness that encompasses an area. A monstrous wind blows strongly in the darkness, and unseen monsters can be heard snarling and growling in the shadows.
Styx: Reserved for the wrathful, the putrid waters of the River Styx flow from the monster's jaws. The waves choke the victims on their own rage, dragging them further into its depths as the damned souls of the wrathful reach out to pull those above them down with them into eternal torment.
Dis: Reserved for the heretical and the violent is the City of Dis. Massive, red-hot spires pierce the earth, forming gnarled and wicked trees made of iron. A boiling river of blood courses through this forest, incinerating those who step too close. Some say this is where the Harpies make their home, clawing and scratching at those foolish enough to enter the forests of Dis.
Malbolge: Reserved for the fraudulent and liars, the Malboge manifests as several pools filled with flaming tar. Those who are caught within the pits of the Malboge are engulfed with flames that will never extinguish. Even those who escape from the pits of the Malboge leave twisted and deformed, inside and out, before they are inevitably dragged back into the depths.
Cocytus: Reserved for the treacherous is the frozen well of Cocytus, the ninth and most fearsome Circle of Hell and the resting place of Judas Iscariot. When invoked, a white mist slowly flows from the devil's maw, and the surrounding area slowly crawls to a temperature beneath absolute zero. Those who are caught within the mist find that their bodies rapidly begin to freeze over, locked in eternal suffering and agony. For some, if they are caught in Cocytus's chill, they will eventually be shattered into dust, with not even their souls remaining. This is the final circle, where even the Devil weeps and mourns in eternal torment, never to be freed.
Whatever punishment the demon's maw wishes to mete out, whatever evil stands before the Thirteenth Disciple, the message is always the same.
Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.
Noble Phantasm: Akeldama - The Field of Blood
Rank: EX Maximum Targets: 1 Range: 18m Classification: Anti-Evil
In the Bible, it is said that after Jesus’s death, Yehûdâh Ish-Kerayot, in a mix of remorse for her betrayal and fear that after Jesus rose, he would take his vengeance upon her, she bought a field with the thirty pieces of silver and tied a noose around her neck, aiming to hang herself. Unexpectedly, the rope snapped underneath her weight, and her stomach tore open on a sharp rock, spilling her innards and blood throughout the field, leaving the traitor to die in agony. And so, the field was known from that point on as Akeldama, the Field of Blood.
This very same Field manifests as Judas’s Reality Marble, a graveyard with a single massive tree hanging up in the middle, towering over all. Nooses hang all around the tree’s branches, swaying in nonexistent wind. A noose drops down, wrapping around the victim's neck. As the foe writhes in agony, they slip and fall, snapping their neck before the branch their noose is tied around snaps, sending their body plummeting into an open grave.
Due to Yehûdâh’s infamy as a traitor amongst traitors, this Noble Phantasm can be positively deadly in the right situations. The area of effect covers a wide range, allowing Judas to entrap multiple targets simultaneously and subject them to their judgement.
Akeldama has a unique property that few other Noble Phantasms share. The resultant damage dealt is different upon each person it is used upon. The Field of Blood harms foes not through the physical realm, but the spiritual, inflicting wounds on opponents based on the lives they have lived. If one has lived a virtuous and relatively clean life, such as Jeanne d’Arc or Xuanzang Sanzang, the Field will only feel like slight pinpricks across the body. But if one has lived a life filled with slaughter, debauchery, and evil like Nobunaga Oda or Nero Claudius? Akeldama will show no mercy to its victim, inflicting the same pain that the sinner has inflicted upon others tenfold.
All Servants, no matter their defenses or Authority, are equal beneath Akeldama’s judgement. No one, god, devil, or man is without sin, and so everyone can and will be judged within the Field of Blood.
(FGO Effect:) -Deals heavy damage to all enemies. -Do increased damage toBeast, Saver, Star, and Demonic Servants. -Do reduced damage against 'Saint' enemies[Demerit]. -Apply Curse to all enemies. -Apply Disastrous Curse to all enemies. -Inflicts Penitent status on all enemies for one turn(effect increases with overcharge). -Apply Penitent status to self for one turn[Demerit]. -Penitent: Grants these effects: --Decrease Noble Phantasm Gauge each turn. --Increase damage taken each turn. --Decrease damage dealt each turn. --Apply Active Skill Seal one time for one turn. --Apply Passive Skill Seal for one turn.
Voice Lines:
Summoned: You… wanted to summon me? I… no, despite my summons, my penitence remains the same. I am Yehûdâh Ish-Kerayot of the Avenger Class. You may know me better as Judas Iscariot. I know not why you have called upon me for aid... But if this is what my penance decrees, then I shall be your monster.
Level Up 1: …why?
Level Up 2: I see you felt I was lacking. Understood, I’ll try not to be as much of a disappointment.
1st Ascension: Ghhh...! S-so... now you see me for what I truly am... A monster. My own transgressions turned me into this creature... A beast borne of sin and evil. Hahahahaha. What a fool you are. Do you understand now? You have opened the gates of Hell... and nothing you do can ever seal them. 
2nd Ascension: I see the way you look at me. I'm horrifying, aren't I? But I don't need your pity. This is simply what I deserve for my wickedness. Through suffering, I grow stronger. Through agony, I grow more resolute. The pain from each battle drives me to move forward, and by my soul, I swear I will not fail you.
3rd Ascension: …what is this? Why... Why do I not feel the pain anymore? Why am I dressed like... like I was back then? I don't understand... Is this meant to mock me? To remind me what I cast away? Or... maybe it means I can... ...no. Never mind me. This is just the rambling of a fool.
4th Ascension: *sigh* ...you truly are a pain, Chaldean. I will never understand people like you, who extend your hands to sinners like myself. You do know who I am, correct? I am the Thirteenth Seat at the table, the Traitorous Disciple. I sold the person that showed me nothing but kindness for thirty worthless pieces of silver, killing a man loved by all for nothing but spite and greed. And yet... here we are. I will never understand someone like you... But I suppose it doesn't matter if I do. I renew the vow I made before: I am Judas Iscariot, and for the sake of Humanity's survival, I will be your monster.
Fight Start 1: Some say that it is through pain that we learn the greatest lessons. Allow me to make you very wise.
Fight Start 2: Repent, ye sinners… Your judgement has arrived.
Fight Start 3: Have you come to join me in penitence?
Skill 1: *clinking of coins*
Skill 2: O Lord, this unholy pilgrim invokes thy name…
Skill 3: If that is what you wish.
Command Card Select 1: Thy kingdom come.
Command Card Select 2: Thy will be done.
Command Card Select 3: On Earth as it is in Heaven.
Noble Phantasm Select 1: O, Lord… Turn your head as I do what must be done.
Noble Phantasm Select 2: You hear them, don’t you…? They’re asking you to join them.
Attack 1: Repent. Or perish.
Attack 2: Hmph. Trying to run?
Attack 3: Your judgement has been passed. Guilty.
Attack 4: There you are. Your time has come.
Attack 5: There is no true escape from your sins.
Attack 6: Scared? I would be too.
Attack 7: You cannot escape your final judgement.
Extra Attack 1: Go. To. Hell.
Extra Attack 2: AMEN!
Noble Phantasm 1:
I am The One Who Sold the World…
There is none whose sin is greater than I…
Now… the time has come for judgement!
Suffer as I have suffered! Come forth, Akeldama!
Noble Phantasm 2:
Can you hear them? The people you have hurt…?
You can’t turn away from your transgressions.
You can’t ignore your sins.
They’re calling you… asking you to join them in this pain…
Now… embrace them.
Noble Phantasm 3:
I am the Heroic Spirit of God’s Vengeance.
While I have long abandoned the right to act on God's will…
Tonight, I will happily reclaim it.
Damage from Noble Phantasm: This pain… is nothing…!
Regular Damage: Nnn.
Defeated 1: N-ngh… I guess this is what a traitor like me deserves.
Defeated 2: *sigh* I should have known this was going to happen.
Defeated 3: So… back to Cocytus, is it…?
Victory 1: Thus. Ends. The lesson.
Victory 2: Be you Man or God, Devil or Angel… You answer to me.
Victory 3: It’s not enough… Never enough.
Bond Level 1: You wish to talk? With me of all people? You truly are a fool... It would be better for your time to speak with someone worthy of your kindness. I am nothing more than a bitter misanthrope waiting for a forgiveness that I don't deserve.
Bond Level 2: *sigh* I appreciate your kindness, I truly do. But all the same, I think you have the wrong image of me. You seem convinced that I am some wayward soul who holds some good in their heart. That I can be 'fixed' with genuine words of friendship. Allow me to make things clear between us, then, as friends often do. I hate humanity. With all my heart. With all my being. I despise the human race. And in turn, humanity despises me. Is that understood?
Bond Level 3: Heh. Back for more? I can’t help but respect that. … When I was young, I was born sick and blinded. They called me cursed by God, punished for my sinfulness. Only one man chose to approach me back then. They called Him the Messiah, God Incarnate, the Savior of the Jews. ...I was just happy to call Him my friend.
Bond Level 4: You have no idea how happy I was to know that the first people to lay eyes on me were so kind, so understanding… But I could never understand what people like them thought. How could He look at this world and think it deserved redemption? How could He see the ugliness of the people around Him and think they deserved to be saved? I'll be honest… I still don't understand, not even now. But it's not my place to understand Him, is it? I simply need to have faith.
Bond Level 5: …it's funny, isn't it? Despite every reason I have to hate humanity... I'm fighting for them. Not because of any obligation to Proper Human History. Not because it's my job as a Heroic Spirit. Not even because I believe it deserves to live. The only reason I'm bothering to fight for this wretched thing called humanity… Is because I know He would want me to.
Dialogue 1: You called upon me to help save Humanity. I answered, and will hunt down all who seek to do mankind harm. That is the extent of our relationship.
Dialogue 2: Whether you be a person of faith or a person of secular manner does not matter to me. I will protect you all the same, as He would.
Dialogue 3(Clear Lostbelt 1): Your sins weigh heavy on you, don’t they? The bodies that you’ve amassed, the lives you can never bring back? Good. That penitence means you haven’t lost your humanity.
Dialogue 4(Unlocked at Bond Level 5): “Does it hurt?” That’s a foolish question. Of course it hurts. Every day, every moment, my life is defined by pain and anguish. …but I simply choose to endure. Because what does my pain matter with the knowledge that I hurt the ones I love a thousandfold?
Dialogue 5 (If you have Martha): So, Martha is here as well… She was one of the kindest of the disciples, always concerning herself with our well-being, keeping the peace among ourselves. Even now, I suppose she’d scold me for not taking care of myself. …but I won’t let her burden herself with my problems.
Dialogue 6 (If you have Martha(Unlocked at Bond Level 5)): Martha… I… Why do you bother with someone like me? Me, the traitor who killed the Savior? Me, the sinner who is bound to damnation? Why…? Why won’t you let me rot in Hell?! I… I don’t understand you.
Dialogue 7 (If you have Martha(Summer)): Martha…?! W-what are you wearing?! I-I should go… I’m sorry, but-ACK! W-wait, don’t put me in a headlock-! Damnit all, why do you always have to be such a bullheaded punk?! … *sighs* Hehehe. Never change, Martha.
Dialogue 8 (If you have Martha(Santa)): …who did this to you? Tell me, Martha, so I may introduce myself. Eh? No, no I’m not angry. Why would I be angry? I’m… perfectly… calm…!
Dialogue 9 (If you have Yù Tù): YOU-?! How…? How the Hell did you escape? …tch. Seems like the Chaldeans have you under control for now. But I swear, if you try and pull another one of your ‘games’ again, I will make your last fate seem like a mercy.
Dialogue 10 (If you have Hernán Cortés): Cortés… You haven’t changed a bit since then, have you? No, I suppose you have. Judging from the look in your eyes… You know your place.
Dialogue 11 (If you have the Harpy Sisters): The trio of torturers… They were in the last Holy Grail War I had entered. Celaeno in particular and I had a contract with each other. …hm? Friendship? No, it wasn’t like that. We simply had a desire to see the same person die.
Dialogue 12 (If you have Awilix): The Goddess of the Moon… I didn’t interact with her much before, but even back then, her power was terrifying. Now? It feels like she’s on an entirely different level than before. What happened?
Dialogue 13 (If you have Baron Samedi): The good Baron. It’s been a while, hasn’t it? Hm? No… No, I don’t think I’m in the mood for drinking now. Perhaps another day.
Dialogue 14 (If you have The Golem of Prague): Tch… So the Guardian of the Lowi Family is here as well… I’d suggest keeping an eye on that one. That monster… Even if they claim to care for you, they won’t be satisfied until they’ve controlled every aspect of your life. Don’t give them an inch.
Dialogue 15 (If you have any other Fate/Undead Crusader Servants): That rowdy bunch from the battles in Jerusalem is here as well… How annoying. If nothing else, I suppose I’m grateful that we don’t have to fight this time around.
Dialogue 16 (If you have Jochebed/Samael): …thank you. Genuinely.
Dialogue 17 (If you have any Angel Servants): So the envoys of Heaven are here as well? I suppose I’d better make myself scarce then. Nothing good can come of one such as myself being in the same space of angels.
Dialogue 18 (If you have Nero or Sodom’s Beast): You… I’ve heard tales of the mad Roman Empress before, but I never thought I’d meet you in the flesh. I may be a lowly traitor, but I still hold the faith. If it wasn’t for the Master, I would not have hesitated to pay you back a thousandfold.
Dialogue 19 (If you have Mordred or Mordred Alter): The Knight of Treachery, is it? Heh, to think the Chaldean would take in not one, but two traitors… I’m glad you’ve found your true family, Sir Mordred. Treasure them.
Dialogue 20 (If you have any ‘Blessed Conqueror’ Servants): Such arrogance… Such pride… You truly think yourself an agent of His will, don’t you? That your life’s work has all been in His service? Allow me to correct you on that… All the suffering? All the war! All the pain you’ve meted out in His name? Your life’s work… makes Him puke.
Dialogue 21 (If you have Lancelot): Heed my words, sir knight… please… find it in your heart to forgive yourself. My soul is damned for all eternity, and it is a burden I will accept. But you? You deserve your happiness. Take it.
Dialogue 22 (If you have Medusa): Such a terrible fate… forced to live blind and alone, hiding such a beautiful face from the world. The Greek ‘gods’ are such cruel and vile beings.
Dialogue 23 (If you have Hassan of the Serenity): Death by a kiss? How fitting that the two of us should cross paths, Assassin. Though which is worse? A kiss of poison? Or a kiss of betrayal?
Dialogue 24 (If you have David): I… It is an honor to make your acquaintance, King of Israel. An honor I do not deserve. I betrayed your descendant, led him to his execution. So why… Why are you so openly kind to me?
Likes: I’ve long forsaken any chance to be happy.
Likes(Unlocked at Bond Level 5): Interests? You wish to ask about the hobbies of such a loathsome creature like me? Well… I guess I’d have to say fishing. I was never as skilled as Peter or his brother, but just being out on the sea, watching the waves go by… it reminds me of better times.
Dislikes: Do I even need to say it?
About the Holy Grail: …pfft. *visibly holding back laughter*
During an Event: A festival? No, I shouldn’t be there. I’d just bring down the mood. I-hey, quit pulling!
Birthday: It’s your birthday. Hmph. What does it matter to me? I told you already, our relationship is merely that between coworkers. Go enjoy yourself with your friends.
Back when the Son of God walked the earth, He took on twelve Apostles. Among the Twelve, perhaps none are more known the world over as Simon Peter, His right hand, and Yehûdâh Ish-Kerayot, known nowadays as Judas Iscariot, the Betrayer. A selfish misanthrope to her very core, Judas was nonetheless one of the Original Twelve chosen to preach the Word of God to the masses. Her motivations and history with her Master have largely been lost to time, save for one moment.
She is the one who betrayed Jesus Christ to the Sanhedrin for a mere thirty pieces of silver, leading to her Master's execution upon a cross To this end, she led the officers of the law into the Garden of Gethsemane where her Master lay praying, identifying Him with a kiss on the cheek. Since then, the name ‘Judas’ has been synonymous with the word ‘traitor’, and Judas herself has been marked as damned by God, a soul who will forever rot in the coldest depths of Hell, furthest away from Heaven.
"Son of God… Son of Man…! Take pity on me! Save me…!"
"Please… someone save me…”
Bond Level 1:
Height/Weight: 166cm • 51.3kg
Source: Historical Fact, New Testament
Region: Israel
Alignment: Lawful • Evil Gender: Female
Judas is a servant of a constant dour mood, rarely if ever allowing herself to feel any happiness. She constantly puts herself down, even when attaining the greatest victories, believing that, after her betrayal, she does not deserve praise or adulation. It’s for this very reason she keeps the noose she hung herself with around her neck, and carries around the thirty pieces of silver that she betrayed her Master for.
The sound follows her with every step. An echo that rings to her very soul, reminding her of her sins, of her greatest mistake. A song of mourning that will never end.
Bond Level 2:
For years, Judas followed her Rabbi as He preached to the masses, witnessing as He saved many like her through the power of his miracles. Though He was God made manifest, He chose the life of a mere man, taking solace in the little things. Many a night, when the stars were out, Judas found herself nestled in the comforting presence of her fellow Disciples and her Rabbi, happiness found in her heart.
However, life was not perfect as a Disciple. Nothing ever truly is. For many nights, they found themselves having to go to bed hungry, having to resort to sleeping in the harsh streets. This ended up being the source of many an argument between Judas and her Rabbi. As a former beggar, Yehûdâh tried to convince her master to let them keep any of the monetary offerings that they received for their miracles, while her teacher refused to allow any of his disciples to receive payment for what they did.
It was after one of these very same arguments that Yehûdâh made her most grievous mistake. In a fit of passion and temptation, she chose to sell out the very man who saved her life, in exchange for a handsome sum of money. That evening, whilst Jesus lay in the Garden of Gethsemane, Yehûdâh made her move. Whilst the chief priests and their guards waited within the forest, the traitorous disciple made her way to her Rabbi, and planted a gentle kiss upon his cheek. The signal had been given. But her teacher’s next words would haunt her until the day she died.
“Judas, are you betraying the Son of Man with a kiss?”
Bond Level 3:
While still haunted over her teacher’s words to her before he was taken away, a new revelation had come to Yehûdâh later that week. Jesus was not going to merely be tortured at the hands of the Romans. He was to be put to death, executed via crucifixion.
Overcome with grief and horror at the realization of her mistake, Judas ran back to the temple where the high priests lay in wait. She desperately tried to bargain for her master’s life, offering the same thirty pieces of silver she received from them days before. But there was nothing to be done. Jesus had already been taken away to face his execution. Even if he wasn’t, the Sanhedren refused Judas's money on account that it was ‘blood money’, money that was now forever tainted with sin.
Fearing for her life’s end at the hands of her fellow disciples and utterly distraught at the knowledge that she had knowingly sentenced her beloved Rabbi to death, Judas made her decision. Buying the area known as the Potter’s Field, the traitor Apostle chose to end her own life, tying a noose around a tree and hanging herself.
And in that moment... Judas Iscariot's fate was sealed.
Bond Level 4:
A scar runs over Judas Iscariot's stomach. A jagged, red line on her torso, symbolizing not one, but two wounds.
The first was the scar from her death at the Potter's Field. It is said that upon the death of the Messiah, Judas Iscariot hung herself by a noose, only for her hanging to fail as the rope snapped beneath her weight. Her body hit the sharpened rocks below, before splitting in two along the stones. Her death was slow and painful, and she died that day alone and afraid.
The second comes from her eternal torment within the deepest pits of Hell itself. Bound to the icy pits of Cocytus for all eternity, her fate is to be eaten alive by the Devil, constantly bitten and crushed beneath the fallen angel's teeth until the time comes when even Hell will be no more. An eternal reminder of her sins and her treachery.
For many who see this scar, it is a symbol of suffering and pain. A horror to shy away from and flee. To Judas, it is merely a reminder. A reminder of the life of sin and the mistakes she has made throughout her life. Some claim that she can be seen tracing her finger along the scars. Musing. Wondering. Mourning.
Bond Level 5:
In many Christian works such as Dante’s Divine Comedy, Judas Iscariot's final fate is to be damned to Hell for all eternity, her body being ripped apart by Satan alongside Brutus and Cassius as penance for her betrayal. But perhaps this isn’t the case. What if the true torture comes not from without, but from within? After her betrayal, the Traitor Saint sees herself as unworthy, putting herself through agony and pain without complaint in a feeble attempt at reconciliation.
But despite how much she thinks herself irredeemable, Judas was and still is a chosen Apostle of Jesus. Like the rest of her brothers and sisters, she wandered the lands, choosing to help the needy, curing ailments and preaching the word of God. She genuinely loved the Rabbi, following him to the ends of the earth and hanging onto his every word. Signs of that same Judas still live on as a Servant, dutifully helping her Master in any way she feasibly can, no matter how much doubt she has within herself.
Perhaps even for the most wicked of sinners, a spark of goodness can be found deep within. All it takes is the right person to reveal it.
Extra (Clear Interlude “Reunion of Apostles”):
“Yes, my Lord?”
“Come now. I thought I told you to refer to me by my real name.”
“Right… Apologies, Rabbi Yeshua.”
“I have something to tell you. It concerns the both of us. Together.”
“M-my Lo-I mean… Yeshua?”
“Our lives are connected, Yehûdâh. Our fates are destined to be forever intertwined with one another, in life and in death. My Father has told me this in his messages to me, and I felt you needed to know this.”
“What are you saying?”
“Yehûdâh… Yehûdâh, I want you to promise me one thing above all else.”
“Anything for you, Yeshua.”
“Promise me… promise me that when the time comes, you won’t lose sight of who you are. Promise me that your faith, in me, in the world, and above all yourself, will remain true.”
“I promise.”
Spiritron Dress:
Avenger of Jerusalem: Judas Iscariot is clad in a leather jacket that goes down to the small of her back and a pair of jean shorts. The noose around her neck has vanished, revealing a set of scars around her neck where the noose once was.
Judas Priest - Hell Bent for Leather (Official Audio)
A punkish outfit from a Grail War only a few know of. A gift bought my Avenger’s previous contractor, as a means of helping her blend in more within society. While more often than not, Judas Iscariot is a bitter, angry woman, she finds herself far more amenable in this state, even if only a little. She lets her barriers down, allowing herself to smile more often and relax her rage. Perhaps it is because even now, the voice of her Master pushes her onwards, encouraging her.
“Avenger… Selfishness is not a sin. To have your own desires. To want to take things for yourself. To want to achieve your own happiness! That is not evil! That is simply what makes us human!”
Voice Lines:
Unlock Spiritron Dress 'Avenger of Jerusalem': …hah. Well what do you know...? To think I'd wear this outfit again. A dear friend of mine took me shopping once, he told me it'd help me 'blend in'. I didn't really care to argue with him, so I just threw on what I felt suited me. It's... nice, getting to be able to dress like this again.. That being said, I can't help but wonder how he's doing now, without me? Did he ever find that peace of mind he so wanted? ...huh? 'I'm smiling for once'? ...I suppose I am, aren't I?
Level Up 1: I suppose I should thank you for this.
Level Up 2: How very… rock ‘n roll.
Fight Start 1: Alright then… Let’s rock.
Fight Start 2: Sorry that I have to get in your way.
Fight Start 3: The time for judgement’s here.
Skill 1: I would start praying. A lot.
Skill 2: You’ll get no mercy from me.
Skill 3: Hmph. Guess we’re doing this now.
Command Card Select 1: If you think this is best.
Command Card Select 2: No choice, huh?
Command Card Select 3: *cracks knuckles* As Martha always said…
Noble Phantasm Select 1: This place is no longer a House of God. Now… it’s merely a tomb.
Noble Phantasm Select 2: I am no redeemer of souls… I am merely the angel of retribution.
Attack 1: Hah!
Attack 2: Sei!
Attack 3: C’MERE!
Attack 4: GET OVER HERE!
Attack 5: Stop. Running.
Attack 6: Hragh!
Attack 7: You’ll get no pity from me!
Extra Attack 1: Guilty.
Extra Attack 2: You’re mine!
Damage from Noble Phantasm: Damnit…!
Regular Damage: Hands off the jacket.
Defeated 1: Not… the jacket…!
Defeated 2: Ngh… Sorry…
Defeated 3: I can still…!
Victory 1: Well then. Are we done here?
Victory 2: I want to let you know I took no pleasure in this. …well maybe a little.
Victory 3: Understand now? This is why I didn’t want to fight.
Dialogue 1: Hmm~ Hmm~ Hmm~
Dialogue 2: Impressed? My Master has quite the taste in clothing, if I must say. Perhaps you might like trying this for a change.
Dialogue 3: Apparently a band has chosen to take upon my name. ‘Judas Priest’ as it were… Call it vanity, but… I quite like the idea of having a band named after myself.
Dialogue 4: You remind me of him, you know that? Not in appearance, nor mannerisms, but how you choose to live your life. You make your own path, independent of what others say you can or should do, but what you believe is right. That’s a good way to live, Chaldean. Never forget that.
Dialogue 5 (If you have Martha): *sigh* I still don’t understand you, or how you can still show kindness to me after all I’ve done… but thank you. It’s… it’s nice, knowing that I can still be loved after all this time.
Dialogue 6 (If you have Martha(Summer)): I have to admit… that look suits you Martha. Those gauntlets that can crush a man’s skull in a single blow. That jacket that screams ‘omen of death’. That piercing gaze. Yes it suits you quite well-ow! Hah! Hey, quit it! Can’t you take a joke?!
Dialogue 7 (If you have Yù Tù): I recommend keeping an eye on that one… The Lunar Rabbit is cruel, duplicitous, and will do anything to get her way. She trapped an entire city in an endless loop for her own amusement. I shudder to think what she can do now that she seems to have become stronger.
Dialogue 8 (If you have Furbaide Ferbend): Oh it’s you. I suppose you’re wanting a rematch for the last time we met, aren’t you? I hope you have more than cheese to throw at me this time.
Dialogue 9 (If you have Baron Samedi): If it isn’t the good Baron himself. Hm? A drink? …I suppose it wouldn’t be too bad. Why are you smiling at me? I don’t plan on making this a habit.
Dialogue 10 (If you have The Golem of Prague): Adama Lowi… Or do you prefer Yoselle? Either way, don’t think your usual schemes can get past me. I know what you did to your own grandchildren, and I won’t let you do the same to the Chaldean.
Dialogue 11 (If you have the Harpy Sisters): Celaeno… It’s been a while, hasn’t it? I’m glad to see you’ve reunited with your sisters. Would you care to introduce me to them?
Dialogue 12 (If you have any other Fate/Undead Crusader Servants): …why are you looking at me like that? Is there something on my face?
Dialogue 13 (If you have Mordred(Memories of Trifas) or Caeneus(Summer)): …*silent nod of affirmation towards a fellow punk*
Likes: …back in a Holy Grail War, my Master and I bonded over music. He said ‘if you’re going to dress like a metalhead, might as well listen to some of their music’. I admit, I’ve grown fond of rock music since then. It reminds me of him.
Dislikes: …chickens. Poultry of any kind unnerves me, but above all else, keep chickens away from me. Is that understood?
About the Holy Grail: The Holy Grail… Pfft… Ahahahahaha! Ahhh… I’m sorry. I know I shouldn’t make fun of your efforts, but the thought of a ‘Holy Grail’ is just… ridiculous. If the Holy Grail truly was a cup that the Master drank from… Well it certainly wouldn’t be a Grail. And they certainly wouldn’t be rare.
During an Event: Hehe. You want to bring me to a party? I believe that there’s entire scriptures dedicated to how bad an idea that would be. That said, if you insist… what else can I do?
Birthday: Happy Birthday, Master. I can’t thank you enough for letting me in. Someone like me… I don’t deserve everything you’ve done for me. … But hey. It’s your birthday. Let’s not focus on the sad stuff for once. I got something to perform for you. Lemme just get that guitar I borrowed…
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melit0n · 10 months
Something that irks me within The Oh Hellos fandom (and Half·Alive because I'm gonna talk about them too) is people who listen to their music, mainly starting off with Solider, Poet, King because that is arguably their most popular song for multiple different reasons, say they really like it, and then find out The Oh Hellos' are Christian based (similar to Half·Alive), and then suddenly they say they hate it.
(ranting and explanation under the cut)
Like yeah, Solider, Poet, King is originally written about Jesus (and his supposed second coming) and or about Judas, Mary Magdalene and Jesus (Judas=soldier, M.M=poet, Jesus=king), but I don't underestand why that has an effect on people liking it (A). Or even religious people getting straight up mad about others misinterpreting Soldier, Poet, King, or misinterpreting the song themselves in general (B).
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(A). This is like, one of the hundreds of comments I scrolled through on just a lyric video for Solider, Poet, King. Like come on.
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(B). Taken from @lovejoycdinnit post which inspired this rant.
Don't get me wrong, I understand why some people are adverse to Christianity, coming from someone who was raised on Catholic Christianity, I can easily understsand the traumas that revolve around the religion, and, considering how many Christians act, the general hatred towards them as well. But instead of denoting the song, just because it's Christian and you've got issues with the religion, think about how many layers that adds. In The Oh Hellos' music, they constantly preach about forgiveness, kindness and loyalty, especially in their newest albums (I mean, take a listen to Soap from Zephyrus).
Same can be said with Half·Alive's Creature. People will listen to it, say it's really good, immediately put it into their character playlist (either OC or fandom character), maybe even find themselves in that song and then find out Half·Alive is based within the religious faith held by the main singer, and suddenly people don't like it.
Further, people need to stop being hypocrites when it comes to religious bands and or musicians who take ideas from the Bible for their work and say they like them, but not others. It's impossible to say Hozier and Ethel Cane for their religious ideals and ideas they take out of different Holy Books, but then dislike The Oh Hellos and Half·Alive for the pure fact of being religious.
Just because the songs are religious (either about general faith, or Jesus Himself) doesn't mean they can't be about your blorbos anymore! Solider, Poet, King can still be about your DnD characters, your group of friends, your own OCs or just fandom characters in general. Creature can still be about your DnD characters, your struggle with being human in a mental and physical sense, your own OCs or fandom characters. It legitimately doesn't matter. I get finding out the true meaning of a song can make people dislike it, but when it's specifically religious that's just straight up wrong. At that point it's just misotheism.
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pastorsperspective · 1 year
Happy Friday! The time has come again to reflect on last Sunday’s sermon with Pastor Chad. If you were unable to be with us, you can listen to the message here: https://www.youtube.com/live/b9-mi9JIsD8?si=4djpPZh_rNIv7JOg The Title of the sermon is: “Room at the Table – Judas the Betrayer” and the accompanying scripture is from Luke: 22:1-6. Skip to minute mark 37:45 to go straight to the sermon.
So, this was a heavy one… You asked a variation of the question I was thinking in the message itself, and touched on an answer briefly, but maybe you can expand on that. We're called to forgive, as God forgives us, but does that mean that we must continue to put ourselves in the path of the person, or persons, who harmed us? 
Absolutely not, I was clear that we have to be very mindful of abuse and there are certainly times where we need to step away as the best choice for our own safety, health, and well-being. But that doesn't mean we hate them, and let that hate consume us. Jesus was fulfilling scripture and whether it had been Judas, the Pharisees themselves, Roman government, or you name it, this was all going to end the same way one way or the other. What Jesus demonstrates is the ability to love despite what was done to him and this is the call we have upon our lives. There is certainly a balancing act to this, but when we let love and grace drive instead of hate and anger, this is when we step into a deeper discipleship. 
I see a quote go around on Facebook quite a bit from a rapper I remember from the 90s, Tupac Shakur, that says, "Just because you lost me as a friend, doesn't mean you gained me as an enemy. I'm bigger than that. I still wanna see you eat, just not at my table." In a lot of ways that really resonates with me. It's something we have lost as a society. The ability to recognize that it's not an either-or situation. It's not love OR hate. I can love you and still not have you be an active participant in my life and have healthy boundaries with you, can't I?
I love this quote, and as seen above the answer is always yes. It’s no different with the churches who have disaffiliated. They left for theological and structural differences. We don't hate them; we don't wish they would close and not bring the gospel to those who attend there. We hope for the opposite, that they will do well and spread the love of Christ to all those that go there. Sure, it may slightly different than our way and beliefs, but that’s ok. John Wesley is credited having said, “We may not think alike, but can we not love alike?” To that I say YES!!!! 
Absolutely!! I read an article that spoke to this very thing. It asked the question, have you ever heard someone criticize the building of a homeless shelter in their neighborhood because they didn't want drug addicts and "those types" of people in their community? Have you heard the same kind of criticism for giving to the food pantry? The idea being, why should I give my money and my resources to people who continuously make choices that leave them without food and shelter? How would you answer them?
So, I have heard this kind of thinking from other Churches in our community, but honestly not ours. There are many people and churches in our community who feel a servant’s heart and give so freely, for them I am so thankful and love their spirit. If I had to answer those who don't share this same spirit I would simply say, “so you are in no way in need of God’s grace and don't require it daily, then?” See we like to simply think of justifying grace which is God’s grace that imparts and imputes righteousness into our lives making us right again with, or atone (at one) with God again. The truth is this is but one facet to God’s grace, sanctifying grace is the grace that moves us daily to be more like Christ after we say yes to Jesus in justifying grace. The point is this, we all need God’s grace every single day. Whether that be in a canned good or a measure of forgiveness or even a friendly smile, we are no different from anyone else in the reality that we all need love and grace (PERIOD)!
Well, I know I certainly do. Even on my worst day, thinking about the people who have hurt me the most in this life. I agree with Tupac… I still want to see them eat, just not at my table. I’m not going to share any old Tupac music with you. I’m not a rap fan, but I will share with you my favorite song on the topic of forgiveness. Aptly titled: Forgiveness by Matthew West
My favorite line:
It’s the opposite of how you feel
When the pain they caused is just too real
Takes everything you have to say the word
May all who have hurt us continue to eat and be blessed wherever they are and may all of us who were left behind to pick up the pieces be set free by forgiveness.
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dalyunministry · 4 years
Pastor Abednego Hindawa
Good day to all servants of the Most High God in this noble platform
By the grace of God without wasting time I want to start the ministration
I want you to pray with wherever you are now.
Our Heavenly Father I want to return all the glory unto you for what you have done in the life of your children in the platform.
Father I humble myself before your throne and I decrease myself may your increase Yourself tonight in the mighty name of Jesus Christ Amen
Father we need your word tonight for divine impartation in Jesus name Amen.
By the grace of God I want to minister a message that I Title JUDGEMENT
Judgement is a misfortune or calamity viewed as a divine punishment. To start with, brethrens in the Lord, judgement is real and everyone of us will give an account of whatsoever you do on this planet Earth, you must give an account before the judgement seat of Christ Jesus. You be it a servant of God, pastor, an Apostle, Bishop, an Evangelist disciple or a member of the church on the day of judgement you will give an account of anything you do on this planet Earth.
Brethrens in the Lord this is end time, the last day be wear for the kingdom of God is at hand.
Our main scriptures are:
1. 2Corinthians 5:10
2. Rev. 20:14
3. John 14:14-31
2 Corinthians 5:10 For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad.
John 14:14-31 If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it. If ye love me, keep my commandments.
And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.
Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more; but ye see me: because I live, ye shall live also. At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you.
He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.
Judas saith unto him, not Iscariot, Lord, how is it that thou wilt manifest thyself unto us, and not unto the world?
Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.
He that loveth me not keepeth not my sayings: and the word which ye hear is not mine, but the Father's which sent me.
These things have I spoken unto you, being yet present with you. But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.
Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
Ye have heard how I said unto you, I go away, and come again unto you. If ye loved me, ye would rejoice, because I said, I go unto the Father: for my Father is greater than I.
And now I have told you before it come to pass, that, when it is come to pass, ye might believe.
Hereafter I will not talk much with you: for the prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in me.
But that the world may know that I love the Father; and as the Father gave me commandment, even so I do. Arise, let us go hence.
1. Ungodly Love
2Timothy 3:1-10, 1John 4:3-5, 1John 3:12-15
Friends when you go through all these scriptures especially 2 Timothy 3:1-10, it will tells you that this is the last day, people will be lover of themselves, lover of money, boastful, proud, disobedient to their parents, irreconcilable, slanders, without self control, brutal without the love of God.
The Bible says what shall it profile a man, if he gain the whole world, and lose his soul in the kingdom of God.
Matthew 16:26-28
Matthew 16:26-28 For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?
For the Son of man shall come in the glory of his Father with his angels; and then he shall reward every man according to his works.
Verily I say unto you, There be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom.
As a child of God you have to seek the kingdom of God always.
Matthew 6:33, Heb. 11:6
It is good or better for you to repent now and give your life to Christ Jesus before is too late, because the Bible says, the kingdom of God is at hand, so is for to repent now before is too late.
Matthew 3:1-3
Before this is the time we should deny ourselves out from that evil activities and separate ourselves from them and Carry the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Matthew 16:24, Matthew 10:33.
2. Disobedient
This is another major factor that can make the people of God go to hell fire without buy or paying for visa.
Read Genesis 18:16-22
3. Unforgiveness
Friends God cannot forgive you, if you don't forgive other who hurt you.
Even thou you pray the Lords prayer twenty four hours, if you cannot forgive those who hurt you.. you cannot make Heaven.
But I pray for you today may the mercy of God speaks on your behalf in the mighty name of Jesus Amen.
The factors that can make you enter in to heaven
1. Accept JESUS CHRIST as you Lord and Savior and believe that he is the son of the Living GOD
John 3:16, John 8:12
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Beloved I want you to understand if you don't accept Jesus Christ as you Lord and personal Savior you cannot enter heaven. Because he is the only way the truth and Life, he is the light of the whole world, without Jesus you cannot enter into the kingdom of God so to have light is to receive Jesus as Lord and personal Savior.
2 Confess your sins and you shall save
Proverbs 28:13 He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy. If you don't repent and forsake evil ways you can't enter the kingdom of God
1John 3:1-4, 2Thes. 3:1-4
3 Live a holy life
Isaiah 59:1-3 Behold, the LORD'S hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither his ear heavy, that it cannot hear:
But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear.
For your hands are defiled with blood, and your fingers with iniquity; your lips have spoken lies, your tongue hath muttered perverseness.
Friends the Bible says because of our iniquities the LORD has hide his face from us.
By the grace of God I want to stop here now because time.
And I leave you I want you to pray this prayers
1. O LORD have mercy upon my life and family
2. Father take all of me and give me all of you
3. Father make me to serve you righteously
4. Father make me to become your a genuine servant of you.
May the LORD Almighty God continue bless you all in Jesus name Amen
God bless you.
Am pastor Abednego Hindawa, from Sierra Leone west Africa.
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