#but clown law states i have to post this regardless
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lives4lovesworld · 1 year
A response to @stargareed's comments, he has deleted (or don't show up anymore because he has me block lol) and his response to @theblackqveen's post.
His comments:
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First off all, what an absolute clown do you have to be to come here, guns a-bazing, snippy and condescendingly insinuate that I would block you or erase a hypothetical "refutation" of yours when you not only have i) spammed my comment section without adressing any of the arguments and facts in my reblog contradicting your bending and rewriting of the laws of inheritance so they might support your wish of a) Jon having any claim whatsoever to the Iron Throne and b) Daenerys having none, but then proceed to ii) delete your comments and/or block me ? Excuse me??
@lives4lovesworld If I reply to your long response to me, are you gonna leave it up or block me so people can't see it?
Before I begin to yet again refute all this nonsense, I have to say; I have never seen a person writing so much nonsensical fallacious bullshit that does i) neither adressed the points I have made prior ii) nor support their own nor iii) matter in the discussion to begin with and then iv) continues to write a response in which he contradicts himself??
So besides you not even addressing, let alone try and disassembled all the facts (such as the laws of inheritance, the workings of absolute monarchy and validity of king regardless of his mental state) that refute your brazen inaccurate statements of Jon (as a secret bastard) to have any claims, and Daenerys supposedly losing her claim for further rewriting how laws of inheritance work and your (deliberate, dare I say so) misunderstanding of Daenerys and her position in AGoT, you also did not answer any of my previous questions: What purpose Robb's declare than has (besides removing Sansa from the succession) if a bastard has claims regardless if he legitimized or not? Or if Sansa, by your logic, has lost all her claims to Winterfell as well, because she had "alllowed" her betrothal to kill her father? if Catelyn by your incredibly flawed preception has "allowed" her brother's father-in-law to murder her son?
@theblackqveen Dany was complicit in Viserys's death. She didn't even try to stop her husband through Viserys was begging her to. A Westerosi lord might say, "So your husband killed Viserys, and you didn't even try to stop him? That's pretty convenient, isn't it? Almost like you're unfairly profiting from your brother's death."
Yeah... Viserys was also threatening Daenerys not mere seconds ago. If you argue Daenerys should have fought harder for her king, than Viserys should have protected and respected her as person, as his sister and as his heir. If you argue Aerys's valdity as king can be dismissed (so you can and everbody else should dismiss his decree) because he was obviously not of sound mind than Daenerys can dismiss Viserys as her king too, because he was obviously not sound of mind too.
Fortunatly, this is NOT HOW INHERITANCE WORKS (for the chaos that would be legtimized that way would out to TWot5K). All heirs "profit" from their testator's death, so one can accuse them all for "unfairly profiting" from them. But no one does, beacuse that's not the world ASoIaF is. And even if there would be lords to share your opinion, these lords could not argue that Daenerys has lost her claim on a legislative level, BECAUSE THAT'S NOT HOW THEIR LAWS WORK. I don't know how somebody has to articulate it to you that a person's reaction and actions surrounding AND to his testator's death is not of concern when it comes to his position as heir, when a person can literally murder his testator without losing his rights as said testator's lawful heir.
It's your personal opinion that a person should not inherited from someone if they fail to prevent the testator's death or are in your eyes a "complict" or fail grieve them a certain way. THAT'S YOUR PERSONAL OPINION, NOT THE LAW. Although given the fact that Daenerys tried to prevent his deathh by pleaded Viserys to sheath his sword, and offered him her dragon eggs (her most prized property) it is apparent that you want to disinherited Daenerys soley because she did not meet YOUR expectations on how she "should" have acted.
@music-of-dragons It could depend on why the Mad King made Viserys his "new heir". If he did so because he was pissed at Dorne…then his rationale might not apply to non-Dornish Jon. And we know he was very pissed at Dorne: "When the news reached the Red Keep, it was said that Aerys cursed the Dornish, certain that Lewyn had betrayed Rhaegar. He sent his pregnant queen, Rhaella, and his younger son and new heir, Viserys, away to Dragonstone. . . ." (TWOIAF)
AGAIN as already stated you have yet to adress and try to disassembled the stated facts from my reblog that stated that JON as unknown secret bastard DOES NOT HAVE ANY CLAIM. For Jon to have a claim he would have needed to publicly acknowledged and then legitimized by a royal decree. There is no tHen hIs raTionAle mIght nOt aPply tO non-D0rnIsh JoN.
The royal decree to disinherit Aegon and Rhaenys Targaryen and apppointment of Viserys as new heir is alo sure as hell not phrased that "ONLY Rhaegar's line that is part dornish is hereby disinherited" because it would make no sense. The disinheritance is not against Rhaegar's children's dornish heritage, it is about the preventation of Rhaegar's line to ascend the Throne and Visery's ascend (and it being made as secured as legally possible) PERIOD. And most imporantly, why would the decree be written in this specific way (worded to prevent only Rhaegar's DORNISH heirs), when no one thought he even had any other children??? (children with indisputable claims!) That would be a explicitness no one would have ever come to in this scenario.
Even if it WAS, JON AS UNKNOWN NON-ACKNOWLEDGED, NON-LEGITIMIZED BASTARD HAS NO CLAIMS. That is trueborn siblings lost theirs doesn't suddenly grant him ones.
@theblackqveen First, there were instances of Dany telling Drogo "no" or defying Dothraki custom and Drogo allowed her to do so even if he disagreed at first. So he definitely listened to her.
You deliberately continue to fundamentally misunderstand the nature of Daenerys and Drogo's relationships.
Drogo listens to her in some instances because he wanted to. Like when she try to persuade him to do different sex positions or claiming the Lhazareen women for herself. And even in the later instance, Daenerys fears if she had dared to much. In none of these instances Drogo listened to Daenerys because she had the authority to bend him to her will.
And whether her protests worked with Viserys is not important. The important thing is that she at least try to protect her king. But she didn’t. And so others may naturally conclude that she unfairly profited from his death and shouldn't inherit from her.
You are just repeating yourself, bringing up an supposed "argument" that doesn't disinherit Daenerys as Viserys’s heir. AGAIN there could be as many as they want that can "naturally conclude that she unfairly profited from his death and and shouldn't inherit from her". It still doesn't change the law. But given the fact that NO ONE in 6 books have mused anything of this sort, refutes your hypothesis that there will be any to argue (like this).
The only one to speculate in a similar manner about the circumstances of Viserys’s death are Arianne Martell and Daemon Sand;
The secret pact that Prince Doran had made all those years called for Arianne to be wed to Prince Viserys, not Quentyn to Daenerys. It had all come undone on the Dothraki sea, when he was murdered. Crowned with a pot of molten gold. "He was killed by a Dothraki khal," said Arianne. "The dragon queen's own husband." "So I'veheard. What of it?" "Just… why did Daenerys let it happen? Viserys was her brother. All that remained of her own blood." "The Dothraki are a savage folk. Who can know why they kill? Perhaps Viserys wiped his arse with the wrong hand." Perhaps, thought Arianne, or perhaps Daenerys realized that once her brother was crowned and wed to me, she would be doomed to spend the rest of her life sleeping in a tent and smelling like a horse. "She is the Mad King's daughter," the princess said. "How do we do know -- " "We cannot know," Ser Daemon said. "We can only hope." - Arianne I, TWoW
And even here, the focus lays only on whenever or not Daenerys might be "her father's daughter". Not a word about Daenerys not being Viserys's heir due to the circumstances around his death is muttered here. And mind you this from a women that envisioned herself as Viserys's queen.
excerpts of @stargareed's response to @theblackqveen post:
GRRM made the rightful claimant issue a clusterfuck of ambiguity so that Stannis/Shireen, Dany, (f)Aegon, and Jon all have colorable claims to the Iron Throne.
i) Robert Baratheon justifys is claim to the Iron Throne through his great grandmother Rhaelle Targaryen (although we all know Robert's won/stole the Iron Throne with his war hammer (x)). Even Stannis, who derives his claim to the Iron Throne from him being Robert's brother, states that Robert IS an usurper.
ii) If we collectively disregard Aerys's decree as you do it, then yes the unquestionable son of Elia Martell and Rhaegar Targaryen would have indeed a better claim than Daenerys. But Young Griff/"Aegon" and his kingmakers know, should they fail to match a marriage between him and Daenerys, he will forever be mocked as a pretender (x). Therefore debating how the claim of the true, indisputable Aegon would still out trump Daenerys, despite there being a royal decree that says otherwise, is redundant because the circumstances demand from this boy to resign himself as only her mere consort, because otherwise no one will believe "Aegon" is who he says he is.
It’s almost like a law school exam where you can easily argue why multiple characters have the strongest claims. So when someone posts in the Jon tag that Dany has a 100% better claim than Jon, I’m gonna push back (in a civil manner of course). 
You have yet to "easily argue", adress and try to disassembled the laws of inheritance I have quoted from AWoIaF. So how exactly have you "push[ed] back"? You have yet to refute anything.
I agree that Drogo had the ultimate authority in their relationship. And that though Drogo listened to Dany in some things (e.g. allowing Dany to have some control over their sex life or prevent Dothraki warriors from taking certain Lhazareen women), there’s a very good chance Drogo would have killed Viserys despite Dany’s pleas because Viserys threatened Drogo’s unborn son. 
Here you start to contradict yourself. First you say Daenerys should have prevented Viserys’s death (insinuating that she has that kind of power over Drogo to begin with because Drogo indulge a few pleas od her) and now you (finally) admit Drogo would have done as he pleased, regardless of Daenerys's pleas.
Which doesn't matter anyway, because you still insist on trying to pass off your personal opinion on inheritance as the law:
But to the extent Dany wants to inherit from Viserys, she should have at least tried to prevent the death of her supposed king. Instead, she was complicit in his death. After Dany translated Viserys’s words to her husband, the following occurred: [excerpt of Daenerys V, AGoT] So, Dany translates Viserys’s ill-fated words to her husband, knows her husband is about to kill Viserys, puts her arm around Drogo in a sign of approval, and then ignores Viserys’s pleas to intervene on his behalf. 
Firstly, as already said, Daenerys's behavior does not change her position as Viserys's heir, and she did try " to prevent the death of her supposed king.
Secondly, you continue to force your personal interpretation as objective truth; "puts her arm around Drogo in a sign of approval" Daenerys's action to put her arm around Drogo could just as easily be a sign of her seaking his proximity for protection.
I’m not saying Viserys didn’t deserve to die. It’s also understandable that Dany didn’t intervene on Viserys’s behalf considering he just threatened her unborn child. But as understandable as Dany’s actions are, they also could be used against her to prevent her from inheriting from Viserys. 
Again, no one does so other than you (and probably your friends).
Let’s do a hypo: Let’s take Season 8 Dany and Jon, but change it so that instead of being the rightful heir, Jon is just a Targaryen bastard. So, there’s no question that Dany is the rightful queen, while Jon is just her heir (as there are no trueborn folks with Targ blood remaining in this hypothetical). 
I refuse to even adress a hypo in which one of the most nonsensical show is being used as gateway. (One of the many reasons of it being nonsensical is the fact that D&D tried to pass off the secret, dusty dairy entry of an unknown generic maester talking about "annulling" the Crown Prince's lawful, fruitful marriage to his highborn wife and "marrying" Rhaegar Targaryen to bethrothed Lyanna Stark in SECRET, which supposedly makes their secret child the "rightful heir" WITH NO WITNESSES, TWO DECADES AFTER EVERYONE IS DEAD as a lawfully-binded FACT, which everbody will unquestionable believe.) But hey, at least you are consistent in your fuckery, to say s8Jon should be allowed to inherited shit from s8 Daenerys (from a moral stand point)
Now, I’ve caught a lot of grief because, as much as I don’t like Season 8 Jon, I think he was justified in killing Season 8 Dany after she murdered 100,000 people and implied that she’d continue killing, including Jon’s own family. However, though I think S8 Jon was ethically justified in killing Dany, a strong argument could be made that he should not inherit from her because he killed her and would be unfairly profiting from her death.
Again, totally your personal opinion, stop passing yours off as ASoIaF's legislature.
If you agree that S8 Jon shouldn’t inherit from S8 Dany, why should book!Dany inherit from Viserys when there was even less justification for Viserys’s death? The only difference is that Drogo did the actual killing in the books, but it was with Dany’s full blessing. 
The hereditary feudalistic laws of inherintance, espescially if there is one only one "trueborn" close relative left, is not a matter of arguments. If the laws of inheritance allow Tyrion Lannister to murder his father and still remain his heir, than s8!Jon is s8!Daenerys's heir the same way Daenerys is Viserys's heir. The succession of the Starks is currently a matter of arguments because no one know were Jon Snow as legitmimized bastard stands in this line (before or after Brandon and Rickon?), not the Iron Throne's. She is even more so because she did not kill him. Her acting as translater is not of concern, because his fate was sealed the minute he started to threatened a khalessi with steel in the Dothraki's sacred city.
Ultimately, I don’t think Dany being complicit in Viserys’s death is dispositive of Dany’s lack of claim. However, it is one argument that could reasonably be used to invalidate her claim. Just as Jon’s bastardy and (f)Aegon’s identity could be used to invalidate their claims. 
i) AGAIN, it's only YOU to argue like that, ii) AGAIN, Jon's bastardy (explicitly the fact that he was never acknowledged as Rhaegar's bastard and never legitimized by a royal decree as Targaryen) is the fact why he doesn't have any claim to begin with iv) (f)Aegon's dubious identity is the reason why the vast majority of people will doubt that he is who he says he is. These people won't grant him a claim to the Iron Throne for that uncertaintiy. And for those that acknowledge Aerys's decree, (f)Aegon could be indeed Rhaegar and Elia's son, he still won't have a claim in their eyes.
AGAIN, he needs the marriage to Daenerys (possible one to Arianne Martell may sufficient as well) to not be seen as a pretender.
As for the matter of @brideoffires being a "white racist" (ilamo) I share @theblackqveen already summerized my feelings. And the fact that you compare "white dany stans' denial over [her] blatant racism" to fucking 13 year old sex slave child bride stockholm syndrom suffering Dany and her raping, warmongering owner tops every generalizing comments from @brideoffires
@lives4lovesworld @theblackqveen Lmao, when did @brideoffires ever "destroy" me in an arguement? Show me receipts!!!
As for the "receipts", unfortunately tumblr search does show me your discourse with her since you have blocked me, I will not spent further hours on you scrolling through multiple blogs to find these posts (about a matter I frankly do not care)
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world-love-government · 8 months
Solidarity with Israeli Hostages
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Being in a comparable situation with the voices in my head/body that insist on being a presence in my life 24/7, I'm somewhat thankful - after all I don't live in the Middle East; this is Canada. I thought about my situation compared to what Jews are currently experiencing in the Middle East. On one hand Jews are currently being kidnapped and murdered according to the news. On the other I have to tolerate a crowd of anonymous voices shouting "Krusty the Clown!" at me on a daily basis (to hurt my feelings/harvest emotional energy). I'm personally in the view selecting a Jewish clown was no coincidence and is insensitive to Jews to create an insult out of "Krusty the Clown", who is Jewish in the Simpsons. Why is this all happening? You know just before this crisis in the Middle East I decided to pick up a Kippah for my studies in Old Testament Law to complement my return to the Roman Catholic Church. It was only a few weeks later this all happened and now I feel more like I should wear the Kippah to show support and solidarity with Israel. This is why I fight the battle I wage against these voices that represent the same oppressive hostile forces or powers that are holding Israeli's hostage in the Middle East and murdering them. Call me Krusty the Clown all you want while I wear the Kippah, anonymous voices that refuse to share with the public and me who you are. I imagine arguing with Hamas is similiar to the arguments I have with these voices. Is it really any different to some extent, however? When both the voices in my head and Hamas communicate a lethal intent to their enemy? What protection do I really have here in Canada that makes us so different from war-torn nation-states of the Middle East? I'm personally unsure of this. "KRUSTY THE CLOWN!" "KRUSTY THE CLOWN!" The altered version of my music currently plays. Like a cockroach or an infection, the voices subtly manipulate my surroundings for their goal or gain of energy. This is how the enemy acts whose identity is nothing except for what is vile, demonic, and that whom resembles a monster relative to the standards of Western and Canadian values of human rights and justice. Constantly the voices tell me of threats to my health, threats to the minds of human beings, and threats to destroy the soul. What kind of action should I take? Voices constantly tell me "He's going to kill himself" for the various attacks that have been made on me. The voices can never elaborate to me "why" I should kill myself, this is just something constantly claimed to me. This is just an example of the typical mind games I have to play with these voices. What to do? I suppose Im not held hostage by Hamas or have not been murdered yet. These voices tell me this is a concern I should have on a daily basis in one way or another. They tell me (as mentioned in other posts) they have the ability to remotely control my body and health even with their technology or method of influencing/controlling my body. It's claimed people even fight over harming and healing my body. In all of this information tends to resemble something like the fog of war. In terms of my agenda regardless, I stand in solidarity with Israel and Jewish hostages because of the experience I have with hearing voices. My mental health condition to me feels like voices in my head are keeping me hostage so they can abuse me over and over again. There are no human beings that want this experience because its like having a mob constantly bullying you 24/7, then I realized how I'm like Israel or Oppressed Jewish people in the Middle East.
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dreamofcentipedes · 6 years
Tokyo Ghoul and Watchmen
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When reading Tokyo Ghoul I often find myself reminded of the comic that changed comics forever: Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons’ Watchmen. Their psychological focus, symbolism and core philosophy are all very similar, so I thought a small comparative essay would be interesting. Without further ado, here are some of the overlaps between two of the strongest existentialist works in the comic format: (Spoilers for both beneath!)
Rorschach and Shironeki
Rorschach’s determination against all odds and his vicious punishments towards his enemies are also hallmarks of Post-Aogiri Kaneki.
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Like Kaneki, Rorschach was not always so disturbed. Even with a missing father and abusive mother, even with the injustice of the Kitty Genovese killing to urge him onwards, it was not until the Blaire Roche kidnapping case that he began killing people. Likewise he had a certain camaraderie while in the Watchmen, especially with Dan. But Rorschach began striking off alone and persisted in his mission even when the Watchmen were disbanded, living in an extremely unhealthy and solitary manner after being twisted by an astonishing display of cruelty involving the killing of a child. He kept to that mission to the very end, even when he knew it would mean his certain death.
Just so with Kaneki. He too had a missing father and abusive mother; he too had a death that urged him to begin fighting to protect others in Ryouko; and he fit like a glove into Anteiku. But after his encounter with the devil where a child was likewise killed, his mission intensified and it became one that he had to do apart from Anteiku. It was not completely on his own as with Rorschach (though he did not retain any friends in Root A) but it was a far more solitary existence, and certainly an unhealthy one. And likewise, Shironeki fought to the death even knowing he would likely not make it out alive.
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Rorschach and Amon
Since he’s Kaneki’s parallel, one can also draw links between Amon and Rorschach, despite one always looking prim and proper and the other looking like he crawled out of a dumpster: Both see the underlying corruption of the world but direct their anger at scapegoats instead of the real guilty powers that they fight for themselves - Amon’s scapegoats are ghouls, and Rorschach’s are criminals, prostitutes, liberals and communists - whoever undermines his far-right sense of American values.
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The Comedian and the Clowns
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When the Clowns were revealed at the end of the first series, I immediately thought of the Comedian. They’re both extreme nihilists who have seen the ugly meaningless of the world and decided the only way to cope with it is by “seeing the funny side”, ruthlessly perpetuating everything that’s wrong with it to get in on the gag. They are ruthlessly perceptive of others - Donato pins down Urie just as accurately as the Comedian assesses Dr Manhattan - but it’s that same perception that has led to their overwhelming despair.
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Yomo managed to convince Uta that the world is not so tragic after all; but there was no-one who loved Eddie Blake enough to do that for him, and the reason he stopped joking around is because he encountered a horror so grotesque his humour crutch snapped from under him. Ishida is ultimately optimistic; with Moore, it can only get worse.
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Ozymandias’ creature and Dragon
Just as in Watchmen, in TGre it takes an eldritch abomination appearing in the story’s central city and causing enormous devastation to unite the two major warring factions.
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The biggest difference however is that Ozymandias certainly intended this outcome, and it is unlikely to last (”Nothing ends, Adrian. Nothing ever ends”). Furuta on the other hand continues to be a thorn in the side of the CCG-Ghoul alliance, making it clear his intentions lay elsewhere - the unification was merely a side-effect. By contrast, given the hopeful themes of :re, this peace is far more likely to last.
Themes and Style
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Both Ishida and Moore come to the conclusion that there is a great darkness at the heart of existence, an emptiness and absence of meaning. Yet rather than giving up on that note, they also tackle how one might live with that revelation; creating our own meaning out of the absence. Both ultimately affirm the value of life despite the viciousness of their worlds.
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Both take influence from Jung:
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And while not explicitly stated in Tokyo Ghoul, Nietzsche's quote here is certainly a running theme:
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Both experiment with metafiction, with Watchmen’s Tales of the Black Freighter echoing the main plot like Takatsuki Sen’s works in TG, and are well aware of their respective genres: superhero comic for Watchmen and tragedy for TG.
Both play with symbolism, Moore planting his smiley faces throughout just as Ishida does his tarot numbers.
And finally, both study the question of order and chaos and defy the usual comic book tendency to make it a black/white divide; demonstrating how the force of the law, in the Watchmen and the CCG, can just be another form of the oppression of the populace.
Tokyo Ghoul and Watchmen, even while being very different stories in many ways, possess a similar core philosophy that manifests itself in its characters and plot points. Both have seen what Rorschach calls the world’s “dark underbelly”, and have devised ways to cope with it. Moore looks it and says “We will keep trying to do the best we can do”, a quiet heroism in a cruel world. Ishida paints a more hopeful picture, highlighting both the tragedy but also the joy and the warmth it can couple with. Regardless of which variant you find the truer, it’s this nuance of ideology that has made them such memorable and powerful additions in the development of the comic form.
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its-love-u-asshole · 6 years
Twelve Hours [Ch. 5]
Pairings: Kuroo Tetsurou/Tsukishima Kei
Summary: Kuroo Tetsurou has dealt with a lot since he was eighteen, each year bringing the same depressing challenges on the same depressing night. He expects this time to be no different, but the universe is trying desperately to prove him wrong in the most bizarre ways imaginable. So screw it, Kuroo’s only choice is to buckle in and hope he doesn’t die. Easy enough. And hey, with some new allies at his side, maybe he has a chance. Who knows? At least Kuroo is sure of one thing in life when it comes to March 15th, and he stands by this unwritten law, no matter what happens:
If you try to kill pizza delivery boys on Purge Night, you’re irrevocably a bitch.
Rating: T
Tags: Purge AU, mentions of violence but nothing graphic or too bad, no character deaths here okay, this is borderline crack and idk what I was thinking, first meetings, other characters, shenanigans and just…a lot of fun (it seems angsty but its not)
Note: I’m back with another update! In spirit of all the excitement for kurotsuki week I figured I’d post today! But I’m also doing something for Monday’s prompt (and hopefully some more), so I’m super excited! Thanks so much @emeraldwaves for reading this over, and I hope everyone enjoys! 
The tires screeched to a slow halt as Terushima pulled the car into a gas station stall, and the bright artificial lighting did nothing to make them blend in with the surroundings. Their huge, black as tar SUV looked like a giant ink blot against the bright blue colorings of the signs around them, and as Terushima cut the ignition, they all stayed put.
No one dared open a door yet, instead listening for signs of trouble, of anything.
It would've been normal to see some debris, hear some yells nearby, hell maybe even see people raiding the small store. That would've been easier to deal with and process.
Silence...Kuroo was not good with silence anymore. Judging from the way Tsukishima straightened up, neither was he.
Ignoring the way Futakuchi's hand tapped anxiously against the glove compartment, Kuroo followed Tsukishima's gaze.
He peered out through the half-tinted windows, noting the strange pristine condition of the station. The small snack stand in the center looked immaculate, untouched, the displays standing straight and organized with a plethora of snacks and useless magazines.
No other cars were around, unless they counted the abandoned ones across the street, which had been stripped of their parts.
Now, Kuroo knew it was probably rare for people to be getting gas during the Purge (like...c'mon), but to see no one set the alarm bells off in his head. This was so stupid.
More than that, this was not good.
"I don't trust this at all," Tsukishima said finally, echoing Kuroo's thoughts. "Be quick about it."
Though Tsukishima's gaze was occupied, the words were clearly addressed to Terushima, who jumped in his seat, hitting the roof of the car. Such finesse. They were in good hands.
Futakuchi turned to his friend, tense, and a silent telepathic showdown seemed to go on between them. After careful observation, Kuroo concluded it was of the elementary school caliber.
'You go.'
'No you.'
"Seriously?" Suga muttered, and yeah...Kuroo could only imagine what it was like to deal with this on a daily basis. Mind numbing, he guessed, since Suga simply started playing sudoku on his phone.
In their defense, Kuroo did not want to be the one to do this. Not just because of the potential murder, but because this gas station had just about the worst prices he'd ever seen.
I'd rather be stabbed.
Apparently, the other two didn't feel the same way.
Kuroo rolled his eyes when their hands came up, leaving fate in the hands of rock paper scissors. Wow. If it had been Kuroo, and he had to die knowing it was all because of a rock paper scissors game, he'd rise from the dead before accepting it.
He'd pull his own soul right back from the devil himself.
Two stressful rounds later and Futakuchi was declared the winner, smirking due to his expert rock over scissors strategy. It really made Kuroo want to applaud, the true decision making skill couldn't be overlooked.
"It almost makes me want to cry," Tsukishima said, and Kuroo snorted, watching those bright eyes drift back towards the street. Something about watching Tsukishima's brain work hadn't failed to fascinate him.
Always observant, no matter where you are, huh?
In the back of his head, Kuroo wondered how much Tsukishima truly remembered about him, if he'd been analyzed all those years ago without knowing. The musings were cut short by a less than comfortable Yamamoto.
"Can you guys stop stalling? The longer we're here the worse the risk is!" He yelled from the middle row, and all Terushima did was simply raise his hand in a 'can you not' gesture.
If anything, the people in the car would kill each other before anyone else could.
"I don't wanna gooooo," Terushima whined, glancing out on the desolate cement plain before draping himself over the middle console. Futakuchi scooted away, like he was disease ridden. "It's too creepy."
True, but...
"Hm, then maybe you shouldn't have wasted so much gas making wrong turns," Tsukishima hummed, and Terushima raised his middle finger (not that Tsukishima was even looking at him).
"Are you ever going to let that go? News flash, the jokes are getting old."
Pft. Even Kuroo knew the jokes weren't the point, and he adored Tsukishima for it.
"It's not about making jokes, it's about shaming you," Tsukishima stated bluntly. "Also, I let it go when I got in this car."
Despite the need to make a Disney reference, Kuroo's pettiness won out.
"Ditto," Kuroo said, and Yamamoto turned on him, raising an accusatory finger.
"Hush you! It wasn't even your house! You didn't have to come!"
And well...yeah, but it was Tsukishima's house. Tsukishima who got all his jokes and protected him and was all around amazing. So uh, Kuroo was in his right to be mad on his behalf.
"Eh," Suga joined in. "I'd be pretty mad if someone broke my boyfriend's wall."
Again with the boyfriend...
Kuroo's entire face bloomed red, and while he'd never object to being mistaken for such an angelic being's boyfriend, he didn't approve of his own feelings being so blatantly stated for everyone to hear. Especially not when said feelings had hit him like a ton of bricks only in the past few hours.
God. He was turning back into a naive freshman, swooning over every hot guy. Though, Tsukishima wasn't just a hot guy.
Beside him, Tsukishima glared, his own cheeks heating up in a way Kuroo couldn't help but fixate on. The blond's reaction was significantly more violent too, with the way his head whipped around from where he'd been observing the streets to glare at the rest of the car. It made Kuroo's heart race, even as the denial spewed from both their lips.
"He's not my boyfriend," they insisted at the same time, and Kuroo spared a side glance the blond's way, noting his refusal to focus on anything other than the leather seat in front of him.
The tips of his ears turn red when he's embarrassed...
Kuroo, completely fixated, almost didn't register Futakuchi's response. Sadly, it was hard to miss it.
The brunet made a fake, shocked choking noise, his palm flat against his chest. "Oh wow, very convincing! What are you guys? The main pining couple in a romcom?"
"Well that was very specific..." Tsukishima muttered, staring back out of the window, but his obvious lack of comment on the accusation made Kuroo's blush deepen further.
"Shut up!"
"Can someone just get gas please? Last thing we need is some freaks showing up for free blood," Suga sighed, his game long forgotten as the minutes past. Regardless of the bickering, they were all still on edge, so much so they kept their voices low. As ridiculous as the night was, it was still the Purge, it was still real.
"You mean like them," Tsukishima said, tapping his finger against the glass. Freezing, the rest of the group looked to where he was pointing, and immediately groaned at what they saw.
Two figures, faces masked with eerie clown features, stood on the other side of the street staring at them. Just...staring. They stood distorted and tilted, but even with the lame poses Kuroo marveled at how stone like they were, their heads on tilting every now and then in intimidation.
"Great, we waited too long, now what?" Terushima whispered, eyes not leaving the potential murderers.
"Maybe they're just taking a break," Tsukishima said, and the rest of the car, sans Kuroo, looked unamused.
"Is that supposed to be funny?" Yamamoto asked, and his tone could've been bottled and packaged as pure disbelief.
The blond only shrugged. "Well you didn't laugh so I guess not."
It wasn't funny, it was hilarious. Never change.
"Maybe we should move on," Futakuchi suggested, squinting at the way the figures stood. They couldn't afford to do that, and from the way Tsukishima glanced at Kuroo, he knew it too.
"No," Kuroo said, seriousness kicking in. They didn't know when they'd find another empty, working station. Unfortunately, the risk needed to be accepted in this case. "Go take care of it, if they move, we'll shoot."
The sentence made his throat close up, but he stuffed his own reluctance down until it burned. Self-defense, he reminded, self-defense. Tsukishima nodded next to him, expression grim but not unwilling. The blond was already unholstering his weapon, like he was so comfortable with it, so used to clutching it tight.
The rest of the car tensed, but that was fine. It was okay if they weren't ready yet. Kuroo had been referring to himself and Tsukishima anyways. Their innocence around this night had been taken already. Some of Terushima's had too, from the way he steeled himself, hand on the car door handle.
Kuroo inhaled, looking at Terushima expectantly. The other nodded, glancing at his friends one last time, and Suga reached forward, gripping his shoulder in comfort. It never got easy, seeing people thrown into danger, but this time Kuroo was here to help.
They all glanced back out to where the figures stood, and one of them raised a hand, causing Tsukishima to flinch. But he just waved slowly, a friendly gesture corrupted by the menacing air.
"Bastard," Terushima sighed under his breath, getting ready to jump out of the car with his wallet. "Alright, let's do--"
"Wait!" Yamamoto's voice made them all jump, the sound sharp enough to cut the thick fog of nerves around them. Kuroo heard Suga's breathing stutter.
Terushima stared at him, eyes panicked. "W-what?"
They all waited, looking at Yamamoto and anticipating some sort of advice or observation. Only Tsukishima's eyes stayed locked on the figures outside.
With no trace of laughter in his eyes, Yamamoto met Terushima's gaze head on, ready to spill words of warning and care. "I need you to get me a Snickers bar."
Kuroo should've known better than to expect so much from this car.
The vehicle descended into silence and oh--oh okay, maybe he should be concerned about the way Suga wheezed just then.
Even Tsukishima, will his ready-to-kill demeanor, couldn't not throw his hands up in defeat.
Kuroo didn't know what to feel. Annoyance? Awe? Admiration?
He was gonna sit out on this one.
It took about ten more seconds for Terushima to completely process the words, his mouth opening and closing like a fish until they finally settled on the most reasonable question: "Are you fucking kidding me?"
"No wait, just hear me out--"
"Fuck you I won't hear you out!" Terushima went on, his voice hushed but incensed, and Tsukishima just shook his head and waved back at the killers. Yeah, call them over. End it all. Yamamoto raised his hands in placation, but Terushima wasn't having it. "I'm about to go risk my life against Hannibal and Dexter out there and you're asking me to get you a fucking chocolate bar?"
"First of all, you're probably giving those guys too much credit...." Yamamoto offered, which did not make things better but...
"And okay I was just thinking, I was too nervous to eat before we left and if we have to fight more dudes later, I think it would be a good idea to get some food in me." Yamamoto looked around the car for support, but everyone was steadfast in ignoring him.
Kuroo busied himself with other thoughts as much as he could, so much so he had to resort to the car ceiling. Man, this is some nice interior.
"Screw you, if you want it so bad, you get it," Terushima said, and it would've probably helped them all. Yamamoto was by far the most muscular of the group, though he hadn't shown any of the necessary violence Kuroo expected.
"Oh, well that's just real nice. You can't walk twenty feet to grab me one candy bar?"
"It's hard to do anything with stab wounds," Terushima said, gesturing to various parts of his body which apparently would soon be severed.
Kuroo wasn't so sure.
"If they stab you, some people get more creative than that," Kuroo said, and again, Tsukishima raised his finger in agreement.
Suga, eyes dead to the world, turned back to him, shaking his head. "Who hurt you?"
"I'm not getting you a Snickers bar," Terushima said with a finality that made Kuroo actually wonder if he had kids. He felt like he'd just been denied McDonalds on a road trip.
Yamamoto was tough though, and his words were almost more ominous than the freaks standing across the street. "If you don't, you'll regret it."
"Oh god, I'm so scared. What--what are you gonna do? Kill me?" Terushima laughed, going as far as to slap his knee, and if Kuroo was being honest he would've gladly gone outside himself just to end this whole conversation.
"You'll see, and you'll regret it." And with that, Yamamoto folded his arms, ending the conversation. Kuroo knew this was far from over, but they kinda had more pressing things to deal with.
Eight more hours of this shit. Eight.
"I'm fucking sure," Terushima muttered, finally opening the car door. At least the tension and fear from earlier had mostly dissipated. Now he just looked pissed.
That’s right, channel that anger.
As if sensing it, Tsukishima probably felt it was his duty to help the cause. That or he was just a little shit, and Kuroo adored him either way.
"Hey if you change your mind, get me one too," the blond called, tapping his nail against his gun impatiently.
"I'll take some chips," Suga said.
Fuck it. "Push Pops please."
"I hate all of you," Terushima said, and with that, he slammed the door without caring who might here. Damn, be that way.
Shockingly, the guys across the street seemed to jump at the actual movement. Granted, no one in their right mind would get out of the car wearing nothing but yellow sweatpants and a high school jersey during the Purge but Terushima was a special person.
The wannabe murderers watched, like they all did, as Terushima fumbled with his wallet, dropped it twice, got his card declined, and struggled through his brain for his pin number.
Yeah, they had to see all that. It was upsetting, and if it had been Kuroo, he would've spared the bastard. He was having a night.
But no shots had been fired, so maybe they were just there for intimidation only. Either way, Tsukishima stayed trained on them, gun in hand.
Honestly, with the kind of confidence the blond exuded, Kuroo would feel safe even if they were in a shitty 1998 convertible with three flat tires, as long as Tsukishima was there next to him.
Yamamoto obviously didn't see the beauty of that though.
"Isn't that a little intense?" He said from the row in front of them, twisting just as Tsukishima raised his gun a little higher. The windows weren't so tinted that the men across the street couldn't make out the bodies inside, or Tsukishima's gun. As one stepped forward, they halted immediately at the sight of it before backing off.
"Calm down Rambo," Yamamoto said, but his voice trembled too much to leave an impact.
Tsukishima sighed, rolling his shoulder. "First of all, you've clearly never seen that movie--"
"Second, these are rubber bullets." Jostling the gun a bit, Tsukishima's frown grew. "As if I'd let such insignificant people weigh on my conscience."
The unspoken "it's heavy enough as it is" did not go unnoticed by Kuroo, and he wrapped the detail away. There was no judgement on his end, only respect. Nothing he learned about Tsukishima turned him away, if anything, each new fact pulled him in closer.
"Oh, that's cool of you," Yamamoto said, but his brows were still furrowed like more questions were on the tip of his tongue. Kuroo could relate, but at the same time, Tsukishima had proved enough he'd share in his own time.
No one in the car knew that though, so Suga trudged on, curious. "How many times have you done this?"
"Yeah, you sure seem to know a lot," Futakuchi added from where he was tapping his shoe on the dash. Kuroo wondered if they were really listening, or if this conversation was pointless filler until Terushima got back.
Speaking of...
Tsukishima's shoulders tensed as Terushima opened the door, jumping in and locking it immediately after. Kuroo hadn't noticed he'd finished. Guess Tsukishima wouldn't get to answer, but maybe that was best.
Calmly, Kuroo laid his palm flat between Tsukishima shoulder blades, waiting until he felt the muscles relax under his hand. It might've been too forward, too intimate, but it was his instinct and he had to trust those on a night like tonight.
Exhaling, Tsukishima turned back to him, and...oh...please always look at me like that.
"Hello? Hello! Are you guys listening to me?" Terushima's voice came in a hushed whisper from the front. Kuroo had no idea how long they'd been staring at each other but...
"No,” they both responded at once, because honesty was the best policy here.
"I swear, I'm this clos--"
The loud clang across the street made Terushima's threat turn into a high-pitched shriek, but Kuroo hardly tensed. Oh right. Those guys.
One of them must've hit one of their weapons against the nearby fire hydrant. Attention whores.
"God, can't they wait their turn," Kuroo muttered, and naturally, only Tsukishima found it even remotely amusing.
He was right though.
"Maybe we should leave," Suga suggested, and everyone else fiercely agreed, considering all the ground they had yet to cover. Well, almost everyone.
"Did you get my Snickers?" Yamamoto asked, the tremble in his voice gone.
"Get out of my car," Terushima deadpanned, not bothering to turn around and grace Yamamoto with any form of expression. At least Kuroo knew Terushima could be cold when he wanted.
But knowing the threat held no bite, Yamamoto just sighed forlornly to himself, crossing his arms and staring out the window. "Fine, but I told you you'd regret it."
"Yeah, can't wait." Terushima chuckled humorlessly, and without giving the warning any more thought, they peeled out of the station, watching the strangers until they were nothing but specks behind them.
They did regret it. Yes, they, as in all.
The silence which had enveloped the car the next twenty minutes would've been normal, standard even given the pressure on all of them. Suga continued to drain his phone battery by playing app after app, and Kuroo fidgeted at the obvious skittishness there, manifesting in the form of Suga cursing under his breath with app switch after app switch. He didn't bother silencing the game's noises, and each one seemed faster and faster than the last. Even still, nothing could distract Suga enough for him to stick to it for longer than five minutes.
No one said anything, if they even heard the high pitched pings at all.
Moving on from that lovely image...
From where Kuroo sat, he could see Terushima's autopilot-like stare out of the windows as he routinely checked all his mirrors, but the pensiveness there told Kuroo the blond's mind was on everything other than driving.
Which yeah...not what he as a passenger wanted to see, but breaking that freakish concentration would probably cause them to swerve into the nearest telephone pole, so nah. Futakuchi steadfastly read the car's manual, maybe because he'd realized neither of them truly knew how to drive this behemoth, and Yamamoto...Yamamoto just stared out the window, searching for something Kuroo didn't feel the need to know about.
So yeah, maybe not a traditionally normal silence, but a fitting one nonetheless.
Oh, but Kuroo sensed it, Kuroo knew something was amiss, but he just couldn't pinpoint it until it was too late. Tsukishima must've though, from where the blond sat beside Kuroo, eyes sharp and stuck on whatever the fuck Yamamoto was trying to find. The blond never missed those mannerisms, and maybe Kuroo should've taken a page from his book, and then he could've saved them all the headache.
The first gas station they passed, with its turned over kiosk and scattered litter, was the spark that lit the kerosene drenched air of their quiet ride.
He heard Tsukishima's sharp inhale as Yamamoto's eyes widened like a predator's, and Kuroo's brain finally got it. Oh, that's what he was waiting for.
"Wow, that station sure looks full still--"
(It didn't.)
"--perfect opportunity to get me some food. A candy perhaps. Chocolate. With caramel. Starting with an S..."
Kuroo could see the moment Terushima visibly tensed, and then the exact moment where his brain flashed the 'stay put or murder' option in front of his eyes.
Suga looked up from whatever pinball shit he was currently losing to stare at his seat buddy with nothing but "I wish we'd left you at home" written on his face. The game noises continued even as Futakuchi threw his manual back into the glove compartment.
Kuroo didn't say shit.
Not yet. But errr, looking back, he probably should've. Because oh, that little interruption was the first of many.
Every gas station they passed, every single one elicited some sort of comment, some sort of demand from Yamamoto which gradually chipped away at Terushima's patience.
"Oh look at that, another empty station, how rare."
"Hey that kiosk isn't as far away from the pumps this time, ey Terushima think you'd walk ten feet instead?"
"Sure wish I had some food right about now."
And oh, just the one word was worse than any sass imaginable, it was similar to a punch.
Suga tried fiddling with his door to leave, to find it had a child proof lock. Kuroo didn't know which was worse, the discovery or the insult it carried.
It got to the point where every time the neon sign of a station gleamed in the distance, they all winced, dreading the words out of Yamamoto's mouth.
"Why are we in this car?" Kuroo whispered, barely audible, and Tsukishima just shook his head.
"Fuck if I know."
In actuality, it was probably better they act as petty and foolish as usual as opposed to drowning in the sorrow and violence of what they were traveling to do. Terushima needed the distraction before he thought himself into a hole, because for once, treating the matter seriously wasn't always the best option.
That being said, fuck this.
In the distance, another gas station sat, like it was crafted and ordained by the gods themselves. Why. This is worse than waiting for the damn 7 P.M. sirens.
The instinctual need to bolt made Kuroo feel like one of Pavlov's dogs, and he wasn't even getting food for this kind of mental torture.
And that was him, god knew what Terushima was thinking. (Judging from how emotionless his eyes peered into the darkness, not good things).
Kuroo gave him...eh, about five more blocks before he snapped.
Oh. Whoops. Looks like I lost that bet.
Terushima spun around in his seat, and damn, they all leaned back. "If you fucking say you want a Snickers bar one more time I'm going to turn this car around and--"
"And what? Put another hole in his house?" Yamamoto's finger shot in Tsukishima's direction so fast it could've taken out an eye.
Yeah if Tsukki is speechless, we're all fucked.
"You're making a difficult situation like twenty times harder. You realize that right? Don't you know what holiday it is?"
"How dare--"
"Because it's not fucking Christmas!"
Tsukishima looked to Kuroo with wide eyes, and they were almost impressed. Huh, so Terushima did have a bite to him (when he wasn't a puddle on the floor anyways).
"Should we be trying to stop them?" Kuroo whispered, but before Tsukishima could answer, Suga's hand came between them.
"No...no, no. Let them do this, it's healthy."
"That's a word for it."
Yamamoto powered on, and okay, Terushima hadn't checked the road in at least two minutes. "This would've been a lot easier if I'd gotten my Snickers..."
"Do--do you really wanna keep doing this?"
"I'm just saying, if you had just walked to the kiosk--"
"Because I will stop this car and come open your door, so help me god."
"You could barely get out to get gas, I'd like to see you try it."
"I'm--fuck you! I'll end you!"
"I'm already dying of hunger! Finish the job!"
It went on in much the same fashion for a while, the only changing variable being Kuroo's growing concern for their safety.
Good thing no one else was driving on these roads.
Eventually Terushima did agree to pullover and let Yamamoto get his damn candy bar, but as he munched on the snack, the bickering only accelerated. Whatever, maybe they all had also realized how much better it was to complain about insignificant things than to worry themselves to death.
Bored with the useless arguing, Kuroo sat back, content with returning to his new favorite pastime: watching Tsukishima.
And no, it wasn't creepy. Tsukishima watched him too. So...ha.
To his disappointment, the blond's eyes had drifted though, his soft face twisted into a scowl as he stared at the seat in front of him. All thoughts of nougat and caramel were forgotten in Kuroo's head.
The blond's face had returned to the way it had been after they'd left the first station, stiff and concerned. Tsukishima sat back, detached from the conversation, eyes narrowed as he watched the empty streets pass by. Yamamoto's gas station rant apparently hadn't been enough to shake off whatever brewed in Tsukishima's mind, and Kuroo needed to know.
Tsukishima was the most experienced with the Purge out of all of them. If he had a bad feeling, they couldn't ignore it. It was only then Kuroo noticed the blond's hand hadn't left his gun holster, probably not since they'd left the first station.
Not comforting in the slightest, but that was from his point of view. Who knew what Tsukishima was going through.
Without thinking, Kuroo moved closer to him, placing his own hand over a weapon which he usually hated having to touch.
"Hey, what's wrong?" he whispered, leaning in. Much to his satisfaction, Tsukishima met him halfway, foreheads almost touching. "Did you forget something?"
He knew it couldn't have been so simple, but the need for false hope hadn't totally left him in all these years. Tsukishima must've sensed that, because the hardness in his eyes softened, flooded with compassion Kuroo knew he was blessed to see.
As soothing as that was, the blond didn’t baby him with hesitation or fluffy words. "Something's not right," the blond whispered, and finally, Kuroo felt his blood run cold.
He swallowed thickly, even as the pointless conversations from the other car rows drifted into their space. His focus was solely on Tsukishima.
"What do you mean?" Kuroo's own face hardened as his hand gripped the blond’s, his no-nonsense mode turned back on full force. "Did you see something?"
Tsukishima shook his head. "No, but that doesn't mean anything.”
Yeah, he was right, and it made things twice as terrifying.
“Kuroo...why wouldn't those guys at the station attack us? It doesn't make sense. No one is just standing around tonight, there has to be a purpose to it." The question sounded more like Tsukishima’s own way of processing his thoughts, not as if he was actually interested in Kuroo’s response. Not in a harsh or condescending way, but in a way that told Kuroo the blond had already made up his mind and couldn’t be convinced otherwise.
That wasn’t good.
And yet, Kuroo tried.
Shaking his head, he tried to calm him. Tsukishima was overthinking this, he was being too protective, that’s what he told himself. "Intimidation maybe? Tsukki, some people are just douchebags with no balls, they didn't have it in them to--"
"They were too confident Kuroo," Tsukishima cut him off, tone giving no room for Kuroo to argue. It made his breathing stutter as the words penetrated his thoughts. Problem was yeah, Tsukishima was probably overthinking, but Kuroo couldn't imagine him being wrong. "They stood there, vulnerable, but like nothing could hurt them. They didn’t need to attack us, not yet."
"That's not normal, and you know it." Tsukishima looked behind him as an afterthought, shoulders tense, and he was met with nothing but empty alleyways. No threats. No indications of foul play. Everything looked alright, even though he knew nothing ever was.
So why did Kuroo feel so on edge now? Why was he so convinced they needed to gun it out of there?
Kuroo didn't want Tsukishima to be right, but he also knew gut feelings shouldn't have been ignored. Not tonight.
And as Suga tried to interject between the rest of the bickering car, oblivious to Tsukishima's warnings, the blond leaned into him, driving his point home. "Intimidation is nothing without an attack. An end result. I��I would know.”
The blond closed his eyes tight as the next words left his mouth, features trembling, and Kuroo already dreaded them. “I've done it before."
And Kuroo froze at the exact moment they crossed the next four way intersection, barely having time to take a breath before their car was hit from the side, jolting them off the road.
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lrgcarter · 6 years
Reconsidering the Eldar
This post continues my desire to publish writings I am preparing for a website looking at the second edition of Warhammer 40,000. This page comes from a series that describes the early incarnation of the setting, and examines what was then known about the Eldar. There are references to pages I haven’t published yet, but I’m sure you can cope with that.
The Eldar are often summarily described as Space Elves. They have slender limbs, pointy ears, and an irredeemable racial-superiority-complex. As Games Workshop purposefully created the 41st millennium as a parallel to their Warhammer Fantasy setting, the appearance of Space Elves was almost a contractually required certainty. Throw in Tolkien’s use of Eldar as a name for his own elves and the comparison between these two races stands on solid ground.
Closer inspection, however, reveals how superficial these similarities are.
We have seen that everything in the 40K setting allows you to play out your favourite scenes from other media. It would be a mistake, however, to view the game as nothing more than a patchwork of plagiarism. Into every aspect of the game, the authors poured their pride and professionalism. They strove to make their world their own, working each ingredient into something recognisable yet simultaneously fresh. While each army can be described in terms of easily accessible tropes, these entry points always lead to deeper ideas and more complex world-building.
The amount of work put in by the authors is most obvious in their development of the Eldar due to the complete emptiness of the elven concept. Beyond pointing to an art-nouveau aesthetic, how can we describe the modern elf? They are personifications of the idea that things were better in the past, that modern techniques do not compare to those of yesteryear. Elves warn that the young should unquestionably obey their elders, that the rich should not dally with the poor, that people should not mix with those of other races. Elves justify all by claiming descent from mythical faerie; fictional ancestry which would be completely irrelevant even if it were true.
Our authors were tasked with turning this empty and hateful concept into something that appealed to people under the age of retirement. They did this by turning the clichéd story of the Eldar upside down.
The standard twentieth century elf story was as follows; the elves lived in elite paradise, something happened to remove them from their privileged state, then those that remained grew embittered with life. These elements exist in the Eldar story, but have been reordered with greater social awareness. The Eldar believed they existed in paradise, their hate and elitism led to their destruction, and those who remained acted as a despisable warning not to repeat their mistakes. This rearrangement removed the illusion that elves are sympathetic victims worthy of emulation, and instead shone light on all that made them reprehensible.
The following extract from the original Codex Eldar (page 14) gives brief but concise insight into their fall:
“In those times… all Eldar pursued their inclinations according to their own will, indulging every whim and investigating every curiosity…
Slowly but surely the worm of pride began to eat away at the Eldar race. They thought all secrets theirs to uncover, all pleasures theirs to partake. Heedlessly they plundered the precious resources of their marvellous minds… Exotic cults sprang up all over the Eldar domains, each dedicated to a different aspect of esoteric knowledge or sensual excess… society became increasingly divided… corruption turned quickly to wanton abandon… blood flowed through the streets amidst the bestial roar of the crowd.”
While every aspect of humanity’s fictional history has been explored, the Eldar’s story has always remained evocatively vague. It is often claimed that this is to keep parents happy, that the fall of the Eldar involved sexual and violent excesses unsuitable for the eyes of children.
We believe, however, that this is itself a somewhat childish interpretation of the text. The idea that ‘esoteric knowledge or sensual excess’ refers exclusively to sex cannot be taken seriously without defining sex so broadly as to encompass all human activity.
We prefer to interpret Eldar pride as touching upon all aspects of their lives. Any thought perceived by an Eldar would have been held as exceptional. If the thought was exceptional, then why not act upon it? Any who objected to an Eldar thought would be preventing society from being all it could be. No matter what the cost to others, an Eldar would always be justified in doing whatever they want, saying whatever they want, and taking whatever they want. Far from being confined to the acts of gangs and sex-cults, it is easy to see that such ideology would poison recreation, education, politics, law, industry, military, religion, and every other element of culture. Without any sense of social responsibility, all would pull in opposite directions and tear the world apart. For the Eldar, this metaphor would become far too literal.
As Eldar culture destroyed itself, their exceptionalism and intolerance was mirrored in the Warp. Every toxic word added to rising storms in that other-world, the same storms that would sever all links between the human worlds and plunge them into a true dark-age. The anguish and entitlement of the Eldar became so real in the Warp that it coalesced into a single being; a new demonic god named Slaanesh. The birth of Slaanesh ripped a hole in the fabric of reality, destroying the Eldar’s planets and wiping out almost all the Eldar.
We contend that the common consensus remains correct. The fall of the Eldar did involve sexual and violent excesses unsuitable for the eyes of children. Unfortunately, these are the same sexual and violent excesses that the leaders of our real world seem determined to force upon them.
Reading the original Codex Eldar today, it is hard to ignore that the Eldar are less Space-Elves, and more Space-Americans. Current affairs in the United States have unpleasant parallels with the final days of the Eldar. This, in turn, casts Slaanesh in quite a different light. Usually depicted as a seductive god of pleasure, it is easy to mistake Slaanesh as being unfairly vilified by the chaste and puritanical Imperium. Understanding the full context of Slaanesh’s creation reveals the true shape of this vile and sociopathic creature.
The armies available to Eldar players are those who foresaw the oncoming calamity and took steps to avoid it. Here we see American analogies also. Some ran to the furthest edges of the galaxy, forsaking modernities that they believed would cause the fall and in doing so becoming a faction of space-Amish known as Exodites. Other Eldar became extreme survivalists, building space-bunkers known as Craftworlds that house planetary populations of preppers. Eldar civilians are trained to join their military at a moment’s notice, much like the Minutemen, Eldar scouts owe as much to American Rangers as they do to Tolkein’s, and the Eldar’s harlequin clowns are parodies of the much maligned MTV video jockeys.
In creating this Space-America, the authors might have realised they were being somewhat on the nose. The subtle pill being easier to swallow, they hid their social commentary behind a healthy dose of Celtic imagery. While the authors probably referred to original Celtic sources, there is no doubt that the rising star of Slaine in 2000ad would have influenced this decision.
Regardless of how you interpret the fall of the Eldar, the in-game consequences cannot be denied. The birth of Slaanesh destroyed the Eldar, and as a result ended the warp-storm that had engulfed the galaxy. Warp-space settled enough for the Emperor to sally forth and reunite humanity. The Eldar were all but extinct, and the age of the Imperium had begun…
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aion-rsa · 4 years
The Internet Wonders if Jack Black Could Replace Marvel Star Chris Pratt in Everything
It’s been, ohh, maybe a week tops since Twitter last spent a solid amount of time dunking on Chris Pratt, but in the latest round of “wailing on Chris Pratt for [insert valid and not-so-valid reasons]” the platform’s users have posited that Pratt could easily be replaced by School of Rock star Jack Black in any role he’s inhabited to date. Why? Well, why not? It’s Twitter.
The wealthy Pratt, who married Arnie’s daughter Katherine Schwarzenegger in 2019, has starred in a string of major blockbusters, including Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy, Avengers: Endgame, Jurassic World and The Lego Movie, and has also been a perceived thorn in the internet’s backside for a while. Things really stepped up a gear last February, though, when Umbrella Academy actor Elliot Page referred to the Christian church Pratt attends as “infamously anti-LGBTQ”, a claim that Pratt refuted, saying “nothing could be further from the truth.”
The religious actor has also been accused of being a right-wing Trump supporter. For his part, Pratt has neither confirmed or denied it, and he was listed as having donated money to Barack Obama’s 2012 re-election campaign, but by 2017 he appeared to have become somewhat apolitical, telling People of his frustrations that “You’re either the red state or the blue state, the left or the right. Not everything is politics. And maybe that’s something I’d want to help bridge, because I don’t feel represented by either side.”
He added “I don’t feel we have to be at war with each other like we are, and it’s just getting worse.”
Back in October, when the “Worst Chris” discourse was once again running rampant online, Vulture put out an opinion piece on just how tired they thought the whole thing had become, with contributor Rebecca Alter writing “It’s great that Chris Evans is an outspoken Democrat, but the job of all of these guys is to be a himbo onscreen and a millionaire off, and it’s weird to want more from them instead of amplifying the voices of actual activists who do politics as their job.”
If Pratt or anyone sick of the Chriscourse had investigated the reasons he was trending on Twitter this week, they certainly wouldn’t have found much of it to be an incoming Band-Aid to either America’s political divide or Pratt’s ongoing social media woes, though honestly it’s kinda great to see how much love people have for Jack Black.
It all started here…
Jack Black could replace Chris Pratt in anything that clown has ever been in.
— Kayla Ancrum (@KaylaAncrum) December 2, 2020
And with that, the discourse was underway.
Not only could jack Black replace Chris Pratt, he'd have been a great Wolverine don't @ me pic.twitter.com/6fTfYeftz0
— ☭2016 Never Ended☭ (@cranstonl1972) December 3, 2020
Amount of King Kong movies Chris Pratt has been in: 0 Amount of King Kong movies Jack Black has been in: 1 I rest my case
— Will-ver Bells 🎅🎄 (SpaceTree Studios) (@SpaceTree88) December 3, 2020
I am fully convinced that Jack Black was originally supposed to play Barley Lightfoot in Onward, before they got Chris Pratt https://t.co/D3c72aikX2 pic.twitter.com/LM7me8ZXi4
— ✪ daniel barnes ✪ (@Danny8bit) December 3, 2020
Jack Black could do Guardians of the Galaxy but Chris Pratt could never do school of rock
— Jayde🦦 (@jayde_ram) December 3, 2020
Since the holiday season is upon us I’d like to add that Jack Black is just as attractive as Jude Law in The Holiday and anyone who disagrees is wrong. https://t.co/OuwYOAPZVz
— Nerd Girl Says (@Rachael_Conrad) December 3, 2020
Imagine if Jack Black actually did take Chris Pratt's place in beating up Thanos. pic.twitter.com/ohqm0P2aVm
— MisAnthro Pony (@MisAnthroPony) December 3, 2020
STOP trending chris pratt I don't want to see tweets from his marvel co-stars defending his mediocre ass again pic.twitter.com/w6uSWUctpZ
— mr big titty honkers himself (@kendallroykin) December 3, 2020
Since Chris Pratt is trending I’d like to insert this clip of James Mcavoy hitting Chris Pratt with a keyboard 😜 pic.twitter.com/nsIr67ZMdG
— . (@mcavwhore) December 3, 2020
The new barrage of Chris Pratt hate/Jack Black love was inevitably met with a mix of bemusement and scorn by people who are just plain sick of it all.
Why does everyone just randomly hate on Chris Pratt every other week lol.
— HaTrickFilms smliFkcirTaH (@HaTrickFilms) December 3, 2020
Im all for the Jack Black love but not for the Chris Pratt hate.
— King David (@KingDavidLive_) December 3, 2020
>notices Chris Pratt is trending >sees everyone is still pissy with him and saying that he can be replaced with Jack Black in every role hes ever done. Me: "BAH HAHAHAHAHA No lol" But seriously stop, its embarrassing. pic.twitter.com/UtNZQqY9fW
— SlumberTrap (@SlumberTrap) December 3, 2020
Even the friggin UberFacts Twitter account felt moved to post some Pratt love.
Chris Pratt stole the jacket and other parts of his Star-Lord costume from "Guardians of the Galaxy," so that he could visit sick children in hospitals in character.
— UberFacts (@UberFacts) December 3, 2020
While others felt like those who were anti-Pratt were going the wrong way in their mission to eventually cancel him.
Can I just say that Chris Pratt does not deserve to be cancelled at all? Sure, the church he attends is homophobic, but that doesn't make him a bad person. He's a really chill, kind dude who just needs to be educated on why his church's beliefs are harmful.
— MP | Amethyst & Christmas Propaganda (@AmethystStanMP) December 3, 2020
Regardless, most of the less-fun Chriscourse is nothing new.
When things get boring on the timeline, there’s a big red button in the Twitter Algorithm Headquarters that says “CHRIS PRATT DISCOURSE” https://t.co/NdJyB9ROjq
— Houston Coley (@Blockbustedpod) December 3, 2020
Indeed there is. And it’ll likely not be a button that Twitter will stop pressing anytime soon.
cnx.cmd.push(function() { cnx({ playerId: "106e33c0-3911-473c-b599-b1426db57530", }).render("0270c398a82f44f49c23c16122516796"); });
The post The Internet Wonders if Jack Black Could Replace Marvel Star Chris Pratt in Everything appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3g7m34H
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amusedmuralist · 7 years
The Law
@trolljacksparrow​ gave a prompt ages ago: 
who has to bust or bail the other out of jail: grand most definitely. now the question of WOULD HE, THE LAW PERSON, REALLY BUST OUT A PIRATE even if it wasn’t his own timeline??, remains
i sincerely hope he’d tell nadaya a knock knock joke before entering his cell though)) 
Multiversal comparative law was probably the very nerdiest of GHB’s hobbies, and definitely the worst for his blood pressure. Nadaya’s universe and those like it did his head in worst. Certainly, other universes had slavery that wasn’t penal, but there was always a certain vindictiveness in universes like Dissy’s, or Nadaya’s, or carnivalorphan’s. He kept track of exactly how fucked up they were, and tried to keep an eye out for their well being. After all, it wasn’t like he was bound to their universe’s law. He didn’t live there. He had no stake in them except that he did, and those stakes were usually in trouble, some way or another. 
Nadaya’s legal status had troubled him for some time. As a 20 sweep old, he had protested that he, Nadaya, did not matter. And yet, he’d picked a dozen fights. He was, undoubtedly and undeniably, a troll of action. He was, undeniably and irrefutably, a motherfucking troll. And yet. The post pinned to the top of his blog spoke of a mock trial for his crimes, detailed his capture in humiliating detail. 
Nadaya had once compared his legal status to that of a chair, robbing banks. As a joke, it had something, especially in the execution. As a conception of Nadaya, however, it was a vile slur that had lead to both yet another broken husktop and a promise from another universe to watch out for him. Time to do just that. 
The Highblood grinned. This, he would do with Nadaya’s signature Flair. 
Psii was on board, and managed to pull the coordinates of the post on Nadaya’s blog. GHB sprung at once into action. Sharing his plans with Naysayer was the work of a moment, and he trusted her to get enough legislacertors ready to keep thirteen or so potentially rowdy captives compliant. 
If the gaolers were anything to go by, it might be easier than expected. They went down easily, like they hadn’t expected a giant, angry purpleblood to materialise out of nowhere, punch them, and steal their keys. 
Sloppy. He stole a hat, too. 
The gaol they were keeping Nadaya in reeked of neglect. The heavy electronic doors buzzed with psionic power, overcharged and letting the pungent smell of ozone mix with unwashed troll.  The Highblood spat-so wasteful-and headed on in. The doors had panels for looking in, each marked with a sign in the inmate’s blood. There was a lot more purple than the Highblood was used to. He straightened his cap, pulled low over his painted face, and looked for the full Ampora smudges. 
They were in the highest security area. Of course. The corridors were arid and dry, the heat turned up a couple of degrees too warm for comfort.  The door, formidible though it was, was rattling slightly on its hinges. GHB pushed down the pride in his friend and knocked on the door. 
The rattling paused, and continued. 
“KNOCK KNOCK.” GHB said, preping his stolen keycards and praying to the messiahs that it worked. “wwhat” vibes emanated from the door, and yet--
“wwho’s there?” Came a muffled response from the other side. Was his voice cracking?
“CARD.” GHB said, fiddling with the access panel and with the pun trap he’d now set for himself. Shit, this wasn’t shaping up to be his best work. 
“Card wwho?” Nadaya seemed to be mumbling more than usual, but given the exhaustive list of injuries on the mock trial invite, that wasn’t a surprise. 
“CARD YOUR OWN SELF SEE TIME TO LEAVE IS?” He demanded, triumphantly, as the door swung open to reveal nothing at all on the other side of it. 
Nadaya had been answering him. Had Comedia spirited him away to be their champion? 
Before he was done being confused at this, Nadaya fell from the dent he’d managed to make in the door, breath rattling in a dry throat. GHB caught him with a startled yelp, hoisting him carefully up into his arms when he realised Nadaya’s wrists were bound. 
“d’ya miss me” He asked, his head flopping back onto Grand’s shoulder. GHB pulled out a bottle of water, handing it over. 
“DEEPLY.” The Highblood put the call out to Psii and Naysayer, and they were teleportalised away into the highest court room the Highblood’s universe had. The jury’s seats were empty, but the seats were still packed with clowns and lawyers, in their costumes and ready and waiting. After a long moment, twelve struggling psions were pulled into the room, in different states of dishevelment. The two unconscious ones probably wouldn’t do as jurors, in honesty. 
“wwhat’s all this? wwhat the fuck?” Nadaya asked as GHB walked them both over to the accused’s seats. 
“A MOTHERFUCKING PROPER TRIAL IS!” The highblood roared at the captive jurors. Naysayer banged her gavel for order, and he scowled at her as the yellowbloods struggled in their seats. 
“no mock trial for your own self will held be, BROTHER MINE. trial where your own self as chair as banks robs would regardless mockery of law make. THIS A TRIAL IS UNDER LAW FAIR AS PERSONHOOD ACKNOWLEDGES.” GHB snarled, throwing both himself and Nadaya into their assigned seats, offering Nadaya another bottle of water. 
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FL SEN: Gun Control Push Not Helping Democrat Bill Nelson, Trails Gov. Rick Scott In New Poll
Well, Florida Democratic Sen. Bill Nelson was expecting an epic battle to keep his seat last year and new polling shows that it’s shaping up to be that way, regardless of his shameless politicization of the recent school shooting in Parkland, Florida. Despite him hammering Republican Gov. Rick Scott for not attending CNN’s kangaroo court that indicted every law-abiding gun owner, NRA member, and Second Amendment supporter as murderers for merely supporting the Bill of Rights, it hasn’t yielded any political dividends. A new poll showed Scott with a two-point lead over Nelson (via Tampa Bay Times):
Emerging from his final legislative session, Republican Gov. Rick Scott holds a small lead over incumbent Democrat Bill Nelson in a potential U.S. Senate race that could help determine control of the Senate, according to a poll released Monday.
The poll of likely voters, conducted this month by the Tallahassee-based firm Clearview Research, shows Scott receiving 43.3 percent of the support, while Nelson gets 41.3 percent. The difference is within the poll’s margin of error of 3.58 percentage points.
Scott has not announced that he is running for the Senate but is widely expected to do so — and no other prominent Republicans are running against Nelson. After the annual legislative session ended Sunday afternoon, Scott indicated a decision on entering the high-profile race could be weeks away.
That CNN town hall was one of the biggest political shows of the year, exemplifying the gun control debate in this country and revealing what we all knew about anti-gun liberals’ beliefs and antics. It was a total clown show. Yet, Nelson actually had a shot to gain some ground, but instead decided to politicize the event and turn it into a campaign event. He was criticized for doing so. On top of that, Nelson suffers from poor name recognition, despite being an incumbent U.S. Senator. This piece of data was released in October of 2017 (via Pensacola News Journal):
Despite 17 years in Senate, Nelson not that well known
Who the heck is Bill Nelson?
A new poll suggests that about half of Florida’s voters – 49% – don’t know enough about the man who has been their U.S. senator for 17 years to form an opinion about the job he’s doing.
“I saw this number and I was flabbergasted,” said Michael Binder, faculty director of the Public Opinion Research Lab at the University of North Florida…
So, band name recognition, botching the CNN town hall event, and now he’s dealing with new polling showing that almost half of Floridian voters think the economy has improved from last year. A large part of that is due to the Trump tax bill, which the Democrats universally opposed. Moreover, a majority of Florida voters approve of that GOP tax reform package that was signed into law in December of 201; a law that’s incentivized companies to re-invest back into America. Over 250 companies have given bonuses to their employees. Over three million workers have benefitted from the Trump tax package. The overwhelming majority of those who benefit are the middle and working classes—and Democrats decided to screw them over in order to win the 2018 elections. Also, Nelson has shown his hand on gun control, namely saying that the issue will help his party on the ballot. He also appears to be taking advantage of this community’s grief to list-build, which will undoubtedly help his campaign.
Politico reported last year that the ad campaign in Florida could cost $3 million to run a weeklong media blitz in the Sunshine State. With low name-ID and a rather soporific-style of retail politics, Nelson isn’t a person who seems like he can make people open those checkbooks. In that piece, Nelson only had $5 million in the bank. It’s increased since then, but his cash on hand is still below $10 million.
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The post FL SEN: Gun Control Push Not Helping Democrat Bill Nelson, Trails Gov. Rick Scott In New Poll appeared first on CHRISTIANLOUBOUTINOUTLETA.
Read full post at: http://www.christianlouboutinoutleta.com/fl-sen-gun-control-push-not-helping-democrat-bill-nelson-trails-gov-rick-scott-in-new-poll/
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mantra4ia · 7 years
Personal post - Debates with my family
This is not one of my typical multifandom obsessed posts, so if you check-in to my tumblr for that, this might not be for you. If it isn’t, don’t leave a nasty remark, just keep tumbling tumblrs.
This is a post about human citizenship, more precisely how I try to stay calm and civil (and don’t always succeed) when talking with my family about things like politics, my perspective on human rights and decency and in this case acknowledging the spectrum of love and marriage. If you have similar stories, I’d really like to hear about it.
My mom and I embarked on a vacation, in part to see my uncle and his family (whom we hadn’t seen last in roughly 10 years). Like all families, I share both fond and regretful memories with my uncle (one of the earliest being a roughly 9 year-old me listening to his wife, my aunt, saying “if you marry a colored man, I’m sorry but we won’t come to your wedding my sweet niece.” Imagine the impact that mixed message imprints on a child. Although I remember when I looked to my uncle that he said nothing, that silence spoke for him directly to my ears). This trip proved a similar balance of fondness and fuming. 
My uncle generously, energetically showed us around his home and the surrounding cities via car, treated us to good food, entertainment, and for the majority good company. This particular sunny day was spent by in large confined to his car for sightseeing, during which he and my mom (his ‘baby’ sister) reminisced. I was happy to just witness and observe. I’m of the mindset that they had far more to talk about, common interests, shared history, direct relation and all, so I happily sat back and took pictures of the beautiful scenery. But I still had to listen, and some of the vernacular was painful to hear bordering on ethnocentric and insulting slurs. My pain came from knowing that my mom doesn’t initiate or speak this way at home, but because she was conversing with my uncle at the time she let the conversation flow as it was, even though this kind of language would normally bother her. As a third wheel, the conversation festered in me, but for her in that moment any offense is an afterthought because this is her brother, and she’s enjoying her finite time with him. Everything else is background noise. So out of respect for her and appreciation for the circumstances, I festered quietly. Until the conversation turned to me and my quick temper started flickering.
(From this point onward, most of my subtextual thoughts are in parentheses where as the events and dialogue of this conversation are plainly written.) I don’t know how the conversation turned from casual and civil to philosophical and political, except that it happened with blinding speed by contrast to the slow upward crawl of the car as it maneuvered expertly over bumps and holes of the forested back-road outdoors, also in contrast to the haphazard zigzags of discourse within. If I had to guess as to how or why we fell down the rabbit hole, the two elephants that made our vehicle into a verbal clown car were that 1) I was a clammy, blue, midwestern fish in a sweltering red elephant state during the week of the Republican National Convention 2016, and as such the tax that I somewhat expected to pay was being out of water on the sidewalk left to fry; 2) I was likely 67% accountable for opening the channel lock which flooded into politics by stumbling into debate that regardless of whether you held moral reservations about eating meat or not that the consumption of meat daily over our population is not sustainable -  to which I was met with the challenge “how can farming sustain us when there are not enough farmers growing produce?” (baiting question) - to which I countered “are you kidding? Farmers don’t grow enough food to sustain us yet historically there are farmers up either being subsidized to not farm, or regardless of whether they farmed, or even better to sell their food to the government in order to maintain value where a majority expired before use to and even still farming wage remains an issue?” Therefore I am partly responsible for stepping into the elephant pucky that followed.
From there topics drifted back and forth between my uncle and my mom and my uncle and me. I was very careful not to make a deadly triangle of oceanic proportion by pulling my mom into my part of the conversation, as she was giving off strong ‘nope, not going there’ body language. My uncle probably sensed the same and was obliging. But of course, some way some how we got on the subject of marriage equality, same sex related discrimination, ethics, morals, and my uncle finally landed on a recent story, saying “I find it unjust that a small business is allowed to be sued because the owners refused to make a wedding cake for a lesbian couple when same sex marriage is against their beliefs.” At this point I futility gestured to the sky (funny how religion expresses itself even when we are not paying attention) and said “why?!” (for the love of God, human decency and goodwill, which should NOT be separate things!) “Look, I’m not a fan of going all-in with lawsuits if other forms of mediation can be attempted and solve the problem. But come on! It’s not as if the lesbian couple went up to these bakery folk and ask them to officiate the ceremony and confer a blessing. They walked into a business, which they researched and confirmed indeed does make wedding cakes, and given an agreed upon amount of money and sufficient time (this is why we have those obnoxiously long things called terms of service that spell out provider amd end-user protection), it is expected by the rules of business and non-discriminatory practice to make and confer CAKE. If you elect not to, then you accept being subject to any or all of the legal consequences. The lesbian couple is not infringing on bakers’ rights to their religion, the same cannot be said the other way around. They should have their cake!” 
My uncle was silent for a moment and then the conversation zagged in another obscure direction. He started talking to my mom about a mutual childhood friend (finally, peace and quiet. I don’t plan to change his mind about anything, I will state my beliefs if challenged and point out questionable logic when I hear it and be done), so I thought the heat was dying down. I was mistaken; within this line of thought, my mom and uncle both mentioned that as the three of them grew up, their mutual friend came out as gay. They remained friends, my uncle reminisced, as he recalled a story about going to a gay club with his girlfriend-at-the-time and this longtime-but-newly-out friend (well thank goodness this gay club didn’t deny you service, I thought acerbically). He went into such detail about how they had a good time, and how my uncle was even flirted with by a guy, but “back then all I had to say was ‘I’m with her’ and everyone understood and no one had a problem.” (So you’re trying build credibility for your previous argument by saying that you’ve had well-meaning experience within the gay/lesbian community and culture? How does that make sense? I can give you credit, but it doesn’t pertain to your argument, which is still rags). 
At which point he threw me for a loop and said “now this is personal, but have you ever been in that situation with another woman?” I WAS LIVID. (First of all, if I had, what business would it be of yours? Rhetorical - the answer is none. Second, how dare you frame that question in such a way as if to say my romantic life experience, or lack thereof, somehow invalidates or my views of a fair and equitable society. What I ought to say is ‘no, UNFORTUNATELY I haven’t and see if I can count how many shades of red your face turns.) “No,” was all I said; I swallowed my ire and instead tried to put the conversation back on course and off tangent.
I replied “You don’t describe being homophobic (good for you), but that was never the topic. Abstaining from hateful slurs and homophobic practice is not the same as the humanistic belief that all marriage partnerships should be afforded the same rights and societal traditions of their choosing under law and, to a lesser but equally important extent, common human race decency.” He took a beat to think about this and then at least took the honest road. “You’re right, it’s not the same thing. But until a female couple or a male couple naturally produces a child, I don’t recognize it as a real marriage.”
(I was thinking rather loudly - I guess I should be grateful he didn’t invoke the “gay infringes on the sanctity of [my] marriage” because what utter rags, no it doesn’t. If your marriage is ordained by God and your good with your God, what power has another mortal to impugn?) But what I said was: “Number 1 - having a kid is not exclusive to marriage. 2 - That is not the only reason to marry!“
“No, but it is the primary one. And on the day that it can happen I might even try it myself.” (In retrospect it was the ‘joke’ that did me in, defiling the relevancy and importance of the conversation we were having.) DING went the food timer, I had finished frying. I have not, in recent memory, been more furious with him, so much so that I didn’t care about the debate as my primary function; I wanted to lash out at him personally, and if it served the greater debate then that was a bonus (in short, I wanted to be a jaded politician). Prior to visiting him, we had just come from my cousin’s wedding. My other cousin, his niece, is also married to fine, upstanding man for over 10 years - almost 20 now -  but they do not and might never have children. (I imagined striking at him through them by asking him if their marriage was real. After I knocked him down with that question wanted to draaaaagggggg him a ways further, because when he married my aunt she came with a prepackaged family in the way of children from her first marriage. But they never had children of their own. I wanted to look him point blank in the eye and ask him whether his marriage was valid in the scope of his own beliefs.)
Instead I looked at my mom’s eyes. Like all family, we have our fondness and fuming too. But we are alike, in more ways than we consciously examine. She had seen the wheels turning, the smoke, and she knew. And her face said, “No. Be kind.”
The only thing I said to my uncle for the rest of the car ride was, “a child does not legitimize a marriage any more than not having or losing a child invalidates a marriage. You don’t get to delegate that responsibility to your children. And furthermore, since it relates, a child is NOT responsible for ending a marriage either. All that is on the adults in the room.”
AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! Why, by being a human, are we subject to confront this, and even worse abuse of human and civil liberties, EVERYDAY? Why do we treat civics, ethics, and morality like a non-homogeneous snow globe of constant agitation, and promote that agitation over kindness? And furthermore, why don’t human beings as babies get a “terms of service” drawn up inside the womb that addresses these things before we decide whether or not to be born?
This is my life, this is the world I belong to, welcome and help me understand it better, please?
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Liberal Women Behaving VERY Badly
New Post has been published on http://www.therightnewsnetwork.com/liberal-women-behaving-very-badly/
Liberal Women Behaving VERY Badly
I didn’t want to do this…but because of the abject stupidity of it, I now feel compelled to issue this article and address it to specifically those…whatever they were…at last weekend’s parade of pussies in Washington DC.
What in THE hell, were you bunch of drooling, slobbering liberals thinking?
Seriously…you wanted to have a voice…you had the biggest stage imaginable…you wanted yourselves and whatever cause it was you claimed to represent to be taken seriously, and you dressed up like clowns from a circus of hookers, drew up vulgar signs and pranced about like a 500,000 member gaggle of shrieking, malcontented, pissed-off sufferers of PMS pansies.
In just 24 hours, you mangy morons managed to show more disrespect, more abject hatred of your own gender and did more to demean your cause that President Trump could possibly do in a lifetime.
And speaking of gender… I was under the impression that liberals, regardless of their gender, didn’t give a happy puss 13damn about gender, and that being the case…why on earth were you out there demanding anything specifically related to one gender?
You can’t be gender-neutral and be marching for any gender’s rights at the same time…unless of course, you’re admitting your own hypocrisy.
Please, any one of you who were there, name even a single right that you had as women before last Friday at noon that you lost as OF noon on Friday when Donald Trump was sworn into office. Just one. Anyone?
You can’t, because you haven’t lost even a single right, so what was it again you were out there for?
Oh, yes…a woman’s right to have an abortion…and you’re scared that if the Supreme Court swings back to the Conservative…you might lose that right.
We know that this was exactly what your little parade of fools was all about because we know that Right to Life groups asked to be included in your orgy and that the organizers OF your orgy refused them.
What really has your parts all puckered up is the idea that the Conservative majority in Congress might vote to divest the American taxpayers of funding Planned Non-Parenthood. Now here’s a couple of things you probably haven’t spent too much time thinking about, and by the look of so many of your get-ups at your protest last weekend, I rather doubt that very many of you take the time to think at all…but Planned Parenthood, is not a non-profit bastion of abortion. They are FOR profit, and therefore probably don’t deserve taxpayer monies to begin with.
Now before you start telling me that oil companies get taxpayer dollars and they’re for profit…let me just point out that Exxon isn’t killing the soon-to-be-born on demand, so there is a difference.
Here’s an idea…why don’t you just pay for your own abortions, or better yet…don’t get pregnant to begin with and judging by the way you presented yourselves at last Saturday’s rally…the latter shouldn’t be much of a problem.
It really is amazing how you liberals want the government involved in everything…in every aspect of our daily lives, but you draw the line at government not paying for your abortions. You WANT the government to protect your ability to HAVE an abortion…you WANT them involved in your vaginas at THAT point…but you march about carrying signs telling the government to stay OUT of your vaginas.
So…which is it? In…or out…or in…or out…or in…
And don’t start screaming, “OH GOD, OH GOD,” because we know that your ilk doesn’t even believe in God.
You claim that you have the collective RIGHT to have an abortion.
No…you don’t. Finger through all the Amendments in the Bill of Rights, when you aren’t busy fingering something, or someone else, and you won’t find a single thing in their about any right, endowed by the Creator, regarding you having any right to end the life of a soon to be born child. And while you’re at it, take a moment to discover that our Constitution and our Bill of Rights makes it clear that our unalienable rights do not come from the government.
So…how did the organizers of this obtuse gathering pull it all together so quickly? Simple…it had been planned for months…as a celebration of Hillary’s win…which never happened…hence the need for hand lettered rather than pre-printed signage.
And women’s rights? Really? That’s what this was all about…in a country where women have equal rights? What about all the countries, many of which donated money directly to Hillary Clinton via her pay to play set up at the Department of State where women most assuredly do NOT have anything even slightly resembling equal rights?
Countries where women are stoned to death for being raped? Places where women are beaten for daring to be seen in public without their husbands? Countries where women are not allowed to drive, or get an education, or vote, or decide for themselves who they will marry?
Nearly all of those countries have an embassy in Washington…where these liberal woman could protest for women’s rights…where women’s rights are desperately lacking…but did they?
Of course not.
Those liberal moonbats protested for their right to have their soon to be born children killed, as a matter of birth control…and to have their deeds paid for by the American taxpayers.To those liberal women, and the smattering of liberal men who attended…the greatest injustice that women here face is the prospect of having to pay for their own abortions, or worse yet, in their eyes, the prospect of not being able to end the lives of their soon to be born children at all.
Oh, the humanity.
Let me now put the finest, sharpest point on the abject stupidity of this march that I possibly can…once it went from being a Hillary Celebration party to a so-called “women’s rights” march in protest of President Trump…the CO-CHAIR of this “women’s rights” gathering of liberal loons was…Linda Sarsour…a Muslim, tied to terrorist organizations…WHO SUPPORTS SHARIA LAW…which contains absolutely NO rights for women.
Okay, all of that said…allow me to address some of the idiots who joined the parade of pussies last weekend individually.
First up, we have what at first blush seems to be a woman dressed as a cow, but upon closer inspection, and after a little research, it is actually a cow dressed up as a woman. EradiGate is not how you spell…eradicate…which I believe is what you may have meant and I’m sure that had you possessed a dickshunairy…you would have known that.
Next…we had THIS liberal wordsmith…who had well over a month to come up with something deep to write on her sign…
But felt compelled to wallow about on the shallowest end of the gene pool she could find in order to show us all that liberals really are…staggeringly more enlightened than anyone else.
Then, we had this glowing example of liberal womanhood…
A woman who somehow managed to put her ass on backwards last Saturday morning, and she wore a shirt proclaiming that “the struggle is real.” Yes…yes it was…
After that, we come to THIS…
One can only imagine that she is trying to tell the rest of the world that she has managed to plow through all the available American men, and lesbians…along with having hosted all the illegal aliens in her own, private sanctuary city, so now she’s inviting all of Obama’s unvetted “refugees” through the front door.
Apparently, she isn’t particularly interested in vetting anyone who takes the plunge, therefore all but admitting her status as a multi-cultural slut…but there are a few things of which she might like to be aware…
All of Obama’s unvetted “refugees” are from Islamic countries, and some of them tend to wear clothing packed with dynamite, and some are prone to early self-detonation which could well lead to her first ever explosive orgasm. Also, those Islamists are looking for 72 VIRGINS and if one reads between the lines of her welcome mat…she doesn’t qualify.
Next up…
Her voice coach has been trying to get her to sing from her diaphragm…apparently, with some measure of success.
How about this tremendous example of liberalism who managed to turn her 15 seconds of shame into a TV interview
While I would tend to agree that building the wall she suggests would most likely repel illegal alien invaders…I have a hunch she wants the American tax payers to foot the bill and not the Mexican government.
If yours are ROARING…you’ve got problems bigger than Donald Trump.
This next one is a real head-scratcher…
Let’s see…you’re at a rally promoting abortion, but you have a toddler…maybe 3 or 4 years old….and you’re parading that child around carrying a sign containing 4 words…at least 3 of which she doesn’t even understand…in the hopes that she’ll grow up to be both as stupid, and as bitter as her mother.
Mom of the year.
Just a couple more…I promise…
What’s really ironic is that the vast vaginal majority of last weekend’s prancing genitalia hate Trump because, 10 years ago, he made a comment about grabbing a pussy…and those who actually voted…voted for the wife of Monica Lewinski’s former boyfriend who used his girlfriend, as a humidor.
And finally…speaking of liberal men…
THIS guy showed up at the weekend march with THIS sign…
Atta boy…way to prove my point.
Now that we have seen the mindset of the garden variety liberal woman, on full display, let me wrap this all up with perhaps the most ironic, hypocritical and bone crushingly stupid part of last weekend’s waddling parade of vaginas…a parade supposedly meant, in part, to convince men to stop objectifying women. As your keynote speaker…there to whip the collective women’s movement into a frothy lather, and once and for all times put an end to men treating women as little more than the receptacles they were dressed as last Saturday…you put Madonna on center stage…Madonna…the very woman who promised oral sex to anyone who voted for Hillary.
In the course of a single day, somewhere near 500,000 liberal women managed to delegitimize, and make a total mockery of their entire agenda, because never again will anyone with an ounce of common sense or caring hear one single word they have to say without envisioning their absurd costumes.
And trust me when I tell you, that nobody takes a 5-6 foot tall, vulgar, slobbering, drooling and acerbic vagina…seriously.
Absolutely nobody.
Source: TheNationalPatriot.com
The post Liberal Women Behaving VERY Badly appeared first on Tea Party Tribune.
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