#high hopes because i have 5 different scents of this brand
holylulusworld · 25 days
Deep Abyss (5)
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Summary: The Winter Soldier smelled something divine, and no one would stop him from having his omega.
Pairing: Alpha!Bucky Barnes x Omega!Brock Rumlow
Warnings: a/b/o, a/b/o dynamics, angst, true mates, male omega, hostage situation, implied (unnamed) characters death, dark!fic, fluff (kinda), forced cuddling, scenting
Deep Abyss masterlist
Deep Abyss (4)
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Brock slowly chews the food the soldier gave to him. His eyes are on the man, taking him away from everything he has known so far. Whatever the soldier is up to, Brock wants to know about his captor’s plans before he can set his plan into motion.
“Eat up. You need to get your strength back.” Slowly stepping toward Brock, the soldier hums in approval. Brock is eating like a man starving. “I’ll get more food soon. For tonight, we need to sit the rain out. It’s no good for you to go out there, with your lungs still full of the gas.”
“I should go back. You are faster without me,” Brock tries to convince the soldier to let him go. “Maybe I can distract them long enough for you to escape.”
“There is nothing there for you,” the Winter Soldier steps toward the bed to take the empty plate and glass out of Brock’s hands. “I burned it to the ground.”
Brock gasps. He had hoped to go back to his life if managed to escape the soldier. If he’s the sole survivor, he’s branded as a traitor. He clenches his jaw. The man in front of him destroyed his life and wants him to be his obedient omega. Brock would rather die than give in to the alpha.
“Why did you ruin my life? I was nothing but kind to you. Whenever they wanted to let you starve, I brought you food!”
“I saved you because you’re different,” the soldier replies. “You’re my omega, and I couldn’t let them hurt you. I heard them talk about you, and your presentation. They called you a liability, and that they only keep you around, knowing you’re my mate.”
Brock sneers. He shakes his head, and huffs. “I’m no one’s mate. Stop reducing me to my presentation. Being omega never stopped me from beating the shit out of any enemy. I can take you down too.”
The Winter Soldier smirks. He loves the fire in his mate’s eyes. “I never said you’re weak,” he says and brushes his fingertips over Brock’s untouched mating gland. “I only ever wanted to protect you.”
Brock gets up from the bed. “You want to protect me?” He huffs. “You don’t even remember your fucking name. You brain-dead puppet! I’m not some doll you can dress up and play with!”
“My name is—” The Winter Soldier steps closer to grip Brock’s chin with his flesh hand. He tilts Brock’s head to get access to his neck. He sniffs at the omega’s neck, inhaling his scent deeply. “My name is James Buchanan Barnes.”
Brock’s eyes widen. If the soldier knows about his past, he’s done for. Only the brainwashed soldier would’ve followed his handler’s orders eventually.
“You remember. How?” Brock splutters. There’s no way the soldier got his memories back. It should be impossible. At least that’s what the scientists told him whenever he was worried about his safety.
“I told you that not everyone at the base worked for Hydra on free terms. They wanted to make money, and didn’t know what they’ll get themselves into.”
“Soldier, you need to let me go. I’m a high-ranked handler,” Brock tries again to make the soldier say he’s not going to make things easy for him. “Hydra will try to get you back, no matter what.”
“Stop calling me soldier,” the alpha growls. He nips at Brock’s neck, making the omega whimper. “You will call me Bucky from now on, or alpha. We left the past behind. I freed both of us so we can start anew.”
Clamping his mouth shut Brock glares at the alpha. He wraps the blanket a little tighter around his body as he starts to shiver.
“It’s cold.” His teeth shatter. “Where are my clothes and boots?”
Bucky smirks. “I gave you the nice dress. You should’ve put it on.”
“I’m not going to wear a dress,” Brock huffs. “I’m a man, not a doll you can dress up. If you want a woman, look for one out there. You’re free to do whatever you want to do.”
“I don’t want someone else,” Bucky releases a throaty purr. He pecks Brock’s neck before pulling away. “You should get some sleep now. I’ll make my rounds and check the surroundings. We can’t let one of them sneak up on us.”
Brock exhales sharply when the alpha leaves him alone. He still doesn’t know where his clothes are, or how to escape the alpha. All he can do for now is by his time and play along.
The omega turns toward the bed. He yawns and sits back down. If he must stay with the alpha, he must stay healthy and strong.
Brock lies down, he curls into a ball, and wraps the blanket tighter around his body.
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“Omega?” Bucky nuzzles his face in Brock’s neck. He can’t believe the omega is finally in his arms.
Brock is wide awake. He stiffens in Bucky’s embrace but doesn’t dare to move or tell the alpha to get away from him. The alpha is warm, and Brock would do anything to get a little warmth tonight.
“You’re safe with me,” the alpha murmurs as he wraps his arms tighter around Brock. “Always.”
Part (6)
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saulof-tarsus · 2 years
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Just finished my last bar of soap so next time I shower I'll update y'all on how it is. I love the scent and the pieces of oatmeal should help exfoliate
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Can I call you mine?
A commission from the lovely @carlottastudios who I absolutely adore after only having a few conversations with. These were jealousy scenarios with a bit of spice! I went over my word limit on Jamil’s but that’s just cause I love him so much! Please enjoy! And commissions are open still! This one cost $3
Warnings: slight spice, fem!reader, jealousy, protectiveness, possessive behavior, light light LIGHT angst, marking kink (is that a thing? oh well. Basically a love bite that displays their claim.)
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   “In the jungle, the botanical jungle, a lion sleeps all the time~!” you sang out teasingly. Leona huffed and his tail thumped against the ground once in irritation. Giggling, you slid closer and poked said tail, which retracted swiftly, prickling in annoyance.
   “Scram herbivore.” Leona’s tone was mildly annoyed but had no bite to it. Truthfully he hoped you would inch just a bit closer so he could grab you and hold you hostage as his pillow. 
   You hummed and stood, much to his displeasure, and grabbed your school stuff. Quietly you packed everything away and threw out your lunch trash before returning to Leona’s spot one more time.
   “I have class now, Leona. I’ll see you later, kay?” he grunted in agreement and watched you walk away, nose twitching as he inhaled your fresh scent one last time before it began to fade. The down side of the botanical garden was that any smell other than flowers was quickly dispersed by the sickeningly sweet perfume of nectar.
   The lion sighed and stared up at one such flower with distaste. How dare they try to outdo his beloved? He would never appreciate their scent more than hers. He rolled his eyes at the ridiculous thoughts and fell back asleep. He hummed as he did so, mimicking the tune you had sang to him. He missed you already.
   5:48 P.M. You were 18 minutes late. 18 minutes had passed since you were supposed to be in Leona’s bed, curled up next to him, petting his ears, and doting on him like the king he was. 18 minutes where Leona gradually became more worried, as well.
   It wasn’t like you to be late. Especially not late to a night with him. It set his instincts off and he was on high alert, tensed, ready to pounce on anything that dared touch his mate. Finally when the clock turned 5:20 he sprang out of bed and strode down the hall with power that sent the message “don’t mess with me”.
   In the Savanaclaw lounge you were seated next to the decorative pool, chatting amidly with a fellow student. Leona glared and growled when he spotted you, far too close to the other man for his liking. He watched in anger, as the student slid even closer to you so that your hips touched briefly.
   Rage flashed in Leona’s eyes and his expression darkened into something dangerous. He stalked over behind you and the student, who seemingly didn’t notice his presence and hastily picked you up before throwing you over his shoulder. 
   “Hey! Put me down!” you cried out and he snarled at you. “Quiet, herbivore!” Recognizing your boyfriend's voice you stilled and relaxed a bit. At least it wasn’t some stranger. 
   He mentally gave you points for fighting back when you didn’t know who it was. “That’s right, only I get to touch you.”
   Looking down at the student who had been sitting with you, he noticed your homework was on his lap and realized he had just been helping you. He growled and turned walking away, a bit upset that he didn’t have a good reason to turn them to dust. Not that he needed one, but he couldn’t imagine upsetting you by harming one of your classmates, no matter how much he wanted to.
   Soon he reached his room and threw you on the bed. You landed with a gasp and looked up at him in confusion and slight annoyance. “Leona! What was that-MPH!”
   He silenced you quickly by shoving you down on the bed and sliding his tongue into your mouth. Immediately your body relaxed underneath him and he smirked when you brought your hands up to weave into his hair. 
   Only he got to touch you like this. Only he got to kiss you. Only he got to say that you were his. His and his alone! 
   You panted when he pulled back and started to ask why but he kissed you again so you couldn’t. “Jealous. Protective. Possessive. Mine” He said between kisses and soon trailed them along your jaw and down to your neck.
   A breathy moan slipped from your lips as he sucked on the sensitive skin near your collar. He kissed up until he was right over the junction between your neck and shoulders. Then he bit down hard, drawing a loud cry from you. 
   The taste of your blood only just barely appeared before he pulled back and began to kiss the wound. He knew that licking it would irritate it further due to his cat-like tongue, but he still attempted to soothe it as much as possible.
   Finally he pulled back completely and gazed down at you with a smirk. Several different bruises and love bites littered your neck, shoulders, and collar. Only one had been deep enough to break the skin. It would scar he was sure and the thought of you always wearing a symbol of his claim made him purr.
   He stopped though when he realized he could have hurt you. “I’m sorry. Princess, I didn’t mean to get so upset, it’s just instincts.” he sighed. 
   You smiled at him and pulled him down for another kiss. “Don’t worry. I find it super sexy when you get possessive.” His eyes widened in surprise and he took in your mild blush. “Hmmm…” he purred with a smirk. “Well in that case you don’t mind if I mark you up a bit more… and while I’m at it you can use that pretty voice of yours to remind the whole dorm that you’re mine and mine alone!”
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   Jamil gritted his teeth and turned away from the lounge. He made his way to the kitchen and immediately began to prepare more horderves. Kalim’s party was going wonderfully, of course all due to his hard work. Although he supposed he appreciated a week's notice and Kalim did help magically with some of the decorations.
    He was still stressed, but not quite as much as he could have been, had Kalim not given him a warning. In fact he was looking forward to actually trying to enjoy one of Kalim’s parties for the first time since he was born. 
   It was a very nice party and since everything was going smoothly, Jamil found time to sit down and sip some juice. Alcohol wasn’t allowed on school premises but grape juice mimicked the taste nicely depending on what brand you bought. Kalim was partial to the sweeter stuff, while Jamil preferred it to be more sour.
   However, he found that the sour taste in his mouth wasn’t from the juice at all when he spotted you dancing joyously with some other student. His smile fell into a frown and he watched angrily as the student pulled you close and said something that made you laugh.
   You had a beautiful laugh, it was the kind that made everyone in the room sigh in content when they heard it. Jamil fell in love with it almost as hard as he had fallen in love with you. Especially because you rarely laughed for anyone but him.
   To hear you generously sharing that sound with some nobody sent flashes of anger through him.  He clenched his fists and dug his nails into his palms a bit. Just remembering it made him pissed.
   Shaking his head to clear it, Jamil got to work cutting up some more vegetables at a fast speed that would intimidate anyone who tried to approach him. He wasn’t in the mood to deal with anyone so he glared darkly at the food in front of him in an attempt to send off silent go away signals.
   Kalim, who entered the room to find Jamil after seeing him storm off, caught sight of the frustrated man and paused to observe his body language. Ever since Jamil’s overblot, Kalim had been trying to read his friend's emotions better. Luckily he caught on quickly and left the room.
    Jamil sighed in relief and set the knife down. Why the hell would you wanna hang out with anyone but him! You were his and his alone! The only thing he had claim over, or ownership of. Mentally he berated himself for thinking that way. You weren’t an object, you were a person and you should be allowed to do whatever you want. He would be a hypocrite if he tried to restrict your choices and behaviors.
   “Jamil?” The man spun around and found you standing behind him with a concerned look on your face. “Kalim told me you looked upset, is everything alright?” Your tone was soft and worried. It eased Jamil’s emotions in the way it always had. You always put him first, a habit he both loved and hated. On one hand he adored being pampered for once, on the other he knew what it was like to ignore your own wants and needs for another person.
   He sighed and put on a smile, taking your hands in his own. “Just tired that’s all.” you frowned and glared up at him in the way you always did when he lied.
   “Now, I know that’s not true. I’m not gonna force you to tell me, but I also want you to know that you can be honest with me. That’s why I’m here.” Jamil bit his lip and turned away, a flush rising on his cheeks.
   “The truth…” he hesitated. “The truth is I don’t want you hanging out with that other student!” The sudden exclamation took you aback and you blinked in surprise. “I don’t want to control you or tell you what to do and who to hang out with, but I also want you all to myself. No one else should be able to touch you or whisper in your ears, or dance with you, or make you laugh and smile. That’s my job, because your mine, not theirs!”
   At this point you were blushing as well, but noticed he was beginning to get upset. “And I’m so sorry for saying that like you’re some object, cause you’re not. You’re a person who deserved to make their own choices and decisions, but goddamnit I can’t help wanting you all to myself. You’re- you’re…” he paused and looked at you. “You’re special… to me. I don’t want anyone taking you away from me. I know i’m being a hypocrite but don’t go back out there. Stay here and be mine-”
   Jamil was cut off by you kissing him passionately on the lips. His eyes widened before they fell closed and he snaked his arms around your waist, tugging you flush against him with a growl. 
   His tongue swiped at your lips and you parted them obediently. He smirked and chuckled lowly before slipping it into your mouth. “Good girl.” You moaned through the kiss and felt your knees weaken. He pulled you around and lifted you effortlessly onto the counter. His kisses moved from your lips to your neck where he simultaneously worshipped and abused your skin.
   Love bites and dark bruises displayed his rough treatment, but the sighs that fell from your lips told him that you were enjoying it greatly. Silently he pulled back to observe his handiwork and smirked at the amount of marks he had left behind. Some would be easy to hide, whereas others he had left strategically in places that would be impossible to cover up. He felt a little guilty, knowing that you would be slightly upset later for making it so hard to hide the fact that he had been kissing you, but seeing something almost like a name tag, or a brand, that signified you were his and his alone, stirred something in him and he was tempted to never let you leave his sight without a mark warning people off about advancing on you.
   “Jamil…” you spoke shakily. He looked at you and how wrecked you were just from some kisses and his gaze darkened with lust. His tongue licked his lips subconsciously and he watched you shiver in reaction. “I have something important to tell you…”
   He raised an eyebrow and moved his head to the other side of your neck, placing kisses and marks there as well. It made it very hard to think so you momentarily pushed him away, making him growl in displeasure. “Don’t feel bad about being possessive over me, okay? Because when you are…” you hesitated, “it’s really freaking hot.”
   His eyes widened and an almost evil smile drew up on his lips. “That so… well, then I guess you don’t mind me leaving a few more marks over here,” he licked a stripe up your neck drawing a gasp from you, “to show the whole world that you belong to me!” He snarled it out before biting lightly at your skin and relishing in the way you tilted your head to the side with a moan. Yeah, he could get used to you hanging out with other boys so long as he got to do this to you before and after.
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jj-ktae · 4 years
Note II - Aldehydes
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Moodboard : Courtesy of the lovely Jacqueline @jaebeomsmullet​​ ! Thank you for helping and hyping and just being here whenever I need it.
›  Title : Fragrances ›  Genre : Angst, Fluff, Romance, Composer!Jungkook x Perfume Maker!Reader ›  Pairing :  Jeon Jungkook x Female Reader ›  Warning : Mentions of Suicide, heavy subjects, depression (none of these are used with the idea of glamourising mental illness), strong language, smut in later chapters probably. Do not read if any of these trigger you.
›  Author’s note : This is another version of the story I wrote a few years ago for GOT7. Some of the events will be different, others will not change just like some paragraphs will be the same and others won’t. Informations, definitions and words are taken from here and here.
›  Summary : In the world of Perfume making, it is believed that everyone has their own natural fragrance. It is also believed that everyone has that one scent capable of making them feel a thousand things. You find yours in the form of a composer on the verge of breaking, right when you have to face one of the biggest challenge in your life.
Masterlist | Note I - Ionones | 
Note II: Aldehydes
An aroma chemical that contains a functional group consisting of a carbon, a hydrogen, and an oxygen atom. Aldehydes can be derived from natural or synthetic materials. There are different types of scents associated with this chemical function but the most commonly referred to when profiling a scent as “aldehydic” is a sharp, metallic, crisp, slightly fatty impression often associated with the smell of clean textile or hot iron. One of the first “aldehydic” fragrances is the famous N°5 created by Perfumer Ernest Beaux in 1920 and launched by Gabrielle Chanel in 1921.
Your second day is worse than the first one. Jimin is all over the place, mixing essences and sniffing everything he can. You’re glad though, it makes him go silent whenever he concentrates on something, and you have time for focus. It doesn’t help because you’re still frustrated if not more, but at least you can overburden yourself in peace.
 The only light in all that shadow comes from the memory of Jungkook’s scent, precise yet unknown. You try to create something similar, but it’s everything and nothing at the same time and no matter the amount or variety of scent you use, you can’t even get close to it
His scent is a mystery.
It adds to your misery, like a voice mocking you for not being able to recognise a scent while another one forces you to crave for more. It feels like chasing a ghost.
The sound of your head against your office takes Jimin out of his momentum. “What’s happening?” He inquires. He gets up from his own working area to stand next to your powerless soul.
“When is the meeting?” You try because it is potentially the only hope for today. That powerful lady came in early to inform you about an upcoming meeting with the marketing team. The project seems big, because Jimin started to work as soon as she flew out of the laboratory. It’s been one day and he is so open about himself that you can already read his body language.
“3 p.m. I was thinking about a brainstorming. Let’s think about a concept.” He offers because this is going nowhere. You’re about to give up at any minute, and he needs you to be into it.
“What concept? I’m running in circles.” 
“Sexy? Provocateur? Romantic? Angsty? Bucolic?” 
“All of these have already been worked on so many times...I don’t think they want to go for something as...forthright. I’m quite sure they won’t be satisfied with a mere sexy perfume.” It’s what you understood - if your sudden creative freedom is anything to go by.
Jimin understands, his eyes now wide. He has no idea how to achieve that, but he still thinks you’re brilliant for thinking out of the box. He picks his notepad and starts writing everything you said, his brows furrowed.
“We want to be unique. The concept needs to be appealing to the greatest number without being too cliché. We are free to use what we want.” He notes things down and you find yourself peeking at the words, meaningful yet complex.
“So we need to mix a little bit of everything.” Jimin stops for a minute before a whine escapes his thick lips, “I’m lost, help me.”
“We can’t work this way.” You raise your head slowly, ruffling your wild locks in a nonchalant way. “We have to find a scent and put a concept over it. We can’t force the scent based on an imaginary idea.” This only works when a brand has specific goals but here you have nothing. You can’t possibly force an idea into your head. 
Jimin looks pitiful as he puts the notepad away. “It’s going to be harder than I thought.”
And just like the day started, the meeting followed. You were not expecting much of it and you were right. The marketing project came and explained you were free to do anything you wanted. Their main objective was to follow you on whatever you wanted to create, and it’s infuriating. 
How many times do you have to repeat that you can’t do it before they start to believe you?
Jimin, who was stressed before the meeting is now dejected and it almost breaks your heart because you feel responsible. You send him home earlier and decide to work on your own. Two hours later you leave the lab with Orchid oil all over your bag and the urge to cry.
There is only one way to make you feel better. You feel ashamed, like you’re addicted to something but you have to admit it.
Jeon Jungkook’s scent is the only thing worth smelling.
When you come back from work, there is no trace of him. His backpack is gone, the bed looks neat, and even the towel he probably didn’t use is dry. There’s still his smell, fresh in the air and it makes you run back outside to find the bridge where you had found him the night before.
He is not there.
You were exhausted, but you’re suddenly on fire. This situation is stressing you more than it should be when you don’t see him. It’s like you won’t ever see him again. You look around all the bridges you can find close to your place. Jungkook is nowhere to be seen.
You open the door of your apartment with a heavy heart. It’s like you lost something precious and it’s making you angry. What the hell is happening to you?
But you open the door and it hits again, like a whirlpool of long lost feelings and dried memories.
Jeon Jungkook is in your living-room, and his delectable scent pounds in the deepest zones of your brain. He is sitting on the floor by the small table, right hand dancing over bright white paper and guitar on his lap so you only see his back, but it’s the biggest relief you had in years.
He doesn’t turn around when you let your bag fall on the floor, he doesn’t move when you stop next to him. He looks absorbed, entranced. His knee is shaking to an unknown beat, mimicking his left hand which is drumming on the soft brown wood of the instrument he is holding.
“God. I thought- I’m so stupid.” You don’t want to share your worries with him, but the thought of him throwing himself off a bridge is still fresh. It stings more than it should, more than the pain you’re supposed to feel when confronted with a stranger’s despair.
“Hmm?” Jungkook doesn’t move toward you at first, but eventually his hand stops, and he glances up at your pallid features and tensed body “What’s wrong?”
“I came back home and you were not here. I thought...I thought you did something stupid.” You let your body fall on the couch. It’s like blood is circulating again into your veins, your skin going back its initial colour. 
Jungkook is puzzled, like he doesn’t understand why it would be so dramatic for you. “I went around town after I grabbed some stuff from my place.” It’s crazy but he feels sorry for you. “I’m sorry for worrying you” he trails off, scanning your face some more. He has no idea how to react to a stranger panicking over his disappearance. His own family doesn’t panic when he doesn’t show up. He is lost as to why you would be so affected by anything related to him when no one else barely does.
You snort, not mad at him. You’re high on his smell and it’s all that counts. “It’s okay.” Your eyes find his, and his tilted head looks like it’s searching for any sign of discomfort. He only stares back, with eyes way too shiny for someone as dark as him. He looks candid, like he has everything to discover and it’s a mystery how he turned out thinking about the worst.  You have no idea what he might be thinking - excepted that you’re probably out of your mind for reacting like this but he doesn’t question your intentions, for whatever reasons. You finally notice the papers and decide to move on before it gets too disturbing to deal with. “What are you doing?” you nod toward the torn pieces of paper and point a finger at the pile stacking up next to his crossed legs.
He swiftly puts it under his leg. “Nothing. Did you just come back from work?” He tries to change the subject. His voice gets higher and you instantly decipher his anxiety. He isn’t good with facing his own problems and it’s way too early to go into deep talks about lyrics and melodies. He might have agreed to a crazy proposition, but that doesn’t mean he is going to open to you. At least not now.
“I looked for you all over the place.” You admit because it’s a normal thing to do when somebody is in distress. Jungkook is dumbfounded.
“Why would you do this?” The situation in itself is already crazy enough as it is. He doesn’t mind you being friendly with him, even though he is pretty sure he doesn’t need it, but to the point of being dead worried for him?
“You were about to throw yourself off a bridge. I don’t know what kind of life you’ve been living but it’s pretty normal to freak out when something like that happens.” Your outburst shocks him. He doesn’t understand the impact of his actions over his surroundings. He has always thought he was just a detail in everyone else’s lives. 
It has always been this way. He writes in the shadow for people to shine. Him not being here shouldn’t matter to anyone. 
“It’s my business. I’m staying here because I have nothing left and it’s easier than staying in my empty apartment and facing my failures. It doesn’t mean we have to care about each other.” Jungkook doesn’t want to sound mean but he has to make it clear to you. His distress is by no mean a way to ask for anyone’s pity. He refused to add anyone into that mess, let alone a stranger.
It’s obvious, in a way. You know it’s stupid but this scent, it’s making you go wild. You can’t let it pass until you know what it is.
So you agree, taking the same tone and hoping your voice isn’t wavering. “I’m not here for you, I’m worried about another human being wanting to end his life. If it gives you the illusion that I care, I’m sorry about that.” You get up and you sound mad, something Jungkook notices as soon as you close the door a bit too violently.
No matter how mesmerising his scent is, he is apparently not that friendly. You’re not hurt by his words, because you don’t care enough personally to be affected. You’re being selfish, only thinking about your own benefit and what his scent could bring into your life. Jeon Jungkook himself doesn’t pull you in at all. He is someone you barely know anyways.
He doesn’t move from his spot in the living-room until later that night. He suddenly has too many things to write and too little time on his hands. He decides to stop when his wrist starts to hurt and his body hits the mattress of his new bedroom like a bag of sand hits the ground.
He feels at ease in the small room. Wood is covering the floor, and it is the same colour as the tiny office by the window. The view is peaceful, with buildings popping up from the floor like mushrooms and lights festooning the city in tiny dots. The bed is large and thick with soft bedding. The scent of the washing powder turns Jungkook into a nostalgic boy when he rolls into the bed, stretching his sore limbs. He feels even more stupid for feeling comfort in a seemingly empty room. 
He falls asleep right away, exactly 10 seconds after you do. You’re both too exhausted to care about each other, but you both know you’re no strangers to your own common serenity.
And just like you understand the importance of his presence for your brain to function, he notices he needs your place to exist in his creative yet tortured mind. As stupid and as hard to believe as it is.
When you get up the day after, you see him by the kitchen’s table. He is sipping on orange juice that is not yours, and munching on toasts you definitely didn’t buy.
You go to the coffee machine, your head too cloudy to deal with his strong presence.
He speaks first “Want some juice?”. He is trying to make it up to you for his cold behaviour. He just isn’t used to being around you yet. He isn’t used being around anyone yet.
Also, he is the worst when he composes. He needs absolute concentration.
You sip on the hot liquid and nod his way. He hands you a glass with an unreadable face.
“Have a nice day.” He doesn’t know why he says it. He tries to be nice, because there’s nothing much to say to someone you met two days ago. Maybe his pride spoke for him yesterday, or maybe he decided to accept the hand of a stranger, because it’s less burdening than accepting his failures to his entourage. 
You drink the fresh juice fast and walk away. “Thank you.” It is too hard to be rational right now, because the smell seems even stronger now. You probably come off as rude when you don’t reciprocate his words but you don’t dwell on it; that boy isn’t going to accept any sort of compassion anyways.
You enter the bathroom and get hit by the scent of his shower gel. Not that scent either.
You get ready at the same time as you build your resolve. Motivation is the key so maybe if you believe in you and your assistant, things might work out. Jimin is already here when you arrive, his citrus smell filling you from the first floor to the lab. He is joyful, like he found something awesome.
“Boss! Have a sit, come come!” His thin hand adds a tiny pressure to your back, leading you to your office.
“What’s happening?” You barely have the time to comprehend; he is already putting a sample in front of your noise.
You freeze.
“Wh-where did you find t- t- this ?” You utter, immediately thrown off by the odour.
“I was looking through essences this morning, and I thought we could start with a base, just to see what we could make of it. It’s...”
“Winter fir and Balsam*.” You conclude. Everything in this base is satisfying but the most important detail is that you remember this base. You smelled it this morning when you entered the kitchen.
You smell the very distinct feelings of comfort, warmth and softness which invades you whenever you’re close to Jungkook.
Jimin added a little twist to it, tho. “You added Cottage Herb Garden**”. The latter grins at you, visibly proud of himself for coming up with such a smart idea. He too gives off that feeling of freshness that is found in that herb. It is serene and woody and gives off feelings of sweetness and sensuality. Cottage Herb Garden fragrances are made using Aldehydes synthetic scents. 
“I didn’t add much, but I thought it would go well because they both make great seasonal fragrances. I only put 8% though, how did you find out?” he looks shocked but not surprised, like he was half-expecting you to guess it yet still thought it would go unnoticed.
“The herb comes last. The earthy smell that lingers in your nose, it’s this one. Smell it again.” You tell him and he takes his time filling his nose. He closes his eyes and thinks for a moment before opening them again.
“This is Cottage Herb Garden.” You confirm and his mouth is now wide opened. He can’t believe he is working with such a talented person. 
“So, do you think we could try? I feel like we’re using a lot of Aldehydes but at the same time it feels like a soft base note…” Jimin trails off, his fingers playing with the bottles. 
You acquiesce, mind already elsewhere. It feels like the first step to Jungkook’s identity and it is energising. You take a sharp breath, startling Jimin who laughs at you because it’s like you found life again. 
“You sound satisfied.” He offers the sample along with a genuine smile and for the first time, you smile back at him, thankful.
“You did great. I wonder why they hired me when you’re doing great on your own.” It’s true. Jimin came up with extremely complex scents and came up with a base note you would have never found on your own.
Jimin rolls his eyes and decides not to answer. If only he could have a quarter of your talent. He opens his notebook and starts writing, his eyes now shiny with glee
Base notes:  Aldehydes (Synthetic) = Winter Fir  /  Cottage Herb Garden.
You put the sample in front of you and stare at it. So that was it. You smile to yourself, in a way, it’s like you can almost smell Jungkook.
You spent the rest of your day looking for another element to add to your base and when nothing comes to your mind you feel frustrated, but it’s the best you can do for now. Jimin is exhausted and snoring in a corner of the lab, his petite body squeezed between two cabinets. You shake him to wake his sleepy body and tell him to go home when you give up for the day.
It’s been so long since the last time Jungkook felt this satisfied. He didn’t go out, too engrossed into his lyrics to care about the light of the sun peeking through the opened blinds. It’s leaking off his pen, like he can’t stop the flood of ideas and he feels like a mad scientist, crazy and ecstatic. He takes a break around dinner time and when his stomach starts creating its own music.
He takes out noodles from the food he bought the day before. Living with you meant sharing a flat, but he wanted to provide his own necessities. Participating in daily life matters is only natural, after all.
His phone rings, and the caller ID makes him sigh. He is too hungry to face what is about to come, and his spent brain is screaming for rest.
He coughs, keeping his voice steady “Yes.” His tone is disillusioned. Jungkook barely gets any call nowadays, and except from work, he only knows one person who can annoy the hell out of him so much.
“You remember me? I thought depression AND amnesia hit you at once.” He wants to hang up when he hears the throaty voice. It’s heavy with judgement but then again, when is it not?
“And you wonder why I don’t call you, Yoongi-hyung.” Jungkook finishes the sentence in a sigh. Yoongi is awesome at being a nagging mother.
“You’re too busy being away I guess. Artists are such a handful.” He hears steps and after a while, Yoongi speaks again. “Where are you? I’ve been waiting in front of your flat.”
“I moved out.” Jungkook looks fine with the revelation. It’s like it’s the most natural thing in the world.
“What? Where? Why didn’t you tell me?” he hears Yoongi’s car and supposes the latter is already going back to his place. 
“It’s been two days. I’m living with a girl.” He blows hair on the steaming bowl of noodles, ignoring his friend’s deep shriek.
Yoongi doesn’t know what’s happening anymore. Jungkook leaving on an inspiration crusade is common, it’s something he does whenever he gets overwhelmed by his feelings. Never once did he actually move out to live with someone else, let alone a girl.
He doesn’t even remember when was the last time Jungkook even dated someone. “Living together as in...romantically?” he tries, suddenly wary because he expected a lot of answers, but not this one.
“I couldn’t write anymore. I’m renting a room in her apartment.” He swallows the food like he has been starving for days. There is not the slightest hint of discomfort in his voice.
Yoongi laughs after a while “You’re living with your landlord. God, Jungkook, I know you people need some sort of inspiration to exist, but to the point of living with some old lady for the sake of music...”
“She’s not old.” Jungkook has no idea why it’s the only part of the sentence he reacted to, but all of a sudden he doesn’t want anyone to make fun of the person who took him in, not when he wrote ten songs in the span of two days. Not when he feels like no one can hurt him in your quiet kitchen.
“Anyways. Lunch with me tomorrow, how does that sound? Shall I check on that woman you’re living with ? How much is she charging you ? Aren’t you being scammed?”
“I can’t.” Jungkook sighs, ignoring the numerous questions because this is so typical of Yoongi to make sure no one is messing with him. “I have to eat with my parents, don’t tell them that I moved out.”
“You have always been doing everything you wanted anyways, what would it change if he was to know?”
Because he is going to crush me down like fine dust.
It has always been the same, and no matter how successful he was at some point, his father was never satisfied. Not when music is not a certain source of income, not when reputation comes before everything else.
 “I’m hanging up.” He announces once panic overtakes him and hears his friend objects, telling him he will meet with him no matter what.
It’s not like he doesn’t want to see him. It’s just complicated. Jungkook has always been different from others. He was raised with Yoongi and they had the same nanny when they were young. The age difference rapidly made Yoongi turn into the older brother as time passed, and while he was the one introducing Jungkook to music making, he quickly stopped to take over his family’s business. He never explained to him how he drifted from music, but he is now all about business.  Their respective parents were and still are too busy to deal with education, and while Yoongi grew up like the sharks his father works with, he took after a quieter side, the one that tells him to do what he wants instead of chasing money.
Yoongi often tells him he is a fool, that he doesn’t need anything else if he can have a bright future with his father’s company. He often answers that he doesn’t want to work without a purpose, and Yoongi always tells him to stop being a hypocrite and rely on his father’s money if he was to spit on it.
It’s true, Jungkook doesn’t know struggling. He was born in a rich family with a lot of possibilities. He was able to become a lyricist after a lot of failures, and his parents never gave up on him financially. This is probably why he is so affected when he can’t write. He doesn’t know how to deal with difficulties, he who lived with all the good things of the world.
He hears the door opening and your sore body appears before him, surprised to see him home. It’s like you were expecting him to run away, again. You don’t speak when you see him, mouth full of noodles and wearing the same clothes you left him in this morning. The silence is thick, oxygen heavy with uneasiness. Jungkook blinks, slurping on the noodles before wiping his mouth hastily.
“Want some noodles?” It’s hard to catch on the words, but he moves the bowl in front of him, and you understand. 
You nod.
No matter how strong the smell of seafood is, his scent always wins over everything else. You decide to stay close because you’re slowly deciphering his smell, and you need more time to know where you’re going.
He goes to the cupboard like he has been living here for years and fills another bowl before sitting back. You’re surprised by his sudden gentleness but brush the worries off. You’re supposed to feel weirded by the fact that an unknown man is now living with you, but none of you are freaked out.
Jungkook is too happy to be productive again. You’re too drawn into your memories to stop everything.
You sit in front of him and after a couple of minutes, he speaks. It takes you out of the now soggy food.
“What’s your job?” Jungkook sounds interested, but you know he is only trying to ease the mood.
“I’m a perfume composer.” You decide not to dig further into the matter. It’s a peculiar world, something that only a few people can relate to. Most people think you mix synthetic molecules into expensive glass bottles, wrapped in glitters and hidden into luxury boxes with frills and furbelows.
And you get offended, knowing fully well that it’s exactly what you think you’re doing.
Jungkook doesn’t sound impressed, you’re not surprised by that. 
“Sounds complex.” It is. It truly is, and even more when he is entering your every pore. You don’t know if you’ll ever get used to it.
“It’s not.” you lie, “How about you?” His face lits subtly, and he seems shy all of a sudden. You don’t know this side of him yet, and you wonder where his emo behaviour went.
He coughs, putting the bowl down. “I’m a lyricist. I write lyrics and sometimes I compose, but I mostly write.”
 “That sounds complex.” You muse. Jungkook is a tormented artist, then. It explains why he keeps on dreaming on bridges like he is filming a music video.
“Sometimes it’s complex, sometimes it’s a matter of course. I’ve been having a blackout recently.” It’s a confession, and he doesn’t know why he is sharing such a deep problem with you, a stranger.
You forget about the food “That’s why you were surrounded by torn papers.”
He chuckles. “Exactly. I’m getting there, though.”
It feels different to deal with such an open Jungkook. He chats like you’re close, smiles sometimes, he is almost glowing.
That evening you learn that he uses a pen name to write lyrics. He doesn’t want to tell you, but you know too little about the music industry and he finally spills the beans.
It sounds like some mysterious pen name used by thriller writers but you don’t tell him that. Instead, you decide to go to bed. No matter how comfortable you both seem, you’re not ready to share the part about you being addicted to his scent. He goes to his spot near the small table in your living-room and his hand goes back to a wild dance, covering the blank paper with ink. He is inspired.
He goes to bed right when you get up the day after and wakes up late for his lunch with his parents.
It’s not like he is eager to meet with them.
Plants. Plants plants plants. You look through the samples with haste. You know it has something to do with nature. The base note has to be about something else.
“What are you doing?” You smell Jimin the minute he opens the door, but you don’t let yourself be interrupted. You know you sound like a stalker, but you might or might not have smelled Jungkook’s jacket this morning, and you are sure of a thing: there is only one element left to create a frank base.
You don’t know when you switched from creating a perfume to reproduce his scent, but it doesn’t matter.
“All the samples are here, right?” The organ is huge and cabinets full, but it’s not enough for you. Jimin throws his vest on one of the chairs and approaches you, stifling a yawn.
“Yes. I think that’s quite a lot, actually.” He peeks from behind your shoulder, and sees your hands going through the numerous bottles, unsatisfied.
“No. No. These are generic scents. You don’t have any rare roots names, you forgot a lot of exotic fruits and most importantly, you don’t have anything uncommon.” 
Jimin makes a face. He is not lost, he is adrift. “I’m afraid I don’t understand...”
“Tobacco abs, myrrh, resinoid, Balkans...” You talk but it sounds like a whole new language even for your assistant.
“Well, we have listed a lot of names. Most of them were used by previous composers, but we added more. I didn’t think it needed that much to be completed.” He knows about perfumes, he has a lot of knowledge, but you’re suddenly on a whole new level and can’t be reached.
You’re suddenly talking about tobacco odours and it freaks him out.
“I have a lot of these at home.” This could seriously help you. You barely use these, and most of them were sent by your father and collected on the internet. It’s the first time you can actually put them to good use because you know they could help, but you can’t bring them here.
Also, you think about how much easier it would be to just move work to an environment bathed by that scent which makes you crazy. How stimulating would it be ?
Jimin is expectant, but you don’t say more. He finally waves a worried hand in front of your face and you snap to meet his blinking eyelids.
“Let’s work from my place. This is what I often did.” Your offer makes him take a step back. He is not used to you being so devoted to this project.
“Are you sure? I don’t think the boss would object. We’ve had a few composers with weird demands before.” He doesn’t know what’s on your mind, but you’re a genius to his eyes and the mere idea of him seeing the place where you created such amazing products is electrifying. He can’t wait to know more about your ways.
“Good.” You glance around the room, “I don’t like this atmosphere.” You don’t mind if Jimin sees your place. At some point, you’re pretty much sure you could go with anything as long as you find the missing pieces of this conundrum. 
You’re aware that you’re turning into an obsessional mess, but it feels pleasant to have a goal. This goes beyond everything you experienced, it gives you a fuel you didn’t know you could have.
You take the day to gather some samples and ask Jimin to let the boss know about your change of plans. At the end of the day, he helps you carry the numerous samples home. You’re a happy mind, torn between apprehension and excitement.
You open the door and Jungkook sees two huge boxes enter the living-room. He is rubbing a towel against his wet hair but he catches your box before you can let it crash to the ground. Jimin lets his own fall with a soft thud and you’re startled when you hear a dismayed squeal, along with Jimin’s shocked face, his finger pointing at a puzzled Jungkook.
* Winter Fir and Balsam : This redolent mixture of refreshing natural pine mingled with a sweet, peppery, delicately refined and soft base note of balsam has a soothing and warm character. It evokes particular feelings of warmth and comfort. The mind’s eye (and nose) recalls Christmas trees and sleigh rides and happy times by a fireside or even in a small apartment among special friends or family.
** Cottage Herb Garden : Sparkling blue waters, gentle summer winds and cozy brick cottages nestled in the lush, serene English countryside characterised this green floral scent. Enticing notes of sweet, earthy, star anise, fresh basil, grassy parsley, aromatic wild flowers, fresh garden greens and a woodsy, sensual musk base note comprise this complex aroma.
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superhealthcbd · 3 years
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Thanks For Reading
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jessica-read · 4 years
Jess walked up from the beach after an afternoon of swimming and enjoying the sun on a spectacular and secluded beach in Sa Coma, on the east coast of Majorca. She was proud of her looks and the stunning English woman on holiday had gotten her share of cat-calls in the town and decidedly favorable looks from the men who walked past as she read her book and occasionally checked her email to be sure all was well back home. She also garnered friendly smiles from several women and decidedly frostier looks from women who seemed nonplussed at their men's obvious attraction to her sensual curves.
She arrived at her hotel after a 5 minute walk along the perfectly white sand, made herself a reservation for dinner at a nearby restaurant and then headed up to her room to wash away sunscreen in a luxurious sunken bathtub and make herself up before going out. Jess remembered the days when makeup was really not an option if she cared to be accepted in the world. Jess's flawlessly feminine face had come only after significant effort, for years, full makeup had been mandatory to cover her beard, and then with time, dozens of appointments for laser and electrolysis hair removal.
This evening however, she loved that she could apply those skills she'd learned for hiding an unwelcome part of herself, to rather lightly brighten and accentuate her feminine features. If Jess's work kept her from being as social as she would like, she had learned to be far more confident than in her past that her looks eased the path of the social time she did have.
In just a couple of minutes she had applied a translucent foundation, accentuated her eyes, opening them up, applied minimal blush and a brilliant shade of red for a classic, simple look. Satisfied, she adjusted her lingerie, a brand new white bridal set from Aubade, checked that her stockings were set just right and then donned a designer white dress covered with black polka dots, the skirt met the bodice a bit high, making for an appearance of even longer legs than she'd been blessed with. The tops of her white stockings were never at risk of exposure, her pretty bust was displayed to good effect, the dress's scoop neckline showed no hint of her balconette brassiere, which accentuated her bust beautifully without offering provocation.
Jess's hair had a natural wave, her hair fell about her shoulders, framing her face in shimmering golden brunette lock. Jess put in her brilliant pearl solitare earrings, clipped on a matching neclace and finished her outfit, picking up her small black clutch and stepping from her flats into 4" Louboutin heels. The red of the soles was a nice contrast to the red of her satin lipstick. She applied a touch of Coco Mademoiselle to her pulse points and enjoyed the sharp citrus oriental which blended well with her feminine scent.
Jess walked into the beautiful hotel lobby, built in solid stone with Venetian glass accents and the lingering scent of rich coffee over the waxed hardwood floors. Her heels clicked subtly against the dark wood and as she exited the front doors, she passed by a strikingly handsome man who was entering. Jess smiled shyly and then blushed prettily as the man briefly made eye contact and then took in her whole appearance, head to toe, failing to hide his obvious interest. He wore a dark blue suit over a brilliant white shirt. He was just shy of 6 feet tall, just an inch over Jess's height in her stilettos.
Walking the short distance to her restaurant, Jess wondered about her fellow guest at the luxury hotel. Clearly he was some sort of executive, however he must also be on holiday, as there is no industry on Majorca. She expected he must have noticed her flush, the flustered hitch in her stride as they passed. Jess had little experience of men. As a young girl who didn't understand how she came to be trapped in a boy's body, she had always been repulsed by the boys in her school talking crudely about girls. As she grew older and the boys conjectures and boasts turned to experience, Jess turned to books, school and music. She had begun to understand that she could not continue to live as a man and that it was possible to find another way. Those were some desperate years.
Jess's family wasn't accepting at first. In time, the slightly built girl did get to know a sensitive friend, Sadie, who shared her interest in history and the young woman was open to Jess's gender and she eventually asked Jess if she might think she was a girl? Initially shocked, and yet inwardly she felt an immediate relief that fir the first time she could remember, Jess felt seen, and no less by a woman as pretty as she hoped to be someday. They quickly became and remained fast friends and over the years as Sadie helped Jess gain a little understanding of the romance that happened between men and women. Sadie had a small crush on Jess, and accepted that as Jess came into her own, it was clear that she was attracted to men.
Jess did learn a little about romance from Sadie, the first thing was how it felt to have someone see you and care and she cherished that. As she confessed to Sadie that she was beginning to be attracted to a boy in their Junior year of high school, Jess realized a new thing in her young life. She had a strong desire to be cared for and her first crush was as strong as any young girl's. Jess and Sadie talked about what they might enjoy in a relationship, Sadie taught Jess how to kiss and they fumbled a little through the mechanics of how Jess might submit to her crush's attention if only he would notice her. Jess was flushed after their "lessons" and she realized that Sadie's attentions went a bit beyond teaching and she had to ask Sadie to stop as she knew she could never reciprocate the more experienced girl's affections. Sadie was crushed and yet each knowing the other had an entirely unrequited affection for someone unavailable, their friendship was not lessened.
As they went off to university, Jess had begun to occupy herself with plans to transition. They wound up at different schools, and their friendship remained strong and they would write to each other weekly. Jess did well in school and the summer after her senior year she had been on feminizing hormones for 3 years, she was now finally ready for her gender confirmation surgery. Because she'd been so fully occupied between studies and the demands of transition, she had had no time to explore relationships or casual romance. She had frequent enough suitors, and never the desire for reciprocating a man's interest. Remembering this past, Jess walked slowly and reflected that finally she felt fully ready for love and romance and realized that even more than her busy career, her shyness and inexperience kept her from seeking that.
What she had learned was to be intimate with herself. After so many years of feeling mostly disassociated from her body, a few months after her surgery, Jess had been laying in bed after watching a new romantic comedy, ready for sleep. That night she'd chosen one of her prettier nightgowns, a babydoll in silky taffeta and rolling to her stomach, her breasts feeling heavy under the weight of her body, still fresh from an earlier bath, she felt her nipples harden. The film had been silly, yet a few of it's moments had touched her more deeply and she'd felt both a slight tearing in her eyes and warmth in her vagina.
Now, laying in bed, feeling aroused again, she had rolled a bit to her side, lifted her hand to her breast and immediately felt a flood of warmth and a new tightness centered on her clitoris. She had reached down at first tentatively and touched herself there and in that moment, she'd felt something completely new. Jess proceeded to lay prone, her head tucked like a small bird's into her shoulder stroking herself through her silken underwear, then reaching inside to feel her wetness flowing.
After that night, she continued to explore. She did not find release, when she got to a certain excitement, she always found she began to lose control of her hands. She also didn't mind. What she had discovered was a deeper, more lasting pleasure than anything she'd even imagined and a small voice told her that what she craved most was to experience orgasm at the hands of a lover. She did, in any case, begin to understand her body, treasure her response and another part of her wondered how would she ever come to share this with a lover?
Arriving at her restaurant, Jess, was asked to sit at the bar as her table was ready. She sipped a celebratory glass of sharp, flinty sancerre. Her mood a bit wistful, wishing her first big holiday could be spent with a special beau. Just as that thought crossed her mind, the handsome gentleman from her hotel sat just down the bar from her. Surprised, she smiled and her smile was returned. Jess's heart skipped several beats ash she slightly panicked as the man stood and walked over to introduce himself, "Hello miss, I'm so glad to run across you so soon after seeing you in the hotel foyer!, I'm John Michaels, may I ask your name and maybe join you for a glass of wine?".
Once again surprised, Jess found herself nodding and she simply said "I'm Jess, I'd love to sit with you while they prepare my table". He ordered a chardonnay and asked what brought her to Majorca. Of course they were both taking solo holidays, both were early into challenging careers and celebrating important projects just finished. Jess was in a sense terrified and yet this also felt like the culmination of a long journey. Almost completely inexperienced, nonetheless here she was, enjoying a conversation with John; she felt attracted to him and was amazed that conversation just seemed to flow, and even the silences in their conversation felt comfortable.
The Maitre d’ approached and told Jess her table was ready. She looked to John and asked “would you like to join me for dinner?”. John replied enthusiastically “Yes, please.” and the Maitre d’ nodded and lead them to a table set for two.
Looking over their menus, they talked about the Spanish menu and quickly agreed on what to order and what they wanted to share in. That done and wine ordered, the settled in and John asked her “Would you tell me a bit about yourself?”
Jess sighed, smiled and replied “Sure, there’s not a whole lot to tell”, thinking to herself “and maybe more than he’ll want to hear”. She proceeded to relate her schooling, talked about her bookish tendencies, her hobbies and her new and satisfying career. They traded some thoughts on work life in the new millennium, John being easily 10 years older than Jess, had seen a bit more change in his professional life. They found a lot in common in their tastes for food, art and other leisure time and continued to talk over their first course.
As that was cleared, Jess decided it was time to let her companion know up front that she was not a cisgender woman. She knew too many men and women who’d been rejected for being trans and indirectly of the dangers of a romantic partner finding out someone was trans after the fact. With a gulp and a small frown she said “I should tell you something”. John was a perceptive guy and caught the change in her demeanor, wondering what news this beautiful woman was going to drop.
Jess started “Because I’m attracted to you, and you’ve been fairly clear in your interest in me, I feel I should share this up front. I’m quite flattered you like me and this can be a deal breaker for a lot of men so I want you to know that I’m a transgender woman. I don’t know if that is something I need to explain and I’m glad to if you want”.
John replied “Thank you for telling me and I can easily be clear, I’m completely enraptured already in who you are. I’m glad you told me and I’d like to assure you, you didn’t need to. I am not ambivalent to transition status, in that I’ve already decided I like you and that’s all I need to know. I hope you’ll feel free to share as little or as much additionally about transition as you wish.”
Jess felt an amazing wave of relief, worry over the need to navigate these disclosures wasn’t a small part of why she’d long avoided dating and she was deeply relieved that on her first time, it seemed to have gone so easily. She said “Ok, wow, I’m relieved and thank you for understanding, I have to say at the very least I was expecting to have to do some explaining. Let’s leave it at that for now and when and if we get more intimate, I’ll certainly want to share how my path got me to where we are today.”
The proceeded to eat a marvelous meal and talked about their lives, a little about families, a lot about university and work. They didn’t share a lot of exact interests or activities, and yet there were overlaps and Jess felt that they shared a certain sympatico which had warmed considerably after her disclosure. She was glad that he clearly didn’t warm to her the way she had seen some men had, clearly fantasizing about an exotic body. Perhaps even more, she was glad he hadn’t asked if she had had gender confirmation surgery. Jess was entirely surprised it had gone so smoothly. She’d talked to so many sexually active trans friends who’d had nightmarish experiences, she felt happy and a bit lucky tonight.
Having finished their dinner, John asked if he could walk Jess back to their hotel. Elated, she inclined her head, and smiled, assenting. They walked slowly, listening to the music ringing out from a nearby nightclub, the soft rhythm of small waves finding the white beach and the occasional night bird singing out. Pausing to call Jess's attention to the blanket of stars a-shimmer over their heads, John took her hand in his and said "Jessica, you are an amazing woman and I'm so glad we've met". Jess smiled, nodded her head and replied "Thank You kind sir, I have rarely felt much special except in negative ways, I feel you're too kind?".
At that, John gently pulled her to him, leaned down and slowly wrapping his arm behind her, pulled her close enough that her breasts touched his chest. He moved slowly and with deliberation, allowing her many slow moments to pull away. Jess's heart was racing and much as she could not believe this was happening, it also felt like finally turning the corner on a path encompassing a couple of decades. She met his eyes, nervously parted her lips and then looked down as he leaned over to kiss her.
Jess was shocked at the electricity she felt throughout her body as their lips met. A warmth built in her abdomen. John's tongue sought hers and she responded to her first kiss since experimenting with Sadie and the first time ever that she truly wanted the overture she was receiving. Their kiss lasted and developed more passion and soon Jess began to feel that warmth in her core expand both to a flush across her chest and a distinct throbbing and flow of weness under her lacy underthings.
Her new beaux's hands moved smoothly to her thigh and to cradle the back of her head, pulling her hps to him and gently easing her head back, he began to kiss all over her face and neck, gentle yet also firm and assertive. Just as Jess was certain she was ready to give in to this moment, John felt that in her response and now lifted his hand up her torso, feeling her curves, Jess realized he must be noting the outlines of her fancy knickers, suspender and brassiere. Johns hand stopped at the swell of her breasts and closed, controlling her body through the soft fabric and firm yielding flesh.
Jess gasped and sought his mouth with hers, her reservations swept aside, she craved being taken by this calmly assertive man, now it was her pelvis that sought out his, feeling his hardness, she mewed and turned her lips towards his, mewling a little as she did and reading her desire he returned his mouth to hers and began a kiss more passionate than the last. Now John's hand shifted from her head down her body to lift the hem of her dress where he caressed her over the top of her stocking and slowly moved up toward her center. Now Jess was completely overwhelmed, throwing caution to the wind she welcomed submission to this attractive, sensitive man.
And just as quickly they slowed as they heard a group of voices, both men and women approaching on the other side of a line of trees. Gently, John slowed and afraid for a moment, Jess found herself glad of the interruption. For all the desire she felt to give in to the moment, she didn't want others to see her in dishabille, even on a romantic dark night in the Spanish Med. Their passion momentarily cooled, Jess met John's eyes, pulling away a fraction, she also leaned in to kiss him affirmatively. She knew she was ready to submit to what this man wanted for them this evening. As they kissed, John took her hand again and then said to her "Can I take you back to your room, or mine?".
Jess hesitated a fraction as the butterflies moved up from her belly to her chest, and then hesitantly answered "Yes, let's go to mine, please". Still holding hands they walked back to the road and along it under brass lamps and palm trees and a deep black Mediteranean sky, studded with stars.
Crossing back through the entrance where they'd met, Jess felt yet another small realization, she'd already had so many firsts tonight, a first kiss in passion, a first romantic date, her first experience of someone taking her to a place of pleasure. Now she was walking into a hotel with a man she'd met that very evening, past the desk staff and concierge, almost unbearably conscious that these were witnesses to her crossing a threshold with a significance only she knew -- was likely to be the loss of her virginity.
Jess was conscious of blushing and had a moment of fear that all those people would see her redness. And then, as quickly, she let go. Jess was 24, an adult and had worked diligently for a dozen years to make this reality possible. Still, feeling the butterflies, she was determined to own this moment.
In the elevator, she pressed the button for her floor, the fifth and then moved closer to John and lifted her lips for another kiss. She certainly didn't feel fully confident, however she had learned in university and her career that when she knew she'd put in the work to be ready for a thing, then doubts were best dispelled by taking the single step.
At her floor, they stepped out together and she turned toward her room, slipped the key into the old door and turned the lock. John gently pushed the door open and let her lead the way where she turned on one light dim by the bed, then turned off all the others and stepped to him. John said "are you OK, do you want to make love tonight?". Jess nodded her head emphatically and said quietly yet firmly "Yes, I am, please".
John now sat on the bed and motioned for her to come to him, she slipped off her heels and offered her mouth to his which he took passionately. Once again, his tongue sought out hers, she now turned her hands to his strong shoulders, down over his body, steadying herself as she felt anything but steady inside. It was as if her usually steady center had been replaced by an uncertain landscape and she enjoyed using him as a new center for her gravity.
John now reached to Jess's back and found the zipper to her dress. Gently opening the fastening, he caressed her back and she again felt her core go liquid hot and held him tight to steady herself. As the field of black dots over white slid down her body to crumple about her legs, John gasped as if he had never seen as lovely a sight. Jess was aware also that against her lightly tanned skin, the pearls, the bridal-white lace lingerie was brilliant and framed her curves so well, she had no doubt she was desirable.
Once again he took her firmly in his hands, one on her left breast, another on her waist and felt her quiver at his touch, then gently guided her to sit beside him on the bed. John stoold and began to disrobe himself. His body was barely tanned as he removed his shirt. His physique was beautiful, reasonably chiseled and yet he did not look like a gym addict. Next he removed his shoes and socks, set them carefully away from the bed and then, unfastening his belt, stripped off his trousers and underwear togther.
Jess took in his body and was glad he was so handsome. She didn't require this, and at the same time, didn't mind, she also immediately took in that his penis was not small and was semi-erect, a little intimidated, she was also drawn to it, aching to discover what it would be like as they made love. She pulled back the coverlet and sheets and moved herself to lay on the bed on her side, making it clear she wanted him to now take the lead. He now moved beside her, moved her hand to her hip, kissed her hard and urged her to lay back for him.
Jess melted into the bed as she felt her first man move over her, his manhood hanging down to graze her hip as he placed a leg between hers to nudge her to slightly part them, making way for him. He traced his lips down to her breasts and kissed, taking them in his hands to let her know he considered the sensitive flesh to be his property and then pulled his thumbs up to lightly roll her already hard nipples, electrifying them and sending a jolt down to her pussy. Rubbing his now fully erect shaft aginst the mound between her legs, he returned to her mouth and took his ownership, penetrating her lips with his tongue. Jess's pelvis now rocked to meet his motions and for a while they simply kissed like that as she became more aroused by the moment. John brought her hand to his shaft now and let her feel its silken covered hardness, its weight and told her to stroke him. She complied eagerly and she realized that right then what she wanted most was for him to penetrate her.
John had a different plan. slowly pulling away he now knelt between her legs slipped his fingers under her lace white underwear, and, urging her to lift her hips, pulled the high waisted garment off and down her legs. He then brought his face to her mound and used his tongue and lips to begin teasing her into a place she had wanted and yet not fully imagined. John wandered over her flesh, nibbling here, probing there, seeking for her clitoris and finding it caressing her body with his hands as he drove her towards ecstasy with his mouth. He traced her suspender belt, up and down her stocking clad leg as Jess began to writhe and again, rock her hips to meet him. Now he added first one and then two fingers inside her, lightly exploring her wetness, learning her response before taking her the way they both knew she wanted and now urgently needed.
Jess could feel an orgasm was close. and wanting it, she also now wanted her lover to make her his by taking her as she had always imagined being taken by a lover. As if by command, he now rose and sat up to caress her breasts and look into her eyes. "Are you ready for me Jess?, may I take your virginity?". "Yes, please John" she said, "I can't believe this is happening and yes it's what I want". He took her head in his left hand, holding her by her long hair and then taking his shaft in his other hand, brought it to her entrance, which was slick with her arousal, he rubbed the head slowly into her, lubricating himself and a the same time bringing a gasp from her, followed by a quiet moan "Yes, oh John, please take me now" she said.
leaning forward, he now ran himself up and down over Jess's clitoris, making them both even more ready and then let himself slowly into her. He held himself back a bit, watching her closely as he filled her a little at a time and seeing that she winced a little and then moaned again in deep pleasure, he finished filling her. Now John slowly stroked inside Jess, taking pleasure as she parted her legs farther and made room for him to take her more deeply, her white stockings against his skin and then her breasts being lightly crushed as he lowered himself to embrace her tightly and began to thrust harder. Jess moaned and was vaguely aware of her gladness that the walls were stone and anyone in an adjacent room would be unlikely to hear her ecstacy. As he felt her arousal build, he continued to penetrate her deeply, faster, slower, more or less deeply yet always insistent on seeking pleasure for both of them.
Soon Jess felt an inevitable climax upon her. Lost from any sense of control, completely wrapped up in this beautiful man taking her for both his pleasure and hers, she now began to quiver and then her orgasm exploded from her core and out to her whole body. She was a goddess, clad in virginal lace being driven to a height she could only experience. Oblivious to all around her, she held this man to her as he took her forcefully. She nearly lost consciousness and, feeling her slow and relax, for the moment spent, he now slowed and simply rested inside her as she rode out the after-shocks of her first orgasm.
John now wanted to take his weight off of his beautiful new lover and he easily rolled over, still filling her and handily flipped her astride himself. Already rousing from her bliss Jess knew she wanted one more thing, to see him finish and to take him into herself again as he did. She smiled and said "Oh my, that was amazing and I don't think you have come yet, can we continue?".
Smiling back, John nodded. He held her by her waist and began to thrust again. Jess immediately felt her pleasure rise again and sensed that now John was ready to take his own from her. Indeed, his hands now roamed down over her suspender belt and stockings, yet again tracing the curves of the lingerie, her broad hips and then back to hold her breasts. She was amazed to now find her new lover was fully suspending her weight in his strong arms. While she was astride, there was no doubt that he was in control and he now entered her at the pace he wanted, caressing where he would and taking his pleasure in her body. Jess felt deliciously used, wanted and above all controlled, now she was a plaything for his pleasure. Again, she moaned without control and while she could feel his climax was coming, in her rapture at being so completely controlled, she now orasmed again.
Jess now went virtually limp as John continued to penetrate her and lowered her down to him to kiss her deeply as he finished their coupling. She was little more than a rag doll now, her second orgasm released and now echoing in after-shocks receding as he finally built to his finish. Jess felt him explode inside her and the shred of consciousness she kept hold of now coalesced in a sense of pride that she was strong enough to allow herself to be used for a lover's pleasure.
Now they collapsed together. Jess had 5 days left to her holiday and she knew she would spend much of that with John. She drifted off thinking to herself: "my lover".
Written by @sadies-musings
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addictedtomanga · 4 years
Shoujo manga recommendations - one shot
1.      Adele to Darius
Adele was just another maltreated slave girl being sold at the country market. She was sold one day to become an addition to the harem of the country’s King of Cruelty. Rumor has it that the once the King takes a slave girl for the night, he then executes her in the morning. Once in the harem, she sees that all girls who are called into the King’s chamber really do not return. To fight against this fate, Adele resolves to volunteer to be called to the King’s chamber and find out the truth. But things are not what they seem…
2.      Ao no Rhapsodia
There's a legend about a lost continent of gold and only one man has successfully made his way through the treacherous waters to that continent. The man entrusted the map to the lost continent to his daughter, Allegra Reese, making her the prime target for every pirate on Edythe Island.
3.      Banken Toki Doki Ookami
A lamb surrounded by wolves gets a guard dog. But is the guard dog the most dangerous wolf of them all?!
4.      Bitter Trap (Takagi Shigeyoshi)
Nanao came from a rich family before their business failed. Now the only hope for her family to pay off their debts is if she can cement a marriage with the prestigious Takatsuki family within a week. How will Nanao overcome this problem when one of the three eligible Takatsuki men is her former arrogant schoolmate, Yoshito, who completely distrusts people? And did we forget to mention that Nanao is already the ninety-ninth candidate for the position of future wife?!
5.      Black Coffee (Nakano Emiko)
How does a girl declared by her childhood friend to be gloomy and anti-social transform into a cutie “as sweet as sugar” and every boy’s dream? And does every boy really dream of girls “as sweet as sugar”? Or is the rich and deep taste of coffee better than sugary glitter? The story of a girl who may not be sweet, but sure is as addictive as black coffee!
6.      Defense Bakari No Koi Ja Dame
Nao is seen by her classmates as the "Cool Queen", however, she is just extremely shy. How will she deal with suddenly becoming the basketball's temporary manager?!
7.      Egaku Nara Happy Ending 
It's a story about Makoto Nosu and Yusuke Moriyama who have been together for 6 years since junior high school. They are about to finish high school and enter college so they decided to break up since they will be going to different colleges that's far from one another.What happens to their relationship then? 
8.      Fly High! (Mitsuki Kako)
Asuka, the ace of the volleyball club is training to become the best. But there's the devil coach, Nagano...
9.      Gyu... tte shite ii?
I just clean up the club room and threw away trashes! but then he hugged me and "Become my pillow" is what he suddenly ordered me to do...?!
10.  Itazura na Ningyo
The love story between two childhood friends and the magical legend of a mermaid can grant a wish of unrequited love
11.  In the Chocolate
A collection of oneshots.
12.  Kaibutsu-san ni Rei
At the Christmas training camp, Yuzuki was paired up with no other than... that guy?!
13.  Kimi wa Tomodachi
He was always by my side. ... So, I thought that I certainly won't fall in love with him.
14.  Kira Kira Namida
Yuuma is taciturn and no one knows what she’s thinking. But then, she’ll meet someone that will change that…
15.  Kiss to Koukai
A collection of oneshots.
16.  Koakuma no Jikku
She was an accomplished fashion model, but her blunt, straight forward attitude drove wedges between her and the rest of the world. She just didn't know how to lie in the least, and when she caught the eye of a famous stylist seeking the face for a new major brand of cosmetic, it promised to be the beginning... or the end... of everthing. Can she manage to not alienate the presumptuous company 'nobility', because if she does, this time it's her whole agency that's going to pay.
17.  Koi wa Beniiro
Beniko, an old fashioned high-school girl is suddenly forced to eat lunch with the new teacher in charge, Nomoto-sensei…
18.  Meikyuu Yaburi no Hananusubito
Arisawa Kei’s life seems rather bleak until she notices a strange man staring at her on the way to school. Hakamada Ryuuhei, an En specialist who can see and tie or cut threads of fate, tells her that she has “death-bringer” threads on her hands. But what does that mean to Kei, who doesn’t believe in En or luck?
19.  Melodramatic Library
A teacher at Kanae's school has been fired for having an affair with a student. Then, a hot new librarian comes in… Kanae falls in love with the new librarian. However, she sees a ring on his finger...?
20.  Mijuku na Bokura
Even if they are only friends, she wants to be something else... Can it change the relationship that they have? Or will she be conformed to be just friends?
21.  Mitsubachi Hakushaku to Hana no Dress
Dahlia is the only female dressmaker in Galleria. She kidnapped and commissioned by the infamous "Honeybee Earl", who is known to jump from woman to woman like a capricious bee jumps from flower to flower, to make the ultimate wedding dress for his fiancee. Can Dahlia complete the dress without getting stung by the Honeybee Earl?
22.  Murasame-kun na Tawagoto
Chika has always seen Murasame-kun as a rival who manages to constantly piss her off. While wondering out loud to herself, her sister whom overhears Chika, gives her a perfume necklace which supposedly able to capture a guy's heart. The next day, Chika bumps into Murasame-kun and spills all the perfume. As she begins to apologize, he suddenly asks her out!?
23.  Once Again, I'd Like to Love You/Mou Ikkai
A high school girl runs into her ex-boyfriend at a train station and the two reconnect.
24.  Narabuna Kiken
Miku and Natsume have always been fighting with each other until Natsume suddenly asks Miku to pretend to be his girlfriend!!! At first, Miku is quite opposed to the idea, but slowly… This mismatched couple, of a super tall guy and a girl often mistaken for an elementary student, fall in love.
25.  Seinaru Yoruni Oshiete Ageru 
Sakura is childish and doesn't get why everyone wants a boyfriend. A few days before the Christmas Eve, her handsome childhood friend suddenly kisses her and makes her heart race. What will she do?
26.  Sekai wa Kirai de Afureteiru
Ten and Rio are friends from the old days. they will become high school students starting from this spring, Ten stills carries a certain memory in her heart....?
27.  Shounen Aromatic
Kabuki Takitsugu is a boy who has the family trait of smell. He can smell anyone's fragrance and find their perfect match. One day, a mysterious girl named Hatsune appears before him, asking him to find a match for her. But, for some strange reason.. Hatsune doesn't have a scent.
28.  Takarazora
Yuuchi is a girl that has a passion for art.... or rather, HAD a passion for art. Because of her mother, Yuuchi had to give up her talents and love for painting. Still, she had made a promise to her baseball-loving friend, Natsu, that she'd paint a picture of him. With all hopes lost for her dreams, Yuuchi now must find the "hope" within herself to continue.
29.  Tokubetsu ni Naritai
It’s only during rainy days that Kae can get closer to Ichi, the most popular guy in the school, because he always gets under her umbrella. But Kae wants to be close to him everyday, not only during rainy days. What can she do to be special to him?
30.  Tsuki to Himawari
Asahi-kun is a carefree junior-high student, never attaching to girls even though he enjoys going with them. But when the school's number 1 honor student Mitsuki "cyborg" Konno asked him to a 1-month date, in exchange for the front row ticket to his favorite singer's concert, he was forced to accept. He only has to show her what it feels like to date, right? He is ready for that...however, what he's not prepared for was his heart's reaction...
31.  Watashi no Suki na Souma-kun
Sena is working as a maid to look after her younger brother and sister. But her employer turns out to be a guy at her school! Will she get a new job or will she get a new love?
32.  Wish Upon a Glass
Find a piece of red sea glass and your wish is sure to come true. Sachiko is searching for her own piece of red sea glass. Can it make her romantic wish come true?
33.  Wonderful Cafe ni Youkoso
A dog shop love comedy! The place where hot men and cute dogs come together!
34.  Yuuwaku Honey
To get someone as cool as you to look my way, I'll do my best with my first attempt at seduction!!
35.  Zannen Nagara Chigaimasu
He wasn't even that handsome, but when I saw him, I was captivated. He said "meet me upstairs". it seems he also feels the same because we're now signing a marriage registration form?!
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firstdegreefangirl · 4 years
Love Starts With a Toothbrush
Word Count: 3772
Original Pub Date: 5 June 2020
Relationships: Evan Buckley/Eddie Diaz
Author’s Notes: I really should be banned from listening to country radio in the car, but this is completely and utterly inspired by Brad Paisley’s song “Toothbrush.” If you haven’t listened to that yet, check it out here
Read on ao3 here
Tagging: @theycallmebobbob @rebeccaofsbfarm @thisissirius @hearteyesforbuck @dramamineontopofme @twinien @meloingly
Buck looks at himself in the mirror, pondering his own reflection and the way the white foam covers his chin before breaking his own eye contact and tipping his chin back. He focuses his gaze on his jawline as he pulls the razor over his skin, watching the blades slice through the light stubble and push the shaving cream out of the way.  
His touch is light, his strokes are careful, and he can’t think of a time he’s shaved more carefully since he was 17 and half-convinced that he’d slit his own throat with a Bic safety razor identical to the one he’s holding now.  
The stakes tonight are equally high, just as life-or-death, but in an entirely different way. He thinks about it as he rinses the razor, flicks his thumb downward across the blades to clear any stuck hairs from between them. He’s going out for dinner with Eddie, just like they’ve done probably hundreds of times in the time they’ve been friends. This time is different though, in the way Eddie couldn’t look him in the eye when he asked, the way he’d tentatively added “... it could be a date, if you’re OK with that,” when he’d mentioned an Indian restaurant he’d been meaning to try.  
Buck wonders if Eddie is feeling the same amount of pressure he is tonight, if he’d tried on half a dozen shirts before settling on his favorite go-to, then realized that he needed to take the shirt off and shaved before he gets dressed. 
Part of him hopes that Eddie isn’t so uncertain about the night they’re going to share, hopes that he’ll have enough bravado for them both. But he also wants this to mean as much to Eddie as it means to him.  
Because it means everything, he realizes as he drags a wet washcloth across his skin, lets the warm water clean the last dregs of shaving cream from his face and rinses it out. He leans up over the sink, examining his skin closely to make sure he didn’t miss any stray hairs. As blond as he is, it’s not like they’ll show up, but he still wants to make sure everything is perfect tonight.  
Satisfied with the shave, he shakes the razor dry and sets it back in the medicine cabinet, reaching for the tube of toothpaste on the shelf above.
He squirts a blob of the mint-flavored gel onto his toothbrush and sticks it into his mouth. Dental health isn’t usually such a focus for Buck; most of the time he squishes the foam around his mouth and spits as soon as every tooth is mostly brushed.  
Tonight, though, he scrubs every tooth carefully: front, back and top. He angles the brush down to get his gum line, and even gags himself when he brushes his tongue. It might be the first and only time he’s actually brushed for two minutes, and he briefly wonders how weird it would be for him to call his dentist in the morning and brag.  
Very weird, he decides as he plucks a soft blue paper cup from the dispenser on the counter and fills it with water to rinse his mouth out. As the foam swirls down the drain, he rubs his favorite aftershave across his hands and his hands over his face, wincing at the sting against the freshly shaven skin.
It’s the scent he saves for special occasions; he can’t remember the last time he wore it, the last time something felt important enough to warrant the high-quality leather notes that pair perfectly with the fresh citrus scent of his best cologne.
He grabs his shirt from where he’s hung it on the shower door handle and shrugs it on. The buttons are straightforward, but take just enough time that he decides he needs to run a comb lightly through the edges of his hair again.
When that’s done, he looks down at his phone. 7:28, the screen reads, and Eddie is supposed to pick him up at 7:30. He makes it halfway down the steps, though, before he’s turning around and ducking back into the bathroom long enough to swish some mouthwash around and rinse it down the sink.
It’ll probably wear off before they’re even through eating, but hey, who can blame a guy for trying?
Buck doesn’t think about it again until Eddie is walking him up to the front door at the end of the night. But the hope that the mouthwash is lingering on his breath is his last coherent thought as Eddie backs him up against his doorbell and leans in for what has to be the longest single kiss Buck has ever had.
They’re both breathing hard when Eddie breaks away, lingering just long enough to murmur a ‘goodnight’ against his lips before he walks away, leaving Buck standing there in a daze, hoping he’s not imagining the minty taste Eddie left behind in his mouth.  
Two years later, to the day, they’re dropping Chris off at Pepa’s, promising to pick him up on Sunday night and waving from Eddie’s truck as they back down the driveway. Buck looks at Eddie as they turn the corner, sees the way he’s worrying his bottom lip.  
“Hey, you’re sure about this? We can go pick him up, bring him with us. Or ditch the plan altogether, do the big ceremony in a few months.”
“No, I’m sure. I want to marry you tonight. And I like the idea of that being just for us.” Eddie sighs, and Buck wishes he believed him. “I just … feel bad for lying about the double shifts all weekend, telling Bobby we needed the days off for a ‘family thing.’”
“This is a family thing. It’s us, becoming a family. Legally.” Buck rests his hand on Eddie’s hand, wrapped around the gearshift.  
“We’re already family, Buck.”
“I know, but this makes it official. And we’ll talk to Bobby and Athena when we get back, see if we can borrow their backyard for a big reception. Everything else can be for everyone else, but this? This here, our wedding? It’s for us.”  
Eddie nods and releases his lip.
“Yeah. You … you’re right. Pre-wedding jitters, am I right?”
They laugh together, relaxing as Eddie drives them a couple hours up the coast. He’s not sure where they’re going, taking directions from Buck, who’s reading off of a list of turns he’s scribbled on the back of a junk mail credit card application.
He’d taken every other aspect of this to the n-th degree, as soon as Eddie suggested that they stop trying to plan the perfect wedding for their friends and family and just have the perfect wedding for them. Just the two of them, wearing the best suits they already owned and brand new matching ties, standing somewhere beautiful and private to pledge their lives to each other.  
Buck had looked for close to a week before finding the perfect spot: a tiny beachfront town with a little wedding chapel. He’d found the referral on a same-sex wedding forum, with a litany of stories and photos from couples praising the picturesque waters and friendly staff, willing to personalize intimate ceremonies for a reasonable cost.
All he had asked Eddie to do was make sure their bags were packed and pick him a ring. Everything else was a surprise, from Eddie’s brushed steel wedding band with its fine gold stripe pressed into the pocket of Buck’s jeans to the three tiny crystals on the tie clips: each of their birthstones and Christopher’s in the middle.
The ceremony is everything they could have imagined; every last detail Buck planned went off without a hitch. And he couldn’t help but privately noticing that the officiant who pronounced them husband and husband resembled the surviving half of the elderly gay couple he’d met on the car accident scene only a couple of months after Eddie came into his life.  
Mitchell, he’s pretty sure.
It’s coincidence, he’s sure, but it feels fitting nonetheless. Even if it was still over a year before their first date, talking to that man, hearing him tell Buck that a truly lasting love is made, not found, was a pivotal moment in his relationship with Eddie. It was the first time he let himself consider making something more than a friendship with him, so it feels fitting that Mitchell would visit him again today, give him a sign that he’s in the right place, marrying the right person for him.
Not that he needed a sign, not after he saw the way Eddie’s eyes watered when he ran his finger across Buck’s tie, understanding the gems the moment he saw them.  
He knew he was making the right choice.  
Even if he did have to go all the way down to the lobby of their hotel that night, get a couple of flimsy plastic toothbrushes from the desk agent.
“Really, Eddie? The only thing you had to do was pack our bags. You got the suits, you got my shampoo, but you left our toothbrushes on the counter?” He rolled his eyes as Eddie shook the toiletries bag open on the bedspread, no toothbrushes to be found.  
Of course, Eddie was fresh out of the shower, so it fell on Buck to go downstairs, sheepishly explain that he hadn’t packed for their trip (even if he did preen a little bit when he said ‘my husband was in charge of the luggage,’ the new title feeling perfectly at home on his tongue) and ask if they had any for sale.  
The clerk had come back with two barely opaque white-handled brushes that Buck is pretty sure he could have broken in half easier than a pencil. But they’re free, and they’re better than nothing, so he smiles gratefully at her and accepts the brushes and packets of toothpaste.
After their teeth are brushed, when Eddie is tucked in and waiting for Buck to join him in bed for their first night as a married couple, he snaps a quick picture of the cheap toothbrushes.  
It’s the sort of story that will make a good memory years from now, he knows already, and he never wants to forget this moment. He never wants to forget the way he feels two days later, either, packing up to leave and slipping the disposable toothbrushes into the bottom of his bag, tucking them away to be remembered and laughed about later.  
Their love wasn’t found; they made it between toothbrushes and minty fresh kisses along the way.
The first day off Buck and Eddie have together as husbands is spent boxing Buck’s loft and moving his life into Eddie’s home.  
Their home.
They’d talked about it, over breakfast on the beach the day after their wedding, thrown around the idea of buying a new house, a place that they picked together and decorated as a family. But ultimately, they decided that Eddie’s place was almost perfectly located between the station and Christopher’s school, it was already accessible for him, and Buck has long felt at home in Eddie’s living room.
He didn’t need a new house, he just needed Eddie in his bed and Christopher right down the hall, every night for the rest of his life.  
So he’s the only one moving, a whopping 17 minutes from where he had lived. And he wouldn’t have it any other way.
Especially when Eddie suggests redecorating after Buck gets settled, giving the house a new feel for their new lives together. It’s just turning to summer, the days growing warmer and longer enough that they can start with the backyard. Eddie puts out grass seed, plants a couple of twigs that will hopefully grow into lemon and orange trees.  
Buck takes it upon himself to watch a dozen YouTube videos and visit the hardware store, borrowing Eddie’s truck to haul cords of lumber home with the promise of a picket fence around the back of the house.  
He’s never built a fence before, but Bobby lends him a small table saw, spends an afternoon standing in the yard and teaching him how to use it before leaving him to finish building his fence. As with everything, Buck throws himself completely into the project; every spare moment he’s got is enough time to cut a couple of boards, drill a few holes.  
It’s one of the most fun projects he’s ever embarked on, especially when Christopher starts joining him in the backyard, plopping down on the fresh grass with a book and reading out loud to him, or telling him stories from his latest sleepover. Sometimes, when he’s got a brand new board, all 10-feet of it to control against the vibration of the saw blade, he’ll ask Chris for a hand. He’s got a tiny pair of safety goggles, bulky enough to go over his regular glasses, and kid-sized work gloves, and he’s always excited to help hold the long end of the board, tiptoeing forward as Buck pushes his end across the saw blade.  
Digging the post holes is its own kind of challenge, especially when driving his foot against the top of the shovel makes the pain in his leg flare up. But for those moments, Eddie is there. He’s always watching Buck out the kitchen window or from the back deck; Buck can feel his gaze following him around the yard, especially when the high heat of the summer gets the best of him and he pulls his T-shirt off.  
But when his leg start to hurt, almost like Eddie can feel the pain too, he appears beside Buck, pulls the shovel gently from his hands.  
“Here, I got it,” he says, squeezing Buck’s arm gently. “I’ll dig for a bit.” When Buck starts to protest, tries to tell Eddie that he’s fine, he can keep working, Eddie raises an eyebrow. “I know you can, but it’s almost lunchtime, and if you don’t cook, I’ll have to.”  
They both know it’s a cop-out. Eddie can handle sandwiches and pouring lemonade from the gallon jug in the fridge. But it means that Buck can take a break, sneak back to the bathroom and swallow a couple Advil when no one is looking, without having to admit that his physical limitations stop him sooner than they did before his myriad of near-death experiences.  
It takes a few months, but then their fence is up, pine boards marking the edges of a backyard that Christopher keeps mentioning is probably big enough that they could get a dog now, since he’d have somewhere to run.
“Maybe for your birthday, Superman.” Eddie ruffles his hair, shares a knowing glance with Buck. The three of them admire the handiwork for a few minutes longer, then Buck jumps and pulls Eddie’s truck keys out of his pocket.
“Ooh, hang on, I forgot the last part. Chris, you up for a trip to the hardware store? Think you can keep me on track?”  
“Sure! Dad, I gotta go make sure Bucky doesn’t get lost.” With that, they’re gone, chasing each other out the new gate and around the house. Buck hears Eddie’s confused shout, and feels his phone vibrate in his pocket. He doesn't have to look at the message to know that Eddie has sent him a long string of question marks, but he and Chris have a mission.
They’re back 45 minutes later, Buck hauling a five-gallon bucket in each hand as he follows Christopher around the back gate. He hears the back door open as he’s taking the plastic sack from Chris and pulling out paint trays and rollers.  
“Alright, what’d we talk about, kiddo?”
“Dad! Buck says I can help paint, but only if you wrap me up in a trash bag first so I don’t get messy!”  
Eddie laughs but leads Chris into the house. They emerge a few minutes later, Chris covered in a trash bag with sloppy holes cut into the bottom for his head and arms. The three of them spend the afternoon painting, and most of the next day too, but when they’re finished, the picket fence is a crisp white, contrasting starkly with the grass around it.
Except the parts of the lawn that got their own coat of white paint, but Buck can’t bring himself to care. The grass will grow, he or Eddie will cut it short and no one will be the wiser. And they’ll still have their backyard, with the white picket fence that he built, for his family.  
He’s pretty sure this sort of thing is the best that his life is ever going to get, that nothing could ever top the feeling of standing here, Eddie’s arm around his waist and Chris leaning against their legs, admiring something they made together.  
Buck grunts as he lifts their toddler out of the bathtub and wraps him in a towel.
“Jeez, you’re getting big, Trey.” He rubs the 4-year-old's hair dry and helps him tie the belt on a tiny camouflage-print bathrobe. “Alright, what’s next?”  
“Brush teeth!” He shrieks with delight and grins at his papa.  
“That’s right, let’s go brush your teeth with Daddy and Chris!” Buck scoops him up, without grunting this time since he can get a better angle to lift from, and carries him down the hallway to the master bathroom. Eddie and Christopher are already standing in front of the mirror, trying to untangle Chris’s curly hair enough that it’s not totally insufferable in the morning.  
He’s 11 now, old enough that he can get most of it on his own, but there’s a patch at the back of his head that’s hard to reach, so Eddie helped him with that while Buck and Trey had a rubber duck war in the bathtub.  
“Daddy! Time to brush teeth!” Trey grabs for the side of Eddie’s pants leg as Buck situates him on the step stool beside the counter. “You can help me?”  
They’ve had Trey for almost two years now, and he’s always been very diplomatic about dividing his attention between Buck and Eddie. If Buck helps make his lunch, Eddie can sit with him while he eats. On the days that Eddie drops him off at preschool, he likes it best when Buck picks him up.
When Buck gives him a bath, Eddie helps brush his teeth.
“I sure can, kiddo. Chris, you’re all good. Get those pearly whites, bud.” He passes a tube of bubblegum-flavored toothpaste to his older son, watches him carefully squeeze a blob of it onto a blue toothbrush with a distinctive red ‘S’ logo on the handle. Christopher hands the tube back and jams the brush into his mouth while Eddie reaches for the smallest toothbrush in the cup.
Buck isn’t sure when it started, but somewhere along the way, all four of them started sharing a bedtime routine. Sure, that’s parenting, but this is a little bit more. The boys have their own bathroom, full of plastic boats and low-hanging towel bars, but still all four of them gather in Buck and Eddie’s bathroom at night to brush their teeth together.
He’s scrubbing across his own teeth as he thinks about it, white minty foam gathering at the corners of his mouth. When he catches Christopher looking at him, he turns his head and growls playfully, baring his teeth.
“No, Bucky! Don’t get me!” Chris’ toothbrush is still in his mouth, so the words are distorted and he sprays pinkish flecks all over the mirror when he cries out.  
Buck laughs, splattering his own toothpaste foam to create some sort of abstract bathroom art that he knows Eddie will wipe away while he sees the boys down to their shared bedroom.  
Trey leans back against Eddie’s hip, tipping his chin and opening his mouth.
“-Eddie, -addy!” He tries to say, without moving his jaw. ‘Ready, daddy!’ they both know it means, and Buck leans forward to spit as Eddie starts brushing carefully through their son’s mouth. He counts the teeth out loud, just like every night, even though the number hasn’t changed since six months after they welcomed him into their home.  
Buck leans back upright, looking at his family in the mirror as he reaches around Chris to take a paper cup from the dispenser he brought with him when he moved in. He fills it with water, freezing when he sees the design on the side.
The water flows over the top of the cup, down his hand, and it’s enough to shake him from his stupor. It shouldn’t have surprised him; he’s the one who’d purchased the box of planet-themed bath cups, remembering how excited Christopher had been to be able to recite all nine planets in order. He's staring down at a smiling planet, Mars, according to the reddish label beside it.  
Even if it were a surprise, there’s no reason that a Mars cup should stop him in his tracks like this. But he’s suddenly thinking of a different day, a different paper cup in a different bathroom. That cup was blue, plain blue, and he’d stood alone in the bathroom.  
He remembers every detail, the sting of the aftershave and the way the mouthwash tingled against his gums. And he remembers everything that came after, too, right up to Eddie kissing him against his front door. He’d gone inside that night and imagined a future with Eddie and Christopher. But never, not even in his most elaborate fantasies had he dreamed of having all of this.  
This is the most in love Buck has ever been, standing here in the bathroom with his family, watching Eddie hold a light-up toothbrush in one hand and a Jupiter cup in the other. He’s helping Trey spit into the sink – not onto the counter – and Buck feels his heart swell at the simple routine of it all. He puts his own toothbrush back into the cup and thanks his lucky stars for every moment like this, every night he gets to be a part of this. Every time life has caught him by surprise, every day that was better than the one before it, even when he hadn’t thought that would be possible.  
There are four toothbrushes on his counter, three people at the center of his world, and he thinks it again, this is the best moment I’ve had in my life.  
Because love, he’s come to learn, isn’t found in any of the obvious places to look.
Love starts with a toothbrush.
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maki0725 · 4 years
Klavquill 1-9
I’ve finished the next part!!
It’s all Japanese style, so I add some explanation.
Chuushin-gura is a period play that themed Samurai’s loyalty. The loyal retailers avenge their master. It is based on the real story on December 14th, 1702 and there are many fictions about it. It’s a kind of year-end special program on TV. Those who like period play(typically they are old people) watch it.
In Japan, they have special dishes on New Year’s Day in many cases. Though the traditional ones are not popular so much, many department stores sell modern-arranged dishes. Traditional ones have their own meanings (long life, wealth, and so on), some people are particular about them.
And some people (not so many) wear kimono on New Year’s Day, but Furisode, a long-sleeved kimono, is a formal kimono for (young) unmarried women. It’s so beautiful and expensive, sometimes mother or grandmother give Furisode belonged to them to their daughter.
They have special bottles and cups for Sake, bottles are used to warm Sake inside the bottle. Though they can be used to have a regular temperature Sake. Furoshiki is a cloth to wrap anything. It might be more formal to bring something like a gift in furoshiki wrap.
Manzai is normally performed by two people, they talk about funny things, like a duo stand-up comedy. Rakugo and Manzai are different but they are both comedy performed by comedians, those who like to laugh at jokes like them. I think Manzai is more popular among young people(in my opinion Rakugo lovers are mainly old people). There are Manzai competitions in every December.
I hope you enjoy the rare pair a kind of enjoying Japanese new year!!
(I should have learned that how to use <!-- more --> )
It feels so light. On an unfamiliar ceiling, Simon couldn’t know where he is at once. Tall, wide, white and soft... it is clear that this is not the prison. He remembers being in the guest room of Klavier Gavin, so he is about to laugh thinking how far from his cell. He wonders if he is the only one experiencing these two things together, and then he thinks about those who might be following the reverse order.
A soft, cypress-like scent discourages the nostrils. On the bedside table, a glass bottle like a small vase with a narrow mouth is placed, and brown water is inside. About 10 thin sticks are stuck. Simon has never seen it but it seems that the water inside has a scent and the scent spreads through wooden sticks. The amount of water is about half that of the container, and it is impossible for Simon to judge whether it contained only this much or is it gradually decreasing.
Simon gets up slowly. Apparently it is past noon. It was completely morning rather than last night when he arrived at Gavin’s house and was attended to this room, he can remember nothing from that time. Perhaps he fell down to bed and fell asleep, but he had no experience of going to bed after dawn and suddenly feels guilty. Fortunately, he didn't drink much, and he can't say he has a hangover. Until now, it was unthinkable for him to sleep in another person's house without taking a bath and changing clothes.
Looking at the bedside clock, it is around the day. Has Gavin already got up? He doesn’t know where he is, but there is probably a room like the living room where he can enter. For the time being, he leaves the room and heads towards the inside of the house, opposite the entrance. Passing through probable another private room’s door, he opens a large door that combines a grid pattern and frosted glass.
That is overwhelming. The ceiling height will probably be 5 meters. Glass windows occupy two sides of a nearly square living room——close to a glass wall rather than a window——no curtains or blinds, he can see the city with skyscrapers and the greenery of the garden between them, and the sea to the far side. In the corner of the living room there is a staircase extending to the upper floor. When Simon saw the exterior first, he thought it was a big condominium though he didn't anticipate that Klavier’s place would look like this.
"Good morning"
Simon was fascinated by the superb view, but Gavin is sitting on the high chair of the kitchen counter opposite the window. The glass placed on the black counter contains water.
"Morning...... isn't that right?"
"Yeah, it's already noon."
Gavin prepares another glass, pours water from the water server and hands it to Simon.
"I owe you one"
"Is the hangover okay?"
"You didn’t have a bath yet, did you? Why don’t you take?”
Gavin wears a black V-neck sweater and tight jeans. They are simple, but at a glance they are luxury items. Perhaps it is shortly after taking a bath, his hair is gathered in loose bun on the back of his head.
Simon decides to accept Gavin’s offer. Since he has come to stay, it would be acceptable to have a bath.
"Then, please come upstairs. Do you have clothes to change? I can lend you mine, but I’m not sure if they fit you"
"I have"
Simon returns to the guest room to take his clothes. There seemed to be no bathroom between the entrance and the living room, but it was on the upper floor. He thinks it's a structure that gently separates the public and the private from the top and the bottom. Is the Gavin’s bedroom room on the upper floor?
He has known that there is a specification called a maisonette that occupies multiple layers in an apartment, but it is the first time he actually sees it. However, there seems to be many things more than maisonette structures in this house that are beyond Simon’s imagination.
"Shall we get going”
Gavin leads Simon who returned to the living room and heads for the stairs. He crosses the living room, fascinated by the view from the window.
When Gavin opens the door on the left side after climbing the stairs, it is a washroom. To the far right is the entrance to the bathroom, and in front of it is a glass door leading to a balcony like a wooden deck. Gavin pushes the glass door open. Simon wondered why he is guided to the balcony for the clothesline before the bath, and that question dissipates immediately after he stepped on the balcony.
"Jacuzzi, I'm sorry if it doesn't work because I put it in after a long time"
The impact of the white bathtub installed on the rooftop balcony about 150 meters above the ground is impressive. Was the jacuzzi a so-called bubble bath? The hot water is stretched slightly shallowly, and there is a bubbling bubble. And a small room like a log cabin by the bathtub.
"I wish I had a wash room here. That's a sauna, but if you sweat, you can just soak it in."
A sauna.
"What's going on with your house......"
Simon poses a frank question. He imagined that Gavin’s house would be reasonably luxurious, but he never thought there would be a condominium unit equipped with such facilities.
"I don't usually use it. There's an ordinary bath out there. It's nice to take it directly from the balcony, but you have to go back once."
Gavin pulls the glass door and they return to the washroom.
"You can use as many towels as you like and you can use shampoo and so on. Then take your time but don't dehydrate."
Gavin hands a bottle of water to Simon.
"You’re well-prepared”
"One of the band members fainted before."
Gavin smiles, saying that they were reckless in the old days. Then, after seeing Gavin out of the washroom, Simon looks around the room. There are two sinks on the marble washbasin facing the bathroom balcony entrance. There is a latest toilet bowl with only partitions, not a private room. Only here, it reminds him of the solitary cell, but it seems to have been made in a western style, with the bathroom and toilet integrated. However, the bathroom has a general structure that is independent, perhaps assuming Japanese people who are particular about bathroom with a bathtub and a wash place.
Simon is no exception. He decides to let him enjoy both the sauna and the open-air bath.
After getting out of the bath, he changes into the sweatshirt top and bottom that he brought as a sleepwear. Before he went to bed, he seemed to take off his battle surcoat but the usual clothes he wore all day and night are wrinkled, and it doesn’t look very good. Originally, he was supposed to change into a sleepwear before going to bed, and once he woke up, he would wear what he wore again. Since it is winter, it would have been no problem if he changed his underwear. The sweat glands and the physiological functions of ordinary people have receded in prison life, but have not returned to their full extent.
When he gets down to the living room with his luggage, Gavin is preparing a meal.
"Oh, welcome back"
In front of him, who seems to be able to go out for a while, it is a bit embarrassing to be in a lounge sweatshirt(at best) but it is unavoidable. Maybe he can borrow an iron later, take care of it, and change his clothes.
There is a low table in front of a large sofa in the living room, where Gavin prepares new-year dishes packed in simple boxes made of white paulownia. The three-tiered boxes are gorgeous suitable for New Year. Simon doesn’t think he made them so he probably bought them, but apparently they cost several tens of thousands of yen. The small plates are Western tableware and are very simple white one——probably high priced items——the chopsticks are celebration chopsticks for the New Year. They may be accessories of the dishes.
"I don't love them actually, so I don't know if they suit your taste......I went to a department store for the first time in a long time, but it's been a lot of fun. What do you drink, beer or Sake? I bought both of them. I'm not familiar with Sake, so it's recommended by a clerk."
Gavin brings out one bottle. Fortunately, it is a brand different from the one brought bySimon. However, this is much higher. He wonders if the clerk who noticed "Klavier Gavin" palmed with it.
He returns to the kitchen carrying a Sake bottle and two small Sake cups on the tray carefully.
"I don't have these stuff here, so I brought them from the house I grew up."
"T-the house you grew up? Don’t you have to go back there?"
After unintentionally speaking, he regrets whether that was appropriate.
"No, there's no one there right now"
Further prying hesitated. He read some time ago that the residence of the prestigious Gavin family in the legal profession is located in one of the most luxurious residential areas in Tokyo. However, it was roughly 100 years ago that the Gavin family became famous in Japan's legal world when it was the (probably) great-grandfather of Klavier Gavin and his siblings. Some are practitioners and some are scholars. Even now, if they look at a criminal law book, they can see their influence here and there.
However, the genealogy from them to the Gavin brothers was not well known. The nickname of Thoroughbred in the legal profession was due to the achievements of the great ancestors and their own achievements, rather than their parents.
The Sake set brought out of the great Gavin family are beautiful, delicately crafted, deluxe products , but surprisingly they don’t look so vintage.
"There are older ones, but I don't have the confidence to wash them down to the middle of the bottle. Well, don't worry, they don’t belong to my brother"
"......I can't laugh."
Simon doesn’t expect him to mention his brother, so the reaction is delayed.
"My grandmother’s. It's been a while since she died."
The story of Gavin’s family is interesting, but he doesn’t seem to go any further.
Simon wonders if he should hand the gifts he brought with him. When he paid a visit to his mentor, it was clear when he should give them, but his sister didn't talk about what to do in such irregular cases. For the time being, he will not be disliked by handing over a souvenir. At least as for Gavin.
"This is a gift."
From the plain black bag, he takes out the furoshiki wrap. According to his sister's recommendation, the content is a 720ml bottle of Simon’s favorite Sake. He wondered which was better, 1.8l bottle or this one, though the bigger one might be too much so he chose an affordable size. Simon was confident of drinking the excess, but it would be a problem if he was too drunk in an unfamiliar place. He wanted to avoid exposing the blunder.
"Thank you so much, but I wish you didn't worry"
Gavin rounds his eyes for a moment and immediately smiles.
“This is so good...…”
"Yeah, why don't we have it first?"
Gavin continues the conversation quite naturally, while Simon hesitated to say “let’s drink together”. He is keenly aware why he was able to talk to the weird prisoners in the prison, because he had a clear purpose to search for information about the phantom. He didn't care what they thought of him at all.
"And then... this too"
Simon takes out another furoshiki wrap. When he opened it and they can see a golden box, as opposed to a plain bag or furoshiki.
"Eh? Godiva?"
It seems that Gavin was immediately understood, perhaps because it was so famous.
"Thank you! I love this."
The smile is dazzling than before. He remembers when he gave Athena’s favorite sweets to her in her childhood.
"That’s good."
"It's the first time I got chocolate from a man."
However, Gavin exudes nuances that a child would not include and laughs. Simon gets upset about his joke.
"......Hey, "
"Sorry, I was just kidding. It's true I've never been given chocolate by a man. I’ll have this with care only by myself"
Gavin gently holds the box and goes up the stairs. Simon thinks that sweets should be held in the kitchen, he wonder if Gavin intends to bring it to the bedroom. Apparently it seems to be his favorite.
Being alone, he feels his cheeks are hot. It’s supposed to be an ordinary joke for Gavin, but a little too stimulating for Simon. Even though he is old enough and is a man who survived prison life, his chest keeps rustling.
Confession......to him? To ask for......a relationship......
Simon has never done any kind of the confession of love, or even thought. He has thought that there was no relationship such as romance for life.
"Thank you for waiting...... Ah, sorry, I might have said something strange......"
Gavin, who returns, gets panicked when he sees Simon looking down. Perhaps he thinks Simon was offended.
"I won't tell you stupid jokes anymore, can you forgive me?"
"Ah, please."
"I won’t. I don't want to lose you."
"You are exaggerating"
Simon doesn’t think of being through as friends because of such a small thing, but Gavin is serious.
"Okay, let's open this and make a toast."
Gavin opens the 720ml bottle.
"Um... should I put it in the Sake bottle once?"
"Whichever if you don't make it hot? Though, might as well”
Simon takes the bottle and poured it into the Sake bottle. The scent of Sake rises softly.
He pours Gavin the liquor. Gavin’s way of receiving and pouring Simon in return Check is so beautiful. Whether it's something by the education of his parents or the entertainment world and the prosecutor's office——in any case, there is no reason for Simon to know.
Gavin lifts the cup to eye level and smiles, without matching the cup. So does Simon. He inadvertently has drunk most of the cup, and soon has to be poured by Gavin again.
"I won’t have so much, eat a lot. This one is Japanese, and the rest is Western and Chinese."
As recommended, Simon starts to have the luxurious dishes. Gavin doesn't seem to like traditional New Year's dishes ——it seems to be with a modern twist enough——he picks colorful meat dishes from the Western-style set.
"Good taste"
"This Sake is good as you said. Thank you."
"I’m the one who has to say it...... did you go to buy it yourself?"
"Yeah. It’s been a while since I've been the department store for a long time, but it was fun. I’m assuming so did you, right? Thank you for your concern”
"Never mind……"
He is embarrassed to say that he asked his sister for advice. Suddenly, he recalls her misguided advice and wrinkles between his brows. Gavin asks him questionably.
"......What's wrong?"
He can't even say that she told him to bring a condom, so he keeps quiet. However, he might be a rude person who is invited to a gourmet meal and suddenly feels unwell. He has to smooth over somehow.
"Ah, I remember the New Year in prison."
"Oh......they serve the new-year dishes to the prisoners, don’t they?"
Gavin has an indescribable look. After saying, Simon realizes that the topics that remind him of the current state of his brother and his friend were inappropriate. With such a blunder, he may feel offended and regret the invitation. It’s quite natural not to be invited again, but at least he has to apologize.
"I’m sorry, I didn't mean to bother you......"
"I'm fine. I talked about my brother first. Rather, no one would mention it. That would be so."
He doesn’t look offended, but the smile is gloomy a little. It isn’t the part where he could touch easily but he wants to be able to help.
"If you want to talk about it...... I'll always listen."
He had conveyed it with his heartfelt thought. Gavin looks at Simon as if he was at ease. His slightly open lips trembles, shaking.
"......Thank you.”
A peaceful atmosphere appears in his blue eyes. Simon feels relieved and feels warmth in his chest. Is it the same protective drive as he feels for Athena? He can’t tell.
"Let's watch the program for today. The one you wanted to see."
It may be a recording of Chuushin-gura, which was originally intended. He can’t find a TV in the room, but Gavin takes out the remote control in a casual motion, and after a little fingering, a huge screen has come down from the ceiling. In addition, by another remote control operation, the glass windows on the two walls turned into smoke-like glass that blocks light.
Simon gets no more surprised. If it were a house of this class, it might be natural. The room is dim and like a movie theater. Simon comes to realize he has never been to it since he was released.
Images flow from a projector stored somewhere. Simon gets surprised at the realism of the sound, from the speakers hidden here and there. Gavin must be particular about the sound.
An image of a little old age is projected on a large screen.
"Is it rerunning this year?"
"It's an old masterpiece. TV stations probably don't have the budget."
"I haven't seen it properly, so it might be better“
It might be strange to see a speciality of the year-end while picking up new year dishes, but it is not bad. From the middle of the watching hours, he has started to pour his own drink, and before he knows it, the mouth of the 1.8l bottle prepared by Gavin has been open. The Sake bottle has also become a useless product.
"It was interesting, I've never seen a period play properly, but I can see that it's popular. It's a fantasy, but it's also connected to the present, and the virtue and coolness that never change are well expressed"
"...I see."
Simon himself hasn’t had no particular analytical thoughts, but seems to agree with Gavin’s opinion.
But then his heart skips the beat hearing what Gavin said.
"I don't think there's a person who wants to kill someone to avenge for his life right now... Do you feel sympathy? As a "loyal retainer"?”
"...No, I'm totally different from them. At the time when I was convinced that there was a blade injury between Athena and my mentor, I wouldn't have a piece of loyalty."
Gavin looks at Simon as if to be surprised.
"...I'm sorry, I think I stepped into something a little too delicate."
He casts down his eyes.
"I thought you were proud of the past. Everyone praises you, you are the best disciple......"
"Not at all"
Partly He wants to keep talking, but he is hesitant to confess the heavy repentance. For the time being, it can be said that this is a happy new year celebration.
The main purpose of this visit has been reached. Should he leave Gavin’s home soon? According to his predictions, he was supposed to be his home by this afternoon, but the sun has already fallen. The time is not so much as night, but the pattern of early nightfall seemed to be "it was late to go home".
"Can I use an iron?"
"I'm sorry, I don't have one."
He seems to depend on dry cleaners for cleaning clothes. Considering his busy schedule, it is a reasonable choice.
Then, wouldn't he have to go home with wrinkled clothes? Simon doesn’t care about that so much, as no one would see him and he doesn’t care what they think.
"Maybe you want to iron the clothes you've been wearing? If you send them to the laundry of this apartment, they'll be back tomorrow."
High-class condominium services are also exceptional. If he takes Gavin’s offer, he will be staying at this house tonight, but he can’t tell immediately whether he can lean on so much.
"Ah, I wonder if you had a plan for tomorrow? Your bird gets angry?"
"No, nothing. Taka can get food himself."
"And if you don't mind, why don't you stay overnight today? I see, I ruined the schedule. You fell asleep without changing clothes because I took you around."
It seemed not to be right that it was because all of him, but Simon decides to accept.
"Yeah, I'll stay here one more night."
Gavin winks in a showy way. He has just said that he should refrain from flirting jokes, but is it just natural behavior for him?
Looking at his cell phone just in case there is an urgent need, he has received an email with a picture from the Athena a few hours ago. Along with Juniper, she is dressed in long-sleeved kimono.
"Juniper’s grandma dressed us up! This is my mom’s furisode”
He smiles without realizing when he sees Athena in the bright yellow kimono. He just replies "I'm glad to hear that" and closes the mobile phone.
Gavin, who was going to deposit Simon’s clothes, returns. Simon thought that there was a reception like the hotel reception on the first floor and he had to reach there, but it was unexpectedly early. Gavin says that there is a box on the same floor as his place and if he puts it in the box, it will be collected, and the next day it will be cleaned and returned. It's like a luxury hotel service. Of course, it will cost some money, but this is a necessary expense to maintain his performance. At least when he had two jobs.
"Ah, did you see the M-1 this year? I recorded it the other day and I haven't seen it yet. If you like rakugo, you might like Manzai too.”
M-1, The Manzai competition, which can be said to be another end-of-year feature, was the secret pleasure of him when he was young.
He was released about just one year ago and he wasn't aware of that. He feels like he was watching a TV commercial this year, but he missed it because he was busy. A joy fulfills him gently.
"Is it okay?"
"Of course. It's more fun than seeing it alone?"
Even Simon, who hasn't seen it for nearly 10 years, can be convinced that this year is a bonanza year. He laughs a lot with Gavin. When looking at the same thing and laughing at it, the distance will shrink, Gavin’s head touches Simon’s shoulder before he knows it. Suddenly when he looks there, Gavin separates as if in a panic.
"I'm sorry, it's fun and I was absorbed"
"I don't care."
Just a week ago, he remembers being in the immediate vicinity for a moment. He doesn’t think Gavin wearing perfume now, he has a faint scent different from that time. Pretending not to realize that he likes both of them, Simon returns to the incandescent final round.
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retail-truestory · 5 years
True Story
One night I'm working watching self scan. I get called up to customer service about something in one of the aisles I've been packing out. I don't remember what. How about shampoo? Everyone uses shampoo. So because there's no one else at that moment that can watch self scan my supervisor, who has at least 5 other things to do in this mad house, has to stop those 5 things she's doing and keep an eye on self scan while I talk to the customer asking about the shampoo. Now I've been spending the last like 6 months or so packing stuff out on the shelves. Some weeks I do that more than register or self scan, depending on the week. So because I know what goes on the shelves that's supposed to make me an expert. (Spoiler, it doesn't.) Anyway this customer is asking about a specific shampoo brand and scent that's being discontinued in my store. She says that out of all the shampoos that are on sale for that price (roughly 5ish), we have NONE on the shelves. Wants to know if there's any place else I could have them. I explained to her we do have a back, but we don't have things organized back there. We get totes each day that we personally have to break down and set up, so we have no idea until we open them what kind of shipments we get. And I have no idea what we have back there at the current moment. "Oh so can you just give me one of the shampoos on the shelf for the cheaper price?" she asks. What do you think? I explain to her it doesn't work that way, because the ones that are on sale are discontinued. So we can't be certain that we do have or will get any more of those specific scents. "Can't you at least check in the back please? It's for my dad," she begs. Lady I don't care if it's for the regenerating ghost of your great-great-great-grandfather you payed $1000 bucks for a lamp and used one of your 3 wishes to bring back. It doesn't work that way. But because it's customer service and The Customer Is Always Right I HAVE to find a way to make this work. So I go back to self scan and explain to my supervisor what's going on. I have to wait 10 minutes for the only other coworker to get back from her break to take over self scan so I can spend who knows how long going through who knows what in the back. Because I have no idea what kind of shipment is waiting back there, how bad anything is, or how many totes I might have to go through to find any of that brand and then take each one up front and do a price check to see what's on sale. Needless to say, I brace myself for the worst. 20 minutes later I finally make it to the back. Never mind I have no idea if the customer is even still in the store at this point. Guess what? We got NOTHING. As in, whoever packed out for that department earlier in the day, they got all the totes out. There was nothing except boxes of gift cards to put out. So I waited 20 minutes to rush to the back to prepare to go crazy for this one insistent customer only to see that there's NOTHING. Don't get me wrong, I did check other areas in the back to make sure I didn't somehow miss anything. Which also meant I probably spent longer back there than I needed to just to prove there really was nothing. So I go back up front and I don't see the customer at customer service. I have to get ready to go back to self scan, so I just let my coworker at the desk know that if she sees the customer asking about the shampoo, that I looked and we got nothing. Coworker thanked me of course for checking, because they weren't sure what to tell the customer before. Of course then just as I turn around to walk back to self scan, the customer magically appears out of nowhere. "Oh right, the shampoo," I nodded to her. "I just finished checking the back. We've got nothing to go through to put out at all. I got plenty of gift cards, but no shampoo. I'm sorry." Customer ain't too pleased. "So what am I supposed to do? It's for my dad." Again lady, I don't care who it's for. I can't give you what we don't have. I can't magically make something cheaper. It doesn't work this way. Maybe I could have agreed to give you one of the shampoos a little cheaper, but I don't really want to. I was asked about this, I don't have to report to anyone, so this is my answer. Maybe you've gotten different answers before and had retail employees bow down to you and wanna give you everything just so they wouldn't have a pissed off customer, but I'm not gonna do that. Especially if you're gonna act all high and mighty and like I SHOULD cater to your every whim. "I'm sorry, but there's nothing I can do. Since the shampoos on sale are being discontinued, even with the shipment we get tomorrow, we have no way of knowing if we'll get any of those scents," I apoligized. "Well then can I get a raincheck?" the customer asked. While I reiterated that we can't promise we'll have the exact scents she's looking for here, it will give her the chance to check out other of our stores in the area. Maybe they have different ones that are being discontinued and are keeping the ones my store is losing. I don't know. She can use the raincheck in any other one of our locations. And honestly, if she can bother someone else at a different location, I'm sorry Other Store, but you can deal with her next time! I tell her that's fine, and my coworker at customer service can help her with that as soon as they're done with their current customer. And at long last I can get back to self scan and my coworker who covered for me can go back on register where she belongs. Because, of course, this just HAD to happen when there was only ONE register opened at the time. And I really hope no one else got annoyed or pissed that there was only one register opened because the other cashier that was supposed to be opened had to cover my butt so I could cater to this customer's wishes. So I have no idea what the hell the moral of this crazy story is. Maybe it's that if you're asking a question and the employee says no or doesn't know, then that's the answer and you should just let them get back to work instead of acting like you're the only customer in the store and that if you don't get this shampoo for your dad he'll disown you or something? Or maybe this is just one of those crazy retail stories that you just have to get off your chest with no moral at all. I don't know, I just give up on people.
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yastaghr · 5 years
Kinktober 2019 Day 5:
Pairing: Horror Papyrus/ Classic Sans (cross-universal fontcest)
Kinks: Knotting, Distension, and Size Difference, heat cycles, multiple orgasms
Warnings: None
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/20851682/chapters/49702799
When Classic walked in the room, he could smell it. Crooks was in heat, and by the way the scent had Classic weak at the knees, it was a dominant heat. Crap. Classic knew no one else was around to help. Blood and Paps were at the peace conference with all the others. Classic was supposed to be there, too, but he’d gone and broken his leg the week before. Now he was stuck in crutches. It was just easier for him to stay home, just like it was easier for the massively tall Crooks to stay home. But no one could have expected this.
Classic girded himself and swung his way closer to the source of the scent. Some might say it was the scent messing with him, but Classic knew better. He’d had a crush on Crooks that had been growing steadily stronger for weeks. He’d wanted to ask the other out and do things properly. Looks like that wasn’t going to happen.
He rounded the corner and was faced with an impenetrable barrier: a locked door. He tried the handle gamely, but no luck. Time for words. “hey, crooks. i know you’re in there. that heat’s gotta be hard on you, heh. why don’t you open the door and let me help?”
Classic could hear the squeak of Crooks’ reaction. Then he heard his amazingly high-pitched voice.
“you’re not going to hurt me,” Classic reassured, “ecto magic can stretch really far when it needs to, and it’s not like i’ve got organs you could crush. i’ll be fine.”
Classic chuckled. “it’s okay, crooks. i’ve...got a bit of a crush on you. more than a bit, actually. i just haven’t had the nerve to ask you out yet.”
Silence reigned for a few seconds. Classic could hear Crooks’ heavy breathing. His own breath was coming rather fast. Finally, Crooks spoke. “YOU...WANT TO GO OUT WITH ME? REALLY?”
“yup,” Classic said, his soul fluttering.
“yeah,” Classic chuckled again, a deep thrum that could make the room light up, “i think the humans would have a problem with an 8 foot skeleton walking around with a boner in public. ‘m pretty sure there are rules about that.”
A few seconds passed before Crooks tentatively said, “IS...YOUR OFFER OF HELP STILL VALID?” He sounded so hopeful.
“mhmm,” Classic agreed. “i’m happy to help just as soon as you open this door.”
“OH. THE DOOR. YES. LET ME JUST-” The sound of squeaky metal moving came from the lock. Classic made a mental note to oil it sometime soon. Then the door opened and that thought was completely blown away by the overpowering smell of Crooks’ heat.
He was also overwhelmed by the sight of Crooks. The other was naked. A few training scars and one badly healed broken rib were the only marks of the life he had led. Classic was glad that the supplements had helped him. When he first arrived his bones had been thin, yellow, and pitted from malnutrition. Now they looked so much better. Classic couldn’t help himself. He quickly made his way over to those bones and stroked them gently. His whole hand was about as wide as Crooks’ ribs.
“OH!” Crooks shivered with pleasure. “THAT FEELS GOOD. CAN YOU DO THAT MORE?”
Classic sat down on the edge of the bed and gestured for Crooks to join him. “sure. come on down here so i can use both hands. please?”
Crooks sat, and Classic’s hands were immediately all over him. Little shivers and pants were the perfect reward for every touch. Soon another part of Crooks drew his attention. Classic swiveled to face the phallus before him.
Crooks’ dick was huge; it was easily 12 inches long. It was smooth, staying about the same width until the very end. That is, except for the knot. At the base of the blood orange colored shaft was a swelling. Most of the dick was about two inches in diameter, but the knot flared out to about 4 inches. Seeing its size made Classic’s eyes water. He was going to have that in him? Maybe Crooks had been right...no. He said he would help, and he knew his magic could take it, so he would help if it killed him. He just really hoped that that was a figure of speech.
Classic let his pussy summon, but nothing else. He needed all that empty space to be empty. He also needed his entrance stretched, so he started working himself open with one hand while the other wrapped around Crooks’ dick and started slowly pumping it.
Classic grinned at him, then looked back at the hand on the dick. “i’m just loosening myself up so i will stretch good. and you? we need some kind of lubrication, so i’m getting as much pre out of you as i can.”
“WOULD THIS HELP?” Crooks asked.
Classic looked up. Crooks was sheepishly holding out a tube of high-end lube. Classic whistled. “that’s the good stuff. where did you get that?”
Classic hummed thoughtfully. “lust’s brother, right? interesting. funny he didn’t mention that your heat was coming up when he was driving me home from the hospital, especially since he was there the other night when i got drunk on the spiked ketchup and spilled about my crush on you.”
Classic swayed under the force of Crooks’ increased heat smell. “whoa, big guy. easy. no need to get all worked up about it. i’m sure he meant things for the best...and i’m also sure that, when this is all over with, we can booby trap every inch of his room for when he gets back. glitter bombs, green ooze, sound traps, seran wrap...the possibilities are endless.”
Crooks grinned down at him, the teeth for which he had been named were spread wide in all their crooked glory. “I, AS A PAPYRUS, CAN ONLY APPROVE OF THE BEST OF JAPES. AND THIS SOUNDS LIKE THE BEST OF THE BEST.”
A shudder and a small wave of fluid marked Classic’s first peak. He sighed and laid down on his back, legs spread wide and pussy on display.
“okay, big guy. you can start now. i should be loose enough to take you.”
Crooks stood up and hunched over Classic. He loomed, but the excited expression on his face turned what could have been a threatening gesture into an arousing one. Being picked up in Crooks’ ginormous hands was even more arousing.
The taller skeleton lined himself up with Classic’s entrance. “PLEASE TELL ME IF ANY OF THIS HURTS YOU, CLASSIC. I DON’T WANT TO HURT YOU.”
“will do, bu-” Classic’s eyes went wide as Crooks hilted inside him in one go. His pussy bulged out just below his ribcage. The stretch was huge!
“OH! I’M SORRY. I DIDN’T MEAN TO DO THAT. ARE YOU OKAY?” Crooks frantically asked.
After a moment, Classic found the breath to answer. He held up his left hand in an okay sign. “i’m good,” he squeaked, “you can move.”
“i’m sure,” Classic beamed up at him, making Crooks blush bright orange, “go ahead.”
Crooks pulled out slowly, then slammed back in. He quickly set a fast pace, and Classic was loving it. No one had ever been this rough with him. It felt great. His mouth was hanging open and his eyes were little hearts.
“FEELING GOOD?” Crooks asked with a hint of concern.
Classic nodded hugely. “so good. keep it up!”
Crooks smiled. He grabbed one of Classic’s shoulders and used that as a handle so he could fuck Classic harder. Both almost immediately were lost in the sensations. Before long, Classic could feel his orgasm approaching.
“i’m gonna cum soon, crooks. are you close?”
“i can take it,” Classic said confidently. There was also a sliver of desire in his voice. He wanted that knot badly. “go ahead and knot me, big guy.”
Crooks took him up on that offer, pushing hard until his knot popped in with a squeak. He kept thrusting, although now it was much more shallow. Classic’s pupils were blown wide. This felt so good! The tight coil of magic in his soul was just about ready to burst. What tipped him over the edge was the first spurt of warm orange magic. Classic whimpered as he came. Soul fluid dripped out of his ribcage, fluids lubricated the base of the knot, and Classic’s spine arched with pleasure. Crooks fucked him through both their orgasms. Classic ended up coming several times.
When Crooks was finally finished, Classic’s magic was almost as round as a basketball. It flowed out of him when his taller lover pulled out. Crooks looked incredibly proud of how much he had produced. “YOU LOOK SO GOOD, CLASSIC. I KNOW I’LL BE HEATED AGAIN IN AN HOUR OR TWO, BUT CAN WE CUDDLE IN THE MEANTIME? I...REALLY WANT TO BE TOUCHING YOU.”
Classic held his arms out imploringly. “yeah, we can cuddle. get over here, i want to be touching you, too.”
Crooks obliged, curling up around as much of Classic as he could manage. Then he settled in to rest.
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fanfictionandmore · 5 years
Stitches | Edward Scissorhands [Two Shot]
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Cinnamon's POV:
     "Are you excited to move into our new home?" My adoptive mom asked me curiously as we pulled into our new neighborhood. "I guess." I replied, shrugging my shoulders. The houses that lined the street weren't the ones I was use to. Most of the houses I've seen in my life were either white or made out of red bricks, but these... these were painted all different colors.
     One was mint green, another one was pastel pink, and there was a powder blue one as well. 'This place is strange, but... I kinda like it.' I thought inside of my head as my adoptive dad drove slowly down the street. Eventually we ended up parking in the driveway of a lavender purple colored home, which made me smile a little. Lavender and purples have always been some of my favorite colors. "Alright, let's get everything inside before it gets too dark." Larry, my adoptive dad said before he un-buckled and opened the driver's door.
     My adoptive mom, Jamie followed him. I was the last to get out of the car. I took in my surroundings as I did so, and I couldn't help but notice that some of our neighbors were looking out of their windows. The sound of kids playing in near by back yards filled my ears as well as some singing birds. Then I looked down the street and saw a large black castle sitting at the top of a large hill. "Wow. I bet they have a nice view from up there." I said quietly under my breath. 
     I shoved my curiosity to the back of my mind before grabbing some stuff and headed inside with my things. After we got everything in the house I went to my brand new bedroom where I'd probably be spending most of my time. Larry ended up helping me set my bed up and everything before he moved on to the rest of the house with Jamie. Once I was left alone I made my bed and started organizing everything that needed organizing. Suddenly the sound of our doorbell interrupted the tranquil silence that had settled in. 
     I sort of figured it was one of our neighbors welcoming us into the neighborhood, so I didn't even bother leaving my room. People kept coming and coming with hot food, cookies, welcoming gifts, etc. It was really nice of them to be so kind but I knew that most of it was because they were being nosey. They wanted to know who were were and how we act... what kind of people we were. It happens every single time we've moved somewhere. 
     In a way it was kinda old and slightly annoying. I pressed my thoughts to the back of my mind and just tried focusing on getting my room decorated. 'I'll need a new bookshelf... and a desk.' I said inside of my head as I finished putting my clothes into my closet. That was really the only thing I could unpack. We left and sold all the old furniture with the last house we lived in. 
     I really liked that house and that neighborhood, but school was brutal there. Everyone always picked on me because of my name, apparently having someone named Cinnamon is too gypsy-ish or hipster. But it wasn't just because of my name. I also got bullied for the clothes I wear, music I listen to, and books I read. Someone even made fun of the art I do, because it was too different. 
     It's like if you're different then people immediately attack you because of it, because they don't understand it. 'Come on, Cinnamon. Don't think about all of that negative stuff. You're getting a new start and that's all that matters.' I said inside of my head as I laid down on my new bed. 'I really hope things will be different here.' I thought as I stared up at my ceiling fan. A few minutes passed and I glanced out of my bedroom window. The sun was still out even though it was setting. It looked so beautiful out, so I decided to go for a walk. 
     "Jamie, Larry!" I said as I walked into the kitchen. Both of them were unpacking the dishes and putting them in cupboards. "Yes?" Larry asked me. Even though they've been my legal guardians for two years, I still wasn't able to call them mom and dad. The memory of losing my biological parents was still too fresh in my mind to move on just yet, and they seemed to understand. They were truly the kindest people I've ever met and appreciated them dearly; I appreciate them more than they'll ever understand. 
     "It's really nice outside, and I thought I'd just go out for a little walk." I said. "That's fine, just don't be out too late." Jamie said. "I won't. I promise." I said with a small smile before I left the kitchen and headed out the front door. As I walked out into the sidewalk I could still hear kids playing. There was a faint lawnmower running as well, and the refreshing scent of freshly cut grass filled my lungs. 'Thank god it's summer.' I thought inside of my head as I walked down the street on the sidewalk. 
     It was only the last part of May, so I had a good long while until school started back up. This year I was going into my senior year of high school. One more year and I'd be able to chose which college to go. I pressed my thoughts to the back of my mind as I walked onward, and just enjoyed the lovely weather. Eventually I reached the end of the road. The black top completely stopped at an open rusty gate that was falling apart. 
     Half of the bars in the gate were bent or broken from years of neglect and weathering. A dirt driveway lead all the way up to that castle I spotted earlier, and I wondered if anyone loved up there. "You don't wanna go up there." A young kid's voice said. I turned around to find a boy that looked about six or seven. He was a on a bright red bicycle with black racing stripes. 
     "Why? Someone unfriendly live up there?" I asked him curiously. "No, but it's haunted. It has been for years, according to my bigger brother." He said with a serious look on his round boyish face. "How does your brother know it's haunted? Has been up there himself?" I replied with furrowed brows. "I don't think so. He said his friend Henry went up there last Halloween and he saw a ghost up there." He said. 
     He welcomed me to the neighborhood and told me to have a good day before he sped off up the street. I turned back towards the rusty gate and figured his older brother's friend just scared himself. It wasn't because I didn't believe in ghosts, it's because I wasn't getting any bad vibes from the castle at the top of the hill. Maybe I didn't feel anything due to how far I was from the place, but I highly doubted it. The more I thought about it, the more I was intrigued. 
     I found myself wanting to know if it really was haunted or not. I took my phone out of my pocket and checked the time. 5:30pm read on the center of my screen, and I figured I could go up and take a quick look around. I walked off of the black top and onto the dirt driveway that dad to the castle above. As I got closer the steeper the driveway got, and I suddenly wished I would have taken the car. But it was good exercise. 
     Everything was grown up and it looked as if no one had been here for years, maybe even decades. Sweat broke out on my brow and I wiped it away as I reached an easier patch of path. In front of me rose another rusty gate, but this one wasn't bent or falling down like the one before. It looked like it was in just as bad shape, but still intact and overgrown with vines. I gently pushed it open with my foot in case there was any poison ivy hiding in the vines. 
     The gate slowly swung open with a groan before I walked through it. I audibly gasped when I looked around at my new surroundings. The dark, decrepit castle was blocked in by a stone wall, and it seemed to keep the overgrown vines and whatnot out. The grass was neatly trimmed and beautiful flowers grew almost everywhere. Shrubs and large bushes had been trimmed and cut to take the shape of many different animals and mythical creatures. 
     It was like I had fallen down the rabbit hole and ended up in Wonderland. I felt as if I was in a literal dream, but I knew I wasn't sleeping. After I had fully digested the information my eyes were feeding my brain, I turned my attention to the blackened castle in front of me. The structure was a complete contrast to what was surrounding it. My eye caught movement in an window that was at the top of the castle. 
     I wondered if it was the lighting playing a trick on my eyes, but I definitely knew I had saw someone or something. "Hello? I'm sorry if I'm trespassing. I didn't know anyone loved here." I said loudly, but no one replied. I stood there for a few minutes before deciding to go back home, but the sound of a door opening and footsteps stopped me. When I turned towards the sound my stomach filled with anxiety and fear. A man in a black leather outfit was walking towards me with what looked like knives for hands. 
     I knew he wasn't holding weapons, because there's no way a human hand can hold several knives in one hand. "I... I'll... um..." I said, swallowing thickly. "I'll be... be going then. I didn't mean to disturb you." I said nervously as I backed up slowly. "Don't go. I... I won't hurt you." The soft voice that came out of his mouth was almost shocking. It wasn't intimidating at all, it was... honestly it was cute. 
     The innocent and shy look on his face made me go soft, and I stopped trying to plan my escape. He looked like a lost puppy just trying to find a friend, and it pulled at my heartstrings. "Who are you, and... and why do you have... scissors for hands?" I asked him after a long moment of silence. Now that he was closer I did notice that his hands were made out of scissors instead of knives. I had a feeling he was dressed head to toe in leather, so he wouldn't hurt or kill himself with the blades on his hands. 
     "I'm Edward. I'm not finished." He replied shyly. "Hi, Edward. My name is Cinnamon." I replied as I slowly walked towards him. "Cinnamon?" He asked. "Yeah, it's technically the name of a spice  but my parents named me after it I guess." I replied with a slight laugh. Now that I was even closer to him I noticed how pale he was and the many scars on his face. His lips looked kinda purple-ish; his bottom lip had a scar as well. 
     The jet black hair on top of his head was messy and stuck out at odd angles. "It sounds pretty, I like it." He said, which made me smile and he smiled too. Suddenly I realized that it was getting late, and I wished it wasn't going on six thirty already. I just met someone who was interesting and different. I had so many questions that I wanted to ask him. 
     "Edward, it's getting kinda late and I have to be home for dinner. But... I promise I'll be back again tomorrow. Would you like it if I came and visited you tomorrow?" I said, breaking the comfortable silence that had settled around us. "Yes." He replied with an excited look in his chocolate brown eyes. "Good. I'll see you tomorrow then." I said with a smile. I was so glad he wanted to see me again as much as I wanted to see him. "See you tomorrow, Cinnamon." He replied. 
     I waved him goodbye before I made my way back home. Deep down I was feeling kinda sad for leaving Edward up there, but I knew it was for the best. If he came down here with those scissorshands of his, he'd send everyone in a panic. I walked into the house and quickly washed my hands before I joined my parents in the kitchen. "Did you have a nice walk?" Larry asked me curiously. 
     "Yeah, it was great." I replied with a small smile. "Good." He replied with a bright smile on his face. The three of us had to eat on the kitchen floor, because we didn't have a kitchen table yet. So after we finished eating we made a list of the many furniture items we needed to pick up tomorrow. After we talked for a little while I ended up going into my room. I read a bit of the current book I was reading before getting ready for bed. 
     I changed into my pajamas and climbed into my new and comfortable bed. It took me a while to actually fall asleep, but when I did all I could dream about was Edward.
     The next morning I woke up to the sound of chirping birds. After I stretched and rubbed the sleep from my eyes I got out of bed. I used the bathroom and got ready for the day. I slipped on a Black Veil Brides t-shirt, a pair of ripped black jeans, and my black and white converse. Then I went downstairs to eat breakfast on the kitchen floor with Larry and Jamie. 
     "Do you wanna come to town with us and help us buy some furniture?" Larry asked me curiously as he helped Jamie wash the dishes. "Actually, I wanted to explore the neighborhood a bit more. I hope you guys don't mind." I replied, hoping they didn't. I really wanted to spend most of the day with Edward. "That's fine, just be careful and don't get into any trouble." Jamie said, and Larry agreed. "I will and I promise that I won't. Thanks." I replied with a small smile. They smiled as well. 
     They knew I wasn't a trouble child, even if I am emo/goth. People like me always get a bad reputation just because of the way we dress and the music we listen too. It sounds like a cliche, but it's true when people say that normal people don't really understand us. After they finished washing the dishes they got ready to leave and I told them goodbye. I waited a few minutes after their vehicle was completely out of sight. I didn't want them turning around and coming back if they forgot something. 
     Having them catch me going up to that castle would probably get me grounded. So when I decided that it was safe I grabbed my house keys and locked the door behind me before leaving. The sound of lawn mowers, music, and kids playing filled my ears as soon as I stepped outside. The weather was gorgeous. It really was a great excuse to be out and about on a day like this. 
     I shoved my thoughts to the back of my mind as I walked down the street. A couple of neighbors said their hellos as I passed their houses, and I said hello back. 'I hope they don't see where I'm going. They'll tell my adoptive parents and I'll get grounded.' I thought inside of my head, which gave me a little bit of anxiety. As I approached the broken and fallen gate I made sure no one was watching me before I stepped through it. Sweat broke out on my brow once again during my walk up to the castle, but I didn't mind. 
     It was good exercise and it was totally worth it to see Edward again. When I reached the second gate I had to push it open just like before, because I closed it when I left last night. My surroundings were just as beautiful as they were before, and I couldn't help but feel a bit magical. This entire property seemed to exude good energy. I walked towards the castle door and found that it was closed, but not locked. 
     I knocked before I opened the door and announced my presence. The inside of the structure looked dull and gray; the exact opposite of what laid outside. A thick layer of dust slept heavily on sheet draped furniture and steal machinery. Cobwebs laced together many gaps and small spaces. There wasn't any doubt that whomever use to love here no longer did, and I wondered if they had left Edward behind. 
     As I closed the door behind me I could hear footsteps upstairs. Edward came down a flight of stairs that was right in the middle of the foyer. He looked the same as he did last night, but his hair some how looked wilder. "Cinnamon, you came." He said with a happy and excited look on his face. "Of course I did. I promised you that I would." I replied as I walked towards him. 
     I got the urge to hug him, but I was hesitant due to the sharp blades that were his hands. "Can... can I hug you?" I asked him curiously. He nodded shyly and I gently grasped each of his arms to wrap around my body before I wrapped my arms around him. The black leather outfit he was wearing was rough, yet smooth in some places. The metal buckles and whatnot felt cold to the touch on my warm skin, but I didn't mind. 
     To my surprise he gently tightened his arms around me and I did the same to him. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the closeness he and I shared. It felt like our souls had intertwined and it was the most comforting sensations I've ever felt. We gently broke the hug and he lead me upstairs where a gaping hole was in the ceiling. I couldn't help but wonder what had happened to have cause that, but I figured the long years of neglect was the cause. 
     "Do you live here alone?" I asked him curiously as he and I took a seat on a creaky little bead I figured was his. He said he did, and I proceeded to ask him the many questions that swam around in my brain. He answered every single one of them the best he could. His father had died before he could give him proper hands, but he just said that his father didn't wake up one day. It was such an innocent way to describe the death of a loved one, and I figured that death didn't exist in his mind; he didn't understand the concept of death. 
     Then he described how he was found up here in a way kind how I found him. But the woman that found him ended up taking him down into the neighborhood. The family that took him in was nice and kind to him and so where the neighbors. That changed when the girl he fell in love with asked him to break into her boyfriend's house; he ended up getting caught and thrown in jail over night. Then it was like everyone turned on him... everyone except for Kim and her family. 
     When he finished telling all of this I was crying. My heart ached for him, and I wished there was some way for me to make everything better... to make him feel better. "Oh, Edward. I'm so sorry." I said as I placed a hand on his shoulder blade and gently rubbed his back. "It's okay. I never really expected Kim to come and visit me after that night. Our goodbye felt way too permanent." He replied with slumped shoulders. 
     He was looking down at his laced blades, and my heart hurt for him. "Well... I promise to come and visit you as much as I can." I said as I wrapped my arm around his shoulders and sort of gave him a side hug. "Really?" He asked me curiously. "Absolutely." I replied, and a big smile spread across his handsome face. Since he was feeling a little better I suggested that we go outside and enjoy the nice weather. He went around trimming some of the bushes and shrubs and I admired his technique. 
     He was truly a gifted and creative man. It was sad knowing that virtually no one else would have the opportunity to witness his art. When he was finished we laid down in the soft green grass and watched the white clouds floating by. I was snuggled into his side with his arm underneath my head. He moved one of his blades and it nicked my arm, which made me gasp. 
     I sat up and looked at the cut, which was nothing but a little scratch. "Did I cut you?" He asked with a panicked look in his chocolate brown eyes. "It's just a little scratch. It's okay." I replied as I used my shirt to wipe the blood off of my arm. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you." Edward said, trying to make himself as small as possible. He looked sad and scared. "It's okay." I said softly as I tried to comfort him. 
     I left a gentle kiss on his warm cheek before I wrapped my arms around him and held him close. I felt so bad for him. It was probably so frustrating and hard to be so afraid of hurting the ones you love and care about. Edward finally relaxed and we went back to having fun. We had such a good time together I forgot I skipped lunch. Eventually I had to go back home though, because I didn't want my parents worrying about me. 
     We said our goodbyes and he apologized for the little scratch he had given me once more. We hugged goodbye before I walked back down to my house. When I got there my parents were putting together some furniture in the living room. "Hey, did you have a nice day?" Jamie asked me curiously. "Yeah, I didn't actually. Thanks for asking." I replied before I went to the bathroom. I used the toilet before cleaning and putting a band aid on the scratch Edward accidentally gave me. 
     Then I went out into the living room to help Larry and Jamie put together the furniture. "What happened? Did you hurt yourself?" Jamie asked me curiously, and I knew she noticed the band aid that was on my arm. "I got into a fight with a thorn bush." I replied, which made Larry chuckle. "Well, at least you didn't get scraped anymore than you did." He said with a small smile on his face. The rest of my day was filled with furniture building, and I wondered what Edward was up to now that I wasn't around. 
     I couldn't help but feel bad knowing the he's probably just sitting around up there bored out of his mind. After we ate dinner Larry helped me out together my book shelf and a small little desk for my room. When we were finished I grabbed my book and sat down on the bed to read. My life was way different now, and I wondered what was going to come of my friendship with Edward.
     The past couple of months I've been sneaking off to see Edward at all hours of the day and night. Occasionally I'd food and water up with me Just so I could stay longer. Not to mention the fact he always looked so hungry and malnourished. I wasn't entirely sure if he was human or not, but he could feel emotions so he had to be at least a little human. The only thing I was worried about was getting caught. 
     If Jamie or Larry spotted me leaving the house in the middle of the night I'd be grounded for life. But right now all of my worried was elsewhere, because I was with Edward. We were laying in the grass looking up at the night sky. The moon was bright and full; the stars sparkled in the inky blackness above. "I love being with you, Edward. I wish we could live together so we could see each other more often." I said, breaking the silence. 
     "So do I, but we can't. I can't go down there and you have a family to think about." He said. We cuddled and he was so extra careful not to hurt me in any way, which was so sweet and cute. Sadly I eventually had to say goodnight to him and go back home. He left a gentle kiss on my cheek and I did the same to him before I went back down the hill. I felt so happy, but my mood instantly changed when I walked into the house. 
     The living room light switched on, and my adoptive parents were standing there in their pajamas. "Cinnamon, we need to talk. Have a seat." Larry said, pointing to the couch. I slowly walked over to the couch and sat down. I kinda already knew what they were going to tell me, and it made me feel a little sad. There was no way I was getting out of this without getting grounded, which meant I wouldn't be able to see Edward as much anymore. 
     "We know you've been sneaking out each night." Jamie said. "We just wanna know where you've been going." Larry said. Both of them looked worried and scared. I sort of figured they might think I was out taking drugs or defacing public property. "I've been going to that castle at the end of the street on top of the the hill." I replied after a few moments of silence. "Why have you been going up there?" Jamie asked me curiously with wide eyes. We sat there and looked at each other for a while before I came up with a solution. 
     "I'll show you why tomorrow. It's better if I show you, because if I tell you you might think I'm crazy." I said, and they looked at each other with an uncertain look in their eyes. They agreed to go up to the castle with me tomorrow tomorrow, and I breathed a sigh of relief. I was worried that they'd be close minded and shut down everything I said, but they didn't. We said goodnight to each other and I went into my room to change into my pajamas. Before climbing into bed I set my alarm clock so I'd be up bright and early. 
     I fell into a restless sleep, but it wasn't surprising. I was jolted awake from the sound of my alarm clock, and I stretched before rubbing the sleep from my eyes. After I got out of bed I used the bathroom and then got dressed. I put on a Twenty One Pilot t-shirt and a pair of ripped black jeans before putting on yellow converse. Then I went into the kitchen to make the three of us breakfast. 
     Shortly Jamie and Larry came into the kitchen and we ate silently. "Are you ready to go see why I've been sneaking off at night?" I asked them once we were finished eating. They said they were even though they looked nervous and worried. Instead of taking the car I insisted that we walked instead. I didn't wanna frighten Edward. "This hill is steeper than it looks." Larry said, and Jamie agreed. 
     I didn't have any trouble with it now, because I had gotten use to walking up the hill every day. I pushed the gate open and lead them into the beautiful flower garden that I have grown to love. Their eyes widened as they took in their surroundings. "It's so beautiful." Jamie said, breaking the silence. "This isn't the only reason I've been coming up here." I said. I told them to wait outside, and I quickly popped into the castle to call for Edward. 
     He came hurrying towards me from upstairs and we held each other in a tight embrace. "Edward, I brought my adoptive parents up to meet you." I said, and he seemed a little nervous. "It's okay, they're really nice. I think you'll really like them." I said. I turned around and walked back outside first. "This is why I've been coming up here to spend my time. Don't worry, he's really sweet and gentle. He won't hurt any of us." I said to my parents who looked nervous as well. 
     Jamie gasped when Edward came out of the castle behind me. They were in awe of what they were seeing, but they didn't seem afraid. I introduced them to each other and the nervousness in the air seemed to disappear. It was like Edward was a part of our family all along. We spent the majority of the morning with Edward in his beautiful garden. Edward needed stitches and we just happened to be the thread to put him back together.
++++++++++++++++++++++++ A/N: Thanks for reading!!
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boyswanna-be-her · 6 years
I have a crush on you but also LEAK THE SKIN CARE ROUTINE
I really hope you were serious, because this is something I’ve thought a lot about and I am absolutely going to use this ask as an excuse to go into a skin care deep dive.
Here’s a big-ol high-res picture of my mug for you to inspect.
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I pay less than $15 for products that must last at least 3-4 months because I just… don’t have more money than that to throw at this hobby. I’ll link to everything I use and show you the price under the cut.
I only use four of these things below every day–but when I have time, I use as many of them as my skin calls for. I just wanted to show you the whole of my skincare arsenal so as not to be coy about it taking up space and time in my life and routine. It does, and I do work on it.
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I’m 33, white with combination skin, lots of prior scarring from picking, lots of sun exposure (Florida!), and several minor autoimmune issues that impact my skin when my health is poor or stress is high. I am prone to whiteheads and inflamed pimples the week of my period. 
You cannot buy, wash, treat, or hide your way to “perfect” skin. Airbrushed, poreless, whitewashed, glowing, moist, unwrinkled skin is a lie sold to us by makeup and skincare companies. There is no perfect skin–there is only skin. 
But if you personally are unhappy with some aspect of your skin, you can develop habits that make you more comfortable with/proud of/happy with your skin, and that’s what I want to focus on here.
Though good health =/= clear and smooth skin in all cases, I am lucky to report that my skin looks clearer, smoother, and younger now that I’m not just generally near death all the time. The story would be very different if I struggled with, say, lifelong acne, or if I had a chronic health problem that I was not able to manage. 
Skincare is a luxury of time, money, physical storage space, and mental space.
“Good” skin is a myth. Everyone’s skin is good skin. I started doing all of this stuff to my skin because I was dissatisfied with how much it HURT all of the time, and how flaky it was. Acne, scars, “discoloration,” different coloration, birthmarks, big pores, “craters,” uneven textures, dark hairs, thick hairs, skin tags, milia, blackheads, wrinkles, keratosis pilaris, freckles, and moles are all NORMAL skin types/features and don’t need to be “solved” if the possessor is unbothered by them. YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO LOOK HOWEVER YOU WANT. 
I do this stuff because I like it, it helps my mental health to take care of myself with a routine, and it improves my physical quality of life. It helps me with some insecurities, but if that was the only thing it did for me, I don’t think I’d mess with it this much. When I’m not healthy, my skin is prone to deep cracking and flaking. I have always been self-conscious about redness in my T-zone and yellowness around my eyes (dear god, my poor, poor liver).
My skin has objectively cleared and smoothed and plumped up a lot because I smoke less, drink less, stay in mostly humid environments (because, again, Florida!), and have been managing my stress and autoimmune issues. These are all changes made in the last six months. 
On top of those changes, on an average day when I’m actually taking care of myself, I use the following four steps in the order listed, once a day in the morning. I’m realistic that I’ll only do this once a day in the morning and anything more than that is just a boring time suck for me as a person.
1. COSRX Low pH Good Morning Gel Cleanser - 5 oz for $10.70 - one tube lasts me about 6 months. I use this in the morning and just thoroughly wash my face. It’s very mild and has a fresh citrus scent that doesn’t linger.
2. Kikumasamune Skincare Lotion - 17 oz $12.10 - one bottle lasts me 8-10 months. This is a fermented, watery product unlike anything I’d used before. It smells faintly like sake, bananas, and bubblegum (seriously). I decant it out of the big pump bottle into a little travel bottle. I shake a little in my hand and rub it gently over my whole face and eye area. Probably not supposed to do that, but I’m a rebel. It leaves my skin a little tacky.
3. Hada Labo Rohto Hadalabo Gokujun Hyaluronic Lotion Moist - 5.7 oz for $12.99 bottle, then 6.4 oz for $10.90 refill packages - 5 oz lasts me 3-4 months. I’ve honestly forgotten what this even does but it’s a nice, thick liquid, colorless and scentless, and I put it all over my face. Leaves my skin a little less tacky but still not slick/neutral.
4. Ladykin Fresh Strawberry Icing Gel Bar - 6.7 oz for $7.99 - one bottle lasts me about 5-6 months. Someone literally bought this for me as a gag gift because they knew I liked skincare and the bottle is… weirdly obscene. But it turns out that it makes a great moisturizer for me and it’s cheap as hell and smells like fresh strawberries so what’s the down side? 
When I have time or when my skin really needs it, I also use the following products:
SHEETMASKS - Stop buying overpriced sheetmasks one at a time!!!! Leave that aisle at Target alone!!! I know they’re at the dollar store too–leave them alone!!! Those are cool if you’re treating yourself for special occasions, but I try to think of sheet masks as a normal part of my week. That means I’m not going to shell out $3-4 PER MASK if I’m using one or two every week! 
The thing with sheetmasks is, in my totally nonscientific opinion, it doesn’t really matter what kind you use. The value is in plopping a bunch of moisture on your face along with cloth that simply forces that product into your skin. It’s the skin force-feeding concept that works more than the product itself. I think. I have no proof. I have made really moronic assumptions before.
That said, you’ll find ones that you prefer over others. Snail mucin ones don’t absorb nicely for me. Exotic animal-sourced ingredients (bee pollen, royal jelly, donkey milk, goat milk, snake venom, bee venom….) sometimes irritate my skin. Other people LOVE them. 
I get sheetmasks in packages online, at TJ Maxx, and at Marshalls. I try to pay under 75 cents per mask, but lean more towards the 50 cent mark. TJ Maxx and Marshalls are great places to try out new masks–just look at the prices and the mask count and do a little mental math to make sure you’re not getting gouged.
A good place to start if you want to try sheetmasking is with the Dermal brand of sheetmasks (16 masks for $11 (68c/per), 24 masks for $14 (58c/per), 39 masks for $21 (54c/per). They’re basic and generally non-irritating with no scent and a thin formula that feels nice and leaves skin smooth and untacky. This is what I generally keep on hand. 
I have a weird sense-memory thing with ginseng, so I also look out for Esfolio Pure Skin Red Ginseng Essence Mask Sheets. I don’t recommend buying from Amazon, as I am able to find these 10-pack boxes cheaper in person.
If I’m going to use a sheetmask, I put it on after I brush my teeth, wash my face, and put in contact lenses (doing them with glasses isn’t impossible–just messier). Then I make tea and just… do stuff with the dumb sheet mask on until it’s pretty dry (20-30 minutes). Then I take it off and rub the leftover mask on my arms and legs and chest like a weirdo, because it’s still full of product, and then I squeeze the leftover product out of the package and apply it to my face. Because I have the luxury of time but not money, I do NOT waste product.
AQUAPHOR - ~$14 for 14 oz - one tub lasts me through 18 months of travel, winters, and tattoos. Apparently everyone who lives somewhere cold already knows that you need to smother your face in petrolatum when it starts acting up or the weather is cold and dry, but this was shocking news to someone like me who was raised in Southern mall culture skincare routines. When my skin is cracked and bad, Aquaphor legit helps more than my prescription steroid creams. I put as much of it on my face as I can tolerate (it doesn’t smell like anything, but it does make you damned greasy) and then go to bed. Waking up with post-Aquaphor skin is like a miracle sometimes.
MISSHA M Perfect Cover BB Cream SPF 42 - $7.20 for 0.2 oz -  This is a new purchase for me, as my favorite sheer, tinted one-tone-fits-all BB cream has been discontinued. This only comes in six colors, and most of those look like they flatter white and yellow skin–so this option won’t be perfect for everyone. I’m still in search of the perfect replacement BB, but this one works for now. In the picture at the top of this post, I’ve just done my normal 4-step thing and applied about a pump and a half of this BB cream all over my face.
***If you have actively flakey skin, I don’t recommend the MISSHA product as it does emphasize flakes and dry patches. Try COVERGIRL Smoothers Lightweight BB Cream (1.35 oz for $6.19) It won’t discolor and emphasize your flakes, if you get dried out during the day.*** 
I fell into the Korean beauty rabbit hole several years ago with @shrimoishere​ –who has been more consistent about these things and as a result has AMAZING SKIN. If you want to learn more about why this stuff works, and how it could work for your specific skin type, I highly recommend poking around r/AsianBeauty. I spent a ton of time researching products and about two years trying different things to figure out what would work for me. This has been a passive, slow journey, so I don’t think anyone who can afford it and would like to pursue it should feel intimidated by the perceived time suck. It’s just something cool to do in the background.
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cutiecrates · 5 years
Cutie Reviews: NMNL May 19
I know it’s only been a week since I did the previous NMNL, but I had been hoping to have this done a few days ago. But I just wasn’t really in a hurry to use the items like I usually do. The box wasn’t the problem though, I just lost a little momentum again. But I’m feeling better again and I’m ready to do this!
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“May’s box is all about embracing your natural beauty! Whether you want to do that by taking care of your skin or enhancing your features wih a little makeup, we’ve included the perfect products for you because we want you to feel beautiful this month!“
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For winning the contest this month, first prize could win a set of the Missa Time Revolution Vitality Set of curated products, while runner-ups got a Missa dual blending eyeshadow in Rose Crown.
Glam Gift
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Meanwhile, the glam gift includes a whole set of Etude House goods :D I love Etude House, and I was very excited to recognize the Missing U lotion, it’s the exact one I have. I meant to buy the whole set, but I kinda forgot to get the others...
I’ve also been planning on buying the soft drink lip products because of how cute they are, so I found that to be kinda funny too.
Meanwhile, the months horoscope is What cocktail should you try? with mine, Libra, being a Mai Tai. I’ve heard of it, but I never tried it. I’d love to try a strawberry daiquiri though, or maybe a Cosmopolitan- I’m only into fruity, colorful drinks.
Okay, well with that let’s get started!
Patting Panda Tool
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Our first item is a unique beauty tool meant to emulate an important part of the Japanese skin care routine. This is basically applying a lotion product by gently patting the skin until its absorbed in the skin, so this adorable panda wand will help with that. I assume you can also use it with other various skin products.
All you do is apply a cotton pad or paper or tissue or something, then apply a lotion (from the images I assume liquid works better, or something thin and runny), then you tap it against the skin about 30 times. I think you can do more than that though because I noticed mine was fine after that, so I think I was closer to 50 or 60 when I noticed mine was dirty and thinned out/no longer usable.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
I mean, in all honesty it’s probably more work just putting this thing together than it is actually applying/patting the product on yourself. BUT, it’s nice if you don’t want it all over your hands or touch your face, and I can’t say it doesn’t work. I used it and noticed that the product seemed to absorb quicker and my skin felt really nice. I also love pandas, so it’s pretty cute in that regard; and it was actually fun to use.
The only thing I dislike is that the loop piece won’t stay on unless you have something for it to connect to on the head piece, the cotton pad/tissue/paper. So until I decide where to put it, I’ll be leaving it in the box, which takes up a lot of space if you ask me...
Speed Off Brush Cleaning Sheets
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Our next item is for cleaning makeup brushes, with each wipe infused with Alkaline electrolyte water to remove built up dirt, sebum, oil, foundation, and whatever else might be on the brushes. There is 12 in a set, and let me tell you, I used 3 of them cleaning all of my brushes.
That is because in all honesty, I actually was never told about the importance of cleaning your makeup brushes. I would clean them as I used them, but I never gave them a real, wet cleaning. Not cleaning your makeup tools can lead to bacteria that can lead to acne and other skin conditions- that never happened to me as of yet, but that isn’t to say it never wouldn’t have.
They have a scent, but I’m not sure what it is. It isn’t really a pleasant scent like flowers or fruit, but it’s not bad either, it’s really light. 
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
To be fair you probably could have got the same effect just wetting the brushes and cleaning them manually, but this saves you effort; it’s like the opposite of the panda, but like the Panda, I actually really liked these. Not only did they make everything look brand new and tidy again, but it also did an awesome job removing the built up mascara on my favorite eyelash curler I really need to throw away but won’t because it’s my favorite.
As I said above, I did go through 3 of them, but rest assure that I used each one to its fullest and they were covered. But to be fair, one of my palettes got smeared with another makeup and I had a hard time removing it, and my foundation brush was loaded with product <3< it’s seen a lot...
Fragrance Body Sheets
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By Fiancee (a brand we’ve seen before but not recently~) we have these fun looking body wipes in a grapefruit scent. They have a cooling menthol effect and will keep one moisturized and refreshed whether it be in the morning while getting ready or while outside enjoying the weather.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
I love these! I’ve always ♥ grapefruit scents or anything citrus-based because to me they’re very refreshing and great pick-me-ups on those lazy mornings you can’t wake up fast enough. They smell amazing and the scent is long-lasting!
The only reason I marked them down is because you’re told not to use these on your face or clothing... I mostly use wipes for my face, and if necessary my clothes too, like if I spilled something while I’m out. I don’t know why they can’t be used on these 2 places, but I don’t plan to test my luck either and I really hope I remember not to use them on my face <3<
I assume it’ll burn...
Japanese Bath Powder & Fluffy Cleansing Pad
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First up is an item I’ve had before, but it’s been so long I don’t remember if I had it in this specific version. These are adorable bath powders based on the daruma doll, lucky cat, or a dog, each with their own beneficial ingredients; like the daruma I have contains Japanese snake gourd plant extract, the cat has orange blossom oil, and the dog contains chrysanthemum extract.
As you can see I got the daruma doll, and he smells really good. I can’t tell if its cranberry or lychee or what, but it smells good and has a pretty matching color. I did use it, but because I didn’t feel like taking a bath I soaked my feet in again, but because there’s so much powder I only used a portion of it. The rest will be saved for a bath... or more feet soaks cause lately that’s what I’m into.
Since I’m pretty sure I already had this one, or one exactly like it. I’m not going to rate it, I’ll just say that my feet/skin felt no difference after I used it. All it really did was color the water (no staining btw) and release a strong, pleasant scent.
Our next item is a cleansing facial pad, available in 2 colors/designs, and I was very happy I got the pink one~ But they’re both cute colors. Like the panda, this is another product by Beauty World.
These are for exfoliating and cleansing the skin while removing makeup, instead of using a cotton pad or wipes that might strip the skin of beneficial nutrients. They also brighten the skin. 
I decided not to rate this one either, but only because I didn’t really have much to say about it. It feels really soft and fluffy like the name implies, and it does its job.
Berrisom Horror Mask
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Our next item is another Berrisom mask, this time part of their Horror line. We could either get a skeleton version made from Black Rice, which focuses on clearing up dry skin and improving the elasticity and moisturization, or the Pierrot/clown version, made from green tea and bamboo water to deeply moisturize and prevent wrinkles.
In knowing that, either one would have worked for me... but I don’t remember i I mentioned this before or not (I probably did), I’m terrified of skeletons DX I know it’s silly, but I’ve always been; the only exception is that I think skull designs are cute, and cutesy skeletons I can endure, I used to love the Skelanimal series.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
It smells good, it has that Target scent I mention some times. I really like it, but I did not like the skull design on this mask DX it was scary. For me to use this, I had put it on and hurried up and put one of my other masks on top of it because I could see myself wearing it. 
Again, I know its weird but it’s what I had to do okay.
Its quality was great though, plenty moist and it stuck very good. It was very soothing, and my face felt really nice after I used it~
Oh My Lash Mascara
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Our next item is by Etude House, the Oh My Lash Mascara available in 2 formats; either #3 which focuses on volume or #4 for curling. I got 3, which you can kinda see in the pic on both the tube and lid.
This is a basic black mascara. There’s a little bit of a scent but it doesn’t smell like typical mascara.
Rating: ♥ ♥
I was really disappointed with last months Kira Kira Crate metallic pink let-down, so this one, which wasn’t nearly as cute didn’t give discourage me. As soon as I smoothly pulled out the wand and observed the bristles, I had high hopes this one would be pretty good.
But despite how good it looks, it’s a typical mascara. It’s not the worst and I can see a difference, but my lashes insta-clumped and stuck together. That usually doesn’t happen until like my third or fourth swipe (if I really have to do that many that is...). This won’t be in my top 3 mascara anytime soon.
Lip Tint Jam
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Our last item is by Canmake. This lip tint jam is available in No.4 Expresso Jam, but don’t let the name fool you, it has a scent but its not a delicious one. This specific product features a jam-like jelly texture that easily spreads on the lips for a smooth, semi-matte finish. It comes in a brownish-orange shade... A shade I can’t say I was ever considering for myself.
Rating: ♥ ♥ 
The product isn’t bad, I kind of like how it feels on my lips. It went on smoothly as promised, but I did have to apply it a couple times to evenly spread out, because each time i brought my lips together it seemed to pull it away from certain spots. I wasn’t crazy about the color, but after dabbing it, it left a lighter, but still-noticeable tint on my lips that I approve of a lot more.
♥ Cutie Ranking ♥
Content - 3.5 out of 5. I liked the items, but I felt like some of them were lacking in quality.
Theme: 1.5 out of 5. Honestly, I think only a couple items really enhance ones natural beauty. I never really consider makeup to be Natural, but if you do I’d bump it up to a 2. 
Total Rank: 6 out of 10. The products are fine and they do work,but in comparison to the past two that I really liked, I felt like this one didn’t measure up. It had a handful of nice qualities too though, so I can’t say it was a bad box, it’s just my personal opinion that it could have been better.
♥ Cutie Scale ♥
1. Body Sheets - Besides the fun, colorful packaging, these smell deliciously wonderful! I’ll be bringing these with me and using them on those sleepy mornings for sure.
2. Patting Panda - It’s so sweet, I can’t help but smile looking at it~
3. Japanese Bath Powder - Smells and looks really pretty. I didn’t feel any different but it was still a pleasant experience. 
4. Berrisom Face Mask - the prior ones weren’t too impressive but they smelled good, and this one smelled good too- plus the quality actually impressed me. These ones would be fun to use at a slumber party or friendly get-together.
5. Speed Off Cleaner - I love its pink and black color scheme on the packaging x3 I was also very impressed by these. I wish we got more, but I can see why we didn’t, since you don’t need to clean your makeup tools all the time. They could end up drying up before you use them all DX
6. Lip Tint Jam - Felt nice but it left my lips uneven and patchy until like the 3rd application. I didn’t like the color until I wiped off a portion of it after a few minutes. The bottle is really cute though and I think it’ll be a nice shade for fall/autumn.
7. Cleansing Pad - The packaging is really cute but the sponge itself is plain; the polar bear face isn’t really even on it, which disappointed me a bit. It feels really nice on the skin though, so I think I’ll still use it. When I remember that is...
8. Oh My Lash Mascara - I think this was the biggest disappointment in the box. It worked but I wasn’t impressed by it. It’s also pretty plain, which is so not the image of Etude House I get. 
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littleliv1 · 6 years
I Was Born To Love You- Ben Hardy Fanfic- Part five
Hello loves! Sorry it’s taking me forever to update this. This part was extremely long, so I decided to make it into five and five and a half, if that makes sense. Hope you enjoy!
Summary: Brian and Roger wake Leah and tell her she and the guys have a surprise for them waiting for them at the end of the night. She finds out some big news.
Warnings: language, maybe some angst, talk about pregnancy, drinking, nothing really((:
I woke up the next morning, my make up was all over my pillow and my eyes were still swollen. I heard my phone going crazy. It was only 9 am, what could they possibly want right now? It was Austin calling. "Hi, love," I said tiredly. "When are you coming home?" He asked. Was it true, that he missed me? "Awe, I miss you, too, my love." I said sweetly. "Alright, when are you coming home?" He repeated. He didn't exactly say he missed me, that's just how I took it. "Well we have to add at least another week-" "Alright, see you then, dear." He said hurriedly, hanging up. I looked at my watch that didn't change to London time, it was 5 am there. Why was he up so early?
I couldn't finish my thought, because there was a knock at the door. "It's open," I said, rubbing the tired out of my eyes, smearing my make up even more. Brian and Roger walked in. "Good morning, beauty." Roger said. I smiled at them. "Sleep well?" I asked, getting up, making the bed, flipping the pillow over so they couldn't see the make up stains. "Why yes we did. We have a surprise for you later today, look your very best. Okay?" Brian said. I giggled. "I appreciate the thought but I have to get some stuff for the movie done-" "Yeah the instruments, Bryan told us. Those can wait, love. We all just want a week to have some fun in London, take the day off. For the entire  day and entire night, you are no ones assistant. And we want you to look your very best. A nice dress, nice hair and make up, you'll love it, my sweet girl." Brian said, cupping my cheeks. I feel like he's taking the fatherly roll that he knew I was desperate for at a young age. All girls need their dad, and it felt like he looked at me and saw a girl who couldn't have that anymore.
I nodded at them smiling in his grip. As the two older men were leaving, Lucy, who was playing Mary in BoRhap, walked in. "Hello, beauty!" She said sweetly. I smiled at her, as far as I knew  I only worked for the guys, even though not today. "Hi, Lucy, what can I do you for?" I asked. She giggled. "You're not my assistant, dear, I just thought you could use some girl time. I know we're all going to this surprise that they won't tell us about, and I know you've been surrounded by men for weeks." She said. I smiled, I guess I have been. I didn't even realize it. "Alright, what do you want to do?" I asked. She thought for a second before getting excited. "Let's get our nails and hair done, treated by Bryan Singer," she said, holding up a credit card. I giggled at the sight of it and agreed. I just through on some shorts and a tee shirt. I also cleaned up my face that had make up all over it. I wore my glasses, since I wasn't anyone assistant today I didn't have to wear contacts. We left from there.
Lucy found this very professional and high end nail salon. It was slightly weird for me to go somewhere like that, I'm not used to high end treatment. We walked in, and we were greeted by this very kind and stunning man, who we quickly learned was flaming. He knew who we worked with and closed the shop for 6 hours to make sure we were well taken care of. They handed us two glasses of Chardonnay, as we were seated. "Actually, would water be okay for me? If it's not too much trouble?" I asked. I remembered what Ben had said. "Until you find out if you are or not, don't drink." Lucy looked at me, confused. "Do you not drink?" She asked, sipping her glass. I shrugged my shoulders. 'Well, I actually love drinking and getting drunk and it sucks to deny Chardonnay because I may be pregnant,' I thought to myself. I couldn't say that, though. They brought out some water for me, thanking them as they got to work.
About 4 hours, a massage, and a mani pedi later, we were done. It was so weird to be pampered like that, but nice, considering the night I had before. I got black, matte coffin shaped nails, and Lucy got gold metallic almond shaped nails. "Let's do something funky," She started, crossing her arm with mine. I smiled at her, laughing at the use of the word 'funky'. "What's that?" I asked. We were walking down a street that had marvelous boutiques, make up stores, all of the sorts. "Let's match our dresses to our nails!" She said, pulling me into a large, two story dress wear house named 'Winingdale'. I wouldn't even know where to begin with this store.
We were greeted by a lovely woman, who looked a bit aged but still looking dashing in a black and gold dress. "Welcome, ladies! How can I assist you today?" She said. I smirked at the comment 'assist'. A bit weird hearing it from someone else. "We have to look our absolute best tonight, however we don't know the occasion, but we were told to look great!" Lucy replied. The woman nodded her head. She snapped her fingers a few times, as another woman rushed up to us. "I understand, we are ready to help! We're going to take into consideration your body types, skin tone, hair color, eye color, and make you all look as nice as possible!" She replied. The older one took my hand, leading me up stairs and the younger one went elsewhere with Lucy.
She pulled me into a dressing room, which was only for one person. She put my against the wall and inspected me. "Hmm, you're quite short," she started, running her hands gently down my sides. "Curvy, but you have a flat tummy," she continued. "What size bra are you?" She asked, looking at my chest. My face flushed slightly. "A size 32 A." I have always been self conscious of my breasts. She got on her knees, looking at my legs, turning me side to side. "You're very fit, dear. And quite dark." She said. That boosted my confidence a bit, I had never really been insecure of my body, but hearing her approval of it made me happier. She stood up, looking at my hair. She ran her fingers through the chocolate brown locks. "Dark hair, blue eyes," she stared to write down. "Fit body, Short." She finished. "I have three dresses I'd like you to try on. These won't be what you'll be wearing, but these three are the styles you might like." She stated. She left the room, and about 5 minutes later she returned.
The first dress I put on was lovely, it was tight, they were all tight, but it got looser as it got closer to the ground. It was a maxi dress. The second one was a holster top, with a hole to show cleavage- cleavage I didn't have may I add- and it really did show off my curves. It ended about mid thigh. The third dress, I wasn't a fan of. It seemed to only cover my breasts, and my bum, barely. Everything in between was just crosses of thin fabric. Which sure it looked okay on me, it wasn't my style. "I really liked the second one," I started. She smiled and nodded. She grabbed my hand, expecting my nails. "Are these what you'll be wearing?" And asked. I nodded, earning a nod from her in response. "I'll be back in twenty minutes. I have to go any find four dresses I'm thinking about." She responded, as two women came in, setting down a few drinks, some popcorn, and turning the TV on. Lucy walked in. "This place is amazing," she started. I giggled at her. "Yes it is, so professional." I said back, eating some popcorn. She grabbed some red wine, as I took some sparkling grape juice. "Love, I know you drink. I've seen you drink, why don't you have some?" She asked. I didn't know what to say, and it wasn't long before I realized my mouth had been a-gap for a few minutes. She opened her eyes slightly wide, looking down at my stomach. "Are you pr-" she started, as I hushed her. "I don't know yet. I just don't want to drink until I know for sure." She started to get excited, but I explained to her to just calm down for a little bit. "I actually have some tests back in my room, they were for a friend who ended up not being pregnant, you should use it when we're done here." She continued. She stopped drinking the wine and poured herself some grape juice as well. I supposed she just felt kind of bad.
Once our dresses came, we picked them out. I got a dress that looked very similar to the one I tried on before, but it was black, with accents of silver. Lucy got a loose fitting dress that was golden with gold sequence. I had a pair of shoes that would match the dress at the hotel, but she convinced me to get a new pair for the hell of it. So I got black stilettos. Lucky for me, I was able to walk in heels. I've always been pretty girly, so I had some practice. After that, we hit some make up stores, jewelry places then headed back to the hotel with all of our bags. We ran into the guys, as my eyes met the beautiful blue eyes I always seem to find. "I see our two favorite girls got ahold of someone's card," Bryan said, jokingly. I smiled at Ben, as he smiled back. "Yeah, we went a bit crazy," she said. "But in our defense, we don't know what we're preparing for! Can't be too careful!" She said. We all had a good laugh. "Well the boys and I are about to get some shopping done ourselves. We'll see you guys in a few hours?" He asked. We both nodded, parting ways. As I passed Ben, I couldn't help but to catch his scent. He smelled comforting.
We put our bags down in Lucy's room as she handed me a test. Two, actually. "Take both. They're different brands, just to be sure." She said. I looked at them, nodding, then stood up and grabbed the test. I headed to the bathroom, and shut the door. I did what I had to do, and walked out. "Now we wait." I said, setting the tests down. I was so afraid.
She could tell how nervous I was. "It'll be okay, Leah. You're married, this isn't a bad thing." She explained, holding my hand. 'It is when you aren't sure your husband is mentally stable,'  I thought. It had been two minutes. "I can't look. Will you look for me?" I asked. She nodded, grabbing them both flipping them over. "Ready?" She asked. I nodded looking at her. She looked at them, and smiled, sitting down. "Congratulations, Leah," she said softly, holding them to me.
Taglist: @amy-brooklyn99
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dorseygordon68-blog · 5 years
Power Rangers Zeo (Heather Ray).
The other night I sat with my family members around the table reminiscing and also telling old stories. We worked with our golf swing with equipment that measured our power in watts, and also took advantage of the complete line of Kinesis makers (their unique resistance cables allow for better series of activity). Power is depicted here as a shaping pressure, capable of generating its very own authenticity - whether it be possessed by mine proprietors, absentee companies, local elites, or even union bosses. The functional power cleaner provides a performance of a commercial equipment that utilizes 3.0 kilowatts induction motor with its 3 axial-piston brass pumps that helps generates an astonishing 2300 PSI stress power blasting 10 liters per minute water circulation. Microsoft billionaire Expense Gates has actually stated there is a 10% chance kite power can be the magic remedy" for international renewable energy demands. Additionally it has some filler which is unusual since this flick is hardly 80 mins which most likely offers you a respectable concept of how little possible the story has in this flick to be any kind of good. The fundamental structure was integrated in a workshop outside the city and then lifted right into the Colosseum by a giant crane. In http://verde-dieta.info/prolesan-pure-recenzii-pret-cum-functioneaza-recenzii-unde-sa-cumparati/ acquired rival chain LA Health and fitness as well as struck up a collaboration with Olympian Sir Chris Hoy, that is a special adviser as well as brand ambassador" to Pure Health club. Stories of the trip over and how thrilled he was to discover everything on the big ship (a seafarer, making the most of his inquisitiveness, convinced him to lift some papers pushing deck, to see what was below ...). Stories of working as a journeyman footwear technician in cities and communities across upstate New york city as well as Ohio (in one store, the foreman placed my grandfather and his turret in the front window so passers-by would quit to view exactly how quick as well as well he did his job). On the one hand, it consists of passages that John S. Wright could have written, as when it emphatically mentions, Chicago is currently facing the momentous truth that fifty years for this reason, when the children of to-day are at the elevation of their power as well as influence, this city will be bigger than London: that is, bigger than any existing city." On the various other hand, it declines the concept that the city's success can or should be assessed in terms of numbers alone, or that the future would certainly care for itself. Starting with our original list of about 51 health clubs (assembled from our round-up of the very best gyms of 2013, publicly available statistics, as well as other expert lists), we asked you to elect your favorites - likewise enabling write-in ballots to make up any type of health clubs that weren't pointed out on the initial listing. As soon as and also they don't have to all be on the same team either, you do not have to strike a fitness center alone; multiple individuals can attack a fitness center at. EPA established that the combination of utilizing of smokestack controls as well as contamination credit histories from shifting generation amongst plants makes up a well-demonstrated system of discharge reduction, one that is commonly utilized by the power industry both to meet inner targets and also prior government and also state guidelines. Freely based upon real occasions, Funny of Power had its North American launching at the 2006 Tribeca Film Festival. The platform lift can be found in a huge range of different models, each one with various attributes that make it far better fit for a details sort of job. Les plates-formes Power Plate ® constituent une parfaite alternate put les personnes actives qui n'ont pas beaucoup de temps à consacrer à un entraînement trois fois the same level semaine, voire plus. Control is a crucial element of the lift system and because of this they commonly provide power assisted drive. Some health clubs only enable teens to workout in the assigned youth facility area, while other gyms permit teens the exact same freedom to make use of the equipment as the adults. The originator of this franchise business identified that there was a huge market for a gym such as Curves and undoubtedly has taken advantage of a found diamond. You might be missing out if you are guilty of wrapping up your health club session as well as avoiding out on a cool down or stretch. Keltner's research suggests that women are not immune from this mystery, which claims that the very qualities that help us look for power-like beauty, compassion, or humbleness -are the ones that having power could harm. The power in an organization lies with supervisors and managers who have actually been enabled within the business framework, to make sure that the company could operate effectively. However nonverbally presenting power during the interaction - now that's an additional thing with different prescriptions and also end results. By the end of March, president Peter Roberts believes Pure Gym will have surpassed the 103 total of UK gyms run by Virgin Energetic, the present primary driver. This stair lift has a lifting ability of 300 lb or 136 kg. A flip-up swivel seat that secures placement and also constant stress buttons are various other functions of this straight stair lift. While a lot of exclusive health clubs serve teenagers and grownups, a couple of select health clubs just enable teens. Picked this for ideas to supplement my barbell-based routine, for when I can not get to the health club, and to help my wife with suggestions to do in your home & health club. His afternoon training sessions at the gym have actually permitted more youthful fighters to work along with a master, as well as interested onlookers to see. Teaching your staff members all facets of power device training as well as security could minimize the opportunities of injury and also maintain your workforce effective as well as risk-free. The fitness center consists of weights, cardiovascular tools, security balls, machines and also resistance bands. Mirrors on all walls do not simply mimic the look of many health clubs - they actually make the room look bigger. A new wave of thinking of power exposes that it is offered to us by others as opposed to got. There are few better exercises for targeting full-body power compared to the medicine-ball bang. Most of the gyms need their participants to abide by the laws to be able to go into and utilize the facilities. No, in spite of prominent notions and the common urban legends, Pfeffer competes that the path to power is substantially various than the prominent concepts we were raised to believe. If you see that you are obtaining squeezed in order to spend for your fitness center Sydney subscription then you are bound to pull out after a few days. It is just a partial settlement to know that the paradox also implies that political hopefuls such as Donald Trump - angry, manipulative harasses - are less likely to acquire power to start with. If you are presently not making use of any kind of sort of eco-friendly power and intend to conserve electricity, you could still decrease your costs by disconnecting unutilized home appliances. Greetings Diona", he claimed pleasantly, as he came level with her, making her once more so aware of his figure as he looked down upon her. After years of lack of exercise, Ashley returned as the Yellow Space Ranger to help the Galaxy Rangers battle the Psycho Rangers. Individuals who pledged to stroll were 3 times more likely to show up vs. those just saying they would stroll. From scenting too excellent to filling out a large dimension water bottle when there is a line of people behind you, read on to see if you're guilty of any one of these 16 health club pet dog peeves. The Gym stated the variety of inexpensive health clubs across the country had enhanced to 319 this year from 58 in 2011. That said, the plot brings me to my 2nd problem - one which maintains Absolute Power from being a 5-star book. The health club also contains 450 items of cardio workout tools as well as dumbbells and makers. Yes, you heard me. We're paying triple numbers a month and also struggling atop lunar looking equipment in order to replicate easy youth searches like jumping rope, hula hooping and also playing tag. After the Power Rangers involve her rescue, she goes back to being the principal of Reefside High and is disclosed to have actually been a close personal good friend of Anton Mercer. Raise takes us on an enlightening scenic tour through time, starting with the ancient Greeks, who made a cult of the body-- words gym derives from the Greek word for naked"-- as well as following Roman legions, middle ages knights, Persian pahlevans, as well as eighteenth-century German gymnasts.
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