#but didnt have anything for exfoliation so i had to use a lot at a time to get all my dead
saulof-tarsus · 2 years
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Just finished my last bar of soap so next time I shower I'll update y'all on how it is. I love the scent and the pieces of oatmeal should help exfoliate
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tmnt-mags · 4 years
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Raphael x Fem!Reader
Part 2/ ??
Just a reminder that the timeline and ages have been adjusted so that i don't feel uncomfortable. Also the reader will be 18 by the time anything starts happening.
Warnings: some mention of sexual stuff but not really.
Im completely new to TMNT fanfic. Please be nice I’m just doing this for fun.
I stared at the 4 large turtles and they stared back. April sighed and guessed what I had come out of my room for. She stepped back to the kitchen to go into the laundry room and grabbed my sweater. She brought it to me and gave me a push to my room.
“Go put on some clothes.” she said as I stumbled back to my room in shock. I heard some voices in the living room.
“What the fuck April?” one of them said.
“What? I never said It would be just us and you never asked if she would be here.” April said and I could practically see her shrugging.
“You never mentioned she lived here.” It was a nervous slightly higher voice that spoke this time.
“Oh I didn’t?” That voice sounded far too innocent to be innocent. I pulled on some shorts and pulled on the sweater. I rubbed my hair with the towel and walked back out only to see that they appeared to be leaving.
“Sooooo, is this why you said they were shy and didn't like meeting new people?” I asked. The brothers stopped and turned toward me. I probably looked like a mess. My hair was a wet and tangled and my face was probably red from the warm water and exfoliating scrub I had used.
“Do you have any questions?” April asked and turned to the boys, “sit down, you're being rude.” The boys sat back down, and I shuffled my feet feeling awkward.
“Well yeah, but I'm not sure how to ask them without them sounding mean.” I moved my hands behind my back and fidgeted.
“You can ask me anything you want baby angelcakes.” The short one with an orange mask said.
“Ummm okay. Well....” I took a deep breath.” okay so... Right okay.” I started and stopped a few times looking between all of them.
“It's okay, you can ask us anything.” The nervous voice said. It belonged to a very tall turtle who had a purple mask and glasses on.
“Right! Okay,” I bit the inside of my cheek and thought about the best way to start.” So you’re green.”
The boys nodded as I cringed at my very obvious observation. I looked over at April.
“These are your new friends?” my sister nodded and I turned back to the brothers.” You- you’re all very big.”
“This is some real smart conversation.” The biggest one in red said gruffly. I looked up with furrowed eyebrows.
“You’ll have to forgive me. I didn't expect to walk out of my room to this. This is very confusing and new and I don't wanna be rude so I’m trying to think of how to ask things with being that.” I said looking at him.
“How about we introduce ourselves first.” The turtle in blue suggested and I nodded my head, “My name is -”
“Allow me!” the orange one interrupted. He was suddenly right next to me with an arm around my shoulder. “I’ve been working on an introduction!” He motioned over to the purple one who gave a small smile. “Donatello is over there in the purple, he's a technical genius, who is technically a genius!”
He turned me and moved his arm to point at the big one, “Raphael’s in the red, he's like a big cuddly teddy bear, if big cuddly teddy bears were incredibly violent.” Raphael shook his head and scoffed.
“This is Leonardo. He's in the blue. Our fearless leader, silent but deadly.” This turtle rolled his eyes at the orange one. He suddenly let go of me and with a flourish presented himself.
“And I'm Michelangelo, sporting my signature orange. I'm a triple threat... Brains, brawn, and obviously a dazzling personality,” he leaned in and wiggled what I guessed were eyebrows under the mask. “ Ladies like to call me Mikey.”
“Are you done?” Leonardo asked. Mikey shrugged and smiled.
“Well it's nice to meet you. April told me alot,” I looked over at my sister, “obviously not everything though.”
“Would you have believed me?” my darling sister asked me.
“Ummm, no probably not.” I looked at the turtles and my eyes widened. “They are the vigilantes aren't they! The ones you came home freaking out about!”
The boys looked over at April who gave a simple yes as an answer.
“Okay, so you are turtles right? Or like maybe aliens?” I questioned.
Donatello spoke up.“We are mutant turtles”
“And we’re ninjas.” interjected Raphael.
“Huh,” I looked down and tried to process it, “Somehow I feel like aliens would have been easier to accept. We have this kind of science?” I looked back up at the glasses wearing turtles.
“Oh there's lots of science that the public doesn't know about!” He said it much too cheerfully for my taste.
“That's kind of a terrifying thought.” I sighed and moved past the brothers and sat in a chair. They all rather hesitantly sat down too. “This is kind of a lot to process.”
“You’re doing better than April did.” Leonardo said helpfully.
“Seriously? What did she do?” I was eager to find out.
“She fainted.” the deep voice of Raphael said. I laughed out loud and turned to look over the chair at April who groaned.
“You went out looking for the vigilantes and passed out when you found them?” I giggled.
“It's not my proudest moment. Do you want some pizza?” She walked out of the room.
“Don’t try to distract me with food, but yes please!” I turned back to the brothers.”God I wish I could have seen that.”
“I probably have a video of it. I record a bunch of our patrols.” I wiped my head over to donatello.
“If you do I swear to god I will kiss you.” I said excitedly, not really noticing the way the turtles all suddenly looked. “Oh do you guys go by your full names or do you all have nicknames like Mikey?”
“Uh-” Leonardo cleared his throat, “Yeah I go by Leo,” He pointed at Donatello, “He goes by Donnie.”
“And I go by Raph.” I looked up at him.
“You know, that name suits you.” I turned my attention to the plate of pizza that was now being presented to me by my sister.
We all settled in and talked. They told me about how they met April and how they found out they actually already knew her. I wasn't happy when I found out she had anything to do with the Sacks building and I didnt know how to handle finding out that not only was she thrown from the top of the building but also was on the spire as it fell to the ground.
Leo, Donnie, and Mikey all seemed to relax as the night went on, but Raph didn't. At least not in a way that I could notice. We hung out until late and I didnt remember falling asleep but I woke up the next morning on the couch.
“Wow, I can’t believe we met Donnies future wife.” Mikey joked as the jumped rooftops to get home.
“Shut up Mikey!” Donnie yelled back.
“I bet your gonna start looking for that video right away so you can get a kiss~” Mikey sang gleefully
“Shut up mikey!” Raph warned his brother. He wasn't sure why but the idea of it made him mad.
“Oh but dudes! When she came out in that towel! All dripping wet and barely covered! My shell felt tight.”
Enough Michaelangelo!” Leo snapped at his brother, “That’s April's little sister and I don't think she would want you talking like that.”
“Oh fine! But she was hot dudes. Like seriously hot!” Mikey yelped as Raph punched him in the arm and went ahead. The shortest turtle whined and followed after Raph complaining about his arm. When they got to the lair Donnie grabbed Leo.
“Do you think that she would really kiss me if I had that video?” He didn't want to get any hopes up but the opportunity was almost too good to pass up. Leo stopped and looked at his brother.
“I don't know Donnie. Maybe. She seems like a nice girl so maybe she would or maybe she was joking.”Leo shrugged, “but you can certainly try.”
The two walked off and didn't notice raph glaring at them. He didn't like that either, and He wasn't sure why he felt so upset about it. He thought back on tonight. How careful she was with her questions so that they wouldn't sound mean, how she didn't really freak out or run away when she saw them. Mikey was right too, she looked so good when she came into the living room, and he was kind of happy that April didn’t tell her they were coming over. Then when she came back out in the large green sweater, he wasn’t ashamed to admit that his shell also felt tight. She was small and pretty, and April was right; she did have curves for days. She looked soft and warm. She was sweet with a bit of sass. Raph sighed as he laid down and thought of (y/n).
She was their age. The first person they had met that was so close in age to them. It was strange but really nice. He wanted to get closer and he wondered how close she would let them get. There was just something he really didn't like about the way Mikey talked about her or Donnie actually wanting her to kiss him.
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beckiboos · 6 years
Seasonal Acne
Ok I’m making this post because literally there’s barely any info for this type of acne (the one I had) and of this post just helps one person go
“Oh that’s me!”
Then I figure it’s worth it.
This is going to be a long post so I’ll post the rest under the cut. 
So what is seasonal acne? Well as the title suggests it’s acne that only appears in winter or summer the rest of the year your skin is relatively normal and then there’s THAT season where your skin goes INSANE. It’s bumpy, red, sore and THE ITCHING. Oh god THE ITCHING. I have had acne in winter, EVERY WINTER for I dunno... 6 years or so? Every October/ November it would flare up and wouldn’t calm down again until April/May. I would do what every person does, I went to the doctor (who didn’t listen when I said its only in winter) they prescribe shit, it doesn’t work, in fact it gets WORSE, but then it goes away on its own, so you figure it EVENTUALLY worked right? They say it gets worse before it gets better? You try every cream, supplement under the sun and nothing seems to make a difference.
Except this year. It’s currently February normally I would be in hell right now, this would normally be the worse part of winter for me but my skin is looking clearer than It has since I was a teenager. (Ironically when my skin was at its best)
So here I’m going to tell you how I cleared my winter acne. (Sorry if yours is the summer one but I think it’s the opposite of the winter one and more similar to regular acne skin) but luckily seasonal acne is the easiest to treat and there’s no worse before it gets better, it will just start healing so that’s good right? No horrible PURGE. (Gah I hate that)
Luckily for you I’m not going to suggest any over the top expenditure (ok there’s one but it’s NOT essential), in fact the most expensive item that’s essential, you may already have.
So why am I getting acne in winter?
Ok despite everything you have ever read about acne, winter acnes MAIN problem is... your skin is dry. You heard me, DRY. In fact it’s PARCHED. In winter the central heating kicks in, harsh weather attacks your face and you start taking hotter baths and showers. Not good for your skin! So all those drying acne products? Ain’t gonna work for you, it’s going to make IT WORSE. Seriously, even if your doctor prescribed it, don’t use the drying creams (I wouldn’t normally recommend NOT listening to your doctor, but in this instance I would, doctors just hear ACNE and prescribe these drying, peeling creams and acids and it’s WAY too harsh for seasonal acne, I’m not sure most GP’s are even aware of seasonal acne, they won’t know the difference, the stuff my doctor prescribed literally burned my skin) so back away from those drying and harsh chemicals. I’m going to tell you the things you DO need.
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Specifically the most important for seasonal acne is vitamin D, in winter you may live in a place (like me) that doesn’t get enough sunlight in winter so you won’t absorb any vitamin D in the winter months from being outdoors, even if you don’t have seasonal acne I would recommend everyone take a vitamin D tablet in winter months if you live in a sunless country. I suggest a good D3 vitamin. A good multivitamin and zinc tablets are a must for any acne prone skin too as acne prone skin lacks zinc and other vitamins, chances are if you’ve been trying to help your acne you’re already doing this. 
A humidifier
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I’m afraid this is one of those “must haves” for seasonal acne, one for your bedroom and have it running at night while you sleep, your skin WILL THANK YOU for the extra moisture, I use a essential oil diffuser and just run water through it, they are about £22 on Amazon, silent and if I forget to run it at night, I can literally see it on my skin the next day, it will look dull and dry. If you already have one I suggest you go and get this plugged in and start pumping out that much needed moisture! 
Ponds cold cream
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Omg THIS STUFF is AMAZING. Make sure you get this green one NOT the pink one. I can’t get over this product it’s SO GOOD. This cleanser I can’t live without I will use it FOREVER. It’s about £9 for a giant tub (I get 3 for £20 on Amazon, sorry you can’t get it in stores in the UK, Amazon is your best bet) and it’s an incredibly moisturising cleanser, for parched skin this is a MUST. I got my sisters onto it too because it’s so gentle as well you can put this on your eyes to take off makeup and it doesn’t sting your eyes at all. It’s also good to use as a mask and hand cream... honestly for people with dry skin this is a holy grail item.
A good moisturiser
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This is just the one I use, I love The Ordinary products they are so cheap! But really any good moisturiser that your skin likes will do, try and get one with HA (hydrochloric acid) for deep moisture. (Remember your skin is DRY, stay AWAY, from acne moisturisers I’m telling you)
Extra moisture
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Amino acids + B5 £5.90
Another The Ordinary product for you this is just an extra boost of moisture for my skin, I really like it, this has really helped speed up the healing of my skin (and has been great for hyperpigmentation too) I wouldn’t say this is an essential product but I really like it.
A good exfoliant
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Gotta slip off those dead skin cells!
Dry skin = flakey skin = blocked pores = acne
Try and get one without those plastic beads though, they are bad for the environment. I use this apricot scrub once a week. (Don’t use more than twice a week, you’re just going to hurt your skin)
Acne dots
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This is the only spot treatment I actually DO recommend, especially in the beginning when you change your skincare routine (I used these in the beginning for a few weeks but I don’t need them anymore) see I don’t like the gels and spot treatments because it seemed to cause more spots around the ones I was trying to heal, so I liked these little overnight patches so then you ONLY target the spot (and not attacking all your skin) your spots reduce in size by the morning and they aren’t super drying, there’s lots of different brands out there, but they‘re basically all the same.
The luxury item (it’s gonna get weird)
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Now this is a light therapy machine, I bought this a few years ago in an attempt to cure my acne and found it... lacking. See my skin was still super dry so when I used to use this on my sore and bumpy skin it seems to aggravate my acne and I would have fresh spots every morning so I stopped using it (after being £250 out of pocket I was disappointed) my problem as well I couldn’t find anything to USE with it, moisturisers absorbed too fast, I tried to use oil and my skin HATED THAT. But I have had it a couple years now and I thought I should try and give it a whirl again now I figured out my acne... but I didnt want to order the companies “special” gel, it’s expensive and takes a while to arrive from Singapore and then I had a thought... a WEIRD thought admittedly but what I needed was lube. You heard me. LUBE. You need something on your face there’s going to keep the machine gliding over it, it needs to be water based... so I ordered my first bottle of lube (called Lubido if you can believe😂) and tried it... it was amazing. I’m not kidding you my skin GLOWS the next day after lubing my face and using this in the blue light (acne light for killing bacteria) the machine seems to drive the moisture deep in the skin, I try and do this every night but it’s helped my skin sooooo much and now I can use the yellow light to help the scarring. So this item I wouldn’t say is essential for seasonal acne as it’s very expensive but it’s helped my skin a lot (now I’m using it correctly) have a look around I’m sure there’s cheaper ones now than when I ordered mine.
Love and Affection 
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Well maybe not literally but this is just a reminder that you are looking after your skin not punishing it. I can't tell you how many set backs I had in figuring out seasonal acne because an “expert” or some spa lady told me. “No, stop moisturising your skin so much you need tea tree oil” or that I need to “dry out” the acne. NO. thats not how seasonal acne works. Its not a one acne fits all. Dry skin can cause acne just like oily skin can. In fact your skin may become oily because its dry. So put down the tea tree oil, go get a moisturising mask, and treat your skin kindly. PAMPER THY SELF BITCH. 
So there you have it, my little guide to saving winter seasonal acne skin (and my little reminder of what I use for when next winter comes around) it will take a few weeks for you to really start seeing the results (remember it takes 4 weeks for any skin care change to start taking affect and also it takes this long for the vitamins to start taking real effect too) honestly you will feel it befor you see it, because your skin will be super soft (and it was all rough, clogged and bumpy and sore before) I hope this helps someone, wish I had seen a post like this years ago so I would have figured out my acne wasn’t like ordinary acne and saved myself a lot of pain but hopefully I can help someone else who was wondering why their acne seems to flare up over and over again.
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conpitira1981-blog · 6 years
Here are some cards printed in the Year of the Raven that could easily be part of the aggressive archetypes I described post rotation (note this doesn't even take neutral cards into consideration):Some of these have already seen play in those exact archetypes. Whether or not you disagree with any of them, ignoring that these cards exist and suggesting that Blizzard will never print cards like them or even more aggressive ever again is a baseless claim and demonstrates a lack of understanding of how metas form. Power is relative, and the Year of the Mammoth was extremely overpowered, diminishing the effect of a lot of Raven cards over the last year. If your dermatologist doesn't recommend something for the redness then ask :) For the big pimples that surface, I SWEAR on my life by Cosrx Acne Pimple Master PatchI always keep the patches on at home longer than the recommended time. Often sleeping with it. They're cheap little pimple erasers :). I'm enjoying it, but be wary that the toner has aha and the cream has retinyl palmitate. Don't go ham and don't put it on anything you picked at because it will burn like the dickens. I wouldn't say it treats a breakout but breakouts aren't very aggressive or angry and go away pretty quickly. I didnt realize it at the time, but I loathed my hair. If it wasn freshly straightened and easily manageable (read: white) I didnt know what to do with it or how to treat it, and it made me feel ugly and ashamed. The years of straightening my hair damaged it heavily, and I always resented losing out on the years I had to enjoy it as I now bald.. Correct she bathes with him nude. I completely comfortable with step dad, mom just gets pushy and invading at times. Which is my own fault because due to our past and her reactions I have difficulty confronting things because I want to keep the peace. At the beginning when I was just starting to take care of my lips, I first used the Laneige Lip Sleeping Mask at night (I was told not to use it during the day as it contains a very mild chemical exfoliant that increases sun sensitivity). I had to be very careful not to pick at my lips, and did this for a solid 3 days to heal up. Now I use it every few days, more often if my lips are feeling super dry. Also, you can in fact layer them but you absolutely should not start there. You should start with once a week so you don give yourself a chemical burn. So yes, use this shit sparingly because chemical burns are fucking terrifying. I had a dowel setup for years with no issue. I switched to a more basic setup with 2x6 at 11ft boards supporting the games so I could move them if needed. I have a lot of spare room in my home and like to be able to rearrange it if needed.. If there's only a small number of people that like that truck, I guess we'll make a more conventional truck in the 평창출장마사지 future. But it's the thing that I am personally most fired up about. It's gonna have a lot of titanium.". Fjaka is part of my personality, said Dino Ivani, a Split tour guide and former professor of history and Italian language and literature, whose family roots in Split stretch back generations. When Ivani pictures a man in the state of fjaka, he is stretched out in a hammock by the sea 평창출장마사지 under the shade of a tree with a full bottle of wine within reach, a fish line tied on his toe. Is saying that because of the fjaka, we did not want to go anywhere but we brought the rest of the world to our beautiful Split, said Ivani.
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seashellronan · 7 years
heyya haley! given your uni i was wondering if you knew any ways i could get rid of zit/pimple marks or tiny indents on my skin, idk what they are anymore,i know i had one on my cheek for a whiiile now, and some(between my brows) just fucking annoy me for some reason. i rarely get zits now,so my face is technically clean and i know i'm in the middle of puberty yadayada but still :// any tips, if you could? ^^
okay well im just starting so i still have pretty limited knowledge but this sounds like it could be enlarged pores, but i cant really tell without looking at it, but most skincare problems can be aided by developing a good routine to try and restore balance to skin. enlarged pores occur in oily skin and the fact that you are going through puberty also means you probably have oily skin so this will be centered around that.
specific products dont really matter, what you want to look for is ingredients so in your routine you should have
a cleanser - for oily skin it should be more water than oil, cleanser is needed to clean off makeup and grease and grime which can cause enlarged pores and spots if uncleaned (for dry and sensitive, use one with more oil than water)
toner - for oily skin it should be more alcohol than water, toner helps to get anything that your cleanser didnt and also will help to dry up spots and any bacteria (dry and sensitive, more water than alcohol)
exfoliator - do not use everyday!!! once a week should be fine, exfoliating is important for oily skin because the top part of the epidermis has a lot of layers and the preferred number is 25-30 but if theres alot of oil being produced its not going to shed properly and therefore will build up and be trapped and result in spots and enlarged pores and blackheads etc (its also important for dry skin to prevent flaking)
masks - once a week
moisturiser - for oily skin it should be more water than oil, this helps to keep skin moisturised and protect the skin (dry and sensitive more oil than water)
diet - drinks lots of water and eat fruit and veg and try and get some fish oils
spf - try and put in some sun protection, alot of moisturisors and foundations contain it so it should be easy enough
again this is pretty general stuff but i hope it helps, idk if what youre experiencing is enlarged pores (maybe google it and see it its similar) but either way developing a routine will help your skin alot. Of course you dont have to do any of this and because these are hormonal causes due to puberty its not going to fix it but it can help! also having a routine doesnt mean your skin will magically be totally clear, there are lots of factors that you cant control but doing these things will keep your skin in good condition and give it all the things it needs to work properly
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deadly-vuu · 7 years
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March Favorites
Lush Cosmetics Salted Coconut - Coming off their Rub, rub rub was a little rough but this is pretty good esp for my hands that get SO dry during these annoying winter months. And, they smell amazing! $16.95 - $29.95 Is it worth it? Yes.
Lush Cosmetics Rosy Cheeks - Coming from their Cupcake and Aqua Marina and being a little hesitant to try another product that requires the fridge after and in between use was a little annoying to me. Aqua Marina was great because it was self-preserving but I didn’t know that the seaweed that wraps the mask itself can...stink if you dont move it around and it did. One day in particular it was really bad and I thought it went bad. I have a sensitive sniffer and it really bothered me. The girls at my local Lush let me exchange it for Rosy Cheeks which was a tad cheaper and I can use a little less so I don’t dry out. It’s calming and soothing, for 15mins it’s lovely! I can massage it into my skin and it tames the redness I’m battling and was using Aqua Marina for. It’s not an exfoliant which is fine. I have Let The Good Times Roll for that and I use that every other day. $12.95 Is it worth it? Yes.
Beauty Bakerie Makeup Setting Flour in Translucent - I’ve NEVER used a setting power or a real one for that matter. I know of Laura Mercier and RCMA but I was just using the lightest shade in Kat Von D’s Shade + Light palette to set my concealer and while that did work I felt I needed a lil more. Since I’ve hit pan in all 3 of the top shades in that palette this was a great alternative! Also, cheaper and cuter! No offense Kat! Also I’m a huge supporter of this company, I love Beauty Bakerie and their products so I did indeed jump on this. I’ve used it 3 times now with brush and blender and yea, I LOVE it for under eye. Lightweight, no cakeyness or flashback. Great product for someone who’s never used a setting or baking powder. $24 Is it worth it? Yes.
Too Faced Cosmetics Blinded By The Light Lovelight Prismatic Highligher - OK so I was VERY mixed about this product. While yes its gorgeous to look at and swatches so beautifully on my hand I had QUITE the time applying it. This is the second product I struggled with from Too Faced but I am determined to make it work. It’s just too beautiful to NOT use. Yes, I am one of those people. So, while it swatched well on my hand, I did so with my FINGERS. I never swatch with a brush, who does that? I went to apply it to my face knowing full well it was never hyper to be “blinding”, it’s more of a natural glow. Cool, I can dig it. I applied it with a brush I frequent for highlighting and it didn’t pick ANY product up, I tried it a few times before moving onto another brush I use for highlighting - few tries and nothing. It wasn’t until later I found its better applied with your FINGERS. I watched a few people try this product including MannyMua who also had some difficulties. After using my finger, which I normally detest doing cause I have so many brushes...It did apply just right and thank God because I love love love it. So pretty and natural with a little but of glitter. $30 Is it worth it? Yes.
Too Faced Cosmetics BROWnie Pencil in Deep - This brow pencil as actually...much better than the Benefit Goof Proof pencil I’d been using. It also smells very chocolatey, yum! It applies better, it’s not heavy or clunky to use and the spoolie is easier to clean, thankfully. $23 Is it worth it? Yes.
Tarte Cosmetics Shape Tape in Medium - So this is actually my shade this time around, the first one I got is ... too orange and well obviously that didnt go over well. But I do really like the shape tape! Definitely full coverage! $24 Is it worth it? Yes.
Pixi By Petra Lash Booster Mascara - Switching over from Benefit’s Roller Lash and yea, I dig it. A lot, thanks to Jkissa for bringing Pixi to my attention, very happy with this product! $15 Is it worth it?
Lush Cosmetics D’Fluff - For over a decade I haven’t used anything for shaving other than water and my razor. Shaving cream really bothers my skin, I’m very prone to eczema and just about anything can and will piss off my skin and then I have to slap on a ton of eczema lotion that smells like plain oatmeal. I was following this particular product for some time and finally decided to nab it. I was going to get more rub, rub, rub but I thought I’d try a different product. While I love Rubx3′s exfoliation, I need moisturizing properties which D’Fluff has. Not only do I really dig this product because it’s pink and smells like strawberries - it works and you can lather it up if you’re into that. $12.95 - $19.95 Is it worth it? Yes
Lush Blackberry Bathbomb - This was my first bathbomb EVER. I’m not personally into baths mostly because I just lack the time. But I figured I’d pick this one up since it’s glitter-less and shimmer-less. I’m not a fan of glitter even though theirs is made from seaweed. Anyway, this one just...smells so soothing, clean and fresh. I HAD to get it. I HAD to ya’ll. I finally had time today to take a bath and really enjoy it. The first in over a year and the last bath I had lasted about 10mins before I had to get out for someone else. Anyway, it fizzed pretty fast and made my bath water SUPER purple and the aroma was exactly what I needed. I immediately felt at ease and it softened and smoothed my skin as I soaked. I loved it, I will absolutely getting more. $6.40 Is it worth it? Yes.
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