#but dammit this is MY fanfiction blog and i get to choose the POSTS
clankitsfanfiction · 4 years
It's every breath that comes before (A Crown of Candy Oneshot)
Summary: “No, I am not afraid to die It's every breath that comes before”
- This Will End by The Oh Hellos
Lapin is no fool. He is well acquainted with the inner workings of the church and the state, having spent many years reading dusty old tomes and sleepless nights by candlelight. He has spent his life in search of answers, and has found only more questions. He knows what happens to those who go against the Bulb. He knows what happens to those who dare to defy the church.
(read this on Archive of Our Own here or below the cut)
Lapin is no fool. He is well acquainted with the inner workings of the church and the state, having spent many years reading dusty old tomes and sleepless nights by candlelight. He has spent his life in search of answers, and has found only more questions. He knows what happens to those who go against the Bulb. He knows what happens to those who dare to defy the church.
He barely considers his options before casting Fly on Theobald. He obviously will not side with the church, for a countless number of reasons, one them being that he can privately admit that he has grown fond of the Rock family and their friends, though he rarely dares to even concede it to himself. So, a fight it is, then. And Lapin has never been good at fighting. He is not quick, like his brothers and sisters and other siblings, who are light on their feet, as rabbits generally are. He is not strong, like King Amethar or Sir Theobald, whose toughness rivals mountains. He has made his living in being smart of mind and sharp of tongue—he is a silver devil, one who will coax the secrets out of you before you know it’s happened. He can pull answers out of near anyone, with enough time. If only there was enough time.
But it is too late to talk, and all he can do is act quickly, or at least as quick as he can manage it. And so he does, and he may be strong enough to carry one of the princesses up to the second floor, but he is not who they need right now. And so he casts Fly on Theobald, and puts himself in front of Liam.
He knows how this fight will end. He knows that he will only get one turn, and this will have to be it.
Theobald does his job. He gets the princesses and the boy to safety. Lapin goes down soon after.
He does not get a chance to say goodbye, to nod at the princesses and Liam and bow to his King, to apologize to Theobald for being so distant all these years. He has learned to keep his heart close to chest, and that is what he has done, and while he does not exactly regret it, the past few days have made it apparent just how good the man is. He thinks, had things been different, they could’ve been good friends before now, before all of this.
Lapin himself does not claim to be good, not exactly, but he does his best. So, he will have to be content with what they had.
His greatest regret, perhaps, is the death of Preston. It was a cruel thing to do, to kill a boy’s pig like that, and he clutches the soft body to his heaving chest and curses the Bulb for all it’s worth, and curses Liam for his selflessness and trying to help, and sending Preston to his death. He hopes wherever Preston ends up is full of sugarplums and nice boys who will look with him for seeds.
He prays for it to be quick, to be as painless as possible. He looks up as the Pontifex and Sir Keradin loom over him, and utters his final words, an answer to a question he has long since wondered.
“The Bulb cares for no one.”
He wonders if the rest of his compatriots can hear his gasping breaths from outside these confining walls. In his last moments, the Sugarplum Fairy appears to him. He only grumbles a little when he finally goes home.
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sherlollydramoine · 5 years
Welcome to the Tumblr-Dome Bitch! Pt 2
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Warnings: Language, anonymous fake Tumblr death threats, some hilarity, and idk.. Just enjoy!
So here is part two. I hope you all enjoy because this was way too fun to write.
Word Count: 1823 (I really should have just written this as a fic, but I was feeling lazy and I’m tired) this part two. I’m going to have to write a third part to this and it’s going to be funny and hopefully we’ll get on to some sexy times in part three
You wake up several hours later and the first thing you did was check your phone. Unsure if you dreamt or hallucinated last night. Did Rami Malek really come to your apartment, find your smutty fanfiction and then get addicted to Tumblr while sitting on your couch?
Checking your Tumblr notifications you see you had several messages from Rami’s blog ItsMeRami.
ItsMeRami sent a post.“Wow people are so creative. I’ve never said or done shit like that in my life.” 
“I just got six messages from people asking if my blog was the real Rami. I said ‘as if’. I’m cackling.” 
ItsMeRami sent a post “Holy hell that was kinda hot, I think we should try something like that. Or maybe you aren’t into the possibility of calling me Daddy?” 
“ItsMeRami sent a post. “What in the actual fuck is this weird shit?!” 
It’sMeRami sent a post. “This is.. I have no words.” 
“This Peen blog is fucking hilarious. I might have to specifically start wearing no underwear all the time, and whenever cameras are about start thrusting my hips.” 
“Wow. I never realized just how visible my dick is when I don’t wear underwear.” 
“Omg Free-Rami’s blog is hilarious. Some of these people on here are crazy but I love her sarcastic responses.” 
“I hope you don’t mind. Since we follow each other now I started looking at some of your other blogs you follow… wow. Just wow.”
 ItsMeRami sent a post. “This is pretty interesting, maybe I should role play as Snafu for you, that could be fun. You seem to like a lot of posts about Snafu. This piece was interesting. Maybe we should find a train and… “ 
ItsMeRami sent a post. “I’m.. what the fuck.. You warned me about this place being a hellsite, maybe I should quit while I’m ahead. This is too much.” 
“I hope to God we’re still on for later because I want to try some of this stuff with you. By the way, I really loved the pieces you wrote. The question is do you want it quick and dirty or slow and sensual? Maybe both? We could do both right? Shit, I need to get off of here for a while and actually go to sleep. This is why I don’t do social media dammit, and damn you woman, what did you do?” 
“Hope you are getting some good sleep. Good night..er morning.. I’ll message you in a few hours. XOXO”
Finally having read through a majority of the messages you type a response. “Your responses to this place of Tumblr hell are the best things the internet could ever offer. I just woke up and I can’t stop laughing. I will look at all the individual posts later. You can always deactivate your blog later if you don’t want to keep it. Noone will fault you for that. As for tonight.. Bring it however you want, Daddy..or Sir.. or Rami.. whatever you want to be called. It’s alright. We can figure it out when you get here. What time were you thinking? I can make or order us some food and we can chill for a while.”
Your phone alert lets you know that there is another notification, thinking it was from Rami you picked it up. It wasn’t though it was from your friend @free-rami 
“Hey girl, have you seen this new blog ItsMeRami?” 
You almost choke. 
“No. Why?” 
“There is a rumor going around that given the title that maybe Rami is really on Tumblr.” 
“I highly doubt that, it’s probably just someone trying to stir some shit or something.I thought Rami doesn’t do social media? Though Tumblr is fairly anonymous so if he were to pick any platform to actively use this is the best one do so undercover.” 
“Yeah that’s what I thought but some of the stuff that’s been posted on there is interesting. It’s almost written as if it really is him or someone who knows him.”
 “I’m about to shower, but I will def check it out when I get out”.
“Cool, let me know what you think. I’m curious….”
“Will do, though it most likely is just some crazy fan or something.”
“Probably. People on here are crazy as hell sometimes.”
You finished your shower and ended up checking out the ItsMeRami blog. What you found had you laughing your ass off. For someone not very savvy on social media, Rami sure took to Tumblr quickly. 
A favorite thing of his, is apparently to go search for fan photos and reblog with random commentary about ‘I don’t remember this’ or ‘You look so happy’ or ‘What the hell is that guy wearing?’ or ‘Who the hell does this guy think he is?”
You are apparently going to have to have another conversation with him about the meaning of anonymous. Damn his inbox and message box must be full.
It wasn’t until you started to find his fanfiction reblogs that his comments really became hilarious.
``I don’t think I’ve ever ripped someone's shirt off with my teeth, but maybe I’ll have to try it. Any volunteers?@yourTUMBLRurl’ 
‘Why is she calling me Daddy? I’m not her father. That would be really inappropriate.’
‘Yeah sex on a beach is a no-go for me. Have you ever done that? Sand gets everywhere, including places you don’t want it to.’
‘My eyes are beautiful, aren't they? But I’ll never tell exactly what color they are, I like reading about other’s hilarious descriptions of them.’
‘Holy shit, you wrote about a character you guys haven’t even met yet?! That’s so cool, and maybe, just maybe, your characterization of this… Detective Cutie Pants is almost spot on.’
‘Wow. Benjamin fanfiction. This is.. That’s some old stuff right there!’
‘You all really love Snafu don’t you? He was a fun guy to play. I’m glad you all think he’s sexy.’
‘I’m not gay, but this is beautifully pornographic’
‘Wow that was quite a read. Personally, I’ve never actually had a threesome but it sounds quite exciting, and exhausting.’
‘This is just perfection. The setting, the writing, except those leather pants did not come off that quickly or easily.’
``I'm pretty sure my homie Elliot probably wasn’t as bold as he is here, but very creative fresh take on things. I’m going to pass this along to Sam to see what his thoughts on this are.’
Deciding to message your friend @free-rami back, all you had to say was “Whoever this is I highly suspect is just trying to do an impersonation. I mean isn’t his username for this the same as that email from the Rami Undercover Online piece from the end of the summer? Honestly, I just think it’s someone trying to rile people up.”
“I think you’re right, it’s just weird. Why would someone do this?”
Likes, attention, followers? Who knows? I’m pretty sure that it’s fake. There is no real information in the profile so it’s hard to tell, I think. No telling with the loons that are out there.”
“Did you notice that they reblogged nearly your entire masterlist?”
“Yeah I woke up to a ton of notifications. I’m going to send them a message and see if I can get to the bottom of this.”
“Let me know how it goes.”
“Will do! :)”
You message Rami again and hope that he will see it under the millions of messages that he may likely be receiving now.
“WTF!!! I thought you wanted to remain anon? Seriously? Those comments were fucking gold though but you’ve got the whole internet in a tizzy now! I’m sure this shit has already been tweeted, facebooked, snapchatted, or instagrammed. CALL ME WHEN YOU CAN AT 555-730-0054”
He messages back with “I’m not really sure what’s going on here but I have a ton of notifications and messages, I barely saw yours. Thankfully you are the only person I follow so I figured out how to message you that way. I see your other message now. I’m going to call in a second but yeah… I might have actually gone too far on some of those comments.”
He obviously hit send and then immediately called you because your phone started vibrating in your hand.
“Hey you!” 
“Hey you too! Sooooo.. What the hell did I do last night?”
“Started a fan frenzy, a shit storm, a kerfuffle, chaos. I’m on my laptop right now and I’m watching my notifications go off like crazy all of a sudden. I’m thinking that people may have figured out that I’m the only one that you follow, and they may suspect that it’s me doing this. Hold on, let me pull some asks.”
Your ask box suddenly had 596 asks. 
“Are you pretending to be Rami?” “How do you know Rami?” “Are you Rami?” “Wtf is going on?” “Are you Rami’s girlfriend?” “Eat shit and die bitch.” “You know Rami and you didn’t tell us?” “I think you are a slut. You should probably go slit your wrists.” “THIS IS INSANITY! RAMI JOINED TUMBLR AND RANDOMLY FOLLOWED YOU? WHY YOU? MY BLOG HAS BETTER CONTENT!” 
You just let out a deep sigh as you talked to Rami for a little bit longer. He agreed to come over later and you’d make him dinner. You read some of the anon messages that you started to receive and he just kept apologizing.
You told him your plan and he agreed that hopefully it would work, but you were unsure if people were willing to take the bait.
The post you made said this:
I, yourTUMBLRurl, swear that I am not the individual going around and impersonating Rami Malek on Tumblr (ItsMeRami). I do not condone that behavior, but I think that it’s also best that at this time to withhold any speculation about who this individual may be. If it really is Rami Malek then let him make that known when and if he chooses to do so. 
You then hit your inbox and deleted the hundreds of asks that you’d received mostly anonymously some full of hate and others just curious.
Okay, I had to break this up again (PART THREE)
@the-real-ramimalekpeen @mrhoemazzello @xmxisxforxmaybe @txmel @spacedustmazzello @ramimedley @hissom1933
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kwanisms · 5 years
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(I’ve been seeing people having problems with their inbox so I’m just doing this as a precaution)
OOOOH!! Well, I’m not sure what groups you like to read for but here are some of my favorite writers and my favorite pieces by them. ~K♡✿
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↳ Mr. Min | [M] | CEO!Yoongi | Series || This is hands down one of my FAVORITE series on tumblr. It was one of the first series I ever read on here and I love it. Nicole is an amazing writer and I love her with all my heart, even if she did kick me into NCT hell and tortures me on Twitter sliding Yuta and Johnny content in my DMs.
↳ Five Months | [M] | Namjoon | Oneshot || This hurts so good and honestly what really made me see Namjoon in a new light. I’ve always seen him as a goofy tall dork but this oneshot? W O W. Nicole back at it again. (ilysm♡)
↳ Transference | [M] | Therapist!Hoseok | Series || This is another one of my favorite series on this site. Iris is an extremely talented writer. She is part of the reason I wanted to get into writing fanfiction and post it. I love Iris dearly and she is a huge influence for me. She’s shown me things I never thought I would be into but here I am, a shibari enthusiast. (thanks Iris)
↳ Working Man Bangtan | [M] | OT7 | Series of oneshots || I love this series. I love it as a whole, I love the pieces as individuals and if I had to choose a favorite among this series it would have to be Tasty Tryst or Seaside Sabbatical. Tasty Tryst is strawberry farmer Taehyung (it’s canon now!) and Seaside Sabbatical is fisherman Seokjin. Both of these pieces are incredibly well written and honestly, they’re so vivid. The attention to detail is incredible. A lot of time and thought was put into them. That goes for the rest of the series!
↳ Zaddy | [M] | CEO!Taehyung | Series || Dee is wonderful. Not only as a writer but as a person. I love her so much. This was the first series I ever read from her. It’s amazing and the ANGST. Just, if you want to stew in your feels, this is for you. Also, imagining Taehyung in a suit is just pure artistry.
↳ Sin City | [M] | Stripper! Jimin | Series || This is one of those fics that you just have to sit back and appreciate every time you finish reading a chapter. The story is so captivating and it makes me FEEL things. Dammit it, Dee. Damn you for making me FEEL like the emotional burrito I am. (i love you)
↳ Falling into You | [M] | Jungkook college AU | Series || JORDAN. YOU PRECIOUS BEAN I LOVE YOU SO MUCH YOU LITTLE GOOBER. So, I think FIY was the third BTS fic I ever read on tumblr. [And Jordan’s oneshot, The Switch was the first BTS smut I ever read. So thank you for introducing me into this world. Jordan has this way of writing and setting a scene and it’s so perfect and it flows so naturally for her. I’m jealous. Everything from the slow burn angst, to the witty remarks, to the tension you can almost feel between the reader and Jungkook, it all feels so natural.
@17mounteens ​
↳ This Jihoon with Noona smut | [M] | Jihoon | oneshot || What I love about this so much is that I am older than Jihoon, so this definitely fit more on my level and I enjoyed reading it so much. Admin Scooter is AMAZING AND I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. Seriously, everything 17mounteens writes is amazing and top quality. And it’s not all just smut. They write a fair bit of fluff and angst too, so please check them out if you love SVT!
@cheoliday / @cheolkwan ​
Ri is a wonderful human being and she is so so talented and lovely and just a gem to interact with and I love her so much. A pure human being. She’s another person who inspired me to write and post my own fics on tumblr so thank you Ri. I love everything she’s done and if I had to pick a favorite thing she’s written, it would be this Thigh Riding piece with Seungcheol (cause let’s be honest, who would want to ride Daddy Coups’ thigh?) or this piece from @svthateblog​ with Seungkwan: until you burn: figment.
@candiedmingyu ​
Please read everything. The headcanons on this blog are fucking POETRY. I get so much inspiration from this blog and I just love everything on here.
@blushnote ​
↳ At the Altar | [M] | Joshua | Oneshot || WHOOOOOOO BOY. This was some of the best SVT smut I have ever come across and I am IN LOVE with this writer. Everything was so perfect. Even like a week after reading it, I am still speechless. Please read this. It’s so good. Words have failed me.
@cupidhaos ​
↳ Newsflash! | [M/A/F] | OT13 | Social media AU | Series || YO, YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I LOVE THIS SERIES. DON’T PLAY WITH MY EMOTIONS AND PLEASE LET JOSH END UP WITH Y/N. No but really. This series gave me so many ups and downs I don’t even know where to begin like ASJHDAJDKAJ. Please read this. I love it so much TT
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panismightier · 6 years
@lady-redshield-writes tagged me in what I think is the ten questions game but in my notes I cropped out the title like a goober 👍
1. What’s your favorite kind of setting to write?
Cool but not cold wilderness under a clear night sky, same as my favorite setting to be in. I also like scenes in characters’ bedrooms because there’s some good characterization to be had there.
2. What’s your ideal writing environment?
Honestly? Anywhere I can get comfy with my laptop/notebook. I’m not picky.
3. Are there any books or authors who have helped shape how you write?
Honestly my writing style is so subject to influence I doubt I could name them all. Pretty frequently I’ll write something and go “dammit, that was exactly like the book I’m reading now,” just stylistically. Recently when I was writing my Persephone retelling, a lot of the soft romantic moments reminded me of @forlornraven’s writing, there’s one.
4. Do you listen to music while you write?
I just Can’t do words and music at once
More under the cut!
5. How did you come up with your main characters? Did you plan them out, or did they just show up?
That answer’s pretty different in each WIP, so
Kreah: I legitimately Don’t Know I was twelve and didn’t write any brainstorming down. I don’t remember where the characters came from
A Summer Rose: You can read my liveblog of Julian barging into my head against my will here. The rest of the characters kinda formed around him, some on their own and some deliberately.
Seekers of the Oracle: These kids were very deliberate! I watched a video about the five-man-band trope and went “I wanna do that!” The roles inevitably got muddled as the characters developed and I don’t like,, hold myself to the definitions, but Blanchet’s the leader, Charlie’s the lancer, Maria’s the big guy, Michao’s the smart guy, and Percy’s the heart.
Dragon: Kind of a mix of the two. I had the very loose idea of “dragon-y boy in urban fantasy,” pulled out my notebook, and hashed out the basic premise from there.
6. Which of your characters would you most like to spend a day with?
This is. Such a hard question. I’m thinking Eyr just because that would be a very bright day spent with her. Sorah could be fun to shop with but I also feel like she’d judge my fashion sense so
7. When you’re not writing, what are you most likely to be doing?
Lately, drawing, reading, or listening to podcasts.
8. What are some songs that remind you of your WIP(s)?
I know like 3 songs I don’t have any
9. What’s the longest time you’ve ever spent working on a story?
I’ve been working on Kreah for about four and a half years and counting!
10. Share a line of writing you’re particularly proud of!
It was a lie, then, that gods bled gold.
Is that a spoiler? I dunno someone was bound to bleed at some point
@danafaithwriting also tagged me in what is definitely the ten questions tag game and I’m putting it in the same post so I can write ten questions instead of twenty
1. If you could recommend to me/your followers another blog to follow/another WIP, which would you choose?
Just one?? Uhhhh, probably @lady-redshield-writes, she’s got a Very Cool World and I love all her characters dearly and her writing style is Amazing, it reads like poetry. Also she’s just a super nice person and a positive spot to have on my dash ❤️
2. What writers do you want to sound like?
Hhh honestly the aforementioned Red, I really admire her descriptions. But also with a more YA-y bent? I dunno, like I mentioned above, my writing style is really easily influenced and the upside is that gives me a wide arsenal of writing styles to pick from, but the downside is when I don’t conciously pick one it winds up a very boring average of everything I’ve read
3. What’s the weirdest, most obscure source of inspiration for you?
A Minecraft parody of Taio Cruz’s Dynamite. I talked about that in more detail here
4. Would you want to live in your WIP?
Absolutely not
5. Without spoiling anything, what does your “post-canon” WIP look like to you?
A return to not-quite-normalcy. Like Shit Got Fucky but in the end it’s okay the world goes on.
6. Your main character dies and their ashes are pressed into a vinyl record. What song is on it?
Again I Know Like 3 Songs
7. What’s the first thing you remember being really excited about having written?
The first-first draft of Spirit Woods/proto-Kreah! It was about 14k words, took me a year and a half, and I was So Proud of myself. And I was right to be!! It was Bad because it was the first long thing I’d ever written, a first draft, and I was thirteen, but I finished a thing!!
8. What’s the weirdest story idea you’ve ever had?
One of my flash writes once was about a slime monster and a skeleton arguing about cultural appropriation after the slime said its bones hurt and the skeleton got mad about “my actual bones, which I actually have,”
9. What’s your usual genre? What’s a genre you haven’t tried yet, but would like to?
Fantasy, especially high fantasy! I haven’t done any hard sci-fi, but that would be fun too.
10. Would you ever read fanfiction of your work?
Probably not? I don’t have an issue with fanfic being written but it would feel weird to read ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I’m tagging anyone who wants to play! Here’s the questions:
1. What’s the weirdest writing habit you have?
2. Do you have a self-reward system for writing? What is it?
3. Typing or handwriting?
4. If you could visit one place for an hour to get writing inspiration, where would it be? (Time travel allowed and encouraged, if applicable!)
5. What aspect of writing do you most often get stuck on?
6. What’s your favorite kind of scene to write? Fight scenes? Emotional scenes? Intrigue? Exploration?
7. Do you usually overwrite or underwrite?
8. Dialogue, description, or internal monologue?
9. Do you like to have music or a soundscape playing while you write? If so, what?
10. What do you do to avoid burnout?
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stellamancer · 6 years
pseudotagged/hijacked from @mmscum ehehehe....
Rules: Answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you’d like to get to know better.
Nickname(s): Niku and NIkki
Gender: Female
Sign: Scorpio.
Height: 5′5ish?
Time: 4:48PM
Favorite Bands: idgaf if they’ve disbanded, it’s Yellowcard.
Favorite solo artist: Does JubyPhonic count?  Idk actually... 
Song stuck in my head: AmaLee’s cover of Synchronicity (especially that part that’s after first chorus- I don’t think it’s part of the original song but probably a related song. AmaLee does nifty stuff like that in her covers)
Last movie I saw: Black Panther! 
Last show I watched: Fate/stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works (we’re probably gonna finish it tonight or tomorrow)
When did I create my blog: Uh... Probably early to mid 2011?
What do I post? : things i think are funny/interesting! and pictures i like! occasionally a rambling post about my life or how writing is hard lmfao.
Last thing I googled: uhhhh. some minor character in ubw- caster’s original master. 
Do I have any other blogs? : yes! my saeran choi otome game / fanfiction
Why did I choose my URL? : it’s my universal social media name thingy? ‘crytal’ was a word i saw in a title for someone’s fanfic that i thought sounded cool and ‘stellar’ is for stella loussier because i love her. 
Following: 660? I was surprised lmfao! 
Followed by: 520
Average hours of sleep? : mmm. the amount of sleep i usually get varies a lot... from 3 (on my overnight/back-to-back shifts) to 14. >_< 
Lucky number: 15 and 29 
Instruments: I have a guitar. I can’t play it. LMFAO. 
What am I wearing? : ....black boy shorts... just. black. boy shorts. i just got out of the shower. >_>;
Dream Trip: Let me return to Japan, dammit. I’d actually to go to Disney World!
Fav Food: Meat. And sushi. And... uh. I just like food a lot. 
Nationality: filipino. o 3o 
Favorite Song:  No Logic by JimmyThumb feat. Luka Megurine! rachie has an EXCELLENT English cover.
Last book I read: tbh, I think it was Ignite Me by Tahereh Mafi (weeps i love warner so much. so so so much.)
Top 3 Fictional Universes I want to join: FFXIV, Mystic Messenger and... Pokemon LMFAO.
tagging: @officallytheduchess, @b1a4seeyou, @benichi, @cannibalisticskittles, @angelsdoexist, @umbreonic, @worldofpyr, @akari-sorrow, @hirmamo, @ashflower, @plutoparfait, @theflightlessphoenix
i can’t count any more oops. don’t feel obligated tho!
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thiddlestoff · 8 years
Tag Game
Rules: Answer the questions in a new post and tag 20 blogs you would like to get to know better.
I was tagged by @i-am-the-sunnys-cloud​ (you’re lovely for tagging me in these and you already have a special place in my heart ♥) and by @plumsforbuckyblr (on the fanfiction blog).
There were some things that were on both tag games, so I just decided to put them all in one post. The ones marked with * are the additional ones.
* Name: Selene
Nickname: Seleme, Celeste, my boss calls me Aunt Selene, Sel. 
Star sign: Leo
Height: 164cm
Last thing I googled: How long I should wait after having unprotected sex to have a pregnancy test.
Fave music artist: 30 Seconds to Mars (if you know me really really well, you know why), Michael Jackson, Ed Sheeran, Fall Out Boy and Blink 182.
Last movie I watched: The Nice Guys (I fucking loved it)
Last TV show I watched: Stranger Things *weeps*
What are you wearing right now: A striped blouse, black tights and two sweatshirts because i’m cold af
When did you create your blog: 4 years ago, apparently
What kind of stuff do I post?: Marvel related, text posts that iIfind either funny or important, and sometimes other fandom stuff like supernatural or harry potter or something like that. You’ll see a lot of Sebastian Stan, that’s for sure
Do you get asks regularly?: Not really
Why did you choose your URL?: when I sarted this blog, I wanted it to be Tom Hiddleston only, and I just played with his last name. I thought I was clever (I still do tbh)
Gender: Female
Hogwarts house: Slytherin
* Ilvermorny House: I do not know what this is
Fave colours: Black, red and white. But I also like grey and purple. Black’s the one though.
* Favorite Animal: Cats
* Cats vs Dogs: Okay, no! I love both, okay!!1′?? DO not make me choose between them because they all are adorable creatures of god!
Average hours of sleep: ehhh, it depends on the day really. But normaly like 10, BUT I don’t sleep early and I get up very late. So that doesn’t count.
Lucky number: It’s not like it’s my lucky number because, come on, it’s just a number, but I really like 13
Unlucky number: none
Fave characters: Dammit! Bucky Barnes, for starters. Natasha Romanoff, Loki, Sam Winchester, Michael Scofield from Prison Break, Lois Lane and Chloe Sullivan from Smallville, Eleven from Stranger Things...
* Dream Trip: All over the world
* Dream Job: Tattoo Artist
How many blankets do you sleep with?: one sheet and two blankets
Follower count: 2,747
When Your Blog Reached Its Peak: I... don’t think it’s reached its peak, you know. I’m not even sure what that means lol.
I won’t tag 20 people, but I’ll tag:
@callingmrsbarnes @lenavonschweetz @buckystories @sweetbadger @milkradio @actuallyasgardian @buckysberrie @buckfics @negasonic-teenage-what-da-shit
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